Salary Packaging Card Meal Entertainment Card
Choose a Card and save tax & time!
Advantage offers the convenience of salary packaging your expenses using a Visa (debit) card issued through
ANZ. Most employees will find this option very useful. It is paperless option (no receipts), saving you time.
COMPLETE Q5. 100 POINTS ID CHECK. Money will NOT be available until ANZ confirm your ID.
How do I order ?
Send the completed form to Advantage
Complete the form. Complete parts 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. Part 4 is if
you require a 2
card (partner) only. (Incomplete forms will be delayed).
Q5 instructions attached. Read carefully. You must complete.
Fax (03) 9822 7455. 100 Point ID Check is done at ANZ Branch.
How long will it take ?
About 5 days from when we receive your application. The Card
will be sent to your home address.
What day is the money paid ? The next business day after Advantage processes payment.
Note, if Advantage process Friday, funds will arrive on Monday.
Payments will NOT be made if a public holiday (eg. Easter, Christmas)
What time is the money paid ?
Have you done 100 Point check ?
Before 5.00 pm. You will receive a TXT when the payment is
made if you provide a mobile number.
You money will NOT be available until your 100 point ID check is
confirmed by ANZ. Visit an ANZ branch the same day you apply.
Security Code – Important You MUST nominate a security code (password). This may
be letters, numbers, or a combination.
Where can I use it ?
Overseas ?
Anywhere that takes Visa.
Yes, Visa is accepted overseas. You MUST use your PIN.
Will I get a PIN ? Yes. You must use a PIN. Press ‘credit’ for purchases.
ATM access
Yes, but only to get an account balance. NO cash withdrawals.
Registration – You MUST register
with ANZ when you get your card.
Visit Click on
‘Cardholder Log on’ and follow prompts.
Card Balances – phone, internet, ATM’s
Phone ANZ 1800 614 741. Press 1. (You must have registered
with ANZ). Refer above.
Statements – internet only (You must have registered
with ANZ).
Ordering Both Cards ?
Complete the form twice (2). One for the Meal Card and one for
the Salary Packaging Card.
What is the cost ? $25/year. Payable in May. Fee applies to each card.
What if I leave ?
Your funds will be returned to you. You will have 30 days to
spend your balance.
Need Help ? Contact Advantage Email Ph (03) 9822 3455
Advantage Salary Packaging PO Box 8480 Armadale VIC 3143 Ph 03 9822 3455 Fax 03 9822 7455 Email
Page 1 of 2Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522.
Salary Packaging Cardholder Application Form
Please complete Parts 1 - 6 and then return this form to your Salary Packaging Provider.
Please select Primary and/or Additional Card.
Primary Card Additional Card Both Primary and Additional Cards
Please select the type of Salary Packaging Card you require. If a Primary Card, nominate the amount you wish to salary package per pay cycle*:
A. Salary Packaging Card If Primary, the amount to be deducted per salary cycle $
B. Meal Entertainment Card If Primary, the amount to be deducted per salary cycle $
* Your pay cycle is determined by your employer. The nominated amount will be deducted from your pre-tax salary by your employer and will be made available on your Salary Packaging Card. If you wish to change
the nominated amount you will need to arrange this change with your employer. ANZ is not responsible for and accepts no liability for, your salary deduction arrangements with your employer. Any questions or
concerns regarding your salary deductions or the nominated amount must be referred to your employer.
Employer Site/Campus
If applying for an Additional Card
Primary Cardholder full name
*All fields mandatory
Title First Name Middle Name (if any) Surname
Employee ID Salary Packaging Provider Reference/ID (if different)
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY
Security Code - You need to choose an identification password to be used to identify yourself over the phone or for online set up. This can be a
combination of numbers or letters.
Phone Number Mobile Email Address
Residential Address Suburb/town State Postcode
Postal Address (if different from above) Suburb/town State Postcode
If you are an existing ANZ customer your account details must match the above. If you need to update ANZ for your existing account details,
please do so via:
- Log on to ANZ Internet Banking and select ‘Update Details’
- Call 13 13 14; or
- Visit an ANZ Branch
Title First Name Middle Name (if any) Surname
Primary Cardholder’s Employee ID Salary Packaging Provider Reference/ID (if different)
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY Phone Number Mobile
Security Code - For over the phone identification only. This can be a combination of numbers or letters.
Residential Address Suburb/town State Postcode
Page 2 of 2
Salary Packaging Cardholder Application Form
It is a legislative requirement that cardholders complete an identity verification check before the card is activated. If you do not currently hold a valid
identification record with ANZ, you will need to complete identification and verification (NB: cardholders who hold other ANZ products and have been
identified previously may not be required to be identified again. The address you were previously identified with ANZ must be the same as your
current address that you have detailed on this form).
You must have a valid identification record with ANZ before your card will be activated.
The easiest way to do this is by visiting an ANZ Branch with the identification documentation outlined in the accompanying flyer.
Please advise which of the following is applicable:
I am an existing ANZ customer for a product other than Salary Packaging. (NB: By ticking this box you may still be required
to be re-identified by ANZ, subject to existing account and identification status. Account details with ANZ must be the
same as the details listed on this form)
I have been to an ANZ Branch for the purposes of an identity verification check
I have been identified by ANZ through other means (E.g. certified documents)
If a Primary Card, by use of the Card, I accept that I will be liable to ANZ for any credit extended arising out of the use of the Card, including the use of the Card by an Additional
Cardholder, and agree to all applicable terms and conditions included within ANZ Commercial Card Terms and Conditions for the ANZ Salary Packaging Card or ANZ Meal
Entertainment Card which can be viewed at
I declare that the details contained on this application form are true and correct and request that ANZ issue the card to me. I acknowledge that additional rules may be imposed by my
salary packaging provider regarding the use of this card and a copy of these rules have been made available to me. I hereby declare to abide by such rules and variations which are
made by salary packaging provider from time to time. Also, I have read and understood (and agree to) the declaration below.
Primary Cardholder Signature (Mandatory) Date DD/MM/YYYY
Print Name
If an Additional Card, by use of the Card, I agree to all applicable terms and conditions included within ANZ Commercial Card Terms and Conditions for the ANZ Salary Packaging Card
or ANZ Meal Entertainment Card which can be viewed at
I declare that the details contained on this application form are true and correct and request that ANZ issue the card to me. I acknowledge that additional rules may be imposed by my
salary packaging provider regarding the use of this card and a copy of these rules have been made available to me. I hereby declare to abide by such rules and variations which are
made by salary packaging provider from time to time. Also, I have read and understood (and agree to) the declaration below.
Additional Cardholder Signature Date DD/MM/YYYY
Print Name
ANZ’s collection, use and disclosure of personal information
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited ABN 11 005 357 522 (ANZ) is collecting the
Cardholder’s information in order to provide the Cardholder with the ANZ Salary Packaging Card
and for the purposes described in the product terms and conditions. Without this information,
ANZ will not be able to provide the Cardholder with the Card.
By signing this Salary Packaging Cardholder Application Form, the Cardholder acknowledges
and agrees that ANZ may disclose your information (which may include information about your
credit history and credit worthiness obtained from a credit reporting body) to:
any agent, contractor or service provider ANZ engages to carry out or assist its functions
and activities, including the salary packaging service provider;
an organisation that assists ANZ to identify, prevent or investigate any fraud, unlawful activity
or misconduct (or suspected fraud, unlawful activity or misconduct);
any related entity of ANZ;
any third party providing you with a product or service in relation to the ANZ product; and
the Cardholder’s Employer
ANZ may disclose information to recipients (including service providers and related entities)
which are (1) located outside Australia and/or (2) not established in or do not carry on business
in Australia. You can find details about the location of these recipients in ANZ’s Privacy Policy
and at
Privacy Policy
ANZ’s Privacy Policy ( also contains information about:
any laws that require or authorise ANZ to collect certain information from you;
how to access your information and seek correction of your information; and
how you can raise concerns that ANZ has breached the Privacy Act or an applicable Code
and how ANZ will deal with these matters
Further information
Your product terms and conditions booklet and our ANZ Privacy Policy contain further information
about our handling of the information we collect during the course of your relationship with ANZ.
If you have provided information about someone else, please show them a copy of this clause so
that they may understand how ANZ may use and disclose their information.
ANZ is the issuer of the Salary Packaging Card
Your employer or salary packaging provider has entered into an arrangement with ANZ for ANZ to
issue Salary Packaging Cards to eligible and approved cardholders. By signing this form, you
acknowledge that ANZ is not responsible for the deduction of the nominated amount listed in
section 1 or for making any changes to this amount. Any questions, concerns or request for
changes to this amount must be referred to your employer. ANZ accepts no liability in connection
with your salary deduction arrangements.
ANZ will make your salary deduction available for use on your selected Salary Packaging Card
once your application is approved and ANZ has processed your salary deduction from your
employer or salary packaging provider.
You are only eligible to use the Salary Packaging Card while you are employed by your employer
listed in section 2. Upon termination of your employment (either by you or your employer), your
eligibility ceases and ANZ may in its discretion immediately cancel your Salary Packaging Card and
return any available funds to your employer or salary packaging provider. Your employer may then
deal with any returned funds in accordance with your employment contract or arrangement. You
must immediately notify ANZ (either directly or indirectly via your salary packaging provider) if
your employment is terminated.
You acknowledge that ANZ’s responsibility is to make salary deductions from approved
cardholders available for use on their Salary Packaging Cards once ANZ has processed them.
ANZ is not responsible for, and accepts no liability for, salary deductions until such time as they
are received and processed by ANZ.
ANZ accepts no liability for acts or omissions of your employer or any salary packaging provider in
any way connected with your Salary Packaging Card that in any way causes loss or damage to you.
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522. Australian Credit Licence Number 234527. Item No. 74020 03.2014 W374484
You need to complete the Identification question. If ordering an additional (partner) card, they must also
complete Q5. Choose one of three choices. Any questions, call ANZ on 1800 614 741.
Warning. If you do NOT complete the 100 Point check, you will NOT be able to access your money on the
Card (it will remain inactive). Complete 100 Point check immediately after completing the Card application.
Options Instructions
1. Existing ANZ
customers only.
Tick the first box if you hold a current bank account, loan or credit card with ANZ.
{Note. ANZ MUST have your current address. Advise ANZ if your address has changed}
2. Visit an ANZ Branch
with 100 Points.
Take original
ANZ branch locator is
My KYC Number is
(provided by branch)
Visit any ANZ branch and advise the teller you are there for an identity
verification check (ie. 100 point check).
70 Points (Photo ID – up to two).
Passport (current or expired within 2 years)
Drivers Licence (address MUST agree to address on form. Do not use otherwise).
Proof of Age Card (Govt. issued)
70 Points (non Photo IDone only).
Birth Certificate (or extract). (Marriage Certificate also if different name)
Citizenship Certificate
Centrelink Pension Card
30 Points (you can use several of these documents)
Medicare Card
Bank credit / debit card, bank statement or passbook
Utility bill (water, gas, phone, electricity. < 3 months old)
Tertiary student ID card
Council rates (in your name. < 12 months old)
Example. Most people carry a driver’s licence (70), bank account card (30) and a
Medicare Card (30). This is more than sufficient to verify your identification.
For your records. I visited _________________ branch on __ / __ / __. (Advantage may ask you
these details, so please complete).
3. If you cannot visit an
ANZ Branch:
Complete ID form -
attached (with 100
points) and
original and
copies to an
Authorised Person
Post to
Remember. Card
application form is sent to
Advantage. 100 points is
checked by ANZ.
Collect your 100 points ID (as per above). Photocopy original documents.
Photocopies to be certified by an ‘Authorised Person’ (see below)
Complete the ANZ Certification form - attached (‘Authorised Person’ must sign).
Who can sign (authorise) the documents ? Authorised Person’s include:
Australia Post employee (2 or more years of service)
Lawyer or JP (Justice of the Peace)
CPA or Chartered Accountant
Bank employee (2 or more years of service)
The person MUST also sign Part C of the form. You must complete parts A, B.
Post completed forms (with 100 points of certified ID) to
ANZ Salary Packaging Cards
Locked Bag 10
Collins St West
MELBOURNE VIC 8007 Allow 5-7 working days for processing.
Identification by Certified Copy for Individuals
(including Signatories and Agents) Form
Page 2 of 3Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522.
This form must be signed by an Authorised Person as listed overleaf.
To complete this form, complete Part A, Part B and Part C and attach the certified copies.
Full Name of Individual (no initials)
First name(s) Middle name(s) - if any
Last name(s) Date of birth
Residential address (PO Box is not acceptable) Occupation
Suburb State Postcode Country
First Identification Document
Type of Document
Secondary Identication Document
Type of Document
Linking Document
(If either or both identication documents are in a dierent name to Individuals details)
Type of Document
Acceptable Documents for Individuals and Acceptable Linking Documents are listed overleaf.
Warning: It is an offence under Part 12 of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth) to produce false or misleading
information, produce a false or misleading document or forge a document for use in an applicable customer identification procedure.
Guidance Notes for Certified Copies
Certified copy means a document that has been certified as a true copy of an original document by one of the authorised persons.
To produce a certified copy, you should make a photocopy of the original document and take the original and the copy to an authorised person.
Full Name of Authorised Person (no initials)
Title Name of Organisation
First name(s) Address of Organisation
Last name(s) Suburb State
Phone Number Postcode Country
Professional Membership Number (if applicable)
Signature Date
Salary Packaging Card Meal Entertainment Card
The Salary Packaging Card – You can buy anything !
This is a very convenient alternative to salary packaging your bills. The Card is ideal if you live at home or if you
are looking for a paperless option.
Why should I use the Card ? If you don’t have mortgage, rent or credit card, the Card allows
you to salary package without providing any paperwork.
How Much ?
You can do all (or part) of your salary package. That is, $611 a
fortnight ($346 for hospitals / ambulance service).
What can I buy ?
You can purchase anything, anywhere, provided they take Visa.
Direct Debits
No. This is not permitted.
Can I pay bills at the Post Office
No. The Post Office does not accept any cards to pay bills.
How do I pay phone, electricity, gas,
rates, etc ?
You need to select the “Pay by Card” option on the invoice. This
may include Pay by Phone or at
Spend by 31 March
You must spend the funds by 31 March each year.
Can I take out cash ?
No, this is a Tax Office restriction.
Insufficient Funds Your transaction will decline. There is no credit.
Meal Entertainment Card – For Dine-in Meals Only
This is a great paperless option. Your card is ‘topped up’ each pay from your pre-tax income by the nominated
amount (eg. $100 / pay). You then use the Card to pay for your dine-in meal at a restaurant, café, pub, club or
bistro provided they accept Visa.
What can I buy on the Meal Entertainment Card?
Expenses Allowed (> $20) Expenses NOT Allowed STOP!
Meal when you dine-in at a café, restaurant, pub,
bistro, club (the meal is a social outing for the purpose
of enjoyment). The meal may include drinks.
Coffee, coffee & cake, take-away meals, snacks,
sandwiches. Food and drink at the football, concerts,
movies, theatre. All non dine-in meal.
How Does it Work ?
The Card recognises the ‘merchant code’ of the vendor. Only certain merchant codes are accepted by the card
(restaurants, cafés etc). You may spend up to your available balance. The Card will not work if :
Insufficient funds; or
Vendor has the wrong merchant code. This is most likely at nurseries, bookshops and retailers (DJs, Myer).
The Card will decline to prevent you buying a non meal expense at these businesses.
Advantage Salary Packaging PO Box 8480 Armadale VIC 3143 Ph 03 9822 3455 Fax 03 9822 7455 Email