Merrimack River
Watershed Assessment
Description of Existing
Prepared for:
Sponsor Communities:
Manchester, NH
Nashua, NH
Lowell, MA
Haverhill, MA
New England District
U.S. Army Corps of
January 2003
The River Basin Community Coalition concept was conceived in June 1998 in response
to regulatory requirements to mitigate Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO) discharges.
Because the coalition communities faced an aggregate financial commitment of 0.5 to 1.0
billion dollars, the five founding technical managers and administrators from each
community believed that such an investment should be made wisely. They believed
that this wise investment should be founded on good science that holistically embraces
the needs of the watershed. Generally speaking the mission is to “spend smart” by
making wise science based investments in activities related to water quality
improvements that are not solely focused on CSO mitigation.
Executive Summary
This report is submitted to fulfill the requirements of Task Order 1A of Contract
Number DACW33-02-D-0005: “Evaluation of Existing Conditions” for the Merrimack
River Watershed Assessment Study. This is the first Task Order for Phase I of the
comprehensive study, which has been jointly funded by the United States Army
Corps of Engineers (USACE) through the New England District and the five
sponsoring communities of Manchester and Nashua, New Hampshire; Haverhill and
Lowell, Massachusetts; and the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District, Massachusetts.
Phase I of this study is aimed at identifying relative planning level benefits (and costs)
of generalized investment strategies such that beneficial uses of the water can be
effectively improved through a shared-vision approach to watershed management.
Task Order 1A of the Study authorized the review of existing documentation on the
Merrimack River watershed, and a summation of the findings in this report.
Specifically, the Task Order requires “discussions of water quality, water quantity,
dams and impoundments, sediment quality, and biological resources and habitat
including phytoplankton, macroinvertebrates, fisheries (anadromous and resident
fish population), shellfish, and wetlands (freshwater and tidal).” Additionally, the
Task Order requires a review and discussion of designated water uses and
attainment, and a limited discussion of pollution sources within the watershed. The
discussions in this report focus on the mainstem of the Merrimack River, along with
its significant tributaries. The report does not include new findings, but rather serves
as a unifying summary of other documents that have been issued primarily within the
past ten years.
This “Description of Existing Conditions” report is intended to serve two purposes.
First, it is a medium to communicate the current state of the watershed to project
participants, sponsors, and interested stakeholders. Second, portions of the report
(especially the sections on designated use attainment and water quality) will serve as
a reference during subsequent evaluations and comparisons during Phase I of the
comprehensive study.
Watershed Overview
The Merrimack River is formed by the confluence of the Pemigewasset and
Winnipesaukee Rivers in Franklin, New Hampshire. The River flows southward for
approximately 78 miles in New Hampshire; it turns abruptly across the New
Hampshire- Massachusetts border and flows in a northeasterly direction for
approximately another 50 miles before discharging to the Atlantic Ocean at
Newburyport, Massachusetts. The final 22 miles of the River are tidally influenced
downstream of Haverhill, Massachusetts.
The Merrimack River watershed covers an area of approximately 5010 square miles in
the south-central portion of New Hampshire (76-percent of the drainage area) and the
northeastern portion of Massachusetts (24-percent of the drainage area), making it the
fourth largest watershed in New England.
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Physical Setting
The Merrimack River watershed encompasses a variety of terrain and climate
conditions, from the mountainous White Mountain region in northern New
Hampshire to the estuarine coastal basin of northeastern Massachusetts. Precipitation
in the watershed is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year. There are, however,
large inter-basin variations in the amount and type of precipitation (i.e. rain versus
snow) primarily as a result of the effects of terrain, elevation, latitude, and proximity
to the ocean (Flanagan et al. 1999). Temperatures in the basin generally vary widely
on an annual basis. Based on a review of climate data, July is typically found to be the
warmest month and January is generally the coldest.
A mix of deciduous and evergreen forest, covering approximately 77 percent of the
watershed area, dominates the land use in the basin. Urban areas, including
residential, industrial, commercial and commercial land uses, make up the second
largest land use category, covering approximately 10 percent of the total watershed
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) currently operates two gaging stations on the
mainstem Merrimack River at (1) Merrimack River near Goffs Falls, below
Manchester, New Hampshire and (2) Merrimack River below Concord River at
Lowell, Massachusetts. Numerous other gaging stations currently exist on major
tributaries to the Merrimack River. A review of the monthly discharge statistics on
the mainstem reveals that the highest average and most variable flows generally occur
during the month of April; the lowest and least variable flows generally occur during
the late summer (August and September).
Numerous hydropower dams currently exist on the mainstem Merrimack River and
its major tributaries that significantly impact the daily, weekly, and monthly
streamflow conditions. During high flow conditions, the hydropower facilities
generally operate under “run of the river ” conditions, with substantial spillage.
During periods of low flow, the dams are required to pass a minimum flow, while
still operating to meet peak demands. This often results in short-term water level
fluctuations during summer months.
Water Quality
Historically, the water quality of the Merrimack River was severely degraded by
industrial and domestic wastes. In the 1960s, the River was listed as one of the
nation’s ten most polluted waterways, primarily as a result of raw sewage, paper and
textile mill wastes, and tannery sludge (USEPA 1987). However, the passage of the
Federal Clean Water Act in 1972 ushered in a period of rebirth for the River. An
infusion of large amounts of state and Federal funding for water resources
infrastructure investments, such as wastewater treatment plant (WWTP’s), helped to
revive the River into one that is currently a significant natural and economic resource
in the New England region.
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Despite the significant improvements, further work to improve water quality is
required. For example, a 1997 study conducted as part of the Merrimack River
Initiative (MRI) indicated that the four largest causes of non-support of designated
uses in the basin are pollution from (1) urban runoff, (2) natural sources, (3) municipal
point sources, and (4) combined sewer overflow (CSO) discharges. This study also
identified elevated bacteria levels as the primary cause of non-supporting use in the
basin, followed distantly by low dissolved oxygen concentrations and high nutrient
levels (Donovan and Diers 1997). Other issues of concern include low-flow conditions,
water supply, flooding, contamination of shellfishing beds, and fish and wildlife
habitat and contamination issues.
The primary water quality data collection agencies in the watershed have been state
and federal agencies, including the New Hampshire Department of Environmental
Services (NHDES), the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
(MADEP), and the USGS. Recently, several volunteer monitoring programs have also
started collecting data within the watershed with the help of these state agencies and
the Merrimack River Watershed Council. The majority of the water quality data that
exists in the basin from MADEP was collected prior to 1990. NHDES also collected
water quality and biomonitoring data in the watershed throughout the 1990s. The
most recent comprehensive analysis of the River’s quality was performed under the
Merrimack River Initiative (MRI) during the 1990’s. This project was a collaborative
effort between the USEPA, NHDES, MADEP, and the New England Interstate Water
Pollution Control Commission. The MRI collected water quality samples throughout
the basin during one wet-weather and one dry-weather event; benthic
macroinvertebrate sampling was also performed.
Both Massachusetts and New Hampshire categorize waters according to their use
class. Each class is associated with a series of designated uses; the ability of a
waterbody to support these uses is assessed based on its ability to meet the applicable
water quality standards. In New Hampshire, designated use categories include
swimming (primary contact recreation), fish and shellfish consumption, drinking
water, and aquatic life support. In Massachusetts, these uses include fish
consumption, aquatic life support, drinking water, shellfishing, primary contact
recreation (swimming), and secondary contact recreation (boating).
In general, the most recent statewide surface water assessments published by
Massachusetts and New Hampshire in 2002 show that bacteria (E. Coli and fecal
coliform) is the largest cause of water quality violations in the Merrimack River
mainstem. This translates into a non-supporting use of primary and secondary
contact recreation in the majority of the River downstream of Manchester, New
Hampshire, as well as a closure of the shellfishing beds in the tidally influence portion
of the River. The New Hampshire assessment report lists CSO’s as the primary cause
of these violations; Massachusetts does not provide a similar listing. The
Massachusetts assessment report also lists metals, nutrients, and priority organics as
significant problems along the mainstem, resulting in a non-attainment of the aquatic
Executive Summary
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life use. Additionally, the recent MRI study also discovered exceedances of water
quality standards for lead and zinc in the lower portion of the River during wet and
dry-weather conditions, affecting aquatic life in the river. The following table
provides a summary of the major causes of non-supporting use in the Merrimack
River mainstem based on the states’ 2002 assessment reports.
Causes of non-support in the Merrimack River mainstem
Listed Miles/ Area
NH MA Total
Non-supporting Use
Pathogens 19.82 mi
27.9 mi,
7.14 mi
47.72 mi,
7.14 mi
Primary and secondary
contact recreation (MA
and NH), shellfishing
(MA only)
Metals --- 20.8 mi 20.8 mi Not listed
--- 18.7 mi 18.7 mi Not listed
Priority Organics --- 15.9 mi,
6.97 mi
15.9 mi,
6.97 mi
Not Listed
pH 4.88 mi --- 4.88 mi Aquatic Life
Unionized Ammonia --- 4.37mi
Not Listed
Flow Alteration 0.59 mi --- 0.59 mi Aquatic Life
Area (in mi
) is provided for the tidally influenced portion of the basin in Massachusetts
Massachusetts does not specify which nutrients are a problem; however, phosphorus is
generally the limiting nutrient in freshwater and nitrogen is the limiting nutrient in marine
Source: MADEP 2002, NHDES 2002
Elevated bacteria levels were also identified as a major problem on many of the
tributaries to the Merrimack River, particularly in the Massachusetts portion of the
basin, translating into a non-supporting use for primary and secondary contract
recreation in the listed areas. Additionally, violations of the pH criteria for aquatic
life support were identified in a majority of the New Hampshire tributaries. The
Massachusetts assessment report listed metals, nutrients, and organic enrichment/
low dissolved oxygen as the other top causes of designated use non-attainment. The
MRI study also discovered elevated levels of lead during wet and dry-weather in the
Sudbury/Assabet/Concord (SuAsCo) and Nashua River watersheds, as well as
elevated copper concentrations in the SuAsCo watershed.
Resource Summary
The Merrimack River watershed is a high value resource area that supports a range of
biological, recreation, and other resources, such as hydropower and public drinking
water supplies. The watershed also supports a range of important habitats, as
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n Aquatic Habitat- These habitats include quickwaters in the northern portion of the
watershed, cold and warm water fisheries throughout the watershed, and an
estuarine environment in the River’s final reaches.
n Riparian Habitat- The diversity of river riparian habitat provides a valuable
resource for wildlife. One of the riparian habitats found along the mainstem River,
the pitch/scrub oak barrens, are considered globally rare and support the only
identified New England population of Karner blue butterfly, a federally-listed
endangered species.
n Freshwater Wetland Habitat- Freshwater wetlands play an integral role in the
ecology of the Merrimack River corridor. The combination of high nutrient levels
and primary productivity found in these habitats is ideal for the development of
organisms forming the base of the food chain.
n Tidal Wetland Habitat- The unique freshwater/saltwater habitat in the lower 22
miles of the mainstem River supports a wide range of aquatic species, including
extensive shellfishing beds (which are currently closed due to elevated bacteria
Biological resources in the watershed include shellfish populations in the tidally
influenced portions of the mainstem Merrimack River, various resident and
anadromous fish populations, and numerous threatened and endangered species. In
the past 20 years an extensive anadromous fish restoration program has been
implemented on the Merrimack River designed to bring back extirpated stocks of the
endangered Atlantic salmon, American shad, alewife, and blueback herring. The
largest threats to the fish populations currently include mercury and polychlorinated
biphenyl (PCB) contamination, hydromodification, thermal pollution, and flow
regulation resulting in insufficient in-stream flow requirements.
The Merrimack River watershed also supports a range of primary and secondary
contact recreation activities, including a Class II and III rapids and slalom kayaking
course in Manchester, New Hampshire, a public beach at the Lowell Heritage State
Park, and numerous marinas and private boat docks. In addition, hiking, camping,
cross-country skiing and picnicking are popular activities associated with the River
and adjacent back areas. The portion of the mainstem River from its origin at
Franklin, New Hampshire to the backwater impoundment at Hooksett Dam is under
Congressional study for designation to the Wild and Scenic River System.
In additional to the biological and recreational resources, the watershed supports a
variety of economic uses, including seven hydroelectric dams, which currently
operate on the mainstem Merrimack River and the Pemigewasset River. The
mainstem River also supports numerous public and industrial water users along its
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Pollution Source Summary
Water quality in the Merrimack River mainstem is affected by both point and non-
point source pollution. Municipal wastewater treatment plants, CSO’s, stormdrain
discharges, and industrial dischargers are considered to be the largest cause of point
source pollution in the watershed. These sources contribute significantly to the non-
attainment of designated uses throughout the basin. Both CSO and stormdrain
pollution are generally a wet-weather problem, whereas municipal and industrial
dischargers are a continuous source.
The primary sources of non-point source pollution in the watershed include: urban
and non-urban stormwater runoff, atmospheric deposition, natural sources (such as
wildlife and waterfowl populations), pet waste, in situ contaminants, agricultural
runoff, septic systems, illicit connections, and groundwater plumes from sites
regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and from
landfills. Unlike point source discharges, pollution from non-point sources is very
difficult to quantify and remediate. However, these sources may contribute
significantly to the non-attainment of designated uses in the Merrimack River
A i
Executive Summary
Section 1 Introduction
1.1 Study Authority............................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Study Purpose.................................................................................................. 1-1
1.3 Report Scope.................................................................................................... 1-2
1.4 Watershed Overview....................................................................................... 1-2
1.5 Study Scope...................................................................................................... 1-3
1.6 Study Area....................................................................................................... 1-4
Section 2 Physical Setting
2.1 Study Area....................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Geology and Land Use.................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.1 Bedrock and Surficial Geology.......................................................... 2-3
2.2.2 Soil Composition................................................................................ 2-3
2.2.3 Groundwater Aquifers...................................................................... 2-8
2.2.4 Land Use............................................................................................ 2-8
2.3 Climate and Hydrology..................................................................................2-11
2.3.1 Climate..............................................................................................2-11
2.3.2 Hydrology.........................................................................................2-15
2.4 Social and Economic.......................................................................................2-21
Section 3 Water Quality
3.1 Sampling Programs......................................................................................... 3-3
3.2 Designated Uses............................................................................................... 3-9
3.3 Water Quality in the Merrimack River Mainstream......................................3-15
3.3.1 2002 New Hampshire and Massachusetts 303(d) Lists....................3-15
3.3.2 Other Studies....................................................................................3-20
3.3.3 Summary...........................................................................................3-22
3.4 Water Quality in Significant Tributaries........................................................3-22
3.4.1 2002 New Hampshire and Massachusetts 303(d) Lists....................3-24
3.4.2 Summary...........................................................................................3-30
3.5 Sediment Quality............................................................................................3-31
3.5.1 Monitoring Programs.......................................................................3-31
3.5.2 State Reporting.................................................................................3-31
Section 4 Resource Summary
4.1 Biological Resources........................................................................................ 4-1
4.1.1 Habitat............................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.2 Biological Lifeforms........................................................................... 4-4
Table of Contents
Merrimack River Watershed Assessment Study
Description of Existing Conditions
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4.1.3 Fisheries ............................................................................................4-10
4.2 Recreational Resources...................................................................................4-18
4.3 Other Resources..............................................................................................4-21
4.3.1 Hydropower.....................................................................................4-21
4.3.2 Existing USACE Projects ..................................................................4-22
4.3.3 Water Supply....................................................................................4-22
Section 5 - Pollution Source Summary
5.1 Point Source Pollution Summary.................................................................... 5-1
5.1.1 Municipal WWTP’s and Industrial Point Source Discharges ........... 5-2
5.1.2 Combined Sewer Overflows.............................................................. 5-3
5.1.3 Stormwater Discharges...................................................................... 5-4
5.2 Non-Point Source Pollution Summary............................................................ 5-5
Section 6 Future Directions................................................................................................. 6-1
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Figure 2.1 - Basemap.................................................................................................... 2-2
Figure 2.2 Bedrock Geology...................................................................................... 2-5
Figure 2.3 Soil Surface Texture................................................................................. 2-6
Figure 2.4 Hydrologic Soils Group........................................................................... 2-7
Figure 2.5 Land Use Map.........................................................................................2-10
Figure 2.6 Climate Stations......................................................................................2-14
Figure 2.7 Active USGS Gaging Stations.................................................................2-16
Figure 2.8 Boxplots of Monthly Streamflow Data for Select Gaging Stations.........2-17
Figure 2.9 Weekly Streamflow Record at USGS Gaging Station- Lowell, MA .......2-21
Figure 2.10 U.S. Census Population Block Data ......................................................2-23
Figure 4.1 - Anadromous Fish Returns Essex Dam Fish Lift in
Lawrence, Massachusetts.......................................................................4-14
A iv
Table 2.1 Summary of Major Tributaries.................................................................. 2-1
Table 2.2 Land Use Summary................................................................................... 2-9
Table 2.3 Active Climate Stations in the Merrimack River Watershed...................2-11
Table 2.4 Summary of Monthly Precipitation and Temperature Statistics
For Select Stations.....................................................................................2-13
Table 2.5 Summary of Active Streamflow Gaging Stations in the Merrimack
River Watershed.......................................................................................2-15
Table 2.6 Summary of 7Q10 and Mean August Flow for Active Gaging
Stations on the Merrimack and Pemigewasset Rivers.............................2-20
Table 2.7 2000 U.S. Census Population Data for Urban Centers in the
Merrimack River Watershed....................................................................2-22
Table 3.1 Summary of Water Quality Sampling Program........................................ 3-1
Table 3.2 Causes of Non-support in the Merrimack River Mainstem...................... 3-3
Table 3.3 Designated Water Class in the Merrimack River Watershed...................3-11
Table 3.4a New Hampshire Guidelines for Use Classification................................3-12
Table 3.4b Massachusetts Guidelines for Use Classification....................................3-14
Table 3.5 2002 CALM Listed Merrimack River Mainstem Segments in
New Hampshire for “Waters that do not require a TMDL”....................3-18
Table 3.6 2002 Category 5 Listed Waters in the Massachusetts Portion of the
Merrimack River Mainstem.....................................................................3-20
Table 3.7 Status of Designated Use Support in Major Tributaries ..........................3-23
Table 3.8 CALM Listed Tributary Segments in New Hampshire for Waters
That do not Require a TMDL...................................................................3-25
Table 3.9 Listed Tributary Segments in the Massachusetts Portion of the
Merrimack River Watershed in Category 4c and 5..................................3-27
Table 4.1 Summary of Shellfish Species.................................................................... 4-6
Table 4.2 State Listed Mammals ............................................................................... 4-7
Table 4.3 Federally and State Listed Birds................................................................ 4-8
Table 4.4 State Listed Amphibians and Reptiles ...................................................... 4-9
Table 4.5 List of Fish Identified in the Merrimack River, Sorted by Family ...........4-10
Table 4.6 Cold-Water and Warm-Water Designated Fisheries in Massachusetts...4-15
Table 4.7 Recreational Facilities Along the Lower Merrimack River......................4-18
Table 4.8 Water Users Along the Merrimack River Mainstem
Downstream of Manchester, New Hampshire........................................4-23
Table 5.1 Water Discharges to the Merrimack River Mainstem
Downstream of Manchester, New Hampshire......................................... 5-3
Table 5.2 CSO Discharges to the Merrimack River Mainstem................................. 5-4
Table 5.3 Potential Non-point Source Pollution Sources and Impacts..................... 5-5
The cities of Manchester and Nashua, New Hampshire, Lowell and Haverhill,
Massachusetts, and the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District (GLSD), Massachusetts are
currently working separately to develop and implement long-term Combined Sewer
Overflow (CSO) control plans in compliance with the Federal Clean Water Act. The
collective cost of these potential CSO improvements could reach upwards of $1 billion
over the next 20 years. Given this sizable investment, the communities are concerned
that decisions regarding potential CSO abatement measures are being made without
adequate understanding of the existing conditions in the Merrimack River, the
pollution sources to the River, and the potential benefits of the proposed CSO
In order to develop a comprehensive assessment of the current Merrimack River
mainstem and watershed conditions, the five sponsors, in conjunction with the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers - New England Division (USACE) are jointly funding the
Merrimack River Watershed Assessment Study. The community coalition has
provided 50 percent of the cost share for the first $2,000,000 phase of the Study. The
Federal government, through the USACE, is providing the remaining financial
support, in addition to technical assistance for the Study. Involvement of the USACE
is authorized under Section 729 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of
1986 entitled “Study of Water Resources Needs of River Basins and Regions,” as
amended by Section 202 of WRDA 2000.
A 1-1
Section 1
The cities of Manchester and Nashua, New Hampshire the City of Lowell,
Massachusetts, the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District (GLSD), Massachusetts, and
the City of Haverhill, Massachusetts are currently working separately to develop and
implement long-term Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) control plans in compliance
with the Federal Clean Water Act. The collective cost of these potential CSO
improvements may reach upwards of one billion dollars over the next 20 years. Given
this sizable investment, the communities are concerned that decisions regarding the
potential mitigation measures are being made without adequate understanding of the
existing conditions in the Merrimack River, the pollution sources to the River, and the
potential benefits of the proposed CSO improvements. The cities are looking to
conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current River and watershed conditions,
the results of which can then be used to guide decisions regarding CSO mitigation
1.1 Study Authority
The Federal government, through the United States Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE), is providing 50 percent of the cost share for the Merrimack River Watershed
Assessment Study (hereafter referred to as the “Study”), as well as technical
assistance. Involvement of the USACE is authorized under Section 729 of the Water
Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1986 entitled “Study of Water Resources
Needs of River Basins and Regions” as amended by Section 202 of WRDA 2000. This
report was prepared in response to specific language contained in Section 437 of
WRDA 2000 that directed the USACE to conduct a comprehensive study of the water
resource needs of the Merrimack River basin in Massachusetts (MA) and New
Hampshire (NH).
Directed funds for this effort were provided to the USACE by Congress in the fiscal
year 2001 and 2002 Energy and Water Development Appropriation. The City of
Lowell, Massachusetts, serving as the local sponsor of this project, entered into a
Memorandum of Understanding with the four other communities in the watershed
(Haverhill and GLSD, Massachusetts; Manchester and Nashua, New Hampshire) to
provide the remaining financial support for the Study.
1.2 Study Purpose
The purpose of this Study is to develop a comprehensive Watershed Management
Plan (WMP) for the Merrimack River watershed. The WMP will be used to guide
investments in the environmental resources and infrastructure of the basin and will be
aimed at achieving conditions that support beneficial uses and ecosystem health, with
a particular emphasis on water quality. The WMP will encompass the diverse
interests and goals of the various partners and stakeholders throughout the
Merrimack River watershed, which include local, state, and Federal governments,
industry, and concerned citizen groups. Stakeholders will be consulted throughout
Section 1
A 1-2
the planning process to help ensure that the final plan is balanced and
The assessment will include a water resources and ecosystem restoration
investigation of the Merrimack River and will be used to answer the following
n What are the existing and potential future feasible beneficial uses of the River?
n What are the pollutant sources that may impact these uses?
n What is the relative contribution of pollutants from various sources?
n What project(s) will provide the most significant return on investment?
n Which projects have the highest priority?
1.3 Report Scope
The purpose of this “Description of Existing Conditions” report is to provide a
comprehensive description of the current conditions in the watershed based on
available resources. The report is not intended to serve as an evaluation of these
existing conditions with respect to accuracy and adequacy of existing data, but rather
as unifying summary of the relevant documents that have been issued primarily in
the past ten years. Topics addressed in this report include the Merrimack River’s
physical setting; biological, recreational, and other resources; water quality of the
mainstem and its significant tributaries; and potential contributors to point and non-
point source pollution in the watershed. This report will serve as a reference for
comparison during subsequent tasks of this Study.
1.4 Watershed Overview
The Merrimack River is formed by the confluence of the Pemigewasset and
Winnipesaukee Rivers in Franklin, New Hampshire. The River flows southward for
approximately 78 miles in New Hampshire; it turns abruptly across the New
Hampshire-Massachusetts border and flows in a northeasterly direction for
approximately another 50 miles in Massachusetts before discharging to the Atlantic
Ocean at Newburyport. The mainstem Merrimack River flows past the five major
urban centers of Manchester and Nashua, New Hampshire and Lowell, Lawrence,
and Haverhill, Massachusetts. The final 22 miles of the River are tidally influenced
below Haverhill.
The Merrimack River watershed covers an area of approximately 5,010 square miles
in the south-central portions of New Hampshire (76 percent of the drainage area) and
the northeastern portions of Massachusetts (24 percent of the drainage area), making
it the fourth largest watershed in New England. Geographically, the basin
encompasses a variety of terrain, from the relatively steep conditions of the White
Section 1
A 1-3
Mountain region in northern New Hampshire to the estuarine coastal basin of
northeastern Massachusetts.
Historically, the water quality of the Merrimack River was severely degraded by
industrial and domestic wastes. In the 1960s, the River was listed as one of the
nation’s ten most polluted waterways, primarily as a result of raw sewage, paper and
textile mill wastes, and tannery sludge (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) 1987). However, the passage of the Federal Clean Water Act in 1972 ushered
in a period of rebirth for the River. An infusion of large amounts of state and Federal
funding for spending on water resources infrastructure investments, such as
wastewater treatment plant (WWTP’s), helped to revive the River into one that is
currently a significant natural and economic resource in the New England region.
Despite the significant improvements, further work to improve water quality is
required. A 1997 study by the Merrimack River Initiative (MRI) reported that in the
entire Merrimack River watershed, 268.2 river miles fully support, 67.5 river miles
partially support, and 193 river miles do not support their designated uses (Donovan
and Diers 1997). The reported 530 river miles represent only the assessed portion of
the basin, as per the 305(b) Reports issued by Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
Although this is only a small percentage of the 4,000 total river miles in the entire
watershed, it includes most portions of the River where there are concerns over the
ability of the river segment to support designated uses. The term “fully-supports” is
used to describe segments where water quality is sufficient to fully support the
designated uses; “partially supporting” describes segments where one or more
designated uses is partially supported and the other uses are fully supported; “non-
supporting” describes segments where one or more uses are not supported.
The 1997 MRI study indicates that the four largest causes of non-support of
designated uses in the basin are pollution from (1) urban runoff, (2) natural sources,
(3) municipal point sources, and (4) CSO discharges. This study also identified
elevated bacteria levels as the primary cause of non-supporting use in the basin,
followed distantly by low dissolved oxygen concentrations and high nutrient levels
(Donovan and Diers 1997). Other issues of concern include low-flow conditions, water
supply, flooding, contamination of shellfishing beds, and fish and wildlife habitat and
contamination issues.
1.5 Study Scope
Given the size of the Merrimack River watershed and the range of issues identified for
potential analysis, a phased implementation plan has been developed for this Study.
Phase I efforts will focus on the following topics:
n Assessment of existing conditions in the watershed
n Identification of potential and future uses of the River
Section 1
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n Identification and quantification of pollutant sources
n Development of screening level models
n Collection of water quality and streamflow data (wet- and dry-weather)
n Development of water quality models
n Evaluation of various CSO and non-CSO abatement projects and other water
management options
n Inventory of potential ecosystem restoration projects in the watershed
The data collection aspect of the project will be aimed at determining the causes of
water quality degradation in the Merrimack River, particularly the impacts of CSO’s,
point, and non-point sources.
The scope of the Phase II assessments will be determined based on the results of the
Phase I findings and will be contingent upon the availability of funding from local
and Federal sources. It is anticipated, however, that the Phase II efforts will focus on
in-stream flow issues, additional water quality monitoring for non-standard
parameters, and supplemental analysis of potential abatement alternatives and
ecosystem restoration projects.
1.6 Study Area
For the purposes of this report, existing conditions in the entire Merrimack River
watershed, as defined in Section 1.4, are discussed wherever possible. Future tasks to
be performed under Phase I will be limited in geographic range to the portion of the
mainstem River south of Hooksett Falls Dam in Hooksett, New Hampshire. Water
quality sampling and flow monitoring efforts will be concentrated in this area, as well
as at the mouth of 11 major tributaries that join the mainstem south of Hooksett, New
Hampshire. Water quality and flow models will be developed for this lower portion
of the mainstem.
A 2-1
Section 2
Physical Setting
This section of the report summarizes the physical setting of the Merrimack River
watershed, including the basin delineation, the geology and land use, the climate and
hydrology, and the social and economic composition of the basin.
2.1 Watershed Area
The Merrimack River watershed is comprised of numerous subwatersheds of varying
size. Table 2.1 presents a summary of the watershed area, river length to the
Merrimack River confluence, and distance upstream of the Newburyport Light for
major tributaries to the Merrimack River mainstem. A map of the watershed and
major subbasins is provided in Figure 2.1; the five sponsor communities of
Manchester and Nashua, New Hampshire and Lowell, GLSD (Andover, North
Andover, Lawrence, and Methuen, Massachusetts; and Salem, New Hampshire), and
Haverhill, Massachusetts are also highlighted on the figure.
Table 2.1: Summary of Major Tributaries
Location of
Distance above
Light (River miles)
Pemigewasset River 1021 64 116 New
Hampshire Winnipesaukee River 486 23 116
Contoocook River 766 66 101
Soucook River 91 28 86
Suncook River 260 39 83
Piscataquog River 220 24 71
Cohas Brook 68 7 68
Souhegan River 219 34 62
Beaver Brook 91 12 40
Spicket River 75 15 28
Powwow River 49 NA
Merrimack River mainstem 577 --
Nashua River 530 34 55
Salmon River 32 NA NA
Stony Brook 46 NA NA
Shawsheen River 74 24 27
400 16
Sources: Merrimack River Watershed Council (
NA= Not available,
Concord River only
Section 2
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A 2-3
2.2 Geology and Land Use
The Merrimack River watershed is located in the New England Physiographic
Province, and traverses each of the three major sections -- the White Mountains, the
New England Uplands, and the Seaboard Lowlands (Flanagan, et al. 1999). The
majority of the basin falls within the New England Uplands region, which is
characterized by rolling hills and local relief ranges from a few hundred feet to 1,000
feet in more mountainous regions. The watershed elevation ranges from a high of
5,249 feet on Mount Lafayette in the White Mountain region to mean sea level along
the northeastern Massachusetts coast (Seaboard Lowlands).
2.2.1 Bedrock and Surficial Geology
Bedrock in the Merrimack River watershed (Figure 2.2) is generally of similar age and
genesis. Intrusive igneous rocks, primarily Granitoid Plutonic Rocks, dominate the
northeastern portion of the basin. Large deposits of metamorphic mixed and sulfide-
bearing granofels cover the north-central and northwestern portion of the basin. A
strip of metamorphic grade rocks, including mixed schist and gneiss deposits, cuts
across the Massachusetts-New Hampshire border in a northeasterly direction. The
southeast corner of the basin is dominated by sulfide-bearing schistose granofels and
granitoids, and volcanics.
The Merrimack River basin is generally covered by a sheet of glacial till, with areas of
large fine- and large-grained glacial-lake deposits along the River mainstem and
major tributaries (Flanagan, et al. 1999). The till cover is composed of variable,
unstratified, silty, gravelly, sand and clays. The cover is generally thin on the hilltops
and in the deep valleys, with exposed bedrock typically visible in the hilly upland
regions (USACE 1977). The immediate coastal portion of the basin is characterized by
areas of fine-grained marine deposits (Flanagan, et al. 1999). Large glacial melt-water
lakes formed throughout the basin during glacial retreat. Figure 2.3 presents a
summary of the soil surface texture in the watershed.
2.2.2 Soil Composition
The soil composition of the basin is largely a result of the physiography and varying
glacial deposits. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), formerly the
Soil Conservation Service (SCS), developed a national soils classification system
known as the Hydrologic Soils Group. A hydrologic group is defined as a group of
soils having similar runoff potential under similar precipitation and land use cover
conditions. The NRCS divided soils into four classes: A, B, C, and D, with the
following definitions:
Group A (Low runoff potential): The soils have a high infiltration rate even when they
wetted. They chiefly consist of deep, well drained to excessively drained sand or
gravels. They have a high rate of water transmission.
Section 2
Physical Setting
A 2-4
Group B: The soils have a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wetted. They
are generally moderately-deep to deep, moderately well-drained to well-drained soils
that have moderately fine to moderately coarse textures. They have a moderate rate
of transmission.
Group C: The soils have a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wetted. They
generally have a layer that impedes downward movement of water or have
moderately fine texture. They have a slow rate of water transmission.
Group D (High runoff potential): The soils have a very slow infiltration rate when
thoroughly wetted. They chiefly consist of clay soils that have a high swelling
potential, soils that have a permanent high water table, soils that have a claypan or
clay layer near the surface, and shallow soils over nearly impervious material. They
have a very slow rate of water transmission.
Following the soil hydrologic group classifications the majority of soils in the
watershed may be broadly classified as soil group C, interspersed with large deposits
of soil group B. Soil group C is typically found in upland areas where glacial till is
most commonly found at the surface (Flanagan, et al. 1999). This group is used to
describe soils with slow infiltration rates and moderate to high runoff potential. Soil
group B is typically found in areas of stratified-drift deposits and is characterized by
moderate infiltration rates. Along the immediate coast, soils are classified as soils
hydrologic group D, which is used to describe clayey soils with very slow infiltration
rates and minimal depth to groundwater. The generalized hydrologic soils mapping
for the basin is provided in Figure 2.4.
Section 2
Physical Setting
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2.2.3 Groundwater Aquifers
There are three primary types of aquifers in the Merrimack River watershed:
stratified-drift, till, and bedrock. Highly productive stratified-drift aquifers dominate
the Massachusetts portion of the basin. They are also found in the valleys of New
Hampshire along the mainstem and significant tributaries. These aquifers consist
mainly of layered sand and gravel deposits formed by the retreating glaciers. They
serve as the main source of drinking water for many communities that rely on
groundwater supplies and also supply the majority of streamflow during dry seasons
(i.e., late summer and early fall) and during droughts. Annual groundwater recharge
to stratified-drift aquifers is approximately half of the annual precipitation. This
translates to 20 to 24 inches per year in glaciated portions of eastern Massachusetts
and in east-central and southeastern New Hampshire, and 14 inches per year in
south-central New Hampshire (Flanagan, et al. 1999).
Glacial till aquifers are most commonly found in the New Hampshire portion of the
basin. These aquifers are characterized by low-permeability and thus, are limited in
their use for drinking water supplies. Recharge to till aquifers is approximately nine
inches per year (Flanagan, et al. 1999). Fractured bedrock aquifers serve as the
drinking water supply for numerous rural households, as well as for several
communities and commercial and industrial users. Coarse-grain rocks, such as granite
and basalt typically have higher yields than finer-grained rocks, such as schist and
gneiss. Recharge to these aquifers is primarily controlled by land surface relief and the
portion of bedrock above groundwater sinks, such as lakes. Recharge to crystalline
bedrock aquifers is approximately three to five inches per year (Flanagan, et al. 1999).
2.2.4 Land Use
Historically, the Merrimack River played a large role in the development of the
region’s economy and land use patterns. The onset of the industrial revolution in the
mid-1800s pulled many families from traditional subsistence farming towards more
promising work in urban settings. Many of the larger towns adjacent to the
Merrimack mainstem, including the five sponsor communities, began as factory or
mill towns due to the need for hydropower to power the emerging industries. This
economic shift resulted in the reclamation of previously predominantly agricultural
lands by forest and woodland. Today, the basin is dominated by a mix of deciduous
and evergreen forest cover (over 75 percent of the watershed area). Urban areas,
including residential, industrial, and commercial land uses, make up the second
largest land use category, covering approximately 10 percent of the watershed area.
Table 2.2 and Figure 2.5 present a more detailed breakdown of land use in the
Merrimack River watershed.
Section 2
Physical Setting
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Table 2.2: Land Use Summary
Land Use Category Area (mi
) Percent of Total Area (%)
Forest 3892 77
Wetland 56 1.1
Water 214 4.3
Residential 350 7.0
Commercial & Industrial 119 2.4
Transportation 36 0.7
Urban 47 0.9
Agricultural 294 5.9
Unknown 23 0.4
Beaches/Other Sandy Areas/Exposed Rock 1.2 0.02
Source: US EPA (
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2.3 Climate and Hydrology
2.3.1 Climate
Climatic conditions within the Merrimack River watershed vary significantly from its
headwaters in the White Mountain National Forest, to the mouth of the River along
the Atlantic Ocean. The basin is located partially with the Northern and Coastal
Climatic divisions along its far northern and southeastern boarders; the majority of
the watershed falls within the Central Climatic division (Flanagan et al. 1999).
Weather systems throughout the basin are primarily the result of prevailing westerly
winds and the confluence of many continental weather patterns in North America.
The climate of the Northern division is primarily influenced by high elevation and
latitude. The Central division is generally more moderate than the Northern section
due to its lower elevation and latitude; this division experiences some climate
modification due to maritime influences. The climate of the Coastal division is
influenced primarily by its low elevation and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean
(Flanagan et al. 1999).
Table 2.3 and Figure 2.6 present a summary of the active climate stations in the basin;
these stations are operated as part of the National Weather Service’s Cooperative
Station Network.
Table 2.3: Active Climate Stations in the Merrimack River Watershed
State Climate Station Location COOP ID Start of Record
NH Alexandria 270045 September 1995
Bow Garvins Falls 270834 June 1948
Bradford 270913 April 1998
Bristol 270998 June 1948
Concord Municipal Airport 271683 October 1933
Deering 271950 April 1976
Franklin Falls Dam 273182 June 1948
Franklin Junction 273172 June 1948
Grafton 273530 June 1955
Greenville 273658 June 1988
Hopkinton Lake 274218 June 1963
Laconia 54736 January 1965
Lincoln 274732 June 1948
Macdowell Dam, Peterborough 275013 June 1950
Manchester 275072 June 1948
Manchester Airport 14710 February 1937
Massabesic Lake 275211 June 1948
Meredith 275350 December 1993
Milford 275412 June 1948
Nashua 275712 June 1948
Section 2
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State Climate Station Location COOP ID Start of Record
NH Nashua Boire Field 54754 May 1953
New Hampton 275813 April 1998
Plymouth 276945 July 1984
Salisbury 277833 September 1995
South Lyndeboro 278081 June 1948
Warren 278885 June 1948
Weare 278972 July 1969
Wentworth 279091 June 1948
MA Ashburnham 190190 July 1985
Bedford 190535 May 1957
Bedford Hanscom Field 14702 September 1942
Groveland 193276 June 1992
Haverhill 193505 October 1899
Lawrence 194105 June 1948
Lawrence Municipal Airport 94723 May 1946
Lowell 194313 June 1948
Natick 195175 December 1968
Newburyport 195285 June 1948
Precipitation in the watershed is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year. There
are, however, large inter-basin variations in amount and type of precipitation (i.e.,
rain versus snow) primarily as a result of the effects of terrain, elevation, latitude, and
proximity to the ocean (Flanagan et al. 1999). Locations in the far northern portions of
the basin may receive upwards of 60 inches per year of precipitation, while the
majority of the low-lying portions receive approximately 42 inches per year. A
summary of the normal monthly precipitation and snowfall is presented in Table 2.4
for select climate stations in the watershed.
Temperatures in the watershed generally vary widely on an annual basis.
Temperature data taken from several weather observatories throughout the basin
found that July was typically the warmest month and January was the coldest
(Flanagan et al. 1999). Additionally, winter temperatures were found to vary more
widely than did summer temperature across the basin. A summary of the normal
minimum, maximum, and average daily temperatures for each month is presented in
Table 2.4 for the COOP stations in Concord, New Hampshire and Bedford,
Section 2
Physical Setting
A 2-13
Table 2.4: Summary of Average Monthly Precipitation and Temperature
Statistics for Select Stations
Concord, NH
Bedford, MA
Jan 31.1 10.5 20.8 2.86 16.8 34.8 15.5 25.1 3.85 14.4
Feb 33.6 12.4 23.0 2.47 14.4 37.3 17.3 27.3 3.45 13.5
March 42.7 22.7 32.7 3.19 11.2 46.0 26.3 36.1 4.12 11.1
April 56.0 32.3 44.2 3.13 2.8 58.1 35.4 46.8 3.87 2.2
May 68.7 42.3 55.5 3.12 0.1 69.5 45.5 57.5 3.56 0.2
June 77.5 52.0 64.7 3.32 0.0 77.8 54.7 66.2 3.57 0.0
July 82.2 57.1 69.7 3.38 0.0 82.7 60.0 71.4 3.48 0.0
Aug 80.0 55.1 67.6 3.04 0.0 80.9 58.6 69.8 3.31 0.0
Sept 72.0 47.0 59.5 3.27 0.0 73.0 50.2 61.6 3.66 0.0
Oct 61.0 36.0 48.5 2.94 0.1 62.5 39.2 50.9 3.67 0.1
Nov 47.5 28.1 37.8 3.68 3.9 50.9 31.4 41.1 4.34 2.4
Dec 34.9 16.1 25.5 3.07 12.7 39.0 20.9 29.9 4.17 11.0
Temperatures in degrees F; precipitation and snowfall in inches
Based on period of record from 1921- 2001
Based on period of record from 1957-2001
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A 2-15
2.3.2 Hydrology
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) currently operates three flow gaging stations on
the Merrimack River mainstem (including the Pemigewasset River) and 16 stations on
its tributaries. Numerous additional historical records of varying length are available
throughout the basin. Daily streamflow data and daily, monthly, and annual
streamflow statistics are available for download from the USGS-NWIS website at Table 2.5 and Figure 2.7 presents a summary of the
active gaging stations in the watershed, the start year, and mean annual discharge.
Table 2.5: Summary of Active Streamflow Gaging Stations in the Merrimack
River Watershed
Station Name
Annual Q
01076500 Pemigewasset River at Plymouth, NH 1903 1370
01092000 Merrimack River near Goff Falls, below
Manchester, NH
1936 5339
01100000 Merrimack River below Concord River at
Lowell, MA
1923 7707
01074520 East Branch Pemigewasset River at Lincoln,
1993 337
01081000 Winnipesaukee River at Tilton, NH 1937 710
01080500 Lake Winnipesaukee Outlet at Lakeport,
1933 540
01078000 Smith River near Bristol, NH 1918 145
01089100 Soucook River at Pembrooke Road near
Concord, NH
1988 125
01093800 Stony Brook tributary near Temple, NH 1963 7.3
Beaver Brook at North Pelham, NH 1986 75
01100505 Spicket River at Island Pond Rd. at North
Salem, NH
01094400 North Nashua River at Fitchburg, MA 1972 122
01094500 North Nashua River near Leominster, MA 1935 201
01096500 Nashua River at East Pepperell, MA 1935 584
01097000 Assabet River at Maynard, MA 1941 190
01098530 Sudbury River at Saxonville, MA 1979 195
01099500 Concord River below R. Meadow Brook at
Lowell, MA
1936 649
01100568 Shawsheen River at Hanscom Field near
Bedford, MA
1995 5.1
01100600 Shawsheen River near Wilmington, MA 1963 59
Section 2
Physical Setting
A 2-17
Boxplots of the monthly streamflow data for the period of record are provided in
Figure 2.8 for the three stations on the Merrimack River mainstem (including the
Pemigewasset River). Each box on the graph describes the range and location of the
streamflow data for the respective month. At all three stations, the highest average
flows occur during the month of April; this is also month with greatest variability in
flow conditions. The lowest and least variable flows occur during late summer
(August and September).
Figure 2.8: Boxplots of monthly streamflow data for select gaging stations
The bottom of the box coincides with the lower quartile of the data and the top with
the upper quartile of the data; a line through the box marks the median of the data.
The vertical lines on each side of the box run from the quartiles to the smallest and
largest numbers that fall within 1.5 times the inter-quartile range (IQR). The IQR is
the difference between the upper and lower quartiles of the distribution. The lower
quartile is defined as that number such that at least 25-percent of the data fall at or
below it and at least 75-percent of the data falls at or above it. Similarly, the upper
quartile is the number such that at least 75-percent of the data fall at or below it and at
least 25-percent falls at or above it. Outliers beyond the IQR are marked by a point on
the graph.
Discharge (cfs)
Pemigewasset River at Plymouth, NH (01076500)
Section 2
Physical Setting
A 2-18
Discharge (cfs)
Merrimack River below Manchester, NH (01092000)
Discharge (cfs)
Merrimack River at Lowell, MA (01100000)
Section 2
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A 2-19
Low-flow Conditions:
Low-flow conditions on the Merrimack River are a priority concern for the protection
of wildlife habitat and water quality, as well as for the ability of the River to meet its
water demands from municipal and industrial users. Typically, low-flows are
expressed in terms of the magnitude, duration, and frequency of the condition. For
regulatory purposes in Massachusetts, “the lowest flow condition at and above which
[water quality] criteria must be met is the lowest mean flow for seven consecutive days to be
expected once every ten years” (314 CMR 4.00). This is commonly referred to as the 7Q10
and is used as a guide for worst-case water quality assessments. The median or mean
August flow is also a frequently used statistic in Massachusetts for water
management and planning purposes.
In 1988, New Hampshire enacted the Rivers Management and Protection Act (RSA
483) in response to concerns over the balancing of water use priorities in the state.
The Act gives the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Protection
(NHDES) the authority and responsibility to maintain flow in support of “instream
public uses” in river segments that have been designated by the state for special
protection under the Act. Instream public uses include navigation, recreation, fishing,
conservation, maintenance, and enhancement of aquatic life, fish, and wildlife habitat,
protection of water quality and public health, pollution abatement, aesthetic beauty,
and hydropower protection. In November 2001, NHDES completed draft Instream
Flow Rules (ISFR); these rules were originally intended to apply to 14 designated
rivers in the state. However, in August 2002 the ISFR were revised to apply only to
two of the 14 rivers as a pilot program- the Lamprey River in the coastal watershed
and the Souhegan River in the Merrimack River watershed. If the pilot rules are
successfully implemented, they will be revised to be applied to the other 12 rivers. As
part of this pilot program, an instream flow water management plan will be
developed for each of the rivers. Additionally, NHDES will develop a report on the
impacts on water users, wildlife, recreation, and other interests along the rivers, and
recommendations for proposed legislation
A 1994 study performed by the Cadmus Group, commissioned by the MRI, evaluated
the low-flow hydrology of the Merrimack River watershed. The following table (Table
2.6) presents a summary of the 7Q10 statistics developed for those stations currently
operating on the mainstem Merrimack and Pemigewasset Rivers. Statistics were
calculated using the Log Pearson III extreme value distribution. This table also
presents the mean August flow, based on monthly statistics published by the USGS
Section 2
Physical Setting
A 2-20
Table 2.6: Summary of 7Q10 and Mean August Flow for Active Gaging
Stations on the Merrimack and Pemigewasset Rivers
Station ID
Station Name 7Q10 (cfs)
Period of Record
Used in
Mean August
Flow (cfs)
01076500 Pemigewasset River at
Plymouth, NH
117 1904-1992 504
01092000 Merrimack River near Goff
Falls, below Manchester, MA
653 1937-1992 1958
01100000 Merrimack River below
Concord River at Lowell, MA
950 1923-1992 2802
Hydropower Impacts:
Numerous hydropower dams currently existing on the mainstem Merrimack River
and its tributaries have significant impacts on the daily, weekly, and monthly
streamflow conditions in the River. Figure 2-9 shows the streamflow measured at the
USGS gaging station on the Merrimack River downstream of Lowell, Massachusetts
(01100000) during a one-week period from December 5 to December 12, 2002. This
station is located downstream of the Pawtucket Dam in Lowell, Massachusetts. The
effect of the hydropower operations is particularly evident on December 9, 2002 when
a drop of over 5,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) is observed in the streamflow
measured at this site, from a daily high of over 7,000 cfs to a daily low of less than
2,000 cfs.
During high flow conditions, the hydropower facilities generally operate as “run of
the river” facilities, with substantial spillage. During periods of low flow, the dams
are required to pass a minimum flow, while still operating to meet peak demands.
This often results in short-term water level fluctuations during summer months.
Additional information on the dams located in the watershed and their hydropower
operations is provided in Section 4.3.
Section 2
Physical Setting
A 2-21
Figure 2.9: Weekly Streamflow Record at USGS Gaging Station- Lowell, MA
2.4 Social and Economic
The 2000 U.S. Census survey indicates that the overall population of the Merrimack
River watershed is approximately 2.04 million. This represents an increase of
approximately 14 percent from the 1.76 million people living in the basin as of the
1990 U.S. Census survey (Flanagan et al. 1999).
Population density tends to increase from north to south in the Merrimack River
watershed, ranging from fewer than 100 people per square mile in the northeastern
and northwestern portions of New Hampshire to greater than 800 people per square
mile in Manchester and Nashua, New Hampshire, and in northeastern Massachusetts.
The expanding interstate highway system has precipitated the migration of people
from more traditional Boston “metropolitan” areas to expanding suburban
communities of northeastern Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire. Figure
2.10 presents a summary of the 2000 U.S. Census block data for the Merrimack River
Major urban centers along the mainstem Merrimack River include the cities of
Concord, Manchester, and Nashua, New Hampshire, as well as Lowell, Lawrence,
and Haverhill, Massachusetts. Concord, New Hampshire is the state capital. A
summary of the 2000 U.S. Census population data for these communities is provided
in Table 2.7.
Section 2
Physical Setting
A 2-22
Table 2.7: 2000 U.S. Census Population Data for Urban Centers in the
Merrimack River Watershed
City 2000 Population
Concord, NH 40,687
Manchester, NH 107,006
Nashua, NH 86,605
Lowell, MA 105,167
Lawrence, MA 72,043
Haverhill, MA 58,969
Source: 2000 U.S. Census (
A 3-1
Section 3
Water Quality
This section of the Existing Conditions report presents a summary of the current and
historic water quality sampling programs conducted in the basin, as well as a
summary of the current water and sediment quality. This description of existing
conditions is based on a review of available resources for data collected in
approximately the last ten years. Existing data discussed in this section will be used
for reference and comparison purposes in subsequent tasks performed under Phase I
of the Merrimack River Watershed Assessment Study. It will not be utilized at the
same level as water quality data collected under Phase I of this Study.
The primary water quality data collection agencies in the watershed have been the
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES), the Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP), and the U.S. Geological Survey
(USGS). Recently, several volunteer monitoring programs have also started collecting
data within the watershed with the help of these state agencies and the Merrimack
River Watershed Council.
The majority of the water quality data that exists in the basin from MADEP was
collected prior to 1990. In 1999, the MADEP initiated a Microbial Indicator Study of
the Merrimack River, as well as aquatic benthic macroinvertebrate biomonitoring on
major tributaries. NHDES also collected water quality and biomonitoring data in the
watershed throughout the 1990s. The most recent comprehensive analysis of the
River’s quality was performed under the Merrimack River Initiative (MRI) during the
1990’s. This project was a collaborative effort between the USEPA, NHDES, MADEP,
and the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission. The MRI
collected water quality samples throughout the basin during one wet-weather and
one dry-weather event; benthic macroinvertebrate sampling was also performed. A
summary of water quality sampling program is provided in Table 3-1; additional
detail on each program is provided in subsequent sections.
Table 3.1: Summary of Water Quality Sampling Programs
Agency Program
Impaired waters monitoring program 1993- 1996 New Hampshire
Department of
Environmental Services
Rotating watershed monitoring
1989- 1993;
1997 to present
National Water Quality Surveillance
System (NWQSS)
1989 to present
Primary Monitoring Network (PMN) 1989 to present
Biomonitoring Program 1995 to present
Department of
Environmental Protection
“Massachusetts Watershed Initiative”
rotating watershed management
1993 to present
Microbial Indicator Study 1999
Section 3
Water Quality
A 3-2
Massachusetts Division of
Marine Fisheries
Shellfish bed sampling On-going
USGS National Water Quality Assessment
Program (NAWQA)
Merrimack River
Initiative (MRI)
Dry and wet-weather monitoring,
1994 and 1995
Water and Wastewater
Treatment Facilities
Various locations in the watershed On-going
Soucook River Watershed Project 1999 to present
Upper Merrimack River Local
Advisory Committee
1996 to present
Volunteer Monitoring
Piscataquog Watershed Association 1991 and 1992
Nashua River Watershed Association 1993 to present
Merrimack River Watershed Council 1999- 2001
Both Massachusetts and New Hampshire categorize waters according to their use
class. Each class is associated with a series of designated uses; the ability of a
waterbody to support these uses is assessed based on its ability to meet the applicable
water quality standards. In New Hampshire, designated use categories include
swimming (primary contact recreation), fish and shellfish consumption, drinking
water, and aquatic life support. In Massachusetts, these uses include fish
consumption, aquatic life support, drinking water, shellfishing, primary contact
recreation (swimming), and secondary contact recreation (boating). In both states, the
recreation and shellfish standards are based on human health concerns. E. coli and
fecal coliform bacteria are used in New Hampshire and Massachusetts, respectively,
as indicators of the possible presence of pathogens in surface waters and the risk of
disease, based on epidemiological evidence of gastrointestinal disorders from the
ingestion of contaminated waters. Contact with contaminated waters can also lead to
ear or skin infections, and inhalation of contaminated water can cause respiratory
diseases (
In general, the most recent statewide surface water assessments published by
Massachusetts and New Hampshire in 2002 show that bacteria (E. coli and fecal
coliform) is the largest cause of water quality violations in the Merrimack River
mainstem. This translates into a non-supporting use of primary and secondary
contact recreation in the majority of the River downstream of Manchester, New
Hampshire. The New Hampshire assessment report lists combined sewer overflows
as the primary cause of these violations; Massachusetts does not provide a similar
listing. The Massachusetts assessment report also lists metals, nutrients, and priority
organics as significant problems along the mainstem, resulting in a non-attainment of
the aquatic life use. Additionally, the recent MRI study also discovered exceedances
of water quality standards for lead and zinc in the lower portion of the River during
wet and dry-weather conditions, affecting aquatic life in the river. Table 3-2 provides
a summary of the major causes of non-supporting use in the Merrimack River
Section 3
Water Quality
A 3-3
mainstem based on the state’s 2002 assessment reports. Further information is
provided in Section 3.5.
Table 3.2: Causes of Non-support in the Merrimack River Mainstem
Listed Miles/ Area
NH MA Total
Non-supporting Use
Pathogens 19.82 mi
27.9 mi,
7.14 mi
47.72 mi,
7.14 mi
Primary and secondary
contact recreation,
shellfishing (MA only)
Metals --- 20.8 mi 20.8 mi Not listed
--- 18.7 mi 18.7 mi Not listed
Priority Organics --- 15.9 mi,
6.97 mi
15.9 mi,
6.97 mi
Not Listed
pH 4.88 mi --- 4.88 mi Aquatic Life
Unionized Ammonia --- 4.37mi
Not Listed
Flow Alteration 0.59 mi --- 0.59 mi Aquatic Life
Area (in mi
) is provided for the tidally influenced portion of the basin in Massachusetts
Massachusetts does not specify which nutrients are a problem; however, phosphorus is
generally the limiting nutrient in freshwater and nitrogen is the limiting nutrient in marine
Source: MADEP 2002, NHDES 2002
Elevated bacteria levels were also identified as a major problem on many of the
tributaries to the Merrimack River, particularly in the Massachusetts portion of the
basin, translating into a non-supporting use for primary and secondary contract
recreation in the listed areas. Additionally, violations of the pH criteria for aquatic
life support were identified in a majority of the New Hampshire tributaries. The
Massachusetts assessment report listed metals, nutrients, and organic enrichment/
low dissolved oxygen as the other top causes of designated use non-attainment. The
MRI study also discovered elevated levels of lead during wet and dry-weather in the
Sudbury/Assabet/Concord (SuAsCo) and Nashua River watersheds, as well as
elevated copper concentrations in the SuAsCo watershed.
3.1 Sampling Programs
The following section presents a summary of the historic and current sampling
programs conducted in the Merrimack River watershed. The primary sources for this
information included:
n New Hampshire Department of Environmental Protection (NHDES)
n Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP)
n Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF)
n United State Geological Survey (USGS)
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n Merrimack River Initiative (MRI)
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services:
In 1989, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES)
implemented a rotating watershed monitoring program based on the following
division of state water resources: (1) the Connecticut River, (2) the Merrimack River,
and (3) the combined Androscoggin, Saco, Piscaraqua, and coastal river basins. The
intent was to monitor each basin at least once every three years; the Merrimack River
basin was sampled in 1990. Between 1993 and 1996, NHDES altered its program to
focus on waterbodies included on the list of potentially impaired waters from the 1994
and 1995 305(b) reports. The rotating sampling program was resumed in 1997 and the
Merrimack River was again the focus for 1999. Sampling parameters typically
included E. coli, dissolved oxygen, temperature, conductivity, pH, chlorophyll a,
biological oxygen demand (BOD), alkalinity, hardness, metals (aluminum, copper,
lead, zinc), turbidity, total solids, total suspended solids, nitrate, ammonia, total
kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), and total phosphorus. Recently, the NHDES has also
conducted intensive water quality surveys on the Contoocook River as a part of
separate study to determine the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the river on
dissolved oxygen.
In 1989, the state also developed five National Water Quality Surveillance System
(NWQSS) and 12 Primary Monitoring Network (PMN) trend stations located
throughout the state, nine of which are located in the Merrimack River basin (four on
the mainstem, five on the tributaries). These 17 trend stations have been sampled
three times a year since 1989 during the summer months of June, July, and August.
In 1995, the NHDES also implemented a biomonitoring program in order to assess the
biological health and integrity of the state’s aquatic ecosystems. Between 1997 and
2001, 55 sites throughout the Merrimack River watershed were monitored. Data
collected includes information on aquatic macroinvertabrates and resident fish
communities, an assessment of riparian habitat and land uses, and standard physical
and chemical water quality parameters.
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
The Technical Services Branch of the MADEP conducted surveys of the Merrimack
River every two to five years between 1968 and 1989, with the results published in a
comprehensive data report. These programs typically focused on monitoring during
low-flow, dry-weather conditions that generally represented the “worst case”
scenario with respect to the impact of point source discharges on receiving water
In 1990, the Technical Services Branch undertook an extensive study of the water
quality, wastewater discharges, and drinking water withdrawals in the Merrimack
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River, with assistance from USEPA Region 1. Eleven stations were sampled on the
Merrimack and Concord Rivers during dry-weather in June, July, and August. Three
major NPDES discharges in the study area (the Lowell WWTP, the Greater Lawrence
WWTP, and AT&T WWTP in North Andover) and the influent/effluent of two major
drinking water treatment plants (Methuen and Tewksbury, Massachusetts) were also
sampled. Wet-weather sampling was conducted at the same 11 stations and the two
water treatment plants for three events. Sample parameters included standard
chemical measurements, metals, and bacteria.
In 1993, the MADEP implemented a phased, rotating watershed management
schedule for water quality assessments, permitting, and non-point source pollution
control under the “Massachusetts Watershed Initiative.” This program takes
advantage of a five-year planning process, which includes outreach and
reconnaissance, information/data development, water resources assessment,
planning, implementation, and evaluation. In November 2001, the MADEP released
the “Merrimack River Basin - 1999 Water Quality Assessment Report” (excluding the
Nashua, Concord, and Shawsheen River basins). The report is based upon
information gathered by the MADEP during the first two years of the watershed
assessment cycle, including historic water quality data and limited sampling
conducted by DEP’s Division of Watershed Management (DWM) between April and
September 1999 (excluding June). Sampling components included macroinvertebrate
biomonitoring and habitat quality evaluations at five tributaries (Cobbler’s Brook,
Stony Brook, Spicket River, Beaver Brook, and Fish Brook), baseline lake monitoring,
and fish toxic monitoring.
In 1999, the MADEP also initiated a Microbial Indicator Study of the Merrimack
River, which consists of monitoring at 11 stations within the watershed, primarily
around existing WWTP, water treatment plants, and CSO discharges. The project was
scheduled to end in Fall 2001; final results are currently not available. Preliminary
data tables were published in an appendix of the 1999 Water Quality Assessment Report.
In February 2002, the MADEP published the draft “Total Maximum Daily Load of
Bacteria for the Shawsheen River Basin.” The study is based upon fecal coliform data
collected by the MADEP at eight stations in 1989 and 16 stations in 1995-1996, and by
the Merrimack River Watershed Council (MRWC) at three stations in 1996, 35 stations
in 1997, and 24 stations in 1998. Both the MADEP and MRWC sampling programs ran
between June and October.
Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF):
The DMF conducts fecal coliform monitoring as part of their Sanitary Surveys, which
are used to assign classifications to shellfishing beds. These surveys are conducted at
least every 12 years. Additionally, the Newburyport office of the DMF typically
collects grab samples in the Merrimack River shellfishing beds between eight and 12
times a year, although no formal monitoring program exists. The samples are
analyzed for fecal coliform, salinity, and temperature. Sample collection is usually
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triggered by rainfall events, which often cause spikes in the observed bacterial
USGS - National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA):
The goal of the NAWQA Program is to evaluate the status and trends in the quality of
the nation’s surface and groundwater water resources. The USGS operates one
NAWQA station in the Merrimack River watershed in the mainstem below the
confluence with the Concord River at Lowell, Massachusetts (01100000); this is
located in the New England Coastal Basins (NECB) study unit. This station has
approximately 243 samples taken between 1953 and 2000. Intensive monitoring
(monthly plus extreme event sampling) began in October 1998 and continued through
September 2001; low-intensity monitoring began in October 2001 and will continue
through September 2007. Low-intensity monitoring is conducted at select locations in
the NECB that were assessed during the high-intensity phase. Samples are analyzed
for suspended solids, major ions, nutrients, organic carbon, and dissolved pesticides;
no information was available on the frequency of the low-intensity monitoring.
Merrimack River Initiative (MRI):
The NHDES, MADEP, and USEPA, working under the MRI, conducted
biomonitoring and ambient water quality surveys of the mainstem Merrimack and its
significant tributaries during the summers of 1994 and 1995. The following tasks were
n Ambient dry-weather testing was conducted on August 26, 1994 at 56 stations
throughout the watershed (22 on mainstem, 34 on tributaries). The sampling
consisted of water-column grab samples that were analyzed for nutrients, bacteria,
dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, temperature, and hardness; total and
dissolved metals were analyzed at 53 of the stations. Chronic toxicity testing was
also performed at the same 53 stations; tests were conducted over a seven-day
period using the test organism Ceriodaphnia dubia.
n Wet-weather monitoring was performed on October 28, 1995 during a rainstorm
averaging 0.9 inches over the basin. Samples were collected at twenty stations (ten
mainstem, ten tributary) throughout the watershed and analyzed for total and
dissolved metals, nutrients, bacteria, solids, total organic carbon, dissolved oxygen,
conductivity, pH, and temperature. Sampling stations were concentrated around
more urbanized areas (Concord, New Hampshire south to Haverhill,
n Benthic macroinvertebrate sampling was also conducted at 44 locations throughout
the basin (ten mainstem, 34 tributary). Artificial substrates were deployed in
August 1994 and collected seven weeks later after a colonization period.
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The results of the MRI study were published in November 1996 as the “Merrimack
River Bi-State Water Quality Report, Part One” and the “Merrimack River Bi-State
Biomonitoring Report, Part Two.
Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities:
Public water suppliers withdrawing from the Merrimack River are required by the
Safe Drinking Water Act to perform intake water quality measurements at varying
frequencies. Wastewater Treatment Facilities (WWTF’s) are also required to conduct
outfall sampling in accordance with their National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System (NDPES) permits. In both Massachusetts and New Hampshire the NPDES
program is administered directly by the USEPA. Additional information on the
number and location of water and wastewater treatment facilities in the watershed is
provided in Sections 4.3 and 5.1, respectively. Limited water quality data is available
online from the water and wastewater treatment facilities’ monitoring programs
through the USEPA’s Permit Compliance System (PCS) database at
In 1999 and 2000, the Lowell Regional Wastewater Utility conducted monthly
monitoring at five stations along the mainstem Merrimack River. Unfortunately,
however, this data did not meet USEPA’s and MADEP’s minimum data acceptability
requirements for use in the 305(b) reports.
Volunteer Monitoring Programs:
Soucook River Watershed Project. Members of the Soucook River Watershed
Project worked with the NHDES Volunteer River Assessment Program (VRAP) to
develop a volunteer monitoring program in 1999. The goal of the program is to
establish baseline water quality data in the watershed.
Upper Merrimack River Local Advisory Committee (UMRLAC). The
UMRLAC was established in 1995 through a joint effort of the NHDES and the
Merrimack River Watershed Council (MRWC). The group began by monitoring seven
sites the first year on the Pemigewasset, Winnipesaukee, Contoocook, and Merrimack
Rivers north of Franklin, New Hampshire. In 1996, the team established an additional
four sites on the Merrimack between Concord, New Hampshire and Garvin’s Falls.
These 11 sites are currently sampled every other week for eight to ten weeks during
the summer and fall; data collected includes E. coli, field chemistry, habitat
assessment, and benthic invertebrates.
Piscataquog Watershed Association (PWA). During the summers of 1991 and
1992, the PWA, in association with the NHDES, conducted surveys of
macroinvertebrate communities at six stations in the Piscataquog River. Water quality
samples were also collected at nine stations within the basin and analyzed for
standard chemical and physical parameters, as well as for total phosphorus and E. coli
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Nashua River Watershed Association (NRWA). Since 1993, NRWA has collected
up to 40 water samples along the Nashua River on a monthly basis from April
through October with the intent of establishing baseline water quality data in the
basin. Samples are typically analyzed for pH, temperature, alkalinity, dissolved
oxygen, fecal and total coliform, and E. coli (in New Hampshire). In 2000, NRWA also
sampled benthic macroinvertebrates.
Merrimack River Watershed Council (MRWC). The MRWC supports and
directs numerous “Stream Teams” throughout the Merrimack River Watershed.
Currently, efforts are focused on the Bare Meadow Brook, Cobbler’s Brook, and Stony
Brook. In 2000 and 2001, monthly water quality sampling was performed at three sites
on the Bare Meadow Brook, three sites on the Cobbler’s Brook, and 16 sites in the
Stony Brook watershed from June through November. In July 2001, the Merrimack
River Watershed Council published the “Stony Brook Watershed Assessment.” In 1999,
MRWC also published shoreline surveys and action plans for Cobbler’s Brook, Bare
Meadow Brook, Salmon Brook, and Lawrence Brook.
Other. The NHDES Volunteer River Assessment Program (VRAP) is also assisting
the Lower Merrimack Monitoring Program (for the Souhegan, Nashua, and Lower
Merrimack Rivers) and the Harris Center for Education in the Contoocook River
Other Studies:
Various other organizations and individuals have collected water quality data along
the Merrimack River. In the early 1990s, the Massachusetts Bays Program studied
organic loadings from the Merrimack River to the Massachusetts Bay. Five samples
were collected at eight monitoring stations in the Merrimack River estuary and
Massachusetts Bay between April 1992 and May 1993. Water and sediment samples
were analyzed for polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH’s), pesticides, and
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s). A final report was published in 1995.
A two-year study of the Merrimack River was undertaken by Marie M. Studer, a
Ph.D. candidate at the University of Massachusetts-Boston, between January 1989 and
April 1991. Surface water samples were collected at twenty stations along the
Merrimack River mainstem, Pemigewasset River, and Winnipesaukee River; the
samples were analyzed for select total and dissolved metals, pH, and particulate
organic carbon. Two sediment cores were also taken from Indian River Shoal, a tidal
freshwater marsh on the Merrimack River in West Newbury; these will be further
discussed in Section 3.5.
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3.2 Designated Uses
This section provides a summary of the designated uses as well as the assessment
criteria for the states of New Hampshire and Massachusetts.
New Hampshire:
The State of New Hampshire has designated the following two “Use Classes” that
govern the baseline water quality required to protect a waterbody’s intended uses:
n Class A: Highest quality waters considered acceptable for use as public water
supply after adequate treatment. Discharge of sewage or waste is prohibited to
Class A waters.
n Class B: Waters considered acceptable for fishing, swimming, and other
recreational purposes; acceptable for use as public water supply after adequate
The Massachusetts Surface Water Quality Standards (SWQS) designate the most
sensitive uses for which the surface waters of the state shall be enhanced, maintained,
and protected; the state prescribes minimum water quality criteria required to sustain
the designated uses (MADEP 2001). Massachusetts has developed separate use
classifications for both inland and coastal waters, as follows:
Inland Waters:
n Class A: “These waters are designated as a source of public water supply. To the
extent compatible with its use, they shall be an excellent habitat for fish, other
aquatic life and wildlife, and suitable for primary and secondary contact recreation.
These waters shall have excellent aesthetic value. These waters are designated for
protection as Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) under 314 CMR 4.04(3).”
n Class B: “These waters are designated as habitat for fish, other aquatic life and
wildlife, and for primary and secondary contact recreation. Where designated, they
shall be suitable as a source of water supply with appropriate treatment. They shall
be suitable for irrigation and other agricultural uses and for compatible industrial
cooling and process uses. These waters shall have consistently good aesthetic
n Class C: “These waters are designated as a habitat for fish, other aquatic life, and
wildlife and for secondary contact recreation. These waters shall be suitable for the
irrigation of crops used for consumption after cooking and for compatible
industrial cooling and process uses. These waters shall have good aesthetic value”
(MADEP 1996).
Inland waters may also be further classified as cold water or warm water fisheries;
these distinctions will be further discussed in Section 4.1.2. The State also allows the
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reclassification of waters impacted by CSO discharge to Class B (CSO), since the
development and implementation of Long-Term Control Plans (LTCPs) is not yet
Coastal and Marine Waters:
n Class SA: “These waters are designated as an excellent habitat for fish, other
aquatic life and wildlife and for primary and secondary contact recreation. In
approved areas, they shall be suitable for shellfish harvesting without depuration
(Open Shellfishing Areas). These waters shall have excellent aesthetic value.”
n Class SB: “These waters are designated as a habitat for fish, other aquatic life and
wildlife and for primary and secondary contact recreation. In approved areas they
shall be suitable for shellfish harvesting with depuration (Restricted Shellfishing
Areas). These waters shall have consistently good aesthetic value.”
n Class SC: “These waters are designated as a habitat for fish, other aquatic life, and
wildlife and for secondary contact recreation. They shall also be suitable for certain
industrial cooling and process uses. These waters shall have good aesthetic value.”
(MADEP 1996).
Table 3.3 presents a summary of the water use classifications for mainstem and
tributary segments in the Merrimack River Watershed in Massachusetts. Currently, all
river segments in the basin are rated as Class A or B. Based on a personal
communication with Ken Edwardson, Water Quality Specialist, at NHDES on
September 19, 2002, New Hampshire currently has a draft Legislative classification as
well, which is currently not approved for public distribution. However, all segments
in the watershed are classified as either Class A or B.
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Table 3.3: Designated Water Class in the Merrimack River Watershed for
Use Class River Segment
Class A
Powwow River, outlet of Tuxbury Pond to inlet Lake Gardner
Fish Brook, entire length and those tributaries thereto
Class B
Beaver Brook, state line to confluence
Cobbler Brook, entire length
Merrimack River, state line to Pawtucket Dam (Treated Water Supply)
Merrimack River, Pawtucket Dam to Essex Dam, Lawrence (Treated Water
Supply, CSO)
Merrimack River, Essex Dam, Lawrence to Creek Brook, Haverhill (CSO)
Stony Brook, entire length
Spicket River, state line to confluence with the Merrimack River
Little River, state line to confluence with the Merrimack River
Powwow River, outlet Lake Gardner to tidal portion
Class SA
The Basin in Merrimack River Estuary, Newbury and Newburyport
Plum Island River, entire length (ORW)
Plum Island Sound (ORW)
Plumbush Creek, Little Pine Creek, Pine Island Creek and Jericho Creek
Class SB
Merrimack River, from Creek Brook, Haverhill to Atlantic Ocean (CSO)
Powwow River, tidal portion
Source: MADEP 2001
Assessment of Use:
Both Massachusetts and New Hampshire express the ability of a river segment to
meet current water quality standards in terms of the segment’s ability to support
“designated uses.” River segments are classified as “fully supporting” (all designated
uses are fully supported), “partially supporting” (one or more uses partially
supported, other uses fully supported), or “not supporting” (one or more uses not
supported). Both states use the following three categories of water quality assessment
status to determine river conditions:
n Evaluated waters - Waters where assessments are based on ambient water quality
information that is greater than five years old or best professional judgment where
there is limited or no ambient data
n Monitored waters - Waters where assessments have been based on reliable ambient
water quality information collected within the past five years
n Assessed waters - Waters that were either monitored or evaluated
The majority of New Hampshire’s waters fall into the “monitored” category, while
most Massachusetts waters are “evaluated,” since the bulk of the water quality data in
the state was collected prior to 1990 (Donovan and Diers 1997).
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The designated uses for New Hampshire waters include swimming (primary contact
recreation), fish and shellfish consumption, drinking water, and aquatic life support.
Designated uses in Massachusetts include aquatic life, fish consumption, drinking
water, shellfish harvesting, primary contact recreation (i.e., swimming), and
secondary contact recreation (i.e., boating) (Donovan and Diers 1997). Table 3.4a and
3.4b present summarizes the New Hampshire and Massachusetts guidelines for
designated use classification as fully, partially, or not supporting. It is important to
note that Massachusetts and New Hampshire currently use different indicator
organisms to assess the primary and secondary contact recreation support-
Massachusetts uses fecal coliform and New Hampshire uses E. coli. However,
Massachusetts is planning on moving to an E. coli standard as well during 2003.
Table 3.4a: New Hampshire Guidelines for Use Classification
Use Fully Supporting Partially Supporting Not Supporting
Primary Contact
Bacteria - No
confirmed exceedances
of State standards
Bathing Area
Closures- No known
beach closures or
restrictions during the
reporting period
Nuisance Plant
Growth - No algal
blooms or macrophyte
growth that interfere
significantly with
Bacteria - The source of
bacteria is from CSO’s or
natural sources; fecal
coliform measurements in
freshwater (not from
natural sources) exceed the
state single sample
standard for E. coli
Bathing Area Closures- On
the average, there is no
more than one bathing area
closure per year of less than
one-week duration. Bathing
closures are due to natural
sources or heavy
Bacteria - There are
known violations
of the state’s
bacteria standard
Bathing Area
Closures- One or
more bathing area
closures per year of
greater than one
week duration, or
more than one
bathing area
closure per year
and not due to
natural sources or
heavy swimming
Primary Contact
Nuisance Plant Growth-
Frequent and persistent
algal blooms and/or
excessive native
macrophyte growth and/or
exotic macrophyte growth
occur that interfere with
No fish or shellfishing
consumption” or “no
advisories or bans are
in effect
“Restricted consumption”
advisories in effect for
“No consumption”
advisories in effect
for general
Section 3
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Use Fully Supporting Partially Supporting Not Supporting
Drinking Water Finished water - no
drinking water
contaminants with
exceedances of SDWA
Restrictions - No
source water closures
or advisories lasting
<30days, no more than
conventional treatment
Finished water - no
exceedances other than
occasional bacteria
associated with operator/
equip failure
Restrictions - One or more
drinking water source
advisories >30days, or
more source waters
requiring beyond
traditional treatment
Finished water -
one or more
confirmed SDWA
Restrictions - one
or more
based closures
Aquatic Life
DO & pH - No known
violations of state
Toxicants - No known
violations of state
standards. No
exceedance of WET
Bioassessments -
NYDEC bioassessment
model >64% affinity,
taxa richness of >15,
EPT >10, habitat value
of >150
DO - One or more
violations of the state
pH - One or more
confirmed exceedances of
pH with <6.5 and >6.0 or
>8.5 and <9.0
Toxicants - One or more
violations of any acute WQ
criteria. WET tests show
organisms may be
adversely affected.
DO - Minimum
conc. <5mg/l
pH - One or more
exceedances >6.0 or
Bioassessment -
NYDEC model
<35% affinity, EGT
<2, taxa richness
<5, habitat
assessment <50
Habitat - Several
habitat parameters
in the “poor”
Aquatic Life
Support- cont’d
Habitat - within
naturally occurring
Bioassessment - NYDEC
model 35-64% affinity, taxa
richness 5-15, EPT values 2-
10, habitat assessment 50-
Habitat - “marginal”
conditions in one or more
category or significant
Source: NHDES 2000
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Table 3.4b: Massachusetts Guidelines for Use Classification
Use Fully Supporting Partially Supporting Not Supporting
No advisories/bans in
A “restricted
consumption” fish
advisory is in effect for
the general population
or sub-population.
“No consumption”
advisory or ban in effect for
the general population or
sub-population for one or
more species; or there is a
commercial fishing ban in
Aquatic Life Data available clearly
indicates support.
Minor excursions from
chemical criteria may
be tolerated if the
biosurvey results
demonstrate support.
Uncertainty about
support in the chemical
or toxicity testing data,
or there is some minor
modification of the
biological community.
Excursions are not
frequent or prolonged.
There are frequent or
severe violations of
chemical criteria, presence
of acute toxicity, or a
moderate or severe
modification of the
biological community.
No closures or
advisories (no
contaminants with
confirmed exceedances
of maximum
contaminant levels,
conventional treatment
adequate to maintain
One or more advisories
or more than
conventional treatment
is required.
One or more
closures of the water
Shellfishing SA Waters - open for
harvest without
SB Waters - open for
harvest without
depuration (Open,
approved, restricted
SA Waters - seasonally
closed/ open,
SB Waters - seasonally
conditionally restricted
SA Waters - prohibited
SB Waters - prohibited
Criteria are met, no
aesthetic conditions
preclude the use.
Criteria are exceeded
intermittently (neither
frequent nor
prolonged), marginal
aesthetic violations.
Frequent or prolonged
violations of criteria, formal
bathing area closures, or
severe aesthetic conditions
that preclude the use.
Criteria are met, no
aesthetic conditions
preclude the use.
Criteria exceeded
intermittently (neither
prolonged nor
frequent), marginal
aesthetic violations.
Frequent or prolonged
violations of criteria, or
severe aesthetic conditions
that preclude use.
Source: McVoy 2000, MADEP 2002a
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3.3 Water Quality in the Merrimack River Mainstream
A 1997 report on water quality published by the Merrimack River Initiative found
that of the assessed portion of the Merrimack River mainstem watershed, 126 miles
did not support their designated uses, 33.75 miles partially supported their uses, and
67.2 miles fully supported their uses (Note: MRI’s definition of the “Merrimack River
mainstem watershed” includes the Merrimack River proper, Beaver Brook, Cohas
Brook, Little River, Piscataquog River, Powwow River, Salmon River, Shawsheen
River, Soucook River, Souhegan River, Spicket River, Stony Brook, Suncook River,
and Winnipesaukee River). The MRI report was based on a compilation of data from
the 1996 New Hampshire 305(b) report (based primarily on data from the 1994 and
1995 NHDES ambient water quality monitoring), the 1994 Massachusetts 305(b)
report, the MRI Bi-State Water Quality Assessment, and various other water quality
surveys and reports (see Donovan and Diers 1997).
3.3.1 2002 New Hampshire and Massachusetts 303(d) Lists
The Federal Water Pollution Control Act (commonly called the Clean Water Act
[CWA]), as last reauthorized by the Water Quality Act of 1987, requires each state to
submit two surface water quality documents to the USEPA every two years. Section
305(b) of the CWA requires the submittal of a report (known as the 305(b) report), that
describes the quality of its surface waters and provides an analysis of the extent to
which all such waters are able to support their designated uses as defined by the
state’s water quality standards. Section 303(d) of the CWA requires the submittal of a
list (the “303(d) List”) that provides an inventory of those waterbodies that are:
n Impaired or threatened by a pollutant or pollutants
n Not expected to meet water quality standards within a reasonable time even after
application of best available technology standards for point sources or best
management practices for non-point sources, and
n Require the development of a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) (NHDES 2002)
In the past, both Massachusetts and New Hampshire submitted separate 305(b)
Reports and 303(d) Lists to the USEPA. However, in an effort to simplify the
reporting process, USEPA recently developed guidance to facilitate the integration of
the 305(b) and 303(d) reports. In November 2001, USEPA released guidance on the
preparation of an “Integrated List of Waters”, which allows states to provide the
status of all their assessed waters in a single multi-part list. States choosing this
option must list each waterbody or segment thereof in one of the following five
categories (MADEP 2002):
n Category 1: Unimpaired and not threatened for all designated uses;
n Category 2: Unimpaired for some uses and not for others;
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n Category 3: Insufficient information to make assessments for any uses;
n Category 4: Impaired or threatened for one or more uses but not requiring the
calculation of a TMDL, in accordance with the following three subcategories:
o Category 4a: Impaired or threatened for one or more designated uses with a
completed TMDL
o Category 4b: Impaired or threatened for more designated uses but does not
require the development of a TMDL because other pollution control
requirements are reasonably expected to result in attainment of water quality
standards in the near future
o Category 4c: Impaired or threatened for one or more designated uses but does
not require the development of a TMDL because the impairment is not caused
by a pollutant
n Category 5: Impaired or threatened for one ore more uses and requiring a TMDL
Thus, the waters listed in Category 5 constitute the 303(d) List and, as such, are
reviewed and approved by the USEPA. The remaining four categories are submitted
in fulfillment of the requirements under Section 305(b), essentially replacing the
305(b) Report.
The new USEPA guidelines also specify that each state submit a comprehensive
assessment and listing methodology and detailed monitoring strategy as part of the
integrated list package. The Consolidated Assessment and Listing Methodology
(CALM) was published by USEPA in its final form in September 2002; thus it was not
implemented by all states in developing the 2002 integrated list.
New Hampshire
In December 2002, the NHDES published the “State of New Hampshire 2002 Section
305(b) and 303(d) Consolidated Assessment and Listing Methodology and
Comprehensive Monitoring Strategy”. They were one of the first states in the nation
to use the new CALM approach, as published by USEPA in September 2002 (NHDES
2002). For the purposes of this assessment, NHDES divided each waterbody up into
“Assessment Units” (AU). In general, the AU’s are the basic unit of record for
conducting and reporting the results of all water quality assessments (NHDES 2002).
The CALM states that the AU’s are intended to be representative of homogeneous
segments; thus sampling stations in the AU’s are assumed to be representative of the
entire segment.
Data used in the 2002 assessment process were collected from a variety of sources,
including non-profit environmental organizations (i.e. Appalachian Mountain Club),
federal agencies (i.e. USGS and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service), state universities,
municipalities, state volunteer monitoring programs, NHDES monitoring programs,
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the 1998 303(d) list, and the 2000 303(b) Report. For rivers and streams, the maximum
age of data eligible for making assessments was five years (1997 inclusive to present);
any data collected prior to that time was not assessed. The data age requirement
applied in all cases, except where waters were previously listed as threatened or
impaired (i.e. on the 1998 303(d) List). In such cases, the data used to make the
original assessment (regardless of age) was included in the reassessment provided
that it was of good quality and met the minimum number of samples requirements
specified in NHDES’ CALM.
In addition to the CALM document, NHDES published the following two assessment
n New Hampshire Draft 2002 List of Threatened or Impaired Waters that do not
Require a TMDL
n New Hampshire Draft 2002 List of Threatened or Impaired Waters that Require a
TMDL (i.e. the 303(d) List)
NHDES broke these list into following categories: (1) estuary, (2), freshwater lake, (3)
impoundments, (4) ocean, and (5) river. A summary of the listed segments on the
Merrimack River mainstem from the first table “Waters that do not require a TMDL”
is provided in Table 3.5; no segment of the mainstem River are listed on the second
table “Waters that require a TMDL”. However, although not explicitly shown on this
list, all waters in the state are listed on the second table as a result of the statewide ban
on fish consumption due mercury contamination.
Approximately 20-miles of the mainstem Merrimack River downstream of
Manchester, New Hampshire are listed as not supporting primary recreation due to
exceedances of the E. coli standard as a result of CSO discharges. An additional 4.8-
mile segment is listed as not supporting aquatic life based on pH requirements
(source unknown), and three reaches downstream of the Amoskeag Dam, Hooksett
Dam, and Garvins Fall By-passes are listed as not supporting aquatic life due to flow
alteration. It is important to note that no segments of the Merrimack River mainstem
in New Hampshire require a TMDL.
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Table 3.5: 2002 CALM listed Merrimack River mainstem segments in New
Hampshire for “Waters that do not require a TMDL”
Type Description Not
Cause Suspected
Amoskeag Dam Primary
E. coli CSO’s 443 ac
River Garvins Falls By-pass Aquatic Life Flow
0.12 mi
Hooksett Dam By-pass Aquatic Life Flow
0.11 mi
Aquatic Life Flow
0.36 mi
Amoskeag Dam By-pass
E. coli CSO’s
Merrimack River
E. coli CSO’s 5.01 mi
Merrimack River
E. coli CSO’s 5.74 mi
Merrimack River
E. coli CSO’s 3.83 mi
Aquatic Life pH Unknown 4.88 mi
Merrimack River
E. coli CSO’s
Source: NHDES 2002
In October 2002, MADEP published the following two documents in response to the
new USEPA reporting requirements:
n Massachusetts Year 2002 Integrated List of Waters. Part 1- Context and Rationale
for Assessing and Reporting the Quality of Massachusetts Surface Waters
n Massachusetts Year 2002 Integrated List of Waters. Part 2- Proposed Listing of
Individual Categories of Waters
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Unlike New Hampshire, MADEP did not publish a report in accordance with
USEPA’s September 2002 CALM guidelines; however, it did conform to the
November 2001, “Integrated List of Waters” specifications.
Data used in the 2002 assessment was collected from variety of sources, including
non-governmental organizations, state and federal programs, as well as reports
resulting from Massachusetts Watershed Initiative (MWI) grants or funded through
section 314, 319, 104, or 614(b) of the CWA (MADEP 2002). Data and supporting
information older than five years was generally considered “historical” and was used
primarily for descriptive purposes. However, the data was used for support
determination if it was known to reflect current conditions (MADEP 2002).
Per the classifications described on page 3-15, no waters in Massachusetts were listed
in Category 1 as a result of the statewide health advisory on fish consumption due to
mercury contamination. Additionally, no waters were listed in Category 4b- “Waters
expected to attain all designated uses in the new future”, due to a lack of clarity in
USEPA guidance documents on time frame for attainment of all designated uses. No
segments from the Merrimack River mainstem were listed in Categories 2, 3, 4a, and
4c. Table 3.6 provides a summary of the segments listed in Category 5- “Waters
requiring a TMDL” for the Merrimack River mainstem.
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Table 3.6: 2002 Category 5
listed waters in the Massachusetts portion of the
Merrimack River Mainstem
Mainstem Segment
Pollutant Requiring
State line at Hudson, NH/
Tyngsboro, MA to Pawtucket Dam,
Lowell, MA
August 2001 9.2 mi -Metals
Pawtucket Dam to Duck Island,
Lowell, MA
August 2001 2.8 mi -Metals
-Flow Alteration
Duck Island, Lowell to Essex Dam,
August 2001 8.8 mi -Priority Organics
Essex Dam, Lawrence to confluence
with Creek Brook, Haverhill
August 2001 7.1 mi -Priority organics
Confluence with Creek Brook,
Haverhill to confluence Indian River,
West Newbury
August 2001 2.6 mi
-Priority organics
-Unionized ammonia
Confluence Indian River, West
Newbury to mouth at Atlantic
Ocean, Newburyport/Salisbury
August 2001 4.37 mi
-Priority organics
The Basin in the Merrimack River
Estuary, Newbury/ Newburyport
August 2001 0.17 mi
Category 5- Waters requiring a TMDL
Source: MADEP 2002
As noted in Table 3.6, the entire Merrimack River from the New Hampshire state line
to the mouth at the Atlantic Ocean is listed in Category 5 (waters requiring a TMDL)
for pathogens. Approximately 20 miles of the mainstem River are listed for metals
(specific metals are not given), 11.6 miles are listed for nutrients, and 15.9 miles plus
6.97 square miles are listed for priority organics. It should be noted that the
Massachusetts’ Year 2002 Integrated List of Waters does not specify which metals or
nutrients require TMDL. In general, however, phosphorus has generally been found
to be the limiting nutrient in freshwaters and nitrogen is the limiting nutrient in
marine waters. Unlike New Hampshire, the entire portion of the Merrimack River in
Massachusetts requires a TMDL for at least one pollutant.
3.3.2 Other Studies
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
The MADEP’s “Merrimack River Basin - 1999 Water Quality Assessment Report” lists
CSO’s, urban runoff, septic systems, and waterfowl populations as the primary
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sources of bacterial contamination in these six listed segments. The report lists all of
the segments as “not assessed” for the secondary contact recreation standard, except
for the West Newbury-Atlantic Ocean segment, which is supporting. The Duck Island
segment (in Haverhill, MA) does not supporting the primary contact recreation
designated use; the West Newbury to Atlantic Ocean segment is supporting; all other
segments are “not assessed.”
New Hampshire 2000 305(b) Report
The New Hampshire 2000 305(b) Report lists 825.8 miles in the Merrimack River
watershed as fully supporting its designated uses (531.8 assessed and 294.0
monitored); 42.5 miles are partially supporting (3.5 assessed and 39.0 monitored); and
8.5 mile are not supporting (100 percent monitored). The report lists four river
segments along the mainstem Merrimack as partially supporting due to water quality
violations. Three of these segments are listed for wet-weather E. coli violations caused
by CSO discharges; one site just upstream of the Cohas Brook confluence is listed for
chronic wet-weather lead violations (cause unknown). Merrimack River
Merrimack River Initiative
The MRI’s Bi-State Water Quality Assessment Report points to a more widespread
chronic wet-weather lead problem -- six sampling stations along the mainstem in the
New Hampshire and upper Massachusetts portion of the basin exhibited lead
violations on October 28, 1995. Five stations in the lower portion of the basin
(Massachusetts) showed dry-weather lead (chronic) violations. One site in
Manchester, New Hampshire showed wet-weather bacteria (E. coli) violations and
one site in Haverhill, Massachusetts showed dry-weather acute zinc violations.
The MRI’s 1994 dry-weather sampling for ammonia and nitrate/nitrite did not reveal
the presence of any significant untreated sources. For total phosphorus, dry-weather
concentrations generally increased with distance downstream and at stations located
below impounded segments. Neither state currently has numeric criteria for this
parameter; however, samples were well below the critical levels given in EPA’s “Gold
Book” of Quality Criteria for Water - 1986. During wet-weather conditions,
concentrations of nitrate/nitrite and total phosphorus increased slightly, but still did
not show significant water quality problems. Wet-weather ammonia values were
again low, with most falling below the detection limit.
For dissolved oxygen, all wet and dry-weather samples from MRI’s sampling
program were well within the state’s water quality standards, indicating that this is
not a limiting factor. The same was true for temperature; however, the MRI notes that
higher dry-weather temperatures may have been encountered if the samples were
collected during lower flow-conditions. All dry-weather samples on the Merrimack
mainstem met the water quality standards for pH; one station at Nashua, New
Hampshire exceeded the criteria during the wet-weather survey.
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Dry-weather chronic-toxicity tests collected in the watershed as part of the MRI’s
study indicated that the mortality of the indicator organism, C. dubia, was not
statistically significantly different from zero; the reproduction rate of the species was
statistically significant. The MRI’s work shows that acute and chronic toxicity is not
widespread in the basin during dry-weather conditions.
3.3.3 Summary
A review of the “Massachusetts Year 2002 Integrated List of Waters” and the “2002
Section 305(b) and 303(d) Consolidated Assessment and Listing Methodology and
Comprehensive Monitoring Strategy” for the State of New Hampshire reveals that
bacteria (E. coli and fecal coliform) is largest cause of water quality violations along
the Merrimack River mainstem in both states. Additionally, in Massachusetts, metals,
nutrients, and priority organics also appear to be a significant problem along portions
the River. In New Hampshire, CSO’s are listed as the primary source of E. coli;
Massachusetts does not provide a similar listing. The listed portions of the River in
New Hampshire are categorized as “waters not requiring a TMDL”. However, in
Massachusetts, the entire Merrimack River between the New Hampshire stateline and
its mouth at the Atlantic Ocean requires a TMDL for at least one pollutant.
Results of the dry and wet-weather monitoring performed by the MRI indicate that
there are exceedances of the chronic/total lead criteria in the lower portions of the
basin (south of Manchester) under both conditions. The MRI’s discovery of a dry-
weather violation of the acute zinc criteria also points to a potential problem in the
Haverhill area.
3.4 Water Quality in Significant Tributaries
The MRI’s 1997 report on “Water Quality in the Merrimack River Watershed” divided the
basin into the following five subwatersheds:
n SuAsCo - Includes the Concord, Assabet, and Sudbury Rivers
n Contoocook - Includes the Contoocook River, Blackwater River, Warner River, and
North Branch Contoocook River
n Merrimack Mainstem - Includes the Merrimack River, Beaver Brook, Little River,
Piscataquog River, Powwow River, Salmon River, Shawsheen River, Soucook
River, Souhegan River, Spicket River, Stony Brook, Suncook River, and
Winnipesaukee River
n Nashua - Includes the Nashua River, Nissitissit River, Squannacook River, North
Nashua River, and Wachusett Reservoir
n Pemigewasset - Includes the Pemigewasset River, Baker River, Hubbard Brook,
Mad River, and Smith River
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Table 3.7 presents a summary of the river miles in each major tributary that is fully
supporting, partially supporting, and not supporting its designated uses, as provided
in MRI’s 1997 report. Data for this analysis was taken primarily from the
Massachusetts 1994 305(b) Report, the New Hampshire 1996 305(b) Report, and the
MRI’s Bi-State Water Quality Assessment (Donovan and Diers 1997):
Table 3.7: Status of Designated Use Support in Major Tributaries
Fully Supporting
Partially Supporting
Not Supporting
SuAsCo 16.1 22.0 54.8
Contoocook 67.6 4.4 0
Nashua 46.3 7.3 11.9
Pemigewasset 71 0 0
Source: Donovan and Diers 1997
SuAsCo Watershed
The primary causes of non-support in the SuAsCo basin are, in order of importance,
(1) nutrients, (2) bacteria, (3) dissolved oxygen, and (4) metals. In-place contaminants
and municipal dischargers are listed as the main sources of nutrients and metals
contamination in the watershed. Elevated bacteria concentrations are the result of
urban runoff, industrial point discharges, on-site wastewater treatment, and
municipal point sources. Impaired dissolved oxygen may be attributed to municipal
point sources, in-situ contaminants, and natural causes. Supporting data for this
analysis was collected by the MADEP in the mid-1980s and early 1990s (Donovan and
Diers 1997). MRI’s more recent Bi-state Water Quality Monitoring Assessment showed
dry and wet-weather violations of copper and lead, as well as wet-weather violations
of bacteria on the Concord River.
Contoocook River
The 1997 MRI report points to dissolved oxygen impairment as a result of municipal
point sources as the primary source of partial support in the Contoocook River
watershed. However, the Bi-State Water Quality Assessment showed chronic wet-
and dry-weather lead violations at several locations along the River (Donovan and
Diers 1997). The New Hampshire 2000 305(b) Report includes an additional seven
miles of partially supporting use along the mainstem Contoocook as a result of
elevated zinc concentrations from an unknown source. The NHDES is currently
working on developing a TMDL for dissolved oxygen in the Contoocook River.
Nashua River
The principal causes of non-supporting use in the Nashua River watershed are (1)
bacteria, (2) nutrients, (3) unknown, and (4) dissolved oxygen. Bacterial
contamination is due primarily to urban runoff, CSO discharges, and municipal point
sources (Donovan and Diers 1997). The MRI’s bi-state water quality monitoring
program showed additional wet- and dry-weather violations of lead
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(chronic/dissolved) and bacteria at two stations along the Nashua River in New
Hampshire (these stations were added to the state’s 2000 305(b) report). The New
Hampshire 2000 305(b) report also included the addition of a river segment partially
supporting use around Nashua, New Hampshire for dissolved oxygen, cause
Pemigewasset River
The New Hampshire 2000 305(b) report did not list any impaired river segments in
the Pemigewasset River watershed. However, the MRI’s bi-state monitoring did
show an elevated dry-weather bacterial concentration in the Smith River (a tributary
to the Pemigewasset) in 1994; elevated concentrations were not found during the wet-
weather sampling in 1995 (Donovan and Diers 1997).
3.4.1 2002 New Hampshire and Massachusetts 303(d) Lists
Tables 3.8 and 3.9 present a summary of the listed tributary segments in the 2002 New
Hampshire CALM and the Category 4c and 5 listed tributary segments in
Massachusetts. A description of the listing and methodology is provided in Section
3.3. These tables provide a more detailed look at the particular water quality
problems plaguing the Merrimack River tributaries than does the 1997 MRI report.
Only major tributaries have been included in these tables.
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Table 3.8: CALM listed tributary segments in New Hampshire for waters
that do not require a TMDL and waters that do require a TMDL
List Type Description
River- Ayers
Island Dam
Aquatic Life DO sat. Unknown 500 ac
River- Franklin
Falls Hydro
E. coli Illicit
1.5 ac
that do
require a
Nashua River-
Mine Falls
Aquatic Life Non-native
Unknown 60 ac
Nashua River-
Nashua Canal
Aquatic Life Non-native
Unknown 55 ac
Nashua River-
Nashua Canal
Aquatic Life Non-native
Unknown 55 ac
Nashua River-
Jackson Plant
E. coli CSO’s 40 ac
Goldman Dam
Aquatic Life DO sat. Unknown 8 ac
Powwow Pond
Aquatic Life pH Unknown 325 ac
River Pemigewasset
Aquatic Life pH Unknown 5.72 mi
Aquatic Life DO sat. Unknown 10.2 mi
Aquatic Life pH Unknown 0.82 mi
E. coli Unknown 0.68 mi
Aquatic Life pH Unknown 2.73 mi
Nashua River Primary
E. coli CSO’s 3.66 mi
Nashua River Primary
E. coli CSO’s 1.3 mi
Soucook River Aquatic Life pH Unknown 3.86 mi
Soucook River Aquatic Life pH Unknown 8.79 mi
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List Type Description
River (cont’d) Soucook River Aquatic Life pH Unknown 1.88 mi
Soucook River Aquatic Life pH Unknown 4.83 mi
Suncook River Aquatic Life pH Unknown 3.48 mi
South Branch
Aquatic Life pH Unknown 0.05 mi
E. coli CSO’s 2.5 mi
Cohas Brook
and Long Pond
Aquatic Life pH Unknown 6.17 mi
E. coli Unknown 3.34 mi
Aquatic Life pH Unknown 8.63 mi
E. coli Unknown 2.27 mi
Aquatic Life Copper Municipal
Point Source
10.9 mi
Salmon Brook Primary
E. coli Illicit
6.34 mi
Powwow River
Aquatic Life pH Unknown 0.81 mi
River Contoocook
Aquatic Life DO Industrial &
Point Sources
1.35 mi
Source: NHDES 2002
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Table 3.9: Listed tributary segments in the Massachusetts portion of the
Merrimack River watershed in Category 4c and 5
Category Description Assessment
Size Pollutant Requiring
Category 4c
Shawsheen River- Headwater
Lincoln to Bedford
April 1997 2 mi -Pathogens
Category 5 Assabet River- Outlet flow
augmentation pond to
Westborough WWTP
October 1997 1.4 mi -Nutrients
enrichment/Low DO
Assabet River- Westborough
WWTP to Route 20 Dam,
October 1997 3.7 mi -Metals
enrichment/Low DO
Assabet River- Route 20 Dam to
Marlborough West WWTP
December 1999
2.4 mi -Nutrients
Assabet River- Marlborough West
WWTP to Hudson WWTP
December 1999
7.9 mi -Cause Unknown
enrichment/Low DO
Assabet River- Hudson WWTP to
Route 27/62 at USGS gage,
October 1997 8.8 mi -Nutrients
enrichment/ Low
Assabet River- Routes 27/62 at
USGS gage to Powdermill Dam,
1.2 mi -Priority Organics
enrichment/Low DO
-Taste, odor & color
-Suspended solids
-Noxious aquatic
Assabet River- Powdermill Dam to
confluence with Sudbury River,
6.4 mi -Nutrients
enrichment/Low DO
Concord River- Confluence with
Assabet and Sudbury Rivers,
Concord, to Billerica Water Supply
Filtration Plant
9.5 mi -Metals
Concord River- Billerica Water
Filtration Plant to Roger St. Bridge
4.9 mi -Metals
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Category Description Assessment
Size Pollutant Requiring
Concord River- Rodgers Street
Bridge to confluence with
Merrimack River, Lowell
1.0 mi -Metals
Sudbury River- Fruit Street Bridge,
Hopkinton to outlet Saxonville
Pond, Framingham
12.9 mi -Metals
Sudbury River- Outlet Saxonville
Pond to confluence with Wash
Brook, Sudbury
5.6 mi -Metals
Sudbury River- Confluence Wash
Brook to confluence Assabet River,
10.6 mi -Metals
Beaver Brook- NH state line,
Dracut to confluence with
Merrimack River, Lowell
August 2001 4.2 mi -Cause Unknown
-Oil and Grease
Beaver Brook- Outlet Mill Pond,
Littleton to inlet Forge Pond,
4.8 mi -Nutrients
enrichment/Low DO
-Suspended Solids
Powwow River- Tidal portion to
confluence with Merrimack River,
July 2001 0.05 mi
Powwow River- Outlet of Lake
Gardner to tidal portion,
July 2001 0.59 mi -Pathogens
-Suspended Solids
-Noxious aquatic
Powwow River- Headwaters,
Amesbury to inlet Lake Gardner,
South Hampton, NH
July 2001 3.4 mi -Pathogens
-Suspended solids
-Noxious aquatic
Spicket River- NH state line to
confluence with Merrimack River,
July 2001 6.4 mi -Cause Unknown
Stony Brook- Outlet Forge Pond to
Chamberlin Road, Westford
July 2001 7 mi -Cause Unknown
enrichment/Low DO
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Category Description
Pollutant Requiring
Stony Brook- Chamberlin Road,
Westford to confluence with
Merrimack River, Chelmsford
July 2001 3.3 mi -Cause Unknown
enrichment/Low DO
Nashua River- Confluence with
North Nashua River, Lancaster to
confluence with Squannacook
River, Shirley/Groton/Ayer
August 2000 13.5 mi -Cause Unknown
-Unknown toxicity
-Taste, odor, & color
Nashua River- Confluence with
Squannacook River to Pepperell
August 2000 8.8 mi -Cause Unknown
enrichment/Low DO
-Noxious aquatic
Nashua River- Pepperell Dam to
NH state line
August 2000 3.7 mi -Cause Unknown
Nashua River- Outlet Lancaster
Millpond to Clinton WWTP
August 2000 3 mi -Cause Unknown
-Unknown toxicity
Nashua River- Clinton WWTP to
confluence with North Nashua
River, Lancaster
August 2000 1.6 mi -Cause Unknown
North Nashua River- Outlet Snows
Millpond to Fitchburg Paper
Company Dam #1
August 2000 1.2 mi -Cause Unknown
North Nashua River- Fitchburg
Paper Company to Fitchburg East
August 2000 6.3 mi -Cause Unknown
-Unknown toxicity
-Taste, odor, & color
North Nashua River- Fitchburg
East WWTP to Leominster WWTP
August 2000 2.1 mi -Cause Unknown
-Unknown toxicity
-Taste, odor, & color
North Nashua River- Leominster
WWTP Leominster to confluence
with Nashua River, Lancaster
August 2000 9.9 mi -Cause Unknown
-Taste, odor, & color
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Category Description Assessment
Size Pollutant Requiring
Shawsheen River- Summer Street
to confluence with Spring Brook,
April 1997 1.7 mi -Unknown toxicity
enrichment/Low DO
Shawsheen River- Confluence with
Spring Brook, Bedford to Central
Street, Andover
April 1997 17.4 mi -Unknown toxicity
enrichment/Low DO
Shawsheen River- Central Street to
confluence with Merrimack River,
April 1997 6.2 mi -Unknown toxicity
Source: MADEP 2002
Although not explicitly discussed here, the MADEP recently (February 2002)
published a Draft Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for bacteria in the Shawsheen
River (considered part of the mainstem Merrimack River subwatershed by the 1997
MRI report). NHDES is also working on developing a TMDL for dissolved oxygen in
the Contoocook River between Peterborough and Antrim, New Hampshire.
3.4.2 Summary
A review of the “2002 Section 305(b) and 303(d) Consolidated Assessment and Listing
Methodology and Comprehensive Monitoring Strategy” for the State of New
Hampshire reveals pH (47.7 listed miles) and bacteria (20.04 listed miles) appear to be
the major cause of non-supporting use for primary contact recreation and aquatic life
throughout all the major tributaries. The primary cause for both violations is listed as
unknown, except for E. coli exceedances on the Nashua River, which are listed as a
result of CSO discharges. A 10.9-mile segment of the Souhegan River is listed as not
supporting aquatic life due to an exceedance of the copper water quality criteria due
to municipal point source. A 10.2-mile segment of the Pemigewasset River is also
listed as not supporting the aquatic life use due to a violation of the dissolved oxygen
requirements. Additionally, a TMDL is required for dissolved oxygen in the
Contoocook River; all other waters as discussed above are listed as “waters not
requiring a TMDL”.
According to the “Massachusetts Year 2002 Integrated List of Waters”, pathogens are
the largest cause of non-attainment of designated uses in the major tributaries to the
Merrimack River, with approximately 140 listed miles under Category 5. Metals (103
listed miles), nutrients (89 listed miles), and organic enrichment/low dissolved
oxygen concentrations (70 listed miles) are the other top causes of non-supporting
uses. The report does not provide any information regarding the source of these
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3.5 Sediment Quality
Review of available literature revealed a general lack of data on sediment quality in
the mainstem Merrimack River and its major tributaries. The following section
provides a summary of the limited number of monitoring programs, as well as the
state reporting methods for sediment quality.
3.5.1 Monitoring Programs
Sediment sampling was intended to be included as part of the MRI studies conducted
during the summer of 1994 and fall of 1995; however, due to Federal government
budgetary cuts, the sediment sampling and analysis portions were cancelled.
Although the state of New Hampshire does not maintain a consistent sediment
quality monitoring program, NHDES biologists conducted sediment testing at three
marinas in the Lake Winnipesaukee watershed in 1993. Samples were analyzed for
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and bulk sediment toxicity tests were performed
using a benthic worm as the test organism. Limited sediment testing in the Merrimack
River was also performed by consultants in 1992 as part of the development of a CSO
abatement plan for the City of Manchester. Results were not available for the NHDES
1993 sediment sampling program or the monitoring performed as part of the
development of a CSO abatement plan for the City of Manchester.
Sediment sampling was performed by Marie M. Studer, a Ph.D. candidate at the
University of Massachusetts-Boston, in completion of her dissertation entitled “The
chemistry and geochemistry of selected metals in the Merrimack River of New
England and regulatory considerations of water quality”. Ms. Studer undertook a
two-year study of the Merrimack River between January 1989 and April 1991. Two
sediment cores were taken from Indian River Shoal, a tidal freshwater marsh on the
Merrimack River in West Newbury. Sediment samples were sectioned at one-
centimeter intervals and analyzed for select metals (Ag, Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni,
Pb, and Zn), organic carbon, and grain-size distribution. The results generally
showed a decline in metals concentrations within the top two to three-centimeters of
each core, which, on a temporal scale, corresponds to the time of inception of the
Clean Water Act in the early 1970’s (Studer 1995). However, Ms. Studer was unable
to determine conclusively if the decline in concentrations was directly attributable to
pollution controls implemented in response to the CWA or to other processes
affecting metal accumulation. However, it is possible that this drop is a result of
increased pollution control and sewage treatment plant upgrades from primary to
secondary treatment (Studer 1995).
3.5.2 State Reporting
New Hampshire does not quantify sediment contamination in its bi-annual 305(b)
Report. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Summary of Water Quality 2000 (Section
305(b) Report) provides a summary of those waterbodies in the state that are
considered to have elevated levels of sediment contamination; however, no segments
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of the Merrimack River mainstem are included on the list (McVoy 2000). At the time
of publication, sediment contamination criteria had not been established either
nationally or by the State. A Sediment Quality Ranking system was developed by the
State of Massachusetts for use in the assessment study based on accepted literature
contamination values. The report listed the Assabet River for metals and priority
organics contamination and the Sudbury River for metals (particularly mercury)
A 4-1
Section 4
Resource Summary
The Merrimack River has come a long way from its notorious past in the 1960’s when
it was listed as one of the top ten most polluted rivers in the county. Today, the
watershed is a high value resource area that supports a range of biological, recreation,
and other resources, such as hydropower and public drinking water supplies.
Biological resources in the watershed include shellfish populations in the tidally
influenced portions of the mainstem Merrimack River, various resident and
anadromous fish populations, and numerous threatened an endangered species.
Additionally, the watershed supports a range of recreational activities, including a
Class II and III rapids and slalom kayaking course in Manchester, New Hampshire, a
public beach at the Lowell Heritage State Park, and numerous natural trails and
marinas throughout the basin. The watershed also supports various economic uses,
including seven hydroelectric dams that currently operate on the mainstem
Merrimack River and the Pemigewasset River. Finally, the mainstem River supports
numerous public and industrial water users along its length.
The following section presents a summary of the biological, recreational, and other
resources, such as hydropower and public drinking water supplies, of the Merrimack
River watershed.
4.1 Biological Resources
This section addresses the existing biological resources of the Merrimack River
watershed. Existing biological resources are first addressed by discussing the major
habitats supporting biological resources that occur in the Merrimack River watershed.
Second, major biological lifeforms are discussed by addressing the common and rare,
threatened, or endangered species found along the Merrimack River and its major
4.1.1 Habitat
Ecoregions are used to broadly define the general patterns of vegetation and aquatic
habitat in an area (USEPA 1997). The Merrimack River watershed is located in both
the Northeastern Highlands ecoregion and the Northeastern Coastal Zone. The north
and westerly portions of the watershed, located in the Northeastern Highlands, are
characterized by low mountains and mostly ungrazed forest and woodland; the
primary vegetation is northern hardwood, such as northeastern spruce and fir. The
southern portion of the watershed is located in the Northeastern Coastal Zone, which
is characterized by irregular plains with low, open hills. Land cover in this ecoregion
is primarily woodland and forest, composed mainly of oak, with some cropland and
pasture (Flanagan et al. 1999).
The Merrimack River watershed’s land use composition, from the relatively
undeveloped White Mountain National Forest in northern New Hampshire to highly
urbanized areas along the mainstem of the Merrimack River, is reflected in the basin’s
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wildlife habitat. The River corridor’s riparian areas and floodplain provide a valuable
habitat resource in the form of undisturbed stretches of vegetation. However,
increased development surrounding urban areas and sought after coastal sections
threatens to impair further the quality of wildlife habitat. This section addresses
aquatic, riparian, and wetland habitat resources.
Aquatic Habitat
Aquatic habitats found in the Merrimack River watershed include quickwaters in the
northern portion of the basin, cold and warm water fisheries throughout the
watershed, and estuarine environment in the River’s final reaches. The River supports
a range of species from macroinvertebrates to resident and anadromous fish
populations. The integrity and health of the aquatic habitats is primarily dependant
upon the River’s water quality and in-stream flow conditions.
The MADEP and NHDES, working under the MRI, conducted biomonitoring at 14
sites on the Merrimack River mainstem and 31 sites on the River’s tributaries. A broad
range of aquatic environments were evaluated, including headwater tributaries in the
northern sections of the basin and more riverine segments around Nashua, New
Hampshire and Lawrence, Massachusetts. The study included an evaluation of
habitat conditions at each biological monitoring station using the following 12
parameters: in-stream cover, epifaunal substrate, embeddedness, velocity/depth
regimes, EPT richness (mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies), EPT abundance, ratio of
EPT to Chironomidae, biotic index, ratio of collectors to scrapper feeders, ratio of
shredder organisms to total number of organisms, Shannon diversity, and percent
model affinity (PMA).
The 1999 biomonitoring conducted by MADEP on the Cobbler’s Brook, Stony Brook,
Spicket River, Beaver Brook, and Fish Brook indicates varying degrees of non-point
source related pollution problems. Urban runoff, habitat degradation, and other
sources of non-point source pollution were found to compromise the water quality
and biological integrity of the tributaries. However, improvements in water quality
were noted at a few of the stations with historical biomonitoring surveys (MADEP
Riparian Habitat
The development of riparian communities are influenced by their relative position to
the river (distance from and height above) and river flooding interval. The diversity of
river riparian habitat types provides valuable wildlife habitat. Significant riparian
habitat found along the upper Merrimack include the following:
n Southern New England lake sediment/river terrace forest
n Sandy river bluff forest
n Mesic river bluff forest
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n Acidic river side seep communities
n Floodplain forest communities, and
n Pitch pine/scrub oak barrens (NHDES 1997b; NHDES 1997d)
The pitch pine/scrub oak barrens on the Upper Merrimack River are considered
globally rare and support the only identified New England population of the Karner
blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis); a Federally listed endangered species
(NHDES 1997d). Riparian habitat of the Pemigewasset River supports nesting and
foraging for the following endangered birds: golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), upland
sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda), peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinos), and sedge wren
(Cistothorus platensis) (NHDES 1997c).
Massachusetts floodplain communities are typically river birch associations.
Developments (residential or camping) are contributing to the decline of these
riparian communities (Carley 2001).
The Audubon Society of New Hampshire (2001) recently published a study on the
uses of floodplain forest habitats by breeding and migrating birds. The study
demonstrated that these habitats supported different bird communities than did
upland forests. Additionally, the study reported that floodplain forest habitats along
larger rivers (such as the Merrimack mainstem) support different populations than do
smaller tributaries, as do larger parcels of floodplain habitat as compared to smaller
Freshwater Wetland Habitat
Freshwater wetland habitats play an integral role in the ecology of the Merrimack
River corridor. The combination of high nutrient levels and primary productivity
found in these habitats is ideal for the development of organisms that form the base of
the food web. Many species of birds, fish, and mammals rely on wetlands for food
and shelter, particularly during migration and breeding. Additionally, wetlands
provide flood mitigation during periods of high flow and important filtering
capabilities for the treatment of stormwater runoff, thus improving the quality of the
Carley (2001) notes that wetland coverage ranges from 10 to 25 percent of the land
area in the Massachusetts portion of the watershed. Of this, approximately 50 percent
is classified as deciduous forested wetlands. Additionally, 107 vernal pools have been
certified and an additional 1,160 sites have been nominated for certification within the
watershed (Carley 2001). No similar computation of wetland coverage in New
Hampshire could be obtained from the available information; however, the University
of New Hampshire maintains a GIS database ( that
includes maps of the state’s wetlands and major watersheds.
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From the 1950s to the 1970s, the United States as a whole lost an average of 460,000
acres of wetlands annually, and continued into the 1980s at a reduced rate (Mitsch
and Gosselink 1993). In the 1990s, the majority of wetland loss in the Merrimack River
watershed is attributed to residential development and urban sprawl; this is
particularly true in the southern New Hampshire and northeast Massachusetts
portions of the watershed, which have been growing rapidly from the spread of the
Boston metropolitan area.
The New Hampshire Natural Heritage Inventory has identified two exemplary
natural communities in the portion of the River between Merrimack, New Hampshire
and the Massachusetts-New Hampshire state line: the Southern New England lake
sediment/river terrace forest and the Northern New England level bog (NHDES
1997b). Both communities support a wide range of plant and wildlife species.
Tidal Wetland Habitat
The lower Merrimack River is tidally influenced in its final 22 miles; the saltwater
wedge extends upstream an additional 10 miles to Merrimackport during summer
high tides and periods of low-flow conditions. This unique freshwater and saltwater
habitat supports a wide range of aquatic species, including extensive shellfishing
One of the largest freshwater tidal marshes in Massachusetts is found in the
Merrimack River downstream of Haverhill, Massachusetts. One unique plant species
found growing along the River is Wild rice (Zizania aquatica), considered rare in the
region. It is typically found growing at river mouths in fresh to brackish waters
(Carley 2001).
A 1998 study conducted by the DMF noted that eelgrass beds were declining
throughout the lower Merrimack; however, only limited information exists on the
historic and current status of these beds. DEP’s Wetland Conservancy Program has
mapped eelgrass sites in Massachusetts; the data is available through MassGIS
(Carley, 2001). Eelgrass beds provide essential nursery and feeding habitat for
shellfish and finfish, and thus, are important to the long-term success of these species.
4.1.2 Biological Lifeforms
This section presents a summary of the phytoplankton, macroinvertebrate, shellfish,
terrestrial mammal, bird and waterfowl, and other significant wildlife populations
found in the Merrimack River watershed. Discussion throughout this section will
address those species that have been listed as “endangered”, “threatened”, or “special
concern” by the state and/or federal government, as defined below:
n Endangered (E): Native species which are in danger of extinction throughout all or
part of their range, or which are in danger of extirpation, as documented by
biological research and inventory
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n Threatened (T): Native species which are likely to become endangered in the
foreseeable future, or which are declining or rare as determined by biological
research and inventory
n Special Concern (SC): Native species which have been documented by biological
research or inventory to have suffered a decline that could threaten the species if
allowed to continue unchecked, or which occur in such small numbers or with such
restricted distribution or specialized habitat requirements that they could easily
become threatened
Review of the available literature reveal no phytoplankton studies conducted in the
Merrimack River watershed. This represents an important gap in the data due to the
identified nutrient problems in the mainstem and major tributaries.
In recent years, the MADEP, NHDES, MRI, and numerous smaller watershed
committees have begun conducting macroinvertebrate biomonitoring studies in the
Merrimack River basin. Biomonitoring is a useful technique for detecting the
anthroprogenic impacts to aquatic communities (MADEP 2001). Resident biota in a
waterbody, such as benthic macroinvertebrates, are natural indicators of
environmental quality. They can reveal the effects of episodic and cumulative
pollution, and habitat alteration (Barbour et al. 1995; Barbour et al. 1999). Biological
surveys and assessments are the primary approaches to biomonitoring.
Results from the MRI’s monitoring were published as a data report in the “Merrimack
River Bi-State, Biomonitoring Report, Part Two”. The report summarized the following
six general categories of information at each biomonitoring site:
n Physical Conditions or Geographic and Hydrologic Information
n Hydrolab Data (Temperature, pH, Total Dissolved Solids, Redox, Conductivity,
Depth, and Dissolved Oxygen)
n Habitat Conditions
n Percent Composition by Major Groups
n Percent Composition by Functional Groups
The Upper Merrimack Monitoring Program, conducted by the Upper Merrimack
River Local Advisory Committee, reported a decline in sensitive macroinvertebrate
species and habitat assessment scores from 1995 to 1997. These declines mirrored the
change in flow conditions of the River between Franklin and Bow, New Hampshire
(Landry and Tremblay 1997). Results from the NHDES biomonitoring have not been
independently published.
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Shellfish Populations
The unique freshwater and saltwater habitat of the lower Merrimack River supports a
wide range of aquatic species, including extensive shellfishing beds. However, all
commercial and recreation shellfishing has been prohibited in the Merrimack River
since 1986 due to contamination issues (particularly elevated bacteria levels). These
sites are listed as “prohibited” under the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries
(DMFs) Designated Shellfish Growing Area program (Carley 2001). Table 4.1 presents a
summary of shellfish populations found in the Merrimack River watershed.
Table 4.1 Summary of Shellfish Species
Species Location Abundance
Soft-shell clams (Mya arenaria)
I-95 bridge to ocean
Believed to be
Blue mussels (Mytylus edulis)
Route 1 bridge to
Believed to be
Razor clams (Siliqua patula)
Estuary Minor quantities
Dwarf wedge mussel (Alasmidonta
Extirpated (since
Yellow lamp mussel (Lampsilis cariosa)
Extirpated since mid-
Brook Floater (Alismidona varicose)
Sewalls Falls Listed as endangered
Eastern Pond Mussel (Ligumia nasuta)
Amesbury, MA Species of Concern
Triangle floater (Alasmidonta undulata)
Harvard, MA Species of Concern
Tidewater mucket (Leptodea ochracea)
Haverhill, MA Species of Concern
Source: Interviews with staff of Plum Island
Source: Carley 2001
Shellfish and finfish pollutions were found in abundance in the tidally-influenced
lower Merrimack during the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s
(NOAA) Estuarine Living Marine Resources Program (ELMR). Several species of
economic importance are found in the region, including northern quahogs (rare),
American lobster (common), sevenspine bay shrimp (very abundant), and rock crabs
Staff at the Plum Island Shellfish Purification Plant report relatively abundant
populations of soft-shelled crabs (Mya arenaria) and blue mussels (Mytylus edulis)
found between the mouth of the Merrimack and the I-93 bridge and the Route 1
bridge, respectively (Kennedy 2000). A small number of razor clams (Siliqua patula)
were identified in the estuary as well (Kennedy 2000).
Data from the Massachusetts Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP)
indicate that two freshwater mussel species previously inhabited the Merrimack
River, but no longer exist in the area. The dwarf wedge mussel (Alasmidonta heterodon)
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is listed as an endangered species at both the Federal and state level. The last siting of
this mollusk was in 1983; it is believed that the species has been extirpated from
Massachusetts (NHESP 1991a). The yellow lamp mussel (Lampsillis cariosa) also is
listed on the endangered species list in Massachusetts. Although this mussel once
inhabited the Merrimack, no living specimens have been collected from the River
since the mid-1800s (NHESP 1991b). The Brook Floater (Alismidona varicosa) is a State-
listed endangered mussel present at Sewalls Falls approximately nine miles upstream
of Garvins Falls Dam.
Terrestrial Mammals
The Merrimack River provides habitat for a variety of large and small mammals. For
example, the River’s corridor serves as an important habitat for several water-
dependant furbearers, including the beaver (Castor canadensis), the muskrat (Ondatra
zibethica), and the mink (Mustela vision). Larger mammals, such as the white-tailed
deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and the coyote (Canis latrans) also use the River corridor
both as home range habitat and as a travel corridor to pass between other preferred
The Merrimack River also provides habitat for a number of state-listed mammals.
Table 4.2 provides a summary of state-listed mammal populations in the Merrimack
River watershed.
Table 4.2 State Listed Mammals
Listed Status
Scientific Name Common Name
Lasionycteris noctivagans
Silver haired bat
Pipistrellus subflavus
Eastern pipistrelle
Lasiurus borealis
Red bat
Lasiurus cinereus
Hoary bat
Sylvilagus transitionalis
New England cottontail
Synaptomys cooperi
Southern bog lemming
SC ---
Notes: E= Endangered, T= Threatened, SC= Special Concern
Carley 2001
Birds and Waterfowl
The watershed provides habitat for over of 117 species of birds and waterfowl, twenty
of which have been designated as “endangered,” “threatened,” or “special concern.”
Table 4.3 presents a summary of the state and Federally registered avian populations
in the Merrimack River watershed.
The common loon, listed as “special concern” in Massachusetts and “threatened” in
New Hampshire, typically breeds in northern lakes and ponds; however, they
commonly winter near the ocean, and thus are only likely to be found near the mouth
of the Merrimack during the winter months. American bittern, listed only in
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Massachusetts as “endangered,” generally inhabit dense marshland, and as such,
could be found anywhere that such habitat exists. The five designated raptors (i.e.,
harrier, eagle, hawk, and falcon) use the River primarily as a food source. The
Federally threatened and state-listed bald eagle is a particularly visible species within
the watershed. Winter perching, roosting, and feeding activities have been
documented along the Merrimack River mainstem from Franklin to Nashua, New
Hampshire, and throughout the Massachusetts portion of the basin. The entire
Massachusetts River corridor is designated as priority habitat for the bald eagle.
The Pemigewasset River corridor provides habitat for the “threatened” bald eagle,
osprey, northern harrier, common loon, common nighthawk, Cooper’s hawk, and
purple martin (NHDES 1997c).
Table 4.3 Federally and State Listed Birds
Scientific Name Species Federal
Botaurus lentiginosus
American bittern
Sterna paradisaea
Arctic tern
Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Bald eagle T E T
Gavia immer
Common loon
Gallinula chloropus
Common moorhen
Chordeiles minor
Common nighthawk
Sterna hirundo
Common tern
Accipiter cooperii
Cooper's hawk
Sialia sialis
Eastern bluebird
Aquila chrysaetos
Golden eagle
Vermivora chrysoptera
Golden-winged warbler
Ammodramus savannarum
Grasshopper sparrow
Ardea herodias
Great blue heron
Rallus elegans
King rail
Ixobrychus exilis
Least bittern
Sterna antillarum
Least tern
Circus cyaneus
Northern harrier
Pandion haliaetus
Falco peregrinos
Peregrine falcon E E E
Podilymbus podiceps
Pied-billed grebe
Charadrius melodus
Piping plover T T E
Progne subis
Purple martin
Sterna dougallii
Roseate tern E E E
Cistothorus platensis
Sedge wren
Accipiter striatus
Sharp-shinned hawk
Bartramia longicauda
Upland sand piper
Notes: E= Endangered, T= Threatened, SC= Special Concern
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The USEPA has designated the Merrimack River from Franklin, New Hampshire, to
Lowell, Massachusetts, as a Priority Waterbody/Wetland due to its importance to
waterfowl and fish populations (Carley 2001). Approximately 25 Atlantic Flyway
Waterfowl Breeding sites are identified within the Merrimack River watershed in
New Hampshire alone (Bramley 1996). Further, a 1987 study by the USEPA also
designated the Merrimack River Tidal Flats as priority wetlands for the preservation
of Black Duck wintering habitat, as recommended by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service (Carley 2001).
In 1997, the MRI in conjunction with MADEP published the Aquatic Species Mapping
Project: Final Report.” As part of this project, maps were developed from
Massachusetts Audubon Society atlases showing the statewide potential breeding
grounds for wood ducks and the statewide occurrence of the painted turtle, spring
peppers, question mark butterflies, and bog copper butterflies. A map was also
developed showing prime habitat, breeding plots, and wood duck box areas.
Other Significant Wildlife
The habitats associated with the Merrimack River support a variety of amphibians
and reptiles. Table 4.4 lists those amphibians and reptiles found in the River’s
watershed that are listed by Massachusetts or New Hampshire as threatened,
endangered or of special concern.
Table 4.4 State Listed Amphibians and Reptiles
Listed Status
Scientific Name Common Name
Ambystoma laterale
Blue-spotted salamander --- E ---
Ambystoma opacum
Marbled salamander --- E ---
Bufo fowleri
Fowler's toad --- --- SC
Clemmys guttata
Spotted turtle --- SC ---
Clemmys insculpta
Wood turtle --- SC SC
Emydoidea blandingii
Blanding’s turtle --- T ---
Terrapene carolina
Eastern box turtle --- SC ---
Heterodon platyrhinos
Hognose snake --- --- T
Opheodrys v. vernalis
Eastern smooth green snake --- --- SC
Notes: E= Endangered, T= Threatened, SC= Special Concern
Source: DeGraaf and Yamasaki (2001)
Carley 2001,
Two lepidopterans were documented at the Hooksett Riverbluff Barrens; a Noctuid
moth (Lithophane thaxteri) and the Barrens Xylotype (Xylotype capax). The Nocuid moth
is not a listed or ranked species due to lack of information and the Barrens Xylotype is
also not listed, but has a State-imperiled conservation status.
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4.1.3 Fisheries
Currently, the Merrimack River supports an excellent resident sport fishery, centered
on smallmouth and largemouth bass, yellow perch, walleye, and bullhead (Merrimack
Station Fisheries Study [NAI 1996]). Table 4.5 presents a list of fish that currently or
historically inhabit the Merrimack River (NAI 2001; Carley 2001).
Table 4.5: List of Fish Identified in the Merrimack River, Sorted by Family
Family Species
Petromyzontidae Sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus
Acipenseridae Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrhinchus
Shortnose sturgeon A. brevirostrum
American shad Alosa sapidissima
Alewife A. pseusoharengus
Blueback herring A. aestivalis
Gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum
Atlantic salmon Salmo salar
Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus. Gairdneri
Brown trout S. trutta
Brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis
Osmeridae Rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax
Chain pickerel Esox niger Esocidae
Northern pike E. lucius
Fallfish Semotilus corporalis
Creek chub S. atromaculatus
Golden shiner Notemigonus crysoleucas
Spottail shiner Notropis hudsonius
Common/Redfin shiner N. cornutus
Bridle shiner N. bifrenatus
Blacknose dace Rhinichthys atratulus
Longnose dace R. cataractae
Carp Cyprinus carpio
Goldfish Carassius auratus
Catostomidae White sucker Catostomus commersoni
Brown bullhead Ictalurus nebulosus
Yellow bullhead I. Natalis
Channel catfish I. Punctatus
White catfish I. Catus
Marginated/Brindled madtom
Noturus insignis
Tadpole madtom N. gyrinus
Gadidae Burbot Lota lota
Atherinopsidae Atlantic silverside Menidia menidia
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Family Species
Banded killifish Fundulus diaphanous Cyprinodontidae
Mummichog F. heteroclitus
Threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus
Fourspine stickleback Apeltes quadracus
Ninespine stickleback Pungitius pungitius
Syngnathidae Northern pipefish Sygnathus fuscus
Anguillidae American eel Anguilla rostrata
Percichthyidae White perch Morone Americana
Striped bass M. saxatilis
Ammodytidae Sand lance Ammodytes hexapterus
Pumpkinseed sunfish Lepomis gibbosus
Redbreasted sunfish L. auritus
Bluegill L. macrochirus
Largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides
Smallmouth bass M. dolomieui
Banded sunfish Enneacanthus obesus
Black crappie Pomoxis nigromaculatus
Yellow perch Perca flavescens
Walleye Stizostedion vitreum
Tessellated darter Etheostoma olmstedi
Swamp darter E. fusiforme
Anadromous Fish Populations
An anadromous fish restoration program has been in effect on the Merrimack River
for more than 20 years to bring back extirpated stocks of the endangered Atlantic
salmon, American shad and alewife and blueback herring to the upper Merrimack
River. As part of this restoration program and to provide quality fishing
opportunities, the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department (NHFG) and U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service (USFWS) began a popular adult Atlantic salmon sport fishery in
the Merrimack River in the mid-1990s by releasing excess Atlantic salmon brood stock
each spring.
Anadromous fish populations in the Merrimack River watershed declined throughout
the 1800 and early 1900s in response to the industrialization and impoundment of the
River. Historically, Atlantic salmon swam up the Merrimack River to the
Pemigewasset River where their spawning grounds are located. Salmon fishery areas
were damaged by the construction of a paper mill on the prime salmon-spawning
stream. In conjunction, dams installed in the Merrimack River prevented fish from
entering as early as 1847 (Schmitt 1976). Atlantic salmon, alewives and American shad
were reduced to small populations using the lower parts of River. American shad
were historically abundant in the Merrimack and Connecticut Rivers, typically
entering Winnipesaukee River and the lake. Shad populations in Lake Winnipesaukee
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were reported to be as high as 830,000 in 1789 (Schmitt 1976). Anadromous fishways
were constructed in 1866, 1867 and 1868, but were faulty and failed to help the
problem. In 1867 Connecticut, Vermont and New Hampshire funded a juvenile shad-
rearing program to stock the rivers; the program was unsuccessful, primarily due to
dams and faulty fishways. Major remodeling of fishways in several areas in 1877
allowed alewives and lamprey to migrate successfully (Normandeau 1975).
Anadromous fish restoration was addressed in 1969 as a collaborative effort between
the fishery agencies of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, the Bureau of Sport
Fisheries and Wildlife, and the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. Under provisions of
the Anadromous Fish Conservation Act, P.L. 89-304 of 1965, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service (USFWS), National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Massachusetts Division
of Fish and Game and New Hampshire Fish and Game Department developed the
Anadromous Fish Restoration Program. This cooperative program was an attempt to
restore anadromous fish to the Merrimack River (Normandeau 1975).
The restoration program focused on the return of two species, Atlantic salmon and
American shad. Goals were established via implementation of a four-phase expansion
from 1975 to 1990:
n Phase 1: Establish a spawning run in the New Hampshire portion of the River
south of the Amoskeag Dam by 1978 through the introduction of eggs, fry, or both
n Phase 2: Extend the spawning runs to Franklin Falls by 1980; this includes
construction of fishways (areas designed to provide flow for fish ladders or stair-
shaped areas that allow for inward and outward migration) at the Amoskeag,
Hooksett, and Garvins Falls dams
n Phase 3: Expand Phase 2 to major tributaries and establishment of sport fishery
n Phase 4: Feasibility study performed and commercial fishing established
This program predicted a run of one million fish by 1990 (Merrimack River Anadromous
Fisheries Investigation 1977). The Atlantic salmon restoration program is the third
ranked program in New England, with regards to the number of fish, behind
Penobscot Bay and Connecticut River.
The shad restoration program in the upper river began in 1969 with the introduction
of fertilized eggs from the Connecticut River into the Massachusetts portion of the
Merrimack River. Egg releases continued on an annual basis afterward. Hooksett
Pond has been found to represent satisfactory habitat for shad spawning, as they
prefer the alluvial depositions (gravel substrate) bathed by running water. Studies
have shown the Pond to be suitable habitat for all other stages of shad freshwater life;
however, reproductive success was not achieved in the early studies (Merrimack River
Anadromous Fisheries Investigation 1977). Runs were sustained by continued release of
Connecticut River eggs in the Essex Pool in Lawrence, Massachusetts in 1975 and in
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Hooksett Pond in 1976. Extensive studies in 1976 revealed no eggs, larvae or juveniles
after egg introduction (Merrimack River Anadromous Fisheries Investigation 1977).
More recently, in 1997, the Technical Committee for Anadromous Fishery
Management of the Merrimack River Basin published its “Strategic Plan and Status
Review - Anadromous Fish Restoration Program;” this report was the scheduled revision
of the 1990 Atlantic Salmon Strategic Plan. The Plan set out the following three major
goals for enhancing fish populations in the Merrimack through 2005:
n An adult Atlantic salmon population that will exceed the sea-run brood stock
holding capacity of the Nashua National Fish Hatchery (300) and provide some
level of reproduction in the wild
n An annual average of 35,000 adult American shad passing the Essex fish-lift in
n An annual average of 300,000 adult river herring passing the Essex fish-lift in
The program has had good success with shad; however, efforts to restore salmon and
river herring are doing poorly at this time.
Currently, three dams along the Merrimack River mainstem slow the travel of the
anadromous fish upstream: the Essex Dam in Lawrence, Massachusetts; the
Pawtucket Dam in Lowell, Massachusetts; and the Amoskeag Dam in Manchester,
New Hampshire. Each of the three dams impeding upstream fish passage contains a
fish counting station and a “fish lift” or “fish ladder,” which allows the fish to bypass
the dams. Fish counts at these dams are available from the Central New England
Fisheries Resource Office ( Although the
upper portions of the Merrimack have been well studied due to the existence of
power plants, the adequacy and extent of fish passage in the lower portion or
tributaries of the lower Merrimack River, particularly from Newburyport to the New
Hampshire state line, is unknown (Carley 2001).
As an example of a recent summary of fish returns, Figure 4.1 presents fish
population counts from 1982 to 2000 for river herring, American shad, and Atlantic
salmon at the Essex Dam in Lawrence. Atlantic salmon returns have been much lower
than predicted. Although the cause of the sharp decline in river herring returns after
1995 is causing concern, there is increasing evidence that predation is a key reason for
their decline. American shad populations are increasing.
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Figure 4.1: Anadromous Fish Returns - Essex Dam Fish Lift in Lawrence,
River Herring
(includes Blueback herring & Alewife)
1982 1988 1994 2000
Number of Fish
American Shad
1982 1988 1994 2000
Number of Fish
Section 4
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Atlantic Salmon
1982 1988 1994 2000
Number of Fish
Resident Fish Populations
Surface waters in Massachusetts are classified as to whether or not they contain
predominately cold-water or warm-water fish species. The state uses the following
formal definition of cold-water fisheries: waters in which the maximum mean
monthly temperature generally does not exceed 20°C and with temperature
fluctuations less than 1.7°C due to a discharge (McVoy 2000). Massachusetts provides
separate water quality standards for waters designated as cold water and warm water
fisheries. The following table presents a summary of the Class B cold and warm water
designated waters in the Commonwealth:
Table 4.6: Cold-Water and Warm-Water Designated Fisheries in
Fishery Designation
River Segment
Cold-water Beaver Brook, state line to confluence with Merrimack mainstem
Cobbler Brook, entire length
Warm-water Merrimack River, state line to Pawtucket Dam
Merrimack River, Pawtucket Dam to Essex Dam, Lawrence
Merrimack River, Essex Dam, Lawrence to Creek Brook,
Stony Brook, entire length
Spicket Brook, state line to confluence with Merrimack
Little River, state line to confluence with Merrimack mainstem
Powwow River, Outlet Lake Gardner to tidal portion
New Hampshire currently does not have separate designations for cold and warm
water fisheries that affect water quality standards. However, a 1999 USGS report
showed that the remainder of Beaver Brook in New Hampshire and the northern
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tributaries to the Pemigewasset River (the East Branch Pemigewasset, the Mad River,
and the Baker River) are suitable cold-water fisheries (Flanagan et al. 1999).
In 1996, the MRI, in coordination with NHDES, published the “Resource Use and Value
Inventory: Phase II Final Report - New Hampshire” (Bramley 1996). This effort included
the development of a GIS database and map series showing the extent of warm-water
(sport) fisheries; cold-water (trout) fisheries (including stocked fisheries); mixed
fisheries; confirmed wild trout streams; stocked, current, and historic runs and
juvenile habitat for Atlantic Salmon; stocked, current, and historic migration routes
and spawning and nursery routes for American shad and river herring. Similarly, the
MADEP and MRI’s Aquatic Species Mapping Project developed several maps showing
the anadromous fish runs and spawning areas for nine species along the Merrimack
River mainstem. Two additional maps were developed to show the fish runs and
spawning areas for the American shad along the main tributaries in Massachusetts.
All information is available electronically from MassGIS.
Warm-Water Fish. The upper Merrimack River contains a widely varied, healthy fish
population. Numerous studies have been conducted investigating the relationship
between the power generating plants along the River and the River’s fish population.
Most of the studies on the resident fish species in the upper Merrimack have centered
around the impacts of the Merrimack Generating Station, which has been in operation
since 1968. Public Service of New Hampshire (PSNH), the New Hampshire Fish and
Game Department and Normandeau Associates, Inc. conducted numerous thermal
and biological studies of the River from 1967 to 1974 to examine the effect of the
Merrimack Generating Station's thermal plume of released heated effluent on the
aquatic biota in the Hooksett Pond and Amoskeag Pond regions. Studies included
chemical and physical parameters, as well as biota including chlorophyll a, plankton,
periphyton, aquatic plants, aquatic insects, benthic macroinvertebrates and finfish
(Saunders 1993).
Cold-Water Fish. According to the Technical Committee for Anadromous Fishery
Management of the Merrimack River Basin, (1997) at least 15 to 20 of the fish species
found in the watershed at that time were non-indigenous species that have been
successfully introduced by humans; these include the largemouth and smallmouth
bass, northern pike, walleye, carp, rainbow and brown trout, various catfish species,
and goldfish.
In addition to the Federally endangered Atlantic salmon, the watershed is also home
to two other endangered species: the Shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) and
Atlantic sturgeon (A. oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus) below Lawrence, Massachusetts. Both
are considered endangered by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; the shortnose
sturgeon is also on the Federally endangered species list. National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has implemented a shortnose sturgeon
Recovery Plan but little is known about the habits or demographics of either sturgeon
species (Carley 2001). A 1993 study found Atlantic sturgeon do not use the River for
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spawning but that it is probably an important nursery area. The same study
discovered a Shortnose sturgeon population wintering near Merrimackport and
spawning at Haverhill (Carley 2001). Sturgeon are hampered by dams similar to the
salmon and river herring.
Effect of Pollution on Fisheries
For several years during the mid-1980s a majority of the fishing on the Merrimack
River was catch and release due to high levels of contamination, including domestic
waste, in the waters. Due to the past industrialization of the Merrimack River
watershed, fish populations are susceptible to contamination. The lower basin of the
River, in particular, is significantly urbanized, with a significant amount of point
sources of contamination including landfills, incinerators, failing septic systems,
CSO’s, UST’s and industrial and municipal discharges (Carley 2001). The watershed is
also affected by non-point sources of pollution in the form of paved area runoff and
agricultural or suburban use of pesticides. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)
conducted a screening level survey for selected pollutants in 1982; this survey
determined that wholebody fish tissue levels of heavy metals and Polychlorinated
Biphenyls (PCB’s) were above national levels (Major and Carr 1991). This survey was
repeated in 1985 on an expanded level to determine finer resolution of contaminant
hotspots, and again in 1998 (McDonald 1999). Per the 1998 data, PCB’s and mercury
continue to be at excessive levels at several stations, and levels increase markedly
from upstream to downstream; PCB’s exceed the FDA Action Level for whole fish
body burden in 20 of 24 sampling sites.
According to the MADEP’s 1999 Water Quality Assessment Report, 5.9 miles fully
support, 36.9 miles partially support, and 1.1 miles do not support the Aquatic Life
Use designation in the Massachusetts portion of the watershed (60.59 river miles are
not assessed). PCB contamination was listed as the cause of the partially supporting
use for four of the seven river segments along the mainstem listed in this report
(MADEP 2001). Furthermore, in 1999, the USGS initiated a New England Coastal
Basin (NECB) Mercury Study in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode
Island when their National Mercury Pilot Study uncovered some of the highest
mercury concentrations in the country from fish in the New England area. Both
Massachusetts and New Hampshire have issued statewide advisories warning against
the consumption of fish for pregnant women, women who may become pregnant,
and children under 12 years old due to mercury contamination. Studies by the USGS,
MADEP, and NHDES have pointed to atmospheric deposition as the primary cause of
mercury pollution.
Additional factors threatening fish populations in the Merrimack River watershed
include hydromodification and flow regulation, thermal pollution, and insufficient in-
stream flow requirements. For example, three of the seven segments included in New
Hampshire’s 2000 305(b) report along the mainstem were listed as partially support
use due to low-flow conditions caused by hydromodification and flow regulation.
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Fish populations are also threatened by poor water quality conditions, such as
impaired dissolved oxygen and pH levels.
4.2 Recreational Resources
The Merrimack River and its tributaries support a wide range of primary and
secondary contact recreational activities. Boat launches are available at numerous
parks and marinas along the mainstem; private boat docks are also prevalent. In
addition, motorized boating, canoeing, kayaking, fishing, swimming, hiking,
camping, cross-country skiing and picnicking are popular activities associated with
the River and adjacent bank areas. Table 4.7 provides a list of recreational facilities
located along the lower Merrimack River, south of Manchester, New Hampshire.
Table 4.7: Recreational Facilities Along the Lower Merrimack River
Community Activities Offered
Manchester, NH K, BL, CL Kayaking (Class II/III rapids & slalom
F, P, H River Walk
BL, CL, F Singer Park Boat Ramp
Nashua, NH P, SF Greeley Park
Hudson, NH P, SF Merrill Park
Tyngsborough, MA SF Vesper Country Club
SF Tyngsborough Country Club
BL, CL, F Larson Ave. Boat Ramp
Chelmsford, MA BL, CL, F, P, SF Southwell Field
Lowell, MA SF St. Louis Field
SF Sheehy Park
BL, CL Greater Lowell Community Boating
BL, S, P, Lowell Heritage State Park
SF Firt St. Playgrounnd & Ferry Landing
Tewksbury, MA SF Trull Brook Golf Course
Andover, MA H, XC, P AVIS Deer Jump Reservation
F, H, P Conservation Land
Lawrence, MA F, P Pemberton Park
BL, CL, P, SF Merrimack Riverfront State Park
CL, P Cr. Lawrence Community Boating
North Andover, MA
BL, CL, F Riverview St. Boat Ramp
Methuen, MA CL, F, P Pine Island
F, P Schruender Park
P, SF Raymond Riverside Park
BL, CL, SF Pirates Cove
Haverhill, MA Bl Abbots Marina Service
CL, F, H, P Hannah Dustin Recreation Area
F, H, P Consentino Adopted Nature Trail
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Community Activities Offered
Haverhill (cont’d) BL Riverrest Park
CL, F, P, SF Riverside Park
P, F, SF Riveredge Park
BL Lighthouse Landing Marina
BL Kazmiera Marina
BL Crescent Yacht Club
CL, F City Landing at Rock’s Village
CL, F E. Meadow River Landing
Groveland, MA P, SF Elm Park
SF Shanahan Field
BL, CL, P, SF The Pines
F, SF Pentucket Middle School
Merrimac, MA CL, F, P Locust St. Landing
CL, F, P Duck landing
Merrimackport, MA CL, F, P Waterfront Park
BL Wallace Bros Boat Co.
West Newbury, MA F, H, SF Pentucket High School
BL, CL, F, P Rock’s Village Landing
F, H, P, SF Page School
F, H, P Riverbend Recreation Area
Amesbury, MA BL Davy Jones Marina
CL, F, H, P Deer Island
BL Larry’s Marina
BL Mackenzie’s Marina
BL, CL Merrimac St. Boat Landing
F, P Alliance Park
BL Lowell’s Boat Shop
Newburyport, MA BL American Yacht Club
F, H, B, XC, P Maudsley State Park
F, H, P, SF Moseley Pines
BL, CL, F, P, SF Cashman Park
BL, P Waterfront Boardwalk
BL, CL, P City Seawall and Ramp
F, S, P Plum Island Point
F, H, S, P Parker River NWR
BL Boatworks at Newburyport
BL Carr Island Marine
BL Ferry Landing Marine
BL, F Hilton’s Fishing Dock
BL Merri-Mar Yacht Basin
BL Mackenzie’s Channel Marker Marina
BL Windward Yacht Club
BL Preservation Shipyard
BL North End Boat Club
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Community Activities Offered
Newbury, MA CL, CL, F Plum Island boat access
Salisbury, MA BL, CL, F, C, S, P Salisbury Beach State Reserve
F, H, P Isaac Sprague WS Carr Island
F, H, P Ram Island WS
F, H, P Eagle Island
F, H, P Fish and Wildlife Land
H, P Greenbelt Mendelson Marsh
BL, CL Salisbury Town Wharf
Notes: BL= boat launch, CL= canoe launch, F= fishing, H= hiking, C= camping, XC= skiing, S=
swimming, P= picnicking, SF= sports facilities, K= kayaking
In addition to the facilities listed in Table 4.7, there are numerous lakes, streams and
ponds with access for fishing, boating and swimming within the watershed. One
swimming beach exists on the Merrimack River in Lowell upstream of the Pawtucket
Dam. The Salisbury Beach State Reservation and Plum Island Point also allow ocean
swimming although both explicitly prohibit swimming in the River.
The Merrimack River Watershed Council (MRWC) is currently conducting a survey of
recreation facilities in the mainstem Merrimack River in Massachusetts. The report is
expected to be complete in spring 2002 and will include information on access points
to the River and recreational uses at different locations. A review of the literature
indicates that there is currently no numerical data available on the recreational uses at
any of the facilities. Furthermore, there is currently no epidemiological data available
that ties the use of these recreational facilities, particularly the swimming beach and
boating reaches, to actual incidents of illness in humans. This is, however, an
important link between the recreational usage of the River and the state water quality
standards, which uses bacteria criteria as an indicator of human health risk.
The segment of the Merrimack River from its origin at Franklin, New Hampshire to
the backwater impoundment at the Hooksett Dam is under Congressional study for
designation to the Wild and Scenic River System. It is currently under protection of
the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act pursuant to Section 7(b) of the Act (National Park
Service Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance, downloaded from on June 25, 2002).
There is a considerable amount of open space within the watershed, both privately
and publicly owned. There are several State parks within the watershed, including
Lawrence Heritage State Park, Lowell Heritage State Park, Salisbury Beach State
Reservation, as well as several Federally managed parks including the Lowell
National Historic Park, Parker River National Wildlife Reserve and Plum Island
National Wildlife Reserve.
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4.3 Other Resources
The following section provides a summary of additional resources in the Merrimack
River watershed, including hydropower facilities, exiting U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE) projects, and water suppliers.
4.3.1 Hydropower
Five hydroelectric dams currently operate along the mainstem Merrimack River; two
operate on the mainstem of the Pemigewasset River (Technical Committee for
Anadromous Fishery Management of the Merrimack River Basin 1997). The name and
location of the seven dams is listed below in order from upstream to downstream
n Ayers Island Dam in Bristol, New Hampshire
n Eastman Falls Dam in Franklin, New Hampshire
n Garvins Falls Dam in Bow, New Hampshire
n Hooksett Dam in Hooksett, New Hampshire
n Amoskeag Dam in Manchester, New Hampshire
n Pawtucket Dam in Lowell, Massachusetts
n Essex Dam in Lawrence, Massachusetts
The Garvins Falls, Hooksett, and Amoskeag Dams combined have a generating
capacity of approximately 29.7 megawatts. The Pawtucket Dam in Lowell,
Massachusetts has two identical Fujii Kaplan turbines with a total combined
generation capacity of 17.3 megawatts at a normal head of 37 feet. Hydraulic capacity
of the plant with both turbines running is approximately 7,200 cfs (3,600 per unit). The
Essex Dam in Lawrence has two Kaplan bulb turbines with a combined generation
capacity of 15 megawatts (7.5 for each turbine). Each turbine has a maximum
hydraulic capacity of 3,750 cfs or a combined capacity of 7,500 cfs.
Numerous additional hydroelectric dams exist on tributaries to the Merrimack River.
A 1998 study by the USGS NECB Study Team cited 93 dams in the watershed used to
for hydroelectric purposes (USGS 1998). Some of these facilities have minimum flow
requirements in bypass reaches and downstream reaches; however, neither New
Hampshire nor Massachusetts has a specific in-stream flow policy applicable to the
Merrimack River. As previously noted, New Hampshire is in the process of testing
such a policy on two rivers in the state.
During high flow periods, these hydroelectric facilities operate under “run of the river
flows,” with substantial spillage. During low-flow periods, the dams are required to
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pass a minimum flow, while still operating to meet peak demands. This results in
short-term (i.e. daily to weekly) water level fluctuations during the drier summer
4.3.2 Existing USACE Projects
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) currently owns and operates five flood
control projects in the Merrimack River watershed and has constructed six total flood
control projects in the basin. A list of the currently owned facilities is provided below:
n Franklin Falls Dam on the Pemigewasset River in Franklin, New Hampshire
n Blackwater Dam on the Blackwater River in Franklin, New Hampshire
n Everett Lake on the Piscataquog River in Contoocook, New Hampshire
n Hopkinton Lake on the Contoocook River in Hopkinton, New Hampshire
n Edward MacDowell Lake on the Nubanusit River in Peterborough, New
Additionally, the USACE completed a navigation channel in 1907 in the mainstem
Merrimack River that extended from Haverhill to Newburyport, Massachusetts. Jetty
and channel work was also completed by the USACE at the mouth of the River in
Newburyport in 1958.
4.3.3 Water Supply
Fifteen communities in Massachusetts and three communities in New Hampshire
(through the Pennichuck Water Works) currently withdraw water from the
Merrimack River watershed. Many of these municipalities have additional sources
within the watershed as well. Manchester, New Hampshire is considering
augmenting their current water supplies with water from the mainstem River.
Additional communities along the River are expected to follow this trend as they
struggle to meet future water demands. Many smaller communities also withdraw
water from primary tributaries of the Merrimack River. For example, the town of
Billerica, Massachusetts withdraws water from the Concord River. Still others obtain
their drinking water from groundwater aquifers within the basin, which can affect
baseflow conditions in the River and its tributaries.
Some industrial users are also allowed to withdraw water from the River. The
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Water Management
Program (MADEP-WMP) and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental
Services, Water Management Bureau (NHDES-WMB) both maintain records of water
withdrawals in the study area. In Massachusetts, major water uses, defined as
withdrawals in excess of 100,000 gallons per day (GPD) averaged over a 90-day
period, are regulated under the Water Management Act. In New Hampshire, any
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facility that uses 20,000 GPD averaged over any seven day period or 600,000 gallons
in any 30-day period must register and report their monthly water use by each source
and destination to the WMB (Saravanapavan 2001).
The 2001 Merrimack River Watershed Council report “Water Demand Analysis on
Merrimack River Watershed” presents a summary of the municipal and industrial
facilities that withdraw water from the Merrimack River mainstem between
Manchester, New Hampshire and Newburyport, Massachusetts (Saravanapavan
2001); these results are replicated in Table 4.8. This list is based records between 1995
and 2000.
Table 4.8: Water Users Along the Merrimack River Mainstem downstream of
Manchester, New Hampshire
Community Water User
Manchester, NH Public Service Co. NH
Intervale Country Club
Nylon Corp of America
Manchester Water Works
Saint Anselm College
Coastal Material Corporation
F&S Transit Mix Co.
Merrimack, NH Pennichuck Water Works
Merrimack Village District
Anheuser-Busch Inc.
Jones Chemicals Inc.
Lockheed Sanders
Texas Instruments Inc.
Litchfield, NH Wilson Farm of NH
Passaconaway Country Club
Continental Paving Inc.
Pennichuck Water Works
Lockheed Martin Corp.
Bedford, NH Manchester Country Club
Londonderry, NH Pennichuck Water Works
Century Village Community Association
Moose Hill Orchards Inc.
Londonderry Country Club
Continental Paving, Inc.
Nashua, NH Nashua Country Club
Pennichuck Water Works
Brox Industries Inc.
Redimix Concrete Service Inc.
Nashua National Fish Hatchery
Unifirst Corporation Advanced Circuit Tech.
Beebe Rubber Company
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Coca-Cola USA
Compaq Computer Corp.
GL&V Impco-Jones Inc.
Hampshire Chemical Corp.
Lockheed Sanders
Nashua Corporation Owens-Brockway
Sanmina Corporation
Teradyne Connect Systems
Rivier College
Saint Joseph Hospital
Southern NH Medical Center
Sky Meadow Country Club
Mine Falls Ltd Partnership
Nashua Hydro Associates
Hudson, NH Green Meadow Golf Club
Brox Industries, Inc.
Coastal Concrete Company
Tyngsborough, MA TJ Maxx
Westford, MA Westford Water Department
Laughton Garden Center, Inc.
Vinebrook Estates
Chelmsford, MA North Chelmsford Water District
Laughton Garden Center, Inc.
Lowell, MA Lowell Regional Water Utility
Western Avenue Dyers, LP
Tewksbury, MA Tewksbury Water Department
Tewksbury Hospital
Dracut, MA Dracut Water Supply District
PJ Keating Company
Andover, MA Andover Water Department
Lawrence, MA Lawrence Water Works
Malden Mills Industries, Inc.
Merrimac Paper Company
Newark Atlantic Paperboard Corp.
North Andover, MA North Andover Water Department
Lucent Technologies, Inc.
Methuen, MA Methuen Water Department
Hickory Hill Golf Course
Haverhill, MA Haverhill Water Department
Haverhill Paperboard Corporation
Bradford Country Club
Ogden Martin Systems of Haverhill
Spring Hill Farm Dairy Inc.
Groveland, MA Groveland Water Department
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Merrimac, MA Merrimac Water Department
West Newbury, MA West Newbury Water Department
Amesbury, MA Amesbury Utility Water District
Newburyport, MA Newburyport Water Department
Salisbury, MA Salisbury Water Supply
Source: Saravanapavan 2001
In 1996, the MRI, in conjunction with the MADEP and the NHDES, published the
Verification of Water Use in the Merrimack River Watershed.” The group compiled
information on known or presumed water users within the watershed. They were
able to create a database summarizing withdrawals from all facilities whose self-
supplied water use exceeded 20,000 gallons per day. The results were presented as a
series of maps for each water use (i.e., estimated withdrawals for public water supply,
agriculture, industrial uses, etc.) grouped by subwatershed.
Additionally, in 2001 the Merrimack River Watershed Council published a DRAFT
Water Demand Analysis on Merrimack River Watershed.” This report presents a
summary of the self-supplied water users in the lower Merrimack River communities
of Massachusetts and New Hampshire (from Manchester, New Hampshire to
Newburyport, Massachusetts) (Saravanapavan 2001).
A 5-1
Section 5
Pollution Source Summary
This section provides a brief summary of the major point and non-point source
pollution sources to the Merrimack River watershed. Future tasks performed under
Phase I of the Merrimack River Watershed Assessment Study will help to further
identify and quantify the major sources of pollution to the basin. The “Collection of
Information on Pollutant Sources” task will assess the existing water quality impacts
from combined sewer overflows (CSO’s), stormdrain systems, municipal wastewater
treatment plants, industrial dischargers, and other sources, such as air deposition,
sediments, groundwater plumes from landfills, and illicit connections. The “Water
Quality and Flow Monitoring” task will allow for the collection of water quality
samples both in the river and at various CSO and stormdrain outfalls.
5.1 Point Source Pollution Summary
Municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTP’s), CSO’s, stormdrain discharges, and
industrial discharges are considered to be the largest causes of point source pollution
in the Merrimack River watershed. These sources contribute significantly to the non-
attainment of designated uses throughout the Merrimack River watershed. As noted
Section 3.0, the non-attainment of the primary and secondary contact recreation
standards in the Merrimack River mainstem south of Manchester, New Hampshire
may be generally attributed to CSO discharges. Both CSO and stormdrain pollution is
generally a wet weather problem, whereas municipal and industrial point source
dischargers are a year-round source. These sources generally contribute to low
dissolved oxygen levels and metals and nutrient contamination.
All point sources discharging to waters of the United States are required by law to
obtain a permit under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).
Permittees are categorized as either “major” or “minor” dischargers based on the
toxic pollution potential, wastewater flow rate, type of wastewater, amounts of
conventional pollutants, heat load, presence of downstream water supply, and water
quality limitations of the stream (USEPA, 1987). Municipally owned treatment
facilities operated by a city, town, or state are considered major if they (1) have a flow
equal to or greater than one million gallons per day (1MGD), (2) impact downstream
uses, or (3) discharge upstream of a public water supply. Stormdrain systems
regulated under Phase I and II of the NPDES are required to have permitted outfalls;
communities not meeting the “urbanized area” criteria for these regulations do not
require NPDES permits for their stormdrain outfalls. Further discussion is provided
in Section 5.1.3.
In 1999, the MADEP, in conjunction with the Executive Office of Environmental
Affairs (EOEA) Merrimack River Watershed Team, published the “Merrimack River
Basin - NPDES Discharge Permit Inventory, CSO Discharge Review, GIS Mapping Effort.
The main objectives and deliverables of this study were:
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n A review and inventory of all EPA/DEP NPDES Discharge Permits in the
Merrimack River basin (in Massachusetts)
n An update of all WWTP CSO discharges in the Massachusetts portion of the basin
in conjunction with the inventory and update process
n Verification of locations for facilities identified through the review and inventory
process and development a GIS database containing this information
5.1.1 Municipal WWTP’s and Industrial Point Source Discharges
Currently, seven communities in Massachusetts (Amesbury, Haverhill, Lowell,
Merrimac, GLSD, Newburyport, and Salisbury) and four in New Hampshire (Derry,
Manchester, Merrimack, and Nashua) operate wastewater treatment facilities that
discharge to the mainstem Merrimack River south of Manchester, New Hampshire
(Saravanapavan, 2001); numerous others discharge to primary tributaries of the
Merrimack, as well as to upstream portions of the River north of Manchester, New
The 2001 Merrimack River Watershed Council report “Water Demand Analysis on
Merrimack River Watershed” presents a summary of the facilities which discharge into
the Merrimack River mainstem from Manchester, New Hampshire to Newburyport,
Massachusetts (Saravanapavan 2001); these results are reproduced in Table 5.1. This
list is based on information downloaded from USEPA’s Permit Compliance System
(PCS) database in Envirofacts regarding NDPES discharge permits
( for records between 1995 and 2000.
Section 5
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Table 5.1: Water Discharges to the Merrimack River Mainstem downstream
of Manchester, NH
Community Water Discharger
Manchester, NH Nylon Corp. of America
Manchester WWTF
Merrimack, NH Anheuser-Busch Inc.
Jones Chemicals Inc.
Merrimack WWTP
Nashua Corporation
Litchfield, NH Derry WWTF
Nashua, NH Brox Industries Inc.
Nashua National Fish Hatchery
Hampshire Chemical Corp.
Lockheed Sanders
Sanmina Corporation
Nashua WWTF
Tyngsborough, MA Browning Ferris
Westford, MA Fletcher Granite
Lowell, MA Lowell Regional WWTP
Lowell Cogene PL
North Andover, MA Lucent Technologies, Inc.
Greater Lawrence Sanitary District
AEP IND. Proponite
Haverhill, MA Haverhill WPCF
Vernon Plastics
Groveland, MA Mill Pond GW INTER
Merrimac, MA Merrimac WWTF
Amesbury, MA Amesbury WWTP
Newburyport, MA Gould Elect Inc.
Newburyport WPC
Salisbury, MA Salisbury WWTF
5.1.2 Combined Sewer Overflows
The cities of Manchester and Nashua, New Hampshire, Lowell and Haverhill,
Massachusetts, and the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District each have combined sewer
overflows that discharge to the Merrimack River or primary tributaries. A summary
of the number of outfalls, receiving waterbody, and average annual discharge volume
is provided in Table 5.2.
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Table 5.2: CSO Discharges to the Merrimack River Mainstem
Community Number of CSO’s &
Receiving Waterbody
Average Annual
Discharge Vol. (MG)
Maximum No. of
Discharges per Year
Manchester, NH 17 to Merrimack River
8 to Piscataquog River
220 49
Nashua, NH 4 to Merrimack River
4 to Nashua River
136 57
Lowell, MA 7 to Merrimack River
2 to Concord River
352 37
GLSD 4 to Merrimack River
1 to Spicket River
112 14
Haverhill, MA 16 to Merrimack River
7 to Little River
71 42
Source: CDM 1995, 1997, 2001, 2002a, and 2002b
MG= Million gallons
Note: CSO controls are currently being implemented in Manchester and Nashua, New
Hampshire, which may be reduced the number of overflows from those listed above.
As noted in Section 3.0, most of the bacteria contamination in the Merrimack River
mainstem south of Manchester, New Hampshire may be attributed to CSO
discharges. As such, contamination from these sources is generally a wet-weather
problem. Each of the communities is currently in the process of developing and
implementing Long-Term CSO Control Plans in compliance with the Federal Clean
Water Act to help mitigate the impact of the CSO discharges.
5.1.3 Stormdrain Discharges
As with CSO discharges, stormdrain pollution is generally a wet-weather problem,
with the exception of illicit connections that may cause dry weather flows. In an effort
to control the quality of stormdrain discharges, the USEPA is currently implementing
Phase II of its NPDES Stormwater Regulations (Phase I focused on municipal storm
sewer systems serving populations of 100,000 or more people). Under Phase II, small
municipal separate stormwater systems (MS4s) in “urbanized” areas, as defined by
the 1990 census data, are required to implement six minimum control measures aimed
at minimizing the impacts of stormwater runoff on water quality and aquatic life. As
part of this program, communities will be required to identify and eliminate illicit
connections, develop public education and outreach programs, and implement
construction and post-construction stormwater controls. The majority of communities
in the Massachusetts portion of the basin and in southern New Hampshire (below
Manchester, New Hampshire) will be required to comply with these new regulations;
no communities in the watershed north of Hooksett fall under the Phase II
jurisdiction. Additionally, in 1997 Massachusetts published statewide Stormwater
Management Standards in a two-part series, “Volume 1: Stormwater Policy Handbook”
and “Volume 2: Stormwater Technical Handbook”. These standards are aimed at
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controlling the quality and quantity of stormwater runoff from new and
redevelopment projects falling within the jurisdiction of Conservation Commissions.
5.2 Non-Point Source Pollution Summary
A review of the water quality problems in the Merrimack River and its tributaries
suggests that non-point source pollution is a large contributor to the non-attainment
of designated uses throughout the watershed. Table 5.3 provides a list of the potential
contributors to non-point source pollution in the basin, as well as their impacts:
Table 5.3: Potential non-point source pollution sources and impacts
Source Nutrients
Metals Bacteria Sediment
Urban and non-urban stormwater
Atmospheric Deposition X X
Natural sources (i.e. wildlife and
waterfowl populations)
Pet Waste X X
In-situ contaminants (i.e. sediments) X X
Agricultural runoff X X X
Septic systems X X X
Illicit connections X
Boating and marinas X X
Groundwater plumes from RCRA
facilities and landfills
Mercury has been identified as a particular problem in the northeast
RCRA- Resource Conservation Recovery Act
Unlike permitted point source discharges, pollution from non-point sources is much
more difficult to quantify and remediate. End-of-pipe treatment options, such as
those used to control industrial and municipal WWTP point sources, cannot be
readily applied to non-point sources. However, as noted above, many of these
potential non-point sources may play a large role in the non-attainment of water
quality standards in the Merrimack River watershed and as such are an important
component that must be considered when addressing water quality.
A 6-1
Section 6
Future Directions
The goal of this “Description of Existing Conditions” report was to provide a
comprehensive description of the existing conditions in the Merrimack River
watershed, with respect to its physical setting; biological, recreational, and other
resources; water quality in the mainstem and significant tributaries; and the potential
sources of point and non-point source pollution.
This report will serve as a reference document for use and comparison during
subsequent tasks performed under Phase I of this project. These tasks include a
detailed collection and analysis of information on pollutant sources; the development
and implementation of an extensive wet and dry-weather monitoring program;
detailed analysis of the Merrimack River using developed water quality and
hydrologic models; development and preliminary alternatives analysis; and an
inventory of potential ecosystem restoration opportunities.
A 7-1
Section 7
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A 7-3
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A 7-4
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