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Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Homeownership Mortgage Assistance ..................................................................................................... 4
Homebuyer Loan Program………………………………………………………………………… .......... 4
Housing Rehabilitation ...................................................................................................................... 4
Assistance for Condominium Unit Owners/Special ….……………………………………………… .... 4
Housing Development ....................................................................................................................... 4
Disaster Relief Assistance ............................................................................................................. 5
Homebuyer Education and Counseling ........................................................................................ 5
“Jumpstart” Assistance...................................................................................................................... 5
Homebuyer Down Payment Assistance Program Guidelines ................................................................ 6
Homebuyer Loan Program Guidelines ………………………………………………………………………...7
Homebuyers ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Initial Interview Process ............................................................................................................. 7-8
Process for Closing .......................................................................................................................... 8
Eligibility Requirements…………………………………………………………………………………… ...... 9
Occupancy Requirement/Ownership ...…………………………………………………………… .... 9
Affordability ………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 9
Eligible Verification (Surtax, Home/CDBG and Ship) ……………………………………………. 9
Immigration Status ......................................................................................................................... 10
Income Section .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Income Qualification ....................................................................................................................... 10
Qualifying Using Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher ............................................................... 10-11
Income Recertification ................................................................................................................... 11
Income Range of Applicants to Be Served............................................................................................. 11
Income and Identity Verification .............................................................................................................. 11
Income Inclusions and Exclusions for Eligibility for Surtax/Ship .................................................... 12
Income Inclusions for Credit Purposes Surtax/Ship ...................................................................... 13
Homeownership Loan Ratios ......................................................................................................... 14
First Mortgage Lender Loan Processing for Mortgage Assistance…………………………………..14
Property Standards ........................................................................................................................ 14
Purchase Price ............................................................................................................................... 15
Credit Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 15
Non-Applying Spouse .................................................................................................................... 15
Down Payment/Closing Costs ................................................................................................................. 15
Gifts .................................................................................................................................................. 15-16
Asset Limitations ..................................................................................................................................... 16
First Mortgage Financing ......................................................................................................................... 16
Second Mortgage Financing .................................................................................................................... 16
Monthly Payments for PHCD Assistance .................................................................................................... 16
Inspection ....................................................................................................................................... 17
For HUD “HOME Funded Programs Only ............................................................................................. 18
Loan Servicing ........................................................................................................................................... 18
Participating First Mortgage Lenders ......................................................................................................... 18
Income and Mortgage Limits (Attachment I) .......................................................................................... 19
Ethics Disclosure Statement for all PHCD Programs (Attachment II) ................................................. 20
PHCD Loan Documentation Checklist (Attachment III) ......................................................................... 21
Required Documentation at time of PHCD Interview ……………………………………………………... 22
Conflict of Interest (Attachment IV) ......................................................................................................... 23
Third-Party Verification of Employment (Attachment V) ...................................................................... 24
Acceptable Fees to Be Charged to Applicants (Attachment VI) ......................................................... 25
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Single Family Homeowner Rehabilitation Guidelines ........................................................................... 26
Loan Assistance Program Guidelines .................................................................................................... 26
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 26
Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 26
Definitions ................................................................................................................................. 26-27
Loan Programs and Amounts .................................................................................................................. 27
Assistance for Condominium Unit Owners/Special Assessment per Use of SURTAX Dollars 27-28
Surtax and Ship Rehab Single-Family Funded Programs ............................................................. 28
Surtax Beautification Loan Program .............................................................................................. 28
Surtax, Paint and Shutter Loan Program ....................................................................................... 28
Eligibility Areas ............................................................................................................................... 28
Eligible Properties .................................................................................................................... 28-29
Applicants for Rehabilitation - All Programs ............................................................................ 29-30
Income Limit Chart ………………………………………………………………………………...…. .... 31
Income Inclusions and Exclusions for Eligibility Proposed for Surtax/Ship ...................................... 31
Income Inclusions for Credit Purposes ................................................................................................. 32
Funding Sources ....................................................................................................................................... 32
SURTAX Single-Family Rehabilitation Loan Program…………………………………………….. 32
SHIP Single-Family Rehabilitation Loan Program……………………………………………………..33
Rehabilitation Loan Terms for Elderly, Disabled, Developmental Disabilities, Disabling Conditions
and Special Needs……………………………………………………………………………………. 33
Surtax Beautification Loan Program ………………………………………………………………...33
Surtax Paint/Shutter Program…………………………………………………………………………...33
Loan Interest Rates…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 34
Surtax Single-Family Rehabilitation Loan Program………………………………………………… 34
SHIP Single-Family Rehabilitation Loan Program…………………………………………………….34
Surtax Beautification Paint/Shutter Loan Program…………………………………………………....34
Loan Processing and Approval ............................................................................................................34
Supplements .............................................................................................................................................. 34
Waiting List ................................................................................................................................................ 35
Loan Servicing .......................................................................................................................................... 35
Loan Fees................................................................................................................................................... 35
Effective Date ............................................................................................................................................ 35
Required Documentation (Attachment I) ………………………………………………………………….36-37
Additional Documentation when Applicable (Attachment II) ............................................................... 38
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Miami-Dade County through Public Housing and Community Development (PHCD) implements a
wide range of housing programs designed to enhance housing opportunities for low- and moderate-
income individuals and families. Pursuant to these Affordable Housing, Homeownership and
Rehabilitation Program Guidelines assistance may be provided to developers, community
development corporations, individuals and families through an array of programs encompassing
acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, reconstruction, and permanent financing (in the form of
mortgage assistance, including subordinate mortgages). Homeownership counseling is a
recommended component of all the homeownership programs. The following is a list of programs
The homeownership mortgage assistance component provides funds to very-low, low- and
moderate-income individuals and families to acquire newly constructed or existing housing units.
Homebuyer Loan Program
The Homebuyer Loan Program (HLP) pursuant to Ordinance No. 15-127 is a homebuyer assistance
program which provides mortgage loan assistance using Documentary Surtax funds to qualified low-
and moderate -income individuals and families for the purchase of primary residence. The First
Mortgage Lender (licensed in the State of Florida) provides mortgage assistance through their First
Time Homebuyer/Homeownership Program with the HLP. The Lender(s) are approved through
PHCD. The HLP does not govern the use of federal funds.
Housing Rehabilitation
The Housing Rehabilitation Program provides for expansion and upgrades to owner-occupied
single-family homes. These improvements are primarily geared to addressing health and safety
issues, and code violations, inclusive of roof repairs, plumbing and electrical as well as associated
repairs and exterior painting. (See Single Family Rehabilitation Guidelines on page 27 for more
Assistance for Condominium Unit Owners/Special Assessments
This Program will assist owner occupied condominium homeowners with limited finances, address
special assessment requirements associated with rehabilitation/repairs as a result of applicable
building integrity recertification requirements. Surtax funds will be in the form of a loan and the
annual household median income may not exceed the maximum limit of 140% as indicated in the
Miami-Dade County income limit chart. Loan terms will be structured so as to mitigate the financial
burden on families while recognizing the need to ensure compliance with the Surtax program.
Housing Development
The housing development component provides funding to developers, as available, to defray the
costs of new construction, rehabilitation and/or other costs associated with the development of
single-family and multi-family housing. This component is intended to increase housing
opportunities for persons by encouraging the creation and rehabilitation of affordable housing units.
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Disaster Relief Assistance
The Disaster Relief Assistance provides emergency disaster relief to homeowners whose locality
has been impacted by a major man-made or natural disaster. Individuals in areas which have been
declared/designated disaster areas by the federal, state and/or local government can be eligible to
receive funding for rehabilitation or reconstruction of their homes. To be eligible for Disaster Relief
Initiative (DRI) funding a person must be the homeowner and occupy the home, which is defined
as the primary owned homestead and occupied dwelling of a single family. Rehabilitation or
reconstruction costs will be limited to the real estate structure only. Funds can be provided for a
first and/or subordinate mortgage to the homeowner based on the terms and conditions outlined in
the Miami-Dade County Guidelines. This assistance is provided as gap assistance for any damage
that insurance, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), or other sources do not cover.
Homebuyer Education and Counseling
For the County Funded Homeownership Program, the homebuyer is recommended to attend the
homebuyer counseling agency class provided by a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) approved agency before meeting with the first mortgage lender. The list of
HUD approved homebuyer counseling agencies can be found in the following link provided: The homebuyer(s) provides the
Homebuyer Counseling certificate from the class to the first mortgage lender and PHCD. This
certificate is valid for one year.
The homebuyer is encouraged to attend the Homebuyer Education and Counseling Class
(Homebuyer Counseling Agency) class. The homebuyer counseling agency component provides
education and counseling to individuals regarding purchasing and financing of affordable housing
units. The homebuyer counseling agencies are required to cover a variety of topics which include
fair housing practices, credit counseling, budget and money management, financial literacy proximity
of schools, employment and transportation, home maintenance, the mortgage approval and post-
closing process, selecting a neighborhood, locating a home, negotiating a purchase price, and finding
appropriate financing. Specifically, the Homebuyer Counseling Agency is required to cover the PHCD
Homebuyer Loan Program (first-time homeownership program). This element will provide the
homebuyer all the specific items of the process to purchase a home with the first lender and PHCD.
In accordance with Miami-Dade County Resolution No. R-1008-14, homebuyer counseling agencies
shall cover additional topics, including the legal significance of buying a home using a purchase and
sale agreement containing an “AS IS” clause, homebuyers’ right to select their own title agent, and
homebuyers’ right to have the property inspected by an inspector of their choice. This resolution
also requires frequent and random monitoring of these classes by Miami-Dade County to ensure
that these new topics, as well as the previously required topics, are being taught.
Jumpstart Assistance
The jumpstart assistance provides funding to assist disaster-affected homeowners, make a down
payment on a new home, repair their current disaster-affected home or obtain a mortgage while
awaiting a potential buyout from FEMA. Down payment assistance to purchase a new home can
be obtained in the form of a subordinate mortgage subsidy awarded on the current program
guidelines to applicants who are able to qualify for a first mortgage amount. First mortgage
assistance can be provided as an exception on a case-by-case basis.
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Income Categories to be served: very-low, low and moderate
Maximum award: $35,000
Down Payment Loan Terms:
A. Loan
B. Term: Up to 30 years deferred loan with no interest, unpaid principal
balance due at maturity.
C. Payments: No monthly payment required. Unpaid principal balance due
upon sale, transfer of title, refinance or death during the term of the down
payment loan.
D. Default/Repayment: Governed by the Homebuyer Loan Program’s
residency, resale and shared equity restrictions outlined in Ord. No. 15-
E. Applicant’s income level may not exceed 140 percent of the Miami-Dade
County area mean income adjusted for family size, down payment and/or
closing cost assistance will be available to families with an annual income
between 0 to 140 percent of AMI subject to underwriting.
Recipient Selection Criteria: Available to eligible applicants as a stand-alone program or
to participants in Miami-Dade County’s Homebuyer Loan Program Ord. No. 21-24.
The program also encourages and strongly recommends that potential homebuyers receive
homebuyer counseling from a HUD certified agency and to complete approved homebuyer
education training. The education training will cover such topics as: choosing a realtor, selecting a
home, qualifying for mortgage financing to include PHCD homeownership programs, a
comprehensive home inspection, entering a purchase/sale contract, maintaining a home, handling
credit affairs and other skills needed for homeownership. For HUD approved homebuyer
counseling agencies go to
Additional Recommendations
Combined Loan to Value (CLTV) not to exceed 105 percent of the purchase price
including all mortgages and down payment assistance.
Borrower must have 1% of the purchase price from their own funds for the down
Amount of down payment assistance will be based on underwriting by the first mortgage
Fixed rate mortgages only.
For stand-alone purchases, first mortgage lenders are not required to be an approved
lender in PHCD’s Homebuyer Loan Program. First mortgage lenders must provide a
commitment letter along with the completed loan package.
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Income Limits
30%-140% AMI
Homebuyer’s Counseling
8 hours HUD approved
Employment & Credit
Is subject to approval by the State
of Florida licensed First Mortgage Lender*
Maximum Purchase Price
Is subject to approval by the State
of Florida licensed First Mortgage
Must be a US citizen or permanent
Loan Terms
30 years
Is subject to approval by the State
of Florida licensed First Mortgage Lender*
Loan Rate
1% - 2%
Minimum Debt to Income
Is subject to approval by the State
of Florida licensed First Mortgage Lender*
Is subject to approval by the State
of Florida licensed First Mortgage Lender*
*The maximum sales price for borrowers to purchase a home under the Homebuyer Loan Program
is subject to approval by the State of Florida licensed First Mortgage Lender. The funding is provided
through the First Mortgage Lender’s First Time Homebuyer/Homeownership Program with HLP.
The interest rates and loan amounts are determined/based on the location of the property. The
Maximum Loan Amount is up to $100,000 at 1% interest rate inside Vulnerability Ranked Eligible
Block Group Areas. Vulnerability Ranked Eligible Block Group Areas are in Miami-Dade County as
identified in the County’s Miami-Dade County Five -Year Consolidated Plan filed with the United
States Department of Housing and Urban Development (U.S.HUD). The Maximum Loan Amount is
up to $80,000 at 2% interest rate outside Miami-Dade County Vulnerability Ranked Eligible Block
Group Areas.
Eligible homebuyers are single individuals, or two or more persons whose combined household
income does not exceed 140% of Area Median Income and who meet the eligibility criteria set
forth by the State of Florida licensed First Mortgage Lender
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Loan Term 30 years or until the property is sold, transferred, leased or
otherwise disposed of.
Loan Term 30 years or until the property is sold, transferred, leased or
otherwise disposed of.
< $15,000 = 5 years
$15,000 to $40,000 = 10 years
>$40,000 = 20 years
For HOME Loans only. If FHA, insured mortgage15 years
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The homebuyer(s) total household income may range from very low to moderate-income depending
on the funding source being invested in the property. Homebuyer(s) total household income must
meet the income criteria at the time the homebuyer applies for mortgage assistance. (See Attachment
I for current income limits).
Income must also be calculated based on the information provided in the Verification of Employment
form. Income calculated for subsidy purposes may differ from income used for credit purposes by the
Maximum applicant income limits as
a percentage of the area median
income (“AMI”)
Note: Funding source income limits may be further restricted by program guidelines.
Homebuyer(s) income will be verified using one or more of the following documents:
Tax returns, W2’s and 1099’s must be signed and dated by the applicant(s)
Also required copies of the tax transcripts for the most recent tax year end
Verification of employment, (Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) form or third-party form
included in these guidelines are acceptable, provided that the form is filled out completely)
Other sources of income that can be readily verified (i.e., social security, pension retirement, and child
Social Security Income may be subject to federal restrictions, which may limit its use
Interest, dividends, and other net income
Any other form of verification as required by funding
Cash contribution letter for non-court ordered child support
A letter from the Child Support Enforcement Division whether child support is being received or not.
In addition to Federal Income Tax Returns, the number of household occupants shall be verified using
one (1) of the following items:
*Note: If a dependent is listed on the tax return, then copies of birth certificates can be sufficient. However, if
a copy of the birth certificate is in the file and the dependent is not listed on the tax return, we may request
copies of school records to verify that the individual resides on the property.
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Income Inclusions and Exclusions for Eligibility Purposes for Surtax/SHIP
Annual Income Inclusions
Annual Income Exclusions
Annual income inclusions defined under U.S. HUD 24
C.F.R. Section 5.609(b) are listed as follows:
The gross amount (before any payroll deductions)
of wages, salaries, overtime pay, commissions,
fees, tips and bonuses, and any other
compensation for personal services received by
all eligible household members;
the net income from the operation of a business
or profession;
interest, dividends, and other net income of any
kind from real or personal property;
the full number of periodic amounts received from
Social Security, annuities, insurance policies,
retirement funds, pensions, disability or death
payment in lieu of earnings, such as
unemployment and disability compensation,
worker’s compensation and severance pay;
welfare or other need-based payments to families
or individuals that are made under programs
funded separately, or jointly by federal, state or
local governments;
periodic and determinable allowances, such as
alimony and child support payments, and regular
contributions or gifts received from organizations
or from persons not residing in the dwelling;
all regular pay, special pay and allowances of a
member of the Armed Forces; and
SSI income may be subject to federal restrictions
which may limit its use.
Note: Surtax allows for income averaging for the past
two years for applicants that are self-employed, or earn
commission, tips, bonuses, and overtime.
The most common types of excluded annual income
Income from employment of children (including
foster children) under the age of eighteen (18)
payments received for the care of foster children or
lump-sum additions to family assets, such as
inheritances, insurance payments;
reimbursement for the cost of medical expenses for
any family member;
income of a live-in aid;
the full amount of student financial assistance paid
directly to the student or to the educational
the special pay to a family member serving in the
Armed Forces who is exposed to hostile fire;
income from training programs funded by HUD;
temporary, nonrecurring or sporadic income
(including gifts);
reparation payments paid by a foreign government
to persons who were persecuted during the Nazi
income from earnings in excess of $480 for each
full-time student eighteen (18) years or older
(excluding the head of household and spouse);
adoption assistance payments in excess of $480
per adopted child;
deferred payments received in a lump sum;
refunds or rebates for property taxes paid on the
dwelling unit; or services and equipment needed to
keep a developmentally disabled family member at
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Income Inclusions for Credit Purposes Surtax/SHIP
Subject to approval by the State of
Florida licensed First Mortgage
Verification of employment (valid for 90
days from the date received. If the
information is orally updated by the
source, the VOE will remain in effect for
an additional 30 days).
Third Party Verification of Employment is
required by SHIP, (Attachment III)
Subject to approval by the State of
Florida licensed First Mortgage
Tax returns and W-2 for the previous two
(2) years or IRS Form 1722 (which gives
the applicant’s income and filing status
may be requested). Returns must be
signed & dated by applicant.
Subject to approval by the State of
Florida licensed First Mortgage
If self-employed year-to-date, profit and
loss statement as of the date of
. Subject to approval by the State of
Florida licensed First Mortgage
Six (6) months of bank statements or
bank’s computer printout reflecting a
balance for each month
Subject to approval by the State of
Florida licensed First Mortgage
Tri-merged credit report (valid for 3
Subject to approval by the State of
Florida licensed First Mortgage
Verification of Assets Retirement
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Homeownership Loan Ratios
Minimum front-end ratios may be lower at the discretion of Miami-Dade County.
Ratios are subject to change based on industry standards.
Loans to applicants allow for the following ratios:
Funding Source:
Maximum Monthly Housing Debt*
Subject to approval by the State of
Florida Licensed First Mortgage
40 %
Maximum Total Debt-to-Income*
Subject to approval by the State of
Florida Licensed First Mortgage
First Mortgage Lender (lender), developers, and Realtors perform a pre-screening of their applicants to
ensure that they have documentation required by the program making an appointment to meet with a
homeownership specialist. The Lender, developer, and Realtor will provide the checklist of documents to
their applicants (see Attachment II). After the lender, developer, and/or Realtor have pre-screened the
applicant, he/she will instruct the applicant to contact PHCD to set an appointment for an interview with the
homeownership specialist assigned to the case. The lender will be advised of the homeownership specialist
assigned to the case. New construction of single-family homes should be 80% completed prior to first lender
loan submission and/or PHCD pre-approval.
NOTE: Due to the limited availability of funds, all funds will be made available for interested homebuyers
on a first-come first-serve basis. However, a homebuyer must meet all program requirements to close.
Property Standards
Detached single-family units, condominium units, approved manufactured homes, studios, twin
homes (must evidence a Declaration of Condominium documents recorded in the Public Records
disclosing separate folio numbers), except for common areas and town homes are eligible
properties. File(s) classified as Twin home Properties are required to have separate folio numbers
at time of file submission to PHCD for second mortgage subsidy (NO EXCEPTIONS). Properties
with swimming pool are acceptable on a case-by-case basis except for HOME, SHIP & CDBG
funding. The pool monthly maintenance fee will be included in the debt-to-income ratios when the
subsidy loan is approved. For HOME/CDBG loans only, ineligible properties are those properties
leased to a tenant which would trigger a relocation of that tenant.
Duplex and Time Share properties are not eligible for Homeownership Assistance.
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Purchase Price
The maximum sales price for borrowers to purchase a home under the Homebuyer Loan Program is
subject to approval by the State of Florida licensed First Mortgage Lender.
At a minimum, the property must be appraised for the contracted purchase price, however, if the
appraised value is less than the purchase price, PHCD will not provide subsidy financing above the
appraised value and additional funds beyond the appraised price.
The Infill Housing Program Maximum Sales Price pursuant to Miami-Dade Ordinance 21-80 for
homes sold under Miami-Dade Affordable Housing Programs, including Infill is $394,000 or the
Appraised value (the lesser of the two).
Note: For maximum subordinate mortgage amounts for low to moderate-income individuals and families,
income and mortgage limits. (See attachment I)
Credit Requirements
PHCD housing programs do not have a minimum credit score requirement or threshold; the
Department however reserves the right to ask for explanations of any derogatory or negative items
contained in the credit report. In situations whereby a collection appears on the credit report, whether
those collections require repayment prior to the loan closing is left to the discretion of PHCD. All
collection items related to a County Program or including a County medical collection, must be paid
prior to closing.
Non-Applying Spouse
Non-homebuyer spouse can have an ownership interest in the property at the time of settlement
without executing the promissory note. The non homebuying spouse must execute a restrictive
covenant or the shared equity agreement, if applicable.
The credit history of the non-homebuyer spouse is not considered as a reason to deny a loan
application. However, the non-homebuyer spouse’s income will be used to determine the
appropriate subsidy.
Down payment requirements are as follows:
Minimum down payment requirement is subject to the approval of the State of Florida
Licensed First Mortgage Lender.
Down payment required by US HUD for Section 8 Homeownership Program is three percent
(3%) of the purchase price, of which one percent (1%) of the purchase price must be from
the applicant’s own funds.
The combined loan-to-value ratio “CLTV” of all mortgages including closing cost assistance shall
not exceed one hundred five percent (105%) of the purchase price and for loans funded with Surtax Funds
shall be subject to the approval of the State of Florida Licensed First Mortgage Lender.
The homebuyer can satisfy part of the cash requirement for closing with funds received as cash gifts
from relatives, or cash savings clubs. For underwriting purposes, a relative is defined as a spouse,
parent, stepparent, legal guardian, grandparent, brother, sister, or child. In general, before using
funds from gifts, the homebuyer is recommended to use his or her own funds to make a down
payment toward the sales price of a property.
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To verify a gift, the homebuyer is recommended to obtain a signed letter from the donor that includes:
Specific dollar amount of the gift and date the funds were deposited/transferred to the
borrower’s bank account.
Donor’s name, address, telephone number, and relationship to the homebuyer.
Statement from the donor saying that no repayment is expected.
In cases where the gift funds have already been transferred, staff must verify that sufficient funds to
cover the gift have been transferred from the donor’s account to the homebuyer s account or that
the donor’s account has adequate funds to cover the amount of the gift.
Any excess liquid assets over $50,000 (excluding pensions, annuities, 401K, etc.) are recommended
to be used for a higher down payment or to cover closing costs. Liquid Assets is defined as available
cash on hand, or in banks or an instrument that has the capacity to be easily converted to cash.
This asset limitation does not apply to retired persons regardless of age or permanently disabled
For HOME/CDBG and SHIP only, applicants who have assets in excess of $5,000.00 must include
income earned assets in the income calculation using the greater of (i) the actual income earned on
those assets, or (ii) the income calculated using the current LIBOR rate as set by HUD.
Miami-Dade County will not approve subordinate mortgage financing for loans whose first mortgage
has a balloon payment, adjustable rate, carries an unusually high interest rate, or includes
prepayment penalties.
The lender must use the tax estimator from the Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser website to
estimate the taxes and calculate the insurance at 1.5% of the purchase price if a quote cannot be
obtained prior to submitting the loan package.
Monthly Payments for PHCD Assistance
Monthly Payments for Surtax loans will be as follows
Income Level
Interest Rate
Years 1 to 30
Very Low to Moderate
Fully amortized for 30 years
PHCD will process the application for a second mortgage at a 1% or 2% interest rate, to assist in
the acquisition of the home. The amount and interest rate on the loan and the resulting monthly payment
be based on the information submitted to PHCD by the first mortgage lending institution handling the
application, after the lender approves the homebuyer for a first mortgage. The amount of the second
mortgage at below market rate (subsidy) will be calculated based on the homebuyer’s income and family
size, as a percentage of the sale’s price. The monthly payments on the second loan will be based on the
loan amount and interest rate approved for the homebuyer. There will be a fully amortized thirty (30) year
monthly payment in every case. The lender will provide the homebuyer an estimate of the monthly
payment. Some exceptions may apply.
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Homes finance through the Miami-Dade County Homebuyer Loan Program are recommended to
undergo an inspection by a qualified home inspector in accordance with Miami-Dade County
Resolution No. R-1008-14. A qualified home inspector is one who has a valid home inspection
license issued by the State of Florida through the home inspection services licensing program. Prior
to commencing a home inspection, the home inspector shall provide a copy of their license to
practice home inspection services in the State of Florida to the homebuyer. The home inspection is
intended to prevent hardships on homebuyers and can be useful in preventing homebuyers from
purchasing homes with structural or other building problems. The breadth of the home inspection
shall be enough to alert homebuyers of significant defects in the home, including structural problems,
and identify whether the home is in compliance with the Miami-Dade County Building Code. If the
Comprehensive Private Home Inspection Report reflect repairs and/or replacements, PHCD must
have evidence regarding the repairs and/or replacements were completed prior to Closing. The
Department has the discretion to deny a homebuyer loan on a particular property based upon
substantial negative findings in the home inspection upon a determination that denying a loan is in
the best interest of the County. The payment of said inspection can be from the homebuyer in cash
or using the funds loaned to the homebuyer from the County. If the property does not pass
inspection and the homebuyer does not close on that property, PHCD will consider reimburse to the
homebuyer for the cost of the inspection.
Buildings forty (40) years and older must possess the Forty (40) Year Certification or Ten (10)
Year Re-certification Letter from the appropriate jurisdiction at time of file submission.
Any successor regulations to the current 40 years or 10 years recertification requirements
shall be made a part of these guidelines without specific amendments to these guidelines.
A Hold Harmless Affidavit will also be required to be signed by the applicant(s) at time of
application that states the County is not responsible for code violations, liens, open permits,
or illegal structures. Sellers are required to disclose code violations, illegal structures or
additions. Miami-Dade County will not award subsidy financing if any of these conditions
Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspections are required for Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher
Homeownership Program transactions. Inspections of the roof, septic tank and for termites shall
be performed by a State of Florida licensed inspector specializing in each of these areas. These
three inspections shall be paid for by the homebuyer regardless of the outcome of the inspection
and are valid for 45 days from the date of the inspection.
If the property was constructed prior to 1978, a lead-based paint inspection will be required by an
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Certified Inspector, EPA Certified Risk Accessor and/or
EPA Certified Firm prior to closing and is to be paid for by the homebuyer. The report must show a
negative outcome for lead base paint. Where lead base paint is uncovered, abatement must be
completed prior to closing. All construction projects must obtain a certificate of occupancy, a loan
closing will not take place with a temporary certificate of occupancy.
All federal funded loans (HOME) also require an Environmental Review Clearance which will be
conducted by PHCD staff, or successor entity.
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Homebuyer Resale Provision. Resale provisions are applicable if the housing is assisted with HUD
HOME funds and the assisted housing does not continue to be the principal residence of the family
for the duration of the period of affordability. PHCD requires the assisted housing is made
available for a subsequent purchase only to a buyer whose family qualifies as a low-income family
and will use the property as its principal residence.
Homebuyer Repayment. PHCD will provide zero percent (0%) interest deferred payment,
(_______ lien position) mortgage loan in an amount of up to $_________ until the first to occur of
the following events: (1) Home Buyer sells, transfers or deposes of the assisted unit (either by
sale, transfer, bankruptcy or foreclosure, etc.), (2) the Home Buyer no longer occupies the unit as
their principal residence. (3) the Home Buyer dies, or if a married couple, survivor dies or (4) the
affordability period for this loan ends.
Loan Servicing
All loans referenced in these guidelines will be serviced by the PHCD Loan Servicing Unit or
Miami-Dade County approved private firm specializing in mortgage loan servicing. All costs
associated with the servicing of homeownership loans shall be paid out of the loan program
operating budget.
The Purchase and Sales Contract should reflect a 60-day period to closing. When the loan is
submitted by the first mortgage lender, PHCD should be allowed up to 30 days to close from the
date all required documents and information are received from underwriting to close.
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Attachment I
Adjusted for Family Size
SHIP/SURTAX limited to 140 % (Subject to periodic revisions by US HUD Effective (May 11th, 2023)
(Income and Mortgage Limits REVISED (May 11th, 2023)
MAXIMUM Subsidy Table
Percentage of AMI
Up to 140%
Properties within vulnerability areas providing
assistance up to:
Properties not in vulnerability areas providing
assistance up to:
Funding Source for all
Income Limit
Low income and moderate-income households at or
below 140% of AMI
(Area Median Income)
Low income and moderate-income households at or below
140% of AMI
(Area Median Income)
Maximum purchase price
of property allowed by
program (subject to
The maximum sales price for borrowers to purchase
a home under Miami-Dade County’s Affordable
Housing Program is subject to approval by the State
of Florida licensed First Mortgage Lender.
The maximum sales price for borrowers to purchase a
home under Miami-Dade County’s Affordable Housing
Program is subject to approval by the State of Florida
licensed First Mortgage Lender. The funding is provided
through the Mortgage Lender’s First Time –
Homebuyer/Homeownership Program with the HLP.
Purchase Price Limits for
The maximum sales price for borrowers to purchase
a home under Miami-Dade County’s Affordable
Housing Program is subject to approval by the State
of Florida licensed First Mortgage Lender.
The maximum sales price for borrowers to purchase a
home under Miami-Dade County’s Affordable Housing
Program is subject to approval by the State of Florida
licensed First Mortgage Lender. The funding is provided
through the Mortgage Lender’s First Time –
Homebuyer/Homeownership Program with the HLP.
Effective July 1, 2023, the current Maximum Sales
Price pursuant to Miami-Dade County Ordinance 21-
80 for homes sold under Miami-Dade Affordable
Housing Programs, including Infill is $394,000 or the
Appraised value (the lesser of the two).
Effective July 1, 2023, the current Maximum Sales Price
pursuant to Miami-Dade County Ordinance 21-80 for
homes sold under Miami-Dade Affordable Housing
Programs, including Infill is $394,000 or the Appraised
value (the lesser of the two).
FUNDING (i.e., Purchase price, unit size, number of units, etc.). NO EXCEPTIONS.
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Attachment II
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Attachment III
First Mortgage Lender’s Name
Loan Officer/Processor
Title Company’s Name
Title Company’s Contact Person
Borrower’s Name
Co-Borrower’s Name
Current Address
City, State & Zip Code
Phone Number
Phone Number
Phone Number
Property Address:
Developer Name/ Project
Contact person for
Page 22 of 38 Revised 01/18/2024
All documentation listed below, if applicable, must be submitted as part of the lender package. Failure
to do so may delay the application process.
Fully executed sales contract with at least 60 days remaining before expiring.
Two (2) years signed and dated Income Tax Returns and W-2’s and/or 1099’s with all applicable Schedules for all adult and
Household Members.
If applicable: Award letters for all other income: Social Security pension/retirement/SSI/welfare/disability.
Proof of legal residence: U.S. Citizenship or Permanent Resident Alien Card, INS Employment Authorization, I-94 (Cuban
Citizens only). *Please Note: Documents must be current at time of application.
Picture ID (i.e., Driver License, Employment ID, etc.) and Social Security Cards. (SOCIAL SECURITY CARDS NOT
Most current six months bank statement for all accounts including all pages.
Birth Certificate(s) for all household members, Letter from guardianship/adoption (if applicable) and/or School Records.
If applicable: Marriage Certificate, All Divorce Decrees and Property Settlement Agreements; Proof of receipt of child support
for the prior 12 consecutive months; Provide proof of non-receipt and “good faith” effort to collect and avoid inclusion in annual
income figure.
If applicable: Third Party Verification of Regular Cash Contribution Letter for non-court ordered child support; If the applicant
is not receiving court-ordered child support, a letter from the Department of Revenue, Child Support Enforcement Office is
Recommended - Certificate of Completion of Homebuyers Training Program. CERTIFICATE IS GOOD FOR ONE YEAR
First Mortgage Lender and all other participating Lenders’ Commitment Letters.
PHCD Ethics Commission Disclosure Statement for all PHCD Programs
Last two (2) years IRS Transcripts with W 2 and / or 1099’s
Executed 1003 and 1008 (Transmittal Summary), Truth in Lending (TIL) and Good Faith Estimate
Appraisal Long Form Original with pictures or acceptable electronic color copy
Copy of Comprehensive Private Home Inspection Report
Condo Project Approval, Estoppel Letter, Condo Questionnaire, Condo Budget and Condo Approval Letter (WHEN
Last two (2) years Verification of Rent Letter(s) from the Landlord(s).
Copy of Escrow Letter and cancelled deposit check(s).
Current Tri-merged credit report.
Legible Copy of fully executed Sales Contract including Addendum extending Closing Date. (IF APPLICABLE)
For FHA Loans (Executed and Dated Forms HUD 92900 A, 92900 LT and 92800 5B) Addendum to Universal
Residential Loan Application.
Please be advised that the purchase contract must contain the below clauses:
Subject to loan approval by Miami-Dade County, Department of Public Housing &
Community Development.
HQS (Housing Quality Standard) Inspections for all loans made as part of the Section 8
Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program.
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Attachment IV
Miami-Dade County Public Housing and Community Development
Conflict of Interest Form
Please check the following item(s) that apply; required to be completed
_________ Miami-Dade County employee (including Jackson Public Health Trust Employees)
(Ethics Opinion must be sought http//
Provide explanation below
_________ Relative to Miami-Dade County employee
Provide explanation below
_________ Relative to Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioner
Provide explanation below
_________ None of the above
Explanation ________________________________________________________________
Please be advised that the purchase contract must contain the below clauses:
Subject to loan approval by Miami-Dade County, Department of Public Housing & Community
Required for all Section 8 Loans.
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Attachment V
State and/or Federal Regulations require PHCD to verify employment history and income information for
the person that has provided authorization below, in order to determine their eligibility for program
assistance. Your cooperation in providing the requested information below is most appreciated. You may
fax to 786-469-2230 or mail to the address below.
I hereby authorize the release of requested information. A copy of the executed “Authorization for the
release of Information” is attached which indicates my agreement with the release of information requested
for the sole purpose of determining eligibility for program assistance.
Signature of Applicant Print Name Date
Signature of Co-Applicant Print Name Date
Please return information to:
Public Housing and Community Development
701 NW 1
Court, 14
Miami, FL 33136
786-469-2246 or 786-469-2251
Please provide information about anticipated employment income during the next 12 months:
Company Name: ______________________________________________________________
Position__________________ Length of Time Employed: ____________________________
Pay Rate: ___________________ Pay Frequency (Hr., Wk., Mo): __________________
Overtime Pay Rate: _______________ Average Overtime Hours/Wk./Semi-Wk.: ___________
Total Annual Base-Pay Earnings: ___________ Total Overtime Base-Pay Earnings: _________
Amount and frequency of other Compensation (bonus, raise, commission, tips): ____________
Vacation Pay (Y or N): _________________ If yes, number of days: __________________
Retirement Account (Y or N): __________Amount Accessible to Employee: $_______________
Total Gross Annual Income, including other compensation, for next 12 months: $ ___________
Signature of authorized representative: _____________________________________________
Printed Name: ________________________Title: ____________________________________
Date: __________________________ Phone: ____________________________________
Warning: Florida Statute 817 provides that willful false statements or misrepresentation concerning income,
asset or liability information relating to financial condition is a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable by
fines and imprisonment provided under Statutes 775.082 or 775.83.
Note: For ALL applicable Household Members 18 years or over, obtain a signed copy of this form for each verification to be
completed. Send form directly to the appropriate employment source; do not send form through applicant. Upon receiving
verification, date-stamp, and compare information to that received on application. Make any necessary notations, date and
initial. If significant differences exist between amount reported and verified, obtain a written explanation from applicant and
attach to file.
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Attachment VI
The interest rate to be charged on the first mortgage will be the Freddie Mac, FNMA, or FHA net 30-day
rate for 30 years and shall be locked in for a period of at least 60 days. If the loan is not closed within 60
days, the interest rate will be the prevailing rate to be determined not less than 5 days before closing. The
rate shall be locked in at the time of loan approval with a “float down” feature if the rates should go down.
The First lenders must immediately inform PHCD of rate changes.
The first lenders do not charge a fee for relocks or extensions
The term of the first mortgage loan shall be 30 years fixed.
The maximum allowable fees to the applicant are as follows:
The fee is set at a maximum of 2% of the first mortgage amount and is the only fee to be charged by the
first lender. It should be enough to cover the following costs:
Document Prep Fee
Tax Service Fee Prevailing Lender Cost
Flood Certifications Prevailing Lender Cost
Underwriting Fee
Processing Fee
Closing Fee
Application Fee
Settlement Fee
Notary Fee
Miami-Dade County, PHCD Loan Set-Up Fee ($100.00) and Origination Fee ($400.00) must be disclosed
and charged on CD’s/HUD 1 Settlement Statement.
If the lender chooses to disclose these fees as separate line items on the HUD-1 and Good Faith
Estimate (GFE), the total of these fees cannot exceed 2% of the first mortgage loan amount. Lenders
are not permitted to charge both the 2% origination fee and the fees listed above.
Closing Fees are not to exceed $850.00 for all Mortgages.
Lenders are allowed to charge the following fees when compliant with the first mortgage loan:
Appraisal Fee Prevailing Vendor Cost
Credit Report Prevailing Vendor Cost
Re-certification Fee $100.00 Maximum
Final Inspection $100.00 Maximum
Roof/Termite Inspection Prevailing Vendor Cost
Recording Fees Per State Regulations
Septic Tank Inspection Prevailing Vendor Cost
Developer Fees are not permitted to be charged to the applicants.
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Miami-Dade County has programs that provide homeowners with low-interest rate loans to assist
in making necessary repairs to their home and/or to protect their home with the installation of
hurricane shutters or impact windows.
These guidelines cover only owner-occupied single-family homes, including cluster, twin, town
homes and condominiums. Mobile homes do not qualify.
1. Completion of Rehabilitation occurs when all inspections have passed, and all permits
have been closed for all the work performed.
2. Disabled: anyone in the household who has proof of disability, regardless of age.
3. Development Disabilities defined in s.393.063, Florida Statutes means a disorder of
syndrome that is attributable to retardation. Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Spina Bifida or Prader-
Willi Syndrome; that manifests before the age of 18; and that constitutes a substantial
handicap that can reasonably be expected to continue indefinitely.
4. Elderly: an applicant who is ≥62 years old.
5. Dwelling Unit: a residential space which qualifies as a place of permanent habitation for one
family which contains a living room, kitchen area, bathroom(s) and bedroom(s). An
efficiency apartment (studio) is considered a one-bedroom unit.
6. Family: an individual or two or more persons related by blood, marriage, adoption,
guardianship or operation of law; or are not so related; and may include one or more
individuals (who have not attained the age of 18) being domiciled with a parent or another
person having legal custody of such individual or the designee of such parent or the person
having such custody, with the written permission of such parent or other persons who
occupy the same dwelling unit.
7. Income Classifications: These limits shall be adjusted automatically whenever the federal
government (U.S. HUD) periodically updates the median income for Miami-Dade County.
Very Low income means a family whose gross income is below 50% of the median
income for Miami-Dade County.
Low income means a family whose gross income is below 80% of the median income
for Miami-Dade County.
Moderate income means a family whose gross income is greater than 80% and not to
exceed 140% of the median income for Miami-Dade County.
8. Owner: the individual(s) who holds valid legal title to the property to be rehabilitated.
9. Owner Occupied: a residential property containing one dwelling unit in which the owner
resides on a full-time basis.
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10. Rehabilitation: the repair of a structure or facilities in connection with a structure and may
include the provision of sanitary or other facilities.
11. Single Family Property: property devoted solely to residential use and consisting of one
12. Persons with Special Needs defined in s.420.0004, Florida Statutes: means an adult person
requiring independent living services in order to maintain housing or develop independent
living skills and who has a disabling condition s.420.0004(7); a young adult formerly in foster
care who is eligible for service under s.409.1451(5); a survivor of domestic violence as
defined in s.741.28; or a person receiving benefits under the Social Security Disability
Insurance (SSDI) program or the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program or from
veterans’ disability benefits.
Disabling Condition defined in s.420.0004 (7), Florida Statutes: means a diagnosable
substance abuse disorder, serious mental illness, development disabilities, or chronic physical
illness or disability, or the co-occurrence of two or more of these conditions, and a
determination that the condition is:
Expected to be of long-continued and indefinite duration; and
Not expected to impair the ability of the person with special needs to lay independently
appropriate supports.
13. Work WriteUp: the itemization of all rehabilitation work to be done on a property, including
such directions and specification for workmanship and materials as may be necessary for
the job to be bid and constructed properly and to pass all inspections by Miami-Dade
Assistance for Condominium Unit Owners/Special Assessments per Use of Surtax Dollars
This Program will assist owner occupied condominium homeowners with limited finances, address
special assessment requirements associated with rehabilitation/repairs as a result of applicable
building integrity recertification requirements. Surtax funds will be in the form of a loan and the
annual household median income may not exceed the maximum limit of 140% as indicated in the
Miami-Dade County income limit chart. Loan terms will be structured to mitigate the financial
burden on families while recognizing the need to ensure compliance with the Surtax program.
The Program will address physical damage to the condominium
The Program will assist families and or/individual homeowners
The Program will assist Condominium Properties throughout the County
The homeowner must reside in the unit and it must be their primary residence and homestead;
Investment owners are not eligible for program assistance
The Program will provide loans up to $50,000.00 with a repayment term of 40 years
The monthly payment will be $50.00 for low-income families with the remaining balance due at
Maturity Date
The monthly payment for moderate income families will be calculated at 0.00% interest rate for 40
Any cash assets exceeding $50,000.00 must be used for down payment up to 10% of the loan
If the owner sells the property, cash out refinance or ceases to use the home as primary residence,
the balance of the loan becomes due and payable
Upon the death of the owner, the loan shall become due and payable in full unless ownership of
the property passes to the heirs of owner and those heirs meet the following criteria: (a) live in the
property, (b) earn no more than the maximum percentage AMI funding activity at time of transfer,
and (c) execute appropriate documents as required by Miami-Dade County.
One-time assessment per unit owner
The rehabilitation funds will be payable to the Condominium Association
The Condominium Budget and Condo Questionnaire will be required and reviewed
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Mortgage payments and HOA/Maintenance fees must be current
A description of the work to be done and or the Scope of Work will be required to determine the
loan assistance
Semi-annual reports from the Condominium Association will be required
Surtax and Ship Rehabilitation - Single-Family Funded Programs
A rehabilitation loan may be made to an eligible applicant for the purpose of fully bringing the
property up to current building code and/or to make the home barrier-free for disabled persons. It
is used to repair roofs, perform other structural, electrical or sanitation related repairs.
Surtax Rehabilitation Loan Program
The maximum total loan amount shall not exceed $40,000.00 (up to $50,000.00 if the applicant
is Elderly, Disabled, Development Disabilities, Disabling Condition and Special Needs).
State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program
The maximum total loan amount shall not exceed $40,000.00 (up to $50,000.00 if the applicant
is Elderly, Disabled, Development Disabilities, Disabling Condition and Special Needs).
Surtax Beautification Loan Program
The Beautification Home Loan Program assists homeowners of single-family detached
residences with exterior home painting and/or landscaping.
Surtax Beautification Loan Program
The maximum total loan amount is subject to funding availability.
Surtax, Paint and Shutter Loan Program
This program assists low- to moderate- income homeowners with single family detached
residences with exterior home painting and/or the installation of hurricane impact shutters
approved by Miami-Dade County.
Surtax Paint/Shutter Loan Program
The maximum loan amount for paint and shutters combined is $15,000.00; if the combined
amount exceeds $10,000.00, the homeowner must select paint or shutter assistance.
Eligibility Areas
Surtax and SHIP Single-Family Rehabilitation Loan Program-
encompasses properties located within Miami-Dade County.
Surtax Beautification Loan Program
currently encompasses Commission Districts 1 and 2.
Surtax Paint/Shutter Loan Program
encompasses properties located within Miami-Dade County.
All other Beautification Loan Programs encompass properties located within the Commission
Eligible Properties
Surtax and SHIP - Single-Family Rehabilitation Loan Program
Owner-occupied single-family residences, cluster homes, townhomes,
twin homes, manufactured homes (must evidence a Declaration of Condominium documents
recorded in the Public records disclosing separate folio numbers), condominium unit (except
for common areas). Duplexes, Studios, and Mobile Homes are not allowed.
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Properties with a swimming pool are acceptable on a case-by-case basis except for SHIP
funding source. In addition, properties with an efficiency are not allowed regardless of funding
Surtax Beautification Funded Program only allow Single-Family Detached Properties.
Paint/Shutters Funded Program allows Single-Family Attached, Detached and Condominiums
Properties. Duplexes, Studios and Mobile Homes are not allowed.
The property must be in need of rehabilitation and may not have any illegal additions and/or
any serious building code violations that exceeds the loan amount to bring up to code.
Property must be free of any foreclosure actions.
Property cannot be assessed according to the tax rolls at more than $318,000.00.
No Tax Deferments.
Real Estate Taxes must be paid and current.
If applicable, Association/Maintenance fees must be paid and current.
If applicable, Mortgage(s) must be paid and current.
Loan modification must be completed and provide evidence of the last six months of on time
modified mortgage payments.
Adjustable rate, reverse mortgages, balloon mortgages, owner and privately held mortgages
are not allowed; except that adjustable-rate mortgages are allowed in the Beautification,
Painting and Shutter Loan Programs.
Lead-Based Paint Inspection required depending on the funding source.
Environmental Clearance required depending on the funding source.
Applicants for Rehabilitation
Applicants must be a U.S. Citizen or have current United States Permanent Legal Resident
The property must be in Miami-Dade County.
The applicant must be an individual or family who owns and occupies a single-family residence
and the property must be their primary residence, as evidenced by Homestead Exemption at
time of application. The amount of the homestead exemption must reflect on Miami-Dade
County Property Appraiser Department website.
Applicant can only apply once for the program per program activity. The maximum number of
rehab loans from Miami-Dade County cannot exceed a total of three (3). However, Surtax
Rehab loans are limited to a one-time only occurrence per family.
For SHIP funded loans, applicant must not own more than one property, land or any other real
estate; inherited properties with multiple owners owning additional properties will be
determined on a case-by-case basis.
Eligible Contractors are selected from Community Action & Human Services Department
(CAHSD) Contractor Rotational List. The selection of contractors is completed through a
competitive bid process and awarded to the lowest responsible bidder.
An applicant must be the legal owner of the property for one year at time of application date;
six months for the Beautification and Paint/Shutter Programs.
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Inherited property with multiple owners, life estates, inter-vivos trust or living trust and
beneficiary deed will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. PHCD has the right to establish
the terms of assistance; assistance may be provided if the owner is low to moderate income
and occupies the property as his or her principal residence; PHCD reserves the right to deny
encumbrances that prevent the county from protecting their interest.
Title Search or a recent review of Recorded Ownership Information.
Credit Report is required for all Rehab programs. The County has the right to deny assistance
based on delinquent and/or derogatory information contained in the credit report.
Recent FPL and Water Bill is required regardless of the funding source.
Applicants are required to have property insurance coverage or purchase such insurance
coverage after the repairs have been completed. For seniors or very-low-income
homeowners the insurance cost should not exceed the market value of the loan.
Homeowners insurance is not a requirement for the Beautification and Paint/Shutter Loan
Program or Disaster Funds.
Flood insurance is required for SURTAX and SHIP Rehab funded programs (properties
defined within the Special Flood Hazard Area).
Adult(s) residing in the household not receiving income will be required to request a
Verification of Non-Filing of Tax Returns from the Internal Revenue Services.
For SHIP funded loans, Bankruptcy four (4) years must have elapsed since the date of the
discharged bankruptcy. The applicant must have re-established credit or chosen not to incur
new obligations. Provide a written explanation that led to the bankruptcy including copies of
the discharge with all pages and schedules. All bankruptcies will be reviewed, and a decision
will be made on a case-by-case basis.
Active Debt Consolidated Programs are not allowed; all debts must be satisfied prior to loan
The County reserves the right to deny encumbrances that prevents the County from protecting
their interest.
Total cash assets cannot exceed $50,000. Retirement accounts for elderly, disabled,
developmental disabilities, disabling condition and special needs applicants are not
considered assets. Liquid Assets is defined as available cash on hand, or in banks or an
instrument that has the capacity to be easily converted to cash. However, for SHIP loans
assets in excess of $5,000 must include the income calculator the greater of (i) the actual
income earned on those assets, or (ii) the income calculation using the current LIBOR rate as
specified by U.S. HUD.
Applicant must submit all paperwork requested for financing. (See Attachment II)
The applicant must be low-or-moderate income person or family and the maximum household
income cannot exceed the following chart:
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Adjusted for Family Size
SHIP/SURTAX limited to 140 % (Subject to periodic revisions by US HUD Effective (May 11
th, 2023
(Income and Mortgage Limits REVISED (May 11
, 2023)
Income Inclusions and Exclusions for Eligibility Purposes for SURTAX/SHIP
Annual Income Inclusions
Annual Income Exclusions
Annual income inclusions defined under U.S. HUD 24
C.F.R. Section 5.609(b) are listed as follows:
The gross amount (before any payroll
deductions) of wages, salaries, overtime pay,
commissions, fees, tips and bonuses, and any
other compensation for personal services
received by all eligible household members;
the net income from the operation of a business
or profession;
interest, dividends, and other net income of any
kind from real or personal property;
the full number of periodic amounts received from
Social Security, annuities, insurance policies,
retirement funds, pensions, disability or death
payment in lieu of earnings, such as
unemployment and disability compensation,
worker’s compensation and severance pay;
welfare or other need-based payments to families
or individuals that are made under programs
funded separately, or jointly by federal, state or
local governments.
periodic and determinable allowances, such as
alimony and child support payments, and regular
contributions or gifts received from organizations
or from persons not residing in the dwelling;
all regular pay, special pay and allowances of a
member of the Armed Forces; and
SSI income may be subject to federal restrictions
which may limit its use.
Note: Surtax allows for income averaging for the past
two years for applicants that are self-employed, or earn
commission, tips, bonuses, and overtime.
The most common types of excluded annual income
Income from employment of children (including
foster children) under the age of eighteen (18)
payments received for the care of foster children or
lump-sum additions to family assets, such as
inheritances, insurance payments;
reimbursement for the cost of medical expenses for
any family member;
income of a live-in aide;
the full amount of student financial assistance paid
directly to the student or to the educational
the special pay to a family member serving in the
Armed Forces who is exposed to hostile fire;
income from training programs funded by HUD;
temporary, nonrecurring or sporadic income
(including gifts);
reparation payments paid by a foreign government
to persons who were persecuted during the Nazi
income from earnings in excess of $480 for each
full-time student eighteen (18) years or older
(excluding the head of household and spouse);
adoption assistance payments in excess of $480
per adopted child;
deferred payments received in a lump sum;
refunds or rebates for property taxes paid on the
dwelling unit; or services and equipment needed to
keep a developmentally disabled family member at
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Income Inclusions for Credit Purposes
Four (4) most recent Paystubs
containing YTD information, if
unsatisfactory or unable to provide will
require Verification of Employment
(valid for (3) three months)
Verification of employment (valid for 90 days
from the date received. If the information is
orally updated by the source, the VOE will
remain in effect for an additional 30 days).
Third Party Verification of Employment is
required by SHIP, (Attachment III)
Tax returns and W-2 for the previous
two (2) years or IRS Form 1722 (which
gives the applicant’s income and filing
status may be requested). Returns
must be signed & dated by applicant.
Same as Surtax.
If self-employed year-to-date, profit and
loss statement as of the date of
Same as Surtax.
Three (3) months of bank statements or
bank’s computer printout reflecting a
balance for each month.
Six (6) months of bank statements or
bank’s computer printout reflecting a
balance for each month
Tri-merged credit report (valid for 3
Same as Surtax.
Verification of Assets Retirement
Same as Surtax.
SURTAX Single-Family Rehabilitation Loan Program
General Population: Non-Elderly, Disabled, Development Disabilities, Disabling Condition and
Special Needs:
If the Total Debt to Income Ratio (TDTI) is less than 50%, repayment and terms shall be as
- 0.00%-3.00% interest rate amortized for 30 years. First payment is due and payable one
month after completion of rehabilitation. A Certificate of Completion is required.
If the Applicant’s TDTI is more than 50% repayment and terms shall be as follows:
- 0.00%-3.00% interest rate at a 30-year loan term with a minimum payment of $50.00 per
month. The remaining unpaid balance is due upon Sale, Transfer of Title, Death or
whichever occurs first.
- First payment is due and payable one month after completion of the rehabilitation. A
Certificate of Completion is required.
For Elderly, Disabled, Development Disabilities, Disabling Condition and Special Needs:
- 0.00%-3.00% interest rate at a 30-year loan term with a minimum payment of $50.00 per
month. The remaining unpaid balance is due upon Sale, Transfer of Title, Death or
whichever occurs first.
- First payment is due and payable one month after completion of rehabilitation. A Certificate
of Completion is required.
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SHIP Single-Family Rehabilitation Loan Program
General Population: Non-elderly, Disabled, Development Disabilities, Disabling Condition and
Special Needs are offered repayment terms dependent upon total debt to income ratio.
Specifically, at ratios exceeding 50%, the mortgage term is 15 years with a $50.00 monthly
payment. The remaining unpaid balance is due upon Sale, Transfer of Title or Death. For applicants
whose total debt to income ratio is no greater than 50%, the loan term will be 15 years fully
amortized at 0.00%-6.00%.
Rehabilitation Loan Terms for Elderly, Disabled, Developmental Disabilities, Disabling
Condition and Special Needs:
For Elderly, Disabled, Developmental Disabilities, Disabling Condition and Special Needs
population, the mortgage term is 15 years with a $50.00 monthly payment. The remaining unpaid
balance is due upon Sale, Transfer of Title or Death.
First payment is due and payable one month after completion of the rehabilitation. A certificate of
completion is required.
The SHIP proceeds repaid to the County will be used by the County for other SHIP assistance. If
the proceeds from the sale are insufficient to repay the outstanding SHIP subsidy, the County will
recapture whatever proceeds are available after the first mortgage from a private lender (if any)
has been repaid.
Surtax Beautification Loan Program
Deferred loan; the TDTI is not applicable; no monthly payment is required.
If the owner sells the property, refinances, changes title, ceases to use the home as his
primary residence, the balance of the loan shall become due and payable in full by the owner.
Upon the death of the owner, the loan shall become due and payable in full unless ownership
of the property passes to the heirs of owner and those heirs meet the following criteria: (a)
live in the property, (b) earn no more than the maximum percentage AMI funding activity at
time of transfer, and (c) execute appropriate documents as required by Miami-Dade County.
Surtax Paint/Shutter Loan Programs
Paint and/or Shutter Deferred loan; the TDTI is not applicable; no monthly payment is
If the owner sells the property, refinances, changes title, ceases to use the home as his/her
primary residence, the balance of the loan shall become due and payable in full by the owner.
The County reserves the right to restructure loan payments.
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Surtax Single-Family Rehabilitation Loan Program
The loan interest rate is 0.00%-3.00% for household not exceeding 140% of the AMI.
If the owner sells the property, refinances, changes title, ceases to use the home as his/her
primary residence, the balance of the loan shall become due and payable in full by the owner.
i. Upon the death of the owner, the loan shall become due and payable in full unless ownership
of the property passes to the heirs of owner and those heirs meet the following criteria: (a)
live in the property, (b) earn no more than the maximum percentage AMI funding activity at
time of transfer, and (c) execute appropriate documents as required by Miami-Dade County.
SHIP Single-Family Rehabilitation Loan Program
The loan interest rate is 0.00%-6.00% for household not exceeding 140% of the AMI.
If the owner sells the property, refinances, changes title, ceases to use the home as his/her
primary residence, the balance of the loan shall become due and payable in full by the owner.
ii. Upon the death of the owner, the loan shall become due and payable in full unless ownership
of the property passes to the heirs of owner and those heirs meet the following criteria: (a)
live in the property, (b) earn no more than the maximum percentage AMI funding activity at
time of transfer, and c) execute appropriate documents as required by Miami-Dade County.
Surtax Beautification Paint/Shutter Loan Program
The interest rate is 0.00%; household income not to exceed 140% of the AMI.
Security Instruments
All loans shall be secured by a mortgage or similar security instrument.
Any mortgage used as security for a loan may not be transferred or assigned by the owner
to another person without the prior written approval by the County.
Security Positions
The rehabilitation loan may be subordinate to an existing mortgage if adequate equity is
established on the property to be rehabilitated.
All loans will be processed and underwritten according to the funding activity. All loans shall be
reviewed, approved and denied by the PHCD Department Director or his/her designee. A Work-
Write Up and Contractor/Homeowner Agreement will be required. The County reserves the right
to deny encumbrances that prevent the County from protecting their interest.
An additional rehabilitation supplemental loan may be approved by the PHCD Department
Director or his/her designee when, during rehabilitation, work items which were not anticipated
or are necessitated by change in local codes or ordinances, are subsequently required and the
work exceeds the loan amount. The supplemental loan shall not exceed $10,000. However, in
extreme, exceptional and hardship cases this limit may be waived by the PHCD Director or
his/her designee.
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All applications are submitted by homeowners to the Community Action & Human Services
Department (CAHSD) and placed on a waiting list on a first-come, first-served basis. When funds
become available applicants are selected from the top of the waiting list, the waiting list is
maintained by date, the applicant expressing interest in the program. Each time a group of
applications are selected from the waiting list, processing priority will be given to elderly and
disabled applicants.
All loans will be serviced by the Loan Servicing unit in Public Housing and Community
Development (PHCD). A $100.00 loan servicing set up fee is required and included as part of
the closing costs associated with the loan amount. Loan Fees and Cost are subject to change.
Public Housing and Community Development reserves the right to sell the loan if deemed
feasible by the Department.
All loan fees are included as part of the closing costs associated in the loan amount.
These guidelines take effect October 20
, 2023. Any revisions or amendments will modify the
effective date accordingly. Any changes/updates to the program requirements for any funding
source, will be automatically incorporated into these guidelines.
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Attachment I
1. Valid Florida Driver’s Licenses or State issued ID card for adults only.
2. Warranty or Quit Claim Deed of property.
3. An Ethics Clearance will be required for Miami-Dade County Employee, including Jackson Health
Trust Employees, appointed or elected County official and immediate family to a Miami-Dade
County employee, appointed or elected County official. The Ethics Clearance will be required
upon receipt of application from CAHSD.
4. Last four pay stubs; current retirement, unemployment compensation, social security award letter,
pensions, if applicable.
5. Third Party Verification.
6. Copy of social security cards of homeowners.
7. Proof of United States Citizenship or current Permanent Legal Residency.
8. Last three (3) or six (6) months bank statements including all pages and schedules or computer
print-out reflecting a balance for each month based on the funding source.
9. Cash Contribution Form (i.e., regular family assistance, alimony, etc.)
10. Mortgage payment must be current and provide copy of mortgage statement; coupons are not
11. Birth Certificate(s) on all household members regardless of age; No Birth Cards accepted.
Passport and US Passport are not accepted in lieu of Birth Certificate(s).
12. Last 2 years Income Tax Returns including W-2’s, all pages and schedules. If Tax Returns reflect
business income, provide current profit or loss statement.
13. SSA -1099 Form.
14. Proof of Hazard Insurance, Flood Insurance (if applicable) not required for the Beautification and
Paint/Shutters loan programs.
15. Utility Bills (light and water bill)
16. Copy of Discharged Bankruptcy including all schedules and pages.
Annual income is the gross amount of income anticipated to be received by all adults in a family
during the twelve (12) months following the effective date of the income determination.
When calculating income, please note that SHIP funding requires that the anticipated income be
based on present income plus any income to be received in the next twelve (12) months. Once
the income certification is completed by county staff, and executed by the PHCD administrator or
designee, an award letter/commitment letter is issued. The commitment letter is valid for three (3)
months. Surtax allows for income averaging for the past two (2) years for applicants who are self-
employed; earn commission, tips, bonuses, and overtime.
Florida property laws do not legally recognize separation as it relates to property ownership.
Consequently, when an applicant is legally married but does not currently reside with the spouse,
the estranged spouse must sign the mortgage and the subsidy recapture provision, and his or her
income must be counted as part of the annual household income. This always applies in cases of
temporary separation when a spouse does not live in the house due to military service, attendance
in college, offshore work, or other instances where a family member is temporarily residing in
another location.
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In some situations, it seems clear that the applicant has no plan to reunite with the estranged
spouse and the separation is permanent. The flexible nature of these programs is intended for
local governments to determine the use of funds while ensuring accountability, to make a decision
about a permanent separation and to obtain as many details as possible to document the subsidy
recipient. In cases of permanent separation, the applicant and the estranged spouse maintain
separate residences and file separate tax returns.
The applicant must provide proof of separation by providing copies of the estranged spouse’s IRS
tax returns, driver’s license, legal separation agreement, utility bills, etc. The estranged spouse
does not need to be counted in the household size and his or her income should not be included
in household income.
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Attachment II
Additional documentation when applicable:
1. Separated spouse to provide evidence of not occupying the subject property.
2. Self-employed individuals to provide current profit or loss statement.
3. Adult dependents to provide evidence of school transcript or employment.
4. Copy of Divorce Decree including all pages and property settlement agreement. Joint
custody: the children live with the parent for fifty percent (50%) of the year; the children
should be included as household members.
5. Child support payments; third party verification of regular cash contribution letter for non-
ordered child support; if the applicant is not receiving court ordered child support, a letter
from the Department of Revenue, Child Support Office is required.
6. Unemployment affidavit.
7. Copy of Death Certificate.
8. Copy of Marriage Certificate.
9. Adoption letter and assistance payments. Court ordered letters of guardianship/adoption will
be required if applicant is not the birth parent of household members.
10. Any applicant seeking assistance, requiring assistance from family members or others must
execute the PHCD authorization form.
11. School records to reflect the residing address of the property.
12. Copies of Life Insurance policies, if applicable.
13. Any other form of verification as required by funding.