CSEA Chapter 239
July 1, 2018 June 30, 2021
Updated: 2.25.2021
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Amador County Unified School District Superintendent of Schools
Amy Slavensky ................................................................................... Superintendent
California School Employees Association Chapter #239
Theresa Cramer ............................................................................................ President
Christina Cardenas ............................................................................... Vice President
Dan Evans .................................................................................................... Secretary
Vacant ........................................................................................................... Treasurer
Vacant ............................................................................................................... CPRO
Gordon Wilson ................................................................................ Sergeant at Arms
Negotiating Team
Kyle Harvey ............................................................................. CSEA Representative
Theresa Cramer ............................................................................................. Member
Ethel Allen ..................................................................................................... Member
Amy Martz .................................................................................................... Member
Dan Evans ..................................................................................................... Member
Christina Cardenas ......................................................................................... Member
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ARTICLE ...........................................................................................................................PAGE
Preamble ..........................................................................................................................................4
I. Recognition ..........................................................................................................................4
II. Dues Deduction ....................................................................................................................4
III. Employee Rights ..................................................................................................................5
IV. Organizational Rights and Employer Rights .......................................................................7
V. Definitions............................................................................................................................9
VI. Hours and Overtime ...........................................................................................................10
VII. Pay and Allowances ...........................................................................................................12
VIII. Employee Expenses and Materials ....................................................................................14
IX. Health and Welfare Benefits ..............................................................................................14
X. Holidays .............................................................................................................................15
XI. Vacation Plan .....................................................................................................................16
XII. Leaves ................................................................................................................................18
XIII. Transfers ............................................................................................................................23
XIV. Classification, Reclassification of Position........................................................................24
XV. Layoffs ...............................................................................................................................25
XVI. Dispute Settlement .............................................................................................................26
XVII. Transportation ....................................................................................................................28
XVIII. Contracting and Bargaining Unit Work .............................................................................33
XIX. Severability ........................................................................................................................34
XX. Educational Incentives .......................................................................................................34
XXI. Negotiations .......................................................................................................................35
XXII. Safety .................................................................................................................................36
XXIII. Drug and Alcohol Policy ...................................................................................................35
XXIV. Disciplinary Procedure.......................................................................................................39
XXV. Duration .............................................................................................................................42
Signatures ...................................................................................................................................... 42
Appendix A Classified Salary Schedule .....................................................................................43
Appendix B Position Designation .............................................................................................44
Appendix C Holiday Schedule ...................................................................................................46
Appendix D Health and Welfare Summary ................................................................................48
Appendix E Grievance Forms ....................................................................................................49
Appendix F Classified Employee Evaluation ............................................................................53
Appendix G Advanced Approval for Professional Growth or College Units ............................54
Appendix H Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Section 13.1.8 ..................................55
Appendix I Vacation Day Request Form ..................................................................................56
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This Agreement is made and entered into on this 1st day of July 2018, by and between Amador County
Unified School District, hereinafter referred to as the District, and California School Employees Association
and its Amador County Chapter #239, hereinafter referred to as CSEA.
1.1 Acknowledgment - The District hereby recognizes the CSEA as the exclusive bargaining
representative for all classified employees as described in Appendix B. Attachments are made hereto
and incorporated by reference as part of this Agreement. All appropriate newly created positions,
except those that are lawfully certificated, management, confidential or supervisory, or positions
assigned to the Amador County Office of Education shall be assigned to the classified bargaining
1.2 Scope of Representation - The scope of representation shall be all matters determined by applicable
rule, regulations, or orders issued by the Public Employment Relations Board, Court of Jurisdiction,
and those terms and conditions defined in California Government Code Section 3543.2.
1.3 Within thirty (30) days and no longer than sixty (60) days after the execution of this contract, the
employer shall provide a copy of this contract to each member of the bargaining unit. Distribution
will be handled by ACUSD.
2.1 Check Off--CSEA shall have the sole and exclusive right to have membership dues and service fees
deducted for employees in the classified bargaining unit by the District. The District shall, upon
appropriate written authorization from any employee, deduct credit union payments, savings bonds,
charitable donations, or other plans or programs jointly approved by CSEA and the District.
2.2 Dues Deduction:
2.2.1 The District shall deduct, in accordance with the CSEA dues and service fee schedule, dues
from the wages of all employees who are members of CSEA on the date of execution of this
Agreement, and who have submitted dues authorization forms to the District.
2.2.2 The District shall deduct dues, in accordance with the dues and service fee schedule, from the
wages of all employees who, after the date of execution of this Agreement, become members
of CSEA and submit to the District a dues authorization form.
2.2.3 Employees in the bargaining unit who are not members of CSEA on the effective date of this
Agreement and employees who hereafter come into the bargaining unit shall, as a condition
of continued employment, either within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this
Agreement or their employment, apply for membership and execute an authorization for dues
deduction on a form provided by CSEA and in accordance with the CSEA service fee
schedule. Any employee who fails to comply with this provision shall have dues
automatically deducted from their salary.
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2.2.4 However, nothing contained herein shall prohibit an employee from paying service fees
directly to CSEA, in accordance with CSEA procedures.
2.2.5 In the event that an employee revokes a dues or service fee authorization or fails to make
arrangements with CSEA for the direct payment of service fees, the District shall deduct
service fees until such time as CSEA notifies the District that arrangements have been made
for the payment of such fees.
2.3 Religious Objection - Any employee covered by this Agreement who is a member of a religious
body whose traditional tenets or teachings include objections to joining or financially supporting
employee organizations shall not be required to join, maintain membership in or financially support
any employee organization as a condition of employment, except that once such employee has
submitted evidence to CSEA which proves that he/she sincerely holds such beliefs will be required,
in lieu of a service fee, to pay sums equal to such service fee to a non-religious, non-labor charitable
fund organization exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) or Title 26 of the Internal Revenue
Code, chosen by such employee from the following list of three: 1) American Red Cross; 2) United
Way; 3) A charitable organization as approved by the Chapter.
2.4 Deduction and Payment of Charitable Contributions - Any employee who belongs to a religious
body described herein shall, within thirty (30) days of the date of this Agreement or their
employment, present proof to CSEA that they are a member of such religious body and shall execute
a written authorization for the payroll deduction in an amount equal to the service fee payable to one
of the three (3) organizations listed in Section 2.3 of this Agreement, or, in the alternative, such
employee shall provide proof to the District that such payments have been made on an annual basis
as a condition of continued exemption from the requirement of financial support to the exclusive
representative. If such employee who holds conscientious objections pursuant to this section
requests the employee organization to use the grievance procedure or arbitration procedure on the
employee's behalf, the employee organization is authorized to charge the employee for the
reasonable cost of using such procedure.
2.5 Hold Harmless Clause - CSEA shall indemnify and hold the District harmless from any and all
claims, demands, or suits, or any other action arising from the provisions contained herein.
3.1 Personnel File:
3.1.1 The main, permanent personnel file of each employee shall be maintained at the District
Central Administration Office. Any file kept by a supervisor of any employee shall not
contain any material that is not in the main, permanent file which would result in any adverse
action being taken against an employee based upon material which is not in the main,
permanent personnel file.
3.1.2 Employees shall be provided with copies of any written material before it is placed in the
employee's main, permanent personnel file. Prior to any such letter being issued to any
employee, the employee shall be notified of the issuance of the letter and the purpose of same
and the chapter president or his/her designee shall be present at the employee’s invitation.
The employee shall be given an opportunity to initial and date the material and to prepare a
written response to such material. The written response must be submitted within ten (10)
working days and shall be attached to the material. The employee shall be allowed to
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respond to this material without loss of compensation.
3.1.3 An employee shall have the right to examine and/or obtain one copy of any material from the
employee's main, permanent personnel file with the exception of material that includes
rating, reports, or records which were obtained prior to the employment of the employee
3.1.4 All personnel files shall be kept in confidence and shall be available for inspection only to
the employee's immediate supervisor and management employees of the District when
actually necessary in the proper administration of the District's affairs or the supervision of
the employee. The District shall keep a log indicating the persons who have examined a
main, permanent personnel file, as well as the date such examinations were made. Such log
and the employee's main, permanent personnel file shall be available for examination by the
employee or his/her representative if authorized by the employee in writing. The log shall be
maintained in the employee's main, permanent personnel file.
3.1.5 Any person who places written material or drafts written material for placement in an
employee's main, permanent file, shall sign the material and signify the date on which such
material was drafted. Any written materials placed in a main, permanent personnel file shall
indicate on the material the date of such placement.
3.1.6 Non-discrimination. The district shall not discriminate against Association bargaining unit
members on the basis of race, color, creed, age, sex, sexual orientation, national origin,
political affiliation, marital status, physical handicap, veteran status, membership and/or
participation in any employee organization or activities as it applies to the language of this
3.2 Evaluation:
3.2.1. Each bargaining unit employee shall have at least one yearly written evaluation except as
described next. After two consecutive years of completely satisfactory annual evaluations,
the employee and the evaluator can mutually agree to defer the next annual evaluation one
year. This agreement must be documented and included in the personnel file at the District
office. If either party disagrees with the deferral, an annual evaluation cannot be deferred.
Evaluations for all permanent employees shall be submitted to the personnel office on or
before the first (1
) day of May of each year. If an unsatisfactory evaluation is given, the
employee may request additional evaluation(s) or the District may give additional
evaluation(s). Probationary bargaining unit employees shall have two (2) written evaluations
at sixty (60) and one hundred (100) working days from the start of the probationary period.
3.2.2. Each evaluation report shall be a review of an employee’s performance and shall be based
upon job related criteria. Evaluations, so far as practicable, shall be based upon the direct
observation and knowledge of the evaluator. Employee performance evaluations are for the
purpose of evaluating individual employee performance and for providing guidance and
performance development and improvement. Therefore, evaluations shall include specific
recommendations for improvements and provisions for assisting the employee in
implementing any recommendations made to improve performance. No evaluation of any
bargaining unit employee shall be placed in any personnel file without a review and an
opportunity for discussion between the bargaining unit employee and the evaluator.
3.2.3. No adverse action of any kind shall be taken against a bargaining unit employee based upon
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materials which are not in the personnel file. Such material shall not include ratings, reports, or records which:
(1) were obtained prior to the employment of the bargaining unit employee involved,
(2) were prepared by identifiable examination committee members, or
(3) were obtained in connection with a promotional examination.
3.2.4. The bargaining unit employee, or CSEA representative designated in writing, shall have the
right to inspect the bargaining unit employee's personnel file upon request, provided that the
inspection is made at a time when the bargaining unit employee is not required to render
services to the District. If the employee is prevented from inspecting his/her personnel file
because of the employee's work schedule, alternative arrangements for inspection may be
made with the Personnel Office.
3.2.5. Information of a derogatory nature shall not be entered or filed unless and until the
bargaining unit employee is given notice and an opportunity to review and comment thereon.
Any bargaining unit employee shall have the right to enter and have attached to any such
derogatory statement, the bargaining unit employee's own comments thereon. Such review
and comment shall take place during normal business hours and the bargaining unit
employee shall be given a reasonable period of release time from duty for this purpose
without salary reduction.
3.3 Any employee in the bargaining unit shall have the right to utilize the grievance procedure provided
for in this Agreement for resolving any procedural disputes arising under this Article.
3.3.1 Any employee in the bargaining unit shall have the right to have the Superintendent or
his/her designee review the content of any disputed evaluation.
3.3.2 Any employee may ask in writing that any and all derogatory material be removed or sealed
after the expiration of two (2) calendar years.
4.1 CSEA Rights - CSEA shall have the following rights in addition to the rights contained in any other
portion of this Agreement.
4.1.1 Representatives of the bargaining unit shall have access to areas in which employees work
for the purpose of representing the bargaining unit during the employee lunch period, break
or any other non work time, upon notification of employees' supervisor.
4.1.2 The right to use without charge District bulletin boards, mailboxes, and the use of the District
mail and e-mail systems, for the posting or transmission of information of notices concerning
CSEA matters.
4.1.3 The right to use District facilities at times other than normal working hours and hours of
student instruction as long as the Association submits the appropriate Civic Center Act form
to the immediate supervisor of the facility in accordance with District policy and the
provisions of the Civic Center Act. The Association is granted the right to use District
equipment as long as it is outside the normal working day and does not interfere with student
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instruction and/or work production of the District; provided that CSEA may not use District
equipment for concerted activities or political purposes at any time. “Equipment” means all
equipment, personal property, furnishings and instruments, whether fixed or portable,
including, without limitation, photocopying machines, postage stamps, telephones, facsimile
machines, computers and vehicles. The Association shall pay for the cost of all materials and
supplies incident to use. The Association agrees to leave facilities and/or equipment used in
a clean and orderly condition.
4.1.4 The current seniority roster shall be updated on a regular basis and a copy provided to the
Chapter President or designee upon request. The roster is available at the central
administration office and a copy will be sent to any employee upon request.
4.1.5 The right for paid release time for the CSEA chapter president or designee and the right for
CSEA chapter delegates to use personal necessity leave or vacation time to attend the annual
conference of CSEA.
4.1.6 The right to two days of release time paid by the District for up to two (2) employees to
attend the annual Para Educator Conference. Additional employees may use personal
necessity leave or vacation time to attend the conference. If other than District release time
is used and the employee pays for the expenses associated with attending the conference, that
employee is entitled to apply for education incentives pursuant to Article 20 of this contract.
4.1.7 The District will make no changes in employee wages, hours and/or other terms and
conditions of employment, without first affording CSEA all rights within the scope of its
4.2 Distribution of Job Information - Upon initial employment each employee shall receive a contract.
For each change in classification, the affected employee shall receive a copy of the applicable job
description, the number of hours per day, assignment hours, days per week and months per year.
4.2.1 Upon initial employment, the CSEA Chapter President or designee will be informed of all
new bargaining unit members and be provided their name, classification, and Work Site.
4.3 The District shall notify the CSEA President of the date, time, and place of all job interviews. The
CSEA President will be told the name of the classified representative from the site or department
where the interview panel will be convened.
4.4 The District shall grant to any unit member, upon request by CSEA, a leave of absence without loss
of compensation for the purpose of enabling the bargaining unit member to serve as an elected
officer of CSEA or, with respect to up to two additional unit members at any one time, to meet and
negotiate with the District or to process grievances. Following the District’s payment of the unit
member for the leave of absence, the District shall be reimbursed by CSEA for all compensation
paid to the unit member of account of the leave of absence within 10 days after receipt by CSEA of
the District’s certification of payment of compensation to the unit member.
4.5 Employer Rights
4.5.1 It is understood and agreed that the District retains all of its power and authority to direct,
manage, and control to the full extent of the law. Included but not limited to those duties and
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powers are the exclusive right to: determine its organization; direct the work of its
employees; determine the times and hours of operation; determine the kinds and levels of
services to be provided, and the methods and means of providing them; establish its
education policies, goals, and objectives; insure the rights and educational opportunities of
students; determine staffing patterns; determine the numbers and kinds of personnel required;
maintain the efficiency of District’s operations; determine the curriculum; build, move, or
modify facilities; establish budget procedures and determine budgetary allocations;
determine the methods of raising revenue; and take action on any matter in the event of an
emergency. In addition, the District retains the right to hire, classify, assign, evaluate,
promote, terminate and discipline employees.
4.5.2 The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities, and
practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection
therewith, shall be limited only by the specific and express terms of the contract, and then
only to the extent such specific and express terms are in conformance with the law.
5.1 Anniversary Date is the date from the initial date of employment which shall not exceed one
calendar year.
5.2 Class is a group of positions (classifications) within a job occupational family which have common
characteristics and which are ranked according to a job family.
5.3 Classification is a position within the classified service which has a designated title, a regular
minimum number of assigned hours per day, days per week, and months per year, a specific
statement of the duties required to be performed by the employees in each such position, the regular
monthly salary ranges for each such position and minimum qualifications.
5.4 Seniority--Employees shall earn seniority by hire date.
5.5 Substitute Employee is any person employed to replace any classified employee who is regularly
assigned to such position and who is temporarily absent from duty.
5.6 Short Term Employee is defined as any person who is employed to perform a service for the District,
upon the completion of which, the service required or similar services will not be extended or
needed on a continuing basis.
5.7 Work Day is a day when the District Central Administration office is open for business.
5.8 Confidential Employee means any employee who is required to develop or present management
positions with respect to employer-employee relations or whose duties normally require access to
confidential information that is used to contribute significantly to the development of management
positions. (Government Code 3540.1.c).
5.9 Probation shall be 120 working days from an employee’s initial hire date.
5.10 Promotion is advancement to a classification with a higher salary range on a permanent basis.
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5.11 Working out of class means an employee performing assigned duties not normally a part of his/her
job classification.
5.12 A full-time employee is one who works 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week.
6.1 Workweek The workweek shall consist of five (5) consecutive days, of eight (8) hours per day and
forty (40) hours per week. This article shall not restrict the extension of the regular workday or
workweek on an overtime basis when such is necessary to carry on the business of the District.
6.2 Workday The length of the workday shall be eight (8) hours per day for full time employees.
6.3 Adjustment of Assigned Time Any employee in the bargaining unit who works a minimum of
thirty (30) minutes per day in excess of his/her regular part-time assignment for a period of twenty
(20) consecutive working days or more shall have his/her regular assignment adjusted upward to
reflect the longer hours, effective the next pay period.
6.4 Lunch Hour All employees covered by the Agreement shall be entitled an unpaid lunch break of
no less than thirty (30) minutes after completing four (4) hours of duty. The lunch period to be
scheduled at or as near the midpoint of the work shift.
6.5 Rest Periods Employees shall be entitled to rest periods as follows:
Portion of work day:
Number of 15 minute rest periods:
0 to 3.5 hours
3.6 to 7.0 hours
7.1 to 8.0 hours
6.5.1 Rest periods shall be paid at the pay rate of the employee.
6.6 Overtime Employees who work in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per work
week shall be compensated at the rate of pay equal to one and one-half (1-1/2) times the regular rate
of pay per Education Code Section 45131.
6.6.1 All hours worked on holidays designated by this Agreement shall be compensated at one and
one-half (1-1/2) times the regular rate of pay in addition to the regular pay received for the
6.7 A full-time employee shall have the option of Compensatory time off in lieu of cash compensation
for overtime work. Compensatory time is only available to employees who work more than 8 hours
in any one work day and/or more than 40 hours in a calendar week as provided by Ed Code section
45128. Such election shall be mutually agreed upon by the employee and the immediate supervisor
prior to the time that the overtime is to be worked. Compensatory time off shall be granted at the
appropriate rate of overtime. Compensatory time must be taken by June 30 of each school year or it
will be paid in cash.
6.8 Flex Time (Part Time Employees) - Part time employees may, at their option, subject to the approval
of the immediate supervisor, request to work a flexible schedule. A flexible schedule is when part of
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one's day may be taken off and the hours made up on another day or time.
6.9 Overtime Distribution The District will distribute overtime opportunities as equitably as possible
to all bargaining unit employees within each department excluding transportation (see Article XVII).
6.10 Call In/Call Back Time Any employee called in to work when the employee is not scheduled to
work or called back to work after completion of their regular assignment, will receive a minimum of
two (2) hours pay at the appropriate rate of pay.
6.11 Right of Refusal Any employee shall have the right to reject any offer or request for overtime
except in cases of emergency as determined by the District Superintendent or designee.
6.12 Summer School Assignments (Includes Intersessions) - When work performed by ten (10) month
employees is required to be performed at times other than during the regular school year, the work
shall first be offered to bargaining unit employees.
6.12.1 When necessary to assign ten (10) month bargaining unit employees to serve during a
summer school period or intersession, the assignment shall be made on the basis of
qualifications for employment in each classification of service which is required.
6.12.2 If more than one employee in a classification wishes to be assigned for summer work or
intersession and the qualifications of the employees are equal, the most senior employee will
be assigned.
6.13 CSEA and the District agree that the District may implement provisions of Education Code Sections
45132 and 45133 (four day / ten hours per day) if approved by the negotiations committees.
6.14 Extra Work
6.14.1 Permanent part time (less than 8 hour) Maintenance I employees will be placed on a seniority
list established for the purpose of filling Maintenance I positions open due to long term
absence (in excess of 20 work days). This may not affect more than two permanent
Maintenance I positions. New Maintenance I’s will be added to this seniority list in order of
seniority after completing probation.
6.14.2 Extra work (whether occurring during the school week or during the weekend, and whether
at school-sponsored or non-school related events) will be offered first to Maintenance I/Night
Custodians at the site in seniority order, then to other CSEA 239 Maintenance I/Night
Custodians in seniority order, then to CSEA 827 Maintenance I/Night Custodians in seniority
order and finally to substitutes.
6.14.3 To be eligible for extra work, a Maintenance I/Night Custodian must notify the District of
his/her interest in performing extra work at the site by completing and returning a
questionnaire that the District will circulate to all Maintenance I/Night Custodians on a
quarterly basis. A Maintenance I/Night Custodian will be removed from the extra-work
eligibility list for the remainder of the quarter if he or she declines three or more offers of
extra work during that quarter, except if the Maintenance I/Night Custodian declines extra
work because he or she is scheduled to take leave under Article XII on the day on which the
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extra work is being offered.
6.14.4 A Maintenance I/Night Custodian must attend a training session to familiarize himself or
herself with a site if (a) the extra work will be performed at a site other than his/her regular
site and (b) he/she has not previously performed extra work at that site during that school
year. This training session will last approximately one hour and will be provided by one of
the site’s Maintenance I/Night Custodians. The Maintenance I/Night Custodians receiving
and providing the training will schedule the training session at a time approved by their
supervisors. This training session will take place during the relevant Maintenance I/Night
Custodians regular work hours and the Maintenance I/Night Custodians will be provided
release time (but not, for the avoidance of doubt, any additional compensation) for such
7.1 Regular Rate of Pay - The regular rate of pay for each position in the bargaining unit shall be in
accordance with the rates established for each class as provided for in Appendix A, which is
attached hereto and by reference incorporated as part of this Agreement.
The District shall provide a matching contribution for employee payments to Retiree Health Benefit
Plan (designated as the Trust for Retirees of Associated California Schools “TRACS”) equal to the
applicable amount determined by the TRACS board with respect to the relevant contribution period
for full-time employees (receiving the maximum District contribution towards health and welfare
benefits) participating in the Retiree Health Benefit Plan which became effective July 1, 1999.
When the TRACS Board recommends increasing contribution levels, the District will implement
the change effective July 1 of the following year.
7.2 Paychecks - All regular paychecks of employees in the bargaining unit shall be itemized to include
all deductions.
7.3 Frequency - Once Monthly
7.3.1 Twelve Month Employees. All twelve (12) month employees in the bargaining unit shall be
paid once per month, payable on or before the last working day of the month. If the normal
payday falls on a holiday, the paycheck shall be issued on the preceding workday.
7.3.2 Less Than Twelve Month Employees. All less than twelve (12) month employees in the
bargaining unit who are eligible to be paid, shall be paid once per month, payable on or
before the last working day of the month. If the normal payday falls on a holiday, the
paycheck shall be issued on the preceding workday. All less than twelve month employees have the option to receive twelve (12) equal
monthly paychecks if arrangements are made with the District payroll department
prior to August 1 of each fiscal year. No changes for mid-year adjustments will be
allowed after August 1
. All ten (10) or eleven (11) month employees according to PERS criteria, may
continue to receive eleven (11) monthly paychecks.
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7.4 Payroll Errors - Any payroll error resulting in insufficient payment for an employee in the
bargaining unit shall be corrected, and a supplemental check issued within five (5) working days
after the employee provides notice to the payroll department.
7.5 Special Payments - Any payroll adjustment due an employee in the bargaining unit as a result of
working out of class, recomputation of hours, or other reasons other than procedural errors shall be
paid as soon as practicable at the time of the next regularly scheduled salary or supplemental
payment following notice to the payroll department.
7.6 Lost Checks - Any paycheck for an employee in the bargaining unit which is lost after receipt or
which is not delivered within five (5) days of mailing (if mailed), shall be replaced as soon as
possible after notification and in accordance with existing law.
7.7 Promotion - Any employee in the bargaining unit receiving a promotion under provisions of this
Agreement shall be moved to the appropriate range of the new classification with step placement to
insure a minimum 5% adjustment (if possible).
7.8 Longevity - The District agrees to additionally compensate long service employees in accordance
with Appendix A of this Agreement. Longevity shall be paid on a monthly basis.
7.9 Compensation During Required Training Periods - An employee required by the District to attend
training sessions or otherwise engage in training of any kind in order to continue his/her
employment in a position, shall receive compensation as follows:
7.9.1 When the training occurs during the employee's regularly assigned working hours, the
employee shall be paid at his/her regular rate of pay and shall receive all benefits to which
he/she is entitled.
7.9.2 All costs incurred under a mandated training program for employee transportation, supplies,
shall be paid by the District.
7.9.3 Employee costs incurred in an Employer mandated training program shall be paid by the
Employer upon notification by the employee with appropriate receipts. For example, Bus
Driver license renewal costs are documented, verified, and forwarded to the Business Office.
7.10 Working Out of Class - Any employee substituting for/or filling a vacancy in a higher classification
for a period of time which exceeds five (5) working days within a fifteen (15) day period, shall have
his/her salary adjusted upward for the entire period he/she is required to work out of classification.
7.10.1 If assigned to duties normally performed by employees in a higher classification, the
employee's rate of pay shall be moved to the appropriate range and step of the higher
classification to insure not less than a 5% increase, except that the employee may be placed
on the last step of the appropriate range if that is the maximum salary allowable for that
7.11 Compensation Prior to Vacation. An employee who will be on an approved vacation on the regular
pay date, as established in 7.3.3., may receive his/her check on his/her last working day before the
commencement of the vacation. To do this, the employee shall do the following:
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7.11.1 After approval of the vacation request, but no less than three weeks prior to the requested
date of the check, submit to payroll a Request for Early Check form, which shall state the
date of the vacation period and the date of the last working day before the vacation.
7.11.2 Pre-vacation checks may not be available during the months of July and December.
therefore, the District will accommodate an employee whose vacation will include the
regular pay date and who in writing requests payroll to mail the check to the bank for which
the employee has provided a deposit slip, send the check to an alternative address which has
been provided to payroll, or release the check to a designated individual.
7.12 Supplemental Paychecks.
Supplemental paychecks shall be issued on the fifteenth of the month.
7.13 Cash Bonus to Non-Benefited Employees - Employees who are not eligible for District health and
welfare benefits contributions shall receive a FTE pro-rated cash payment of $300.00 per fiscal
8.1 Uniforms - The District shall pay the full cost of the purchase, lease, rental, cleaning, (except for
District provided T-Shirts) and maintenance of uniforms, identification badges, emblems, and cards
required by the District to be worn or used by bargaining unit employees. Uniforms/T-Shirts that are
worn out/discolored/damaged will be replaced upon request of the employee, with the approval of
the Immediate Supervisor.
8.2 Tools - The District agrees to provide all tools, equipment, and supplies necessary to bargaining unit
employees for performance of employment duties.
8.3 Replacing or Repairing Employees' Property - The District shall fully compensate all bargaining unit
employees for damage to personal property during the performance of his/her employment activities.
This section shall apply only if the employee is found not to be negligent in his/her employment
activities. Any disagreement to this section shall be subject to the grievance procedure.
8.4 Safety Equipment - Should the employment duties of an employee in the bargaining unit reasonably
require use of any equipment or gear to insure the safety of the employee or others, the District
agrees to furnish such equipment or gear, as required by existing law.
8.5 Automobile Insurance - The District agrees to provide secondary personal injury and property
damage insurance to protect employees in the event that employees use their personal vehicles on
employer business. If an employee uses their personal vehicle on authorized employer business, that
employee shall be entitled to mileage at the District approved rate for all miles driven on employer
8.6 Physical Examination - The District agrees to provide for District employees, the full cost of any
medical/TB examinations and required inoculations by the District designated doctor when required
as a condition of continued employment. An employee may elect to use his/her own doctor, but will
be responsible for the difference in cost above the District allowance.
8.7 Hold Harmless Clause - Whenever any civil or criminal action is brought against an employee for
any action or omission arising out of, or in the course of, the duties of that employee, the District
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agrees to pay the cost of defending such action.
9.1 Employee and Dependent Coverage - The Parties agree that the District's contribution toward Health,
Dental and Vision Insurance shall be $10,050.00 effective July 1, 2017.
9.1.1 Employees employed by the District through December 31, 1988, shall be provided the District
Contribution based on the current practice of the District. Effective January 1, 1989, the District
is to pay up to the District Contribution toward health and welfare benefits for all employees and
their dependents who are ratified for more than thirty (30) hours per week. Health and welfare
benefit contributions are to be pro-rated based on FTE (defined as eight (8) hours per day) as
9.1.2 Less than twenty (20) hours per week - No District paid benefits, but may purchase at own
9.1.3 .50 FTE [defined as twenty (20) ratified hours per week]:
50% of Employer contribution
50% Employee contribution plus any amount over the District 'Cap';
9.1.4 Greater than .50, less than or equal to .75 [defined as greater than twenty (20) ratified hours per
week and less than equal to thirty (30) hours per week]:
75% of Employer contribution
25% Employee contribution plus any amount over the District 'Cap';
9.1.5 Greater than .75, less than or equal to 1.0 FTE [defined as greater than thirty (30) ratified hours
per week]:
100% of Employer contribution.
9.1.6 Employees currently receiving full benefits and working less than full time will be grandfathered
in and the District will continue to pay up to the total District Contribution. If a current full time
employee accepts a part time position, however, benefits will be prorated.
9.2 Benefits During Retirement - District retirees may elect to continue on CSEA’s bargaining unit’s health
insurance plan. All retirees taking this option shall assume responsibility for premium costs.
9.2.1 The employment benefits as stated in Appendix D, with the exception of life insurance, will be
granted the surviving spouses of retired classified personnel who have qualified for the
continuation of such employment benefits upon retirement at cost to the surviving spouse,
provided that the surviving spouse notifies the District within a thirty (30) day period after the
death of the retired classified employee of his/her election to continue coverage.
9.3 On the Job Injuries - All employees of the District are covered by the District for injuries which occur
while on duty. Injuries shall be reported IMMEDIATELY to the Personnel Office in compliance with
compensation insurance laws. (Labor Code Section 5400) An injured employee requiring medical care
should report to a medical doctor of his/her choice. In the event the employee is unable, because of the
severity of the injury, to report a work related accident, the employee's supervisor is responsible for
completing the report.
9.4 TRACS - Commencing with the 1999-2000 school year, deductions will be made for members receiving
the maximum District contribution towards health and welfare benefits for contributions to TRACS. The
District will match the employees’ contribution for the duration of the TRACS program. The applicable
matching rate will be in accordance with Article 7.1.
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10.1 Scheduled Holidays - The scheduled holidays shall be as set forth in Appendix C of this Agreement.
10.2 Holidays on Saturday or Sunday - When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding workday not a
holiday shall be deemed to be that holiday. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following
workday shall be deemed to be that holiday.
10.2.1 The operation of this section shall not cause any employee to lose any of the holidays clearly
indicated in this article.
10.3 Holiday in lieu of Admissions Day - Christmas Eve Day will be the holiday in lieu of the
Admissions Day Holiday (formerly the floating holiday).
10.4 Eligibility - In order to be eligible to receive credit for any of the holidays listed in this section, the
employee must be in a paid status on the normal workday immediately preceding or succeeding the
holiday. Employees whose normal work assignment placed them in a paid status on the last
preceding, or the first day succeeding, the Christmas recess shall be granted the holidays of
Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve Day and New Year’s Day.
10.4.1 Any classified employee who is requested to work a work week other than Monday through
Friday, or if such employee consents to work a week including Saturday or Sunday, or both,
and as a result loses a holiday, that employee shall be provided a substitute holiday or
compensation in the amount the employee would have been entitled to had the holiday fallen
within his/her normal work week.
10.5 All school term employees shall receive twelve (12) paid holidays and all twelve (12) month
employees shall receive thirteen (13) paid holidays regardless of schedules worked.
10.6 On a trial basis for the 2006-2007 school year, any employee who does not utilize any sick leave or
miss any work (the exceptions are vacation, bereavement leave, military or jury duty) during a fiscal
year may earn an incentive. A full-time twelve month employee is eligible to receive $125. An
employee working less than full time is eligible to receive a prorated amount of the $125.
11.1 Eligibility - All bargaining unit members shall earn paid vacation time under this Article. Vacation
benefits are earned on a fiscal year basis, July 1 - June 30. Twelve month bargaining unit members
accrue vacation benefits and schedule time off. Less than twelve month employees are compensated
for earned vacation on a year-to-year basis. All bargaining unit members shall be given a written
accounting of accrued vacation and sick leave balances annually.
11.2 Paid Vacation - Except as otherwise provided in this Article, paid vacation shall be granted through
mutual written agreement (12 month employees) no later than the fiscal year immediately following
the fiscal year in which it was earned.
11.3 Accumulation - Vacation time shall be earned and accumulated (12 month employees) in accordance
with the following schedules:
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1 through 4 years of service - 10 working days
5 through 10 years of service - 15 working days
11 through 19 years of service - 20 working days
20 or more years of service - 25 working days
11.3.1 Vacation time shall be earned at the following rates (less than 12 month employees):
1-4 years .03846 per hour for each hour of paid service, not including overtime
5-10 years .0577 per hour for each hour of paid service, not including overtime
11-19 years .0769 per hour for each hour of paid service, not including overtime
20 + years .09615 per hour for each hour of paid service, not including overtime
Hours of paid service defined as ratified hours times (workdays plus holidays) e.g. 2 hour employee
x (180 workdays plus 12 holidays) = hours of paid service.
11.4 Vacation Pay - Pay for vacation days for less than twelve month employees shall be the same as that
which the employee would have received had he/she been in a working status.
11.5 Vacation Pay Upon Termination - When an employee in the bargaining unit is terminated for any
reason, he/she shall be entitled to all vacation pay earned and accumulated up to and including the
effective date of termination.
11.6 Vacation Postponement - If a bargaining unit employee's vacation becomes due during a period
when he/she is on leave due to illness or injury, he/she may request in writing with medical
verification that his/her vacation date be changed, and the District may grant such a request in
accordance with vacation dates available at that time.
11.6.1. If a bargaining unit employee pursuant to 11.6 above, is not permitted by the District to take
all of or any part of his/her annual vacation, the amount not taken shall, at the option of the
employee, be accumulated for use up to 40 days or be paid for in cash.
11.7 Flexibility on Vacation Carry-over - Each department shall maintain a master vacation schedule and
a qualified substitute list, allowing employees to take requested vacations when possible.
Employees may carry-over all accumulated and unused days that have accrued in any one school
year (“Carry Forward Days”) for use in the next school year when mutually agreed upon between the
District and employee. Vacation days shall accrue in accordance with Section 11.3. Any Carry
Forward Days not used in the next school year shall be paid in cash by the District and shall not
accumulate for use in any subsequent school year. When approaching the maximum, the District
will notify and discuss options with the employee.
11.8 Holidays - When a holiday falls during the scheduled vacation of any twelve month bargaining unit
employee, such employee shall be granted an additional day for each holiday falling within that
11.9 Vacation Scheduling - Vacation shall be scheduled for times throughout the year requested by the
bargaining unit members in accordance with the requirements of this section. Bargaining unit
members shall schedule vacations in accordance with a master calendar for each semester that will
be circulated by the District to all bargaining unit members not later than July 1, in the case of the
Fall semester, and November 1, in the case of the Spring semester, or as soon thereafter as
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reasonably possible. Subject to the other requirements of this section, the District shall make every
effort to meet the employee vacation scheduling options.
11.9.1 If none of the dates can be met, the employee and supervisor must reach mutual agreement
on a date. If they are unable to reach mutual agreement, the scheduling of vacation shall be
resolved by a third party decision. The third party shall be a committee comprised of two (2)
CSEA Representatives and two (2) District Representatives.
11.9.2 In scheduling vacation, the District shall use seniority.
11.9.3 Special emergency situations may arise when a scheduled vacation is canceled. The
employee and the District must reach mutual consent in such circumstances.
11.9.4 Changes to Vacation Requests - An employee may change or supplement their vacation
request if the change can be accommodated by the District without disruption to other
employee's scheduled vacations, and if the District can arrange the change without disruption
to District operations. Any such request to change or supplement a vacation request shall be
made by the relevant employee not less than fifteen (15) business days prior to the first
vacation day that he or she has requested by submitting a fully completed copy of the
vacation day request form in substantially the form attached as Appendix N. The District
may waive the forgoing notice requirement in its sole discretion for good cause. The District
shall respond to any such request within three (3) business days of receipt.
11.10 Interruption of Vacation - An employee in the bargaining unit shall be permitted to interrupt or
terminate vacation leave in order to begin another type of paid leave provided by this Agreement
without a return to active service, provided the employee supplies notice and supporting information
regarding the basis for such interruption or termination of vacation.
12.1 Jury Duty - An employee shall be entitled to leave without loss of pay for any time the employee is
required to perform jury duty. The employee shall deposit with the District any monies received
from the judicial system. Any meal, mileage, or parking allowance provided the employee for jury
duty shall not be considered in the amount received for jury duty. Any day during which an
employee in the bargaining unit, whose regular assigned shift commences at 3:00 p.m. or after and
who is required to serve all or part of the day on jury duty, shall be relieved from work with pay.
12.2 Judicial Leave - For any necessary court appearance, except as a party in an action against the
District, the unit member may utilize Personal Necessity Leave.
12.3 Military Leave - An employee shall be entitled to any military leave provided for by law and shall
retain all rights and privileges granted by law arising out of the exercise of military leave.
12.4 Bereavement Leave A classified employee is entitled to be absent up to five (5) days for the death
of any member of his/her immediate family. No deduction shall be made from the salary of such
employee on account of such leave of absence. Members of the immediate family means mother,
mother-in-law, father, father-in-law, grandmother, grandfather, grandchild, spouse, registered
domestic partner, son, son-in-law, daughter, daughter-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, sister, sister-
in-law, step parents, step children, or any relative living in the immediate household of the employee
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or the spouse.
12.5 Personal Necessity Leave - The employee requiring leave under this section shall verify by signed
statement, on District provided form, that he/she desired a leave for one of the reasons listed as
permissible under this section. Whenever possible, advance notification of any personal necessity
permitting leave under this section shall be given. An employee may use, at his/her election not
more than seven (7) days of accumulated sick leave benefits in a school year in the following cases
of personal necessity.
12.5.1 Death of a member of the employee's immediate family when additional leave is required
beyond that provided for in Section 12.4. Immediate family shall be defined as set forth in
Section 12.4.
12.5.2 Accident involving his/her person or property, or property of a member of his/her immediate
family, of such an emergency nature that the immediate presence of the employee is required
during his/ her work day.
12.5.3 Serious or critical illness of a member of the employee's immediate family, calling for the
services of a physician and of such an emergency nature that the immediate presence of the
employee is required during his/her work.
12.5.4 Appearance in court as a litigant, except as a party in an action brought against the District by
the employee.
12.5.5 Employees may use up to four (4) days of personal necessity leave to attend to matters not
specifically listed above, but which a reasonably prudent person would conclude was a
matter of compelling personal necessity. It is agreed that these days may not be used to
extend any vacation or holiday period and may not be used for recreational purposes.
12.6 Leave for Illness or Injury
12.6.1 A classified employee employed forty (40) hours a week is entitled to eight (8) hours of sick
leave for each month of employment during the school year, without loss of pay, cumulative
indefinitely. Any new employee must be in paid status for more than one-half (1/2) of the
month's normal working hours in order to qualify for sick leave credit for that month.
Employees who work less than 12 months shall earn sick leave based on their duty days. The
following guidelines shall be used for designations of months worked. Duty day criteria
shall be utilized as follows:
180-199 duty days shall be equivalent to a 10 month employee;
200-219 duty days shall be equivalent to an 11 month employee;
220-261 duty days shall be equivalent to a 12 month employee.
12.6.2 A classified employee employed less than forty (40) hours per week shall be entitled to that
proportionate amount of sick leave as the number of hours he/she is employed per week
bears to forty (40) hours. Sick leave for all part-time employees will be computed and
charged on an hourly basis. When such person is employed for less than a full fiscal year of
service, this and the preceding paragraph shall determine that proportion of sick leave to
which he/she is entitled.
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12.6.3 Sick leave entitlement for any current school year is based on length of service, and a person
who serves only a portion of the year shall be entitled only to the proportionate amount of
sick leave earned. Any person who terminates his/her employment during the year and who
has been absent because of illness or injury for a longer period of time than he/she would be
entitled to because of length of service shall have the amount of the over payment deducted
from his/her last warrant.
12.6.4 If sick leave is used to obtain health services, the leave may be charged to sick leave or made
up by the employee on an equal time basis by mutual agreement of the employee and the
administrator or department head. Absence is to be reported on an hourly basis.
12.6.5 A statement from a qualified physician verifying the reason for absence due to illness or
injury may be required by the District after the third (3rd) consecutive day of absence. This
section will not preclude the District from asking for verification for any absence when a
pattern of abusing sick leave provisions is indicated.
12.6.6 Any sick leave benefits earned but unused on the date of termination for any cause shall not
be paid to the employee in cash.
12.6.7 Maternity Leave - Sick leave benefits for pregnancy related medical conditions will be
granted on the same basis as they are granted other employees.
12.7 Supplemental Sick Leave In accordance with Education Code section 45196, the employee shall
be credited with sufficient additional sick leave which, when added to regular earned sick leave,
shall not be less than one hundred (100) working days. Such additional sick leave shall be exclusive
of any other paid leave and will be compensated at not less than fifty (50) percent of the employee’s
12.7.1 Total full pay and supplemental sick leave shall not exceed one hundred working days in any
one fiscal year or for any one illness. No full pay or supplemental sick leave payments shall
be made during the period of the school year in which the employee would not normally be
12.7.2 Supplemental sick leave is payable only upon medical verification and only for absence of
three or more consecutive days.
12.8 Leaves of Absence for Industrial Accident and Illness - All permanent classified employees shall be
eligible for benefits provided by Education Code Section 45192, as follows:
12.8.1 Allowable leave shall be for sixty (60) working days in any one fiscal year for the same
12.8.2 Allowable leave shall not be cumulative from year to year.
12.8.3 Industrial accident or illness leave will commence on the first day of absence.
12.8.4 Payment for wages lost on any day shall not, when added to an award granted the employee
under the Worker's Compensation Laws of this state, exceed the normal wage for the day.
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12.8.5 Industrial accident leave shall be reduced one day for each day of authorized absence
regardless of a compensation award made under Worker's Compensation.
12.8.6 When an industrial accident or illness occurs at a time when the full sixty (60) days will
overlap into the next fiscal year, the employee shall be entitled to only that amount remaining
at the end of the fiscal year in which the injury or illness occurred, for the same illness or
12.8.7 The industrial accident or illness leave of absence is to be used in lieu of entitlement acquired
under Section 45192 of the Education Code. When entitlement to industrial accident or
illness leave has been exhausted, entitlement to other sick leave will then be used, but if an
employee is receiving Worker's Compensation, he/ she shall be entitled to use only so much
of his/her accumulated or available sick leave, accumulated compensating time, vacation or
other available leave which, when added to the Worker's Compensation award, provide for a
full day's wage or salary.
12.8.8 The governing board may provide for additional leave of absence, paid or unpaid, as it deems
12.8.9 Periods of approved leaves of absence, paid or unpaid, shall not be considered to be a break
in service of the employee.
12.8.10 During all paid leaves of absence, whether industrial accident leave, sick leave, vacation,
compensated time off or other available leave provided by law or action of a governing
board, the employee shall endorse to the District wage loss benefit checks received under the
worker's compensation laws of this state. The District, in turn shall issue the employee
appropriate warrants for payment of wages or salary and shall deduct normal retirement and
other authorized contributions.
12.8.11 When all available leaves of absence, paid or unpaid, have been exhausted and if the
employee is not medically able to assume the duties of his/her position, he/she shall, if not
placed in another position, be placed on a reemployment list for a period of thirty nine (39)
months. At any time during the prescribed thirty-nine (39) months, the employee is able to
assume the duties of his or her position, the employee shall be reemployed in the first
vacancy in the classification of his/her previous assignment. The employee's reemployment
will take preference over all other applicants except for those laid off for lack of work or lack
of funds under California Education Code 45298, in which case, the employee shall be
ranked according to his/her proper seniority. Upon resumption of his/her duties, the break in
service will be disregarded and the employee shall be fully restored as a permanent
employee. (Salary will be at the step of layoff, accrual of benefits shall be at the rate based
on the employee's seniority).
12.8.12 Any employee receiving benefits as a result of this section, shall, during periods of injury or
illness, remain within the state of California unless the governing board authorizes travel
outside the state.
12.8.13 An employee who has been placed on a reemployment list, as provided above, who has been
medically released for return to duty and who fails to accept an appropriate assignment shall
be dismissed.
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12.9 Break in Service - No absence under any paid leave provisions of this article shall be considered as a
break in service for any employee who is in paid status, and all benefits accruing under the
provisions of this Agreement shall continue to accrue under such absence.
12.10 Retraining and Study Leave - A leave of absence without pay or accrual of vacation, sick leave,
holidays, or other benefits under this Agreement for study/retraining may be granted to an employee.
Such leave of absence shall not exceed six (6) months.
12.10.1 No more than one retraining leave of absence shall be granted in each three year period, and
shall not be granted to an employee who has not served at least three consecutive years
preceding the granting of the leave. Leaves for study/retraining must be directly related to
the employee's current job assignment.
12.10.2 The District may prescribe standards of service which shall entitle the employee to the leave.
12.10.3 Any leave of absence granted under this policy shall not be deemed a break in service for
any purpose.
12.10.4 Not more than one employee per classification may be granted a study/retraining leave
during one fiscal year.
12.11 General Leave - Employees may request of the Governing Board a paid or unpaid leave of absence
for general purposes.
12.12 Family Care Leave will comply with State and Federal Guidelines.
12.12.1 Family Care Leave is a leave of absence which is taken by reason of: Birth of the employee's child (beyond sick leave) Placement of a child with the employee in connection with the
employee's adoption of the child. The serious illness of a child of the employee. Care for the employee's spouse or parent who has a serious health condition. If an employee needs family care leave for someone other than spouse,
parent or child, the Board or Board Designee may, at their discretion, grant family
care leave if an employee requests so in writing.
12.12.2 An employee's parent is limited to a biological parent, foster parent, adoptive parent, a step-
parent, or a previous legal guardian. An employee's child is limited to a biological, foster, or
adoptive child, a step-child, a legal ward, or a child for whom the employee stands in loco
parentis, who is either under nineteen years of age or an adult dependent child. A serious
health condition is an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition which
warrants the participation of a family member to provide care.
12.12.3 Employees may use up to seven (7) days of personal necessity leave for family care leave.
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The leave is deducted from accrued sick leave. At the discretion of the Board or Board
designee, additional days may be granted. The employee must petition the Board in writing.
12.12.4 Family care leave may also be granted as unpaid leave of absence up to a total of Sixty-Six
(66) days in a twelve (12) month period. Employees must have had one (1) or more years of
continuous service with the District to be eligible for such unpaid leave.
12.13 Catastrophic Illness Leave - Employees in the bargaining unit may donate accumulated sick leave
days to another employee in the Amador County Unified School District who is in need of additional
paid time due to a catastrophic illness.
12.13.1 Days donated will be in increments of eight (8) hour or the equivalent of a full-time
12.13.2 Whenever an employee is in need of additional time, the employee will contact the
Personnel Office who will publish the need throughout the District. Employees who wish to
donate will notify the District. Donations will be credited to the recipients account as
needed. When a donation is credited, the employee donating the leave will be notified of the
adjustment to their account.
12.13.3 Once the sick leave donation is credited, it may not be retrieved for any reason.
12.13.4 Each employee must retain at least one year accumulated sick leave in their individual
accounts after any donation of sick leave.
13.1 Transfers - Classified employees are eligible to file a written transfer request for consideration for
any advertised vacancy for which they qualify. Transfer requests must be submitted in the manner
prescribed by the District and may be accompanied by any additional information the employee
desires to submit. Qualified employees in the bargaining unit shall be given first consideration in
filling any job vacancies.
13.1.1 A unit member may request a transfer subject to the following conditions:
a) a unit member's request for transfer shall bear the signature of that unit member's
immediate supervisor;
b) the filing of a request for transfer is without prejudice to the unit member and shall not
jeopardize the present assignment.
13.1.2 The decision regarding the transfer of unit personnel is solely the responsibility of the
District, except as provided in this article.
13.1.3 When a new position is created or an existing position becomes vacant, the District shall first
offer an opportunity to transfer to bargaining unit employees who qualify for the position
within the District. Opportunities for transfer shall be posted for at least five working days
prior to the position being filled. If more than one employee wishes to be transferred to a
particular vacancy, and all qualifications being equal, the employee with the greatest District
seniority shall receive the position.
13.1.4 Posting of Notice - Notice of job vacancies shall be posted on bulletin boards located at job
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sites. The vacancy notice shall remain posted for a period of five working days during which
time employees may apply for the vacancy. In the case of an opening for a Maintenance I, if
there is more than one internal, lateral transfer applicant, a meeting of all Maintenance I
employees will be called to facilitate the bid process.
13.1.5 Any employee on leave shall be mailed a copy of all notices after filing a written request
with the Personnel Office. Such notice shall be mailed the day the position is posted.
13.1.6 Any employee may apply for the vacancy by submitting written notice to the Personnel
Office within the prescribed time limits. Any employee on leave may authorize in writing a
job representative to file on the employee's behalf.
13.1.7 A unit member may not apply for transfer under the provisions of this Agreement until
permanency in the current classification has been achieved.
13.1.8 After the posting process for a new or vacant position has been completed the District shall
appoint a time and place for all interested persons to meet and bid for the position in seniority
The bid process shall be as follows: As one position is filled and another is now newly
available, the newly available position shall be offered to those employees and the process
shall start over beginning with the most senior through the least senior until the position is
filled. The bidding process will continue until each of the vacancies is filled. Excludes
Clerical Class.
13.2 Medical Transfers - The District may give alternate work when available to an employee who has
become medically unable to perform satisfactorily his/her regular job class duties. The alternate
work may constitute promotion, demotion, or lateral transfer to a related class, but it shall be
constituted only by mutual agreement and concurrence of the employee. When the employee
becomes medically able to perform satisfactorily his/her former duties within a five month period,
the employee shall have the right to return to his/her former position.
13.3 Mileage Compensation During Temporary Assignments - Any employee required to work at a work
site on temporary assignment which is more than five miles from his/her normal work site, shall be
compensated for the total mileage difference between his/her normal work site and his/her temporary
work site at the amount established by the District for reimbursement for mileage, according to the
travel and mileage or the District shall provide appropriate transportation.
13.3.1 For any employee required to work at a work site on a temporary assignment which is less
than five miles from his/her residence, the mileage compensation shall not apply. For the
purposes of this section only, temporary assignment is defined as a 90 day period.
14.1 Placement in Class - Every bargaining unit position shall be placed in a class.
14.2 Classification and Reclassification Requirements - Position classification and reclassification shall
be subject to mutual written agreement between the District and CSEA, and any dispute shall be
subject to the grievance procedure. Either party may propose a reclassification at any time during
the term of this Agreement for any position.
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14.3 Salary Placement of Reclassified Positions - When a position or class of positions is reclassified, the
position or positions shall be placed on the salary schedule in a range through mutual written
agreement between the negotiating team unit and the District.
14.4 Incumbent Rights - When an entire class of positions is reclassified, the incumbents (permanent or
probationary) in the positions shall be entitled to serve in the new positions, in a permanent or
probationary status, as applicable, of a classified employee. When a position or positions less than
the total class is reclassified and the employee has served in the position for one (1) year, the
incumbent shall be entitled to serve in the new position(s) in a permanent status. If the incumbent
has served in the position for less than one (1) year, the District agrees to meet and negotiate the
effect of the reclassification.
14.5 Downward Adjustments - Any downward adjustment of any position or class of positions shall take
place through mutual written agreement between the bargaining unit and the District.
15.1 Classified employees shall be subject to layoff for lack of work or lack of funds. When it becomes
necessary to invoke the layoff procedures, such action shall take place in accordance with
procedures provided by Sections 45114, 45115, 45117, 45298, 45308 of the Education Code. The
Board of Education will take action in public session in the form of a resolution or board action as
provided for in board policy.
15.2 Notice of Layoff - Classified employees will be given notice of layoff not less than sixty (60)
calendar days prior to the effective date of layoff and be informed of their displacement privileges, if
any, and reemployment rights. (Education Code 45117). Notification of layoff shall be delivered by
personnel service or certified mail (return receipt requested).
15.3 Order of Reduction - The following order will prevail in the reduction of classified personnel: short-
term employees, by class; substitute employees, by class; probationary employees by
class/classification; permanent employees by class/classification.
15.4 Procedure - Bargaining unit employees shall be subject to layoff for lack of work or lack of funds.
Whenever a bargaining unit employee is laid off, the order of layoff within class shall be determined
by the hire date. The employee who has been employed the shortest time in the class, plus higher
classes, shall be laid off first. In the event of a tie, the determination as who is senior will be made
by drawing lots. Re-employment shall be in the reverse order of layoff.
15.4.1 Bargaining unit employees who are laid off shall exercise bumping rights into any
classification, within a current or previously held class, providing they meet minimum
qualifications and providing that the classification in which they are bumping is equal or
lower than that classification in which the employee has served.
15.5 Reemployment Rights - Classified employees laid off due to lack of work or lack of funds shall be
eligible for reemployment for a period of 39 months and shall be reemployed in preference to new
applicants. Employees laid off will be notified when employment or job openings exist within the
District. Such notice shall be sent by certified mail to the last address given the District by the
15.5.1 Laid off persons shall be reemployed in the reverse order of layoff in the highest job
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classification available in accordance with the class seniority. In the case of layoffs and/or
reductions in hours, each affected classification shall be brought in at a time and place
appointed by the District for the purpose of identifying positions or hours eliminated and
allowing for bumping by seniority. Employees affected by job or hour eliminations shall
bump as per section 15.4.1. The resulting “domino effect” shall continue until the filling of
positions is complete and the least senior employees affected have exhausted opportunities to
bump. This section expires July 1, 2005 unless mutually extended.
15.5.2 A permanent employee who is laid off and is subsequently reemployed within 39 months
shall have all rights and privileges restored.
15.5.3 A probationary employee laid off for a lack of work or lack of funds, upon his/her return to
active employment with the District, shall continue to serve out the remainder of the
probation period and shall have all rights and privileges restored.
15.6 Employee Notification to District - An employee shall notify the District of his/her intent to accept
or refuse reemployment within five working days following receipt of the reemployment notice. If
the employee accepts reemployment, the employee must report to work within ten working days
following receipt of the reemployment notice. An employee given notice of reemployment need not
accept the reemployment to maintain the employee's eligibility on the reemployment list, provided
the employee notifies the District of refusal of reemployment within five days from receipt of the
reemployment notice.
15.7 Reemployment in Highest Class - Classified employees shall be reemployed in the highest rated job
classification available in accordance with their length of service in the class from which they were
laid off, plus higher classes. Employees who accept a position lower than their former class shall
retain their original thirty-nine month rights to their higher paid position from which they were laid
15.8 Improper Layoff - Any employee who is improperly laid off because of procedural error as stated in
15.4, shall be reemployed immediately upon discovery of the error.
15.9 Retirement in Lieu of Layoff - Classified employees who have been employed at least five years
under the Public Employees Retirement System and are fifty years of age or older may elect to
accept a service retirement in lieu of layoff. Such employees shall, prior to the effective date of the
proposed layoff, complete and submit a form to the PERS provided by the District for that purpose.
The employee shall then be placed on a thirty-nine month reemployment list.
15.9.1 The District agrees that when an offer of employment is made to eligible persons retired
under this section, and the District has received within five working days a written
acceptance of the offer, the retired person shall be allowed sufficient time to terminate his/her
retirement status with PERS.
16.1 Definition - A grievance shall mean there has been an alleged violation, misapplication or
questionable interpretation of rules, procedures, and regulations as contained in District Policy, State
Statutes as they pertain to classified employees, and provisions as set forth in this Agreement.
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16.1.1 The failure of the employee to act on any grievance within the prescribed time limits will act
as a bar to any further appeal. The District's failure to give a decision within the time limits
shall permit the employee to proceed to the next level. The time limits, however, may be
extended by mutual consent.
16.1.2 An investigation or other handling or processing of any grievance shall be conducted so as to
result in minimal interference with, or interruption of, the instructional program and related
work activities of the District.
16.2 Procedures:
16.2.1 Level I - An attempt shall be made to resolve any grievance in informal verbal discussion
between the employee and his/her immediate supervisor.
16.2.2 Level II - If the grievance cannot be resolved informally, the employee shall file the
grievance in writing and, at a mutually agreeable time, discuss the matter with the immediate
supervisor. The written grievance shall state the specific nature of the grievance, the remedy
requested and the specific section(s) of this Agreement that are alleged to have been
breached. The filing of the formal, written grievance at Level II must be presented within
twenty (20) work days from the date of the occurrence of the event giving rise to the
grievance, or within twenty work days when the employee becomes aware of the occurrence
which gave rise to the grievance. The immediate supervisor shall make a decision on the
grievance and communicate it in writing to the employee within ten (10) work days after
receipt of the grievance.
16.2.3 Level III - In the event the grievance has not been resolved satisfactorily at the Level II, the
employee shall file, with the Superintendent, within ten work days after receiving the
immediate supervisor's written decision at Level II, a copy of the grievance. Within ten work
days after receiving the written grievance, the employee and the Superintendent shall meet to
resolve the grievance. The Superintendent shall file an answer within ten days of the Level
III meeting and communicate it in writing to the employee and immediate supervisor. For
grievances involving reclassification, Level III is the final step.
16.2.4 Level IV - If satisfactory settlement cannot be reached at Level III, the employee may
request, in writing, that CSEA submit the matter to Binding Arbitration. Such request shall
be made within ten work days of receipt of the Level III decision. An Arbitrator will be selected by the District and CSEA. The arbitrator shall
be selected from a list of five (5) supplied by the State Mediation and
Conciliation Service. Each party will strike a name until only one (1) name
remains. The order of striking shall be determined by lot. The arbitrator shall have the power to investigate and render an impartial
decision which will be final and binding on the Amador Unified School
District Board of Trustees and the CSEA. The costs for the services of the arbitrator, including per diem expenses, if
any, and travel and subsistence expenses and the cost of any hearing room
shall be borne equally by the Amador County Unified School District and
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CSEA. All other costs shall be borne by the party incurring them. The arbitrator shall, as soon as possible, hear evidence and render a decision
on the issue or issues that were submitted to arbitration. If the parties cannot
agree upon a summary of the issues, the arbitrator shall determine the issues
by referring to the written grievance and the answers thereto at each level. In
disputed cases regarding whether or not a grievance is within the scope of
these proceedings, the arbitrator shall rule on the arbitrability of the issue. The arbitrator shall have no power to add to, subtract from, or modify the
terms of this Agreement. The finding of the arbitrator shall pertain only to the
grievance filed and must be determined within the provisions of this
Agreement. After a hearing and after both parties have had the opportunity to
make written arguments, the arbitrator shall submit, within thirty (30) calendar
days, to all parties, a decision.
16.3 General Provisions:
16.3.1 The grievant must be personally present at each level of the grievance procedure.
16.3.2 The grievant and/or District may request a representative at any stage in the grievance
procedure. Such representative shall normally be limited to two persons at all levels.
16.3.3 Time limits set forth in this procedure may be extended by mutual consent of the grievant,
representative, and/or District.
16.3.4 The resolution of an individual grievance shall be deemed to rectify the grievance only and
shall not necessarily be deemed as establishing precedence, and the disposition of any
grievance shall not be used in the evaluation of employees.
16.3.5 New issues which constitute a separate grievance beyond those originally presented shall not
be introduced at any level.
16.3.6 A grievant may terminate a grievance at any time.
16.3.7 The grievance procedure as presented in this article must be utilized unless portions are
waived by consent of the parties.
16.3.8 Until final disposition of a grievance takes place, the grievant is required to conform to the
original direction of his/her immediate supervisor unless there exists a clear and present
danger to the employee.
17.1 Definitions:
17.1.1 Seniority - Seniority will be based upon the employee's original date of hire as a bus driver.
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In the event of a tie in hire date seniority, the driver with the greatest number of hours in paid
status earned in the District in any capacity shall be designated as senior. If the hours in paid
status are equal, the decision shall be made by lot. Tie breakers are established one time only
for the establishment of the hire date seniority list.
17.1.2 Field Trip - A field trip is transportation for an extra or co-curricular activity. Drivers will
work and be compensated for a minimum of 2 hours for every trip. Weekend/Holiday Trip - a trip with a departure time between either midnight
on Friday and midnight on Sunday or on a Holiday.
Shuttle trips are not considered field trips, and accepting a shuttle trip will not affect an
employee’s order of bidding for field trips.
17.1.3 Eligibility List - A list of regular District drivers desiring trips/overtime shall be established
at the start of each school year beginning with the senior driver. The purpose of the list being
the order of initial assignment.
17.1.4 Call Back Time - No driver shall be called back after the completion of their assignment
unless they receive a minimum of two hours work or pay at the appropriate rate.
17.1.5 Trip Cancellation - Trips canceled on the day of the event: the drivers shall be compensated
based on the provisions of call back time (minimum of two (2) hours pay).
17.1.6 Extra Work - Extra work shall mean any assignment(s) over and above a driver's regular
(ratified) hours. Field trips do not fall under this category.
17.1.7 Bus Route - Defined as a regular home to school, school to home, kindergarten (AM/PM)
and/or regularly scheduled midday route.
17.1.7 Academic School Year - Shall be defined as the approved school calendar, beginning with
the first day of school or the first paid staff (bus driver) day of the school year through the
last day of school or the last paid staff (bus driver) day of the school year, including any end
of school year activities (Graduation, Sober Grad, etc.) and including all weekends and any
breaks (Christmas, Spring, etc.) i.e., August 17
to June 10
17.1.9 Summer School - Shall be defined as the period of the calendar year beginning on the first
day after the close of the school year as defined in 17.1.7 and ending on the day before the
first day of the following school year.
17.1.10 Shuttle Trip Shall be defined as (a) any trip with a duration of under 1.5 hours and
traveling only within the district or (b) any “drop and return” trip that occurs during regularly
scheduled driving hours (for example, falling within the 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. time period).
17.2 Field Trips:
17.2.1 Extra trips including day, night, weekend and holiday trips will be assigned from a list of
qualified drivers. At the start of each school year the District will create a roster of bus
drivers qualified to be offered extra trip assignments. The list shall be titled Trips Which
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Occur During the Week and Trips Which Occur on Weekends and Holidays. Bus drivers will
be listed on the extra trip rosters by seniority order, with the most senior bus driver listed
first. In the event that extra trip(s) are cancelled in the preceding month, the driver(s) who
were scheduled to drive those trip(s) will be moved to the top of the bidding list
(notwithstanding their relative seniority) in the order of the date that the trip was cancelled.
The list will be in effect from the first day of school through the last day of school.
17.2.2 Qualified bus drivers wishing to drive extra trips shall so indicate at the beginning of the
school year. If a driver later wishes to be added to or removed from a roster, he/she must
wait until the last full round of bidding takes place.
17.2.3 If a driver refuses a trip, he or she will lose his or her place in the trip bidding rotation, except
that, if a driver is unable to take a trip because he or she has another trip scheduled for that
same day, he or she will not be considered to have refused the second trip and will keep his
or her place in the bidding rotation.
17.2.4 For the purposes of this section a “qualified driver” is a driver who has attained
“permanency” with the District and has been assigned a regular bus route for at least six (6)
consecutive months. A driver must be proficient in all driving conditions that may occur on
the trip, i.e. snow chains, city driving. To be considered proficient, the driver must have
received training by the driver trainer, and certification must be on file at the time of the trip.
17.2.5 Extra trips will be distributed no later than the Friday before the last full week of the month.
Bidding for extra trips will take place on the Monday of the last full week of the month after
all regular morning routes are complete or at such other date and time as the District and the
CSEA bargaining representative may agree. Trip bidding is on the driver’s own time and not
required. Drivers who are unavailable to bid, but wish to take trips must complete a proxy
giving permission to another driver to bid for them. Bidding will be for all trips for the
following month.
17.2.6 If a new trip comes in after the initial monthly bid, the trips will be offered to the next
eligible Driver on the trip list in rotation. If at least forty-eight (48) hours advance notice of
the availability of the trip is not given to a driver, the refusal of the driver to accept that extra
trip assignment will not be counted against the driver as a refusal to accept an offered extra
trip assignment. Drivers shall not be charged refusal hours for trips refused due to pre-
approved absences or absence caused by governmental authority.
17.2.7 All trips taken by a driver will count towards their placement in the rotation list.
17.2.8 Drivers who accept an extra trip assignment and who are then unable to actually complete it
for any reason, including illness, shall be considered to have declined the trip, and will be
charged as if they did take the trip.
17.2.9 Field Trip Eligibility: To be eligible for a Night Trip, a driver must perform his/her regular assigned
hours the day of the trip and the day preceding the trip (except for medical-
related leave scheduled at least five work days in advance).
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6.3.2020 WORKING COPY CSEA #239 2015-2018 Page 31 To be eligible for a Weekend/Holiday Trip, a driver must perform his/her
regular assigned hours for the five (5) work days preceding the trip, including
the day preceding the trip (except for medical-related leave scheduled at least
five work days in advance). If a driver becomes ineligible for a trip for any reason specified in paragraphs or, above, the trip will be charged against the driver who
called in absent. An employee shall have his/her name removed from the list for refusing trips.
From August through December a third refusal takes the driver off the list for
this period. A driver will be reinstated on the list in January. From January
through June a third refusal takes the driver off the list for the rest of the
school year. For the purpose of this article refusing a trip is defined as an
employee who accepts a field trip during the bidding process and then decides
not to follow through and drive the trip except if the driver declines the extra
trip because he or she is scheduled to take leave under Article XII on the day
on which the extra trip is being offered.
17.2.10Compliance: To ensure a driver is in compliance with state law regarding sixteen (16) hours
on the road, the driver start time may be adjusted and the driver assigned other duties as
required. The purpose is to ensure the driver stays within 16 hours and doesn’t lose paid
17.2.11Cancelled trips: If a driver reports to work to find that a “trip which occurs during the week”
trip has been cancelled, the driver will be compensated for two (2) hours time. If a driver
reports to work to find that “trip which occurs on weekends, and holidays” trip has been
cancelled, the driver will be compensated for four (4) hours time.
17.3 Extra Work: All extra time and miscellaneous work in the Transportation Department shall be
assigned as stated below.
For the purposes of the assignment of extra time and miscellaneous work in the Transportation
Department pursuant to this section only, and not for the purpose of interpreting any other provision
of this agreement, “Applicable Classification” means the job classification of the employees who
would normally provide or whose job description includes the services that comprise the extra time
or miscellaneous work.
17.3.1 First, to qualified employees of the ACUSD working in the Applicable Classification,
provided that such assignment (i) would not result in overtime and (ii) is feasible and cost
efficient. If more than one qualified employee of the ACUSD meets these requirements, then
the assignment shall be made based upon the Seniority Rotation (defined below).
17.3.2 If no qualified employee of the ACUSD working in the Applicable Classification meets
requirements of paragraph 17.3.1, then, second, to qualified employees of the ACOE
working in the Applicable Classification, provided that such assignment (i) would not result
in overtime and (ii) is feasible and cost efficient. If more than one qualified employee of the
ACOE meets these requirements, then the assignment shall be made based upon the ACOE
Seniority Rotation.
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17.3.3 If no qualified employee of the ACUSD meets the requirements of paragraphs 17.3.1 and no
qualified ACOE employee meets the requirements of paragraph 17.3.2, then, third, to a
qualified substitute employee.
17.3.4 If no employee of the ACUSD meets the requirements of paragraphs 17.3.1 and no qualified
ACOE employee meets the requirements of paragraph 17.3.3 and no qualified substitute
meets the requirements of paragraph 17.3.4, then, fourth, to an employee of the ACUSD
based upon the ACUSD Seniority Rotation.
17.3.5 The “Seniority Rotation” includes all Transportation department employees of the ACUSD
or ACOE Transportation department employees, as the case may be, and in each case ordered
by seniority, with the employee at the top of the list being the one offered extra time or
miscellaneous work if and to the extent provided for in the forgoing provisions and any
employee who has been offered extra time or miscellaneous work (regardless of whether or
not such employee accepts such an offer) being moved to the bottom of the list.
17.3.6 For the avoidance of doubt, an employee shall not move to the top of the Seniority Rotation
until it has been exhausted and the Seniority Rotation shall not “reset” after 24 hours or any
other time period.
17.3.7 Summer School All summer work will be posted as soon as possible before the end of the
school year. All employees shall be offered summer work in seniority order.
17.3.8 Summer work will not be counted for extra time during the school year.
17.4 Bus Driver Certificate:
17.4.1 The District agrees to pay the California School Bus Driver Certificate renewal fee once
every four years for regular district bus drivers.
17.5 Bidding Procedure:
17.5.1 In the event a driver cannot attend the route bidding, due to illness, emergency or other
compelling reason, they may delegate their route selection rights in writing to a job steward,
designee, or Transportation Supervisor, who may select a route in their absence. In the event
prior written authorization cannot be obtained, authorization may be given by verbal
discussion with the Transportation Supervisor.
17.5.2 On or before the fifth calendar day prior to the start of each school year, drivers will bid on
routes established by the District. All regular drivers shall submit their bids in order of the
drivers' seniority. The District shall assign these routes according to the driver's bid
provided the driver is qualified to drive the equipment assigned to the route as directed by the
Transportation Director. The time assigned to a driver shall remain in effect until the
bidding process for the subsequent year. In order to insure the most accurate route data, the
bidding date could be extended by mutual agreement.
17.5.3 Service Needs/Resignations and other Vacancies:
Shifting service needs may alter coverage required and necessitate changes in time assigned
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to bus routes which may have the effect of increasing the time regularly assigned to the
driver. The additional time will be added to the route. If a route becomes available during
the year because of resignation or termination, it shall be made available for bidding as above
and assigned in order of driver seniority on the basis of bids submitted. If a run becomes
available that may be added to an established route during the year, it shall cause the bidding
process to be implemented as above. Bidding will be for the additional run only. The
successful driver will have the additional time added to their present assignment. If no
qualified driver submits a bid for a route or a run, the Transportation Director shall fill the
route without disruption of current assignments.
17.5.4 Information concerning routes will be available, e. g. , bus to be used; time driver reports for
work and ends their work assignment; schools to be served; special equipment needs; routes,
and/or bus; three (3) calendar days prior to the bid. There will be no changes to the home to
school routes three (3) days prior to the bid. The Transportation Director reserves the right to
change equipment as needed, i.e., changing student loads may require larger or smaller bus.
** The current driver will be trained on any new equipment if such training is necessary as
determined by the District and the Laws of the State of California.
17.6 Bumping During Long Term Illnesses:
17.6.1 In the event that a driver anticipates a long term absence (in excess of 20 calendar days), the
District shall offer the absent position to a ratified driver with less seniority in order of
seniority. This may not affect more than two ratified driver positions. The least senior
ratified driver affected will be filled with a substitute.
17.7 Transportation Meals:
17.7.1 The cost of meals for drivers on a field trip will be reimbursed in accordance with District
policy if the meal expense is incurred outside District boundaries during the performance of
official district business. A receipt will be required.
17.8 Camera on Bus:
17.8.1 A driver may, in response to a complaint or allegation, view the tape(s) from the bus camera
on his/her bus. All tapes are confidential and the property of the district. Unless prohibited
by law enforcement a driver may, in response to a complaint or allegation, view the tape(s)
made on his/her bus. If the Director of Transportation or any other administrator seeks a
review of the tape in connection with a complaint, allegation, or disciplinary action involving
an employee, the affected employee will be notified.
18.1 Work that is normally and customarily performed by bargaining unit members will not be contracted
out pursuant to Education Code 45103.1
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19.1 Savings Clause - If, during the life of this Agreement, there exists any applicable law or any
applicable rule, regulation, or order issued by governmental authority other than the District which
shall render invalid or restrain compliance with or enforcement of any provision of this Agreement,
such provision shall immediately be suspended and be of no effect thereunder, so long as such law,
rule, regulation, or order shall remain in effect. Such invalidation of a part or portion of this
Agreement shall not invalidate any remaining portions which shall continue in full force and effect.
19.2 Replacement for Severed Provision - In the event of suspension or invalidation of any article or
section of this Agreement, the parties agree to meet and negotiate within thirty days after such
determination for the purpose of arriving at a mutually satisfactory replacement for such article or
section, or any other affected portion of the Agreement.
20.1 All permanent employees shall be eligible to receive educational pay adjustments as follows:
Number of units: 11 22 33
Monthly Increase: $30 $60 $90
20.1.1 Courses/Units must be approved by the Personnel Office in advance.
20.1.2 The parties agree to meet separately for the purpose of arriving at a list of courses in each
career field which will be acceptable for educational incentive credit. The guidelines should
include approved in-service training programs, professional growth programs, and adult
education programs.
20.1.3 All course work must relate to the employee's present career field.
20.1.4 Fifteen (15) hours of in-service is the equivalent of one (1) semester unit.
20.1.5 Only coursework that is pre-approved by the Director of Personnel and taken after the
employee is hired will be counted. Credit will then only be given if a grade of “C” or better
is received or a “Pass” in a pass/fail course. The Advanced Approval form is located in
Appendix G.
20.1.6 Employees must notify the personnel office one month before they anticipate reaching 11, 22
or 33 units. Payment will commence the month following verification of the units by the personnel
office. If an employee fails to inform the personnel office in a timely fashion, the payment will
still commence the month following verification of the units. No retroactivity shall apply
to this provision.
20.1.7 Monthly adjustments are for employees regularly working forty (40) hours per week exclusive of
overtime. Any employee whose work week is less than forty (40) hours will receive prorated
adjustment as her/his hours relate to forty (40) hours per week.
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21.1 Notification and Public Notice - If either party desires to alter or amend this Agreement, it shall not be
less than one-hundred and twenty days prior to the termination date set forth under the Duration Article.
They shall provide written notice and a proposal to the other party of said desire and the nature of the
amendments and cause the public notice provisions of law to be fulfilled.
21.2 Commencement of Negotiations - Within twenty days of satisfaction of the Public Notice Requirement,
negotiations shall begin at a mutually acceptable time and place for the purpose of considering changes
in this Agreement.
21.3 Release Time for Negotiations - CSEA shall have the right to designate six (6) employees, one being the
President (or designee), who shall be given a reasonable amount of release time for the purposes of
meeting, preparing, negotiating and processing of grievances.
21.4 Ratification of Additions or Changes - Any additions or changes in this Agreement shall not be effective
unless reduced to writing and properly ratified and signed by both parties.
22.1 Unsafe or Unhealthy Conditions - Employees shall not be required to work under unsafe or unhealthy
conditions or perform tasks which may endanger their health or safety.
22.2 Report of Condition - Any employee who observes a working condition which is believed to be unsafe or
unhealthy shall report such condition in writing including the reasons for believing it to be unsafe or
unhealthy to the appropriate administrator. The administrator will respond in writing as soon as possible
but not to exceed ten work days as to how the unsafe or unhealthy condition has been or shall be
The provisions of this Article apply to workers whose duties include the driving of a commercial
motor vehicle where a Class A or Class B driver's license is required along with job classifications
designated by the District as being "safety sensitive." Bargaining Unit Classifications with such
duties are:
1. School Bus Driver
2. Equipment Mechanic
3. Bus Driver Trainer
All employees subject to testing for controlled substances and alcohol shall be individually notified,
in advance and in writing that they are subject to reasonable suspicion, post-accident, random, return
to duty, and follow-up testing while on duty. The notice shall state that the only such tests required
by the employer are those required by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) as set forth in
Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 382.
23.3.1 A reasonable suspicion test will be based upon specific, contemporaneous, articulable observations
concerning the appearance, behavior, speech or body odors of the employee. For suspicion of
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controlled substance use only, the observations may also include indications of the chronic and
withdrawal effects of controlled substances.
23.3.2 The observations must be made by a supervisor who has received at least two (2) hours of training in
identifying indicators of probable alcohol misuse plus at least two (2) hours training in identifying
indicators of probable controlled substance use.
23.3.3 If the reasonable suspicion observations are made by the immediate supervisor of the employee, they
must be confirmed by the direct observation of another supervisor similarly trained.
23.3.4 Reasonable suspicion observations must be contemporaneous, i.e., they must be made just before,
during, or just after the employee's performance of a safety-sensitive duty.
23.3.5 Employees for whom reasonable suspicion determination has been made will be placed on paid
administrative leave pending test results.
23.3.6 Tests based on reasonable suspicion on alcohol misuse shall be promptly administered. If the test is
not given within two (2) hours following the reasonable suspicion determination, the District shall
prepare and maintain on file a statement of the reasons the test was not administered promptly. The
employee shall be given a copy of any statement. No test based on reasonable suspicion of alcohol
misuse will be given that is not within eight (8) hours of the reasonable suspicion determination.
23.3.7 A written record of the reasonable suspicion observations, dated and signed by all supervisors
making the observations, must be made within twenty-four (24) hours or before the results of the test
are released, whichever is earlier. A copy of this record will be given to the employee when the
results of the test are released.
23.3.8 No supervisor who makes the reasonable suspicion observations can conduct the test or participate in
the collection or chain of custody of any specimen for testing.
23.4.1 A post-accident test must be based upon an accident for which the employee received a citation for a
moving traffic violation or where there was a loss of property or where there was a loss of human
23.4.2 No post-accident test for alcohol will be given more than eight (8) hours after the accident. No post-
accident test for controlled substances will be given more than thirty-two (32) hours after the
23.4.3 Prior to driving or resuming duties after an accident which requires the driver to be tested, affected
employees shall be given necessary post-accident information, procedures and instructions by the
23.5.1 The annual percentage rate for random alcohol testing is 25% of the average number of affected
employee positions. The annual rate for random controlled substance testing is 50% of the average
number of affected employee positions. These rates, which are required by FHWA regulations, will
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be automatically adjusted to be consistent with changes, if any, in the minimum rates required by
these regulations. (See 49 C.F.R. Sec. 382.305, subd, (a).)
23.5.2 The pool of persons subject to random testing shall include all persons affected by the regulations,
including persons not represented by CSEA, who fall within the guidelines established within this
Article. Employees will not be recalled from approved leaves of absences for the purpose of alcohol
or controlled substance testing.
23.5.3 The District may conduct random testing through a consortium with other employers. Employees
subject to random testing shall be considered as part of the total "pool" of employees rather than
individual employees of the District.
23.5.4 The selection of employees for random testing must be solely by chance utilizing a random number
table of a computer-based random number (or equivalent) generator matched with social security
23.5.5 The dates for random tests shall be unannounced and spread reasonably throughout the year. Each
person in the random pool must have equal chance of selection each time random selections are
made, regardless of whether the person was previously tested that year.
23.6.1 All tests for alcohol or controlled substances must comply with the requirements for such tests set
forth in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 40.
23.6.2 The immediate supervisor of a driver shall not serve as either a collection site person for controlled
substance testing or as a breath alcohol technician for alcohol testing of that driver.
23.6.3 All testing shall be conducted in a private setting and, in the case of controlled substance testing, no
direct observation of a driver's urination by a collection site person is permitted except for the
reasons stated in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulation, Section 40.25, subdivision (e), and then
only by a same gender collection site person who is not employed by the District.
23.6.4 Any tests that do not comply with the requirements of this section shall be treated as negative tests.
23.7.1 A positive test for alcohol must be a confirmation test by an evidential breath testing device capable
of printout and sequential numbering and must show an alcohol concentration of 0.02 grams of
alcohol per 210 liters of breath or greater. Such a test is positive even if that concentration is caused
by prescribed medication.
23.7.2 A positive test for controlled substances must be a confirmation test by gas chromatography/mass
spectrometry techniques and must show one of the following:
a. 15 ng/ml (nanograms per milliliter) of marijuana metabolite;
b. 150 ng/ml of cocaine metabolite;
c. 300 ng/ml of either morphine or codeine;
d. 25 ng/ml of Phencyclidine; or
e. 500 ng/ml of amphetamine or methamphetamine;
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and, the medical review officer must conclude that there is no legitimate explanation, such as
prescribed medication, for the result.
23.7.3 No positive test for controlled substances shall be reported to the District until after:
a. The medical review officer has contacted the employee, within 72 hours of the employee's
notification that the test was positive, and the employee has had the opportunity to request
that the remainder of the split sample be tested by a different forensic laboratory, certified by
the Department of Health and Human Services; and
b. The remainder of the split sample has been tested and found to be positive, or no timely
request for such a test is made by the employee.
23.7.4 If the medical review officer concludes that there is a legitimate explanation for the positive test,
such as prescription or over-the-counter medication or a negative result in the test of the remainder
of the split sample, the medical review officer must report the test to the District as a negative test.
23.7.5 The medical review officer shall be a licensed physician with special training in substance abuse
disorder, the medical use of prescription drugs and the pharmacology and toxicology of alcohol and
controlled substances. The medical review officer shall not be an employee of the District.
23.7.6 The cut-off levels that determine a positive test result are those required by FHWA regulation. They
will be automatically adjusted to be consistent with changes, if any, in the levels specified by those
regulations. (See 49 C.F.R. Section 40.29, subd, (f).)
23.8.1 If the positive test is an alcohol test showing an alcohol concentration of 0.02 or greater, but less
than 0.04, the employee will be placed on paid administrative leave for 24 hours or, at the option of
the District, the employee may be assigned to duties that are not safety-sensitive for the same time
period. The employee shall return to regular duty at the end of the 24 hours period. The District
shall take no other action against the employee based solely on the test.
23.8.2 For all other positive tests, the employee shall be evaluated by a substance abuse professional who
shall determine what assistance, if any, is needed to resolve the alcohol or controlled substance
problems. The employee shall not be returned to any safety-sensitive duties until the employee
passes a return-to-duty test with an alcohol concentration of less than 0.02 or, in the case of a
positive test for controlled substances, until a return-to-duty test indicates a verified negative result
for controlled substance use.
23.8.3 If it is determined that a rehabilitation program is needed, available leave due the employee may be
utilized for the purposes of rehabilitation.
23.8.4 Employees returning to duty after rehabilitation shall be subject to unannounced follow-up testing of
at least six (6) tests in the first 12 months of return to duty.
23.8.5 Employees may be subject to disciplinary action if:
a. Employee tests positive during the initial probation period;
b. Employee refuses to submit to a test authorized by this Article;
c. Employee fails to complete a rehabilitation recommended by the substance abuse
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professional; or
d. Employee test positive again within 12 months of a return to duty.
23.9.1 Employees will receive their regular pay for time required to take tests specified in this Article. The
District will pay for these tests.
23.9.2 All test results shall be treated as confidential medical records.
23.9.3 Employees subject to these procedures shall receive orientation and training on alcohol misuse and
controlled substance use. In addition, designated CSEA job stewards shall receive the same training
provided to supervisors for reasonable suspicion determination.
24.1 Definition:
24.1.1 Disciplinary action, as used in this Article, includes, but is not limited to, dismissal, demotion,
suspension, any involuntary loss of compensation, or temporary reduction in hours or reassignment
without the permanent employee’s voluntary consent. This Article shall not limit the District’s right
to evaluate, or reprimand orally or in writing, or to counsel employees; nor shall anything in the
District’s evaluation procedures limit the District’s right to discipline employees pursuant to this
Article subject to appeal procedures below.
24.1.2 Bargaining unit employees with permanent status shall be subject to disciplinary action only for just
cause. The Governing Board’s determination of the sufficiency of the cause for disciplinary action
shall be conclusive.
24.2 Progressive Discipline
24.2.1 The District shall impose discipline on a progressive basis subject to the provisions in this Article.
The employee may submit a response or rebuttal to the oral warning, and written reprimand or
warning, which will be retained in the record along with the reprimand.
24.2.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of this Article, the District may, bypass progressive discipline when
the employee’s misconduct is of such a serious nature as to warrant it.
24.3 Causes for Discipline of a Permanent Employee
The District may discipline permanent employees for just cause, according to the following provisions:
24.3.1 Falsifying any information supplied to the District. This includes, but is not limited to, information
supplied on application forms, employment records, time sheets or cards, absence forms or any other
district records.
24.3.2 Incompetence or inefficiency in performance of the duties of his/her position.
24.3.3 Absence without leave, repeated tardiness, excessive absenteeism, including abuse of illness or other
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leave provisions.
24.3.4 Commission of an act involving moral turpitude.
24.3.5 Conviction of a felony, conviction of any sex or substance abuse offense made relevant by
provisions of the Education Code or any other applicable laws. A plea of guilty, or a conviction
following a plea of nolo contender, is deemed to be a conviction within the meaning of this action.
24.3.6 Insubordination.
24.3.7 Possession or consumption of any controlled substance while on duty or in such close time
proximity thereto as to cause any detrimental effect upon pupils, upon the employee or upon
employees associated with him/her.
24.3.8 Knowingly providing verbal or written confidential information to an unauthorized person or
24.3.9 Dishonesty or theft, including deliberate destruction, damage or removal of District or another
person’s property.
24.3.10 Unauthorized use, or misuse, of District supplies, materials, facilities, equipment or other property.
24.3.11 Willful or persistent violation of the Education Code or District rules, policies or procedures. This
shall also include Violation or refusal to obey safety rules or regulations made applicable to public
schools by the Board of Education or by an appropriate state or governmental agency.
24.3.12 Failure to possess or keep in effect any license, certificate or other similar requirement specified in
the employee’s class specification or otherwise necessary for the employee to perform the duties of
the position.
24.3.13 Discourteous, offensive, or abusive conduct or language toward the public, a pupil, or another
officer or employee of the District.
24.3.14 Physical or mental disability, which disability precludes the employee for the proper performance of
his/her duties and responsibilities as determined by a competent medical authority, except as
otherwise provided by contract or by law regulation retirement of employees.
24.3.15Any cause set forth in the California Education Code which mandates discipline or dismissal.
24.4 Procedure for Imposing Disciplinary Action on an Employee
24.4.1 Written Notice
Prior to the imposition of disciplinary action, the District shall give written notice to the employee. This
written notice of disciplinary action shall be deemed sufficient if personally delivered or sent to the
employee by certified mail, return-receipt requested, at least five work days prior to the date when the
disciplinary action is proposed to be effected.
The contents of the written notice will include, but need not be limited to, the following:
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disciplinary action is based. A statement of the cause, or causes, for the action taken; If it is claimed that the employee has violated a rule or regulation of the District, a statement of the
rule or regulation; A statement of the discipline proposed, including beginning and ending date(s) if appropriate; A statement that the employee may file a request directly with the Superintendent or his/her
designee for a hearing before the Governing Board.
24.5 Skelly Meeting: A Skelly Meeting will be held prior to the imposition of any form of discipline as
defined in 25.1. The Skelly Officer will be an administrator designated by the
Superintendent/Designee who does not have knowledge of any of the facts that have led to the
proposed discipline. At the Skelly Meeting, the bargaining unit member may be represented by a
union representative. During the hearing the employee may provide additional evidence and or
testimony that might exonerate them from the proposed discipline. The Skelly Officer may
recommend to uphold, amend, or dismiss the proposed discipline.
24.5.1 To dispute the proposed charges or the proposed penalty, the employee must file a request for hearing
with the District Personnel Office within five work days, either personally or by certified mail,
return-receipt requested.
If the employee does not respond to 25.5.1 above, the District will impose the discipline as noticed.
24.6 Immediate Suspension
Notwithstanding other provisions of this Article, an employee against whom disciplinary action is to be
taken may be immediately suspended with pay upon verbal or written notification pending a hearing.
24.7 Association Representation
The employee may represent himself/herself and/or may request the presence of an Association
representative at any meeting scheduled by administrator where disciplinary action is the subject of
investigative questioning.
24.8 Hearing
24.8.1 If the employee served with a recommendation for disciplinary action files a timely request for
hearing, the Governing Board may conduct the hearing or may enlist a hearing officer to hear the case and
prepare a proposed decision.
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25.1 This Agreement shall be in effect as of the date of ratification and shall continue in effect until
midnight June 30, 2021.
25.2 REOPENERS: The parties may reopen the contract for negotiations in 2019-2020, and 2020-2021,
for Article VII Pay and Allowances and Article IX Health and Welfare Benefits, and Two (2)
articles of either parties’ choice. In 2021 a new successor contract will be negotiated.
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Clerical Class
Account Clerk .................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Accountant ....................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Administrative Assistant I ............................................................................................................................................... 19
Administrative Assistant II .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Administrative Assistant III ............................................................................................................................................. 22
Career Center Technician/ROP Secretary ........................................................................................................................ 19
Intermediate Account Clerk ............................................................................................................................................. 21
Computer Technician....................................................................................................................................................... 20
Network Technician......................................................................................................................................................... 30
Library Clerk ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Library-Media Clerk ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
Secondary Secretary - Registrar....................................................................................................................................... 16
Senior Account Clerk ...................................................................................................................................................... 23
Senior Office Clerk .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
School Office Clerk ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
School Secretary ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Substitute/Media Specialist.............................................................................................................................................. 15
Department Secretary ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
Instructional Assistant Class
Bilingual Instructional Assistant ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Campus Supervisor .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Child Care Provider Adult Education…………………………………………………………………………………....15
English Learner Home-School Liaison, Bilingual……………………………………………………………………….22
Itinerant Health Services Assistant…………………………………………………………….…………..……..…..….19
Home/School Liaison………………………………………………………………………………………..…………...22
Instructional Assistant SPED ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Behavioral Intervention Paraprofessional SPED ............................................................................................................. 17
Recess Lunch Duty Aide ................................................................................................................................................... 9
School/Community Worker……………………………………………………………………………………………....30
TK/K Instructional Assistant ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Childcare Provider Adult Education ................................................................................................................................ 15
Maintenance Class
Night Custodian ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Grounds Equipment Operator ....................................................................................................................... 18
Grounds Maintenance Worker ...................................................................................................................... 20
Lead Custodian ............................................................................................................................................. 18
Lead Maintenance Worker I ........................................................................................................................ 19
Maintenance Worker I .................................................................................................................................. 16
Maintenance Worker II ................................................................................................................................. 23
Maintenance Worker III................................................................................................................................ 28
Maintenance Worker IV ............................................................................................................................... 30
Warehouseman ............................................................................................................................................. 18
Food Service Class
Cook Baker ................................................................................................................................................... 12
Cook Manager .............................................................................................................................................. 18
Food Service Warehouseman ....................................................................................................................... 18
Food Service Office Technician ................................................................................................................... 22
Food Service Worker I .................................................................................................................................... 7
Food Service Worker II ................................................................................................................................ 9
Food Service Worker III ............................................................................................................................. 10
Transportation Class
Automotive Service Worker ......................................................................................................................... 16
Bus Driver ..................................................................................................................................................... 23
Bus Driver Trainer ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Designated Behind the Wheel Bus Driver Trainer ....................................................................................... 21
Dispatcher ..................................................................................................................................................... 23
Equipment Mechanic .................................................................................................................................... 26
Lead Driver ................................................................................................................................................... 30
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Lead Mechanic.............................................................................................................................................. 30
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1. New Years Day
2. Martin Luther King Day
3. Lincoln's Day
4. Presidents' Day
5. Memorial Day
6. Independence Day
7. Labor Day
8. Veterans' Day
9. Thanksgiving Day
10. Friday after Thanksgiving
11. Christmas Eve Day (in lieu of Floating Holiday [Admissions Day])
12. Christmas Day
13. New Years Eve Day
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Vision plan for employee and dependents as mutually agreed.
Medical plan for employee and dependents as agreed.
Dental plan for employee and dependents as agreed.
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Grievance Forms
Level I - Informal verbal discussion with supervisor - No paperwork.
Name of Grievant:
Contract Provision (s) alleged to be violated:
State in detail the facts of the alleged violation including times and places and description of the particular
incidents and names of person (s) involved. (Use a separate sheet, if necessary.)
Request for settlement or corrective action desired:
Has the grievance been discussed with the site administrators or supervisor at the informal level?
Name of Site Administrator/Supervisor Title
Grievant's signature Date
Grievant's Representative Signature (optional) Date
Reasons for the decision. (Use Separate Sheet, if necessary)
Signature of Administrator:
School: Date:
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Name of Grievant:
Position: School:
To: Superintendent
Amador County Unified School District
217 Rex Avenue
Jackson, CA 95642
I wish to appeal the grievance decision at Level II rendered by:
Name of Administrator Title
on . This grievance is therefore appealed to Level III.
Reason for this appeal:
Signature of Grievant: Date:
Signature of Representative: Date:
Reasons for decision (use separate sheet, if necessary):
Signature of Superintendent:
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Name of Grievant:
Position: School:
TO: Amador County Unified School District
CSEA wishes to appeal the grievance filed by
Name of Grievant
on (date) to Advisory Arbitration. We submit the following due to the following
and request the following remedy:
Signature of the Grievant:
Signature of Authorized CSEA Representative:
Advisory Arbitrators Decision:
Date Decision Received:
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Name of Grievant:
Position: School:
TO: Board of Trustees
Amador County Unified School District
I wish to appeal the grievance decision at Level IV rendered by Arbitrator
on (date). Copies of the grievance and decision at the various levels are attached
for your review.
Reasons for this appeal:
Signature of the Grievant:
Signature of Authorized CSEA Representative:
Decision of the Board of Trustees:
Reasons for decision: (use separate sheet, if necessary):
Signature of Board President:
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Amador County Office of Education/Amador County Unified School
Classified Employee Evaluation
Employee Name: _________________________________ Classification: _______________________
Location/Department ____________________________ Date of Evaluation ___________________
Probationary: 60 working days 100 working days
Permanent: Annual Next evaluation due __________________
INSTRUCTIONS: Check each factor in the appropriate column that most nearly describes the employee’s performance over the
period covered by this evaluation. Performance factors: 1. Performance deficient and requires immediate improvement, 2.
Improvement needed for performance to meet expected standards, 3. Performance meets expected standards, 4. Performance
exceeded expected standards.
Comments required for each category.
Attach additional sheets if necessary.
Separate sheets attached: Yes No
A. Timeliness/Efficiency
B. Accuracy/Thoroughness
C. Organizational Skills
D. Knowledge of Work
E. Productivity/Quantity of Work
A. Practices Safe Work Procedures
B. Follows Policies and Procedures
C. Uses Good Judgment
D. Displays Initiative and Adaptability
E. Cooperates with Fellow Workers/
F. Maintains/Cares for Eqpt/Materials
G. Dresses Appropriately for Position
H. Accepts Direction
I. Works Independently/Without
Immediate Supervision
A. Reports Absences with Sufficient Notice
B. Reports to Work/From Breaks on Time
Signature of Supervisor __________________________________________ Date _________________
I understand my signature does not mean I agree with the conclusions of the evaluator. I can prepare a
written response for my personnel file. The review process has been explained to me and I do/do not desire
a review.
Signature of Employee __________________________________________ Date: _________________
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Name: Site:
Job Title: Date:
All college courses submitted for credit under the salary schedule shall be subject to one of the following
1. _____ Present or future assignment.
2. _____ Professional education course related to a classified position and that will
grow the employee in his/her assignment.
3. _____ To aid or prepare the employee for present or assigned future extra-
curricular activities. (requires signature of Principal)
Principal’s Approval: _____________________________
4. _____ A repeat of a previous course which directly relates to a classified assignment.
(requires signature of Principal)
Principal’s Approval: _____________________________
Title and Description
No. of Credits
Institution Name
Approval to take course:
Not Approved
Director of Personnel Signature: _____________________________
Date: ___________________
Please note: Only coursework that is pre-approved by the Director of Personnel and taken after the
employee is hired will be counted. Credit will then only be given if a grade of “C” or better is received or
a “Pass” in a pass/fail course. Please resubmit this pre-approved form when the course is completed
along with your official transcript or verification of Professional Growth.
Official transcript or verification of Professional Growth have been received
and approved for ____ semester units
Director of Personnel Signature: _____________________________
Date: ___________________
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