In the event of a discrepancy between the BC PNP website and the BC PNP program guides,
the information in the program guides shall be considered correct. Please check our website
regularly to ensure you are using the most up-to-date version of the applicable program
For more information, please contact:
The BC Provincial Nominee Program
450-605 Robson Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5J3
UPDATES TO THIS EDITION ...................................................................................................... 4
DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................ 5
PART 1: THE B.C. PROVINCIAL NOMINEE PROGRAM: INTRODUCTION ..................................... 6
KILLS IMMIGRATION AND EXPRESS ENTRY BC STREAMS .............................................................................. 6
BOUT THE SKILLS IMMIGRATION AND EXPRESS ENTRY BC PROGRAM GUIDE ..................................................... 6
SING A REPRESENTATIVE ................................................................................................................... 7
ECLARATION AND CONSENT ................................................................................................................ 8
PART 2: PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS SKILLS IMMIGRATION ................................................. 9
ENERAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................... 9
INIMUM INCOME REQUIREMENTS - SKILLS IMMIGRATION .......................................................................... 12
ANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS - SKILLS IMMIGRATION ................................................................................... 14
KILLS IMMIGRATION - SKILLED WORKER ............................................................................................... 15
KILLS IMMIGRATION - HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL ................................................................................. 18
KILLS IMMIGRATION - INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE .................................................................................. 21
KILLS IMMIGRATION - INTERNATIONAL POST-GRADUATE ........................................................................... 25
DEVELOPMENT REGION ..................................................................................................................... 27
PART 3: PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS - EXPRESS ENTRY BC ..................................................... 33
ENERAL REQUIREMENTS EXPRESS ENTRY BC ...................................................................................... 33
INIMUM INCOME REQUIREMENTS - EXPRESS ENTRY BC ............................................................................ 36
ANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS EXPRESS ENTRY BC ..................................................................................... 38
XPRESS ENTRY BC - SKILLED WORKER ................................................................................................. 39
XPRESS ENTRY BC - HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL ................................................................................... 42
XPRESS ENTRY BC - INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE .................................................................................... 44
XPRESS ENTRY BC - INTERNATIONAL POST-GRADUATE ............................................................................. 48
PART 4: EMPLOYER REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................... 50
MPLOYER RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................. 50
ENERAL EMPLOYER REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................................... 50
UBLIC SECTOR AND NON-PROFIT EMPLOYERS ........................................................................................ 53
NELIGIBLE EMPLOYERS ..................................................................................................................... 54
THER CONSIDERATIONS .................................................................................................................. 54
PART 5: PROCESS .................................................................................................................... 55
EGISTRATION ............................................................................................................................... 55
MPORTANT INFORMATION ................................................................................................................. 57
HAT IS THE NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION (NOC)? ............................................................... 59
EGISTRATION SCORING ................................................................................................................... 60
NVITATIONS TO APPLY ..................................................................................................................... 70
PPLICATION AND NOMINATION DECISION ............................................................................................. 73
EFUSAL TO ACCEPT AN APPLICATION ................................................................................................... 73
PPLICATION ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................. 74
EQUEST FOR REVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 75
ITHDRAWING YOUR APPLICATION ...................................................................................................... 76
ONDITIONS OF YOUR NOMINATION ..................................................................................................... 77
PNP WITHDRAWAL OF YOUR NOMINATION ........................................................................................ 79
ORK PERMITS .............................................................................................................................. 80
ORK PERMIT SUPPORT LETTERS ........................................................................................................ 80
NFORMING THE BC PNP OF CHANGES AFTER NOMINATION ........................................................................ 82
APPENDIX 1: BC PNP TECH PILOT ........................................................................................... 83
OB OFFER DURATION REQUIREMENT FOR ELIGIBLE TECH OCCUPATIONS ........................................................ 83
BC PNP Program Guide
Updates to This Edition
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Updates to This Edition
In an effort to clarify information presented in previous editions of the Skills Immigration & Express
Entry BC Program Guide, there have been updates made to the content of the guide.
The following list outlines the updates made to the Program Guide.
November 8, 2019
1) Page 62: Clarified information regarding annual wage calculations for long-haul truck drivers
BC PNP Program Guide
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Act” means the
Provincial Immigration Programs Act
means the Director of Provincial Immigration Programs, or persons acting for the Director.
“Distance education” means a program of study in which the majority of the credits earned by the
student toward the completion of a program of study were earned by completing online courses.
Paid representative means:
a. A lawyer who is a member in good standing of the Law Society of BC or any other
Canadian Law Society, the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society, or the
Chambre des notaires du
; or,
b. An immigration consultant who is a full member in good standing of the Immigration
Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council.
Regulation means the
Provincial Immigration Programs Regulation
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 1: The B.C. Provincial Nominee Program: Introduction
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Part 1: The B.C. Provincial Nominee Program: Introduction
Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC Streams
The BC PNP is administered in partnership with the federal government in accordance with the 2015
Canada-British Columbia Immigration Agreement (CBCIA)
. The Government of Canada allocates a
limited number of nominations each year to British Columbia.
Provincial Immigration Programs Act
(Act) and the
Provincial Immigration Programs Regulation
(Regulation) governs provincial administration of the BC PNP.
The BC PNP Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC (EEBC) streams are intended for workers or
international graduates with the skills, education and/or experience required for high-demand
occupations in B.C.
To understand the program requirements and determine your eligibility, you must review this program
guide before you register and/or apply online for one of the program categories below.
If approved as a provincial nominee, you and your dependent family members can apply to
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to become a permanent resident of Canada in
the Provincial Nominee Class.
Skills Immigration categories:
Skills Immigration Skilled Worker
Skills Immigration Healthcare Professional
Skills Immigration International Graduate
Skills Immigration International Post-Graduate
Skills Immigration Entry Level and Semi-Skilled (Including employment in the Northeast
Development Region of B.C.)
Express Entry BC categories:
Express Entry BC Skilled Worker
Express Entry BC Healthcare Professional
Express Entry BC International Graduate
Express Entry BC International Post-Graduate
About the Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC Program Guide
The BC PNP Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC Program Guide provides complete and
comprehensive information about program eligibility requirements. For information on how to register
and apply using BCPNP Online, please refer to the
BC PNP Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC
Technical Guide.
Please carefully review the information in this guide before you register and/or apply.
All dollar figures in this guide are expressed in Canadian dollars.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 1: The B.C. Provincial Nominee Program: Introduction
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Using a Representative
You are not required to use a paid or unpaid representative such as an immigration consultant or
lawyer to register and/or apply to the BC PNP. The program is designed for you to be able to
complete the process on your own.
The BC PNP assesses all applications equally, regardless of whether they were prepared with the
assistance of a representative. Your application will not receive special attention, faster processing, or
a more favourable outcome if it is submitted using the services of a representative.
Some people choose to use a representative to provide immigration advice or to assist with the
process. You must disclose if you have received assistance in preparing your application from a person
who is compensated or receives a benefit as a result of such assistance. Failure to declare such
assistance may result in the refusal of the application. If you pay someone to act as your
representative, they must meet the requirements for authorized representatives stated below. A
representative is authorized to act on your behalf with the BC PNP.
Paid Representatives
The Act and Regulation restricts paid representation to groups defined by section 91(2) of the
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
immigration consultants who are full members in good standing of the
Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council
lawyers who are members in good standing of the Law Society of BC or another Canadian Law
Society, the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society, or the
Chambre des notaires du Quebec
In selecting a paid representative, it is highly recommended applicants confirm that their potential
representative is in good standing with their professional organization.
Unpaid Representatives
You may use the services of an unpaid representative to act on your behalf. Unpaid representatives
may include persons authorized under the Act and Regulation (see above), family members, friends,
and members of a non-governmental or religious organization.
The BC PNP only considers representatives as unpaid if they do not charge fees or receive any
other compensation or benefit for providing immigration advice or related services. If your unpaid
representative is found by the Province to have charged fees for, or otherwise benefited from, acting
as your Representative, the Province will revoke such person's eligibility to serve as your
Representative and may decline/cancel your application/approval to the BC PNP.
Changing Representatives
If you change representatives or decide to no longer be represented, you must provide notification to
the BC PNP. Failure to declare a change in representative may result in the refusal of your application.
The BC PNP will communicate with the representative indicated in your profile. If you decide to
change or remove your authorized representative, you must update this information in the
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 1: The B.C. Provincial Nominee Program: Introduction
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
tab in BCPNP Online. You are responsible for ensuring your profile is updated to reflect
changes in representatives.
You may only have one representative for your profile at any given time. If you wish to change your
representative during the BC PNP registration and/or application process, you (and if applicable, your
B.C. employer must update the information in the
My Representative
tab in BCPNP Online and submit
another use of a representative form allowing your new representative to represent you and allow the
BC PNP to disclose information to them.
Filing a new use of a representative form will automatically cancel any previously appointed
Use of a Representative Form
If you are using a representative or if you change your representative, you must submit the following
disclosure consent form:
Use of a representative form - applicant
If you are invited to apply and your employer is using a representative, your employer must also
complete their own use of a representative form. Your employer must complete this disclosure
consent form even if they are appointing the same representative.
Use of a representative form - employer
Declaration and Consent
By completing the BC PNP’s use of a representative form, you, and your employer where applicable,
have authorized the individual named on the form to represent you and act on your behalf with the
BC PNP. This may include representation throughout the registration, application, assessment and
post-nomination processes, as well as communication with program staff as required, including
disclosure of personal or confidential information to your representative.
The legal declaration in the online registration or application is your legal signature. If
your representative enters the registration or application on your behalf, you should
review the information provided as you will be legally responsible for the accuracy of the
form contents.
BCPNP Online uses your personal email as the unique personal identifier for your profile. The email
and contact information provided in your profile will be associated with the application in the system
and will be used by BC PNP staff for communication of final decisions.
At its discretion, the BC PNP may contact you and/or your employer directly to request additional
evidence or information to verify information in your registration and/or application, and to determine
if you meet or continue to meet all program requirements.
Beware of Immigration Fraud
We encourage you to protect yourself from immigration fraud. Learn more about
protecting yourself
from fraud.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Part 2: Program RequirementsSkills Immigration
You must meet all program requirements to be approved, or nominated, by the BC PNP. There are
program requirements for each stage of the process including the registration, application, and
nomination stages. Please carefully review the requirements in the sections below for complete
For more information about how to register and apply to the BC PNP, please review the
section of this guide.
General Requirements
The BC PNP Skills Immigration stream is an economic immigration option intended for people with the
skills, experience and qualifications needed by B.C. employers. This stream is designed for individuals
who are committed to live and work in B.C. and become permanent residents of Canada.
To be eligible for the program, you will need to satisfy the criteria in one of the following categories:
Skills Immigration Skilled Worker - managers, professionals and skilled tradespeople
Skills Immigration Healthcare Professional - physicians, registered nurses and other allied
health care workers employed with provincial health authorities
Skills Immigration International Graduate - with a degree or diploma from a Canadian
college or university
Skills Immigration International Post-Graduate - with a master’s or doctorate degree in the
natural, applied or health sciences from a B.C. university. Note that for this category only, a
job offer is not required
Skills Immigration - Entry Level and Semi-Skilled - (including employment in the Northeast
Development Region of B.C.) - workers in tourism/hospitality, food processing and long-haul
trucking, OR entry level and semi-skilled workers who are residing in the Northeast
Development Region of the province
It is your responsibility to demonstrate that you meet all program requirements.
Meeting the minimum eligibility requirements does not guarantee that you will be invited to apply, or
that you will be nominated.
A registration in the Skills Immigration Registration System is not an application to the Skills
Immigration stream and does not guarantee that you will be invited to apply.
You are responsible for maintaining copies of all documentation provided to the BC PNP for your
records and for referencing purposes.
For more information, please refer to the process section of this guide.
All program and category requirements must be met at the time of registration and, if
applicable, application.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Except where otherwise noted, the following are requirements in all categories of both the Express
Entry BC and Skills Immigration streams:
Your B.C. employer has offered, and you have accepted, indeterminate*, full-time employment
in an eligible occupation located in B.C. (Exception: Skills Immigration - International Post-
Graduate and EEBC - International Post-Graduate). Positions that require the employee to
spend the majority of time outside of B.C. do not qualify.
*Please see Appendix 1: BC PNP Tech Pilot for the “indeterminate job offer”
exception for
eligible tech occupations.
You must be qualified for the offered position. The BC PNP may refer to the
Occupational Classification (NOC), WorkBC or industry standards to determine the minimum
qualifications for an occupation. For more information about the NOC and how it works, please
visit this section.
The wage you have been offered must be competitive with B.C. wage rates for the occupation.
For more information, please refer to individual category requirements.
To meet program criteria, if you are registering and/or applying with a job offer for an
occupation classified under NOC Skill Levels B, C, or D, you must demonstrate English or
French language proficiency at Canadian Language Benchmark
(CLB) level 4 in each of the
four competencies: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
If the position offered to you is classified under NOC Skill Type 0 or Skill Level A, you are not
required to submit valid language test results at the time of registration unless you are
claiming points for language. However, at its discretion, the BC PNP may require valid
language test results during application assessment to determine whether you have the
language proficiency to perform the duties of the position.
If you are claiming points for language under the registration system, you must provide the BC
PNP with a copy of your language test results at the time of application, regardless of the NOC
skill level of your B.C. job offer.
You must demonstrate that you meet minimum income requirements. For more information,
please see the minimum income requirements section
In the five years preceding your application, and throughout the BC PNP application process,
you and your spouse or common-law partner must not have held a combined
ownership/equity stake of more than 10 per cent in the B.C. company that has offered you
Your employment must provide economic benefit to B.C. For example, your employment will
contribute to:
o maintaining or creating jobs for Canadians
o transferring knowledge and skills to Canadians
o supporting the development of proprietary new products
o building the workforce for a major project
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Your employment must not adversely affect the settlement of a labour dispute, or the
employment of anyone involved in any such dispute, or adversely impact training or
employment opportunities for British Columbians.
If invited to apply, you must submit the $700 application fee with your online application
before your application will be processed. Incomplete applications will not be approved, and
application fees will only be refunded if you withdraw your application before the BC PNP
begins to assess it.
You may contact the BC PNP in writing by sending an email to
to withdraw
your application and find out if you are eligible for a refund. Please provide your full name,
your date of birth, and your BC PNP application file number in your email. Withdrawal requests
submitted in-person or through voicemail will not be accepted.
For the purposes of assessing your work experience in Canada, the BC PNP will only consider
work experience that was obtained while you were legally authorized to work. You must also
meet other category-specific work experience requirements.
The BC PNP will not nominate you if you:
are prohibited from entering Canada
are in Canada and are out of status
o if your status has expired, and you cannot demonstrate you have applied for
restoration of status within the 90-day eligibility period, you will be considered
out of status
are working in Canada without authorization
have an unresolved refugee claim in Canada
are under a removal order in or outside of Canada
You must inform the BC PNP if there is a change in your circumstances. These may include,
but are not limited to, the following:
o change of employer
o change of job title and duties
o decrease in salary
o change in number of dependants
o change in immigration status
An individual can only have one active BC PNP registration and/or application at a time.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Minimum Income Requirements - Skills Immigration
To be eligible for the BC PNP's Skills Immigration streams, except for the International Post-Graduate
stream, you must meet minimum income requirements according to your:
annual wage in B.C.
location of residence in B.C.
number of dependants
The BC PNP has established minimum family income thresholds for the Greater Vancouver Regional
District and the rest of B.C. Your family must meet the minimum family income threshold for your
chosen area of residence.
Family income is the total of:
your regular gross annual wage from the B.C. employer supporting your BC PNP application
if applicable, your spouse or common-law partner's regular gross annual wage in B.C. Your
spouse or common-law partner must have a valid work permit or valid employment
In calculating your family income, the BC PNP will only consider regular gross annual wages. BC PNP
does not consider bonuses, commissions, profit-sharing distributions, tips/gratuities, overtime wages,
housing allowances, room and board or other similar payments to be part of your wage.
Please note
that for the purposes of determining your family income, your annual wage is calculated using the
number of hours worked in a week to a maximum of 40 hours/week x 52 weeks per year. For long-
haul truck drivers, your annual wage is calculated using the number of hours worked in a week to a
maximum of 60 hours/week x 52 weeks.
For the purpose of calculating family size, dependants who are Canadian citizens or permanent
residents are not included in the calculation.
The onus is on your employer to demonstrate that the offered wage is genuine and bona
fide. Applications will not be approved where the BC PNP believes that the offered wage has been
inflated or increased for the purpose of meeting minimum income requirements, or for the purpose of
obtaining a higher registration score.
If you are working for your B.C. employer on a valid work permit, you must be able to demonstrate a
history of earning the offered wage and a history of meeting minimum income requirements prior to
submitting a registration and application to the BC PNP. Entry level and semi-skilled applicants must
be able to demonstrate a history of meeting the applicable income threshold requirement for the full
nine month period prior to submitting a registration and application.
If you were originally hired based on a positive federal Labour Market Impact Assessment, the wage
you are earning at the time of registration and/or application must be equal to or greater than the
wage stated in the offer of employment and on the Labour Market Impact Assessment.
Your spouse or common-law partner’s annual wage will only be included in the family income
calculation if your spouse or common-law partner has a valid work permit or valid employment
authorization, and is currently employed in B.C. The table below includes the size of your family unit
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
(your spouse or common-law partner and dependent children, whether or not they come with you to
live in B.C.), to determine if you meet the minimum family income threshold for your area of
Please note that your spouse will be included in the size of your family unless you provide a signed
Statutory Declaration of your official separation, a Divorce Certificate, or an equivalent official
document indicating that the relationship has ended.
Please also note that the number of dependants declared on your federal application for permanent
residence to IRCC must match the number of dependants listed on your BC PNP application. The BC
PNP must be informed of any changes to your family size throughout the BC PNP and IRCC
permanent residence application process.
Any changes to your dependant information may affect minimum income requirements. Failure to
notify the BC PNP of any changes may result in a refusal of your application or withdrawal of your
Family Income Threshold by Area of Residence
Size of Family
Greater Vancouver Regional
Rest of B.C.
$22,804 $19,006
$28,390 $23,659
$34,902 $29,087
$42,376 $35,316
$48,062 $40,054
$54,205 $45,175
7 or more
$60,350 $50,296
The income thresholds in this table represent 90% of an amount calculated from the appropriate 2017
Low-Income Cut-Off (LICO) figures set by Statistics Canada.
This table is updated regularly to reflect the latest LICO figures.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Language Requirements - Skills Immigration
While language test results may not be mandatory for the category under which you are registering,
providing valid language test results may impact your registration score.
To meet program criteria, if you are registering and/or applying with a job offer for an occupation
classified under NOC Skill Levels B, C, or D, you must submit valid language test results showing you
have obtained a minimum score equal to or greater than a benchmark 4 under the
Language Benchmark (CLB) in all four competencies: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
If the occupation offered to you is classified under NOC Skill Type 0 or Skill Level A, you are not
required to submit valid language test results at the time of registration unless you are claiming points
for language. However, at its discretion, the BC PNP may require valid language test results during
application assessment to determine whether you have the language proficiency to perform the duties
of the position.
If you are claiming points for language under the registration system, you must provide the BC PNP
with a copy of your language test results at the time of application, regardless of the NOC skill level of
your B.C. job offer.
A benchmark score of 4 is considered Basic Proficiency and means that you can:
communicate basic needs and personal experience
follow, with considerable effort, simple formal and informal conversations
read a simple set of instructions in plain language
write short messages, postcards, notes or directions
The valid language test results must be from one of the following language proficiency tests
administered by a designated testing agency:
the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) General Training
the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP-General)
the Test d'évaluation de français (TEF)
Test results will be considered valid for the two years from the date of issuance. Test results must be
valid at the time of registration (if required to meet category requirements) AND application.
The following table shows the minimum scores required in each of the designated tests to meet CLB
Minimum Language Test Scores Required
Listening Reading Writing Speaking
IELTS 4.5 3.5 4.0 4.0
CELPIP 4 4 4 4
TEF 145 121 181 181
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Skills Immigration - Skilled Worker
Eligibility Requirements
Please note that your application will not be approved if you are in Canada and do not have valid
immigration status, or if you are working without authorization.
In addition to meeting general requirements
, to qualify for the Skills Immigration Skilled Worker
category, you must have the following:
1) minimum two years of directly related full-time (or full-time equivalent) work
experience in the skilled occupation that has been offered to you, and, if applicable,
the credentials and qualification requirements of the position
The position you have been offered must be classified as Skill Type 0, Skill level A or B in the
Occupational Classification (NOC). These positions normally require post-secondary education and
training. For more information about the NOC and how it works, please visit this section.
The BC PNP defines directly related work experience as paid employment that is classified under the
same NOC code as the B.C. job offer that you have accepted. Experience in a related occupation at a
NOC skill level equal to or greater than the NOC code of the B.C. job offer may also be included if, at
the time of application, you can satisfactorily demonstrate how this work experience is directly related.
If the offered position requires mandatory certification, licensing or registration, you must provide
documentation at the time of application to the BC PNP, showing that you meet these requirements,
or how these requirements will shortly be met.
Experience obtained in paid co-op work terms is eligible if it meets the following criteria:
the paid co-op work term is full-time (minimum 30 hours per week)
the paid co-op experience is a NOC skill level equal to or greater than the NOC code of the
B.C. job offer
o at the time of application, you must be able to satisfactorily demonstrate how this work
experience is directly related
Experience in a lower skill level NOC is not considered as directly related.
Unpaid co-op work terms are not eligible.
This experience may be from work performed within Canada or abroad.
2) an offer of indeterminate*, full-time employment from an eligible B.C. employer at a
wage that meets industry standards
Your employer must provide you with a written offer of employment on official company letterhead.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
The letter must be:
signed and dated by an employee, or owner, of the company who is authorized to hire
signed and dated by you confirming that you accept the job offer
In addition, the offer of employment must include:
your job title and duties
your rate of pay
your standard hours of work
that the position is indeterminate* and full-time (at least an average of 30 hours a week, year-
any discretionary benefits in addition to those required by law (such as pension and medical
plans, disability insurance, sick pay, accommodation and meal allowances, and extra paid
if the position is covered by a collective agreement, a reference to the agreement
Your employer cannot make any deductions from your pay or require you to pay any fees for
recruitment or retention, or any fee that is normally paid by the employer. For more information,
please visit Employment Standards Branch’s website
The wage stated on your offer of employment must be at market rate and comparable to the rate
paid to workers with a similar level of experience and training for equivalent jobs in B.C. and
consistent with the wage compensation structure of your employer. For examples of market wage
rates by occupation, please visit the Job Bank
The BC PNP will not consider bonuses, commissions, profit-sharing distributions, tips/gratuities,
overtime wages, housing allowances, room and board, or other similar payments to be part of your
You must be establishing an employee/employer relationship with your employer. If you will be
providing services as an independent contractor, you are not eligible for the Skills Immigration stream
of the BC PNP.
If you were originally hired based on a positive federal Labour Market Impact Assessment, the wage
you are earning at the time of registration and application must be equal to or greater than the wage
stated in the offer of employment and on the Labour Market Impact Assessment.
Your employer must also meet employer requirements.
*Please see Appendix 1: BC PNP Tech Pilot for the “indeterminate job offer”
exception for eligible tech
3) evidence that you meet minimum income requirements
You must demonstrate that you meet minimum income requirements according to your:
annual wage in B.C.
location of residence in B.C.
number of dependants
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Information about how the BC PNP assesses your minimum income requirements can be found here
in this guide.
4) language proficiency
If you are working in a Skill Level B occupation, you must submit valid language test results showing
you have obtained a minimum score equal to or greater than a benchmark 4 under the
Language Benchmark (CLB) in all four competencies: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Test results will be considered valid for two years from the date of issuance. Test results must be valid
at the time of registration and application.
If the occupation offered to you is classified under NOC Skill Type 0 or Skill Level A, you are not
required to submit valid language test results at the time of registration unless you are claiming points
for language. However, at its discretion, the BC PNP may require valid language test results during
application assessment to determine whether you have the language proficiency to perform the duties
of the position.
If you are claiming points for language under the registration system, you must provide the BC PNP
with a copy of your language test results at the time of application, regardless of the NOC Skill Level
of your B.C. job offer.
Information about how we assess your language requirements can be found here
in this guide.
All requirements must be met at the time of registration and, if applicable, application.
For information on what documents are required at the time of application, please see the
Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC Technical Guide.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Skills Immigration - Healthcare Professional
Health care workers are in demand across British Columbia. If you are a physician, nurse, psychiatric
nurse, or allied health professional with a job offer from a public health authority, or if you are a
midwife, you may be eligible to apply to the BC PNP under the Skills Immigration Healthcare
Professional category.
Please note that your application will not be approved if you are in Canada and do not have valid
immigration status, or if you are working without authorization.
Health Match BC
If you are looking for opportunities to work as a health care professional in B.C., we encourage you to
contact Health Match BC
. This free provincial service recruits health care professionals on behalf of
B.C.’s health authorities. In addition to helping you find a job in your field, Health Match BC staff can
answer your questions about the BC PNP and assist you with your application.
Eligibility Requirements
In addition to meeting general requirements
, to qualify for the Skills Immigration Healthcare
Professional category, you must have the following:
1) an offer of indeterminate, full-time employment with a public health authority
as a:
specialist physician
registered nurse
registered psychiatric nurse
nurse practitioner
an allied health professional such as a:
o diagnostic medical sonographer
o clinical pharmacist
o medical laboratory technologist
o medical radiation technologist
o occupational therapist
o physiotherapist
o must have a letter of confirmation from an established practice group in British
Columbia confirming your acceptance into the group as an affiliated midwife for a
period of at least six months. This letter must be on the practice group's official
letterhead, and must be signed by you and the head of the practice group.
o must be registered, or eligible to be registered, with the
College of Midwives of British
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
2) minimum two years of directly related full-time (or full-time equivalent) work
experience in the skilled occupation that has been offered to you, and, if applicable,
the credentials and qualification requirements of the position
If the offered position requires mandatory certification, licensing or registration you must provide
documentation at the time of application to the BC PNP, showing that you meet these requirements,
or how these requirements will shortly be met.
This experience may be from work performed within Canada or abroad.
3) a written offer of employment on official company letterhead from your employer
The letter must be:
signed and dated by an employee, or owner, of the company who is authorized to hire
signed and dated by you confirming that you accept the job offer
In addition, the offer of employment must include:
your job title and duties
your rate of pay
your standard hours of work
that the position is indeterminate and full-time (at least an average of 30 hours a week, year-
any discretionary benefits in addition to those required by law (such as pension and medical
plans, disability insurance, sick pay, accommodation and meal allowances, and extra paid
if the position is covered by a collective agreement, a reference to the agreement
Your employer cannot make any deductions from your pay or require you to pay any fees for
recruitment or retention, or any fee that is normally paid by the employer. For more information,
please visit Employment Standards Branch’s website
The wage stated on your offer of employment must be at market rate and comparable to the rate
paid to workers with a similar level of experience and training for equivalent jobs in B.C. and
consistent with the wage compensation structure of your employer. For examples of market wage
rates by occupation, please visit the Job Bank
The BC PNP will not consider bonuses, commissions, profit-sharing distributions, tips/gratuities,
overtime wages, housing allowances, room and board, or other similar payments to be part of your
You must be establishing an employee/employer relationship with your employer. If you will be
providing services as an independent contractor you are not eligible for the Skills Immigration stream
of the BC PNP. If you are a physician with a job offer from a public health authority, this criterion is
deemed to have been met.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
If you were originally hired based on a positive federal Labour Market Impact Assessment, the wage
you are earning at the time of registration and/or application must be equal to or greater than the
wage stated in the offer of employment and on the Labour Market Impact Assessment.
Your employer must also meet employer requirements.
4) evidence that you meet minimum income requirements
You must demonstrate that you meet minimum income requirements according to your:
annual wage in B.C.
location of residence in B.C.
number of dependants
Information about how the BC PNP assesses your minimum income requirements can be found here
in this guide.
5) language proficiency
If you are working in a Skill Level B occupation, you must submit valid language test results showing
you have obtained a minimum score equal to or greater than a benchmark 4 under the
Language Benchmark (CLB) in all four competencies: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Test results will be considered valid for two years from the date of issuance. Test results must be valid
at the time of registration and application.
If the occupation offered to you is classified under National Occupational Classification (NOC)
Type 0 or Skill Level A, you are not required to submit valid language test results at the time of
application. However, at its discretion, the BC PNP may require valid language test results during
application assessment to determine whether you have the language proficiency to perform the duties
of the position.
Information about how we assess your language requirements can be found here
in this guide.
All requirements must be met at the time of application.
For information on what documents are required at the time of application, please see the
Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC Technical Guide.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Skills Immigration - International Graduate
If you are an international student who has graduated from a Canadian university or college in the
past three years, you may be eligible for the BC PNP.
Please note that your application will not be approved if you are in Canada and do not have valid
immigration status, or if you are working without authorization.
Eligibility Requirements
In addition to meeting general requirements, to qualify for the Skills Immigration - International
Graduate category, you must have the following:
1) a degree, diploma or certificate from an eligible post-secondary institution in Canada
You must submit your registration to the BC PNP within three years of the date shown on your
official transcript indicating that you have completed all requirements of the degree or diploma
Your education is not eligible if it is a distance education learning program either from abroad or from
within Canada.
Your undergraduate or graduate degree must be from a Canadian post-secondary institution
authorized to grant degrees.
If the location is in B.C.:
see the Education Planner
for a list of degree programs offered in B.C.
see the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training website for a list of authorized
degree programs offered by B.C. private post-secondary institutions
Note: Some graduate level degrees are eligible under the Skills Immigration - International Post
Graduate category.
Diplomas and Certificates
If you have a diploma or certificate, it must be from a public post-secondary institution in Canada.
Diplomas and Certificates from private institutions are not eligible. Language training (an
ESL program, for example) does not qualify.
Your program must have been at least 8 months (two semesters) of full-time equivalent coursework
(excluding co-op work terms, practicums and internships). Co-op work terms, practicums and
internships may be completed, provided the 8-month requirement of coursework has been met.
You may be requested to provide a letter from your educational institution that confirms your program
meets this requirement.
Full-time equivalent study is defined by the post-secondary institution which issued the credential.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
See the Ministry of Advanced Education
, Skills & Training website for a list of public post-secondary
institutions in B.C.
2) a job offer for a full-time, indeterminate* position that typically requires a university
or college education at a wage that meets industry standards
The onus is on your employer to demonstrate that the job offer is bona fide.
The position you have been offered must be classified as Skill Type 0 or Skill Level A or B in
National Occupational Classification (NOC). For more information about the NOC and how it works,
please visit this section.
Supervisor or management positions are normally only obtained through progressively increasing
experience or responsibilities. If you have been offered a supervisor or management position, the
onus is on you and your employer to demonstrate that you have obtained experience that qualifies
you for the position. You must clearly demonstrate this experience in your resume.
If you are unable to demonstrate that you have obtained progressively increasing experience or
responsibilities, or if your employer cannot demonstrate that the job offer is bona fide, your
application may be refused.
If the offered position requires mandatory certification, licensing or registration, you must provide
documentation at the time of application to the BC PNP, showing that you meet these requirements,
or how these requirements will shortly be met.
Your employer must provide you with a written offer of employment on official company letterhead.
The letter must be:
signed and dated by an employee, or owner, of the company who is authorized to hire
signed and dated by you confirming that you accept the job offer
In addition, the offer of employment must include:
your job title and duties
your rate of pay
your standard hours of work
that the position is indeterminate* and full-time (at least an average of 30 hours a week, year-
any discretionary benefits in addition to those required by law (such as pension and medical
plans, disability insurance, sick pay, accommodation and meal allowances, and extra paid
if the position is covered by a collective agreement, a reference to the agreement
Your employer cannot make any deductions from your pay or require you to pay any fees for
recruitment or retention, or any fee that is normally paid by the employer. For more information,
please visit Employment Standards Branch’s website
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
The wage stated on your offer of employment must be at market rate and comparable to the rate
paid to workers with a similar level of experience and training for equivalent jobs in B.C. and
consistent with the wage compensation structure of your employer. For examples of market wage
rates by occupation, please visit the Job Bank
The BC PNP will not consider bonuses, commissions, profit-sharing distributions, tips/gratuities,
overtime wages, housing allowances, room and board, or other similar payments to be part of your
You must be establishing an employee/employer relationship with your employer. If you will be
providing services as an independent contractor you are not eligible for the Skills Immigration stream
of the BC PNP.
If you were originally hired based on a positive federal Labour Market Impact Assessment, the wage
you are earning at the time of registration and/or application must be equal to or greater than the
wage stated in the offer of employment and on the Labour Market Impact Assessment.
Your employer must also meet employer requirements
*Please see Appendix 1: BC PNP Tech Pilot for the “indeterminate job offer”
exception for eligible tech
3) evidence that you meet minimum income requirements
You must demonstrate that you meet minimum income requirements according to your:
annual wage in B.C.
location of residence in B.C.
number of dependants
Information about how the BC PNP assesses your minimum income requirements can be found here
in this guide.
4) language proficiency
If you are offered a position in a Skill Level B occupation, you must submit valid language test results
showing you have obtained a minimum score equal to or greater than a benchmark 4 under the
Canadian Language Benchmark
(CLB) in all four competencies: listening, speaking, reading and
Test results will be considered valid for two years from the date of issuance. Test results must be valid
at the time of registration and application.
If the occupation offered to you is classified under NOC
Skill Type 0 or Skill Level A, you are not
required to submit valid language test results at the time of registration unless you are claiming points
for language. However, at its discretion, the BC PNP may require valid language test results during
application assessment to determine whether you have the language proficiency to perform the duties
of the position.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
If you are claiming points for language under the registration system, you must provide the BC PNP
with a copy of your language test results at the time of application, regardless of the NOC Skill Level
of your B.C. job offer.
Information about how we assess your language requirements can be found here
in this guide.
All requirements must be met at the time of registration and, if applicable, application.
For information on what documents are required at the time of application, please see the
Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC Technical Guide.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Skills Immigration - International Post-Graduate
If you have recently graduated from a B.C. post-secondary institution with a master’s or doctorate
degree in the natural, applied or health sciences, you may be eligible for the BC PNP’s International
Post-Graduate category. You do not need a job offer from an employer to apply to this category.
Please note that your application will not be approved if you are in Canada and do not have valid
immigration status, or if you are working without authorization. For more information about study
permit validity, please refer to IRCC’s website
Eligibility Requirements
In addition to meeting general requirements, to qualify for the Skills Immigration - International Post-
Graduate category, you must have the following:
1) a master’s or doctoral degree received within the past three years from an eligible
program at a post-secondary institution in B.C.
Your master’s or doctorate degree must be from an eligible B.C. post-secondary institution.
Your education is not eligible if it is a distance education learning program either from abroad or from
within Canada.
Your graduate degree (master’s or doctorate) must be in one of the following programs of study in
the natural, applied or health sciences:
agriculture, agriculture operations and related sciences
biological and biomedical sciences
computer and information sciences and support services
engineering technology and engineering-related fields
health professions and related programs
mathematics and statistics
natural resources conservation
physical sciences
IMPORTANT: Please refer to the BC PNP IPG & EEBC IPG Eligible Programs of Study
document for
more information on eligible programs of study.
You must submit your application to the BC PNP within three years of the date shown on your
official transcript indicating that you have completed all requirements of the degree program.
2) ability and intent to live and work in B.C.
Evidence of this may include:
the length of any previous and/or current period of residence in B.C.
your connections to B.C. through work, study or family
a description of any actions you’ve taken to permanently settle in B.C., such as finding a job or
place to live
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
current employment in B.C.
employment search details (prospective employers, applications, networking efforts, business
development, etc.)
community involvement
ability to financially support yourself in B.C.
your plan to obtain or maintain legal authorization to work in B.C.
The BC PNP generally requires that applicants in this category will reside in B.C. after graduating from
an eligible program of study. Failure to demonstrate that you will reside in B.C. following your
nomination may result in a refusal of your application. In compelling extenuating circumstances, the
BC PNP may provide an exception from this policy for a limited time.
If you are not currently residing in B.C., you must indicate the date by which you will reside
permanently in B.C.
Failure to submit evidence of your ability and intent to permanently reside in B.C. may result in the
refusal of your application.
All requirements must be met at the time of application.
For information on what documents are required at the time of application, please see the BC PNP
Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC Technical Guide.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements – Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Skills Immigration - Entry Level and Semi-Skilled (ELSS) - including employment
in Northeast Development Region
You may be eligible in this category if you are currently working in B.C. in an eligible occupation in the
tourism/hospitality, long-haul trucking or food processing industry.
You may be eligible for this category if you are currently working in the
Northeast Development
Region of the province in any entry level or semi-skilled occupation, other than live-in caregivers,
listed as Skill Level C or D in the National Occupational Classification. For more information about the
NOC and how it works, please visit this section.
Please note that your application will not be approved if you are in Canada and do not have valid
immigration status, or if you are working without authorization.
Eligibility Requirements
In addition to meeting general requirements to qualify for the BC PNP as an Entry Level and Semi-
Skilled worker, you must have the following:
1) B.C. work experience in an eligible occupation
You must be employed and working full-time (at least an average of 30 hours a week, year round)
with the B.C. employer supporting your BC PNP application in any ELSS-eligible occupation for at least
nine consecutive months immediately prior to registering to the BC PNP.
The BC PNP may allow for changes in your employment from one ELSS-eligible occupation to a
different ELSS-eligible occupation with the same employer. If you need to make changes to the job
offer information that you have entered in your registration, you will need to withdraw your
registration and submit a new registration with the updated information. This will be done using your
existing BCPNP Online profile.
Further, the BC PNP may allow for promotions within the ELSS category from an ELSS-eligible
occupation to a NOC Skill Level B occupation with the same employer if you already qualify for and
have registered with the BC PNP under the ELSS category. However, we require that you meet all
ELSS requirements before the promotion. For example, the BC PNP will not approve your ELSS
application if you have only worked for three months in the ELSS eligible position prior to being
promoted to a NOC B occupation. You must also meet all qualifications for the new position as defined
in the National Occupational Classification
Annual vacation leave will generally count toward meeting this nine consecutive month employment
requirement. For example, if you worked for nine months for the supporting employer, and during
that nine month period you took a two week vacation, you would still meet the nine month
employment requirement.
Employment that is part of a program of study (such as co-op) or obtained using a Study Permit or
Off-Campus Work Permit does not qualify towards your work experience.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
With the exception of the Northeast Development Region of B.C., eligible occupations are divided into
three categories:
tourism and hospitality
long-haul trucking
food processing
Refer to this section for a complete list of eligible occupations.
You must maintain full-time employment with your employer in B.C. throughout both the BC PNP and
the permanent residence processes.
Registrants who are no longer authorized to work for the supporting B.C. employer at the time they
receive an invitation to apply, and who maintain legal status in Canada (e.g. as a visitor) or leave
Canada, may submit an application provided they meet the following:
the requirement for 9 months of full-time employment on a valid work permit in B.C. was met
at the time of current registration
the job offer remains valid throughout the current registration and application process
The employer must also demonstrate ongoing recruitment for the vacant position during the period
when the registrant is not authorized to work.
In addition to the 9 months of full-time employment requirement, long-haul truck drivers must also
have at least two years of employment experience as a long-haul truck driver in the preceding three
years before registering with the BC PNP. This experience can be obtained from within Canada or
2) an offer of indeterminate, full-time employment from an eligible B.C. employer, in
an eligible NOC C or D occupation, at a wage that meets industry standards
Your employer must provide you with a written offer of employment on official company letterhead.
The letter must be:
signed and dated by an employee, or owner, of the company who is authorized to hire
signed and dated by you confirming that you accept the job offer
In addition, the offer of employment must include:
your job title and duties
your rate of pay
your standard hours of work
that the position is indeterminate and full-time (at least an average of 30 hours a week, year-
any discretionary benefits in addition to those required by law (such as pension and medical
plans, disability insurance, sick pay, accommodation and meal allowances, and extra paid
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
if the position is covered by a collective agreement, a reference to the agreement
Your employer cannot make any deductions from your pay (or require you to pay any fees) for
recruitment or retention, or any fee that is normally paid by the employer. For more information,
please visit Employment Standards Branch’s website
The wage stated on your offer of employment must be at market rate and comparable to the rate
paid to workers with a similar level of experience and training for equivalent jobs in B.C. and
consistent with the wage compensation structure of your employer. For examples of market wage
rates by occupation, please visit the Job Bank
The BC PNP will not consider bonuses, commissions, profit-sharing distributions, tips/gratuities,
overtime wages, housing allowances, room and board, or other similar payments to be part of your
You must be establishing an employee/employer relationship with your employer. If you will be
providing services as an independent contractor you are not eligible for the Skills Immigration stream
of the BC PNP.
If you were originally hired based on a positive federal Labour Market Impact Assessment, the wage
you are earning at the time of registration and/or application must be equal to or greater than the
wage stated in the offer of employment and on the Labour Market Impact Assessment.
Your employer must also meet employer requirements.
3) evidence that you meet minimum income requirements
You must demonstrate that you meet minimum income requirements according to your:
annual wage in B.C.
location of residence in B.C.
number of dependants
Entry Level and Semi-Skilled applicants must be able to demonstrate a history of meeting the
applicable minimum income requirements for at least nine consecutive months prior to submitting a
registration and/or application. The BC PNP may also request additional documentation for the full
duration of employment with the supporting employer.
Information about how the BC PNP assesses your minimum income requirements can be found here
in this guide.
4) completion of secondary education and any licensing or certification required for
your job
At a minimum, you must have successfully completed secondary education (graduated from high
school) either within or outside of Canada. You will need to submit a copy, in English, of your highest-
level diploma, certificate, degree, or transcripts.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
If the offered position requires mandatory certification, licensing or registration, you must provide
documentation at the time of application to the BC PNP, showing that you meet these requirements,
or how these requirements will shortly be met.
Long-haul truck drivers must have:
a valid B.C. Class 1 driver’s licence for the duration of the nine months full-time work
air brake endorsement
other certification(s), if required (such as certification for transporting dangerous goods)
5) language proficiency
You must submit valid language test results showing you have obtained a minimum score equal to or
greater than a benchmark 4 under the Canadian Language Benchmark
(CLB) in all four competencies:
listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Test results will be considered valid for two years from the date of issuance. Test results must be valid
at the time of registration and application.
Information about how we assess your language requirements can be found here
in this guide.
All requirements must be met at the time of registration and, if applicable, application.
Employment in the Northeast Development Region of B.C.
If you are currently working in the Northeast Development Region, you may be eligible for this
category if you are employed in any entry level or semi-skilled occupation listed as Skill Level C or D
in the NOC, excluding live-in caregivers. Your eligibility for ELSS is not restricted to occupations in the
tourism/hospitality, long-haul trucking or food processing industries.
If you are employed under the Live-In Caregiver program, you are not eligible for the BC PNP as this
federal program already provides participants with a pathway to permanent residence.
If you have an offer of indeterminate full-time employment for a higher-skilled occupation at the NOC
Skill Type 0 or Skill Level A or B, you may be eligible to apply to the BC PNP under the
Immigration Skilled Worker category.
For information on what documents are required at the time of application, please see the
Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC Technical Guide.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
List of ELSS-Eligible Occupations
Below is a complete list of eligible occupations in tourism/hospitality, long-haul trucking and food
processing. Please see the National Occupational Classification
for a description of the main duties for
each occupation.
Occupations in Travel and Accommodation
NOC Occupation
6525 Hotel Front Desk Clerks
Tour and Recreational Guides and Casino Occupations
NOC Occupation
6531 Tour and Travel Guides
6532 Outdoor Sport and Recreational Guides
6533 Casino Occupations
Occupations in Food and Beverage Service
NOC Occupation
6511 Maîtres d’hotel and Hosts/Hostesses
6512 Bartenders
6513 Food and Beverage Servers
Food Counter Attendants, Kitchen Helpers and Related
Note: If you are working as a chef or a cook, you must apply under the Skilled Worker category.
Cleaners (Employed Directly by Hotels/Resorts)
NOC Occupation
6731 Light Duty Cleaners
6732 Specialized Cleaners
6733 Janitors, Caretakers and Building Superintendents
Support Occupations in Accommodation, Travel and Facilities
Set-Up Services
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 2: Program Requirements Skills Immigration
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Other Service Occupations (Employed Directly by Hotels/Resorts)
NOC Occupation
6741 Dry Cleaning, Laundry and Related Occupations
6742 Other Service Support Occupations
Food Processing
NOC Occupation
Process Control and Machine Operators, Food and Beverage
Industrial Butchers and Meat Cutters, Poultry Preparers and
Related Workers
9463 Fish and Seafood Plant Workers
Testers and Graders, Food, Beverage and Associated Products
Labourers in Food, Beverage and Associated Products
9618 Labourers in Fish and Seafood Processing
Long-Haul Truck Drivers
NOC Occupation
7511 Long-Haul Truck Driver
Note: To qualify in this category, you must meet the eligibility requirements for the Entry Level and
Semi-Skilled worker category.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 3: Program Requirements - Express Entry BC
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Part 3: Program Requirements - Express Entry BC
Express Entry is an online application management system introduced by Immigration, Refugees and
Citizenship Canada (IRCC) in January 2015. British Columbia introduced Express Entry BC (EEBC) at
the same time. EEBC allows the BC PNP to use IRCC’s Express Entry system to meet the province’s
specific labour market needs.
For more information about how to register and apply to the BC PNP, please review the
section of this guide.
General RequirementsExpress Entry BC
You must meet all of the following EEBC requirements to receive priority processing of your
permanent residence application. You must:
meet the criteria for at least one of the federal economic immigration programs subject to
IRCC’s Express Entry system
obtain a valid IRCC Express Entry Profile Number and a Job Seeker Validation Code, and
indicate your interest in immigrating to B.C.
receive a nomination under one of the BC PNP’s EEBC categories
If you are interested in applying to the BC PNP under an EEBC category, you need to ensure that you
meet the minimum criteria for both the relevant BC PNP category as well as one of the eligible
federal economic immigration programs.
You must meet the minimum criteria for one of the categories under the Express Entry BC stream:
Express Entry BC Skilled Worker
Express Entry BC Healthcare Professional
Express Entry BC - International Graduate
Express Entry BC - International Post Graduate
All EEBC categories, with the exception of EEBC International Post-Graduate, require a valid offer of
indeterminate*, full-time employment from a B.C. employer. Positions that require the employee to
spend the majority of time outside of B.C. do not qualify.
*Please see Appendix 1: BC PNP Tech Pilot for the “indeterminate job offer”
exception for eligible tech
In addition to meeting BC PNP requirements, you must also meet the minimum criteria for one of the
following federal economic immigration programs:
Federal Skilled Worker Program
Federal Skilled Trades Program
Canadian Experience Class
These federal programs require a language proficiency test at a prescribed level and may require an
independent evaluation of your education that is assessed against Canadian standards.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 3: Program Requirements - Express Entry BC
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
You must review IRCC’s Express Entry system, complete the self-assessment, and if eligible, create a
profile. You must also indicate that you are interested in settling in B.C.
You will be required to enter information regarding your education, language and work experience as
part of the Express Entry system. If you meet the criteria for one of the federal economic immigration
programs subject to Express Entry, you will receive an Express Entry Profile Number and a Job Seeker
Validation Code. These are specific numbers assigned only to you.
Except where otherwise noted, the following are requirements in all categories of both the Express
Entry BC and Skills Immigration streams:
Your B.C. employer has offered, and you have accepted, indeterminate*, full-time employment
in an eligible occupation located in B.C. (Exception: Skills Immigration - International Post-
Graduate and EEBC - International Post-Graduate).
*Please see Appendix 1: BC PNP Tech Pilot for the “indeterminate job offer”
exception for
eligible tech occupations.
You must be qualified for the offered position. The BC PNP may refer to the
Occupational Classification (NOC), WorkBC or industry standards to determine the minimum
qualifications for an occupation. For more information about the NOC and how it works, please
visit this section.
The wage you have been offered must be competitive with B.C. wage rates for the occupation.
For more information, please refer to individual category requirements.
You must meet the minimum language requirements for the federal category under which you
are eligible and provide your language test results from an agency designated by IRCC.
Acceptable language tests include: the International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
General Training; Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP-General); or
the Test d'évaluation de français (TEF).
If you are claiming points for language under the registration system, you must provide the BC
PNP with a copy of your language test results at the time of application, regardless of the NOC
Skill Level of your B.C. job offer.
You must demonstrate that you meet minimum income requirements. For more information,
please see the minimum income requirements section
In the five years preceding your application, and throughout the BC PNP application process,
you and your spouse must not have held a combined ownership/equity stake of more than 10
per cent in the B.C. company that has offered you employment.
Your employment must provide economic benefit to B.C. For example, your employment will
contribute to:
maintaining or creating jobs for Canadians
transferring knowledge and skills to Canadians
supporting the development of proprietary new products
building the workforce for a major project
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 3: Program Requirements - Express Entry BC
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Your employment must not adversely affect the settlement of a labour dispute, or the
employment of anyone involved in any such dispute, or adversely impact training or
employment opportunities for British Columbians.
If invited to apply, you must submit the $700 application fee with your online application
before your application will be processed. Incomplete applications will not be approved, and
application fees will only be refunded if you withdraw your application before the BC PNP
begins to assess it. You may contact the BC PNP in writing by sending an email to
to withdraw your application and find out if you are eligible for a refund.
Please provide your full name, your date of birth, and your BC PNP application file number in
your email request. Withdrawal requests submitted in-person or through voicemail will not be
The BC PNP will not nominate someone who:
is prohibited from entering Canada
is in Canada and is out of status
o an individual whose status has expired, and who has not applied for restoration of
status within the 90-day eligibility period, will be considered out of status
is working in Canada without authorization
has an unresolved refugee claim in Canada
is under a removal order in or outside of Canada
An individual can only have one active BC PNP registration and/or application at a time.
For the purposes of assessing your work experience in Canada, the BC PNP will only consider work
experience that was obtained while you were legally authorized to work. You must also meet other
category-specific work experience requirements.
Please note that after completing an assessment of your application, the BC PNP may only proceed to
nominate you if your Express Entry profile remains valid and visible to the BC PNP. If your Express
Entry profile has expired, the BC PNP cannot nominate you.
Additionally, if IRCC issues you an invitation to apply before the BC PNP can nominate you in the
Express Entry portal, you will no longer be visible to the BC PNP in the Express Entry portal. In order
to proceed with a nomination, you would need to decline the invitation from IRCC and await a
nomination from the BC PNP. If you do not decline the invitation from IRCC in Express Entry, your BC
PNP application will be closed, and a refund will not be provided.
All program and category requirements must be met at the time of registration and, if
applicable, application.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 3: Program Requirements - Express Entry BC
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Minimum Income Requirements - Express Entry BC
To be eligible for the BC PNP's Express Entry BC streams except for the International Post-Graduate
category, you must demonstrate that you meet minimum income requirements according to your:
annual wage in B.C.
location of residence in B.C.
number of dependants
The BC PNP has established minimum family income thresholds for the Greater Vancouver regional
District and the rest of B.C. Your family must meet the minimum family income threshold for your
chosen area of residence.
Family income is the total of:
your regular gross annual wage from the B.C. employer supporting your BC PNP application
if applicable, your spouse or common-law partner's regular gross annual wage in B.C. Your
spouse or common-law partner must have a valid work permit or valid employment
In calculating your family income, the BC PNP will only consider regular gross annual wages. BC PNP
does not consider bonuses, commissions, profit-sharing distributions, tips/gratuities, overtime wages,
housing allowances, room and board or other similar payments to be part of your wage.
Please note
that for the purposes of determining your family income, your annual wage is calculated using the
number of hours worked in a week to a maximum of 40 hours/week x 52 weeks per year.
For the purpose of calculating family size, dependants who are Canadian citizens or permanent
residents are not included in the calculation.
The onus is on your employer to demonstrate that the offered wage is genuine and bona fide.
Applications will not be approved where the BC PNP believes that the offered wage has been inflated
or increased for the purpose of meeting minimum income requirements, or for the purpose of
obtaining a higher registration score.
If you are working for your B.C. employer on a valid work permit, you must be able to demonstrate a
history of earning the offered wage and a history of meeting minimum income requirements prior to
submitting a registration and/or application to the BC PNP.
If you were originally hired based on a positive federal Labour Market Impact Assessment, the wage
you are earning at the time of registration and/or application must be equal to or greater than the
wage stated in the offer of employment and on the Labour Market Impact Assessment.
Your spouse or common-law partner’s annual wage will only be included in the family income
calculation if your spouse or common-law partner has a valid work permit or valid employment
authorization and is currently employed in B.C. The table below includes the size of your family unit
(your spouse or common-law partner and dependent children, whether or not they come with you to
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 3: Program Requirements - Express Entry BC
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
live in B.C.), to determine if you meet the minimum family income threshold for your area of
Please note that your spouse or common-law partner will be included in the size of your family unless
you provide a signed Statutory Declaration of your official separation, a Divorce Certificate, or an
equivalent official document indicating that the relationship has ended.
Please also note that the number of dependants declared on your federal application for permanent
residence to IRCC must match the number of dependants listed on your BC PNP application.
The BC PNP must be informed of any changes to your family size throughout the BC PNP and IRCC
permanent residence application process. Any changes to your dependant information may affect
minimum income requirements. Failure to notify the BC PNP of any changes may result in a refusal of
your application or withdrawal of your nomination.
Family Income Threshold by Area of Residence
Size of Family
Greater Vancouver Regional
Rest of B.C.
$22,804 $19,006
$28,390 $23,659
$34,902 $29,087
$42,376 $35,316
$48,062 $40,054
$54,205 $45,175
7 or more
$60,350 $50,296
The income thresholds in this table represent 90% of an amount calculated from the appropriate 2017
Low-Income Cut-Off (LICO) figures set by Statistics Canada.
This table is updated regularly to reflect the latest LICO figures.
All Express Entry British Columbia applicants must meet the BC PNP minimum income requirements
outlined above.
Under the Express Entry British Columbia stream, you may have to show that you meet the
proof of settlement funds criteria of one of the federal economic immigration programs subject to
Express Entry.
Please carefully review IRCC’s website
for detailed information on when proof of settlement funds are
required under Express Entry. Requirements for settlement funds differ across the federal economic
immigration programs for which applicants may be eligible.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 3: Program Requirements - Express Entry BC
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Please note that IRCC’s proof of funds requirement is separate from the BC PNP’s minimum income
Language Requirements Express Entry BC
Under the Express Entry British Columbia stream, you will have to meet the minimum language
criteria of one of the federal economic programs.
You must meet the minimum language requirements for the federal category under which you are
eligible and provide your language test results from an agency designated by IRCC. Acceptable
language tests include:
the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) General Training
the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP-General)
the Test d'évaluation de français (TEF)
Test results will be considered valid for two years from the date of issuance. Test results must be valid
at the time of registration and application.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 3: Program Requirements - Express Entry BC
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Express Entry BC - Skilled Worker
B.C. is looking for skilled workers who have post-secondary education or training and several years of
employment experience in a professional, management, technical, trade or other skilled occupation.
Please note that your application will not be approved if you are in Canada and do not have valid
immigration status, or if you are working without authorization.
Eligibility Requirements
In addition to meeting the general requirements
, to qualify for the BC PNP under the Express Entry BC
- Skilled Worker category, you must have the following:
1) an IRCC Express Entry Profile Number and a Job Seeker Validation Code that
indicates you meet the eligibility criteria for one of the federal economic
immigration programs subject to IRCC’s Express Entry system
These federal economic immigration programs are:
Federal Skilled Worker Program
Federal Skilled Trades Program
Canadian Experience Class
2) minimum two years of directly related full-time (or full-time equivalent) work
experience in the skilled occupation that has been offered to you, and, if
applicable, the credentials and qualification requirements of the position
The position you have been offered must be classified as Skill Type 0 or Skill Level A or B in the
National Occupational Classification (NOC)
. These positions normally require post-secondary education
and training. For more information about the NOC and how it works, please visit this section.
The BC PNP defines directly related work experience as paid employment that is classified under the
same NOC code as the B.C. job offer that you have accepted.
Experience in a related occupation at a NOC skill level equal to or greater than the NOC code of the
B.C. job offer may also be included if, at the time of application, you can satisfactorily demonstrate
how this work experience is directly related.
If the offered position requires mandatory certification, licensing or registration, you must provide
documentation at the time of application to the BC PNP, showing that you meet these requirements,
or how these requirements will shortly be met.
Experience obtained in paid co-op work terms is eligible if it meets the following criteria:
the paid co-op work term is full-time (minimum 30 hours per week)
the paid co-op experience is at a NOC skill level equal to or greater than the NOC code of the
B.C. job offer
o at the time of application, you must be able to satisfactorily demonstrate how this work
experience is directly related
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 3: Program Requirements - Express Entry BC
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Experience in a lower skill level NOC is not considered as directly related.
Unpaid co-op work terms are not eligible.
This experience may be from work performed within Canada or abroad.
3) an offer of indeterminate*, full-time employment from an eligible B.C. employer at
a wage that meets industry standards
Your employer must provide you with a written offer of employment on official company letterhead.
The letter must be:
signed and dated by an employee, or owner, of the company who is authorized to hire
signed and dated by you confirming that you accept the job offer
In addition, the offer of employment must include:
your job title and duties
your rate of pay
your standard hours of work
that the position is indeterminate* and full-time (at least an average of 30 hours a week, year-
any discretionary benefits in addition to those required by law (such as pension and medical
plans, disability insurance, sick pay, accommodation and meal allowances, and extra paid
if the position is covered by a collective agreement, a reference to the agreement
Your employer cannot make any deductions from your pay (or require you to pay any fees) for
recruitment or retention, or any fee that is normally paid by the employer. For more information,
please visit Employment Standards Branch’s website
The wage stated on your offer of employment must be at market rate and comparable to the rate
paid to workers with a similar level of experience and training for equivalent jobs in B.C. and
consistent with the wage compensation structure of your employer. For examples of market wage
rates by occupation, please visit the Job Bank
The BC PNP will not consider bonuses, commissions, profit-sharing distributions, tips/gratuities,
overtime wages, housing allowances, room and board, or other similar payments to be part of your
You must be establishing an employee/employer relationship with your employer. If you will be
providing services as an independent contractor you are not eligible for the Skills Immigration stream
of the BC PNP.
If you were originally hired based on a positive federal Labour Market Impact Assessment, the wage
you are earning at the time of registration and/or application must be equal to or greater than the
wage stated in the offer of employment and on the Labour Market Impact Assessment.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 3: Program Requirements - Express Entry BC
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Your employer must also meet employer requirements.
*Please see Appendix 1: BC PNP Tech Pilot for the “indeterminate job offer”
exception for eligible tech
4) evidence that you meet minimum income requirements
You must demonstrate that you meet minimum income requirements according to your:
annual wage in B.C.
location of residence in B.C.
number of dependants
Information about how the BC PNP assesses your minimum income requirements can be found here
in this guide.
Under the Express Entry British Columbia stream, you may have to show that you meet the
proof of settlement funds criteria of one of the federal economic immigration programs subject to
Express Entry.
Please carefully review IRCC’s website
for detailed information on when proof of settlement funds are
required under Express Entry. Requirements for settlement funds differ across the federal economic
immigration programs for which applicants may be eligible.
Please note that IRCC’s proof of funds requirement is separate from the BC PNP’s minimum income
All requirements must be met at the time of registration and, if applicable, application.
For information on what documents are required at the time of application, please see the BC PNP
Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC Technical Guide.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 3: Program Requirements - Express Entry BC
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Express Entry BC - Healthcare Professional
Health care workers are in demand across British Columbia. If you are a physician, nurse, psychiatric
nurse, or allied health professional with a job offer from a public health authority, or if you are a
midwife, you may be eligible to apply to the BC PNP in the Healthcare Professional category.
Please note that your application will not be approved if you are in Canada and do not have valid
immigration status, or if you are working without authorization.
Health Match BC
If you are looking for opportunities to work as a health care professional in B.C., we encourage you to
contact Health Match BC
. This free provincial service recruits health professionals on behalf of B.C.’s
public health care authorities. In addition to helping you find a job in your field, Health Match BC staff
can answer your questions about the BC PNP and assist you with your BC PNP application.
Eligibility Requirements
In addition to meeting the general requirements, to qualify for the BC PNP under the Express Entry BC
- Healthcare Professional category, you must have the following:
1) an IRCC Express Entry profile number and a Job Seeker Validation Code that
indicates you meet the eligibility criteria for one of the federal economic
immigration programs subject to IRCC’s Express Entry system
These federal economic immigration programs are:
Federal Skilled Worker Program
Federal Skilled Trades Program
Canadian Experience Class
2) an offer of indeterminate, full-time employment from a public health authority
specialist physician
registered nurse
registered psychiatric nurse
nurse practitioner
allied health professional such as a:
o diagnostic medical sonographer
o clinical pharmacist
o medical laboratory technologist
o medical radiation technologist
o occupational therapist
o physiotherapist
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 3: Program Requirements - Express Entry BC
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
must have a letter of confirmation from an established practice group in British
Columbia confirming your acceptance into the group as an affiliated midwife for a
period of at least six months. This letter must be on the practice group's official
letterhead, and must be signed by you and the head of the practice group.
must be registered, or eligible to be registered, with the
College of Midwives of British
In order to be eligible for consideration under this category, in addition to meeting IRCC’s Express
Entry requirements, you must also meet the BC PNP’s Healthcare Professional category requirements.
Please refer to the Skills Immigration - Healthcare Professionals section
of this Guide for
comprehensive information about these requirements.
For information on what documents are required at the time of application, please see the BC PNP
Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC Technical Guide.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 3: Program Requirements - Express Entry BC
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Express Entry BC - International Graduate
If you are an international student who has graduated from a Canadian university or college in the
past three years, you may be eligible for the BC PNP. You need a job offer from a B.C. employer for
an indeterminate*, full-time position that typically requires a university or college education.
*Please see Appendix 1: BC PNP Tech Pilot for the “indeterminate job offer”
exception for eligible tech
Please note that your application will not be approved if you are in Canada and do not have valid
immigration status, or if you are working without authorization.
Eligibility Requirements
In addition to meeting the general requirements
, to qualify for the BC PNP under the Express Entry BC
- International Graduate category, you must have the following:
1) an IRCC Express Entry profile number and a Job Seeker Validation Code that
indicates you meet the eligibility criteria for one of the federal economic
immigration programs subject to IRCC’s Express Entry system
These federal economic immigration programs are:
Federal Skilled Worker Program
Federal Skilled Trades Program
Canadian Experience Class
2) a degree, diploma or certificate from an eligible post-secondary institution in
You must submit your registration to the BC PNP within three years of the date shown on your
official transcript indicating that you have completed all requirements of the degree or diploma
Your education is not eligible if it is a distance education learning program either from abroad or from
within Canada.
Your undergraduate or graduate degree must be from a Canadian post-secondary institution
authorized to grant degrees.
If the location is in B.C.:
see the Education Planner
for a list of degree programs offered in B.C.
see the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training website for a list of authorized
degree programs offered by B.C. private post-secondary institutions
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 3: Program Requirements - Express Entry BC
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Diplomas and Certificates
If you have a diploma or certificate, it must be from a public post-secondary institution in Canada.
Diplomas and Certificates from private institutions are not eligible. Language training (an
ESL program, for example) does not qualify.
Your program must have been at least 8 months (two semesters) of full-time equivalent course work
(excluding co-op work terms, practicums and internships). Co-op work terms, practicums and
internships may be completed, provided the 8-month requirement of coursework has been met. You
may be requested to provide a letter from your educational institution that confirms your program
meets this requirement.
Full-time equivalent study is defined by the post-secondary institution which issued the credential.
See the Ministry of Advanced Education
, Skills & Training website for a list of public post-secondary
institutions in B.C.
3) a job offer for a full-time, indeterminate* position that typically requires a
university or college education at a wage that meets industry standards
The position you have been offered must be classified as Skill Type 0 or Skill Level A or B in the
National Occupational Classification. For more information about the NOC and how it works,
visit this section.
Supervisor or management positions are normally only obtained through progressively increasing
experience or responsibilities. If you have been offered a supervisor or management position, the
onus is on you and your employer to demonstrate that you have obtained experience that qualifies
you for the position. You must clearly demonstrate this experience in your resume. If you are unable
to demonstrate that you have obtained progressively increasing experience or responsibilities, or if
your employer cannot demonstrate that the job offer is bona fide, your application may be refused.
If the offered position requires mandatory certification, licensing or registration, you must provide
documentation at the time of application to the BC PNP, showing that you meet these requirements,
or how these requirements will shortly be met.
Your employer must provide you with a written offer of employment on official company letterhead.
The letter must be:
signed and dated by an employee, or owner, of the company who is authorized to hire
signed and dated by you confirming that you accept the job offer
In addition, the offer of employment must include:
your job title and duties
your rate of pay
your standard hours of work
that the position is indeterminate* and full-time (at least an average of 30 hours a week, year-
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 3: Program Requirements - Express Entry BC
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
any discretionary benefits in addition to those required by law (such as pension and medical
plans, disability insurance, sick pay, accommodation and meal allowances, and extra paid
if the position is covered by a collective agreement, a reference to the agreement
Your employer cannot make any deductions from your pay or require you to pay any fees for
recruitment or retention, or any fee that is normally paid by the employer. For more information,
please visit Employment Standards Branch’s website
The wage stated on your offer of employment must be at market rate and comparable to the rate
paid to workers with a similar level of experience and training for equivalent jobs in B.C. and
consistent with the wage compensation structure of your employer. For examples of market wage
rates by occupation, please visit the Job Bank
The BC PNP will not consider bonuses, commissions, profit-sharing distributions, tips/gratuities,
overtime wages, housing allowances, room and board, or other similar payments to be part of your
You must be establishing an employee/employer relationship with your employer. If you will be
providing services as an independent contractor you are not eligible for the Skills Immigration stream
of the BC PNP.
If you were originally hired based on a positive federal Labour Market Impact Assessment, the wage
you are earning at the time of registration and/or application must be equal to or greater than the
wage stated in the offer of employment and on the Labour Market Impact Assessment.
Your employer must also meet employer requirements.
*Please see Appendix 1: BC PNP Tech Pilot for the “indeterminate job offer”
exception for eligible
Tech Occupations.
4) evidence that you meet minimum income requirements
You must demonstrate that you meet minimum income requirements according to your:
annual wage in B.C.
location of residence in B.C.
number of dependants
Information about how the BC PNP assesses your minimum income requirements can be found here
in this guide.
Under the Express Entry British Columbia stream, you may have to show that you meet the
proof of settlement funds criteria of one of the federal economic immigration programs subject to
Express Entry.
Please carefully review IRCC’s website
for detailed information on when proof of settlement funds are
required under Express Entry. Requirements for settlement funds differ across the federal economic
immigration programs for which applicants may be eligible.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 3: Program Requirements - Express Entry BC
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Please note that IRCC’s proof of funds requirement is separate from the BC PNP’s minimum income
All requirements must be met at the time of registration and, if applicable, application.
For information on what documents are required at the time of application, please see the
Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC Technical Guide.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 3: Program Requirements - Express Entry BC
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Express Entry BC - International Post-Graduate
If you have recently graduated from a B.C. post-secondary institution with a master’s or doctorate
degree in the natural, applied or health sciences, you may be eligible for the EEBC International
Post-Graduate category.
If you are applying in this category, you do not need a job offer from an employer.
Please note that your application will not be approved if you are in Canada and do not have valid
immigration status, or if you are working without authorization.
Eligibility Requirements
In addition to meeting the general requirements, to qualify for the BC PNP under the Express Entry BC
- International Post-Graduate category, you must have the following:
1) an IRCC Express Entry profile number and a Job Seeker Validation Code that
indicates you meet the eligibility criteria for one of the federal economic
immigration programs subject to IRCC’s Express Entry system
These federal economic immigration programs are:
Federal Skilled Worker Program
Federal Skilled Trades Program
Canadian Experience Class
2) a master’s or doctoral degree received within the past three years from an eligible
program at a post-secondary institution in B.C.
Your master’s or doctorate degree must be from an eligible B.C. post-secondary institution.
Your education is not eligible if it is a distance education learning program either from abroad or from
within Canada.
Your graduate degree (master’s or doctorate) must be in one of the following programs of study in
the natural, applied or health sciences:
agriculture, agriculture operations and related sciences
biological and biomedical sciences
computer and information sciences and support services
engineering technology and engineering-related fields
health professions and related programs
mathematics and statistics
natural resources conservation
physical sciences
IMPORTANT: Please refer to the BC PNP IPG & EEBC IPG Eligible Programs of Study
document for
more information on eligible programs of study.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 3: Program Requirements - Express Entry BC
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
You must submit your application to the BC PNP within three years of the date shown on your
official transcript indicating that you have completed all requirements of the degree program.
3) ability and intent to live and work in B.C.
Evidence of this may include:
the length of any previous and/or current period of residence in B.C.
your connections to B.C. through work, study or family
a description of any actions you’ve taken to permanently settle in B.C., such as finding a job or
place to live
current employment in B.C.
employment search details (prospective employers, applications, networking efforts, business
development, etc.)
community involvement
ability to financially support yourself in B.C.
your plan to obtain or maintain legal authorization to work in B.C.
The BC PNP requires that applicants in this category will reside in B.C. after graduating from an
eligible program of study. Failure to demonstrate that you will reside in B.C. following your nomination
may result in a refusal of your application. In compelling extenuating circumstances, the BC PNP may
provide an exception from this policy for a limited time.
Failure to submit evidence of your ability and intent to permanently reside in B.C. may result in the
refusal of your application.
All requirements must be met at the time of application.
For information on what documents are required at the time of application, please see the BC PNP
Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC Technical Guide.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 4: Employer Requirements
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Part 4: Employer Requirements
The Skills Immigration and Express Entry British Columbia streams of the BC PNP are largely
employer-driven and are designed to help B.C. businesses attract and retain international workers and
students to meet B.C.’s labour market needs.
If you have the support of your current or prospective B.C. employer and you meet the eligibility
criteria, you can submit a registration online to the BC PNP.
Employer Responsibilities
In addition to meeting the general employer requirements listed below, your employer must also:
issue you a written offer of employment
complete the employer sections of the application forms
notify the BC PNP if there are any changes in your employment status such as whether
you have been demoted, terminated, laid off, on extended leave, or if the business has
closed or changed ownership
General Employer Requirements
Your employer must meet specific requirements in order to support your BC PNP application. The
onus is on your employer to demonstrate that these requirements are met. Your employer may be
required to provide financial statements or other documents as supporting evidence.
1) be established as an employer in good standing in B.C.
Your employer must be in good standing and must have one of the following business structures:
1. incorporated or extra-provincially registered
2. registered as a limited liability partnership in B.C.
3. an eligible public sector or non-profit employer
Your employer must be permanently established in B.C., as defined by the federal
Income Tax Act.
Your employer must have operated in B.C. for at least one year (two years if you are registering
under the Entry Level and Semi-Skilled category, including employment in the Northeast Development
Region of B.C.)
2) have indeterminate, full-time employees
If your employer is located within the Greater Vancouver Regional District
, your employer must have
at least five indeterminate, full-time employees (or full-time equivalents) in B.C.
If your employer is located outside of the Greater Vancouver Regional District
, your employer must
have at least three indeterminate, full-time employees (or full-time equivalents) in B.C.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 4: Employer Requirements
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Only individuals who are on the company’s payroll will be considered employees of the company. Your
employer may be asked to submit a T4 Summary of Remuneration Paid to demonstrate that this
requirement is met.
You must be establishing an employee/employer relationship with your employer as defined by the
Employment Standards Act.
Please note that for the purposes of the BC PNP, independent contractors
are not considered as indeterminate employees.
In the five years preceding your application, and throughout the BC PNP application process, you and
your spouse or common-law partner must not have held a combined ownership/equity stake of more
than 10 per cent in the B.C. company that has offered you employment.
3) have a history of good workplace and business practices
Your employer must be financially sound and have a history of good workplace and business
practices, including complying with all applicable B.C. and federal employment, labour, immigration,
health and safety laws and regulations. Your employer may be asked to provide financial statements
prepared by a certified professional accountant.
4) sign an employer declaration
Your employer must sign a declaration, found in the job offer form, that the company meets all of the
requirements set out in
Employer Requirements
, has been in operation in B.C. for at least one or two
years (as applicable), and is complying with B.C. and federal employment, immigration, health, and
safety laws and regulations. Typed signatures will not be accepted.
The employer contact who signs the job offer form must be an employee or owner of the company,
and have the authority and consent of the company to support the BC PNP application, including any
and all requirements of hiring a foreign worker. Failure to obtain this consent may result in a refusal
of the application or a withdrawal of the applicants nomination.
5) meet domestic labour market recruitment requirements
Your employer must demonstrate that genuine and bona fide efforts were made to recruit from the
local labour market, and that hiring you will not adversely affect employment or development
opportunities for local candidates (Canadian citizens and/or permanent residents).
Subject to verification, the BC PNP may consider this requirement to be met if:
you have a valid work permit and/or employment authorization and are currently working full-
time (at least an average of 30 hours per week, year-round) for the supporting B.C. employer
in the occupation identified in the job offer. Please note that if you are currently working full-
time for the supporting employer on a co-op work permit or a study permit, this requirement
will only be considered met if you have completed your program of study.
your employer can provide evidence of a genuine and bona fide effort to recruit from the
domestic labour market and is able to demonstrate the results of these recruitment efforts,
such as advertisements based on the following minimum requirements:
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 4: Employer Requirements
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
a) For NOC Skill Type 0 or NOC Skill Level A occupations (based on the
National Occupational
Classification), recruitment advertisement must be for at least 14 days.
Acceptable recruitment advertisement locations include:
recognized job posting websites
professional association websites
national newspapers, professional journals or newsletters
The 14-day recruitment advertisement requirement may be waived for the recruitment of
senior executives or highly specialized senior managers and professionals. In these cases
your employer must demonstrate targeted recruitment activities consistent with industry
practices, such as the creation of an executive recruitment team or the hiring of a
specialized human resources recruitment agency.
b) For NOC Skill Level B occupations (based on the National Occupational Classification
recruitment advertisement must be at least 14 days.
Acceptable recruitment advertisement locations include:
recognized job posting websites
professional association websites
national newspapers, professional journals or newsletters
For more information about the NOC and how it works, please visit this section.
Advertisements in scenarios a) and b) must include:
company operating name
job title and duties
wage range
location of work (local area, city or town)
contact information
skills requirements for the job including:
education and/or qualifications
work experience
Please note that the onus is on your employer to demonstrate that genuine and bona fide
efforts were made to recruit from the local labour market, and it is expected that the employer
will only identify a qualified candidate for the position after a rigorous effort was made to
recruit from the local labour market.
Genuine and bona fide recruitment efforts are assessed against, but not limited to, the following:
the specific efforts made to identify a Canadian or permanent resident for the position
the recruitment methods and duration are consistent with industry standards and practices
the qualifications listed in the recruitment ads are reasonable, are sufficient to allow a
Canadian or permanent resident to qualify for the position, do not require a candidate to have
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 4: Employer Requirements
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
a foreign network or foreign work experience, and are not specifically catered to a particular
the level of scrutiny exercised when verifying the qualifications of all potential candidates
if the employer has used the services of a third party to conduct the recruitment effort, the
third party must meet provincial licensing requirements.
Please note that positions that require the employee to spend the majority of time outside of B.C. do
not qualify.
6) a job offer for a full-time, indeterminate* position
Your job offer must state that you have been offered and have accepted a full-time position (at least
an average of 30 hours a week, year-round) that does not have an end date*. Contract positions are
not eligible. The onus is on your employer to demonstrate that the job offer is bona fide.
*Please see Appendix 1: BC PNP Tech Pilot for the “indeterminate job offer”
exception for eligible tech
7) offer a market wage rate that meets industry standards
The wage stated on your offer of employment must be at market rate and comparable to the rate
paid to workers with a similar level of experience and training for equivalent jobs in B.C. and
consistent with the wage compensation structure of your employer. For examples of market wage
rates by occupation, please visit the Job Bank
The BC PNP will not consider bonuses, commissions, profit-sharing distributions, tips/gratuities,
overtime wages, housing allowances, room and board, or other similar payments to be part of your
For more information on wages and working conditions in Canada and B.C., visit the WorkBC or
Bank websites.
IMPORTANT: The BC PNP will not nominate an individual if their employment affects the settlement of
a labour dispute or the employment of a person involved in such a dispute.
Public Sector and Non-Profit Employers
The BC PNP accepts applications from the following public sector or non-profit organizations with a
permanent establishment in B.C.:
provincial and regional health care authorities and agencies
public post-secondary education and training institutions
private non-profit post-secondary institutions that are accredited by, or registered with, The
Private Career Training Institutions Agency of BC
institutions supported by the Government of Canada or the Province of B.C. conducting
research in natural and applied sciences, engineering, computer and information systems, or
health sciences
provincial/federal/municipal government organizations and agencies
other non-profit groups registered as charitable organizations and/or incorporated under the
Society Act (RSBC 2015) or the Canada Corporations Act, Part II, 1970
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 4: Employer Requirements
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Ineligible Employers
The BC PNP will not approve applications from:
employers involved in producing, distributing or selling pornographic or sexually explicit
products, or providing sexually oriented entertainment or services
employment agencies and similar placement firms unless they are establishing an
employer/employee relationship with the registrant and/or applicant
any other type of business that by association would tend to bring the BC PNP or the
Government of British Columbia into disrepute
Other Considerations
At its sole discretion, the BC PNP may consider an application where the supporting employer does
not meet the minimum requirements, including but not limited to, considering registered businesses
that are regular partnerships or sole proprietorships. However, in order to be considered, the
supporting employer must, at the time of application, make a compelling business case in writing to
the BC PNP that demonstrates how the nomination will generate significant economic benefits to B.C.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Part 5: Process
What is the process?
You accept an offer of indeterminate*, full-time employment from a B.C. employer who is willing to
support you through the BC PNP process. The only exception to the job offer requirement is if you
have a graduate degree from a B.C. university in the natural, applied or health sciences.
If you and your employer meet the program requirements and your employer is prepared to support
your submission, you can submit a registration to the BC PNP.
Please note that if you are interested in the following categories, you do not need to register and may
proceed directly to the application via BCPNP Online
Skills Immigration Healthcare Professional
Skills Immigration International Post-Graduate
Express Entry BC Healthcare Professional
Express Entry BC International Post-Graduate
*Please see Appendix 1: BC PNP Tech Pilot for the “indeterminate job offer”
exception for eligible tech
What is the Skills Immigration Registration System?
The Skills Immigration Registration System is a dynamic intake management system that allows the
BC PNP to prioritize high-impact candidates to ensure strong economic outcomes for the province
. As
it is a points-based system, you will receive a score based on the information you provide.
Your registration score will determine whether you will receive an invitation to apply under the BC PNP
Skills Immigration stream.
How does it work?
You must create an online profile with BCPNP Online
and complete all of the sections of the
registration. You are responsible for updating your contact information in your profile and ensuring
that all required information is current and up-to-date. For instructions on how to complete the
registration, please see the
BC PNP Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC Technical Guide.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
After you complete your registration, you will receive your registration score and will be entered into a
selection pool for the category in which you have registered. Your registration is considered
successfully submitted once you receive a confirmation of registration email that includes your BC PNP
registration number. Your registration will remain in the selection pool for a maximum of twelve
months from the date of submission.
The registration is free of charge. If you are invited to submit an application, you will be asked to pay
a fee as part of the online application process.
Periodically, the BC PNP will invite the highest-scoring registrants from each category to apply. More
information about the invitation to apply process can be found in the invitations to apply section
A registration into the Skills Immigration Registration System is not an application to the BC PNP or a
guarantee that you will be invited to apply.
Please carefully review the program and category requirements before completing your
registration. You must meet program and category criteria at the time of registration.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Important Information
your registration will be assigned a score according to the scoring factors applicable at the
time of registration
there is no registration fee
you may only have one active BC PNP registration at a time
your registration is valid only for the category that you have selected
after you complete your registration, please ensure that you have received a confirmation
email that includes your BC PNP registration number. If you do not receive this email within 24
hours, please refer to the BC PNP Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC Technical Guide
further instructions
periodically, the BC PNP will invite the highest scoring registrants to apply from each of the
categories under the Skills Immigration Registration System
if you need to make changes to the information that you have entered in your registration
other than the information captured in your profile, you will need to withdraw your registration
and submit a new registration with the updated information. This will be done using your
existing profile. Please carefully review the program and category requirements before
completing your registration
it is important to make sure your profile and registration information is up-to-date, as
differences between the information in your registration and your application may lead to
refusal of your BC PNP application. Please note that if, at the time your application is assessed,
your points total is determined to be lower than the minimum draw score at the time you were
invited to apply, your application will be refused. For more information, please see the
invitations to apply section
of this guide
if the terms and conditions of your employment have changed following registration and you
are with the same employer, you may continue with your application
if you are invited to apply and select the ‘decline’ button on your dashboard, your invitation to
apply will be declined. You may submit a new registration at any time, however, re-registration
does not guarantee another invitation to apply
an invitation to apply does not guarantee that your application will be approved for nomination
you can check the most up-to-date information regarding the status of your registration at any
time by logging in to see your profile dashboard
if you would like confirmation that your email messages to the BC PNP have been received,
please enable delivery receipts and/or read receipts in your email client.
if your documents are not in English, you must provide a certified translation with photocopies
of the originals. Documents must be stamped and certified by a person officially authorized to
notarize documents as accurate translations.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
What else should I know?
The BC PNP reserves the right to make changes to the Skills Immigration Registration System without
prior notice, including changes to the scoring grids, the length of time your registration can remain in
the selection pool and the number and frequency of invitations to apply.
The BC PNP reserves the right to prioritize applications for occupations that are in high demand or
that contribute significant economic benefits to British Columbia.
A registration into the Skills Immigration Registration System is not an application to the BC PNP or a
guarantee that you will be invited to apply.
Your registration is valid for twelve months from the date of submission. If you do not receive an
invitation to apply before your registration expires, it will no longer be valid. You may then create and
submit a new registration using your existing BCPNP Online
The number and frequency of invitations to apply will be determined by the BC PNP’s processing
capacity and is subject to change. Please check our website
for information on the most recent
Your registration will be assessed according to the scoring factors applicable at the time of
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
What is the National Occupational Classification (NOC)?
The NOC is a system used by the Government of Canada to classify jobs (occupations). Jobs are
grouped according to the type of work a person does and the types of job duties.
For instance, if a person wants to apply as a skilled worker they should check the NOC to see which
jobs are considered “skilled” (NOC Skill Type 0 or Skill Level A or B).
Find your job title, code and skill
level or type.
For purposes of the assessment of your registration and/or application, the BC PNP uses the 2016
version of the NOC.
The job information is broken down into a number of groups. For immigration purposes, the main
groups are:
NOC Level Description Examples
Skill Type 0
Management jobs.
Information systems
managers, construction
managers, directors of
Skill Level A
Professional jobs.
People usually need a degree from a university
for these jobs.
Doctors, engineers, architects
Skill Level B
Technical jobs and skilled trades.
People usually need a college diploma or to train
as an apprentice to do these jobs.
Chefs, electricians, plumbers
Skill Level C
Intermediate jobs.
These jobs usually need high school and/or job-
specific training.
Long-haul truck drivers,
butchers, food and beverage
Skill Level D
Labour jobs.
On-the-job training is usually given.
Cleaning staff, oil field workers,
fruit pickers
To learn more about the National Occupational Classification, please visit IRCC’s website
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Registration Scoring
Your registration will be scored based on the information you provide. The factors below outline how
your score will be calculated. You are not required to upload any documentation during the
registration process.
If you are invited to apply, all the information you have provided in the registration will be verified
against the information provided in the application.
The BC PNP may refuse your application if:
you do not meet the relevant program or category requirements outlined in this guide
your registration information has changed such that your total registration score has decreased
below the minimum draw score at the time you were invited to apply
You must complete each section of the registration in order to be entered into the selection pool for
your category.
The maximum score available is 200.
You must still meet the requirements of the category that you select. Please carefully review all
category and program requirements before completing your registration.
If you are invited to apply, and choose to submit an application that does not meet
program criteria, your application will be refused.
Incomplete applications will not be approved, and application fees will only be refunded if
you withdraw your application before the BC PNP begins to assess it. You may contact the
BC PNP in writing by sending an email to
to withdraw your application and find
out if you are eligible for a refund. Please provide your full name, your date of birth, and your BC PNP
application file number in your email. Withdrawal requests submitted in-person or through voicemail
will not be accepted.
For instructions on how to complete the registration, please see the
BC PNP Skills Immigration and
Express Entry BC Technical Guide.
Scoring Sections Maximum Points
Skill Level of the B.C. Job Offer 60
Wage of the B.C. Job Offer 50
Regional District of Employment 10
Directly Related Work Experience 25
Highest Level of Education 25
Language 30
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Economic Factors
As an economic immigration program, the BC PNP is designed to meet the labour market
needs and the economic development priorities of the province.
The following are key economic factors that support the attraction and retention of workers
who will provide economic benefits to B.C.
1) skill level of the B.C. job offer
Points for this factor are determined by the occupation identified in your B.C. job offer. Your
occupation is classified into different levels according to the
National Occupational
Classification (NOC).
Additional points are available for:
occupations in the “00” NOC skill type (senior management occupations)
occupations that have been identified in the B.C. High Demand Occupations List in the
B.C. Labour Market Outlook 2018 Edition
(pages 21 23).
current employment for the B.C. employer in the occupation identified in the BC PNP
registration. You can receive these additional points only if you are currently employed
full-time (30 hours per week or more) in the same occupation (i.e. same NOC code)
that you have been offered in the BC PNP registration. You are not eligible for these
additional points if the occupation identified in the job offer is a promotion from your
current occupation with the employer.
Skill Level of the B.C. Job Offer Points
NOC Skill Level A (including Skill Type 0) 25
NOC Skill Level B
NOC Skill Level C
NOC Skill Level D 5
Additional points:
Occupation is a “00” NOC 15
Occupation identified in the B.C. High Demand Occupations List in the BC Labour
Market Outlook 2018 Edition
Currently working full-time in B.C. for the employer in the occupation identified in
the BC PNP registration
Maximum Score Available 60
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
2) annual wage of the B.C. job offer
The wage is calculated on an annual basis as outlined in your job offer. Please note that you
must meet program criteria specific to the wage, job offer and minimum income requirements
as outlined for Skills Immigration or Express Entry BC
For the purposes of registration scoring, a maximum of 40 hours per week (or a maximum of
60 hours per week for long-haul truck drivers) will be used for the calculation of your annual
wage. Regular or overtime hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week (or in excess of 60
hours per week for long-haul truck drivers) should not be entered in your
Your annual wage is calculated using the following:
hourly rate x hours worked per week (maximum of 40 hours, or maximum of 60 hours
for long-haul truck drivers) x 52 weeks a year
In calculating your annual wage, the BC PNP will only consider regular gross annual wages.
The BC PNP does not consider bonuses, commissions, profit-sharing distributions, tips/
gratuities, overtime wages, housing allowances, room and board or other similar payments to
be part of your wage.
Applications will not be approved where there are reasonable grounds to believe that the
offered wage has been inflated or increased for the purpose of meeting BC PNP minimum
income requirements or receiving a higher registration score.
Annual Wage of the B.C. Job Offer Points
$100,000 and above 50
$97,500 to $99,999 38
$95,000 to $97,499 37
$92,500 to $94,999 36
$90,000 to $92,499 35
$87,500 to $89,999 34
$85,000 to $87,499 33
$82,500 to $84,999 32
$80,000 to $82,499 31
$77,500 to $79,999 30
$75,000 to $77,499 29
$72,500 to $74,999 28
$70,000 to $72,499 27
$67,500 to $69,999 26
$65,000 to $67,499 25
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
$62,500 to $64,999 24
$60,000 to $62,499 23
$57,500 to $59,999 22
$55,000 to $57,499 21
$52,500 to $54,999 20
$50,000 to $52,499 19
$47,500 to $49,999
$45,000 to $47,499 17
$42,500 to $44,999 16
$40,000 to $42,499 15
$38,750 to $39,999 14
$37,500 to $38,749 13
$36,250 to $37,499 12
$35,000 to $36,249 11
$33,750 to $34,999 10
$32,500 to $33,749 9
$31,250 to $32,499
$30,000 to $31,249 7
$28,750 to $29,999 6
$27,500 to $28,749 5
$26,250 to $27,499 4
$25,000 to $26,249
Less than $25,000 0
Maximum Score Available 50
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
3) regional district of employment
This factor recognizes the challenges faced in regional communities to attract and retain
workers. You must enter the main location of your B.C. work location as identified on your job
Please visit the BC Stats website
to find the regional district of your employment.
Regional District of Employment
Stikine, Central Coast, Northern Rockies, Mount Waddington, Skeena-Queen
Charlotte, Powell River, Sunshine Coast, Kootenay-Boundary, Alberni-
Kitimat-Stikine, Bulkley-Nechako, Squamish-Lillooet, Strathcona, Columbia-
Shuswap, East Kootenay
Peace River, Comox Valley, Cariboo, Central Kootenay 6
Okanagan-Similkameen, Cowichan Valley, North Okanagan, Fraser-Fort
Thompson-Nicola, Nanaimo, Central Okanagan 2
Capital, Fraser Valley 2
Greater Vancouver 0
Maximum Score Available
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Human Capital Factors
Human capital factors are the skills, experience and competencies that individuals contribute to B.C’s
economy. These factors support successful settlement and integration in the province.
1) directly related work experience
This factor recognizes that individuals with directly related work experience have a higher likelihood of
successful labour market attachment in B.C.
You will receive points based on your years of full-time (minimum of 30 hours per week) and part-
time work experience, as it directly relates to the job you have been offered in B.C. This experience
may be from work performed within Canada or abroad. This directly related work experience must
have been obtained within the last 10 years. For part-time work experience, you will be credited with
50% of the duration of your employment.
The National Occupational Classification
(NOC) is a system used by the Government of Canada to
classify jobs (occupations). Jobs are grouped according to the type of work a person does and the
types of job duties. For more information about the NOC,
please visit this section.
For the registration process, the BC PNP defines directly related work experience as full-time or part-
time paid employment that is classified under the same NOC code as the B.C. job offer that you have
accepted. Experience in a related occupation at a NOC skill level equal to or greater than the NOC
code of the B.C. job offer may also be included if you can satisfactorily demonstrate how this work
experience is directly related to the job duties outlined in the B.C. job offer. This information will be
required at the time of application. Experience in a lower skill level NOC will not be considered as
directly related.
For example:
you have completed 8 years of full-time employment within the last 10 years in your home
country as a registered nurse (NOC 3012). Your current B.C. job offer is for a licensed practical
nurse (NOC 3233). Because the previous work experience is directly related and at a higher
NOC level, it can be included.
you have 3.5 years of full-time employment within the last 10 years in your home country as a
senior manager in the financial service field (NOC 0013). Your current B.C. job offer is for
financial sales representative (NOC 6235). You can enter your previous experience because it
is directly related and at a higher NOC level than the job offer.
you have over 10 years of full-time employment within the last 10 years in your home country
as a civil engineer (NOC 2131). Your current B.C. job offer is for a food service supervisor
(NOC 6311). In this scenario your previous work experience would not be eligible because it is
not directly related even though it was at a higher NOC.
you have 30 months of part-time employment within the last 10 years in your home country as
a web developer (NOC 2175). Your current B.C. job offer is also for a web developer position
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
(NOC 2175). In this scenario your previous work experience will be credited for 50% of the
duration that you were employed, or 15 months.
Experience obtained in paid co-op work terms may be included if it meets the following criteria:
the paid co-op work term is full-time (minimum 30 hours per week)
the paid co-op experience is at a NOC skill level equal to or greater than the NOC code
of the B.C. job offer
o at the time of application, you must be able to satisfactorily demonstrate how
this work experience is directly related. Experience in a lower skill level NOC will
not be considered as directly related
Unpaid co-op work terms are not eligible.
You can receive additional points if you have at least one year of this directly related work experience
in Canada. To receive these additional points, you must have at least 12 months of work experience if
you are working 30 hours or more per week, or at least 24 months of work experience if you are
working less than 30 hours per week.
2) highest level of education
Points for education will only be awarded for your highest level of education indicated in the
registration. For example, if you have a bachelors and a masters degree, you will only be awarded
points for your master’s degree.
Directly Related Work Experience in the
Occupation of B.C. Job Offer
60+ months 15
48 to 59 months 12
36 to 47 months 9
24 to 35 months 6
12 months to 23 months 3
Less than 12 months 1
None 0
Additional points:
At least 1 year of directly related experience in Canada 10
Maximum Score Available
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
You must have successfully completed your education in order to claim these points. Partial
completion will not be recognized.
The duration of study must exceed 6 months. This six-month requirement is separate from category-
specific requirements.
Your education is not eligible for points if it is a distance education learning program.
You will receive additional points if:
1. the highest level of education indicated in the registration is completed at a post-secondary
institution within B.C.
o please note that language training (e.g. an English as a Second Language or
ESL program, for example) does not qualify for additional points
o your education is not eligible for additional points if it is a distance education learning
2. the highest level of education indicated in the registration is completed at a post-secondary
institution within Canada, outside of B.C.
o please note that language training (e.g. an English as a Second Language or
ESL program, for example) does not qualify for additional points
o your education is not eligible for additional points if it is a distance education learning
3. the highest level of education indicated in the registration is completed at an institution outside
of Canada and you completed an Educational Credential Assessment for your foreign education
credential through
the identified qualified suppliers
o If you choose to complete an Educational Credential Assessment, your education points
will be assessed on the credential awarded to you from the granting country.
o For example:
you have a master’s degree from outside of Canada but the Educational
Credential Assessment determines the degree as equivalent to a bachelor’s
degree in Canada. You should enter your education as a master’s degree and
also claim additional points for the Educational Credential Assessment.
4. you successfully completed the Industry Training Authority British Columbia’s (ITABC’s)
challenge certification process for your trades training and education completed abroad.
o In order to receive points for the trades certification, you must meet all required
certification, licensing or regulatory requirements set by ITABC and the mandated
regulatory body, if applicable, when you register.
o Should you be invited to apply, you will need to demonstrate that this requirement was
met at the time of registration.
Evidence to support your education will be required at the time of application.
You will receive additional points for only one of the options above. For example, if your highest level
of education was a post-secondary education completed in B.C. (8 points) and you also successfully
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
completed the Educational Credential Assessment on a previous education credential (4 points), you
will only receive additional points for your B.C. education (8 points).
Master’s or Doctorate/PhD 17
Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma* 11
Bachelors Degree 11
Post-secondary Diploma/Certificate (Trades)** 11
Associate Degree 4
Post-secondary Diploma/Certificate (Non-trades) 2
Secondary School (High School) or Less 0
Additional points:
Post-secondary education completed in B.C. 8
Post-secondary education completed in Canada (outside of B.C.) 6
Educational Credential Assessment from a qualified supplier 4
Successfully completed the Industry Training Authority British Columbia
(ITABC’s) challenge certification process
Maximum Score Available 25
*The postgraduate, post-degree or post-baccalaureate certificates or diplomas are a post-
graduate academic qualification taken after a bachelor's degree. It is usually awarded by a university
or a graduate school. It normally takes two or more study terms to complete. Please note for a
program to be considered “postgraduate”, an undergraduate (bachelor’s) degree must be required for
admission into the program.
**The BC PNP will recognize and award points for your trade credentials if you can demonstrate that
your country of origin considered your education to be in a “trade”. If you indicate that your highest
level of education is a Diploma/Certificate (Trades), you must submit evidence of this education at the
time of application. If you did not receive a trades diploma/certification, regardless of your
experience, you will not receive points for that education.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
3) language
This factor recognizes the relationship between English or French language ability and successful
economic establishment and integration in B.C.
While language test results may not be mandatory for the category under which you are registering,
completing an eligible language proficiency test may impact your registration score. You must submit
valid language test results if you would like to claim points for your language level in your registration.
You will receive points if you have completed a language test from a designated testing agency.
Points are awarded according to the lowest Canadian Language Benchmark
(CLB) score obtained in
each of the four competencies: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Acceptable language tests include:
the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) General Training
the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP-General)
the Test d'évaluation de français (TEF)
Test results are valid for the two years from the date of issuance. Test results must be valid at the
time of registration AND application.
Canadian Language Benchmark Level Points
10+ 30
9 26
8 22
7 18
6 14
5 10
4 6
Below 4 0
No test 0
Maximum Score Available 30
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Invitations to Apply
Your registration is considered successfully submitted once you receive a confirmation of registration
email that includes your BC PNP registration number. If you do not receive this email within 24 hours,
please refer to the BC PNP Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC Technical Guide
for further
Once submitted, your registration is entered in the selection pool and will be ranked alongside other
registrants in the category that you have chosen.
Periodically, the BC PNP will invite the highest-scoring registrants from each of the categories in the
Skills Immigration Registration System to apply.
Guaranteed Invitations
If you achieve or exceed the following registration scores, you will receive an invitation to apply in the
next draw for your category.
Invitations to apply may be issued for scores lower than these minimums. The minimum scores and
dates for each draw will be posted on the BC PNP website.
The frequency of invitations is based on annual nomination allocations and program capacity to
ensure timely processing of applications. Guaranteed invitation scores are subject to change.
Invitations to Apply
Periodically, the BC PNP will invite candidates from the selection pool for each category to apply. The
number and frequency of invitations to apply is based on annual nomination allocations and the BC
PNP’s processing capacity.
Registrants who are invited to apply will have up to 30 calendar days from the date of invitation to
submit a complete application via the BC PNP Online system.
If you are invited to apply, your registration will be removed from the selection pool.
Category Registration Score
Skills Immigration Skilled Worker 135
Skills Immigration International Graduate 105
Skills Immigration Entry Level and Semi-Skilled 95
Express Entry BC Skilled Worker 135
Express Entry BC International Graduate 105
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
If you are invited to apply but do not submit a complete application by the deadline indicated in your
invitation to apply, your registration will be removed from the selection pool and your registration and
invitation will be cancelled. Your profile will remain. You may submit a new registration at any time.
If you are invited to apply and select the ‘decline’ button on your dashboard, your invitation to apply
will be declined. Your registration will be removed from the selection pool and your registration and
invitation will be cancelled. Your profile will remain. You may submit a new registration at any time,
however, re-registration does not guarantee another invitation to apply.
An invitation to apply does not guarantee that your application will be approved for nomination.
If you receive an invitation to apply, and you submit an application, your application may be refused
you do not meet the relevant program or category requirements outlined in this guide
your registration information has changed such that your total registration score has decreased
below the minimum draw score at the time you were invited to apply
If your
application information differs from your
registration information, resulting in a decrease in
your total registration score, and your revised registration score is below the minimum draw score at
the time you were invited to apply, you should withdraw your registration and submit a new
registration with correct information. This is done using your existing profile. Should you proceed with
submitting an application, your application will be refused.
If your application information differs from your registration
information, and the differences
would not decrease your total registration score below the minimum draw score at the time you
were invited to apply, or would result in an increase in your total registration score, you may choose
to keep your original registration and proceed with submitting an application.
Please note that the information in your registration was locked when you submitted your registration.
The BC PNP will not make corrections to the information in your registration, and will not change the
category under which you registered. Should you proceed with an application and not meet the
requirements of the category under which you registered, your application will be refused.
Application fees will only be refunded if you withdraw your application before the BC PNP begins to
assess it. You may contact the BC PNP in writing by sending an email to to
withdraw your application and find out if you are eligible for a refund. Please provide your full name,
your date of birth, and your BC PNP application file number in your email. Withdrawal requests
submitted in-person or through voicemail will not be accepted.
For more information about what information you will need to complete an application, including
checklists of all required documentation, please see the
BC PNP Skills Immigration and Express Entry
BC Technical Guide.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
What if I am not invited to apply?
A registration in the Skills Immigration Registration System is not an application to the Skills
Immigration stream and does not guarantee that you will be invited to apply. The BC PNP will only
invite the highest-scoring registrants from the selection pool.
If you have not been invited to apply within 12 months of registration, your registration will be
automatically removed from the selection pool.
You may wish to improve your score and register again. For example,
you may try to improve your
language score or obtain a higher level of education. You must meet the minimum program and
category requirements and there is no guarantee that you will be issued an invitation to apply.
For information about invitations to apply including date, the number of invitations issued, and
minimum ranking scores, please refer to the Invitations to Apply page of our website.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Application and Nomination Decision
If you are invited to apply, you will have up to 30 calendar days from the date of invitation to submit
a complete application via the BC PNP Online system. Once you have submitted your complete
application online and paid the $700 application fee, the BC PNP will assess your application according
to program and category-specific criteria.
Please note that the age(s) of your dependent children, if any, are locked in for the purpose of federal
immigration requirements at the time of application to the BC PNP. For more information on federal
requirements regarding the age of dependent children, please see IRCC’s website
If your application is approved, you will receive a nomination to apply to IRCC for permanent
If you are nominated for permanent residence by the BC PNP, you have six months from the date on
your confirmation of nomination to apply to IRCC for a permanent resident visa. IRCC will assess your
application and has the final authority to determine whether you will be granted a permanent resident
You must maintain the conditions of your nomination while you are awaiting a decision on your
permanent residency application.
If nominated, you may be eligible to receive a work permit support letter so you can apply to IRCC to
obtain or renew a work permit to start or continue working in B.C. for your employer while you await
the decision on your permanent residence application.
The BC PNP will only provide a nomination extension if you are able to demonstrate that you
submitted your application for permanent residence to IRCC before the nomination expiry date listed
on the Confirmation of Nomination, or in other extenuating circumstances on a case-by-case basis.
Please see Informing the BC PNP of Changes After Nomination
for more information.
If IRCC approves your permanent residence application, you will be issued a permanent resident visa
which will enable you to become a permanent resident of Canada.
If your Express Entry profile expired after nomination but before IRCC’s invitation to apply, you must
create a new Express Entry profile and inform the BC PNP. In this situation, the BC PNP may reissue
your nomination.
Once you have become a permanent resident, or once your application for permanent residence has
been refused by IRCC, your BC PNP file will be considered closed and no additional BC PNP support
will be provided.
If you have accepted a job offer from a new employer, you must notify the BC PNP. The BC PNP will
review the information to determine whether your application continues to meet program and
category requirements. Please see Informing the BC PNP of Changes After Nomination
for more
Refusal to Accept an Application
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
The BC PNP may refuse to accept an application if:
an invitation for an application does not apply to that person
the person has retained a representative who does not meet the prescribed requirements, as
described in section 4 of the
Provincial Immigration Programs Regulation
the applicant has had a previous approval cancelled by the BC PNP
the applicant has, in the 2 years immediately before the date of the application, been found by
the BC PNP to have made a misrepresentation in a previous application
the applicant has another active application and/or registration
Application Assessment
The BC PNP may approve an application after taking into consideration the following, provided you
have met the program requirements in part 2 and part 3 of this Guide:
whether entry of the applicant will be of benefit to the economic development of British
the applicant’s ability and intention to permanently settle and become economically established
in British Columbia
the applicant’s language skills
whether the applicant’s entry will adversely affect:
o the settlement of a labour dispute or the employment of a person involved in a labour
dispute, or
o employment or training opportunities for British Columbians
whether the information provided in relation to the application is accurate, complete and
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Request for Review
If the BC PNP refuses an application (i.e. declined under section 4(1)(b) of the Act), that person has a
right to request a review of the decision. All requests for a review of a decision must be made within
30 calendar days of the date of the decision notice if the applicant is a resident in Canada, or 60
calendar days of the date of the decision notice if the applicant is not a resident in Canada.
For the purposes of a request for review, residence in Canada is determined by the applicant’s
residential address indicated on the request for review form.
A new registration / application to the BC PNP may not be submitted until your request
for review is withdrawn or otherwise resolved.
A person whose approval has been withdrawn under section 6 of the Act is not entitled to have that
decision reviewed by the BC PNP under the internal review process set out in section 7 of the Act.
The complete request for review must:
be in writing and must be submitted through BCPNP Online
identify the grounds for the request
provide any information the BC PNP requests
pay the $200 non-refundable fee
The purpose of a review is to determine whether the original decision was based on a fair process,
and was within the range of decisions that could be reasonably supported by the evidence before the
decision maker on the basis of the program criteria at the time of the decision.
A review is not a chance to submit new evidence or re-argue the evidence submitted in your
application. Being unsatisfied with the final decision or a component of the decision is not sufficient
grounds to vary or reverse a decision.
Important information for those who choose to submit a request for review:
Only the applicant named on the decision notice may request a review.
An applicant may only submit a request to review a decision issued by the BC PNP (i.e. not
decisions issued by IRCC). The review process is limited to Skills Immigration nomination
The residential address provided in the online request for review form must be the applicant's
current residential address. Forms that list the authorized representative's address will be
considered incomplete and will not be processed.
The applicant is responsible for outlining how the decision was unreasonable or procedurally
unfair. The review will be based on the information provided by the applicant.
The review will be conducted on the basis of the program criteria and evidence available at the
time the application was declined.
You will receive an email confirming your request has been received.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Review Decision
As soon after receiving a complete review request as it is practical to do so, the BC PNP must either:
confirm the original decision, or
re-evaluate the application based on the review request
Reviewed decisions are final decisions under the Act and Regulation. Subsequent requests for review,
or requests for review submitted outside of the applicable 30 or 60 day periods, cannot be accepted.
Withdrawing Your Application
Application fees will only be refunded if you withdraw your application before the BC PNP begins to
assess it. You may contact the BC PNP in writing by sending an email to to
withdraw your application and find out if you are eligible for a refund.
Please provide your full name, your date of birth, and your BC PNP application file number in your
email. Withdrawal requests submitted in-person or through voicemail will not be accepted.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Conditions of Your Nomination
Once you have been nominated by the BC PNP, it is a condition of your nomination that you are not
at any time:
prohibited from entering Canada
under a removal order in or outside of Canada
working in Canada for any employer without authorization
If you are in Canada, you must:
have legal status in Canada; or if status has expired, be able to demonstrate that an
application for restoration of status was submitted within the 90-day eligibility period.
You must continue to demonstrate an ability and intent to permanently reside and economically
establish in B.C.
Nomination with a Job Offer
If you do not have a work permit that enables you to work for your supporting employer in B.C., you
must demonstrate genuine efforts to apply for a valid work permit and commence employment with
your supporting employer in B.C.
If you have a work permit and a supporting B.C. employer, you must:
have a valid work permit that enables you to work for your supporting employer in B.C.
maintain full-time employment with your supporting employer in B.C.
receive a wage that is equal to or greater than the wage listed in your BC PNP application
work in the occupation that is listed on your BC PNP application
meet minimum income requirements
Nomination under a BC PNP Tech Pilot Occupation
In addition, if you were nominated with an occupation (NOC) listed under the BC PNP Tech Pilot, and
your project-based work permit is expiring, you must:
obtain a new job offer with an eligible B.C. employer in an occupation that is eligible under the
BC PNP Tech Pilot
inform the BC PNP of the change to your employment status
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Nomination under International Post-Graduate Categories
If you were nominated under one of the International Post-Graduate categories, you must continue to
demonstrate an ability and intent to permanently reside and economically establish in B.C. Failure to
demonstrate that you are residing in B.C. following your nomination may result in a withdrawal of
your nomination.
Other Conditions
You and your spouse or common-law partner must not hold a combined ownership/equity stake of
more than 10 per cent in the B.C. company that has offered you employment.
You must provide any information requested by the BC PNP to verify that conditions of nomination
continue to be met. Failure to abide by the conditions of nomination, including failure to provide
requested information, may result in a withdrawal of your nomination.
If the BC PNP determines that you provided false or misleading information to the BC PNP, before or
after nomination, your nomination may be withdrawn.
Changes to Your Employment/Immigration Status
You must inform the BC PNP by sending an email to
if any of the following
change of employer, job title, work location, or job duties
decrease in wage or decrease in regular work hours below 30 hours per week
loss of employment
change in immigration status
refusal of work permit
Please see Informing the BC PNP of Changes After Nomination
for more information on submitting
information to the BC PNP following your nomination.
Please note these conditions of nomination are subject to change.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
BC PNP Withdrawal of Your Nomination
The BC PNP may withdraw your nomination if you have:
failed to comply with any
conditions of nomination
failed to inform the BC PNP of a material change
obstructed or interfered with an inspection
retained a paid representative who is not qualified under the Act
provided false or misleading information
The decision to withdraw your nomination is not subject to review under section 7 of the Act.
Examples where an approval or nomination may be withdrawn include, but are not limited to:
information provided in your application to the BC PNP was false or misleading
conditions under which you were nominated are no longer being met
o for example, your income was reduced and you no longer meet the income threshold,
your hours of work have been reduced to casual or part-time employment, or you have
not commenced employment with the supporting employer
you leave your current job in B.C. or change employers
o in the case of cessation or termination of employment, the BC PNP may request
additional information in order to assess continued support of a nomination. The BC
PNP may provide you and your supporting employer with an opportunity to respond to
any evidence or concerns raised during this assessment
o the BC PNP may continue to support your nomination if you can demonstrate your
ability to economically establish in the province. In making this determination, the BC
PNP may consider, but are not limited to, the following factors:
(a) the circumstances regarding your termination or cessation of employment
(b) the amount of time you have been unemployed
(c) your ability to secure alternative employment with a BC PNP eligible employer
you do not notify the BC PNP of changes in your employment status such as whether you
have been demoted, terminated, laid off, on extended leave, or if the business has closed or
changed ownership
you are no longer residing in B.C.
you are in Canada and are out of status
o if your status has expired, and you cannot demonstrate you have applied for
restoration of status within the 90-day eligibility period, you will be considered out of
you are working in Canada without authorization
you are under a removal order in or outside of Canada
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Work Permits
You must maintain legal immigration status while in Canada, and you must have a valid work permit
to work in B.C.
IRCC and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) are responsible for issuing work permits.
A BC PNP nomination by itself does not authorize you to work in B.C.
Work Permit Support Letters
If you have been nominated, the BC PNP may issue you a work permit support letter that allows you
to apply for a work permit from the federal government without the need for a Labour Market Impact
Assessment (LMIA).
Please note:
work permit support letters are only issued to individuals who have been approved as
nominees by the BC PNP
the nominee is responsible for applying for a work permit from the federal government
the nominee is expected to obtain and/or maintain a work permit following nomination
At the time of nomination, the BC PNP may include a work permit support letter in your nomination
package if:
you do not have a valid work permit
your current work permit will expire within 180 days (approximately six months)
Following nomination, and in response to a written request from you, the BC PNP may only issue a
work permit support letter if all of the following are met:
you have been nominated by the BC PNP
your work permit will expire within 180 days
you submitted an application for permanent residence to IRCC as a B.C. nominee before the
nomination expiry date
o note: if you have not yet submitted an application for permanent residence as a
nominee, and if your B.C. nomination expiry date has not passed, you may request a
work permit support letter
you continue to meet the conditions of nomination
If you require a work permit, you must apply to IRCC for your own work permit; the BC PNP cannot
apply for a work permit on your behalf.
Current IRCC processing times are found here.
To obtain a work permit support letter, please submit your request to
the subject line: Work Permit Support Letter Request.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Your email request should include:
your full name
your date of birth (DD/MMM/YYYY) e.g. 01 JAN 1981
your provincial nominee file number
a scanned copy of your pay stubs for the last two pay periods
a scanned copy of your current work permit
evidence that you have submitted your application for permanent residence to IRCC within
the six-month period after you have been nominated
All attachments must be a PDF or JPG file and under 3MB in size.
For time-sensitive work permit support letter requests, we strongly encourage you to
submit your request early to allow us enough time to process.
Please refer to the Processing Times
page of the BC PNP website for more information.
BC PNP Program Guide
Part 5: Process
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Informing the BC PNP of Changes After Nomination
Nominees have an ongoing obligation to report a material change in their circumstances and must
comply with any conditions on their approval.
Changes In Your Employment Status
The BC PNP may consider changes in your employment after you have been nominated if your new
position continues to meet the requirements for nomination and if you can demonstrate that you have
the ability to economically establish in B.C.
You must report changes in your employment status to the BC PNP. This can include a change of any
circumstances which were relevant to the decision to approve the application, or to the conditions
imposed on an approval, such as:
change of employer, job title, work location, or job duties
decrease in wage or decrease in regular work hours below 30 hours per week
loss of employment
The employer and applicant must both notify the BC PNP in the event of any changes in the
employment status such as whether you have been demoted, terminated, laid off, on extended
leave, or if the business has closed or changed ownership.
If the change of employment is accepted, the BC PNP will issue a Work Permit Support Letter to allow
you to obtain a work permit, if necessary.
Other Changes
You must also inform the BC PNP if any of the following occurs after you have been nominated:
change in immigration status
refusal of work permit
How to Notify the BC PNP of Changes in Employment Status / Other Changes
As soon as possible, send an email to
with the following information:
your full name
your date of birth (DD/MMM/YYYY) e.g. 01 JAN 1981
your provincial nominee file number
a description of your circumstances including any supporting documentation
All attachments must be a PDF or JPG file and under 3MB in size.
For time-sensitive requests, we strongly encourage you to submit your request early to
allow us enough time to process.
Please refer to the Processing Times
page of the BC PNP website for more information.
BC PNP Program Guide
Appendix 1: BC PNP Tech Pilot
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
Appendix 1: BC PNP Tech Pilot
The BC PNP Tech Pilot supports the tech sector in recruiting top international talent.
The Tech Pilot offers:
weekly “tech only” invitations to apply (ITA) to qualified candidates working in one of 29
eligible tech occupations in B.C., as indicated in this document
(applicants still need to register
with the BC PNP)
dedicated concierge service for tech employers
priority processing for tech applications
targeted outreach to, and engagement with, the tech sector
some flexibility with job offer duration (see below for details).
The 29 eligible occupations for the BC PNP Tech Pilot are listed in this document
You need to determine if your occupation (NOC) is one of the 29 listed as eligible. Then select which
BC PNP category would be the best fit for you. Please note that you must meet all program
requirements at the time of registration, and if applicable, the time of application.
For further information about the registration and scoring process, refer to the
process section of this
Job Offer Duration Requirement for Eligible Tech Occupations
As of June 26, 2018, job offers under the BC PNP Tech Pilot must meet the following:
the job offer must be for a single job in one of the 29 occupations
eligible under the BC
PNP Tech Pilot
the job offer must be at least one year in duration (365 days)
there must be at least 120 calendar days remaining on the job offer at the time of
Longer duration job offers, including indeterminate job offers, will continue to be eligible.
Example 1 eligible time-limited job offer:
You began working with Company ABC on February 15, 2018 with a one year job offer (i.e.
the job offer expires on February 14, 2019).
Your job is one of the 29 eligible occupations for the BC PNP Tech Pilot.
You register with the BC PNP’s Skilled Worker category on July 1, 2018.
You receive an invitation to apply (ITA) on September 12, 2018.
You submit your application on October 12, 2018.
o At the time of application, you have 125 days remaining on your job offer (ending
February 14, 2019).
BC PNP Program Guide
Appendix 1: BC PNP Tech Pilot
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
As your job offer is for at least one year, and as your job offer is expiring in 120 days or more from
the date you submitted your application, you will be considered to have met the requirement for an
eligible job offer.
Example 2 ineligible time-limited job offer:
You began working with Company XYZ on February 15, 2018 with a one year job offer (i.e. the
job offer expires on February 14, 2019).
Your job is one of the 29 eligible occupations for the BC PNP Tech Pilot.
You register with the BC PNP under the Skilled Worker category on November 1, 2018.
You receive an invitation to apply (ITA) on November 12, 2018.
You submit your application on December 12, 2018.
o At the time of application, you have 64 days remaining on your job offer (ending
February 14, 2019).
As your job offer is expiring in less than 120 days from the date you submitted your application,
you have not met the requirement for an eligible job offer.
For more information
Download our BC PNP Tech Pilot information sheet for a printable, high-level overview of the
Read our BC PNP Tech Pilot FAQs document for specific answers to questions regarding the
Tech Pilot.
Go to our invitations page for information about invitations to apply, including draw dates and
the number and frequency of invitations.
If you are an employer in B.C.’s technology sector and have questions, please contact the BC
PNP concierge: PNPTechEmploye[email protected].ca
If you are an applicant and have general questions about the BC PNP, please visit our contact
us page.
BC PNP Program Guide
Appendix 1: BC PNP Tech Pilot
The information in this guide is effective November 8, 2019. Please check our website to ensure you are using the correct version.
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