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MSDH COVID-19 Resources for Nursing Homes and Long-term Care Facilities
Key Points
Older adults living in congregate settings are at high risk of being affected by respiratory and other
pathogens, such as SARS-CoV-2.
A strong infection prevention and control (IPC) program is critical to protect both residents and
healthcare personnel (HCP).
Even as nursing homes resume normal practices, they must sustain core IPC practices and remain
vigilant for SARS-CoV-2 infection among residents and HCP in order to prevent spread and
protect residents and HCP from severe infections, hospitalizations, and death.
MSDH recommends long-term care facilities follow CDC’s Infection Prevention and Control
guidance documents for preparing and responding to SARS-COV-2 in long-term care settings.
This document replaces the previous MSDH guidance, COVID-19 Prevention and Response
Guidelines for Long-Term Care Facilities and provides hyperlinks to resources for basic infection
prevention and control measures, outbreak response measures, and required reporting.
Infection Prevention and Control
Refer to CDC’s Infection Prevention and Control guidance (see link below) to prevent SARS-COV-2
entry and spread in all U.S. settings where healthcare is delivered (including nursing homes and home
CDC Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Healthcare Personnel During the
COVID-19 Pandemic:
o Note: Recommendations from CDCs previous guidance document, Interim Infection
Prevention and Control Recommendations to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Spread in Nursing
Homes, can now be found in this single guidance document at the link above.
Additional resources for basic infection prevention and control in long-term care facilities:
COVID-19 Vaccination Provider Enrollment, Vaccine Request, and Resources:,0,71,975.html
CMS visitation memos for nursing homes (QSO-20-39-NH Revised) and ICF-IID and Psychiatric
Residential Treatment Facilities (QSO-21-14-ICF/IID & PRTF Revised 06.03.2021)
CDC SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Testing in Long Term Care Facilities guidance for interpreting point
of care (POC) antigen tests performed within the facility:
MSDH COVID-19 Therapeutics Information:,0,420,694.html
Outbreak Response
MSDH defines an outbreak in a long-term care facility as a SARS-COV-2 infection confirmed in a
single resident or HCP/employee. An outbreak should be suspected when clusters of respiratory disease
(≥ 3 residents and/or staff) are identified. Notify the MSDH Office of Epidemiology of any confirmed or
suspected outbreak.
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Refer to the resources listed below for infection prevention and control guidance when responding to a
SARS-COV-2 outbreak in nursing homes and other long-term care settings:
The section entitled “Response to a Newly Identified SARS-CoV-2-infected HCP or Resident” of
the CDC Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Healthcare Personnel During the
COVID-19 Pandemic document.
CDC Guidance for Managing Healthcare Personnel with SARS-CoV-2 Infection or Exposure to
SARS-CoV-2 for evaluation and management of HCP with higher-risk exposures or HCP infected
with SARS-COV-2.
CMS visitation guidance for indoor visitation during an outbreak
o Nursing Home Visitation - COVID-19: QSO-20-39-NH Revised
o ICF-IID and Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities: QSO-21-14-ICF/IID & PRTF
Revised 06.03.2021
Source control and physical distancing guidance: CDC Infection Prevention and Control
Recommendations for Healthcare Personnel During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Reporting Rapid/Point of Care (POC) Test Results
Individual SARS-CoV-2 test results (positive, negative, or inconclusive) from any testing
methodology are no longer reportable to MSDH. This includes point of care tests (e.g., rapid
antigen or rapid PCR) and laboratory based Nucleic Acid Amplification (NAAT) tests.
Suspected and confirmed COVID-19 outbreaks are still required to be reported by telephone to
MSDH within 24 hours of first knowledge or suspicion.
Information about COVID-19 reporting to MSDH can be found on MSDH’s website:,0,420,694.html#reportingCOVID-19
Outbreak Reporting of New Cases and Deaths
Notify the MSDH COVID-19 Outbreak Team in your area or the MSDH Office of Epidemiology
(601-576-7725) of any identified COVID-19 infection or COVID-19 related death in a resident or
employee within the facility.
Additional CMS Reporting Requirements
Facilities should refer to Licensure and Certification regarding all CMS requirements including
aggregate COVID-19 data reported weekly. COVID-19 data and updates from CMS can be found