Model selection with nested sampling
Tutorial using BEAST v2.5.2
Remco Bouckaert
1 Background
BEAST provides a bewildering number of models. Bayesians have two techniques to deal with this problem:
model averaging and model selection. With model averaging, the MCMC algorithms jumps between the
different models, and models more appropriate for the data will be sampled more often than unsuitable
models (see for example the substitution model averaging tutorial). Model selection on the other hand
just picks one model and uses only that model during the MCMC run. This tutorial gives some guidelines
on how to select the model that is most appropriate for your analysis.
Bayesian model selection is based on estimating the marginal likelihood: the term forming the denominator
in Bayes formula. This is generally a computationally intensive task and there are several ways to estimate
them. Here, we concentrate on nested sampling as a way to estimate the marginal likelihood as well as the
uncertainty in that estimate.
Say, we have two models, M1 and M2, and estimates of the (log) marginal likelihood, ML1 and ML2,
then we can calculate the Bayes factor, which is the fraction BF=ML1/ML2 (or in log space, the difference
log(BF) = log(ML1)-log(ML2)). If BF is larger than 1, model M1 is favoured, and otherwise M2 is favoured.
How much it is favoured can be found in the following table (Kass and Raftery 1995):
Figure 1: Bayes factor support.
Note that sometimes a factor 2 is used for multiplying BFs, so when comparing BFs from different publi-
cations, be aware which definition was used.
Nested sampling is an algorithm that works as follows:
randomly sample N points from the prior
while not converged
pick the point with the lowest likelihood L
, and save to log file
replace the point with a new point randomly sampled from the prior using an MCMC chain of
subChainLength samples under the condition that the likelihood is at least L
So, the main parameters of the algorithm are the number of particles N and the subChainLength. N can be
determined by starting with N=1 and from the information of that run a target standard deviation can be
determined, which gives us a formula to determine N (as we will see later in the tutorial). The subChainLength
determines how independent the replacement point is from the point that was saved, and is the only
parameter that needs to be determined by trial and error see FAQ for details.
BEAST v2 Tutorial
2 Programs used in this tutorial
2.0.1 BEAST2 - Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis Sampling Trees 2
BEAST2 is a free software package for Bayesian evolutionary analysis of molecular sequences using MCMC
and strictly oriented toward inference using rooted, time-measured phylogenetic trees (Bouckaert et al.
2014), (Bouckaert et al. 2018). This tutorial uses the BEAST2 version 2.5.2.
2.0.2 BEAUti2 - Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis Utility
BEAUti2 is a graphical user interface tool for generating BEAST2 XML configuration files.
Both BEAST2 and BEAUti2 are Java programs, which means that the exact same code runs on all
platforms. For us it simply means that the interface will be the same on all platforms. The screenshots
used in this tutorial are taken on a Mac OS X computer; however, both programs will have the same layout
and functionality on both Windows and Linux. BEAUti2 is provided as a part of the BEAST2 package so
you do not need to install it separately.
2.0.3 Tracer
Tracer is used to summarise the posterior estimates of the various parameters sampled by the Markov
Chain. This program can be used for visual inspection and to assess convergence. It helps to quickly view
median estimates and 95% highest posterior density intervals of the parameters, and calculates the effective
sample sizes (ESS) of parameters. It can also be used to investigate potential parameter correlations. We
will be using Tracer v1.7.0.
BEAST v2 Tutorial
3 Practical: Selecting a clock model
We will analyse a set of hepatitis B virus (HBV) sequences sampled through time and concentrate on
selecting a clock model. The most popular clock models are the strict clock model and uncorrelated
relaxed clock with log normal distributed rates (UCLN) model.
3.1 Setting up the Strict clock analysis
First thing to do is set up the two analyses in BEAUti, and run them in order to make sure there are
differences in the analyses. The alignment can be downloaded here: https://raw.githubusercontent.
com/rbouckaert/NS-tutorial/master/data/HBV.nex. We will set up a model with tip dates, HKY
substitution model, Coalescent prior with constant population, and a fixed clock rate.
In BEAUti:
Start a new analysis using the Standard template.
Import HBV.nex using menu File > Import alignment.
In the tip-dates panel, select tip dates, click Auto configure and select the split on character option,
taking group 2 (see Fig 2).
In the site model panel, select HKY as substitution model and leave the rest as is.
In the clock model panel, set the clock rate to 2e-5. Though usually, we want to estimate the
rate, to speed things up for the tutorial, we fix the clock rate at that number as follows:
Uncheck menu Mode > Automatic set clock rate. Now the estimate entry should not be grayed
out any more.
Uncheck the estimate box next to the clock rate entry.
In the priors panel, select Coalescent Constant Population as tree prior.
Also in the priors panel, change to popSize prior to Gamma with alpha = 0.01, beta = 100 (Fig 3).
In the MCMC panel, change the Chain Length to 1 million.
You can rename the file for trace log and tree file to include “Strict” to distinguish them for the
relaxed clock ones.
Save the file as HBVStrict.xml. Do not close BEAUti just yet!
Run the analysis with BEAST.
Do you have a clock rate prior in the priors panel? If so, the clock rate is estimated, and you
should revisit the part where the clock is set up!
3.2 Setting up the relaxed clock analysis
While you are waiting for BEAST to finish, it is time to set up the relaxed clock analysis. This is
now straightforward if BEAUti is still open (if BEAUti was closed, open BEAUti, and load the file
HBVStrict.xml through the menu File > Load):
In the clock model panel, change Strict clock to Relaxed Clock Log Normal.
Set the clock rate to 2e-5, and uncheck the estimate box.
In the MCMC panel, replace Strict in the file names for trace and tree log to UCLN.
BEAST v2 Tutorial
Figure 2: Configuring tip dates in BEAUti
BEAST v2 Tutorial
Figure 3: Priors panel for strict clock analysis in BEAUti
Save file as HBVUCLN.xml Do not click the File > Save menu, but File > Save as, otherwise the
strict clock XML file will be overwritten
Run the analysis in BEAST
Once the analyses have run, open the log file in Tracer and compare estimates and see whether the analyses
substantially differ. You can also compare the trees in DensiTree.
Are there any statistics that are very different? Do tree heights differ substantially? Which analysis is
preferable and why?
If there are no substantial differences between the analysis for the question you are interested in, you do
not have to commit to one model or another, and you can claim that the results are robust under different
models. However, if there are significant differences, you may want to do a formal test to see which model is
preferred over other models. In a Bayesian context, in practice this comes down to estimating the marginal
likelihood, and calculating Bayes factors: the ratios of marginal likelihoods. Nested sampling (Russel et al.
2018) is one way to estimate marginal likelihoods.
3.3 Installing the NS Package
To use nested sampling, first have to install the NS (version {{ page.nsversion }} or above) package.
BEAST v2 Tutorial
Figure 4: Installing NS in the Manage Packages window in BEAUti
Open BEAUti and navigate to File > Manage Packages. Select NS and then click Install/Upgrade
(Fig 4). Then restart BEAUti to load the package.
3.4 Setting up the nested sampling analyses
copy the file HBVStrict.xml to HBVStric-NS.xml and
copy HBVUCLN.xml to HBVUCLN-NS.xml
start a text editor and in both copied files, change
<run i d="mcmc" s pe c="MCMC" chainL e n g t h=" 1000000 ">
<run i d="mcmc" s pe c=" b ea st . g s s . NS" chainLe n g t h=" 20000 " p a r t i c l e C o u n t=" 1 " subChainLength=" 5000-
Here the particleCount represents the number of active points used in nested sampling: the more
points used, the more accurate the estimate, but the longer the analysis takes. The subChainLength
is the number of MCMC samples taken to get a new point that is independent (enough) from
the point that is saved. Longer lengths mean longer runs, but also more independent samples.
BEAST v2 Tutorial
In practice, running with different subChainLength is necessary to find out which length is most
suitable (see FAQ).
change the file names for the trace and tree log to include NS (searching for fileName= will get you
there fastest).
save the files, and run with BEAST.
The end of the BEAST run for nested sampling with the strict clock should look something like this:
To ta l c alc u lat i on time : 3 4. 1 4 6 se co nds
End l i kel i ho o d : -20 2 . 932 2 4 422 9 4 625 3
Pr o duc ing pos ter i or sam pl e s
Ma r gi n al lik e lih o od : - 1 243 8 .35 7 5 817 9 8 47 sqrt ( H /N ) = ( 1 1 . 0 8 4 7 32655710818)=?=SD = ( 1 1 . 008249475863373) -
In f orm a tio n : 1 2 2 .8712 9 8 04858 1 8 2
Max ESS : 6.706 3 0 1 9398 3 6 1 18
Pr o ces s in g 248 tr ee s fr om file .
Log file wr itt en to HB VS tr ic t - NS . po s te r ior . t re es
Done !
Ma r gi n al lik e lih o od : - 1 243 7 . 767 7 0 581 9 1 17 sqrt ( H /N ) = ( 1 1 . 0 5 9 3 0 077842042)=?=SD = ( 1 1 . 71074051847201) -
In f orm a tio n : 1 2 2.308 1 3 3 7075 7 0 5
Max ESS : 6.490 4 1 4 1562 7 7 3 84
Log file wr itt en to HB VS tr ic t - NS . po s te r ior . log
Done !
and for the relaxed clock:
To ta l c alc u lat i on time : 3 8. 5 4 1 se co nds
End l i kel i ho o d : -2 0 0 .77 9 4 173 9 7 148 9
Pr o duc ing pos ter i or sam pl e s
Ma r gi n al lik e lih o od : - 1 242 8 . 557 5 4 670 6 4 81 sqrt ( H /N ) = ( 1 1 . 2 2 2 7 2 275528845)=?=SD = ( 1 1 . 252847709777592) -
In f orm a tio n : 1 2 5 .9495 0 6 04206 9 1 9
Max ESS : 5.874 0 8 5 8221 9 8 2 68
Pr o ces s in g 257 tr ee s fr om file .
Log file wr itt en to HBVUC LN - NS . pos ter i or . tr ee s
Done !
Ma r gi n al lik e lih o od : - 1 242 8 . 480 9 2 304 9 3 45 sqrt ( H /N ) = ( 1 1 . 2 2 0 3 9 2 192278625)=?=SD = ( 1 1 . 4 91864352217954)-
In f orm a tio n : 125. 8 9 7 20094 8 5 4 714
Max ESS : 5.940 9 9 6 2697 6 9 5 91
Log file wr itt en to HBVUC LN - NS . pos ter i or . log
Done !
As you can see, nested sampling produces estimates of the marginal likelihood as well as standard deviation
estimates. At first sight, the relaxed clock has a log marginal likelihood estimate of about -12428, while
the strict clock is much worse at about -12438. However, the standard deviation of both runs is about 11,
so that makes these estimates indistinguishable. Since this is a stochastic process, the exact numbers for
BEAST v2 Tutorial
your run will differ, but should not be that far appart (less than 2 SDs, or about 22 log points in 95% of
the time).
To get more accurate estimates, the number of particles can be increased. The expected SD is sqrt(H/N)
where N is the number of particles and H the information. The information H is conveniently estimated
in the nested sampling run as well. To aim for an SD of say 2, we need to run again with N particles such
that 2=sqrt(125/N), which means 4=125/N, so N=125/4 and N=32 will do. Note that the computation
time of nested sampling is linear in the number of particles, so it will take about 32 times longer to run if
we change the particleCount from 1 to 32 in the XML.
A pre-cooked run with 32 particles can be found here:
tree/master/precooked_runs. Download the files HBV-Strict-NS32.log and HBVUCLN-NS32.log and
run the NSLogAnalyser application to analyse the results. To start the NSLogAnalyser from the command line,
ap p lau n che r NSL o gAn a l yse r - no p ost e rio r - N 32 - lo g / path / to / HB VS tr ic t - NS32 . log
ap p lau n che r NSL o gAn a l yse r - no p ost e rio r - N 32 - lo g / path / to / HBVUC LN - N S32 . lo g
or from BEAUti, click menu File/Launch apps, select NSLogAnalyser and fill in the form in the GUI. The output
for the strict clock analysis should be something like this:
Lo adi ng HBVStrict - NS 32 . log , bu rni n 0%, s kip pin g 0 log lin es
| - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - |
Ma r gi n al lik e lih o od : - 1 242 6 . 207 7 5 047 4 8 12 sqrt ( H /N ) = ( 1 . 8 9 1 3 0 5 9 067381148)=?=SD = ( 1 . 8 3 74367294317693)-
In f orm a tio n : 114. 4 6 5 21705 1 5 9 945
Max ESS : 400.4 1 2 1 42090 5 2 8 96
Ca l cul a tin g st a tis t ics
| - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - |
#Par t icl es = 32
item mean st dd ev
po s ter ior - 1 25 12 .7 2 . 98 8 1 07
li k eli h oo d - 1 23 11 .7 2 . 91 6 33
pr io r - 2 01 .0 09 1 . 58 0 2 07
tre e Lik e l iho o d - 1 23 11 .7 2 . 91 6 33
Tr e eHe i gh t 34 4 3. 9 55 13 4 .1 9 21
ka pp a 2. 6 79 1 69 0. 1 51 2 43
po pSi ze 23 3 7. 4 54 29 0 .0 4 07
Coa l e sce n t C ons t a nt -1 6 3 . 1 9 1 3 . 09 0 67 1
fre q Par a met e r . 1 0. 2 40 0 33 0. 0 05 8 84
fre q Par a met e r . 2 0. 2 67 8 56 0. 0 06 8 14
fre q Par a met e r . 3 0. 2 17 0 84 0. 0 06 6 38
fre q Par a met e r . 4 0. 2 75 0 27 0. 0 06 7 16
Done !
So, that gives us a ML estimate of -12426.2 with SD of 1.89, slightly better than the 2 we aimed for,
but the information is also a bit lower than we assumed (114 vs 128). Furthermore, there are posterior
estimates of all the entries in the trace log. Nested sampling does not only estimate MLs and SDs, but
can also provide a sample from the posterior, which can be useful for cases where MCMC has trouble with
convergence. But let’s not digress too much and get back to model selection.
BEAST v2 Tutorial
For the relaxed clock analysis, we get something like:
Ma r gi n al lik e lih o od : - 1 241 7 . 389 7 9 328 8 1 46 sqrt ( H /N ) = ( 1 . 9 5 4 3 3 3 7 689486355)=?=SD = ( 1 . 9 6 14418034828585)-
In f orm a tio n : 122. 2 2 1 4553 7 4 4 953
so an ML of -12417.4 with SD of 1.95. Therefor the log BF is -12417.4 - -12426.2 = 8.8, which is more
than twice the sum of the SDs, so can be considered reliable evidence in favour of the relaxed clock model.
Note that judging from the table at the start of the tutorial, this amounts to overwhelming support for
the relaxed clock.
4 Nested sampling FAQ
4.1 The analysis prints out multiple ML estimates with their SDs. Which one to
The difference between the estimates is the way they are estimated from the nested sampling run. Since
these are estimates that require random sampling, they differ from one estimate to another. When the
standard deviation is small, the estimates will be very close, but when the standard deviations is quite large,
the ML estimates can substantially differ. Regardless, any of the reported estimates are valid estimates,
but make sure to report them with their standard deviation.
4.2 How do I know the sub-chain length is large enough?
NS works in theory if and only if the points generated at each iteration are independent. If you already did
an MCMC run and know the effective sample size (ESS) for each parameter, to be sure every parameter
in every sample is independent you can take the length of the MCMC run divided by the smallest ESS as
sub-chain length. This tend to result in quite large sub-chain lengths.
In practice, we can get away much smaller sub-chain lengths, which you can verify by running multiple NS
analysis with increasing sub-chain lengths. If the ML and SD estimates do not substantially differ, you
know the shorter sub-chain length was sufficient.
4.3 How many particles do I need?
To start, use only a few particles. This should give you a sense of the information H, which is one of the
estimates provided by the NS analysis. If you want to compare two hypotheses, you want the difference
between ML1 and ML2 to be at least 2sqrt(SD1SD1+SD2SD2) in order to make sure the difference is not due to
If the difference is larger, you do not need more particles.
If the difference is smaller, you can guess how much the SD estimates must shrink to get a difference that
is sufficiently large. Since the SD=sqrt(H/N), we have that N=H/(SDSD) and H comes from the NS run with a few
particles. Run the analysis again, with the increased number of particles, and see if the difference becomes
large enough.
If the difference is less than 2, the hypotheses may not be distinguishable in terms of Bayes factors, are
barely worth mentioning.
BEAST v2 Tutorial
4.4 Is NS faster than path sampling/stepping stone (PS/SS)?
This depends on many things, but in general, depends on how accurate the estimates should be. For NS,
we get an estimate of the SD, which is not available for PS/SS. If the hypotheses have very large differences
in MLs, NS requires very few (maybe just 1) particle, and will be very fast. If differences are smaller, more
particles may be required, and the run-time of NS is linear in the number of particles.
The parallel implementation makes it possible to run many particles in parallel, giving a many-particle
estimate in the same time as a single particle estimate (PS/SS can be parallelised by steps as well).
4.5 The output is written on screen, which I forgot to save. Can I estimate them
directly from the log files?
The NS package has a NSLogAnalyser application that you can run via the menu File/Launch apps in BEAUti
a window pops up where you select the NSLogAnalyser, and a dialog shows you various options to fill in. You
can also run it from the command line on OS X or Linux using
/ p at h /to / b ea st / bin / a p pl a unc h er N S Log A nal y ser - N 1 - log xyz . log
where the argument after N is the particleCount you specified in the XML, and xyz.log the trace log produced
by the NS run.
4.6 Why are some NS runs longer than others?
Nested sampling stops automatically when the accuracy in the ML estimate cannot be improved upon.
Because it is a stochastic process, some analyses get there faster than others, resulting in different run
4.7 Why are the ESSs so low when I open a log file in Tracer?
An NS analysis produces two trace log files: one for the nested sampling run (say myFile.log) and one with
the posterior sample (myFile.posterior.log).
The ESSs in Tracer of log files with the posterior samples are meaningless, because the log file is ordered
using the nested sampling run. If you look at the trace of the Likelihood, it should show a continuous
increasing function. It is not quite clear how to estimate ESSs of a nested sampling run yet, though the
number of entries in the posterior log is equal to the maximum theoretical ESS, which is almost surely an
BEAST v2 Tutorial
5 Useful Links
Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis with BEAST 2 (Drummond and Bouckaert 2014)
BEAST 2 website and documentation:
Nested sampling website and documentation:
Join the BEAST user discussion:
This tutorial was written by Remco Bouckaert for Taming the BEAST and is licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Version dated: June 9, 2024
Relevant References
Bouckaert, R, J Heled, D Kühnert, T Vaughan, CH Wu, D Xie, MA Suchard, A Rambaut, and AJ
Drummond. 2014. Beast 2: a software platform for bayesian evolutionary analysis. PLoS computational
biology 10: e1003537.
Bouckaert, R, TG Vaughan, J Barido-Sottani, S Duchene, M Fourment, A Gavryushkina, J Heled, G Jones,
D Kuhnert, N De Maio, et al. 2018. Beast 2.5: an advanced software platform for bayesian evolutionary
analysis. BioRxiv 474296.
Drummond, AJ and RR Bouckaert. 2014. Bayesian evolutionary analysis with BEAST 2. Cambridge Uni-
versity Press,
Kass, RE and AE Raftery. 1995. Bayes factors. Journal of the american statistical association 90: 773–795.
Russel, PM, BJ Brewer, S Klaere, and RR Bouckaert. 2018. Model selection and parameter inference in
phylogenetics using nested sampling. Systematic biology 68: 219–233.