The following rules are in effect, subject to changes or additions as needed.
1. Follow the directions given by the teacher or group leader.
2. Be respectful of others, yourself and the property.
3. Always remain with a teacher or group leader.
4. Be responsible for your own belongings and respect the property that belongs to others, including the
5. Inside the building, walk.
6. Inside the building and in the van, use talking voices.
7. Use appropriate language.
8. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
9. In the van or bus, sit where the driver asks you to sit.
10. In the van or bus, remain in your seat with your seat belt fastened.
11. At the end of the day, say goodbye to your classroom teacher (if you are not in their activity)
When inappropriate behavior occurs, the following consequences are in effect
1. The adult will remind the student of the behavior expected.
2. The adult may engage in a conversation away from others to find the source of the behavior.
3. If behavior continues after a reminder and a conversation, the child may be removed from the group for
a time to speak to an office staff person. This may include a conversation with a parent or guardian at
pick up.
4. If the behavior continues, the issue will be documented and parent or guardian will be contacted.
5. If behaviors are consistently repeated after the above intervention, an incident report will be written and a meeting
will be set up to make a plan for improving behaviors.
6. In cases of extreme behaviors, the group of children will be removed from the classroom and the child with the
behavior will remain in the classroom. A parent or guardian will be contacted and upon arrival will meet with a
staff person to make a behavior plan.
7. On the van, the adult will stop the van, move the child’s seat if necessary, and speak to child(ren).
8. After three incidents, the child will be suspended for one day. (If the behavior problems are only on the van, the
suspension will be from the van, not from the program.)
9. In cases of extreme behaviors, after two incidents, the child will be suspended for one day. A behavior plan must
be in place before reentry
10. After five one-day suspensions in one year or three suspensions within two months, the parents will be given one
week to find alternate after school care, and the child will be removed from the program.
In addition, the Board of Directors, on the recommendation of the program co-directors, may vote to terminate a student
(with one week’s notice) when the child’s presence is detrimental to the program, regardless of how many suspensions
have occurred.
No child shall be subjected to abuse or neglect, cruel, unusual, severe, or corporal punishment, including any type of
physical hitting inflicted in any manner upon the body; punishments which subject a child to verbal abuse, ridicule, or
humiliation; denial of snacks or meals, rest, or bathroom facilities; force-feeding; forcing a child to remain in soiled
clothing or forcing a child to remain on the toilet; other punishment for soiling, wetting, or not using the toilet; or other
punishment related to eating or not eating food.
All new students will begin with a two-week probationary period. At the end of those two weeks, if a student appears to
have behavioral problems detrimental to the program or more complex than our staff can handle, the family will be given
two weeks’ notice and terminated.
We ask parents to go over these rules, then sign and have the child sign them, when the student enrolls.
We recognize positive behavior through several praise and reward systems. We have read and talked about these rules.
Child’s signature: ________________________________________________
Parent or guardian’s signature: __________________________________________________
Today’s date: ________________________
Rev. 5/8/2018