Centre City Tower, 7 Hill Street, Birmingham B5 4UA
Westferry House, 11 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London, E14 4HD
Code for Adoption Agreements
Water sector documents: Change proposal (Ref 017)
Modification proposal
Water Sector Guidance: Incorrect reference to WRAS when
referring to Approved Contractor operating as plumbers and
water supply pipe installers
Independent Water Adoption
Panel Recommendation
The Panel recommended approving a change to the water
sector documents using an alternative approach to that
proposed by FWC
Ofwat has approved this change proposal based on the Panel’s
alternative approach with a minor change to the Panel’s
recommended approach
Publication date
12 December 2023
Implementation date
01 April 2024
The structure of our decision is as follows:
The change proposal
Consultation and assessment
Panel recommendation
Our decision and reasons
Decision notice.
Fair Water Connections (FWC) submitted this change proposal to the Independent Water
Adoption Panel (the Panel) on 14 April 2023, with the Panel publishing the proposal on its
website on the same day. The function of the Panel is to consider change proposals to the
water sector guidance and model water adoption agreement (the Water Sector Documents)
which apply to companies operating wholly or mainly in England. These documents were
Code for Adoption Agreements: Change proposal 017
developed by companies as required by the Code for Adoption Agreements (the Code) and
came into effect in January 2021. A change proposal is defined in the Code as a proposed
change to the sector guidance or the model adoption agreements.
The change proposed by FWC concerns references to the Water Regulations Advisory Service
(WRAS) in the Water Sector Documents. FWC considers that the references to WRAS when
describing plumbing installers that are approved contractors are incorrect as there are
multiple approved contractor schemes that operate in England and WRAS is just one of these.
FWC also points out that WRAS had now been renamed Water Regs UK Limited. There is a
current organisation known as WRAS, but this is the Water Regulations Approval Scheme,
which certifies plumbing products and materials. FWC considers the incorrect references to
WRAS in the Water Sector Documents to be misleading and confusing.
The change proposal
In its change proposal form submitted to the Panel, FWC raised concerns with the references
to WRAS in that:
(1) There are 6 Approved Contractors Schemes across the UK approve installers under
the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999. WaterSafe is an umbrella brand
where members approved by all six schemes are listed on a website.
(2) The Water Regulation Advisory Service (WRAS) has been renamed Water Regs UK
Limited. This company only runs one of six Approved Contactors Schemes.
(3) WRAS (Water Regulations Approval Scheme) is new a subsidiary company that
independently certifies plumbing products and materials. To refer to WRAS is
misleading and confusing.
FWC has proposed changes to several of the Water Sector Documents to address this issue
which are marked in red font and strikethrough font:
Water Sector Guidance
Add the following definition:
“Approved Contractor Schemes”
A scheme which approves contractors, under the Water Supply (Water Fittings)
Regulations 1999. For example, those listed by WaterSafe.org.uk such as the
APLUS, Water Industry Approved Plumbers Scheme or Watermark.
Code for Adoption Agreements: Change proposal 017
Amend section 7 with the following changes:
An SLP’s competence can be demonstrated:
through WIRS where the Accreditation Body awards scope-specific
accreditation against the criteria detailed in the Water Industry
Registration Scheme Requirements Document. (Details of the WIRS scheme
can be found at http://www.lr.org/en/utilities-building-
assuranceschemes/uk-schemes/water-industry-registration-scheme/ ); or
in the case of communications pipes, or plumbing, those accreditation
schemes recognised by WRAS in the case of communications pipes, or
plumbing, accredited for a relevant scope of work by an Approved
Contractors’ Scheme (for example a WaterSafe Water Supply Pipe Installer
or Plumber;
local accreditation arrangements which are specified by the Water
Companies in their ACS for the purposes of the “amber” activities (which
allows SLPs to carry out works beyond those by WIRS accreditation).
Code for Adoption Agreements: Change proposal 017
Water Sector Guidance Appendix C Procedures
Make the following changes to stage 7 of the procedures process:
1. Replace ‘WRAC’ with Watersafe.
2. Replace ‘WRAC’ with ‘Watersafe’ replace ‘plumbing approval’ with ‘approved
3. Replace ‘WRAC’ with ‘Watersafe’.
4. Replace ‘WRAC’ with ‘Watersafe’.
5. Leave unchanged as this is an appropriate usage of WRAS
6. This change is not part of the original change proposal. This is an additional
change proposed by the Panel that wasn’t included in the original change
proposal which is discussed later in the document.
Code for Adoption Agreements: Change proposal 017
Water Sector Guidance - Appendix D Design and Construction Specification
Add the following definitions:
“Watersafe” – “WaterSafe is a website that lists approved contractors from six
Approved Contractors’ Schemes across the UK”.
“Approved Contractors Schemes” “A scheme which approves contractors, under the
Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999. For example, those listed by
WaterSafe.org.uk such as the APLUS, Water Industry Approved Plumbers Scheme or
Amend section 12.2 Depth of Services:
Service Pipes shall be installed in accordance with the Water Regulations and
Streetworks UK guidance.
Service pipes shall be laid with an even grade where possible, with cover between a
depth of 750mm to 1350mm from the finished ground level in accordance with Water
Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999.
If a boundary box is to be installed on the Service Pipe, the pipe shall be laid with
cover between 750mm and 850mm for a minimum of 1.0metre on each side of the
boundary box.
Service Pipes being designed outside this range shall have special protective
measures vetted and agreed by the Approving Design Engineer must be notified and
consent given under the water fittings regulations and shall have special protective
measures vetted and agreed by the Approving Design Engineer.
Amend section 13.2 Marker Tape and Tracer Tape
Marker Tape to be compliant with CESWI and Water Fittings Regulations (for example
conforms to BS 1710).
Amend section 15.3 Dedicated Fire Mains
Dedicated fire mains shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Water
Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 19992016 and fitted with backflow prevention,
spiral wrapping and appropriate marker tape this would include: fitted with
appropriate backflow prevention and pipe identification (e.g. conforms to BS 1710).
Amend Appendix 1 WIS & IGN
Add the reference:
Code for Adoption Agreements: Change proposal 017
BS 1710 Specification for identification of pipelines and services
Remove the reference:
IGN 9 04 05 Report of the expert group on the risks of contamination of the
public water supply by backflow at: http://wras.co.uk
Water Sector Guidance Appendix E Minimum Information
Amend Stage 7 Make Service Connections
LoS: SLPM 7/1
All Service Pipe connections are to be notified by the SLP in accordance with the WIRS
requirements and relative to Water Regulation inspections to allow witness and / or
audit by the Water Company at its discretion or alternatively submit paperwork
according to an Approved PlumbersContractors’ Scheme.
Water Company may use a Local Practice and issue plot reference information and
costings at Stage 3.
Amend Stage 7 Make Service Connections
3. Approved Plumbers Scheme certificate or Water Company Water Regulations
inspection pass Certificate of compliance from an approved contractor who is a
member of an Approved Contractors’ Scheme or Water Company Water Regulations
inspection pass
Consultation and assessment
In submitting its recommendation, the Panel confirmed that it met the Code requirement
assess the change in terms of:
The need for change, for example, is it a service improvement or is it needed to
address a particular issue?
Consistency with the principles and objectives of the Code, and any relevant statutory
requirements; and
The impact of the change (be it positive and/or negative) on customers and on water
In considering the change proposal, the Panel has:
Discussed the proposal at two meetings;
See paragraph 3.8.11 of the Code.
Code for Adoption Agreements: Change proposal 017
Sought feedback from Panel members’ companies; and
Consulted with the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) on the proposal as the proposal
raised potential water quality issues. However, the Panel noted that it did not receive a
response from the DWI.
The Panel also consulted with FWC on its proposed recommendation.
Panel recommendation
On 14 August 2023, the Panel recommended to Ofwat, by unanimous decision, that we
approve a change to the Water Sector Documents. However, the Panel has proposed an
alternative change be made to the Water Sector Documents than that which was proposed by
FWC. In reaching its decision, the Panel stated that it has considered the following:
It was noted that the references to the approval schemes within the Code could be
simplified, as there are several schemes which interact with each other, for example
some are statutory, some relate only to materials.
There is no universal approval scheme which applies across the whole industry;
therefore it is for water companies to specify which approvals they will accept. Any
works must be certified under the appropriate regulations, which prevents non-
approved works being carried out.
Panel members had reviewed the proposed consequential amendments with their
respective water quality teams and overall they were content with the proposed
However, the Panel stated that it was mindful that the inclusion of specific examples
of approval schemes could become outdated quickly, which would necessitate
frequent changes to the Water Sector Documents if the amendments were accepted.
The Panel stated that it agreed that the FWC’s proposal should be accepted. However, it
recommended using alternative wording to that proposed by FWC. This was primarily to avoid
references to specific approval schemes which could themselves become outdated if such
schemes are changed in the future. Instead, the Panel recommended referring to approval
schemes in general. In addition to the changes proposed by FWC, the Panel recommended
two amendments to the Water Sector Guidance Appendix D Template Design and
Construction Specification, Definitions. These additional amendments address the current
references to WRAS in this document.
The Panel confirmed that it consulted with FWC on its recommended alternative approach to
making the changes to the Water Sector Documents.
Code for Adoption Agreements: Change proposal 017
The changes to the Water Sector Documents recommended by the Panel are set out below.
The current wording of the Water Sector Documents is in black text, the changes proposed by
FWC are in red font and the alternative changes recommended by the Panel are in green font
where new text has been added. Where FWC proposed additional text but the Panel
recommended removing this proposed text, it is in red strikethrough font.
Water Sector Guidance
Add the following definition:
“Approved Contractor Schemes”
A scheme which approves contractors, under the Water Supply (Water Fittings)
Regulations 1999. For example, those listed by WaterSafe.org.uk such as the
APLUS, Water Industry Approved Plumbers Scheme or Watermark.
Amend section 7 with the following changes:
An SLP’s competence can be demonstrated:
through WIRS where the Accreditation Body awards scope-specific
accreditation against the criteria detailed in the Water Industry
Registration Scheme Requirements Document. (Details of the WIRS scheme
can be found at http://www.lr.org/en/utilities-building-
assuranceschemes/uk-schemes/water-industry-registration-scheme/ ); or
in the case of communications pipes, or plumbing, those accreditation
schemes recognised by WRAS in the case of communications pipes, or
plumbing, accredited for a relevant scope of work by an Approved
Contractors’ Scheme (for example a WaterSafe Water Supply Pipe Installer
or Plumber;
local accreditation arrangements which are specified by the Water
Companies in their ACS for the purposes of the “amber” activities (which
allows SLPs to carry out works beyond those by WIRS accreditation).
Code for Adoption Agreements: Change proposal 017
Water Sector Guidance Appendix C Procedures
Make the following changes to stage 7 of the procedures process:
1. Install internal plumbing using a WRAS accredited installer and installer
suitably accredited by an Approved Contractors’ Scheme (for example a
WaterSafe plumber), and if the Water Company requires notify the Water
Company on completion (see note 7.1) Replace ‘WRAC’ with Watersafe.
2. Monitor development activity and programme Coordination & Compliance
Visits based on appropriate risk factors (see note 7.2) that takes into
account WRAS plumbing approval scheme the Approved Contractors’
Scheme accreditation, WIRS accreditation status, type approval, and recent
events Replace ‘WRAC’ with ‘Watersafe’ replace ‘plumbing approval’ with
‘approved contractors’.
Code for Adoption Agreements: Change proposal 017
3. The minimum level internal plumbing can be fitted by any competent
person. If the installer is able to evidence competency through a suitable
WRAS or WIRS accreditation scheme accreditation with an Approved
Contractors Scheme, the Water Company may take this into account when
deciding whether to undertake subsequent due diligence checks on the
site. Replace ‘WRAC’ with ‘Watersafe’.
4. Install private service pipe using a suitably accredited installer (for example
WRAS a WaterSafe Water Supply Pipe Installer or Plumber). Replace ‘WRAC’
with ‘Watersafe’.
5. Where internal plumbing does not have signed-off type approval, or has not
been installed by an approved plumber, the Water Company may require an
internal plumbing inspection to confirm that internal plumbing meets the
Water Regs Water Fittings Regulations. Leave unchanged as this is an
appropriate usage of WRAS
6. All plumbing must comply with WQ(WF)1999 Water Fittings Regulations.
Water Sector Guidance - Appendix D Design and Construction Specification
Amend Section 5 Abbreviations
WRAS Water Regulation Advisory ServiceWater Regulations Approval Scheme
WRUK Water Regs UK Ltd
Add the following definitions:
“Watersafe” – “WaterSafe is a website that lists approved contractors from six
Approved Contractors’ Schemes across the UK”.
“Approved Contractors Schemes” “A scheme which approves contractors, under the
Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999. For example, those listed by
WaterSafe.org.uk such as the APLUS, Water Industry Approved Plumbers Scheme or
Amend section 12.2 Depth of Services:
Service Pipes shall be installed in accordance with the Water Regulations and
Streetworks UK guidance.
Service pipes shall be laid with an even grade where possible, with cover between a
depth of 750mm to 1350mm from the finished ground level in accordance with Water
Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999.
Code for Adoption Agreements: Change proposal 017
If a boundary box is to be installed on the Service Pipe, the pipe shall be laid with
cover between 750mm and 850mm for a minimum of 1.0metre on each side of the
boundary box.
Service Pipes being designed outside this range shall have special protective
measures vetted and agreed by the Approving Design Engineer must be notified and
consent given under the water fittings regulations and shall have special protective
measures vetted and agreed by the Approving Design Engineer.
Amend section 13.2 Marker Tape and Tracer Tape
Marker Tape to be compliant with CESWI and Water Fittings Regulations (for example
conforms to BS 1710).
Amend section 15.3 Dedicated Fire Mains
Dedicated fire mains shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Water
Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 19992016 and fitted with backflow prevention,
spiral wrapping and appropriate marker tape this would include: fitted with
appropriate backflow prevention and pipe identification (e.g. conforms to BS 1710).
Amend Appendix 1 WIS & IGN
Add the reference:
BS 1710 Specification for identification of pipelines and services
Remove the reference:
IGN 9 04 05 Report of the expert group on the risks of contamination of the
public water supply by backflow at: http://wras.co.uk
Water Sector Guidance Appendix E Minimum Information
Amend Stage 7 Make Service Connections
LoS: SLPM 7/1
All Service Pipe connections are to be notified by the SLP in accordance with the WIRS
requirements and relative to Water Regulation inspections to allow witness and / or
audit by the Water Company at its discretion or alternatively submit paperwork
according to an Approved PlumbersContractors’ Scheme.
Code for Adoption Agreements: Change proposal 017
Water Company may use a Local Practice and issue plot reference information and
costings at Stage 3.
Amend Stage 7 Make Service Connections
3. Approved Plumbers Scheme certificate or Water Company Water Regulations
inspection pass Certificate of compliance from an approved contractor who is a
member of an Approved Contractors’ Scheme or Water Company Water Regulations
inspection pass
Our decision and reasons
We have considered the above issues and all supporting documentation provided to us by the
Panel and have decided to approve the change based on the Panel’s alternative approach
with a minor change to amend the definition of "WaterSafe" as set out below.
We agree with FWC and the Panel that there is a benefit to updating the Water Sector
Documents where names of organisations or schemes that are referred to in the documents
have been changed. We also agree with the Panel that there is benefit in avoiding references
to specific organisations when a more general reference to the organisations function could
be used in order to avoid having to update the Water Sector Documents whenever such an
organisation or its name changes. This also avoids the potential confusion, as raised by FWC,
of the Water Sector Documents only referring to specific organisations or schemes, when
there are acceptable alternatives that could be used. We therefore agree with the changes to
the Water Sector Documents recommended by the Panel. This aligns with the Code principle
of being ‘clear, complete and current’.
We have decided to make an alteration to one element of the Panel’s recommended changes.
The Panel recommended a change to section 5 of the Water Sector Guidance Appendix 5
Design and Construction Specification to include a definition of ‘Watersafe’. We consider that
the Panel's proposed definition should be amended to provide a more accurate and future-
proofed description of the organisation. As such, we have decided to amend definition of
"WaterSafe" to the following:
WaterSafe" - "WaterSafe is an online search facility that lists contractors in Approved
Contractor Schemes."
Decision notice
In accordance with paragraph 3.9.4 of the Code Ofwat approves this Change Proposal using
the alternative approach recommended by the Panel with a minor change to this
recommended approach to amend the definition of "WaterSafe" as set out above.
Code for Adoption Agreements: Change proposal 017
Emily Bulman
Director, Charges, customers and developer services