AP Chemistry 2018 Summer Assignment
Dr. DeBari, Mr. Burnett, Mr. Poot
Welcome to A.P. Chemistry. Follow these instructions.
1. Attend this meeting, get the information packet, watch the safety video, complete the video
worksheet and safety contract (this is your first grade in the course and will serve as a record of your
2. If you have an Edmodo account, go to www.edmodo.com as soon as possible and join group with
code 56dvi7”.
3. If you don’t have an account yet, go to www.edmodo.com, as soon as possible and click on “I’m a
student” and fill in information. Group code is “56dvi7”. Be sure to use your correct first and/or last
name or at least close to it so we can verify that you have successfully logged on.
4. Go to the edmodo group page, “AP Chemistry 2018”. Your summer assignment will be posted. Follow
instructions from there.
If you have any questions…
1.) … about the text assignment or online quizzes then email Dr. DeBari at
2.) … about the lab assignment then email Mr. Burnett before June 14 at
3.) … about chemistry in general, put a post on edmodo.
We look forward to working with you in September and throughout the 2018-2019 school year.
Dr. DeBari, Mr. Burnett, and Mr. Poot
I. Welcome to AP Chemistry (A letter from Mr. Burnett endorsed by Dr. DeBari and Mr. Poot)
I am not a big fan of trying to scare students into over-studying. Ultimately, you will need to decide for yourself how much work
you must do to be successful. Keep in mind, however, that this is a college level course covering the entire first year of
freshman chemistry. At many institutions, it is listed as a level “200” course (one which requires that the student has a certain
amount of prior knowledge) rather than a level “100” (a true introductory freshman level class, i.e. Introduction to Psychology).
Further, it is a two-semester class with a separate lab course for each (8-10 credit hours rather than 3 credit hours). Most high
school students find this course challenging.
Further (and I suspect it is because most colleges don’t like giving away free credits), I find this course to be more demanding
than the actual college class. There is more emphasis on advanced analysis. There are very few exam questions that involve the
simple recall of facts. Rather, most involve higher level reasoning skills. Each chapter builds on the next. Deficiencies in the first
few chapters greatly hinder your progress in subsequent chapters.
That last sentence is very important and I will repeat it: Deficiencies in the first few chapters greatly hinder your progress in
subsequent chapters. It is almost impossible to play “catch-up”. The course moves too quickly – the scope is too broad. The
biggest factor leading to poor grades in my class is immaturity: not all 15-17 year old students are mentally and emotionally
ready to dedicate themselves to their studies, to attend to details, to avoid distractions. You must be disciplined and keep up
with the work. Many students are used to getting by on their brilliance very rarely having to study or do practice problems.
That approach will not work for you here.
Further complicating things is the fact that if you decide to slack off and then change your ways, you will probably not yield
much improvement. Students who fall behind often find that studying produces diminished returns. Here’s one example: I call it
the 45-minute homework trap. They do a problem in 5 minutes. They check the answer in the back of the book. They get it
wrong. They spend the next 20 minutes searching through the current chapter only to realize that their issue involves a
previous chapter. They spend the next 20 minutes searching fruitlessly through previous chapters. They give up, but believe
that they are working harder and therefore should do better on the next test. When that doesn’t happen, they believe that the
chapter practice problems are a waste of time, that the teacher doesn’t teach what’s in the chapter, that the teacher has
unrealistic expectations about the time that should be spent on homework… blah, blah, blah, etc. The reality of this situation is
that working harder doesn’t mean working better. Students must learn to work smarter… not harder.
There are other factors to consider. For instance, deficiencies developed in high school chemistry also hinder your progress. We
do not have the luxury of formally reviewing your Honors Chemistry I material (I review informally when I can).
Absences hinder your progress. I understand that most absences cannot be avoided, but the simple fact is that when you miss
class, it affects your grade. Further, obligations involving other AP courses will hinder your progress (not that I am opposed to
taking multiple AP classes some students can handle it). Please do not inform me that my class is not your only class I am
well aware of that (it’s not my fault though, you are the one who selected that difficult schedule). I am also aware that students
have other interests and obligations outside of school (your parents, your family, your friends, your religion, your hobbies and
clubs all are important and must be part of the balance of your life).
Do understand that my job is to train you the way in which a first-year college chemistry major would be trained. I do not know
how to do that without it involving a lot of maturity, dedication, and hard work on the part of the student.
Like all AP classes, the college exam given in May is graded on a 1 to 5 scale. 5 = mastery, 4 = highly qualified, 3 = qualified, 2 =
possibly qualified, and 1 = not qualified. Individual colleges decide whether they will grant college credits for completing the AP
course based on that performance. During the first five years, my students averaged about 33% 5’s, 33% 4’s, and 33% others
(most all of which were 3’s). The next three years, my students averaged 50% 5’s, 15% 4’s, and 35% others (almost half of which
were scores of 2’s or 1’s). I am getting better at having students reach mastery. I am getting more students, however, that are
I don’t want my students to struggle. I don’t even want them to “just get by”. I want them to prosper. I want them to feel
My advice: work hard to be sure that you get off to a good start. Do what I ask you to do. Based on the above stats, I am not
good at figuring out an alternative path to being successful in my class. I am not good at helping you once you go “off course”.
NOTE: take a look at the grade on your Chemistry I final exam. If you scored below a B+ then you probably have areas of
weakness. You may want to go online and purchase a high school chemistry book and review.
II. All AP Students Eventually Receive the Grades That They Can Afford (an essay by Mr.
As with many things in life, our resources greatly influence our choices. My grandparents were children during the Great
Depression. They lived through the poverty and economic uncertainty of the 1930’s. This experience affected them profoundly.
They learned not to waste anything, developing the very same careful spending habits they still have today. They are
uncomfortable discarding anything that might be of future use, keeping and reusing items we might otherwise consider trash.
Their behavior is understandable, however. After all, they lived through a time where careless choices could mean hunger and
Fortunately, I am not faced with such difficult decisions. I am still limited by the resource, but my choices involve things like
whether I should continue to drive my old car or buy a new one. Perhaps, I have to decide if I can go to Disney World this year
or if I have to wait until next year. In either case, I will eventually receive what I can afford. More important is that other
unrelated decisions leading to that outcome are greatly influenced by that same budget. For instance, if I spend money on a
Disney vacation, will I have money to repair my furnace should it break this winter? Hence my theme: All AP students
eventually earn the grade that they can afford. You will invest in your studies what you can afford and your grade will be a
reflection of that.
In my opinion, your most precious resource is time. Your management of it is based on your level of brilliance. The more
brilliant you are, the less time you need to invest. Your choices are not as crucial due to the fact that your time resource is not
strained. Brilliant students can, therefore, afford to relax, afford to socialize, and afford to pursue what they want rather than
what they must. They can easily afford to get an “A” in all their studies.
But what constitutes brilliance? Brilliant students are those who readily understand the material. They are able to assimilate
information quickly and in a way that is meaningful, easily making the cognitive connections that promote long term
understanding. When they review for a test, it takes them little time as they already KNOW the chapter. They fine-tune and
adjust. They do not need to re-learn.
They can relate the new material to things they already understand. Their prior experience, therefore, enhances their
understanding. They seem to already know many of the concepts. They appear to have insight and intuition. They are
extremely rare individuals. I have only taught a few of them.
Of course, this is not the only way to be successful. Academic achievement is often obtained in two ways: through brilliance and
hard work. The more you have of the first attribute, the less you need of the second. Therefore, a student who lacks intuition or
previous experience can overcome that through study and practice. Most students fall, to some extent, into this category. They
need a combination of brilliance tempered with a strong work ethic. But there lies the problem: the less brilliant we are, the
more time we need to do the work necessary to compensate. Time becomes the limited resource.
Now let’s complicate this problem by having high school students take college level courses, often times with college credits at
stake. Let’s have them take several of these classes at once. Let’s encourage them to become well rounded human beings by
taking part in school activities, clubs, sports, band, community service, and volunteer work. Let them be involved in their
church. Let them maintain meaningful and fulfilling relationships among their friends while attending all family functions that
may be required. They must learn to drive, maybe go to the prom, take the SATs, apply for college, and quite possibly fall in
love with another poor human being who has a similar demanding schedule.
Let’s consider the time mathematics for a moment. You have eight classes, of which seven are demanding academically. For
these classes, teachers are trained to give an average of 45 to 90 minutes of homework per session. We will use the number 60
minutes for convenience sake (although you know that studying for test or completing papers and projects may exceed that)
for an average in a honors class and 75 minutes for an AP class (these numbers are very rough estimates at best). Let’s ask our
students to get the required 8 hours of sleep per night. Let’s get them to the bus at 6:45am and return them from school at
3:15pm. Let’s eat breakfast and dinner (lunch is served at school and doesn’t take additional time). Let’s have them shower
(some students may have additional grooming: hair, nails, makeup) and take care of their teeth.
So, for a student taking just one AP science class with six honors or college prep classes, we are consuming 3.5 hours per day on
homework, 8.5 hours on class work and travel, 8 hours for sleep, and 3 hours for grooming, eating and other personal needs.
That leaves an hour each weekday to socialize and be with your family. The weekends can be used to complete projects, study
for tests, meet family obligations, learn to drive, etcetera. It is a tough schedule, but achievable.
For each additional AP class, let’s add additional homework time each week day as well as additional projects, papers, and
exams that, perhaps, can be done on the weekends. For each club deduct about 30 minutes per week (unless you are doing
some sort of academic competition which would require more). For a sport, deduct 2.5 hours per day for practices for the
entire season. Add additional travel time and time for competitions some of which may involve weekends. If you are in the
marching band, your competitions consume most of your weekend. I will not even speculate the amount of time you would
need to dedicate to SAT review, club activities, student activities, prom, learning to drive, volunteer work, dating, family trips
and celebrations, and religious observations.
In other words, to be the ideal student, you would need a day much longer than 24 hours. Many students, however, sign up for
this sort of schedule. They must suspect that they cannot possibly do all that is required of them, yet they sign up anyway.
I think there are several reasons. First, students (and their parents) over-estimate student brilliance. They simply believe that
they will be among the few who will be so intuitive and insightful that they will not need much time to study and complete
homework. Therefore, the optimal schedule described above doesn’t apply. Second, there are outside pressures which demand
that the student take as many AP level classes as possible.
As far as outside pressures are concern, I do not have much expertise to offer an evaluation. There are some very positive
aspects of cultures that demand their children be studious. In am in favor of this sort of parenting and will not be critical. The
difficulty involves deciding if the student is mature enough to handle the situation. In other words, are parents putting their
children in a position to rise to the challenge, or are they inadvertently setting them up for failure?
Complicating this is the college admissions process. Times have changed since I was in school. I had good grades (not straight
A’s), excellent SAT scores (top 1% but not perfect), I only took two AP tests, both of which I took on my own we did not have
AP classes at my school (AP Calc BC and AP Chem, both of which I only scored a 4), and I took Calculus II from Penn State as an
independent study course during my senior year (they ran out of math for me and I didn’t have a Dr. Cakir at my school). I was
involved in sports year-round as well as several clubs. I applied to five engineering schools (Columbia, Cornell, North Carolina,
Penn State, and Rutgers) and was accepted to all of them. Today that would not seem like an impressive resume, similar
students would not get into Cornell and Columbia. What has changed is the nature of evaluating students.
I spoke to both the Admissions Director and the Marketing Director at Christopher Newport University in Newport News,
Virginia for clarification concerning the process. CNU is a small university that is currently ranked fourth among schools in
Virginia by Forbes magazine (behind the University of Virginia, William and Mary, and Virginia Tech, but ahead of James
Madison). They explained how grades have become inflated. It is easier to get an “A” in a honors course than it was when I was
in school. The SAT is easier. There are more AP programs so the opportunity to take those classes and the support to succeed
has increased dramatically. A student wishing to attend a Top-25 school MUST take the ridiculous schedule I described earlier.
Further, they must get good grades in those courses.
Alternatively, a student receiving a C in any of those classes causes the selection committee concerns especially when the
class is taken during their junior year. I was told, that if you are not going to attend a Top-25 school, then selection committees
prefer students who are high achieving in just several AP classes, rather than those who over-extend their schedule and score a
C anywhere on their high school transcript. In other words, by attempting a schedule that a student cannot handle, they may be
risking their chances of being accepted to a Top-100 school.
NOTE: I asked about “senioritis”. They assured me that they DO rescind several acceptance letters each year from seniors who
are severely afflicted.
So how about the students who aren’t as brilliant as they had hoped? They have created a situation of “deficit spending” in
terms of time management. Just like with any budget crisis, they must now make “cuts”. How do they cope? First they sacrifice
sleep, which is very unhealthy. Sleep serves important physiological and cognitive functions. It allows the brain to process and
organize the amazing amount of stimuli it has received during the day. Sleep deprivation impairs thinking, it clouds our
Second, they play the “algebraic” game of omitting assignments that have the least numerical impact on their grade. Although
this seems pragmatic, many of the “smaller” valued assignments are designed to prepare you for the big test. By saving some
time, you may cause yourself to invest additional chapter test studying time trying to overcome this missed learning
Some students get good at this technique, though, while most meet with mixed results. The struggling student begins to
develop the deficiencies from chapter to chapter that I described in Section I of this summer assignment. Further, my
experience has shown that grades tank quickly. A downward spiral occurs when a student makes poor time management
choices involving the “pick and choose the IMPORTANT assignments” technique.
So, I have discussed a problem that we already know exists. There may not be anything new in what you just read. The question
is: now what? How do we correct the problem?
I don’t really know. Dr. DeBari and I are discussing several changes for this coming school year. Mainly, it will involve gathering
good predictive data within the first two weeks of September. We will work to get you and your parents that information
quickly so that something can be done to help (tutoring, etc.). For instance, I would like to meet with your parents early in
September primarily to discuss your summer assignment and the results of your first test. After all, by time I see them for
conferences in November, it is already too late.
Finally, I would like to advocate for happiness. This is a very volatile time in your life. Perhaps, selecting a pathway that is more
in line with your maturity level and mental health would still allow you to be a successful adult? Perhaps being selected to a
Top-100 college might allow you a better learning experience than reaching for Johns Hopkins University? This is just a thought.
III. Reminder from the Administration (a letter composed on our behalf that we are required to share
with you)
Dear AP Chemistry Student,
When you selected this Advanced Placement course, you completed an AP application, thus committing to a contract to
complete the summer assignment by the deadline and to remain in the course for the year.
We’re sure you were aware of the additional demands and rigor of an AP course, but now that you see the summer assignment,
you have a clearer idea of the workload and commitment involved.
If you find that you are unable or unwilling to complete the summer assignment by the due date, or to give the time needed to
fulfill the rigorous expectations throughout the year, you should immediately submit a Schedule Change request Form to drop
this course.
Students who do not submit a completed summer assignment by the due date will be administratively removed from the AP
There is NO entry into any other AP course as a result of an administrative withdrawal OR a student request for change.
Please contact me immediately if you have questions about the assignment or the course, or contact your counselor if you have
a question about a schedule change. If you remain committed to the course, good luck with the work! I expect to have a great
year and am sure you will as well!
AP Chemistry Teachers
IV. Summer Assignment
1. Buy two laboratory notebooks as soon as you are able (tonight if possible you need it for work that is due June 21). You
will need them before you can complete the summer lab work (see PART 6 Lab Project). It should contain carbon or
carbonless graph paper for your handwritten lab reports (my current students recommend the 100-page variety). They should
be ordered online but may also be available at the Rutgers or Princeton U. stores, or a stationary store. NOTE: the purpose of
the notebook is to provide a permanent copy of the completed lab work. Many colleges ask for such proof when they issue
credit hours. My experience is that nearly all students will need a second notebook by the end of the year.
2. Complete the safety quiz and pre-lab sections of your summer labs. The lab safety quiz should be completed during the
meeting. If not, then be sure to complete this by June 21. The pre-lab assignments must also be completed on that day. It
requires Mr. Burnett’s signature of approval (see the Summer Labs handout). He is available in room C204 during blocks 2 and 3
(not C lunch) each day, immediately after school on Tuesday’s and Friday’s, and during A and B lunches.
3. You will need a scientific calculator. Graphing calculators will NOT be allowed on most of my tests (the sections involving
quadratic formula are an exception) and on most sections of the A.P. Exam.(this is for Mr. Burnett’s class only and can wait until
4. Written assignments: due the first day of school. NOTE: all assignments must be handwritten.
WARNING: Do your own work. Copying is cheating. Read the "Student Academic Integrity Policy" in the student handbook.
IMPORTANT (to receive full credit for the assignment): For all math problems SHOW YOUR WORK. This includes the math
equation, the algebra used (i.e. solve for the variable), the substitution of values into that equation, and the answer with the
correct number of significant figures and units of measurement. This documentation is reviewed in the introduction section of
your first lab. If you are doing a conversion problem, be sure to use the factor-label method (this has also been called
conversion factor, factor analysis, or dimensional analysis technique). These are the only two forms of logic accepted for
calculations (i.e. proportions are not considered “factor-label method”, therefore they are not accepted). No problem will be
given full credit without following the above criteria. On the AP Chemistry free response half of the test, as well as any of my
chapter tests, you will not be given credit for a problem without showing the logic by which you solved it. There is no credit
issued for serendipity.
PART 1 - Chapter 1, This chapter’s instructions will be posted on Edmodo by June 14 and contains most of the information you
need. Complete all the required practice problems listed in the instructions. This is mostly review material and will be treated
only briefly in class. You will be tested on this during the first week of September.
PART 2 Chapter 2, This chapter’s instructions will be posted on Edmodo by June 14 and contains most of the information you
need. Complete all the required practice problems listed in the instructions. This is mostly review material and will be treated
only briefly in class. You will be tested on this during early/mid September.
PART 3 - Chapter 3, This chapter’s instructions will be posted on Edmodo by June 14 and contains most of the information you
need. Complete all the required practice problems listed in the instructions. This is mostly review material, but you have to
learn to do the problems quickly.This requires practice. We may spend time reviewing the combustion analysis problems, but
most topics will be treated only briefly in class. You will be tested on this during mid/late September.
PART 4 - Include the following in a couple of paragraphs.
1. Generally, how are things going this summer?
2. Write a summary of good and bad aspects of any activities you are involved in this summer.
3. Is A.P. Chemistry something you still want to take?
4. Predict your grade in A.P. Chem.
PART 5. Online quizzes: Dr. DeBari will post a series of onlines quizzes for you to complete with due dates. The first quiz will be
posted no later than July 5. Check Edmodo for instructions.
PART 6. Lab Projects: Due to the closing of SBHS during summer for repairs to its air conditioning system, the summer lab work
is postponed until September and will be made-up in-class during the first few weeks of the school year. In place of this, Mr.
Poot will post directions for work that can be completed at home. He will post this project on Edmodo by July 5. It will be due
the first day of school.
PART 7. Chemistry I Review: On the first full day of school you will take your first exam (worth a complete exam grade). It will
be a cumulative review of high school chemistry. Although the questions will not be as difficult as the Chem I Honors Final
Exam, the scope will be as broad. Instructions on how to prepare for this exam will be posted on Edmodo by August 3.
PART 8. Have some fun this summer since you need to come back refreshed. Do something ridiculous or childish. Fall in
and/or out of love. Run, jump and play hard, for in the fall it will be
Good luck,
T. Burnett [email protected] (emails regarding the lab project)
Dr. R. DeBari [email protected] (emails regarding the written assignment and online quizzes)
We will only answer e-mails in which you have identified yourself by name AND as one of our AP students in the subject section
of the e-mail. Do not ask how to solve a problem in the assignment. If you email Mr. Burnett after August 3, then you will not
receive a response as he will be on his vacation.
MSDS Section, Tips for Completing the Labs
MSDS section (due prior to beginning any lab work): in your lab notebook, for each lab, you
must provide a list of chemicals used and their MSDS (manufacturer's safety data sheet) information.
I consider this part of your lab notebook important for two reasons: 1. Students have the right to
know the possible dangers of the chemicals that they are using. 2. Teachers have the responsibility to
make sure that the students understand those dangers. Writing an MSDS section in your notebook
provides evidence that lab safety has been addressed.
Go to page 1 of your lab notebook. This page will be used as a table of contents. Label it as such and
create three columns: date, title of the lab, pages.
On page 2, you will begin to list the MSDS information for the 1st Marking Period Labs. Do a web
search for each chemical listed in the labs. Use two sites, using the one with the more complete
information. Provide the following: chemical name, chemical formula, stability, toxicology, and
personal protection information. Create a separate paragraph for each chemical so that it is easy to
read. DO NOT SUMMARIZE OR ABBREVIATE THE INFORMATION. If a chemical is used in more than
one lab, you need only list it once, but must provide a notation showing where the information can be
found in your lab notebook (ex. “Hydrochloric acid see p. 8 of this notebook”). Your notation may
not reference another notebook.
1st Marking Period Labs:
1.) Density of Liquids and Solids, 2.) Separation by Paper Chromatography, 3.) Molar Mass of a
Volatile Liquid, 4.) An Activity Series, 5.) Stoichiometric Ratios, 6.) Redox Titration (analysis of
commercial bleach)
Possible unknowns for MP #1: Density Lab - (note: you are to complete sections 2 and 3 only of
this lab) Metals: Al, Bi, Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sn, & Zn. Liquids: 2-propanol, heptane, & cyclohexane. MM
of a Volatile Liquid Lab - ethyl acetate, hexane, 2-butanone, or 2-propanol. The rest of the chemicals
used must be gathered by reading the lab instructions.
Since we are doing the Density, Paper Chromatography, and Stoichiometric Ratios labs
during the first two weeks of school, you need only look up the chemicals for those three
labs. If it helps you manage your time better, and since you are eventually going to have to do it
anyway, you could complete the Marking Period #1 MSDS component by reading through the other
labs and determining the chemicals used in each. Note that several of the chemicals from the Paper
Chromatography and Activity Series labs are the same and do not have to be repeated. Also, several
of the labs have only a few chemicals to look up.
The Density, Paper Chromatography, and Stoichiometric Ratios Lab Projects:
1. Complete MSDS and the "Advanced Study" or "Preliminary" lab assignments in your lab notebook.
2. Sequencing Advice: The key to finishing the labs efficiently is to plan when you can multi-task.
For instance, if a lab involves bringing a water bath to the boiling point to use as a heat source, then
know that this will take time. Standing around and watching water heat is not only boring but a total
waste of valuable time. If you use a hot plate, then you are free to work on another lab while the
material is heating. NEVER leave a flame unattended, however.
Although you will be doing the summer session labs independently, the following is a general rule
about working with a partner: you are always welcome to multi-task provided that you and your
partner are working on the same project. For example, if you are working on the Activity Series
Lab, you might run the copper (II) nitrate reactions while your partner runs the iron (III) nitrate
reactions. You may not, however, work on one lab while your partner works on a different one (i.e.
you can't titrate your redox reaction while your partner does the activity series).
3. Begin the labs by doing your practice spotting, practice dying, and spotting your "knowns" and
"unknown" (Paper Chromatography Lab). Set up your spotted chromatography paper in the proper
size beaker with the proper watch glass. Label your set-up and put it in on the side counter by your
lab table. DO NOT add the eluting solution unless you have enough time to finish the lab. This
step takes about 75 minutes to elute, and 15 minutes to dry and measure. Further, it must be
completed once it is begun. If you don’t have enough time, begin the Density Lab instead. You should
be able to complete part B (part A with the slug is omitted).
During the next session (or current session provided you still have 90 more minutes), run your elution
for your chromatography separation. Be careful not to allow your solvent front to get near the end of
the paper. In the meantime, complete part C of the Density Lab. Be sure, however, to keep track of
your chromatography paper. See me once your elution is complete so that I can tell you how to finish
the lab.
The stoichiometric lab is very straight forward and can be completed in less than 90 minutes. Use a
calorimeter instead of coffee cups as your reaction chamber. Do not exceed 5 trials (you will get a
total of 7 data points as 0/50 and 50/0 are considered valid points). Finally, if we have not provided
you with the correct reactant concentrations (this is a rare occurrence, but happens when chemicals
get wasted or spilled), then you will be required to make them from concentrated quantities. You must
dilute them to the proper molarity before beginning (M
= M
?). Perhaps you should search the
web for instruction on how to use a pipette, pipette filler, and volumetric flask to create a solution
from a more concentrated solution? These are considered Chem I lab skills.
Lab Reports (update)
Each marking period your lab grade will be approximately worth 100 pts. per lab completed (1
marking period you have 7 labs = 700 pts.). The points are then broken down into five categories
(percentages are approximate and are subject to change): 1. Lab participation (completion of lab
goals, demonstration of safety, proper clean up) = 10%. 2. Pre-lab Assignments (MSDS information,
advanced study assignments, etc.), due prior to beginning the lab = 10%. 3. Your lab notebook
(written copy of all pre-lab, lab data and observations, and post-lab reports) = 30%. 4. Group lab
report (typed formal report, details to follow) = 25% and 5. Group in-class presentation = 25%.
Lab Reports - your notebook should include all the sections listed at the beginning of the Flinn
Manual (which describes in detail their recommendations for organizing a lab notebook).
However, we also ask that you add an MSDS section, your preliminary lab assignment (sometimes
referred to as the “advanced study” assignment) and that you really focus on your Discussion of
Theory Section (DOT). The DOT section allows you to explain what you did in the lab and relate it to
the materials we are studying in the textbook. Explanations of the usage of equipment, time
management issues and organization, as well as problems or errors you overcame can be included. In
others words, this is an opportunity to show what you know - you should treat it as a take-home test.
In your “calculations” section, there should be a stats analysis (averages, etc.). Additionally, include a
standard deviation. All calculations should be documented by including the formula used, solving for
the variable (if needed), and then the substituted values. Include proper units and significant figures
(both in your measured and calculated values). Graphs should be a full page in size.
When dealing with the “Sources of Error Section”, address determinate, indeterminate, and
propagated errors. If you do not know how to categorize your errors, then you should do the research
necessary to find out. I recommend that you review the presentation that will be posted on Edmodo
by June 14 (Stats Lecture Week 1 pdf).
Group Reports (this begins once the school year starts) - your group's report should be almost
exactly the same as your lab notebook (since we are allowing you to collaborate). An exception is that
it will be typed and not hand-written. Also, graphs should still be a full page in size and should be
created using a program such as MS Excel. Your best-fit (recursion curve) should be plotted using that
software. Finally, we ask that you name the primary author of each section and that you rotate
sections. Even though you are collaborating on all sections of the report, it will be the responsibility of
only one person per section to organize and type that section. Sections must be rotated per lab, so if
you are responsible for the DOT section of the first lab, then you may not author that section again
until everyone else has had their turn in the rotation.
Group Presentations - if your group is selected to present the lab report to the class then you are
responsible for your section. Be as visual in your presentation as possible - the use of MS PowerPoint
is recommended.
Experiment 1: The Densities of Liquids and Solids
One of the fundamental properties of any sample of matter is its density, which is its mass per unit of volume. The density of
water is exactly 1.00000 g/cm
at 4
C and is slightly less than one at typical room temperatures (0.9970 g/cm
at 25
Densities of liquids and solids range from values less than that of water to values considerably greater than that of water.
Osmium metal has a density of 22.5 g/cm3 and is probably the densest material known at ordinary pressures.
In any density determination, two quantities must be determined the mass and the volume of a given quantity of matter. The
mass can easily be determined by weighing a sample of the substance on a balance. The quantity we usually think of as
“weight” is really the mass of a substance (unless we decide to do the experiment on a different planet). In the process of
“weighing” we find the mass, taken from a standard set of masses, that experiences the same gravitational force as that
experienced by the given quantity of matter we are weighing. The mass of a sample of liquid in a container can be found by
indirectly by taking the difference between the mass of the container plus the liquid and the mass of the empty container.
The volume of a liquid can easily be determined by means of a calibrated container. In the laboratory a graduated cylinder is
often used for routine measurements of volume. Accurate measurements of liquid volume is made by using a pycnometer,
which is simply a container having a precise definable volume. The volume of a solid can be determined by direct measurement
if the solid has a regular geometrical shape. Such is not usually the case, however, with ordinary solid samples. A convenient
way to determine the volume of a solid is to measure accurately the volume of liquid displaced when an amount of the solid is
immersed in the liquid. The volume of the solid will equal the volume of liquid which it displaces.
In this experiment we will determine the density of a liquid and a solid by the procedure we have outlined. First we weigh an
empty flask and its stopper. We then fill the flask completely with water, measuring the mass of the filled stoppered flask. From
the difference in these two masses we find the mass of water and then, from the known density of water at that temperature,
we determine the volume of the flask. We empty and dry the flask, fill it with an unknown liquid, and weigh again. From the
mass of the liquid and the volume of the flask we find the density of the liquid. To determine the density of an unknown solid
metal, we add the metal to the dry empty flask and weigh. This allows us to find the mass of the metal. We then fill the flask
with water, leaving the metal in the flask and weigh again. The increase in mass is that of the added water; from that increase,
and the density of the water at the temperature, we calculate the volume of water we added. The volume of the metal must
equal the volume of the flask minus the volume of water. From the mass and volume of the metal we calculate its density. The
calculations involved are outlined in detail in the Advance Study Assignment.
ADVANCE STUDY ASSIGNMENT: Densities of Solids and Liquids
The advance study assignments in this laboratory manual are designed to assist you in making the calculations required in the
experiment you will be doing. We do this by furnishing you with sample data and showing in some detail how that data can be
used to obtain the desired results. In the advance study assignments we will often include the guiding principles as well as the
specific relationships to be employed. If you work through the steps in each calculation by yourself, you should have no
difficulty when you are called upon to make the necessary calculations on the basis of the data you obtain in the laboratory.
1. Finding the volume of a flask. A student obtained a clean dry glass-stoppered flask. She weighed the flask and stopper
on an analytical balance and found the total mass to be 31.601 g. She then filled the flask with water and obtained a mass for
the full stoppered flask of 60.735 g. From these data, and the fact that at the temperature of the used water its density is
0.9973 g/cm
, find the volume of the stoppered flask.
a. First we need to obtain the mass of the water in the flask. This is found by recognizing that the mass of a sample is
equal to the sum of the masses of its parts. For the filled stoppered flask:
(Mass of filled stoppered flask) = (mass of empty stoppered flask) + (mass of water), so (mass of water) = (mass of
filled flask) (mass of empty flask).
(INSTRUCTOR’s NOTE: there are only two ways of documenting your logic in the calculations section of the AP
Chemistry Exam. Therefore, they are required to receive full credit on any of our chapter tests or lab reports. You may use
conversion factors or you may take a formula-based approach. If you use the latter, then you must first show the equation.
Next, rewrite the equation having solved for the required variable. Third, you must show the substitution with the
associated units of measurement. Notice that they have done the documentation of the first two formula-based steps.)
Calculate the mass of water.
Mass of water = ___________________ g - _______________ g = _________________ g
b. The density of a pure substance is equal to its mass divided by its volume:
density = (mass/volume) or volume = (mass/density).
The volume of the flask is equal to the volume of the water it contains. Since we know the mass and density of the
water, we can find its volume and that of the flask. Calculate the volume of the flask.
(Volume of water) = (volume of flask) = ________________ cm
2. Finding the density of an unknown liquid. Having obtained the volume of the flask, the student emptied the flask, dried
it, and filled it with an unknown whose density she wished to determine. The mass of the stoppered flask when completely
filled with liquid was 56.796 g. Find the density of the liquid.
a. First we need to find the mass of the liquid by measuring by difference:
(Mass of liquid) = __________________ g - _______________________ g = ____________________ g
b. Since the volume of the liquid equals that of the flask, we know both the mass and volume of the liquid and can
easily find its density using the equation in 1b. Make the calculation.
(Density of liquid) = _________________ g/cm
3. Finding the density of a solid. The student then emptied the flask and dried it once again. To the empty flask she
added pieces of metal until the flask was about half full. She weighed the stoppered flask and its metal contents and found that
the mass was 99.323 g. She then filled the flask with water, stoppered it, and obtained a total mass of 120.827 g for the flask,
stopper, metal, and water. Find the density of the metal.
a. To find the density of the metal we need to know its mass and volume. We can easily obtain is mass by the method
of differences:
(Mass of metal) = ________________ g - _____________________ g = ___________________ g
b. To determine the volume of metal, we note that the volume of the flask must equal the volume of the metal plus
the volume of water in the filled flask containing both metal and water. If we can find the volume of water, we can obtain the
volume of metal by the method of differences. To obtain the volume of the water we first calculate its mass:
Mass of water = mass of (flask + stopper + metal + water) mass of (flask + stopper + metal)
Mass of water = ______________ g - ____________________ g = __________________ g
The volume of water is found from its density, as in 1b. Make the calculation.
Volume of water = _____________________ cm
c. From the volume of the water we calculate the volume of metal:
Volume of metal = volume of flask volume of water
Volume of metal = _________________ cm
- __________________ cm
= __________________ cm
From the mass and volume of the metal we find the density, using the equation in 1b. Make the calculation.
Density of metal = _____________________ g/cm
Now go back to Question 1 and check to see that you have reported the proper number of significant figures in each
of the results you calculated in this assignment. Use the rules on significant figures as given in your chemistry text.
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE: The Densities of Liquids and Solids
A. Mass of a Metal Slug. (Omitted from the original lab instructions)
B. Density of a Liquid. (Use a dry 25ml erlenmeyer flask as your picnometer. These can be found in the drying
oven.) If your flask is not clean and dry, clean it with soap and water, rinse it with a few cubic centimeters of acetone, and dry it
by letting it stand for a few minutes in the air or by gently blowing compressed air into it for a few minutes (This is the
technique you should use any time they ask you to “dry” a flask).
Weigh the dry flask with its stopper on the analytical balance, or the top-loading balance if so directed, to +/- 0.001 g.
Fill the flask with distilled water until the liquid level is nearly to the top of the ground surface in the neck. Put the stopper in
the flask slowly in order to drive out all the air and any excess water. Work the stopper gently into the flask, so that it is firmly
seated in position. Wipe any water from the outside of the flask with a towel and soak up all excess water from around the top
of the stopper.
Again weigh the flask, which should be completely dry on the outside and full of water, to +/- 0.001 g. Given the
density of water at that temperature (Use the chart provided in The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics located on the
front teacher’s desk.) and the mass of water in the flask, you should be able to determine the volume of the flask very
precisely. Empty the flask, dry it, and fill it with your unknown liquid. Stopper and dry the flask as you did when working with
the water and then weigh the stoppered flask full of the unknown liquid, making sure its surface is dry. This measurement, used
in conjunction with those you made previously, will allow you to find accurately the density of your unknown liquid. (Return the
unknown liquid to its original reagent bottle on the lab cart. I know that this isn’t normal practice due to the likelihood of
cross-contamination of the liquid. However, we will make an exception in this case as a cost saving measure. Do not pour the
liquid into the sink.)
C. Density of a Solid. After you have poured your unknown liquid sample from the flask into its reagent
container, rinse the flask with a small amount of acetone and dry it thoroughly, Add small chunks of the metal sample to the
flask until the flask is about half full. Weigh the flask, with its stopper and the metal, to +/- 0.001 g.
Leaving the metal in the flask, fill the flask with water and then replace the stopper. Roll the metal around in the flask
to make sure that no air remains between the metal pieces, Refill the flask if necessary, and then weigh the dry, stoppered flask
full of water plus the metal sample. Properly done, the measurements you have made in this experiment will allow a calculation
of the density of your metal sample that will be accurate to about 0.1%.
Pour the water from the flask. Put the metal (on a small piece of paper towel and pat it dry. Transfer the metal to a
small beaker and put it in the drying oven overnight. Discard the paper towel.) Dry the flask and return it to (the drying oven).
Return the stopper and the rest of the metal sample to the lab cart.
DISCUSSION: The Densities of Liquid and Solids In your laboratory report include answers to the following:
1. To how many significant figures can the density of the metal be properly reported?
2. Explain why the value obtained for the density of the metal is likely to have a larger percentage error than that found for the
3. Explain how the following determinate errors would affect your calculated measurements. Would they result in the
calculated density value being too high, too low, or not affected?
a. The flask is weighed without being completely dry.
b. The flask is weighed without wiping excess water from the outside of it.
c. The temperature of the water is not measured and you use 1.000 g/cm
as the density of water.
d. The metal sample is still wet having been returned improperly by another student.
e. The electronic balance is improperly calibrated and constantly reads 0.012 g too high.
f. The volume of the 25ml Erlenmeyer flask is assumed to be exactly 25.000 cm
rather than calibrated by water
Experiment 2 Resolution of Matter into Pure Substances, I. Paper
The fact that different substances have different solubilities in a given solvent can be used in several ways to effect a
separation of substances from mixtures in which they are present. Fractional crystallization is one simple technique that allows
us to obtain pure substances by relatively simple procedures based on solubility properties. Another widely used resolution
technique, which also depends on solubility differences, is chromatography.
In the chromatographic experiment a mixture is deposited on some solid adsorbing substance, which might consist of
a strip of filter paper, a thin layer of silica gel on a piece of glass, some finely divided charcoal packed loosely in a glass tube, or
even some microscopic glass beads coated very thinly with a suitable adsorbing substance and contained in a piece of copper
The components of a mixture are adsorbed on the solid to varying degrees, depending on the nature of the
component, the nature of the adsorbent, and the temperature. A solvent is then caused to flow through the adsorbent solid
under applied or gravitational pressure or by the capillary effect. As the solvent passes the deposited sample, the various
components tend, to varying extents, to be dissolved and swept along the solid. The rate at which a component will move along
the solid depends on its relative tendency to be dissolved in the solvent and adsorbed on the solid. The net effect is that, as the
solvent passes slowly through the solid, the components separate from each other and moves along as rather diffuse zones.
With the proper choice of solvent and adsorbent, it is possible to resolve many complex mixtures by this procedure. If
necessary, we can usually recover a given component by identifying the position of the zone containing the component,
removing that part of the solid from the system, and eluting the desired component with a suitable solvent.
The name given to a particular kind of chromatography depends upon the manner in which the experiment is
conducted. Thus, we have column, thin-layer, paper, and vapor chromatography, all in very common use. Chromatography in
its many possible variations offers the chemist one of the best methods, if not the best method, for resolving a mixture into
pure substances, regardless of whether that mixture consists of a gas, a volatile liquid, or a group of nonvolatile, relatively
unstable, complex organic compounds.
In this experiment we will use paper chromatography to separate a mixture of metallic ions in solution. A sample
containing a few micrograms of ions is applied as a spot near one edge of a piece of filter paper. That edge is immersed in a
solvent, with the paper held vertically. As the solvent rises up the paper by capillary action, it will carry the metallic ions along
with it to a degree that depends upon the relative tendency of each ion to dissolve in the solvent and adsorb on the paper.
Because the ions differ in the properties, they move at different rates and become separated on the paper. The position of each
ion during the experiment can be recognized if the ion is colored, as some of them are. At the end of the experiment their
positions are established more clearly by treating the paper with a staining reagent which reacts with each ion to produce a
colored product. By observing the position and color of the spot produced by each ion, and the positions of the spots produced
by an unknown containing some of those ions, you can readily determine the ions present in the unknown.
It is possible to describe the position of spots such as those you will be observing in terms of a quantity called the R
value. In the experiment the solvent rises a certain distance, say L centimeters. At the same time a given component will usually
rise a smaller distance, say D centimeters. The ratio D/L is called the R
value for that component.
= D/L = (distance component moves)/(distance solvent moves) (1)
The R
value is a characteristic property of a given component in a chromatography experiment conducted under particular
conditions. It does not depend upon concentration or upon the other components present. Hence it can be reported in the
literature and used by other researchers doing similar analyses. In the experiment you will be doing, you will be asked to
calculate R
values for each of the cations studied.
ADVANCE STUDY ASSIGNMENT: Resolution of Matter into Pure Substances, I. Paper Chromatography
1. A student chromatographs a mixture, and after developing the spots with a suitable reagent he observes the following:
1. What are the R
values (from the diagram above)?
2. Explain, in your own words, why samples can often be separated into their components by chromatography.
3. The solvent moves 4 cm in about 15 minutes. Why shouldn’t the experiment be stopped at that time instead of waiting 75
minutes for the solvent to move 10 cm?
4. In this experiment it takes about 6 microliters of solution to produce a spot 8 mm in diameter. If the Cu(NO
contains about 6 g Cu
per liter, how many micrograms of Cu
ion are there in one spot?
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE: Resolution of Matter into Pure Substances, I. Paper Chromatography
From the lab cart obtain a piece of 25 cm filter paper. Cut the paper with scissors to 19 cm long and 11 cm wide.
Along the 19 cm edge, draw a pencil line about 1 cm from that edge. Starting 1 cm from the 11 cm edge, mark the line at equal
1.8 cm intervals. Label the segments of the line as shown in figure 2.1 (use the unlabeled segments for additional unknowns
the lab instructions show two unknowns you will do all FOUR unknowns), with the formulas of the ions to be studied and
the known and unknown mixtures. Save the scrap pieces as they will be needed to practice spotting and staining the
chromatography paper.
Put three drops of 0.1 M solutions of the following compounds in small wells from a 24-well microplate, one solution
to a well:
In solution these substances exist as ions. The metallic cations are Ag
, Co
, Cu
, Fe
, and Hg
respectively. One drop of each
solution contains about 50 micrograms of cation. Into a sixth microwell put two drops of each of the five solutions; swirl until
the solutions are well mixed. This mixture will be our known, since we know it contains all of the cations.
Your instructor will furnish you with a fine capillary tube (use the thin-stemmed glass pipettes that are located on
the lab cart you will need only one when finished, they should be returned to the cart after completing the cleaning and
drying procedure listed in the next paragraph). Test the application procedure by dipping the applicator into one of the
colored solutions and touching it momentarily to a piece of scrap filter paper. The liquid from the applicator should form a spot
no larger than 8 mm in diameter. Practice making spots on your scrap pieces until you can reproduce the spot size each time.
Clean the applicator by dipping it about 1 cm into a microwell filled with distilled water and then touching the scrap
filter paper to remove the liquid. Continue contact until all the liquid in the tube is gone. Repeat the cleaning procedure one
more time. Dip the applicator into one of the cation solutions and put a spot on the line on the rectangular filter paper in the
region labeled for that cation. Clean the applicator twice and repeat the procedure with another solution. Continue this
approach until you have a spot for each of the five cations, the known, and the four unknown solutions. Dry the paper by
moving it in the air or holding it briefly in front of a hair dryer or heat lamp (low setting). Apply the known and unknown
solutions three more times to the same spots; the known and unknown are less concentrated than the cation solutions, so this
procedure will increase the amount of each ion in the spots. Make sure that you dry the spots between applications, since
otherwise they will spread and get larger. Don’t heat the paper more than necessary just to dry the spots.
(NOTE: do not move on to this next section unless you have the necessary 90 minutes of lab time in which to
complete it. If you start the elution, there is no stopping point you must complete the lab or start over. If you reach this
point without the needed time, simply put the scrap and rectangular filter paper in a clean, DRY 600ml beaker. Be sure the
rectangular paper has your name on it written in pencil. Bring your set up to the hood to store overnight.) Draw about 15 ml
of eluting solution (this solution is made by mixing a solution of hydrochloric acid, HCl, with ethanol and butanol, which are
organic solvents) and pour it into a clean 600 ml beaker and cover with a watch glass.
Check to make sure that the spots on the filter paper are all dry. Place a 4 to 5 cm length of transparent tape along
the upper end of the left edge of the paper, as shown in Figure 2.1, so that about half of the tape is on the paper. Form the
paper into a cylinder by attaching the tape to the other edge, in such a way that the edges are parallel but do not overlap.
When you are finished, the pencil line at the bottom of the cylinder should form a circle, approximately anyway, and the two
edges of the paper should not quite touch. Stand the cylinder up on the lab bench to check that such is the case and readjust
the tape if necessary. Do not tape the lower edges of the paper together.
Place the cylinder in the eluting solution in the 600ml beaker, with the sample spots down near the liquid surface. The
paper should not touch the wall of the beaker. Cover the beaker with the watch glass. The solvent will gradually rise by capillary
action up the filter paper, carrying along the cations at different rates. After the process has gone on for a few minutes, you
should be able to see colored spots on the paper, showing the positions of some of the cations.
While the experiment is proceeding, you will test the effect of the staining reagent on the different cations. Put an 8
mm spot of each of the cation solutions on a clean piece of scrap filter paper, labeling each spot and cleaning the applicator
between solutions. Dry the spots as before. Some of them will have a little color; record those colors in your data table. Put the
filter paper on a paper towel, and using the spray bottle from the lab cart, spray the paper evenly with the staining reagent,
getting the paper moist but not really wet. The staining reagent is a solution containing potassium ferrocyanide (potassium
hexacyanoiron(III)ate) and potassium iodide. This reagent forms colored precipitates or reaction products with many cations,
including all of those used in this experiment. Considering that each spot contains less than 50 micrograms of cation, the tests
are quite definitive.
When the eluting solution has risen to within 2 cm of the top of the filter paper (it will take about 75 minutes),
remove the cylinder from the beaker and take off the tape. Draw a pencil line along the solvent front. Dry the paper with gentle
heat (you can use the hand dryers in the restroom) until it is quite dry. Note any cations you identified in your unknown by
virtue of your being able to see their colors. Then, with the paper on a paper towel, spray it as before with the staining reagent.
Any cations you identified in your unknown before staining should be observed, as well as any that require staining for
Measure the distance from the straight line on which you applied the spots to the solvent front, which is distance L in
Equation 1. Then measure the distance from the pencil line to the center of the spot made by each of the cations, when pure
and in the known; this is distance D. Calculate the R
value for each cation. Then calculate the R
values for the cations in the
unknown. How do the R
values compare?
When you are finished with the experiment, pour the eluting solution down the sink. The sink must now be flushed
with at least 20 parts tap water (ex. If you use 15 ml of eluting solution, you must flush the drain with at least 300 ml of tap
water). Wash your hands before leaving the laboratory.
DISCUSSION: Resolution of Matter into Pure Substances, I. Paper Chromatography In your
laboratory report include answers to the following:
1. To how many significant figures can the R
values be properly reported?
10 cm
2. There is one determinate error which is very difficult to eliminate. It is an error related to methodology. Identify it and
describe why it is a determinate error of this type.
3. Explain how the determinate error of only allowing the solution to elute over a short distance rather than a longer would
affect your calculated percentage error.
Experiment 3 Finding the Ratio of Moles of Reactants in a Chemical
A balanced chemical equation gives the mole ratios of reactants and products for chemical reactions. If the formulas
of all reactants and products are known, it is relatively easy to balance an equation to find out what these mole ratios are.
When the formulas of the products are not known, experimental measurements must be made to determine the ratios.
This experiment uses the method of continuous variations to determine the mole ratio of two reactants. Several steps
are involved. First, solutions of the reactants are prepared in which the concentrations are known. Second, the solutions are
mixed a number of times using different ratios of reactants. Third, some property of the reaction that depends on the amount
of product formed or on the amount of reactant that remains is measured. This property may be the color intensity of a
reactant or product, the mass of a precipitate that forms, or the volume of a gas evolved. In this experiment the change of
temperature is the property to be measured. The reaction is exothermic, so the heat produced will be directly proportional to
the amount of reaction that occurs. Since the experiment is designed so that the volume of solution is constant for all
measurements, the temperature change will also be proportional to the extent that the reaction occurs.
In the method of continuous variations, the total number of moles of reactants is kept constant for the series of
measurements. Each measurement is made with a different mole ratio of reactants. The optimum ratio, which is the
stoichiometric ratio in the equation, should consume the greatest amount of reactants, form the greatest amount of product,
and generate the most heat and maximum temperature change.
ADVANCE STUDY ASSIGNMENT: Finding the Ratio of Moles of Reactants in a Chemical Reaction
1. The following values were obtained in a continuous variations experiment design to find the coefficients in the equation for
the reaction between 0.5 M solutions of AgNO
and K
. One of the products is a precipitate which was filtered, dried, and
mL K
Grams Precipitate
Plot the above data similar in format to that outlined in Figure 1 of the Experimental Procedure section. Label axes and space
the data so that the graph reflects the precision of the values given. Use a ruler to draw the best-fitting straight lines, and
determine the stoichiometry of the reaction.
____________ AgNO
+ ___________ K
2. Are there enough values to make a valid conclusion? Why or why not?
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE: Finding the Ratio of Moles of Reactants in a Chemical Reaction
1. Find the Starting Temperature. Measure the temperature of 130 ml of NaClO solution and of 130 ml of
“Solution B” (Na
, KI, or Na
depending on what is available see the materials on the lab cart), the second solution in
the reaction. Record your data in a table. Use the same thermometer or a pair of calibrated thermometers (if the digital probes
are available, make sure you rinse the probe with distilled water, turn off the battery power, and replace the protective
probe cover before returning them to the cart). The solutions should be the same temperature. If they are not, you will need
to make a correction for the temperature difference.
2. Mix solutions and Measure Temperature Changes Pour 5.0 ml of NaClO into a calorimeter, then add 45.0 ml of the
second solution. Stir and record the highest temperature reached by the mixture. Pour the reacted solution out, rinse the cup
and thermometer, and repeat the process using a different ratios until you have at least three measurements on each side of
the one that gave the maximum temperature (Burnett Note: you are only allowed to use 130ml of each solution that is your
total budget, I would do the six data trials found in Figure 1 below. Additionally, I would do a trial where each solution was
25.0 ml. This will keep you under budget and yet still have enough data points to do the analysis.). When done, rinse the
calorimeter thoroughly. Bring it to an instructor to confirm that it is clear of sulfur-based material and that you returned the
calorimeter thermometer adaptor.
3. Plot the Data. Plot your data as shown in Figure 1. Draw two straight lines that best fit your data, and
determine where they intersect. Be sure to include the points at the 0:50 ml and 50:0 ml ratios. Find the stoichiometric mole
ratio of reactants from the point of intersection on your graph.
Change in Temperature Versus Reactant Volume Ratios
DISCUSSION: Finding the Ratio of Moles of Reactants in a Chemical Reaction In your laboratory report,
include answers to the following:
1. Explain how this method allows you to find the mole ratio of reactants.
2. Why must you keep a constant volume of reactants?
3. Is it necessary that the concentrations of the two solutions be the same?
4. What is meant by the term limiting reagent?
5. Which measurement, temperature or volume, limits the precision of your data? Explain.
6. Which reactant is the limiting reagent along the upward sloping line of your graph? Which is the limiting reagent along the
downward sloping line?
7. What physical properties, other than temperature change, could use the method of continuous variations?
8. Why is it more accurate to use the point of intersection of the two lines to find the mole ratio rather than the ratio associated
with the greatest temperature change?
9. If the two solutions used are not at the same initial temperature, a correction must be made to find the correct change in
temperature. How should this be done?
mL NaCIO 0 10 20 30 40 50
mL“B” 50 40 30 20 10 0