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UIN: IRDAN106RP0063V01201819
UIN: IRDAN106RP0063V01201819
Policy Wording
This Policy is evidence of the contract between You and Us. The Proposal along with any written statement of Yours
for purpose of this Policy forms part of this contract.
This Policy witnesses that in consideration of Your having paid the premium, We will insure Your/ Insured person(s)
interest(s) under the Sections specified as operative in the Schedule during the Policy Period and accordingly, We will
indemnify You/ Insured Person in respect of events occurring during the Period of Insurance in the manner and to the
extent set forth in the Policy provided that all the terms, conditions and exceptions of this Policy in so far as they relate
to anything to be done or complied with by You have been met.
The Proposal alongwith any written statement(s), declaration(s) of Yours for the purpose of this policy and the
Schedule shall form part of this Policy and the term Policy whenever used shall be read as including the Schedule.
Any word or expression to which a specific meaning has been attached in any part of this Policy or of Schedule shall
bear such meaning whenever it may appear.
Your Policy is based on information, which You have given Us and the truth of this information shall be condition
precedent to Your right to recover under this Policy.
1. Accident
It means a fortuitous event or circumstance which is sudden, unforeseen and involuntary event caused by
external, visible and forcible means.
2. Act of Terrorism
It means an act or series of acts, including but not limited to the use of force or violence and/or the threat thereof,
of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any
organization(s) or government(s), or unlawful associations, recognized under Unlawful Activities (Prevention)
Amendment Act, 2008 or any other related and applicable national or state legislation formulated to combat
unlawful and terrorist activities in the nation for the time being in force, committed for political, religious, ideological
or similar purposes including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public or any section of
the public in fear for such purposes.
This cover also includes loss, damage, cost or expense directly caused by, resulting from or in connection with
any action taken in suppressing, controlling, preventing or minimizing the consequences of an act of terrorism by
the duly empowered government or Military Authority.
Provided that If the Insured is eligible for indemnity under any government compensation plan or other similar
scheme in respect of the damage described above, this Policy shall be excess of any recovery due from such plan
or scheme.
For the purpose of the aforesaid definition, "Military Authority" shall mean armed forces, para military forces,
police or any other authority constituted by the government for maintaining law and order.
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3. Bank
It means any Banking company as defined under Section 5 of the Banking Regulations Act, 1949;
-a corresponding new Bank constituted by the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertaking) Act,
-the State Bank of India constituted by State Bank of India Act, 1955;
-Associate Bank as defined in Section 2 of the State Bank of India(Subsidiary Banks) Act, 1959;
-Co-operative Banks as defined in Section 56(a) of the Banking Regulation Act 1949;
-Regional Rural Banks established under Section 3(1) of the Regional Rural Banks Act (21 of 1976) and
-Any Bank established under a Land Mortgage Bank Act or Land Development Bank Act of any State.
-Any Other Bank/Financial Institution which has been established and is functioning under the Guidelines of RBI
but excluding any NBFC.
4. Burglary
It means theft or attempted theft involving violent and forcible entry into or exit from the insured premises,
Robbery and Dacoity.
5. Endorsement
It means any alteration made to the Policy which has been agreed to by Us in writing.
6. Excess/ Deductible
It means the first part of any claim for which You/ Insured Person(s) are responsible. Any Sum Insured/Limit will
apply after the Excess/ deductible has been deducted.
7. Family
It means the Insured person’s legal spouse, children, parents and/or other relatives normally living with the
Insured Person in his/ her home and having insurable interest in the property insured.
8. Hold-Up
It means any forcible theft by actual or threatened violence against the staff, customers, official visitors of the bank
by a person having a weapon or claim to have a weapon.
9. Insured Person
It means the person(s) whose property(ies) is/ are proposed for insurance coverage with Us by You for whom the
appropriate premium has been paid.
10. Jewellery
It means Jewellery including costume jewellery, articles of gold, silver, platinum and/or other precious
11. Policy
It means the Policy booklet, the Schedule and any applicable endorsement or memoranda. Your Policy contains
details of the extent of cover available to You/ Insured Person(s), what is excluded from the cover and the
conditions, warranties, provisions on which the Policy is issued.
12. Policy Period
It means the period commencing from the effective date and hour as shown in the Schedule and terminating on
the expiry date as shown in the Schedule.
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13. Proposal
It means any signed proposal in the form of duly completed questionnaires, declarations, written statements and
any information in addition thereto supplied to Us by You or on Your behalf.
14. Renewal
It means the terms on which the contract of insurance can be renewed on mutual consent.
15. Schedule
It means the latest Schedule issued by Us as part of Your Policy. It provides details of Sections of Your Policy
which are in force, and the level of cover You/ Insured Person(s) have.
A revised Schedule will be sent at each renewal and whenever You/ Insured Person(s) request for a change in the
16. Senior Citizen
It means any person who has completed sixty or more years of age as on the date of commencement or renewal
of an insurance policy.
17. Sum Insured/ Limit of Liability
It means the monetary amounts shown against any Item or Section of the Policy. This shall be Our maximum
liability under the Policy for any one claim or in aggregate for all claims.
18. Valuables
It means photographic, audio, video, computer and any other electronic equipment, telecommunications and
electrical equipment, telescopes, binoculars, antiques, watches and furs.
19. We/Our/Us
20. What is Covered
It means the damages/perils/contingencies which are covered under the Policy and for which We have liability in
the event of claim occurrence.
21. What is Not Covered
It means the damages/perils/contingencies which are not covered under the Policy and for which We have no
liability in the event of claim occurrence.
22. You/Your
It means the person(s)/ entity(ies) named as the Insured in the Schedule to whom this Policy is issued.
(These conditions apply to the whole Policy)
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You/ Your employee(s), Your authorized representative(s) or Insured Person(s) shall take all reasonable
precautions for safety and soundness of Insured property and to prevent loss or damage in order to minimize
You/ Insured Person will give every notice and communication in writing to Our office through which this insurance
is effected.
This Policy shall be void and all premium paid by You to Us shall be forfeited in the event of misrepresentation,
mis-description or concealment/ non-disclosure of any material information.
You/ Your employee(s), Your authorized representative(s) or Insured Person(s) must inform Us, as soon as
reasonably possible, of any change in information which have been provided to Us about Yourself, Your Business,
Your employee(s), Insured Person or his/ her family which may affect the insurance cover provided e.g. change of
address of the bank, locker number etc. You/ Insured Person(s) must also notify Us about any alteration made or
change in information as described aforesaid whereby risk of damage or Accident is increased. In case of such
alteration or changes made and not accepted by Us in writing, all covers under this Policy shall cease.
An event, which gives rise to a claim or might become a claim under the Policy, must be reported to Us as soon
as possible. A written statement of the claim will be required and a Claim Form will be provided. This written
statement of claim along with supporting documentation (estimates, vouchers, invoices, proof, investigation report
and the like) prepared at Your/ Insured person(s) expenses along with particulars of other insurances covering the
same risk must be delivered to Us within reasonable time of the loss or damage or within 15 (fifteen) days after
completion of the documents.
The Police must be informed of any theft, attempted theft or damage caused by rioters, strikers, malicious persons
or vandals or of any other criminal act. You/ Insured Person(s) shall also take practicable steps to apprehend the
guilty person and recover the property lost.
If any person is claiming against You or Your employee(s) or Insured Person(s), every letter, claim writ, summon,
process information or any verbal notice of claim shall be forwarded to us without delay. You or any one on Your
behalf or Insured Person(s) or on their behalf must not attempt to negotiate any claim nor admit or repudiate any
claim without Our consent. You or Insured Person shall give all possible assistance to enable us to settle or resist
any claim or to institute proceedings.
a) We are entitled to
i) take possession of the lost/ damaged property and deal with the salvage
ii) receive all necessary information, proof of damage and assistance from You and from any other person
seeking benefit under this Policy.
iii) take over and conduct in Your name or any person seeking benefit under this Policy, defense or
settlement of any claim.
iv) take proceedings at Our own expenses and for Our own benefit, but in Your name or any other person
who is claiming or has received benefit, to recover any payment made or due against any party(s)
including employee(s) of the bank particularly in case of claim having arisen due to infidelity of
employee(s) of the bank.
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b) No admission, offer, payment or indemnity shall be made or given by You or on Your behalf without Our
written consent.
If a claim is fraudulent on account of fraudulent means or action used by You, Insured person(s) or anyone on the
behalf of Insured Person(s), all benefits and rights under this Policy shall be forfeited.
If, when any claim arises, there is any other insurance covering the same matter (property, interest, liability, cost),
We will pay only Our rateable proportion.
We may cancel the policy on grounds of fraud, moral hazard or misrepresentation or non-cooperation by You or
Insured Person(s) or anyone seeking benefit(s) under the Policy, by sending 15 (fifteen) days notice under
recorded delivery to You at Your last known address and in such event, We will return to You, except in case of
fraud or illegality on your part, the premium paid less the pro rata portion thereof for the period the Policy has
been in force.
You may cancel this Policy by sending 15 (fifteen) days written notice to Us. We will then allow a refund after
retaining the premium based on following short period table.
Period of Cover upto
Annual Premium Rate (%)
15 days
1 months
2 months
3 months
4 months
5 months
6 months
7 months
8 months
9 months
Exceeding 9 months
This refund of premium is subject to the condition that no claim has been preferred on Us.
If any dispute or difference shall arise as to the quantum to be paid under the policy (liability being otherwise
admitted) such difference shall independently of all other questions be referred to the decision of the sole arbitrator
to be appointed in writing by the parties to or if they cannot agree upon a single arbitrator within 30 (thirty) days of
any party invoking arbitration the same shall be referred to a panel of three arbitrators, comprising of two
arbitrators, one to be appointed by each of the parties to the dispute/difference and the third arbitrator to be
appointed by two such arbitrators and arbitration shall be conducted under and in accordance with the provisions
of the arbitration and conciliation act, 1996. It is clearly agreed and understood that no difference or dispute shall
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be referable to arbitration as herein before provided, if We have disputed or not accepted liability under or in
respect of this policy. It is understood, however, that You shall have the right at all times during currency of the
policy to communicate only, with the leading or issuing office in all matters pertaining to this insurance.
If We shall disclaim Our liability in any claim, and such claim shall not have been made the subject matter of a suit
in a court of law within 12 (twelve) months from the date of disclaimer, then the claim shall for all purposes be
deemed to have been abandoned and shall not thereafter be recoverable under this Policy.
The Sum(s) Insured shall not be reduced by the amount of any loss or damage but pro-rata premium on the
amount of loss or damage from the date of occurrence of loss or damage to expiry of Policy Period shall be
payable by You. The additional premium referred herein above shall be deducted from net claim amount payable
under the Policy.
Notwithstanding what is stated above, the Sum Insured shall stand reduced by the amount of loss or damage in
case You/ Insured Person(s) immediately on occurrence of the loss or damage exercise Your option not to
reinstate the Sum Insured as above.
The provision shall also not apply to those Covers or Extensions where Our maximum liability during the Policy
Period has been specified.
13. No sum payable under this Policy shall carry any interest/penalty.
14. The Geographical Limit of this Policy will be any bank premises in India. All claims shall be settled in India in
Indian Rupees. The provision of this Policy shall be governed by the laws of India for the time being in force. The
parties hereto unconditionally subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts in India.
a) The Senior Citizen will be informed in writing of any underwriting loading charged over and above the
premium and the his/her specific consent for such loading will be obtained before issuance of a policy.
b) Separate channel to address the related claims and grievances of senior citizen are mentioned below:
Claims: seniorcitizenclaim[email protected]
Grievance: seniorcitizengrievance@iffcotokio.co.in
Contact Number: 0124-2850100
Address: IFFCO-Tokio General Insurance Company Limited.
Plot No.3, Sector-29, Gurgaon
You/ Insured Person(s) may register a grievance or complaint by visiting Our website www.iffcotokio.co.in You
may also contact the offices from where You have bought the policy or the grievance officer who can be reached
at Our corporate office.
Grievance Department details are as mentioned below:
E-Mail ID: chiefgrievan[email protected]o.in
Address: IFFCO-Tokio General Insurance Company Limited.
Plot No.3, Sector-29, Gurgaon
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17. INSURANCE OMBUDSMAN: We shall endeavor to promptly and effectively address Your/ Insured Person(s)
grievances. In the event You/ Insured Person(s) are dissatisfied with the resolution of Your/ Insured Person’s
grievance or complaint, You/ Insured Person(s) may approach the Insurance Ombudsman located nearest to
You/ Insured Person(s). Details of the offices across the Country are mentioned below:
Office Address
Delhi, Rajasthan
First Floor, Universal Insurance Building, 2/2A Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi
110002 Ph:23239611 /33 Fax: 23230858
West Bengal, Bihar
29, N.S. Road, Third Floor, Kolkata Ph:222 12669 Fax: 222 12668
Jeevan Seva Annex, 3rd floor, Above MTNL, SV Road, Santacruz (W) Mumbai
400 054
Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry
Fatima Akhtar Court, Fourth Floor, 312 Anna Salai, Chennai 600018
Andhra Pradesh
6-2-47, Yeturu Towers, A.C. Guards Lakdi-Ka-Pool, Hyderabad 500004
Second Floor, Shree Jayshree Ambica House, 5, Navyug College, Ashram
Road, Ahmedabad 380014
Kerala, Karnataka
Pulinat Building, Second Floor, M.G. Road, Kochi 682015
North-Eastern States
Aquanus, Bhaskar Nagar, R.G. Baruah Road, Guwahati 781021
Uttar Pradesh
Chintal House, First Floor, 16 Station Road, Lucknow 226001
Madhya Pradesh
First Floor, 117 Zone 2, Maharana Pratap Nagar, Bhopal 462011
Punjab, Haryana, Himachal
Pradesh, Jammu &
Kashmir, Chandigarh
Batra Building, Shop-cum-Office 101-103, Second floor, Sector 17D,
62, Forest Park, Bhubaneswar 751009
Address of Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India is also mentioned below
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
Sy. No 115/1, Financial District,
Nanakramguda, Gachibowli,
The policy terms and conditions may undergo alteration as per the IRDA Regulation. However the same shall be
duly notified to You at least three months prior to the date when such alteration or revision comes into effect by
registered post at Your last declared correspondence address. The timeliness for revision in terms and rates shall
be as per the IRDA Regulation.
A product may be withdrawn with the prior approval of the Authority and information of withdrawal shall be given
to You in advance as per the IRDA guidelines with details of options provided by us. If We do not receive Your
response on the intimation of withdrawal, the existing product shall be withdrawn on the renewal date and You
shall have to take a new policy available with us, subject to terms & conditions.
The premium payable shall be paid in advance before commencement of risk. No receipt for premium shall be
valid except on Our official form signed by Our duly authorized official. In similar way, no waiver of any terms,
provision, conditions and endorsements of this policy shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by Our
authorized official.
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i. On receipt of the final survey report or the additional survey report, as the case may be, and on receipt of all
required information/documents that are relevant and necessary for the claim, We shall, with in a period of 30
days offer a settlement of the claim to the insured/claimant. If We, for any reasons to be recorded in writing
and communicated to You/claimant, decide to reject a claim under the policy, We shall do so within a period
of 30 days from the receipt of the final survey report and/or additional information/documents or the
additional survey report, as the case may be.
ii. In case, the amount admitted is less than the amount claimed, then We shall inform You/claimant in writing
about the basis of settlement, in particular. Where the claim is rejected, We shall give the reasons for the
same in writing drawing reference to the specific terms and conditions of the policy document.
iii. In the event the claim is not settled within 30 days as stipulated above, We shall be liable to pay interest at a
rate, which is 2% above the bank rate from the date of receipt of last relevant and necessary document from
You/claimant by Us till the date of actual payment.
(This warranty applies to the whole Policy)
It is warranted:
1. That the keys of safe used by You/ Your employee(s), Insured person(s) or his/ her family would be securely kept
in a place other than where the locker is located. It is provided that breach of this Warranty shall not be a bar to
any claim for loss or damage caused other than by burglary, holdup etc. unless we have decided to waive off this
(What Is Not Covered By The Whole Policy)
We will not be liable for
Damage as a consequence of war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not) civil
war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, confiscation, nationalisation, civil commotion or
loot or pillage in connection therewith.
Any damage due to confiscation, nationalization, commandeering, requisition, detention or destruction by order of
any Government or lawfully constituted authority.
Any Loss or Damage due to willful act or gross negligence by You or Insured Person(s) or his/ her family or his/
her authorized representative.
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Any damage to property, consequential loss, legal liability or bodily injury, illness, disease directly or indirectly
caused by or contributed to by or arising from
a) ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the
combustion of nuclear fuel.
b) the radioactive, toxic, explosive or hazardous properties of any nuclear assembly or nuclear component.
Damage caused by wear and tear, depreciation and/or gradual deterioration.
Consequential loss of any kind or description including any reduction of market value beyond the cost of repair or
Any damage or accident occurring before cover commences under the Policy.
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We will pay upto the Sum Insured/ Limit Of Liability
The loss or damage of any property Insured as detailed
below belonging to You or Insured Person(s) or his/ her
family or in custody of You or Insured Person(s), stored in
locker leased with a Bank, in the event of :
i) an accident or
ii) burglary, holdup or
iii) infidelity of bank staff or
iv) any act of terrorism.
1. Jewellery.
2. Any other valuables.
We will not pay for :
1. Any excess mentioned in the policy schedule.
2. Any claim for loss of currency or cash.
3. Any claim for important documents like Title deeds,
plans, manuscripts, property documents, investment
documents, Insurance policies, passport, financial
transaction cards etc
4. Any claim in respect of unexplained loss or
mysterious disappearance from the locker.
5. Any items which are not stored within a secure Bank
6. Any loss in value or loss due to accounting errors or
7. Damage arising from or attributable to -
a) mechanical and electrical breakdown, damage
or failure including over winding of
b) the corruption, loss or failure of computer data,
hardware or software.
c) natural ageing, inherent vice, latent defect, rust,
oxidation, warping, shrinkage, mould, insects,
mildew, vermin, fungus, corrosion or
d) aridity, humidity, exposure to light or extreme of
temperature unless such loss is caused by
storm, frost or fire or other sudden unforeseen
e) improper maintenance
Basis of Claim Settlement
a. In respect of Jewellery, claim settlement will be effected on new replacement value basis irrespective of
whether replacement has been carried out or not. For all other items, We will pay the full cost of
replacement or repair to a condition equal to but not better or more extensive than its condition when new,
provided that such cost has been incurred. However, if such cost has not been incurred, We will pay
amount of damage less due allowance for wear and tear and depreciation.
b. In case of burglary/ hold-up/ fire/ terrorism/ infidelity of bank staff, the claim will be admissible only if the
Bank Authorities lodge a FIR with the Police.
c. PAIR AND SET CLAUSE - Where any item Insured under this Section of the Policy consist of articles in
pair or set Our liability in respect of such items shall not excesed the proportionate value of any particular
part of parts which may be lost or damaged without reference to any special value which such article or
articles may have as part of such pair or set.
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We will pay upto the Sum Insured/ Limit Of Liability for:
The loss, damage or disappearance of any property Insured
as detailed below belonging to You or Insured Person(s) or
his/ her family or in custody of You or Insured Person,
stored in locker leased with a Bank, in the event of:
i) an accident or
ii) burglary, holdup or
iii) infidelity of bank staff or
iv) any act of terrorism.
1. Share and stock certificates, deposit receipts.
2. Insurance Policy.
3. Title deeds, plans and manuscripts.
4. Passport.
5. Other personal records and certificates.
We will not pay for :
1. Any excess mentioned in the policy schedule.
2. Any claim in respect of unexplained loss or
mysterious disappearance from the locker.
3. Any items which are not stored within a secure
Bank locker.
4. Any loss in value or loss due to accounting errors
or omission.
5. Any claim due to unauthorized use of the
6. Damage arising from or attributable to -
a) mechanical and electrical breakdown,
damage or failure including over winding of
b) the corruption, loss or failure of computer
data, hardware or software.
c) natural ageing, inherent vice, latent defect,
rust, oxidation, warping, shrinkage, mould,
insects, mildew, vermin, fungus, corrosion or
d) aridity, humidity, exposure to light or extreme
of temperature unless such loss is caused by
storm, frost or fire or other sudden
unforeseen event
e) improper maintenance
Basis of Claim Settlement (Applicable to Extension)
The basis of claim settlement will be as under:
a) We will pay for the reasonable cost of replacing the lost or damaged documents, but only for the value of
materials as stationery together with cost of clerical labour expended in preparing the documents.
b) However, if the documents are issued by any statutory body or any other competent authority having
jurisdiction beyond Your control, then in that case the basis of settlement will be the cost of replacing the
damaged documents inclusive of application money, fees and stamps as statutorily required as well as cost
of professional accountant, architect or lawyer utilized for the purpose of replacing or recreation of
documents but excluding any transportation cost and time delays.