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Retention Code:
CG01 - CA
Revised: May 2020
HSE Operations
Review Frequency:
Five years or less
This document contains proprietary information belonging to ConocoPhillips Canada. It is intended to govern activities of
ConocoPhillips Canada employees and contractors who perform work at ConocoPhillips Canada worksites. Its most current
version may only be relied upon by those parties who receive a copy provided by ConocoPhillips Canada directly.
About this Standard ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Identify the Space ............................................................................................................................... 5
1.1. Confined or Restricted Space .................................................................................................................................. 5
Confined Space ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Restricted Space (AB) / Low Hazard Atmosphere Confined Space (BC) ........................................................................................ 5
Confined Space and Restricted Space / Low Hazard Atmosphere Confined Space (BC) Examples ................................................ 6
Classification Flow Chart ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Defenses Required ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Site records of confined spaces ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
2. Restricted Space (AB) / Low Hazard Atmosphere Confined Space (BC) Entry .................................... 8
Restricted Space Requirements .................................................................................................................................................... 8
3. Confined Space Entry .......................................................................................................................... 9
3.1. Permit and Documentation ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Permit and Documentation ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2. Pre-Work ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Pre-job / Toolbox meeting ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
Communications Plan ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Posting of permit at entrance ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.3. Atmospheric Testing .............................................................................................................................................. 10
Pre-entry atmospheric testing .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Atmospheric Testing during Entry ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Requirements for Re-Testing ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Entry in a hazardous atmosphere ............................................................................................................................................... 12
3.4. Emergency Processes ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Rescue Planning Form ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Emergency Personnel and equipment ........................................................................................................................................ 12
3.5. Other Hazards and Defenses ................................................................................................................................. 13
Other Confined Space Hazards .................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.6. Energy Isolation ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
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Positive isolations ....................................................................................................................................................................... 14
4. Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................................................. 15
Specific roles ............................................................................................................................................................................... 15
References .................................................................................................................................................. 16
Confined Space Entry
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Document History
Approved by
Change Summary
May 2020
David Reaich
Usability Mapped Issued for Use
Confined Space Entry
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About this Standard
The purpose of this standard is to provide Code of Practice (COP)
requirements for confined space entry work at ConocoPhillips Canada (CPC)
Confined Space Entry
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1. Identify the Space
1.1. Confined or Restricted Space
Confined Space
A confined space is defined as:
Having poor ventilation
Having the potential to contain an unsafe atmosphere
Not intended for continuous human occupancy
Has restricted, limited, or impeded means of entry/exit.
CAUTION: A confined space may become unsafe
as a result of the work done inside them i.e.
disturbing sludge, painting, welding, hot work,
use or proximity of internal combustion engines.
Restricted Space (AB)
/ Low Hazard
Confined Space (BC)
A restricted space (AB) or) or Low Hazard Atmosphere Confined Space (BC) is
defined as:
An enclosed or partially enclosed space
Not intended for continuous human occupancy
Has restricted, limited, or impeded means of entry/exit.
NOTE: Think of a Restricted Space where the
only hazard is difficulty getting into or out of the
NOTE: In this document, Restricted Space in
Alberta is equivalent to “Low Hazard
Atmosphere Confined Space” in British
CAUTION: A Restricted Space could become a
confined space if work conditions change.
Confined Space Entry
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Confined Space and
Restricted Space /
Low Hazard
Confined Space (BC)
Examples of Confined and Restricted Spaces are as follows:
Confined Spaces
Restricted Spaces (AB) / Low Hazard
Atmosphere Confined Space (BC)
Pits or trenches where
flammable and toxic
gases can build up
Wells, hoppers, bins
Pipes, tunnels, sewers
Electrical or communication
utility vault
Building crawl space
Deep excavation requiring a
ladder to access
Classification Flow
The following flow chart can assist with determining if a space will be a
confined space:
Confined Space Entry
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Defenses Required
Defenses are required as necessary to address the following:
hazardous energy
harmful substances
hazardous location
human factors
hazardous atmospheres.
Records of confined
A list of all confined spaces must be maintained for all assets.
Workers will only enter confined spaces that have had a documented
hazard assessment completed.
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2. Restricted Space (AB) / Low Hazard Atmosphere Confined Space (BC)
Restricted Space
The following are required for Restricted Space Entry (AB) or Low Hazard
Atmosphere Confined Space Entry (BC):
Work Permit &
Work permit / Pre-job hazard assessment
Atmospheric Monitoring
Not required
Emergency Plans
Confined/Restricted Space Rescue
Planning Form
Suitable communication plan in place
Safety watch is not required
Workers must be checked on every 20
CAUTION: A restricted space can become a
confined space if atmospheric conditions or work
practices change
NOTE: In BC, if the Low Hazard Atmosphere
Confined Space requires lockout / tagout
procedures to be followed for entry, the space
must be managed as a confined space.
Confined Space Entry
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3. Confined Space Entry
3.1. Permit and Documentation
Permit and
The following permit and documentation/tasks list are required for Confined
Space Entry:
Work Permit or Pre-Job hazard assessment
Confined Space Entry Checklist
Confined / Restricted Space Rescue Planning Form
Pre-Entry Atmospheric Testing
Safety Watch in place
Communication Plan and Rescue Personnel in place
Continuous Atmospheric Monitoring
Workers Continuously Monitored
NOTE: All permits and associated checklists must
be retained for 2 years as per the COP document
retention schedule (HE11).
3.2. Pre-Work
Pre-job / Toolbox
A pre-job / toolbox meeting must be held with all personnel entering or
working in or adjacent to the space to review:
Work planned
Job requirements and assignments including Confined Space Monitor
Training required for the assigned roles
Actual and potential hazards and defenses implemented
Emergency procedures and rescue plan.
Develop a communications plan to continually monitor workers in a confined
space. When voice contact is not possible, establish an alternative system.
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Posting of permit at
The entry permit, hazard assessment, CSE checklist, and rescue planning form
must be posted at the confined space entrance.
NOTE: In BC, the entry permit must be posted at
each designated entry point or at one designated
entry point if the other points include up-to-date
information on whether it is safe to enter.
NOTE: Each access point to a Confined Space
which is not secured must be identified by
signage displaying the hazard and entry by
authorized workers only
3.3. Atmospheric Testing
atmospheric testing
Pre-entry atmospheric testing of the entire space should occur no more than
20 minutes before continuous atmospheric monitoring of the space occurs.
Conduct testing as follows:
A qualified gas tester is assigned to do the atmospheric monitoring and
clearance for entry
An aspirated 4-head (H
S, LEL, CO, O2) gas monitor is used. Ensure the
o O2 (19.5-23%)
o LEL (<10%)
o H2S (<10ppm)
o CO (<25ppm)
NOTE: In British Columbia, the atmosphere
within a confined space must be checked not
more than 20 minutes before a worker enters
the space.
Atmospheric Testing
during Entry
Continuous atmospheric testing is required during confined space entry as
Testing is completed by a competent worker
Results are recorded on the permit / hazard assessment / Confined
Space Entry Checklist
An aspirated 4-head (H
S, LEL, CO, O2) gas monitor is used.
Confined Space Entry
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NOTE: Personnel in a Confined Space are also
required to wear a 4-head personal gas monitor
whenever practicable.
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Requirements for Re-
Re-testing of the space must occur:
If there is a break in continuous monitoring
When site conditions change
When adjacent work activities may impact the confined space
Per the re-testing frequency identified on the permit
If a worker entering the confined space requests an additional test
If continuous monitoring indicates weak signals
After rest breaks if new hazards are introduced.
NOTE: In BC, a space must be re-checked when
workers have vacated the space for more than
20 minutes.
Entry in a hazardous
If a confined space cannot be freed of a hazardous atmosphere:
A harness with an attached lifeline must be worn by workers unless a
lifeline is impracticable or unsafe
SCBA or SABA is required based on the atmospheric limits outlined in
PART C of the Confined Space Entry Checklist.
NOTE: Use a full body harness if a lifeline is not
3.4. Emergency Processes
Rescue Planning
A Confined Space / Restricted Space Rescue Planning form or approved
contractor equivalent form must be completed and identify:
Emergency procedures
Rescue equipment
Emergency response personnel
Evacuation process.
Personnel and
Suitably equipped and trained emergency personnel must:
Understand their role
Be readily available
Be notified of start and end of work
Not enter a confined space unless there is one other worker outside
the space providing assistance.
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3.5. Other Hazards and Defenses
Other Confined
Space Hazards
Other Hazards related to Confined Space Entry include:
Hot Work
Follow the Hot Work Procedure
Nuclear Gauges
Perform according to written procedures acceptable to
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) or a person
authorized by the CNSC.
Identify and properly retract into respective shields &
Dose rate in vessel is measured and recorded on permit
If dose rate is greater than 2.5µSv/hr, Do Not Enter.
Contact the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO).
Worker’s time in the Confined Space must be recorded
on the permit and submitted to RSO.
Use of Electrical
Equipment must be protected by ground-fault circuit
interrupters (GFCI)
If GFCI not installed, allowance may be made for
approved portable in-line GFCI devices
Use explosion proof equipment when required.
Locate plugs and receptacles in non-hazardous location
of follow Hot Work processes.
Place heaters outside of the confined space and run hot
air through ducts.
Vent heaters per manufacturer’s instructions
Do not use direct-fired heaters that discharge gases with
the heated air
Follow Hot Work processes as required.
Every worker must use SABA or SCBA
Inerting is only used when it is not practicable to
eliminate an explosive or flammable atmosphere
through other means.
In BC, the Worker’s Compensation Board must be
notified in writing with a copy of the proposed work
procedures submitted at least 7 days before a worker
enters an inerted confined space. No entry is allowed
until the Board’s response has been received as per BC
OHS regulation 9.29.
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3.6. Energy Isolation
Positive isolations
When positive isolation is required, refer to the following:
Process Isolation Standard
Site specific LOTO procedures
All isolation points related to the confined space entry must be recorded.
NOTE: In BC, a double block and bleed isolation
is not permitted if the adjacent piping contains a
harmful substance that is a gas, vapor or liquid of
sufficient volatility to produce a hazardous
concentration of an air contaminant in the
discharge of the piping.
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4. Roles and Responsibilities
Specific roles
Specific roles for Confined Space Entry are as follows:
Confirms the hazard assessment is complete
Understands the testing, preparation and precautions of
the proposed work
Ensures workers have appropriate training
verifies completion of Confined Space Entry Checklist and
Confined / Restricted Space Rescue Planning form
restricted or
Comply with permit conditions
Review Confined Space Entry Checklist and / or Confined /
Restricted Space Rescue Planning Form as appropriate
Verify required isolations are in place and apply personal
lock as required
Safety Watch
Do not enter confined space for any reason
understands the emergency response process
Verifies all forms have been completed and reviewed
has an effective communication process.
Notifies rescue team when a confined space entry has
been initiated and completed
Attends the area until all workers leave the confined
space and has no other assigned duties
Tracks the names and number of workers entering and
exiting the confined space
HSE Operations
Administers the confined space entry program which
Ensures a training and competency program is in place for
confined space entries
Within BC, ensures that a hazard assessment has been
developed by a qualified person assigned by the Area
Supervisor for:
o Each confined space or group of confined spaces
which share similar characteristics
Work activity, or group of work activities which present
similar hazards to be performed inside a confined space
Confined Space Entry
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Reference the following documents as required.
Document Name
Alberta OH&S Code, Part 5 Confined Spaces
British Columbia OH&S Code, Part 9 Confined Spaces and Part 23 Oil and Gas
Confined Space Entry Checklist
Confined/Restricted Space Rescue Planning Form
Hot Work Procedure
Energy Isolation Procedures
Respiratory Protection Code of Practice
Radiation Safety Policy and Procedures Manual