Clinical Practice Management
Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting Lexicon for
MRI: A White Paper of the ACR
Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data
Systems MRI Committee
Caroline Reinhold, MD, MSc
, Andrea Rockall, MRCP, FRCR
, Elizabeth A. Sadowski, MD
Evan S. Siegelman, MD
, Katherine E. Maturen, MD, MS
, Hebert Alberto Vargas, MD
Rosemarie Forstner, MD
, Phyllis Glanc, MD
, Rochelle F. Andreotti, MD
Isabelle Thomassin-Naggara, MD, PhD
MRI is used in the evaluation of ovarian and adnexal lesions. MRI can further characterize lesions seen on ultrasound to help decrease
the number of false-positive lesions and avoid unnecessary surgery in benign lesions. Currently, the reporting of ovarian and adnexal
ndings on MRI is inconsistent because of the lack of standardized descriptor terminology. The development of uniform reporting
descriptors can lead to improved interpretation agreement and communication between radiologists and referring physicians. The
Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data Systems MRI Committee was formed under the direction of the ACR to create a standardized
lexicon for adnexal lesions with the goal of improving the quality and consistency of imaging reports. This white paper describes the
consensus process in the creation of a standardized lexicon for ovarian and adnexal lesions for MRI and the resultant lexicon.
Key Words: Adnexal lesion, adnexal mass, MRI, ovarian mass, structured reporting
J Am Coll Radiol 2021;18:713-729. Copyright ª 2021 American College of Radiology
Credits awarded for this enduring activity are designated SA-CME by the American Board of Radiology (ABR) and qualify toward fullling
requirements for Maintenance of Certication (MOC) Part II: Lifelong Learning and Self-assessment. To access the SA-CME activity visit
https://cortex.acr.org/Presenters/CaseScript/CaseView?Info=nStKx24vrpKvbbrTdQgjmYsJIIlAcszeEOoMvAj%2bF6c%253d. SA-CME
credit for this article expires May 2, 2024.
Codirector, Augmented Intelligence & Precision Health Laboratory of the
Research Institute of McGill University Health Center, McGill University,
Montreal, Canada.
Division of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London and Depart-
ment of Radiology, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK.
Departments of Radiology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of
Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin.
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Departments of Radiology and Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of
Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York.
Department of Radiology, Universitätsklinikum Salzburg, PMU Salzburg,
Salzburg, Austria.
University of Toronto, Sunnybrook Health Science Center, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada.
Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt University
Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee.
Sorbonne Université, Assistance PubliqueHôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital
Tenon, Service dImagerie, Paris, France.
Corresponding author and reprints: Caroline Reinhold, MD, MSc, McGill
University Health Center, McGill University, 1001 Decarie Boul, Mon-
treal, Quebec, Canada, H4A 3J1; e-mail: [email protected].
Dr Rockall reports travel support from Guerbet Laboratories, France
outside the submitted work. Dr Thomassin-Naggara reports personal fees
from General Electric, personal fees from Hologic, from Canon, from
Guerbet, personal fees from Siemens, outside the submitted work. The
other authors state that they have no conict of interest related to the
material discussed in this article. Dr Reinhold is a partner. Dr Rockall, Dr
Sadowski, Dr Siegelman, Dr Maturen, Dr. Vargas, Dr Forstner, Dr
Andreotti, and Dr Thomassin-Naggara are nonpartner, nonpartnership
track employees.
Joint rst author with equal contribution.
Copyright ª 2021 American College of Radiology
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacr.2020.12.022 713
Ultrasound (US) is widely consi dered the primary imaging
modality in the evaluation of women with suspected adnexal
pathology [1-5]. Standardized terms and denitions to
describe the sonographic features of adnexal lesions have
been proposed, and several US reporting models can aid
in differentiating benign from malignant adnexal masses
[4,6-11]. However, approximately 20% to 25% of adnexal
masses remain indeterminate after the initial sonographic
evaluation [4,7,12]. Furthermore, studies have demonstrated
variable positive predictive values for the detection of ovarian
cancer using US, with some studies showing low positive
predictive values in the general population in which the
incidence of ovarian cancer is low [6,8,13]. Secondary tests
such as MRI could help decrease the number of false-positive
lesions when using US in certain settings and avoid unnec-
essary surgery in benign lesions [6,13-16].
The number of adnexal lesions that remain indeterminate
after MRI is 5% to 7%, with high sensitivity and specicity
for characterizing both benign and malignant lesions [17-22].
In 2010, the European Society of Urogenital Radiology
proposed an algorithmic pathway using standardized MRI
morphological descriptors for predicting the risk of
malignancy for adnexal lesions [23,24]. Their goal was to
improve lesion characterization by MRI to assist in
treatment planning. However, a standardized lexicon and
risk stratication system was not developed in conjunction
with the proposed algorithmic pathway. In 2013, an MR
scoring system (AdnexMR score) was developed in a
retrospective, single-center French study of 497 sono-
graphically indeterminate adnexal masses on US [25]. The
AdnexMR score used a standardized lexicon to describe
MRI features and proposed a 5-point score according to
the positive likelihood ratio for malignancy derived from
features with high positive and negative predictive values in
distinguishing benign from malignant masses [25-27].
The ACR Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data Systems
(O-RADS) MRI Committee has developed an evidence-
based lexicon and risk stratication system for MRI evalua-
tion of adnexal lesions, employing the AdnexMR score as the
basis for the lexicon and the results of a subsequent large
prospective multicenter study as the foundation of the risk
stratication system [28]. The ACR and other partners have
led the efforts to standardize imaging reporting in many other
anatomical regions, leading to the adoption of uniform
reporting descriptors and improved interpretation agreement
and providing the basis for structured reporting and best
clinical practice [29-33]. Standardized reporting and use of
consistent morphologic imaging descriptors and denitions
can result in improved accuracy for lesion characterization
and improved communication between radiologists
and clinicians, as well as allowing for high-impact research
[34-38]. The current article describes the formation of a
standardized lexicon by the ACR O-RADS MRI
Committee and the methodology used in its development.
Under the direction of the Comm ission on US of the ACR
headed by Commission Chair, Beverly Coleman, MD, the
O-RADS Committee was created in 2015.
Committee Membership
Led by Rochelle F. Andreotti, MD, the multidisciplinary
international consortium was rst convened in November
2015. The committee includes a diverse, international group
of experts that represent specialties and organizations that
would be key to developing the O-RADS lexicon and risk
stratication systems. The list of committee members is
listed in e-only Appendix 1 and the organizations that were
represented in the process in e-only Appendix 2.
After the initial meeting in November 2015, the O-RADS
committee decided in consensus that the lexicon and strati-
cation systems would be developed for US and MRI, given the
important role of both modalities in adnexal mass character-
ization. Because of the different expertise required for both
imaging modalities, two parallel working committees were
formed to develop separate but consistent groups of terms
specic to each modality (Appendix). The O-RADS MRI
Committee is led by Dr. Caroline Reinhold, MD and the O-
RADS US Committee is led by Dr. Rochelle Andreotti, MD.
The development of the O-RADS MRI standardized
reporting system used a two-step process. The rst step was to
develop an evidence-based, standardized lexicon using uni-
versally accepted terms for describing the imaging character-
istics of adnexal masses on MRI. Committee members and
nonmember gynecological imaging specialists contributed to
this phase. The methodology regarding the development of
the standardized MRI lexicon will be described in this article.
The second step was to develop the O-RADS MRI risk score,
and this is the topic of a separate publication [28].
Literature Search and Development of
Lexicon Terms
The development of the MRI lexicon involved a systematic
literature search from 1995 through 2019 performed by the
ACR with search terms provided by the members of the O-
RADS MRI Committee (CR, AR, IT, ES). This list was
cross-referenced with bibliographies assembled from the
Committee Members own literature searches. The articles
were reviewed independently by the O-RADS MRI Com-
mittee via an online questionnaire, and only articles that
714 Journal of the American College of Radiology
Volume 18
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May 2021
Table 1. ACR O-RADS MRI terminology, denitions, and corresponding image for lexicon categories 1 to 7
Category Term Subterm Denition Comments
1. Major categories
1a Physiological observations (consistent with normal physiology)
Follicle Simple cyst 3cmin
premenopausal age
group; follicle
hyperintense on T2WI,
hypointense on T1WI,
and does not enhance
on postcontrast T1WI
Premenopausal women
Corpus luteum Cyst 3 cm, with an
enhancing crenulated
wall on subtracted
postcontrast T1WI,
with or without blood
clot or hemorrhagic
Premenopausal women
1b Lesions (not physiological)
Cystic lesion Unilocular cyst Single locule, with or
without solid tissue
Multilocular cyst More than one locule, with
or without solid tissue
Lesion with solid
Solid tissue Conforms to one of the
following morphologies
and enhances: papillary
formations, mural
nodules, irregular cyst
wall or septations, and
solid portion
Other solid components,
not considered solid
Smooth wall or septation,
clot or debris, fat
Not considered solid tissue
Solid lesion Consists of at least 80%
solid tissue with <20%
of lesion volume being
2. Size
Maximum diameter Largest diameter of the
lesion or solid
component in any
imaging plane
3. Shape or contour of solid lesion or solid tissue
3a Smooth Regular or even margin of a
solid lesion or solid
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Clinical Practice Management
Reinhold et al
Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting Lexicon for MRI
Table 1. Continued
Category Term Subterm Denition Comments
3b Irregular Uneven margin of a solid
lesion or solid tissue
4. Signal intensity
4a Homogeneous Uniform appearance of the
signal observed in an
adnexal nding
Heterogeneous Nonuniform or variable
appearance of the
signal observed in an
adnexal nding
4b T2 hypointense Adnexal observation with
signal intensity lower or
equal to iliopsoas
T2 intermediate Adnexal observation with
signal intensity higher
than iliopsoas and
lower than CSF
T2 hyperintense Adnexal observation with
signal intensity equal or
higher to CSF
4c T1 hypointense Adnexal observation with
signal intensity that
follows simple uid
T1 intermediate Adnexal observation with
signal intensity similar
or higher to iliopsoas
and lower than fat
T1 hyperintense Adnexal observation with
signal intensity equal or
higher to fat
4d DWI high B-value low
Adnexal lesion with signal
similar to urine or
cerebral spinal uid
DWI high B-value high
Adnexal lesion with signal
clearly higher than
urine or CSF
5. Lesion components
5a Cystic uid descriptors
Simple uid Fluid content that follows
CSF or urine on all
hyperintense on T2WI
and hypointense on
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Table 1. Continued
Category Term Subterm Denition Comments
Nonsimple uid Hemorrhagic uid Content can be variable
depending on age
Late subacute hemorrhage
hyperintense on T2WI
and hyperintense on
Endometriotic uid Content is hypointense on
T2WI and hyperintense
on T1WI
Proteinaceous uid Content is variable in signal
on T2WI and variably
hypointense on T1WI
Fat- or lipid-containing
Hyperintense on T2WI
and hyperintense on
T1WI, and loses signal
on fat-saturated images
If microscopic fat present,
there will be signal loss
on out-of-phase
images and there may
not be any signal loss
on fat-saturated
Additional specic
descriptors for
nonsimple uid
Fluid-uid level Appearance in which the
nondependent uid
component has a
different signal
intensity from the
dependent uid
component with
horizontal delineation
Shading Cyst uid that is
hypointense on T2WI;
extent of hypointense
T2 signal intensity may
be homogeneous,
variable within the cyst
or graduated and
5b Solid component descriptors
Solid tissue: enhances and conforms to one of the listed morphologies
Solid tissue descriptors Papillary projection Enhancing solid component
arising from the inner
or outer wall or
septation of an adnexal
lesion, with a branching
Mural nodule Enhancing solid component,
measuring >
3 mm,
arising from the wall or
septation of an adnexal
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Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting Lexicon for MRI
Table 1. Continued
Category Term Subterm Denition Comments
lesion, with nodular
Irregular septation Enhancing linear strand that
runs from one internal
surface of the cyst to
the contralateral side
demonstrating an
uneven margin
Irregular wall Enhancing cyst wall
demonstrating an
uneven margin
Larger solid portion Enhancing component of an
adnexal lesion that
does not t into the
categories of papillary
projection, mural
nodule, or irregular
septation or wall
Other solid components, not considered solid tissue
Smooth septations or wall Even contour or margin with
no irregularities, mural
nodules, or papillary
Blood clot, nonenhancing
debris, and brin
Solid-appearing material
within a cyst that does
not enhance
Fat Lipid-containing material
that does not enhance
Hair, calcication, and a
Rokitansky nodule
Other components of a
dermoid not considered
solid tissue
6. Enhancement: T1WI postcontrast
6a Dynamic contrast enhancement with time intensity curves
Low-risk curve Enhancement of the solid
tissue within the
adnexal lesion with
minimal and gradual
increase in signal over
time with no well-
dened shoulder and
no plateau
Intermediate-risk curve Enhancement of the solid
tissue within the
adnexal lesion with an
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Table 1. Continued
Category Term Subterm Denition Comments
initial slope less than or
equal to myometrium,
moderate increase in
signal intensity with a
High-risk curve Enhancement of the solid
tissue within the
adnexal lesion with an
initial slope greater
than the myometrium,
marked increase in
signal intensity with a
6b Nondynamic contrast enhancement at 30-40 s postinjection
Less than or equal to the
Enhancement of the solid
tissue within the
adnexal lesion that is
less than or equal to
the outer myometrium
at 30-40 s postcontrast
Greater than the
Enhancement of the solid
tissue within the
adnexal lesion that is
greater than the outer
myometrium at 30-40 s
postcontrast injection
7. General and extra-ovarian ndings
7a Peritoneal uid Physiological Small amount of uid inside
the pouch of Douglas
or cul-de-sac or
between the uterus
and bladder
Ascites Fluid outside the pouch of
Douglas or cul-de-sac
or uid extending
beyond the space
between the uterus
and bladder
7b Fallopian tube descriptors Tubular Substantially longer in one
dimension than in the
two perpendicular
Endosalpingeal folds Incomplete septations or
short round
projections, orthogonal
to the length of the
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Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting Lexicon for MRI
were hypothesis driven and contained MRI ovarian lesion
descriptors were maintained. An online questionnaire was
used to (1) document the methodology of each study that
provided evidence for all descriptors of ovarian lesions, (2)
assess the frequency of usage of the terms, and (3) assess the
evidence as pertains to differentiating benign from malig-
nant adnexal lesions.
From this online questionnaire, the O-RADS MRI
Committee developed a preliminary set of terms and de-
nitions that could be applied to all adnexal lesions derived
from the key articles. For each term, a recommendation to
either include or omit the term was undertaken based upon
analysis of all available pertinent descriptors and the evi-
dence underlying their usage. Major categories of morpho-
logical descriptors were developed, and a list of individual
descriptors related to each major category was created. Some
of the titles of the major categories, as well as individual
descriptors, evolv ed during ensuing committee discussions
to reect their meaning more accurately or to maintain
consistency with the terms proposed by the O-RADS US
Committee [10].
The next step involved a modied Delphi process that
involved 14 gynecological MR imaging experts, eight of
whom were O-RADS MRI Committee members (CR, AR,
IT, ES, EAS, KM, RF, AV). The purpose of the modied
Delphi process was to rate the usage of descriptor terms using
an online survey in which individual descriptors were rated
using a 1 to 5 scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree). The
committee sought a minimum 80% consensus to determine
if a term would be included (rating consensus of 4-5) or
excluded (rating consensus of 1-2). Spreadsheets that
included the original reference articles from the literature were
available to each member for evaluation, to allow evidence-
based and usage-driven responses while minimizing individ-
ual bias. On occasion, the committee agreed that even a
frequently used term should be intentionally excluded when
deemed vague or confusing (eg, complex cyst). Descriptor
terms that did not achieve the minimum 80% consensus on
the initial round underwent a rerating and voting process via
teleconference, group emails, and online survey. Only those
terms that reached the ultimate target of 80% consensus were
incorporated into the lexicon.
A lexicon of MRI descriptor terms was derived and
organized into seven major categories (Table 1). MRI-specic
terms and descriptor terms for the solid and uid components
of adnexal lesions were compiled. This permitted us to go
forward with evidence-based standardized terminology for
major categories of adnexal lesions, which could then be
Table 1. Continued
Category Term Subterm Denition Comments
7c Peritoneal inclusion cyst Cyst following contour of
adjacent pelvic organs,
or normal ovary at the
edge of or surrounded
by a cystic collection
7d Ovarian torsion Twisted pedicle Swirling appearance of the
broad ligament or
ovarian pedicle
Massive ovarian edema Enlarged ovary with
edematous central
Ovarian infarction Lack of enhancement of the
ovary on T1WI
7e Peritoneal thickening,
Thickening, smooth Uniform thickening, without
focal nodularity
Thickening, irregularity Nonuniform thickening or
focal areas of
MRI sequences are specically noted in the descriptive text only if they are important to the term being dened. For example, the uid content
of a follicle is hyperintense on T2WI; however, unilocular is dened regardless of the imaging sequence. CSF ¼ cerebral spinal uid; DWI ¼
diffusion- weighted image; O-RADS ¼ Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data Systems; T1WI ¼ T1- weighted imaging; T2WI ¼T2- weighted
720 Journal of the American College of Radiology
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Number 5
May 2021
modied by additional MRI-specic characteristics, including
T2 signal intensity, T1 signal intensity, diffusion-weighted
imaging (DWI), and enhancement characteristics.
Table 1 provides terms and denitions in the seven lexicon
categories, with pictorial representations of the major
concepts in Figures 1 to 4. A general MRI protocol for adnexal
mass characterization is provided in e-only Appendix 3.
Category 1: Major Categories
Findings in the ovaries and adnexa can be unilateral or
bilateral. When multiple ndings are present, a separate
process of description and characterization should be per-
formed for each individu al observation.
The ovary undergoes substantial morphologic change each
month during reproductive life [39]. Therefore, the rst
fundamental distinction is between physiological observations
and nonphysiological observations, known as lesions.
1a: Physiological Observations.
i. Follicles are present in ovaries of premenopausal women
and dened as unilocular simple cysts 3 cm.
ii. Corpus luteum is a transient hormone-producing structure
at the site of a follicle that has released an ovum. The wall
is thicker than that of a follicle and enhances after contrast
administration, often with a characteristic pattern of reg-
ular infoldings known as crenulation. If the wall reseals
after ovulation, simple or hemorrhagic internal contents
may accumulate and form a corpus luteum cyst.
1b: Lesion. Part of an ovary or adnexa that is not normal
physiology (ie, not follicles or corpus luteum cysts). Lesions
Fig 1. Lesion is a nding in the adnexa that is not normal
physiology (ie, not a follicle or corpus luteum cyst). (A)
Unilocular cyst without solid tissue. (B) Multilocular cyst
without solid tissue. (C) Lesion with solid tissue, papillary
projection. (D) Lesion with solid tissue, nodule. (E) Lesion
with solid tissue, irregular septation or wall. (F) Lesion with
solid tissue, larger solid portion. (G) Solid lesion.
Fig 1. Continued.
Journal of the American College of Radiology 721
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Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting Lexicon for MRI
may be further cha racterized as cystic without solid
component, cystic with solid comp onent, or solid (Fig. 1).
i. Cystic lesions are uid-lled structures with or without
solid components.
1. Unilocular cystic lesions contain a single locule, with
no complete septations. A complete septation is a
linear strand that runs across a cyst cavity, from one
internal surface to the contralateral side, and
enhances. Unilocular cysts, however, may contain
incomplete septations dened as septations that are
interrupted or discontinuous.
2. Multilocular cystic lesions contain one or more
complete septations, dividing the lesion into more
than one locule.
ii. Solid component ref ers to any nonuid component
of a lesion. There are two types of solid components:
Fig 2. Solid tissue and nonsolid tissue. (A) Solid tissue conforms to one the following morphologies (white arrows) on T2-
weighted imaging: papillary formation (left), mural nodules (middle), irregular cyst wall or septation, and solid portion (right).
By denition, solid tissue enhances (black arrows) on T1-weighted imaging postcontrast. (B) Nonsolid tissue: debris that does
not enhance on T1-weighted imaging postcontrast (black arrows, left), thin septations (arrowheads, middle) that may or may
not enhance, and fat (white arrow, top right), which decreases in signal intensity on fat-saturated images (black arrow,
bottom right).
722 Journal of the American College of Radiology
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May 2021
solid tissue and other solid components (not solid
1. Solid tissue is dened as exhibitin g postcontrast
enhancement and conforms to one of the following
morphologies: papillary projections, mural nodules,
irregular septations or walls, and a larger solid portion
(Figs. 2 and 3).
2. Other solid components (not solid tissue) include
smooth wall or septation, clot, debris, and fat within a
lesion (Fig. 2).
iii. A solid lesion consists of at least 80% solid tissue with
<20% of lesion volume being cystic or nonsolid tissue.
Category 2: Size
O-RADS MRI lexicon recommends measuring the
maximum diameter of the lesion in any plane as the stan-
dard. If there is solid tissue, the maximum diameter of the
solid tissue should be measured. The volume obtained from
the largest three diameters is not recommended,because no
evidence exists that it predicts behavior.
Category 3: Shape or Contour of Solid Lesion
or Solid Tissue
Two descriptors categorize the contour of a solid lesion or
solid tissue: smooth and irregular. Evaluation of the contour
Fig 3. Low-risk (A), intermediate-risk (B), and high-risk (C) time intensity curves are derived from the dynamic postcontrast
series. The curves are generated by placing one region of interest on the earliest enhancing region of the solid tissue in the
adnexal lesion and one region of interest on the outer myometrium avoiding the arcuate vessels.
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Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting Lexicon for MRI
can be performed with any MR pulse sequence that opti-
mally shows the interface of the solid tissue with the sur-
rounding tissues or adjacent uid.
3a: Smooth. Regular or even shape or contour of the
3b: Irregular. Uneven shape or contour of the margin.
i. Spiculated: inltrative appearance to the margin.
ii. Lobular: undulation or scalloped appearance of the margin.
Category 4: Signal Intensity
There are four subcategories of signal intensity described.
These categories include homogeneous versus heterogeneous
signal intensity and the relative signal intensity on T1, T2,
and high B-value diffusion-weighted images.
4a: Homogenous Versus Heterogeneous. The signal
intensity of the solid and uid components can be described
as homogeneous or heterogeneous. Homogeneous signal
intensity refers to uniformness of the signal observed, and
heterogeneous signal intensity refers to nonuniform or
variable appearanc e of the signal observed.
4b: T2 Signal Intensity. T2 signal is subdivided into
three categories: hypointense, intermediate, and hyperin-
tense. T2 hypointense observations have similar or lower
signal intensity than iliopsoas muscle. T2 intermediate ob-
servations have higher signal intensity than the iliopsoas
muscle and lower than cerebral spinous uid (CSF).
Hyperintense observations are similar in signal intensity to
4c: T1 Signal Intensity. T1 signal intensity is subdivided
into three categories: hypointense, intermediate, and
hyperintense. T1 hypo intense observations have signal in-
tensity that follows CSF. T1 intermediate observations have
similar or higher signal than iliopsoas and lower signal than
fat on nonfat-saturated pulse sequences. T1 hyperintense
observations have equal or higher signal intensity to fat on
nonfat-saturated pulse sequences.
4e: High B-Value DWI Signal Intensity. Signal in-
tensity on the high B-value (B 1,000) DWI is subdivided
into two categories: low and high. Low refers to signal on
a high B-value DWI that is relatively similar to simple uid
(urine or CSF). High refers to signal that is higher than
simple uid (urine or CSF). The presence of restricted
diffusion is not specic for malignancy because hemorrhagic
portions of benign endometriomas, infected uid, and fatty
portions of mature cystic teratomas can be high signal on
high B-value images and low signal on the corre sponding
Fig. 4. Fluid descriptors. (A) Simple: uid content that fol-
lows CSF or urine on all sequences; hyperintense on T2-
weighted imaging (T2WI) (black asterisk) and hypointense
on T1-weighted imaging (T1WI) (white asterisk). (B) Hem-
orrhagic uid: variable depending on age; late subacute
hemorrhage is hyperintense on T2WI (black asterisk) and
hyperintense on T1WI (white asterisk). (C) Endometriotic
uid: hypointense on T2WI (white asterisk) and hyperin-
tense on T1WI (black asterisk). (D) Proteinaceous: variable
in signal on T2WI (white and black asterisks; left image)
and variably hypointense on T1WI (white and black aster-
isks right image). (E) Fat or lipid containing: hyperintense on
T2WI and hyperintense on T1WI (black asterisk), and loses
signal on fat-saturated images (white asterisk).
Fig. 4. Continued.
724 Journal of the American College of Radiology
Volume 18
Number 5
May 2021
apparent diffusion coefcient (ADC) maps [40,41]. Solid
tissue will enhance, whereas blood, infected uid, and fat
will not enhance.
Category 5: Lesion Components (Cystic and
5a: Cystic Fluid Descriptors. The uid within a cystic
lesion can be categorized as either simple or nonsimple,
based on the observed signal intensity of the uid on T1-
weighted imaging (T1WI) and T2-we ighted imaging
(T2WI) (Fig. 4).
i. Simple uid follows the signal intensity of CSF on all
ii. Nonsimple uid has signal intensity that does not meet
criteria for simple uid. The signal intensity is variable to
CSF and may reect blood, lipid, or proteinaceous uid.
1. Hemorrhagic uid demonstrates variable signal in-
tensity on T2WI, T1WI, and DWI. The signal in-
tensity depends on the age of the blood [42-44].
2. Classic endometriotic uid is homogeneous and T1
hyperintense and demonstrates either hypointense or
intermediate T2 signal intensity called shading.
Diffusion signal intensity and restriction are variable.
In endometriotic cysts or endometriomas, there may
be the specic ancillary nding on T2WI of black
nodules or linear foci in the wall.
3. Proteinaceous uid (mucinous or purulent or colloid)
demonstrates variable T2 hypo-intensity, varia ble T1
signal intensity, and variable DWI signal intensity.
4. Fat- or lipid-containing uid (eg, dermoid or benign
mature teratoma) is T2 hyperintense and T1 hyper-
intense with signal dropout on fat-saturated imaging.
Microscopic or intravoxel fat can be identied by loss
of signal intensity on out-of-phase images and may
not exhibit signal loss on fat-saturated images.
iii. Additional specic descriptors for nonsimple uid:
1. Fluid-uid level describes an appearance in which
the nondependent portion has a different signal in-
tensity from the dependent portion with horizontal
delineation. This may be seen when there is a mixture
of two uid types of different intensity within the
same lesion.
2. Shading is characteristic of endometrioma and
older hemorrhagic uid [45]. This describe s cyst uid
that is hypointense or intermediate T2 signal
intensity; the signal intensity may be homogeneous,
variable within the cyst, or graduated and dependent.
5b: Solid Component Descriptors. Cysts are delineated
by a wall and may contain septations or solid components,
all of which may be seen to enhance on postcontrast T1WI.
The cyst wall and any septations may be described as smooth
or irregular, depending if there are any irregularities, papillae,
or mural nodules present. The presence of an enhancing
irregular wall or septations or papillary projections or mural
nodules indicates the presence of solid tissue (Figs. 2 and 3).
i. Solid tissue is dened by the presence of enhancement and
conforms to one or more of the following morphological
appearances listed below (1-4) (Figs. 1 and 2). If solid tissue
is present in a lesion, the lesion may be further characterized
by evaluating the time intensity curve (TIC) within the solid
tissue (see Category 6) (Fig. 3).
1. Papillary projection has a distinct appearance on MRI
that is dened by a protrusion with a stalk, an acute
angle with the cyst wall, septation or surface of the
ovary, with typically a visible branching architecture.
A papillary projection may lie within a cyst, arise from
a septation (endocystic), or may arise on the external
surface of the ovary or cyst (exophytic).
2. Mural nodule is a focal protrusion along the wall or
septation of a cystic lesion that has a height of 3mm
and has outward convex borders and a more obtuse
angle in relation to the cyst wall or septation than a
papillary projection.
3. Irregular septation or wall demonstrates uneven
margin that varies in thickness along its length.
4. Larger solid portion enhancing component of an
adnexal lesion that does not t into the categories of
papillary projection, mu ral nodule, or irregular sep-
tation or wall. A solid lesion consists of at least 80%
solid tissue.
ii. Other solid components not dened within the term
solid tissue include any components of the lesion that
are not uid and do not conform to the denition of
solid tissue described previously (Fig. 2). Other solid
components may or may not enhance. For solid
components such as thin septations or Rokitansky
nodules that enhance, comparisons to the enhancement
of the myometrium should not be performed or
reported as part of the O-RADS MRI risk score [28].
1. Smooth septation or wall has an even contour. Smooth
septations may enhance after contrast administration.
2. Blood clot can be variable in signal intensity depending
on the age of the clot and does not enhance post-
contrast. Debris and brin strands are lacelike or
cobweb-type strands seen in hemorrhagic or proteina-
ceous cysts and do not enhance after contrast
3. Fat, hair , and calcications as part of a dermoid cyst.
Fat, hair, and calcications do not enhance after
contrast enhancement. A Rokitansky nodule is a solid
component within a dermoid cyst and it may
Journal of the American College of Radiology 725
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Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting Lexicon for MRI
enhance; however, it is not termed solid tissue. A
Rokitansky nodule usually contains fat and may be
associated with multiple septations.
Category 6: Enhancement
In an adnexal lesion, it is important to identify the presence
of any enhancement. If there is no enhancement (no increase
in signal on T1WI after intravenous gadolinium-based
contrast injection), the lesion is almost certainly benign
[15,16,25,28]. To evaluate for the presence of enhancement,
especially in a lesion that contains any high T1W signal,
subtracted images are optimal. Any portion of the lesion
may enhance, including the wall, septations, and solid tissue.
The recommended method for assessing enhancement is
performing a dynamic contrast enhancement (DCE) MRI
acquisition (e-only Appendix 3). Alternatively, a nondynamic
contrast MR acquisition is acquired precontrast and at 30 to
40 seconds after contrast injection (e-only Appendix 3). A
DCE MRI acquisition is a postcontrast 3-D T1WI fat-
saturated sequence with a minimal spatial resolution of 3
mm and a temporal resolution of 15 seconds and allows
complete coverage of the lesion. A TIC can be obtained by
placing one region of interest on the earliest enhancing region
of the solid tissue in the adnexal mass and one region of
interest on the outer myometrium avoiding the arcuate vessels
(as an internal reference standard). If DCE MRI is not
available, the analysis of relative enhancement on the 3-D
T1WI at 30 to 40 seconds after contrast injection of the
solid tissue related to outer myometrium may be used.
6a: Dynamic Enhancement With TICs.
i. Low-risk TIC is dened as a gradual increase in the
signal of solid tissue, slower than the myometrium,
without a well-dened shoulder and no plateau (corre-
sponds to TIC type 1) [28].
ii. Intermediate-risk TIC is dened as a moderate initial
rise in the signal of solid tissue, slower than or equal to
the myometrium, followed by a plateau (corresponds to
TIC type 2) [28].
iii. High-risk TIC corresponds to an initial rise in the signal
of solid tissue that is faster (steeper) than myometrium,
followed by a plateau (corresponds to TIC type 3) [28].
6b: Nondynamic Enhancement Visual Analysis at 30
to 40 Seconds After Contrast Enhancement.
i. Less than or equal to the outer myometrium
ii. Greater than the outer myometrium
In the absence of a uterus, a low-risk TIC can be
recognized by its progressive enhancement (no plateau),
whereas intermediate- and high-risk TICs cannot be
distinguished. The level of enhancement should be esti-
mated according to the expertise of the radiologist. The
committee agreed to change the name of TICs to low, i nter-
mediate, or high risk rather than using a number as in previous
publications to be more descriptive and avoid potential
confusion with O-RADS MRI risk score assignment [28].
Solid tissue may be encountered in benign lesions as well
as in borderline or malignant lesions. The nature of the
enhancement may help to differentiate benign from malig-
nant lesions, which is the purpose of the O-RADS MRI
score for risk score of adnexal lesions [28].
Category 7: General and Extra-Ovarian
Several general ndings are relevant to the description of
adnexal lesions on MRI that we include in the lexicon.
7a: Peritoneal Fluid. Physiological uid should be used to
describe a small amount of uid inside the pouch of Douglas
(ie, cul-de-sac) or uid in the space between the uterus and
bladder. Ascites is dened as abdominal or pelvic uid
outside of the pouch of Douglas (ie, cul-de-sac) or uid
extending beyond the space between the uterus and bladder.
7b: Fallopian Tubes. These may be visualized on MRI,
particularly when uid lled (ie, hydrosalpinx). The
morphologic descriptor tubular is dened as a structure
that is substantially longer in one dimension than in the two
perpendicular dimensions. Endosalpingeal folds may also be
visualized on MRI and are orthogonal to the length of the
tube (short axis), typically appearing as incomplete septa-
tions or short round projections. Fallopian tubes should
have thin walls measuring <3 mm and the wall is considered
thickened when it measures 3 mm.
7c: Peritoneal Inclusion Cyst. These cysts occur in
women with a history of pelvic surgery, trauma, or chronic
pelvic inam mation from various causes including endo-
metriosis. The term should be used to describe a cyst that
follows the contour of the peritoneal cavity and adjacent
pelvic organs or in the presence of a normal ovary at the
edge of or surrounded by a cystic collection of uid.
7d: Ovarian Torsion. Ovarian torsion can mimic ovarian
malignancy on other imaging modalities, particularly when
it is chronic in nature. Ovarian torsion occurs when the
blood ow to the ovary is impeded by twisting of the
vascular pedicles. If the twisting is not reversed, ovarian
infarction can occur. Chronic ovarian torsion may result in
the appearance described as massive ovarian edema,
dened by an enlarged ovary with edematous central stroma
and peripherally displaced follicles.
7e: Peritoneal Thickening or Nodules. Peritoneal
thickening describes prominence of the peritoneal surfaces
that become discretely visible on MRI and should be
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Number 5
May 2021
categorized as smooth when thickening is unifo rm or
irregular when there is nonuniform thickening or there are
focal areas of nodularity.
The added value of MRI lies in its ability to accurately
characterize adnexal lesions that are deemed sonographically
indeterminate, despite the use of advanced analytics and
high-level sonographic expertise [18,25, 46,47] Studies
support the use of MRI as a secondary test to (1) decrease
the number of false-positive diagnoses of cancer when us-
ing US and (2) to potentially reduce the number of un-
necessary surgeries performed for benign lesions [6,13,14].
Recently, Thomas sin-Naggara et al found that the O-
RADS MRI score achieved a sensitivity of 93% and speci-
city of 91%, for diagnosing malignant adnexal lesions that
were sonographically indeterminate. In addition, the same
study found that a lesion without any enhancement has a
positive likelihood of malignancy of <0.01 [28].
In a continued effort toward global standardization of
radiological reporting, the ACR O-RADS committee was
established, an international multidisciplinary working
committee for ovarian-adnexal mass characterization using
US and MRI. This process included the development of a
universally accepted set of standardized terms and deni-
tions. Such a lexicon would provide the basis for a stan-
dardized reporting and risk strati cation system of adnexal
or ovarian masses. The ACR O-RADS US lexicon and risk
stratication system has recently been published by
Andreotti et al [10,11]. In keeping with the use of MRI as a
secondary modality in adnexal lesion evaluation, the O-
RADS US management schema includes the
recommendations for MRI lesion characterization in
multiple risk categories.
The ACR O-RADS MRI lexicon presented in this
article encompasses seven categories of descriptors of adnexal
masses that were derived by consensus of expert radiologists
in the eld of female pelvic MRI using a modied Delphi
process. These categories include general descriptors, as well
as morphological and functional MRI properties of uid and
tissue. The combination of these descriptors allows for
specic characterization of adnexal masses. Although cate-
gories 2 to 6 include descriptions of the lesion, category 7
summarizes secondary ndin gs important for tumor
dissemination as well as cystic lesions that can be speci cally
characterized by imaging (eg, fallopian tube dilation, ovarian
torsion, and peritoneal inclusion cyst). Despite its common
use in the literature, the nonspecic term complex adnexal
lesion was eliminated and replaced by concise descriptors of
the lesion morphology. This is in keeping with the approach
taken by the O-RADS US lexicon [10].
Characterization of adnexal lesions is mainly based on
the combination of morphologic features with its functional
properties on DWI and DCE. Contrast dynamics compared
with the myometrium using TIC have been shown as a
pivotal feature for predicting malignancy [22,48
]. Of note,
this can onl y be applied to the solid tissue within an
adnexal mass. Thi s warranted clarication of the term
solid tissue, which conforms only to papillary
projections, mural nodules, irregular cyst wall and
septations, and larger solid portions within an adnexal
mass. In contrast, other solid components (smooth
enhancing cyst wall or septations, nonenhancing debris,
clot, fat or Rokitansky nodule) are not considered solid
The ACR O-RADS MRI lexicon was developed to
provide a comprehensive set of terms and denitions for the
broad spectrum of adnexal ndings ranging from physio-
logical to malignant entities. Its widespread implementation
as a standardized lexicon will improve reporting and inter-
disciplinary communication by eliminating uncertainties in
term usage and thus help optimize patient management.
The consistent use of these descriptors may also provide a
basis for future research and serve as a means for multi-
institutional collaborations.
- The O-RADS MRI lexicon is a multidisciplinary in-
ternational initiative with the goal of developing
standardized terminology for the evaluation of ovarian
and adnexal lesions with MRI.
- Consistent application of the O-RADS MRI lexicon
terms in a standardized report has the potential to
increase accuracy of lesion characterizatio n, improve
interdisciplinary communication, and promote opti-
mized patient management of adnexal and ovarian
- Thi s lexicon is used in the O-RADS MRI risk strati-
cation system to assign a malignancy risk to adnexal
lesions and provide actionable information in the
imaging report.
This document was developed with nation ally and interna-
tionally recognized experts in gynecological imaging, gyne-
cological clinical services, and gynecological cancer care,
representing Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR)
and European Society of Radiology (ESR). The ACR ac-
knowledges Société dImagerie de la Femme (SIFEM) as a
promoter of the EURAD study, which provided data for the
basis of this lexicon development. The acknowledgment
Journal of the American College of Radiology 727
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Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting Lexicon for MRI
afrms the ACRs appreciation to the ESR, and SIFEM but
does not imply, infer, or denote approval or endorsement of
the document. The authors acknowledge the contribution of
specialist consultants Drs. Stephen Rose, Bradford Whit-
comb, Wendy Wolfman, and Blake Gilks for their partici-
pation on the O-RADS Committtee. The members of the
Steering Committee of O-RADS MRI were not compensated
for their time. We acknowledge the support of the O-RADS
Steering Committee from the American College of Radiology
and the European Society of Radiology. We are also grateful
for the assistance given by ACR staff Mythreyi Chateld,
Lauren Attridge, Dipleen Kaur and Cassandra Vivian-Davis.
Dr Rockall acknowledges the support of the National Insti-
tute of Health Research Imperial Biomedical Research
Centre and the Cancer Research UK Imperial Centre.
Additional resources can be found online at: https://doi.
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