fmars-08-685076 August 14, 2021 Time: 15:40 # 1
published: 19 August 2021
doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.685076
Edited by:
Bernardo Duarte,
Center for Marine and Environmental
Sciences (MARE), Portugal
Reviewed by:
Ricardo Cruz de Carvalho,
University of Lisbon, Portugal
Isabel Caçador,
Center for Marine and Environmental
Sciences (MARE), Portugal
Salvadora Navarro-Torre
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Coastal Ocean Processes,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Marine Science
Received: 24 March 2021
Accepted: 28 July 2021
Published: 19 August 2021
Pajuelo E, Arjona S,
Rodríguez-Llorente ID,
Mateos-Naranjo E,
Redondo-Gómez S, Merchán F and
Navarro-Torre S (2021) Coastal
Ecosystems as Sources
of Biofertilizers in Agriculture: From
Genomics to Application in an Urban
Orchard. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:685076.
doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.685076
Coastal Ecosystems as Sources of
Biofertilizers in Agriculture: From
Genomics to Application in an Urban
Eloísa Pajuelo
, Sandra Arjona
, Ignacio D. Rodríguez-Llorente
Enrique Mateos-Naranjo
, Susana Redondo-Gómez
, Francisco Merchán
Salvadora Navarro-Torre
Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Seville, Seville, Spain,
of Plant Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Biology, University of Seville, Seville, Spain
Pantoea agglomerans RSO7, a rhizobacterium previously isolated from Spartina
maritima grown on metal polluted saltmarshes, had demonstrated good plant growth
promoting activity for its host halophyte, but was never tested in crops. The aims of this
study were: (1) testing PGP activity on a model plant (alfalfa) in vitro; (2) testing a bacterial
consortium including RSO7 as biofertilizer in a pilot experiment in urban orchard; and
(3) identifying the traits related to PGP activities. RSO7 was able to enhance alfalfa
growth in vitro, particularly the root system, besides improving plant survival and
protecting plants against fungal contamination. In addition, in a pilot experiment in urban
orchard, a consortium of three bacteria including RSO7 was able to foster the growth
and yield of several winter crops between 1.5 and 10 fold, depending on species.
Moreover, the analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence revealed that photosynthesis was
highly ameliorated. Genome analysis of RSO7 depicted the robustness of this bacterial
strain which showed resilience to multiple stresses (heat, cold, UV radiation, several
xenobiotics). Together with wide metabolic versatility, genes conferring resistance to
oxidative stress were identified. Many genes involved in metal resistance (As, Cu, Ni,
Co, Zn, Se, Te) and in tolerance toward high osmolality (production of a battery of
osmoprotectans) were also found. Regarding plant growth promoting properties, traits
for phosphate solubilization, synthesis of a battery of siderophores and production of
IAA were detected. In addition, the bacterium has genes related to key processes in the
rhizosphere including flagellar motility, chemotaxis, quorum sensing, biofilm formation,
plant-bacteria dialog, and high competitiveness in the rhizosphere. Our results suggest
the high potential of this bacterium as bioinoculant for an array of crops. However,
the classification in biosecurity group 2 prevents its use according to current European
regulation. Alternative formulations for the application of the bioinoculant are discussed.
Keywords: Pantoea agglomerans RSO7, saltmarshes, PGPR, bioinoculant, genome analysis, PGP traits,
metabolic versatility, resilience
Frontiers in Marine Science | 1 August 2021 | Volume 8 | Article 685076
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Pajuelo et al. Pilot Experiments Using Coastal Biofertilizers
Interest in the environment is increasingly present in peoples
lives. This concern has evolved so much that climate risks
are at the forefront of the planet’s concerns today (World
Economic Forum, 2020). Among these attempts, searching
for less polluting fertilization methods than the commonly
used chemicals is prioritized in order to evolve toward a more
sustainable agriculture
. One of the most challenging politics in
this new green revolution is the use of biofertilizers, included
in the recent regulation of the European Union on fertilizers
(2019/1009). Biostimulants were defined by du Jardin (2015)
as “any substance or microorganism applied to plants with the
aim of improving nutritional efficiency, tolerance to abiotic
stress and/or quality traits of the crop, regardless of its nutrient
Of particular interest are plant growth promoting
rhizobacteria (PGPR), which are soil bacteria able to establish
beneficial relationships with plants (Backer et al., 2018).
These bacteria are a real alternative to agrochemicals and
are proven to improve plant resilience toward an array of
stress situations (drought, salinity, high temperature, poor
and degraded soils) together with defense against plant
pathogens (Backer et al., 2018; Enebe and Babalola, 2018). In
this particular, coastal ecosystems are a source of rhizosphere
bacteria with particular properties, since they are able to
tolerate an array of stress situations such as high salinity,
extreme temperature, irradiation, xenobiotic pollutants, heavy
metals, etc. (Mesa-Marín et al., 2019; Rodríguez-Llorente et al.,
There are multiple mechanisms by which PGPRs can
promote plant growth, which are classified into direct and
indirect mechanisms. Direct mechanisms are those that provide
nutrients or regulate plant growth, including phosphate
solubilization, nitrogen fixation, iron acquisition or the
secretion of growth stimulating phytohormones. Indirect
mechanisms are those that protect plants from acquiring
infections (biotic stress) or help the plant to grow healthy
during a period of environmental stress (abiotic stress) for
instance through regulation of ethylene production due to
the enzyme aminocyclopropane (ACC) deaminase (Goswami
et al., 2016; Singh and Jha, 2017). Some of the most frequent
bacterial genera used as PGPR are Pseudomonas, Bacillus,
Azospirillum, Azotobacter, Rhizobium, Enterobacter, etc.
(Ferreira et al., 2019).
In our case, the study involves the bacterium Pantoea
agglomerans RSO7, a Gram negative belonging to the
Enterobacteriaceae family. The genus Pantoea comprises
20 species with high diversity including PGPR, xenobiotic
degraders, antibiotic producers, biocontrol agents, plant
pathogens and opportunistic human pathogens (Walterson
and Stavrinides, 2015; Dutkiewicz et al., 2016). Concerning
the strain RSO7, it had been previously isolated from the
rhizosphere of Spartina maritima, a species present in
the marshes of southwestern Spain (Castillo et al., 2010)
and other parts of Europe. The bacterium was shown to
tolerate high levels of arsenic and heavy metals (Zn, Pb,
Cu), it shows high salt tolerance and display very good
PGPR properties (Paredes-Páliz et al., 2016a), which are
listed in Supplementary Table 1. Furthermore, inoculation
of Spartina densiflora plants with a bacterial consortium
containing RSO7 improved seed germination, enhanced plant
growth and ameliorated the physiological state of the host
halophyte in metal polluted soils (Paredes-Páliz et al., 2016b,
However, the PGP properties of this bacterium were never
tested in crops. In this particular, alfalfa (Medicago sativa) was
selected for a preliminary study in vitro for several reasons.
In the first place, it is a legume or Fabaceae, which is a
family of plants with high importance for humans. Legumes are
considered as the second most important food for humanity,
second only to cereals. Their extensive consumption is justified
by their high nutritional value, since they provide essential
amino acids, complex carbohydrates, fiber, unsaturated fats,
vitamins and minerals (Kouris-Blazos and Belski, 2016; Maphosa
and Jideani, 2017). Besides alfalfa, RSO7 has been tested as
bioinoculant for an array of five winter crops (lettuce, spinach,
winter onion, radish and beet) in a pilot experiment in
an urban orchard.
In recent times, studies of the complete genomes of
PGPR are elucidating the genes that explain the plant growth
promoting activities and the plant-bacteria dialog in the
rhizosphere (Song et al., 2012; Usha et al., 2015; Bhattacharyya
et al., 2017). Accordingly, the draft genomes of several
Pantoea strains with PGPR activities have been compared
(Bruto et al., 2014; Palmer et al., 2018; Song et al., 2020).
In general these microorganisms show wide versatility and
adaptability, together with multiple PGP activities such as
phosphate solubilization, nitrogen fixation, ACC deaminase
activity, auxins production and secretion of siderophores
(Shariati et al., 2017; Chen and Liu, 2019; Luziatelli et al.,
Taking into account the precedent information, the
objectives of this work have been: (1) testing PGP
activity on a model plant in vitro (in this case, the
legume Medicago sativa, alfalfa); (2) Testing a bacterial
consortium including RSO7 as biofertilizer in a pilot
experiment in an urban orchard; and (3) identifying the
genes underlying the PGP activity as well as metal and salt
tolerance in this strain.
Cultivation of the Bacterial Strain
The strain P. agglomerans RSO7 (Paredes-Páliz et al., 2016a)
was routinely maintained on TSA plates. For the preparation of
inocula, a single colony was cultivated in TSB liquid medium
and incubated at 28
C for 48 h. Optical density of the cultures
at 600 nm was determined and adjusted to 1.0 with sterile TSB
medium in order to use always the same bacterial density in
all the procedures.
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Pajuelo et al. Pilot Experiments Using Coastal Biofertilizers
Cultivation of Medicago sativa in Agar
Cultivation of alfalfa in vitro was performed in sterile
20 cm × 20 cm square plates filled with BNM (Buffered
Nodulation Medium, Ehrhardt et al., 1992) containing 0.9%
agar. This medium is commonly used for studies of rhizobium-
legume nodulation and lacks nitrogen. Since, in this case, the
alfalfa plants were not inoculated with rhizobia, the medium was
supplemented with 2.5 mM ammonium nitrate. The medium
was used at normal concentration (1 × BNM) and at half
concentration of all nutrients (1/2 × BNM) in order to simulate
poor or degraded soils.
Commercial M. sativa seeds were superficially disinfected
in 90% alcohol for 5 min, after which they were thoroughly
washed with sterile distilled water. Subsequently, they were
treated with a sodium hypochlorite solution (commercial bleach
diluted 1: 5) for 5 min. Finally, they were exhaustively washed
with sterile distilled water to remove traces of bleach that could
inhibit germination. Seeds were pre-germinated for 24 h on
water-agar plates at 22
C in the darkness. Twelve seeds at
the same developmental stage were transferred to each of the
agar plates, in duplicate. For each concentration (1 × BNM
or 1/2 × BNM) two treatments were performed: inoculated
and non-inoculated plates. For inoculation, 100 µL of a culture
of RSO7 was deposited on every seed. In the non-inoculated
plates 100 µL of TSB sterile medium was applied on every
seed. Plates were allowed to stand until the inoculum was
embedded in the agar and then sealed with film-tape. The lower
part of the plates was covered with black paper to protect
roots from light and plates were incubated in a plant growth
incubator at 22
C and 16 h light/8 h darkness (120–
130 µE m
). The experiment was conducted for 16 days
(at longer periods, plant roots and stems reached the bottom
and the top of the plate, respectively, so length measurements
were not accurate). At day 8th, seeds were inoculated again
with 5 µL of an RSO7 culture as before, and the same
volume of sterile TSB was applied to each seed of the non-
inoculated plates.
Determination of the Effect of
Inoculation With RSO7 on Medicago
sativa Plant Survival and Growth in vitro
To find out whether inoculation with P. agglomerans RSO7
bacteria affected plant survival, the percentage of viable plants
was assessed at day 16
. Percentages per plate were calculated
and the mean of the duplicate plates was made. The effect
of inoculation on root growth was evaluated every day for
the first 8 days, and then at day 12
at final time (day
). Roots were measured and the number of lateral roots
was consigned. The daily average of the size of the roots
and the average number of lateral roots per plate was
calculated and plotted against time to establish the kinetics
of root growth and development of inoculated and non-
inoculated plants in the two media considered. Finally, on
day 16
, the stem size was measured and the number of
trefoils was recorded.
Design of a Pilot Experiment in Urban
The pilot experiment was performed in the urban orchard of the
College I.E.S. Pablo Neruda, located in Castilleja de la Cuesta
(Seville, Spain: 37
N; 6
W). The experiment
was done in the frame of a collaborative research project called
“Doing research together” between the University of Seville and
the College I.E.S. Pablo Neruda in an attempt to disseminate the
knowledge generated in the university to society and also to foster
the interest of students for scientific research.
The orchard had four permaculture terraces for planting
(area 2 × 1 m) delimited by rails. Two of them were used for
inoculation and another two were kept without inoculation as
controls. For inoculation, a consortium of three bacteria was
used including Pantoea agglomerans RSO7, Pantoea agglomerans
RSO6 and Bacillus aryabathai RSO25 (Paredes-Páliz et al., 2016a).
The three bacteria were cultivated individually in 1 L of TSB
for 48 h at 28
C and 150 rpm. The three cultures were mixed
before inoculation.
The experiment was done in the winter season of 2019. In
January, plants of five species were planted in the orchard, namely
winter onions, spinach, lettuce, radishes and beets. Commercial
local varieties of onions bulbs and seeds of the rest of the
plants were submerged in the culture of the three bacteria for
30 min and then planted in the terraces. The rest of the bacterial
culture was mixed with 50 L tap water and used to water
the inoculated plants. At the same time, analogous number of
onion bulbs and seeds was planted in the control terraces (non-
inoculated) and they were watered with 50 L tap water. Three
inoculations were done, the first one at sowing and then once
every month (at the end of February and at the end of March).
The experiment was conducted for four months. During all this
time, the teachers and the students of the college watered the
plants twice a week and removed the weeds for keeping the
orchard in adequate conditions. Plants were finally harvested at
the end of April 2019.
Determination of the Effect of
Inoculation on the Photosynthesis and
Yield of Winter Crops
The saturation pulse method was used to determine leaf
light and dark-adapted fluorescence parameters at midday
(1600 µmol m
) using a portable modulated fluorimeter
(FMS-2; Hansatech Instruments Ltd., United Kindom) (Maxwell
and Johnson, 2000; Baker and Oxborough, 2004). Plants
were dark-adapted for 30 min using leaf–clips designed for
this purpose. The minimal fluorescence level in the dark-
adapted state (F0) was measured using a modulated pulse
(< 0.05 µmol m
for 1.8 µs) too small to induce significant
physiological changes in the plant. Maximal fluorescence level
in this state (Fm) was measured after applying a saturating
actinic light pulse of 10000 µmol m
for 0.8 s.
Maximum quantum efficiency of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm)
were calculated from F0 and Fm. The same leaf section of
each plant was used to measure light-adapted parameters.
For this purpose, steady state fluorescence yield (Fs) was
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Pajuelo et al. Pilot Experiments Using Coastal Biofertilizers
recorded at ambient light conditions and saturating actinic
light pulse of 10000 µmol m
for 0.8 s was then
used to produce the maximum fluorescence yield (Fm
) by
temporarily inhibiting PSII photochemistry. Finally, using both
parameters the quantum efficiency of PSII (8PSII = (Fm
) was calculated.
At the end of the experiment plants were harvested and the
aerial parts were measured and weighed. The bulbs of onions and
tubers of radishes and beets were unearthed and weighed.
Isolation of DNA, Whole Genome
Sequencing and Annotation of the RSO7
Pantoea agglomerans RSO7 was cultivated in 3 mL of liquid
TSB medium at 28
C and 150 rpm for 24 h. 1.5 mL of the
culture were centrifuged and genomic DNA was extracted
using the G-spin
Genomic DNA Extraction Kit for
Bacteria (iNtRON Biotechnology Ltd, Korea) according to
the specifications of the supplier. Whole genome sequencing
was carried out through the company Sistemas Genómicos,
S.A. (Valencia) and by the MicrobesNG company (Birmingham,
United Kingdom) using Illumina technology. Kraken was
used to identify the closest available reference (Wood and
Salzberg, 2014). Quality of data was studied mapping the reads
with BWA mem (Li, 2013), de novo assembly of the genome
was performed using SPAdes (Bankevich et al., 2012) and,
then, more quality parameters were checked with BWA mem.
The whole genome was deposited in GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ
under the accession number CAJOSF01000000. Genome
annotation was performed with PROKKA (Seemann, 2014)
and basics statistics about the genome were extracted
using RAST server v2.0 (Aziz et al., 2008), QUAST v.4.6.3
software (Gurevich et al., 2013), SignalP 4.1 server (Petersen
et al., 2011), TMHMM server v.2.0 (Krogh et al., 2001),
and CRISPRFinder (Grissa et al., 2007) and PlasFlow
(Krawczyk et al., 2018).
Once annotated, genes have been classified in four categories:
genes related to adaptability and resilience under several stress
situations; genes related to plant growth promoting activities;
genes related to rhizosphere processes and genes involved in
toxicity and pathogenesis.
Statistical Analysis
For the in vitro experiment with alfalfa, the results obtained
were expressed as the mean ± standard error of 2 independent
experiments (2 plates for each condition with n = 10–12 plants
each depending on plant survival). For the orchard experiment,
the results are the mean ± standard error of 2 independent
experiments (2 independent terraces with variable number of
plants depending on the crop, n = 10–30). The means were
compared using the Student test and significant differences at
p < 0.05 between inoculated and non-inoculated plants are
indicated in figures and tables.
Statistical analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence was carried
out using Statistica v. 10.0 (Statsoft Inc.). Data differences
between inoculation treatments for the same vegetable species
TABLE 1 | Percentage of survival of inoculated and non-inoculated plants at day
in complete medium (1 × BNM) and half nutrient medium (1/2 × BNM).
Plant culture medium Inoculation conditions Percentage
of survival
1 × BNM Non-inoculated 66.7%
Inoculated with RSO7 70.8%
1/2 × BNM Non- Inoculated 58.3%
Inoculated with RSO7 79.2%
Data are the mean of 24 plants (2 plates × 12 plants) and significant differences at
p < 0.05 are indicated by different letters.
were recorded by using the Student test (t-test). Data were first
tested for normality with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and for
homogeneity with the Brown-Forsythe test.
Effect of Inoculation on Plant Survival
in vitro
The effect of inoculation with P. agglomerans RSO7 on alfalfa
survival in vitro was studied. Data are shown in Table 1. In
the case of the complete medium (1 × BNM), the survival
index was 4.16% higher in the inoculated plates with regard
to non-inoculated; however, this difference was not statistically
significant. In the case of the plates with half the nutrients,
the percentage of survival in non-inoculated plants decreased
to 58.3%. By contrast, in this case, inoculation had very
positive effect and the survival of the inoculated plates increased
up to 79.2%. Since all the seeds were selected at the same
developmental stage (at emerging root) our results suggest
that the bacterium ameliorated plant survival in conditions
of nutrient limitation. This effect could be a consequence of
biocontrol properties of the strain (for instance secretion of
siderophores) since much higher fungal contamination was
observed in the non-inoculated plates as compared to the
inoculated ones (not shown).
Effect of Inoculation With RSO7 on
Medicago sativa Growth in vitro
The effect of inoculation with P. agglomerans RSO7 on root
growth was followed every day and, from day 8, every four
days. The results are shown in Figure 1. In complete medium
(1 × BNM) data showed a slight and late positive effect
of inoculation that was observed from day 12
. Finally, on
day 16
, the mean of the root in non-inoculated plants was
6.6 cm, while in inoculated plants it was 8.5 cm. The results
in deficit medium (1/2 × BNM) were very different. In this
case, a marked positive effect of inoculation was observed
from the 5
day. The roots became approximately twice as
long in inoculated plants as compared to non-inoculated ones.
Finally, on day 16
, the mean of the root in non-inoculated
plants was 5.48 cm, whereas in the inoculated plants it was
9.41 cm. These results indicated that the effect of bacteria was
much greater when the plants were in a situation of lack of
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Pajuelo et al. Pilot Experiments Using Coastal Biofertilizers
FIGURE 1 | Kinetics of root growth in non-inoculated and inoculated plants of Medicago sativa grown in vitro in square plates. Values represent mean ± SE, n = 24.
nutrients. In the presence of full nutrients all the plants grow
well, however, in the case of 1/2 × BNM where the availability
of nutrients is more limited, the beneficial effects of bacteria
can be better observed, since they can solubilize phosphate,
fix nitrogen, synthesize siderophores, etc. (Paredes-Páliz et al.,
2016a) allowing better root growth with less supply of nutrients
Concerning the number of secondary roots, the results are
shown in Figure 2. In this case, the data confirmed that the
presence of the bacteria increased the number of secondary roots
of the plant, regardless of the medium considered (1 × BNM
or 1/2 × BNM); in the first case, data showed a notable
difference between the number of secondary roots of the non-
inoculated plates, with an average of 0, and the number of
secondary roots present in the inoculated plates, with an average
of 3.54. The results in deficit medium also showed mean
number of secondary roots of 0.5 for non-inoculated face to
average 2.42 lateral roots in the inoculated plants. These effects
could be probably related to the bacterium ability to synthesize
auxins (Paredes-Páliz et al., 2016a), since these phytohormones
regulate, among other processes, the growth and branching of
the root and the development of a greater number of root hairs
(Weijers et al., 2018).
The effect of inoculation has also been studied on shoot
growth by determining shoot length and the number of trefoils
(Table 2). There was an increase in the stem size of the inoculated
plants compared to those that were not inoculated in both media.
However, the differences were not significant in 1 × BNM (20%
increase in shoot length) whereas it was a significant difference
in the low-nutrients medium where the increase in shoot length
was 53%. When considering the number of trefoils, there were
significant differences in both media, with increases of 55%.
Again, the results suggest that there is a greater growth promoting
effect under conditions of nutrient limitation.
Determination of the Effect of
Inoculation on the Yield of Crop Plants in
the Pilot Experiment in Urban Orchard
The effect of inoculation with a consortium of 3 bacterial
strains including RSO7 was analyzed on 5 winter crops in a
pilot experiment in urban orchad. This bacterial consortium
had been previously used for inoculation of the host plant
Spartina densiflora (Paredes-Páliz et al., 2017) having
demonstrated plant growth promotion and protection of
plant against stress by heavy metals (Paredes-Páliz et al., 2017,
In this opportunity, 5 winter crops were selected to test
the effect of the inoculant, namely lettuce, spinach, winter
onion, beet and radish. As explained before, the experiment
was done within the frame of a collaborative teaching-service
project between our research group at the University of
Seville and the College I.E.S. Pablo Neruda with professors
of Biology and Applied Sciences and students aging 15-
16. Supplementary Figure 1 shows several moments of the
development of the project. Final data of yield after 4 months
are shown in Table 3. The results indicated an enhancement
of growth of all the plant species (also observed in Figure 3).
The highest effects were found in lettuce and spinach which
increased their weights by 8 and 5 fold in average, respectively.
Concerning winter onions, the increase was about 15% and it was
remarkable that in the case of radish and beet, only inoculated
plants gave tubers.
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Pajuelo et al. Pilot Experiments Using Coastal Biofertilizers
FIGURE 2 | Kinetics of appearance of secondary roots in non-inoculated and inoculated plants of Medicago sativa grown in vitro in square plates. Values represent
mean ± SE, n = 24.
TABLE 2 | Length of the primary root of alfalfa plants grown on 1 × BNM (normal concentration of nutrients) and 1/2 × BNM (half nutrients) and inoculated or
non-inoculated with P. agglomerans RSO7.
Plant growth medium Inoculation conditions Root length (cm)
at day 16
Number of lateral
roots at day 8
Shoot length (cm)
at day 16
Number of trefoils
at day 16
1 × BNM Non-inoculated 7.36 ± 0.77
5.79 ± 0.49
2.19 ± 0.85
Inoculated with RSO7 8.55 ± 0.75
3.50 ± 0.63
6.88 ± 0.63
3.41 ± 0.33
1/2 × BNM Non-inoculated 5.48 ± 0.66
0.50 ± 0.2
5.42 ± 0.66
2.28 ± 0.26
Inoculated with RSO7 9.41 ± 0.58
2.41 ± 0.52
8.31 ± 0.55
3.42 ± 0.24
Data correspond to day 16
and are the average ± standard error of 18–24 plants (2 plates with 8–12 plants, depending on survival). Significant differences at p < 0.05
are indicated by different letters.
These results confirm, in a pilot experiment, the usefulness of
the biofertilizer for enhancement of plant growth and yield. The
effect is probably due to the plant growth promoting activities
of the strains which are able to solubilize phosphate, produce
siderophores, and secrete auxins (Paredes-Páliz et al., 2016a).
In addition, the survival of plants was much more efficient
upon inoculation (not shown) being probably related to the
biocontrol properties of RSO7, protecting plants against fungal
contamination. Other Pantoea strains also are able to improve
the resilience of plants against several stressing environmental
conditions and display biocontrol activities (Chen and Liu, 2019;
Luziatelli et al., 2020a).
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Pajuelo et al. Pilot Experiments Using Coastal Biofertilizers
TABLE 3 | Yield of winter crops grown in an urban orchard and inoculated or not with a consortium including the bacterial strains Pantoea agglomerans RSO7,
P. agglomerans RSO6, and Bacillus aryabatthai RSO25 (Paredes-Páliz et al., 2016a).
Crop Yield (g) Comment
Non- inoculated Inoculated
Lettuce 95 ± 12 (n = 9)
787 ± 176 (n = 10)
Spinach 20 ± 2,4 (n = 8)
113 ± 22 (n = 9)
Winter onion 60 ± 14 (n = 11)
87 ± 23 (n = 10)
Radish 0.9 ± 0.1 (n = 13)
25.4 ± 5.4 (n = 12)
Only inoculated plants produced
tubers and flowers
Beet 0.6 ± 0.06 (n = 14)
1.9 ± 0.4 (n = 15) *
Only inoculated plants produced
tubers *Average weight of plants
without tubers **Average weight of
plants with tubers
n indicates the number of plants. Significant differences at p < 0.05 are indicated by different letters.
FIGURE 3 | Aspect of lettuces, spinach and radish plants in the orchard one month after planting. Left: non-inoculated; right: inoculated. The red arrow points a key
used for size comparison. Values represent mean ± SE, n = 10 (for spinach and lettuces), and n = 50 (for radishes).
Determination of the Physiological State
of Crop Plants in the Pilot Experiment in
Urban Orchard
The fluorescence parameters were determined in inoculated
and non-inoculated plants. Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis
indicated that overall F0 and Fm values were higher in inoculated
plants compared with their non-inoculated counterparts (t-test,
P < 0.05; Figures 4A,B), which consequently led to greater
maximum quantum efficiency of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm)
for all species (t-test, P < 0.05; Figure 4C). In addition, a
very similar trend was recorded for the quantum efficiency
of PSII (8PSII) for all species except for spinach and beet,
which did not show any statistical difference between both
inoculation treatments (Figure 4D). These results suggested a
positive effect of bacterial inoculation on PSII functionality, in
terms of optimization the antenna size to prevent photoinhibition
and increase photosynthetic efficiency (Adams and Demmig-
Adams, 2004; Ort et al., 2011) with a consequent increment in
plant biomass, as was aforementioned.
Analysis of the RSO7 Genome
The genome of P. agglomerans RSO7 is composed by a
chromosome of 4,829,129 bp and it does not contain plasmids
(Supplementary Table 2). According to other species of the
genus, the G + C content is 55.1%. The analysis depicted 4384
coding sequences from which 616 corresponded to proteins
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FIGURE 4 | Minimal fluorescence level, F0 (A), maximal fluorescence level, Fm (B); maximum quantum efficiency of PSII photochemistry, Fv/Fm (C) and quantum
efficiency of PSII, 8PSII (D) at midday in randomly selected, fully developed leaves of five winter vegetables in non-inoculated and inoculated plants. Asterisks
indicate means that are significantly different between inoculation treatments (t-test, P < 0.05).
with signal peptides and 1051 to proteins with transmembrane
domains. Moreover, the sequence encoded 85 RNAs, from which
11 were rRNA, 73 were tRNA, and 1 tmRNA. Furthermore, 3
CRISPR sequences were identified.
A global analysis of the genome revealed that P. agglomerans
RSO7 is a very versatile bacterium capable of adapting to a
large number of environmental situations. For example, operons
for the use of a large number of C sources (sorbitol, tartrate,
citrate, xylulose, galactofuranose, rhamnose, arabinose, galactose,
maltose, mannose, etc.) have been found. It can also use various
sources of N (nitrate, ammonium, amino acids, even some
fixation genes have been detected) and S (sulfate, amino
acids like cysteine and methionine together with taurine). The
genus Pantoea is known by its robustness and by displaying
wide metabolic versatility (Shariati et al., 2017; Luziatelli et al.,
2020a). Along with its metabolic versatility, this bacterium
shows resistance toward many stresses, not only to heavy metals
(Shariati et al., 2017) and salinity as will be disclosed later, but also
to heat, cold, UV radiation, acidic conditions, etc. Besides, genes
are present for the degradation of diverse xenobiotics including
azo compounds (FMN-azoreductase), curcumin (curcumin
reductase), compounds with formyl groups (it has formylase
and formyl transferase), halogenated compounds (thanks to a
dehalogenase), compounds with nitro groups (nitroreductase),
etc. Some of these situations produce oxidative stress the
bacterium is able to deal with. In this particular, genes for
several antioxidant systems (catalase and various peroxidases, as
well as superoxide dismutase, glyoxylase, glutathione reductase,
glutathione transferase, etc.) were found. On the other hand, the
presence of several genes (Syx, crp) indicate that it is naturally
competent, being able to incorporate DNA and therefore acquire
new capabilities. It can acquire plasmid DNA by conjugation
having detected pilin precursor genes, an ATPase involved
in pilus retraction and ppdAB genes involved in conjugation.
The presence of genes encoding phage integrases (lysogeny)
suggests that it may also acquire genetic information by
transduction. All this indicates that it displays a high resilience
to many environmental variations and is very competitive in
the rhizosphere. In particular, among all the genes, three aspects
that are fundamental for its application as a bioinoculant will be
focused: (a) Resistance to heavy metals and salt (high osmolarity);
(b) PGP Properties, and (c) Important rhizosphere processes for
colonization and plant-microorganism interaction.
Resistance Toward Heavy Metals and Metalloids
The genome carries operons that encode resistance toward
metalloids As, Te and Se, and toward heavy metals such as Cu,
Zn, Co, and Ni (Table 4) (The complete list of genes for resistance
toward metals and metalloids is displayed in Supplementary
Table 3). One of the most frequent mechanisms of resistance of
prokaryotes against heavy metals consists in pumping the metal
out of the bacterial cell (Nies, 2003). In this particular, several
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TABLE 4 | Summary of mechanisms (and the corresponding traits) that justify the plant growth promoting properties and resilience of Pantoea agglomerans RSO7.
Traits Mechanisms Genes found in the genome
Resistance to
heavy metals
Resistance toward Cu, Zn, Co and Ni. Efflux pumps. CopA and YebZ (Grass and Rensing, 2001) ZntB and Zit (Grass
et al., 2001) RcnA for Co and Ni (Rodrigue et al., 2005)
Resistance to
Resistance toward As. Resistance toward Se and Te. Methylation
and volatilization.
operon arrHBC (Fekih et al., 2018) tehB gene encoding a tellurite
and selenite methyltransferase (Chasteen and Bentley, 2003)
Resistance to
high osmolality
Synthesis of a battery of osmoprotectants. Permeases for uptake of
osmoregulatory substances. Recycling of carbon once the stress
Ectoine: Doex (Schwibbert et al., 2011) Betaine: BetIABT Cánovas
et al., 2000) Trehalose: OtsAB (Kaasen et al., 1994) Permeases for
proline, glycine choline betaine and proline betaine, ectoine, and
pipecolic acid: ProPVWXY (Stirling et al., 1989) OsmVWXY
(Frossard et al., 2012) YehXYZ (Checroun and Gutierrez, 2004)
OusA (Gouesbet et al., 1996). Trehalases TreAF (Horlacher et al.,
1996); TreH (Carroll et al., 2007)
Iron acquisition Uptake of ferrous and ferric ions. Synthesis and transport of a
battery of siderophores.
Uptake of Fe
: EfeO, FeoAB, EfeU (Lau et al., 2016) Uptake of
: FbpBC (Wyckoff et al., 2006) heme HemH (Shepherd et al.,
2007); EfeB (Létoffé et al., 2015) hemin HmuSTUV (Hornung et al.,
1996) bacterial ferritines FntA (Yao et al., 2011) enterobactin
EntABCDEF (Reitz et al., 2017) achromobactin CrbD (Berti and
Thomas, 2009) ferrioxyamine FoxA and FhuE (Sauer et al., 1987)
ferri-bacillibactin BesA (Miethke et al., 2006) YfeBCD transport
multiple siderophores (Bearden et al., 1998).
PGP Phosphorous
Uptake of inorganic phosphate and phosphite. Hydrolisis of C-P
bond (organic phosphorous). Accumulation of granules of
Uptake of phosphate: PstB and PitB (Willsky and Malamy, 1980)
Uptake of phosphite: PtxABC (Metcalf and Wolfe, 1998)
Exopolyphosphatases Ppx (Akiyama et al., 1993) Hydrolysis of
phosphonates PhnCDEF (Stasi et al., 2019) Phytase: Inositol-P
(Idriss et al., 2002) Polyphosphate kinase Ppk (Shiba et al., 2000)
Pyrophosphatase Ppa (Kajander et al., 2013).
Auxins Synthesis of the precursor tryptophan Several pathways of
synthesis of IAA. Degradation and conjugation of IAA. Auxin
transport permease.
Tryptophan monooxygenase: TM (Li et al., 2018) Indole-acetamide
hydrolase: IAH (Li et al., 2018) Nitrilases 1 and 2: N3 and N2 (Li
et al., 2018) Indole-3-pyruvate decarboxylase: IPAC (Li et al., 2018)
Indole-acetaldehyde dehydrogenase: IAD (Li et al., 2018)
Tryptophan transaminase: TT (Li et al., 2018) Monoamine oxidase:
AO (Li et al., 2018) Aromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylase: AAD (Li
et al., 2018) Tryptophol oxidase: TO (Li et al., 2018)
Indole-3-acetate beta-glucosyltransferase: BoundA (Li et al., 2018)
Flavonol 3-sulfotransferase ATFS (Li et al., 2018)
Indole-acetaldehyde reductase IAR (Li et al., 2018) AUX1- like
permease: AUX1 (Li et al., 2018)
Motility by flagella. Chemotaxis to the root. Biofilm formation.
Quorum sensing. Competition, antibiosis, lactonases. Synthesis of
amylovoran. Defense against plant antimicrobial peptides.
Flh, fli operons (Nakamura and Minamino, 2019) Che, Tsr/Tar (Feng
et al., 2018) ariR, BssS (Zhang et al., 2015) BdlA biofilm dispersion
protein (Morgan et al., 2006) Qse, Lux, Rhi (Altaf et al., 2017)
amsBCDFJKL (Koczan et al., 2009) MsgA, PagC (Pulkkinen and
Miller, 1991) Pectinases YesR and KdgF (Bhadrecha et al., 2020)
metal efflux pumps have been found, including CopA and YebZ
for Cu (Grass and Rensing, 2001); ZntB and ZitB for Zn (Grass
et al., 2001); RcnA for Co and Ni (Rodrigue et al., 2005) and the
arsenic resistance operon arrHBC (Fekih et al., 2018).
On this side, the resistance toward metalloids Se and Te (both
from group VIB of the periodic table) consists in methylation
and volatilization of volatile species such as dimethylselenium
and dimethyltellide through the membrane (Chasteen and
Bentley, 2003). The tehB gene encoding an enzyme with tellurite
methyltransferase and selenite methyltransferase activities has
been found in the RSO7 genome.
Resistance to High Osmolality
The RSO7 strain is equipped with a battery of genes that regulate
the resistance to salt (osmotic stress) (Table 4) (The complete list
of genes for resistance toward metals and metalloids is shown in
Supplementary Table 4). Analysis of the genome revealed the
presence of genes involved in the synthesis and degradation of
a large number of osmoprotectants, such as ectoine (Schwibbert
et al., 2011), betaine (Cánovas et al., 2000), trehalose (OtsAB)
(Kaasen et al., 1994). Besides, the bacterium has permeases for
uptake of osmoregulatory substances such as proline, glycine
choline betaine and proline betaine, ectoine and pipecolic acid
(Stirling et al., 1989; Gouesbet et al., 1996; Checroun and
Gutierrez, 2004; Frossard et al., 2012). Once the osmotic stress
conditions disappear, the osmotic metabolites are “recycled as
carbon source by the activity of trehalases (Horlacher et al., 1996;
Carroll et al., 2007).
Plant Growth Promotion Traits
Genes involved in promoting plant growth were also carefully
extracted, highlighting those involved in iron transport and
metabolism, as well as those related to phosphate uptake and
solubilization and auxin production (Table 4).
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Genes Related to Iron Transport and Metabolism
Iron is a fundamental element for bacteria, being part of
many redox enzyme cofactors, electron transporters, etc. For
this reason, the bacteria make sure to achieve it and even
compete for this element, so production of siderophores is
besides a biocontrol trait (The complete list of genes involved in
control of osmolality is listed in Supplementary Table 5). The
bacterium has low and high affinity transporters for free ion,
both in the form of ferrous (EfeO, FeoAB, EfeU, ESA_00329)
(Lau et al., 2016) and ferric ions (FbpBC) (Wyckoff et al.,
2006). Besides, the bacterium produces and/or transports a great
diversity of siderophores including heme (Otto et al., 1992),
hemin (Hornung et al., 1996), several bacterial ferritines (Yao
et al., 2011), enterobactin (Reitz et al., 2017), achromobactin
(Berti and Thomas, 2009), ferrioxyamine (Sauer et al., 1987), and
ferri-bacillibactin (Miethke et al., 2006). Finally, several copies of
the YfeBCD complex able to transport multiple iron complexes
were found (Bearden et al., 1998).
Genes Related to Phosphorous Uptake and Solubilization
The complete list of genes involved in phosphorous uptake and
metabolism is shown in Supplementary Table 6. Phosphorous
can be captured both in inorganic and organic forms. In its
inorganic forms, it is most often found in the form of phosphate
) which is captured by low and high affinity transporters
of phosphate such as PstB and PitB (Willsky and Malamy, 1980).
Besides phosphite (P
) can be transported by the PtxABC
phosphite transporter (Metcalf and Wolfe, 1998).
Referring to organic forms of phosphorus, the bacterium
can hydrolyze C-P bonds by exopolyphosphatases (Akiyama
et al., 1993) and nucleases. Besides it can use phosphonates (the
PhnCDEF operon has been found, Stasi et al., 2019) and inositol-
P by the activity of phytase (Matsuhisa et al., 1995). The captured
phosphorus can accumulate in polyphosphate granules in the
cytoplasm thanks to the Ppk polyphosphate kinase (Shiba et al.,
2000) and be mobilized when necessary by means of the inorganic
pyrophosphatase Ppa (Kajander et al., 2013).
Genes Related to Auxin Production
Respecting auxins production, RSO7 genome showed genes
involved in the tryptophan biosynthesis and indole-3-acetic
acid (IAA) biosynthesis. The main precursor in the IAA
synthesis is tryptophan and five different pathways to synthetize
IAA have been studied: indol-3-acetamide pathway, indole-3-
pyruvate pathway, tryptamine pathway, tryptophan side-chain
oxidase pathway and indole-3-acetonitrile pathway (Li et al.,
2018; Duca and Glick, 2020). Strain RSO7 has genes involved
in four of these pathways (indol-3-acetamide pathway, indole-3-
pyruvate pathway, tryptamine pathway and indole-3-acetonitrile
pathway) (Table 4) (The complete list of genes for auxin
biosynthesis is listed in Supplementary Table 7), and all of them
are completed from tryptophan to IAA, supporting the IAA
production for this strain in results obtained in a previous work
(Paredes-Páliz et al., 2016a). These genes have been detected
in other strain of P. agglomerans (Morris, 1995; Manulis et al.,
1998; Spaepen et al., 2007). Moreover, genes involved in the
IAA degradation or conjugation and a transporter have been
found (Table 4).
Genes Involved in Rhizosphere Processes Important
to Plant Colonization
The correct colonization of the root is an important trait
which depends on many factors, such as mobility, the ability to
form biofilms and bacterial communication, among others. In
this sense, genes involved in rhizosphere processes important
for plant-bacterium interaction are displayed in Table 4 (the
complete list of genes involved in important rhizosphere
processes is displayed in Supplementary Table 8).
The mobility of the bacteria is determined by the presence of
flagella (genes for synthesis, rotation and regulation were found;
Nakamura and Minamino, 2019). The mobility of the bacteria in
the rhizosphere is determined by chemotaxis toward the root,
which secretes bacteria-attracting compounds (root exudates).
In this particular, genes involved in chemotaxis such as che
and Tsr/Tar were identified (Feng et al., 2018). Genes involved
in biofilm formation such as ariR and BssS are also present
(Zhang et al., 2015). Besides, the BdlA gene encoding a biofilm
dispersion protein (Morgan et al., 2006) was identified. For all
these rhizosphere processes to occur there must be a minimum
cell density, detected by quorum sensing systems such as Qse, Lux,
and Rhi (Altaf et al., 2017).
Another group of genes present in RSO7 have to do with
plant-bacteria interaction. In order to avoid the initial plant
defense (Bordiec et al., 2011), RSO7 synthetizes amilovoran, an
extracellular polysaccharide that functions as a virulence factor
in the formation of bioflims (Koczan et al., 2009). Once the
bacterium attaches and multiplies on the root, it has pectinases
that degrade the plant cell wall (Bhadrecha et al., 2020) and allow
it to survive in the host (even as an endophyte) and defend
against antibacterial peptides produced by the host (Pulkkinen
and Miller, 1991; Tu et al., 2016).
Finally, genes were found that ensure the competition of
the bacterium in the rhizosphere, for example, it has lactonase
able to inhibiting quorum sensing signals of other bacteria
(Zhang et al., 2007). It also produces toxins (Shidore and
Triplett, 2017) and antibiotics such as colicin V and carbepenem
(Kenawy et al., 2019).
Genes Involved in Toxicity and
From the point of view of biosecurity, Pantoea agglomerans
is included in group 2. Only group 1 microorganisms are
authorized by European legislation to be used as inoculants
(GRAS microorganisms, which stand for Generally Recognized
as Safe). The species Pantoea agglomerans causes opportunistic
infections, particularly in nosocomial patients with previous
pathologies such as cystic fibrosis, cancer, etc. (Cruz et al., 2007).
Some plant endophytic PGPR strains have also caused infections
in workers such as gardeners who, after being pricked by plants,
became infected (Jain et al., 2012). In this particular, it has to
be noticed that in our experiment, protocols for working with a
microorganism of the group 2 have been followed: students and
teachers were previously instructed; no immunocompromised
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Pajuelo et al. Pilot Experiments Using Coastal Biofertilizers
people has participated in the experiment; the microorganism
does not transmit via inhalation, but only by punching with
branches of plants; all people participating in the experiment
wore gloves; the organism was isolated from soil and it has
been not modified; the orchard perimeter was delimited by
lateral “walls” 25 cm high in order to avoid interference between
inoculated plants and not inoculated controls.
In this sense, a search has been made for genes that
are related to pathogenicity. The RSO7 strain has several
determinants of resistance to multiple antibiotics including
polymyxin B, phosphinothricin, chloramphenicol, fumonisin,
novobiocin, bicyclomycin, nitroimidazole, and bacitracin. Along
with these activities, it has several beta-lactamases that break
the beta-lactam ring. On the other hand, the presence of a
large number of pumps for efflux of toxic substances increases
its resistance to antibiotics including erythomycin, tetracycline,
ampicillin and norfloxacin. It is also capable of synthesizing
toxins (hemolysins, RNAase). It possesses the YejABEF operon
for resistance to host antibacterial defense peptides. Finally, the
production of siderophores is also a mechanism that ensures
the competitiveness of this bacterium. All these factors are
considered as virulence factors.
For these reasons it cannot be used as an inoculant. Strategies
have been designed to take advantage of the PGP characteristics
in cell-free extracts. In this way, the bacteria are grown and
only the culture supernatant is used to inoculate the plants. In
this supernatant are the molecules and proteins secreted by the
bacteria which exert their effect on the plant without the risk of
using a microorganism of the group 2 (Luziatelli et al., 2020b).
The use of biofertilizers rises up as a real alternative for
a more sustainable and affordable agriculture, particularly in
poor countries. In this context, some strains isolated from
the rhizosphere of coastal plants, such as Pantoea agglomerans
RSO7 have excellent PGP properties and high resilience toward
multiple stresses, together with high competitiveness in the
rhizosphere. These properties have been demonstrated when
using this bacterium as inoculant both in vitro experiments
and pilot experiments in an urban orchard with summer and
winter crops. Full genome analysis has allowed the identification
of the traits behind this important biofertilization capability.
With the previous results, the great potential of this bacterium
as a promoter of plant growth can be concluded. Finally,
restrictions for the use of microorganisms of the biosafety
group 2 as bioinoculants could limit its use, and therefore
possible bio-sure alternatives, such as using the supernatant of
cultures, are proposed.
The datasets presented in this study can be found in online
repositories. The names of the repository/repositories and
accession number(s) can be found below:
ena, CAJOSF01000000.
EP: design of the work, supervision, funding, pilot experiment,
and writing the manuscript. SA: in vitro experiments and
genome analysis. IR-L: design of the experiments and pilot
experiment. EM-N and SR-G: photosynthesis measurements,
pilot experiment, and draft writing. FM: supervision of the
work and funding. SN-T: genome analysis, supervision of the
work, and writing the manuscript. All authors contributed to the
article and approved the submitted version.
This work was financed by Project P11-RNM-7274-MO (Junta
de Andalucía), Project FIUS19/0065 (FIUS, University of Seville),
Project US-1262036 (Program I + D + i FEDER 2014-2020, Junta
de Andalucía), and AE2-18 of the University of Seville.
The professors and students of the College I.E.S. Pablo Neruda
(Castilleja de la Cuesta, Seville) are heartily acknowledged, in
particular José Juan Pastor Milán.
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
online at:
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