Autumn 2020
AMATH 352: Applied Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis
Location: Online
Instructor: Amin Rahman; Office: Remote; Email: [email protected]
TA: To Be Announced. Online Office hours: To Be Announced + by appointment
Prerequisites: MATH 126 or MATH 136.
Textbook: Applied Linear Algebra by Peter J. Olver and Chehrzad Shakiban (free e-book through
UW libraries)
Basic MATLAB programming
Basics of solving linear systems of equations (Gaussian
elimination, pivoting strategies, QR factorization)
Basic linear algebra theory (linear transformations, consistent linear
systems, least-squares problems, vector spaces, norms)
Eigenvalues and eigenvalue computation (power method, QR
Applications to regular and nonlinear dynamics as time allows
Course Grade: Coding Projects (30%), Homeworks (20%), Midterm (20%), Final Exam (30%)
Tentative Curve: > 95%: 3.9 4.0, 90 95: 3.5 3.8, 87 89: 3.2 3.4, 83 86: 2.9 3.1, 80
82: 2.5 2.8, 77 79: 2.2 2.4, 73 76: 1.9 2.1, 70 72: 1.5 1.8, 67 69: 1.2 1.4, 63 66:
0.9 1.1, 60 62: 0.7 0.8, < 60: 0.0
Course Description: Analysis and application of numerical methods and algorithms to
problems in the applied sciences and engineering. Applied linear algebra, including eigenvalue
problems. Emphasis on use of conceptual methods in engineering, mathematics, and science.
Extensive use of MATLAB for programming and solution techniques.
Learning Objectives: In this course you will implement methods and tools from linear algebra.
You will learn to:
Understand and apply theorems from linear algebra
Implement fundamental algorithms from linear algebra
Many students enjoy the dual nature of this course --- both theory (linear algebra) and
computation (MATLAB). But with this luxury comes potential complications. It is possible to
understand linear algebra but struggle with the MATLAB component of the course, and vice
versa. So, it is imperative to make use of all resources that are available (instructor, TA, etc.).
Coding Projects: Five coding projects will be assigned throughout the quarter. These require
the implementation of ideas from lecture.
Your code will be turned in via Scorelator (
Instructions are provided here:
A Youtube tutorial by Professor Nathan Kutz can be found here:
Matlab can be downloaded here:
A tutorial by Professor Tom Trogdon can be found here:
Written Homework: Weekly written homework will be assigned, which will be graded via
Additional practice problems will be assigned. It is expected that you complete these problems
in addition to those you turn in.
Midterm Exam: A “take home” style Midterm will be given half way through the term. You
will be given three days to complete the exam. The Midterm will test you on the theory only; no
coding will be expected. In certain special circumstances a makeup exam may be given after
the student follows all university protocol.
Final Exam: A “take home” style Final will be given in the final week of the term. You will be
given three days to complete the exam. The Final will test you on the theory only; no coding
will be expected. In certain special circumstances a makeup exam may be given after the
student follows all university protocol.
University policies
1. UW Student conduct policy:
2. Academic integrity:
3. Observance of religious holy day: Washington state law requires that UW develop a
policy for accommodation of student absences or significant hardship due to reasons of
faith or conscience, or for organized religious activities. The UW’s policy, including
more information about how to request an accommodation, is available at Faculty
Syllabus Guidelines and Resources. Accommodations must be requested within the first
two weeks of this course using the Religious Accommodations Request form available at:
4. Disability resources:
5. Safety: