Term Series 160 Product Guide
IU-6464420.1 (3/24) (Exp 3/26)
For Financial Professional Use Only
Not for Distribution to the General Public
Term Series 160
Product Guide
Series, 160, Product
COIntroducing COIL Institutional Series
New Business Accepted:
September 23, 2019
Term 10
Term 15
Term 20
Annual Renewable Term (ART)
Term Series 160 Product Guide
IU-6464420.1 (3/24) (Exp 3/26)
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For Financial Professional Use Only
Not for Distribution to the General Public
Term Series 160
Product Guide
Introducing Term Series 160.................................................................................................................... - 4 -
Highlights | Term Series 160...................................................................................................................................... - 4 -
At-a-Glance | Term Series 160 ................................................................................................................. - 5 -
Death Benefit | Term Series 160 ........................................................................................................... - 10 -
Riders | Term Series 160 ........................................................................................................................... - 11 -
Riders At-A-Glance ..................................................................................................................................................... - 11 -
Children’s Term Insurance Rider (CTIR) .............................................................................................................. - 12 -
Disability Premium Waiver (DPW) ........................................................................................................................ - 14 -
Living Benefits (Accelerated Benefits) Rider (LBR) ......................................................................................... - 16 -
Premiums | Term Series 160 .................................................................................................................. - 17 -
Premium Limits ............................................................................................................................................................ - 17 -
Modal Premiums ......................................................................................................................................................... - 17 -
ART 10% Discount for 1
Year Premium in Annual Mode ......................................................................... - 19 -
Refund of Premiums .................................................................................................................................................. - 19 -
Premium Structure | Term Series 160 ................................................................................................................. - 19 -
Level Premium Policies | Term 10 | Term 15 | Term 20 ................................................................ - 19 -
Indeterminate Premium Annual Renewable Term ......................................................................... - 20 -
Unisex .............................................................................................................................................................. - 20 -
Policy Changes | Term Series 160 ......................................................................................................... - 21 -
Face Amount Changes .............................................................................................................................................. - 21 -
Tobacco User Status Change ................................................................................................................................. - 21 -
Rating Reduction ........................................................................................................................................................ - 21 -
Rider Addition: Children’s Term Insurance Rider ........................................................................................... - 21 -
Rider Terminations ..................................................................................................................................................... - 21 -
Policy Lapse | Term Series 160 .............................................................................................................. - 22 -
Grace Period ................................................................................................................................................................. - 22 -
Policy Reinstatement ................................................................................................................................................. - 22 -
Underwriting | Term Series 160 ............................................................................................................ - 23 -
Underwriting Classes ................................................................................................................................................. - 23 -
Backdating to Save Age ........................................................................................................................................... - 24 -
Unisex Rates .................................................................................................................................................................. - 24 -
Classified Insurance .................................................................................................................................................... - 24 -
Change in Underwriting Classification ............................................................................................................... - 24 -
International Underwriting Program ................................................................................................................... - 24 -
U.S. Expatriate Program (USEUP) .......................................................................................................................... - 24 -
Foreign Travel ............................................................................................................................................................... - 24 -
Term Series 160 Product Guide
IU-6464420.1 (3/24) (Exp 3/26)
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For Financial Professional Use Only
Not for Distribution to the General Public
Smart Total Evaluation Program (STEP) ............................................................................................................. - 24 -
L.I.F.E. Program Life Insurance For Employees ............................................................................................. - 24 -
Term Conversions | Term Series 160 ................................................................................................... - 25 -
Term Conversion Privilege ...................................................................................................................................... - 25 -
Term Conversion Provisions ................................................................................................................................... - 25 -
Term 10, Term 15, Term 20
Conversions ............................................................................................ - 25 -
ART & TermOne
Conversions .............................................................................................................. - 25 -
Term Conversion Guidelines .................................................................................................................................. - 26 -
Conversion When a Disability Premium Waiver Rider Claim is in Effect .............................................. - 26 -
Term Conversion Credit ........................................................................................................................................... - 27 -
Partial Term Conversion ........................................................................................................................................... - 27 -
Policyowner Communications Regarding Term Conversions ................................................................... - 27 -
Compliance | Term Series 160 ............................................................................................................... - 28 -
Licensing ......................................................................................................................................................................... - 28 -
Illustration/Premium Quote Requirements ...................................................................................................... - 28 -
Cost Disclosure Notice.............................................................................................................................................. - 29 -
Buyer’s Guide ................................................................................................................................................................ - 29 -
Free Look Period ......................................................................................................................................................... - 29 -
Delivery Period ............................................................................................................................................................. - 29 -
Delivery Receipt ........................................................................................................................................................... - 29 -
ART State Certification Form .................................................................................................................................. - 29 -
Register Date ................................................................................................................................................................ - 30 -
Application ................................................................................................................................................. - 31 -
What to Do When Term Product Is on A Qualified Plan ............................................................................. - 31 -
Business & Employer Owned Policies ................................................................................................. - 31 -
Employer-Owned Life Insurance Income-Tax-Free Death Benefits Requirements .......................... - 32 -
Tax Disclosure ........................................................................................................................................... - 32 -
Additional References ............................................................................................................................. - 32 -
Sales Support................................................................................................................................................................ - 32 -
Product Documents & Marketing Materials On equitable.com/termseries ........................................ - 32 -
Appendix A: Conversion of Flat Extras to Equivalent Rating Classes ..................................................... - 33 -
Term Series 160 Product Guide
IU-6464420.1 (3/24) (Exp 3/26)
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For Financial Professional Use Only
Not for Distribution to the General Public
Introducing Term Series 160
Term Series 160 is the next generation to the Equitable Financial term portfolio offering a full
range of term products designed to meet the specific needs of our clients. The Equitable Financial
term life insurance portfolio includes:
Term 10
Term 15
Term 20
Annual Renewable Term
Level term products (Term 10, Term 15 & Term 20), ART and TermOne
will be issued by Equitable
Financial Life Insurance Company (Equitable Financial) in all jurisdictions. TermOne
is also issued
by Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company of America (Equitable America) in all jurisdictions
except New York and Puerto Rico.
Term Series 160 replaces BrightLife
Term Series 157 as well as TermOne
Series 155B.
Term Series 160 will be sold in non-qualified and qualified markets, except 412(e) plans.
Highlights | Term Series 160
ART offers a 10% discount for the annual mode initial premium only in all jurisdictions.
Certain Qualified Plans are available for use in all Term Series 160 products, including
The High Profile (Levelized) Commissions process will only apply to policies owned by a
team that insures an athlete on a Term 10 or ART policy.
Term Series 160 is compliant with the 2017 CSO Tables. As mandated by the National
Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), the sale of existing 2001 CSO compliant
products will cease at the end of 2019.
Term Series 160 Product Guide
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For Financial Professional Use Only
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At-a-Glance | Term Series 160
Marketing Name
Legal Name
Term 10
Renewable Term Plan*
Term 15
Term 20
Annual Renewable Term (ART)
Yearly Renewable Term
One-Year Term Insurance
* Term to 95 Plan in Florida. Also referred to as “Level Term” collectively.
Yearly Term to 95 Plan in Florida
Term 10, Term 15 & Term 20 (Level Term)
Non-participating, level premium term products with premiums that are
guaranteed level for the entire 10, 15- or 20-year level premium period,
respectively. After the guaranteed level premium period expires, premiums
increase annually. All premiums are guaranteed.
Annual Renewable Term (ART)
Non-participating, annually renewable term product with two sets of premiums
a set of current premiums and a set of guaranteed maximum premiums.
Premiums increase each year after the third policy year and are based on the
insured’s attained age; however, they will never exceed the guaranteed maximum
premiums shown in the policy.
Non-participating, fully underwritten, one-year term product, with an annual
modal premium. Coverage expires at the end of one year and is non-renewable.
Male, Female, and Unisex. Unisex is required in Montana and for cases subject to
ERISA (Qualified Plans).
We use 80/20 Male/Female blend for unisex rates.
Term Series 160 products are available for sale in qualified pension, profit-sharing
and other ERISA plans. They will not be used with 412(e) plans.
Minimum Face Amount
Term 10
Term 15
Term 20
Annual Renewable Term (ART)
$ 25,000
Face amount changes are not permitted
Level Term and ART
Subject to availability of reinsurance and the company’s retention limits.
Issue Age
Maximum Face Amount
20 69
70 79
$ 500,000
80 99
$ 250,000
The maximum amount available for TermOne
is reduced by any other Equitable
Financial and affiliates policies in force.
Term Series 160 Product Guide
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Level Term & ART
Preferred Elite (Non-Tobacco User only)
Preferred (Tobacco User)
Preferred (Non-Tobacco User)
Standard (Tobacco User)
Standard Plus (Non-Tobacco User only)
Substandard classes B, C and D*
Standard (Non-Tobacco User)
The Preferred, Standard and Substandard B, C and D classes vary by gender and
tobacco-user status. The Preferred Elite & Standard Plus classes vary by gender.
*There is no Equitable Financial retention for substandard business at issue ages
75 and over. Facultative reinsurance shopping may be available at these
ages/ratings subject to underwriting review.
Standard only, with no difference in tobacco use rates.
Note: Tobacco use is noted on TermOne
policies for future use by underwriting if
the conversion privilege is exercised
Issue Ages
Issue Age
Term 10
18 75
Term 15
18 70
Term 20
18 65
Annual Renewable Term (ART)
18 70
20 99
Age is calculated based on age nearest birthday
Last Renewal
Level Term & ART
94 with coverage to 95
Does not renew
Rate Bands
Level Term & ART
$100,000 499,999
$1,000,000 1,999,999
$500,000 999,999
$2,000,000 +
$25,000 +
Level Term
Fixed premium product. Premiums are guaranteed level for the entire 10, 15- or
20- year term. Regularly scheduled premiums are required to keep the policy in
Indeterminate premium product. Premiums are guaranteed level for years 1 - 3.
Regularly scheduled premiums are required to keep the policy in force.
ART features a 10% discount for the annual mode initial premium only.
Term Series 160 Product Guide
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One-year term product, with an annual modal premium. Coverage expires at the
end of one year and is non-renewable
Level Term and ART
Annual (direct bill or salary allotment)
Semi-Annual (direct bill or salary allotment)
Quarterly (direct bill, military allotment, or salary allotment)
Monthly (systematic bank draft, military or salary allotment, no direct bill
Annual only
Factors &
Policy Fees
Level Term & ART
Modal Factor*
Policy Fee**
Systematic Monthly
$ 9
Salary Allotment/Pension Trust
$ 9
Military Allotment Monthly
$ 9
*Modal factors are used to convert an annual premium to a payment frequency
other than annual (i.e., semi-annual, quarterly or special monthly)
**The policy fees are non-commissionable, payable with each premium payment
and do not vary by face amount
Annual mode only. There are no policy fees with TermOne
10% ART
Premium in
ART policy owners who elect the annual premium mode for the first policy year
will receive a 10% discount on that premium. The discount only applies to the
policy premium, it does not apply to the policy fee, the premium for any riders, or
for any charges for substandard ratings or flat extra charges.
The discount applies in all jurisdictions.
The discount is not available for policies replacing an existing Equitable Financial
or affiliated company policy.
Level Term & ART
Convertible before the earlier of the policy anniversary nearest the insured’s
attained age 70 or the first 5, 7, and 10 policy years respectively.
For policies for an insured with an issue age of 79 or younger, the conversion
period ends on the policy expiration date.
For policies for an insured with an issue age of 80+, there is no conversion privilege.
Term Series 160 Product Guide
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We will allow conversion, until the end of the conversion period, to any permanent
plan of insurance we choose to make available on the date of the conversion.
Premiums for the new policy will be based on the insured’s attained insurance age
at the time of conversion and the closest comparable risk class as determined by
Equitable Financial.
Note that conversion to a permanent plan is subject to Equitable Financial or
affiliates rules then in effect as to plan, age and class of risk. The premiums for the
new policy will be based on the closest comparable risk class.
After the 5
policy anniversary, we may limit the permanent products available for
conversion for the balance of the conversion period.
Level Term & ART
A non-commissionable conversion credit is available and guaranteed for the entire
conversion period. In the first five policy years, the conversion credit generally
equals 125% of the earned first year’s annual premium on the term policy less the
premiums for any optional benefits (features) and any temporary flat extra charges.
After policy year 5, the conversion credit is 100%.
Note: A conversion credit is not available if premiums or charges for the new policy
will be waived under the terms of a rider providing disability waiver benefits.
Term conversion credits are not available with TermOne®.
Partial Term
Level Term & ART
Partial term conversions are allowed. The term policy face amount after the
partial conversion must be at least $500,000. The conversion credit is adjusted.
Partial term conversions are not available with TermOne
Age 65
Level Term & ART
The term policy may be converted if the policy contains the Disability Premium
Waiver rider and the insured is disabled as defined in the rider. However, if the
request to convert is made after the policy anniversary nearest the insured’s 65th
birthday, the new policy will not be permitted to contain a rider providing
disability waiver benefits. Furthermore, the conversion credit will not apply if
premiums or charges for the new policy are to be waived under the terms of a
rider providing disability waiver benefits.
The written request for conversion of the term policy must be made on or before
the final conversion date shown on the policy page 3.
Conversion is not automatic at age 65. If premiums have been waived for at least
the five preceding years under the terms of the DPW rider and disability began
before the policy anniversary nearest the insured’s age 60, we will continue to
waive premiums on the term contract until the final term expiry date shown on
the policy page 3.
Not applicable
Term Series 160 Product Guide
IU-6464420.1 (3/24) (Exp 3/26)
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For Financial Professional Use Only
Not for Distribution to the General Public
There is no re-entry provision for Term Series 160 products. After the initial
premium guarantee period expires, reapplication for another level premium
guarantee period is not allowed.
However, your client can reapply for a new policy at the end of the level premium
guarantee period or keep the term policy in force and pay the ultimate renewal
A new policy is subject to full new business underwriting.
You will receive first year compensation if your client purchases a new policy at
the end of the level term period.
Face Amount
Face Amount increases are not permitted.
Policy Form
Policy Form #
Term 10
ICC14-156-LT, 156-LT, or state variations
Term 15
Term 20
Annual Renewable Term (ART)
ICC14-156-54, 156-54, or state variations
ICC07-148-51, 148-51, or state variations
The state availability chart for Term Series 160 is available at equitable.com
Products Term Series 160 Product Materials
Requests to
Save Age
Level Term and ART
These products allow backdating. There are no changes to register dating rules for
these products. Refer to the Life New Business Operations Register Date
Guidelines document for details.
Backdating to save issue age is not allowed.
The policy may be cancelled under the “Right to Examine” provision. If the policy
is cancelled, we will refund all premiums paid.
Loans &
These products have no cash value. Loans and Partial Withdrawals are
These products have no cash surrender value. If a request to terminate the policy
is received from the owner in good order, coverage will be terminated. Any
unearned premium will be refunded, and any compensation paid on the unearned
premium will be recovered.
Level Term and ART
The policy owner may request a reduction in rating, subject to our rules at the
time of the request.
There is only one underwriting class available.
Term Series 160 Product Guide
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Level Term and ART
Children’s Term Insurance Rider (CTIR) - Optional
Disability Premium Waiver Rider (DPW) - Optional
Living Benefits Rider (LBR) Automatically included at no charge
No riders are available.
Level Term and ART
The Children’s Term Insurance Rider can be added after issue, unless the policy
contains the Disability Premium Waiver rider or is in a qualified plan.
If declined by the owner at issue, the Living Benefits Rider (LBR) can be added
later, subject to underwriting.
No riders are available
Level Term and ART
Rider terminations may be requested after issue, subject to the terms of each
No riders are available
Death Benefit | Term Series 160
Term Series 160 contracts provide a death benefit if the insured dies while the policy is in effect.
The insurance benefit payable at death equals the policy’s face amount, plus any
adjustment for unearned premiums or minus any deduction for any premium due and
minus any Living Benefit Rider (LBR) lien.
Interest (if any) is added to the death proceeds in accordance with Interstate Compact
standards or applicable state law. The interest, if required, is computed at a rate Equitable
Financial determines, but not less than the rate required by Interstate Compact standards
or any applicable state law.
Equitable Financial has the right to contest the policy as indicated in the policy. In addition, the
suicide exclusion may apply, or if the age or gender of the insured has been misstated, Equitable
Financial may adjust the death benefit accordingly as stated in the policy form “If the Insured
Person’s age or sex has been misstated, any benefits will be those that the premium paid would
have purchased at the correct age or sex.”
All Term Series 160 products provide a level death benefit where coverage terminates at age 95.
Term Series 160 Product Guide
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Riders | Term Series 160
The Term Series 160 products offer the following riders.
Level Term & ART
Children’s Term Insurance Rider (CTIR)
Disability Premium Waiver Rider (DPW)
Living Benefits Rider (LBR) [Accelerated Death Benefit for Terminal Illness]
No riders are available
Riders At-A-Glance
Children’s Term
Insurance Rider
Insured: 18 - 55
Children: 0 - 17**
15 days old to the earlier
of the child’s 25
or the day before the
policy anniversary nearest
the base Insured’s 65
2 units
Lesser of 25 units
(50 in NY), and 1
unit per $5,000 of
base policy face
Disability Premium
Waiver Rider
18 - 59
To the policy anniversary
nearest the 65
Base policy
Living Benefits
Until the policy terminates
or when the amount of the
lien equals the total death
75% of the
policy’s death
benefit, or
$500,000 if less
* The riders listed are not available with TermOne
. Rider availability varies by jurisdiction and
state variations apply.
** Based on child’s actual age (age at last birthday).
Term Series 160 Product Guide
IU-6464420.1 (3/24) (Exp 3/26)
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For Financial Professional Use Only
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Children’s Term Insurance Rider (CTIR)
The CTIR provides insurance protection on the lives of the insured’s children, stepchildren, and
legally adopted children. Coverage begins when the child is 15 days old. Equitable Financial
reserves the right to request medical evidence on the child or any other evidence we deem
necessary. If a child does not qualify for coverage, an exclusion rider for that child will be issued.
The rider is available in whole units of $1,000. The minimum coverage is two units and the
maximum is 25 units per child for all Equitable Financial (and/or any affiliated company) policies
combined (50 units in NY), but not more than one unit per $5,000 of base coverage on the insured
at issue is allowed. The maximum coverage is $25,000 ($50,000 in NY).
Availability - CTIR
Provides term insurance protection on the lives of the insured’s children, provided the insured
under the base policy is between the ages of 18 and 55. Coverage begins when the child is 15
days old.
The base policy insured must not be assessed a rating higher than the equivalent of class D or
a flat extra that exceeds $15.00 per thousand.
Living children, stepchildren, and legally adopted children of the insured, who have not
reached their 18
birthday on the date of the application and named therein, are eligible for
coverage at issue.
Automatic coverage is provided for any child born, or legally adopted if under age 18, after
the date of the application.
The rider cannot be added after issue if the policy has a Disability Premium Waiver rider.
Not available with TermOne
Features - CTIR
For eligible children covered by the CTIR, the initial evidence of insurability is contained in the
application for the benefit. A medical need not be submitted unless requested by the under-
writer. However, Equitable Financial reserves the right to request medical evidence on the
child or any other evidence we deem necessary. If a child does not qualify for coverage, an
exclusion rider for that child will be issued.
Coverage provided for a child under CTIR is convertible to a new permanent policy on the life
of the child if the base policy is not in default. This may be done on the day following the
earliest of the following: (a) the child’s 25th birthday or (b) the day before the policy
anniversary nearest the insured’s 65
Before a covered child reaches age 25, a notice of termination of coverage for that child will
be sent to the policy owner.
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When converting CTIR evidence of insurability is not required, except that the tobacco-use
question must be answered on the new business application. Evidence of insurability is
required for any additional riders requested under the new policy.
If the term policy’s basic insured should die while the rider is in effect, Equitable Financial will
issue a paid-up term insurance policy on the life of each surviving child then insured under the
rider. This paid-up term insurance will provide the same death benefit as the rider until the
surviving child’s 25
birthday when the coverage terminates.
Cost - CTIR
The annual cost is a flat $5.25 per unit ($1,000 of term coverage) regardless of the number of
children covered. If DPW is included on the base policy, it is automatically extended to the rider.
The DPW premium for this is $0.10 per unit. The rider premium is included in the total scheduled
modal premium and is payable until the policy anniversary nearest the base insured’s 65
birthday. Equitable Financial continues to charge a premium for the rider until its termination
date unless the policy owner requests us in writing to terminate the rider.
Termination - CTIR
A child's coverage ends on the child's 25th birthday. The rider remains in effect until the policy
anniversary nearest the base insured’s 65th birthday. The policy owner needs to write to us to
have us discontinue the rider sooner if they no longer have any children eligible to be covered
under the rider. A footnote appears on the annual billing notice to this effect. The rider also
terminates if the policy terminates at the end of the grace period. If the policy is reinstated prior
to the automatic cessation date of the rider, CTIR will be reinstated.
Compensation - CTIR
The CTIR is compensated at the same commission rate (first year) as the basic premium.
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Disability Premium Waiver (DPW)
The DPW rider waives the scheduled premium due when Equitable Financial receives proof that
total disability of the insured has existed continuously for at least 6 months.
Availability - DPW
Issue Ages are 1859.
The proposed insured must not be assessed a rating higher than the equivalent of class D or a
flat extra that equals or exceeds $10.00 per thousand.
The maximum amount of coverage under DPW is $3,000,000 for all Equitable Financial (and/or
any affiliated company) policies in force and applied for.
Not available with TermOne
Features - DPW
While the policy is on waiver:
Scheduled premiums are waived for as long as total disability continues if it begins before the
policy anniversary nearest the insured’s 60
birthday. If total disability begins on or after this
date (age 60), the premiums are waived to the earlier of the policy anniversary nearest the
Insured’s age 65 or termination of disability.
Insurance under the policy and benefits under other riders continue according to their terms.
Equitable Financial will not require proof of disability after the insured’s attained age 65 if the
premiums had been waived for the five preceding years.
The policy may be converted while the policy is on waiver if the insured is then totally disabled
as defined in the rider. However, Equitable Financial reserves the right to limit and change the
products they make available for conversion at any time.
The written request for conversion of the term policy must be made on or before the Final
Conversion Date shown on the policy Page 3.
If the request to convert is made after the policy anniversary nearest the insured’s 65
birthday, the new policy will not be permitted to contain a rider providing disability waiver
The conversion credit will not apply if premiums or charges for the new policy are to be
waived under the terms of a rider providing disability waiver benefits.
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Premium Structure - DPW
Level Term
DPW rider rates for Term 10, Term 15 and Term 20 are guaranteed. They are level for the 10, 15,
or 20-year level premium period respectively or to the policy anniversary nearest the insured’s age
65 (when rider terminates) and then increase each year thereafter. They are based on the
insured’s issue age and the rates do not vary by face amount or underwriting class.
The DPW rider rates for Annual Renewable Term (ART) increase on an attained age basis, do not
vary by face amount or underwriting class, and are unisex. The rates are not banded.
Substandard Ratings
The DPW rider may be allowed in some instances at a multiple of the standard premium to
policies rated for occupation or avocation and to policies classified substandard for physical
impairments. Substandard DPW ratings are sometimes required on policies otherwise issued at
standard rates. The charge for an insured rated as substandard is a multiple of the standard DPW
Termination - DPW
This rider will terminate on the policy anniversary nearest the Insured’s 65
birthday or if the
policy terminates.
Compensation - DPW
The DPW rider is compensated at the same commission rate (first year) as the basic premium.
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Living Benefits (Accelerated Benefits) Rider (LBR)
The Living Benefits Rider (Accelerated Death Benefit for Terminal Illness) allows the policy owner
to receive a portion of the policy’s Death Benefit if the Insured is diagnosed as terminally ill with
no more than twelve months to live.
Availability - LBR
The rider is automatically included at issue with all policies unless declined by the policy owner
on the application.
Is not available with TermOne
Features - LBR
The maximum accelerated Death Benefit prepayment amount is, generally, the lesser of 75%
of the policy’s Death Benefit or $500,000 under all policies issued by Equitable Financial
(and/or any affiliated company) policies. The minimum is $5,000.
If the rider is added after issue, evidence of insurability is required.
Some of the features (including the maximum accelerated Death Benefit prepayment amount
allowed and processing charge) vary by state.
Cost - LBR
There is no charge for this rider at issue; however, we may deduct a processing charge of up to
maximum of $250.00 per policy from the LBR payment. There may be a $100.00 charge for
adding this rider after issue.
Compensation - LBR
There is no commissionable component for this rider.
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Premiums | Term Series 160
These are scheduled premium products. Payment of regularly scheduled premiums is required to
maintain coverage.
The basic annual premium is calculated using the traditional premium formula. The formula takes
the premium rate per thousand for the insured’s gender, issue age, face amount, underwriting
class and tobacco user status, multiplies the rate by the number of thousands of face amount, and
then adds the annual policy fee. Premiums for riders, substandard flat extra premiums and other
temporary and/or permanent flat extras are added to the basic premium to arrive at the total
annual scheduled premium.
Premiums may be paid on other than annual mode; however, your client’s total annual outlay will
be more than if premiums were paid on an annual basis.
Premium Limits
There is no minimum premium requirement for any of the below payment modes provided the
required minimum face amount for the product is met.
The policy owner can request to change the mode any time after policy is issued and in force.
Irregular premiums are not permitted with term products.
Modal Premiums
Payment modes are listed in the table below. The policy fee is non-commissionable, payable with
each premium and does not vary by face amount. The Regular Monthly mode is not available. All
Modal factors will be shown on Page 3 of the contract.
Systematic Monthly
$ 9
Salary allotment
$ 9
Military allotment
$ 9
Modal premiums are calculated by multiplying the annual rate for the insured’s age, gender,
tobacco user status and risk class times the appropriate modal factor and rounding that result to
five decimal places. This result is then multiplied by the face amount divided by $1,000, rounded
to two decimal places. Finally, the modal policy fee is added.
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Not for Distribution to the General Public
The following are intended for illustrative purposes only.
Example 1 Term 10 with $1,000,000 face amount and DPW rider
Rate per $1,000, R1000-Male 49 Preferred NTU (LT10) $1.02
Multiplied by Semi-Annual Modal Factor X .5090
Equals (rounded to 5 decimal places) .51918
Multiplied by Face Amount (in thousands) X 1000 519.18
DPW Rate per $1,000, R1000-Male 49 Preferred NTU (LT10) $.50
Multiplied by Semi-Annual Modal Factor X .5090
Equals (rounded to 5 decimal places) .2545
Multiplied by Face Amount (in thousands) X 1000 254.45
Equals (rounded to 2 decimal places) = $773.63
Add the policy fee + 39.00
Total Semi-Annual Modal Premium $812.63
Example 2 (Table D rating) Term 10 with $500,000 face amount
The $318.13 extra premium, $196.79 standard premium, and modal factors are shown on policy Page 3.
Rate per $1,000, R500, for Male 35 Standard NTU (LT10) $0.62
Multiplied by Semi-Annual Modal Factor X .5090
Equals (rounded to 5 decimal places) .31558
Multiplied by Face Amount (in thousands) X 500
Equals (rounded to 2 decimal places) $157.79
Add the policy fee for semi-annual mode + 39.00
Semi-Annual Standard Modal Premium $196.79
Rate per $1,000, Table D Extra $1.25
Multiplied by Semi-Annual Modal Factor X .5090
Equals (rounded to 5 decimal places) .63625
Multiplied by Face Amount (in thousands) X 500
Equals (rounded to 2 decimal places) $318.13
Add the Semi-Annual Standard Modal Premium + $196.79
Total Semi-Annual Modal Premium $514.92
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ART 10% Discount for 1
Year Premium in Annual Mode
Subject to our current rules, Annual Renewable Term (ART) policy owners who choose to pay their
first year’s premium on the annual mode will receive a 10% discount on that premium. The
discount applies to the basic premium only, exclusive of the policy fee, the premium for any riders
and any substandard rating or flat extras. The discount is not available for policies issued as a
result of a replacement of an existing Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company, Equitable Life
and Annuity Company, Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company of America or any other
affiliate’s policy. The proposal system automatically calculates the ART first year annual mode
The initial premium discount calculation for a $1,000,000 annual mode policy with DPW issued to a
35-year-old female Standard Plus non-tobacco user is as follows:
Multiply the basic premium rate .33 per $1,000 the insured’s $330.00
age, gender, underwriting class by the face amount
Multiply the amount in Step 1 by .10 $ 33.00
Add the premium for additional riders (DPW) & benefits $100.00
Add the annual policy fee $ 75.00
Total premium due (Sum of Steps 1, 3, & 4) $505.00
And subtract the amount in Step 2 from the amount in Step 5 ($33.00)
Premium due with 10% discount $472.00
Refund of Premiums
The policy provides that the policyowner may cancel the policy and receive a refund of any
unearned premium by submitting a written request to our administrative office in Charlotte, NC.
The coverage ends on the date the request is received in our administrative office. Commissions
are recovered on any unearned premium refunded.
Premium Structure | Term Series 160
Level Premium Policies | Term 10 | Term 15 | Term 20
Term 10, Term 15, and Term 20 are level term policies with premiums that are guaranteed to
remain the same for the first 10, 15, and 20 policy years, respectively. These premiums are called
the Initial Level Premiums. After the 10
, 15
, or 20
policy year, the premiums increase each
year. These premiums are called the Ultimate Renewal Premiums and are also guaranteed.
Initial Level Premiums
The Initial Level Premium are premiums that are guaranteed to remain the same for the initial
term of the policy. Initial Level Premium rates for non-substandard policies vary by issue age,
gender, tobacco user status, and risk class of the insured as well as by face amount rate band.
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Ultimate Renewal Premiums
The Ultimate Renewal Premiums rates for non-substandard policies are the same for all face
amount rate bands. They vary by attained age, gender and tobacco-user status and are
guaranteed for all durations.
Substandard Premiums
There are separate substandard rates for B, C and D Classes. Substandard premiums are
calculated by adding an extra premium to the basic Standard Class tobacco user or non-tobacco
user rate. Substandard premium rates vary by gender, tobacco user status and risk class of the
insured, and are not banded.
For the Level Term products, substandard extra premiums for the initial guaranteed period are
based on the insured’s issue age. Substandard extra charges after the level term period expires
are based on the insured’s attained age and do not vary by product. For the level term products,
the substandard class extra premium rates are payable to the greater of the policy anniversary
nearest the insured’s age 80 or the end of the 10/15/20 year level premium period.
For Annual Renewable Term (ART) product, the substandard classes (B, C & D) extra premium
rates cease at the policy anniversary nearest the insured’s age 80.
Indeterminate Premium Annual Renewable Term
ART is an indeterminate premium annual renewable term policy. The indeterminate premium
design uses two sets of premium rates: a set of Current Scheduled Premiums and a set of
Guaranteed Maximum Premiums. The Current Scheduled Premiums are guaranteed through
policy year 3.
Current Scheduled Premiums
The Current Scheduled Premiums are the premiums we expect to charge each year based on our
current experience. The Current Scheduled Premiums are only guaranteed for the first three
policy years and may change thereafter. Under no circumstance, however, will the Current
Scheduled Premiums exceed the Guaranteed Maximum Premiums shown in the policy. The
Current Scheduled Premium rates vary by attained age, gender, tobacco user status and risk class
of the insured, as well as by face amount rate band.
Guaranteed Maximum Premiums
The Guaranteed Maximum Premiums are the maximum premiums Equitable Financial may charge.
The Guaranteed Maximum Premiums act as a “cap” on the Current Scheduled Premiums. The
Guaranteed Maximum Premium rates vary by attained age, gender and tobacco user status.
ART will use the current premium rates in policy years 1 - 3 as the guaranteed premium rates for
policy years 1 - 3.
The 80/20 Male/Female blend for unisex rates will be used for cases subject to ERISA
(Qualified Plans) and also in Montana, which require unisex rates.
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Policy Changes | Term Series 160
All policy change requests must be made in writing to Equitable Life Operations and are subject to
our approval. The available policy changes are as stated in the policy and described below.
Face Amount Changes
Face amount changes are not permitted.
Tobacco User Status Change
A policy owner who was issued a policy where the insured was a Tobacco User can apply for an
underwriting class change to Non-Tobacco User status after the first policy year. The change
requires underwriting.
Rating Reduction
Generally, after the first policy year, the Insured may apply for a reduction in rating, subject to
underwriting approval.
Rider Addition: Children’s Term Insurance Rider
The CTIR may be added to a policy after issue, subject to underwriting if the policy does not have
the DPW rider.
If declined by the owner at issue, the Living Benefits Rider (LBR) can be added later, subject to
underwriting approval.
Rider Terminations
Subject to our rules and the terms of the rider, the policy owner may submit a request to cancel
rider coverages any time after issue. Scheduled premiums are adjusted accordingly.
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Policy Lapse | Term Series 160
Grace Period
Term Series 160 products have a 31-day grace period for payment of each premium. The
insurance continues during the grace period. If a premium is not paid by the end of its grace
period, the policy will lapse as of the premium due date. If this occurs, all insurance ends at the
end of the grace period.
If the insured dies during the 31-day grace period, a past due premium covering one policy month
is deducted from the Death Benefit payment.
Policy Reinstatement
Your client may reinstate his/her term policy within five years after lapse, but not later than the
Final Term Expiry date found on the policy Page 3. The lapsed term policy can be reinstated after
the Grace Period has expired under the following conditions:
The insured person is alive on the date of the reinstatement
The policy owner did not request termination of the term policy
The request is made within five years after lapse
Satisfactory evidence of insurability is provided
All overdue premiums are paid with interest compounded annually.
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Underwriting | Term Series 160
Underwriting Classes
The following underwriting class and Tobacco-User status combinations are available with
Term Series 160 products.
Preferred Elite
Non-Tobacco User Only
Non-Tobacco User
Standard Plus
Non-Tobacco User Only
Non-Tobacco User
Tobacco User
Tobacco User
Substandard (B, C, D)
Non-Tobacco User
Substandard (B, C, D)
Tobacco User
For an insured classified as standard (i.e., not rated), the maximum permanent flat extra
premium may not exceed $15.00 per thousand and the maximum temporary flat extra
premium may not exceed $60.00 per thousand. Also, the total combined permanent and
temporary flat extra premiums may not exceed $60.00 per thousand.
Permanent Flat Extras for aviation, avocation or occupation are allowed with the Preferred
Elite, Preferred and Standard Plus underwriting classes but are limited to $3.50 per thousand.
However, if a temporary flat extra is on the policy, these classes are not available.
A permanent flat extra for medical reasons regardless of dollar amount is not available with
Preferred classes, which include Preferred Elite, Preferred Tobacco/Non-Tobacco and
Standard Plus.
Permanent Flat Extras are applicable until the later of the policy anniversary nearest the
Insured’s attained age 80 or the end of the level premium period for the Level Term products,
and until the policy anniversary nearest the Insured’s attained age 80 for the Annual
Renewable Term product. Temporary Flat Extra charges are applicable until their expiry date.
The Preferred and Standard classes vary by gender and tobacco-user status. The Preferred
Elite and Standard Plus classes vary by gender. Preferred Elite and Preferred Non-Tobacco
Users are only available for face amounts of $100,000 and above.
Substandard letter rating classes B, C and D vary by gender and tobacco-user status. The
combination of the underwriting class and any temporary and/or permanent flat extras cannot
exceed the equivalent of a class D.
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Backdating to Save Age
Unless prohibited by state regulations a policy may be backdated up to 6 months in order to save
age, including the maximum issue age.
Unisex Rates
Unisex rates are used in Montana and for plans subject to ERISA. Home office approval is
required to issue policies on a unisex basis in any other situation.
Classified Insurance
A small portion of the life insurance purchasing population has a medical history or condition that
poses a higher than average mortality risk. For these proposed insureds, classified insurance is
available, which can be a substandard rating classification and/or Flat Extra premiums specified by
the underwriter. Some proposed insureds are not insurable even with a substandard rating or flat
extra premium and must be declined.
Change in Underwriting Classification
A change in an insured person’s underwriting class (e.g., a change from Tobacco User to Non-
Tobacco User, reduction in substandard letter rating or removal or reduction of a permanent Flat
Extra) requires evidence of insurability satisfactory to Equitable Financial.
International Underwriting Program
Level Term products, Term 10, Term 15, and Term 20 are available for use in the International
Underwriting Program. It is not available with Annual Renewable Term (ART) or TermOne
U.S. Expatriate Program (USEUP)
Level Term products may be available for use in the U.S. Expatriate. Consult a Home Office
Underwriter to determine if the policy can be taken. ART and TermOne
are unavailable.
Foreign Travel
Term products are available for use if there is foreign travel by U.S. Citizens and residents;
however, TermOne
and Annual Renewable Term (ART) are not available if the purpose of
insurance is disclosed or suspected as trip insurance. Certain restrictions apply regarding the
availability of ART for use in foreign travel situations. Please contact the Underwriting Department
for more details.
Smart Total Evaluation Program (STEP)
Term policies are eligible to participate in the Equitable Smart Total Evaluation Program (STEP).
Please contact the Underwriting Department for more details.
L.I.F.E. Program Life Insurance For Employees
Term Series 160 products are available for purchase under the L.I.F.E. Program.
Please contact the Underwriting Department for more details.
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Term Conversions | Term Series 160
Term Conversion Privilege
Current conversion rules provide that your client may convert to a wide array of the permanent
products Equitable Financial or its affiliates offer at the time of conversion, subject to our rules
then in effect as to plan, age and class of risk.
Any conversion will be subject to Equitable Financial’s conversion rules then in effect. Please note
that Equitable Financial may change the permanent products it makes available for conversion at
any time.
By converting their term policy, policy owners can enjoy the benefits of permanent life insurance
death benefit protection and the potential for tax deferred cash value accumulation. Where the
need for death benefit protection is not a temporary need, permanent insurance often is a better
strategy because term insurance generally becomes cost prohibitive at older ages. In situations
where your clients bought term insurance because of limited cash flow, it is important to remind
them of the opportunity to convert to permanent insurance when their financial situation
Term Conversion Provisions
Term 10, Term 15, Term 20
Term 10, Term 15, and Term 20 may be converted to any permanent policy that is available at the
time of conversion subject to our rules then in effect as to plan, age and class of risk without
submitting evidence of insurability* before the earlier of the policy anniversary nearest the
insured’s attained age 70 and the 5
, 7
and 10
policy anniversary, respectively.
ART & TermOne
ART may be converted to any permanent policy that is available at the time of conversion subject
to our rules then in effect as to plan, age and class of risk without submitting evidence of
insurability*, before the earlier of the policy anniversary nearest the insured’s attained age 70 and
the 5
policy year. The conversion period for TermOne
policies for an insured with an issue age
of 79 or younger ends on the policy expiration date. For TermOne
policies for an insured with an
issue age of 80+, there is no conversion privilege.
*Underwriting is required when adding certain riders if they were not issued or permitted on the
original Term policy, for example: Long-Term Care Services Rider (LTCSR), Disability Premium
Waiver (DPW), Children’s Term Insurance Rider (CTIR), Return of Premium Rider (ROPR), and Estate
Protector Rider (EPR).
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Term Conversion Guidelines
New evidence of insurability is required if there is an increase in face amount, or there are new
additional riders or benefits, or there is a request for a reduction in rating.
No evidence of insurability is required for the DPW rider on the new policy when the original
term policy still has the DPW rider and the face amount is the same.
Premiums and charges for the new policy will be based on the insured’s then attained
insurance age and the same underwriting risk class as the term policy. If the new policy does
not have the same underwriting risk class as the term policy, the new policy will be issued on
the closest comparable risk class as determined by Equitable Financial or its affiliate. Note:
The name of the underwriting rate class on the new permanent product may be different from
the underwriting rate class on the original term policy since in many cases, the new permanent
product will not have the same underwriting structure as the original term policy. However,
the underwriting rate class on the new permanent product will be the same or similar as the
underwriting rate class on the term contract being converted. See the bulletin on Term
Conversion Guidelines for more details.
Conversion When a Disability Premium Waiver Rider Claim is in Effect
If a Disability Premium Waiver (DPW) rider is in effect on the date of conversion and the insured is
totally disabled as defined in the rider and all premiums have been duly paid or are being waived
under the rider, the policy owner may convert the term policy to any permanent life insurance plan
we make available (subject to our rules then in effect as to plan, age and class of risk) with a DPW
rider, if available. If that specific rider is not available (e.g., the rider is not approved in a certain
state or the permanent product does not offer the rider), we will issue the new policy with another
rider that provides disability waiver benefits, if available. Equitable Financial and its affiliates
reserve the right to limit and change the products it makes available for conversion at any time.
If total disability began before the policy anniversary nearest the insured’s age 60 and the
conversion occurs before the policy anniversary nearest the insured’s 65
premiums or deductions (as determined by the rider we offer) will be waived on the new
permanent policy as long as the insured continues to be disabled.
If total disability began on or after the policy anniversary nearest the insured’s age 60 and
the conversion occurs before the policy anniversary nearest the insured’s age 65, we will
only waive premiums due before the policy anniversary nearest the insured’s age 65.
If the term policy is converted on or after the policy anniversary nearest the insured’s 65
birthday, the new policy cannot contain a rider providing disability waiver benefits.
Note: The conversion credit will not apply if premiums or charges for the new policy are being
waived under the terms of a rider providing disability waiver benefits.
Equitable Financial will not automatically convert the term policy to a new permanent life policy on
the policy anniversary nearest the insured’s 65
birthday when the premiums have been waived for
the five preceding policy years. Premiums will continue to be waived on the term contract while
total disability continues until the Final Term Expiry date shown on the policy Page 3.
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Term Conversion Credit
All Term Series 160 products, except TermOne
, have a conversion credit for the entire conversion
period. The credit is non-commissionable and may only be applied to reduce the initial modal
premium on the new permanent policy. The credit is available to all insureds on conversion except
if the premiums or charges for the new policy are being waived under the terms of a rider
providing disability waiver benefits. There is no conversion credit for TermOne
We will apply a conversion credit towards your premium for a new policy when the policy is
converted. The amount of the conversion credit will be an applicable percentage of the lesser of:
1) the premium paid for the term policy during the first policy year exclusive of temporary flat
extra charges and premiums for optional benefits;
2) the amount of the first year’s premium for the term policy calculated on an annual modal
basis (which reflects discounts, if applicable, shown on Page 3 of the policy) exclusive of
temporary flat extra charges and premiums for optional benefits; and
3) the initial modal premium for the new policy
The applicable percentage will be 125% during the first 5 policy years and 100% during the
remaining years of the conversion period.
The conversion credit, if applicable, may only be applied to reduce the initial modal premium for
the new policy.
Partial Term Conversion
If the policy owner converts less than the full-face amount, the remaining term face amount must
be at least $500,000. The conversion credit will be pro-rated based on the proportion that the
face amount being converted bears to the face amount of the policy. Partial term conversions are
not allowed with TermOne
Policyowner Communications Regarding Term Conversions
Reminder notices will be sent to policyowners to alert them that their policy’s term conversion
period is nearing an end. Policyowners enrolled in the monthly systematic payment plan will
also be made aware that their level premium deducted monthly will soon increase unless action
is taken.
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Compliance | Term Series 160
Financial professionals must be appointed by Equitable Financial and hold a regular life insurance
license for the state in which the sale is solicited, the application is signed, where the owner
resides and where the policy is delivered.
Financial professionals are reminded that it is permissible to take an application only if:
(a) the Financial Professional has the appropriate license in that state;
(b) the state has approved the product; and
(c) there is a “reasonable nexus” i.e., a connection exists between the applicant and the state where
the application is taken. An example of reasonable nexus is when the applicant either resides
or works in the state where the application is taken. Financial professionals are cautioned that
the underwriter will reject a case where reasonable nexus does not exist.
Illustration/Premium Quote Requirements
Every ART illustration or level term premium quote shown or furnished to a prospective client must
include all sequentially numbered pages printed by the proposal software including the footnote
and disclosure pages. Any alteration to or marking on the illustration pages is strictly prohibited.
Illustrations and premium quotes are available in the Equitable Financial General Illustration
System (AEGIS) new business illustration system on Workstation.
Term 10, Term 15, and Term 20 are designated under the NAIC Sales Illustration Model Regulation
to be marketed without a sales illustration. A premium quote showing premiums for those
products has been developed in lieu of an illustration. State regulations in NY and PA require
conforming premium quotes to be submitted with applications for level term products to comply
with preliminary disclosure requirements. In addition, AR, FL, and RI require conforming premium
quotes to be submitted for replacements involving level term products.
For ART, in all jurisdictions, an illustration signed and dated by the FP and the policy owner must be
submitted with the application. Equitable Financial requires that a conforming illustration be delivered
to the client no later than policy delivery. If the illustration does not fully comply to the policy issued,
a new conforming illustration must be provided at or prior to the time the policy is delivered.
If an illustration that conforms to the coverage applied for is provided to the applicant at the point
of sale, a copy of the conforming illustration must be signed by both the FP and the prospective
client and submitted with the application.
The policyowner must receive an illustration that conforms to the policy that is issued no later
than policy delivery. A copy of the conforming illustration must be signed by the FP, the proposed
insured and the policyowner, and returned to the service center with any other deliver require-
ments. If a conforming illustration is not received, any compensation for the policy that has been
paid will be recovered.
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Cost Disclosure Notice
A Cost Disclosure Notice will be included with the policy where required by applicable state
regulation. The Cost Disclosure Notice must be delivered to the policy owner with the policy.
Buyer’s Guide
A Buyer’s Guide that conforms to applicable state regulations is required. The company’s practice
is to include the Buyer’s Guide with application forms available in Life eApp (and eDOX build kits
paper application forms available to Equitable Advisors) in addition to including it in the policy
page package delivered to policy owners (including epolicy). In Washington, the Buyer’s Guide
must be delivered to the applicant prior to accepting the initial premium.
Free Look Period
The policy contains a free-look provision that provides for a refund of premium in all states.
This period is at least 10 days measured from the date of policy delivery, and a longer period
may apply for a policy involving replacement of existing coverage. The period is subject to
state variation. The free-look provision will provide for a refund of premium paid. All
compensation paid is recovered in full if the policy is cancelled during the free-look period.
Delivery Period
The delivery period is shown on the Policy Summary Document you will receive with the policy.
If a properly signed and completed delivery receipt and any other delivery requirements are not
received at Equitable Life Operations within 45 days of the end of the delivery period, we will
recover any compensation paid.
Delivery Receipt
A special form to acknowledge receipt of a policy is included for delivery with every policy. The
receipt must be signed and dated by the policy owner and the insured, if other than the policy
owner, and returned to Equitable Life Operations for retention with the application file.
Compensation is generated when the case is issued and paid. It will be recovered if the delivery
receipt is not received within 45 days after the end of the delivery period. Compensation that was
recovered will be repaid when the delivery receipt and any outstanding requirements are received
by Equitable Life Operations.
ART State Certification Form
New York and Texas require a special certification form (180-727R) to be signed by the applicant
when the application is taken, disclosing that the policy has two sets of premiums: Current
Scheduled Premiums and Guaranteed Maximum Premiums. The form must be signed by the
policy owner and submitted with the application. In these states, the ART new business kits
include the required form.
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Register Date
The register date is the later of the application date or the medical date (date of paramedical or
Part 2 medical exam), if full settlement accompanies the application and the policy is issued as
applied for.
If the application has no settlement or partial settlement or if the case is not issued as applied for,
the register date is the issue date. Contracts issued without settlement will be reissued when the
full settlement is received with a register date equal to the date the delivery receipt was signed if
moving the register date does not result in a change in the Issue Age. New policy pages reflecting
the new register date will be sent to the client.
If the issue date is the 29
, 30
or 31
of the month, the Register Date will be set equal to the 1
of the following month except if it would result in change in Issue Age. In these situations, the
Register Date will be set equal to the 28
of the month. In no situation will a policy ever be issued
with a Register Date of the 29
, 30
or 31
of the month.
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All applications and requirements must be sent to:
Equitable Life Operations
P.O. Box 1047
Charlotte, NC 28201-1047
Applications and supplement are available through multiple places on www.equitable.com.
For paper applications: E-Forms for Life to Print and Email Forms; eDox available to
Equitable Advisors
For electronic submissions: Equitable Life eApp
The term product names on the case information screen “Find Available Products” list and
“Product Name” under the Basic Form Search will remain the same. It will say:
“Level Term [10/15/20]-Series 160
Art-Series 160
TermOne Series 160
Transition rules will be the same as referenced in Section III B in this document.
What to Do When Term Product Is on A Qualified Plan
Refer to your New Business case manager for more information
Any employer-owned life insurance arrangement on an employee or director, as well as any
corporate, trade, or business use of a policy should be carefully reviewed by the employer’s tax
advisor. The rules for employer-owned and business-owned policies are not limited to policies
owned by corporations and can include, for example, policies owned by partnerships, limited
liability companies (LLCs) and sole proprietorships. Attention should be given to the rules
discussed below, as well as to any other rules, which may apply, including other possible pending
or recently enacted legislative proposals. Please refer to the Equitable Advisor Financial
Professional website for more detailed information.
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Employer-Owned Life Insurance Income-Tax-Free
Death Benefits Requirements
Numerous federal tax rules apply to employer-owned life insurance policies. These requirements
include detailed notice and consent rules, tax reporting requirements and limitations on
employees who can be insured under the life insurance policy. Similar rules apply to directors,
whether or not employees. Failure to satisfy applicable requirements will result in death benefits
in excess of premiums paid by the employer being includible in the employer’s income upon the
death of the insured employee (director). Notice and consent requirements must be satisfied
before the issuance of the life insurance policy or before any material change to an existing life
insurance policy that is treated as a new issuance of a policy under the law.
Please be advised that this document is not intended as legal or tax advice and is for Financial
Professional use only. It is not to be distributed to the public. Accordingly, any tax information
provided in this document is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by any
taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer. The tax
information was written to support the promotion or marketing of the transaction(s) or matter(s)
addressed, and any taxpayer should seek advice based on his or her particular circumstances from
an independent tax advisor.
Sales Support
The Life Sales Desk will provide support for basic product information. Premium quotes are
available in the Equitable Financial General Illustration System (AEGIS) via equitable.com.
Product Documents & Marketing Materials On
For Term Series 160 product documents as well as marketing support materials go to
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Appendix A: Conversion of Flat Extras to Equivalent Rating Classes
Riders are available through a maximum letter class rating (or their equivalent for cases that have flat extras).
The following tables show the equivalent rating class based on permanent or temporary flat extras on a policy.
The tables are intended for use in determining rider eligibility or retention limits. They are not for calculating
charges. This is controlled by the underwriter and is not coded into the new business or policy admin systems.
Refer to rider descriptions for more detail.
3.51- 4.00
Class not
available with
permanent flat
Class not
available with
flat extra
Class not
available with
flat extra
4.01 - 6.00
6.01 - 10.00
10. 01 - 15.00
* Applicable to Non-Medical impairments only (Aviation, avocation or occupation Flat Extra) only
Class not
available with
temporary flat
Class not
available with
flat extra
Class not
available with
flat extra
20.01 30.00
30.01 40.00
40.01 60.00
Total Temporary Flat Extra = Temporary Flat Extra per $1,000 charge multiplied by the Number of
Years charged
When there is both a permanent flat extra and one or more temporary flat extras, multiply the permanent
basic flat extra charge per $1,000 by 5 and add the result to the total temporary basic flat extra. Use this total
to index the appropriate letter rating equivalent on the Total Temporary Flat Extra table above.
Example: An insured classified standard who has a permanent basic flat extra of $6 and a temporary flat extra
of $7.50 for 4 years (a total temporary of $30): each of these alone would place him in an equivalent letter
class of B. However, when we add 5 times the $6, or $30, to the $30 total temporary extra, we arrive at an
adjusted total of $60, which converts to a class D.
This section of the table should be used to determine the
availability of various riders or determine retention limits based
on issue age and letter rating class. Riders are generally available
up to the substandard d underwriting class. Refer to the rider
descriptions section in the product guide for more details.
Term Series 160 Product Guide
IU-6464420.1 (3/24) (Exp 3/26)
- 34 -
For Financial Professional Use Only
Not for Distribution to the General Public
Term Series 160 is issued in all jurisdictions by Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company, NY, NY 10105. TermOne®
Series 160 is also issued in all jurisdictions except New York and Puerto by Equitable Financial Life Insurance
Company of America, an Arizona stock company with its an administrative office located in Charlotte, NC. Term
Series 160 is distributed by Equitable Network, LLC (Equitable Network Insurance Agency of California, LLC in CA;
Equitable Network Insurance Agency of Utah, LLC in UT; Equitable Network of Puerto Rico, Inc. in PR) and Equitable
Distributors, LLC (NY, NY). When sold by New York state-based (i.e, domiciled) Equitable Advisors financial
professionals, Term Series 160 is issued by Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company.
Equitable is the brand name of the retirement and protection subsidiaries of Equitable Holdings, Inc. and its family
of companies, including Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company (NY, NY), Equitable Financial Life Insurance
Company of America an AZ stock company, with an administrative office located in Charlotte, NC, and Equitable
Distributors, LLC. Equitable Advisors is the brand name of Equitable Advisors, LLC (member FINRA/SIPC) (Equitable
Financial Advisors in MI and TN).
The obligations of Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company and Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company of
America are backed solely by their claims-paying ability.
Catalog No. 160868