Journal in English Lexicology
14 | 2019
A corpus-based analysis of new English blends
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Université Jean Moulin - Lyon 3
Mattiello Elisa, « A corpus-based analysis of new English blends », Lexis [Online], 14 | 2019, Online
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A corpus-based analysis of new
English blends
Mattiello Elisa
[A]ll speech, smooth as well as blunderful, can be and must be accounted for
essentially in terms of the three mechanisms… analogy, blending, and editing.
[Hockett 1967: 935]
1 Lexical blending is a widely discussed topic in morphological literature. It has recently
attracted the attention of several scholars, who have focused on 1) the role of prosodic
structure in the formation of new English blends [Arndt-Lappe & Plag 2013], 2)
prototypical blend features [Bauer 2012] and regularities in blend formation [Mattiello
2013], 3) the relationship between blend structure and meaning [Beliaeva 2014], and 4)
the interpretation and acceptability of new lexical blends [Connolly 2013]. Lexical
blending has also been studied from a cross-disciplinary perspective, in a volume
collecting data from typologically different languages [Renner, Maniez & Arnaud 2012].
2 This paper investigates new lexical blends in English, their frequency, pragmatic
contexts, and functions, as well as the emergence of new splinters in their formation. In
particular, the paper analyzes a collection of 245 blends from quantitative and
qualitative viewpoints. The approach is both data-driven and corpus-based. For the
analysis, the study uses lexicographic information drawn from the online version of the
Oxford English Dictionary [OED2-3], as well as corpora of English, i.e. Corpus of
Contemporary American English [COCA] and News on the Web corpus [NOW]. The data has
been collected through an advanced search in the OED and covers a time span
(1950-2010) which testifies to the current relevance and increasing incidence of the
blending process as a word-formation mechanism for the creation of new words in
English. The OED indeed shows that the number of new entries created by blending
doubles in intervals of fifty years, namely, 33 instances in 1800-1850, 65 in 1850-1900,
147 in 1900-1950, and 246 in 1950-2000, as shown in Figure 1.
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Figure 1: Advanced search results for ‘blend’ in the OED
3 The database of the study includes both “nonce formations” [Bauer 1983: 45; or
“occasionalisms”, Chanpira 1966 in Dressler & Tumfart 2017: 155-156], which are coined
for specific textual/stylistic purposes, and more stable neologisms, which are already
or are likely to become a permanent part of the English lexicon (cf. “lexicalization” and
“institutionalization” in Brinton & Traugott [2005: 45]). However, the attention is
especially focused on neologisms, which from a quantitative viewpoint are more
frequent and, from a qualitative viewpoint, can better illustrate the contexts
motivating blending and the functions that new English blends can fulfil.
4 The goal of the study is fourfold:
First, it aims at identifying the contexts/registers which favour the formation of blend
words, ranging from slang/colloquial registers (e.g. bromance bro + romance) to specialized
domains. While the semantically hybrid nature of blending has been stressed in the
literature e.g., it is used to form names for unions, alloys, companies, etc. [Thornton 1993,
2004; Renner 2006; Bauer 2012] and this process has often been regarded as a mechanism
used to gain our attention in the media and advertising [Lehrer 2007; Ronneberger-Sibold
2010], its relevance to specialized vocabulary has not been adequately remarked hitherto.
Pertinent domains for blends include, for instance, business (adhocracy ad hoc +
bureaucracy), economics (stagflation stagnation + inflation), electronics (rectenna rectifying
+ antenna), technology (phablet phone + tablet), etc.
Second, this study addresses the question of whether blends are created with the intention
of designating a new referent, thus filling in a conceptual/lexical gap, or to give a new name
to an existing referent, as an act of economizing or creating a stylistic effect. For instance,
the blend jeggings ( jeans + leggings) has been recently coined to designate ‘tight-fitting
stretch leggings for women, styled to resemble a pair of denim jeans’, and it has even
become a proprietary name in the United Kingdom. By contrast, vodkatini and surfari are
merely shorter words for existing concepts expressed by compounds, i.e. vodka martini (‘a
martini cocktail in which vodka is substituted for gin’) and surf safari (‘a journey made by
surfers in search of good conditions for surfing’). The fact that only 4.9% of the blends in our
database fall in the latter group confirms the necessity of blending as a word-formation
mechanism used to label new complex concepts or objects, fusions, amalgams, and, more
rarely, qualities or actions.
Third, the study focuses on a particular type of blending, called ‘attributive’ or ‘headed’,
such as rockumentary ( rock + documentary), eatertainment ( eat + entertainment), and
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Clintonomics ( Clinton + economics). Attributive blends exhibit an “endocentric relation”
with their head [Bat-El 2006: 67], which therefore has a greater semantic weight than the
first component (i.e. the modifier).
In particular, in this study, we will address the issue of attributive blends as possible schema
model for new blends, with the second splinter (e.g. -umentary, -tainment, and -(o)nomics) as
potential combining form, or secreted affix [Fradin 2000], for novel formations.
5 Issues 2 to 4 also question the boundaries between blending and clipped compounding
[Beliaeva 2014], as well as between blending and frequent splinters, combining forms,
or secreted affixes [Mattiello 2018].
1. Theoretical background
1.1. Definition and classification of blending
6 Linguists generally agree on the definition of lexical blending as the merging of two (or
more) lexemes into one involving partial loss of the phonological and/or graphic
material of at least one of them, as in smaze sm(oke) + (h)aze, with partial drop of
both source words. Frequently, there is an overlap between the source words, as in
boatel boat
+ hotel, with overlap of the phonemes /əʊt/ which favours the fusion.
Connolly [2013: 3] respectively calls these two types “substitution blends” and “overlap
7 A different terminological distinction is provided by Ronneberger-Sibold [2006: 155],
who classifies blends according to their degree of transparency, from very transparent
“telescope blends” (e.g. G. Amtsschimmelpilz ‘red tape fungus’ Amtsschimmel +
Schimmelpilz) to completely opaque “fragment blends” (e.g. Cujasuma ‘a brand of
tobacco’ Cuba + Java + Sumatra). Three-member blends are infrequent in English (an
example is turducken ‘a poultry dish’ turkey + duck + chicken).
8 Finally, we can classify blends according to a semantic criterion, differentiating the
‘coordinate’ type (frenemy is both ‘friend’ and ‘enemy’) from the ‘headed’ or
‘attributive’ type (e.g. slimnastics is ‘gymnastics that slim you down’). In the headed
type, the right constituent (gymnastics) acts as head and therefore carries a greater
semantic weight than the left one (slimming).
1.2. Blends vis-à-vis other morphological categories
9 While different labels and classifications abound in the literature, scholars also
disagree on the distinction between blends and other neighbouring morphological
categories, especially clipped compounds (e.g. froyo frozen yogurt) and secreted
affixes (e.g. -aholic alcoholic in shopaholic). It is often remarked that blending can be
compared to compounding because it combines two (or more) base lexemes in order to
form a new one [Bauer & Huddleston 2002: 1636; Gries 2004: 639]. However, whereas
compounding is generally regarded as a regular, productive process, blending is viewed
as “irregular and unpredictable” [Connolly 2013: 3]. This is mainly due to the fact that
compounding combines words, whereas blending combines word parts [Kemmer
2003: 75] and its output is not regularly and transparently analyzable into morphemes
[Bauer 1983: 234].
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10 This difficulty in identifying regularities in blends has led Laurie Bauer to list
prototypical phonological, structural and semantic features as “defeasible constraints”
for blends’ description, i.e. discriminating between the core and the periphery of
blends, thereafter concluding that “the category is a fuzzy one” [Bauer 2012: 11, 21; cf.
formal, semantic and syntactic properties in Cannon 2000]. Bat-El [2006: 66], instead,
provides a narrow definition of blends, which according to her “refer only to cases
where the inner edges are truncated” (e.g. Oxbridge Ox(ford) + (Cam)bridge, jazzercise
jazz + (ex)ercise). This definition excludes from the category of blending forms where
the right edges of two words are truncated (e.g. sitcom sit(uation) + com(edy)) or
where only the first word undergoes truncation (e.g. mocamp mo(tor) + camp), which
rather belong to the category of clipped compounds [Bat-El 2006]. In general, a clipped
compound differs from a blend because it is attested as compound before being
shortened. Thus, while *jazz exercise is not attested in this full form, only the blend
jazzercise [1976] is, sitcom [1964] is shortened from the compound situation comedy [1953]
and mocamp [1967] is a clipped compound from motor camp [1925].
11 In this paper, we do not adopt Bat-El’s narrow definition, but rather extend blending to
a broader category which also includes the ‘intercalative’ type (e.g. ambisextrous, where
sex is intercalated within ambi(dex)drous) [Kemmer 2003: 72] and the type obtained
from two word beginnings (e.g. modem mo(dulator) + dem(odulator)), although these
are rarer than the prototypical type merging the beginning of one word with the end of
another (e.g. gasohol gas(oline) + (alc)ohol). The only restriction for blends seems to
be that “the beginning of a blend cannot be the end of a word, e.g. *glyson for ‘ugly
person’.” [Lehrer 1996: 364] (however, cf. the clipped compound blog weblog).
12 Another fundamental distinction is between blending and combining forms (or
secreted affixes). Fradin [2000: 46-47], for instance, has provided criteria to
discriminate between these two morphological categories. Phonologically, combining
forms are obtained by shortening the beginning or the end of a lexeme (e.g. -ware
(soft)ware in freeware, or eco- eco(logy) in ecotourism), whereas there are numerous
patterns in blend formation (as shown above). Semantically, while in blends the
semantic content of the components is kept intact, in secreted affixation some
semantic elements are kept and others discarded (cf. “secretion” vs. “abbreviation” in
Warren [1990: 119]). Thus, boatel ‘boat which functions as a hotel’ is a blend, while
shopaholic ‘compulsive shopper’ is a secreted formation obtained by discarding the
semantic element ‘alcohol’ from alcoholic. Therefore, secreted affixing also involves
abstraction i.e. -(a)holic conveys the meaning ‘person addicted to the thing, activity,
etc., expressed by the first element’ (e.g. shopping) – while blending does not.
13 The distinction between compounds, combining forms, and blends leads us to a more
general tripartition which is elaborated within the framework of Natural Morphology
(esp. in Dressler [2000]), i.e. “grammatical” vs. “marginal” vs. “extra-grammatical”
morphology. In this framework, compounds like situation comedy belong to grammatical
morphology because they are regularly formed according to word-formation rules and
their outputs are fully predictable from their inputs (in this case, [situation]
). Combining forms like -(a)holic instead belong to marginal (but still
grammatical) morphology, in that they are non-prototypical (i.e. at the boundaries) of
morphology [Dressler 2000: 6-7]. In particular, they are transitional between two
subcomponents of morphology (i.e. derivation and compounding), depending on
whether we consider combining forms to be bound or free morphemes. In the OED, for
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instance, -(a)holic is labelled “suffix” and the outputs foodaholic, newsaholic, shopaholic,
spendaholic, workaholic, etc. are regularly created from it. Finally, blending, like clipped
compounding (the sitcom type), is a creative technique which Ronneberger-Sibold
[2010: 201] includes among “intentional extragrammatical operations”, as opposed to
“unintentional” ones occurring, e.g., during first language acquisition or in speech-
errors. The use of extra-grammatical operations for the creation of new lexemes is
termed “word creation” by Ronneberger-Sibold [2010: 201], as opposed to regular
word-formation. Accordingly, blending is viewed as part of word-creation, rather than
as a regular process of word-formation. For example, blends like smaze and boatel are
dismissed from morphological grammar because their input does not allow a prediction
of a regular output like rules do, or their output is only partially predictable on account
of some sub-regularities or preferences for prototypicality [Mattiello 2013].
14 However, a subtler distinction should be made between new blends that are single
formations created after a model word e.g., boatel is created after the model of motel
( motor + hotel) and new blends that follow a schema model. Indeed, there are some
blend “splinters” [Lehrer 1996, 2007] which recur frequently in novel coinages, thus
showing a tendency towards regularity [Mattiello 2018] and productivity [Plag 1999;
Bauer 2001; Bauer et al. 2013]. For instance, attributive blends such as eatertainment,
irritainment, and shoppertainment exhibit a splinter -tainment (shortened from
entertainment) which is also found in earlier docutainment, edutainment, and infotainment.
15 In the present study, new blends with recurring splinters such as -tainment are included
within “paradigmatic morphology” [Bauer et al. 2013], in that they suggest an analysis
in terms of paradigmatic substitution or analogy. In particular, while boatel belongs to
“surface analogy”, based on a unique model, eatertainment and the like belong to
“analogy via schema”, with a set of prototype words as model [Mattiello 2017; see
“schema” in Köpcke 1993; cf. “schemas” and “subschemas” within Booij’s 2010
Construction Morphology]. In this study, the delimitation between productive and
unproductive splinters in blending will be supported by a corpus investigation.
1.3. Contexts and recognition of new lexical blends
16 Another issue which will be addressed in this paper concerns the contexts where new
English blends are created and employed, as well as their naming function, especially in
specialized domains. In the literature, Thornton [1993: 148] has claimed that in Italian
“[t]he formation of blends is scarcely productive”, mainly limited to designate entities
such as companies, associations, unions, alloys, synthetic textiles, chemicals, and
hybrids in general. She added that the creation of blends is favoured by the iconicity
principle of Natural Morphology: i.e., the mixture of alloys, chemicals, etc. (signatum) is
iconically reflected by the mixture in the process of formation of their names (signans).
This favours the use of blends with a labelling function.
17 Similar conclusions are drawn by Ronneberger-Sibold [2006: 161] for German: “a strong
formal amalgamation of the blended words can mirror a corresponding fusion of their
referents”. For instance, substances consisting of several amalgamated ingredients are
iconically named by amalgamated nouns, such as the blend smog smoke + fog. In her
view, this iconicity is chiefly illustrated by brand names, which are generally created to
impress listeners, and by pharmaceutical products, which often have scientific names
reminiscent of the chemicals making them up. Ronneberger-Sibold [2010: 206-207] also
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claims that, in general, word-creation is used in the realms of humorous literature – i.e.
literature for children or texts for adults, whose aim is to amuse their listeners or
readers and of advertising, where the shape of a word can attract the attention of
potential customers.
18 In a study on novel English blends, Lehrer [2007: 128] has similarly remarked that
“[t]he commonest places for blends to occur are in product names, advertisements,
newspaper and magazine headlines and titles”. According to her, the creation of blends
is mainly motivated by the goal to call the reader’s attention to the product, news item,
etc. and elicit his/her favourable response, such as remembering the product name,
buying it, reading the news piece, etc. However, Lehrer [2007: 129] also notes the
ephemeral nature of most blends, which are often intended to be “nonce formsitems
produced for a specific context and occasion”. In connection with this, we assume that,
while blends created in familiar, jocular or humorous contexts may be short-lived ad
hoc creations, those formed in specialized contexts, such as pharmacy, biology, or
information technology, are more stable formations that experts adopt for their
efficiency (Language Economy Principle) and effectiveness (Iconicity Principle).
19 The demarcation line between ‘nonce’ blends (or occasionalisms) and proper
‘neologisms’, i.e. intended to enter the lexical stock of a language, is also related to the
role of blending in lexical innovation and in the overall process of language change
[Connolly 2013; cf. Milroy 1992; Brinton & Traugott 2005]. While the frequent
emergence of new lexical blends in English (Figure 1) suggests that blending is a
common process for the creation of new linguistic material (innovation), the
proliferation among wider groups of speakers (adoption) might not be homogeneous
for all innovative lexical items. Experiments have demonstrated that there is no
general consensus of the “adoptability” of innovative blends by native speakers
[Connolly 2013: 3].
20 According to Connolly [2013: 12]:
The accessibility of the meaning of an innovative blend appears to play some role in
whether or not it is adopted, but the perceived prestige and utility of the form must
also be taken into account.
21 From this claim, we gather that the spread and recognition of lexical blends are mainly
motivated by three factors. First, new lexical blends are widely accepted if their source
lexemes are easily accessible (recognizable) and their meaning straightforwardly
assigned. Second, their adoption is favoured by prestige, that is new lexical blends that
are indicative of a prestigious norm of speech will be more likely to be adopted than
those that are not. However, a substandard unit may also become lexicalized because it
is amusing, humorous, or sarcastic. Third, new lexical blends are especially adopted if
speakers perceive the utility of the form, e.g., to cover a conceptual or lexical gap in the
language, or to produce a stylistic or textual effect.
22 In this paper, quantitative data will be used to 1) discriminate between nonce blends
and blend neologisms, and 2) identify the preferential contexts and domains where
blends are created, recognized, and adopted. Section 2 explains how data was collected
and analyzed.
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2. Data collection and method
23 The data collected for this study was drawn from the online edition of the OED. For the
selection of relevant data, the advanced search tool available on the OED platform was
used. The parameters of selection were the formation process involved and the
attestation date. First, the filter ‘blend’ in the etymology slot gave us 632 instances of
blending in the overall dictionary (or, at least, those which have been labelled blends
by lexicographers). Then, the entries were chronologically ordered from Early Old
English to the present time. This ordering showed that a substantial distribution of
English blends especially occurred after 1950 (see Figure 1), although there were no
contemporary examples dated after 2010. The filter ‘1950-today’ restricted the set to
264 results, which appeared to be a representative collection of novel English blends for
our goals. The collection was finally cleaned via close reading of each entry. Closer
examination allowed us to exclude:
Abbreviations from phrases: e.g., Amex Am
erican Stock Exchange.
Forms with affixes or combining forms: e.g., poofteroo poofter + suffix -eroo, Neorican
neo- + Rican.
Word parts: e.g., -bot robot, -rific terrific. Although some blends are obtained from these
splinters (e.g. mobot mobile + robot, yogarific yoga + terrific), the blends which were not
attested as separate entries in the OED were not included in the database, because they
could not be retrieved systematically.
Words whose origin is only analogical: e.g., outro is analogically coined after reanalysis of
intro as a complex word in + tro, not a blend of out and intro.
Words whose origin was uncertain: e.g., scuzz might be either an abbreviation from
disgusting or a blend from scum and fuzz.
24 The final database consists of 245 English blends, including 209 nouns (85%), 32
adjectives (13%), and 4 (1.6%) verbs. Among the nouns, 48 are spelt with initial capital
letters. In other words, 23% of the nouns are proprietary or proper names. These
percentages correspond to a scale of different referents and functions in blending
Common nouns 65.7% > Names 19.6% > Adjectives 13% > Verbs 1.6%
General denomination > Labelling > Description of qualities > Reference to actions/
25 Hence, preliminary quantitative results suggest that the denomination/labelling
functions of blends prevail over the description of qualities or reference to actions.
Needless to say, these results are also influenced by the larger size of the syntactic
category of nouns vs. other word classes (verbs, adjectives, adverbs) in the English
26 In addition, lexicographic examination provided useful information about 1) the
register of the selected blends (esp. ‘colloquial’/‘slang’ vs. specialized fields), 2) the
status of the words (e.g. ‘nonce-words’, ‘temporary words’, only one ‘historical’), and 3)
the connotation of the words, sometimes described as ‘derogatory’, ‘depreciative’,
‘humorous’, or ‘jocular’.
27 As for the methodology, a data-driven approach was combined with a corpus-based
investigation. The corpora of English selected for the analysis are freely available at
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Brigham Young University website (http://corpus.byu.edu), where they were created
by Mark Davies:
Corpus of Contemporary American English [1990-2017, henceforth, COCA], which contains more
than 560 million words with different genres of texts (spoken, fiction, popular magazines,
newspapers, and academic) (last accessed April 2019);
News on the Web Corpus [2010-present, henceforth, NOW], which contains 6.9 billion words of
data from web-based newspapers and magazines (last accessed April 2019).
28 Given the different size of the two corpora, token frequencies were normalized for the
quantitative goals. Both raw and per million word frequencies were checked for all
blends in the two corpora. However, in frequency assessment, some occurrences had to
be excluded because of their irrelevance to a study on blends. For instance, the
ambiguity of the words chugger, faction, shim, and wuss gave many occurrences as
results, both in COCA and in NOW, but not all of them corresponded to the blends in our
database from, respectively, charity + mugger, fact + fiction, she + him, and wimp + puss.
Other items excluded from quantitative results were personal names or names of
companies in the corpora (Picon, Uniterm, Swingle, Skitch), which obviously did not
match with the nouns picon ( picture + icon), uniterm ( unit + term), swingle (
swinging + single), and the verb skitch ( ski / skate + hitch) in our database. Finally, the
blend nerk ( nerd + berk / jerk) was not included in counts because, in COCA, it only
occurs as an acronym from ‘Never Eat Road Kill’, and occurrences of melded were
rejected because they were past forms of meld instead of adjectives/past participles. For
all of these reasons, the above-mentioned blends were not considered to discriminate
between nonce formations and well-established neologisms.
29 In Section 3, results from quantitative investigation (§ 3.1.) will be supported by a
qualitative analysis of the data in its contexts of use (§ 3.2.). Analogical blends and
recurrent splinters will be considered in sub-section 3.3. A general discussion of results
will follow in sub-section 3.4.
3. Analysis, results, and discussion
3.1. Nonce words vs. neologisms
30 In this sub-section, a quantitative analysis of the new blends in our database is carried
out in order to distinguish nonce blends from blend neologisms, and thus investigate
how blending contributes to the process of lexicalization [Blank 2001: 1605-1606;
Brinton & Traugott 2005: 41]. In general, both nonce formations and neologisms are
considered innovations of a language. Specifically, a “nonce formation” is “a new
complex word coined by a speaker/writer on the spur of the moment to cover some
immediate need” [Bauer 1983: 45]. If it remains a single instance in the historical
record, it is named “hapax legomenon” [Brinton & Traugott 2005: 45]. By contrast, if it
“comes to be accepted by part or all of the speech community”, it becomes a
“neologism” [Brinton & Traugott 2005: 45]. Besides becoming relatively independent of
context, a neologism is lexicalized, i.e. accepted into the lexicon of a language, and
institutionalized, i.e. spread in the language of a community and established as the
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3.1.1. Nonce blends
31 In our database, 25 examples of blending (10%) are only attested in the OED, but
unattested in the two corpora of English explored. Table 1 reports a sample (ten
instances) of such nonce blends (all nouns except one adjective), followed by their
source words, date/meaning, and a contextualized example taken from the OED quotes.
The blends are arranged in chronological progression.
Table 1: Nonce blends in the OED
Blend Source words Date/Meaning Example
cozzer (n.)
copper + rozzer
[1950] a policeman; a
I don’t know any cozzer who
would have tackled us, mob-
handed as we were. (OED, 1955)
squoggy (adj.)
quaggy + soggy [1950] wet and miry
The ground’s too squoggy to tell
whether they’re male or female.
(OED, 1950)
saccharine +
[1951] a lumbering
person with an
excessively effusive
The saccharine of false purity
exuded from every pore of this
saccarhinoceros advocate of
virtue. (OED, 1951)
utopiate (n.)
utopia + opiate
[1964] a hallucinogen
which induces
fantasies or visions of
a perfect existence
Their interest in psychedelics and
utopiates seems to have been
borrowed from the hippie
subculture. (OED, 2004)
advertique (n.)
advertisement +
[1968] a piece of early
advertising material
There will be ‘advertiques such as
classic Coca-Cola signs and beer-
logo items. (OED, 1994)
computeracy (n.)
computer +
(cf. the adj.
computerate in
Table 2)
[1969] knowledge of or
skill in using
Their computeracy will provide
the basis for subsequent training,
retraining and the career changes
which will become increasingly
necessary. (OED, 1981)
vestock (n.)
vest + stock
[1975] a clerical stock
that extends to the
The vestock can be described as a
sort of black bib, with a hard
upstanding collar round at the
front. (OED, 1975)
hoolivan (n.)
hooligan + van
[1985] a type of police
van carrying
photographic and
video equipment for
observing crowd
The hoolivan designed to detect
trouble-makers in football crowds,
was unveiled at the Chelsea-Luton
match at Stamford Bridge last
night. (OED, 1985)
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monergy (n.)
money + energy
[1985] expenditure on
They ran a major awareness
campaign called Monergy in 1986,
which was Energy Efficiency Year.
(OED, 1992)
gengineer (n.)
genetic +
[1987] a scientist who
works in the field of
genetic engineering
Biotechnologists, as the earliest
gengineers were called, had no
idea that their work would prove
so fruitful. (OED, 1987)
32 Although the blends in Table 1 are distributed between 1950 and 1987, it is not
surprising that all of them are attested before 1990. This suggests that they have not
survived more recent times. One of the blends (i.e. saccharhinoceros) is defined as a
‘nonce-word’ by the OED lexicographers themselves.
33 Table 2 instead reports a sample of ten blends for which either/both COCA or/and NOW
display few occurrences, specified in the fourth column (raw/pmw frequency). 65
instances in our database (26.5%) belong to this category.
Table 2: Nonce blends in COCA and NOW
legality /
legal +
[1959] favouring
legislation as the
best means of
bringing about
greater social
[…] they have a legalitarian
standing before the law and
human conscience to pursue their
right to self-determination.
(NOW, 2017)
moon +
[1962] lunar
regarded as a
frivolous waste of
money or time
[…] communitarian theorist
Amitai Etzioni was calling lunar
obsession a moondoggle”…
(COCA, 2008)
acronym +
[1968] fervent or
enthusiasm for
the use of
acronyms or
It also pioneered modern
acronymania: its divisions were
AMX (the DSP), PMX (publisher
exchange) and MMX (network
media exchange). (NOW, 2017)
replicar (n.)
replica + car
[1968] a full-sized,
functional replica
of a vintage or
classic car
Still, he’s had some experience in
the replicar realm with his
home-built Ferrari 250 GTO.
(NOW, 2013)
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(n., adj.)
New York +
Puerto Rican
[1974] a Puerto
Rican native to or
inhabiting New
York City
[1978] of or
relating to
Trio New York was formed in
1994 by Guillermo Colon (leader,
second voice and second guitar),
creating the sound of traditional
Puerto Rican jibaro music with a
Newyorican urban feel. (NOW,
magazine +
[1978] a (usually
free) promotional
designed to
resemble a high-
quality magazine
It’s also known for the Christmas
Book, a magalogue filled with
extravagant his-and-her gifts,
such as airplanes and submarines.
(COCA, 2007)
chemical +
[1981] the
practice of
chemicals to
crops by means of
irrigation water
Herbicides can also be delivered
through irrigation systems
(chemigation). (NOW, 2017)
computer +
[1981] familiar
with or skilled in
the use of
Najib revealed that computerate
corporate ownership was merely
10% and yet to achieve a target of
at least 30%. (NOW, 2013)
Squarial (n.)
square +
[1988] a
proprietary name
for a type of
dish aerial for
receiving satellite
History of BSkyB: when the ‘
squarialmet the dish British Sky
Broadcasting (BSkyB) was
created… (NOW, 2011)
web +
[1995] a list of
electronic works
relating to a
particular topic
Volume 2 contains a lengthy
bibliography and webliography
of additional resources. (COCA,
34 The blends reported in Table 2 are first attested in the 1950s-1990s in the OED, but they
also occur more recently in COCA and NOW. However, these blends have been
considered nonce blends because their normalized frequency is no higher than 0.00
(max. 1 occ. in COCA or 1-4 occ. in NOW). One of them (i.e. Squarial) has been labelled
‘temporary’ in the OED.
35 Other blends in our database display the same low frequency in corpora: e.g., the
adjective sexploitative [1973] ( sex + exploitative) occurs only once in NOW, but the
related noun sexploitation ‘sexual exploitation’ already existed in 1924 and has a current
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raw frequency of 185 occ. (0.03 pmw) in NOW (see also the noun sexploit [1960] ‘sexual
exploit’, 3/0.00 occ. in NOW).
36 Similarly, the adjective televangelical [1976] ( television + evangelical) occurs only once
in COCA, but the occurrences of the nouns televangelism [1958] (30/0.05 in COCA, 78/0.01
in NOW) and televangelist [1973] (167/0.30 in COCA, 1,494/0.27 in NOW) are undeniably
higher. The existence of word families of blends including derived nouns and adjectives
is also symptomatic of the productivity of the process and of the stability of the
3.1.2. Blend neologisms
37 Blend neologisms are more difficult to ascertain. In order to be considered a lexicalized
word, the new blend should display high raw/normalized frequency in corpora. Table 3
only reports the blends whose normalized frequency is higher than 0.10 pmw in at least
one (but preferentially both) of the corpora checked (overall 42 instances/17% in our
These are considered to be the ideal candidates for lexicalization/
institutionalization in English.
Table 3: Blend neologisms in COCA and NOW
Muppet (n.)
marionette +
[1955] any of a
number of
grotesque glove
puppets and
developed by
There’s a wonderful
interactive “create your own
Muppet display… (COCA,
deca- ‘ten’ +
+ methyl +
[1958] a synthetic
C22H29FO5, which
cortisone in its
effects and is used
as an anti-
Global effects of a synthetic
GR ligand Dexamethasone
(Dex) have been studied in
cells treated with Dex prior to
or together with an
inflammatory stimulus.
(COCA, 2017)
cyborg (n.)
cybernetic +
[1960] a person
whose physical
tolerances or
capabilities are
extended beyond
normal human
limitations by a
It was a prototype, cyborg,
self-repairing, able to train its
own caretakers. (COCA, 2017)
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stagflation (n.)
stagnation +
[1965] a state of
the economy in
which stagnant
demand is
accompanied by
severe inflation
The CED’s influence and
membership declined in the
stagflation era of 1973 to
1980, when the Business
Roundtable supplanted it as
the leading spokesman for big
business. (COCA, 2017)
Reagan +
[1970] the
economic policies
of Reagan
The Republican base was
always wary of George H.W.
Bush. In 1980, he called
Reaganomics voodoo
economics. (COCA, 2015)
television +
[1973] an
preacher who
appears regularly
on television to
preach and appeal
for funds
We were saying Mark Burns is
the pastor, the televangelist
with the Now Network,
because we jumped the gun.
(COCA, 2016)
brainiac (n.,
brain +
[1975] a very
intelligent person;
an expert
[1976] very
intelligent or
She is a brainiac, wicked
smart, or as the Scots would
say, wicked smart. (COCA,
Bollywood (n.)
Bombay +
[1976] the Indian
film industry,
based in Mumbai
She knew Sweetie had pulled
every string he could to get
her the audition with
Bollywood’s top dance
troupe. (COCA, 2017)
bromance (n.)
bro +
[2001] intimate
and affectionate
between men
Yes, the least the least
convincing bromance of all
time is Donald Trump and
Mitch McConnell. (COCA,
burkini (n.)
burka +
[2002] a type of
swimsuit for
women which
covers the head
and body
She was also the first woman
to wear a burkini during the
swimsuit portion of the event.
(COCA, 2017)
38 The blends reported in Table 3 are distributed from 1955 to 2002. Their high frequency
in corpora suggests a status as ‘neologisms’. The specialization of some of them e.g.,
dexamethasone is used in Pharmacology, cyborg belongs to Cybernetics and thence to
science fiction, stagflation to the field of Economics, Reaganomics to Politics – guarantees
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that they have been accepted at least within their respective specialized communities
of experts. The acceptability and spread of the other blends may be instead linked to
their dissemination through the media: e.g., Muppet and televangelist are heard in
television, Bollywood is linked to the cinema industry, and burkini has recently heated
religious discussions in the news.
39 A more systematic examination of the registers, contexts, and functions of new blends
in English can help us corroborate the impact of blending on the innovation and
lexicalization processes.
3.2. Registers, contexts, and functions of new blends
3.2.1. Registers
40 In our database, the prevailing registers of blend lexemes include slang (i.e. language of
a highly colloquial type, considered as below the level of standard educated speech)
(7.3%) and colloquial (i.e. informal) language (7%), on the one hand, and specialized
language and jargon (24.5%) on the other.
Slang: slang blends are often employed by speakers who intend to catch the reader/hearer’s
attention with their colourful language, to be humorous, jocular, or otherwise by those who
aim at mocking, offending others by using a sarcastic or derisive tone. Novel instances
include: chugger / chugging ( charity + mugger / mugging), cozzer ( copper + rozzer), feminazi
( feminist + Nazi), gaydar ( gay + acronym radar), kideo ( kid + video), ragazine ( rag +
magazine), skeeze ( skank + sleaze), skitch ( ski / skate + hitch), snarfle ( snarf + snaffle /
snuffle), and ultraviolation ( ultraviolet + violation). Some slang blends display a derogatory
character (e.g. himbo ‘an attractive but unintelligent young man’ him + bimbo, brainiac ‘a
depreciative word for a very intelligent person’ brain + maniac), or are even taboo words
(fugly ‘very ugly’ fucking + ugly, Masshole ‘a term of contempt for a native of the state of
Massachusetts’ Massachusetts + asshole). Others are mere innovative original forms used by
the young (e.g. fantabulous fantastic + fabulous), or originated in the context of hip-hop
music (e.g. crunk ‘exciting or fun’ crazy + drunk).
Colloquial language: colloquial blends have a familiar flavour, which is typical of informal
registers. They include: blaxploitation ( black + exploitation), bromance ( bro + romance),
buppie ( black + acronym yuppie), Cassingle ( cassette + single), gayby boom ( gay + baby
boom), Mockney ( mock + Cockney), sexploit / sexploitative ( sex + exploit / exploitative),
Trustafarian ( trust fund + Rastafarian), and wuss ( wimp + puss). Familiar blends, such as
the form of address glam-ma ( glamour(ous) + grandma), add to other humorous nicknames,
such as Socceroos ( soccer + kangaroo) for ‘the Australian national soccer team’, or Taffia ‘any
supposed network of prominent or influential Welsh people’, from Taffy ‘familiar nickname
for a Welshman’ and mafia.
Specialized language: specialized or domain-specific blends belong to a variety of different
fields and sub-fields:
Some belong to the areas of Economics (slumpflation slump + inflation), Business
(adhocracy / adhocratic ad hoc + bureaucracy / bureaucratic, flexecutive flexible +
executive, freemium free + premium, glocal global + local), and Law (legalitarian
legality / legal + egalitarian).
Several others are used in Politics (Clintonomics Clinton + economics, commentariat
commentary + proletariat, dissensus dissent + consensus, hacktivism / hacktivist hack +
activism / activist, militician military + politician, politicide political + homicide,
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preferendum preference + referendum, selectorate selector + electorate, slacktivism /
slacktivist slack + activism / activist, veepstakes veep + sweepstakes, priviligentsia
privilege + intelligentsia).
The scientific domain also provides a range of blends which pertain to Mathematics
(diffeomorphism / diffeomorphic differentiable + homoeomorphism / homoeomorphic, flexagon
flex + hexagon), Biology (algeny alchemy + gene, cybrid cytoplasmic + hybrid),
Chemistry (dielectrophoresis dielectric + electrophoresis), Biochemistry (ubiquinone
ubiquitous + quinone), Pharmacology (artemisinin artemisia + quinine, cephaloridine
cephalosporin + pyridine, nitrofurantoin nitrofuran + hydantoin), Surgery (dermabrasion
Greek δέρμα ‘skin’ + abrasion), and Genetics (biolistic biological + ballistic).
The technological arena ranges from Computing (Centronics centre / central + electronics,
Internaut Internet + astronaut, knowbot know + robot, netiquette net + etiquette, netizen
net + citizen, Quotron quotation + electron, Usenet use + network) to Electronics
(molectronics molecular + electronics, rectenna rectifying + antenna), from Cybernetics
(cyborg) to Aeronautics (taileron tail + aileron).
Domain-specific blends belong to Film/Television/Broadcasting (animatic animated +
schematic, Britcom British + comedy, Japanimation Japan + animation, synthespian
synthetic + Thespian), Science Fiction (gengineering / gengineer genetic + engineering /
engineer, plasteel plastic + steel), Telecommunications (teletex telex + text), Architecture
(Populuxe popularity + Fr. luxe), and Nautical (Panamax ‘a class of cargo ship’ Panama
(Canal) + max).
Minor domains include: Agriculture (chemigation chemical + irrigation, fertigation
fertilizer + irrigation), Palaeography (expunctuation expunction + punctuation), and Geology
(volcaniclastic volcanic + clastic).
41 Specialized contexts especially favour the creation of blends whose form mirrors their
meaning. The iconicity of blends is especially evident in pharmacology, where names of
substances (artemisinin, nitrofurantoin) refer to mixtures, combinations, fusions, but also
in television and broadcasting, where an informercial ( information + commercial) is ‘an
advertisement which promotes a product, service, etc., in an informative style’, or in
publishing, where a magalogue is ‘a promotional catalogue designed to resemble a high-
quality magazine’.
3.2.2. Contexts and functions/effects
42 Blends can be found in heterogeneous contexts and used in different circumstances,
depending on their formal or informal nature, on the effects that they are meant to
produce, and on the goals that speakers intend to achieve through them.
43 In magazine and news articles, for example, creative blends are used to catch readers’
attention and encourage them in reading the whole news items. Examples (1) and (2)
are both extracts from magazines:
(1) […] she sent a sext ‘sex + text’ from the presidential Twitter account.
(COCA, 2016)
(2) Ariela Barer will play Gert, “a purple-haired, bespectacled, contemporary
riot grrrl” ‘grrr + girl’ with a strong sense of social justice. (COCA, 2017)
44 where sext refers to ‘a sexually suggestive message sent electronically’ and grrrl
designates ‘a young woman perceived as strong and aggressive’. Readers will be
particularly attracted by the originality of these expressions, and their attention will be
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focused on the fact that the text is on sexually-related topics (sext), or that the
character of the grrrl with the interjection grrr jocularly alluding, by alliteration, to
her name Gert – expresses feminine independence, fierceness, and liveliness.
45 Informal contexts favour blend creation with the aim of creating intimacy within a
group, such as surfers:
(3) […] they were interested and in 1965 organized a surfari‘surf + safari’
to the west of Ireland. (NOW, 2010)
46 who use surfari to indicate ‘a journey made in search of good conditions for surfing’.
47 By contrast, specialized contexts favour blend formations for other reasons: e.g., in
(4) Populuxe ‘popularity + luxe’ American luxury for the masses sent the
wealthy looking to Europe… (COCA, 1996)
48 the blend Populuxe, derived from popularity and luxe ‘luxury’, perhaps with an allusion
to pop art, has an aesthetic function. It indeed refers to ‘a style of architecture and
home furnishings design characterized by futuristic shapes and ornamentation’. Hence,
the embellishment and originality of the blend form, purposely coined to designate a
revolutionary architectural style, may reflect the design of the buildings in this style.
49 In the fields of politics and economics, blends may refer to specific phenomena, events,
or trends:
(5) People thought Reaganomics ‘Reagan + economics’ were good, but
Clintonomics ‘Clinton + economics’ is – is proving much better. (COCA, 1999)
(6) Trumpflation ‘Trump + inflation’ becomes Slumpflation ‘slump +
inflation’ as political uncertainty sees oil come to its senses and follow gold
higher. (NOW, 2017)
50 In (5), for instance, the political blends Reaganomics and Clintonomics denote two U.S.
Presidents’ (Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton) economic policies, while in (6) Trumpflation
is a novel term created after slumpflation [1974] referring to ‘a state of economic
depression’. In specialized domains, the creation of new blends appears to be more
regular: e.g., the target word Clintonomics [1992] is analogically coined after the model
Reaganomics [1970], and the nonce form Trumpflation is modelled on earlier stagflation
[1965] and slumpflation [1974], the latter anaphorically following the target in (6)
(Mattiello 2017; more on analogy in § 3.3.).
51 Technological settings, such as computing and the Internet, can also accommodate
novel blends, as in:
(7) The unit introduces students to the structure of blogs, the concept of a
world-wide audience, and general netiquette ‘net + etiquette’ policies.
(COCA, 2012)
(8) Kahn […] is the co-inventor of Knowbot ‘know + robot’ programmes
mobile software agents in the network environment. (NOW, 2015)
52 where netiquette alludes to ‘the behaviour of Internet users’ (cf. netizen) and knowbot
denotes ‘a type of automated program or (Internet) software’ (cf. infobot).
53 Overall, in specialized environments, new blends have the function of creating
cohesion among experts, as well as designating specific referents by means of efficient
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54 The denomination/labelling function, however, is the most noticeable in our database,
where new blends give names to language varieties, such as African-American English
(Ebonics), or jocular accents imitating London Cockney (mockney):
(9) He had no idea how to speak Spanish, didn’t speak Ebonics ‘ebony +
phonics’, either. (COCA, 2017)
(10) These scenes, and the mockney ‘mock + Cockney’ chants of “Who are
ya?”, were widely derided as the work of wannabes posturing for the day.
(NOW, 2018)
55 Blends are also used to refer to new types of music, such as soca, a variety of calypso (cf.
rapso rap + calypso), or hip-hopera, combining the two genres:
(11) Add in calypso and soca ‘soul + calypso’ music, and you have a recipe for
success week after week... and year after year; the event dates to 2000.
(COCA, 2011)
(12) Years ago, someone (was it the Fat Boys?) attempted “hip-hopera” ‘hip-
hop + opera’. (COCA, 1999)
56 Many novel forms of entertainment are given blend names. Octopush, for instance, is ‘a
game similar to ice hockey in which a weight is pushed along on the bottom of a
swimming pool by two rival teams of divers’:
(13) He needed a sport that could be played in a pool; his idea, a game called
Octopush,” ‘octopus + push’ began to spread. (NOW, 2013)
57 and glamping is a new form of ‘camping that involves accommodation and facilities
more luxurious than those associated with traditional camping’:
(14) Let’s talk about glamping ‘glamorous + camping’. I know Beyonce and
Jay-Z do it. (COCA, 2016)
58 One can also appreciate the ‘new form of animated films produced using the graphics
engine from a video game’ (machinima):
(15) […] their storyboarding, recorded video in Second Life in a machinima
‘machine + cinema’ format, and constructed three-dimensional “emotional
spaces” called Storyworlds. (COCA, 2009)
59 or enjoy ‘episodes of a comedy series, which are made available online’ (webisodes):
(16) Nimbus became one of the early experimenters with the short online
film, or “webisode” ‘web + episode’. (COCA, 2012)
60 Tourism ‘in which travellers spend time doing voluntary work’ is now called
(17) Still, so-called voluntourism ‘volunteer + tourism’ is a tricky business.
(COCA, 2013)
61 and ‘a person who follows a primarily but not strictly vegetarian diet’ is a flexitarian:
(18) If these facts have persuaded you to eat less meat, and to choose
pastured or grass-fed when you do, then you’re on the brink of becoming a
flexitarian ‘flexible + vegetarian’. (COCA, 2014)
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62 while ‘a person who eats discarded food, typically collected from the refuse of shops or
restaurants’ is a freegan:
(19) Surplus vegetables collected by the freegan ‘free + vegan’ group were
redistributed to soup kitchens and community fridges. (NOW, 2018)
63 Fashion is another setting where new blend words may be coined, especially to find
names for garments which have a hybrid appearance, such as ‘a two-piece swimsuit for
women, consisting of a bikini bottom and a top part in the style of a tank top’ (tankini):
(20) A bold bronze tankini ‘tank top + bikini’ inspires body confidence and
attitude. (COCA, 2010)
64 or ‘a pair of shorts having a flap across the front to give the appearance of a skirt’
(21) I’m not a fashionista, as my current attire showed: denim skort ‘skirt +
short(s)’, sleeveless white shirt, casual sandals. (COCA, 2013)
65 Finally, hybrid animals, cross-breeds from two species, are given iconic names, such as
zonkey ‘the offspring of a zebra and a donkey’ (cf. zedonk, zebrule), beefalo ‘a cross-bred
livestock animal that is three-eighths bison and five-eighths domestic cow’ (cf. catalo),
or labradoodle ‘a dog cross-bred from a Labrador retriever and a poodle’:
(22) The two pen pals producing as zonkey ‘zebra + donkey’, a cross between
a zebra and a donkey… (COCA, 2013)
(23) The Fort served perfectly medium-rare beefalo ‘beef + buffalo’. (COCA,
(24) Only Sylvia’s not a woman she’s a dog; a labradoodle ‘Labrador +
poodle’, to be precise. (COCA, 2017):
66 The function of defining a new category of people (e.g. screenager or kidult) is less
common, and even rarer by using a blend adjective (computerate):
(25) A screenager’s ‘screen + teenager’ constant companion is the television
screen, which can be used to watch the news or a cartoon… (COCA, 1997)
(26) Many kidult ‘kid + adult’ use their savings to buy and display toys and
figurines that used to be their childhood fascination. (NOW, 2018)
(27) Najib revealed that computerate ‘computer + literate’ corporate
ownership was merely 10% and yet to achieve a target of at least 30%. (NOW,
67 New blend names are also given to towers (Skylon) and cities (Queuetopia, humorously
alluding to Great Britain’s queuing habits):
(28) Gazing out over the falls from the Skylon ‘sky + pylon’ Tower, travellers
can ride the elevator to the observation deck and enjoy a view over
American Falls, Bridal Veil Falls, and Horseshoe Falls. (NOW, 2018)
(29) In Queuetopia ‘queue + utopia’ Britain people are practically crazy
for queuing. (NOW, 2017)
68 In product and brand names, we find general instances, such as:
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(30) I got a koozie ‘cool + cosy’, a beer koozie, that says storm on it. (COCA,
(31) Amazon is reportedly developing a freemium ‘free + premium’ version
of Prime Video. (COCA, 2017)
69 But we also find trademarks of, especially, foods and drinks:
(32) Their Meritage
‘merit + heritage’ Espresso is the inspiration for
Rashelle’s creamy mousse. (COCA, 2011)
(33) […] a Pinot Noir with a Hermitage vine to develop the Pinotage
+ hermitage’, South Africa’s signature grape. (COCA, 2012)
(34) Add gin or vodka, dash of Tabasco, Worcestershire, Clamato
‘clam +
tomato’ juice and horseradish (optional). (NOW, 2018)
70 or other types of product:
(35) The Thinsulate
‘thin + insulate’ pants could not be doing much good
against the cold, because they left very little to the imagination. (COCA, 2016)
(36) “Psychedelicatessen
” ‘psychedelic + delicatessen’ – Advance tickets ($
12) for the Jan. 12 rave dance at International Ballroom are available at
Ticketmaster. (COCA, 1992)
(37) He wrote his first three books on an IBM Selectric
‘select + electric’
typewriter, which was more his style. (COCA, 2010)
71 Thus confirming the predominant role of blending for naming/labelling purposes, as
anticipated in § 2.
3.3. Blends and analogy
72 From the formal viewpoint, some blends can be accommodated within the model of
analogy in word-formation elaborated in Mattiello [2017]. In particular, this sub-
section is devoted to the distinction between blends that are analogical to a precise
model word sharing formal (morphotactic) and semantic similarity with it and
blends that are instead created after a series of words which act as schema model. The
former type is obtained by surface analogy (after Motsch’s [1981: 101]
“Oberflächenanalogie”) and the latter is created via a schema (cf. Köpcke [1993] for
“schema” in inflectional morphology). A schema does not have the same level of
abstraction as word-formation rules, but consists of two or more words which function
as concrete prototypes for novel formations.
3.3.1. Surface analogy
73 Bauer [1983: 96] defines an analogical formation as “a new formation clearly modelled
on one existing lexeme”. Compounds such as whitelist, coined after its antonym blacklist,
well illustrate this phenomenon. However, like compounds, new blends can also be
created on a precise model. Consider, for instance, the blends smaze ( smoke + haze)
and vog ( volcanic + fog), which have been coined after the exact model word smog (
smoke + fog), lexicalized in English. The similarity relation between model (smog) and
targets (smaze, vog) can be analyzed as a paradigmatic substitution in the equations:
smoke ˄ fog : smog = smoke ˄ haze : X (X = smaze)
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smoke ˄ fog : smog = volcanic ˄ fog : X (X = vog)
74 In these analogical proportions, the paradigmatic substitution of fog with haze gives the
blend smaze, while the replacement of smoke with volcanic gives vog. Both new blends
share with their model 1) a formal resemblance, merging a word beginning with a word
end, 2) a phonological resemblance (onset sm- /sm/ in the first blend and rhyme -og /
ɒɡ/ in the second blend), and a semantic similarity, in that, like smog, which iconically
refers tofog intensified by smoke’, smaze is ‘a mixture of smoke and haze and vog isfog
containing volcanic dust’. However, while smaze is, like smog, a coordinate blend
combining two nouns, vog is a headed blend, with an adjective (volcanic) modifying the
head fog. From the diachronic viewpoint, the targets smaze [1953] and vog [1969] follow
the model smog [1905].
75 Other novel blends in our database which are coined by surface analogy include:
blaxploitation [1972] ‘the exploitation of black people’ black + exploitation, after sexploitation
[1924] ‘sexual exploitation’ sex + exploitation;
Britcom [1977] ‘a comedy film produced in the United Kingdom’ sitcom [1964] ‘situation
comedy’, here the model is a clipped compound (cf. the analysis of Britcom as a blend from
British and sitcom; see also romcom [1971] ‘romantic comedy’);
Motopia [1959] ‘an urban environment designed to meet the needs of a pedestrian society by
strict limitation of the use of the motor car’ motor + utopia, after Subtopia [1955] ‘Suburbia
regarded as an undesirable or unattractive place to live’ suburb + utopia;
politicide [1967] ‘the killing of a particular group because of its political beliefs’ political +
homicide, after genocide [1944] ‘the deliberate and systematic extermination of an ethnic or
national group’ genus + homicide;
ragazine [1987] ‘a magazine of inferior quality’ colloquial rag + magazine, after fanzine
[1949] ‘a magazine for fans’ fanatic + magazine;
slumpflation [1974] slump + inflation, after stagflation [1965] stagnation + inflation (see §
threequel [1983] ‘the third of a sequence of films’ three + sequel, after prequel [1958] ‘a book,
film, etc., narrating events which precede those of an already existing work’ pre- + sequel
(with a substitution of the prefix pre- with the rhyming numeral three).
76 These examples show how analogy increases regularity and helps predictability in
blend formation. The type of blend obtained after a schema model is even more regular
and productive, in that it creates novel splinters.
3.3.2. Analogy via schema, series, and splinters
77 While Bauer [1983: 96] claims that analogy does not give rise to productive series and
Plag [1999: 210] argues that “analogical formations should be distinguished from
instantiations of productive word formation rules”, analogy via schema can originate
series, i.e. formations which share the same process. In particular, analogy can produce
novel “splinters”, defined by Bauer et al. [2013: 525] as “non-morphemic portions of a
word that have been split off and used in the formation of new words with a specific
new meaning”. Splinters can be obtained by mere abbreviation of a word, as in -ware (
software), used in the creation of freeware, shareware ‘software which is available free of
charge’, and vapourware ‘piece of software which, despite being publicized or marketed,
does not exist’, in which the meaning conveyed is that of the full form ‘software’.
Another way to obtain splinters is by secretion, i.e. reinterpretation of a word part. For
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instance, the splinter -gram ( telegram) has extended from the meaning ‘a message
sent by telegraph’ to ‘a message delivered by a representative of a commercial
greetings company, esp. one outrageously dressed to amuse or embarrass the
recipient’, as in kissogram ‘a greetings message delivered with a kiss’ or strippergram
‘message delivered by a performer of strip-tease’. Productive splinters in our database
-bot ( robot) ‘automated program which searches out information’, as in infobot [1986] ‘any
of various automated systems for obtaining information’, knowbot [1988] ‘program designed
to search and retrieve information from the Internet’, cancelbot [1993] ‘a program that
searches for and deletes specified postings from Internet newsgroups’, and the nonce words
searchbot, googlebot, etc. found in the OED.
-ercise ( exercise) ‘physical or non-physical but strenuous activity’, as in sexercise [1942]
‘sexual activity regarded as exercise’, dancercise [1967] ‘dancing performed as an exercise’,
followed by jazzercise [1976] ‘a programme of physical exercises designed to be carried out in
a class to the accompaniment of jazz music’ jazz + -ercise, and boxercise [1985] ‘a form of
aerobic fitness routine incorporating exercises from boxing training’ box + -ercise.
-kini ( the atoll of Bikini, reanalysed as having a prefix bi-) ‘type of swimsuit or beach
garment for women’, as in monokini [1964] ‘a one-piece beach garment or swimming costume
worn usually by women’, trikini [1967] ‘any of various designs of ladies’ swimsuit which
consist of three main areas of fabric’, and analogical tankini [1985] tank top + -kini (see §
3.2.2.) and burkini [2002] ‘a type of swimsuit for women which covers the head and body’
burka + -kini.
-lish ( English) ‘variety of English displaying features of other languages’, as in Spanglish
[1933] ‘a mixture of Spanish and English’, originating Chinglish [1957] ‘a mixture of Chinese
and English’ Chinese + -lish, Japlish [1960] ‘English language spoken in an unidiomatic way
by a Japanese speaker’ Japanese + -lish, Hinglish [1967] ‘a mixture of Hindi and English’
Hindi + -lish, Singlish [1984] ‘an informal variety of English spoken in Sri Lanka, incorporating
elements of Sinhala’ Sinhalese + -lish, or Singlish [1984] ‘an informal variety of English
spoken in Singapore’ Singaporean + -lish.
-(o)nomics ( economics) ‘the economic policies of a President or head of state’, as in
Nixonomics [1969] ‘the economic policies of Richard Nixon’, and analogical Reaganomics [1970]
(Ronald) Reagan + -nomics, Clintonomics [1992] Clinton + -nomics, Rogernomics Roger
(Owen Douglas, New Zealand Minister of Finance) + -nomics. This splinter is often blended
with words that end in n (Nixon, Reagan, Clinton), thus creating overlap blends.
-tainment ( entertainment) ‘genre of broadcasting in which entertainment is combined with
another genre’, as in docutainment [1978] ‘a film which includes documentary materials, and
seeks both to inform and to entertain’, infotainment [1980] ‘broadcast material which seeks to
inform and entertain simultaneously’, edutainment [1983] ‘informative entertainment’, and
analogical eatertainment [1992] ‘an experience which combines eating with entertainment’
eat + -(er)tainment, irritainment [1993] ‘broadcast material which is irritating yet still
entertaining’ irritating + -tainment, and shoppertainment [1993] ‘the provision of
entertainment within a shopping centre’ shopper + -tainment.
-tarian ( vegetarian) ‘someone with a diet restriction’, as in dietarian [1880] ‘one who lives in
accordance with prescribed rules for diet’, fruitarian [1893] ‘one who lives on fruit’, nutarian
[1909] ‘vegetarian whose diet is based on nut products’, and more recent breatharian [1979] ‘a
person who consumes no nutrients other than those absorbed from the air’ breath + -arian
and flexitarian [1998] ‘a person who follows a primarily but not strictly vegetarian diet’
flexible + -tarian.
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-tel ( hotel) ‘accommodation which functions as a hotel’, as in motel [1925] ‘a roadside hotel
catering primarily for motorists’ and boatel [1950] ‘a ship or boat which functions as a hotel’,
acting as models for floatel [1959] ‘a floating hotel’ float + -tel and apartotel [1965] ‘a type of
hotel which offers private suites for self-catering’ apartment + -tel.
-umentary ( documentary) ‘programme which has the characteristics of a documentary but
also of another genre/subject’, as in mockumentary [1965] ‘a programme which adopts the
form of a documentary in order to satirize its subject’, and later rockumentary [1969] ‘a
documentary film on the subject of rock music’ rock + -umentary, and shockumentary [1970]
‘a documentary film with shocking subject’ shock + -umentary.
78 Examples of these formations are also attested in corpora. For example, in the NOW
corpus we find additional instances, mainly nonce words or hapax legomena, which
display the same splinters:
(38) According to Adelana, the chatbot contributes to facilitating and
accelerating the process of providing information to market participants.
(NOW, 2018)
(39) If you find you are little demotivated at work, do some deskercise or
even go out for a brisk walk at lunch time. (NOW, 2018)
(40) Just like wearing a mankini wouldn’t be appropriate in the office, there
are some things that just aren’t acceptable in and around your
neighbourhood. (NOW, 2018)
(41) The policy may be translated to Taglish (Tagalog-English) or the local
dialect, depending on the educational attainment of the majority. (NOW,
(42) Pushing China to change that model is a key goal of Trumponomics.
(NOW, 2018)
(43) There is infotainment and advertainment and edutainment. Food,
sports and retail have all embraced its possibilities. (NOW, 2018)
(44) High-tea options include vegan, gluten-free vegetarian, pescetarian,
and dairy-free. (NOW, 2018)
(45) Other summer documentaries include “A LEGO Brickumentary,” the
story of a toy that became a subculture. (NOW, 2015)
79 Some of these splinters are so regular that they are labelled “combining forms” in the
OED (-bot, -tainment) [cf. Bauer et al. 2013]. The splinter -ercise has also become
productive in English, so much so that Baldi & Dawar [2000: 968] have assigned it the
label of “unconventional suffix”. In their work, they also cite creative formations such
as commutercize [n.d.] and computercize [n.d.] as novel derived words. Moreover, Adams
[1973: 170] describes -tarian as a “suffix” that occurs in a subgroup of words “inspired
by vegetarian [1842] and having to do with ‘beliefs about diet’”. He also cites meatarian
[n.d.] and sea-foodetarian [n.d.] [Adams 1973: 170] among additional examples, which
cannot be considered mere blends, because their meaning involves reinterpretation of
vegetarian not including ‘vegetables’.
3.4. General discussion
80 The presence of frequent splinters in blend formation shows that a process of
regularization is underway. This regularization does not involve the same
generalization or abstraction as in rules, but it is regularization triggered by analogy.
Analogy may be based on surface (i.e. phonological, morphotactic, and semantic)
similarity between two words, such as smaze and smog, but also between one novel word
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(e.g. tankini) and a series of formations which constitute a schema (bikini, monokini,
trikini, etc.). Unlike rules, a schema is a concrete template for novel formations.
81 From our analysis, it results that a schema model is especially functional in attributive
or headed blends, where the first component (or variable part) qualifies or specifies the
head. For instance, in -tarian formations, the first component specifies the type of diet
restriction, e.g., to vegetables (vegetarian), fruit (fruitarian), nuts (nutarian), meat
(meatarian), fish (pescetarian), seafood (sea-foodetarian), breathed air (breatharian), or
flexible (flexitarian). Also blends that are apparently coordinate, such as apartotel,
dancercise, docutainment, or Japlish, whose source words (i.e. apartment + hotel, dance +
exercise, documentary + entertainment, Japanese + English) seem to have equally
contributed to the meaning of the blend, are actually headed, in that the blends denote
‘a type of hotel, exercise, entertainment’ or ‘a variety of English’. In other words, the
right source word (or splinter) carries a greater semantic weight than the left one, in
that it corresponds to the head of an equivalent compound. This greater semantic
importance is linked to the process of secretion or specialization that leads splinters to
develop into combining forms or secreted affixes.
82 Thus, in blending, there is often an evolution from splinter to combining form, or
secreted suffix. In other words, when a splinter is frequently and productively used to
coin a series of new words, it can be viewed as a regular combining form, or even as a
suffix, especially if it is not only abbreviated but also involves a semantic
reinterpretation. This evolution corresponds to a development from surface analogy,
with a precise model word, to analogy via schema, with several prototype words which
constitute a series and function as model for new formations, both neologisms and
nonce words. Needless to say, not all nonce formations become lexicalized words, but
the fact that they use an existing schema as model provides further stability to the
pattern and may represent the first step towards productivity and rule.
4. Conclusions
83 The blending phenomenon is varied and hard to classify within morphological modules
and theoretical frameworks. Many blends indeed display an extra-grammatical nature,
with an unpredictable output, not transparently analyzable into existing morphemes,
and source words that are difficult to recognize. The possible combinatory patterns of
the source lexemes, the different portions that are retained in the resulting blend, and
their semantic contribution to the overall meaning increase the number of variables
and classificatory criteria for blends, thus decreasing predictability of the output given
an input.
84 Unlike regular compounds, whose input is unambiguous and unequivocal, the input of
blends is generally opaque, unclear, blurred, and difficult to reconstruct due to the
missing word part(s). Unlike combining forms, whose regularity allows abstraction and
generalization based on the secretion process, blends do not allow the same abstraction
as in rules. These are some of the reasons why blends are often overlooked in
morphological theories, relegated to extra-grammatical operations of word-creation,
and confined in use to the fields of advertising and humorous literature.
85 However, this study has demonstrated that 1) blends are increasing and increasingly
important in specialized domains, besides being used in familiar contexts; and 2) they
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mainly have a naming/labelling function, in other words, they are necessary either to
fill a conceptual and/or lexical gap, the new name being often iconic of the referent’s
meaning, or to label novel products and trademarks.
86 A lexicographic investigation combined with a corpus-based analysis have shown that
blending is growing as a word-formation process, with several new blends that are
lexicalized, included in the OED, and attested in corpora of English with low to high
frequency. A corpus-based study has supported the quantitative results, by showing the
variety of contexts that are favourable to blending as a word-formation mechanism, as
well as the functions that new blends can serve and the effects that they produce.
87 A data-driven approach has also shown that some new blends resemble existing ones.
This suggests that blending may be triggered by analogy, although the two processes do
not coincide. For instance, wargasm and ambisextrous are blends from war + orgasm and
ambidextrous + sex, not “genuine analogical formations” coined after orgasm or
ambidextrous [Bauer 1983: 96]. The “phonetic resemblance” that Bauer [1983: 96]
mentions is just a consequence of the fact that wargasm and ambisextrous include in
their form (and meaning) the words orgasm and ambidextrous. Hence, not all blends are
analogical, only those which follow a concrete model are.
88 Analogical blends, indeed, are a particular type of blend displaying phonological,
morphological, and semantic similarity with another word or series. For example,
blaxploitation is analogically formed after the model word sexploitation because:
phonologically, they share three syllables and a coda, morphologically, they are both
obtained by blending two words, and semantically they refer to the exploitation of
something or someone (sex/sexual material, black people) for commercial purposes.
This multilevel resemblance between the two blends helps English speakers recognize
the source lexemes of the new blend (black + exploitation), leads them to accept the new
blend as part of their lexical stock, and encourages them to form similar blends in the
likeness of the model.
89 Hence, this study has shown that analogy can provide some regularity to the blending
process and increase predictability in the formation of novel blends, especially those
based on a concrete schema model. For instance, novel blends such as Rogernomics,
Obamanomics, and Trumponomics can be interpreted on the basis of the existing series
Nixonomics, Reaganomics, Clintonomics, etc., which has given birth to the splinter -
(o)nomics referring to ‘the economic policies of a President or head of state’. Frequent
splinters such as -(o)nomics, -tainment, or -tarian ease source word recognizability,
facilitate blend interpretation, and encourage speakers to adopt new blends in their
vocabulary. Because of their frequency and productivity in the coinage of novel lexical
blends, some blend splinters deserve the label of ‘combining form’. In other words,
some blends are unique instances of word-creation, others are part of productive word-
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1. The dates in brackets refer to the earliest attestation of the words in the OED. See Beliaeva
[2014] for an in-depth study of the phonological and structural differences between blends and
clipping compounds.
2. The remaining 53.5% blends display a corpus frequency between 0.01 and 0.09 pmw.
This study investigates lexical blending from a synchronic perspective, with special focus on new
blends in English. It analyses a sample of 245 English blends dated 1950-2010, from both
quantitative and qualitative viewpoints, with the purpose of reassessing the importance of the
blending phenomenon in terms of 1) its suitability in the coinage of new specialized vocabulary,
and 2) its regularity in the creation of words containing frequent splinters. From the theoretical
viewpoint, the study contributes to the issue of whether blending should be considered an extra-
grammatical phenomenon of word-creation or a regular process of word-formation. It supports
the claim that while some blends (e.g. glam-ma glamour + grandma) are unique instances, others
are part of series (e.g. eatertainment, irritainment, shoppertainment, all obtained from the splinter -
tainment entertainment), and therefore show a tendency towards greater regularity and
productivity. The goal of the study is fourfold. First, it aims at identifying the contexts/registers
which favour the formation of blend words, ranging from slang/colloquial registers to
specialized domains. Second, this study addresses the question of whether blends are created
with the intention of designating a new referent or to give a new name to an existing referent.
Third, the study focuses on a particular type of blending, called ‘attributive’ or ‘headed’, which
displays an endocentric relation with its head, as in rockumentary ( rock + documentary) and
Clintonomics ( Clinton + economics). In particular, some attributive blends will be viewed as
possible schema models for new lexical blends, with the second splinter -umentary and
-(o)nomics as potential combining forms or secreted affixes for novel formations.
Cette étude examine l’amalgame lexical dans une perspective synchronique. En particulier, elle
analyse une collection de 245 nouveaux mots-valises en anglais, sur la période 1950-2010, d’un
point de vue quantitatif et qualitatif. Cette étude a pour objectif de réévaluer l’importance de
l’amalgame 1) pour inventer un nouveau lexique spécialisé, et 2) pour créer des mots qui
contiennent des fractomorphèmes réguliers. D’un point de vue théorique, l’étude tente de
répondre à la question suivante : l’amalgame est-il un phénomène extra-grammatical de création
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de mot ou un procès régulier de formation de mot ? L’étude affirme que certains mots-valises
sont des cas uniques (p.ex. glam-ma glamour + grandma), tandis que d’autres font partie de
séries de mots (p.ex. eatertainment, irritainment, shoppertainment viennent du fractomorphème -
tainment entertainment) et tendent vers la régularité et la productivité. L’étude a quatre
objectifs. D’abord, elle vise à montrer les contextes/registres qui privilégient la formation des
mots-valises, et qui vont du langage familier au langage de spécialité. Deuxièmement, l’étude vise
à répondre à la question suivante : les mots-valises sont-ils créés pour designer de nouveaux
référents ou pour donner un nouveau nom à un référent existant ? Troisièmement, l’étude se
concentre sur l’amalgamation dite ‘attributive’ ou ‘endocentrique’, comme rockumentary ( rock
+ documentary) et Clintonomics ( Clinton + economics). Les mots-valises attributifs sont décrits
comme des modèles possibles ou schémas pour les nouveaux amalgames lexicaux, dont les
seconds fractomorphèmes -umentary et -(o)nomics sont des affixes secrétifs potentiels pour de
nouveaux mots.
Mots-clés: mots-valises attributifs, nouveaux mots, néologismes, anglais, fractomorphème,
affixes secrétifs, schéma
Keywords: attributive blends, new words, neologisms, English, splinters, secreted affixes,
University of Pisa
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