Last Reviewed 09/15/2023
Students considering a program of study that leads to cercaon in Teacher Educaon programs within the School of Educaon
at Mercy University should contact the appropriate licensing agency in the state where they plan to pracce for addional
Educaonal requirements include coursework and clinical experience ed to coursework. Note that even though a program
may meet these requirements, individual students must also meet state- and program-specic requirements for admission to
and compleon of an educator preparaon program, and any other state licensure requirements (e.g., tesng, background
checks) to be eligible for licensure. Please carefully read all requirements for the state you wish to be licensed in.
Determinaon of Mercy University Teacher Educaon curriculum meeng state/territory educaonal requirements for
Yes- AL, AK, AZ, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, MA, MI, MS, MO, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA,
No- AR, CA, HI, LA, MT, VT
Unable to determine- MN, NC, PR, UT, VA
The Mercy University Teacher Educaon Program curriculum meets the educaonal requirements for licensure in the following
State /Territory
Professional Licensing Board
Alabama State Department of Educaon – hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements are
eligible for Alabama cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas.
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Alabama.
Alaska Department of Educaon and Early Development - hps://educa
Mercy University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of Educator Preparaon (CAEP).
Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements are eligible for Alaska
cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *Alaska requires out of state cercate holders to apply for an Inial
Alaska Teaching Cercate. This Inial Cercate is only valid for a year. Inial Cercate holders need to apply for a Professional
Cercate by subming (1) An ocial score report of an approved basic competency exam and (2) Either an instuonal
recommendaon, state recommendaon, or a proof of program enrollment form.*
Students should refer to hps://educa to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Alaska.
Arizona Department of Educaon – hp://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements are
eligible for Arizona cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *Arizona requires the applicant’s cercate to be
comparable to that of an Arizona Standard Cercate. No Out-of-State Emergency teaching or Alternave Teaching cercates will be
accepted. There also must be an Arizona cercate that is comparable to that of the applicants. For example, a Middle Grades teaching
cercate would not be accepted because Arizona does not have a Middle Grades teaching cercate of their own. The website also
indicates that unl the applicaon and required documents are reviewed, there is no guarantee that out-of-state cercaons will meet
requirements under reciprocity rules.
Allowable Deciencies
Please be aware that applicants coming from another state are required to have U.S. Constuon and Arizona State Constuon. These
are allowable deciencies for 1 or 3 years, depending on the area of cercaon, and the cercate will be issued without meeng
these requirements.
Students should refer to hp:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Arizona.
Colorado Department of Educaon – hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements are
eligible for Colorado cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *Educator licenses do not directly “transfer” to
Colorado across state lines. If you hold a valid license issued by another state that carries an idencal endorsement to one issued by
Colorado AND have three years' post-preparaon, full-me licensed experience in that state within the past seven, Colorado may issue
a professional license with the idencal endorsement requested. If you do not meet ALL of the requirements outlined above, Colorado
is required to evaluate a candidate's applicaon for the content area(s) of preparaon, as veried on an approved program vericaon
form, if we issue a comparable or equivalent endorsement. If not, we certainly will work with you to determine
Last Reviewed 09/15/2023
the appropriate content area(s). Other endorsements may be added upon applicaon and meeng the requirements for each. The
need to take a content exam will be determined upon review of a completed applicaon so that your degree, previous test
informaon and educator preparaon program(s) may be considered. *
Students should refer to hps:// determine whether the program meets the requirements for Colorado.
Conneccut State Department of Educaon – hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Conneccut cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *Conneccut will waive the need for
specic course work requirements for cercaon if an applicant has already completed a regionally accredited teacher preparaon
program in another state or if the applicant has completed at least 30 months as a fully credenaled teacher in another state. *
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Conneccut.
Delaware Department of Educaon hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Delaware cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *Three dierent types of licenses: (1) Inial
License – applicants with a minimum of one year of experience, (2) Connuing License – Applicants with a minimum of 4 years of
experience, (3) Advanced License – Applicants who have received Naonal Board for Professional Teaching Standards cercaon. *
o Delaware does not accept the following credenals as reciprocal:
Cercates of Eligibility
Intern Cercates
Condional Cercaon
Substute Teacher License
Private School License Endorsements
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Delaware.
District of Columbia
Oce of the State Superintendent of Educaon hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for District of Columbia cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *Can apply for cercaon as long
as you have taken and passed a basic skills exam that assessed your general knowledge of reading, wring and mathemacs, a
content exam in the subject area of the credenal, and a pedagogy/methods exam appropriate for the grade level of the credenal*
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for the District of
Florida Department of Educaon – hp://www.
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Florida cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *In addion to holding a standard cercaon
for your state, you can also apply for Florida cercaon if you hold a Cercate Issued by the Naonal Board for Professional
Teaching Standards (NBPTS)*
Students should refer to hp://www. to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Florida.
Georgia Department of Educaon – hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Georgia cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *Must have at least 3 years of full-me
experience. Must receive at least a B in a 3-credit class on the idencaon and educaon of children who have special educaonal
need. Must complete the Georgia Educator Ethics – Program Entry Assessment. Applicants must also receive a passing score of a
GaPSC content pedagogy assessment.
You may apply for inial Georgia cercaon through interstate reciprocity. If you have not passed an acceptable content assessment
in this eld, you may be required to pass the GaPSC approved content assessment. Please submit your applicaon materials in order
to determine which addional requirements, if any, you will be required to fulll to obtain Georgia cercaon in this eld.
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for
Last Reviewed 09/15/2023
Idaho State Department of Education
Mercy University’s Teacher Education programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation
(CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher certification requirements are eligible for Idaho
certification as teachers in their comparable certification areas. * As long as the applicant holds a current, valid certificate in another
state, or has completed an educator preparation program approved by NCATE/TEAC/CAEP within the last two years they can apply
for certification in Idaho. *
Students should refer to to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Idaho.
Illinois State Department of Educaon – hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Illinois cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *IL does not have reciprocity for obtaining a
license. If an educator is on the NASDTEC list and holds the red bar directly above an individual’s personal informaon they may or
may not have a license issued. Some reviews will take me. In other cases, a review has already been completed and we can let you
know immediately as to whether or not the individual may be eligible to receive a license. If you see a NASDTEC alert, please contact
ISBE to inquire about appropriate acon on your part.*
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Illinois.
Indiana Department of Educaon – hps:// hp:// Universitys Teacher Educaon
programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have
completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements are eligible for Indiana cercaon as teachers in their comparable
cercaon areas. *If you hold a valid out-of-state license and have completed an NCATE/CAEP accredited or state approved teacher
preparaon program in another state and want to obtain an Indiana teaching license, or if you are from another state and do not hold
a teaching license but would like to obtain an Indiana teaching license, there are licensure paths available for you. Indiana requires an
applicant to pass a content (subject maer) licensure test in every content area that will appear on the Indiana license issued. Also,
there are seven licensure content areas which cannot be added to an Indiana license or transferred from an out-of-state license if the
way that content area was obtained was through tesng alone. In these seven areas, compleon of an approved program of
coursework is required in addion to tesng. These areas are: English Learners, Exceponal Needs, Communicaon Disorders,
Elementary Generalist, Early Childhood Generalist, High Ability and Fine Arts (visual art, music, theater. Indiana also requires all
applicants to complete CPR/Heimlich/AED training, including hands on skill pracce on a mannequin in person with an instructor and
suicide prevenon training*
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Indiana.
Iowa Department of Educaon – hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Iowa cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *If the applicant has any course deciencies, they
can sll teach while they are working to fulll what is missing. Upon compleon of the deciencies, they will receive full licensure.
They can ask to extend their provisional cercaon if they need more me to complete the coursework. Any deciencies will be
idened in a BoEE transcript review and the applicant would be noed. *
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Iowa.
Kansas State Department of Educaon – hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Kansas cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *Requires “Recency” - one year of teaching
experience or eight semester credit hours completed within the last six years and Content and Pedagogy tesng requirements OR
exempted by accepng out-of-state tests or experience. *
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Kansas.
Kentucky State Department of Educaon – hps://educa
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Kentucky cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *Kentucky requires applicants to Supply
vericaon by the Superintendent or Personnel Director of full-me classroom teaching experience at the appropriate grade level(s)
(Secon 2 of CA-1), if you have out-of-state teaching experience; Pass Praxis II Specialty Area tests for EACH area of cercaon (if less
than two years of appropriate full-me teaching experience) and the Principles of Learning and Teaching test score for appropriate
grade range*
Students should refer to hps://educa to determine whether the program meets the requirements for
Last Reviewed 09/15/2023
Maine Department of Educaon – hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Maine cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *No direct reciprocity, but either a Condional
or Professional cercate can be issued depending on condions. (1) If you have taught for 5 of the last 7 years under teaching
endorsement being sought in Maine, have graduated from any state approved teacher educaon program, and have a valid cercate
in the endorsement being sought, you may qualify for Professional Cercaon in Maine. (2) If you graduated from any state
approved teacher educaon program and have a valid cercate in the endorsement being sought you may be eligible for a
Condional Cercate. (3) If you did not aend an approved program, your applicaon will be reviewed in our normal transcript
analysis pathway.
* Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Maine.
Maryland State Department of Educaon – hp://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements are
eligible for Maryland cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. * Complete an educator preparaon program at a
regionally accredited instuon leading to cercaon In that state. Applicants must also present Maryland
cercaon assessments or the valid professional cercate earned from the out of state program along with the assessments taken
to achieve the cercate. Two years of sasfactory experience may be presented in place of the assessments taken in that state. *
Students should refer to hp:// to determine whether the program meets the
requirements for Maryland.
Massachuses Department of Elementary and Secondary Educaon – hp:// hp://
University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of Educator Preparaon (CAEP).
Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements are eligible for Massachuses
cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *Out-of-state applicants seeking their rst license in the State of
Massachuses could qualify for one of three (3) types of Academic PreK-12 educator licenses: Temporary, Provisional, or Inial. To
gure out for which type you should apply for, consider the following:
1. Do you hold a valid comparable license from another state, and have you worked under it for three years? If yes, you could
qualify for a temporary license. A temporary license is valid for one year of employment. This enables out-of-state
applicants to seek and obtain employment in the Commonwealth while they work to take and pass all required MTEL tests
(Passing all required MTEL tests or failed MTEL results will not qualify you for the temporary license.)
2. Do you hold a comparable license from another state or have you completed one of the following:
a. A 'tradional' higher educaon state/jurisdicon-approved educator preparaon program outside of Massachuses?
b. A state/jurisdicon approved 'alternave/non-tradional educator preparaon program and possess the equivalent of
an inial license from that state/jurisdicon?
c. An educator preparaon program sponsored by a University or university outside of Massachuses that has been
accredited by one of the following: the Naonal Council for Accreditaon of Teacher Educaon (NCATE), the Teacher
Educaon Accreditaon Council (TEAC), or the Council for the Accreditaon of Educator Preparaon (CAEP)
If you answered “yes” to any of these quesons, you could qualify for an inial license through the Naonal Associaon of State
Directors of Teacher Educaon and Cercaon (NASDTEC) Interstate Agreement. Massachuses parcipates with every state and the
District of Columbia through the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement for almost every license issued by the DESE Oce of Educator
Licensure. An inial license is valid for ve years of employment from the date of issuance in the State of Massachuses.
Please note that addional requirements may apply to this type of license and could include but may not be limited to a.
Passing all required MTEL tests
Earning the Sheltered English Immersion Endorsements (SEI) – required by the following Academic PreK-12 licenses:
Academic Teacher (early childhood and elementary teachers, teachers of students with moderate disabilies, teachers of
severe disabilies, and teachers of the following academic subjects: English, reading or language arts, mathemacs, science,
civics and government, economics, history, and geography), academic Administrator (Principal/assistant principal, or
Have you completed all of the requirements in the previous queson (2) but do not hold the SEI endorsement? You may
qualify for a Provisional license. The provisional license is good for ve years of employment.
Did you get your Bachelor’s and/or Master’s degree from a DESE recognized accredited organizaon? To nd out if your
college or University is accredited by any of the DESE recognized organizaon you can contact your instuon directly or
conduct a search yourself using the databases of the naonal accreding organizaon that are recognized by DESE.
should refer to hp:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for
Last Reviewed 09/15/2023
Michigan Department of Educaon – hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements are
eligible for Michigan cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *Michigan has signed an Interstate Compact
Agreement (ICA) with every state agreeing to accept out-of-state teacher preparaon programs and teaching cercates on a
reciprocal basis for inial cercaon. hps://
Under a reciprocity agreement described in subrule (1) of this rule, the superintended of public instrucon may issue a standard
teaching cercate to an individual who meets all of the following requirements:
1. The applicant holds, or is eligible for, a standard level teaching cercate issued by the cercang authority of any other
state whose requirements for cercaon the superintendent of public school considers equivalent to those in eect in this
2. The applicant holds valid rst aid and adult pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitaon cercates as required by secon
1531d of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1531d.
3. The applicant has passed examinaons under secon 1531 of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1531.
Under a reciprocity agreement described in subrule (1) of this rule, the superintended of public instrucon may issue a professional
teaching cercate to an individual who meets both of the following requirements:
1. A minimum of 6 sasfactory University semester credit hours of literacy instrucon for a cercate with elementary grade
level authorizaon or a minimum of 3 sasfactory University semester credit hours of literacy instrucon as appropriate to
the discipline area of a cercate with secondary of PK-12 grade level authorizaon.
2. All requirements set forth in secon 1531(6) of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1531.
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Michigan.
Mississippi Department of Educaon – hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Mississippi cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas.
A Five-Year Educator License – Reciprocity is granted to applicants who possess a valid standard license from another state in an area
in which Mississippi issues an endorsement and meets Mississippi’s minimum licensure requirements or equivalent.
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Mississippi.
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Educaon – hps:// hp://
University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of Educator Preparaon (CAEP).
Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements are eligible for Missouri
cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas.
An applicant who completed a teacher educaon program in another state and who possesses a valid professional cercate in that
state may be granted a Missouri cercate in an area most closely aligned to the cercaon if Missouri issues such cercate. If an
educator is compleng or has completed a teacher educaon program in another state (either on campus or online), it would be
benecial to obtain that state's cercate whether one plans to reside in that state or not. In most cases, a Missouri cercate is
issued with no further coursework or test requirements. If an area of cercaon is not equivalent, an educator may be evaluated
based upon Missouri's current requirements for the most closely aligned cercate.
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Missouri.
Nebraska Department of Educaon- hps://www.educa
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Nebraska cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *Today the out of state cercate holder
moving to Nebraska will usually receive a Nebraska cercate or permit with one or more deciencies. Other than requiring that a
person has completed an approved teacher educaon program in the other state, Nebraska also has requirements for a basic skills
test, a content test, a human relaons class, ngerprint cards and a special educaon class. Applicants are given a condional for
ngerprint clearance, a temporary for human relaons class or a Provisional for basic skills test, content test or special educaon
class. *
Students should refer to hps://www.educa to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Nebraska.
Nevada Department of Educaon- hp://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Nevada cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. * Nevada oers reciprocity for current, valid,
non-provisional, and non-condional licensees coming from other states. *
Students should refer to hp:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Nevada.
Last Reviewed 09/15/2023
New Hampshire
New Hampshire Department of Educaon - hps://www.educa
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for New Hampshire cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. * If your program was state approved
for licensure in another state, NH does not require that you have obtained licensure in that state. Program recommendaons for an
endorsement sought are valid for 3 years from the date of recommendaon from the instuon. If the program is completed more
than three years prior to applicaon, with documentaon of licensure in the endorsement sought from the same state the program is
located in that has not been expired for more than 3 years prior to the date of applicaon.
Only full licenses are reciprocal in NH (In the NASTEC Interstate Agreement: for teachers dened as Stage 3 and Stage 4)*
New Jersey
New Jersey Department of Educaon -hps://on/
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for New Jersey cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *No reciprocity – candidate must meet all
New Jersey CE requirements.
Out-of-State Cercate Equivalent to a Cercate of Eligibility (CE or “Alternate Route”)
1. Hold the equivalent of a valid CEAS following the compleon of a CEAS educator preparaon program which includes
clinical pracce or “student teaching.
2. Demonstrate passage of a subject-maer test to receive the out-of-state license or pass appropriate New Jersey subject
maer test
3. Candidates who graduated September 1, 2017, and later must demonstrate passage of a state-approved performance
assessment or pass and approved New Jersey performance assessment. (If the candidate cannot demonstrate passage of a
state-approved performance assessment, then the CE may be issued).
Out-of-State Cercate Equivalent to a Standard Cercate
1. Hold a valid standard cercate issued by another state and demonstrate at least two eecve years of teaching within
three consecuve years of the last four calendar years, as documented on the Record of Professional Experience form
2. Hold Naonal Board of Professional Teaching Standards cercate.
Students should refer to hps://on/ to determine whether the program meets the requirements for New Jersey.
New Mexico
New Mexico Public Educaon Department - hps:// hp:// University’s
Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these
programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements are eligible for New Mexico cercaon as
teachers in their comparable cercaon areas.
Persons seeking a reciprocal level 1 license for elementary k-8, early childhood birth-grade 3, secondary or secondary vocaonal
technical 7-12, middle level 5-9, special educaon pre-K-12, or grade pre-K-12 specialty area, or grade pre K-12 blind and visually
impaired, through reciprocity, shall meet the following requirements:
1. hold a bachelor's degree or higher degree from a regionally accredited or PED approved University or university; and
hold and provide a copy of at least one current valid teaching license issued by a state educaon agency, including PED or
department of defense dependent schools or foreign country that is comparable to the license they are seeking; and
have completed a standard or alternave teacher preparaon program approved in another state or accepted by the PED;
provide copies of test scores for exams that were required to receive the license
if applying for:
early childhood birth-grade 3 or k-8 elementary licensure, provide evidence of having passed a content knowledge or
professional knowledge test on the basic early childhood or elementary school curriculum and on any addional core
academic endorsement areas or have completed 24 lower or upper division credit hours across the elementary educaon core
academic subjects of language arts, social studies, mathemacs, and science with at least six credit hours in each core area;
secondary or secondary vocaonal and technical 7-12, middle level 5-9, or grades pre-K-12 specialty area licensure in the core
academic areas, provide evidence of having passed a content knowledge test in each of the core academic subjects in which
the applicant seeks licensure or having completed an academic major, a graduate degree, or coursework equivalent to an
academic major in each of the core academic subjects in which the applicant seeks licensure;
Licensure in non-core academic subjects, special educaon pre-K-12, or blind and visually impaired pre K-12 licensure, have,
on a form acceptable to the PED, provided evidence of having sasfactorily taught under their out of state license or licenses
or have passed the applicable New Mexico teacher assessment (“NMTA”)
Last Reviewed 09/15/2023
have, on a form acceptable to the professional licensure bureau (“PLB”) of the PED, provided evidence of having sasfactorily
taught in any state or foreign country or combinaon of other states or countries other than New Mexico for fewer than
three (3) full school years at any me preceding their applicaon for licensure while holding at least one standard out of state
or New Mexico teaching license or foreign country authorizaon to teach or combinaon of any of the aforemenoned
licenses or authorizaons, and
7. submit to and sasfactorily clear a ngerprint-based background check pursuant to Secon 22-10A-5, NMSA 1978.
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for New Mexico.
New York
New York State Department of Educaon - hp://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for New York cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas.
North Dakota
North Dakota Department of Public Instrucon - hps:// hp:// University’s Teacher
Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs
who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements are eligible for North Dakota cercaon as teachers in their
comparable cercaon areas. * Other State Educator License (OSEL). A two- or ve-year license issued to those applicants who hold
and submits a valid teaching license received from an approved regular teacher educaon program from another state. If the
applicant has not tested in the sending state and has been licensed aer 2002 in that state, they will have two years to complete ND
tests. The regular applicaon will be submied including ocial transcripts, completed background packet, a copy of your current
teaching license from another state, and/or conrmaon form or test scores. If you have completed an approved program, including
student teaching, hold a license in another state and have met their tesng requirements, there will be no addional requirements.
Out-of-State Reciprocal License (Two-Years): Issued to individuals who graduated from an out-of-state university but do not hold a
teaching license in another state. A transcript analysis is completed, and a plan of study is developed for each individual indicang the
coursework and tesng needed. This license can be issued twice, so the educator has a total of four years to complete all
requirements. *
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for North Dakota.
Ohio Department of Educaon - hp://educa
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Ohio cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *Licensure candidates must have a minimum of a
bachelor’s degree and have completed an approved, tradional teacher preparaon program through an accredited University or
Types of Licenses:
1. Four-Year Resident Educator: Candidates who completed an approved, tradional teacher preparaon program through an
accredited University or university and have less than three years of teaching experience under a standard or professional
out-of-state teaching license may apply for a resident educator license.
2. Five-Year Professional: candidates who have taught under a standard or professional out-of-state teaching license for three
years or more may apply for a professional license.
3. One-Year Out-of-State: Candidates employed in an Ohio school may apply for a one-year out-of-state teaching license to
allow me to complete the required Ohio licensure exam(s). Candidates must hold a valid, standard out-of-state teaching
license and have met all requirements for a standard Ohio teaching license except for the Ohio licensure exams.
Candidates may only apply for the one-year out-of-state license at the request of their employing Ohio school or district.
Students should refer to hp://educa to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Ohio.
Two-Year Resident Educator Candidates who completed an approved, traditional teacher preparation program through an
accredited University or university and have less than two years of teaching experience under a standard or professional out-of-state
teaching license may apply for a resident educator license. Candidates may review the list of available teaching licenses before
completing the online application.
Five-Year Professional Candidates who have met either of the following requirements may apply for a professional teaching license.
Candidates may review the list of available teaching licenses before completing the online application.
Completed a tradional teacher preparaon program through an accredited University or university and have taught under
a standard out-of-state teaching license for two full school years or more, OR
Have taught under a standard out-of-state teaching license for three full school years.
One-Year Out-of-State Candidates employed in an Ohio school may apply for a one-year out-of-state teaching license to allow time
to complete the required Ohio licensure exam(s). Candidates must hold a valid, standard out-of-state teaching license and have met
all requirements for a standard Ohio teaching license except for the Ohio licensure exams. Candidates may only apply for the one-
year out-of-state license at the request of their employing Ohio school or district after their eligibility has been determined for either
the resident educator or professional teaching license (candidates should first apply for the standard license to determine eligibility).
Last Reviewed 09/15/2023
Oklahoma State Department of Educaon - hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Oklahoma cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *If you hold a full teaching credenal issued
by any states Department of Educaon, you are eligible for cercaon in Oklahoma’s most equivalent subject areas. If you have
passed teacher test(s) in another state, you may request a review of these test(s) for comparability to Oklahoma tests by the Oce of
Educaonal Quality and Accountability (OEQA). They will determine if any of the out-of-state tests are comparable and inform the
Teacher Cercaon Oce which test(s) are acceptable. *
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Oklahoma.
Oregon Department of Educaon - hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Oregon cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. * A TSPC license is required in order to serve in
a cered posion in an Oregon public school district or Educaonal Service District (ESD). The following licenses are available to you
if you have completed an educator preparaon program in another state and have not previously held a non-provisional license of
the same type in Oregon:
1. Reciprocal Teaching License Minimum
To be eligible to apply for any of the licenses above, you will need to meet the minimum requirements, which include a minimum
degree requirement, preparaon program requirement, and background clearance.
Students should refer to hps:// determine whether the program meets the requirements
for Oregon.
Pennsylvania Department of Educaon - hps://www.educa
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Pennsylvania cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. . *Pennsylvania along with most states
and U.S. territories have signed an Interstate Cercaon Agreement to recognize current and comparable state-approved programs.
Candidates from parcipang states must sll meet other Pennsylvania requirements such as student teaching, GPA and PA tesng.
Students should refer to hps://www.educa to determine whether the program meets the
requirements for Pennsylvania.
Rhode Island
Rhode Island Department of Educaon - hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Rhode Island cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *RIDE has expanded the number of
states eligible for RI inter-state exibilies, allowing out of state cered educators and program completers a streamlined process to
cercaon. Educators from the 16 states listed who hold valid RI like cercates or have completed state approved programs in RI
like cercate areas are exempt from taking the RI required tests and are not held to experience requirements (if applicable).
However, if RI requires a specic cercate (independent cercate) in order to be eligible for a second cercate (dependent
cercate) this requirement remains the same. New York in included in this list.
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Rhode Island.
South Carolina
South Carolina Department of Educaon - hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for South Carolina cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *Applicants with a current, standard
cercate/licenses issued by another state, the District of Columbia, a United States territory, or the Department of Defense
Dependents Schools (DODDS), may be eligible for cercaon through South Carolina’s reciprocity agreement. New York is listed as
having reciprocity with South Carolina. *
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for South Carolina.
South Dakota
South Dakota Department of Educaon - hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for South Dakota cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *Has reciprocity but must complete an
approved SD Indian Studies course. If you have not completed this course, you may be issued a one-year provisional cercate. You
will receive preparaons and endorsements based on equivalent South Dakota preparaons and endorsements. You must select the
endorsements you want added to your cercate.
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for South Dakota.
Last Reviewed 09/15/2023
Tennessee Department of Educaon - hps://on.html
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Tennessee cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *May be issued one of three licenses:
1. Praconer License-with Out-of-State Inial Level License
2. Praconer License-with Out-of-State Educator Preparaon Program Compleon and Recommendaon
3. Professional License- with Out-of-State Professional Level License
4. Praconer License- Enrolled in an Educator Preparaon Program with Job-Embedded Clinical Pracce Through Out-of-State
Students should refer to hps://on.html to determine whether the program meets the requirements for
Texas Educaon Agency - hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Texas cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *You must apply for a review of credenals if you
are seeking cercaon in Texas, and you hold a standard cercate issued by another state or territory. If you were required to take
tests to obtain the cercates that you submied for the review of credenals, you must submit addional documentaon for
possible exempon of Texas tests. Out-of-state scores will not be considered without a review of credenals. Once you have
completed the review of credenals, you may be issued a One-Year non-renewable cercate. You must apply for a Standard
Cercate once all requirements are met. *
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Texas.
Oce of Superintendent of Public Instrucon- hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Washington cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *Washington’s rules allow us to recognize
ANY state approved educator preparaon program and degree from an accredited instuon to meet our basic requirements. This in
essence, allows educators who have completed a college/university preparaon program in another state, reciprocity for our state to
recognize and accept that program toward our cercaon requirements.
West Virginia
West Virginia Department of Educaon - hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP).
Out-of-state applicants seeking inial licensure in the state of West Virginia, based on reciprocity, are required to meet EACH of the
1. Hold a valid/unexpired teacher cercate/license issued by another state.
2. Meet ALL the following academic requirements:
- Have completed a Teacher Preparaon program through an accredited University/university -
Have completed a Student Teaching experience as part of the Teacher Preparaon program.
- Earned a minimum 2.5 GPA overall for all University/university coursework aempted.
Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements are eligible for West Virginia
cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instrucon - hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Wisconsin cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas.
The License Based on Reciprocity is a Tier II three-year renewable educator license. The License Based on Reciprocity is available for
teacher and administrator licenses, but it is not available for pupil services licenses.
Hold a current teaching license in good standing from another state.
Have taught for one year with the teaching license from out of state or one-year teaching in a WI school while holding a
valid WI TEACHER license.
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Wisconsin.
Last Reviewed 09/15/2023
Wyoming Department of Educaon - hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
are eligible for Wyoming cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas.
Wyoming parcipates in state-to-state reciprocity; however, reciprocity implies an “equal exchange.Therefore, the requirements an
applicant met to obtain his or her out-of-state teaching license must be equivalent to Wyoming requirements. Wyoming generally
recognizes all out-of-state teaching licenses IF the standards the applicant met in his or her state are equivalent to Wyoming licensing
standards. Equivalent standards include:
Compleon of a regionally or naonally accredited teacher educaon program
Supervised student teaching
Passing the required test(s) for the state in which you hold a teaching license
Added endorsements are recognized in the same manner as described above
If you were required to take an exam in order to receive a license or cercate in another state or to be eligible for licensure in the
state where you completed your educator preparaon program, PTSB will accept that exam for licensure in Wyoming.
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Wyoming.
The Mercy University Teacher Educaon Program curriculum does not meet the educaonal requirements for licensure in the
following states/territories:
State /Territory
Professional Licensing Board
Arkansas Department of Educaon – hp://
Mercy University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of Educator Preparaon (CAEP).
Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements may be eligible for Arkansas
cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas.
*The following licensure areas are required to take Arkansas History prior to obtaining a standard ve-year teaching license:
Early Childhood, Elementary Educaon, Middle Childhood Social Studies, and Secondary Social Studies. *
Licensure in another state or country does not mean licensure in Arkansas will automacally be granted.
Type of license must be evaluated.
Students should refer to hp:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Arkansas.
California Department of Educaon – hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
may be eligible for California cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *Must hold a professional level out of
state cercate. California does not provide credenals specically for teaching Middle School. A middle school posion may require
either a Mulple Subject Teaching Credenal or a Single Subject Teaching Credenal. Educators prepared in other states who are
cered ONLY in a middle school seng have the opon to choose to apply for California cercaon in
either Mulple or Single subjects. For out-of-state prepared educators who are dually cered in both middle school and another
seng (elementary or secondary/high school), you may only apply for the comparable area of cercaon in either elementary
or secondary/high school cercaon.*
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for California.
Hawaii State Department of Educaon – hp://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
may be eligible for Hawaii cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *Hawaii does not accept cered out of
state teachers. However, teachers can pursue a reciprocal Hawaii teaching license through the Hawaii Teachers Standards Board. To
review license and permit informaon refer to hps://*
Louisiana State Department of Educaon – hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
may be eligible for Louisiana cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *Applicants will receive an Out-of-State
Cercate since they have not taken and passed the Praxis II exam. To receive this cercaon, they must also have at least 3 years of
teaching experience in their current state of employment. This is a standard three-year cercaon that cannot be renewed. In the
three-year me period, they must take the Praxis II exam to receive professional cercaon. Another way to receive professional
cercaon is if the local superintendent or his designee of the public school system employing the teacher has recommended the
Last Reviewed 09/15/2023
teacher for employment for the following school year and has requested that the teacher be granted a valid Louisiana teaching
cercate. *
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for
Montana Oce of Public Instrucon - hps:// hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs
are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have
completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements may be eligible for Montana cercaon as teachers in their
comparable cercaon areas. *Doesn’t have reciprocity with any state so those looking to work in the state must go through an
applicaon process. Must submit an applicaon, transcripts, a ngerprint background check, a copy of your current out of state
license, a university recommendaon and a licensure fee which veries you have completed a teacher preparaon program which
include student teaching and that you qualify for the endorsements you are applying for.*
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Montana.
Vermont Agency of Educaon - hps://educa
Vermont does not currently have educator reciprocity with New York. Educators who hold a current license, or have a
recommendaon for licensure on their transcript, from New York; will need to apply for Inial License through Transcript Review.
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs may be accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon.
Mercy University has not made a determinaon that the Teacher Educaon program curriculums meet the educaonal
requirements for licensure in the following state/territory:
State /Territory
Professional Licensing Board
Minnesota Department of Educaonhps://educa hp:// University’s
Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these
programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements may be eligible for Minnesota cercaon as
teachers in their comparable cercaon areas.
Applicants who hold a cercate from another state, or who have completed an approved program that would lead to a teaching
cercate in another state, may be eligible for a cercate through interstate reciprocity.
Students should refer to hps://educa to determine whether the program meets the requirements for
North Carolina
Public Schools of North Carolina - hp://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
may be eligible for North Carolina cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *
Provided North Carolina has a comparable license area, and you have 3 or more years of classroom teaching experience.
o The other state's licensure exam(s) must be comparable to North Carolina's meaning:
The exam(s) must have been taken and passed by the applicant to sasfy one component of the
licensure process in the other state at the me the exam(s) was taken.
The applicant demonstrates an exam(s) score(s) that meets or exceeds the passing score(s)
recommended by the test developer, regardless of the passing score adopted by the other state.
No, if you completed another state's approved EPP leading to the Elementary Educaon and/or Exceponal Children:
General Curriculum license and have fewer than 3 years of classroom teaching experience.
Out-of-state individuals who are approved for an NC teaching license in the primary area of cercaon may also be
granted an NC teaching license in any content area(s) that was subsequently added to the inial license by passing a
comparable licensure exam in another state, provided NC has a comparable license area.
The NC Dept of Public Instrucon authorizes a one-year Residency License that may be renewed twice for up to a 3-year licensure
cycle. Residency licensure is issued on a provisional basis in the teaching area that corresponds to the individual's qualicaons. An
approved educator preparaon program (EPP) must determine the applicant for the license to be qualied and enroll the individual,
while a North Carolina school system or charter school employs the Resident to teach. Both EPP enrollment and public school system
employment as a teacher are required to qualify for and connue teaching on a Residency License.
Students should refer to hp:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for North
Last Reviewed 09/15/2023
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Department of Educaon – hps:// hp:// University’s Teacher
Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of Educator Preparaon (CAEP).
Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements may be eligible for Puerto Rico
cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas.
Utah State Board of Educaon- hps://
hp:// University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of
Educator Preparaon (CAEP). Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements
may be eligible for Utah cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. *When applying must meet one of the
following criteria for the Content Knowledge Assessment Requirement:
1. Have at least one year of teaching in content area with standard license from another jurisdicon
2. Appropriate content test(s) or Out-of-State equivalent
Students should refer to hps:// to determine whether the program meets the requirements for Utah.
Virginia Department of Educaon - hp://
Mercy University’s Teacher Educaon programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditaon of Educator Preparaon (CAEP).
An individual coming into Virginia from any state may qualify for a Virginia teaching license with comparable endorsement areas if
the individual has completed a state-approved teacher preparaon program through a regionally accredited four-year University or
university, or if the individual holds a valid out-of-state teaching license (full credenal without deciencies) that must be in force at
the me the applicaon for a Virginia license is made.
Graduates of these programs who have completed New York State teacher cercaon requirements may be eligible for Virginia
cercaon as teachers in their comparable cercaon areas. hp://