Early Termination Fees Made Simple
Early Termination Fees are charges you must pay if you want to get
out of your cell phone contract before it expires - typically two years
Consumer Tips
· When signing up for a new cell-phone service, make sure you are fully aware of
any “early termination fees” (ETFs) that may be associated with the contract you
are signing. The salesperson may not mention an ETF, so be sure to ask.
· Ask how much the early termination fee will be and how it is prorated. Prorating
means that the amount of the ETF you are responsible for decreases month by
month. But different carriers prorate different plans in different ways. For
example, one $240 ETF might decrease by a steady $10 a month over two years,
while another high ETF might drop by only $5 a month until the last four months.
· Ask if it would be possible to buy a handset at full price and avoid an ETF.
· Think before you make any changes in your contract, such as buying a new
phone or more minutes that your carrier might offer. This could trigger a new
two-year contract with another ETF.
· Ask about the trial period during which you can cancel the service without an ETF
penalty. This is typically 14 to 30 days. Also ask whether you will get your first
bill before the trial period is up and if not, whether you can find out about your
costs during the trial period in another way.
· If you use your phone sparingly, consider avoiding the whole ETF issue by buying
a pre-paid phone. These phones do not involve a contract.