Gifted Child Quarterly
2021, Vol. 65(2) 115 –131
© 2021 National Association for
Gifted Children
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/0016986220988308
Feature Article
Designing and implementing programs for gifted and tal-
ented students requires careful thought and planning about
four key programming elements (a) identification and place-
ment, (b) intervention, (c) infrastructure and resources, and
(d) program and student outcomes (Eckert & Robins, 2017;
Reis, 2006; Reis & Gubbins, 2017). Within each of these ele-
ments, basic focus questions include the following: Who are
the students in our school district who exhibit gifts and tal-
ents? How do we find them? What intervention approaches,
including curricular, instructional, and service delivery strat-
egies, are most appropriate to meet their academic needs?
What human and material resources will support the imple-
mentation of programming plans? And, finally, what pro-
gram and student outcomes are expected based on program
design elements?
These questions are equally important, and decisions
about one question affect others. Districts and schools must
address the interdependence and interconnectedness among
these questions forming the foundation for creating challeng-
ing academic opportunities for students with identified and
potential gifts and talents. The questions also maintain the
focus on the ultimate objectives of designing, developing,
and implementing programs for gifted and talented students
(a) to develop a defensible identification system reflecting
students’ academic needs and (b) to match student learning
needs with appropriate interventions (e.g., curricular, instruc-
tional, and service delivery strategies).
Alignment of Identification and
The importance of alignment between identification and pro-
gramming is widely noted in gifted and talented education
literature, and we would hope to find this to be the norm in
XXX10.1177/0016986220988308Gifted Child QuarterlyGubbins et al.
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA
California Baptist University, Riverside, CA, USA
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Program Analyst, Overland Park, KS, USA
Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA
Corresponding Author:
E. Jean Gubbins, University of Connecticut, 2131 Hillside Road, Unit 3007,
Storrs, CT 06269-3007, USA.
Identifying and Serving Gifted and
Talented Students: Are Identification
and Services Connected?
E. Jean Gubbins
, Del Siegle
, Karen Ottone-Cross
D. Betsy McCoach
, Susan Dulong Langley
Carolyn M. Callahan
, Annalissa V. Brodersen
and Melanie Caughey
The importance of alignment between identification processes and program design is widely noted in gifted and talented
education literature. We analyzed publicly available district gifted program plans (Grades 3-5) from two states to examine
the extent to which district identification practices matched intervention strategies. Our team developed a coding scheme
matrix with 133 items for State 1 (n = 115) and State 2 (n = 178). The results of this study indicated that, at least in terms
of planning, districts in the two states we examined appeared to be aligning identification and programming practices to
meet the needs of gifted students identified in mathematics and/or reading/English language arts. In State 1, at least 60%
of the districts reported the following intervention strategies in mathematics and reading/English language arts: faster pace
of coverage, regular grade-level standards, in-depth coverage, preassessment, above grade-level standards, and expanded
grade-level standards. In contrast, State 2 districts reported faster pace of coverage; however, with less commonly utilized
interventions, subject-matter identification significantly influenced their usage. Differentiation was the primary learning
environment strategy utilized by districts in both states.
academically gifted, content analysis, elementary, gifted identification, programming, qualitative analyses of district program
116 Gifted Child Quarterly 65(2)
practice. At least three decades of literature have referenced
this fundamental connection.
Treffinger (1988) emphasized
the focus on student needs to facilitate appropriate instruc-
tion rather than categorizing and labeling students. Callahan
(1996) addressed the disconnect between identification and
programming by urging us to ask whether enough time is
spent on matching services to student needs or simply identi-
fying needed services. Matthews (1997) concurred by empha-
sizing the importance of matching identification to program
delivery on an ongoing basis appropriate to the individual.
Because general education classrooms serve many gifted and
talented students, Schroth and Helfer (2008) encouraged
general education teachers to both identify student needs
and develop appropriate instruction to meet them. Finally,
Callahan et al. (2014) drew a clear connection between the
need for a definition of giftedness and an identification plan
to guide services, curriculum, instruction, and resources.
Although many states define giftedness and how to iden-
tify gifted and talented students, the link between identifica-
tion and programming is less obvious (Adams, 2006; Brown,
2016; Shaunessy, 2003). Reis (2006) and Reis and Gubbins
(2017) identified consistency as one of the traits of high-
quality programming for high-ability learners. One mini-
mum test for consistency is alignment between a district’s
identification procedures (which in effect operationalize the
definition of giftedness) and programming through curricu-
lum and instruction. As Callahan et al. (2013) asserted,
“Congruence between identification and programming is so
important it might be viewed as ‘the golden rule’ of gifted
education” (p. 88).
Consistency across identification and programming
options becomes even more important when considering stu-
dents from culturally, linguistically, and economically diverse
populations. Peters and Engerrand (2016) emphasized the
importance of matching identification systems with program-
ming to increase equity in gifted and talented education. The
researchers recommended domain-specific identification
and intervention. For example, longitudinal data from Project
EXCITE (a collaboration between Northwestern University
and Evanston/Skokie School District, Evanston, IL) with an
emphasis on identification and programming in mathematics
reported 70% of student participants begin high school hav-
ing already completed 1 to 2 years of high school mathemat-
ics coursework (S.-Y. Lee et al., 2009). Students were eligible
for Project EXCITE as of Grade 3 if they were from under-
represented groups and
have the potential to achieve at high levels as demonstrated by
their ability to think critically and engage in problem solving,
demonstrate the ability to work beyond their current grade level,
and demonstrate a high level of interest, curiosity, and
enthusiasm for learning mathematics and science. (p. 141)
Providing services in specific areas of talent requires a
deliberate connection between identification and program-
ming. Peters et al. (2014) called for linking justifiable
identification to programming for students to be successful.
However, this connection has not been documented as occur-
ring in practice in the gifted and talented literature. According
to Callahan et al. (2017), program survey data indicated only
one fourth of elementary schools designated curriculum-
directed learning in the program. In a study conducted by the
National Center for Research on Gifted Education (Hamilton
et al., 2018), 69% of districts in three states identified stu-
dents as advanced in reading/English language arts (ELA),
and 66% identified students as advanced in mathematics, yet
fewer than 11% of districts in those states designated specific
reading/ELA or math curriculum designed for gifted and tal-
ented students.
The same survey data indicated most teachers of gifted
and talented students have wide latitude in determining the
content of the gifted and talented program. This instructional
freedom may contribute to the mismatch between identifica-
tion and services and result in a shotgun approach with no
alignment among identification practices, curriculum, instruc-
tion, and/or service practices.
The misalignment of identification, services, and outcome
measures hinders the evaluation of gifted program effectiveness,
and ultimately undermines arguments justifying services for
gifted and talented students. This situation limits the field’s
ability to measure the benefits of gifted services, let alone justify
them. (Siegle, 2020-2025, p. 1)
Identification and placement, intervention (including
curriculum and instruction), and program service options
(grouping) are interconnected. Identification and placement
are multistep procedures often guided by state and local
policies including definitions of giftedness. According to
Gubbins (2006), defensible identification systems answer
the following questions:
Who are the gifted and talented students? Why are we striving
to identify them? How do we find them? What are the most
appropriate tools for identifying students’ gifts and talents?
How are data from various tools analyzed and interpreted?
Who is responsible for identifying students’ gifts and talents?
(pp. 50-51)
Answers to these questions are important guidelines for
appropriate placement decisions. Data gathered in the identi-
fication process should lead to the decisions guided by the
identified students’ areas of talent and advanced achieve-
ment through direct interventions, such as pullout classes or
push-in services in general education classes. These inter-
ventions need to be accompanied by curriculum extensions
in the area of giftedness or special accelerated content classes
in areas of academic strength.
The programming standards established by the National
Association for Gifted Children (2010) summarize the evi-
dence and best practice in the field in relating identification
practices to programming services. Evidence-based practices
include the following [emphasis added]: Educators use
Gubbins et al. 117
evidence-based instructional and grouping practices to allow
students with similar gifts, talents, abilities, and strengths to
learn together (1.3.1). Educators use universal screening and
multiple indicators of potential and achievement at various
grade levels from preK through Grade 12 to provide multiple
entry points to services designed to meet demonstrated needs
(2.1.3). Educators use and interpret quantitative and qualita-
tive assessment information to develop a profile of the inter-
ests, strengths and needs of each student with gifts and
talents (2.4.3). Educators use models of inquiry to engage
students in critical thinking, creative thinking, and problem-
solving strategies, particularly in their domain(s) of talent,
both to reveal and address the needs of students with gifts
and talents (3.4.3). Educators develop a preK through Grade
12 continuum of programming and services relevant to stu-
dent talent areas that is responsive to students’ different lev-
els of need for intervention (5.2.2).
These guidelines confirm the identification process as a
vehicle for identifying students who have characteristics
warranting adjustment to the curriculum and instruction
these students receive and the setting in which the instruction
is delivered. This position serves as the analytic lens through
which our data collection and analysis proceeded (Caelli
et al., 2003). We posed the general research question:
Is the recommendation of a clear relationship between the
domain of talent identified and programming response
played out in practice?
Our specific research questions about potential connec-
tions between identifying and serving students with gifts and
talents included
(a) What are the reported practices in identifying and
modifying programming in reading/ELA and mathe-
matics by districts in two states with gifted and tal-
ented identification and programming mandates, as
documented in district gifted program plans?
(b) To what extent do reported identification practices
align with interventions (e.g., curricular, instructional,
and service delivery strategies), as recommended in
the gifted and talented education literature and docu-
mented in district gifted program plans?
The focus on mathematics and reading/ELA reflects the
dominance of these two areas of identification and services
from among academic content areas reviewed in surveys of
gifted and talented programs (e.g., Callahan et al., 2017).
Theoretical Framework
Our theoretical framework is a talent development model
proactively addressing the importance of recognizing and
nurturing students’ gifts and talents through an aligned series
of steps (Siegle et al., 2016). The five major components of
the model include the following:
1. Preidentification: Identify students who would bene-
fit from talent emergent experiences
2. Preparation: Opportunities for students to enhance
knowledge and skills to develop talents and abilities
3. Identification: Systematic procedures to identify and
select students who need services beyond those avail-
able in general education classrooms
4. Intervention: Services commensurate with identified
talent areas
a. Curriculum and instruction: “address the pace
and depth of learning commensurate with the
learning differences of identified gifted students
. . .” (p. 117)
b. Service delivery: “grouping arrangements under
which curriculum and instruction are delivered”
(p. 117)
5. Outcomes: Cognitive and affective outcomes based on
codified program and student goals and objectives.
Each component is designed to move students toward clearly
defined cognitive and affective program and student out-
comes. The extent to which these outcomes will be achieved
through federal or state policy initiatives is variable. In this
study, we examine the alignment between the third and
fourth components of the model (i.e., identification and
Literature Review
Gallagher (2002) stated, “Social policy sets the rules and
standards by which we provide special education experi-
ences for gifted students” (p. vii). Policies evolve from fed-
eral or state legislation, regulations, and guidelines. Such
information influences program elements:
(a) Who receives the special resources?—the eligibility question,
(b) Who delivers the resources?—the teacher qualification issue,
(c) What are the resources to be delivered?—the nature of a
special program, and (d) What are the conditions under which
the resources are delivered?—service delivery parameters.
(Gallagher, 2002, p. vii)
Because there is no federal mandate in the United States for
the identification of and programming for students with
identified or potential gifts and talents, states determine
whether to promulgate identification and programming man-
dates and create corresponding laws, regulations, and guide-
lines for districts.
Stephens (2008) completed an historical overview of fed-
eral legislation affecting the education of gifted and talented
students and described the attention “as a pendulum which
swings from interest to disinterest depending on the degree to
which the nation feels vulnerable. . .” (p. 388). She posed the
following questions: “Why are the academic development
and social-emotional nurturance of our nation’s brightest
students continuing to be neglected? Why has interest in the
118 Gifted Child Quarterly 65(2)
special population been so sporadic?” (p. 387). Without fed-
eral legislation, states may or may not choose to consider or
enact legislation focusing on identifying and serving stu-
dents with gifts and talents.
The National Association for Gifted Children and The
Council of State Directors of Programs for the Gifted (NAGC
& CSDPG, 2014-2015) reported 32 of the 40 responding
states have state mandates related to gifted and talented edu-
cation. Of the states, 28 require identification and services
and four states require only identification. With such incon-
sistencies from state to state, students who need access to
challenging learning opportunities may be limited because of
their geographic location. When four states commit legally
only to identification, data collected for decision-making
purposes may indicate programs and services that do not
exist in practice. Plucker et al. (2013) recommended we pay
attention: “When any new education policies are created
policymakers should ask themselves two questions: How
will the proposed policy impact our highest achieving stu-
dents? How will the proposed policy help more students
achieve at the highest levels?” (p. 24). They continued with a
warning: “Each state should quickly examine its policies that
may help or hinder the promotion of high achievement in its
K-12 schools” (p. 25).
Multiple researchers recommend a multifaceted approach
to identification including portfolios; dynamic assessment;
curriculum-based performance; observations; nonverbal
assessments; teacher checklists; and peer, parent, teacher,
and self-nominations; in addition to cognitive assessments
and achievement tests (Borland, 2014; Borland et al., 2000;
Callahan et al., 2013; Frasier et al., 1995; Gallagher &
Gallagher, 2013; McBee, 2006; Plucker & Callahan, 2014;
Wiley & Brunner, 2013). Furthermore, according to best
practices in identification, as identified in the literature,
well-defined selection criteria should be included in the
process, accompanied by professional development, to
ensure implementation fidelity (Callahan et al., 2013; Little
& Paul, 2011). All phases of program design should include
an emphasis on program evaluation to determine the what,
why, how, and where of decision making (Robinson et al.,
2014). Callahan and Hertberg-Davis (2013) emphasized the
importance of utilizing measurable goals assessing identifi-
cation, curriculum development and implementation, pro-
gram administration, and staff selection processes during the
program evaluation process.
Intervention: Curriculum and Instruction
For curriculum and instruction, the literature in gifted
and talented education supports including domain-specific
curriculum; process skills development (Purcell & Eckert,
2006; Rogers, 2007; VanTassel-Baska, 2006; VanTassel-
Baska & Little, 2011, 2017); greater depth, breadth, and
complexity of curriculum (Kaplan, 2013); enrichment
(Gubbins, 2014; Renzulli & Reis, 2014); adherence to stan-
dards; assessment and curriculum compacting (Reis et al.,
2016; VanTassel-Baska, 2013); and culturally responsive
practices (Worrell, 2013). Such a long list of approaches to
curriculum and instruction is more like a menu rather than a
coordinated set of opportunities responsive to students’
needs informed by a defensible, research-based identifica-
tion system. This results in multiple service delivery options.
It can also lead to a misalignment between the identification
criteria used to locate students who need additional services
and the types of services those students receive.
Intervention: Service Delivery
Recommended service delivery options include general and
domain-specific pullout programs (Gubbins, 2013), in-class
programming, ability grouping (Steenbergen-Hu et al.,
2016), cluster grouping (Gentry, 2014; Gentry et al., 2014),
differentiated instruction (Tomlinson, 2013), acceleration
(Assouline et al., 2013, 2014; Colangelo et al., 2013;
Subotnik et al., 2015), and homogeneous grouping (Schroth,
NAGC and CSDPG (2014-2015) prepared an analysis of
state survey policy and practice data. Of the respondents, the
following service delivery models were frequently used in
early Elementary Grades 1 to 3: cluster classrooms,
resource room, and regular classroom. Cluster classrooms
and resource rooms were also frequently used in Grades 4
to 6; additional models included subject acceleration and
self-contained classroom. In a more recent study, Hodges
and Lamb (2019) analyzed service delivery models in
Washington State from 2006 to 2012. The following models
were prevalent among districts: part-time grouping (also
known as pullout programs, 39%), advanced subject place-
ment (type of acceleration, 28%), and differentiated instruc-
tion in regular classrooms (27%). As noted earlier (NAGC &
CSDPG, 2014-2015), these models are also used in elemen-
tary schools.
Selection of States for In-Depth Review
In this study, we examined reported practice in 293 district
gifted program plans from two of three states in the larger
study (Siegle et al., 2017). Because this study was part of a
larger federally funded study in which we promised anonym-
ity to the participating states, we cannot disclose the states’
identities. Initially, we sent an email survey to state coordina-
tors of gifted and talented programs and screened their
responses using the following criteria:
Gubbins et al. 119
Mandated services for gifted and talented students
Available data sets allowing identification of impor-
tant student-level outcomes for gifted and talented
students in general and traditionally underserved
gifted and talented students in particular. To be con-
sidered for inclusion, the state’s data set comprised
student achievement scores over time on standard-
ized assessments, indicated whether a student was
identified as gifted and talented, the school the stu-
dent attended, and student demographics (e.g., date
of birth)
Required districts to submit written plans describing
how they serve gifted and talented students to the state
department of education (hereafter referred to as dis-
trict gifted program plans)
Of the states responding to the email survey, 11 met all
criteria. To arrive at purposive sample of states to include
wherein the characteristics of the selected sample could be
contextualized and described (Patton, 2002), we used several
steps. We identified the final set of state partners as those
meeting both criteria above and being reasonable candidates
for the second and third stages of the study. These stages
included a comprehensive survey of district- and local-level
practices and site visits to examine practices. We further
examined the public documents on each state with these
guiding criteria:
A state director with advanced training in gifted and
talented education who was familiar and actively
involved with schools around the state
A commitment to historically underserved popula-
tions of gifted and talented students, evidenced by the
presence of a notable number of students from these
groups in gifted and talented programs and evidence
in policy or practices of efforts to identify students
from those populations
Easily accessible information about state laws and
policies on gifted and talented education
Vertically scaled student achievement data
Diversity of allowable and recommended service
delivery options
A reputation for educational innovation and reform
and for using applied research to guide and support
the innovation
Three states appeared to meet all these criteria. Members
of the research team contacted gifted and talented education
specialists in those states to confirm whether our interpreta-
tion of the collected data appeared to be consistent with their
experiences. These three states appeared to meet the criteria
and were invited to participate.
These states implemented
gifted and talented identification and programming mandates,
required districts to submit a district gifted program plan for
identifying and serving gifted and talented students, and
maintained publicly available district gifted program plans on
the Internet. The district gifted program plans for Grades 3 to
5 represented current and future plans for multiple years.
Unfortunately, on downloading the district gifted program
plans, we discovered the district plans from one state were
incomplete. Therefore, our results reflect district gifted pro-
gram plans from two of the three states originally selected.
Each district gifted program plan followed specific
reporting framework categories, such as addressing com-
munication, definition identification, programming, program
accountability, student accountability, personnel, and budget.
The framework categories of interest were identification and
programming. All district gifted program plans were down-
loaded from the state or district website at the same point in
time and were the district gifted program plans guiding pro-
grams. The district gifted program plans included both cur-
rent operations and plans for future changes.
For the remainder of this article, we refer to the states as
State 1 and State 2. As part of the university and other insti-
tutional review boards, as well as data collection agreements,
we committed to the nondisclosure of specific states and dis-
tricts. The combination of publicly available data, state
achievement test data, survey data, observation data, and
interview data allowed us to create a data corpus with per-
mission at multiple levels of departments of education and
districts. Therefore, only general demographics are provided
for State 1 and State 2.
State 1 is located in the Southeast, and State 2 is located
in the Midwest. In each state, the districts comprise urban,
rural, and suburban communities with widely varied pop-
ulation sizes, racial/ethnic makeup, and socioeconomic
Identification procedures related to gifted and talented
students are similar in State 1 and State 2 as districts use
multiple criteria (e.g., achievement data, cognitive ability
tests, teacher and parent nominations/referrals, performance
data, including student work samples). State 1 allows the
identification procedures to be designed and implemented by
local education agencies. In contrast, State 2, among other
criteria, includes guidance about a specific criterion for the
designation of students as gifted and talented. In State 2, stu-
dents must achieve the 95th percentile or above on a nation-
ally normed test, observation instrument, or performance
assessment. In both states, one purpose of the identification
procedures is to identify gifted and talented students from
traditionally underrepresented groups (e.g., students from
culturally, linguistically, and economically diverse commu-
nities and students who are twice exceptional) who require
differentiated educational opportunities.
Document Analysis
Our research team completed a document analysis of each
district gifted program plan for students in Grades 3 to 5. To
guard against potential bias of the researchers in creation of
120 Gifted Child Quarterly 65(2)
the coding scheme (Caelli et al., 2003), we examined texts
and journal articles representing a broad base of views in
the field and the position of the most prestigious profes-
sional associations in the field (e.g., Callahan, 2013; McBee,
2006; NAGC, 2010; Rogers, 2007; Siegle et al., 2016;
Steenbergen-Hu & Olszewski-Kubilius, 2016; VanTassel-
Baska, 2006). This review process helped us focus on best
practices in identification and programming. From the texts
and journal articles, we documented relevant components
of gifted and talented programs to establish the credibility
of the coding scheme.
Recognizing that document analysis represents a subset
of the general field of qualitative analysis, we proceeded
deductively (Frey, 2018) with the first step of developing a
coding scheme. To ensure the trustworthiness and credibil-
ity of the deductive coding scheme (Frey, 2018; Peterson,
2019), we started with a theoretical framework of two of the
principal components of gifted and talented programming
described above (Siegle et al., 2016). We were addressing
identification of gifted students and services that are pro-
vided. Accordingly, we built on the model and established
key components of identification and programming from
the literature. According to Frey, once a codebook is
established, with codes organized by categories and sub-
categories, the researcher should test the codebook using a
subsample of the documents to assess its appropriateness
and completeness. We conducted an initial analysis of a
subset of three district gifted program plans in each state
and compared the codebook to the district gifted program
plan categories and content. We then submitted the coding
scheme to two experts in qualitative data analysis outside
gifted and talented education for review. We asked them to
review consistency between the theoretical framework and
the categories and subcategories on the matrix and to assess
the appropriateness of applying the matrix to the plans as
required by state guidelines. We modified the matrix accord-
ing to their feedback. The resulting matrix consisted of 139
topics with definitions and descriptions, as needed, to clar-
ify possible exclusion criteria for the topic with a rating
scale of 0 = practice is not present and 1 = practice is
From the original 139 categories of ratings across
all dimensions of program planning and operation, we iden-
tified those relating only to identification of giftedness in
the domain of mathematics or reading/ELA, curriculum in
the domain of mathematics or reading/ELA, other identifi-
cation, and learning environment.
The individuals who rated the district gifted program
plans were either senior faculty in gifted and talented educa-
tion at institutions offering doctoral programs in gifted and
talented education or doctoral students at those institutions.
Each doctoral student’s curriculum vitae documented back-
ground and experience in teaching in and/or gifted and tal-
ented program administration and the completion of core
courses in gifted and talented education. Additionally, the
doctoral students completed at least one course in the collec-
tion and analysis of qualitative data.
Our nine-member research team met for 8 hours on each
of 2 days to test the coding scheme matrix by rating district
gifted program plans, calculating interrater agreement, and
revising the matrix, as needed. Each coder rated a selected
district gifted program plan independently. For each matrix
item, we divided the sum of ratings by the number of raters
and multiplied by 100 to calculate the mean percentage.
Then we determined the mode distribution to establish
whether the agreed rating would be “0” or “1.” If the mode
among raters was “1,” the results would immediately yield
the percentage of agreement among raters. However, if the
mode among raters was “0,” the inverse percentage agree-
ment was calculated by subtracting the calculated percentage
mean rating from 100. An overall percentage agreement of
100% indicated the same rating across all raters, 88.9% indi-
cated one rating was different among raters, 77.8% indicated
two ratings were different among raters, 66.7% indicated
three ratings were different among raters, and 55.6% indi-
cated four ratings were different among raters. We calculated
the overall percentage for inter-rater agreement for all items
by finding the average of the percentage agreement among
raters for all items (Gisev et al., 2013).
Prior to analyzing all district gifted program plans, we
conducted another review of the coding scheme matrix and
deleted six items not representative of new or critical topics.
Then we assigned individuals to review subsets of the 293
district gifted program plans using the reduced set of 133
coding scheme matrix items based on the group consensus
process described above and the interrater agreement process
(see Figure 1).
To ensure continued agreement, all coders on both teams
individually rated every 10th plan, and we then calculated
the interrater agreement. The criterion for continuing the rat-
ing process was set at 80% interrater agreement for each item
of the 133 items reviewed on the sample of every 10th plan.
Additionally, the entire team of nine members analyzed 15 of
the 115 district gifted program plans for State 1. For State 2,
four team members analyzed 23 of the 178 district gifted
program plans and nine team members analyzed two district
gifted program plans.
The average interrater agreement across all plans and all
items evaluated by more than one rater was 87.8% for State
1 and 91.9% for State 2. The resulting data from the analysis
of district gifted program plans serve as the basis for our
study of the match between identification and intervention
For the purpose of this study, we selected two specific
identification items from the coding scheme matrix (“Identify
students in reading/ELA, e.g., a student is identified as gifted
in reading/ELA, but not necessarily gifted in other areas”
and “Identify students in mathematics, e.g., a student is iden-
tified as gifted in mathematics, but not necessarily gifted in
Gubbins et al. 121
other areas”). In particular, we examined the degree to which
districts identified students as gifted and talented in mathe-
matics or reading/ELA and provided specific services in
those domains. The eight intervention strategies we exam-
ined were faster pace, more in-depth or greater breath of cov-
erage, use of regular education standards, preassessment of
content knowledge, above grade-level content, expanded
grade-level standards, separate curriculum, and culturally
responsive curriculum. We also used both identification
items to check the match to learning environments provided
for subject area giftedness. We examined the five learning
environments of differentiation, cluster grouping, tiered
instruction, push-in services, and pullout classes based on
survey data from NAGC and CSDPG (2014-2015) and
works by Borland (2005), Coleman and Hughes (2009), and
Tomlinson (2013).
Data Analysis
Our data analyses were descriptive in nature. We examined
whether districts reporting the use of mathematics or read-
ing/ELA domain-specific identification were more likely to
provide advanced content and/or differentiated learning
experiences for those students in those respective subject
areas. We calculated effect sizes for each 2 × 2 contingency
table using the phi coefficient. Generally, phi coefficients
less than .10 are considered negligible ( = 0.00-0.10); phi
coefficients between 0.10 and 0.20 are small, phi coefficients
between 0.20 and 0.40 are considered moderate, phi coeffi-
cients between 0.40 and 0.60 are relatively strong, and phi
coefficients above 0.60 are considered strong (D. K. Lee,
2016). We also report the odds ratios (ORs) for each of these
comparisons. The OR representing the odds of endorsing a
given strategy for districts using domain-specific identifica-
tion divided by the odds of endorsing the strategy for dis-
tricts not using domain-specific identification (see Table 1).
ORs greater than 1 indicate districts using domain-specific
identification were more likely to report using the technique;
ORs less than 1 indicate schools not using domain-specific
identification were more likely to report using the technique,
and ORs of 1.0 indicate the two groups were equally likely to
report using the technique. If the confidence interval of the
OR contains 1, then the difference in the OR would not be
statistically significant, setting the Type I error rate (alpha) to
.05, the conventional criterion for statistical significance.
However, given the descriptive nature of our data and
because we have information for the entire population of dis-
tricts within each of the two states, we have elected not to
engage in statistical hypothesis testing.
Most districts in the two states reported using domain-
specific identification. Domain-specific identification may
include any or all the following types of assessments: (a)
state standardized testing, (b) norm-referenced achievement
tests, (c) teacher nominations/referrals, (d) parent nomina-
tions/referrals, (e) teacher rating scales, (f) student work
samples, and (g) dynamic assessment. Furthermore, with
only one exception across the two states, districts identify-
ing students in one domain also identified students in the
other domain. In State 1, of the 115 districts, 90 districts
(78.3%) identified students specifically in mathematics
and 89 of those 90 (77.3% overall) identified students
Figure 1. Development of the coding scheme matrix.
Note. NAGC = National Association for Gifted Children; G/T = gifted/talented; ELA = English language arts.
122 Gifted Child Quarterly 65(2)
specifically in reading/ELA. In State 2, of the 178 districts,
75.8% (n = 135) identified students in both mathematics
and reading/ELA.
Separate Curriculum
Even though most districts identified students as gifted and
talented in mathematics and/or reading/ELA, very few dis-
tricts reported using separate curricula for gifted and talented
students in mathematics or reading/ELA. In State 1, only
19.1% of districts identifying students as gifted and talented
in mathematics (and 16% of the districts not identifying stu-
dents specifically in mathematics) reported offering a sepa-
rate mathematics curriculum for gifted and talented students.
In State 2, the percentages were even lower: only 4.4% of
districts identifying students in mathematics (and 2.3% that
did not) reported using a separate mathematics curriculum
for gifted and talented students. In reading/ELA, the same
trend emerged. In State 1, 36.7% of districts identifying stu-
dents as gifted and talented in reading/ELA (and 28% of dis-
tricts that did not) reported using a separate reading/ELA
curriculum for those students. In State 2, 12.6% of districts
identifying students as gifted and talented in reading/ELA
(and 2.3% that did not) reported using a separate reading/
Table 1. Odds Ratios Represent the Odds of Endorsing a Strategy in Districts With Domain-Specific Identification Versus the Odds of
Endorsing a Strategy in Districts Without Domain-Specific Identification.
State 1 State 2
Faster pace of coverage in the gifted
3.51 [1.06, 11.61] 2.96 [0.85, 10.32] 11.40 [4.22, 30.80] 14.63 [4.94, 43.29]
Regular education standards for gifted
3.86 [0.89, 16.69] 3.95 [0.75, 20.95] 0.81 [0.38, 1.72] 4.25 [1.43, 12.68]
More in-depth or greater breadth of
coverage in grade-level content in
curriculum for gifted students
3.63 [1.43, 9.25] 3.37 [1.31, 8.72] 1.45 [0.69, 3.02] 4.61 [1.71, 12.48]
Preassessment of content knowledge and
skills in curriculum for gifted students
1.53 [0.63, 3.70] 2.06 [0.84, 5.06] 0.77 [0.38, 1.54] 0.77 [0.38, 1.54]
Above grade-level standards for gifted
1.08 [0.45, 2.62] 1.00 [0.40, 2.47] 12.52 [1.66, 94.69] 12.00 [1.59, 90.85]
Extended or expanded grade-level
standards for gifted students
3.21 [1.28, 8.01] 3.22 [1.28, 8.12] 0.71 [0.31, 1.64]
Separate curriculum (purposely designed
for gifted students)
1.24 [0.38, 4.09] 1.49 [0.56, 3.94] 1.95 [0.23, 16.69] 6.05 [0.78, 46.88]
Culturally responsive curriculum 0.42 [0.07, 2.65] 0.53 [0.09, 3.10]
Differentiation 1.72 [0.82, 3.62] 1.72 [0.82, 3.62)
Cluster grouping 2.85 [1.09, 7.43] 3.08 [1.17, 8.10] 2.57 [1.11, 5.98] 2.57 [1.11, 5.98]
Tiered instruction 1.27 [0.53, 3.08] 1.43 [0.58, 3.53] 1.67 [0.46, 6.06] 1.67 [0.46, 6.06]
Push-in 1.78 [0.65, 4.90] 1.66 [0.60, 4.59] 3.99 [0.90, 17.73) 3.99 [0.90, 17.73)
Pullout (subject area) 3.56 [1.13, 11.23] 3.50 [1.11, 11.05] 3.15 [0.70, 14.19] 3.36 [0.75, 15.05]
Note. Odds ratios greater than 1 indicate districts engage in domain-specific identification in the area are more likely to use the strategy than districts
that do not. Odds ratios of 1.0 indicate two types of districts are equally likely to use the specified strategy. Odds ratios less than 1.0 indicate districts
do not identify specifically in the domain are more likely to use the strategy. Any confidence interval containing 1.0 would not be statistically significant at
= .05. Missing odds ratios are undefined because they have a denominator of 0 within the odds ratio. ELA = English language arts.
ELA curriculum for those students. Across the two states,
very few of the districts reported using culturally responsive
curriculum in reading/ELA or mathematics. Only six of the
115 districts in State 1 and none of the districts in State 2
reported using culturally responsive curriculum in either
mathematics or reading/ELA (see Tables 2, 3, 4, and 5 for
these results).
Classroom Learning Environments/Service
Delivery Models
We also investigated what types of classroom learning envi-
ronments districts planned to serve students identified as gifted
and talented and whether they differed across districts utiliz-
ing/not utilizing domain-specific identification. Across the
two states, differentiation was by far the most commonly used
learning strategy: The majority of districts across the two
states reported using differentiation. In State 1, virtually all
districts mentioned differentiation (100% of those with domain
identification and 92% of those without). In State 2, 76.3% of
the districts identifying in a domain and 65.1% of the districts
not reporting utilizing differentiation (see Tables 6 and 7).
In State 1, cluster grouping was a common service
delivery option, and it was more prevalent in districts using
Gubbins et al. 123
Table 2. State 1: Prevalence of Services in Districts Not Using Domain-Specific Identification in Math (n = 26) and Using
Domain-Specific Identification in Math (n = 89).
Mathematics curricular content
No math identification Math identification
n % n %
Faster pace of coverage in the gifted mathematics curriculum
(acceleration, advanced content in shorter time frame, above
grade-level curriculum)
20 76.9 82 92.1 .20
Regular education mathematics standards for gifted students (e.g.,
district standards, Common Core Standards, unless they specify
acceleration or use of an above grade level use of standard,
assume they are using the regular education standards)
22 84.6 85 95.5 .18
More in-depth or greater breadth of coverage in grade-level
content in mathematics curriculum for gifted students (digging
deeper into the content, extended mathematics activities, not
covered in the standards)
14 53.9 72 80.9 .26
Preassessment of content knowledge and skills in mathematics
curriculum for gifted students (use informal or formal
assessment techniques, the use of curriculum compacting, may
be inferred as using preassessment)
14 57.7 57 64.0 .09
Above grade-level mathematics standards for gifted students
(choose standards/topics at higher grade level as the
mathematics focus)
15 57.7 53 59.6 .02
Extended or expanded grade-level mathematics standards for
gifted students (going beyond typical grade-level standards)
9 34.6 56 62.9 .24
Separate mathematics curriculum (purposely designed curriculum
for gifted students)
4 16.0 17 19.1 .03
Culturally responsive curriculum in mathematics (responsive to
students’ culture, language, expectations, experiences)
2 7.7 3 3.4 .09
Table 3. State 1: Prevalence of Services in Districts Not Using Domain-Specific Identification in Reading/ELA (n = 25) and Using
Domain-Specific Identification in Reading/ELA (n = 90).
Reading/ELA curricular content
No identification in ELA Identification in ELA
n % n %
Faster pace of coverage in the gifted reading/ELA curriculum
(acceleration, advanced content in shorter time frame, above
grade-level curriculum)
20 80.0 83 92.2 .16
Regular education reading/ELA standards for gifted students (e.g.,
district standards, Common Core Standards; unless they specify
acceleration or use of an above grade level use of standard,
assume they are using the regular education standards)
22 88.0 87 96.7 .16
More in-depth or greater breadth of coverage in grade-level content
in reading/ELA curriculum for gifted students (digging deeper into
the content, extended reading/ELA activities, not covered in the
14 56.0 73 81.1 .24
Preassessment of content knowledge and skills in reading/ELA
curriculum for gifted students (use informal or formal assessment
techniques, the use of curriculum compacting, may be inferred as
using preassessment)
12 48.0 59 65.6 .15
Above grade-level reading/ELA standards for gifted students (choose
standards/topics at higher grade level as the reading/ELA focus)
15 60.0 54 60.0 .00
Extended or expanded grade-level reading/ELA standards for gifted
students (going beyond typical grade-level standards)
9 36.0 58 64.4 .24
Separate reading/ELA curriculum (purposely designed curriculum for
gifted students)
7 28.0 33 36.7 .08
Culturally responsive curriculum in reading/ELA (responsive to
students’ culture, language, expectations, experiences)
2 8.0 4 4.4 .07
Note. ELA = English language arts.
124 Gifted Child Quarterly 65(2)
domain-specific identification (82.2%) than those that did
not (60%; = .22; see Table 6). However, in State 2, cluster
grouping was far less common: Only 37% of the districts
using domain-specific identification, and 18.6% of those not
using domain-specific identification, reported using cluster
grouping ( = .17; see Table 7).
Push-in services and tiered instruction were less com-
monly used, especially in State 2. In State 1, under 50% of
the districts in each group reported using tiered instruction,
and 34.4% of districts with domain-specific identification
and 24% of districts without reported using push-in services,
in which gifted and talented specialists serve gifted and tal-
ented students in their classrooms rather than pulling them
out (see Table 6). In State 2, less than 20% of districts with
domain-specific identification and less than 10% of districts
without used either push-in services (16.3% vs. 4.7%) or
tiered (11.1% vs. 7%; see Table 7).
Pullout Instruction
State 1. In State 1, 71.1% of districts with math-specific
identification and 60% of districts without report using
some form of pullout programming for their gifted and
talented students. However, only 39.3% of districts iden-
tifying students in mathematics used pullout programs in
math and 40% of districts identifying students in reading/
ELA used pullout programs in reading/ELA. Over 32% of
districts with domain-specific identification delivered con-
tent other than reading/ELA or mathematics during part or
all of their pullout instruction. In other words, only 56%
of the districts identifying students as gifted and talented
in a domain and using pullout programming actually offer
pullout programming in the domain. In districts without
domain-specific identification, 15.4% reported using pull-
out instruction in mathematics and 40% covered content
other than reading/ELA or mathematics during the pullout
State 2. In State 2, over 40% of the districts reported
using pullout programming. Regardless of whether they
identified students in mathematics or reading/ELA, with
very few districts indicating pullout instruction was focused
on mathematics or reading/ELA. Over 30% of the districts
reported using pullout programming in subject areas other
than mathematics or reading/ELA. In fact, of the 60 districts
reported using domain-specific identification and pullout
programming, only 19 districts (31.7%) reported deliver-
ing content in either mathematics or reading/ELA during the
pullout instruction.
Table 4. State 2: Prevalence of Services in Districts Not Using Domain-Specific Identification in Math (n = 43) and Using
Domain-Specific Identification in Math (n = 135).
Mathematics curricular content
No identification in math Identification in math
n % n %
Faster pace of coverage in the gifted mathematics curriculum
(acceleration, advanced content in shorter time frame,
above grade-level curriculum)
5 11.6 81 60.0 .41
Regular education mathematics standards for gifted students
(e.g., district standards, Common Core Standards; unless
they specify acceleration or use of an above grade level use
of standard, assume they are using the regular education
13 30.2 35 25.9 .04
More in-depth or greater breadth of coverage in grade-level
content in mathematics curriculum for gifted students
(digging deeper into the content, extended mathematics
activities, not covered in the standards)
13 30.2 52 38.5 .07
Preassessment of content knowledge and skills in
mathematics curriculum for gifted students (use informal
or formal assessment techniques; the use of curriculum
compacting, may be inferred as using preassessment)
19 44.2 51 37.8 .06
Above grade-level mathematics standards for gifted students
(choose standards/topics at higher grade level as the
mathematics focus)
1 2.3 31 23.0 .23
Extended or expanded grade-level mathematics standards
for gifted students (going beyond typical grade-level
10 23.3 24 17.8 .06
Separate mathematics curriculum (purposely designed
curriculum for gifted students)
1 2.3 6 4.4 .05
Culturally responsive curriculum in mathematics (responsive
to students’ culture, language, expectations, experiences)
0 0.0 0 0.0
Gubbins et al. 125
Content Standards
State 1. Tables 2 and 3 contain descriptive information on
content standards for State 1. Regardless of whether or not
they identified students as gifted and talented in mathemat-
ics, the majority of districts in State 1 reported using faster
pace of coverage in the mathematics curriculum (92.1%
vs. 76.9%), preassessments of content knowledge (64%
vs. 57.7%), and above grade-level mathematics standards
(59.6% vs. 57.7%). However, districts identifying students
as gifted and talented in mathematics were more likely to
Table 5. State 2: Prevalence of Services in Districts Not Using Domain-specific Identification in Reading/ELA (n = 43) and Using
Domain-specific Identification in Reading/ELA (n = 135).
Reading/ELA curricular content
Identification in ELA No identification in ELA
n % n %
Faster pace of coverage in the gifted reading/ELA curriculum
(acceleration, advanced content in shorter time frame,
above grade-level curriculum)
4 9.3 81 60.0 .43
Regular education reading/ELA standards for gifted students
(e.g., district standards, Common Core Standards; unless
they specify acceleration or use of an above grade level use
of standard, assume they are using the regular education
4 9.3 41 30.4 .21
More in-depth or greater breadth of coverage in grade-level
content in reading/ELA curriculum for gifted students
(digging deeper into the content, extended reading/ELA
activities, not covered in the standards)
5 11.6 51 37.8 .24
Preassessment of content knowledge and skills in reading/
ELA curriculum for gifted students (use informal or formal
assessment techniques; the use of curriculum compacting,
may be inferred as using preassessment)
19 44.2 51 37.8 .06
Above grade-level reading/ELA standards for gifted students
(choose standards/topics at higher grade level as the
reading/ELA focus)
1 2.3 30 22.2 .22
Extended or expanded grade-level reading/ELA standards for
gifted students (going beyond typical grade-level standards)
0 0.0 22 16.3 .21
Separate reading/ELA curriculum (purposely designed
curriculum for gifted students)
1 2.3 17 12.6 .15
Culturally responsive curriculum in reading/ELA (responsive
to students’ culture, language, expectations, experiences)
0 0.0 0 0.0
Note. ELA = English language arts.
Table 6. State 1: Prevalence of Learning Environments in Districts Not Using Domain-Specific Identification (n = 25) and Using
Domain-Specific Identification (n = 90).
Learning environments
No identification Identification
n % n %
Differentiation 23 92.0 90 100.0 .25
Cluster grouping 15 60.0 74 82.2 .22
Tiered instruction 10 40.0 44 48.9 .07
Push-in services 6 24.0 31 34.4 .09
Pullout (overall) 15 60.0 64 71.1 .10
Pullout services in ELA 4 16.0 36 40.0 .21
Pullout services in math
4 15.4 35 39.3 .21
Pullout services (Other) 10 40.0 29 32.2 .07
Note. ELA = English language arts.
Ninety districts used domain-specific identification in either ELA or mathematics. Of the districts, 89 of the 90 also used domain-specific identification
in mathematics. The table above compares districts using any domain-specific identification (n = 90) to those not using domain-specific identification (n
= 25), with the exception of pullout services in mathematics, where only the 89 districts with domain-specific identification in mathematics appear in the
identification column for that variable.
126 Gifted Child Quarterly 65(2)
report using more in-depth or greater breadth of coverage
(80.9% vs. 53.9%), and extended or expanded grade-level
standards (62.9% vs. 34.6%, = .24).
In State 1, reading/ELA exhibited the same general pat-
tern. The majority of districts in State 1 reported using faster
pace of coverage in the reading/ELA curriculum (92.2% vs.
80.0%) and above grade-level reading/ELA standards (60%
vs. 60%). However, districts identifying students as gifted
and talented in reading/ELA were more likely to report using
more in-depth or greater breadth of coverage (81.1% vs.
56%, = .24), and extended or expanded grade-level stan-
dards (64.4% vs. 36%, = .24).
State 2. Tables 4 and 5 contain descriptive information
on content standards for State 2. In State 2, districts using
domain-specific identification were more likely to report
a faster pace of content coverage in both mathematics and
reading/ELA. Specifically, in districts using domain-specific
identification, 60% reported using faster pacing of mathemat-
ics content and 60% reported using faster pacing of reading/
ELA content. In contrast, in districts without domain-specific
identification, only 11.6% reported using faster pacing of
content in mathematics and only 9.3% reported using faster
pacing of content in reading/ELA ( = .41 for mathemat-
ics and = .43 for reading/ELA). The majority of districts
in State 2 did not report using more in-depth coverage of
material, above grade-level standards, extended or expanded
standards, or preassessment, and there did not appear to be
meaningful differences in the usage of these three strategies
across districts using domain-specific identification versus
those not using domain-specific identification (see Tables 4
and 5). However, districts using domain-specific identifica-
tion were more likely to endorse the use of above grade-level
standards in both mathematics (23% vs. 2.3%, = .23) and
in reading/ELA (22.2% vs. 2.3%, = .22).
Although a majority of districts indicated they identified stu-
dents as gifted in the domains of mathematics and reading/
ELA, we found limited use of a separate curriculum in math-
ematics and reading/ELA for students identified as gifted in
those domains. These findings violate the basic tenet of
gifted education: Identification of gifted and talented stu-
dents and services should be connected. Too often, however,
detailed screening, nomination, identification, and place-
ment practices are established without considering the ques-
tion: Identification for what? When state and district policy
makers set guidelines for identifying gifted and talented stu-
dents, they may fail to take into account the ramifications
their decisions have for the types of services students identi-
fied by those guidelines should receive. Therefore, gifted and
talented advocates should carefully consider the services
they hope to provide for students identified as gifted and tal-
ented before they establish identification criteria, and they
should ensure state and district identification recommenda-
tions take those services into account when setting identifi-
cation criteria. In many cases, this may require broader
conceptions of giftedness reflecting the variety of services
schools can provide.
At a time when most federally funded education research
emphasizes the importance of improving mathematics and
reading/ELA achievement, identifying students who would
most benefit from advanced content in those subjects is one
imperative. The results of this study indicated, at least in
terms of planning, that districts in the two states we exam-
ined did report they identified gifted and talented students
in the areas of mathematics and reading/ELA, and they dif-
ferentiated or extended the general curriculum in mathe-
matics or reading/ELA for gifted and talented students.
Differentiation was the primary learning environment men-
tioned by districts in both states. However, as we noted,
very few districts reported having designated curricula for
gifted and talented students in mathematics or reading/
ELA. Additionally, when districts reported having desig-
nated curricula, we found little difference in the availability
of curriculum designed specifically for gifted and talented
in mathematics or reading/ELA between districts identify-
ing/not identifying students in mathematics or reading/
ELA. These findings beg the questions worthy of additional
Table 7. State 2: Prevalence of Learning Environments in Districts Not Using Domain-Specific Identification (n = 43) and Using
Domain-Specific Identification (n = 135).
Learning environments
No identification in ELA Identification in ELA
n % n %
Differentiation 28 65.1 103 76.3 .11
Cluster grouping 8 18.6 50 37.0 .17
Tiered instruction 3 7.0 15 11.1 .06
Push-in services 2 4.7 22 16.3 .15
Pullout (overall) 18 41.9 60 44.4 .02
Pullout services in ELA 2 4.7 19 14.1 .13
Pullout services in math 2 4.7 18 13.3 .12
Pullout services (other) 16 37.2 42 31.1 .06
Note. ELA = English language arts.
Gubbins et al. 127
research, “How are educators differentiating without dedi-
cated related curricula?” and “When content related cur-
riculum is available, how do educators determine who
receives it?” In general, districts identifying in the subject
areas proposed utilizing faster pace of coverage as the pri-
mary method to meet the instruction needs for students
identified in both mathematics and reading/ELA, which
might reduce the pattern of not mentioning a designated
curriculum in the district gifted program plan.
Substantial differences did exist both between and within
states. Districts in State 1 were more likely to report cluster
grouping of identified students than districts in State 2. In
addition, districts identifying students in mathematics and
reading/ELA were more likely to report the use of cluster
grouping. Cluster grouping has been shown to be an effec-
tive strategy for delivering advanced content to identified
students (Gentry, 2014). However, we are still left to wonder
what differentiated learning occurs within those clusters.
This is also an area that future researchers will wish to
Districts identifying students as gifted and talented in
mathematics and reading/ELA in both states reported using
faster pacing. However, in State 1, districts not identifying
students as gifted and talented in mathematics and reading/
ELA, as well as those who identified students as gifted and
talented in those subjects, reported using faster pacing. In
State 2, districts identifying students in those subjects as
gifted and talented were more likely to provide faster pacing
than schools not identifying students in those subject areas.
Perhaps gifted and talented students in mathematics and
reading/ELA in both states are receiving advanced instruc-
tion in these subjects, but only students in State 2 carry the
gifted and talented label.
Borland (2005) has advocated for gifted and talented edu-
cation without gifted and talented identification. Given the
controversy of determining who is and who is not gifted and
talented, and the issues related to the under identification of
underserved populations, perhaps alignment between gifted
and talented students’ academic needs and services to meet
those needs might be better driven by identifying students
within the districts and schools rather than by a state policy
definition of giftedness.
The results from this study also appear to indicate push-in
services may be gaining traction. The push-in model, in par-
ticular, became popular in special education as a result of the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act’s (2004) Least
Restrictive Environment requirement (McLeskey et al.,
2012). Push-in models favor an emphasis on differentiating
academics as gifted and talented services in the classroom,
which supports alignment of services for districts identifying
students in mathematics and reading/ELA.
As noted earlier, the results of this analysis of the connec-
tions between identification practices and intervention strate-
gies have policy implications. If identification data were
purposely collected to determine students’ domain-specific
gifts and talents, the plausible assumption is there should be
a match between identification and programming interven-
tions. As Peters et al. (2014) cautioned: “An identification
plan or policy cannot be developed in isolation from the pro-
gramming or curriculum that will be provided to those stu-
dents who are identified” (p. 22). Although the results of this
study are promising in a certain subset of districts (with
detailed state-level gifted and talented education policies), a
closer look at the match/mismatch between identification
and programming in other states with less favorable gifted
and talented education policies is warranted.
Limitations and Future Research
While a strength of the study is the availability of documents
from all districts in the states examined, thus removing sam-
pling issues (Frey, 2018) within the states, the data analyzed
in this study are limited to these two states. These two states
are geographically very far apart, represent a small sample,
and are states that met very stringent study criteria. Further
research is warranted to determine how generalizable the
results are to other states by conducting a study of district
gifted program plans for other states with identification and
programming mandates, even if the state candidates do not
meet specific criteria outlined for our research study.
Second, the data represent reports of practice as perceived
by district personnel (most likely at the central office level);
hence, we cannot extend our conclusions to practice. The
extent to which district gifted program plans are actually
applied in practice cannot be discerned from these data.
Future researchers should explore the actual alignment
occurring in practice. Because individual schools and teach-
ers vary across districts, implementation of district gifted
program plans likely fluctuates significantly across settings.
Schools and/or teachers may be implementing services not
reported in the district gifted program plans or may not be
implementing practices reported. We cannot document
whether the alignment between identification and service
model was provided. District gifted and talented coordina-
tors and administrators are generally responsible for devel-
oping and submitting district gifted program plans, while
building level administrators and teachers of gifted and tal-
ented students are responsible for implementing practices.
One potential limitation of document analyses, such as
those in this study with mandated reporting of practice
according to specific state guidelines, is the temptation of
the creators of the documents to either copy state guidelines
and regulations into the documents to ensure compliance or
to copy the products of other districts, which are not repre-
sentative of their own district gifted program plans (Frey,
2018). In our examination of the district gifted program
plans, we did not observe districts simply copying rules and
regulations of the state (which were available online) nor
did we see any instances of commonality suggesting dupli-
cation of others’ reports. In these two states, identification of
128 Gifted Child Quarterly 65(2)
giftedness in specific academic domains was allowed, but
not mandated, and no particular grouping or curricular
requirements were included in state law or policy.
Finally, although a district indicates it identifies students
as gifted and talented in mathematics or reading/ELA and
reports having a special curriculum for advanced students in
those subjects, we cannot definitely state the curriculum is
being used for those identified students.
Concluding Statement
If one of the goals of gifted and talented education is to
increase academic achievement in the core content areas of
mathematics and reading/ELA, then gifted and talented pro-
grams must identify students with strengths in these areas
and provide them with advanced content beyond what stu-
dents normally receive in their general education classrooms.
Our findings indicate districts are cognizant of this need to
match identification procedures with gifted and talented ser-
vices to maximize students’ academic growth, and many
incorporated this perspective in their district gifted program
plans. However, a nonnegligible number of districts do not
report using specific curriculum to meet advanced students’
needs. Additional research is warranted to determine the
extent to which districts actually implement what is reported
to the state.
The authors would to thank Mona Alimin and Maria El Abd for
their involvement with the calculations of interrater agreement
throughout the review of gifted and talented district program
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support
for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This
study was conducted by the National Center for Research on Gifted
Education (, which is funded by the Institute
of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education PR/Award
No. R305C140018.
Open Science Disclosure Statement
The data analyzed in this study are not available for purposes of
reproducing the results. The protocol used to generate the findings
reported in the article is available at
Program_Plan_Codes/ for purposes of replicating the study. There
were no newly created, unique materials used to conduct this research.
E. Jean Gubbins
Del Siegle
Carolyn M. Callahan
Annalissa V. Brodersen
1. In the interest of ensuring openness in the review of literature
and subsequent analysis, our bias in accepting this premise
should be noted (Caelli et al., 2003).
2. The third state was not included in this analysis stage because
districts reported only their identification process in the docu-
ments examined, and those processes were largely identical in
wording to the state law governing identification.
3. The actual coding scheme is too long for inclusion in this
article. It is posted on our website (
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Author Biographies
E. Jean Gubbins, PhD, is a professor of educational psychology at
the University of Connecticut and an associate director of the
National Center for Research on Gifted Education. She teaches
graduate courses in gifted education and talent development related
to identification, programming, curriculum development, and pro-
gram evaluation. Through grant funding from the U.S. Department
of Education, she implemented research studies on curricular strate-
gies and practices in science, technology, engineering, and mathe-
matics (STEM) high schools, reading and mathematics education,
professional development, identification and programming, and
gifted education pedagogy for all students.
Del Siegle, PhD, is Director of the National Center for Research on
Gifted Education and the Renzulli Center for Creativity, Gifted
Education, and Talent Development. He is a past-president of the
National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) and past coeditor
of Gifted Child Quarterly. He was a recipient of the 2018 NAGC
Distinguished Scholar Award and the 2011 NAGC Distinguished
Service Award. He holds the Lynn and Ray Neag Endowed Chair
for Talent Development at the University of Connecticut.
Karen Ottone-Cross, PhD, is an assistant professor and Program
Coordinator of School Psychology at California Baptist University
in Riverside, California. Having recently completed her diplomate
in School Neuropsychology, she conducts assessments and pro-
vides counseling as a psychological assistant at Psychological
Services of Riverside. While at California Baptist University, she
redesigned the program to meet national accreditation standards.
She is currently receiving training in Parent Child and Teacher
Child Interaction Therapy in the hopes of developing programming
that decreases behaviorally based referrals to special education. Her
research interests include gifted education, twice-exceptionality,
early behavior interventions, and the effects of adverse childhood
experiences on learning. She completed her doctorate in Giftedness,
Creativity, and Talent Development and School Psychology from
the University of Connecticut in 2018.
D. Betsy McCoach, PhD, is professor of research methods, mea-
surement, and evaluation in the Educational Psychology Department
at the University of Connecticut. She is co–principal investigator
for the National Center for Research on Gifted Education and has
served as principal investigator, co–principal investigator, and/or
research methodologist for several other federally funded research
projects/grants. Her research interests include latent variable
modeling, multilevel modeling, longitudinal modeling, instrument
design, and gifted education.
Susan Dulong Langley, PhD, is a postdoctoral research associate
at the University of Connecticut for Project BUMP UP. She is a
former teacher of the gifted in Massachusetts. She served as presi-
dent of the Massachusetts Association for Gifted Education and as
the parent representative and governance secretary for the National
Association for Gifted Children. Her research interests include
identification, services, and program retention for culturally and
linguistically diverse gifted learners.
Carolyn M. Callahan, PhD, Commonwealth Professor of
Education Emeritus at the University of Virginia has been principal
investigator on projects of the National Center for Research on
Gifted Education (formerly NRC/GT), and principal investigator on
five Javits grants including Project PLACE, focusing on the identi-
fication and provision of services to rural gifted students. Her work
with the NRC/GT and with the Javits projects has focused on cur-
riculum development and implementation. She has been recognized
as Outstanding Professor of the Commonwealth of Virginia and
Distinguished Scholar of the National Association for Gifted
Children (NAGC) and has served as president of the NAGC and the
Association for the Gifted, and as editor of Gifted Child Quarterly.
She has published over 250 articles and 50 book chapters. She is the
coeditor of the recently published book Fundamentals of Gifted
Education: Considering Multiple Perspectives and Critical Issues
in Gifted Education.
Annalissa V. Brodersen, PhD, is an education consultant and former
research associate with the National Center for Research on Gifted
Education and Project PLACE at the University of Virginia. Her
research expertise is in gifted education policies and practices, experi-
ences of teachers and students in high-poverty, rural schools, and the
intersections between preK-12 gifted education and higher education.
Melanie Caughey, PhD, is the visiting assistant professor for gifted
and talented education and the coordinator of the gifted education
program at Cleveland State University. She received her doctorate
from the University of Virginia, where she worked as a graduate
research assistant and served as the academic coordinator for the
Saturday and Summer Enrichment Program. Her research interests
include advanced secondary coursework and fidelity of implemen-
tation of curriculum.
Manuscript received: December 20, 2019; Final revision received:
November 9, 2020; Accepted: December 21, 2020