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Albemarle County Public Schools
The Albemarle County School Board (“Board”) shall establish policies to compensate employees
fairly and in accordance with local, state, and federal laws for all time worked. The Board approves the
annual staffing plan through the budget process each fiscal year. Staffing allocations are made for each
school/department that determine the number and type of positions for employee payroll. The following
are guidelines and expectations for employees and supervisors. These provisions shall be effective July 1,
2019, unless otherwise stated.
I. Staff Schedules
A. Teachers/Instructional Staff
The hours of employment shall depend on the length of time required to accomplish the
objectives of Albemarle County Public Schools (“Division”). Licensed personnel shall
be available for a reasonable time both before and after school to assist students and
parents as the need may arise. Also, as part of the essential job duties to meet these
Board objectives, staff are expected to attend meetings, training, professional learning,
and other job-related events that occur outside of the regular student day without the
expectation of additional compensation.
Principals/department heads shall set the beginning and ending times for their
instructional staff with the approval of the Superintendent/Designee. Staff are expected
to work their contracted amounts per workday with full-time teachers working a
minimum of seven and one-quarter (7.25) hours per workday.
B. Classified Staff
The supervisor of every classified employee shall determine the employee's work
schedule in accordance with the base weekly hours for that position and the needs of the
school/department. Principals/department heads/designees may require that employees
work additional time or alternative schedules to meet the needs of the school/department.
Whenever possible, supervisors shall give advance notice as soon as the work schedule
change is determined so that employees are able to arrange their personal schedules.
C. Administrators
Licensed and non-licensed supervisors are expected to ensure there is adequate
supervision of their schools/departments at all times. Work schedules may vary based
upon Division needs. These staff are expected to work their allocated hours per week at a
II. Alternative Schedules
A. Guidelines: Principals/department heads/designees may permit alternative work
schedules for staff provided that the following conditions are met:
1. the school/department is open to the public on all days other than posted holidays
and emergency closings;
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2. employees work the requisite number of hours for their positions; and
3. all applicable personnel policies are followed.
B. Rotating Schedules: In the event that a non-exempt employee (usually part-time) has a
work schedule where the total weekly hours change from one workweek to the next, the
employee’s base weekly hours will be classified based on the workweek with the fewer
number of hours. The employee would then receive additional pay when a greater
number of hours are worked in the workweek due to the Division’s pay by exception
C. Flex Time: Non-exempt employees are paid based upon hours worked or leave taken
during the workweek. In lieu of taking leave, a supervisor may allow an employee to
work an alternative schedule in a given workweek as long as all base weekly hours are
accounted for within the workweek. Exempt employees may work alternative schedules
with supervisor approval.
III. Overtime and Compensatory Time Leave Compensation
Non-exempt employees are entitled to overtime pay or compensatory time leave in accordance
withthe Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) for hours worked in excess of their maximum
allowable hours at one and one-half (1.5) times their regular rates of pay. The following
regulation establishes the general guidelines and procedures the Division will follow regarding
overtime and compensatory time leave requirements of the FLSA and applicable state law. If any
conflict arises between this policy and the FLSA or state law, the requirements of the FLSA
and/or state law will govern.
Adopted: July 1, 1993
Amended: December 8, 1997; January 14, 2010; June 12, 2014; April 23, 2015; June 9, 2016;
January 10, 2019; May 23, 2019
Reviewed: July 8, 2004; September 27, 2012
Legal Ref.: 29 U.S.C. §201 et.seq.
29 C.F.R. § 516.1 et seq.
Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, §§ 22.1-291.1, 40.1-28.8 et seq.
Cross Ref.: GBCA, Employee Discipline
GCA, Personnel - Definitions
GCBA, Salary Administration and Position Classification
GCC, Leave Program
GCLA, Professional Learning Time and Leave
GCQC, Coverage of Schools Due to Inclement Weather and/or Emergency
GCQD, Emergency Staffing Situation
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I. Overview and Key Terms
A. Base Weekly Hours. Each regular employee has a designated number of official hours
per workweek that have been set for the position. While an employee’s actual daily work
schedule may vary, the employee’s base weekly hours remain the same. For example, an
employee with 40 base weekly hours may work five (5) eight (8)-hour shifts or may work
four (4) 10-hour shifts.
B. Exempt Employees. Employees in certain positions are exempt from overtime pay
requirements and compensatory time leave eligibility if the positions satisfy the criteria
for the exemptions defined under the FLSA. Positions will be classified by the
Department of Human Resources (“Human Resources”) and approved by the
C. Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”). The FLSA requires all covered employers,
including the Division, to comply with its minimum wage and overtime compensation
D. Full-Day Increments. Full-day increments refer to the entire scheduled day and not a
“day of leave” as defined in Policy GCC, Leave Program.
E. Half-Day Increments. Half-day increments refer to one-half (1/2) of an employee’s
scheduled day and not a “day of leave.”
F. Hours Worked.
1. General. Non-exempt employees who work more than the maximum allowable
hours in a workweek must receive either overtime pay or compensatory time
leave for their excess hours worked. Paid or unpaid time off during which the
employee is absent from service for the Division shall not be counted as “hours
or “time” worked in determining whether the maximum allowable number of
hours has been exceeded. Such absences include, but are not limited to, holiday,
sick, annual, and compensatory time leaves, leaves of absence, meal breaks, and
building closures.
2. Breaks. FLSA does not require rest breaks or meal periods. However,
supervisors should allow all employees time to attend to health and hygiene
needs. Supervisors may designate specific times for break and meal periods.
Principals/department heads may establish location-wide standards to ensure
efficient operations and service. Non-exempt employee breaks longer than 20
minutes are not compensable as time worked as long as no work is performed
and the employee is free to leave his/her post.
3. Travel Time. When non-exempt employees are required to work outside of
Division facilities, the hours involved in the actual travel, as well as the hours
working, shall be considered time worked. Employees shall report this time to
their supervisors, using procedures established for that purpose. Ordinary
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travel/commute between an employee’s home and work shall not be considered
hours worked, unless approved as hours worked by Human Resources.
G. Leaving Premises During the Workday. Employees shall not leave school premises
during the established hours of employment without the permission of the
principal/designee. Schools/departments may establish their own sign-out/notification
procedures for employees leaving the premises during the workday.
H. Maximum Allowable Hours. A non-exempt employee must be compensated for
overtime once the employee has exceeded the maximum allowable hours, which is 40
hours within the workweek.
I. Non-exempt Employees. Employees who are subject to the FLSA’s overtime and
compensatory time leave requirements are considered non-exempt.
J. Overtime. This is time that non-exempt employees physically work in excess of the
maximum allowable hours per workweek. The Division must compensate an eligible
employee for time worked in excess of the maximum allowable hours by making
monetary payment at one and one-half (1.5) times the employee’s regular rate of pay for
each hour or portion thereof worked or by granting compensatory time leave at the rate of
one and one-half (1.5) times for each hour or portion thereof worked.
K. Pay by Exception. The Division operates on a “pay by exception” system. Each regular
employee has a designated number of hours per fiscal year the employee has been
allocated as part of the Division’s annual staffing plan. These annual hours are divided
equally into the number of established pay cycles. The payroll system will pay this
amount automatically unless the employee and supervisor submit adjustments to the base
weekly hours such as overtime or leave without pay.
L. Premium Pay. This refers to additional compensation, exclusive of overtime, non-
exempt employees may receive as an incentive for specific types of work, i.e. shift
M. Regular Schedule. All regular employees have a designated schedule each workweek
based upon the base weekly hours. Changes to a non-exempt employee’s regular
schedule that impact the base weekly hours may cause changes to the employee’s pay,
such as overtime or leave without pay.
N. Straight Time. This is a non-exempt employee’s non-overtime work compensated at the
employee’s hourly rate.
O. Work Schedules. The principal/department head/designee is responsible for establishing
employee work schedules, including allowances for breaks and meal periods.
P. Workweek. The Superintendent has established the official workweek as seven (7) days,
extending from Saturday at 12:01 a.m. to Friday at 12 midnight.
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II. Tracking Time and Pay Adjustments
A. Non-exempt Employees
1. Time RecordingThese employees are paid for time worked on an hourly (or
portion thereof) basis. All non-exempt employees must complete and submit, in
a timely manner, accurate data recording their hours worked and leave taken.
Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action in accordance with Board
2. Increments - Rounding rules up or down to the quarter-hour will be established
for Division-wide consistency. Schools/departments may set reasonable
expectations for adherence to work schedules. An employee may be counseled
or disciplined for tardiness; however, pay will follow the rounding rules.
3. Reductions in PayIn the Division’s pay by exception system, when an
employee misses work in the workweek and has insufficient leave to make up the
variance from base weekly hours, non-exempt employees will be docked pay for
that workweek in 15-minute increments. Employees may also be docked pay for
disciplinary purposes in accordance with Board policy.
B. Exempt Employees
1. Time Recording - These employees are expected to follow established
procedures and policies for exempt employee time tracking and leave
submission. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action in accordance with
Board policy.
2. Increments - Exempt employees are compensated on a salary basis. The salary
may be calculated on a daily or weekly basis depending on the position. Exempt
employees are not paid based upon time actually worked.
3. Reductions in Pay
a. TeachersThese employees have a contract for a specific number of
days of work, but may be docked pay in accordance with FLSA, the
Family Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”), Workers’ Compensation laws,
and other applicable laws. When a benefits-eligible teacher does not
have sufficient leave to cover the missed work, pay may be docked in
full-day increments. Benefits-ineligible teachers may have pay docked
in full-day increments when a day of work is missed. For employees
whose work schedules change from week to week, pay will be docked
based on the time missed on the day of the absence.
b. Employees Other Than TeachersThese employees may be docked pay
in accordance with FLSA, FMLA, Workers’ Compensation laws, and
other applicable laws. Generally, pay may be docked for partial weeks
worked during the first and last weeks of employment and situations
where a benefits-eligible employee has insufficient leave accrued or
chooses to take leave without pay. Pay must be docked in full-day
increments, excluding exceptions permitted under law. Benefits-
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ineligible employees may not be docked pay when work is performed in
the workweek unless permitted by law. Supervisors may require any
exempt employees to make up missed work in another workweek.
c. Discipline Any exempt employee may be docked pay in full-day
increments for disciplinary purposes in accordance with Board policy.
III. Overtime Pay and Compensatory Time Leave
A. Eligibility to Earn Overtime/Compensatory Time Leave
1. Non-exempt Employees. Unless excluded by the FLSA, all non-exempt regular
employees of the Division who work in excess of 40 hours within a workweek
are eligible to receive overtime pay and/or compensatory time leave. Temporary
employees are not eligible to receive compensatory time leave, but are eligible to
receive overtime pay.
2. Exempt Employees. Exempt employees are not eligible to earn overtime,
whether as monetary payment or compensatory time leave. However, this does
not preclude principals/department heads from using their discretion to grant time
off to exempt employees in recognition of time worked beyond normal work
B. Calculation of Overtime/Compensatory Time Leave
All non-exempt employees are to be compensated for overtime. This compensation may
be monetary or through the accrual of compensatory time leave. Time is calculated based
on the entire workweek and not on a daily basis. Overtime is not earned until 40 hours
have been physically worked in the workweek. Calculation of overtime/compensatory
time leave shall be as follows.
1. Overtime. All non-exempt employees who physically work over 40 hours within
the workweek are to be paid overtime pay.
2. Compensatory Time Leave. A non-exempt regular employee may be
compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1.5) hours of compensatory time
leave for each overtime hour worked instead of overtime pay referenced in B.1.
The employee and supervisor must agree to compensatory time leave as
compensation. If a supervisor is offering only compensatory time leave as
payment, the employee must agree to accept compensatory time leave or be able
to decline the additional work. Otherwise, overtime pay must be provided for
required additional work. Temporary employees are not eligible for
compensatory time leave in lieu of overtime pay.
3. Compensation for Additional Non-Overtime Work. When a non-exempt
employee works more than his/her base weekly hours, but less than 40 hours, the
employee must be paid his/her hourly rate (straight time) for those excess hours
worked. Compensatory time leave may not be earned in this circumstance.
4. Dual Job Employees.
a. Two (2) or More Non-exempt Regular Positions: Employees who have
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two (2) or more non-exempt regular positions contributing to overtime
hours are eligible for both overtime pay and compensatory time leave.
These employees may receive overtime pay at the blended overtime rate
or earn compensatory leave time in accordance with paragraph B.2
above. Principals/department heads shall consult with Human Resources
for guidance regarding the payment of overtime compensation to such
b. Exempt and Non-exempt Regular Positions: The eligibility for overtime
is determined by the primary position (the position with the highest part-
time percentage). When the primary position is classified as non-exempt,
all work performed in both positions contribute to the total hours for the
workweek. When the primary position is classified as exempt, the
employee is not eligible to earn overtime or compensatory time. The
employee may receive straight time pay for hours worked in the
workweek beyond the base weekly hours in the non-exempt position.
c. Non-exempt Regular and Temporary Positions: If a non-exempt regular
employee also has time worked in a non-exempt temporary position
during the workweek, all such time worked counts towards the maximum
allowable hours. The supervisor of the regular position may deny the
earning of compensatory time leave in lieu of overtime pay, regardless of
which position(s) contributed to the overtime hours. If a supervisor
denies compensatory time leave, overtime must be paid at the blended
overtime rate.
d. Non-exempt Regular Employees Working Exempt Temporary Positions:
As long as the exempt temporary position is occasional and sporadic, the
hours worked in the temporary position do not count towards the
maximum allowable hours. Supervisors of temporary positions shall
contact Human Resources before scheduling any non-exempt regular
employee for exempt work.
C. Compensatory Time Leave Payouts
1. Maximum Balances. Eligible non-exempt employees may accrue up to 100 hours
of compensatory time leave.
2. Job Changes. Upon termination of regular employment, non-exempt employees
shall be paid for unused compensatory time leave. A non-exempt employee who
is transferring to another department or who is changing from a non-exempt
position to an exempt position shall be paid for the unused compensatory time
leave balance or reach an agreement with the current department head to use any
accumulated compensatory time leave prior to the effective date of the change.
The employee’s compensatory time leave balance must be zero (0) prior to the
starting date for the new position.
3. Compensatory Time Leave Payout Requests.
a. Principals/department heads may offer periodically partial or full payouts
of accrued compensatory time leave. Fair practices must be established
to provide equal access to all eligible non-exempt employees.
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Principals/department heads may not make payouts under the maximum
compensatory time leave balance without employee approval.
b. Employees may request partial or full payouts of accrued compensatory
time leave. Payouts are subject to principal/department head approval
and budgetary considerations. Principals/department heads may set fair
and consistent limits.
4. Compensatory Time Leave Payout Rate.
a. During Employment: When it is paid during the course of employment,
compensatory time leave will be paid at the employee’s current regular
b. Upon Termination: When it is paid upon termination of employment,
compensatory time leave will be paid at a rate of compensation not less
i. The average regular rate the employee received during the last 3
years of employment; or
ii. The employee’s final regular rate, whichever is higher.
D. Employer Responsibilities
1. Managing the Accrual of Overtime. Principals/department heads/designees may
require that employees work additional time or overtime to meet the needs of the
school/department. They are also responsible for managing non-exempt
employees’ hours worked whenever possible within the designated workweek to
avoid overtime. If an employee works more than the designated work hours in a
day, the employee’s supervisor may adjust the employee’s work schedule for that
workweek by the amount of the excess time worked to avoid the accrual of
The Division will compensate an employee for any time worked in excess of the
employee’s base weekly hours. However, an employee may be disciplined for
working unapproved time.
2. Availability of Funds. Principals/department heads/designees shall ensure that
adequate funds are available to pay required overtime compensation and
compensatory time leave payouts.
3. Scheduling Compensatory Time Leave. (See Policy GCC, Leave Program)
4. Recordkeeping. Principals/department heads/designees shall ensure that all non-
exempt employees complete and submit, on a timely basis, accurate data
recording their hours worked and leave taken. They shall also ensure that exempt
staff submit timely and accurate leave records.
E. Employee Responsibilities
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Authorization for Overtime. Non-exempt employees may work additional time
beyond their scheduled hours only with prior authorization from their
supervisors. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action in accordance with
Board policy.
A. On-Call Compensation
1. Purpose. Employees may be required to be available to return to work or “on-
call” during a scheduled period. On-call periods have been established as 12-
hour periods for the entire Division. Principals/department heads/designees may
schedule employees to be on-call for shorter periods based on business needs.
2. Compensation and Eligibility. A temporary or regular non-exempt employee on-
call will be paid a flat fee equal to one and a quarter (1.25) of the employee’s
hourly pay rate for each 12-hour on-call period. When an on-call period less than
12 hours has been designated, an employee will still receive one unit of on-call
pay for the period. Periods of on-call are not time worked and do not count
towards the maximum allowable hours.
For example, an employee who makes $10.00/hour and is on-call for a
designated eight (8)-hour shift would receive $12.50 for one on-call period. If the
on-call shift was 13 to 24 hours, the employee would receive $25.00 for two (2)
on-call periods.
Time spent by non-exempt employees on-duty while on-call are to be
compensated for such time as time worked. Whether the FLSA considers an
employee to be “on-duty” while on-call depends on a number of circumstances,
including, but not limited to, being required to remain on the employer’s
premises and being restricted from using on-call time effectively for personal
Exempt employees are not eligible to receive on-call compensation.
3. Condition to Work. Employees who are “off-duty”, but on-call, must remain in a
work-appropriate condition. This includes, but is not limited to, refraining from
consuming substances that impair or compromise an employee’s ability to work.
4. School/Departmental Expectations. Schools/departments may develop on-call
guidelines and expectations for employees for “off-duty” on-call time based on
departmental needs. Principals/department heads must submit their proposed
guidelines to Human Resources for approval to ensure that they meet all
applicable legal and policy requirements.
On-call compensation will be authorized only if the on-call service meets all the
following criteria:
a. Service must be mandated.
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b. On-call employees are expected to respond promptly to calls, resulting in
partially restricted personal time of on-call employees. Specific response
time may vary depending on individual school/department requirements.
c. On-call employees will not be called if another employee is already on
duty and available to perform the required services.
d. The school/department’s on-call guidelines have been approved by
Human Resources and the Board Attorney.
5. Reporting for Work. While on-call, an employee may be contacted to report to
work. An employee who is called in to work from on-call status is eligible for
call-back compensation. The employee will also retain the on-call compensation
in addition to wages for time worked.
B. Call-Back Compensation
1. Purpose. There may be times when supervisors may need employees to report
back to work on short notice outside of the employee’s work schedule. Call-back
status occurs when a principal/department head/designee requires a non-exempt
employee to report back to work outside of the employee’s work schedule on less
than 24 hours’ notice. Call-back is not hours worked beyond the schedule which
require an employee to stay at work, rather than report back to work. Holdover
time shall be compensated as straight time or overtime as applicable.
Additionally, work schedule changes with more than 24 hours’ notice are not
call-back hours. Whenever possible, supervisors should give notice to employees
when the need for call-back may occur, such as for an anticipated snowstorm.
2. Eligibility. Any regular non-exempt employee who is called back as described
above by the principal/department head/designee shall be paid call-back
Temporary non-exempt employees who have regular work schedules which are
changed via call-back are eligible. Temporary employees, including substitutes,
who work on an intermittent, occasional, or sporadic basis do not qualify for call-
back pay when scheduled or called to work/accepting assignments with less than
24 hours’ notice.
While exempt employees may be called back to work with short notice, they are
not eligible for call-back pay.
3. Condition to Work. Employees who are called back for work must report in a
work-appropriate condition. If an employee is not in a condition to work, the
employee must disclose that to the supervisor before reporting for duty.
4. Compensation. The call-back compensation rate is one and one-half (1.5) times
the employee’s regular hourly rate. If an employee exceeds the maximum
allowable hours for the workweek, the employee will receive overtime pay
instead of call-back pay. The employee may not receive both for the same hours
worked. In lieu of receiving overtime pay, employees may receive compensatory
time leave in accordance with the established procedures above.
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Once an employee has been called back to work, the employee will be
guaranteed a minimum of two (2) hours of call-back pay even if less than two (2)
hours of work are performed. An employee will receive call-back pay for any
hours worked. Ordinary travel/commute between an employee’s home and work
shall not be considered hours worked, unless approved as hours worked by
Human Resources. Emergency travel time to a location other than the
employee’s regular place of business which requires travel of a substantial
distance (more than than the typical commute) is considered as hours worked.
Only hours physically worked or call-back emergency travel time to work counts
towards the maximum allowable hours. An employee called back to work from
“on-call” status may keep the on-call pay in addition to call-back pay received.
When work is completed, travel time home is not compensable as time worked.
If an essential personnel employee receives additional pay due to building
closure, the employee is not eligible for call-back for the same hours worked.
Please refer to Policy GCC, Leave Program, for information on pay for work performed on a
When an employee is assigned to work evening/midnight shifts, a pay differential will be paid as
Evening: 4:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. 4% of the pay grade’s minimum salary for the position
Midnight: 12:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. 5% of the pay grade’s minimum salary for the position
Employees must be assigned to a shift to be eligible for the differential. If an employee works a
shift that encompasses day, evening, or midnight shifts, the differential will be paid based on the
majority of hours worked in the respective shift. If an employee is part-time, the shift differential
will be prorated.
VI.VII. SHIFT DIFFERENTIALS (Replaces Section VI. above effective with the implementation of
the time and attendance system.)
Non-exempt temporary and regular employees may be regularly or periodically scheduled to
work evening or midnight shifts and may receive premium pay for such work. When five (5) or
more hours are physically worked in either shift, the employee will receive the following
percentage of his/her hourly rate for each hour worked in the range:
Evening: 3:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. Five (5%) percent of the hourly rate premium pay
Midnight: 12:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Six (6%) percent of the hourly rate premium pay
Shift differential premium pay will not be granted when less than five (5) hours of work are
performed in the designated range. Although an employee may be regularly assigned to an
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evening or night shift, the shift premium will not be paid when paid leave is taken and the
employee will not be charged the premium for leave without pay.
Employees may be required by their supervisors to report to work during building closure periods
designated by the Superintendent/designee. Please refer to Policy GCQC, Coverage of Schools
Due to Inclement Weather and/or Emergency, for more information. Compensation will be as
A. Employees Required to Work
Any non-exempt regular employee who is required by the supervisor to work during
building closure periods shall be deemed essential personnel and will be paid a premium
equal to the employee’s hourly rate for any time the employee works during the building
closure period. This premium is in addition to the regular wages essential personnel earn
for any time worked in accorandance with this policy.
For example, if the building closure period is 6am-10am, the employee’s work schedule
is 8am-4pm, and the employee works 9am-4pm (no lunch break) the day of the closure as
directed by the supervisor, the employee would receive one (1) hour of paid
administrative leave due to building closure (8am-9am), one (1) hour of essential
personnel additional pay due to building closure (9am-10am), and seven (7) hours of pay
for time worked (9am-4pm).
B. Employees Not Required to Work
Any non-exempt regular employee who chooses to work when not required to report to
work will not receive additional pay due to a building closure, but will be compensated
for time worked as straight time or overtime as applicable.
C. Self-sustaining Programs
Some self-sustaining program employees may be required to report for work
on a regular or modified schedule when schools and/or departments are
closed. These employees will be compensated for time worked at straight
time or overtime as applicable. They are not eligible to receive additional
pay due to building closures. Temporary employees working in self-
sustaining departments are not eligible for additional pay for building
closures or administrative leave for building closures.
When an employee is away from the school due to a field trip with students as part of his/her
work duties with prior approval by the Principal/Department Head/Designee, such time shall be
compensable as time worked.
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See Policy GCLA, Professional Learning Time and Leave for more information on compensable
work time for training and learning activities.
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When employees are subpoenaed to appear as witnesses in legal proceedings or participate in
hearings with other local, state, or federal agencies in their capacities as Division employees, the
time spent in such work-related proceedings shall be compensable as time worked.
Employees who initiate or are otherwise involved in legal actions of any kind (excluding
employee grievance proceedings) in their private capacity and not as a Division employee,
whether such actions involve the Division or not, will not be permitted to treat such time as
compensable work time. Leave may be requested in accordance with Policy GCC, Leave
Adopted: July 1, 1993
Amended: September 13, 1993; September 12, 1994; December 8, 1997; January 14, 2010; June 12,
2014; April 23, 2015; June 9, 2016; January 10, 2019; May 23, 2019
Reviewed: July 8, 2004; September 27, 2012