Predictive simulation of single-leg landing
scenarios for ACL injury risk factors evaluation
Evgenia Moustridi
*, Konstantinos Risvas, Konstantinos Moustakas
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Patras, Patras, Achaia, Greece
The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) rupture is a very common knee injury during sport
activities. Landing after jump is one of the most prominent human body movements that can
lead to such an injury. The landing-related ACL injury risk factors have been in the spotlight
of research interest. Over the years, researchers and clinicians acquire knowledge about
human movement during daily-life activities by organizing complex in vivo studies that fea-
ture high complexity, costs and technical and most importantly physical challenges. In an
attempt to overcome these limitations, this paper introduces a computational modeling and
simulation pipeline that aims to predict and identify key parameters of interest that are
related to ACL injury during single-leg landings. We examined the following conditions: a)
landing height, b) hip internal and external rotation, c) lumbar forward and backward leaning,
d) lumbar medial and lateral bending, e) muscle forces permutations and f) effort goal
weight. Identified on related research studies, we evaluated the following risk factors: verti-
cal Ground Reaction Force (vGRF), knee joint Anterior force (AF), Medial force (MF),
Compressive force (CF), Abduction moment (AbdM), Internal rotation moment (IRM), quad-
ricep and hamstring muscle forces and Quadriceps/Hamstrings force ratio (Q/H force ratio).
Our study clearly demonstrated that ACL injury is a rather complicated mechanism with
many associated risk factors which are evidently correlated. Nevertheless, the results were
mostly in agreement with other research studies regarding the ACL risk factors. The pre-
sented pipeline showcased promising potential of predictive simulations to evaluate different
aspects of complicated phenomena, such as the ACL injury.
The knee joint is one of the most complex human body anatomical structures. Its stability and
functionality during daily life activities are maintained mainly by the articulations, ligaments,
menisci and muscles. Among the knee joint ligaments, Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is
of prominent importance, as it acts as a stabilizer by restricting excessive posterior and anterior
knee displacement during dynamic movements. This is the reason why ACL rupture is one of
the most common knee injuries in competitive sports activities, like football, basketball, or
skiing [1]. These sports involve movement patterns of high risk, such as sudden stops, abrupt
PLOS ONE | March 9, 2023 1 / 26
Citation: Moustridi E, Risvas K, Moustakas K
(2023) Predictive simulation of single-leg landing
scenarios for ACL injury risk factors evaluation.
PLoS ONE 18(3): e0282186.
Editor: Shazlin Shaharudin, Universiti Sains
Malaysia, MALAYSIA
Received: September 26, 2022
Accepted: February 8, 2023
Published: March 9, 2023
Copyright: © 2023 Moustridi et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data and
code are available in the following GitHub
Funding: The authors received no specific funding
for this work.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
changes of direction, landing after a jump and deceleration before changing direction [24].
These are labeled as non-contact ACL injury conditions.
ACL injury may manifest itself through a complete or partial ligament tear. This condition,
as well as the desired post injury activity levels, affect the chosen treatment procedure. Typi-
cally, there are two main approaches. The first option involves a basic rehabilitation plan
including physiotherapy and bracing support. However, this option requires low levels of
activity in the future. On the other hand, if high levels of activity are desired, surgery for ACL
restoration is unavoidable. This procedure named as “acl reconstruction” has emerged as the
golden standard approach when it comes to ACL injuries [5]. A post-effect of a complete ACL
tear is the higher risk of osteoarthritis development on the knee cartilage, especially when the
meniscus is also damaged [6, 7]. ACL reconstruction is a complex surgery that depends on a
plethora of parameters and requires long periods of rehabilitation, that can span a 6–12 month
range [8, 9]. Moreover, graft failures are common and full restoration of knee kinematics is
not always achievable. Therefore, complete and accurate knowledge regarding knee joint bio-
mechanics is crucial to develop training strategies that aim to limit ACL injury risk or assist
surgery and rehabilitation plans post-injury.
Traditionally, researchers and clinicians acquire knowledge about human movement dur-
ing daily-life activities by organizing complex in vivo studies. In the most common approach,
biomechanical studies usually require human motion data that are recorded using dedicated
equipment. Examples of such devices are mobile sensors (Inertial Measurement Units or
IMUs) and Motion Capture (MoCap) equipment using video technologies and retroreflective
markers. The recorded data are further analyzed using dedicated software to estimate joint
angles and forces. That way, researchers gain insight into the functionality and response of
internal structures such as soft tissues, ligaments and muscles. Estimation of these kinematic
and kinetic parameters is also achievable with real-time biofeedback [10]. However, these
experiments require dedicated hardware, feature high complexity and costs, and impose physi-
cal and psychological challenges to participants. On the other hand, modern biomechanics
approaches take advantage of the rapidly increased computational power to develop computer
models that mathematically describe all the aspects of the counterpart physical system [11].
The response of these models is numerically evaluated by applying rigid body dynamics, Finite
Element Method (FEM) [12, 13] or computational fluid dynamics (CFD), depending on the
phenomena under consideration [14]. Combining rigid body dynamics and FEM is also a
common route for researchers [15]. Examples of biomechanics application fields using multi-
body systems are neuromuscular pathologies [1618], study of muscle coordination [1921]
and surgery modeling and simulation [22, 23].
Related work
In this section, we present a review of research studies that follow an experimental and/or sim-
ulation approach regarding the identification of ACL injury risk factors during single-leg
One of the most commonly investigated parameter is the height at the start of the drop-
landing motion. Several studies have examined how drop height can affect ACL injury risk fac-
tors during single-leg and double-leg landings [24, 25]. The importance of hamstring muscles
has been noted due to their ability to posteriorly move the tibia bone, and therefore reduce the
load on the ACL [26]. Moreover, it has been observed that quadricep and hamstring muscles
present greater forces for landings from increased height at time of max vGRF [26]. Addition-
ally, when the Quadriceps/Hamstrings force ratio (Q/H force ratio) is greater than 1, the quad-
riceps cause the tibia to translate anteriorly which can increase the risk of ACL rupture. On the
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other hand, when the ratio is less than 1, the increased hamstring muscles contribution cause a
posterior tibia movement protecting the excessive and abrupt ACL extension. Furthermore, it
has been shown that as the landing height is increased the vertical forces of all ankle, knee and
hip joints are also increased [27, 28].
Another risk factor of interest that has been associated with ACL injury is the static lower
extremity alignment. This condition refers to the rotational alignment of the knee and hip
joints during landings that poses the knee in a valgus posture. More specifically, non-contact
ACL rupture includes internal tibia rotation and valgus collapse [29]. It has been stated that
dynamic knee valgus is one of the potential biomechanical factors that reduce the capacity to
attenuate the impact imposed on the knee joint during landings [30, 31]. Researchers have
examined multiple combinations of hip and knee joint kinematics and kinetics during drop-
landing. It has been shown that during landings with internally rotated hip, the knee joint
experiences greater valgus motion, while the hip rotation moment increases tending to place
the knee joint in a valgus configuration [32]. Moreover, stiff landings have been associated
with ACL injuries. Lower knee flexion and higher peak vertical Ground Reaction Force
(vGRF) during stiff landings were observed, indicating their correlation with high ACL injury
risk [33, 34]. Furtherore, a great number of studies examine videos that capture the motion of
athletes while ACL injuries occur. A common observation was the hip internal rotation at the
injury time instant [35, 36]. Internal hip rotation translates the knee more medial to the
Ground Reaction Forces (GRF) vector, thus increasing the moment arm of the force and intro-
ducing a greater moment at the knee joint. This further results to an increase of the GRF and
higher risk of injury [37]. Additionally, it has been shown that the toe-in landing position is
associated with increased hip internal rotation, knee abduction, ankle inversion angles at Ini-
tial Ground Contact (IGC) and peak knee IRM, knee AbdM and hip AbdM [38].
Furthermore, several studies investigated the trunk orientation during landings and its
association with knee injuries. It has been observed that a trunk in a flexed position leads to
knee and hip joint increased flexion, that can limit stiff landings [3941]. Moreover, the peak
of vGRF and the mean quadriceps Electromyography (EMG) amplitude are lower during the
flexed trunk landing compared with an extended trunk posture. Regarding right and left lateral
trunk bending, it has been found that the knee valgus angle was increased during the left lateral
flexion trunk position (when leaning toward the opposite site of the landing side) compared to
trunk right lateral flexion position during right-leg landings [42].
Finally, the contribution of the knee surrounding muscles should not be ignored when
studying ACL injuries during single-leg landings [25, 43, 44]. Muscle forces contribute to knee
joint forces and moments during dynamic movements. A dynamic simulation study with
MoCap data revealed the importance of the muscles spanning the knee joint in injuries during
the weight acceptance phase of single-leg jump landings [45]. The authors observed greater
maximum muscle forces for quadriceps, gastrocnemius and then hamstrings (in decreasing
order). They proposed that the elevated quadriceps and gastrocnemius forces can protect from
external knee loading, thus, reducing the ACL injury risk.
A common aspect of the studies presented in Related work is that they required experimental
data, such as MoCap and biosensor measurements (EMG, or sensor implants). Therefore, the
demands of “state of the art” technology facilities, equipment and complex experimental setups
with multiple trials were unavoidable. In an attempt to overcome these challenges that are
inherent in traditional biomechanics approaches, predictive simulations have emerged as a
valuable counterpart. The main advantage of these computational approaches is that they
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allow researchers to predict and study new biological motions, circumventing the inherent
barriers of traditional techniques, that were based on experimental data recorded with MoCap
equipment. Therefore, multiple simulation studies can be conducted to identify and determine
predominant injury factors overcoming the necessity of laborious and demanding experimen-
tal setups. Nonetheless, experimental data can still be included in studies to assist or validate
the predictive simulation results.
In this work, we propose a predictive simulation approach that allows prediction of a sin-
gle-leg landing motion without using experimental data. The aim of the presented workflow is
to perform multiple case studies of single-leg landings, compare them, and identify factors that
could contribute to an ACL injury, thus revealing the potential of modern computational
models and simulations for predictive in silico trials. In particular, our analysis is divided in
three main parts. First, we predict the motion of a single-leg landing using a simplified compu-
tational musculoskeletal model. Then, we track the predicted motion using more complex
musculoskeletal models. Finally, we predict multiple single-leg landing motions deploying a
further complex model and the previously tracked motion as an initial guess. The examined
case studies are divided in five main categories. First, we predict landings from various landing
heights. Subsequently, we predict single-leg landings with different hip rotation angles. Fur-
thermore, we investigate drop-landings with deviations of the trunk orientation, and in partic-
ular the following cases: lumbar flexion and extension, and lumbar medial and lateral bending.
Moreover, we predict single-leg landings with different combinations of knee joint agonist
and antagonist muscle forces. Finally, we examine the effect of effort on the results of the
analysis, since knee stability during single-leg landing can be affected by muscle forces and
In this section, we present the musculoskeletal models that were deployed in the simulations
along with the implemented methods of this study. An overview of the proposed workflow is
presented in Fig 1. In brief, this pipeline first predicts a single-leg landing motion for a simpli-
fied model. Then, it tracks that motion using more complex models. Finally, it predicts multi-
ple what-if scenarios of landing motions, where the previously tracked motion is used as an
initial guess for the optimization algorithm. These steps are demonstrated in the first layer of
Fig 1. In the following two layers of Fig 1 we illustrate all the examined scenarios and the mea-
sured parameters associated with ACL injuries based on literature review, respectively.
To eliminate ambiguity, a description of the terms Track and Predict is crucial before pro-
ceeding with the detailed description of the adopted methodology. These terms refer to the
type of optimization problem we solve. Track is a short term for motion tracking. In tracking
simulations, the errors between model kinematics (motion and muscle or other actuator con-
trols) and reference data from an observed motion are minimized. Tracking simulations pro-
vide a new motion allowing deviations from the experimental motion data. A common
application of tracking studies is the creation of initial guesses for predictive optimizations. On
the other hand, Predict is a short term for predictive simulations that are conducted to predict
new motions based on defined goals and constraints.
Musculoskeletal modeling
The backbone of the present work is comprised of the musculoskeletal models developed and
analyzed through the OpenSim software [46]. For the purposes of this research study we uti-
lized three models with augmented complexity in terms of Degrees of Freedom (DoFs) and
muscle-tendon actuators. All models correspond to a subject of 1.8 m height and 75.16 kg
Predictive simulation of single-leg landing
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weight. The less complex model is named “Human0916” and is a 2D planar reduced gait
model with 9 Degrees of Freedom (DoFs) and 16 muscle-tendon actuators. Also, it includes
a representation of the foot-ground contact mechanism. The other two models are named
“Gait2354” and “Gait2392” and they feature 23 DoFs enabling 3D kinematics. The former con-
sists of 54 musculotendon units while the latter has 92 musculotendon actuators for modeling
Fig 1. Overview of the proposed simulation pipeline. In this figure, the adopted workflow for this work is presented. In the first layer, the
implemented methods and software tools used in this work are presented. The second layer illustrates all the examined scenarios. Finally, in the third
layer the measured parameters that are related to ACL injuries during single-leg landings are demonstrated.
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76 muscles that span the joints of the lower limbs and pelvis. In both models, the knee struc-
ture is represented by a hinge joint. Therefore, the only unlocked DoF is knee flexion while
the remaining DoFs are prescribed based on experimental data [47]. The three musculoskeletal
models are presented in order of increasing complexity from left to right in Fig 2.
Predict single-leg landing motion with SCONE
The aim of the first predictive simulation was to obtain an initial single-leg landing motion
using a simplified model. This motion will serve as an initial set of state variables for the
upcoming studies. For this purpose, we deployed the Scone software, an optimization and
control computational framework for predictive simulations dedicated to study biological
motion [48]. SCONE builds on OpenSim and is based on shooting methods for transcribing
an optimal control problem. The control problem is described through a defined scenario that
includes several components, such as the musculoskeletal model, a controller for determining
excitation, and several measures that serve as constraints.
In the scope of this work, we utilized the “Human0916” musculoskeletal model, described
in Musculoskeletal Modeling. Initially, the model was imported to OpenSim to apply an initial
configuration and define the desired initial and final states of the single-leg landing motion, as
demonstrated in Fig 3.
The desired landing height was set to 30 cm. This value is similar to other studies evaluating
single-leg landings [24, 26, 27]. To achieve this, the DoF corresponding to the pelvis vertical
translation was set to 1.25 m. Subsequently, we modified the DoFs of both lower-limbs to
achieve a single-leg landing with the left foot. For the initial state of that motion, the left hip
flexion angle was set to 5˚, the left knee flexion angle was set to 12 and the left ankle angle was
set to 34. Furthermore, the DoFs of the right-limb were locked to specific values to prevent it
from touching the ground at contact phase. The right hip flexion was locked at 25, and the
Fig 2. The three musculoskeletal models that are used throughout the simulations of this work. They appear in order of increasing complexity from
left to right. (a) The “Human0916”, (b) “Gait2354”, and (c) “Gait2392” model.
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right knee and hip angles were locked at 120. Moreover, all DoFs of the upper body were set at
their default values apart from the pelvis vertical translation as previously mentioned.
Moreover, we included an already implemented reflex controller (with a fixed step size
equal to 0.005) which contained entries that simulated proprioceptic and vestibular reflexes
[49]. Finally, we added a composite measure that described the desired task. This set of distinct
measures serves as the objective function and enforces the following penalties:
A parameter that checks if the model falls below a specified value: This measure evaluates
the ratio between the Center of Mass (COM) height (com
) to the initial state (com
), and
checks if it lower than the expected threshold:
< th
The penalty value for the stability is given by the next formula:
¼ w
where th is the threshold for COM height, t
is the maximum duration of the simulation,
is the time after which the simulation is terminated, and w
the weight of the stability
Fig 3. Initial and final states of the singles-leg landing motion. (a) The initial and (b) the final states of the “Human0916” musculoskeletal model for
prediction of single-leg landing motion in SCONE. The reference axis of the defined initial joint angles are about the z-axis of each parent frame that
coincides with the global z-axis, since the adopted model is planar.
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Penalties for exceeding desired joint ranges. This penalty evaluates the differences between
the desired and actual joint angles and is formulated as follows:
¼ w
where w
is the weight of the penalty, jR is the joint range, “m” refers to the actual values
recorded in simulation, and “t” to the desired angles.
A penalty minimizing the overcoming of defined GRF ranges: Calculate GRF and adds a
penalty (p
) when these are below or above certain thresholds.
Thus, the objective function (or cost function) is given by the summation of all components
of the measures set:
cost ¼ p
þ p
þ p
The result of this simulation was a single-leg landing motion that was used for the upcom-
ing simulations with the more complex musculoskeletal models, as it will be presented in the
upcoming subsection. To aid reproducibility, simulation settings are presented in more detail
in S1 File.
Track single-leg landing motion with Moco
In this section, we describe the adopted approach for predicting single-leg landing using the
previously predicted motion (Predict single-leg landing motion with SCONE) and the 3D
OpenSim models of higher complexity (Musculoskeletal Modeling). The objective was to cre-
ate an initial guess of a single-leg landing motion that would serve as a baseline for all upcom-
ing case studies. Towards this direction, we utilized the OpenSim Moco software tool. Moco is
a software toolkit for optimizing the motion and control of musculoskeletal systems [50]. It
solves problems of trajectory optimization based on the robust direct collocation method that
exhibits lower computational cost with robust accuracy compared to the traditional shooting
methods [51].
Among other, Moco offers the ability to track a recorded or predicted motion and adjust it
based on user-defined constraints. Taking advantage of this, we created two Moco tracking
studies, with a twofold purpose. First, we created an initial guess for the upcoming optimiza-
tion studies. Secondly, we chained three distinct simulations with each one capitalizing on
the optimal solution of the previous one and featuring a musculoskeletal model of higher
Initially, we extended and optimized both “Gait2354” and “Gait2392” models. Specifically,
foot-ground interaction was modeled using an OpenSim compliant contact force model [52].
Five spheres were placed under each foot of the model to simulate the interaction of the foot
and the ground. One sphere was placed under the toes and four under the hind-foot, as
demonstrated in Fig 4. The values for parameters like stiffness, dissipation and friction were
assigned based on other research studies [52] and are presented in the S1 File. Moreover, the
position and total number of the contact spheres were adopted by a study for simulating a
standing vertical jump [53].
Also, it should be mentioned that in order to speed up and simplify the simulations, all
muscles of the right lower limb were omitted, since we were interested only in studying land-
ing motion with the left lower-limb (Fig 4). The DoFs of the right part were set at the same val-
ues of the initial state of SCONE pipeline and kept locked throughout all simulations. Finally,
ideal actuators with low optimal forces were appended to all DoFs to assist muscles and simu-
lation convergence.
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Concerning the three chained simulations, these are the previously described SCONE simu-
lation (Predict single-leg landing motion with SCONE), and two tracking studies using the
Moco tool. In both of these Moco simulations, we created a “Moco Track” tool instance and a
solver that described the problem and the desired solver accordingly. The “Moco Track” tool
defines an objective function for tracking joint angles, actuator activation and other parame-
ters of interest. It is formulated as the squared difference between a reference state variable
value and a state variable value, summed over the state variables for which a reference is pro-
vided. All the additional simulation settings are described in detail in S1 File. The main differ-
ences between the two simulations were the musculoskeletal model and the motion we aimed
to track. For the first simulation we used the “Gait2354” model and the predicted motion from
SCONE. At the end of the simulation we acquired a prediction for the state of additional DoFs
that were not available in “Human2016”. The output of this simulation was fed to the second
simulation where the most complex model “Gait2392” was used. The intermediate simulation
was used to speed up simulation time and assist in convergence, since now only the additional
muscle states of the third model had to be predicted without an initial guess for their values.
Fig 4. Schematic diagram of the “Gait2392” musculoskeletal model. Schematic diagram of the “Gait2392” model with only the left side muscles.
Foot-ground contact was modeled with five contact spheres per foot.
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The output of the second tracking study was again a single-leg landing motion, but this
time it included states and forces for a greater number of DoFs, as we used a more complex
musculoskeletal model. The resulting motion was used as an initial guess for the upcoming
Predict single-leg landing motion with Moco
In this section, we describe the adopted methodology for conducting multiple simulations that
predict what-if scenarios based on the acquired initial guess. The initial guess is the single-leg
landing motion acquired from the final step of Track single-leg landing motion with Moco.
This initial guess describes the evolution of each model state throughout the predicted single-
leg landing. These state variable trajectories were used again in Moco to conduct a compen-
dium of studies where deviations on body posture and muscle forces were applied and a new
single-leg landing motion was predicted. Throughout all studies we used the most complex
model, “Gait2392”, and a Moco effort goal as the objective function. This goal is used for mini-
mizing the sum of the absolute value of the controls raised to an exponent. In our case, the
exponent was set to 2, to achieve minimization of squared muscle activation. The goal is com-
puted by the following formula:
dt ð5Þ
d: the displacement of the system,
C: the set of the control signals,
: the weight for the control C,
: the control signal c, and
p: the exponent.
Moreover, to execute all the what-if scenarios we assigned suitable bounds for specific DoFs
for the initial and final state of the motion for each scenario. Based on modifications on spe-
cific DoFs bounds and on simulation properties we created multiple scenarios which are
described in detail in Case studies. Details about the simulation setup and the ranges of each
state parameter are included in S1 File.
Case studies
In this section, we present all the scenarios that were examined using the proposed framework.
Initially, we created studies for predicting single-leg landing motions from a landing height of
30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 55’cm. The objective was to identify the effect of landing height on the
prominent ACL injury risk factors. This was achieved by adjusting the pelvis joint vertical
position of the “Gait2392” for the initial state of each scenario. The ranges for all other DoFs
remain identical for all scenarios.
Additionally, we examined landings with different values of hip rotation for the landing
lower limb. This parameter is related to knee valgus position, which appears as a potential
ACL injury risk factor. We examined cases where the hip was kept internally or externally
rotated for the entire simulation. In total, we created 13 studies, 6 for hip internal rotation, 6
for hip external rotation and 1 for no hip rotation. The examined angles for hip external and
internal rotation were 5˚, 10˚, 15˚, 20˚, 25˚ and 30˚.
Subsequently, we predicted single-leg landings that featured different values of the trunk
orientation. This was achieved through modifying the two lumbar joint DoFs, namely flexion
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and extension and right and left bending. The assessed flexion angles were: 5˚, 10˚, 15˚, 20˚,
25˚ and 30˚, while for extension were: 5˚, 10˚, 15˚ and 20˚. Moreover, the angles studied for
right and left bending were: 5˚, 10˚, 15˚, 20˚, 25˚ and 30˚. The upright position with no flexion,
bending or rotation was also considered in our study.
Furthermore, we examined permutations of maximum isometric force for the knee joint
agonists and antagonists muscle groups that affect the ACL injury indicators. Muscle fatigue is
defined as the decrease in maximum isometric force [54]. Towards this objective, we edited
the values of max isometric forces to simulate weakness and strength of specific muscle groups,
namely the quadriceps and the hamstrings. To simulate strong muscles we increased maxi-
mum isometric force by 35% and to simulate weak muscles we reduced it by 35%. These per-
centage values are inside the limits of published musculoskeletal studies that investigate the
sensitivity of muscle parameters, such as the maximum isometric force [5557].
During the last case scenario, we examined how the Moco effort goal (minimization of
squared muscle activations, 5) affects the outcome of the study. More specifically, the purpose
of this case study was to better understand how activation of muscle forces may affect GRF
and which weight factor would lead to estimated GRF values close to those reported in litera-
ture. The following goal weight values were investigated: 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5 and 10.
An overview of the investigated scenarios is presented in Table 1. Additional information
about all scenarios and the assigned bounds on the DoFs can be found on S1 File. Finally,
for all the previously presented case studies we extracted specific parameters of interest.
These were the muscle forces, GRF, Knee Joint Reaction Forces (kJRF), Knee Joint Reaction
Moments (kJRM) and the Q/H force ratio.
In this section, we present the results regarding the risk factors associated with ACL injuries
for each case study. These factors are the hip kinematics, vGRF, quadricep and hamstring mus-
cle forces and Q/H force ratio for the landing lower limb. Also, we include kJRF and kJRM
for the knee joint of the landing leg. The kinematics are presented in degrees, the GRF, Joint
Reaction Forces (JRF) and Joint Reaction Moments (JRM) are presented with normalized val-
ues to Body Weight (BW) of the musculoskeletal model. The muscle forces are presented in
Table 1. Overview of the investigated scenarios to identify ACL injury risk factors during single-leg landings.
Case studies
Case Variable Values
Landing Height Pelvis vertical height 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55
Hip Internal Rotation 5, 10˚, 15˚, 20˚, 25˚, 30˚
External Rotation 5, 10˚, 15˚, 20˚, 25˚, 30˚
Trunk Flexion 5, 10˚, 15˚, 20˚, 25˚, 30˚
Extension 5, 10˚, 15˚, 20˚
Right Bending 5, 10˚, 15˚, 20˚, 25˚, 30˚
Left Bending 5, 10˚, 15˚, 20˚, 25˚, 30˚
Muscle forces Quadriceps F
, F
, 0.65%F
Hamstrings F
, F
, 0.65%F
Effort Goal Weight 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10
denotes the maximum isometric force of each muscle.
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Landing height case
In this subsection, we present results concerning the predictive simulations of landing motions
from multiple landing heights (30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 55 cm). The results clearly indicate the
association of the landing height with the assessed ACL injury risk factors.
Initially, we observe that as the landing height was increased the peak landing forces (GRF)
were also increased, as illustrated in Fig 5. Also, the AF reaches a first peak after IGC and then a
greater one after the max vGRF time instance for all cases (Fig 5). Both peaks are greater as the
landing height is increased. Nevertheless, at max vGRF no large differences can be observed
for the AF among the scenarios. Still, if we take a closer look at the peak vGRF time instance
(Table 2), we can observe greater AF values for the landings from greater heights. In Table 2,
we present the vGRF, AF, AbdM and Q/H force ratio at the peak vGRF moment for all scenar-
ios. Regarding AbdM, we note larger values for landings from increased landing heights. On
the contrary, Q/H force ratio obtains lower values for the landings from 55 and 50 cm.
Hip rotation case
Next, we present the results concerning single-leg landings for different values of internal
and external hip rotation applied to the landing lower limb. These angles were set at 0˚, 5˚,
10˚, 15˚, 20˚, 25˚ and 30˚ for both cases.
Fig 5. Vertical GRF (a) and, knee joint AF (b) for the landing height case study.
Table 2. Vertical GRF, AF, AbdM and Q/H force ratio at peak vGRF time instance for multiple drop-landing
Height(cm) vGRF AF(+) AbdM(+) Q/H_ratio
30 1.436 6.300 0.021 9.243
35 1.467 6.334 0.014 9.167
40 1.523 6.577 0.023 9.250
45 1.604 6.612 0.025 9.083
50 1.698 6.652 0.029 8.951
55 1.797 6.699 0.033 8.850
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First, we observed that as we imposed greater hip internal rotation angles, the hip adduction
was also increased (Fig 6 (a)). Moreover, it is noticeable from Fig 6 (b) that the minimum
vGRF peak occurs for the 20˚ case (2.234 times the BW). Although, for that scenario we
detected greater AbdM at peak vGRF (0.044 times BW). Nevertheless, for the 0˚ hip internal
scenario the peak vGRF was 3.602 times BW while AbdM was 0.020. As the hip internal rota-
tion was increased further, peak vGRF was also increased (reaching the value of 4.658 times
BW for the 30˚ scenario). These values are presented in Table 3.
Regarding the predicted landing motions with externally rotated hip we can spot the lowest
vGRF peaks for the 10˚ and 15˚ hip external rotation scenarios (Fig 7 (b)). Also, at peak vGRF
time instance the 0˚ hip rotation scenario presents greater AF, MF, AbdM and IRM compared
with the scenarios featuring externally rotated hip (Table 4). Moreover, we can see that for
increased, but not excessive external hip rotation angles, the AF is noticeably smaller converg-
ing to the same conclusion. Last but not least, we can notice that as the hip external rotation
angle is increased, the Q/H force ratio decreases.
Trunk orientation case
In this section, we present the results regarding single-leg landings corresponding to different
trunk orientations.
Fig 6. Hip adduction (a) and vGRF (b) for the hip internal rotation case study.
Table 3. Vertical GRF, knee JRF and JRM and Q/H force ratio at peak vGRF time instance for various hip internal rotation angles.
Angle(˚) vGRF AF(+) MF(+) AbdM(+) IRM(-) Q/H_ratio
0 3.602 3.927 0.231 0.020 -0.034 12.264
5 3.722 3.982 0.207 0.031 -0.022 9.911
10 3.795 3.578 0.208 0.021 -0.030 11.007
15 4.310 3.787 0.231 0.028 -0.027 12.775
20 2.234 3.605 0.201 0.044 -0.043 7.016
25 4.417 3.809 0.213 0.027 -0.019 9.860
30 4.658 4.068 0.310 0.052 -0.028 13.880
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Initially, we examined landings with the upright position and landings with lumbar flexion
and extension. The estimated risk factors are presented in Tables 5 and 6 for lumbar flexion
and extension, respectively. The rows containing the 0˚ angle correspond to the upright pos-
ture. We can observe that when the trunk is leaning forward at 25˚ the peak vGRF is lower, fol-
lowing by the 30˚, and 10˚ inclinations. However, the lowest vGRF value is observed for the
case of the upright posture landing. Also, for the case of 25˚ trunk flexion, AbdM and IRM are
lower compared with the other trunk flexion angles.
Regarding landings with the trunk leaning backwards, as a general remark, we observe
greater vGRF compared to the upright position as the lumbar extension angle is increased.
Additionally, Q/H force ratio, CF, AbdM and IRM are greater at time of maximum vGRF for
the cases of landings with the trunk in a backwards leaning posture.
Subsequently, we investigated the effect of trunk bending. We observe that greater AbdM
values occur as the right or left bending angle is increased compared with the neutral position,
that would introduce an increased knee valgus angle (Tables 7 and 8)). The largest peak vGRF
occur when bending towards the opposite to the landing leg direction with a value of 8.632
times the BW.
Fig 7. Hip adduction (a) and vGRF (b) for the hip external rotation case study.
Table 4. Vertical GRF, knee JRF and JRM and Q/H force ratio at peak vGRF time instance for various hip external rotation angles.
Angle(˚) vGRF AF(+) MF(+) AbdM(+) IRM(-) Q/H_ratio
0 3.602 3.927 0.231 0.020 -0.034 12.264
5 4.108 3.554 0.129 0.005 -0.024 10.065
10 2.593 3.486 0.158 0.002 -0.027 7.399
15 2.584 3.167 0.088 -0.003 -0.012 6.141
20 3.888 3.069 -0.005 -0.002 -0.010 6.307
25 2.924 3.203 0.119 0.010 -0.033 7.250
30 4.501 3.298 -0.046 -0.008 -0.009 4.382
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Permutations of knee joint agonists and antagonists muscles case
In this subsection, we investigate how permutations of max isometric force for the knee joint
agonist and antagonist muscles affect the investigated ACL injury risk factors. The different
combinations of normal, weak and strong quadricep and hamstring muscles are presented in
Table 5. Vertical GRF, knee JRF and JRM and Q/H force ratio at peak vGRF time instance for multiple lumbar flexion angles.
Angle(˚) vGRF AF(+) CF(-) AbdM(+) IRM(-) Q/H_ratio
0 1.383 3.756 -7.761 0.006 0.000 6.275
5 6.571 3.862 -12.160 0.094 -0.021 12.713
10 4.485 3.731 -10.090 0.077 -0.014 19.775
15 7.647 4.245 -13.329 0.105 -0.032 59.534
20 7.892 3.829 -13.372 0.132 -0.023 13.545
25 3.674 3.899 -10.024 0.072 -0.013 10.211
30 4.139 3.241 -9.421 0.093 -0.008 13.440
Table 6. Vertical GRF, knee JRF and JRM and Q/H force ratio at peak vGRF time instance for multiple lumbar extension angles.
Angle(˚) vGRF AF(+) CF(-) AbdM(+) IRM(-) Q/H_ratio
0 1.383 3.756 -7.761 0.006 0.000 6.275
5 1.401 3.793 -7.835 0.007 -0.001 6.391
10 6.403 4.988 -13.681 0.118 -0.036 32.214
15 8.198 3.507 -12.850 0.082 -0.029 30.940
20 4.593 3.800 -9.908 0.074 -0.028 41.636
Table 7. Vertical GRF, knee JRF and JRM and Q/H force ratio at peak vGRF time instance for multiple trunk right bending angles.
Angle(˚) vGRF AF(+) AbdM(+) IRM(-) Q/H_ratio
0 1.383 3.756 0.006 0.000 6.275
5 1.387 3.729 0.012 0.002 6.232
10 1.413 3.754 0.018 0.003 6.322
15 8.632 3.397 0.101 -0.026 37.554
20 7.432 4.794 0.153 -0.021 17.024
25 6.131 4.176 0.131 -0.032 23.210
30 4.515 3.396 0.127 -0.004 14.284
Table 8. Vertical GRF, knee JRF and JRM and Q/H force ratio at peak vGRF time instance for for multiple trunk left bending angles.
Angle(˚) vGRF AF(+) AbdM(+) IRM(-) Q/H_ratio
0 1.383 3.756 0.006 0.000 6.275
5 6.787 3.645 0.078 -0.028 18.631
10 5.091 3.810 0.067 -0.017 15.568
15 4.378 3.594 0.058 -0.022 24.773
20 4.224 3.512 0.055 -0.020 27.775
25 4.088 3.552 0.056 -0.021 2.095
30 7.309 4.135 0.085 -0.008 12.901
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Table 9. The results for the muscle forces, vGRF and AF are presented in Figs 8 and 9, respec-
tively. The values of these parameters at peak vGRF time instance are presented in Table 10.
We can observe that variation of the maximum isometric force for these two muscle groups
affects all simulation results. As illustrated in Fig 8, the scenarios with strong hamstrings
resulted in greater hamstrings force. The same holds true for the cases with strong quadriceps.
Moreover concernig GRF, we detect lower vGRF peaks for the scenarios with strong quad-
ricpes (sq_sh, sq_nh, sq_wh), where the lowest peak corresponds to the scenario with both
strong hamstrings and quadriceps (Fig 9). Regarding AF, we observe lower values at peak
vGRF time instance for the scenarios with weak quadriceps regardless of hamstrings force
A notable observation is that the scenarios with strong quadriceps (sq_sh, sq_nh, sq_wh)
exhibit the lower vGRF, but also the greatest AF at peak vGRF time instance compared to
Table 9. Demonstration of the nine cases with different combinations of normal, weak and strong quadricep and hamstring muscles.
Case Case explained Quadriceps Hamstrings
sq_sh strong quadriceps, strong hamstrings 1.35%F
sq_nh strong quadriceps, normal hamstrings 1.35%F
sq_wh strong quadriceps, weak hamstrings 1.35%F
nq_sh normal quadriceps, strong hamstrings F
nq_nh normal quadriceps, normal hamstrings F
nq_wh normal quadriceps, weak hamstrings F
wq_sh weak quadriceps, strong hamstrings 0.65%F
wq_nh weak quadriceps, normal hamstrings 0.65%F
wq_wh weak quadriceps, weak hamstrings 0.65%F
denotes the maximum isometric force of each muscle.
Fig 8. Quadriceps (a) and Hamstrings (b) force for the permutations of the knee joint agonists and antagonists muscles case study.
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other cases. On the contrary, for the cases with weak quadriceps (wq_sh, wq_nh, wq_wh) we
can observe greater vGRF peaks and lower AF values at peak vGRF moment.
Moco control goal weight case
Finally, we investigated how the Moco effort goal that corresponds to minimization of the
squared muscle activations as mentioned in Predict single-leg landing motion with Moco,
affects the simulation results. The results are presented in Table 11.
We observed that as we increased the weight of the effort goal, peak vGRF was also
increased reaching a maximum value of 11.479 times BW for weight equal to 1. In general, for
the upper limit weight values we noticed increased vGRF peaks. The same pattern was also
spotted for the Q/H force ratio. In contrast, we observed that as the weight increased, AF
decreased, although the differences between the peak values above the 0.1 weight are not very
large. Regarding muscle forces, as it was expected for greater weights of the goal lower muscle
Fig 9. Vertical GRF (a) and AF (b) for the permutations of the knee joint agonists and antagonists muscles case study.
Table 10. Knee vGRF, AF, Quadricpes force, Hamstrings force and Q/H ratio at peak vGRF time instance for scenarios of normal, weak and strong knee joint ago-
nist antagonist muscles.
Case vGRF AF(+) Quad Force Ham Force Q/H_ratio
sq_sh 0.673 4.835 4508.183 663.738 6.792
sq_nh 0.731 4.333 4210.783 499.288 8.434
sq_wh 0.815 4.316 4210.184 324.788 12.963
nq_sh 1.362 4.168 3360.484 652.619 5.149
nq_nh 1.388 4.035 3332.694 487.502 6.836
nq_wh 1.417 3.902 3305.902 317.691 10.406
wq_sh 0.841 2.781 2027.969 674.048 3.009
wq_nh 0.909 2.774 2028.036 499.098 4.063
wq_wh 1.141 2.829 2028.897 325.101 6.241
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forces were detected (Fig 10) since the objective function introduced to the problem aims to
minimize the squared sum of the absolute value of the controls. Again, no significant differ-
ences were observed between the cases with weight greater than 0.1.
In this study, we developed an in silico simulation approach for predicting multiple single-leg
landing motions and identifying ACL injury risk factors. Our aim was to develop a computa-
tional predictive framework that can be easily reproduced overcoming the inherent barriers of
in vivo studies. To enhance the credibility of our adopted methodology we compare the ACL
injury risk factors estimated by our predictive simulations with similar literature studies. The
comparison is mainly qualitative focusing on variations of risk factor values for each case
study. Nonetheless, we also quantitatively discuss our findings by comparing them to experi-
mental or simulated arithmetic values for kJRF, kJRM, and GRF. As a general remark, we
notice that our results are comparable with relative studies [26, 27, 40]. Additionally, when
Table 11. Vertical GRF, AF, Q/H force ratio at peak vGRF time instance for the Moco Control goal weight case.
Case vGRF AF(+) Q/H_ratio
0 1.967 4.956 3.724
0.1 4.499 4.002 11.544
0.2 7.779 3.604 74.678
0.5 11.116 3.225 78.301
1 11.479 3.235 42.970
2 11.113 3.143 77.616
5 11.043 3.141 69.774
10 10.964 3.122 72.103
Fig 10. Quadriceps (a) and hamstrings (b) force for the Moco Control goal weight case study.
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possible, we also highlight risk factor values that can potentially lead to an ACL injury, based
on experimental studies. Although, we should mention that in-vivo knee joint load measure-
ment during ACL injury would require sensor knee implants [58]. Thus, the reference studies
that focus on ACL failure are conducted either in-silico or are video-based studies [5961].
The reported values for AF and vGRF are in general similar to or lower than ours.
In this section, we discuss each case separately to identify common conclusions and arisen
divergences concerning the different injury risk factors. Finally, limitations and possible future
directions are also discussed.
Landing height case
Starting from the landing height case, we concluded that vGRF, AF, and AbdM were larger as
the height increased at the peak vGRF time instance. On the other hand, the opposite holds
true for Q/H force ratio. These findings are in agreement with similar studies [26]. Mokhtarza-
deh et al. examined single-leg landings from 30 and 60 cm of height and observed greater GRF
peaks for landings from 60 cm [26]. More specifically, peak vGRF was 2.94 times BW when
landing from 30 cm height and 3.83 when landing from 60 cm height. Nevertheless, in our
study we observed lower peak values of vGRF ranging from 1.43 to 1.79 times BW for all exam-
ined landing heights (Fig 5 (a), Table 2). These vGRF values are close to those observed by Ver-
niba et al. when examining single-leg landings from 22 and 44 cm heights [24]. Our values are
lower compared to a video-based study examining ACL injury during landing in sports activi-
ties [61]. In any case, the GRF should be evaluated taking into account the muscle forces, as
there is a correlation between these two parameters. This aspect will be discussed in the respec-
tive section (Moco Control goal weight case). Also, discrepancies could be related to the modi-
fied ground-foot contact model adopted in our study. In general, insight into foot-ground
contact during landing motion is limited and a more detailed model might have captured
more accurately the contact geometries that affect the predicted motion. This holds true for all
the simulation scenarios we evaluated.
In addition, concerning AF we noted values ranging from 6.30 to 6.69 times BW. These
values are close to the range of AF values detected by Mokhtarzadeh et al. [26]. More specifi-
cally, the reference AF values are around 4.4 and 6 times BW for landings from 30 and 60 cm
respectively. In general, these values are greater than those reported in the literature for ACL
failure [59, 60]. Moreover, we estimated AbdM values in the range 0.02–0.03 times BW. These
are similar to studies examining landing conditions [62, 63].
Regarding Q/H force ratio, we detected that it was decreased as the initial landing height
was increased at max vGRF. In agreement with our results, Mokhtarzadeh et al. stated that Q/
H force ratio was lower for the landing from 60 cm compared with a landing from 30 cm. It
should be mentioned that in our study we observed much higher values of Q/H force ratio at
time of max vGRF for all examined scenarios. Again, differences between the studies could be
due to the selected weight of the Moco effort goal as mentioned above.
The main outcome of the presented work regarding the landing height case is that as the
landing height is increased, the risk of ACL injury is also incremented due to increased vGRF,
AF and AbdM values at the peak vGRF moment. On the other hand, landings from lower
heights (30, 35 cm) can limit the possibility of such injury as we observed lower values of
vGRF, AF and AbdM.
Hip rotation case
Additionally, we examined the influence of hip rotation in parameters associated with ACL
injuries. Regarding internal hip rotation, we observed that in general vGRF, AF, and AbdM
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increased with larger hip rotations (Fig 6, Table 3). On the contrary, a range of hip external
rotation between 10˚— 15 demonstrated lower values for vGRF (Fig 7, Table 4). The estimated
vGRF values are between 2.2 and 4.6 times BW. Also, we noted AF values between 3 and 4
times BW. These are in agreement with other research studies examining single-leg or double-
leg landing motions [27, 28, 40]. In addition, we noted AbdM values close to those reported in
literature [63, 64].
These findings are in general agreement with the literature, where a toe-out posture is asso-
ciated with lower ACL injury risk. More specifically, the hip rotational alignment has been
associated with knee valgus posture and ACL injuries. Yasuda et al. and Koga et al. studied
landings from handball players where ACL injuries took place and observed that in the major-
ity of landings with injury, the hip was internally rotated [35, 36]. Peel et al. compared landings
with toe-in, toe-out and neutral position of the lower limb and concluded that the toe-out posi-
tion could protect from injury while the toe-in position is associated with increased risk [38].
Summarizing, we could claim that the internally rotated hip position could possibly be associ-
ated with ACL injuries due to increased values in risk factors. On the contrary, the externally
rotated hip position may be considered safer due to lower values in risk factors. Landing with
10˚ or 15˚ externally rotated hip can possibly be safer due to lower GRF.
Trunk orientation case
Moreover, multiple studies have examined the influence of trunk orientation in the observed
kinematics, GRF and kJRF during drop-landings. A leaning forward trunk has been associated
with more flexion of the hip and knee joints, lower values of vGRF and lower mean amplitude
of quadriceps EMG compared with an upright position during drop landings [39, 40]. Also,
the upright position during landings has been linked with greater peak of vGRF, lower gastroc-
nemius and quadriceps activation and greater knee extensor moments [41]. In our study, we
demonstrated that for all examined cases, landings that favored a forward leaning position
resulted in lower risk of ACL injury. Specifically, we observed that when the trunk was leaning
forward with 25˚ the peak vGRF was lower (Table 5). However, the lowest vGRF value was
observed for the case of no flexion. This can be due to the similarity of the resulted motion
with the initial guess given to the study. Also, for the case of 25˚ of trunk flexion, AbdM and
IRM were lower compared to other angles of trunk flexion. Regarding landings with trunk
leaning backwards, as a general remark, we observed greater vGRF compared with the upright
position as the lumbar extension angle was increased (Table 6). Additionally, Q/H force ratio,
CF, AbdM and IRM were greater at time of maximum vGRF for the cases of landings with
trunk in backwards leaning. Also, Saito et al. observed greater knee valgus angles when landing
in a trunk extension position compared with landings with trunk neutral position [42], which
is in agreement with the AbdM values detected in our results. Concerning the trunk bending,
Saito et al. observed that landings with the trunk leaning towards the opposite side of the land-
ing leg or toward to the landing side led to greater values of knee valgus angles [42]. In our
case, we observed that greater AbdM values occurred as the right or left bending angle was
increased compared with the neutral position. This could lead to an increased knee valgus
angle (Tables 7 and 8). Also, Jones et al. noticed greater GRF and knee joint loads when leaning
towards the opposite direction of landing [65]. Similarly, in our study, we observed that the
largest peak vGRF occurred when bending towards the right direction that is opposite to the
landing leg with a value of 8.632 times BW.
Also we arithmetically compared our results to similar studies. We observed vGRF values
from 1.3 to 8.6 times BW. On a similar note, Verniba et al. observed values from 1.2 to 2.7,
while Niu et al. noted values in the range of 3–8 times BW [24, 27]. Also, in our case, the AF
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obtained values between 3.2 and 4.9, while Niu et al. observed values in the range of 2.9–5.2
[27]. All these values for AF are greater than those reported in cadaver studies simulating ACL
failure during ski landing [59, 60]. Furthermore, the AbdM values were in the same range as
those observed by Chappell et al. [64] with few exceptions. In more detail, we observed greater
values than those reported for the following scenarios: 20˚ lumbar flexion, 10˚ lumbar exten-
sion, and 15˚, 20˚, 25˚ and 30˚ lumbar right bending.
Permutations of knee joint agonists and antagonists muscles case
Furthermore, we investigated how modifying muscle forces for quadriceps and hamstrings
affected the injury risk factors. An interesting observation was that the cases with strong quad-
riceps presented similar vGRF and AF values at peak vGRF time instance regardless of ham-
strings strengthening or weakening as demonstrated in Table 10. Furthermore, we detected
that the pairs with strong quadriceps exhibited the lowest vGRF values, while the AF values
were greater compared to the other combinations (Fig 9, Table 10). Although both vGRF and
AF are investigated as risk factors, we should emphasize that the AF is inherently and directly
related to induced ACL loads [43]. On the other hand, vGRF acts in an indirect manner. As
the muscles generate movement by producing forces, the foot applies a force to the ground
and vice versa. The applied to the foot GRF, produces a joint reaction load to the ankle joint,
that is further transmitted to the knee. This load contributes to the total knee joint reaction
force in conjunction with other present loads produced by surrounding muscles and ligaments
[44]. These forces further depend on kinematic conditions, such as the knee flexion angle [66].
Therefore, even if the vGRF seems lower for stronger quadriceps cases, which is also observed
in similar studies [67], knee joint forces should also be considered, as they additionally depend
on other present factors. In our case, larger quadriceps forces at peak vGRF time instance
appear to contribute to the increase of the estimated AF, thus leading to increased ACL injury
risk. This is in agreement with other published studies, particularly for knee flexion angles
spanning from 0˚ (full extension) up to 60˚ [43, 68]. In our simulation studies, knee flexion
angle at peak vGRF time instance is about 30˚ which is inside the aforementioned knee flexion
angle range. Therefore, the increased quadriceps force can also be considered as an additional
ACL injury risk factor [68, 69]. The greatest AF can be noticed for the case with both strong
hamstrings and quadriceps (Table 10). This is in agreement with the study conducted by Mor-
gan et al., where they observed greater quadriceps and hamstrings forces when the ACL was at
higher injury risk [45].
In general, we estimated vGRF values between 0.6 and 1.4 times BW. These are lower than
those observed by other studies [64]. Regarding AF we observed values similar to other studies
examining single-leg landing motions [27, 28].
These observations clearly showcase the inherent complexity of the ACL injury mechanism
and indicates how the muscles work in conjunction and the significance of the muscle redun-
dancy issue. Nonetheless, our results highlight the impact of quadriceps force production on
the vGRF and AF values, which are related to ACL injuries in single-leg landings.
Moco control goal weight case
Finally, we investigated how the weight of the Moco effort goal (Eq 5) affects muscle activation
and generated forces, and subsequently all landing and knee joint forces and moments. The
objective of this study was to identify a weight factor that could lead to comparable GRF results
with published studies. We should assert that this scenario was not conducted to investigate
the impact of estimated risk factor values. Our intention was to acquire a baseline weight value
that serves as an initial guess for subsequent predictions and lead to results that are comparable
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with similar experimental findings. Therefore, we compared the estimated vGRF for each
weight value with GRF data presented in other studies assessing single-leg landings. Peak
vGRF values between 2 and 8 times BW or greater can be found in literature [26, 28, 40]. In
our study, we observed similar peak vGRF for goal weight ranging from 0 to 0.2.
Limitations-future work
Summarizing, the fundamental objective of this work was to lay the background for a technical
framework that can allow convenient setup of multiple case studies for evaluating single-leg
landings conditions and their impact on certain risk factors of ACL injury. We applied the
framework to answer several what-if scenarios of single-leg landing where the body posture,
muscle forces and simulation settings were varied and the risk factors were evaluated. The results
of this study evidently indicated the complexity of the ACL injury mechanism and its correlation
with many risk factors. Thus, the phenomenon should be studied considering the association
between these inherently different variables. The framework, as well as the simulation settings
and results are made publicly available allowing for further modifications and meta-studies.
Of course, our work does not come without any limitations, especially considering the
adopted modeling assumptions. First, we deployed musculoskeletal models that feature single
DoF knee joints without modeling the contribution of other structures, such as cartilages and
ligaments. Especially, we think that the presence of a suitable contact model between the femo-
ral and tibial knee compartments would greatly improve detail and realism. A more detailed
model might capture more accurately the contact geometries that affect the predicted motion.
The same observation can be made for the ground-foot contact model and the adopted param-
eter values. Moreover, different population classes that feature varying anthropometric data
could have been assessed.
All these limitations can serve as the foundation for future work to improve our current
pipeline. Nonetheless, the presented work clearly showcased the promising potential of predic-
tive simulations to evaluate multiple aspects of complicated phenomena, such as the ACL
injury. This is supported by the findings of our study that are in general agreement with similar
research works. Finally, we envision that further improvements can lead to a tool that can be
used by physiotherapists and clinicians on adjusting rehabilitation and training plans based on
subject-specific characteristics.
Supporting information
S1 File. Related supporting information. Simulation settings and implementation details.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Evgenia Moustridi, Konstantinos Risvas, Konstantinos Moustakas.
Methodology: Evgenia Moustridi, Konstantinos Risvas.
Resources: Konstantinos Moustakas.
Software: Evgenia Moustridi.
Supervision: Konstantinos Risvas, Konstantinos Moustakas.
Validation: Evgenia Moustridi.
Visualization: Evgenia Moustridi.
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Writing – original draft: Evgenia Moustridi.
Writing – review & editing: Evgenia Moustridi, Konstantinos Risvas, Konstantinos
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