Standard Terms and Conditions for Sub Agency valid from June 2022
Standard Terms and Conditions for Sub Agency
The following expressions shall have the
following meaning in this Agreement:
Affiliate means:
in the case of Wilhelmsen Port Services,
Wilhelmsen Ships Service AS a company
registered in Norway, with Norwegian
registration number 917 019 215 and with
registered address at Strandveien 20, 1324
Lysaker, Norway or any company owned or
controlled by Wilhelmsen Ships Service AS or
any company managed by Wilhelmsen Ships
Service AS pursuant to a management agreement
irrespective of whether such company is owned or
controlled by Wilhelmsen Ships Service AS; and
Barwil Agencies AS a company registered in
Norway, with Norwegian registration number 917
042 276 and with registered address at
Strandveien 20, 1366 Lysaker, Norway or any
company owned or controlled by Barwil Agencies
AS or any company managed by Barwil Agencies
AS pursuant to a management agreement
irrespective of whether such company is owned or
controlled by Barwil Agencies AS;
in the case of Agent, any company owned or
controlled by Agent or its ultimate parent or under
common control with the Agent,
where control means direct or indirect ownership of at least
50% of the voting stock or interest in the company or
” means the legal entity engaged by
Wilhelmsen Port
to provide
the Services pursuant to the
"Agreement" means the terms and conditions of this
agreement (including any document referred to in it) as
amended by the parties in writing from time to time;
"Applicable Laws" means any laws, rules and regulations
applicable to Wilhelmsen Port Services, the Agent or the
Appointment” means the engagement by Wilhelmsen
Port Services of the Agent to perform Services to a
Principal pursuant to this Agreement;
"Confidential Information" means, in relation to
Wilhelmsen Port Services, all information of a
confidential nature not known to the public relating to the
business and/or operations of Wilhelmsen Port Services or
its Affiliates (whether such information is disclosed in
writing, by delivery of items, orally, by visual presentation,
by means of providing access to such information (when,
for example, the information is contained on a database or
otherwise)) including but not limited to: (i) any such
information subsisting in any Intellectual Property Rights;
(ii) any such information which is commercially sensitive
or price sensitive; (iii) any such information about the
business, customers, suppliers, finances, systems or other
affairs; and (iv) the provisions and subject matter of this
Agreement and the Particulars;
"Force Majeure Event" means an event , including the
following: acts of god, war, explosions, fires, bad weather,
floods, tempests, earthquake, insurrection, acts of terrorism
or terrorist threats, arrest or restraint by princes, rulers and
people, closure or congestion of ports, quarantine and
epidemics, riot, civil disturbance, rebellion, strike, lock-out
or labour dispute but not a strike, lock-out or labour dispute
relating to the party relying on the Force Majeure Event;
or any other event whatsoever that is beyond the reasonable
control of either party;
"Information" means that information provided pursuant
to condition 3.1(viii);
"Intellectual Property Rights" means:
patents, inventions, designs, copyright and related
rights, database rights, trade marks and related
goodwill, trade names (whether registered or
unregistered), and rights to apply for registration;
proprietary rights in domain names;
knowhow and Confidential Information;
applications, extensions and renewals in relation
to any of these rights; and
all other rights of a similar nature or having an
equivalent effect anywhere in the world;
Key Performance Indicatorsmeans those obligations
listed in Section 3. Subsection 3. clause 1.2 Requirements
on information and communication of Standard Operating
Particulars means the document titled ‘Sub Agent
Particulars Document’ signed by both Wilhelmsen Port
Services and the Agent in which establishes the
mechanism to be able to utilize this Agreement except in
the event there is not a document titled ‘Sub Agent
Particulars Document’ signed by both Wilhelmsen Port
Services and the Agent, in which case any reference to
‘Particulars’ shall be deemed a reference to the Standing
"Permitted Purpose" means the use by Wilhelmsen Port
Services and/or the Wilhelmsen Port Services Affiliate of
the Information for any purpose including the supply of
information services to its customers, the copying, issuing
of copies, distribution, communication, modification,
amendment and adaptation of the Information in any way
(including for commercial sales)
Standard Terms and Conditions for Sub Agency valid from June 2022
throughout the world and the granting of sub-licences of
the Information;
Public Official means:
any official or employee of any government
agency or government-owned or controlled
any person performing a public function;
any official or employee of a public
international organisation;
any candidate for political office; or
any political party or an official of a political
"Principal" means the ship owner or charterer for whom
Wilhelmsen Port Services is appointed as agent or sub-
agent to perform various services relating to their vessels;
“Service Providers” means stevedores, watchmen,
tallymen, hauliers and other third party suppliers
recommended and/or engaged by the Agent in the
performance of the Services;
Services means those obligations outlined in condition
4.1 and Particulars as requested by Wilhelmsen Port
Services from Agent;
Standard Operating Procedure means those
obligations outlined at
Standing Instructions means the email (or its
attachment) with subject ‘Standing Instructions’ from
Wilhelmsen Port Services to Agent which confirms the
"Territory" means the port(s) identified in the Particulars;
Wilhelmsen Port Services means (as applicable)
Wilhelmsen Ships Service AS, Barwil Agencies AS or the
Affiliate which is listed in the Particulars.
All documentation related to this Agreement shall
be made in the English language.
Any phrase in this Agreement introduced by the
terms including, include, in particular or any
similar expression, shall be construed as
illustrative and shall not limit the sense of the
words preceding those terms.
A reference to "party" shall mean either
Wilhelmsen Port Services or Agent. A reference
to the "parties" shall mean Wilhelmsen Port
Services and the Agent.
1.5 A reference to writing or written includes faxes
and email.
Clause, Conditions, Schedule and paragraph
headings shall not affect the interpretation of this
A reference to a statute or statutory provision is a
reference to it as amended, extended or re-enacted
from time to time.
Any obligation on a party not to do something
includes an obligation not to allow that thing to be
Wilhelmsen Port Services appoints the Agent as
its non-exclusive agent to provide Services to the
The duration of the Appointment shall be the
length of the vessel’s stay.
The Agent undertakes and agrees with
Wilhelmsen Port Services at all times during the
performance of the Services:
to act towards Wilhelmsen Port Services and the
Principal conscientiously and in good faith and
not to allow its interests to conflict with the duties
that it owes to Wilhelmsen Port Services or
Principal under this Agreement and any
Applicable Laws;
act in accordance with the standard expected of a
first class agent;
to act within the scope of the authority granted to
it under this Agreement only;
to carry out its duties with reasonable dispatch;
except as authorised by Wilhelmsen Port
Services, not to act in a way which will incur any
liability on behalf of Wilhelmsen Port Services or
to pledge the credit of Wilhelmsen Port Services;
use its best endeavours to comply at all times with
any reasonable and specific instructions which
Wilhelmsen Port Services may give;
in consultation with Wilhelmsen Port Services, to
recommend and/or appoint Service Providers
and, in relation to such Appointment, the Agent
shall inform such Service Providers that the
Agent is acting as agent for the Principal. The
Agent shall not have any liability to Wilhelmsen
Port Services for the negligent acts or defaults of
any such persons unless:
Standard Terms and Conditions for Sub Agency valid from June 2022
the Agent fails to exercise due care in the
Appointment and provision of instructions to
any such persons; and/or
such persons are under the same beneficial
ownership as the Agent.
to keep Wilhelmsen Port Services fully and
promptly informed of conditions and
developments in the market and the Territory
(whether advantageous or disadvantageous) of
which it becomes aware and of developments,
customers and potential customers, competing
products and services and the activities of
Wilhelmsen Port Services competitors in the
Territory and generally of such information that
the Agent is or becomes aware of that an
experienced Agent in the industry would
reasonably regard as being of interest to
Wilhelmsen Port Services or Principal and such
other information as Wilhelmsen Port Services
may reasonably request from time to time or as
otherwise agreed between the parties; and
to comply at all times with any reasonable and
specific instructions, policies or guidelines which
Wilhelmsen Port Services may give, including
but not limited those related to data protection,
insurance and service delivery.
The Agent shall at all the times comply with and
operate under the Wilhelmsen Port Services
Supplier Code of Conduct, a copy of
which can be found at
conduct.pdf. If the Agent or any of its agents, sub-
contractors or employees breaches condition 3.2,
Wilhelmsen Port Services may terminate
this Agreement and Particulars with
immediate effect. Any termination pursuant to
this condition 3.2 shall be without prejudice to
any right or remedy that has
Wilhelmsen Port
The Agent shall at all the times comply with and
operate under the Standard Operating Procedure.
The Agent shall as required by Wilhelmsen Port
Services from time to time use the applicable IT
systems for port call management and quality
assurance at the Agent’s cost.
The Agent shall co-operate and provide
assistance to Wilhelmsen Port Services and
Principal (and their auditors) in conducting
periodic audits of all relevant documentation
and processes relating to the Services
(including, without limitation, making available
its accounts and financial records and statements
relating to this Agreement for inspection by
Wilhelmsen Port Services and/or Principal),
provided that Wilhelmsen Port Services gives 7
day(s) written notice to the Agent before
conducting such audit. Such audit right shall
survive termination or expiry for a further
period of six (6) years from the date of
termination or expiry.
Immediately acquaint Wilhelmsen Port Services
with relevant local custom or practice and to
furnish Wilhelmsen Port Services with a copy of
the local general conditions if any. Agent shall
advise Wilhelmsen Port Services of all
amendments to port tariffs and other charges and
regulations as they become known.
Undertake e-learning when directed by
Wilhelmsen Port Services.
The Agent will remove any member of personnel
from the Services immediately upon direction of
Wilhelmsen Port Services.
The Agent shall pay Service Providers in full and
on time.
The Agent shall not place any liens on Principal’s
or Principal’s Affiliates vessels or goods in
connection with the Services unless approved by
Wilhelmsen Port Services in writing.
The Agent shall pass on to Wilhelmsen Port
Services the benefit of all Service Provider
discounts, commissions, bonuses and rebates.
The Agent shall produce all documentation
needed in a format and within a timeframe
specified by Wilhelmsen Port Services in respect
to, without limitation: systems, compliance,
policies, procedures, licenses.
The Agent shall maintain its information
technology systems and policies and procedures
as reasonably expected of an international port
agency company.
The Agent warrants that all staff are competent
and experienced and appropriately qualified to
perform the Services.
The Agent shall keep Wilhelmsen Port Services
in copy on all correspondence with the Principal.
The Agent shall use reasonable endeavours to
facilitate an efficient handover in the event this
Agreement or the Particulars are terminated.
The Agent shall use those templates in the
performance of its obligations as reasonably
directed by Wilhelmsen Port Services.
Standard Terms and Conditions for Sub Agency valid from June 2022
The Agent shall immediately notify Wilhelmsen
Port Services in the event it has or has reason to
believe it may be listed on a sanctions or
prohibitions list.
The Agent shall immediately notify Wilhelmsen
Port Services in the event it has or has reason to
believe it will lose or change the terms of its
operating license.
The Agent shall at all times comply with the Key
Performance Indicators with respect to the
provision of Services and its obligations under
this Agreement.
The Agent shall provide all supporting
documentation along with all submitted invoices.
The Agent shall, with respect to the processing of
personal data, comply with the following terms
which can be found at
The Agent shall comply and ensure that all
Agent’s Affiliates, contractors (of any tier) and
agents engaged by or acting on Agent’s behalf
complies with the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of
the Child, the International Labour Organization’s
Declaration on Fundamental Principles and
Rights at Work and all laws, rules, conventions,
treaties, regulations and directives of a similar
The Agent undertakes and agrees to provide the
following services to Wilhelmsen Port Services
and Principal when requested by Wilhelmsen
Port Services and/or Principal:
to arrange for berthing of vessels, loading and
discharging of the cargo;
to arrange and co-ordinate all activities of
Service Providers, in the interest of obtaining
the best possible operation, price and safe and
timely despatch of the vessels for which
Wilhelmsen Port Services is appointed
to arrange for calling forward, reception and
loading of outward cargo and discharge and
release of inward cargo and to attend to the
transhipment of through cargo;
to arrange for bunkering, repairs, husbandry,
crew changes, passengers, ship’s stores,
spare parts and technical, nautical and
medical assistance;
to co-operate and assist Wilhelmsen Port
Services with its requirements concerning
claims handling, P&I matters,
General Average and/or insurance,
and the appointment of Surveyors;
to attend to all necessary documentation and
to attend to consular requirements;
to arrange for and attend to the clearance of
the vessel and to arrange for all other services
pertaining to the vessel’s movements through
the port;
to report to Wilhelmsen Port Services the
vessel’s position and to prepare a statement
of facts of the call and/or a port log;
to keep Wilhelmsen Port Services regularly
and timely informed on port and working
conditions likely to affect the despatch of
any other service reasonably expected to be
performed by a port agent.
The Agent undertakes and agrees with
Wilhelmsen Port Services at all times during the
to properly maintain in accordance with generally
accepted international accounting practice all
records of Wilhelmsen Port Services financial
position concerning the obligations undertaken
by the Agent under this Agreement on
Wilhelmsen Port Services’ behalf and to make
such records promptly available for inspection by
Wilhelmsen Port Services on request; and
to check all vouchers received from Service
Providers and to prepare promptly a proper,
accurate and true disbursement account in respect
of each voyage or accounting period in an agreed
format, with timing and delivery as per
Wilhelmsen Port Servicesinstructions or if there
are no instructions, as reasonably expected.
The Agent undertakes to use any funds which
have been advanced to the Agent by Wilhelmsen
Port Services for the disbursements pertaining to
the Services only. The Agent shall only utilise
such funds towards matters relating to that
specific port call for which funds have been
advanced and the Agent shall not be entitled to
set-off such funds against any other claims, dues
or other matters in dispute that the Agent has
towards Wilhelmsen Port Services or
Wilhelmsen Port Services Affiliate or Principal
Standard Terms and Conditions for Sub Agency valid from June 2022
or Principal Affiliate, nor shall the Agent be
entitled to appropriate such funds towards any
other liabilities of the Agent in its business.
Wilhelmsen Port Services undertakes and agrees
with the Agent that it shall:
give full and timely information regarding
vessel’s schedules and ports of call insofar as it
affects the Services; and
provide the Agent with all necessary funds to
cover advance disbursements or as otherwise
agreed by the parties in writing from time to time
(including the Particulars).
Wilhelmsen Port Services shall provide such
access and training to its proprietary IT and other
systems as Wilhelmsen Port Services deems
appropriate to enable the Agent to perform the
Services (including the port call management,
reporting and quality assurance) in accordance
with this Agreement.
Wilhelmsen Port Services agrees to pay the Agent
remuneration for the Services as agreed between
the parties in the Particulars. The Agent
acknowledges that Wilhelmsen Port Services
shall only be liable to pay any amounts due
hereunder when such corresponding amounts
have been received by Wilhelmsen Port Services
from Principal.
The remuneration is in respect of the anticipated
duties of the Agent within the scope of this
The price is deemed inclusive of all taxes and
charges including, communication, faxing,
photocopying and courier costs.
Wilhelmsen Port Services may withhold taxes
pursuant to its obligation under Applicable Law.
Wilhelmsen Port Services may retain payment of
such funds pursuant to its obligation under
Applicable Law.
Wilhelmsen Port Services may offset any amount
owed to Agent against any outstanding debt or
liability pursuant to any agreement (including
this Agreement) owed to Wilhelmsen Port
Services or Wilhelmsen Port Services Affiliate.
Payment to Agent from Wilhelmsen Port
Services shall not be construed as acceptance of
the Services and in no way shall such payment be
deemed a waiver of any Wilhelmsen Port
Services or Wilhelmsen Port Services Affiliate’s
Agent acknowledges that Agent shall invoice
Wilhelmsen Port Services before Wilhelmsen
Port Services can make payment of funds to
Wilhelmsen Port Services shall settle any
amounts due in accordance with the ‘Payment
Terms’ section of the Particulars.
The Agent shall effect and maintain at all times
throughout the Services and for a period of six (6)
years following the termination or expiry of this
Agreement, with a reputable insurer an errors and
omissions or professional indemnity policy
covering the liabilities assumed under this
Agreement to the value of at least five hundred
thousand (500,000) USD and all insurances
required by Applicable Law. The Agent shall send
a copy of the certificate of entry to Wilhelmsen
Port Services upon request.
The Agent shall provide thirty (30) days' prior
written notice to Wilhelmsen Port Services of
any changes and/or cancellations to its insurance
policies referenced above. If, for whatever
reason, the Agent fails to give effect to and
maintain the insurances required by this
Agreement, Wilhelmsen Port Services may make
alternative arrangements to protect its interests
and may recover the costs of such arrangements
from the Agent.
Nothing in this Agreement shall limit or exclude
the liability of either party for:
death or personal injury resulting from
fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; and/or
any liability which cannot be limited or excluded
by Applicable Laws.
Subject to condition 9.1, the Agent’s total liability
whether in contract, tort (including negligence or
breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation,
restitution or otherwise arising in connection with
the performance or contemplated performance of
this Agreement shall not in any circumstances
exceed, per event or series of related events, the
amount of loss incurred by Wilhelmsen Port
Services or the amount of one million US dollars
($1,000,000), whichever is higher.
Subject to condition 9.1, Wilhelmsen Port
Services’s total liability whether in contract, tort
(including negligence or breach of statutory
duty), debt, misrepresentation, restitution or
Standard Terms and Conditions for Sub Agency valid from June 2022
otherwise arising in connection with the
performance or contemplated performance of
this Agreement shall not in any
circumstances exceed, per event or series of
related events, the amount of five hundred
thousand US dollars ($500,000).
Subject to condition 9.1, under no circumstances
shall Wilhelmsen Port Services be liable to the
Agent for any of the following types of loss or
damage arising under or in relation to this
Agreement or Services (whether arising from
breach of contract, misrepresentation (whether
tortious or statutory), tort (including but not
limited to negligence), breach of statutory duty,
or otherwise):
(i). any loss of profits, business, contracts,
anticipated savings, goodwill, or
revenue, any wasted expenditure, any
loss of market, any loss, delay or
expense arising from detention or delay
of a vessel or any loss or corruption of
data (regardless of whether any of
these types of loss or damage are
direct, indirect, special or
consequential); or
(ii). any indirect, special or consequential
loss or damage whatsoever, even if
Wilhelmsen Port Services and/or the
Agent were aware of the possibility
that such loss or damage might be
Subject to condition 9.1, under no circumstances
shall Agent be liable to Wilhelmsen Port
Services for any indirect, special or
consequential loss whatsoever, arising under or
in relation to this Agreement or Services
(whether arising from breach of contract,
misrepresentation (whether tortious or
statutory), tort (including but not limited to
negligence), breach of statutory duty, or
Subject to condition 9.1, condition 9.4, and
condition 9.7, Wilhelmsen Port Services shall
indemnify the Agent against all liabilities, costs,
expenses, damages, damage and losses
(including any reasonable legal and other
professional costs and expenses) (“Losses”)
suffered or incurred by the Agent during the
(i). arising out of the proper performance
of the Agent's duties in accordance
with this Agreement; and/or
(ii). in respect of any bonds, guarantees and
any other forms of security provided by
the Agent to customs or other statutory
authorities in accordance with this
The indemnity in condition 9.6 shall not
extend to matters arising by reason of the
negligence or wilful misconduct of the Agent.
Subject to condition 9.5, the Agent shall remain
fully liable to Wilhelmsen Port Services and/or
the relevant third party in respect of any Losses
suffered or incurred by the Agent where the same
arise out of the Agent's negligence or wilful
Subject to condition 9.1 the Agent shall
indemnify Wilhelmsen Port Services and the
Wilhelmsen Port Services Affiliates against all
Losses suffered or incurred by Wilhelmsen Port
Services arising out of:
(i). the Agent breaching any Applicable
(ii). any claim or Losses from the Principal
or any third party (including the draw
down on bank guarantees) arising out of
the Agent's breach of this Agreement,
negligence or wilful misconduct; or
(iii). Agent’s breach of this Agreement,
negligence or wilful misconduct.
Agent undertakes to keep confidential any
Confidential Information which it obtains under
or in connection with this Agreement and not to
use such information or disclose it to any other
person, other than as permitted under condition
Condition 10.1 shall not apply to the disclosure of
Confidential Information:
which relates to cargos and which the Agent
reasonably needs to disclose in order to carry out
its duties in accordance with this Agreement;
which is disclosed with the consent of Wilhelmsen
Port Services; or
if and to the extent that: (A) such disclosure is
required by Applicable Laws; (B) such disclosure
is required by any competent regulatory authority
or recognised stock exchange; or (C) such
Confidential Information is in the public domain
other than through breach of this condition 10,
provided that any Confidential Information shall
only be disclosed pursuant to this condition 10.2
by Agent after notification to Wilhelmsen Port
Services to which the information relates if such
notification is reasonably practicable in the
Standard Terms and Conditions for Sub Agency valid from June 2022
Upon written request, Agent shall promptly
return to Wilhelmsen Port Services all
Confidential Information then in the Agent's
possession or control, including any copies of
the same.
In relation to any Information supplied by the
Agent pursuant to condition 3.1(viii), the Agent
hereby grants to Wilhelmsen Port Services and
the Wilhelmsen Port Services Affiliates a non-
exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual,
transferable licence to use the Information in any
format for the Permitted Purpose.
The Agent warrants, represents and undertakes
that, to the best of its knowledge and belief:
all Information supplied by it: (A) may be used
freely by Wilhelmsen Port Services and the
Wilhelmsen Port Services Affiliates for the
Permitted Purpose; (B) is true, complete and
accurate; and (C) is not defamatory, libellous or
otherwise provided with malicious intent;
it has all rights, consents, permissions and
licences to license the receipt and use of the
Information to Wilhelmsen Port Services and the
Wilhelmsen Port Services Affiliates as
contemplated in this Agreement; and
the use of the Information by Wilhelmsen Port
Services and/or the Wilhelmsen Port Services
Affiliates shall not: (A) infringe the rights,
including the Intellectual Property Rights, of any
third party; (B) breach any obligations of
confidentiality owed by the Agent or any other
person; or (C) breach any Applicable Laws,
and the Agent warrants that it has undertaken
reasonable efforts to verify the accuracy of these
statements and it shall inform Wilhelmsen Port
Services as soon as reasonably practicable if it
becomes aware that any of the matters described
in this condition 11.2 become untrue.
For the avoidance of doubt, the Agent
acknowledges and agrees that the remuneration
payable to it by Wilhelmsen Port Services as
agreed in accordance with condition 7 of this
Agreement is the only payment due to it in respect
of the Agent's services and that:
unless otherwise agreed by the parties in writing,
no royalty payment or any other additional form
of financial compensation shall be due to the
Agent or any other party from Wilhelmsen Port
Services and/or any of the Wilhelmsen Port
Services Affiliates in respect of the supply of
Information by the Agent; and
to the best of its knowledge and belief, no tax,
levy, duty or charge shall be payable by
Wilhelmsen Port Services and/or any of the
Wilhelmsen Port Services Affiliates relating to
state, government or any similar authority for
Wilhelmsen Port Services and/or the Wilhelmsen
Port Services Affiliates to use the Information for
the Permitted Purpose, at any time now or in the
Wilhelmsen Port Services may terminate this
Agreement with immediate effect if the Agent
commits a breach of its obligations under this
Agreement which (a) cannot be remedied or (b)
remains unremedied for a period of seven (7) days
following written notice by Wilhelmsen Port
Either party may terminate this Agreement with
immediate effect by giving written notice to the
other party if the other party:
is declared bankrupt, becomes insolvent, is unable
to pay debts or enters into an arrangement with its
creditors; or
has a petition presented, an order made or a
resolution passed for its liquidation (otherwise
than for the purposes of a solvent amalgamation
or reconstruction), administration, bankruptcy or
dissolution or if an administrative or other
receiver, manager, trustee, liquidator,
administrator or similar officer is appointed to the
other party and/or over all or any part of the assets
of the other party.
Termination or expiry of this Agreement shall not
prejudice any of the parties' rights and remedies
which have accrued as at termination or expiry.
The rights and obligations of the parties under this
Agreement which are intended to continue beyond
its termination or expiry shall survive termination
or expiry.
Any communications between the parties,
including in relation to condition 23, can be
effected electronically via post, electronic mail or
Unless the contrary is proved, each such notice or
communication shall be deemed to have been
given or made and delivered, if by letter on the
second working day after posting.
All notices shall be made out to the relevant
address and where provided the contact person
listed in the Particulars.
Standard Terms and Conditions for Sub Agency valid from June 2022
Agent shall not assign or transfer any of its
rights, benefits or obligations under this
Agreement without Wilhelmsen Port Services’
prior written consent (such consent not be
unreasonably withheld or delayed). Wilhelmsen
Port Services shall be entitled to assign or
novate its rights and obligations under this
Agreement to any Affiliate Agent shall sign all
necessary documents to complete such
assignment or novation by Wilhelmsen Port
Agent shall not be permitted to sub contract the
Services without the prior written consent of
Wilhelmsen Port Services. In the event
Wilhelmsen Port Services consents to such sub
contracting. Agent shall remain solely liable for
the performance and liabilities of such
If a Force Majeure Event occurs which prevents a
party (the "Affected Party") from performing any
of its obligations to the other (the "Other Party")
the Affected Party shall not be liable to the Other
Party and shall be released from its obligations to
the extent that its ability to perform such
obligations has been affected by the Force
Majeure Event, provided that: (i) the lack of
ability to perform the obligations caused by the
Force Majeure Event could not have been
prevented by reasonable precautions; (ii) the
Affected Party notifies the Other Party in writing
as soon as reasonably practical of the occurrence
of the Force Majeure Event and the nature and
likely duration of its impact upon the Other Party;
the Affected Party takes all reasonable steps
to mitigate the impact of the Force Majeure Event
on the Other Party and in particular continues to
perform those obligations affected by the Force
Majeure Event but whose performance has not
been rendered impossible to the highest standard
reasonably practicable in the circumstances; and
the Affected Party resumes normal
performance of all affected obligations as soon as
the impact of the Force Majeure Event ceases, and
notifies the Other Party in writing of such
If the impact of the Force Majeure Event upon the
Agent prevents it from performing a substantial
part of its obligations under this Agreement
Wilhelmsen Port Services may, by written notice
to Agent, terminate this Agreement either in
whole or in part with immediate effect and
without liability.
The parties agree that neither party shall:
offer or agree to give any person working for or
engaged by the other party any gift or other
consideration, which could act as an inducement
or a reward for any act or omission to act in
connection with this Agreement or any other
agreement between the parties;
enter into this Agreement or any other agreement
with the other party if it has knowledge that, in
connection with it, any money has been, or will
be, paid to any person working for or engaged by
the other party or that an agreement has been
reached to that effect unless: (i) details of any such
arrangement have been disclosed in writing to the
other party prior to the execution of the relevant
agreement and; (ii) approval of such arrangement
by an authorised representative of the other party
has been obtained;
offer, pay or promise to pay either directly or
indirectly, anything of value to a Public Official
in connection with this Agreement. The parties
further agree that in the performance of their
respective obligations under this Agreement, the
parties and their respective agents, sub-
contractors and employees shall comply with all
applicable laws, rules, regulations and orders of
any applicable jurisdiction, including the OECD
Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign
Public Officials in International Business
Transactions. The one party shall notify the other
party immediately in writing with full particulars
in the event that the first party receives a request
from any Public Official requesting illicit
payments; or
take any other action which results in a breach by
either party of any applicable anti-corruption
If either party (including its sub-contractors or
employees) breaches condition 16.1, the other
party may terminate the Agreement by written
notice with immediate effect. Any termination
pursuant to this condition 16.2 shall be without
prejudice to any right or remedy that has already
accrued, or subsequently accrues, to either party.
The Agent agrees that it shall not without the prior
written consent of Wilhelmsen Port Services:
during the Services and for a period of twelve (12)
months after the expiration or any termination of
the Agreement offer any services in the Territory
to any client or customer for whom Wilhelmsen
Port Services and/or any Wilhelmsen Port
Services Affiliate is or has been appointed as
agent in the Territory either within the previous
Standard Terms and Conditions for Sub Agency valid from June 2022
twelve (12) months starting from the
commencement of the Services or during the
term of the Agreement;
during the Services and for a period of two (2)
years after the expiration or any termination of the
Agreement attempt to directly or indirectly
solicit or seek to entice away from Wilhelmsen
Port Services and/or any Wilhelmsen Port
Services Affiliate the business or custom of any
client or customer for whom Wilhelmsen Port
Services and/or any Wilhelmsen Port Services
Affiliate has been appointed as agent in the
Territory within the previous twelve (12) months
of the date listed in the Particulars or during the
term of the Agreement with a view to providing
goods or services to that client or customer in
competition with Wilhelmsen Port Services
and/or any Wilhelmsen Port Services Affiliate;
The Agent acknowledges and agrees that the
covenants in this condition 17 are considered fair
and reasonable by the Agent. If any restriction
shall be found to be unenforceable but would be
valid if any part of it were deleted or the period or
area of application reduced, the restriction shall
apply with such modifications as may be
necessary to make it valid and effective.
The Agent acknowledges and agrees that the
Intellectual Property Rights of Wilhelmsen Port
Services and/or Wilhelmsen Port Services
Affiliates and/or Principal and Principal Affiliates
used on or in relation to services performed by the
Agent under this Agreement and Wilhelmsen
Port Services and Wilhelmsen Port Services
Affiliates' business and the goodwill connected
with that are the sole and exclusive property of
Wilhelmsen Port Services and/or Wilhelmsen
Port Services Affiliates and/or Principal and
Principal Affiliates.
The Agent acknowledges and agrees that:
it is only permitted to use the Intellectual Property
for the purposes of and during the term of this
Agreement and only as authorised by
Wilhelmsen Port Services hereunder;
other than to that extent, it has and shall have no
right to use or to allow others to use the
Intellectual Property Rights or any part of it. It
shall not seek to register any Intellectual Property
Rights on behalf of the Wilhelmsen Port Services
without Wilhelmsen Port Services' express
it shall not use any trademarks, trade names or get-
up which resemble Wilhelmsen Port Services
and/or Wilhelmsen Port Services Affiliates'
and/or Principal and Principal Affiliates
trademarks, trade names or get-up and which
would therefore be likely to confuse or mislead
the public or any section of the public;
it shall not remove, alter or otherwise tamper with
any of Wilhelmsen Port Services and/or
Wilhelmsen Port Services Affiliates' and/or
Principal and Principal Affiliates trademarks,
trade names, logos, numbers or other means of
identification on any products or the packaging
therefor which come into the Agent's possession,
custody or control, and shall not place any trade
mark or trade name of its own on any products or
any packaging or other materials used in
connection therewith;
it shall not do or omit to do, or authorise any third
party to do or to omit to do, anything which could
invalidate or be inconsistent with the Intellectual
Property Rights; and
it shall not make a statement in any advertising
material and promotional literature produced by
or for it in connection with the services to be
performed under this Agreement as to the
ownership of any relevant Intellectual Property
Rights used or referred to therein; and
not make any statement public or otherwise
regarding this Agreement, the Services, the
Particulars or Principal.
If any provision of this Agreement (or part of any
provision) is found by any court or other authority
of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or
unenforceable, that provision or part-provision
shall, to the extent required, be deemed not to
form part of this Agreement, and the validity and
enforceability of the other provisions of this
Agreement shall not be affected.
A person who is not a party to this Agreement has
no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third
Parties) Act 1999 to enforce or to enjoy the benefit
of any term of this Agreement save that, any rights
in the Agreement that are stated to be for the
benefit of any of the Wilhelmsen Port Services
Affiliates can be enforced by the relevant
Wilhelmsen Port Services Affiliates.
The consent of any Wilhelmsen Port Services
Affiliate or any other third party is not necessary
for any variation (including any release or
compromise in whole or in part of any liability)
or termination.
The failure to exercise, or delay in exercising, a
right, power or remedy provided by this
Standard Terms and Conditions for Sub Agency valid from June 2022
Agreement or by Applicable Laws shall not
constitute a waiver of that right, power or
remedy. If either party waives a breach of any
provision of this Agreement this shall not
operate as a waiver of a subsequent breach of
that provision, or as a waiver of a breach of any
other provision. Any waiver given by a party
must be given in writing and signed by an
authorised representative of that party.
This Agreement and any dispute or claim arising
out of or in connection with it (including any
dispute or claim relating to non-contractual
obligations) shall be governed by and construed
in accordance with the laws of England and
Any dispute or claim arising out of or in
connection with this Agreement (including any
dispute or claim relating to non-contractual
obligations) shall be negotiated between the
parties in good faith, should a final settlement to
the dispute not be reached within thirty (30) days
from the commencement of such negotiations
such dispute shall be referred to arbitration and
shall be conducted in accordance with the London
Maritime Arbitrators Association (LMAA) Terms
current at the time when the arbitration
proceedings are commenced.
The reference shall be to three arbitrators. A party
wishing to refer a dispute to arbitration shall
appoint its arbitrator and send notice of such
appointment in writing to the other party requiring
the other party to appoint its own arbitrator within
fourteen (14) calendar days of that notice and
stating that it will appoint its arbitrator as sole
arbitrator unless the other party appoints its own
arbitrator and gives notice that it has done so
within the fourteen (14) calendar days specified.
If the other party does not appoint its own
arbitrator and gives notice that it has done so
within the fourteen (14) calendar days specified,
the party referring a dispute to arbitration may,
without the requirement of any further prior notice
to the other party, appoint its arbitrator as sole
arbitrator and shall advise the other party
accordingly. The award of a sole arbitrator shall
be binding on both parties as if he had been
appointed by agreement.
Nothing in this condition 23 shall prevent the
parties agreeing in writing to vary these
provisions to provide for the appointment of a
sole arbitrator. In cases where neither the claim
nor any counterclaim exceeds the sum of
US$50,000 (or such other sum as the parties
may agree) the arbitration shall be conducted in
accordance with the LMAA Small Claims
Procedure current at the time when the
arbitration proceedings are commenced.
In order to be effective, any amendment to this
Agreement shall be documented in the form of a
legal instrument in writing and signed by both