Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Marie Harrison
Environmental Justice
Scholarship Update
Community Equity, Health, and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Arieann Harrison, Executive Director
Marie Harrison Community Foundation
Daniel Madrigal, Senior Staff Specialist
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Presentation Outcome
The Committee will receive a presentation on the Air District
Marie Harrison Environmental Justice Scholarship Program,
which awarded seven scholarships to college students in 2023,
its inaugural year, and is currently accepting applications for the
second year of the program until May 31, 2024.
Community Equity, Health, and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Introduce Marie Harrison Community Foundation
Overview of Marie Harrison Environmental Justice Scholarship
Report on first year of the scholarship
Share plans for second year of the scholarship
Community Equity, Health, and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Presentation for Informational Only
No action requested, informational only.
Community Equity, Health, and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Marie Harrison Community Foundation
Community Equity, Health, and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Marie Harrison Environmental Justice
Community Equity, Health, and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Images from the Marie Harrison Community Foundation website:
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Scholarship Goals
Honor the life of Marie Harrison, an environmental justice
leader and supporter of impacted youth, who worked to bring
environmental, health and social justice to the Bayview
Hunters Point community in San Francisco and the Bay Area.
Support college students who demonstrate a passion for
improving environmental health and air quality in the
overburdened frontline communities of the Bay Area.
Support Air District's values of excellence, leadership,
collaboration, and equity.
Community Equity, Health, and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Year One Scholarship Review
$85,000 provided by the Air District for year one (May 2022)
Conducted focus groups and key informant interviews to support design of
Developed application and outreach strategies
Reviewed applications and selected awardees
oEleven applications received; seven scholarships of $5,000 distributed to
awardees for a total of $35,000
Followed-up with awardees to support educational goals
Scholarship administered through Kaleidoscope platform for $15,000 a year
Community Equity, Health, and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Kevin G. Ruano
Year One Scholarship Recipients
Community Equity, Health, and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Images submitted by scholarship recipients
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Year One Scholarship Recipients (cont.)
Community Equity, Health, and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Images submitted by scholarship recipients
Toddiana Jasper
Yolanda Harris
Ryan Feng
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Marie Harrison Environmental Justice
Scholarship Year Two
Scholarship application is open until May 31, 2024:
Next steps:
o Outreach across the Bay Area to notify eligible students at schools, after
school programs, youth leadership programs, Assembly Bill 617 sites, and
to James Cary Smith Grantees
o Review applications, select awardees, and distribute funds
o Mentor and support scholarship recipients
o Distribute nine scholarships of $5,000 for a total of $45,000
o Scholarship administered through Kaleidoscope for $15,000 a year
Community Equity, Health, and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Feedback Requested
Beyond the outreach strategies described, who else can we
outreach to about year two of the Marie Harrison Environmental
Justice Scholarship?
Community Equity, Health, and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Air Monitoring Data for
B ay Area Communities
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
K ate Hoag, Ph.D.
Assistant Manager
Meteorology & Measurement
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Presentation Outcome
Provide an overview of air monitoring data available for
communities and ongoing efforts to work with communities to
improve data accessibility and use.
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Presentation Outline
Types of air monitoring
Potential data accessibility improvements
U sing air monitoring data for different purposes
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Presentation for Information Only
No action required.
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Air Pollution
Emissions to Health Effects
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Types of Air Monitoring
Many ways to collect air monitoring including:
oRegulatory air monitoring
oSource-oriented air monitoring (fenceline monitoring)
oTargeted short-term air monitoring projects
oLong-term air sensor networks
oPublicly deployed air sensors
Characterizes the total amount of an air pollutant in ambient air from
all contributing sources
U sefulness of data to answer a question depends on the sensor or
monitor deployment (e.g. is it the right pollutant, with the right
accuracy, in the right place, with the right averaging time)
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Monitoring Approach Needs to Match Goal
Are we measuring emissions or ambient
air concentrations?
Do we need real- time preliminary data
or reporting of final data?
There are still limitations on what
pollutants can be measured well.
Sensitivity and range: how low
concentrations can you reliably report, do
we want accurate data at low and very
high levels?
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Monitoring Approach Needs to Match Goal
Selectivity: Are we measuring
specific compounds (e.g.
naphthalene) or families of
compounds, Polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs), are there
possible interferences from other air
pollutants or environmental
Deployment characteristics:
moving or stationary, outdoor
conditions, logistics constraints
(power, security, safety)
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Regulatory Ambient Air Monitoring
Long-term air monitoring stations operated by air
agencies according to Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) requirements
U se data to:
Determine attainment with health-based
National Ambient Air Q uality Standards
Evaluate air quality trends over long
time periods
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Regulatory Ambient Air Monitoring (cont.)
Provide real-time data on air
pollution levels in overburdened
communities and throughout
Provide high quality anchor to air
measurements in overburdened
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Source- Oriented Air Monitoring
Long-term tracking of ambient air quality at the facility
fenceline or in nearby communities
Operated by facilities, Air District, or community and
non-profit organizations
U se data to:
Characterize impacts of uncertain or fugitive
emissions on nearby communities over time
Demonstrate the effectiveness of emission limits in
Inform emissions and exposure reduction
strategies, including rule development and
compliance investigations
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Targeted Air Monitoring Proj ects
Short-duration air monitoring studies designed
to answer specific questions
U se data to:
Report snapshots of air pollution levels
Identify local-scale differences in air quality
Identify unknown emissions and potential
impacts on nearby communities
Inform emissions and exposure reduction
strategies, including rule development and
compliance investigations
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
L onger- Term Air Sensor Networks
Dense networks of air sensors
U se data to:
Provide real-time data for
overburdened communities
Evaluate air quality trends in time,
after emissions reductions, or other
changes in conditions
Identify local-scale differences in air
Inform emissions and exposure
reduction strategies, including rule
development and compliance
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Publicly Available Air Sensor Data
Air sensors deployed by public individuals;
data displayed on websites
U se data to:
Provide real-time data on air pollution
Evaluate air quality trends in time, after
emissions reductions, or other changes in
conditions (wildfires)
Identify local-scale differences in air quality
Inform emissions and exposure reduction
strategies, including rule development and
compliance investigations
Public Purple Air Sensors (PM
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Improving Data Accessibility
W ork with community partners to develop a plan to improve data
accessibility, including:
Identify and consolidate existing air monitoring data, where
Develop resources to help communities access and use air
monitoring data for their objectives
Identify gaps where new data collection, analysis, or consolidation
is needed
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Example: Air Monitoring Data Inventory
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Develop inventories of existing air
monitoring data so that community
members can find and use existing data to
support their work.
The Path to Clean Air Community Air
Monitoring Plan (PTCA CAMP) included
such a list of air and emissions monitoring
efforts including information on who is
conducting the monitoring, what pollutants
are being measured and where, and a brief
description of where the data can be
viewed, downloaded, or requested.
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Example Resource Guide for Data
W ebsites
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Publicly available air monitoring data
are displayed on many websites
Developed a guide describing how
air monitoring data is displayed,
what it is useful for, and provide
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Example: B ay Air Center Resource L ibrary
Resource Library includes
links to websites and
documents on many topics
Air Pollution Foundations
Designing a Community
Scale Air Monitoring
U nderstanding Air Q uality
Educational and Training
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Using Air Monitoring Data
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Examples of using all types of existing air monitoring data to
Analysis of community sensor network data to identify
locations with higher Particulate Matter (PM
U se real-time data to assess air quality impacts during
a facility incident
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Example: Community PM
Sensor Network
Identify areas with
higher hourly PM
Continue to provide
assessments of air
quality like this
North of Hilltop
Percent of Hours at least 5 µ g/m
Sensor Network Average, 2020-2021
North Richmond
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Example: StoryMap for PTCA CAMP
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Air toxics monitoring project
Air District air monitoring van
surveyed target areas for certain
air toxics
Higher levels of different air toxics
were detected in near specific
facilities and operations in the
study area
Key findings were summarized
and displayed in an interactive
Geographic Information System
(GIS)-based StoryMap
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Example: Real- time Data During Incidents
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Incident at City of Richmond
W astewater Treatment Plant
(V eolia) December 4-6, 2023
High readings of Hydrogen
Sulfide (H
S) higher
at V eolia’ s two fenceline
Some peak concentrations at
V eolia coincided with elevated
readings at other nearby
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Example: Real Time Data During Incidents
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Some of the peak impacts were
experienced in overburdened
communities, including East and
W est Oakland and along I-880
Screenshots from the PurpleAir website ( of PM
10-min averages
W inds shifted overnight and
transported smoke northward
data from lower-cost sensors helped illustrate the spatial extent of the smoke plume
Fire at Schnitzer Steel in West Oakland
Included information about
the location of in air quality
advisories and
presentations to other
agencies and community
Smoke was initially
transported into parts
of the East Bay and
South Bay
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Upcoming Data Accessibility W ork
Refinery emissions and air monitoring data consolidation
W ork with Community Advisory Council, upcoming Refinery Corridor
Community W orkgroup, and PTCA Community Emissions Reduction Plan
(CERP) Implementation Community Steering Committee (CSC)
Consolidate all refinery-related data, making data easier to find or download
and providing additional information and context so data is more meaningful
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Future Directions
Continue working with community partners to develop air
monitoring data resources and community-scale air quality
Continue to increase transparency and accessibility of existing
Strengthen requirements for facility-conducted air monitoring to
increase availability of real-time data
Track other efforts and new legislation aimed at increasing
availability of air monitoring data and share new information
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Feedback Requested/ Q uestions
Q uestions and Comments?
Community Equity, Health and Justice Committee
May 8, 2024