HDAD\MyDocs\Academic Probation\Probation Letter.
May 17, 2023 Revised.
Dear Student:
I regret to inform you that, due to your low cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA), you are being placed on academic
probation. You will remain on probation and will be subject to dismissal until your cumulative GPA reaches or exceeds 2.00.
Academic Probation status is serious. You must raise your cumulative GPA to 2.00 to return to good standing and to receive
your degree. Due to your low cumulative GPA you may no longer be eligible for Federal and State Financial Aid. You will
be notified by the Student Financial Services Office of any change in your eligibility status. You may also check your
financial aid status on Bronco Web. Please be sure to check your financial aid status prior to returning to college and contact
the Student Financial Services Office with any questions.
If you have not registered for fall classes, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to schedule classes for the fall
2023 semester. Please contact your advisor or school office to discuss scheduling immediately. Faculty & Staff
Applied Sciences students should contact their academic advisor via email.
Applied Technologies students should contact their academic advisor via email.
Business Technology students contact Professor Barbara Sturdevant, Program Director at [email protected].
Hospitality Management students contact Associate Professor Brianne Smith, Program Director at slo[email protected].
Liberal Arts and Sciences students should contact their academic advisor via email.
School of Nursing students should contact their academic advisor via email.
Undeclared students should contact Mr. Robert Mazzei at mazzeirw@delhi.edu
Veterinary Science students should contact their academic advisor via email.
ACADEMIC PROBATION CONTRACTS - If you are on academic probation, your contract must be signed
electronically or with your advisor no later than Friday, September 1, 2023.
All students on academic probation are required to complete and sign a contract with the College that spells out the
expectations for the next semester as outlined in academic policy 1.384-1, printed on the back of this letter. Failure to sign
your contract and/or meet the requirements of your contract will result in dismissal from the College.
The College is committed to helping you improve academically in order to return to good status, and make progress toward
your degree. However, meeting the conditions noted on your contract will be solely your responsibility. Please understand
that due to your probation status, you may be required to spend at least an extra semester at Delhi, or take necessary
courses during summer school to complete your degree requirements.
We will provide you with the services and activities to help you achieve academic success. In return, you must commit
yourself to participate in these activities and to work diligently. It is my sincere hope that you will be successful next
Dr. T. Jordan.
HDAD\MyDocs\Academic Probation\Probation Letter.
Academic Policy 1.384 -1
Student academic performance is evaluated by the Scholastic Standing Committee. This evaluation is used to determine a
student's eligibility to continue at the College.
At the end of each semester, the records of all students will be reviewed. Students who fail to make satisfactory progress
will be dismissed from the College (see below). Any student whose GPA falls below 2.00 will be either placed on probation
or dismissed from the College. It is not necessary that a student be on probation before being dismissed.
The following cumulative GPAs are used to identify students who are subject to routine dismissal for academic reasons. A
student classified as an academic dismissal will be dropped from matriculated status.
GPA Hours Dismissal Below
Cumulative GPA of
0 - 18.5 1.30
19 - 30.5 1.50
31 - 40.5 1.80
41 - 48.5 2.00
49.0 or more 2.00
An academically dismissed student cannot transfer credits to the College until he/she applies for readmission and
regains matriculated status.
Note: Re-establishing Matriculated Status Following Academic Dismissal
The readmitted student will be required to achieve a term GPA of 2.0 at the end of the first semester following readmission
to avoid being dismissed. In succeeding semesters, the cut-off cumulative GPA (on the above chart) for all other students
will apply.
Academic Policy 1.384 -1. Policy revised 2017.
When the cumulative GPA falls below 2.00, a student loses good standing and will be placed under signed contract with
the academic advisor in the Academic Probation Program, which may include but not be limited to:
A. An academic load not to exceed 15 credit hours for students with a GPA of less than 2.00 and greater than 1.50.
B. An academic load not to exceed 12 credit hours for students with a GPA below 1.50.
C. Enrollment, when appropriate, in developmental/study skills courses, and/or workshops, and/or tutoring, in
consultation with the Resnick Academic Achievement Center.
D. Monthly meetings with an academic advisor.
E. A minimum of 90% class attendance in the following semester.
F. A scheduled meeting with the advisor to review grades and classroom attendance.
G. Attendance at academic group meetings as established by the academic department or division.
Students will remain in the Academic Probation Program, even if they change programs, until their cumulative GPA
reaches 2.00 or above at which time their good standing will be re-established. Students who fail to comply with contract
obligations may be subject to dismissal.