to Benefits
for Credit Cardholders
Banner Bank Mastercard Cardholder
TruRewards Credit Benefits
Important information. Please read and save.
This Guide to Benefits contains detailed information about
the benefits you can access as a preferred cardholder. This
Guide supersedes any Guide or program description you may
have received earlier.
For more information on any of these services, call the
Mastercard Assistance Center at
1-800-Mastercard: 1-800-627-8372, or
en Español: 1-800-633-4466.
“Card” refers to Mastercard® card and “Cardholder”refers to a
Mastercard® cardholder.
Key Terms
Throughout this document, you and your refer to the
Cardholder. We, us, and our refer to New Hampshire
Insurance Company, an AIG company, New York, NY.
Account Holder means a person to whom an Eligible
Account is issued and who holds the Eligible Account
under his or her name.
Administrator means Sedgwick Claims Management
Services, Inc. You may contact the Administrator if you
have questions regarding this coverage or would like
to make a claim. The Administrator may be reached by
phone at 1-800-Mastercard.
Authorized User means a person who is recorded as an
authorized user of an Eligible Account by the Account
Holder and who is authorized by the Account Holder to
make payments to the Eligible Account.
Cardholder means the Account Holder or Authorized
User of an Eligible Account in good standing.
Covered Card means the Mastercard® card linked to
your Eligible Account.
Eligible Account means the account associated with the
Cardholder’s U.S. issued credit card, debit card, checking
account, line of credit, loan, certificate of deposit or
other account that is eligible for coverage under the
Group Policy.
Eligible Cellular Wireless Telephones means the
cellular telephones associated with the primary line and
additional or supplemental lines on the Eligible Person’s
monthly billing statement from a cellular provider for the
billing cycle preceding the month in which the theft or
damage occurred.
Eligible Person means a Cardholder who charges his
or her monthly bill for an Eligible Cellular Wireless
Telephone to his or her Covered Card. No person or
entity other than the Eligible Person(s) described shall
have any legal or equitable right, remedy or claim for the
insurance proceeds arising out of this coverage.
Evidence of Coverage (EOC) means the summary of
benefits set forth below which describe the terms,
conditions, limitations and exclusions of the coverage
provided to you at no additional charge under the Group
Policy. Representations or promises made by anyone
that are not contained in the Group Policy are not part of
your coverage. In the event the EOC, Key Terms, or Legal
Disclosures of this Guide to Benefits conflict with the
provisions of the Group Policy, the terms of the Group
Policy govern your coverage.
Group Policy means the Cellular Protection Insurance
Policy entered between New Hampshire Insurance
Company, an AIG Company, and Mastercard Insurance
Master Trust, which is the subject of this Guide to
Mysteriously Disappear means the vanishing of an item
in an unexplained manner where there is absence of
evidence of a wrongful act by a person or persons.
Stolen means taken by force and/or under duress or
a loss which involves the disappearance of an Eligible
Cellular Wireless Telephone from a known place under
circumstances that would indicate the probability of theft
and for which a police report was filed within forty-eight
hours of the theft.
Mastercard ID Theft Protection™
Program Description:
Mastercard ID Theft Protection (IDT) provides you with
access to a number of Identity Theft resolution services,
should you believe you are a victim of Identity Theft. This
product oering will alert you about possible identity
theft by monitoring the surface, dark and deep web,
searching for compromised credentials and potentially
damaging use of your registered personal information in
order to detect fraud at its inception.
All Mastercard consumer credit cardholders in the US are
eligible for this coverage.
Simply contact 1-800-Mastercard if you believe you
have been a victim of Identity Theft.
Services Provided:
Services provided are on a 24-hour basis, 365 days a
year. In order to receive the following services, you must
enroll at
The services include:
Online Monitoring Dashboard (requires activation):
The online monitoring dashboard is the primary user
interface for cardholders. It serves as a repository of
all the personally identifiable information (PII) data
the cardholder wants to monitor, tracks and displays
cardholders’ risk score, and provides access to identity
protection tips. It is also the platform for cardholders to
respond to identity monitoring alerts.
Monthly Risk Alert / Newsletter: Cardholders will
receive a monthly newsletter with information on the
cardholder’s risk score, and articles pertaining to good
identity protection practices.
Identity Monitoring: IDT searches the internet to detect
compromised credentials and potentially damaging use
of your personal information, and alerts you via email so
that you can take immediate action. This platform utilizes
automated monitoring and human threat intelligence
from cyber operations agents monitoring threat actors
and their tactics on the deep and dark web where
personal data is bought and sold. Data elements that can
be monitored are:
Email addresses
Debit/credit cards/prepaid cards
Bank accounts
Web logins; username and password
Medical insurance cards
Drivers’ license
Loyalty cards
Anity cards
Passport number
Vehicle insurance cards
Social Security number
To take advantage of this service, the cardholder must
enter the personal information they wish to monitor on
the dashboard.
Resolution Services: You will have access to a team of
identity theft resolution specialists, available 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year to help resolve your identity theft
incident and prevent further damage. The resolution
specialists are native speakers of English, French and
Spanish, and are based out of Bethesda, Maryland.
Cardholders are given the option to sign limited power
of attorney (LPOA) to the specialist, to allow them to
conduct resolution activities on the cardholders’ behalf,
including contacting police, credit agencies, and other
authorities, translating information, and closing and
replacing breached accounts.
Lost Wallet Assistance: Cardholders will be provided
assistance with notifying the appropriate issuing
authorities to cancel and replace stolen or missing items,
such as their debit/credit cards, driver’s license, Social
Security card, and passport.
Single Bureau Credit Monitoring: Cardholders’
TransUnion credit file will be monitored for changes
that could indicate fraud such as new credit inquiries, an
address change or new credit account(s) opened in their
name. An alert notification via email will be sent anytime
a hard inquiry is made on the cardholders’ TransUnion
credit file so they can take immediate action to minimize
To take advantage of this service, the cardholder must
enter their Social Security number on the dashboard and
pass credit authentication.
Financial Account Takeover: IDT monitors cardholder’s
high-risk transactions with more than 300 of the nation’s
largest companies to uncover and thwart account
takeover attempts. Monitored transactions include:
Debit/credit cards/prepaid cards
Bank accounts
Brokerage accounts
Healthcare portals
Workplace intranets
Other services (e.g. peer-to-peer fund transfers)
To take advantage of this service, the cardholder
must enter the accounts they wish to protect on the
URL and Domain Monitoring: URL and Domain
monitoring allows Cardholder to enter up to 10 domain
or URL names related to cardholder’s business. This
service will monitor the domain and URL names for
any compromised email addresses associated with
the domain or URL names and if compromised email
addresses are found in a data breach, this service will
alert the registered cardholder via email and provide
information regarding the specific email address that was
breached along with information about the date found
and source (provided that this information is available.)
For more information regarding the services stated
above and additional information, please visit https://
There is no charge for these services, they are provided
by your financial institution.
Services NOT Provided:
When it is determined you have committed any
dishonest, criminal, malicious or fraudulent act.
When your financial institution or card issuer which
provides this service, has investigated the event and
deemed you are responsible for the charge or event.
When any theft or unauthorized use of an account
by a person to whom the account has been
entrusted has been committed.
Program Provisions for Mastercard ID Theft
This service applies only to you, the named Mastercard
cardholder. You shall use due diligence and do all
things reasonable to avoid or diminish any loss or
damage to property protected by the program. The
provider, Generali Global Assistance, relies on the truth
of statement made in the adavit or declaration from
each cardholder. This service is provided to eligible
Mastercard cardholders at no additional cost and is in
eect for acts occurring while the program is in eect.
The terms and conditions contained in this program
Guide may be modified by subsequent endorsements.
Modifications to the terms and conditions may be
provided via additional Guide mailings, statement inserts,
or statement messages. Mastercard or your financial
institution can cancel or non-renew these services,
and if we do, we will notify you at least thirty (30) days
in advance. If the provider non-renews or cancels any
services provided to eligible Mastercard cardholders, you
will be notified within 30–120 days before the expiration
of the service agreement. In the event substantially
similar coverage takes eect without interruption, no
such notice is necessary. For general questions regarding
these services, please contact 1-800-Mastercard.
Mastercard Global Service
Mastercard Global Service™ provides worldwide, 24-
hour assistance with Lost and Stolen Card Reporting,
Emergency Card Replacement, and Emergency Cash
Call Mastercard Global Service immediately to report
your card lost or stolen and to cancel the account. If you
need to make purchases or arrange for a cash advance,
with your issuer’s approval, you can receive a temporary
card the next day in the United States, and within two
business days almost everywhere else.
Remember, if you report your card lost or stolen, you will
not be responsible for any unauthorized transactions on
your account.
In the United States (including all 50 states, the District
of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico) and
Canada, call 1-800-307-7309.
When out-of-country and in need of assistance, you can
easily reach a specially trained Mastercard Global Service
Representative who can help you 24 hours a day, 365
days a year, in any language. You can call toll-free from
over 80 countries worldwide. Some of the key toll-free
Mastercard Global Service telephone numbers are:
Australia ............1-800-120-113 Mexico ....... 001-800-307-7309
Austria .............0800-070-6138 Netherlands .....0800-022-5821
France ............. 0-800-90-1387 Poland ............0-0800-111-1211
Germany .........0800-071-3542 Portugal ................800-8-11-272
Hungary ...............06800-12517 Spain ......................900-822-756
Ireland .............. 1-800-55-7378 United Kingdom 0800-96-4767
Italy ...................... 800-870-866 Virgin Islands . 1-800-307-7309
For additional information, or for country-specific,
toll-free telephone numbers not listed above, visit our
website at or call the United
States collect at 1-636-722-7111.
Account Information and Card Benefits:
When in the United States, contact your card issuer
directly for account information and 1-800-Mastercard
for card benefits. When traveling outside the U.S., call
Mastercard Global Service to access your card issuer
for account information or to access any of your card
ATM Locations:
Call 1-877-FINDATM (1-877-346-3286) to find the
location of a nearby ATM in the Mastercard ATM Network
accepting Mastercard
, Maestro
, and Cirrus
Also, visit our website at to use
our ATM locator.
You can get cash at over two million ATMs worldwide.
To enable cash access, be sure you know your Personal
Identification Number (PIN) before you travel.
Mastercard Airport Concierge™
Your passport to the finer side of air travel.
Enjoy a 15% savings on Airport Meet and Greet services.
Arrange for a personal, dedicated Meet and Greet agent
to escort you through the airport on departure, arrival
or any connecting flights at over 700 destinations
worldwide 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a
year. There are also certain airports where you can be
expedited through the security and/or the immigration
process. To reserve Mastercard Airport Concierge
services visit or
consult your Travel Advisor.
Worldwide Automatic Travel Accident &
Baggage Delay
Banner Bank cardholders can benefit from the security and
safety oered through Worldwide Automatic Travel Accident
and Baggage Delay Insurance. If you charge the entire cost
of travel passenger fare to your Banner Bank Commercial
or Commercial Rewards card, you, your spouse, and your
dependent child(ren) automatically will be insured against
accidental loss of life, limb, sight, speech, or hearing; and,
if your baggage is delayed, you will be reimbursed for the
emergency purchase of essential items up to a maximum of
Key terms:
You or yours means a Banner Bank cardholder.
Baggage delay means a delay or misdirection of the
cardholder’s property by a common carrier for more
than four (4) hours from the time when the cardholder
arrives at the destination on the cardholder’s ticket.
Benefit amount means the loss amount applicable at the
time the entire cost of the passenger fare(s) is charged
to your Banner Bank card account. The loss must occur
within one year of the accident.
Common carrier means any land, water, or air
conveyance operated by those whose occupation
or business is the transportation of persons without
discrimination and for hire.
Commutation is defined as travel between the
cardholder’s residence and regular place of
Dependent child(ren) means those children, including
adopted children and children placed for adoption,
who are primarily dependent upon the cardholder for
maintenance and support and who are: 1) under the
age of twenty-five (25) and reside with the cardholder:
or 2) beyond the age of twenty-five (25), permanently
mentally or physically challenged, and incapable of self
support; or 3) under the age of twenty-five (25) and
classified as a full-time student at an institution of higher
Domestic Partner means a person designated in writing
by the primary insured person, who is at least eighteen
(18) years of age, and who during the past twelve (12)
months: 1) has been in a committed relationship with
the primary cardholder; and 2) has been the primary
cardholder’s sole spousal equivalent; and 3) has resided
in the same household as the primary cardholder; and
4) been jointly responsible with the primary cardholder
for each other’s financial obligation, and who intends to
continue the relationship above indefinitely.
Loss means, with respect to a hand, complete severance
throughout or above the knuckle joints of at least
four fingers on the same hand; with respect to a foot,
complete severance through or above the ankle joint.
The insurer will consider it a loss of a hand or foot even if
they are later reattached.
Member means a hand or foot.
Spouse includes a domestic partner who is at least 18
years of age and who, during the past 12 months (1)
has been in a committed relationship with the primary
cardholder, (2) has been the cardholder’s sole spousal
equivalent, (3) has resided in the same household as the
cardholder, and (4) has jointly been responsible with the
cardholder for each other’s financial obligations and
who intends to continue the relationship indefinitely.
You must charge the entire cost of the passenger fare(s)
to your Banner Bank Commercial or Commercial
Rewards card account, less redeemable certificates,
vouchers, coupons, or free flights awarded from
frequent flier cards.
If the entire cost of the passenger fare has been charged
to your Banner Bank Commercial or Commercial
Rewards card prior to departure for the airport, terminal,
or station, coverage also is provided for common carrier
travel (including taxi, bus, train, or airport limousine
immediately (a) preceding your departure, directly to
the airport, terminal, or station; (b) while at the airport,
terminal, or station; and (c) immediately following
your arrival at the airport, terminal, or station of your
If the entire cost of the passenger fare has not been
charged prior to your arrival at the airport, terminal, or
station, coverage begins at the time the entire cost of
the travel passenger fare is charged to your Banner Bank
Commercial or Commercial Rewards card account.
It is not necessary for you to notify the administrator or
the insurance company when tickets are purchased.
Travel Accident Benefits:
The full Benefit Amount of $250,000 is payable for
accidental loss of life, two or more members, sight of
both eyes, speech and hearing or any combination
One half of the Benefit Amount is payable for accidental
loss of: one member, sight of one eye, speech or
One quarter of the Benefit Amount is payable for the
accidental loss of the thumb and index finger of the
same hand. The Company will consider it a loss of hand
or foot even if they are later reattached.
The Loss of Life benefit will be paid to the beneficiary
designated by the cardholder. If no such designation has
been made, that benefit will be paid to the first surviving
beneficiary in the following order: a) the cardholder’s spouse,
b) the cardholder’s children, c) the cardholder’s parents, d)
the cardholder’s brothers and sisters, e) the cardholder’s
estate. All other indemnities will be paid to the cardholder.
Baggage Delay Benefits:
We will reimburse the cardholder up to the Daily Benefit
Amount of $100 per day for three (3) days in the event of
a Baggage Delay.
Our payment is limited to expenses incurred for the
emergency purchase of essential items needed by the
cardholder while on a covered trip and at a destination
other than the cardholder’s primary residence.
The Baggage Delay Benefit Amount is excess over any
other insurance (including homeowners) or indemnity
(including any reimbursements by the airline, cruise line,
railroad, station authority, occupancy provider) available
to the Banner Bank Mastercard cardholder.
Coverage limitations:
The insurer will pay the single largest applicable benefit
amount. In no event will duplicate request forms or
multiple charge cards obligate the insurance company
in excess of the stated benefit amounts for any one loss
sustained by any one individual insured as the result of
any one accident.
In the event of multiple deaths per credit card account
arising from any one accident, the insurer’s liability for
all such losses will be limited to a maximum limit of
insurance equal to three times the applicable benefit
amount for loss of life. Benefits will be proportionately
divided among the insured persons, up to the maximum
limit of the insurance.
What is NOT covered:
Loss resulting from your emotional trauma, mental
or physical illness, disease, pregnancy, childbirth or
miscarriage, bacterial or viral infection (except bacterial
infection caused by an accident or from accidental
consumption of a substance contaminated by bacteria),
or bodily malfunctions
Suicide, attempted suicide, or intentionally self-inflicted
Declared or undeclared war, but war does not include
acts of terrorism.
An accident occurring while an Insured is acting or
training as a pilot or crew member, but this exclusion
does not apply to passengers who temporarily perform
pilot or crew functions in a life threatening emergency.
Essential items not covered by Baggage Delay include,
but are not limited to: 1) contact lenses, eyeglasses
or hearing aids; 2) artificial teeth, dental bridges or
prosthetic devices; 3) tickets, documents, money,
securities, checks, travelers checks and valuable papers;
or 4) business samples
This coverage does not include commutation.
How to file a claim for Worldwide Automatic Travel
Accident and Baggage Delay Insurance coverage:
To file a claim please call 1-800-Mastercard. Claims are
processed by the Claim Administrator, Crawford and
Company. Complete all items on the required claim
form, attach all appropriate documents, and mail or fax
to: Crawford and Company, P.O. Box 4090, Atlanta, GA
30302, Fax Number 855-830-3728. Once a claim number is
assigned, supporting documentation for the claim can also
be submitted through
Claim Notice, Forms and Payment:
Claim Notice: written notice must be given within 20
days after the occurrence of any loss covered by this
policy or as soon as reasonably possible. Failure to
give notice within 20 days will not invalidate or reduce
any otherwise valid claim if notice is given as soon as
reasonably possible.
Claim Forms: When the Insurance Company receives
notice of a claim, the Insurance Company will send you
forms for giving proof of loss to us within 15 days. If you
do not receive the forms, you should send the Insurance
Company a written description of the loss.
Claim Proof of Loss: Complete proof of loss must be
given to us within 90 days after the date of loss, or as
soon as reasonably possible. Failure to give complete
proof of loss within these time frames will not invalidate
any otherwise valid claim if notice is given as soon as
reasonably possible and in no event later than 1 year
after the deadline to submit complete proof of loss.
Claim Payment: For all benefits, the Insurance Company
will pay you or your beneficiary the applicable benefit
amount within 60 days after complete proof of loss
is received and if you, the Policyholder and/or the
beneficiary have complied with all the terms of this
Eective Date:
This insurance is eective on the date that you become an
eligible cardholder; and will cease on the date the Master
Policy 6477-44-67 is terminated or on the date your account
ceases to be eligible, whichever occurs first.
This description of coverage is not a contract of insurance
but is simply an informative statement of the principal
provisions of the insurance while in eect. Complete
provisions pertaining to this plan of Insurance are contained
in the master policy on file with the Policyholder: Financial
Customer Insurance Trust. If this plan does not conform to
your state statutes, it will be amended to comply with such
laws. If a statement in this description of coverage and any
provision in the policy dier, the policy will govern.
Answers to specific questions can be obtained by writing the
Plan Administrator: Direct Marketing Group 13265 Bedford
Avenue, Omaha, NE 68164
Travel Assistant Services
Rely on Travel Assistance Services when you’re away
from home.
Travel Assistance Services is your guide to many
important services you may need when traveling.
Benefits are designed to assist you or your travel
companions when you’re traveling 50 miles or more
from home.* This is reassuring, especially when visiting a
place for the first time or not speaking the language. For
services, call 1-800-Mastercard. Enrollment is automatic
and the assistance service is free to cardholders.
Please keep in mind that you will be responsible for the
fees incurred for professional or emergency services
requested of Travel Assistance Services (e.g., medical or
legal bills).
*Travel Assistance Services are available worldwide, with
the exception of those countries and territories which
may be involved in an international or internal conflict,
or in those countries and territories where the existing
infrastructure is deemed inadequate to guarantee
service. You may contact us prior to embarking on a
covered trip to confirm whether or not services are
available at your destination(s).
MasterTrip® Travel Assistance
Before you begin your trip, MasterTrip provides
information on travel requirements including
documentation (visas, passports), immunizations or
currency exchange rates. The exchange rate provided
may dier from the exact rate that issuers use for
transactions on your card. Information on exchange
rates for items billed on your statement should be
obtained from the financial institution that issued your
card. MasterTrip will also help you locate any lost or
stolen travel materials, including luggage. This is not an
insurance policy for lost/stolen luggage and we do not
reimburse you for a permanent loss.
If you have a travel emergency and need cash, MasterTrip
can arrange to transfer up to $5,000 from a family
member, friend, or business account.
This service does not provide maps or information
regardingroad conditions.
Travel Services Medical Assistance
Provides a global referral network of general physicians,
dentists, hospitals and pharmacies. We can also help you
refill prescriptions with local pharmacists (subject to local
In the event of emergencies, a stateside physician or
nurse can be contacted for consultation with the local
medical sta and to monitor your condition. If you are
hospitalized, we can arrange to have messages relayed
home, transfer you to another facility if medically
necessary, or have a family member or close friend
brought to your bedside if you have been traveling alone
(at cardholder’s expense). If a tragedy occurs, we’ll assist
in securing travel arrangements for you and your travel
MasterLegal® Referral Service
Provides you with English-speaking legal referrals or
consults with appropriate embassies and consulates
regarding your situation.
Will assist in transfers up to $5,000 in cash from a family
member, friend or business to cover legal fees or to post
There is no charge for referral services; however, legal
and bail fees are your responsibility.
Master RoadAssist® Roadside Service
(Available only when traveling in the 50 United States and
the District of Columbia)
If your car breaks down on the road, just call
1-800-Mastercard and tell us where you are.
We’ll send someone to the rescue. This is not only
reassuring, but it may also save you money because fees
for many services (jumpstarts, towing, gas delivery, and
tire changes) are pre5 negotiated. Road service fees will
be automatically billed to your Mastercard account.
You are responsible for emergency road service charges
incurred by towing facilities responding to your dispatch,
even if you are not with your vehicle (or it’s gone) when
the tow truck arrives. Mastercard International is not
responsible or liable for the service the towing facility
provides. Towing facilities are independent contractors,
solely liable for their services.
Emergency road service is not available in areas not
regularly traveled, in “o road” areas not accessible
by ordinary towing vehicles, or for over one-ton
capacity trailers, campers or If you have a rental car,
be sure to call the rental car agency before you call
1-800-Mastercard, as many rental agencies have
special procedures regarding emergency road service
Various provisions in this document restrict coverage.
Read the entire document carefully to determine all
rights and duties and what is and is not covered.
Key Terms
Please see the ‘Key Terms’ section for the terms used
throughout this benefit.
Evidence of Coverage
This EOC replaces all prior disclosures, program
descriptions, advertising, and brochures by any other
party. We reserve the right to change the benefits and
features of these programs at any time. Notice will be
provided for any changes.
Pursuant to the below terms and conditions herein,
when you
rent a vehicle for one (1) to fifteen (15) consecutive
days or less with your covered card, you are eligible for
benefits hereunder.
A. To get coverage:
• You must initiate and then pay for the entire rental
agreement (tax, gasoline, and airport fees are not
considered rental charges) with your covered card and/
or the accumulated points from your covered card at
the time the vehicle is returned. If a rental company
promotion/discount of any kind is initially applied toward
payment of the rental vehicle, at least one (1) full day of
rental must be billed to your covered card.
• You must decline the optional collision/damage waiver
(or similar coverage) oered by the rental company.
• You must rent the vehicle in your own name and sign
the rental agreement.
• Your rental agreement must be for a rental period of no
more than one (1) to fifteen (15) consecutive days. Rental
periods that exceed or are intended to exceed fifteen (15)
consecutive days are not covered.
B. The kind of coverage you receive:
We will pay for the following on a secondary basis:
• Physical damage and theft of the vehicle, not to exceed
the limits outlined below.
• Reasonable loss of use charges imposed by the
vehicle rental company for the period of time the rental
vehicle is out of service. Loss of use charges must
be substantiated by alocation and class specific fleet
utilization log.
• Towing charges to the nearest collision repair facility.
This coverage is not all-inclusive, which means it does
not cover such things as personal injury, personal liability,
or personal property. It does not cover you for any
damages to other vehicles or property. It does not cover
you for any injury to any party.
C. Coordination of Benefits:
When coverage hereunder is provided on a secondary
basis and a covered loss has occurred, the order in which
benefits are determined shall be made as follows:
1. You or an authorized driver’s primary auto
2. Collision/damage waiver provided to you by the
rental agency;
3. Any other collectible insurance;
4. The coverage provided under this EOC.
If you or an authorized driver’s primary auto insurance
or other coverage has made payments for a covered
loss, we will cover your deductible and any other eligible
amounts, described under the kind of coverage you
receive, not covered by the other insurance.
Note: In certain parts of the United States and Canada
losses to rental vehicles that are covered by your
personal vehicle liability insurance policy may not be
subject to a deductible, which means that you may not
be eligible to receive any coverage under this program.
Contact your insurance provider for full coverage details
pertaining to your personal vehicle liability insurance
policy (or similar coverage).
If you do not have other insurance or your insurance
policy does not cover you in territories or countries
outside of the United States, coverage is considered
primary coverage subject to any applicable economic
and trade sanctions conditions.
D. Who is covered:
The covered card cardholder and those designated in
the rental agreement as authorized drivers.
E. Excluded Vehicles:
This coverage does not apply to any:
Vehicles not required to be licensed.
All full-size vans mounted on truck chassis (including,
but not limited to, Ford EconoVan), cargo vans,
campers, o-road vehicles, and other recreational
Trailers, motorbikes, motorcycles, and any other vehicle
having fewer than four (4) wheels.
Antique vehicles (vehicles that are more than twenty
(20) years old or have not been manufactured for at
least ten (10) years), or limousines.
F. Where you are covered:
Coverage is available worldwide; provided coverage is
not available in countries where:
This EOC or the group policy is prohibited by that
country’s law;
The terms of the EOC or the group policy are in conflict
with the laws of that country;
In addition, we shall not be deemed to provide cover
and we shall not be liable to pay any claim or provide
any benefit under the group policy to the extent that
the provision of such cover, payment of such claim
or provision of such benefit would expose us, our
parent company or its ultimate controlling entity to any
sanction, prohibition or restriction under United Nations
resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws
or regulations of the European Union or the United
States of America. Wherever coverage provided by this
policy would be in violation of any economic or trade
sanctions, such coverage shall be null and void.
G. Coverage limitations:
We will pay the lesser of the following:
Reasonable and customary charges of repair or the
actual repair amount;
Wholesale market value less salvage and depreciation;
The rental agencies purchase invoice less salvage and
depreciation; The contractual liability assumed by
you or an authorized driver of the rental vehicle;
The actual cash value;
In addition, coverage is limited to $500 per incident
for the reasonable loss of use charges imposed by the
vehicle rental company for the period of time the rental
vehicle is out of service. We will not pay for or duplicate
the collision/damage waiver coverage oered by the
rental agency.
H. What is NOT covered:
This coverage does not apply to:
Any personal item actually or allegedly stolen from the
interior or exterior of rental vehicles.
Vehicle keys or portable Global Positioning Systems
Vehicles not rented by the cardholder or authorized
user on the covered card.
Any person not designated in the rental agreement as
an authorized driver.
Any obligations you assume other than what is
specifically covered under the rental agreement or
your personal vehicle liability insurance policy or
other indemnity policy.
Any actual or alleged violation of the written terms and
conditions of the rental agreement.
Any actual or alleged loss that occurs while driving
under theinfluence of drugs or alcohol.
Any actual or alleged loss associated with racing or
reckless driving.
Any actual or alleged losses involving the theft of the
rental vehicle when you or an authorized driver
cannot produce the keys to the rental vehicle at the
time of reporting the incident to the police and/or
rental agency, as a result of negligence. Loss of keys
is considered negligence.
Mechanical failures caused by wear and tear, gradual
deterioration, or mechanical breakdown.
Subsequent damages resulting from a failure to protect
the rental vehicle from further damage.
Blowouts or tire/rim damage unless caused by theft,
vandalism or vehicle collision.
Rental vehicles where collision/damage waiver
coverage (or similar coverage) was accepted/
purchased by you.
Any damage that is of an intentional or non-accidental
nature, caused by you or an authorized driver of the
rental vehicle.
Depreciation, diminishment of value, administrative,
storage, or other fees charged by the vehicle rental
Vehicles with a rental agreement that exceeds or is
intended to exceed a rental period of fifteen (15)
consecutive days from a rental agency.
Losses resulting from any kind of alleged or actual
illegal activity.
Damage sustained on any road not regularly maintained
by a municipal, state, or federal entity.
Losses as a result of war or hostilities of any kind
(including, but not limited to, any actual or alleged
invasion, terrorism, rebellion, insurrection, riot, or
civil commotion); confiscation or damage by any
government, public authority, or customs ocial;
risks of contraband; illegal activity or acts.
Any loss involving the rental vehicle being used for
hire, for commercial use, or as a public or livery
Theft of, or damage to, unlocked or unsecured vehicles.
Value-added tax, or similar tax, unless reimbursement
of such tax is required by law.
Vehicles rented on a monthly basis.
Loss arising from any items not installed by the original
Loss arising from any inherent damage.
Damage to windshields which is not the result a
collision or roll-over (damage to a windshield is
covered if such damage is due to road debris or road
Vehicle leases or mini-leases.
Indirect or direct damages resulting from a covered
Charges for gasoline or airport fees.
I. How to file a claim:
• Call 1-800-Mastercard or go to www.mycardbenefits.
com to initiate a claim. You must report the claim within
sixty (60) days of the loss or the claim may not be
• You may choose to assign your benefits under this
insurance program to the rental agency from which
you rented your vehicle. Please contact us or our
administrator for further details.
• You must submit the following proof of claim
documentation within one hundred and eighty (180)
days of the incident or the claim will not be covered:
Receipt showing the vehicle rental charge.
Statement showing the vehicle rental charge.
The rental agreement (front and back).
Copy of your valid driver’s license (front and
Copy of the declarations page of any personal
vehicle liability insurance policy and/or other
valid insurance or coverage.
Police report when the vehicle is stolen,
vandalized (regardless of the damage), or
involved in a collision that requires the vehicle;
to be towed, in a multi-vehicle collision, or the
vehicle is not drivable.
Itemized repair estimate from a factory
registered collision repair facility.
Copy of any vehicle rental company promotion/
discount, if applicable.
Copy of the vehicle rental location class specific
fleet utilization log, if loss of use charges are
being claimed. You must secure this log from
the rental agency.
Any other documentation that may be
reasonably requested by us or our administrator
to validate a claim.
Legal Disclosure
Please see the ‘Legal Disclosure’ section for all
disclosures for this benefit.
Extended Warranty
Evidence of Coverage
Refer to Key Terms for the definitions of you, your, we,
us, our, and words that appear in bold and Final Legal
A. To get coverage:
You must purchase the new item entirely with your
covered card and/or accumulated points from your
covered card for yourself or to give as a gift.
The item must have an original manufacturer’s (or U.S.
store brand) warranty of sixty (60) months or less.
B. The kind of coverage you receive:
Extended Warranty doubles the original manufacturer
warranty up to a maximum of twelve (12) months on
most items you purchase. For products with multiple
warranty components, each warranty time period will
be extended up to a maximum of twelve (12) months.
Should you fail to properly register the original warranty
as required by manufacturer, we will only double the
actual warranty time period that you received from the
manufacturer. An example of a product with multiple
warranty components includes an appliance with
original manufacturer’s (or U.S. store brand) warranties
that dier for parts, labor, compressor, etc.
If you purchase a service contract or an optional
extended warranty of twelve (12) months or less on
your item, we will cover up to an additional twelve
(12) months after both the original manufacturer’s (or
U.S. store brand) warranty and the purchased service
contract or extended warranty coverage period end.
If your service contract or extended warranty exceeds
twelve (12) months, this coverage does not apply.
If you do not have an additional service contract or an
optional extended warranty, this Extended Warranty
benefit commences the day after your original
manufacturer’s (or U.S. store brand) warranty expires.
C. Coverage limitations:
The maximum benefit for repair or replacement shall
not exceed the actual amount charged on your covered
card or $10,000 USD, whichever is less.
If either the original manufacturer’s (or U.S. store brand)
warranty or the service contract covers more than sixty
(60) months, this benefit will not apply.
We or our administrator will decide if a covered failure
will be repaired or replaced, or whether you will be
reimbursed up to the amount paid for the item. Items
will be replaced with those of like kind and quality.
However, we cannot guarantee to match exact color,
material, brand, size, or model.
Note: Salvage may apply to this coverage; see the Final Legal
Disclosures for details.
D. What is NOT covered:
Used or antique items; collectibles of any kind (such
as items designed for people to collect or items that
over time become collectibles) that do not come
with a manufacturer warranty (repair or replacement
amount will not include market value at time of claim);
recycled, previously owned, refurbished, rebuilt, or
remanufactured items; product guarantees (e.g., glass
Floor models that do not come with an original
manufacturer warranty.
Motorized vehicles, including, but not limited to,
automobiles, watercraft/boats, aircraft, and motorcycles,
or their motors, equipment, or accessories. Parts, if
purchased separately, may be covered.
Land, any buildings (including, but not limited to, homes
and dwellings), permanently installed items (examples:
items wired directly to the electrical system or attached
to structure of the building), fixtures, or structures.
Plants, shrubs, animals, pets, consumables, and
Professional Services (including, but not limited to, the
performance or rendering of labor or maintenance;
repair or installation of products, goods or property;
professional advice of any kind, including, but not limited
to, information/services or advice secured from any
help or support line; or technical support for software,
hardware, or any other peripherals.)
Application programs, operating software, and other
All types of media with stored data or music (including,
but not limited to, computer software, DVDs, video
cassettes, CDs, film and audio cassettes).
Any shipping charges, transportation and delivery
charges, or promised time frames for delivery, whether
or not stated or covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.
Direct or indirect loss resulting from any Acts of God
(including, but not limited to, flood, hurricane, lightning,
and earthquake).
Indirect or direct damages resulting from a covered loss.
Mechanical failure arising from product recalls.
Trip, service, or diagnostic charges in the absence of any
covered repairs or verified failure.
Loss resulting from war or hostilities of any kind
(including, but not limited to, invasion, terrorism,
rebellion, insurrection, riot, or civil commotion);
confiscation or damage by any government, public
authority, or customs ocial; risks of contraband, illegal
activity, or acts.
Mechanical failures caused by normal wear and tear or
gradual deterioration where no failure has occurred.
Mechanical failures caused by lack of maintenance/
Losses caused by power surge, contamination by
radioactive or hazardous substances, including mold.
Physical damage to the item.
Any exclusion listed in the original manufacturer’s
Interest or conversion fees that are charged to you on
the covered card by the financial institution.
E. How to file a claim:
Call 1-800-Mastercard to request a claim form. You
must report the claim within sixty (60) days of the failure
or the claim may not be honored.
Submit the following documentation within one
hundred and eighty (180) days from the date of failure or
the claim may not be honored:
- Completed and signed claim form.
- Receipt showing covered item(s).
- Statement showing covered item(s).
- Itemized purchase receipt(s).
- Original manufacturer’s (or U.S. store brand) warranty.
- Service contract or optional extended warranty, if
- Itemized repair estimate from a factory authorized
service provider.
Any other documentation that may be reasonably
requested by us or our administrator to validate a claim.
Legal Disclosure
This Guide to Benefits is not, by itself, a policy or
contract of insurance or other contract.
Benefits are provided to you, the Cardholder, at no
additional charge.
The insurance benefits are provided under the Group
Policy issued by New Hampshire Insurance Company,
an AIG company. This Guide to Benefits is a summary of
benefits provided to you. The attached Key Terms and
EOC are governed by the Group Policy.
Eective date of benefits: This Guide to Benefits
replaces all prior disclosures, program descriptions,
advertising, and brochures by any party. The Policyholder
and the insurer reserve the right to change the benefits
and features of these programs at any time. Notice will
be provided for any changes.
Cancellation: The Policyholder may cancel these
benefits at any time or choose not to renew the
insurance coverage for all Cardholders. If the
Policyholder cancels these benefits, you will be notified
in advance. If we terminate, cancel, or choose not to
renew the coverage to the Policyholder, you will be
notified as soon as is practicable. Insurance benefits
will still apply for any eligible coverage that attaches
prior to the date of such termination, cancellation, or
non-renewal, subject to the terms and conditions of
Benefits to you: These benefits apply only to Eligible
Accounts issued in the United States. The United States
is defined as the fifty U.S. states and the District of
Columbia. No person or entity other than you shall have
any legal or equitable right, remedy, or claim for benefits,
insurance proceeds and damages under or arising
out of these programs. These benefits do not apply if
your card privileges have been cancelled. However,
insurance benefits will still apply for any benefit you were
eligible for prior to the date that your Eligible Account
is suspended or cancelled, subject to the terms and
conditions of coverage.
Transfer of rights or benefits: The Group Policy is not
assignable, but the benefits may be assigned.
Intentional Misrepresentation and Fraud: If any request
for benefits made under the Group Policy is determined
to be fraudulent, or if any fraudulent means or devices
are used by you or anyone qualifying as an insured to
obtain benefits under the Group Policy, all benefits will
be forfeited. No coverage is provided if you or anyone
qualifying as an insured does the following: (1) Conceals
or misrepresents any fact upon which we rely, if the
concealment or misrepresentation is material and is
made with the intent to deceive; or (2) conceals or
misrepresents any fact that contributes to the loss.
Due Diligence: You must exercise or perform all vigilant
activity, attentiveness, and care that would be exercised
or performed by a reasonable and prudent person in
the same or similar circumstances to avoid, diminish,
or reduce any loss or damage insured under the Group
Subrogation: If payment is made under these benefits,
we are entitled to recover such amounts, to the extent of
our payments, from other parties or persons. Any party
or person who receives payment under these benefits
must transfer to us his or her rights to recovery against
any other party or person and must do everything
necessary to secure these rights and must do nothing
that would jeopardize them.
Salvage: If an item is not repairable, we may request
that you send the item to us for salvage at your expense.
Failure to remit the requested item for salvage to us may
result in denial of the claim.
Severability of Provisions: If in the future any one or
more of the provisions of this Guide to Benefits is, to
any extent and for any reason, held to be invalid or
unenforceable, then such provision(s) shall be deemed
“severable” from the remaining provisions of the Guide.
In that event, all other provisions of this Guide shall
remain valid and enforceable.
Benefits listed in this Guide to Benefits are subject to the
conditions, limitations, and exclusions described in each
benefit section. Receipt and/or possession of this Guide
to Benefits does not guarantee coverage or coverage
This Guide is intended as a summary of services, benefits,
and coverages and, in case of a conflict between the
Guide and the Group Policy, the Group Policy shall
Washington Residents: For Washington residents only,
Evidence of Coverage (EOC) means the section of this
Guide to Benefits that describes the terms, conditions,
and exclusions of your coverage. The EOC, Key Terms,
and Legal Disclosures are in the entire agreement
between you and us. Representations or promises made
by anyone that are not contained in the EOC, Key Terms,
or Legal Disclosures are not part of your coverage. In
case of a conflict between this Guide to Benefits and the
Group Policy, the Guide to Benefits shall control.
Account and Billing Information
Important: Contact your card-issuing financial institution
directly for questions concerning your account, such as
account balance, credit line, billing inquiries (including
transaction exchange rates), merchant disputes, or
information about additional services not described in
this Guide. Your financial institution’s phone number
should be available on your monthly billing statement or
on the back of your card.
For more information, call 1-800-Mastercard: 1-800-627-
or en Español: 1-800-633-4466.
Visit our website at
©2019 Mastercard. CRED_CC_020521