Name of Policy: Non-monetary transactions – barter
Policy Number: 3364-35-01
Approving Officer: President
Responsible Agent: Athletic Director
Scope: All University of Toledo Campuses
evision date: April 29, 2020
Original effective date:
February 1, 2008
New policy proposal
Minor/technical revision of existing
Major revision of existing
Reaffirmation of existing policy
(A) Policy statement
The University of Toledo is committed to following all applicable laws and regulations,
including those laws and regulations that address bartering for the exchange of goods,
services, or assets. The University of Toledo may enter into barter agreements with
another entity for:
(1) Assets/goods provided for services received;
(2) Assets/goods provided for assets/goods received;
(3) Services provided for assets/goods received;
(4) Services provided for services received;
(5) The use of fixed assets (property, plant, and equipment) for assets/goods
or services received; or
(6) The use of fixed assets (property, plant and equipment) received in
exchange for the use of fixed assets provided.
(a) The university will not permit the transfer of ownership of fixed
assets under barter agreements.
(b) Capitalizing fixed assets is not required because there is no change
of ownership in barter transactions.
At no time will an athletic barter/trade agreement conflict with the multi-media rights
agreement with Learfield Communications, Inc. An official copy of the agreement is on
file in the office of legal affairs.
3364-35-01 Non-monetary transactions-barter agreements. 2
(B) Purpose of policy
This policy establishes the directives to account for barter transactions which are the
exchange of goods, services or assets (other than cash) for other non-monetary goods,
services or assets. The exchange can be for similar or dissimilar goods, services, or
(C) Procedures
The following procedures are designed to ensure that the university properly documents
and records revenue and offsetting expenses related to barter/trade agreements. Revenue
will only be recognized up to the lesser of cost or fair market value of the service or
product under barter/trade and all barter/trade agreements expire at a maximum of one
(1) Goods/services trade lists
At the beginning of each fiscal year a list of all goods and services that
can be used in a barter transaction with another organization will be listed
with the fair market value of each item listed. A copy of this list will be
kept on file at the Athletic Department and can be reviewed upon request.
(2) Barter/trade agreement
All transactions involving exchanges of goods, services or assets (other
than cash) for other non-monetary goods, services or assets must be
documented on a barter transaction receipt form.
The form will document the goods or services given up and received by
the university.
(a) The barter transaction receipt form should be completed and
signed by the responsible department agents, athletic director,
Associate athletic director and the donor. In the event that the
donor does not sign the agreement a letter will be sent outlining the
agreement with a statement that no response is affirmation that the
vendor is in agreement with the terms of the barter transaction. A
copy of the letter will be kept on file with the barter/trade
(b) The barter transaction receipt form will be maintained in the
athletic department and is available for review upon request.
(3) Record keeping/reconciliation
3364-35-01 Non-monetary transactions-barter agreements. 3
The athletic department will maintain a file on each barter agreement
including all invoices, receipts and supporting documentation.
(a) The athletic department will record the value of the barter on the
barter tracking database (spreadsheet). This database is in a
common directory, accessible as a read only document by general
accounting for reconciliation purposes.
(b) The athletic department is required to obtain a detailed receipt for
the value of the goods, services or asset in accordance with normal
accounts payable guidelines. The transaction will be recorded on
the transaction on the barter tracking database.
(c) A copy of the receipt should be kept on file at the Athletic
(d) A yearly reconciliation should be performed between the athletic
department and the controller’s office to ensure that all
documentation has been received and recorded.
(4) Accounting/finance department
For each good, or asset exchanged, a fair market value must be assigned
by the parties engaged in the transaction, as the good, services, or asset is
considered income under federal tax regulations.
Transactions with person or organizations involving goods, services, or
assets with a fair market value greater than $25,000.00 require approval by
the University of Toledo senior vice president for finance and
(a) When the copy of the barter transaction receipt is received in
accounting, the revenue and offsetting account receivable is
recorded and recognized as a barter transaction in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
(b) When the receipt for a related expense is received accounting will
reduce the receivable and recognize the related expense in
accordance with GAAP.
(c) Quarterly accounting will reconcile the general ledger and the
subsidiary ledger to the barter database. Any discrepancy must be
reconciled within five business days or else the general ledger will
be adjusted to detail, if lower.
3364-35-01 Non-monetary transactions-barter agreements. 4
All barter/trade agreements will expire at a maximum of one year from
date of the agreement. If the barter values are less then one year, the
balance will be written off at the time of expiration. Once the barter
agreement has expired accounting will write off any remaining balance
recognizing the offsetting loss due to barter expiration.
(D) Definitions
Barter exchange. Any person or organization with members or clients that contract with
each other (or with the barter exchange) to jointly trade or barter property or services.
The term does not include arrangements that provide solely for the informal exchange of
similar services on a noncommercial basis as defined by the Internal Revenue Service
Vendor. Any one or any unit that has a signed barter agreement with the University of
Fair Market Value. The price that property would sell for on the open market. It is the
price that would be agreed on between a willing buyer and a willing seller, with neither
being required to act, and both having reasonable knowledge of the relevant facts as
defined by the IRS.
(F) Related form
(1) University of Toledo barter transaction receipt form
Approved by:
Sharon L. Gaber, Ph.D.
April 29, 2020
eview/Revision Completed by:
Athletic Department, SLT
Policies Superseded by This Policy:
Previous 3364-35-01 effective date
February 2, 2015
nitial Effective Date: February 1, 2008
eview/Revision Date: July 12, 2011;
February 2, 2015, April 29, 2020
ext review date: May 1, 2023