Application for candidacy
Middle Years Programme
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
School and programme profile ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
School information ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Application for candidacy questions ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Purpose (01) ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Environment (02) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Culture (03) ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Budget ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Documents ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Application for candidacy agreement ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Sample Application for candidacyMiddle Years Programme 1
This document reflects the content of the online Application for candidacy and is provided only as a reference. To apply
for candidacy, schools must complete the online application. When the school has determined that it meets the
requirements for candidacy, has paid the appropriate non-refundable fee, and informed the IB of its intent to apply for
candidacy, the school’s contact on the IB regional development team will provide access to the IB’s online platform (My
School) and instructions for establishing an account and beginning the Application for candidacy.
The Application for candidacy includes only questions directly related to the requirements for candidacy. All questions
relevant to the school’s situation must be answered before the school can submit the application. Any questions about
the Application for candidacy should be directed to the IB regional development team.
The information provided in the school and programme profiles, the school’s answers to the questions included in the
Application for candidacy, and the documents submitted with the application provide the information the IB needs to
decide on the school’s request for candidacy.
When schools are ready to apply for authorization, they will provide information and answer questions related to all
standards, practices and requirements. The sample Application for authorization is available on the IB website for
schools that wish to review it in preparation for the authorization process.
Sample Application for candidacyMiddle Years Programme 2
School and programme profile
The school profile provides the IB with information about the school. It is the school’s responsibility to maintain an
accurate and up-to-date school profile.
School information
1. School name
a. Legal registered name of school
Please provide the name which appears on the school’s legal entity/licensure documentation. Official correspondence
and documentation from the IB will be issued in the school’s legal name.
If you need to change or correct your school’s legal name, please contact the IB regional development team so that the
change can be confirmed and made in the IB’s systems.
b. Preferred name of school
Please provide the name by which the school is commonly known, which may be different from the name of the legal
entity registered with the local education authority.
No school whose legal or preferred name includes the words “International Baccalaureate”, “IB” or “World School” in any
form or languageor that has any trademarks, domain names or pending applications containing such wordsshall
be accepted by the IB as a candidate school.
2. School website
a. Does your school have a website? Yes/No
b. School website address
3. Telephone
a. Main telephone number of the school
b. Main fax number of the school
4. Date that the school was founded
If the school indicates that it has not been in existence for at least three years, the IB will confirm the following
a. The school understands that it must meet all requirements for candidacy before candidacy can be awarded.
b. The school has the relevant staff, resources and facilities available to effectively complete the authorization
process. Yes/No
c. The school will be fully constructed and operational before candidacy is awarded. Yes/No
5. Academic year
a. Month when the students start the school year
b. Month when the students end the school year
6. Language of communication with the IB
Choose the language which would be most appropriate for the IB to use in communicating with the school. From this
point forward, all official IB communications to the school will be in the selected language.
Sample Application for candidacyMiddle Years Programme 3
7. Legal entity/status
a. Do all sections of the school operate under the same legal entity? Yes/No
The school must be duly registered as a legal entity under local laweither for profit or not-for-profit, privately or
publicly fundedbefore the IB can award candidacy.
b. Legal status of school
State subsidized
If school indicates that all sections of the school operate under the same legal entity, the IB will ask for the following
c. What is the name of the authority that granted the school this status?
If the school indicates that all sections of the school do not operate under the same legal entity, the IB will ask for the
following information for each section of the school.
c. What is the name of the authority that granted the school this status?
Name of authority that granted legal status
8. Licensure/accreditation
a. Please describe the licensure or accreditation required by the local authorities which have oversight of the
The school must have the required licensure or accreditation from the local authorities and/or, if applicable,
independent recognized accreditation agencies, indicating that it is licensed/accredited or otherwise authorized to
provide educational services to students of the ages served by the programme(s) for which the school is seeking to be
authorized before the IB can award candidacy.
b. Is the school licensed by:
whole school.
If the school indicates that all sections of the school operate under the same licensure, the IB will ask for the following
c. What is the name of the educational authority that granted the school licensure to provide educational
services to students of the ages served by the programme for which the school is applying?
If the school indicates that all sections of the school do not operate under the same licensure, the IB will ask for the
following information for each section of the school.
c. What is the name of the educational authority that granted the school licensure to provide educational
services to students of the ages served by the programme for which the school is applying?
Section Name of educational authority that granted licensure
Sample Application for candidacyMiddle Years Programme 4
d. Is the school accredited by:
whole school
the school is not accredited beyond licensure.
If the school indicates that all sections of the school operate under the same accreditation, the IB will ask for the
following information.
e. Indicate organizations from which the school has received or is currently in the process of seeking
Accreditation received
Currently seeking accreditation
If the school indicates that all sections of the school do not operate under the same accreditation, the IB will ask for the
following information for each section of the school.
e. Indicate organizations from which the school has received or is currently in the process of seeking
accreditation (choose all that apply).
Name of accrediting organization
Accreditation status
Accreditation received
Currently seeking accreditation
Sample Application for candidacyMiddle Years Programme 5
9. Governance affiliation
a. Is the school part of a group-level organization which is a legal entity, a central authority over the schools and
has operational and financial authority over the schools in the group? Yes/No
A group-level organization is a legal entity that manages the budgetary, strategic, and/or curricular decisions for
individual schools within the group, and is, in effect, the “owner” of the schools within the group. In the public sector,
this entity might be referred to as a school district or local authority; independent or private schools might be part of a
diocese, foundation, corporation, or company.
If the school indicates that it is part of a group-level organization, the IB will ask for the following information.
b. Identify the group of which the school is a part.
10. Association of IB World Schools or network affiliation
a. Is the school affiliated with any registered regional associations or networks of IB World Schools? Yes/No
Associations or networks of IB World Schools provide mutual support in a variety of ways and that have been
recognized by the IB.
If the school indicates that it is part of an Association of IB World Schools, the IB will ask for the following information.
b. Please select from the list of Associations of IB World Schools or network affiliations.
11. School Tax ID Number, if applicable
12. School VAT/ID Number, if applicable
School address(es)
13. School address
a. Address type
The school will provide the following information for each of the relevant address types listed above.
b. Address line 1
c. Address line 2
d. Address line 3
e. City
f. State or province
g. Zip or postal code
h. Country
School and community description
This information is intended to help the IB understand the school’s history, attributes, context and student and staff
1. Provide a brief summary of the school’s history and the characteristics of the school which make it attractive to
students and legal guardians.
Please indicate the characteristics of the community in which the school is located.
2. Which of the following best describes your school’s community setting?
Citypopulation more than 100,000 people
Sample Application for candidacyMiddle Years Programme 6
Suburban areagreater than five kilometres from the large city border
Town—population less than 50,000 people
Rural areagreater than 20 kilometres from a large city
Building upon the selections made in the preceding questions, provide a brief summary of the cultural aspects of the
school's surrounding community.
3. Provide a description of the student body including their national, cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
4. Provide a description of the staff including their national, cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
5. Please indicate the percentage of students whose most proficient language is different from the school’s language
of instruction.
6. Please indicate the percentage of students whose home/personal language is different from the schools language
of instruction.
7. Does the staff share a common language? Yes/No
If the school indicates that the staff does not share a common language, the IB will ask for the following information.
a. Please provide the language(s)
8. Briefly describe the contribution that the implementation of the programme is expected to make to the school.
9. Please provide the following information about the school.
Please provide information describing the entire school, not just the section(s) in which you plan to offer the IB.
Student gender
Boarding facilities
Additional tuition
Please provide the following information about your school’s plans for assessment.
1. Does the school plan to conduct MYP eAssessment? Yes/No
If the school indicates that it will conduct MYP eAssessment, the IB will ask for the following information.
2. Examination session
Languages of instruction
First language of instruction
Second language of instruction
Third language of instruction
Fourth language of instruction
Sample Application for candidacyMiddle Years Programme 7
Multi-campus information
If a school is divided between two or more campuses, each campus is normally deemed a separate candidate school
and must individually fulfill all of the conditions of authorization. In some cases, the IB recognizes that a single
programme may be taught across multiple campuses. If a multiple campus school is to be regarded as one unit for the
purposes of recognition and fees, certain criteria must be satisfied.
All campuses are recognized as comprising a single school according to legal and local registrations and must be
licensed, accredited or otherwise authorized to provide educational services to students of the ages served by the
programme(s) for which the campuses are seeking to be authorized (Rules for IB candidate schools, article 4.2.a).
1. Will any of the school’s IB programmes be offered across multiple campuses? Yes/No
If the school indicates that its IB programme(s) will be offered across multiple campuses, the IB will ask for the following
2. Which programme(s) will be offered across multiple campuses?
Please provide the following information for each of the programmes that the school seeks to offer across multiple
campuses. This information will assist the IB in determining whether or not the school meets the criteria to be
considered for authorization as a multiple campus programme. For the purposes of programme authorization, the IB
reserves the right to decide what constitutes a multiple campus school.
3. Are all campuses recognized as comprising a single
school according to legal and local registrations?
4. Are all campuses licensed, accredited or otherwise
authorized to provide educational services to
students of the ages served by the programme for
which the campuses are seeking to be authorized?
5. Is the head of school responsible for the day-to-day
leadership of the school across
6. Is the head of school regularly present and equally
accessible to staff on all campuses?
7. Is the head of school formally recognized as such by
the staff
and, if applicable, also by the local
8. Are the campuses governed by the same governing
body and rules and regulationsincluding
organizational structure and, if applicable, school fee
9. Will the programme coordinator be responsible for
the day-to-
day educational functioning of the
programme across campuses?
Sample Application for candidacyMiddle Years Programme 8
10. Will the programme coordinator be regularly present
and equally accessible to staff on all campuses?
11. Can and will there be horizontal and vertical
articulation of each programme across the
12. Can and will staff across campuses meet frequently
for ongoing collaborative planning?
Please ensure that the addresses for all campuses are added to the school address(es) section.
MYP in partnership
In cases where there is an educational continuum between schools, where one or more offer the earlier years of the
MYP, leading to the final years in another school, and a significant proportion of students move from one to the other,
schools can apply to offer the MYP in partnership (Rules for IB candidate schools, article 5.1). The IB will recognize these
schools as one programme offered in partnership if certain criteria are satisfied.
1. Is the school seeking to offer the MYP in partnership? Yes/No
If the school indicates that it is seeking to offer the MYP in partnership, the IB will ask for the following information.
2. Will staff across the partner schools meet frequently for ongoing collaborative planning, ensuring vertical
articulation towards the final MYP objectives and a common understanding and practice of MYP assessment?
3. How will the school ensure horizontal and vertical articulation of the programme across the partner schools and
across all years of the programme?
School and programme enrollment
Please provide the information on your school’s total enrollment and enrollment in each IB programme offered.
Interested and candidate schools providing enrollment information on a programme for which they are seeking
authorization should provide the projected enrollment for the first year of implementation once the programme has
been authorized.
Age to
MYP structure
In the following chart, please provide information about the years of the MYP that the school will offer.
MYP student total
MYP years
Year 0
Year 1
Year 2
Sample Application for candidacyMiddle Years Programme 9
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Proposed subject list
The school will indicate which subjects it intends to offer as a part of the programme
Subject group
Name of subject
Language of
MYP year subject
Hours per year
Year 0
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
School staff
Please invite the individuals who will serve as the programme contacts (programme coordinator, billing contact, head
of school, and examination contact (if applicable) to register on My IB so that they may log into My School. Up-to-date
contact information for the programme contacts is essential to ensure that the school receives official IB
Please direct all other school staff who will be involved with the school’s IB programme(s) to the MY IB portal so that
they may register. Staff will not appear in the staff chart, below, until they have done so.
Schools applying for candidacy do not need to provide information for all programme staff. They must provide
information for the head of school, programme coordinator, and billing contact; other staff information can be added
once candidacy has been awarded.
Staff chart
Role(s) with IB
To appear in the staff chart, staff must have registered and completed their profiles on My IB. If their personal
information changes, they must make those changes through My IB.
The person completing or updating the school profile will be able to edit information about the staff listed in the chart
above, including their contact information, information on their tenure at the school, the IB programme(s) they are
involved with, the roles they play in the IB programme(s) and the subjects they teach. They will also be able to make
changes to this information as the school’s staff and their responsibilities change.
Professional development (PD) information
This chart allows the school to provide information on and track the PD completed by staff involved with the school’s
IB programme(s).
Sample Application for candidacyMiddle Years Programme 10
The first 5 columns will be pre-filled with information provided in the staff chart; the remaining information will be
provided by the person completing or updating the school profile.
Sample Application for candidacyMiddle Years Programme 11
Application for candidacy questions
Purpose (01)
Purpose (0101)
Schools implement IB programmes to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create
a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
Purpose 1: The governing body and school leaders articulate a purpose for learning that aligns with the IB’s
philosophy and mission. (0101-01)
Purpose 1.1: The school develops a mission, vision and strategy that reflect the IB mission and philosophy. (0101-01-
1. Please provide the school’s current mission.
2. Please provide the school’s current vision.
3. Please describe the school’s current strategy.
Please focus on the aspects of the strategy which are relevant to the sustainability of the school and the IB programme
it is applying to implement.
Environment (02)
Leadership and governance (0201)
The leadership and governance of IB World Schools create and sustain high-quality learning environments.
Leadership 1: The school regularly reviews and follows all IB rules, regulations and guidelines to support
programme implementation and ongoing development. (0201-01)
Leadership 1.2: Leadership and governance understand all IB rules, regulations and guidelines, and have put in place
structures and processes to ensure compliance. (0201-01-0200)
1. How has the school's leadership and governance developed an understanding of all IB rules, regulations, and
guidelines relevant to the programme? (Choose all that apply.)
Direct communication (eg email, flyer, newsletter, etc)
Staff meetings
Individual meetings with programme coordinator
Collaborative planning meetings
Leadership meetings
Externally provided professional development
School/internally developed professional development
IB professional development
In-service sessions
Access to the IB programme resource centre for individual review of documentation
Use of the IB’s online programme communities
Other (please describe)
Sample Application for candidacyMiddle Years Programme 12
The IB will also evaluate this requirement by reviewing the school’s website, school’s professional development
information, agreement submitted with the Application for candidacy, statement of financial commitment, information
provided in the school profile, staff chart, legal entity and licensure/accreditation documentation, the budget, and
organization chart, the head of school and programme coordinator job descriptions (if the school is seeking to operate
a multi-campus or MYP partnership programme).
MYP1: (if applicable) The school provides security for the storage, transportation, and/or transmission of IB assessment
materials, physical or virtual, with controlled access restricted to designated staff. (0201-01-0221)
1. Does the school plan to conduct MYP eAssessment? Yes/No
Leadership 2: The school includes on its pedagogical leadership team an IB-trained programme coordinator
who is empowered to facilitate successful programme implementation. (0201-02)
Leadership 2.1: The school appoints a programme coordinator with a job description, release time, necessary support,
and an organizational position to facilitate curriculum and programme development. (0201-02-0100)
1. In which of the IB working languages is the programme coordinator proficient? (Choose all that apply.)
The IB will also evaluate this requirement by reviewing the staff chart, organization chart, and programme coordinator
job description.
Leadership 2.2: The programme coordinator completes required professional development that is up to date with the
most current version of the programme(s) under their responsibility. (0201-02-0200)
The IB will evaluate this requirement by reviewing the school’s professional development information and proof of
Leadership 3: The school organizes time for learning and teaching that provides a broad, balanced and
connected curriculum and serves the changing needs of its community. (0201-03)
Leadership 3.1: The school implements a schedule that allows for the requirements of the programme(s) to be met.
The IB will evaluate this requirement by reviewing the MYP structure chart.
Leadership 5: The school funds and allocates resources that sustain and further develop its IB programme(s).
Leadership 5.1: The school funds adequate resources to implement the programme(s) and meet programme
requirements. (0201-05-0100)
The IB will evaluate this requirement by reviewing the school’s professional development information, budget, and
statement of financial commitment.
Standard: student support (0202)
Learning environments in IB World Schools support student success.
Student support 1: The school provides relevant human, natural, built and virtual resources to implement its
IB programme(s). (0202-01)
Student support 1.2: The school is responsible for its teachers meeting the local and legal requirements for the roles to
which they are appointed. (0202-01-0200)
1. Does the school ensure that all teachers meet the local/state/national and any other relevant requirements for the
roles to which they have been appointed? Yes/No
Sample Application for candidacyMiddle Years Programme 13
Teacher support (0203)
Learning environments in IB World Schools support and empower teachers.
Teacher support 2: The school ensures that leadership and teachers participate in appropriate and timely
professional learning to inform their practice. (0203-02)
Teacher support 2.1: The school complies with IB-mandated professional development requirements, as outlined in IB
documentation. (0203-02-0100)
Please ensure that the school’s professional development information is complete and current before submitting this
application. This information can be updated in the “Professional development” information section of the “School
The IB will evaluate this requirement by reviewing the school’s professional development information, proof of
workshop completion/registration and budget.
Culture (03)
Culture through policy implementation (0301)
Schools develop, implement, communicate and review effective policies that help to create a school culture in which
IB philosophy can thrive.
Culture 1: The school secures access to an IB education for the broadest possible range of students. (0301-01)
Culture 1.3: The school provides opportunities to access the programme(s) for the broadest possible range of students.
1. How does the school provide opportunities for the broadest possible range of students to access the IB
The IB will also evaluate this requirement by reviewing the School and programme enrollment chart.
Sample Application for candidacyMiddle Years Programme 14
Please provide the school’s projected five-year budget for candidacy and IB programme implementation after the
school has been authorized as an IB World School. While completing the application, please take note of the
requirements and specifications for which the budget serves as evidence and include related budget items, if any,
Budget item
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
IB fees
Application for candidacy fee/pre-authorization fee
Candidacy and consultation services fee, where applicable
Candidacy and authorization services fee, where applicable
Annual school fee
Assessment fees (if paid by the school)
Professional development (PD)
IB workshops
Other professional development
PD-related costs (such as travel and substitute teachers)
The school will enter relevant items in this and the following
sections, adding as many additional lines as needed.
Facilities and equipment
Other costs
Please consult the Guide to school authorization for further information on which fees apply to the programme(s) for
which your school is seeking authorization.
Sample Application for candidacyMiddle Years Programme 15
Application for candidacy:
Documents to be submitted
The following documents must be uploaded and submitted with your Application for candidacy. Your application will
not move forward in the authorization process without these documents.
Legal entity documentation: documentary confirmation that the school is duly registered as a legal entity under local
law. If necessary the school must provide a translation into English, French or Spanish if written in any other language.
Translations of official documents must be duly certified.
The school must be duly registered as a legal entity under local laweither for profit or not-for-profit, privately or
publicly fundedbefore the IB can award candidacy.
Licensure or accreditation documentation: documentary confirmation from the relevant educational authorities
indicating that the school is licensed or accredited to provide educational services to students of the ages served by
the programme for which the school is applying. If necessary the school must provide a translation into English, French
or Spanish if written in any other language. Translations of official documents must be duly certified.
A schoolmust have the requiredlicensure oraccreditationfromthe local authorities and/or, if applicable, independent
recognized accreditation agencies, indicating that it is licensed/accreditedor otherwise authorizedto provide
educational services to students of the ages served by theprogramme(s) for which the school isseeking to be
authorized before the IB can award candidacy.
Head of school job description: a written description of the general tasks and responsibilities of the position as well
as other related duties.
Programme coordinator job description: a written description of the general tasks and responsibilities of the
position as well as other related duties.
Organization chart: school organization chart showing the pedagogical leadership teamincluding the Head of
school and programme coordinatorand reporting lines.
Proof of workshop completion or registrationprogramme coordinator: documentary evidence of completion
of, or registration for, the required workshop.
Proof of workshop completionhead of school: documentary evidence that the head of school, or appropriate
designee, has fulfilled the Category 1 “Head of school” workshop requirement.
Statement of financial commitment: written confirmation of support from the authorities that will finance the
implementation of the IB in the school.
This statement should be provided on the official letterhead of the entity that will finance the implementation of the IB
in the school and be signed by the official who has financial authority over the school. A certified translation of this
statement into the school’s language of communication with the IB must be provided, if necessary.
Sample Application for candidacyMiddle Years Programme 16
Application for candidacy agreement
Request to the International Baccalaureate Organization (IB) for acceptance as candidate school to prepare for
authorization to offer the Middle Years Programme
Please read and sign this agreement.
On behalf of the above-named school, we request permission from the IB as a candidate school preparing for
authorization to offer the IB Middle Years Programme. Information about the school is supplied on the accompanying
application form and documents.
We understand that after submission of Application for candidacy: Middle Years Programme, if the required conditions
are fulfilled, the school will be recognized as a candidate school. Furthermore, we understand that the Application for
authorization: Middle Years Programme must be submitted to the IB according to the IB’s regulations.
We confirm that:
a. We have read the following documents published on the IB website, made them available to the relevant
constituencies of the school and agree to abide by the regulations stated therein:
Guide to school authorization
Application for candidacy
Application for authorization
Rules for IB candidate schools
Rules for IB World Schools
General regulations
Programme standards and practices
The Middle Years Programme: From principles into practice
The IB’s “Rules for use of IB intellectual property” (available at
The IB’s online terms and conditions (available at
b. The school will prepare itself to meet the authorization requirements following the current IB documents
published for the purpose of implementing the programme.
c. The school operates in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and policies. Further, the school confirms
that it operates in accordance with best practices as well as all applicable laws, regulations, and policies in the
area of child protection and that it has appropriate procedures in place (which may include components such as
criminal background screening for recruiting, hiring and retaining staff).
d. The appropriate financial authorities of the school/public school district know of the schedule of Middle Years
Programme fees and currency as assigned by the IB and have agreed to their timely payment.
e. The school will not advertise or otherwise imply that it is authorized to offer the IB Middle Years Programme. The
final decision on the application for authorization is reached by the Director General of the IB after acceptance of
the Application for authorization: Middle Years Programme and after a verification visit to the school by an IB team
has taken place.
f. The school will only use the IB World School logo if and when the school is authorized to offer the IB Middle Years
Programme. No IB logo is available for candidate schools.
Sample Application for candidacyMiddle Years Programme 17
g. The acceptance as a candidate school by the IB does not guarantee future authorization to offer the Middle Years
h. If the school is recognized as a candidate school by the IB, the school will present itself as a candidate school
preparing for authorization, using only the text provided by the IB in the letter awarding candidacy or in the Rules
for use of IB intellectual property (“section 3B”) available at
i. We enclose the supporting documents as requested in this application.
j. We agree that this electronic application form, whether signed electronically or not, will be understood by the IB
to have been read and endorsed by the head of school, the superintendent (if applicable) and the chair of the
governing body (if applicable) without a signed hard copy being necessary.
k. We understand and accept that any dispute arising from, or in connection with, the Application for candidacy:
Middle Years Programme, the Application for authorization: Middle Years Programme, or any other document
relating to the authorization process, shall be finally settled by arbitration, taking place in and in accordance with
the rules applicable in Geneva, Switzerland. The proceedings shall be confidential and the language of the
arbitration shall be English.
We further declare that, to the best of our knowledge, the information given on this form is correct.
Name and title of head of school
Signature Date
Name and title of superintendent of school
(if applicable)
Signature Date
Name and title of the duly authorized representative of the school’s (or its controlling entity’s) governing
Signature Date
Head of school (director/principal in some systems) is the person who leads and supervises the daily operations of the school, ensuring that
the policies of the governing body are put into practice.
Superintendent of school (executive head in some systems) is the person who has oversight of the group of schools of which the
applicant school is a part; such groups might include community or regional school districts, or a number of private schools overseen by a
central management group.
Governing body and/or controlling entity (board of education or school district in some systems) is the individual or duly constituted
entity, body politic, or group that has the ultimate legal authority to make decisions on behalf of the school, bind the school and the school’s
controlling entity (as the case may be) to the obligations of this letter and the Rules and/or make payments for the IB’s services.