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Amending and Terminating Perpetual Conservation Easements
By Nancy A. McLaughlin and Benjamin Machlis
ver the past several decades, landowners have
donated perpetual conservation easements en-
cumbering millions of acres to government entities
government entities, in whole or in part, as charitable gifts and
for which the donor claims or could claim federal tax benefits
(tax-deductible conservation easements). This article is not in-
and to charitable conservation organizations known as
land trusts. Landowners make these charitable gifts for a
number of reasons, including a desire to ensure the perma-
nent protection of their land and to take advantage of tax
Until fairly recently, little consideration has been given
to precisely what it means to protect land “in perpetuity
with a conservation easement. But as perpetual conserva-
tion easements have begun to age, and the protected lands
have begun to change hands, questions have arisen re-
garding the circumstances under which these instruments
can be amended or terminated.
This article outlines the current guidance on this
issue and offers some drafting suggestions. Because
of space constraints, it focuses on perpetual conserva-
tion easements donated to land trusts or state and local
Nancy A. McLaughlin is the Robert W. Swenson
Professor of Law at the University of Utah S.J Quinney
College of Law in Salt Lake City, Utah, and the associate
editor for probate and trust for the Real Property, Trust and
Estate Law Journal. Benjamin Machlis is a third-year
student at the College of Law.
tended to imply that conservation easements conveyed in other
contexts will not be subject to the same or similar equitable
Conservation Easements as Charitable Trusts
A number of sources indicate that tax-deductible conservation
easements will be treated as charitable trusts under state law
and, thus, that such easements can be terminated, or amended in
a manner contrary to their charitable conservation purposes,
only in cy pres or similar equitable proceedings.
Restatements and Uniform Laws
Comment a to section 28 of the Restatement (Third) of Trusts
(2003) provides that a gift made to a charitable institution to be
used for a specific charitable purpose, as opposed to the instiŧu
tion’s general purposes, creates a charitable trust of which the
institution is the trustee. This principle also generally applies
to gifts made for specific charitable purposes to state and local
government entities. Tax-deductible conservation easements
are donated in whole or in part to government entities and land
trusts to be used for a specific charitable purposethe protec-
tion of the particular land encumbered by the easement for one
or more of the conservation purposes enumerated in the Code
in perpetuity (all references herein to the
Code are to the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended). According-
ly, the donation of a tax-deductible con-
servation easement should be treated as
creating a charitable trust of which the
acquiring entity is the trustee.
In some jurisdictions, courts refer to
gifts made to government or charitable
entities to be used for specific charitable
purposes, not as charitable trusts, but
as implied trusts, quasi-trusts, restricted
charitable gifts, or public trusts. Re-
gardless of the term used, the substan-
tive rules governing the administration
of charitable trusts (including cy pres)
generally apply, although some proce-
dural rules applicable to formal trusts
(such as those relating to accountings)
do not.
The Uniform Conservation Ease-
ment Act (UCEA) is consistent with
the Restatement (Third) of Trusts. The
UCEA was approved by the Uniform
Law Commission (ULC) in 1981 and
has been adopted by 24 states and the
District of Columbia. Although UCEA
§ 2(a) provides that a conservation
easement may be modified or term-
nated in the same manner as other
easements(that is, by agreement of the
holder of the easement and the owner
of the encumbered land), section 3(b)
states that “[t]his Act does not affect the
power of a court to modify or terminate
a conservation easement in accordance
with the principles of law and equity.”
In the comment to section 3, the draft-
ers explained that the UCEA leaves
intact the existing case and statutory
law of adopting states as it relates to the
modification and termination of ea -
ments and the enforcement of charitable
trusts and that, independent of the
UCEA, the state attorney general could
have standing to enforce a conservation
easement in his capacity as supervi-
sor of charitable trusts. In other words,
the UCEA does not and was never
intended to abrogate the well-settled
principles that apply when property,
such as a conservation easement, is con-
veyed as a charitable gift to a govern-
ment or charitable entity to be used for
a specific charitable purpose.
To confirm its intention that con-
servation easements be enforced as
charitable trusts in appropriate cir-
cumstances, the ULC amended the
comments to the UCEA in 2007. The
amended comments provide that,
because conservation easements
are conveyed for specific charitable
purposes, the existing case and statu-
tory law of adopting states as it relates
to the enforcement of charitable trusts
should apply to conservation ease-
ments. The comments also provide
that, notwithstanding UCEA § 2(a), the
entity holding a conservation easement,
in its capacity as trustee, can be pro-
hibited from agreeing to terminate the
easement (or modify it in contravention
of its purpose) without first obtaining
court approval in a cy pres proceeding.
The Uniform Trust Code (UTC)
was approved in 2000 and has been
adopted by 20 states and the District of
Columbia. Like the UCEA, the com-
ments to the UTC (§ 414) provide that
the creation and transfer of a conserva-
tion easement will frequently create
a charitable trust; the organization to
which the easement is conveyed will
be deemed to be acting as trustee of
what will ostensibly appear to be a
contractual or property arrangement;
and, because of the fiduciary obligation
imposed, the termination or substan-
tial modification of the easement by
the trustee can constitute a breach of
trust. The comments to the UCEA and
the UTC are likely to be relied on as a
guide in interpreting those acts so as to
achieve uniformity among the states
that have enacted them.
Finally, section 7.11 of the Restate-
ment (Third) of Property: Servitudes
(2000) provides that the modification
and termination of conservation ease-
ments should be governed, not by the
real property law doctrine of changed
conditions, but by a special set of rules
based on the charitable trust doctrine of
cy pres. In their commentary, the draft-
ers explain that, because of the public
interests involved, these servitudes are
afforded more stringent protection than
privately held conservation servitudes.
Federal Tax Law
Under federal tax law, the gift of a tax-
deductible conservation easement must
effectively be in the form of a restricted
charitable gift or charitable trust.
The easement must be conveyed
as a charitable gift to a govern-
ment or charitable entity for a
specific charitable purposethe
protection of the particular land
encumbered by the easement for
one or more of the conservation
purposes enumerated in the Code
in perpetuity. See generally Code
§ 170(h); Treas. Reg. § 1.170A-14.
The easement must be expressly
transferable only to another quali-
fied entity that agrees to continue
to enforce the easement. See Treas.
Reg. § 1.170A-14(c)(2).
The easement must be extinguish-
able by the holder only in what
essentially is a cy pres proceed-
ingin a judicial proceeding,
upon a finding that the continued
use of the land for conservation
purposes has become impossible
or impractical,and with the pay-
ment of a share of the proceeds
from the subsequent sale or devel-
opment of the land to the holder
to be used for similar conservation
purposes. See id. § 1.170A-14(g)(6).
The interest in the land retained
by the donor must be subject to
legally enforceable restrictions
that prevent any use of the land
inconsistent with the easement’s
purpose. See id. § 1.170A-14(g)(1).
At the time of the donation, the
possibility that the easement will
be defeated must be so remote as
to be negligible. See id. § 1.170A-
Because federal tax law contem-
plates that conservation easements will
be extinguished only in cy pres pro-
ceedings (or through condemnation),
Congress is apparently relying on state
charitable trust law for the enforcement
of such easements over the long term.
This reliance is appropriate. The regula-
tion of the behavior of charitable fidu-
ciaries is principally a state, rather than
a federal, function. State judges and
attorneys general have the greatest ex-
pertise in disputes involving nonprofit
governance and fiduciary responsibili-
ties, and state courts, rather than the
Tax Court or the IRS, possess the broad
range of equitable powers necessary to
protect assets dedicated to charitable
purposes. In fact, state attorneys gen-
eral are increasingly recognizing their
right and obligation, as supervisors of
charitable gifts and trusts, to enforce
conservation easements on behalf of the
Cases and Controversies
A number of cases and controversies
also indicate that conservation ease-
ments are likely to be treated as restrict-
ed charitable gifts or charitable trusts
under state law.
r In re Preservation Alliance for
Greater Philadelphia, O.C. No. 759
(Ct. Com. Pl. of Philadelphia
County, Pa. June 28, 1999), the
court applied the doctrine of cy
pres to authorize termination of
a perpetual façade easement en-
cumbering an historic building af-
ter finding that the building could
not be restored to any proper use.
In Consent Judgment
State v.
Miller, No. 20-C-98-003486 (Md.
Cir. Ct. July 16, 1999), the court
approved the settlement of a suit
involving the attempted amend-
ment of a perpetual conservation
easement encumbering a 160-acre
historic tobacco plantation located
on the Maryland Eastern Shore to
allow a seven-lot upscale subdivi-
sion on the property. The state
attorney general had filed suit
asserting that the easement consti-
tuted a charitable trust that could
not be amended as proposed
without receiving court approval
in a cy pres proceeding. As part
of the settlement, the landowner
and easement holder agreed that
any action contrary to the express
terms and stated purposes of the
easement was prohibited and
that no action could be taken to
amend, release, or extinguish the
easement without the express
written consent of the attorney
r *In final order Tenn. Envtl.
Council v. Bright Par 3 Assocs., L.P.,
No. 03-0775 (Ch. Ct. Hamilton
County, Tenn., Dec. 19, 2006), the
court approved the settlement of
a suit involving a four-lane road
constructed across land protected
by a perpetual conservation
easement to provide access to an
adjacent Wal-Mart Supercenter.
Two nonprofit organizations and
a private citizen had sued the
owner of the encumbered land
(the development corporation
that had sold the adjacent land to
Wal-Mart) and the holder of the
easement (the city of Chattanoo-
A variety of laws must be
considered when contemplating
the amendment of a conservation
easement consistent with its
charitable conservation purpose,
including charitable trust
principles, federal tax laws, and
the relevant state easement-
enabling statute.
ga) objecting to the construction.
In the settlement, the develop-
ment corporation agreed to
(1) convey a replacement parcel of
land and $500,000 to the plaintiffs
to be used for similar conserva-
tion purposes and (2) pay the
plaintiffs not insubstantial legal
fees. In approving the settlement,
the court concluded that the char-
itable purpose of the easement
had become, in part, impossible
or impractical, and the prop-
erty and cash transferred to the
plaintiffs constituted a reasonable
and adequate substitute for any
portion of the property that may
have been affected or taken as a
result of the road construction.
r Hicks v. Dowd, 157 P.3d 914 (Wyo.
2007), involved a perpetual
conservation easement encumbering
an approximately 1,000 acre ranch
located in Johnson County, Wyo-
ming. A partnership had donated
the easement to the county in 1993
and claimed a federal charitable
income tax deduction of over $1 mil-
lion. The partnership later sold the
land, subject to the easement, to the
Dowds. When the energy company
that owned the minerals underly-
ing the land and was not subject to
the easement engaged in minimal
drilling on the property, the Dowds
persuaded the county to transfer the
easement to them for the purpose of
terminating the easement. A resident
of the county (Hicks) sued, alleg-
ing that the county could not agree
to terminate the easement without
receiving court approval in a cy pres
proceeding. In 2007, the Wyoming
Supreme Court dismissed the case
on the ground that Hicks did not
have standing to sue to enforce a
charitable trust but invited the state
attorney general, as supervisor of
charitable trusts, to reassess his po-
sition on the case. In July 2008, the
attorney general filed a complaint
in district court requesting that the
deed transferring the conservation
easement to the Dowds be declared
null and void. The complaint al-
leged, among other things, that the
county violated its fiduciary duty to
assure the ranchs permanent protec-
tion and to have a judicial determi-
nation made of impossibility before
terminating the easement. This case
was still pending on the date of pub-
lication of this article.
Amending Conservation
A variety of laws must be considered
when contemplating the amendment of a
conservation easement consistent with its
charitable conservation purpose, includ-
ing charitable trust principles, federal tax
laws, and the relevant state easement-
enabling statute.
Charitable Trust Principles
Flexibility to modify conservation ease-
ments in manners consistent with their
charitable conservation purposes is often
built into easements in the form of an
amendment provision. The typical
amendment provision grants the gov-
ernment or nonprofit holder the express
power to agree to amendments that are
consistent with or further the conserva-
tion purpose of the easement. Absent
an amendment provision, the holder
might be deemed to have the implied
power to agree to certain amendments
that are consistent with the purpose
of the easement or could seek court
approval of such consistent amend-
ments in a more "exible administrative
(or equitable) deviation proceeding. But
the outright termination of a conserva-
tion easement, or its modification in
a manner inconsistent with its stated
purpose (such as to permit subdivision
and development of the land), should
require court approval in a cy pres or
similar equitable proceeding (as is con-
templated under federal tax law).
Federal Tax Laws
The requirement under Code § 170(h)
(5)(A) that the conservation purpose of a
tax-deductible easement be pro-
tected in perpetuity should establish
the basic parameters for a permissible
grant of amendment discretion to the
holder. The conservation purpose of
an easement would not be protected
in perpetuity if the easement could be
amended in manners that adversely
affect or change such purpose. Alter-
natively, the conservation purpose of
an easement would not be jeopardized
if the holder is given the discretion to
agree to only those amendments that
further, or are consistent with, such
purpose. No formal guidance has
yet been issued, however, on permis-
sible amendments to tax-deductible
conservation easements. Accordingly,
the typical amendment provision
authorizes only amendments that are
consistent with or further the conserva-
tion purpose of an easement and ad-
ditionally provides that amendments
may not adversely affect the qualifica-
tion of the easement or the status of the
holder under Code § 170(h). The type
of amendment that would satisfy these
requirements is, at this point, unclear.
In a 2005 report on The Nature
Conservancy, the Staff of the Senate
Finance Committee noted that modifi-
cations to tax-deductible conservation
easements to correct ministerial or
administrative errors are permitted.
The Staff expressed concern, however,
about trade-off amendments, which
both negatively affect and further the
conservation purpose of an easement
but, on balance, are arguably consis-
tent with or further such purpose. The
Staff explained that the weighing of
increases and decreases in conservation
benefits is difficult to perform by the
holder and to assess by the IRS.
Government entities and land trusts
also must be mindful of the effect
amendments may have on their ability
to continue to accept tax-deductible
conservation easement donations. To
be considered an eligible donee, an
entity must have a commitment to
protect the conservation purposes of
the donation and the resources to
enforce the restrictions. Treas. Reg.
§ 1.170A-14(c)(1). Although the Trea-
sury Regulations provide that a con-
servation group organized or operated
primarily or substantially for one of
the conservation purposes specified in
Code § 170(h) (as most land trusts are)
will be considered to have the requisite
commitment, and the donee need
not set aside funds to enforce the ease-
ment, the IRS might nonetheless take
the position that an entity that agrees
to amend the conservation easements it
holds in contravention of their conser-
vation purposes is no longer an eligible
donee. The IRS also might take the
position that the conservation purposes
of easements donated to such an entity
are not protected in perpetuity as
required under Code § 170(h)(5)(A).
Finally, private inurement or private
benefit can occur when a charitable
organization sells or exchanges its
property for less than fair market
value. Although no formal guidance on
this topic has been issued, a land trust
that agrees to amend a conservation
easement in a manner that increases
the value of the encumbered land and
confers an economic benefit on the
landowner would presumably vio-
late the private inurement or private
benefit prohibition and thereby trigger
intermediate sanctions or jeopardize
its tax-exempt status. States and
subordinate government entities are
generally subject to a similar prohibi-
tion on conveying public property to
private individuals pursuant to state
Easement-enabling Statutes
All 50 states and the District of Co-
lumbia have enacted some form of
easement-enabling statute. Many
states have adopted the provision in
the UCEA that provides that a con-
servation easement can be modified
or terminated in the same manner
as other easements. As discussed
above, however, that language was
not intended to abrogate the principles
that apply when property, such as a
conservation easement, is conveyed as
a charitable gift to a government entity
or charitable organization to be used
for a specific charitable purpose. Ac-
cordingly, the entity holding a donated
conservation easement should agree to
modify the easement consistent with
its stated purpose only in accordance
with its express power to amend (as set
forth in an amendment provision), in
accordance with its implied power to
amend, or with court approval ob-
tained in an administrative deviation
A few easement-enabling statutes
provide that a conservation easement
can be modified or terminated (or
converted or diverted) upon satis-
faction of certain conditions, such
as the holding of a public hearing
or approval of a public official. As
with the UCEA, however, there is no
indication that these statutes were
intended to abrogate the principles
that apply when property, such as a
conservation easement, is conveyed
as a charitable gift to be used for a
specific charitable purpose. Moreover,
if conservation easements could be
amended or terminated upon satisfac-
tion of only the conditions in a states
enabling statute, and those conditions
are not consistent with the require-
ments set forth in Code § 170(h) and
the Treasury Regulations, conserva-
tion easements conveyed in the state
should not be eligible for federal tax
Bjork v. Draper
In Bjork v. Draper, 886 N.E.2d 563 (Ill.
App. Ct. 2008), app. den., 897 N.E.2d
249 (Ill. 2008), the court invalidated
amendments to a perpetual conserva-
tion easement that a land trust ap-
proved at the request of new owners
of the encumbered land. The land trust
argued that the state enabling statute,
which provides that a conservation
easement can be released by its holder,
gave it the right to release or amend the
easement at will, regardless of
(1) the status of the easement as a tax-
deductible perpetual charitable gift,
(2) the easements charitable purpose,
which is to retain forever the scenic
and open space condition of the
grounds of an historic home,
(3) provisions in the easement ex-
pressly prohibiting some of the activi-
ties authorized by the amendments,
and (4) the provision in the easement
requiring that the easement be extin-
guished, in whole or in part, only by a
judicial proceeding. Although the court
noted that the easement contemplated
amendments, and that protecting the
conservation purpose of an easement in
perpetuity does not necessarily mean
that the language of the easement can
never be changed (the court explained
that an easement could be amended
to add land, which would most likely
enhance the easements purpose), the
court concluded that no amendment
is permissible if it con"icts with other
parts of the easement. The court was
not presented with and, thus, did not
address the argument that the conserva-
tion easement constitutes a restricted
charitable gift or charitable trust, which
may have afforded the court some "ex-
ibility to ratify amendments if any were
consistent with the easements purpose.
The court did, however, properly hold
that tax-deductible perpetual conserva-
tion easements may not be substantially
amended or released by their holders
at will.
Drafting Suggestions
Protecting Donor Intent
Many landowners donate conservation
easements because they have a strong
personal connection to their land and
desire to see that land permanently pre-
served in the manner set forth in the
easement. Although it is well settled
that use of the word trust or trustee
is not necessary to create a trust rela-
tionship, and conservation easements
not containing such terms nonetheless
should be treated as restricted charita-
ble gifts or charitable trusts, to provide
even greater assurance that the holder
of a conservation easement will enforce
the easement according to its carefully
negotiated terms and stated purpose,
the easement could explicitly tie the
gift to charitable trust principles. For
example, the easement could specifi-
cally provide that (1) it is conveyed to
the donee as a charitable gift to be held
in trust for the benefit of the public for
the charitable purpose stated in the
easement, (2) the donee can agree to
amend the easement only as provided
in the amendment provision, and
(3) the donee can agree to terminate
the easement, in whole or in part, only
as provided in the termination provi-
sion, which should comply with the
requirements of Code § 170(h) and the
Treasury Regulations and reference
the doctrine of cy pres or its equivalent
under the relevant states law.
The landowners attorney also
should (1) review the donees amend-
ment policies and procedures, (2) dis-
cuss with the donee the donees inter-
pretation of the standard amendment
provision (for example, does the donee
take the position that such provision
grants it the right to agree to trade-off
amendments or remove land from the
easements protections?), and (3) if the
donee is a charitable organization, re-
view the schedules to IRS Form 990 on
which the donee was required to report
the number of easements it modified
or extinguished during the taxable
year. The landowner also may wish to
customize the standard amendment
provision to, for example, preclude
the donee from agreeing to amend
the easement to increase the level of
residential development permitted on
the property, which the donee might
view as a permissible component of a
trade-off amendment.
Finally, the landowners attorney
should explore additional enforcement
options, such as providing in the ease-
ment (1) that the landowner and his
heirs or other family members have
standing to sue the holder to redress a
breach of trust or (2) for a gift over of
the easement (and accompanying stew-
ardship endowment) to another quali-
fied entity in the event of such a breach.
Providing Flexibility
To provide the "exibility needed to
respond to changing social, economic,
and environmental conditions, govern-
ment entities and land trusts should
negotiate for the inclusion of a standard
amendment provision in the conserva-
tion easements they accept. They should
also discuss their amendment policies
and procedures and their interpretation
of the standard amendment provision
with prospective easement donors so
there is no confusion or misunderstand-
ing regarding their intent to agree to
amendments that are consistent with
or further the conservation purpose of
an easement. If a landowner refuses to
grant the desired level of amendment
discretion, the donee can decline to
accept the easement. Alternatively, the
donee can accept the easement knowing
it has less discretion to agree to amend-
ments than is granted in a standard
amendment provision. Donees also
should consider when it is (and is not)
appropriate to protect land in perpetu-
ity with a conservation easement. In
appropriate circumstances, more "exible
land protection tools, such as leases or
management agreements, should be
Lawyers assisting easement donors
and donees should have a thorough
understanding of the various laws that
can affect the administration of perpet-
ual conservation easements. Although
the law in this area is still develop-
ing, much can be done to ensure that
conservation easements are drafted to
comply with all relevant laws, carry out
the landowners intent, and provide
easement holders with the "exibility
needed to administer easements con-
sistent with their overall charitable con-
servation purposes in light of changing