Quick-Release Front Vise 05G34.01
A front vise is the most generally useful vise on a typical
workbench. It can be used for clamping parts on edge within
the jaws, for clamping large parts in combination with a
deadman, and for clamping parts on top of the workbench
when used in combination with bench dogs. When installed
on a workbench with a 2" thick apron and a 1
/4" thick user-
made front jaw, the vise has a clamping capacity of 9". Tight
tolerances within the base casting result in little sag, even at
maximum opening.
This vise features a quick-release mechanism for fast
adjustment of the opening. The positive action of the
mechanism means that the vise can be used for spreading
workpieces apart, as well as for clamping them together.
Warning: Please read the instructions before you
begin installing the quick-release front vise onto your
workbench. While the vise has been designed with ease of
installation as a primary requirement, the instructions offer
critical information to facilitate the task.
These instructions assume the workbench has a 2" thick
apron. Please refer to Appendix 1 for installation on a
workbench with no apron.
These instructions show an installation on the left
end of the workbench, which would be typical for
a right-handed woodworker.
Assuming a 1
/4" thick front jaw will be used, the
quick-release front vise requires a clear area at least
16" deep by 12" wide on the underside of the workbench top
(see Figure 2). The user-made jaw should be designed to
match the type of work the vise is expected to do.
Figure 2: Space requirements for the quick-release
front vise.
*Main screw cover (not shown) located under main screw.
Back Plate
Half Nut
Base Casting
Main Screw*
Jaw Mounting
End Cap
Quick-Release Shaft
Half Nut Cam
Guide Rod
Spring Nut
Quick-Release Lever
Front Plate
Figure 1: The Veritas
Quick-Release Front Vise mechanism, shown upside down.
U.S. Pat. No. 9,050,710 and U.S. Des. Pat. No. D673,830
Before making the jaws and installing the vise, you will need
to consider the following:
Which end of the workbench: generally, a right-handed
woodworker will install the front vise on the left-hand
end of the workbench (as shown in the diagrams in these
instructions). This keeps the mechanism out of the way
when planing long boards clamped against the front of
the workbench (i.e., when jointing an edge). A left-handed
user would usually want the front vise on the right-hand
end of the workbench.
Size of the front jaws: the mechanism of the vise has been
designed around a nominal jaw width of 18
/2". Wider is
possible if required; however, a jaw wider than 24" will
begin to put higher-than-anticipated side loads on the vise.
Dog holes: the front jaw should be thick enough to allow
for dog holes so that the vise can be used to clamp parts to
the top of the workbench. Ideally, these holes should align
to the dog-hole matrix in the workbench top. The holes also
need to be located so that they do not interfere with holes
for the various rods and screws the mechanism will require
(see Figure 4).
Jaw thickness: this vise was designed around a 1
/4" thick
front jaw and a 2" thick apron. A 1
/4" thick front jaw in
a suitable hardwood will give sufficient strength and can
easily accommodate
/4" diameter dog holes.
Relative mechanism position: generally, it is desirable to
offset the mechanism in the jaw to give a larger clear space
on one side of the mechanism for through clamping.
Depending on the overall workbench design, there may be
other critical elements to consider. Judicious planning will
go a long way towards making the installation go smoothly.
Preparing the Blank for your Front Jaw
The design of your front jaw is heavily dependent on the
overall design of your workbench. Figure 3 shows a typical
18" wide front jaw design with three dog holes. The height
of the jaw needs to be at least 3" greater than the thickness
of your workbench top. (Do not drill the holes for the main
screw, guide rods or quick-release shaft at this time.)
Tip: Leave a bit of material on the top of the jaw, then
plane it fl ush with the workbench top after installation;
/32" should be enough (e.g., if your workbench is 2" thick,
you would add 2
/32" to all the vertical dimensions shown in
Figure 3).
Bench Thickness
Ø 1
/2" THRU
/4" THRU
/32" × 1
/4" DEEP
Figure 3: Typical front jaw design.
Positioning the Vise Mechanism
Clamp the jaw blank to your workbench in the position you
want the jaw to be. Place the vise mechanism on the top of
the workbench, aligning the main screw where you want it to
eventually be in relation to the jaw.
Place a square on each side of the main screw and transfer
the main screw location to the front of the jaw using a pencil
or marking knife. The main screw center is between these
two lines.
Preparing the Jaw
Unclamp the jaw and lay out the exact position of the main
screw hole, as shown in Figure 3. Keep in mind that the jaw
is slightly taller than its fi nal size.
Lay out the rest of the jaw holes using the Jaw Hole Template
(included), or as per the dimensions in Figure 3.
The horizontal hole locations are given from the location of the
main screw.
The through-hole sizes are minimum diameter; larger holes
will not adversely affect the action of the vise.
The 1
/4" deep holes are for the #14 × 2" jaw mounting
screws. The
/32" diameter hole shown is for a hardwood jaw;
use a
/16" diameter hole if you are installing a softwood jaw.
Tip: It may be easier to drill the holes for the mounting
screws later in the installation process.
Note: A drill press is recommended for boring these holes to
ensure they are bored square to the jaw face.
Tip: When drilling the holes for the main screw,
guide rods, etc., do not rotate or turn the
workpiece on the drill-press table. (See Figure 5.)
Instead, slide the workpiece over. If your drill press is
slightly out of alignment (off 90° from table to spindle),
you will double the error by turning your workpiece end
for end rather than sliding it along the drill-press table.
Drilling the Apron
Clamp the drilled front jaw to the workbench in the position
you want the jaw to be (see Figure 6). Keep in mind that the
top of the jaw is proud of the workbench top.
Use the holes in the jaw as drill guides for drilling out the
matching holes in the apron. Take care that the apron holes
are drilled square to the apron face.
Leave the jaw clamped in place for the rest of the assembly
Jaw Blank
Main Screw
Figure 4: Positioning the jaw blank and vise mechanism.
Slide workpiece
across table.
Holes off but parallel.
Holes out of parallel.
Do not turn workpiece
end for end.
(Exaggerated views.)
Figure 5: Drilling the holes in the jaw.
Drill holes through
apron using holes in
jaw as drilling guide.
Figure 6: Drilling the apron.
Installing the Vise Mechanism
Installing the vise requires some disassembly of the
mechanism. This is not as diffi cult as it might seem;
however, some care is required to maintain the position of the
mechanical components.
Before removing anything, place a piece of duct tape across
the cam and half nut (see Figure 7) to maintain their relative
position while the mechanism is apart.
Note: If the cam should come loose during assembly,
see Appendix 2 for instructions on re-installing it in the
correct orientation.
Remove the tee shoulder screw, the tee and the tee washer.
Remove the spring nut, washer and quick-release spring
on the back of the mechanism. Unfasten the screw holding
the quick-release lever in place. Do not remove the
quick-release shaft.
Remove the two guide rod screws and carefully pull the
front plate off. The fi t between guide rods and front plate is
tight; you may need to progressively tap each side until these
come apart. Avoid skewing the front plate in relation to the
guide rods.
From this point on, the installation of the vise mechanism
will be much easier if the workbench is fl ipped upside down.
Alternatively, if your workbench top is easily removable, just
detach it from the base and fl ip it over. The vise mechanism
weighs more than 20 lb and it is much easier to locate it and
screw it in place when gravity is on your side.
Set Screws
(not visible)
Tape to hold half nut
and cam in position.
Guide Rod
Main Screw
Front Plate
Guide Rod
Main Screw
Thrust Washer
Tee Washer
Lever Screw
Quick-Release Shaft
Back Plate
Spring Nut
Figure 7: Removing the front plate prior to installation.
Four mounting holes are required to attach the vise
mechanism to the underside of the workbench top.
Figure 8 shows the dimensional locations for the mounting
holes relative to the center line of the main screw, or you can use
the Mounting Hole Template (included).
Note: Do not use the base casting to transfer the hole locations;
these holes are too large to provide an accurate transfer.
The two front holes require
/8" diameter by
deep counterbores. The four mounting screws require
/16" diameter by 1
/2" deep pilot holes, if the workbench
is hardwood (
/32" diameter by 1
/2" deep pilot holes
in softwood).
Place the vise mechanism on the underside of the workbench
with the assorted rods and screws through the appropriate
holes in the apron and front jaw. Center the rods in their holes
as accurately as possible.
Install the two bushings in the front mounting holes. These
are an extremely tight fi t in the base casting and may need
to be driven home with a hammer. Use a piece of wood
between the bushing and the hammer to avoid damaging the
vise mechanism. Install all four washers and
/8" lag screws;
tighten all the lag screws.
Reinstall the front plate and all the parts shown in Figure 7.
Do not use a thread-locking compound when reassembling
the vise as this will make it near-impossible to remove the
screws should the need arise. Remove the tape across the half
nut and cam.
Reinstall the quick-release spring, washer and spring nut,
ensuring that the nylon insert in the spring nut is fully engaged
on the quick-release shaft threads. Do not overtighten the
spring nut; otherwise, it will be diffi cult to turn the quick-
release lever.
There are two set screws located in the back plate. These have
been adjusted at the factory to retain the main screw cover
(see Figure 7). Should the set screws need to be adjusted,
take care not to overtighten them so as not to impair the
operation of the vise.
If you did not drill the mounting holes in the front jaw when
you bored all the other holes, drill them now using the front
plate as a guide. Center-punch the holes through the casting
and drill the appropriate pilot hole for #14 screws, as shown
in Figure 11.
/32" 4
Main Screw Axis
Back Edge
of Apron
Figure 8: Mounting hole locations.
Figure 9: Positioning the vise mechanism on the underside
of the workbench top.
on front
screws only.
Lag Screw
Figure 10: Installing the bushings, washers and lag screws.
Install the #14 fl at-head screws to secure the front plate to
the front jaw.
Remove the clamps holding the jaw to the apron. Flip the
workbench upright (or reinstall the workbench top on its
base). Insert the handle into the tee, slide an O-ring onto
each end of the handle, then attach the end caps with the #8
screws, as shown in Figure 13. (The O-rings will protect the
end caps from banging into the tee as the handle is rotated.)
Plane the top of the jaw so that it is fl ush with the top of the
workbench. Apply the desired fi nish to the jaw.
A novel feature of this vise is the quick-release half nut.
To actuate, fl ip the quick-release lever from horizontal to
vertical, as shown in Figure 14. (You may need to rotate the
handle to release the threads.)
Caution: Do not release the half nut when the vise is
loaded. Disengaging a loaded vise will result in sudden
release of clamping pressure, which can lead to damage of
the vise and workpiece, as well as injury to the user.
To re-engage the half nut, simply fl ip the lever back to
horizontal. If the threads in the half nut are not aligned with
those on the main screw, the lever may not return immediately
to horizontal. If this is the case, you can align the threads by
rotating the main screw; this will, in turn, force the quick-
release spring to nudge the half nut into place, and snap the
quick-release lever to horizontal.
Care and Maintenance
The vise comes fully lubricated; however, it will need
periodic cleaning and lubrication. White grease on the main
screw will ensure smooth operation, and a light oiling of the
half nut will keep this component moving freely. The guide
rods do not require lubrication; they have a surface treatment
that is self-lubricating and prevents rust.
Note: Do not use silicone-based lubricants on the
main screw. The main screw has a special hardening
treatment and surface coating that is not compatible with
silicone-based lubricants.
Figure 11: Mounting screw hole depth.
#14 × 2"
Wood Screws
Figure 12: Attaching front plate to front jaw.
#8 × 1
/2" Flat-Head Wood Screw
Handle End Cap
Figure 13: Installing the handle.
Cam lever in engaged position.
Rotate cam lever to "up" position
to release main screw.
Figure 14: Releasing the half nut.
Veritas Tools Inc. Ottawa ON K2H 1C2 Canada veritastools.com
© Veritas Tools Inc. 2018 843 INS-449_E
Appendix 1: Installing the Front Vise onto
a Workbench without an Apron
Option A
If your workbench does not have an apron, and if your
workbench top is reasonably thick, you can mount the
front vise to the underside of the workbench top and clamp
workpieces against the edge of the workbench. Assuming a
/4" thick jaw, this set-up will require a space of 18" × 12"
under the workbench top.
Option B
Alternatively, a rear jaw can be added to the underside of
the workbench top to increase the clamping surface area.
Adding a rear jaw to the underside of the workbench allows
long workpieces to be clamped right up to the edge of
the workbench.
In practice, it will probably be easier to bore the holes for
the vise mechanism into the rear jaw after the rear jaw has
been installed. Attach the rear jaw to the workbench with lag
screws, or other attachment method. Clamp the drilled front
jaw in place, as shown in Figure 6, and follow the rest of the
instructions for installing the vise mechanism as though the
workbench had an apron.
Appendix 2: Cam Orientation
If, for some reason, the vise mechanism is disassembled
beyond the point described in these instructions, it is
imperative that the cam be re-assembled in the correct
position relative to the quick-release shaft. Figure 18 shows
the engaged position for the cam, as well as the critical
orientation of the cross hole in the lever end of the quick-
release shaft.
Secure the assembly with a piece of tape across the cam and
half nut while the reassembly is completed.
05G34.03 Leather Jaw Liners, pr.
Figure 15: Mounting the front vise onto a workbench
without an apron.
Notches to clear
dog holes.
Holes for mounting
lag screws.
5" 5"
Figure 16: Typical rear jaw dimensions.
Figure 17: Assembly with rear jaw.
Vertical Cross Hole Axis Note cam orientation.
Figure 18: Installing the quick-release cam, assembly
shown upside down.