ACL Allograft Reconstruction Protocol
Copyright © 2008 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
ACL Allograft Reconstruction Protocol
The intent of this protocol is to provide the clinician with a guideline for the post-operative
rehabilitation course of a patient that has undergone an ACL allograft reconstruction. It is no
means intended to be a substitute for one’s clinical decision making regarding the progression of
a patient’s post-operative course based on their physical exam/findings, individual progress,
and/or the presence of post-operative complications. If a clinician requires assistance in the
progression of a post-operative patient they should consult with the referring Surgeon.
Allograft revascularization is slower than for autografts. Therefore, crutches and brace are
continued for 6 weeks.
CPM not commonly used
ACL reconstruction performed with meniscal repair or transplant: follow the ACL protocol
with avoidance of open kinetic hamstring strengthening for 6 weeks. Time frames for use of
brace and crutches may be extended by the physician.
Supervised physical therapy takes place for 3-9 months.
Patients may begin the following activities at the dates indicated (unless otherwise specified by the
Bathing/Showering without brace: refer to your surgeon’s post-operative instructions
Sleep with brace locked in extension for 1 week
Driving: 1 week for automatic cars, left leg surgery
4-6 weeks for standard cars, or right leg surgery
Brace locked in extension for 1 week for ambulation
Use of crutches, brace for ambulation for 6 weeks
The following is an approximate schedule for supervised physical therapy visits:
Phase I (0-6 weeks): 1-2 visit/week
Phase II (6-8 weeks): 2-3 visits/week
Phase III (2-6 months): 2-3 visits/week
Phase IV, V (6 months +): Discharge after completion of appropriate functional
Immediately postoperatively through approximately week 6
Protect graft fixation
Minimize effects of immobilization
Control inflammation
Full extension range of motion
Educate patient on rehabilitation progression
Flexion to 90-degrees
Normalize gait mechanics in pool (if available).
Department of Rehabilitation Services
Physical Therapy
ACL Allograft Reconstruction Protocol
Copyright © 2008 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Post op brace 0-6 weeks
week: Locked in full extension for ambulation and sleeping
1-6 weeks: Brace remove for rehab and sleeping
6-12 weeks: To be worn in situations where patient may be at risk for fall (crowds, walking
on uneven surfaces)
After 12 weeks brace is optional
Weightbearing Status
0-2 weeks: Touch down weight bearing with two crutches
2-4 weeks: Partial weight bearing
4-6 weeks: Weight bearing as tolerated
Therapeutic Exercises:
{Reminder: ACL reconstruction performed with meniscal repair or transplant:
follow the ACL protocol with avoidance of open kinetic hamstring strengthening for 6 weeks}
Initiate active-assisted leg curls; progress to active range of motion when pain free
Heel slides
Quad sets
Patellar mobilization
Non-weight bearing gastroc/soleus stretching, begin hamstring stretches at 2 weeks
SLR, all planes, with brace in full extension until quadriceps strength is sufficient to prevent
extension lag. Quadriceps isometrics at 60-degrees and 90-degrees
Pool after 2-3 weeks (once incisions have healed), to work on underwater treadmill
At 4-weeks post-op add biking, deep well pool running with aqua vest (if pool available), leg
press, quadriceps stretching.
Partial weight bearing closed chain knee extension 0-45-degrees
Leg press
Pool mini-squats
Gentle hamstring stretching
PHASE II: Postoperative weeks 6 to 8
Criteria for advancement to Phase II:
Good quad set, SLR without extension lag
Approximately 90° of flexion
Full active knee extension in sitting
No signs of active inflammation
Initiate closed kinetic chain exercises
Restore normal gait
Protect graft fixation
Brace/Weightbearing status:
Discontinue use of brace and crutches as allowed by physician when the patient has full
extension and can SLR without extension lag.
ACL Allograft Reconstruction Protocol
Copyright © 2008 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Patient may exhibit antalgic gait pattern. Consider using single crutch or cane until gait is
Therapeutic Exercises:
Wall slides 0-45-degrees, progressing to mini-squats
4-way hip
Stationary bike (begin with high seat, low tension to promote ROM, progress to single leg)
Closed chain terminal extension with resistive tubing or weight machine
Toe raises
Balance exercises (e.g. single-leg balance, KAT)
Hamstring curls
Aquatic therapy with emphasis on normalization or gait
Continue hamstring stretches, progress to weight-bearing gastroc/soleus stretches
PHASE III: Postoperative week 8 to 6 months
Full range of motion
Improve strength, endurance and proprioception of the lower extremity to prepare for
functional activities
Avoid overstressing the graft
Protect the patellofemoral joint
Therapeutic Exercises:
Continue and progress previous flexibility and strengthening activities
Stairmaster (begin with short steps, avoid hyperextension)
Nordic Trac, Elliptical
Knee extensions 90°-45°, progress to eccentrics
Advance closed kinetic chain activities (leg press, one-leg mini squats 0-45° of flexion, step-
ups begin at 2” progress to 8”, etc.)
Progress proprioception activities (slide board, use of ball, racquet with balance activities,
Progress aquatic program to include pool running, swimming (no breaststroke)
PHASE IV: Postoperative months 6 to 9
Criteria for advancement to Phase IV:
Full, pain-free ROM
No evidence of patellofemoral joint irritation
Strength and proprioception approximately 70% of uninvolved
Physician clearance to initiate advanced closed kinetic chain exercises and functional
Progress strength, power, and proprioception to prepare for return to functional activities.
ACL Allograft Reconstruction Protocol
Copyright © 2008 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Therapeutic Exercises:
Continue and progress previous flexibility and strengthening activities
Functional progression including:
Walk/Jog progression
Forward, backward running, ½, ¾, full speed
PHASE V: Postoperative month 9 +
Criteria for advancement to Phase V:
No patellofemoral or soft tissue complaint
Necessary joint ROM, strength, endurance, and proprioception to safely return to work or
Physician clearance to resume partial or full activity
Initiate cutting and jumping activities
Completion of appropriate functional progression
Maintenance of strength, endurance, proprioception
Patient education with regards to any possible limitations
Therapeutic Exercises:
Functional progression including, but not limited to:
Walk/jog progression
Forward/backward running, ½, ¾, full speed
Cutting, crossover, caricoa, etc.
Plyometric activities as appropriate to patient’s goals
Sports-specific drills
Safe, gradual return to sports after successful completion of functional progression
Maintenance program for strength and endurance
Functional brace may be recommended by the physician for use during sports for the first 1-2 years after
Authors: Mike Cowell, PT Reviewers: Joel Fallano, PT
Marie-Josee Paris, PT
April, 2006
Revised: Marie-Josee Paris Reviewers: Joel Fallano, PT
April, 2008 Mike Cowell, PT