Note: Printing certicates from the Bypass tray (Sharp-MX Printer) requires conguration of the printers’ Bypass
tray. The printer needs to “recognize” the 11” x 14” Heavy Paper size. Other printers should have similar options.
1. On the printers control
panel, Select System Settings /
Paper Tray Settings / and then
Tray Settings.
2. Within the Tray
Settings menu,
scroll to select the
Bypass Tray/Heavy
Paper setting and
then select Heavy
3. After selecting the
Heavy Paper setting,
select the Custom
Size setting and enter
11” x 14”. OK/Exit all
the way out.
4. After “Exiting” all
menu screens, ensure
the Bypass tray is the
selected tray.
The 11” x 17” tray
may need to be selected
for access to the
Bypass tray.
The selected tray is
indicated as selected
when it is “highlighted”,
as shown here.
NOTE: Procure 11” x 17” paper and
cut to EXACT size as certicate for use
as practice sheets.
5. Place your “practice” sheets on the Bypass
You are now ready to print to your practice
Open the MS Word certicate template.
Go to Step 1 of :
6. Once you’ve completed nal
adjustments using practice sheets,
place the certicate as shown...
...faced down with top away from
printer body.
Print to the certicate.
1. Open your
certicate(s) template.
Make certain the correct
certicate is selected as some
templates maintain
several certicates
Access the Print menu from
the MS Ofce button.
2. Navigate to the Properties via the
Properties button.
3. Click on the Paper tab.
Locate the Paper Size pull down
section and select Ledger (11” x 17”).
Some printers may require you select
the Custom button and specify
EXACT paper size.
Locate the Paper Selection pull down
menu and select Bypass Tray from
the Paper Source section and Heavy
Paper from the Paper Type section.
Click OK and print to TEST paper.