Dennis K. Winters, Principal Investigator
March 2013
The economy is in the throes of economic adjustment and a structural change. Already
underway are demographic shifts that are causing permanent disruptive changes in the economy.
Wisconsin will feel the workforce changes acutely. Job losses and the pending retirement of
aging Baby Boomers effect Wisconsin as much if not more than other states due to the nature of
state’s traditional industry mix and higher than national average population age.
Moreover, the older relative age of Wisconsin’s population and the fact that elderly care cannot
be outsourced overseas makes senior care providers increasingly important to the state’s
economy. Therefore, nursing homes’ economic health and value to their communities and the
state cannot be overlooked.
Wisconsin’s nursing homes:
• Spend almost $2.9 billion on payroll and good and services in Wisconsin
• Account for over $5.5 billion in economic activity within the state
• Pay out $1.8 billion in wages, salaries and benefits
• Employ over 37,000 FTE workers and create another 27,316 support jobs
• Maintain facilities to accommodate over 32,000 residents, and
• Generate over $250 million in state income, sales, and property taxes.
Wisconsin’s nursing homes make a highly valued contribution to not only the clientele served
and their families, but also to the state and the individual communities in which they reside. In
some communities, the local nursing home may be the largest and most stable employer in the
area, supplying jobs, incomes and sustainability to other local area businesses.
The total economic contribution nursing homes make to Wisconsin’s economy is large indeed.
As a business resource, Wisconsin’s nursing homes should remain a viable segment of the state’s
economic landscape. Furthermore, Wisconsin’s nursing homes will become increasingly
valuable as the state’s elderly population increases with the aging of the Baby Boomers. The
growing elderly segment of the state’s population will require an ever-increasing level of
services provided by Wisconsin’s nursing homes and other long-term care providers.
Direct Economic Impacts
Wisconsin nursing home expenditures totaled almost $2.9 billion in 2010 and they employed
52,306 workers, an equivalent of 37,137 full-time equivalent positions. This is more
employment than each of the paper, printing, plastics, real estate, and accommodation industries’
in the state.
The industries named above are often referred to as some of the “driver” industries
of the state – those industries that contribute greatly to Wisconsin’s economy – and nursing
home’s employ more workers.
Nursing homes paid out about $1.8 billion in total payroll and benefits in 2010, some 61% of
total operating costs. Another $1.1 billion dollars were spent in the purchase of goods and
services from other supply chain businesses. Nursing home facilities paid out nearly $12.9
million dollars in real estate taxes, personal property taxes and municipal service fees.
Direct Economic Inputs
Payroll & Benefits
$ 1,765,845,377
Purchases of Good & Services
RE, PP, Municipal Taxes & Fees
$ 2,886,395,330
To fairly represent the impact nursing home employee spending makes to the state, we use only
discretionary disposable income. We arrive at that figure by subtracting personal income tax,
Social Security, and FICA withholdings from the total payroll numbers. Federal and state
income taxes were calculated using average tax rates against personal income from the
Wisconsin Tax Payers Alliance. We also assumed no other income, earned or otherwise. This
yields a conservative estimate of personal income taxes paid as no account was given for income
from savings deposits, bond or equity investments or rents or transfer payments.
Federal income taxes paid by Wisconsin’s nursing home employees in 2010 were estimated at
$178 million. State income taxes amounted to $45 million. Company paid employee benefit
costs totaled over $381 million in 2010. The flow of benefits payments within the state economy
is unclear so those were shared down to half the expenditure. Facility real estate, personal
property, and municipal taxes and fees totaled almost $13 million. These costs were subtracted
out of the business expenditure totals, but later accounted for in government revenues.
Total Economic Contribution
The flow of dollars spent by nursing facilities within the state’s economy expands as the money
passes through the hands of supply chain firms. Nursing home employees spend their income on
other goods and services in the local economy and the nursing homes themselves purchase goods
and services from supply chain businesses. The firms along the supply chain in turn pay wages
and salaries and purchase goods and services from businesses further along the chain. As a
result, the total money spent by a nursing home on payroll and goods and services expands to a
larger monetary impact in a regional economy. This is referred to as the multiplier effect. Some
of the dollars are lost to other regions by out-of-state purchases of goods and services by
employees and supply chain businesses and is termed leakage.
Using coefficients from input/output models of economic activity developed by Dr. William A.
Strang of the University of Wisconsin—Madison, and IMPLAN as guides, the fiscal flows of
payroll, taxes, business purchases, and employment are multiplied to estimate the total economic
contribution that Wisconsin’s nursing homes make to the state’s economy.
The data was drawn
from the State of Wisconsin 2010 Medicaid Cost Reports.
Due to the limited detail of the data used, precise quantification of the total economic
contribution is not possible. Therefore, the analysis was undertaken with the intention of erring
on low side and the reported results should be viewed as conservative estimates of the total
economic contribution that Wisconsin’s nursing homes make to the state’s economy. For
example, no consideration was given to the flow of federal money back to Wisconsin in terms of
non-health care aids of the $178 million Wisconsin’s nursing homes’ employees paid in federal
income taxes. Other earned and un-earned income of nursing home employees is also not
considered in the calculation. In-state flows of employee benefit payments were unclear and
have been accounted for at a fifty percent share.
Monetary Flows
Due to the multiplier effect, the total monetary impact is larger than the nursing homes’ direct
expenditures of $2.9 billion suggests, even with deductions for federal taxes and benefits paid.
Nursing home employee purchases of food, clothing, shelter, entertainment, and other goods and
services in turn pay for, among other things, the wages and salaries of the employees at the
patronized business establishments and so forth. Some of the earnings are saved and some of the
money leaks out of the region through out-of-state purchases, mostly by businesses’ purchases of
goods manufactured outside the state. Business purchases act in the same manner, only with
greater leakages through out-of-state purchases. The leakages reduce the direct cash flows and
hence the total economic contribution calculated.
Business purchases act in the same manner, only with greater leakages through out-of-state
purchases. The leakages reduce the direct cash flows and hence the total economic contribution
Total Economic Impact of Wisconsin’s Nursing Homes
Direct Impact
Economic Contribution
Payroll net Taxes and Leakages
$ 1,016,611,222
$ 2,381,286,264
Purchases of Good & Services
Wisconsin Personal Income Tax
Property Taxes
$ 2,372,638,363
$ 5,546,130,170
The total economic contribution to the state attributable to Wisconsin nursing homes was over
$5.5 billion in 2010. This is a conservative figure as data limitations forced a cautious approach
to the quantitative analytics. Nevertheless, it is readily apparent that Wisconsin nursing homes’
activities are overwhelmingly beneficial to the state’s overall economy – the private sector,
workers, the government, and Wisconsin’s citizenry at large.
Industry Breakout
The spending by nursing homes is scattered across many different industries. Some 400
industries benefit from the non-payroll spending of Wisconsin nursing homes, which amounts to
over $1.7 billion. Below is a table of the industries receiving funds from nursing home spending,
their share of the monetary pie, and their dollar amounts of the $1.7 billion.
Industry Breakout
Real estate establishments
$ 168,249,368
Insurance carriers
Food services and drinking places
Wholesale trade businesses
Management of companies and enterprises
Employment services
Electric power generation, transmission, and distribution
Monetary authorities and credit intermediation activities
Imputed rental activity for owner-occupied dwellings
Management, scientific, and technical consulting services
Animal (except poultry) slaughtering, rendering, and processing
Other state and local government enterprises
Services to buildings and dwellings
Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, and payroll services
State & local gov’t, education (payroll only)
Legal services
Sanitary paper product manufacturing
Private hospitals
Offices of physicians, dentists, and other health practitioners
The primary recipients of Wisconsin nursing home spending are real estate establishments,
insurance carriers, food service companies, and wholesale trade businesses. The expenditures
are concentrated in the top 50 industries. Twenty industries receive over 62% of monetary
flows. The top fifty industries receive over 83% of the non-payroll nursing home expenditures.
Jobs Creation
Wisconsin nursing homes directly employ over 52,000 workers, amounting to over 37,000 FTE
positions. However, the total jobs impact the state’s nursing homes make is far greater than their
immediate employment requirements. The goods and services nursing homes and their
employees demand for daily operations require a supply chain of manufacturing, processing, and
distribution that is manned by other businesses. As a result, the operational needs of the nursing
homes indirectly employ another 27,000 workers in the state.
The indirect employee figure is derived through two different methods. One method (jobs-to-
jobs) is to multiply the number of nursing home employees by a factor that relates to jobs to
support the employee. The other method (dollars-to-jobs) applies a different factor to the dollars
spent on business goods and services by the nursing homes. The total indirect job creation is the
sum of the two.
Using the first method, jobs-to-jobs, the 37,137 FTE nursing home jobs in Wisconsin generates
another 27,316 jobs in supply chain businesses in the state. The jobs multiplier used here is
That is to say that for every 100 nursing home jobs, there are another 38 jobs created in
the state to fulfill the supply needs of those nursing home workers both at work and at home.
The calculus is somewhat different under the second, dollars-to-jobs, method. The estimated
number of jobs generated is a function of the total business spending of the state’s nursing
homes. We use total business purchases, in this case $1,311,165,648, the total expenditures
figure reported by the State of Wisconsin 2010 Medicaid Cost Reports. The jobs multiplicative
factor is 9.95 jobs per $1 million in expenses.
The result is that the $1.3 billion in Wisconsin
nursing home business spending creates a total of 13,044 jobs. Adding all jobs together totals
64,453 FTE jobs due to the nursing home operations across the state.
Jobs Creation of Wisconsin’s Nursing Homes
Job Creator
Head Count
FTE Equivalent
Total Number of Nursing Home Workers
Jobs-to-Jobs additions
Nursing Homes Business Spending-to-Jobs
Total FTE Jobs Created
Generation of State Tax Revenue
Federal income tax payments represent leakages out of the regional economy. No assumption
was made about the amount of non-Medicaid federal tax revenue that flows back to Wisconsin in
this analysis. Essentially all of the personal income tax paid to the state is spent back in the
state’s economy. Therefore, state income taxes are included in the total economic contribution
that the firms and their employees make to state, as are sales taxes, and real estate, property and
municipal taxes and fees.
Nursing Homes’ employees pay state income, sales, and property taxes. Jobs created as a result
of nursing homes’ activities generate additional tax revenue for Wisconsin. The total Wisconsin
income, sales, and property tax revenue generated due to nursing homes presence in the state
totaled over $250 million in 2010.
Tax Revenue Generation of Wisconsin’s Nursing Homes
Tax Revenue Generation
Tax Revenue
Employee Tax Revenue
Staff Generated Jobs Tax Revenue
Nursing Homes Taxes and Fees
Nursing Home Spending Generated Jobs Tax Revenue
Total State Tax Revenue Generated
$ 256,885,306
Wisconsin’s nursing homes make a highly valued contribution to not only their clientele and
families they serve, but also to the state and the individual communities in which they are
Direct payroll, corporate tax payments, and business purchases by Wisconsin nursing homes
amount to almost $2.9 billion per year. Employee payroll, including benefits, constitutes the
largest share at almost $1.4 billion, amounting to 62% of total nursing home expenditures.
Business purchases amount to $1.3 billion dollars. Personal state income and corporate taxes
and fees combine for almost $50 million. Wisconsin nursing homes employed over 37,000 FTE
Wisconsin nursing homes $1.7 billion in non-payroll spending flows into over 400 industries
across the state. The top fifty of which receive over 83% of monetary stream.
The multiplied effects of nursing home activity spotlights the enormous economic contribution
Wisconsin’s nursing homes make across all sectors of the state’s economy, totaling over $5.5
Consumption by the state’s nursing home employees contributed over $2.5 billion in sales
revenue to Wisconsin’s economy in 2010. The total economic impact of nursing homes’
purchases from other Wisconsin based businesses amounted to almost $2.4 billion in 2010. The
total economic impact of corporate and personal income taxes paid to the state by the nursing
homes and their employees amounted to over $250 million. Total jobs created as a result of
Wisconsin nursing homes activities amount to over 64,000.
It is readily apparent, even with the conservative estimates made in this study, that Wisconsin’s
nursing home profession makes a very large contribution to the state’s economic health. The
nursing home profession is overwhelmingly beneficial to the state, the private sector, workers,
the government, and Wisconsin’s citizenry at large.
Economic Impact
of a Typical 100-Bed Nursing Home Facility
The total economic impact of the nursing home profession can be broken down to a “typical”
100-bed facility. In calculating these figures, we shared the aggregate numbers down to
represent a 100-bed sized residence and then applied the same sales, output and jobs multipliers
as in the statewide analysis above.
The typical 100-bed nursing home spends about $6.8 million on non-payroll and payroll
expenses. Total non-payroll facility expenditures amount to $3.8 million with payroll including
benefits being about $3.0 million. The 100-bed facility employs 108 FTE workers and creates
another 79.4 jobs.
Typical 100-bed Nursing Home Facility Expenditures and Economic Contribution
Total Contribution
Payroll net Taxes and Leakages
$ 2,956,468
$ 6,986,516
Purchases of Good & Services
Total Expenditures
$ 6,769,548
$ 15,801,026
Business Spending to Jobs ($:jobs)
Jobs to Jobs (jobs:jobs)
Total Jobs
Includes 108.0 direct jobs
The total economic contribution of a single 100-bed nursing home amounts to almost $16
million, with most of the money going to the local community through employee wages and
supply chain business purchases. Each 100-bed facility, figuring $6.8 million in total
expenditures, creates almost 190 jobs and generates $709,296 in tax revenue.
Nursing homes create jobs and local demand for goods and services. Each nursing home plays a
significant role in the care of Wisconsin’s elderly citizens in its area. Each also contributes to the
health of the local community’s economy. Elderly care demand is growing and is especially
important through the current economic downturn. Both nursing home roles are likely to
increase as the Baby Boomers age and their demand for quality nursing care swells immensely
over the next 10 to 20 years.
1) Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2011.
2) Winters, Dennis K., Strang, William A, The University of Wisconsin-Madison’s
Economic Contribution to the Region, June 2003.
3) IMPLAN industry distribution.
4) IMPLAN jobs-to-jobs figures for these calculations.
5) IMPLAN dollars-to-jobs figures for these calculations.
Wisconsin Nursing Facilities
Economic Impact Analysis
by State Senate District
March 2013
The attached nursing-facility specific community economic impact analysis has been
computed by LeadingAge Wisconsin and WHCA/WICAL based on the March 2013
Economic Analysis: Nursing Homes’ Contribution to Wisconsin’s Economy &
, issued by NorthStar Economics, Inc., Dennis K. Winters, Principal
LeadingAge Wisconsin and WHCA/WICAL engaged NorthStar Economics, Inc. to analyze
and report on the economic impact of nursing homes on Wisconsin's economy. The
consulting firm's Report revealed that Wisconsin Nursing facilities collectively contribute
over $5.5 billion to the state's economic activity.
State State Total
Senator Nursing Facility City Beds Representative Expenditures Economy Jobs State Taxes
Carpenter Mitchell Manor West Allis 74 Riemer 8,265,725 19,295,859 156 686,498
Carpenter Sunrise Care Center, Inc. Milwaukee 99 Riemer 9,099,771 21,169,153 213 918,423
Carpenter St. Ann Rest Home Milwaukee 50 Zamarripa 2,452,565 5,730,569 87 463,850
Carpenter Mercy Residential & Rehab Center Milwaukee 60 Zepnick 5,579,750 12,984,979 128 556,620
Carpenter Wheaton Franciscan - Terrace at St. Francis Milwaukee 81 Zepnick 6,156,174 14,361,265 157 751,437
Carpenter Total: 31,553,986$ 73,541,825$ 742 3,376,828$
Cowles Good Shepherd Services, Ltd Seymour 75 Steineke 4,496,294 10,499,586 136 695,775
Cowles St. Paul Elder Services Kaukauna 117 Steineke 13,191,363 30,737,431 259 1,085,409
Cowles Birch Hill Care Center Shawano 74 Tauchen 3,992,655 9,292,682 138 686,498
Cowles Evergreen Care Center Shawano 65 Tauchen 3,298,943 7,681,721 119 603,005
Cowles Greentree Health & Rehabilitation Center Clintonville 60 Tauchen 3,108,172 7,245,286 109 556,620
Cowles Homme Home for the Aging Wittenberg 110 Tauchen 7,364,139 17,178,699 208 1,020,470
Cowles Manor Care Health Services - Shawano Shawano 100 Tauchen 4,424,791 10,336,258 173 927,700
Cowles Maple Lane Health Care Center Shawano 74 Tauchen 4,220,564 9,831,095 138 686,498
Cowles Pine Manor Health Care Center Clintonville 95 Tauchen 3,740,666 8,733,017 163 881,315
Cowles Kindred Transitional Care and Rehab-San Luis Green Bay 133 Weininger 9,539,601 22,207,443 264 1,233,841
Cowles Woodside Lutheran Home Green Bay 153 Weininger 9,607,710 22,440,713 280 1,419,381
Cowles Total: 66,984,898$ 156,183,930$ 1,986 9,796,512$
Cullen Edgerton Hospital & Health Services Edgerton 61 Jorgensen 3,447,504 8,058,661 108 565,897
Cullen Fairhaven Whitewater 84 Jorgensen 9,975,565 23,255,489 187 779,268
Cullen Oregon Manor Oregon 45 Jorgensen 3,056,483 7,134,510 84 417,465
Cullen Cedar Crest Health Center Janesville 95 Kolste 11,269,690 26,261,244 214 881,315
Cullen Rock Haven Janesville 130 Kolste 16,913,971 39,407,547 303 1,206,010
Cullen St Elizabeth's Nursing Home Janesville 43 Kolste 2,337,130 5,467,802 75 398,911
Cullen Evansville Manor Evansville 83 Ringhand 5,618,830 13,110,677 156 769,991
Cullen Premier Rehabilitation & Skilled Nursing Center Beloit 120 Ringhand 7,215,220 16,845,968 219 1,113,240
Cullen Woods Crossing at Woods Point Brodhead 22 Ringhand 2,082,335 4,858,228 45 204,094
Cullen Total: 61,916,727$ 144,400,124$ 1,392 6,336,191$
Darling Menomonee Falls Health Care Center Menomonee Falls 78 Knodl 5,790,330 13,481,664 156 723,606
Darling Virginia Highlands Health and Rehab Center Germantown 121 Knodl 8,137,537 19,018,932 222 1,122,517
Darling Golden LivingCenter - Silver Spring Glendale 97 Pridemore 6,349,531 14,786,426 187 899,869
Darling Lindengrove - Menomonee Falls Menomonee Falls 135 Pridemore 12,404,493 28,944,582 273 1,252,395
Darling Total: 32,681,890$ 76,231,604$ 838 3,998,387$
Impact on Community
Wisconsin Nursing Facilities
Economic Impact Analysis*
State State Total
Senator Nursing Facility City Beds Representative Expenditures Economy Jobs State Taxes
Impact on Community
Wisconsin Nursing Facilities
Economic Impact Analysis*
Ellis Manor Care Health Services - Appleton Appleton 104 Bernard-Schaber 5,751,230 13,421,800 188 964,808
Ellis Oakridge Gardens Nursing Center Menasha 111 Bernard-Schaber 6,649,582 15,516,530 204 1,029,747
Ellis Peabody Manor Appleton 58 Bernard-Schaber 12,331,884 28,715,138 169 538,066
Ellis Brewster Village Appleton 204 Kaufert 18,650,772 43,458,572 424 1,892,508
Ellis Vallhaven Care Center Neenah 134 Kaufert 8,777,113 20,432,271 260 1,243,118
Ellis Appleton Health Care Center Appleton 150 Murphy 7,215,104 16,835,012 266 1,391,550
Ellis Colony Oaks Care Center Appleton 92 Murphy 5,900,129 13,737,060 177 853,484
Ellis Rennes Health & Rehab Center - Appleton Appleton 68 Murphy 5,535,541 12,925,474 132 630,836
Ellis Total: 70,811,355$ 165,041,857$ 1,820 8,544,117$
Erpenbach Heartland Country Village Black Earth 50 Clark 2,808,008 6,554,751 90 463,850
Erpenbach Maplewood of Sauk Prairie Sauk City 120 Clark 7,801,348 18,223,041 220 1,113,240
Erpenbach St Clare Meadows Care Center Baraboo 102 Clark 8,572,522 19,990,066 204 946,254
Erpenbach Tivoli at Divine Savior Healthcare Portage 83 Clark 5,505,998 12,850,598 155 769,991
Erpenbach Middleton Village Nursing & Rehab Middleton 97 Hesselbein 8,442,608 19,665,071 200 899,869
Erpenbach Rest Haven Nursing Home Verona 21 Hesselbein 1,409,925 3,293,919 39 194,817
Erpenbach Waunakee Manor Health Care Center Waunakee 104 Hesselbein 7,191,400 16,802,458 193 964,808
Erpenbach Badger Prairie Health Care Center Verona 130 Pope-Roberts 16,170,310 37,698,750 294 1,206,010
Erpenbach New Glarus Home New Glarus 97 Pope-Roberts 5,149,874 12,007,128 176 899,869
Erpenbach Total: 63,051,992$ 147,085,783$ 1,572 7,458,708$
Farrow Masonic Center for Health and Rehab. Dousman 84 Kapenga 6,219,709 14,483,674 167 779,268
Farrow Waukesha Springs Health & Rehab Center Waukesha 185 Kramer 11,291,087 26,347,539 341 1,716,245
Farrow Lindengrove - Waukesha Waukesha 135 Vacant 10,592,408 24,717,670 262 1,252,395
Farrow ManorCare Pewaukee 120 Vacant 7,179,178 16,768,316 217 1,113,240
Farrow River Hills West HCC Pewaukee 175 Vacant 7,677,575 17,927,181 303 1,623,475
Farrow Virginia Health & Rehab Center Waukesha 105 Vacant 5,652,676 13,195,294 188 974,085
Farrow Total: 48,612,632$ 113,439,673$ 1,480 7,458,708$
State State Total
Senator Nursing Facility City Beds Representative Expenditures Economy Jobs State Taxes
Impact on Community
Wisconsin Nursing Facilities
Economic Impact Analysis*
Fitzgerald Clearview Combined Juneau 216 Born 20,527,903 47,891,856 442 2,003,832
Fitzgerald Golden Living Center - Beaver Dam Beaver Dam 90 Born 5,014,921 11,679,158 168 834,930
Fitzgerald Hillside Manor Beaver Dam 123 Born 10,309,977 24,017,780 251 1,141,071
Fitzgerald Hope Health & Rehabilitation Center Lomira 42 Born 2,806,061 6,547,037 79 389,634
Fitzgerald Mayville Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Mayville 102 Born 6,284,966 14,630,780 195 946,254
Fitzgerald Bethesda Lutheran Communities Watertown 105 Jagler 13,155,154 30,671,037 237 974,085
Fitzgerald Columbus Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Columbus 50 Jagler 3,737,257 8,702,207 100 463,850
Fitzgerald Golden Living Center - Watertown Watertown 112 Jagler 6,912,624 16,084,884 216 1,039,024
Fitzgerald Marquardt Memorial Manor, Inc. Watertown 140 Jagler 11,714,119 27,365,833 270 1,298,780
Fitzgerald Lake Country Health & Rehab. Center Oconomowoc 144 Kleefisch 9,706,311 22,562,157 288 1,335,888
Fitzgerald Shorehaven Health Center Oconomowoc 135 Kleefisch 11,293,033 26,345,753 268 1,252,395
Fitzgerald Willowbrook Nursing Home Lake Mills 57 Kleefisch 4,680,447 10,886,441 119 528,789
Fitzgerald Total: 106,142,773$ 247,384,923$ 2,633 12,208,532$
Grothman Beechwood Rest Home Kewaskum 26 LeMahieu 1,295,480 3,027,116 45 241,202
Grothman Hartford Healthcare Center Hartford 106 LeMahieu 4,823,487 11,239,593 189 983,362
Grothman Homestead Care Center New Holstein 90 LeMahieu 3,546,619 8,259,875 158 834,930
Grothman Villa Loretto Nursing Home Mt. Calvary 50 LeMahieu 3,477,164 8,119,739 94 463,850
Grothman Willowdale Nursing & Rehabilitation Center New Holstein 49 LeMahieu 3,141,977 7,319,612 94 454,573
Grothman Cedar Lake Health Care Center West Bend 229 Strachota 19,901,841 46,392,314 466 2,124,433
Grothman Samaritan Health Center West Bend 131 Strachota 12,270,348 28,567,615 279 1,215,287
Grothman Cedar Springs Health & Rehabilitation Center Cedarburg 78 Stroebel 7,846,763 18,235,228 176 723,606
Grothman Heritage Nursing Home Port Washington 74 Stroebel 5,418,587 12,604,143 149 686,498
Grothman Lasata Care Center Cedarburg 190 Stroebel 14,578,441 33,991,927 373 1,762,630
Grothman Total: 76,300,707 177,757,164 2,022 9,490,371
Gudex Bethel Home Oshkosh 173 Hintz 12,438,215 29,024,339 330 1,604,921
Gudex Evergreen Health Center Oshkosh 108 Hintz 14,111,221 32,892,584 249 1,001,916
Gudex Christian Home & Rehab Center Waupun 74 Schraa 5,761,551 13,430,730 146 686,498
Gudex Northpoint Medical & Rehab Center Oshkosh 120 Schraa 7,502,484 17,480,707 227 1,113,240
Gudex Omro Care Center Omro 114 Schraa 4,644,193 10,822,257 200 1,057,578
Gudex Park View Health Center Oshkosh 168 Schraa 17,607,369 41,058,541 357 1,558,536
Gudex All About Life Rehabilitation Center Fond du Lac 125 Thiesfeldt 5,931,533 13,816,645 226 1,159,625
Gudex Fond du Lac Lutheran Home Fond du Lac 133 Thiesfeldt 8,749,466 20,429,541 246 1,233,841
Gudex Grancare Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Fond du Lac 75 Thiesfeldt 3,478,217 8,107,212 134 695,775
Gudex Harbor Haven Health & Rehabilitation Fond du Lac 123 Thiesfeldt 8,633,136 20,154,192 232 1,141,071
Gudex ManorCare Health Services - Fond du Lac Fond du Lac 108 Thiesfeldt 5,688,350 13,280,264 193
Gudex St. Francis Home Fond du Lac 107 Thiesfeldt 7,367,164 17,201,196 200 992,639
Gudex Total: 101,912,899$ 237,698,208$ 2,741 13,247,556$
State State Total
Senator Nursing Facility City Beds Representative Expenditures Economy Jobs State Taxes
Impact on Community
Wisconsin Nursing Facilities
Economic Impact Analysis*
Hansen Bornemann Nursing Home Green Bay 127 Genrich 6,289,038 14,706,742 220 1,178,179
Hansen Golden LivingCenter - Village Gardens Green Bay 125 Genrich 5,975,995 13,920,005 226 1,159,625
Hansen Grancare Nursing Center Green Bay 75 Genrich 4,290,156 10,016,596 136 695,775
Hansen Manor Care Health Services - East Green Bay 79 Genrich 4,256,202 9,931,189 143 732,883
Hansen Manor Care Health Services - West Green Bay 105 Genrich 6,657,827 15,532,487 196 974,085
Hansen Odd Fellow Home Green Bay 82 Genrich 4,712,914 11,004,500 148 760,714
Hansen Santa Maria Nursing Home Green Bay 50 Genrich 2,606,895 6,087,951 89 463,850
Hansen Brown County CTC - Bayshore Village Green Bay 63 Klenke 8,850,934 20,608,424 154 584,451
Hansen Ledge View Nursing Center De Pere 32 Klenke 1,226,425 2,864,710 54 296,864
Hansen Parkview Manor Health & Rehab Center Green Bay 136 Klenke 6,735,072 15,709,679 243 1,261,672
Hansen Luther Home Marinette 120 Nygren 9,034,132 21,077,065 232 1,113,240
Hansen Rennes Health & Rehab Center - East Peshtigo 129 Nygren
7,997,536 18,648,054
241 1,196,733
Hansen Rennes Health & Rehab Center - West Peshtigo 99 Nygren 6,481,665 15,114,546 187 918,423
Hansen The Woodlands of Oconto Oconto 45 Nygren 2,550,643 5,944,677 83 417,465
Hansen Whispering Oaks Care Center Peshitgo 45 Nygren 1,727,444 4,029,282 77 417,465
Hansen Total: 79,392,877$ 185,195,906$ 2,429 12,171,424$
Harris Highland Heights HCC Milwaukee 95 Goyke 4,891,885 11,407,582 171 881,315
Harris St. Anne's Salvatorian Campus Milwaukee 121 Goyke 10,316,443 24,088,573 237 1,122,517
Harris Total: 15,208,328$ 35,496,155$ 409 2,003,832$
Harsdorf Christian Community Home Hudson 81 Knudson 8,910,802 20,767,965 177 751,437
Harsdorf Kinnic Long Term Care River Falls 68 Knudson 3,694,907 8,622,070 123 630,836
Harsdorf The Lutheran Home River Falls 60 Knudson 3,361,674 7,844,416 109 556,620
Harsdorf American Heritage Care Center Hammond 55 Murtha 3,783,934 8,807,648 108 510,235
Harsdorf American Lutheran Home-Menomonie Menomonie 50 Murtha 3,197,019 7,451,937 95 463,850
Harsdorf Baldwin Care Center Baldwin 50 Murtha 3,674,973 8,577,519 95 463,850
Harsdorf Deerfield Care Center New Richmond 61 Murtha 2,407,391 5,626,875 103 565,897
Harsdorf Dunn County Health Care Center Menomonie 137 Murtha 11,816,370 27,529,396 281 1,270,949
Harsdorf Glenhaven, Inc. Glenwood City 44 Murtha 2,765,124 6,456,855 81 408,188
Harsdorf Parkview Home Woodville 50 Murtha 3,093,604 7,220,414 92 463,850
Harsdorf St Croix Health Center New Richmond 72 Murtha 6,559,912 15,295,269 148
Harsdorf B
urnett Medical Center-ECU Grantsburg 50 Severson 17,965,986 41,846,028 193 463,850
Harsdorf Frederic Care Center Frederic 50 Severson 2,903,901 6,760,850 94 463,850
Harsdorf Golden Age Manor Amery 114 Severson 7,400,139 17,266,527 213 1,057,578
Harsdorf St. Croix Valley GSC St. Croix Falls 85 Severson 5,186,168 12,093,397 158 788,545
Harsdorf Willow Ridge Amery 83 Severson 3,806,303 8,882,750 146 769,991
Harsdorf Total: 90,528,208$ 211,049,915$ 2,216 10,297,470$
State State Total
Senator Nursing Facility City Beds Representative Expenditures Economy Jobs State Taxes
Impact on Community
Wisconsin Nursing Facilities
Economic Impact Analysis*
Jauch Ashland Care Center Ashland 117 Bewley 4,349,612 10,159,679 198 1,085,409
Jauch Avanti Health & Rehabilitation Hurley 72 Bewley 4,894,854 11,394,949 141 667,944
Jauch Golden Living Center - Ashland Ashland 105 Bewley 5,454,215 12,708,334 192 974,085
Jauch Mellen Manor Mellen 40 Bewley 1,509,545 3,525,221 68 371,080
Jauch Northern Lights Manor Washburn 75 Bewley 6,294,051 14,699,154 146 695,775
Jauch Park Manor Park Falls 147 Bewley 5,472,140 12,779,236 249 1,363,719
Jauch Pleasant View Nursing Home Phillips 66 Bewley 5,148,725 12,021,546 127 612,282
Jauch Sky View Nursing Center Hurley 31 Bewley 1,229,450 2,873,576 52 287,587
Jauch Villa Maria Health Care Center Hurley 70 Bewley 3,876,208 9,050,200 126 649,390
Jauch Benedictine Living Center Spooner 90 Milroy 18,631,582 43,422,753 252 834,930
Jauch Golden Living Center - Superior Superior 90 Milroy 5,219,484 12,159,461 168 834,930
Jauch Middle River Healthcare Center South Range 100 Milroy
5,309,549 12,395,791
179 927,700
Jauch Villa Marina Health and Rehab Center Superior 72 Milroy 4,865,694 11,341,838 138 667,944
Jauch Barron Care and Rehab Barron 50 Smith 2,621,330 6,117,930 90 463,850
Jauch Cumberland Memorial Hospital NH Cumberland 50 Smith 17,984,593 41,930,103 185 463,850
Jauch Dallas Care and Rehab. Dallas 50 Smith 2,667,183 6,230,438 89 463,850
Jauch Heritage Manor Rice Lake 92 Smith 5,048,499 11,776,010 167 853,484
Jauch Knapp Haven Nursing Home Chetek 97 Smith 5,028,746 11,759,270 169 899,869
Jauch Luther Midelfort - Northland Barron 27 Smith 44,974,782 104,808,603 325 250,479
Jauch Pioneer Nursing Home Prairie Farm 42 Smith 2,618,430 6,109,211 78 389,634
Jauch Rice Lake Convalescent Center Rice Lake 85 Smith 5,105,391 11,891,725 160 788,545
Jauch Terraceview Living Center Shell Lake 50 Smith 3,015,500 7,032,036 93
Jauch Total: 161,319,561$ 376,187,066$ 3,391 15,010,186$
Kedzie East Troy Manor East Troy 50 August 3,310,064 7,723,640 94 463,850
Kedzie Geneva Lake Manor Lake Geneva 60 August 3,899,431 9,092,008 113 556,620
Kedzie Lakeland Health Care Center Elkhorn 120 August 13,084,797 30,462,317 268 1,113,240
Kedzie Willowfield Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Delevan 61 August 5,104,222 11,874,427 127 565,897
Kedzie Alden-Meadow Park HCC Clinton 94 Loudenbeck 4,046,650 9,436,670 165 872,038
Kedzie Beloit Health & Rehabilitation Center Beloit 152 Loudenbeck 9,076,093 21,143,193 286 1,410,104
Kedzie Holton Manor Elkhorn 60 Loudenbeck 3,414,115 7,961,830 110 556,620
Kedzie Williams Bay Care Center Williams Bay 70 Loudenbeck 3,534,061 8,227,590 129 649,390
Kedzie Alden Estates of Countryside, Inc. Jefferson 120 Nass 20,623,412 47,897,265 342 1,113,240
Kedzie Golden Living Center - Fort Atkinson Fort Atkinson 87 Nass 5,253,777 12,230,904 166 807,099
Kedzie Lindengrove - Mukwanago Mukwanago 56 Nass 5,080,368 11,850,267 114 519,512
Kedzie Total: 76,426,991$ 177,900,112$ 1,913 8,627,610$
State State Total
Senator Nursing Facility City Beds Representative Expenditures Economy Jobs State Taxes
Impact on Community
Wisconsin Nursing Facilities
Economic Impact Analysis*
C. Larson Franciscan Villa South Milwaukee 150 Honadel 15,303,175 35,700,884 314 1,391,550
C. Larson Willowcrest Care Center South Milwaukee 135 Honadel 12,554,923 29,207,171 291 1,252,395
C. Larson Eastcastle Place-Bradford Terrace Milwaukee 40 Richards 12,247,925 28,458,961 153 371,080
C. Larson Eastside Health and Rehab. Center Milwaukee 196 Richards 10,113,261 23,572,575 356 1,818,292
C. Larson Jewish Home & Care Center Milwaukee 160 Richards 13,773,490 32,136,836 319 1,484,320
C. Larson Milwaukee Catholic Home Milwaukee 122 Richards 15,217,987 35,491,109 273 1,131,794
C. Larson St. John's Communities, Inc. Milwaukee 56 Richards 4,802,466 11,186,444 115 519,512
C. Larson Cameo Care Center Milwaukee 112 Sinicki 7,548,389 17,592,474 215 1,039,024
C. Larson Golden LivingCenter - South Shore St. Francis 34 Sinicki 2,482,127 5,781,970 67 315,418
C. Larson Maple Ridge Health and Rehab. Milwaukee 80 Sinicki 6,472,128 15,063,970 164 742,160
C. Larson Total: 100,515,870$ 234,192,394$ 2,267 10,065,545$
Lasee Algoma Medical Center & LTCU Algoma 60 Bies 3,662,714 8,552,296 110 556,620
Lasee Door County Mem Hosp Skilled Nursing Facility Sturgeon Bay 30 Bies 58,066,992 135,358,900 405 278,310
Lasee Golden LivingCenter - Dorchester Sturgeon Bay 120 Bies 6,843,311 15,927,888 226 1,113,240
Lasee Good Samaritan Society - Scandia Village Sister Bay 60 Bies 3,923,394 9,162,028 111 556,620
Lasee Kewaunee Care Center Kewaunee 66 Bies 3,139,517 7,319,763 118 612,282
Lasee Rennes Health & Rehab Center - De Pere De Pere 122 Jacque 9,977,946 23,271,036 242 1,131,794
Lasee Parkside Care Center Little Chute 76 A.Ott 4,058,677 9,456,785 140 705,052
Lasee Total: 89,672,552$ 209,048,695$ 1,351 4,953,918$
Lassa Edgewater Haven Port Edwards 90 Krug 7,684,746 17,908,301 183 834,930
Lassa Strawberry Lane Medical & Rehab Center Wisconsin Rapids 120 Krug 5,829,633 13,579,387 217 1,113,240
Lassa Wisconsin Rapids Care Center, LLC Wisconsin Rapids 114 Krug 4,972,091 11,584,131 202 1,057,578
Lassa Portage County HCC Stevens Point 100 Shankland 9,311,965 21,704,888 208 927,700
Lassa Stevens Point Care Center LLC Stevens Point 114 Shankland 5,758,672 13,415,844 208 1,057,578
Lassa Bethel Center Arpin 111 Vruwink 5,918,785 13,799,127 202 1,029,747
Lassa Morrow Memorial Home Sparta 110 Vruwink 6,191,505 14,454,962 199 1,020,470
Lassa Pine View Nursing Home Black River Falls 95 Vruwink 4,821,234 11,245,406 171 881,315
Lassa Rolling Hills Sparta 103 Vruwink 8,101,146 18,890,257 203 955,531
Lassa Tomah Care Center Tomah 84 Vruwink 3,642,512 8,476,033 151 779,268
Lassa Total: 62,232,289$ 145,058,335$ 1,944 9,657,357$
Lazich Hales Corners Care Center Hales Corners 62 Craig 4,972,942 11,616,121 119 575,174
Lazich Muskego Health Care Center Muskego 49 Craig 3,109,787 7,261,518 90 454,573
Lazich Tudor Oaks Muskego 61 Craig 4,102,132 9,575,007 114 565,897
Lazich Clement Manor Greenfield 166 Kuglitsch 14,390,136 33,563,624 334 1,539,982
Lazich Kindred Transitional Care and Rehab. - Milwaukee Greenfield 454 Stone 34,576,042 80,642,660 884 4,211,758
Lazich SouthPointe HealthCare Center Greenfield 174 Stone 10,916,416 25,514,486 315 1,614,198
Lazich Total: 72,067,454$ 168,173,416$ 1,856 8,961,582$
State State Total
Senator Nursing Facility City Beds Representative Expenditures Economy Jobs State Taxes
Impact on Community
Wisconsin Nursing Facilities
Economic Impact Analysis*
Lehman Grande Praire Health and Rehab. Center Pleasant Prairie 118 Kerkman 7,934,856 18,537,135 218 1,094,686
Lehman St. Joseph's Home For The Aged Kenosha 90 Kerkman 6,568,630 15,322,358 173 834,930
Lehman Mt Carmel Medical & Rehab Ctr Burlington 155 Vos 10,898,267 25,360,762 308 1,437,935
Lehman Oak Ridge Care Center Union Grove 77 Vos 4,892,138 11,411,500 144 714,329
Lehman Total: 30,293,891$ 70,631,755$ 843 4,081,880$
Leibham Beverly LivingCenter - Sheboygan Sheboygan 64 Endsley 2,748,835 6,409,198 112 593,728
Leibham Meadowview Manor Sheboygan 74 Endsley 3,842,287 8,952,063 135 686,498
Leibham Pine Haven Christian Home Sheboygan Falls 50 Endsley 4,175,959 9,751,603 97 463,850
Leibham Sheboygan Progressive Care Center Sheboygan 120 Endsley 7,158,593 16,654,329 230 1,113,240
Leibham Sheboygan Senior Community, Inc. Sheboygan 75 Endsley 8,391,575 19,550,858 166 695,775
Leibham Sunny Ridge Health & Rehabilitation Center Sheboygan 150 Endsley 9,283,100 21,649,149 280 1,391,550
Leibham Morningside Health Center Sheboygan 72 Kestell 4,542,052 10,563,936 140 667,944
Leibham Plymouth Care Center Plymouth 60 Kestell 3,486,346 8,122,446 112 556,620
Leibham Rocky Knoll Health Care Facility Plymouth 195 Kestell 17,238,979 40,148,026 406 1,809,015
Leibham Chilton Care Center Chilton 60 Tittl 3,049,698 7,106,775 109 556,620
Leibham Manitowoc Health Care Center Manitowoc 150 Tittl 9,448,620 22,029,434 282
Leibham Nort
h Ridge Medical & Rehab Center Manitowoc 119 Tittl 6,853,645 15,950,299 225 1,103,963
Leibham River's Bend Health & Rehabilitation Manitowoc 124 Tittl 8,761,159 20,384,106 247 1,150,348
Leibham Shady Lane Inc. Manitowoc 173 Tittl 8,999,245 21,010,793 308 1,604,921
Leibham Total: 97,980,092$ 228,283,016$ 2,851 13,785,622$
Miller McCarthy Nursing Home Stoughton 12 Hebl 545,504 1,274,119 21 111,324
Miller Nazareth Health & Rehab. Center Stoughton 99 Hebl 7,191,661 16,773,202 191 918,423
Miller Skaalen Sunset Home Stoughton 142 Hebl 10,780,951 25,186,208 268 1,317,334
Miller Sun Prairie Health Care Center Sun Prairie 32 Hebl 2,774,550 6,476,447 63 296,864
Miller Willows Nursing Home Sun Prairie 57 Hebl 4,366,140 10,167,978 114 528,789
Miller Belmont Nursing & Rehab Ctr. Madison 90 Sargent 6,613,732 15,427,357 174 834,930
Miller Karmenta Center Madison 105 Sargent 6,978,763 16,255,066 203 974,085
Miller Oak Park Nursing and Rehab Center Madison 100 Sargent 8,452,902 19,705,057 202 927,700
Miller Oakwood Village East Madison 42 Sargent 5,460,377 12,724,020 97 389,634
Miller Total: 53,164,579$ 123,989,456$ 1,333 6,299,083$
State State Total
Senator Nursing Facility City Beds Representative Expenditures Economy Jobs State Taxes
Impact on Community
Wisconsin Nursing Facilities
Economic Impact Analysis*
Moulton Augusta Area Nursing Home Augusta 61 Bernier 2,782,248 6,501,990 105 565,897
Moulton Mayo Clinic Health System-Oakridge Osseo 21 Bernier 17,910,816 41,797,388 134 194,817
Moulton Oakbrook Manor of Thorp Thorp 58 Bernier 2,855,739 6,661,963 103 538,066
Moulton Oakwood Villa Altoona 92 Bernier 6,189,631 14,406,371 180 853,484
Moulton Wissota Health and Regional Vent Center Chippewa Falls 120 Bernier 9,722,476 22,694,024 234 1,113,240
Moulton Chippewa Manor Nursing Home Chippewa Falls 90 T. Larson 4,784,344 11,152,964 164 834,930
Moulton Colfax Health and Rehab Center Colfax 69 T. Larson 3,481,155 8,128,728 122 640,113
Moulton Cornell Area Care Center Cornell 50 T. Larson 4,073,463 9,470,409 105 463,850
Moulton Hetzel Care Center Bloomer 31 T. Larson 1,423,643 3,324,833 54 287,587
Moulton Maplewood Bloomer 31 T. Larson 27,416,082 63,934,993 211 287,587
Moulton Clark County Health Care Center Owen 206 Suder 17,171,151 40,049,985 410 1,911,062
Moulton Colonial Center Colby 95 Suder
4,769,665 11,120,312
171 881,315
Moulton Golden Living Center - Continental Manor Abbotsford 78 Suder 4,478,788 10,438,378 145 723,606
Moulton Golden Living Center - Three Oaks Marshfield 110 Suder 7,558,789 17,601,248 215 1,020,470
Moulton Marshfield Care Center, LLC Marshfield 152 Suder 8,453,792 19,702,552 280 1,410,104
Moulton Neillsville Care and Rehab Neillsville 60 Suder 2,002,102 4,668,206 102 556,620
Moulton Total: 125,073,886$ 291,654,343$ 2,735 12,282,748$
Olsen Fountain View Care Center Ripon 85 Ballweg 4,934,310 11,486,034 161 788,545
Olsen Golden LivingCenter - Wisconsin Dells Wisconsin Dells 90 Ballweg 5,684,478 13,237,340 172 834,930
Olsen Juliette Manor Berlin 70 Ballweg 4,557,186 10,621,135 133 649,390
Olsen Markesan Resident Home Markesan 72 Ballweg 5,388,670 12,587,266 136 667,944
Olsen Montello Care Center Montello 50 Ballweg 3,216,534 7,501,622 94 463,850
Olsen Sheltered Village of Ripon Ripon 50 Ballweg 2,058,931 4,799,519 87 463,850
Olsen Sunnyview Healthcare Center Inc. Princeton 25 Ballweg 1,201,994 2,805,901 44 231,925
Olsen Villa Pines Living Center Friendship 85 Ballweg 4,944,581 11,525,945 158 788,545
Olsen Bethany Home, Inc. Waupaca 107 Petersen 7,153,294 16,689,063 202 992,639
Olsen Crystal River Nursing & Rehab Ctr Waupaca 74 Petersen 4,951,714 11,521,379 145 686,498
Olsen Iola Living Assistance Iola 50 Petersen 4,928,217 11,486,344 106
Olsen Lakevi
ew Manor Weyauwega 50 Petersen 4,712,109 10,961,712 108 463,850
Olsen Manawa Community Nursing Center Manawa 50 Petersen 2,039,698 4,759,951 86 463,850
Olsen St. Joseph Residence New London 107 Petersen 6,378,740 14,892,100 195 992,639
Olsen Weyauwega Health Care Center Weyauwega 60 Petersen 4,190,761 9,750,828 119 556,620
Olsen Wild Rose Manor Wild Rose 59 Petersen 2,984,039 6,947,391 108 547,343
Olsen Columbia Health Care Center Wyocena 122 Ripp 9,825,036 22,883,470 247 1,131,794
Olsen Golden LivingCenter - Randolph Randolph 84 Ripp 4,412,738 10,287,770 153 779,268
Olsen Good Samaritan Center Lodi 50 Ripp 4,699,415 10,968,388 101 463,850
Olsen Total: 88,262,444$ 205,713,157$ 2,556 12,431,180$
State State Total
Senator Nursing Facility City Beds Representative Expenditures Economy Jobs State Taxes
Impact on Community
Wisconsin Nursing Facilities
Economic Impact Analysis*
Petrowski Kennedy Park Medical & Rehab Center Schofield 148 Spiros 9,771,189 22,753,009 286 1,372,996
Petrowski Rennes Health & Rehab Center - Weston Weston 34 Spiros 2,482,875 5,794,134 65 315,418
Petrowski Beverly Living Center - Valley of Hayward Hayward 59 Williams 3,443,198 8,018,669 111 547,343
Petrowski Gilman Care Center Gilman 50 Williams 1,794,921 4,183,341 86 463,850
Petrowski Golden Living Center - Rib Lake Rib Lake 60 Williams 2,721,062 6,335,013 108 556,620
Petrowski Ladysmith Nursing Home Ladysmith 62 Williams 3,232,417 7,550,173 110 575,174
Petrowski Memorial Nursing and Rehab Ctr Medford 101 Williams 6,508,235 15,177,867 190 936,977
Petrowski Rusk County Nursing Home Ladysmith 50 Williams 21,955,556 51,098,448 227 463,850
Petrowski Water's Edge Hayward 50 Williams 5,635,252 13,157,365 106 463,850
Petrowski Colonial Manor Med & Rehab Wausau 150 Wright 9,614,449 22,370,717 292 1,391,550
Petrowski Marywood Convalescent Center Wausau 90 Wright 5,969,218 13,923,550 170 834,930
Petrowski North Central HCF Wausau
265 Wright 20,364,200 47,507,027 515 2,458,405
Petrowski Wausau Manor Wausau 64 Wright 6,435,750 14,967,860 142 593,728
Petrowski Total: 99,928,322$ 232,837,174$ 2,408 10,974,691$
Risser Sunny Hill Health Care Center Madison 68 Berceau 3,038,214 7,088,463 119 630,836
Risser Oakwood Lutheran Home Madison 95 Hulsey 12,427,246 28,925,226 227 881,315
Risser St. Marys Care Center Madison 184 Hulsey 15,967,754 37,286,958 361 1,706,968
Risser Capitol Lakes Health Center Madison 98 C. Taylor 21,927,281 50,936,118 317 909,146
Risser Total: 53,360,495$ 124,236,765$ 1,025 4,128,265$
State State Total
Senator Nursing Facility City Beds Representative Expenditures Economy Jobs State Taxes
Impact on Community
Wisconsin Nursing Facilities
Economic Impact Analysis*
Schultz Crest View Nursing Home New Lisbon 60 Brooks 4,711,415 10,991,032 117 556,620
Schultz Fairview Nursing Home Mauston 60 Brooks 5,041,177 11,762,188 119 556,620
Schultz Heritage Manor Elroy 76 Brooks 3,799,035 8,865,697 135 705,052
Schultz Pine Valley Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center Richland Center 104 Brooks 8,055,119 18,759,341 209 964,808
Schultz Reedsburg Area Senior Life Center Reedsburg 50 Brooks 4,393,935 10,241,672 102 463,850
Schultz Sauk County HCC Reedsburg 82 Brooks 10,283,120 23,945,743 191 760,714
Schultz Schmitt Woodland Hills Inc Richland Center 25 Brooks 1,483,699 3,514,251 36 231,925
Schultz Bloomfield Manor Dodgeville 85 Marklein 5,636,159 13,131,886 163 788,545
Schultz Lafayette Manor Darlington 80 Marklein 6,069,636 14,135,268 160 742,160
Schultz Mineral Point Care Center Mineral Point 53 Marklein 1,879,146 4,379,351 91 491,681
Schultz Monroe Manor Nursing & Rehab Center Monroe 74 Marklein 5,449,466 12,682,333 148 686,498
Schultz Pleasant View Nursing Home Monroe 130 Marklein
10,455,429 24,367,155
260 1,206,010
Schultz Upland Hills - Nursing and Rehab. Center Dodgeville 44 Marklein 37,576,217 87,472,953 322 408,188
Schultz Boscobel Care and Rehabilitation Boscobel 50 Tranel 1,496,826 3,497,844 82 463,850
Schultz Golden LivingCenter - Riverdale Muscoda 58 Tranel 3,024,148 7,047,356 106 538,066
Schultz Good Samaritan Center - Fennimore Fennimore 68 Tranel 3,700,279 8,639,021 122 630,836
Schultz Gray's Nursing Home Platteville 20 Tranel 1,000,157 2,339,001 35 185,540
Schultz Lancaster Care Center Lancaster 70 Tranel 2,820,034 6,573,358 122 649,390
Schultz Manor Care Health Services - Platteville Platteville 99 Tranel 4,383,761 10,224,816 174 918,423
Schultz Orchard Manor Lancaster 150 Tranel 10,974,977 25,568,422 295 1,391,550
Schultz Southwest Health Center Cuba City 84 Tranel 29,821,430 69,357,067 341 779,268
Schultz St. Dominic Villa Hazel Green 62 Tranel 2,610,156 6,095,495 107
Schultz Total: 164,665,320$ 383,591,252$ 3,438 14,694,768$
Shillling Bethany Riverside La Crosse 123 Billings 7,739,214 18,074,014 225 1,141,071
Shillling Bethany St. Joseph Care Center LaCrosse 160 Billings 13,302,796 31,032,285 317 1,484,320
Shillling Hillview Health Care Center La Crosse 199 Billings 14,048,256 32,766,591 381 1,846,123
Shillling St. Joseph's Nursing Home La Crosse 80 Billings 5,457,416 12,731,335 152 742,160
Shillling Lakeview Health Center West Salem 156 Doyle 12,043,969 28,093,870 304 1,447,212
Shillling Mulder Health Care Facility West Salem 99 Doyle 4,502,320 10,519,517 171 918,423
Shillling Onalaska Care Center Onalaska 104 Doyle 5,509,693 12,866,409 185 964,808
Shillling Bethel Home Viroqua 95 Nerison 8,320,569 19,384,740 196 881,315
Shillling Norseland Nursing Home Westby 59 Nerison 3,475,423 8,116,333 107 547,343
Shillling Prairie Maison Prairie Du Chein 64 Nerison 4,034,437 9,410,650 119 593,728
Shillling Sannes Skogdalen Nursing Facility Soldiers Grove 66 Nerison 3,554,385 8,291,612 120
Shillling Vernon Manor Viroqua 98 Nerison 6,989,667 16,296,608 189 909,146
Shillling Total: 88,978,144$ 207,583,965$ 2,466 12,087,931$
State State Total
Senator Nursing Facility City Beds Representative Expenditures Economy Jobs State Taxes
Impact on Community
Wisconsin Nursing Facilities
Economic Impact Analysis*
L. Taylor Golden Living Center-Colonial Manor Glendale 141 Barnes 9,347,608 21,771,502 272 1,308,057
L. Taylor Golden LivingCenter - Bradley Milwaukee 198 Barnes 12,033,348 28,007,845 379 1,836,846
L. Taylor Milwaukee Estates Living & Care Center Milwaukee 144 Barnes 8,658,546 20,216,828 262 1,335,888
L. Taylor Seven Oaks Glendale 94 Barnes 5,841,364 13,638,183 173 872,038
L. Taylor Alexian Village Milwaukee 108 Kessler 8,903,875 20,744,736 219 1,001,916
L. Taylor Birchwood Healthcare and Rehab. Center Milwaukee 198 Kessler 11,215,832 26,153,833 364 1,836,846
L. Taylor Luther Manor Wauwatosa 223 Kessler 19,332,049 45,088,528 448 2,068,771
L. Taylor Millway Care And Rehabilitation Milwaukee 81 Kessler 2,607,644 6,090,583 135 751,437
L. Taylor Trinity Village Milwaukee 70 Kessler 4,250,595 9,908,879 131 649,390
L. Taylor Wellspring of Milwaukee Milwaukee 185 Kessler 7,494,825 17,463,083 324 1,716,245
L. Taylor Total: 89,685,685$ 209,083,998$ 2,707 13,377,434$
Tiffany Eastview Medical & Rehab Center Antigo 166 Czaja 10,368,819 24,150,905 316 1,539,982
Tiffany Golden Living Center - Golden Age Tomahawk 83 Czaja 3,797,040 8,841,945 149 769,991
Tiffany Golden Living Center - Riverview Tomahawk 61 Czaja 3,334,486 7,759,749 114 565,897
Tiffany Pine Crest Nursing Home Merrill 180 Czaja 11,403,364 26,560,333 344 1,669,860
Tiffany Maryhill Manor, Inc. Niagara 75 Mursau 4,050,543 9,452,388 135 695,775
Tiffany NewCare, Inc Crivitz 64 Mursau 3,668,807 8,561,701 117 593,728
Tiffany Nu-Roc Community Health Care, Inc. Laona 50 Mursau 3,162,517 7,387,174 91 463,850
Tiffany Sharpe Care Oconto Falls 99 Mursau 4,493,358 10,479,241 175 918,423
Tiffany The Crandon Nursing Home Crandon 50 Mursau 2,620,452 6,118,890 89 463,850
Tiffany The Woodlands of Gillett Gillett 40 Mursau 1,747,034 4,071,305 71 371,080
Tiffany Woodland Village Suring 50 Mursau 2,989,154 6,989,756 89
Tiffany Fr
iendly Village Nursing & Rehab Center Rhinelander 120 Swearingen 6,803,158 15,845,367 224 1,113,240
Tiffany Golden LivingCenter - Florence Florence 73 Swearingen 3,307,809 7,700,686 132 677,221
Tiffany Lillian Kerr Healthcare Center Phelps 50 Swearingen 5,344,526 12,442,777 111 463,850
Tiffany Taylor Park Rhinelander 100 Swearingen 5,311,028 12,371,416 184 927,700
Tiffany Total: 72,402,096$ 168,733,633$ 2,341 11,698,297$
State State Total
Senator Nursing Facility City Beds Representative Expenditures Economy Jobs State Taxes
Impact on Community
Wisconsin Nursing Facilities
Economic Impact Analysis*
Vinehout American Lutheran-Mondovi Mondovi 81 Danou 4,184,675 9,756,710 147 751,437
Vinehout Arcadia Nursing Home Arcadia 75 Danou 4,549,416 10,601,644 141 695,775
Vinehout Crystal Lake Manor Strum 46 Danou 1,967,630 4,587,966 81 426,742
Vinehout Family Heritage NH Black River Falls 50 Danou 2,367,860 5,525,307 88 463,850
Vinehout Grand View Care Center, inc. Blair 98 Danou 5,118,484 11,942,743 176 909,146
Vinehout Marinuka Manor Galesville 59 Danou 2,968,427 6,935,931 103 547,343
Vinehout Pigeon Falls Nursing Home Pigeon Falls 37 Danou 2,776,668 6,461,992 75 343,249
Vinehout St Michael's Ev Lutheran Home Fountain City 40 Danou 2,019,320 4,710,450 72 371,080
Vinehout Trempealeau Co. Health Care Center Whitehall 146 Danou 14,126,505 32,894,936 313 1,354,442
Vinehout Tri-County Memorial Nursing Home Whitehall 50 Danou 13,716,101 31,952,923 164 463,850
Vinehout Ellsworth Care Center Ellsworth 60 Petryk 3,334,487 7,764,313 112 556,620
Vinehout Heritage of Elmwood Elmwood 46 Petryk
2,228,856 5,210,611
80 426,742
Vinehout Oakview Care Center Durand 50 Petryk 11,737,124 27,317,454 156 463,850
Vinehout Pepin Manor Pepin 50 Petryk 2,628,042 6,127,948 91 463,850
Vinehout Plum City Care Center Plum City 50 Petryk 2,326,331 5,430,838 88 463,850
Vinehout Prescott Nursing and Rehab Center Prescott 65 Petryk 3,201,551 7,457,224 118 603,005
Vinehout Spring Valley Nursing Home Spring Valley 50 Petryk 3,881,685 9,084,198 92 463,850
Vinehout Dove Healthcare-West Eau Claire 160 Wachs 11,457,312 26,772,862 298 1,484,320
Vinehout Fall Creek Valley Nursing Home Fall Creek 60 Wachs 2,987,897 6,974,128 106 556,620
Vinehout Syverson Lutheran Home Eau Claire 115 Wachs 6,998,918 16,316,112 215 1,066,855
Vinehout The Clairemont Eau Claire 161 Wachs 8,568,167 19,981,035 292
Vinehout Total: 113,145,457$ 263,807,324$ 3,005 14,370,073$
Vukmir Brookfield Rehabilitation Center Brookfield 224 Hutton 14,183,271 33,087,458 418 2,078,048
Vukmir Milwaukee County Rehab Center- Main Campus Milwaukee 142 Hutton 29,910,691 69,537,655 434 1,317,334
Vukmir St. Camillus Health Center Wauwatosa 67 Hutton 14,908,891 34,587,502 225 621,559
Vukmir CARE-AGE of Brookfield Brookfield 110 Kooyenga 7,445,712 17,390,917 204 1,020,470
Vukmir Lutheran Home for the Aging Wauwatosa 187 Kooyenga 18,239,627 42,562,524 384 1,734,799
Vukmir Wheaton Franciscan - Franciscan Woods Brookfield 120 Kooyenga 8,783,352 20,488,647 231 1,113,240
Vukmir Allis Care Center West Allis 152 Sanfelippo 9,490,626 22,131,445 284 1,410,104
Vukmir Lindengrove - New Berlin New Berlin 135 Sanfelippo 11,026,098 25,731,580 265 1,252,395
Vukmir Maplewood Health Center West Allis 150 Sanfelippo 11,332,020 26,458,668 286 1,391,550
Vukmir Mary Jude Nursing Home West Allis 50 Sanfelippo 2,642,381 6,166,097 90 463,850
Vukmir Total: 127,962,669$ 298,142,493$ 2,820 12,403,349$
State State Total
Senator Nursing Facility City Beds Representative Expenditures Economy Jobs State Taxes
Impact on Community
Wisconsin Nursing Facilities
Economic Impact Analysis*
Wirch Brookside Care Center Kenosha 154 Barca 14,555,661 33,911,360 324 1,428,658
Wirch Manor Care Health Services - Kenosha Kenosha 153 Barca 9,592,389 22,376,993 285 1,419,381
Wirch Ridgewood Care Center Racine 210 Barca 17,618,850 40,980,426 441 1,948,170
Wirch Woodstock Health & Rehab Center Kenosha 159 Barca 9,780,259 22,768,593 304 1,475,043
Wirch Becker Shoop Center Racine 110 Mason 6,811,850 15,871,281 208 1,020,470
Wirch Lincoln Village Convalescent Center Racine 122 Mason 8,013,582 18,663,694 235 1,131,794
Wirch WFH - Lakeshore Manor Racine 50 Mason 5,555,473 12,910,598 117 463,850
Wirch Clairidge House Kenosha 87 Ohnstad 3,258,567 7,598,905 150 807,099
Wirch Hospitality Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Kenosha 133 Ohnstad 9,290,089 21,612,269 265 1,233,841
Wirch Kenosha Estates Living and Care Center Kenosha 97 Ohnstad 5,720,621 13,316,178 184 899,869
Wirch Sheridan Medical Complex Kenosha 96 Ohnstad 6,507,446 15,145,581 188 890,592
Wirch Total: 96,704,787$ 225,155,878$ 2,701 12,718,767$
*The nursing-facility specific community economic impact analysis, shown above and identified by Wisconsin State Senate Districts, has been computed by
LeadingAge Wisconsin and WHCA/WICAL based on the March 2013 Report,
Economic Analysis: Nursing Homes’ Contribution to Wisconsin’s Economy &
, issued by NorthStar Economics, Inc., Dennis K. Winters, Principal Investigator. LeadingAge Wisconsin and WHCA/WICAL engaged NorthStar
Economics, Inc. to analyze and report on the economic impact of nursing homes on Wisconsin's economy. The consulting firm's Report revealed that
Wisconsin Nursing facilities collectively contribute over $5.5 billion to the state's economic activity.