The REAL Certificate
FALL 2022
Application and Admissions Process
The Raising Expectations for Academic Learning or REAL Certificate offers students with intellectual
and/or developmental disabilities the opportunity to participate in a post-secondary academic-,
vocational- and social inclusion-focused program. Applicants will have received extensive special
education services in their secondary schools and are not able to access college by meeting typical
entrance criteria. The REAL certificate is a two year program that requires four (4) full semesters of
study. Students in the REAL Certificate audit traditional undergraduate courses and participate in
inclusive vocational and social experiences. Students have the option to live on campus or commute.
An individual plan for college participation is developed for each student. Students must follow the
University Code of Conduct and the REAL Certificate does not have the personnel to (1) supervise
students with difficult and challenging behaviors; (2) dispense medications or (3) provide personal
The REAL Certificate is NOT an accredited college degree program and graduating students will
receive a certificate of completion.
The REAL Certificate is a Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary Program approved by the U.S.
Department of Education. Eligible students are therefore able to apply for certain types of federal aid.
See the Student With Intellectual Disabilities eligibility section of the Federal Student Aid website
( for further information. Consolidated or Person/Family Directed Supports (PFDS)
waiver and Office of Vocational Rehabilitation funding may be used to pay for the REAL Certificate
Fall 2022 Applications must be postmarked by February 15, 2022.
If you need additional information or have questions about the application, please contact:
Jessica Mattis, REAL Certificate Director
REAL Certificate Eligibility Criteria:
Upon application, it is expected that students will demonstrate the following minimal
• Be between the ages of 18-26 at the start of the program.
• Provide documentation of intellectual and/ or developmental disability.
• Demonstrate active participation throughout the application/interview process.
• Express desire and motivation to complete a postsecondary education program.
• Have proof of eligibility for IDEA while in school (i.e., the student had an IEP).
• Demonstrate ability to communicate with staff, faculty, and mentors.
• Have the ability to function independently for a sustained period of time (i.e., able to sit
through 90 minute courses and function independently for 1 hour blocks of time
(including navigating campus independently).
• Have sufficient emotional and independent stability to participate in all aspects of the
REAL Certificate program and campus environment.
• Be able to handle and adapt to change; not overly stressed when schedules or people
• Express desire to be part of the workforce
• Be able to provide transportation to and from campus
• Have proof of health insurance (Medicaid, Medicare, private).
• Be able to follow the University Code of Conduct and to behave respectfully towards
Due to space limitations, not all applicants who complete the application and meet the
criteria for admission will be accepted in the REAL Certificate.
Application Process
Important Dates
February 15, 2022- Completed Applications Submitted
February/March 2022- Student/Family/ Supports Interview
March 31, 2022- Student notified of application status
May/June- Students and family participate in Person-Centered Planning meeting
August 25, 2022- Fall Orientation begins
Application Process
To apply for the Fall semester, complete and submit the application, supporting documents,
and teacher reference form. After submitting the required application packet, students may be
invited to participate in an interview. Following the interviews, the application screening
committee will review all of the applications and select students for admission. The decision to
offer or deny admission to the program will be made by the admissions committee in their best
judgment and in the best interest of the applicant.
Please do not call about the status of your application, as we will not be able to provide this
information for you over the phone. You will receive an email notifying you of the status of
your application. Since a limited number of applicants will be admitted each year, interested
candidates are welcome to re-apply the following year.
Application Packet
Part 1: Application
Part 2: Supporting
Part 3: Teacher
Reference Form
-Contact Information
-Program Information
-Detailed Personal Information
-Mailing Address
-Education Details
-Extracurricular Activities
-Short Answer Questions
-High School Transcript
-Most recent IEP
-Educational evaluation
conducted within the past 3
years, such as.
School re-evaluation
Woodcock Johnson
-Use the REAL Certificate
Reference form to ask
for a recommendation
from one of your
teachers (Printable
PDF or online form
Fall 2022 REAL Certificate Application
Contact Information
First Name: ____________________________ Middle Name: ____________________________
Last Name: ____________________________ Email Address: ___________________________
Home Phone Number: ___________________ Mobile Phone Number: _____________________
Preferred Phone- please select: Home Mobile
Program Information
The REAL Certificate is a program for students with intellectual disabilities and/or developmental
disabilities who are motivated to complete a post-secondary education program and join the workforce
after graduation.
Please write your name and initial here to confirm that you meet the program entrance
requirements listed on page 2 _____________________________________________________
Students in the REAL Certificate are required to take Basic College Writing and a First Year Seminar
Course. After the first semester, students enroll in any 100 and 200 level courses across the university.
Some students in the program choose to focus on one area of study while others explore courses in a
number of different departments. Some examples of the types of classes students have taken include
Criminal Justice, Art, Education, Psychology, etc.
Please list three areas you are interested in studying:
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________
Students in the REAL Certificate have the option to reside in on-campus housing or to commute to
campus daily:
Please select if you plan to be a residential or commuter student.
Residential Commuter
Transportation services are NOT provided by the university. If you plan to commute, what is
your transportation plan?
Detailed Personal Information
Other/Former First Name: ___________________________________________________________
Other/Former Last Name (e.g. Maiden name): ___________________________________________
Date of Birth: _____________________________ Sex assigned at birth: Female Male
If you wish, we invite you to share more about your gender identity below:
Are you the first member of your family to attend college? Please select... Yes No
Which disabilities do you have? Circle all that apply.
Intellectual disability
Speech or language impairment
Developmental disability
Orthopedic impairment
Emotional disturbance
Traumatic Brain Injury
Other health impairment
Hearing Impairment
Visual Impairment, including blindness
Specific learning disability
Other; please specify:______________________
Which types of benefits do you receive? Select all that apply.
Consolidated or Person/Family Directed Supports (PFDS) Waiver
SSI (Supplemental Security Income)
SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance)
Unemployment Insurance
TANF (Temporary Aid to Needy Families)
Which of the following best describes the curriculum and educational setting you experienced
in high school? Select one.
Fully included in general education curriculum in general education classes
Partially included in general education curriculum with the majority of classes in general
Student spent half of their time in general education and half of their time in special
Partially included in general education curriculum with the majority of classes in special
Not included in general education curriculum or classes/ only in special education classes
(e.g. life skills).
Other; please specify:
What, if any, type of statewide assessment did you take while in high school? Choose one.
Regular with or without accommodations
Other; please specify:
Do you have a legal conservator or guardian? Yes No
If yes, please indicate who:_____________________________________________________
Mailing Address
Street: ____________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________ State: ______________ Zip: ______________
Country: ___________________________________________________________________________
Are you Hispanic/Latino? Yes No
Regardless of your answer to the prior question, please indicate how you identify yourself. (You
may select one or more or none)
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Hispanic of any race
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Parent/Family member/Guardian:
First Name: _____________________________ Last Name: _______________________________
Email Address: __________________________ Phone Number:____________________________
Relationship- Please circle. Parent Family Member Legal Guardian
Parent/Family member/Guardian:
First Name: _____________________________ Last Name: _______________________________
Email Address: __________________________ Phone Number:____________________________
Relationship- Please circle. Parent Family Member Legal Guardian
Do you have a sibling, parent, grandparent, great grandparent that is attending or has graduated from
Arcadia? Yes No
Are you related to a University employee? Yes No
Education Details
High School Name: ________________________________________________________________
School Address: __________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: __________________
Did you graduate high school more than 5 years ago? Yes No
Did you, or will you, graduate from this school? Yes No
Attended Start Date: ____________________ Attended End Date: _______________________
Have you attended a college or university? Yes No
Extracurricular Activities
Please share some activities that you participated in at your school or in your community. Activities can
involve clubs, sport teams, volunteer events and paid employment.
Activity 1: ________________________________________________________________________
Describe the activity and your involvement:
I intend to participate in a similar activity in College Yes No
Activity 2: ________________________________________________________________________
Describe the activity and your involvement:
I intend to participate in a similar activity in College Yes No
Activity 3: ________________________________________________________________________
Describe the activity and your involvement:
I intend to participate in a similar activity in College Yes No
If you would like to include additional activities, please submit the information on another sheet
or paper or include your resume.
Short Answer Questions
Please answer ALL of the following questions so that we can learn more about you and why you would
like to be part of the REAL Certificate. Each answer must be 250 words or less.
1. Why are you interested in attending Arcadia University?
2. Describe your academic strengths and challenges and how you learn best.
3. Describe your work/volunteer experiences and your long-term career goals.
4. Please share any additional medical, psychiatric, behavior, and/or physical conditions that
may affect your participation in the classroom, social or vocational activities on campus.
Describe accommodations or supports that have been helpful in educational and/or work
Statement of Civility
The diversity of the University community adds to the richness of campus life, and Arcadia University
expects all members of the community to respect both differences and commonalities. The University
acknowledges every individual's constitutional right to freedom of speech and freedom of inquiry.
Arcadia University also affirms every individual's right to an environment that is free from harassment of
any kind. The University will not tolerate the subjection of another person, group or class of persons to
inappropriate, abusive, threatening or demeaning actions at any time.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Arcadia University is committed to ensuring equal opportunity to all persons and does not discriminate
on the basis of ethnicity, national origin, ancestry, race, color, religion, creed, sex/gender, marital status,
affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity, military and military veteran status, age, or disability in
its educational programs, activities, admissions or employment practices as required by Title IX of the
Educational Amendment of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990 and other applicable statutes. Discriminatory conduct and harassment, including
sexual harassment, violates the dignity of individuals, impedes the realization of the University’s
educational mission, and will not be tolerated.
Inquiries concerning Title IX, Section 504 and ADA compliance and information regarding accessibility
should be directed to the Affirmative Action Officer, Arcadia University, 450 S. Easton Road, Glenside,
PA 19038-3295; phone: 215-572-2947 and/or the University’s Title IX Coordinator, Arcadia University,
450 S. Easton Road, Thomas Hall, Room 002, Glenside, PA 19038-3295; phone: 215-517-2659.
Fingerprinting and Background Check
Prospective students are advised that some internship placement sites require students to submit to
fingerprinting and criminal background checks and receive appropriate clearances before they will be
permitted to participate in internship programs at those institutions. Students who do not submit to
fingerprinting and/or do not receive appropriate clearance may be unable to fulfill their academic
requirements at Arcadia University, and therefore may not be able to complete their educational
program. Unless otherwise paid for by the internship site, students will be required to bear the expense
of such screening. Arcadia University does not pay for or reimburse for the expenses related to
background checking or fingerprint clearance.
Criminal Convictions
A disciplinary matter or criminal conviction, occurring prior to the time of application (whether or not
disclosed on the application), while the application is under review, or after the admission decision has
been made, may affect decisions regarding admission and Arcadia University reserves the right to
revoke admission in such circumstances. Also, because offers of admission and enrollment are based
upon a record of academic achievement, Arcadia reserves the right to revoke admission upon receipt of
a final high school transcript (or most recent college transcript) reflecting a significant decline in
academic performance. Additionally, if an application misrepresents any information, for any reason,
admission or enrollment may be revoked at the University's discretion. Finally, admission to the
University does not guarantee placement in campus housing or participation in student teaching
placements, internships, or clinical rotations, which may be subject to additional policies or practices.
Questions regarding fingerprinting, background checking, and criminal convictions may be referred to
the Office of the General Counsel at Arcadia University.
Arcadia University also affirms every individual’s right to an environment that is free from harassment of
any kind. The University will not tolerate the subjection of another person, group or class of persons to
inappropriate, abusive, threatening or demeaning actions at any time.
Mandatory Reporting
Under the Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law (23 Pa.C.S.6301 et seq)., Enrollment
Management staff, as school employees, are mandated reporters. As such, staff are required to make a
report of suspected child abuse if they have reasonable cause to suspect that a child is a victim of child
Letter of Recommendation
Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, you have the right to review letters of
recommendation after you enroll in the university, unless you waive your right to access them. Waiving
your right lets recommenders know you will never see the recommendation and may lead to a more
candid and truthful recommendation. If you choose not to waive your right, some recommenders may
decline your request.
Please select if you waiver your rights to review the letter of recommendation. A yes response
means you waive your rights. A no response means you do not waive your rights.
Yes No
Have you ever been found responsible for a disciplinary violation at any educational institution
you have attended from the 9th grade (or the international equivalent) forward, whether related
to academic misconduct or behavioral misconduct, that resulted in a disciplinary action?
Yes No
Have you ever been adjudicated guilty or convicted of a misdemeanor or felony?
Yes No
I understand that withholding information requested in this application or giving false
information will make me ineligible for admission to, or continuation in, the REAL Certificate of
Arcadia University. I furthermore pledge to submit any future changes, including those related
to grades or discipline issues, to the REAL Certificate office and understand that an offer of
admission may be rescinded based upon updated information. I certify that the information
given is correct and complete.
I have read, I understand, and I agree to the above statement.
Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: __________________
You have now finished Step 1 of the application process. Please remember that in order for your
application to be complete, all required supporting documents and the Teacher Reference Form
must also be submitted.