©Copyright 2013 by Delaware Association of REALTORS®. All Rights Reserved. Revised February 2013. This form has been created exclusively for the use of the association members and those with written
permission. The use of this form for any transaction that does not involve the participation of an association member is strictly prohibited and is in violation of Federal Copyright laws.
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Property Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Tenant: ___________________________________________________________________________
Landlord: __________________________________________________________________________
Lease Term: _______________________________________________________________________
This addendum will become an integral part of the Residential Lease-Rental Agreement attached:
Section I: Tenant is responsible for transferring the following utilities into Tenant’s name for the
duration of the lease term unless noted in Section II below: (Check all that apply)
______ Electric Service (Provider: ______________________________________________________)
______ Phone Service (Provider: ______________________________________________________)
______ Cable Service (Provider: _______________________________________________________)
______ Trash Service (Provider: _______________________________________________________)
______ Water Service (Provider: _______________________________________________________)
______ Sewer Service (Provider: ______________________________________________________)
______ Fuel: Propane/Gas/Oil (Provider: ________________________________________________)
______ Fuel: Propane/Gas/Oil (Provider: ________________________________________________)
______ Other: _______________ (Provider: ______________________________________________)
______ Other: _______________ (Provider: ______________________________________________)
Section II: Certain other utilities listed below shall be left in the Landlord’s name. Tenant is
responsible for these utility charges and shall reimburse the Landlord in accordance with the provisions
of the attached Residential Lease-Rental Agreement. The payment will be made payable to
_______________________________and delivered to the Landlord or his agent. (Check all that apply)
______ Water Service (Provider: ______________________________________________________)
______ Sewer Service (Provider: ______________________________________________________)
______ Other: _______________ (Provider: ______________________________________________)
______ Other: _______________ (Provider: ______________________________________________)
______ Other: _______________ (Provider: ______________________________________________)
Section III: Tenant agrees not to turn off the utilities at the end of the lease term but to have them
transferred back into the Landlord’s name unless otherwise instructed by Landlord. Landlord and Tenant
agree to cooperate in having the utilities transferred back into Landlord’s name. In the event the
property is served by any oil and/or propane tank(s), Landlord shall provide written evidence that the
tank(s) are full at the commencement of the lease term, and Tenant shall provide written evidence that
the tank(s) are full upon vacating the property.
_____________________________________________ _____________________
Tenant (Date)
____________________________________________ _____________________
Tenant (Date)
____________________________________________ _____________________
Landlord (Date)
____________________________________________ _____________________
Landlord (Date)