American Express
Credit Card Insurance
Terms and Conditions
Eective 15th March 2022
Qantas American Express Premium Card;
American Express Velocity Gold Card.
American Express Australia Limited ABN 92 108 952 085. ® Registered Trademark of American Express Company.
Terms and Conditions 1
About this Policy 1
Cancelled or Suspended Cards 1
Termination 1
Remember to Check this Policy 1
Always take care when Travelling 1
Making a Claim 1
Changes to this Policy 1
Important Things to Know About This Policy 1
Excess 1
Pre-Existing Medical Conditions 3
Pregnancy & Travel Insurance Benets 3
Exclusions Within This Policy 3
Age Limits 4
Excluded Sports and Activities 5
COVID-19 5
Travelling Against Medical or Government Advice 5
Return Trips Only 5
Fraud 5
Australian Law 6
Australian Currency 6
Chubb Assistance (In the Event of an Emergency) 6
Eligibility for Cover Under this Policy 6
Eligibility Table 6
If You change Your American Express Card Account product, or
Your American Express Card Account is Cancelled or Suspended 8
Coverage Summary 10
Schedule of Benets 13
Denitions 17
Benets 21
Section (A) Trip Cancellation And Amendment Cover 21
Section (B) Personal Accident Cover 24
Section (C) Travel Inconvenience Cover 24
Section (D) Medical Emergency Expenses Cover 25
Section (E) Personal Baggage, Valuables, Money And Travel
Documents Cover 27
Section (F) Card Purchase Cover 30
Section (G) Card Refund Cover 31
General Exclusions Applicable To Sections A–G above 31
General Conditions Applicable To All Sections 33
How to Make a Claim 33
General Information about this Policy 34
Privacy Statement 34
Why We collect Your Personal Information 35
How We obtain Your Personal Information 35
When do We disclose Your Personal Information? 35
Exchanging Personal Information with American Express 35
Your decision to provide Your Personal Information 35
Access to and correction of Your Personal Information 35
How to Make a Complaint 35
Complaints and Customer Resolution Service 35
Contact Details 35
Process 36
Our response 36
External Dispute Resolution 36
Financial Claims Scheme 36
General Insurance Code of Practice 36
Sanctions 37
Terms and Conditions
This Policy is eective from 15/03/2022
American Express® Card Insurance Policy Number: 09NACQPC06
Eligible American Express Card Products
This Policy applies to the following American Express Card Account
products only:
(a) Qantas American Express Premium Card;
(b) American Express Velocity Gold Card.
About this Policy
This Policy sets out important information about the insurance benets
available to Card Members, Additional Card Members,their Spouses
and Dependent Children. It explains the nature of the arrangements and
relevant benets and risks. If You feel that this product does not meet Your
specic needs and intended coverage, this Policy may not be right for You.
You may need to buy separate or additional insurance if this Policy does
not cover You for all the things You need cover for.
This document provides general advice only. It does not take into account
Your individual objectives, nancial situation or needs.
There is no obligation to accept any of the benets of this Policy. However,
if You wish to make a claim under the cover provided within this Policy,
You will be bound by the denitions, terms and conditions, exclusions and
claims procedures set out in this document.
This Policy oers 2 main types of benet and services:
1. Travel insurance benets; and
2. Retail item cover
Cancelled or Suspended Cards
If your Card is cancelled or suspended, you are not entitled to cover
under this Policy. It is your responsibility to make sure that your minimum
repayments are paid on time and that you comply with your American
Express Card Account terms and conditions. Refer to Your American
Express Card Account terms and conditions or please contact American
Express by calling the number on the back of your Card to obtain a copy.
Cover will be terminated at the earlier of the following:
Your American Express Card Account is cancelled or suspended; or
• termination of the Group Policy.
Upon termination of the Group Policy, the insurance benets will no longer
be available to Card Members after the termination date. If You have
satised the eligibility criteria prior to the termination of the Group Policy,
cover is still available with respect to the cover section(s) that You are
eligible for. American Express will always notify You in advance if the Group
Policy is to be terminated. You in advance if the Group Policy is to
be terminated.
Remember to Check this Policy
It is important to check this Policy from time to time, particularly before
You travel to remind yourself of what is and isn’t covered. Some things
You might consider doing whilst travelling might not be covered (for
example, jet skiing, bungee jumping or hiring a scooter if You don’t have a
motorcycle licence).
You may need to buy separate or additional insurance if this Policy does
not cover You or the things You need cover for.
Please familiarise yourself with this Policy. We want to ensure You are clear
about what it covers and what it does not cover or excludes. If You are
unclear about anything in this document, please call 1800 236 023 and
Our insurance team will be happy to assist You with any enquiries.
Always take care when Travelling
Make sure You have checked the most up to date Australian Government
travel advice before You go on a Trip to understand any specic risks for
Your destination. You also need to make sure You take care with Your
belongings, make sure You keep valuable possessions on You and never
leave Your luggage Unattended (for example, in a car overnight). This
insurance is not designed to cover carelessness or high-risk activities, so
be a sensible and prudent traveller.
Making a Claim
If You need to make a claim, keep supporting documents and proof of
any loss, including all police reports, sales receipts and card statements
showing any purchases made. See Section How To Make A Claim’ for
more detail.
Changes to this Policy
The cover under this Policy may be updated from time to time. A
copy of the current policy wording can always be found by visiting the
American Express Australia website at: https://www americanexpress.
com/au/insurance/insurance-with-your-card/. This document replaces
and supersedes any Policy issued prior to the eective date.
Important Things to Know About This Policy
We have listed a number of important things (below) that You should know
about this Policy. This information is not intended to be a complete list of
all coverage sections, terms, conditions or exclusions under this Policy.
Rather, the information is intended as a quick reference point to assist You
in Your understanding of this Policy.
Where applicable, an Excess is applied for each Event.
If a claim is covered, the Excess is rst deducted from the amount We will
pay and before any relevant depreciation and limits have been applied to
the claim amount.
The applicable Excess amount is specied in the Schedule of Benets.
An Excess may also be a waiting period, which is the amount of time You
have to wait until the benet may become payable.
The below examples are provided for illustrative purposes only. Each claim will be assessed individually, based on the facts relative to the specic
Example A – Excess applied: Example B – Excess and depreciation applied:
Example C – Excess and depreciation applied
to more than one Event:
Anna books accommodation to the Sunshiny
caravan park. Her Trip with the family is in
summer, which is 3 months away. A week
before the start of the family Trip, her son
has an accident at school and breaks his leg.
Unfortunately, he needs surgery and the Doctor
conrms it’s best to be at home for the recovery.
Anna paid $1,200 for the accommodation. The
Excess is $250.
a) Deduct the Excess of $250
b) Check the total cover limits and sub limits
in the Schedule of Benets. The amount
claimable is below these limits.
Calculation for the amount payable:
(-Excess) + accommodation = amount payable
(-$250) + $1,200 = $950 claim payment.
Jane travels to Brazil and while in Brazil her
laptop is stolen. She reports the theft to the
police and provides Us with the required
documentation. Jane paid $6,000 for her laptop
12 months prior to this Event. Jane’s Excess is
a. Deduct the Excess of $250
b. Establish original purchase price of the
laptop: $6,000
c. Apply depreciation*:
2.5% per month for 12 months = 30%
30% of $6,000 = $1,800 total depreciation.
d. Establish current value of the laptop by
subtracting depreciation from the purchase
price of the laptop
$6,000 - $1,800 = $4,200
e. Check the total and per item limit shown
in the Schedule of Benets and select the
lower of current value of the laptop or the
item limit. If the per item limit is $2,500
which is lower than the current value
$4,200, hence We take the lower number
= $2,500.
Calculation for the amount payable:
(-Excess) + limit per item = amount payable
(-$250) + $2,500 = $2,250 claim payment.
Rob and his wife travelled to France for 14 days.
On the 4th day of their Trip, Rob slips down the
stairs at the hotel. Thankfully it’s not a major
injury, but he did twist his ankle and needs to
seek medical attention. He was billed $500 for
the Doctor’s appointment including some scans
and medication. On the 8th day, Rob had his
laptop stolen which was worth $1,000 when it was
purchased 6 months ago. Unfortunately, on the
last day of their Trip, Rob’s wife then lost her
Smartphone worth $900 that was purchased
directly before their Trip commenced. When they
return to Australia, Rob submitted a claim for the
3 Events.
As Rob and his wife had 3 Events during their Trip
to France, an Excess would be applied to each of
the Events (and Covered Persons).
Claim 1: (-$250) Excess + $500 Medical
costs = $250 claim payment.
Claim 2:
a. Deduct the Excess of $250
b. Establish original purchase price of the
laptop: $1,000
c. Apply depreciation*:
2.5% per month for 6 months = 15%
15% of $1,000 = $150 total depreciation.
d. Establish current value of the laptop by
subtracting depreciation from the purchase
price of the laptop
$1,000 - $150 = $850
Calculation for the amount payable:
(-Excess) + current value = amount payable
(-$250) + $850 = $600 claim payment.
Claim 3: (-$250) Excess + $900
Smartphone = $650 claim payment.
*For depreciation details, please review Section E – Personal Baggage, Valuables, Money and Travel Documents Cover
Pre-Existing Medical Conditions
This Policy does not cover any costs incurred from or relating to any
Pre-Existing Medical Condition under Sections A – E (below). For example,
it does not provide cover if You need emergency medical treatment
overseas for an existing illness or if You need to Cancel Your Trip because
a Close Relative’s existing medical condition deteriorates before You travel.
If You have Pre-Existing Medical Conditions, this cover may not be right
for You. Before You make Your Qualifying Travel Purchase, You should
review this Policy to make sure it provides the right cover for You and
Your health situation.
Pregnancy & Travel Insurance Benets
It’s important to understand how Your travel insurance benets under this
Policy may be limited if You are pregnant. These are summarised below.
When does the travel insurance cover You if You are pregnant?
If You are pregnant, You will be covered for unforeseen emergency medical
treatment whilst overseas up to 8 weeks before Your estimated date of
delivery. However, You will not be covered for costs associated with the
actual birth of Your child overseas or any pregnancy related medical
conditions that You were already suering before Your Qualifying Travel
Purchase. For more information see – When are You Not Covered if You
are pregnant? (below).
Two key sections of this Policy that You should be aware of are:
1. Section D - Medical Emergency Expenses Cover:
You are covered for Events arising from or related to Your pregnancy when
You are on an International Return Trip, if You have a udden and unexpected
Injury or Illness, which:
a. occurs more than 8 weeks before Your estimated date of
delivery; and
b. is not otherwise excluded within this Policy.
2. Section A - Trip Cancellation and Amendment Cover:
You are covered if You have a sudden and unexpected Injury or Illness
arising from or related to Your pregnancy that prevents You
from going on the Trip or continuing the Trip, and which:from going on the
Trip or continuing the Trip, and which:
a. is conrmed by medical evidence provided by a treat
ing Doctor;
b. occurs more than 8 weeks before Your estimated date of delivery; and
c. is not otherwise excluded within this Policy.
When Are You Not Covered if You are pregnant?
You are not covered for any costs arising from or related to:
1. any Pre-Existing Medical Condition;
2. any past medical condition(s) relating to a previous pregnancy or if You
have experienced pregnancy complications prior to Your Qualifying
Travel Purchase;
3. Your pregnancy under Medical Emergency Expenses Cover or Trip
Cancellation and Amendment Cover within 8 weeks of Your estimated
date of delivery;
4. any costs under Medical Emergency Expenses Cover arising from
childbirth or the health of a newborn child. This exclusion applies
irrespective of the stage of pregnancy at which the child is born;
meaning a newborn (whether premature or otherwise) is not considered
a Covered Person under this Policy if the child was born on the Trip;
5. any costs under Medical Emergency Expenses Cover arising from or
relating to an abortion, unless an abortion is medically necessary to
protect the health and safety of the mother following an Injury or Illness,
as determined by a treating Doctor;
6. fertility treatment or treatment associated with an assisted reproduction
program including but not limited to, in vitro fertilisation (IVF).
Exclusions Within This Policy
As with all insurance, there are certain exclusions that apply. Some
exclusions only apply to certain benets under this Policy, while
other exclusions apply to all claims. You should read the following:
a. General Exclusions and General Conditions sections within this
Policy, which apply to all claims.
b. Each cover section includes information about what We cover and
any terms and conditions and exclusions that apply to the
cover section.
To ensure You understand when We will pay for a claim, You should read
each section carefully. You should make sure to check this
Policy before You travel to make sure that You, and all the things You want
to do, are covered.
Cover Section Age Limit
Age Limit for Covered Person
Travel Insurance Cover
(Sections A – E)
You must be 79 years of age or younger before You make Your
Qualifying Travel Purchase.
Card Purchase Cover (Section F)
Card Refund Cover (Section G)
No age limitations apply for these cover sections.
Age Limit for Close Relative or Travelling Companion
If Your claim relates to cancellation or disruption of Your Trip due to an Injury
or Illness of Your Close Relative or Travelling Companion, age limits also
Trip Cancellation and Amendment Cover (Section A)
Close Relative or Travelling Companion must be 90 years of age or younger
when You make Your Qualifying Travel Purchase.
Age Limits
Please note that to be eligible for some of the benets under this Policy, age limits apply. Please see the table below for a summary
of the age limits that apply within this Policy.
Excluded Sports and Activities
Not everything You do on Your Trip will be covered by this Policy. This
some popular holiday activities such as bungee jumping, jet skiing,
horse riding or trekking (with climbing equipment or when You
ascend more than 3,000 metres from sea level).
competitive sporting events (for example, where You may receive a
fee or prize money).
Please see the denition of ‘Excluded Sports and Activities’ for a full list of
activities and sports which are not covered under this Policy.
This Policy provides some limited cover related to Coronavirus Disease
19 (COVID-19) as outlined below. All claims are subject to the usual Policy
terms, conditions and exclusions.
Domestic Return Trips (Limited Cover only)
If You need to change, Curtail or Cancel Your Domestic Return
Trip due to You, Your Travelling Companion, Your Close Relative or
a person You are visiting for the main purpose of Your Trip being
diagnosed with COVID-19, You will be eligible to claim under Section
A - Trip Cancellation and Amendment Cover.
There is no Cancellation, Curtailment or Trip Change cover due to
border closures or travel advisory warnings related to COVID-19 for
Domestic Return Trips.
There is no Medical Emergency Expenses cover for Domestic
Return Trips.
International Return Trips
If You need to Curtail, Cancel or make a Trip Change to Your
International Return Trip due to You, Your Travelling Companion, Your
Close Relative or a person You are visiting for the main purpose of
Your Trip being diagnosed with COVID- 19, You will
be eligible to claim under Section A - Trip Cancellation and
Amendment Cover.
If You need to cancel, curtail or change Your International Return
Trip because of border closures or travel advisory warnings due
to COVID-19, You will be eligible to claim under Section A – Trip
Cancellation and Amendment Cover.
Cancellation cover - applies for border closures or upgraded travel
advisory warnings which occur after You make Your Qualifying Travel
Purchase for International Return Trips.
Curtailment or Trip Change cover - applies for border closures or
upgraded travel advisory warnings which occur after You start Your
International Return Trip.
If You become ill with COVID-19 whilst on an International Return Trip,
You will be eligible to claim under Section D – Medical Emergency
Expenses Cover. Please note:
there is no cover if You travel when a ‘Do Not Travel’ travel advisory
warning has been issued by an Australian State or Territory or the
Australian Federal Government or an Australian government agency
(such as the Department of Foreign Aairs (DFAT)) prior to Your Trip
starting – even if You have an exemption to travel from the Australian
government or an Australian government agency.
there is no cover if You travel when the borders have been closed at
Your destination prior to Your Trip starting.
Cancellation or Postponement of Special Events (No Cover)
There is no cover for the cancellation or postponement of a Special Event
(for example, a wedding, conference, concert or sporting event) in Australia
or overseas arising from or related to COVID-19.
Please refer to each policy section for a full overview of the cover, terms,
conditions and exclusions that apply.
Travelling Against Medical or Government Advice
If You are advised not to travel or not to go on a particular Trip (for example,
to a specic destination), You must comply with that advice. You will not
be covered under Sections A – E of this Policy if You start a Trip against the
following advice:
a) a treating Doctor advises You not to travel; or
b) an Australian State or Territory or the Australian Federal
Government or an Australian government agency (such as DFAT)
advises You not to travel (for example, through border closures
or ‘Do Not Travel’ travel advisories). This exclusion applies even if
You have been granted a travel exemption by an Australian State
or Territory, the Australian Federal Government or an Australian
government agency (such as DFAT) to travel.
If You are advised not to travel after You have made Your Qualifying Travel
Purchase, You may be entitled to cancel or change Your Trip and make a
claim under Section A - Trip Cancellation and Amendment Cover (subject
to the terms and conditions of this Policy).
Return Trips Only
You are only eligible for the travel insurance benets under Sections A – E
of this Policy for return Trips i.e. trips that begin and end from Your Home
or Work in Australia. It does not cover One-Way Trips where You have no
plans to return to Australia.
You may need to provide evidence of Your intention to return to Your Home
or Your Work where reasonably possible, for example by providing copies
of a return ticket, itinerary or schedule, return transfer or accommodation
bookings, conrmation of return to Work dates etc. Remember, cover
automatically ends for all Trips at 62 days.
Chubb takes insurance fraud seriously. Creation or submission of false
documents, or exaggerating a genuine claim is considered insurance fraud.
Such behaviour has a negative impact on the cost of insurance for all
customers. We use Our dedicated special investigations unit at Chubb to
detect and investigate selected claims daily. When the evidence supports
it, Chubb will report suspect claims to the police and dedicate resources to
assisting any potential criminal prosecutions.
Australian Law
Your Policy is governed by the laws of the State or Territory of Australia
where Your Home is. Any dispute or action in connection with Your Policy
will be conducted and determined in the courts of the State or Territory of
Australia in which Your Home is.
Australian Currency
All payments made under this Policy must be in Australian currency.
Chubb Assistance (In the Event of an Emergency)
Emergency assistance around the world
In the event of a medical emergency whilst overseas simply phone
+61 2 8907 5666 to get immediate help in locating medical assistance in
Your local area.
For all non-emergency matters, contact Chubb Customer Service on
1800 236 023, or You can submit Your claim online by visiting the Chubb
Claims Centre for American Express:
Where Your claim is excluded or falls outside this Policy coverage, We
may still provide You with some emergency assistance. If We do this, the
provision of emergency assistance by Chubb Assistance will not in itself be
an admission of liability.
Considerable eort is made to locate, assess and reassess medical
facilities and other services worldwide. However, the medical standards,
sanitary conditions, reliability of telephone systems and facilities for
medical services dier from country to country and accordingly, it is not
always possible to have control over these factors. In the circumstances,
responsibility for any loss, medical complication or death resulting from
any factor beyond Our control, cannot be accepted by Chubb Assistance
or Us.
Eligibility for Cover Under this Policy
Cover under this Policy is only available to Card Members who meet the
eligibility criteria. You need to use Your American Express Card Account
in accordance with the Eligibility Table below. Not all cover sections have
the same eligibility criteria, so it is important You understand when the
benets under this Policy become available to You.
Cover Section
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the benets under the cover section(s) of
the Policy, the following eligibility criteria needs to be met:
When are
benets available
under the Policy?
When are no benets
available under this Policy?
Trav el
Insurance Cover
(Sections A – E)
(Continued below)
1. You are a Card Member or an Additional Card Member or their:
a. Spouse; or
b. Dependent Child.
2. You are a Resident of Australia.
Domestic Return Trips
3. You are going on a Domestic Return Trip and You either:
a. spend $500 or more on accommodation; or
b. pay the full amount of Your outbound ticket for a Scheduled
Flight, Scheduled Cruise, bus or train to Your scheduled
outbound destination,
on Your:
i. American Express Card Account;
ii. corresponding American Express Membership Rewards points
/Qantas Points /Velocity Points (where applicable); and/or
iii. Travel Benet.
If You have satised the
eligibility criteria, You will be
eligible to make a claim for
the Domestic Return Trip
or International Return Trip
that eligibility condition 3 or
4 applies to.
There is no cover under this
Policy if:
1. You do not meet the eligibility
2. Your American Express Card
Account has been cancelled
or suspended;
3. You are going on a One-Way
Please also refer to the Terms,
Conditions and Exclusions
within each cover section
(A – E below) and the General
Exclusions and General
Conditions within this Policy.
Eligibility Table
Cover Section
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the benets under the cover section(s) of
the Policy, the following eligibility criteria needs to be met:
When are benets
available under
the Policy?
When are no benets available
under this Policy?
Trav el
Insurance Cover
(Sections A – E)
International Return Trips
4. You are going on an International Return Trip and You pay the
full amount of Your outbound ticket for a Scheduled Flight or
Scheduled Cruise leaving Australia on Your:
i. American Express Card Account;
ii. corresponding American Express Membership Rewards
points/Qantas Points/Velocity Points (where applicable);
iii. Travel Benet.
5. You hold an eligible American Express Card Account which is
current (meaning it is not cancelled or suspended).
6. You are 79 years of age or younger when You make Your
Qualifying Travel Purchase.
Card Purchase
Cover (Section F)
Card Refund Cover
(Section G)
1. You are a Card Member or an Additional Card Member or their:
a. Spouse; or
b. Dependent Child.
2. You are a Resident of Australia.
3. You purchase an Eligible Item and pay the entire cost using:
I. Your American Express Card Account; and/or
II. corresponding Qantas Points / Velocity Points (where
4. You hold an eligible American Express Card Account which is
current (meaning it is not cancelled or suspended).
If You have satised
the eligibility criteria,
You will be eligible
to make a claim for
the Eligible Item that
eligibility condition 3
applies to.
There is no cover under this Policy if:
1. You do not meet the eligibility
2. Your American Express Card
Account has been cancelled or
Please also refer to the Terms,
Conditions and Exclusions within
each cover section (F and G below)
and the General Exclusions and
General Conditions within this Policy.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: American Express has the right to change or terminate the Group Policy and your insurance benets under it. American
Express will always notify you before making any change to the Group Policy that materially impacts your insurance benets.
If You change Your American Express Card
Account product, or Your American Express Card
Account is Cancelled or Suspended
If You change Your American Express Card Account product to
another card oered by American Express (e.g. a card downgrade
or upgrade), you will not be entitled to cover under this Policy and
the insurance benets will stop.
The card you hold at the date of the claim Event will determine
which insurance benets you have. If your new American Express
card comes with insurance benets, you may be entitled to cover
American Express card at the date
of Qualifying Purchase
American Express card at the
date of claim Event
Which policy applies?
Your American Express Card Account product
associated with this Policy.
A dierent American Express
card with no insurance benets.
This Policy will not apply as you changed Your American
Express card. This means there is no cover under this Policy.
See Example A below.
Your American Express Card Account product
associated with this Policy.
A dierent American Express card
with dierent insurance benets (i.e.
where you upgrade or downgrade to a
dierent card).
This Policy will not apply as you changed Your American
Express card.
The policy of your new American Express card will apply,
subject to the terms, conditions, limits and exclusions of
that policy.
See Example B below.
A dierent American Express card product with
or without insurance benets.
Your American Express Card Account
associated with this Policy.
This Policy will apply. Cover is subject to the terms,
conditions, limits and exclusions of this Policy.
Your American Express Card Account product
associated with this Policy.
Your American Express Card Account
has been cancelled or suspended.
This Policy does not apply; there are no insurance benets
available to you as your American Express Card Account has
been cancelled or suspended.
under that new policy. You should always check before changing
to another American Express card whether that card comes with
insurance benets, and the terms and conditions associated with
any such insurance benets to ensure the level of cover is right
for You.
If your American Express Card Account is suspended or
cancelled, then there is no cover under this Policy.
Please see the table below for more information.
The following examples are provided to illustrate how Your cover may be aected by changes to Your card.
Example A – No American Express Card Account in place at the
date of claim Event
Example B – Dierent American Express card in place at the
date of claim Event
Joan holds an American Express Card Account that has travel insurance
cover and makes a Qualifying Travel Purchase for a Trip that she intends to
take later in the year.
Before she starts her Trip, Joan decides to cancel her American Express Card
Account. Upon cancelling her American Express Card Account, Joan does
not apply for another American Express card.
Subsequently, Joan travels and unfortunately her luggage is lost in transit to
her scheduled destination.
Joan does not have any entitlement to make a claim under the Policy for
the lost luggage as Joan had cancelled the American Express Card Account,
which means Joan did not hold a valid American Express Card Account at
the date of the claim Event and therefore no longer has access to the travel
insurance cover.
Tim makes a Qualifying Travel Purchase for a Trip using his American Express
Card Account that has travel insurance cover.
Prior to travelling, Tim arranges with American Express to downgrade his
card to another American Express card with a lower fee that has less travel
insurance benets.
On the Trip, Tim suers an Injury. The previous American Express Card
Account which Tim held included Medical Emergency Expenses cover, but
the new card held by Tim at the date of the claim Event does not include
Medical Emergency Expenses cover.
Tim cannot therefore make a claim for Medical Emergency Expenses as
the policy in force at the date of the claim Event does not include this type
of cover.
For medical and travel emergencies, please contact Chubb Assistance on +61 2 8907 5666.
For claims and general enquiries about this Policy, please contact Chubb:
Address: Grosvenor Place, Level 38, 225 George Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000 Australia
Postal Address: GPO Box 4907, SYDNEY NSW 2001
Telephone: 1800 236 023
Overseas Telephone: +61 2 9335 3492
Not an emergency?
Making a claim is quick and easy. You can submit Your claim online by visiting the Chubb Claims Centre for American Express:
Section Cover Description Key Exclusions
Travel Insurance Cover
A Trip Cancellation and Amendment Cover
Provides cover in the event You must Cancel, Curtail or change
Your Trip for the following reasons:
You or Your Travelling Companion suering an Injury,
unforeseen Illness or dying before or during Your Trip;
a Close Relative, suering an Injury or an unforeseen Illness or
dying before or during Your Trip;
a Natural Disaster has caused devastation to the destination
You were intending to travel;
an Australian State or Territory or the Australian Federal
Government or an Australian government agency (such as
DFAT – Department of Trade and Foreign airs) upgrading
a travel advisory to ‘Reconsider your need to travel’ or ‘Do
Not Travel’ travel warning or borders closing in respect of the
destination You were intending to travel after You:
make Your Qualifying Travel Purchase in the case of a
Cancellation claim, or
start Your Trip in the case of a Curtailment or Trip Change.
Cover varies depending on the Trip type (international or
What is covered?
Non-refundable deposits, excursion costs and unused
travel and accommodation costs You have paid in advance.
We will not pay for:
Cancellation, Curtailment or Trip Change due to a Pre-Existing Medical
losses arising from the death, serious injury or acute Illness of any
Close Relative or Travelling Companion who is 91 years or older when
You made Your Qualifying Travel Purchase;
circumstances where Cancellation, Curtailment or Trip Change was
foreseeable, avoidable, unnecessary or within Your control at the time
of making a Qualifying Travel Purchase (for Cancellation) or before
starting a Trip (for Curtailment or Trip Change);
You or any other person simply changing their mind and deciding not
to travel or choosing to stop their Trip;
Cancellation, Curtailment or Trip Change of a Domestic Return Trip
due to border closures, travel advisory warnings or quarantine as a
result of an epidemic, pandemic or outbreak of an infectious disease
or virus or any derivative or mutation of such viruses;
the cancellation or postponement of a Special Event arising from or
related to an epidemic, pandemic or outbreak of an infectious disease
or virus or any derivative or mutation of such viruses.
B Personal Accident Cover
1. Accidental Death or Permanent Disablement during Your
Cover in the event of Your Accidental Death or Permanent
Disablement due to an accident whilst on a Trip.
2. Public Transport Accident Cover
Provides cover for Accidental Death or Permanent Disablement
While travelling as a passenger on Public Transport; or
From exposure and disappearance.
We will not pay for:
events which occur whilst travelling on privately hired, rented or
chartered transport under part 2 – Public Transport Accident Cover;
death caused by illness or natural causes.
Coverage Summary
The following table is a summary of cover only, it is not an exhaustive list of all limits, terms, conditions or exclusions in this Policy. It is intended to
be a quick reference tool to help You understand the main benets and some exclusions that apply.
You should always read the full Policy for comprehensive details.
Section Cover Description Key Exclusions
Travel Insurance Cover
C Travel Inconvenience Cover
Provides cover if:
Your Scheduled Flight departure is delayed by 4 hours
or more;
Your Scheduled Flight is cancelled;
You are denied Scheduled Flight boarding;
You miss a Scheduled Flight connection; or
Your checked luggage is delayed by 6 hours or more.
The amount of cover varies for each benet.
We will not pay for:
Personal Baggage delay at the airport You rst departed from in Your
Home State or Territory in Australia;
the purchase of clothing and toiletries which are not necessary for
Your Trip;
costs if You fail to notify the transport provider or carrier about delayed or
missing luggage or You do not obtain a luggage incident report from them
or show You have taken reasonable steps to obtain one.
D Medical Emergency Expenses Cover
Provides cover for Repatriation/Evacuation, cost of overseas
Treatment, emergency dental Treatment and
reasonable extra accommodation costs in the event of a
Medical Emergency while You are on Your International
Return Trip, and transportation of Your remains or burial
expenses following Your death while on a Trip.
We will not pay for:
costs relating to Pre-Existing Medical Conditions;
any expenses if you are 80 years of age or older before You make your
Qualifying Travel Purchase;
medical costs if You do not make reasonable attempts to contact Chubb
Assistance where You were reasonably able to do so;
costs arising from Your participation in Excluded Sports and Activities
(for example, horse riding, deep sea shing, bungee jumping, jet skiing,
hot air ballooning and rock climbing). Check the denition of Excluded
Sports and Activities in the Denitions section for the full list of excluded
costs arising from or related to Trips where the following advice has been
provided prior to starting Your Trip,
an Australian State or Territory or the Australian Federal Government
or an Australian government agency (such as DFAT) has issued a travel
advisory warning, advising You to ‘Do Not Travel’ or that borders are
closed, for the destination You planned to travel to; or
a Doctor advised You not to travel.
E Personal Baggage, Valuables, Money and Travel
Documents Cover
Provides cover if Your Personal Baggage, Valuables, Money
and Travel Documents are damaged, destroyed, lost or stolen
during Your Trip.
We will not pay for:
Valuables or Money within Your Personal Baggage checked in or stowed in
the luggage hold of an airplane, ship, bus or train;
Valuables and/or Money that are left Unattended in a motor vehicle
(unless You have no option other than to leave the items Unattended due
to an emergency medical, security or evacuation situation);
any Items left Unattended in a Public Place (unless You have no option
other than to leave the items Unattended due to an emergency medical,
security or evacuation situation);
claims where You do not obtain a report from local police, the carrier, tour
or transport operator or accommodation provider and You have not taken
reasonable steps to obtain one either.
Section Cover Description Key Exclusions
Retail Item Protection
F Card Purchase Cover
Covers theft or damage to Eligible Items within 90 days of
We will not pay for:
Eligible Items left Unattended in a Public Place (unless You have no option
other than to leave the Eligible Items Unattended due to an emergency
medical, security or evacuation situation);
Eligible Items left in an Unattended motor vehicle except where they
are locked out of sight in a Secure Area which has been accessed by
Forcible Entry or You have no option other than to leave the Eligible
Items Unattended due to an emergency medical, security or evacuation
G Card Refund Cover
Covers You for a refund of the purchase price on any unused
Eligible Items that You wish to return which the retailer
operating in Australia will not take it back (for up to 90 days
after purchase).
We will not pay for:
Eligible Items returned because they are faulty;
claims where a store credit or credit note has been oered;
items purchased from a retailer outside Australia;
Eligible Items with a purchase price of $50 or less;
used or second-hand items.
Travel Insurance
of Cover
Cover Description
Benet Limit – per Covered Person unless otherwise
International Return Trip Domestic Return Trip Excess
Section A
Trip Cancellation and Amendment Cover (section limit) Up to $7,500 Up to $7,500
$250b. Travel agent commission (sub-limit)
Up to $750 or 15% of the
total booking amount,
whichever is the lesser
Up to $750 or 15% of the
total booking amount,
whichever is the lesser
c. Additional travel and accommodation (sub-limit) Up to $3,000 Up to $3,000
Section B
Personal Accident Cover
Card Member/Additional
Card Member/Spouse/
Dependent Child(ren)
Card Member/Additional
Card Member/Spouse/
Dependent Child(ren)
1. Accidental Death or
Permanent Disablement arising
during Your Trip
Benet Type
i. Accidental Death $25,000 $25,000
Permanent Disablement:
ii. Loss of both hands or both
$25,000 $25,000
iii. Loss of one (1) hand and one
(1) foot
$25,000 $25,000
iv. Loss of entire sight of both
$25,000 $25,000
v. Loss of entire sight of one (1)
eye and loss of one (1) hand
or one (1) foot
$25,000 $25,000
vi. Loss of one (1) hand or one
(1) foot
$12,500 $12,500
vii. Loss of the entire sight of
one (1) eye
$12,500 $12,500
2. Public Transport Accident
Benet Type
Card Member/Additional
Card Member/Spouse/
Dependent Child(ren)
Card Member/Additional
Card Member/Spouse/
Dependent Child(ren)
a. Accidental Death or Permanent
Disablement arising while
travelling as a passenger on
Public Transport
i. Accidental Death $200,000 $200,000
Permanent Disablement:
Schedule of Benets
Please note that amounts quoted are in Australian dollars (unless otherwise stated).
2. Public Transport Accident
Benet Type
Card Member/Additional
Card Member/Spouse/
Dependent Child(ren)
Card Member/Additional
Card Member/Spouse/
Dependent Child(ren)
b. Accidental Death or
Permanent Disablement
arising from exposure
c. Accidental Death arising from
disappearance while travelling
on Public Transport
ii. Loss of both hands or both
$200,000 $200,000
iii. Loss of one (1) hand and one
(1) foot
$200,000 $200,000
iv. Loss of entire sight of both
$200,000 $200,000
v. Loss of entire sight of one (1)
eye and loss of one (1) hand
or one (1) foot
$200,000 $200,000
vi. Loss of one (1) hand or one
(1) foot
$100,000 $100,000
vii. Loss of the entire sight of
one (1) eye
$100,000 $100,000
Section C
Travel Inconvenience Cover
Per Covered
for all
Per Covered
for all
1. Delayed, cancelled, overbooked or missed onward Scheduled
Up to $200
after 4
Up to $400
after 4
Up to $200
after 4
Up to $400
after 4
2. Extended Delayed, cancelled, overbooked or missed onward
Scheduled Flight
Up to $150
per 24-hour
period to
a maximum
of $600
Up to $300
per 24-hour
period to
a maximum
of $1,200
Up to $150
per 24-hour
period to
a maximum
of $600
Up to $300
per 24-hour
period to
a maximum
of $1,200
3. Delay of Personal Baggage checked-in on Scheduled Flight
Up to $200
after 6 hours
Up to $400
after 6 hours
Up to $200
after 6 hours
Up to $400
after 6 hours
4. Extended Delay of Personal Baggage checked-in on Scheduled
Up to $200
48 hours
Up to $400
48 hours
Up to $200
48 hours
Up to $400
48 hours
5. Delayed arrival to a Special Event
Up to
Up to
Up to
Up to
Section D
Medical Emergency Expenses Cover
1. In The Event Of A Medical Emergency (section limit)
Up to $2,500,000
Not Covered $250
1. a. In The Event Of A Medical Emergency & Repatriation/
Evacuation (sub limit) – costs arising as a result of
Up to $1,000,000
2. Emergency Dental (sub limit) Up to $1,000
3. Repatriation/Evacuation (sub limit) Up to $2,500,000
4. Incidental expenses each 24 hours (sub limit)
Up to $50 per 24-hour period
to a maximum of $1,200
5. Extra accommodation (room only) (sub limit)
Up to $150 per 24-hour
period up to a maximum
of $1,500
6. a) Return economy airfare (sub limit) Up to $3,000
6. b) Extra accommodation (room only) (sub limit)
Up to $150 per 24-hour
period up to a maximum
of $1,500
2. In The Event Of Your death (Repatriation/Funeral/Burial
Up to $15,000 Up to $15,000
In the event of Your death in a Schengen member state Up to 30,000 EUR Not Covered
Section E
Personal Baggage, Valuables, Money And Travel Documents
Cover (section limit)
Up to $5,000 Up to $5,000
a. Money and Travel Documents (sub limit) Up to $500 Up to $500
b. Maximum total of all Valuables (including sub limits i. to iv.); Up to $2,500 Up to $2,500
i. One (1) Smartphone (sub limit); Up to $250 Up to $250
ii. One (1) laptop (including accessories sold with the laptop)
(sub limit);
Up to $1,000 Up to $1,000
iii. One (1) camera (including lenses and accessories) (sub
Up to $1,000 Up to $1,000
iv. Any other Valuable item (sub limit) Up to $1,000 Up to $1,000
c. any other single item or Pair or Set of items (sub limit); Up to $1,000 Up to $1,000
Retail Item Protection
Cover Description Benet Limit
Section F
Card Purchase Cover (section limit)
Up to $20,000 in any three hundred and sixty-ve (365) day
period beginning when the rst claim Event occurs
Per Eligible Item Up to $2,500
Section G
Card Refund Cover (section limit)
Up to $2,000 in any three hundred and sixty-ve (365) day
period beginning when the rst claim Event occur
Per Eligible Item Up to $500
The following words when used with capital letters in this document have
the meaning given below. Wherever these words are used in plural in this
Policy, they have the same meaning as the singular form shown below.
Accidental Death means death occurring as a result of an Injury.
American Express means American Express Australia Limited (ABN 92
108 952 085, AFS Licence No. 291313) of 12 Shelley Street, Sydney NSW
2000, the Group Policy holder.
American Express Card Account means an account issued by American
Express Australia Limited which is current (meaning it is not suspended or
cancelled), billed from Australia and in Australian dollars for the following
card products:
a) Qantas American Express Premium Card;
b) American Express Velocity Gold Card.
Additional Card Member means a person who is issued an additional
American Express card that is connected to the Card Member’s primary
American Express Card Account (also known as a supplementary card
Appointed Claims Handler means Chubb or its claims handling agent
and/or representative.
Card Member means a person who is issued an American Express Card
Account as the primary account holder.
Chubb means Chubb Insurance Australia Limited (ABN 23 001 642 020,
AFS Licence No. 239687) of Grosvenor Place, Level 38, 225 George Street,
SYDNEY NSW 2000, the insurer of the Group Policy held by American
Chubb Assistance means the service provider acting on behalf of Chubb
to provide emergency assistance.
Close Relative means Spouse, parent, parent-in-law, step-parent, child,
brother, half-brother, step-brother, brother-in-law, sister, half-sister, step-
sister, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, niece, nephew, uncle, aunt,
grandparent or grandchild.
Covered Person means the Card Member or an Additional Card Member,
1. their Spouse;
2. their Dependent Child(ren)
who meets the eligibility criteria as specied in the Eligibility Table.
Dependent Child(ren) means any child (including stepchild or adopted
child) of a Card Member, Additional Card Member or Spouse who is
primarily dependent upon the Card Member or Spouse for maintenance
and support, and who is:
a. 25 years of age or younger; or
b. of any age permanently mentally or physically incapable of self-
support, as conrmed by medical evidence from a Doctor and who is
permanently living with the Card Member or Spouse.
Dentist means a legally registered dentist who is not You or Your
Close Relative.
Doctor means a legally registered medical practitioner who is not You or
Your Close Relative.
Domestic Return Trip means a return trip within Australia that is more
than 150 kilometre radius from Your Home:
a. when You leave Your Home or Your Work (whichever occurs last) to
travel to Your destination, or
b. when You leave Your Home or Your Work (whichever occurs last) to
travel to the departure point of Your Scheduled Flight or Scheduled
Cruise; and
c. when You return to Your Home or Your Work (whichever occurs rst);
d. when Your trip exceeds 62 consecutive days.
Eligible Item means an item:
1. that is purchased from a retailer solely for personal use; and
2. that is new and has not been used in any way at the time of purchase;
3. the cost of which has been charged to Your American Express Card
Account (including through the redemption of Qantas Points /
Velocity Points).
Event(s) means an occurrence that gives rise to a claim for a benet under
Your Policy. Multiple occurrences attributable to one source or originating
cause is deemed to be one Event.
Excess is the amount You must pay for each successful claim
where indicated.
Excluded Sports and Activities means boxing; cave diving; horse
jumping; horse riding; hunting and hunting on horseback; professional
sports; canyoning; caving; diving; mountain-climbing; steeple chasing; any
form of motor racing; speed, performance or endurance tests; abseiling;
American football; bob sleigh; bungee jumping; base jumping, canoeing;
clay pigeon shooting; deep sea shing; go-karting; hang gliding; heli-
skiing; hot air ballooning; ice hockey; jet biking and jet skiing; martial arts;
micro-lighting; mountain biking o tarmac; mountaineering; parachuting;
paragliding; parascending; paraskiing; polo; quad biking; rock climbing;
SCUBA diving deeper than 30 metres; skidoo; ski-jumping; ski-racing;
ski-stunting; tour operator safari (where You or any tourist will be carrying
guns); trekking requiring climbing equipment and/or ascending above
3,000 metres from sea level; war games/paint ball; white water rafting;
yachting more than 20 nautical miles from the nearest coastline.
Forcible Entry means unlawful entry by forcible and violent means, as
evidenced by a broken window, damaged or picked lock,
broken hinge or door handle.
Group Policy means the group policy of insurance held by American
Express as detailed in the General Information To Know About
This Policy’ section of this Policy.
Home means Your usual place of residence in Australia (where You live).
Illness means a sickness or disease which requires treatment by a Doctor
or a Dentist; it does not include an Injury or PreExisting Medical Conditions.
Injury means an accidental bodily injury resulting solely and directly from:
1. a sudden, external and identiable Event that happens by chance and
could not have been expected from the
2. perspective of the Covered Person; and which occurs independently
of any Illness or any other cause, and
3. causes a loss within 12 months of the accident.
It does not include an Illness or a Pre-Existing Medical Condition.
Insolvency means bankruptcy, provisional liquidation, liquidation,
insolvency, appointment of a receiver or administrator, entry into a scheme
of arrangement, statutory protection stopping the payment of debts or
the happening of anything of a similar nature under the applicable laws of
any jurisdiction.
International Return Trip means a trip where Your destination is outside
of Australia:
a. when You leave Your Home or Your Work (whichever occurs last) to
travel to the airport to y on Your Scheduled Flight; or
b. when You leave Your Home or Your Work (whichever occurs last) to
travel to a harbour port to board a Scheduled Cruise; and
c. when You return to Your Home or Your Work (whichever occurs rst)
having travelled from the airport or harbour port; or
d. when Your trip exceeds 62 consecutive days.
Manual Work means paid work which involves the installation, assembly,
maintenance or repair of electrical, mechanical or hydraulic plant (other
than in a purely managerial, supervisory, sales or administrative capacity).
It also means manual labour of any kind including, but not restricted to,
hands-on work such as a plumber, electrician, lighting or sound technician,
carpenter, painter, decorator or builder.
Medical Emergency means:
an Injury;
sudden and unforeseen Illness; or
a dental issue,
suered by You whilst overseas on an International Return Trip, which
results in the immediate need for Treatment which cannot be reasonably
delayed until Your return to Australia without causing discomfort
or risk of aggravation in the opinion of a local treating Doctor or by
Chubb Assistance.
Money means currency, travellers cheques, hotel and other redeemable
holiday vouchers and petrol coupons. It does not mean cryptocurrency.
Natural Disaster means volcanic eruption, ood (more than 20,000
square metres of normally dry land), tsunami, earthquake, landslide,
cyclone, tornado or bushre. The term Natural Disaster does not include
any infectious or contagious disease or virus regardless of transmission
(including pandemic or epidemic).
One-Way Trip means any trip for which you are unable to provide evidence
of your intention to return to Your Home or Your Work.
Pair or Set means two or more items that are: i) used together; ii)
associated with each other; or iii) corresponding (including attached and
unattached accessories) and regarded as 1 unit.
Permanent Disablement means a loss caused by an Injury which results
in the:
i. complete and permanent severance of a foot at or above the ankle
joint; or
ii. complete and permanent severance of a hand at or above the
wrist; or
iii. irrecoverable loss of the entire sight of an eye.
Personal Baggage means items of necessity, ornament or personal
convenience for Your individual use during the Trip, including clothing,
toiletries, and personal eects worn or carried by You within a suitcase (or
similar). It does not include Valuables.
Policy means this document which details the insurance benets available
to You under the Group Policy including all relevant terms, benet limits,
conditions and exclusions.
2 years 1. requires either of the following:
i. ongoing medication for treatment or risk factor control;
ii. prescribed medication from a Doctor;
iii. check-ups, consultations, reviews or progress advice (other than those recommended by a Doctor to review
a previous condition that is considered by a Doctor prior to You making Your Qualifying Travel Purchase to be
cured or in complete remission); or
iv. surgery;
2. is either
i. under investigation;
ii. pending diagnosis or test results; or
iii. chronic or arthritic
aects any of the following body parts:
• heart;
• brain (other than a mental health related condition);
• liver;
• back / spine;
• kidneys;
• cardiovascular or circulatory or respiratory system;
where such medical condition either:
i. involved a hospital emergency visitation or being an inpatient in hospital; or
ii. required or requires surgery, a specialist appointment or consultation; or
iii. requires:
i. ongoing medication for treatment or risk factor control; or
ii. prescribed medication from a Doctor; or
iii. check-ups, consultations, reviews or progress advice (other than those recommended by a Doctor to review
a previous condition that is considered by a Doctor prior to You making Your Qualifying Travel Purchase to be
cured or in complete remission); or
a. is currently either:
i. under investigation; or
ii. pending diagnosis or test results.
Pre-Existing Medical Condition means any physical defect, medical or dental condition, illness, injury or disease that: cal or dental condition, illness, injury or
disease that:
Public Place means any place that is accessible by the public, including,
shops, buses, planes, trains, Taxis, airports, bus depots, hotel foyers,
restaurants, cafes, beaches and entertainment venues.
Public Transport means an air, land, water or rail passenger transport
that is operated by a carrier licensed for the regular transportation of fare-
paying passengers (including a Taxi, ride-hailing service, airport limousine,
aircraft or watercraft as part of a paid sightseeing tour). It does not mean
privately hired, rented or chartered air or water transport (such as private
helicopter, private jet or plane, or private watercraft).
Qualifying Travel Purchase means:
a. If You are going on a Domestic Return Trip, You:
i. Spend $500 or more on accommodation, or
ii. Pay the full amount of Your outbound ticket for a Scheduled
Flight, Scheduled Cruise, bus or train to Your scheduled outbound
destination; or
b. If You are going on an International Return Trip, You pay the full amount
of Your outbound ticket for a Scheduled Flight or Scheduled Cruise
leaving Australia;
and You charge the payment to Your:
i. American Express Card Account; and/or
ii. corresponding American Express Membership Rewards points /
Qantas Points / Velocity Points (where applicable), and/or
iii. Travel Benet.
Qualifying Purchase means:
i. a Qualifying Travel Purchase; or
ii. purchase of an Eligible Item.
Repatriation/Evacuation means Your:
1. transportation to the nearest hospital, if transportation is not provided
free of charge in the country of incident; or
2. evacuation to the nearest adequately equipped hospital in the event
that local medical facilities consider they cannot adequately treat You
or where Chubb Assistance’s medical ocer considers local medical
facilities to be inadequate; or
3. repatriation directly to Australia when permitted by the local treating
Doctor or when recommended by Chubb Assistance’s medical ocer; or
4. return to Australia after hospitalisation, provided that You are
deemed to be medically t for travel by the treating Doctor or by
Chubb Assistance’s medical ocer, and that Your original means of
transportation cannot be used.
Resident of Australia means an Australian citizen, or holder of an
Australian visa [including a permanent residency visa, partner/spouse visa,
Australian skilled migrant visa (including 457 and Temporary Skill Shortage
(TSS) visa), or a student visa]:
a. with a right to entry into Australia in accordance with their citizenship,
residency or visa;
b. with access to long-term medical care in Australia;
c. who has a permanent Australian residential address; and
d. who currently resides in Australia.
Scheduled Airline means airline passenger transport that operates to
a published timetable or schedule and is available to the general public.
It does not mean privately hired, rented or chartered air transport (such
private jet or plane or helicopter).
Scheduled Cruise means passenger transport that operates to a
published timetable or schedule and is available to the general public. It
does not mean privately hired, rented or chartered sea transport (such as
water taxi, private boat, cruising on a cargo ship).
Scheduled Flight means a ight in an aircraft on a Scheduled Airline.
Schengen Visa means You holding a valid visa that enables You to enter,
freely travel within, and leave any of the Schengen member countries
within Europe.
Secure Area means the locked dashboard, glove compartment, boot or
luggage compartment of a motor vehicle including the locked luggage
compartment of a hatchback or station wagon, the xed storage units of a
motorised or towed caravan, or a locked luggage box locked to a roof rack
locked to the vehicle, providing that, in each case, all items are out of sight.
Smartphone means an electronic device used for mobile
telecommunications over a cellular network (including but not limited to,
Apple, Samsung, Huawei or similar). Smartphone does not mean tablets or
smart watches.
to cancer.
manifestation of symptoms where a reasonable person in the circumstances would be expected to be aware
of or a reasonable person under the circumstances would have foreseen.
Special Event means a wedding, funeral, pre-paid conference, pre-paid
sporting event pre-paid concert or festival, which before You
started Your Trip You had planned to attend.
Spouse means the Card Member’s or the Additional Card Member’s
husband, wife, ancé or defacto.
Taxi means a vehicle with a driver for public hire for passenger
transportation, either hailed on the street or via a mobile
phone application.
Terminal Illness means a medical condition for which a terminal prognosis
has been given by a qualied Doctor and which is likely to result in death.
Terrorism means activities against persons, organisations or property of
any nature:
1. that involves the following or preparation for the following:
a) use of, or threat of, force or violence; or
b) commission of, or threat of, force or violence; or
c) commission of, or threat of, an act that interferes with or disrupts an
electronic communication, information, or mechanical system; and
2. when 1 or both of the following applies:
a) the eect is to intimidate or coerce a government or the civilian
population or any segment thereof, or to disrupt any segment of the
economy; and/or
b) it appears that the intent is to intimidate or coerce a government, or to
further political, ideological, religious, social or economic objectives or
to express (or express opposition to) a philosophy or ideology.
Travel Benet means any travel benet or credit oered under the
American Express Card Account terms and conditions.
Travelling Companion means a person travelling with You on a Trip which
has the same travel itinerary as You.
Travel Documents means travel tickets, passports, visas and
driving licences.
Treatment means surgical or medical procedures performed by a
Doctor or Dentist where the sole purpose of which is to cure or relieve
Illness or Injury.
Trip means:
1. a Domestic Return Trip; or
2. an International Return Trip.
Unattended means when Your Personal Baggage, Valuables, Money, Travel
Documents or an Eligible Item are not:
a. worn or carried by You; or
b. under Your observation and within 3 metres of You.
Valuables means jewellery; furs; articles containing precious metals
or precious stones; watches; binoculars; audio equipment or devices;
photographic and electronic equipment or devices; Smartphones and
tablets; personal organisers and games consoles; laptops and external
computer devices (including all printers, modems, external hard drives
and similar).
We/Our/Us means Chubb.
Work means Your usual place of work within Australia having a xed
physical address.
You/Your means a Covered Person.
Section (A) Trip Cancellation And Amendment Cover
This benet is only available when You meet the eligibility criteria set out in
the Eligibility Table.
Please refer to the Schedule of Benets within this Policy to conrm the
amount of cover available under this section.
Cancellation means a cancellation resulting in You not starting Your Trip at
all. ‘Cancel’ and ‘Cancelled’ has the corresponding meaning.
Curtailment means cutting short Your Trip and returning to Your Home in
Australia. ‘Curtail’ and ‘Curtailed’ has the corresponding meaning.
Trip Change means any change that You must make to a Trip You have
started but that does not result in You having to return Home any earlier
than intended.
This cover section provides cover for a necessary and unavoidable
Cancellation, Curtailment or Trip Change for specied Events, as listed
Please note that:
1. specied Events 1 – 10 below (except 7 c) provide cover (as
specied below) for circumstances arising from or relating to an
epidemic, pandemic or outbreak of an infectious disease or virus or
any derivative or mutation of such viruses, and
2. specied Events 11 – 12 do not provide any cover for
circumstances arising from or relating to an epidemic, pandemic
or outbreak of an infectious disease or virus or any derivative or
mutation of such viruses.
If You have a necessary and unavoidable Cancellation, Curtailment or Trip
Change due to one of the following unforeseen specied Events:
1. You or Your Travelling Companion or a person You are visiting for the
main purpose of Your Trip suering an Injury, an unforeseen Illness
or death;
2. Your Close Relative, or a Close Relative of a Travelling Companion or a
Close Relative of a person You are visiting for the main purpose of Your
Trip suering an Injury, an unforeseen Illness or dying;
3. Your redundancy which qualies for redundancy payments under
current legislation;
4. You being in the Australian armed services (military, naval or air service)
or emergency services (police, re, ambulance) and Your leave is
5. You being called for jury service or being subpoenaed as a witness other
than in a professional or advisory capacity;
6. You being required by the police or an authority to be present at Your
Home or place of business in Australia following burglary, or local major
damage such as ood at Your Home or place of business in Australia;
7. Your paid transport has been cancelled by your transport provider as a
result of:
a. riot, strike, civil commotion;
b. adverse weather;
c. Natural Disaster;
d. mechanical breakdown of the transport You planned to travel on;
provided that there had been no published ocial warning, before You
make Your Qualifying Travel Purchase, that any such Event had occurred
or was likely to occur;
8. there is a Natural Disaster, or a Natural Disaster has recently happened
or is reasonably expected to happen, on the direct route to or at Your
Trip destination, provided that there had been no published ocial
warning, before You make Your Qualifying Travel Purchase, that any such
Event had occurred or was likely to occur;
9. a Natural Disaster or the imminent risk of one at Your Home in Australia;
10. for Your International Return Trip, where:
a. an Australian State or Territory, the Australian Federal Government
or an Australian government agency (such as DFAT – Department of
Trade and Foreign Aairs) have upgraded a travel advisory warning,
advising You:
i. to ‘Reconsider your need to travel’ or ‘Do Not Travel’, or
ii. that borders are closed for the scheduled destination You planned
to travel, or
iii. that mandatory quarantine is required at Your destination;
b. an Australian state or territory public health authority have:
i. classied You as having close contact with a person diagnosed with
an infectious disease or virus which is classied as an epidemic or
pandemic; and
ii. directed You into a period of quarantine as a result of this contact;
c. an Australian State or Territory, the Australian Federal Government or
an Australian government agency (such as DFAT) has implemented a
lockdown order (encompassing stay-at-home orders or the restriction
of movement of people into or out of a dened geographic region)
and the order applies to the geographic region where Your Home is;
the warning was published or the order was given after You:
i. make Your Qualifying Travel Purchase in the case of a claim for
Cancellation; or
ii. start Your Trip in the case of a claim for Curtailment or Trip Change;
11. a Special Event You were attending has been cancelled or postponed
except due to circumstances arising from or relating to an epidemic,
pandemic or outbreak of an infectious disease or virus or any derivative
or mutation of such viruses;
12. for Your Domestic Return Trip, where an Australian State or Territory
Government or government agency have issued an ocial written
government statement advising You:
i. not to travel to Your destination; or
ii. that borders are closed for the destination You have planned to
travel to;
except due to circumstances arising from or relating to an epidemic,
pandemic or outbreak of an infectious disease or virus or any derivative
or mutation of such viruses;
and the warning was published after You:
i. make Your Qualifying Travel Purchase in the case of a claim for
Cancellation; or
ii. started Your Trip in the case of a claim for Curtailment or Trip
We will pay up to the maximum relevant cover section limit inclusive of sub-
limits as shown in the Schedule of Benets for:
a. non-refundable and unused:
i. deposits that You have paid in advance;
ii. excursion costs that You have paid in advance;
iii. travel and accommodation costs that You have paid in advance;
b. non-refundable travel agents’ commission;
c. any other reasonable additional travel or accommodation expenses for
a Trip Change or Curtailment,
however, where You have incurred both additional travel or accommodation
expenses as well as forfeited expenses, only the greater of these expenses
is payable under this Policy.
For example, if You forfeited pre-paid accommodation for a particular night,
but also incur additional accommodation expenses for the same night, only
the highest amount will be payable.
(Please also refer to the General Conditions Applicable to all Sections
within this Policy).
1. Claims for Injury or Illness will require conrmation in writing by a
treating Doctor conrming the Injury or Illness. If a written conrmation
is not provided, You must provide evidence that You have taken
reasonable steps to obtain the written conrmation, such as emails, call
logs or other reasonable evidence.
2. Claims for death will require death certicate conrming cause of death.
If a death certicate is not provided, You must provide evidence that
You have taken reasonable steps to obtain the death certicate, such as
emails, call logs or other reasonable evidence.
3. Where the purchase of an airplane, ship, bus or train ticket (or part
thereof) was done so using membership rewards points or similar points
and the loss of such points cannot be recovered from any other source
(within a reasonable timeframe and after reasonable eorts have been
made to seek recovery), We will calculate the loss by using the retail
price associated with the travel provider of the issued ticket at the time
the ticket was purchased.
4. You must take reasonable steps to recover any refund, credit note or
voucher You are entitled to. Where You have received or been oered
a refund, credit note or voucher for the cost of a booking, whether
partially or in full, the amount oered or received is to be considered
refundable. You are only eligible for cover under this cover section for
non-refundable and unused costs.
(Please also refer to the General Exclusions Applicable to all Sections
within this Policy).
We will not pay for or reimburse any costs arising from or relating to:
1. You or any other person simply changing their mind and deciding not to
start a Trip, continue with the Trip or any other disinclination to travel;
2. Pre-Existing Medical Conditions (whether Yours, Your Travelling
Companion’s or a Close Relative’s) except when You make a
Cancellation, Curtailment or Trip Change due to the death of a Travelling
Companion or Close Relative and provided the death was not as a result
of a Terminal Illness;
3. the death, Injury, unforeseen Illness of any Close Relative or Travelling
Companion who is 91 years of age or older when You made Your
Qualifying Travel Purchase;
4. costs where a refund, credit note or voucher has been received or
oered for those costs;
5. additional costs incurred due to Your failure to notify the carrier or travel
agent as soon as reasonably possible that Your Trip is to be Cancelled or
6. any government regulation, prohibition or restriction, including but not
limited to:
a. Your failure to hold or obtain a valid passport, visa, or other required
documentation prior to commencing Your Trip;
b. Travel advisories, border closures, mandatory quarantine, public
health directives to quarantine or lockdown orders which occurred
before You:
i. made Your Qualifying Travel Purchase in the case of a claim for a
Cancellation; or
ii. started Your Trip in the case of a claim for a Curtailment or Trip
c. border closures or government advice not to travel which relate to an
epidemic, pandemic or outbreak of an infectious disease or virus or
any derivative or mutation of such viruses for a Domestic Return Trip;
7. where You do not meet the vaccination protocols required by a transport
provider or an Australian State, Territory or the Australian Federal
Government or the government of any destination You had planned to
travel to before they allow You to board the Public Transport;
8. a Special Event that is cancelled or postponed as a result of an epidemic,
pandemic or outbreak of an infectious disease or virus or any derivative
or mutation of such viruses;
9. Your failure to check-in at the required time for any ight, sea crossing,
train or bus journey which is within Your control;
10. Cancellation caused by Your work commitments, or amendment of
Your entitlement by Your employer, unless You are a member of the
Australian armed services (military, naval or air service) or emergency
services (police, re, ambulance) and the expense or cost was incurred
as a result of Your leave being revoked;
11. travel or accommodation costs for anyone that is not a Covered Person;
12. costs incurred in respect of any medical condition where You are
unable to supply a medical certicate from Your treating Doctor
conrming Cancellation, Curtailment or Trip Change was necessary and
unavoidable. If a written conrmation is not provided, You must provide
evidence that You have taken reasonable steps to obtain the written
conrmation, such as emails, call logs or other reasonable evidence;
13. Your nancial circumstances or any contractual or business obligation;
14. the failure of Your travel agent to pass on monies to operators or to
deliver promised services;
15. the Insolvency of any person, company or organisation, including but
not limited to a travel agent, tour operator, accommodation provider,
airline or other carrier, vehicle rental agency or any other travel or
tourism services provider;
16. additional transportation or accommodation expenses which are
payable under another section or benet of this Policy;
17. any circumstances that were foreseeable, avoidable, unnecessary or
within Your control:
a. at the time You made Your Qualifying Travel Purchase in the case of
Cancellation, or
b. before You start Your Trip in the case of Curtailment or Trip Change.
As noted in the Schedule of Benets.
Section (B) Personal Accident Cover
This benet is only available when You meet the eligibility criteria set out in
the Eligibility Table.
Please refer to the Schedule of Benets within this Policy to conrm the
amount of cover available under this section.
1. Accidental Death or Permanent Disablement arising during Your
If during Your Trip, You suer an Injury that results in Your:
i. Accidental Death, or
ii. Permanent Disablement;
within 12 months of the date of the Injury;
We will pay You or Your estate the applicable benet amount (up to the
maximum relevant cover section limit inclusive of sub-limits as shown in
the Schedule of Benets).
If You are eligible for the higher Accidental Death or Permanent
Disablement benet under 2) Public Transport Accident Cover (below), the
above benet cannot also be claimed.
2. Public Transport Accident Cover
a. Accidental Death or Permanent Disablement arising while
travelling as a passenger on Public Transport
If during Your Trip, You sustain an Injury that results in an Accidental Death
or Permanent Disablement described in the Schedule of Benets as a
result of:
travelling as a passenger on Public Transport, or
boarding or disembarking from Public Transport, or
being struck by Public Transport,
We will pay the corresponding benet amount noted in the Schedule of
b. Accidental Death or Permanent Disablement arising from
If during Your Trip, You sustain an Injury due to exposure to weather
conditions that results in an Accidental Death or Permanent Disablement
described in the Schedule of Benets due to the disappearance, sinking or
wrecking of the Public Transport on which You were travelling, We will pay
the corresponding benet amount noted in the Schedule of Benets.
c. Accidental Death arising from disappearance while travelling on
Public Transport
If during Your Trip, You disappear due to the disappearance, sinking or
wrecking of the Public Transport on which You were travelling, and Your
body has not been found within 12 months, You will be deemed to have
died at the time of Your disappearance and We will pay the corresponding
Accidental Death benet amount noted in the Schedule of Benets.
(Please also refer to the General Conditions Applicable to all Sections
within this Policy).
1. Benets will be paid in Australian dollars to You, and in the case of Your
Accidental Death, to Your estate.
2. We will only pay one benet type (i-vii in the Schedule of Benets) for
each Event, even if multiple benet types apply. If multiple benet types
apply, We will pay the benet type with the highest benet amount.
3. Claims for Permanent Disablement will require conrmation in writing
by a treating Doctor as soon as reasonably possible. Medical certicates
must be provided at your own cost.
4. Claims for Accidental Death will require death certicate conrming
cause of death.
5. If You are also entitled to make a claim from Us under a separate
insurance policy on another American Express card, We will only make 1
payment in relation to the accident and loss in question. In that instance,
We will pay the highest benet amount applicable.
(Please also refer to the General Exclusions Applicable to all Sections
within this Policy).
We will not pay for or reimburse any costs arising from or relating to:
1. the Accidental Death or Permanent Disablement of a person that is not
a Covered Person.
2. when travelling on privately hired, rented or chartered transport in the
case of claims under 2) Public Transport Accident Cover.
As noted in the Schedule of Benets
Section (C) Travel Inconvenience Cover
This benet is only available when You meet the eligibility criteria set out in
the Eligibility Table.
Please refer to the Schedule of Benets within this Policy to conrm the
amount of cover available under this section.
1. Delayed, cancelled, overbooked or missed onward ight
If during Your Trip:
a. Your Scheduled Flight is delayed or cancelled by 4 hours or more; or
b. You are denied boarding on Your Scheduled Flight due to over-
booking of the aircraft, and no alternative ight is made available to
You within 4 hours of the scheduled departure time of such ight; or
c. You missed Your onward connecting Scheduled Flight at the transfer
point due to the late arrival of Your incoming connecting Scheduled
Flight, and no alternative onward ight is made available to You within
4 hours of the actual arrival time of the incoming ight;
We will reimburse You for additional hotel accommodation (room only)
and restaurant meals or refreshments up to the maximum relevant cover
section limit inclusive of sub-limits as shown in the Schedule of Benets.
2. Extended Delayed, cancelled, overbooked or missed onward ight
If You have a claim under 1) Delayed, cancelled, overbooked or missed
onward ight (above), We will also reimburse You for additional
accommodation expenses (room only) for each full 24-hour period that
the delay continues beyond the initial 4 hour delay up to the maximum
relevant cover section limit inclusive of sub-limits as shown in the Schedule
of Benets.
3. Delay of Personal Baggage checked-in on Scheduled Flight
If during Your Trip, Your Personal Baggage which You have checked in on a
Scheduled Flight:
a. is not delivered within 6 hours of Your arrival at the scheduled
destination point; and
b. You are not at the airport You rst departed from in Your Home’s State
or Territory in Australia;
We will reimburse You for the emergency purchase of essential clothing
and toiletries up to the maximum relevant cover section limit inclusive of
sub-limits as shown in the Schedule of Benets.
4. Extended Delay of Personal Baggage checked-in on Scheduled
If during a Trip, Your Personal Baggage which You have checked in on a
Scheduled Flight:
a. is not delivered to You by the airline provider within 48 hours of Your
arrival at the scheduled destination point; and
b. You are not at the airport You rst departed from in Your Home’s State
or Territory in Australia;
We will reimburse You for the reasonable emergency purchase of essential
items up to the maximum relevant cover section limit inclusive of sub-
limits as shown in the Schedule of Benets.
5. Delayed arrival to a Special Event
If during Your Trip, Your Scheduled Flight to a Special Event is delayed due
to unforeseeable circumstances outside of Your control and:
a. the delay results in You being unable to arrive in time for the Special
Event; and
b. the Special Event cannot be delayed due to Your late arrival,
We will pay reasonable additional expenses for the cost of alternative
Public Transport to arrive at the Special Event directly to You, up to the
maximum relevant cover section limit inclusive of sub-limits as shown in
the Schedule of Benets.
(Please also refer to the General Conditions Applicable to all Sections
within this Policy).
1. Should more than one (1) person claim under the benets of this section
in relation to the same Event, We will pay a maximum of double the
benet limits specied.
2. In the event of a claim, You must provide Us with invoices and/or
3. Claims for lost or delayed luggage must be reported to the transport
provider or carrier and a property irregularity report (such as a luggage
incident report) obtained where reasonably possible. If a property
irregularity report or incident report is not provided, You must provide
evidence that You have taken reasonable steps to obtain a report,
such as emails, call logs or other reasonable evidence. A copy of any
property irregularity report obtained from the airline must be supplied
to Us together with the following information:
a. full details of the ight (airline, ight numbers, departure airport,
destination, scheduled ight times and arrival airport);
b. details of the delay or loss incurred; and
c. full details of expenses for which reimbursement is claimed.
(Please also refer to the General Exclusions applicable to All Sections
within this Policy).
We will not pay for or reimburse any costs arising from or relating to:
1. the conscation or requisition of any items by any customs agency or
other government authorities;
2. the purchase of clothing or toiletries that are not reasonably necessary
for Your Trip;
3. any lost or delayed Personal Baggage where a property irregularity
report (such as a luggage incident report) is not provided and where
You are unable to provide evidence that You have taken reasonable
steps to obtain one. Such evidence includes emails and call logs to the
transport provider or other reasonable evidence;
4. Personal Baggage delay or extended Personal Baggage delay in the
airport You rst departed from in Your Home’s State or Territory in
As noted in the Schedule of Benets.
Section (D) Medical Emergency Expenses Cover
This benet is only available when You meet the eligibility criteria set out
in the Eligibility Table.
Please refer to the Schedule of Benets within this Policy to conrm the
amount of cover available under this section.
1. In The Event Of A Medical Emergency – International Return Trip
If during Your International Return Trip (except when You are in Australia),
You have a Medical Emergency resulting from an Injury orIllness, which
is not a Pre-Existing Medical Condition, We will pay or reimburse the
reasonable expenses for:
1. Your emergency medical Treatment and hospital costs;
2. Your emergency dental Treatment to natural teeth;
3. Your Repatriation/Evacuation costs if approved by Chubb Assistance
(such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed) following
consultation with the treating Doctor;
4. Your incidental expenses, such as food and toiletries expenses, which
You may incur as a result of being hospitalised as an inpatient for each
complete 24 hour period;
5. reasonable extra accommodation costs (room-only) for You and any
person who stays or travels with You to provide support or care, as
reasonably agreed by Chubb Assistance;
6. if You are travelling alone:
a. a return economy airfare; and
b. extra accommodation (room-only);
for Your friend or Close Relative to stay with You as reasonably agreed by
Chubb Assistance.
The maximum We will pay under the Medical Emergency Expenses Cover
is the maximum relevant cover section limit inclusive of sub-limits as
shown in the Schedule of Benets. However, We will stop paying costs and
expenses prior to that limit being reached if You:
i. return to Australia; or
ii. are declared t to return to Australia by a treating Doctor or by
Chubb Assistance’s medical ocer, but choose to remain overseas.
2. In The Event Of Your death
If You die during Your Trip, Chubb Assistance will organise, arrange and pay
for the reasonable costs up the maximum relevant cover section inclusive
of sub-limits as shown in the Schedule of Benets for:
a. transportation of Your remains to an airport of Your Home’s State or
Territory in Australia; or
b. cremation and subsequent transportation of Your remains to an
airport of Your Home’s State or Territory in Australia; or
c. local (in the country of Your death) burial.
If You hold a valid Schengen Visa and in the event of Your death in a
Schengen member state during Your International Return Trip, the
maximum amount We will pay in total will not exceed 30,000 EUR for
expenses incurred in that Schengen member state for Your burial or
In an emergency:
You should contact Chubb Assistance as soon as reasonably possible
when an emergency arises on +61 2 8907 5666 and provide Your
American Express Card Account number, as much information as
possible and a telephone or fax number where You can be contacted.
If Your medical condition prevents You from calling, if possible,
someone else should call on Your behalf, such as a relative, Your
Travelling Companion, nurse or Doctor.
If You do not make reasonable attempts to call Chubb Assistance
before seeking emergency medical treatment, or You chose to seek
treatment from a medical service not approved by Chubb Assistance,
You may be responsible for some or all of Your medical expenses (to
the extent that those medical expenses could otherwise have been
reduced through preferred medical providers arranged by Chubb
(Please also refer to the General Conditions Applicable to all Sections
within this Policy).
1. You must be seventy-nine (79) years of age or younger when You make
Your Qualifying Travel Purchase.
2. We will not be liable to pay or reimburse You for any medical Treatment,
hospital costs, dental Treatment or any other ancillary Treatment (i.e.
physiotherapy) that are incurred in Australia.
3. You must take all reasonable measures to avoid or minimise any claim,
to follow all applicable care and safety proceduresnotied to You by a
treating Doctor or Chubb Assistance’s medical ocer, to obtain help or
assistance as soon as reasonably possible and avoid danger, except in
an attempt to save human life.
4. You must make all reasonable attempts to call Chubb Assistance
before seeking overseas emergency medical Treatment. If Your medical
condition prevents You from calling, if possible, someone else should call
on Your behalf, such as a relative, Travelling Companion, nurse or Doctor.
If You do not make reasonable attempts to call Chubb Assistance before
seeking emergency medical Treatment, or You chose to seek treatment
from a medical service provider not approved by Chubb Assistance, You
may be responsible for Your medical expense costs to the extent that
those medical expenses could otherwise have been reduced through
preferred medical providers arranged by Chubb Assistance. You will
need to provide evidence that You have attempted to contact Chubb
Assistance, such as call logs or other reasonable evidence.
5. In the event of an overseas Medical Emergency, We will arrange Your
transportation to the nearest hospital or evacuate You to the nearest
adequately equipped hospital in the event that local medical facilities
are inadequate (in the opinion of sta at the local medical facility or
Chubb Assistance’s medical ocer).
6. If Your original means of transportation cannot be used, We will
repatriate You directly to Australia when You are deemedmedically
t to travel by the local treating Doctor or by Chubb Assistance’s
medical ocer.
7. We will repatriate or evacuate You to Australia by the quickest and most
direct route as determined by the treating Doctor or as recommended
by Chubb Assistance’s medical ocer. However, if You chose to be
repatriated or evacuated without rst discussing this with Chubb
Assistance, You may be responsible for any costs to the extent that
those Repatriation/Evacuation costs could otherwise have been
reduced through preferred medical providers arranged by Chubb.
8. To understand the extent of Your Injury or Illness and what treatment
or Repatriation/Evacuation, if any, is required, we may seek a second
independent Doctor or Dentist to review and conrm what medical
treatment, expenses or Repatriation/Evacuation is appropriate.
(Please also refer to the General Exclusions applicable to All Sections
within this Policy).
We will not pay for or reimburse any costs arising from or relating to:
1. Your Pre-Existing Medical Condition(s);
2. any medical Treatment, hospital costs, dental Treatment, Repatriation/
Evacuation costs or any other ancillary Treatment (i.e. physiotherapy)
that is incurred in Australia;
3. Your failure to make any reasonable attempt to contact Chubb
Assistance where You were reasonably able to do so;
4. Your participation in Excluded Sports and Activities;
5. participation in a sporting event that has an appearance fee, wage,
salary or prize money which in total is equal to fteen percent (15%)
or more of Your annual income from all sources. Participation includes
training for, coaching or otherwise competing in that sporting event;
6. dental treatment caused by or related to the deterioration and/or decay
of teeth or associated tissue;
7. dentures, crowns and orthodontics;
8. routine medical or dental treatment or prenatal visits;
9. Treatment or prescription medication (including medication and
ongoing immunisations) that started prior to Your International
Return Trip;
10. Treatment performed by Close Relatives, except in a life-threatening
11. You remaining overseas after Chubb Assistance conrms, based on
medical evidence from the treating Doctor, that You are t to travel and
can return to Australia;
12. an International Return Trip involving pre-planned Treatment, or for the
purpose of obtaining Treatment, and Treatment for cosmetic reasons,
unless Chubb Assistance’s medical ocer agrees that such Treatment
is necessary as a result of any covered accident;
13. You engaging in Manual Work;
14. any costs incurred in a destination where an Australian State, Territory
or the Australian Federal Government or an Australian government
agency (such as DFAT) have issued or upgraded a travel advisory
warning, advising You to ‘Do Not Travel’ or that borders are closed,
for the destination You planned to travel to and this occurred prior
to You starting Your International Return Trip. This exclusion applies
even if You have been granted a travel exemption by an Australian
State or Territory, the Australian Federal Government or an Australian
government agency (such as DFAT) to travel.
As noted in the Schedule of Benets.
Section (E) Personal Baggage, Valuables, Money And Travel Documents
This benet is only available when You meet the eligibility criteria set out in
the Eligibility Table.
Please refer to the Schedule of Benets within this Policy to conrm the
amount of cover available under this section.
If during Your Trip, Your:
Accidental Damage
1. Personal Baggage, Valuables or Travel Documents are accidentally
damaged or destroyed; or
Accidentally Lost
2. Personal Baggage, Valuables, Money or Travel Documents are
accidentally lost; or
Stolen from Hold
3. Personal Baggage or Travel Documents are stolen when they have been
checked in or stowed in the luggage hold of an airplane, ship, bus or
train, where You had no access to that Personal Baggage until the end of
the transport; or
from Designated Storage Area
4. Personal Baggage, Valuables, Money or Travel Documents are stolen
when they have been stowed in a specially designated area (such
as overhead compartment, luggage rack or hotel storage room) on
an airplane, ship, bus or train transport or with an accommodation
provider; or
Stolen from Locked Accommodation
5. Personal Baggage, Valuables, Money or Travel Documents are
stolen from Your locked accommodation (excluding motor vehicle
accommodation) where the accommodation was reasonably able to be
locked; or
Stolen from Motor Vehicle
6. Personal Baggage (excluding Valuables or Money) or Travel Documents
left Unattended are stolen from a motor vehicle, where:
a. items were locked out of sight in a Secure Area; and
b. Forcible Entry has been used by an unauthorised person to gain entry
to the vehicle; and
c. evidence of such Forcible Entry is available; or
Stolen from You
7. Personal Baggage, Valuables, Money, or Travel Documents which are:
a. carried by You; or
b. under Your observation and within 3 metres of You,
are stolen,
We will, after We deduct the Excess from Your claim, do one of the
pay You the reasonable costs for the item to be repaired if it is practical
and economic for the item to be repaired;
if it is not practical and economic to repair the item, We will pay You to
replace the item with the same or nearest type if the item is available
(i.e. make and model);
if the item cannot be repaired or replaced by You, We will pay You the
lesser of:
i. the depreciated (which includes wear and tear) value of the item;
ii. ii. the current replacement cost of the item;
up to the maximum relevant cover section limit inclusive of sub-limits as
shown in the Schedule of Benets.
(Please also refer to the General Conditions Applicable to all Sections
within this Policy).
1. Any payment will be based on the item’s depreciated value, repair
cost (to the condition before the loss) or current replacement cost, as
outlined directly above.
2. You must take all reasonable precautions for the safety and supervision
of Your Personal Baggage, Valuables, Money and Travel Documents.
3. Any claims to a Pair or Set, if You agree to surrender the undamaged
item(s) of the Pair or Set to Us and We agree to accept them, We will pay
You the current replacement cost of the entire Pair or Set. If You do not
agree to surrender the undamaged items, We will only be liable for the
value of that part of a Pair or Set which has been lost, stolen, damaged
or destroyed. For example, if one earring is stolen, We will only pay 50%
of the cost of replacement earrings.
4. If We ask, You must send to Us any damaged or undamaged items and
pay for postage.
5. Theft of Personal Baggage (excluding Valuables or Money) or
Travel Documents left Unattended in a motor vehicle is subject to
the following:
a. items must be locked out of sight in a Secure Area, and
b. Forcible Entry must have been used by an unauthorised person to
gain entry to the vehicle, and
c. evidence of such entry is available.
6. To support all claims, You must supply a copy of the item’s purchase
receipt or invoice, or an alternative written or printed proof of the
purchase price or value.
7. You must report loss, theft or criminal damage to the:
a. local police; or
b. appropriate issuing authority (in the case of Travel Documents),
and a written report obtained where reasonably possible. If a written
report is not provided, You must provide evidence that You have taken
reasonable steps to report the loss, theft or criminal damage including
details of the time and place You made the report, and the name and
contact details of who You reported the loss, theft or criminal damage to
(to the extent such details are within Your power to provide).
8. Claims for damaged items in transit must be reported to the carrier,
tour, transport or accommodation provider and a written report
obtained where reasonably possible. If a written report is not provided,
You must provide evidence that You have taken reasonable steps to
obtain a report, such as emails, call logs or other reasonable evidence to
the travel or accommodation provider.
9. Benets will not be payable under more than one section or benet of
this Policy as a result of one Event. We will, however, pay the benet type
with the highest benet amount.
We will apply depreciation (wear and tear) to determine the value of
Your Personal Baggage and Valuables as As noted in the Schedule of
Benets Table
Depreciation considers an item’s age, damage or change that is caused to
an item when it is used normally. Depreciation will be calculated from the
date of purchase of the item until the date of claimable Event, based on the
original purchase price.
For example: If You purchased a Smartphone for $1,000, went on a Trip and
the phone was stolen, We will calculate the number of months between the
date You purchased Your phone and the claimable Event date. Suppose the
number of months is 6, We will calculate the depreciation as follows:
(-Excess) + purchase price – deprecation = amount payable
Number of months = 6
6 multiplied by depreciation for Smartphone of 2.5% = 15%
Depreciation: $1,000 multiplied by 15% = $150
Amount payable for Your stolen Smartphone: (-250) + $1,000 - $150
= $600
Depreciation Table
Items Deduction for each month of age of the item at the
time of Event
Maximum Applicable Depreciation
Electronic equipment 2.5% 65%
Camera (including accessories) 2.5% 65%
Sunglasses 1.5% 65%
Smartphone 2.5% 65%
Laptop 2.5% 65%
Jewellery 0% 0%
Sports equipment 2.0% 65%
Cosmetics 2.5% 65%
Clothing 1.9% 65%
Other personal items 1.5% 65%
(Please also refer to the General Exclusions Applicable to all Sections
within this Policy).
We will not pay for or reimburse any costs arising from or relating to:
1. any items loaned, hired or entrusted to You;
2. loss, theft, criminal damage where there is insucient evidence that You
have taken reasonable steps to report the incident to the local police or
appropriate issuing authority (in the case of Travel Documents). Such
evidence includes details of the time and place You made the report,
and the name and contact details of who You reported the loss, theft or
criminal damage to (to the extent such details are within Your power to
3. damaged items in transit where a written report from the carrier, tour,
transport or accommodation provider is not provided and where You
are unable to evidence that You have taken reasonable steps to obtain
a written report from the carrier, tour, transport or accommodation
provider. Such evidence includes emails and call logs to the carrier, tour,
transport or accommodation provider or other reasonable evidence;
4. electrical or mechanical breakdown of items;
5. items left Unattended in a Public Place (unless You have no option
other than to leave the items Unattended due to an emergency medical,
security or evacuation situation);
6. Valuables or Money left Unattended in a motor vehicle (unless You
have no option other than to leave the items Unattended due to an
emergency medical, security or evacuation situation);
7. Personal Baggage or Travel Documents left Unattended and which are
stolen from a motor vehicle if the items have not been locked in the
Secure Area (unless You have no option other than to leave the Personal
Baggage or Travel Documents Unattended due to an emergency
medical, security or evacuation situation);
8. Valuables or Money within Your Personal Baggage checked in or stowed
in the luggage hold of an airplane, ship, bus or train;
9. atmospheric or climatic conditions, wear and tear (damage that
naturally and inevitably occurs as a result of normal wear or ageing),
vermin, insects, rodents or any process of cleaning, repairing, restoring
or alteration;
10. any business goods or specialised equipment relating to a trade or
11. the conscation or destruction by order of any government or public
12. any items sent under the provisions of any freight contract, postal,
courier or similar service;
13. damage to fragile or brittle items unless caused by re or resulting from
an accident to an aircraft, sea vessel or motor vehicle;
14. any drones, sporting equipment, bicycles, surfboards or waterborne
craft (including their ancillary equipment) of any description whilst
in use;
15. any motor vehicle, motor vehicle accessories or parts, motorised or
propelled vehicles such as scooters, electric bicycles or golf buggies;
16. shortages, errors, omissions, depreciation in value in respect of Money
and Travel Documents;
17. any bonds, coupons, gift cards, stamps, vouchers, warranties, pre-
loaded or rechargeable cards including but not limited to phone, debit or
stored value cards;
18. loss of Money or Valuables from Your accommodation; unless evidence
is available of unauthorised entry to Your accommodation; for example:
evidence of Forcible Entry, key entry recording or CCTV footage;
19. any of the following: animals or plant life, antiques and historical
artefacts, securities, or documents of any kind other than those within
the denition of Money and Travel Documents, china, consumable or
perishable items, contact or corneal lenses, dentures, glass, hearing
aids, keys, musical instruments, pictures, photos;
20. lost or stolen cryptocurrency.
As noted in the Schedule of Benets.
Section (F) Card Purchase Cover
This benet is only available when You meet the eligibility criteria set out in
the Eligibility Table.
1. Theft Or Damage Of an Eligible Item
If Your Eligible Item is stolen or damaged within 90 days of purchase, We
pay You the reasonable costs for the Eligible Item to be repaired if it is
practical and economic for the Eligible Item to be repaired;
If it is not practical and economic for You to have the Eligible Item
repaired, We will reimburse You with the replacement amount not
exceeding the original purchase price of the Eligible Item;
up to the maximum relevant cover section limit inclusive of sub-limits as
shown in the Schedule of Benets.
(Please also refer to the General Conditions Applicable to all Sections
within this Policy).
1. If an Eligible Item has been partially paid for with either Your American
Express Card Account or by using Your corresponding Qantas Points /
Velocity Points, then We will only pay such percentage of the purchase
price that was paid with Your American Express Card Account or Your
corresponding Qantas Points / Velocity Points.
2. Any claims to a Pair or Set, if You agree to surrender the undamaged
item(s) of the Pair or Set to Us and We agree to accept them, We will pay
You the current replacement cost of the entire Pair or Set. If You do not
agree to surrender the undamaged items, We will only be liable for the
value of that part of a Pair or Set which has been lost, stolen, damaged
or destroyed. For example, if one earring is stolen, We will only pay 50%
of the cost of replacement earrings.
3. An Eligible Item which is left Unattended in a Public Place and which
is not subsequently recovered will not constitute theft unless You have
no option other than to leave the Eligible Item Unattended due to an
emergency medical, security or evacuation situation.
4. If You purchase the Eligible Item as a gift for someone else, You may
request for Us to pay a valid claim directly to the recipient of the gift.
5. You must provide Us with copies of invoices and/or receipts relating to
the Eligible Item purchase. Upon request, You must also provide Us with
the damaged Eligible Item or receipt as proof of mailing/shipping.
6. Claims for theft or criminal damage must be reported to the local police
and a written report obtained where reasonably possible. If a written
report is not provided, You must provide evidence that You have taken
reasonable steps to report the theft or criminal damage including details
of the time and lace You made the report, and the name and contact
details of who You reported the theft or criminal damage to (to the
extent such details are within Your power to provide.
(Please also refer to the General Exclusions applicable to all Sections
within this Policy).
We will not pay for or reimburse any costs arising from or relating to:
1. damage to an Eligible Item wilfully damaged by You;
2. claims for theft or criminal damage where there is insucient evidence
that You have taken reasonable steps to report the incident to the local
police. Such evidence includes details of the time and place You made
the report, and the name and contact details of who You reported the
theft or criminal damage to (to the extent such details are within Your
power to provide);
3. an Eligible Item which is left Unattended in a Public Place unless You
have no option other than to leave the Eligible Item Unattended due to
an emergency medical, security or evacuation situation;
4. normal wear and tear (damage that naturally and inevitably occurs as a
result of normal wear or ageing) to Eligible Items;
5. damage to an Eligible Item caused by product defects;
6. theft of or damage to an Eligible Item left Unattended in a motor vehicle,
except when:
i. the Eligible Item is locked out of sight in a Secure Area and Forcible
Entry has been used by an unauthorised person to gain entry to the
vehicle, and evidence of such Forcible Entry is available; or
ii. You have no option other than to leave the Eligible Item Unattended
due to an emergency medical, security or evacuation situation.
7. theft of or damage to jewellery, watches, precious metals and
gemstones in baggage unless carried by hand and under Your personal
supervision or under the supervision of a Travelling Companion;
8. theft of or damage to:
a. animal or plant life, perishable goods (including but not limited to
food, drugs, fuel or oil);
b. software, operating systems or rmware;
c. cash, its equivalents, traveller’s cheques, tickets or negotiable
d. a boat, automobiles, motorboats, airplanes or any other motorised
vehicles and their integral parts and installed accessories;
e. second-hand items, including antiques.
As noted in the Schedule of Benets.
Section (G) Card Refund Cover
This benet is only available when You meet the eligibility criteria set out in
the Eligibility Table.
1. Card Refund Cover For an unused Eligible Item
If You purchase an Eligible Item from a retailer operating in Australia
and with an Australian address, and within 90 days from the date You
purchased the Eligible Item You try to return it, and the retailer will not take
it back, provided the Eligible Item is unused, You can return it to Us and We
will reimburse You with the replacement amount not exceeding the original
purchase price of the Eligible Item.
However, We will only pay up to the maximum relevant cover section limit
inclusive of sub-limits as shown in the Schedule of Benets.
(Please also refer to the General Conditions Applicable to all Sections
within this Policy).
1. You must provide to Us copies of invoices and/or receipts relating to the
Eligible Item. Upon request, You must also provide Us with the unused
Eligible Item.
(Please also refer to the General Exclusions applicable to All Sections
within this Policy).
We will not pay for or reimburse any costs arising from or relating to:
1. an Eligible Item that is faulty;
2. an Eligible Item with a purchase price of $50 or less;
3. an Eligible Item purchased from the retailer where the retailer has an
established return policy which provides the same or a better benet
than this benet;
4. items purchased from a retailer outside of Australia;
5. an Eligible Item that can be returned to the retailer in accordance with
rights provided by existing legislation;
6. jewellery; precious stones; rare and precious coins or stamps,
one-of-a-kind items including antiques, artwork and furs, cash or its
equivalents, travellers’ cheques, tickets, services, PDAs, Smartphones
and accessories, recorded media (including but not limited to CDs,
DVDs, computer software, video and audio tapes); books; animal and
plant life; consumable and perishable goods (i.e. food items); healthcare
items; used or rebuilt and refurbished items; sale or discounted
items; motorised vehicles and their parts; land and buildings; items
permanently axed to home, oce or vehicles.
As noted in the Schedule of Benets.
General Exclusions Applicable To Sections A–G above
These exclusions apply to all covers described in this Policy unless
specied otherwise. They are listed in no particular order. There are also
specic exclusions which You can nd under each cover section.
Common Exclusions
We will not pay for or reimburse any costs under any section of this Policy
arising from or relating to:
1. any person who is not a Resident of Australia;
2. any costs with respect to Cuba;
3. direct or indirect, actual, alleged or threatened discharge, dispersal,
seepage, migration, escape, release of or exposure to any hazardous
biological, chemical, nuclear or radioactive material, gas, matter or
4. Insolvency of any person, company or organisation, including but not
limited to a travel agent, tour operator, accommodation provider, airline
or other carrier, vehicle rental agency or any other travel or tourism
services provider;
5. any loss of enjoyment or any nancial loss not specically covered
under this Policy;
6. any loss which is recoverable from any other source including another
insurance policy covering the same Event or through compensation
under any other workers compensation act, transport accident laws or
any other applicable similar legislation or by Government sponsored
fund, plan, medical benet scheme required to be eected by or under
a law;
Medical and Health Exclusions
We will not pay for or reimburse any costs under any section of this Policy
arising from or relating to:
7. any Pre-existing Medical Conditions;
8. You, a Travelling Companion’s or Close Relative’s Terminal Illness which
was diagnosed before You made Your Qualifying Travel Purchase;
9. any costs arising directly from You being unt to travel if You knew, or a
reasonable person in Your circumstances would have known, that You
were unt to travel (whether or not You had sought medical advice);
10. Treatment from, or medical advice given, by a legally registered doctor
or a legally registered dentist who is You or Your Close Relative except in
a life-threatening emergency;
Trip Exclusions
We will not pay for or reimburse any costs under any section of this
Policy arising from or relating to:
11. circumstances when after You made Your Qualifying Travel Purchase,
You start a Trip against the following advice:
i. for an International Return Trip: when an Australian State or Territory
or the Australian Federal Government or an Australian government
agency (such as DFAT) have issued a travel advisory warning, advising
You to ‘Do Not Travel’ or that borders are closed, for the destination
You planned to travel to. Please refer to,, or other government sites for further information. This
exclusion applies even if You have been granted a travel exemption by
an Australian State or Territory, the Australian Federal Government or
an Australian government agency (such as DFAT) to travel;
ii. for a Domestic Return Trip: when an Australian State, Territory, the
Australian Federal Government or an Australian government agency
(such as DFAT) have issued an ocial written government statement
advising You not to travel to Your destination, or that borders are
closed for the destination You had planned to travel to; or
iii. when a Doctor has deemed You unt to travel;
12. Trips that do not start and end in Australia;
13. any One-Way Trip where You are unable to provide reasonable evidence
of Your intention to return to Your Home or Your Work. Such evidence
may include providing copies of a return ticket, itinerary or schedule,
return transfer or accommodation bookings, conrmation of return to
Work dates;
14. Trips you take if You are 80 years of age or older when You made Your
Qualifying Travel Purchase;
15. a Domestic Return Trip that is less than 150 kilometre radius from Your
Conduct Exclusions
We will not pay for or reimburse any costs under any section of this Policy
arising from or relating to:
16. being under the inuence of alcohol whilst operating a motor vehicle,
where You have a recorded blood alcohol concentration (BAC) greater
than the limit prescribed by the applicable governing authority, or at
all other times having a recorded blood alcohol concentration (BAC)
greater than 0.10%;
17. taking of any drug, medication, narcotic or hallucinogen, unless as
prescribed by a Doctor and taken in accordance with the prescription
and Doctors’ advice but is not for the treatment of addiction to illegal
18. intentionally self-inicted injury or suicide (or any attempt thereof);
19. commission of or attempt to commit an illegal act by or on behalf of
You or Your beneciaries. This exclusion does not apply to any Covered
Person who is not the perpetrator of any such illegal act, or who did not
know of or condone any such act;
Activity Exclusions
We will not pay for or reimburse any costs under any section of this Policy
arising from or relating to:
20. Your participation, involvement or taking part in Excluded Sports and
Activities while on a Trip;
21. any costs where You are participating in a sporting event with
an appearance fee, wage, salary or prize money which in total is
an amount equal to 15% of Your annual income from all sources.
Participation includes training for, coaching or otherwise competing in
that sporting event;
22. travel into hazardous work sites (e.g. underwater, mines, construction
sites, oilrigs, etc.);
23. service in armed forces (military, naval or air service) of any country
except Australia where cover applies for Cancellation, Curtailment
or Trip Change under Section A – Trip Cancellation and Amendment
Cover (specied Event number 4);
24. participation in any military or emergency services such as police or
25. activities undertaken as an operator or crew member of any form of
26. ying in military aircraft or any aircraft which requires special permits
or waivers;
27. You are riding a motorcycle:
a. without wearing a helmet (either as a driver or passenger);
b. as the driver without being licensed in both Australia and the
country of travel to drive such a motorcycle; or
c. whilst racing or participating in a professional capacity or
World Event Exclusions
We will not pay for or reimburse any costs under any section of this Policy
arising from or relating to:
28. declared or undeclared war or any act thereof; however, any act
committed by an agent of any government, party or faction engaged
in war, hostilities or other warlike operations provided such agent is
acting secretly and not in connection with any operation of armed
forces (whether military, naval, or air forces) in the country where the
injury occurs will not be deemed an act of war;
29. an act of Terrorism except when such Event occurs under the cover in
Section B – Personal Accident Cover or Section D –Medical Emergency
Expenses Cover of this Policy;
Pregnancy and Childbirth Exclusions
We will not pay for or reimburse any costs under any section of this Policy
arising from or relating to:
30. childbirth or any newborn child, meaning a newborn (whether
premature or otherwise) is not considered a Covered Person under this
Policy if the child was born on the Trip;
31. pregnancy in the following circumstances:
a) any past medical condition(s) relating to a previous pregnancy or if
You have experienced pregnancy complications prior to You making
Your Qualifying Travel Purchase;
b) for any costs under Section D – Medical Emergency Expenses Cover
or Section A – Trip Cancellation and Amendment Cover within 8
weeks of Your estimated date of delivery;
c) for any costs under Section D – Medical Emergency Expenses Cover
arising from or relating to an abortion, unless an abortion is medically
necessary to protect the health and safety of the mother following an
Injury or Illness, as determined by a treating Doctor;
d) for any costs under Section D – Medical Emergency Expenses Cover
arising from fertility treatment or treatment associated with an
assisted reproduction program including but not limited to, in vitro
fertilisation (IVF).
General Conditions Applicable To All Sections
1. You must not agree to limit or exclude any right of recovery You may
have against a third party for loss, damage or liability that is or may be
subject to a claim under this cover. You agree that We have the right to
pursue Your rights of recovery against a third party (where permitted by
law) for loss, damage or liability that is or is likely to be subject to a claim
under this cover and You must reasonably assist Us to do so.
2. If You make a claim under this cover, You must provide Us with details
of all other insurances that You are aware of that may cover the loss,
damage or liability that is subject to the claim.
3. No amount payable under this cover will carry interest unless payment
has been unreasonably delayed following Our receipt of all the required
information, documents or other evidence necessary to support the
4. You must take all reasonable measures to avoid or minimise any claim.
How to Make a Claim
In the event of a medical emergency or for travel assistance whilst
overseas call Chubb Assistance on +61 2 8907 5666
Non-emergency – Making a claim is quick and easy. You can submit Your
claim online by visiting the Chubb Claims Centre for American Express:
If You cannot lodge a claim online, please contact Us on 1800 236 023 or
+61 2 9335 3492 for a claim form.
What will I need to submit a claim online?
When making a claim You will need to provide:
1. Your American Express Card Account number.
2. Your email address or alternative contact information, which allows Us
to give You real-time updates on Your claim status or contact You for
additional information.
3. supporting documents. The documents reasonably required vary based
on claim type, but may include any relevant:
proof that You have made a Qualifying Purchase;
medical or Doctors’ reports;
receipts or other proof of expenses;
proof of earnings that are being claimed;
reports that have been obtained by the police; accommodation
provider or transport provider about the loss, theft or damage;
product warranties or bank statements;
photographs or quotes;
additional evidence that We may reasonably request to enable Us to
assess Your claim; and
intended payee information, which allows Us to quickly make
approved payments.
4. details of any other insurance cover under which You may be entitled to
What should I do before I submit a claim?
1. Take all reasonable steps to mitigate any further losses or unreasonable
and unnecessary expenses, including notifying Chubb Assistance
as soon as practically possible, if You are admitted to hospital or You
anticipate medical or additional accommodation or travel expenses.
2. Claims for loss, theft or criminal damage must be reported to the local
police and a written report obtained where reasonably possible. If a
written report is not provided, You must provide evidence that You have
taken reasonable steps to report the loss, theft or criminal damage
including details of the time and place You made the report, and the
name and contact details of who You reported the loss, theft or criminal
damage to (to the extent such details are within your power to provide).
When should I notify Chubb of my claim?
You should advise Us as soon as possible of an occurrence or an Event
which could lead to a claim, or within 30 days of the Event taking place
which gives rise to a claim, or as soon as reasonably practical.
Will I need to undertake a medical examination?
If required and to enable Us to conrm if some of the benets sections
under this Policy respond or continue to respond to an Event, We may need
to arrange for You to undertake a medical examination at Our expense
when and as often as We may reasonably require.
Can I claim under this Policy if I can claim for the same expense under
another insurance Policy e.g. my private health insurance?
If You wish to submit Your claim under this Policy, please advise Us if You
have already made a claim under any other insurance policies or tell Us if
You have any insurance policies in place which might respond to Your loss.
As a general rule, the amount You can recover for Your expenses under this
Policy or any other policies cannot exceed Your expenses.
Can I claim expenses that I have incurred in obtaining evidence to
submit with my claim?
No, expenses incurred by You in obtaining evidence for Us to assess Your
claim cannot be claimed as an expense under this Policy. These expenses
are payable by You.
Do I need to help Chubb make recoveries for any amounts paid under
this Policy?
Yes, You may need to help Us to make recoveries of any amounts that We
pay You under this Policy. We have the right to sue any other party in Your
name to recover money payable or paid under this Policy, or to choose
to defend any action brought against You. You must provide reasonable
assistance to Us in this regard.
How long will it take for my claim to be assessed?
Once all evidence to support Your claim has been submitted, if We approve
Your claim, We will settle Your claim within 10 business days.
If my claim is approved, how long will it take for me to receive
Once We have approved Your claim, if there is an associated payment due
to You, We will issue the payment within 5 business days.
If I die, will my estate be able to claim under this Policy?
Yes, if Your Policy provides cover in the event of Your death, Your estate will
be able to make a claim under this Policy.
I don’t have internet access / an email address to submit my claim
online; can I still submit a claim?
Yes, however this may increase the time taken to assess Your claim. You
can call Us on 1800 236 023 to request a claim form to be mailed out to
You which can then be mailed back to Us. Hours of operation: 8:30am to
5pm Monday to Friday.
General Information about this Policy
The cover provided is subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions
outlined in this Policy. If You make a claim, You are bound by them and
must follow the claims procedures of this Policy.
Group Policy with Chubb
American Express Australia Limited (ABN 92 108 952 085, AFS Licence No.
291313) of 12 Shelley Street, Sydney NSW 2000 (“American Express”) is
the insured under the Group Policy.
Under the Group Policy entered into between American Express and
Chubb, You get access to a range of insurance benets detailed in this
document. American Express has the right to terminate the Group Policy,
cancel or suspend any insurance benets, in which case You will no longer
receive the insurance benets. We will notify You as soon as reasonably
possible if We take any of these actions.
Under the Group Policy entered into between American Express and
Chubb, You get automatic access where You have met the eligibility
requirements set out in the Eligibility Table, to the benets detailed in
this Policy provided by Chubb as the insurer. You are not charged by
Chubb for these benets and can access the relevant benets if You are
a Card Member.
This Policy replaces and supersedes any Policy previously issued prior to
the eective date.
Section 48 of the Insurance Contracts Act
Access to this insurance is provided to You solely by reason of the statutory
operation of section 48 of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth). You are
not a contracting insured (i.e. You cannot vary or cancel the cover – only
American Express can do this) and You do not enter into any agreement
with Us. American Express is not the insurer, does not guarantee or
hold this right on trust for You and does not act as Chubb’s agent (that
is, on behalf of Chubb). Neither American Express nor any of its related
corporations are Authorised Representatives (under the Corporations Act
2001 (Cth)) of Chubb or any of its related companies.
No Advice
American Express is not authorised to provide any advice,
recommendations or opinions about this insurance on behalf of Chubb. No
advice is provided by Chubb on whether this insurance is appropriate for
Your needs, nancial situation or objectives. You should read these terms
and conditions carefully and contact Chubb if assistance is required.
Any general advice that may be contained within this Policy does not take
into account Your individual objectives, nancial situation or needs. You
need to decide if the limits, type and level of cover are appropriate for You.
Updating this Policy
Information in this Policy may be updated where necessary. A copy of any
updated information is available to You at no cost by visiting the website at
card/. Chubb will issue a new document or a supplementary document
to American Express to advise of a change to the existing terms and
conditions or to make any necessary corrections.
Other Insurance
If You are entitled to receive a benet or make a claim under another
insurance policy in respect of the same loss as Your claim under this
Policy (for example a home and contents policy, an alternative mobile
phone policy or the American Express Travel Insurance Policy Wording
and Product Disclosure Statement), then Chubb is not liable to provide
indemnity under this Policy until the amount of any indemnity under the
other policy is exhausted. Therefore, any insurance cover under this Policy
in respect of the same loss will only be excess insurance cover over and
above the applicable policy.
Privacy Statement
In this Statement “We”, “Our” and “Us” means Chubb Insurance Australia
Limited (Chubb).
American Express” means American Express Australia Limited, its
subsidiaries and aliates.
“You” and “Your” refers to Our customers and prospective customers
as well as those who use Our website. This Statement is a summary of
Our Privacy Policy and provides an overview of how We collect, disclose
and handle Your Personal Information. . It also tells you about how we
exchange Personal Information with American Express. Our Privacy Policy
may change from time to time and where this occurs, the updated Privacy
Policy will be posted to Our website at
Chubb is committed to protecting Your privacy. Chubb collects, uses and
retains Your Personal Information in accordance with the requirement of
the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), as
amended or replaced from time-to-time.
Why We collect Your Personal Information
The primary purpose for Our collection and use of Your Personal
Information is to enable Us to provide insurance services to You.
Sometimes, We may use Your Personal Information for Our marketing
campaigns and research, in relation to new products, services or
information that may be of interest to You.
How We obtain Your Personal Information
We collect Your Personal Information (which may include sensitive
information) at various points including, but not limited to, when You are
applying for, changing or renewing an insurance policy with Us or when We
are processing a claim. Personal Information is usually obtained directly
from You, but sometimes via a third party such an insurance intermediary
or Your employer (e.g. in the case of a group insurance policy). Please refer
to Our Privacy Policy for further details. When information is provided
to Us via a third party We use that information on the basis that You
have consented or would reasonably expect Us to collect Your Personal
Information in this way. We take reasonable steps to ensure that You have
been made aware of how We handle Your Personal Information.
When do We disclose Your Personal Information?
We may disclose the information We collect to third parties, including:
the policyholder (where the insured person is not the policyholder, i.e.,
group policies);
service providers engaged by Us to carry out certain business activities
on Our behalf (such as claims assessors, call centres in Australia, online
marketing agency, etc);
intermediaries and service providers engaged by You (such ascurrent or
previous brokers, travel agencies and airlines);
government agencies (where We are required to by law);
other entities within the Chubb group of companies such as the regional
head oces of Chubb located in Singapore, UK or USA (Chubb Group of
Companies); and
third parties with whom We (or the Chubb Group of Companies) have
sub-contracted to provide a specic service for Us, which may be
located outside of Australia (such as in the Philippines or USA). These
entities and their locations may change from time-to-time. Please
contact Us, if You would like a full list of the countries in which these
third parties are located.
In the circumstances where We disclose Personal Information to the Chubb
Group of Companies, third parties or third parties outside Australia We take
steps to protect Personal Information against unauthorised disclosure,
misuse or loss.
Exchanging Personal Information with American Express
American Express is the holder of the Group Policy under which Your
Card insurance benets are provided. We may share and receive Personal
Information from American Express in order to manage and administer
the Group Policy and insurance benets, manage and pay claims, resolve
complaints, manage litigation, respond to requests from third parties
(including regulators and media), and to develop and improve our products
and customer service. American Express handles all Personal Information
strictly in accordance with the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Statement
applicable to your Card
Your decision to provide Your Personal Information
In dealing with Us, You agree to Us using and disclosing Your Personal
Information, which will be stored, used and disclosed by Us as set out in
this Privacy Statement and Our Privacy Policy.
Access to and correction of Your Personal Information
Please contact Our customer relations team on 1800 815 675 or email if You would like:
a copy of Our Privacy Policy, or
to cease to receive marketing oers from Us or persons with whom We
have an association.
To request access to, update or correct Your Personal Information held by
Chubb, please complete this Personal Information request form and return
Fax: + 61 2 9335 3467
Address: GPO Box 4907 Sydney NSW 2001
How to Make a Complaint
If You have a complaint or would like more information about how We
manage Your Personal Information, please review Our Privacy Policy at for more details,
or contact:
Privacy Ocer
Chubb Insurance Australia Limited
GPO Box 4907 Sydney NSW 2001
+61 2 9335 3200
Complaints and Customer Resolution Service
We understand that You could be dissatised with Our organisation, Our
products and services, or the complaints handling process
itself. We take all Our customers’ concerns seriously and have detailed
below the complaints process that You can access.
Contact Details
If You are dissatised with any aspect of Your relationship with Chubb
including Our products or services and wish to make a complaint, please
contact Our Complaints and Customer Resolution Service (CCR Service)
by post, phone, fax, or email, (as below):
Complaints and Customer Resolution Service
Chubb Insurance Australia Limited
GPO Box 4065
Sydney NSW 2001
P +61 2 9335 3200
F +61 2 9335 3411
E complaints.A[email protected]
Our CCR Service is committed to reviewing complaints objectively, fairly
and eciently.
Please provide Us with Your claim or policy number (if applicable) and as
much information as You can about the reason for Your complaint.
Our response
We will acknowledge receipt of Your complaint within one (1) business
day of receiving it from You, or as soon as possible. Following
acknowledgement, within two (2) business days We will provide You with
the name and relevant contact details of the CCR Service team member
who will be assigned to liaise with You regarding Your complaint. We will
investigate Your complaint and keep You informed of the progress of
Our investigation at least every ten (10) business days and will make a
decision in relation to Your complaint in writing within thirty (30) calendar
days. If We are unable to make this decision within this timeframe, We will
provide You with a reason for the delay and advise of Your right to take
Your complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) as
detailed below, subject to its Rules. If Your complaint falls outside the AFCA
Rules, You can seek independent legal advice or access any other external
dispute resolution options that may be available to You.
To the extent allowable at law, if You request copies of the information
We relied on to make a decision about Your complaint, We must provide
it within ten (10) business days of Your request. Please see the General
Insurance Code of Practice 2020 (
or contact Us for further details. Please note that if We have resolved Your
complaint to Your satisfaction by the end of the fth (5th) business day
after We have received it, and You have not requested that We provide You
a response in writing, We are not required to provide a written response.
However, this exemption does not apply to complaints regarding a declined
claim, the value of a claim, or about nancial hardship.
External Dispute Resolution
If You are dissatised with Our complaint determination, or We are unable
to resolve Your complaint to Your satisfaction within thirty (30) days, You
may refer Your complaint to AFCA, subject to its Rules.
AFCA is an independent external dispute resolution scheme approved by
the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). We are a
member of this scheme and We agree to be bound by its determinations
about a dispute. AFCA provides fair and independent nancial services
complaint resolution that is free to consumers. You may contact AFCA at
any time at:
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001
P 1800 931 678 (free call)
F +61 3 9613 6399
Time limits may apply to complain to AFCA and so You should act promptly
or otherwise consult the AFCA website to nd out if or when the time limit
relevant to Your circumstances expires.
Financial Claims Scheme
We are an insurance company authorised under the Insurance Act 1973
(Cth) (Insurance Act) to carry on general insurance business in Australia
by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) and are subject
to the prudential requirements of the Insurance Act.
The Insurance Act is designed to ensure that, under all reasonable
circumstances, nancial promises made by Us are met within a stable,
ecient and competitive nancial system.
Because of this We are exempted from the requirement to meet the
compensation arrangements Australian nancial services licensees must
have in place to compensate retail clients for loss or damage suered
because of breaches by the licensee or its representatives of Chapter 7 of
the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). We have compensation arrangements in
place that are in accordance with the Insurance Act.
In the unlikely event that We were to become insolvent and were unable
to meet Our obligations under the Policy, a person entitled to claim may
be entitled to payment under the Financial Claims Scheme. Access to the
Scheme is subject to eligibility criteria. Please refer to for
more information.
General Insurance Code of Practice
We are a signatory to the General Insurance Code of Practice (Code).
The objectives of the Code are to further raise standards of service and
promote consumer condence in the general insurance industry. Further
information about the Code and Your rights under it is available at https:// and on request. As a signatory to the
Code, We are bound to comply with its terms. As part of Our obligations
under Parts 9 and 10 of the Code, Chubb has a Customers Experiencing
Vulnerability & Family Violence Policy (Part 9) and a Financial Hardship
Policy (Part 10)
for-customers-in-need.html. The Code is monitored and enforced by the
Code Governance Committee.
This insurance does not apply to the extent that trade or economic
sanctions or other laws or regulations prohibit us from providing insurance,
including, but not limited to, the payment of claims. All other terms and
conditions of this policy remain unchanged.
Chubb is a subsidiary of a US company and Chubb Limited, a NYSE
listed company. Consequently, Chubb is subject to certain US laws and
regulations in addition to EU, UN and national sanctions restrictions which
may prohibit it from providing cover or paying claims to certain individuals
or entities or insuring certain types of activities related to certain countries
such as but not limited to Iran, Syria, North Korea, North Sudan, Crimea
and Cuba.