For the purposes of this guidance document, ‘cellar and bar management’ includes all aspects
of the storage, handling and service of drinks in our hospitality and retail business.
1. Housekeeping and Quality Control
1.1. Structure and equipment cleaning
1.2. Beer line cleaning
1.3. Shelf life of keg and cask beers
1.4. Gas cylinders
1.5. Pest control
2. Manual Handling
2.1. Manual handling risk assessments
2.2. Weights of items
2.3. Training
2.4. Logistics
2.5. Storage and stacking
2.6. Lifting equipment
3. Personal Protective Equipment
4. Schedules
4.1. Beerline cleaning procedure
4.2. Cellar Checklist
4.3. Weights of full and empty containers and packs
4.4. Example Cellar Cleaning Schedule
1. Housekeeping and Quality Control
1.1 Structure and equipment cleaning
Beer quality and shelf life can be affected by wild yeasts, mould and spores. It is important to have a
robust and regular cleaning regime in place for structures, equipment and plant.
There must be a detailed and specific cleaning schedule in place for each cellar and each bar area. A
template, which must be tailored to your unit, is provided at the end of this document.
Floors, walls, ceilings
Cellar walls and floors should be cleaned at least weekly, and more frequently if required. Ensure that
any cellar sumps and drains are included on the cleaning schedule. Regular deep cleaning should be
scheduled depending on use of the area.
Spillages should be dealt with straight away. In addition to creating slip risks, spillages may attract flying
insects such as vinegar fly and fruit fly.
Where there is a build-up of visible mould on walls and ceilings you should consult a specialist contractor
to assist in dealing with this.
Ensure all equipment is included on the cleaning schedule. This includes glass washers, fridges and
freezers as well as ice machines.
It is important that drinking glasses are cleaned and rinsed properly. Traces of detergent will result in a
flat beer, as will coatings of greasy films on the inner surface. Ensure they are dry when put away.
Hand washing facilities
As keg and cask beer is classed as open food there is a legal requirement for wash hand basins to be
available in a readily accessible position at or near service points. The wash hand basins must be
equipped with hot and cold water, soap and drying facilities.
Wash hand basins should only be used for washing hands, and water for cleaning of equipment and
surfaces should be drawn from another source that is reasonably accessible to the bar or cellar. Consult
your HSE Manager if you need more advice or a judgment on what is ‘reasonably accessible’.
Store all boxed and packaged, as well as loose items on pallets or racks so that they are off the floor.
This is particularly important with cardboard packs that may absorb moisture from floor cleaning,
condensate and spillages. The floor must be kept clear to allow thorough cleaning and so that the area
can be inspected for pest activity.
Maintain adequate walkways between all stores and beer casks and kegs. Do not store bottles and
other breakable or heavy items above head height.
Casks, kegs and connections should all be accessible from standing at floor level. Walking on top of
casks and kegs is not permitted. Use keg pallets or boards when stacking kegs; full kegs must not be
stacked more than two high.
Generally, food should not be stored in cellars as it is legally required to be kept at 8
C or below. Some
foods such as citrus fruits, onions, curries etc give off aromas which can taint cask products.
1.2 Beer line cleaning
Details of the beer line cleaning process are provided in Schedule 4.1 and this process must be followed
The following points are particularly important:
Ensure that full PPE is worn when carrying out beer line cleaning.
Use only the authorised beer line cleaning detergent available from Ecolab or the one provided
by your brewery supplier.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions precisely when diluting the detergent with water. Do not
use over strength solution as this can result in tainted beer lines and damage to the system.
Put signage in place to warn all colleagues that line cleaning is in operation.
Draw the detergent solution through at least three times during the line cleaning process, to
agitate and remove any yeast particles.
Leave the detergent solution in place on each pull for about 10 minutes. Do not leave for longer
than 2 hours as this may cause a phenol (medicinal type) taste in the pipes that cannot be
Flush through with a minimum of 8 pints of clean water at the end of line cleaning to remove all
traces of the detergent. Use litmus paper to check that there are no traces of detergent.
Leave unused lines charged with water, however, water charged lines must still be put through
the line cleaning process weekly. Water left in the pipes for longer than this will stagnate and
cause contamination.
Lines that are going to be left longer than a week must be fully cleaned, emptied and left to dry.
Lines that have been left unused for a length of time may need a more specialised clean.
Consult your brewery supplier for advice.
Alternatives to the chlorine-based line cleaner are available in some circumstances to assist in
removing taints and destroying yeasts, moulds and spoilage organisms. These products may
contain sodium metabisulphite as an active detergent ingredient. They do not replace the
authorised beer line cleaner for routine line cleaning purposes and must only be used when
recommended by the brewery supplier.
1.3 Shelf life of cask and keg beers
Kegs have shelf life of 45 days after brewery filling and sealing, casks have 28 days.
Each cask and keg will carry a shelf life best before date. This should be checked on delivery to ensure
that there is sufficient shelf life remaining for the intended use. Casks should have at least 14 days life
and kegs 20 days, upon delivery.
Always check that the order matches the delivery note, that all containers have labels and that there is
no visible damage.
Cellar temperatures should be a constant 11-13
C. Conditions that are too cold or too warm affect
quality and shelf life and may also result in wastage due to fobbing. Check the temperature daily. If
there is no digital display, check by measuring the temperature of the air outlet under the cooling unit
with a probe thermometer.
1.4 Gas cylinders
Gas cylinders are heavy, even when empty. They should be chained or clamped to a wall or other stable
structure when upright and chocked when horizontal on the floor, with the bottom of the cylinder placed
against a wall.
Ensure that suitable securing points are provided at temporary bars.
is heavier than air and if there is a leak the CO
will gradually displace the air at the bottom of a
cellar. CO
is odourless and a leak may not be detected straight away. Frost on the outside of the
cylinders or valves may be an indicator of a leak. All cellars should have a CO
In underground cellars where large amounts of CO
are stored, an undetected CO
leak could be very
dangerous, and there should be means of audible and visible warnings fitted outside the cellar. Consult
your brewery supplier for more advice.
1.5 Pest control
Cellars and stores can provide access points and harbourage for rats and mice. Ensure that all bars
and cellars are included on the unit’s pest control contract.
The pest control contractor should check all areas at reasonable intervals, usually every 4 to 6 weeks.
They should check and monitor all bar areas, even if these are not in regular use, to ensure there are
no access points and no potential of harbourage.
Remove redundant equipment and waste material as this can provide a good area for rats and mice to
Rats and mice may not be interested in beers as a food source, but they will be interested in other
beverages such as cider, and food snacks such as sweet confectionery, chocolate, nuts, crisps and
biscuits. Regularly check all food stocks for signs of damage such as gnawing. Ideally store these
products in suitable durable containers with lids. If there is any evidence of pest activity potentially
contaminated foods must be discarded.
Make sure that the room structures are sound, that there are no gaps under doors, that broken windows
are repaired or boarded and that walls and ceiling are made good to surrounds where service and
delivery pipes pass through. Mice can enter through the tiniest gaps or holes.
Be particularly vigilant when alterations are being carried out such as installation or diversion of a new
python. The surrounding walls or ceiling should be made good immediately.
Expanding foam is satisfactory as a temporary filler to holes but rats and mice will eventually gnaw
through this, so a permanent finish is required as soon as possible.
Report any activity to your pest control company immediately do not wait for the next routine visit and
follow the escalation process in relevant Good Hygiene Practice (GHP 2: Pest Control). Pest activity
must also be reported on AIR.
Flying insects attracted to unattended spillages and waste residues left in drip trays and in sinks can
become a nuisance. Ensure good cleaning standards are maintained at all times.
2 Manual Handling
2.1 Risk assessment
A manual handling assessment must be carried out whenever an operation includes transporting or
supporting a load (including lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving the load) by hand
or bodily force, and a risk of injury exists.
In cellar work there is a relatively high potential of injury from manual handling due to the combination
of the weight of loads, the frequency of handling and the logistics of locations.
Cellar and bar manual handling tasks will involve moving various loads around a venue:
- Casks and kegs of beer.
- Cases and crates of beer, soft drinks, wines and spirits.
- Shrink wrapped trays of cans and bottles.
- Gas cylinders,
- Detergents in drums
The Company manual handling risk assessment process must be followed to initially identify manual
handling activities and assess each activity’s risk. For each task where a significant risk of injury is
identified, a task specific Lifting and Carrying, or Pushing and Pulling risk assessment must be
undertaken. All colleagues involved in cellar/bar manual handling must be trained accordingly.
Risk assessments should take account of:
- The Task: the manual handling activity itself
- The Individual: the physical capabilities of colleagues
- The Load: the weight, size, shape etc of the item/s being moved
- The Environment: the area in which the load is being moved
- Other Factors: for example, PPE and mechanical aids
Risk reduction strategies include:
- Reducing the weights of loads
- Provision of manual handling aids (keg barrows, lift trucks, pallet trucks)
- Establishing a safe working system for handling loads
- Training in manual handling safe systems and lifting techniques
- Use of PPE
2.2 Weights of items
It is important that colleagues are aware of the weights of the items they going to be lifting or moving
around site. Please ensure that these weights are taken into account when completing the manual
handling assessments and also take into account the individuals’ capabilities. Schedule 3.3 contains a
list of general weights of commonly used items in cellars and bars. Always ensure that where possible
manual handling is avoided and lifting aids such as trolleys, cages and pallet trucks are used.
2.2 Lifting equipment and manual handling aids
Lifting equipment and manual handling aids can be used to support manual handling tasks and avoid
the need to carry heavy goods, thereby reducing the risk of injury. There are a number of options
available depending on what volume of goods you need to move and what budget you have for
purchasing such equipment.
The following are just some examples of lifting equipment and manual handling aids:
forklift trucks
hand pallet trucks
electric pallet trucks
ride-on pallet trucks
roll cages
keg trolleys
stair lifters
As with all work equipment it is important to ensure that it is fit for purpose and suitable for the task it
is to be used for.
Lifting equipment such as forklift trucks and pallet trucks fall under specific regulations for testing and
inspectionthe Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER). There are specific
requirements under these regulations; please consult with the HSE Team or your equipment supplier
if you require further information.
2.3 Training
It is important that we provide team members with the relevant training for all tasks and activities they
are expected to carry out. All colleagues must receive basic manual handling training, including correct
lifting techniques, and everyone must be trained in the task specific risk assessments for each task they
will be expected to carry out.
Additional equipment training is essential where staff are required to use any lifting aids. Specific
approved training will be required for anyone using a forklift truck and ride-on pallet trucks.
We have a number of Manual Handling trainers within our business and can arrange for specific
manual handling training to be carried out with your teams. Please contact your HSE Manager for
more information and to arrange training.
2.4 Logistics
Logistics is the management, organisation and activity of the flow of goods from/to a point of origin
to/from its point of consumption or use, in order to meet the requirements of the consumer.
It is important that you plan how you are going to move goods from A to B in the safest and easiest
way. You must also take into account any client- or venue-imposed restrictions on the way you are
permitted to move good around site. Moving goods during a live event will involve different restrictions
to moving goods pre or post an event.
Please ensure that you have planned how to move goods around site and reviewed plans with the client
if there are any specific restrictions within the venue. All of this should be taken into account when
carrying out the manual handling assessments.
When moving goods by pallet truck or forklift please ensure the goods are secured on the pallet,
generally by pallet wrapping them, before they are moved.
2.5 Storage and stacking
How you store and stack goods in your venue will affect the way they are handled manually, and
potentially affect your personal safety and that of others working in these areas. Items should be stored
off the ground, on appropriate racking or shelving in all cellars and bar areas. This makes it easier to
store items safely and prevent any objects falling from height.
The free stacking of goods should be avoided, however, where it is necessary items should be stacked
in grouped blocks to prevent the stack from tipping. Stacks should be no higher than 1.8m. As an
alternative, stack products in roll cages which also aids movement of goods.
Full kegs should never be stacked more than two high and must always have a keg pallet or flat board
between them make them secure.
3 Personal Protective Equipment
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is designed to protect you and your colleagues during manual
handling tasks, for example when moving full beer kegs, which weigh around 60kg and when using
chemicals, for example beer line cleaner.
The type of PPE required for a manual task should be defined in all task specific risk assessments and
wearing PPE for these tasks is mandatory. For tasks that involve use of chemicals the PPE
requirements are prescribed by the relevant task cards.
When issuing PPE to a team member it is important that the PPE Record of Issue form, available on
the HSE Website, is completed and signed off by the staff member.
Our approved provider of PPE is Foodbuy and they will be able to supply a full range of PPE to meet
your requirements such as:
o Re-enforced toe safety boots
o Rigger gloves for keg handling and general manual handling
o Gauntlets for general cleaning
o Goggles, heavy duty aprons and heavy duty gauntlets for beer line cleaning
o High Viz jackets for forklift use
4 Schedules
4.1 Beer line cleaning procedure
A beer system cleaning regime is necessary to prevent a build-up of yeast on the inside wall of the
product tubing and the internal surfaces of other components in the system.
If a build-up of yeast occurs, it will cause dispense problems such as an off-taste, odour, fobbing, cloudy
beer, leaking of valves and incorrect measures on metered turbine dispense systems. Once yeast has
been allowed to build-up, it is very difficult to remove it. Yeast build-up may result in the need to replace
the tubing and dismantle components to clean the internal faces.
A clear and precise process is also required to ensure we protect the safety of both our employees and
customers by following a robust system when cleaning beer lines.
To effectively control the beer line cleaning method, the following process should be followed at all
1. Only use the approved beer line cleaner from our nominated supplier or from your beer supplier
if they recommend an alternative.
2. Ensure the COSHH safety data sheet and product assessment is available and complete for
your chosen beer line cleaner.
3. Make sure all employees are provided with appropriate PPE to enable them to complete the
task safely this will be outlined in your COSHH product assessment and will include goggles,
gauntlets, an apron and a facemask. (See section 1.6 Personal Protective Equipment)
4. Ensure that all employees have signed the PPE Record of Issue form.
5. All employees who clean beer lines as part of their role must be trained in line with these
guidelines and training must be recorded on their training record card.
To effectively clean the beer lines, the following process should be followed at all times:
Please note this is a typical procedure when using the bottle cleaning method. Please ensure
you have a documented Beer Line Cleaning Procedure that is specific to your beer system e.g.
you may use a water tank system.
Note: Signage indicating line cleaning is in progress must be hung over the dispense
points being cleaned (UltraFlow towers and fonts).
1. Make up a small sample of solution as stated on the cleaning chemical container (a typical mix
would be 125ml in 10 litres of cold water).
2. Remove the keg fitting and clean the inside face with the cleaning solution using a soft brush.
Note: The cleaning vessels consist of 1 x dedicated 50litre bottle for sanitising solution,
and 1 x 50 litre water bottle for flushing water.
3. Fill a flushing bottle with cold water and connect it to the relative keg cleaning socket circuit.
4. Rinse the remaining beer from the system with the cold clean water.
5. Using the dedicated sanitising bottle, approximately half fill the bottle with cold water, add the
correct amount of cleaning solution for the size of the bottle and top up with water.
6. Connect the sanitising bottle to the relative keg cleaning socket circuit.
7. Draw the cleaning solution through until all water has been replaced with cleaning solution
(check with pink litmus paper - it will change colour).
8. Leave the solution to soak for 10 minutes, then operate the dispenser for two cycles to agitate
the solution in the system.
9. Leave the solution to soak for another 10 minutes and then draw two more cycles of operation
through the system.
10. Leave to soak for a further 10 minutes (30 minutes soak time in total).
11. Re-connect the flushing bottle containing fresh cold water to the system being cleaned.
12. Continue to draw fresh water through the system, testing periodically with pink litmus paper.
When the litmus paper stays pink there is no cleaning solution in the system.
13. Leave the system primed with this water until it is to be used to dispense beer products again.
14. Connect the keg couplers to the kegs and operate the priming procedure to draw beer into the
automatic beer changeover manifolds, and then through to the dispense points until all remains
of flushing water have been removed.
15. Finally, inspect the beer for clarity, smell and taste.
16. All beer line cleaning activities must be recorded on the record of beer line cleaning sheet after
each bar clean.
Note: The Brewery Industry Standard determines that beer lines are cleaned on a 7-day cycle.
We recommend that you consult with your brewery supplier on the frequency of line cleaning to ensure
that it is effective and determined based on your beer line usage and volumes.
PPE Record of Issue
Training record cards
Material data safety sheet
COSHH Product assessment
Documented Beer Line Cleaning Procedure specific to your cellar system
Record of Beer line cleaning
Warning signage in use
4.2 Cellar Checklist
1. Is the cellar at the correct temperature?
Temperature range should be 11-13
C. Too high and beer will fob, too low and beer could
be flat or fob, and there is a risk of gas or protein haze in keg and cask products,
2. Is the cellar clean?
Cellars should be cleaned thoroughly every week; just before delivery is the best time.
Spillages should be cleaned up immediately as they are easy to slip on and a good source
of infection. A clean cellar is especially important for cask products, which are exposed to
airborne infection.
3. Is there food in the cellar?
Some foods such as citrus fruits, onions, curries etc will give off aromas which taint cask
products. Generally, food should not be stored in cellars as it is legally required to be kept
at 8
C or below.
4. Are the gas cylinders safely stored?
Gas cylinders, being heavy, can easily break a limb if they topple over, so they should be
chained or clamped to the wall when upright and chocked when stored horizontal.
5. What about gas leaks?
is heavier than air, so in the event of a serious leak it will form a layer at the bottom of
the cellar. This is potentially lethal, as it will exclude oxygen and act as an asphyxiate.
6. Are all products within their ‘Best Before’ date?
It is not illegal to sell products after this date, but the taste and appearance will start
7. Is the required PPE available and stored so that is if protected?
Where staff members are issued their own PPE this should be clearly labelled. All PPE
should be stored so that is stays clean and intact.
8. Is the cellar pest free?
Regularly check for signs of pest activity, such as rodent droppings or gnaw marks. Report
any activity immediately.
9. Are boxes, bottles etc stacked safely?
Items should be stored no higher than shoulder height and racking must be secure and
10. Are walkways free from obstructions?
The cellar should be kept tidy, and walkways must be kept clear to reduce the risk of trips
and to allow easy evacuation in case of an emergency.
11. Is the wash hand basin clean and set up correctly?
All wash hand basins must be provided with antibacterial soap and paper towels.
12. Is there a first aid kit??
Make sure the first aid kit is stocked, clean and easy to locate. All incidents resulting in
injury must be reported on AIR and an incident pack must be completed.
13. Have all members of the team been trained?
All staff members must be trained appropriately, depending on the tasks they perform and
equipment they are required to use. Make sure all training is recorded and that you carry
out regular refresher training
4.3. Weights of Full and Empty Containers/Packages
Full Weight
30 litres 9.9 40.6
50 litres 11.8 62.2
9 gallon - aluminium 9.5 50.5
9 gallon - steel 18.5 59.5
11 gallon - aluminium 9.1 60
11 gallon - double skin aluminium 19.5 70.4
11 gallon - galvanised steel 20.3 70.9
11 gallon - stainless steel 12.5 63.0
Guinness 11 gallon
Twin Chamber Aluminium
18.2 68.9
Guinness 11 gallon
Single Chamber Steel
11.8 62.2
Guinness 22gallon Aluminium 16.4 118.2
Empty Weight
Full Weight
12 x pint bottles 7.3 14.1
24 x 0.5-pint bottles 9.1 15.9
12 x litre bottles 12.1 24.1
24 x 16oz cans 0.2 12.3
24 x 10oz cans 0.2 7.9
CO2 Cylinder 20lb 13.6 22.7
CO2 Cylinder 14lb 9.1 15.5
Unit Name: Unit No:
Before cleaning electrical machinery ensure it is switched off and isolated from the mains.
Before cleaning gas appliances ensure they are turned off. Take care when cleaning hot items.
*Follow all safety precautions shown in COSHH Product Task Cards for the cleaning product being used for each task.
All hand protection to be Latex Free gloves or gauntlets.
Wash and
2 x 20ml
pumps per
5l of warm
free Gloves
Sweep up debris. Apply hot solution using clean mop or
long handle scrubber, paying attention to floor/wall joint,
around equipment and under and rear of equipment.
Rinse and mop over with fresh clean water. Allow to air
Walls, Doors and Paintwork
Multi EL10
2 x 20ml
pumps per
5l of warm
free Gloves
Apply solution with sponge, cloth or hand sprayer. Work
down from higher areas. Rinse with clean water. Allow
to air dry.
Sinks and Wash Hand Basins
Oasis Pro 20
20ml via
per 600ml
free Gloves
Clean with the general-purpose detergent. Remove any
tide marks from the bowl and drainer with a scouring pad
or cloth. Include taps, waste outlets and splashbacks in
cleaning programme. Use cotton wool buds to clean
inside and edge of tap nozzle. Rinse thoroughly with cold
water. Apply sanitiser to all surfaces and leave to air dry.
Ensure sufficient supply of towels and soap are
maintained at the wash hand basin.
Equipment Racks and Shelving
Oasis Pro 20
20ml via
per 600ml
free Gloves
Remove stock and utensils/equipment from shelves and
racking. Sweep debris off surfaces and sweep floor
under. Clean with solution, rinse and allow to air dry.
Replace stock and equipment. Ensure equipment is
placed inverted as far as practicable.
Unit Name: Unit No:
Before cleaning electrical machinery ensure it is switched off and isolated from the mains.
Before cleaning gas appliances ensure they are turned off. Take care when cleaning hot items.
*Follow all safety precautions shown in COSHH Product Task Cards for the cleaning product being used for each task.
All hand protection to be Latex Free gloves or gauntlets.
Oasis Pro 20
20ml via
per 600ml
free Gloves
Check and organise fridges regularily. Check for
spillages and wipe up [spillages should be wiped up
Remove shelving and wash in solution. Wipe interior
with solution. Pay particular attention to base section.
Wipe seals and door handles. Rinse with clean water.
Replace shelving and stock.
Waste Bins
Oasis Pro 20
20ml via
per 600ml
free Gloves
Empty bins frequently. Do not allow contents to
overflow. Wash out empty bin or bin liner holder with
solution. Clean external casing and the lid, paying
attention to underside of lid and the handle [if fitted].
Rinse and allow to air dry.
Trolleys & Roll Cages
Multi EL 10
2 x 20ml
pumps per
5l of warm
free Gloves
Remove debris. Apply solution with a cloth or hand
sprayer. Ensure that attention is given to handles, legs,
wheels and under edges. Rinse and allow to air dry or
dry with paper towels.
Unit Name: Unit No:
Before cleaning electrical machinery ensure it is switched off and isolated from the mains.
Before cleaning gas appliances ensure they are turned off. Take care when cleaning hot items.
*Follow all safety precautions shown in COSHH Product Task Cards for the cleaning product being used for each task.
All hand protection to be Latex Free gloves or gauntlets.
Oasis Pro 20
20ml via
dispenser per
600ml trigger
Gloves EN374
Remove debris. Apply solution with a
cloth or hand sprayer. Rinse and allow to
air dry or dry with paper towels.
Ice Machine
Oasis Pro 20
20ml via
dispenser per
600ml trigger
Gloves EN374
Turn off unit & disconnect power supply
before cleaning. Any remaining ice/ water
in the storage drum should be removed.
Warm, soapy water should be used for
cleaning. Wipe the external surface with
sanitiser and paper towels. The connectors
of the water inlet/ outlet tubes are checked
regularly and drained where required.
Beer Line Cleaning Bottles
Oasis Pro 20
20ml via
dispenser per
600ml trigger
Gloves EN374
Apply solution with a cloth or hand sprayer.
Rinse and allow to air dry or dry with paper