Chapter 7- Cadet Personnel and Administration
Section 5- Wear and Appearance of Cadet Uniforms and Insignia
Cadet Personnel and Administration
Section 5
Wear and Appearance of Cadet Uniforms and Insignia
Version (date): 2 MAR 2024
Author: TBD
I. Purpose: The Corps of Cadets is an organization where discipline is judged, in part, by the manner in which the
individual wears the uniform as prescribed. Therefore, a neat and well-groomed appearance by cadets is
fundamental to The Corps of Cadets and contributes to building the pride and esprit essential to an effective
A. Only uniforms, accessories, and insignia prescribed in this regulation or as approved by the
Commandant will be worn by cadets. No item governed by this regulation will be altered in any way that
changes the basic design or the intended concept of wear and appearance including plating, smoothing,
or removing of detail features of metal items.
B. It is the responsibility of Cadet Commanders to ensure that cadets under their command present a neat
and orderly appearance at all times. Physical fitness and acceptable weight standards are also factors in
personal appearance.
C. All illustrations in this regulation should coincide with text. The written description will control any
inconsistencies between the text and the illustration.
II. General Regulations:
A. Required and Prohibited Wear of Cadet Uniforms
i. Cadets are required to wear the appropriate cadet uniform when not on furlough or
approved leave, unless an exception has been granted by the Commandant.
ii. Cadets are required to wear all authorized badges, ribbons, and medals they have
Prohibited: The wearing of combinations of uniform items not prescribed in this regulation or
other authorizing documents is prohibited.
B. Civilian Clothes
Cadets Are Authorized to Wear Civilian Clothes When:
i. Departing and returning from furlough (except freshman).
a. Fourth Class cadets depart and return in seasonal uniform, unless otherwise
specified by Commandant.
ii. On special orders which specify civilian clothes (i.e. job interviews, etc).
iii. On general, weekend, or overnight leave when:
a. Beyond a 10-mile radius of the Citadel campus.
Chapter 7- Cadet Personnel and Administration
Section 5- Wear and Appearance of Cadet Uniforms and Insignia
b. After crossing the IOP connector into Isle of Palms, Ben Sawyer bridge into
Sullivan's Island, and the Folly Bridge into Folly Beach.
c. When approved by the RCO, classified as a C4 in the spring semester within the
10-mile radius but must still depart and return to campus in the appropriate
seasonal uniform. The required attire is:
i. Males: Khaki slacks with collared shirt; appropriate jackets or sweaters
and footwear; NO jeans, tee shirts, or sweatshirts.
ii. Females: Khaki style slacks or skirt with collared shirt or dress; minimum
knee length for skirt or dress (no more than 3 inches above the knee);
appropriate footwear; NO jeans, tee shirts, or sweatshirts.
Appropriate Beach Attire May Be Worn:
i. After crossing the Ben Sawyer Bridge enroute to Sullivan’s Island or the Isle of Palms.
ii. After crossing the Folly River Bridge to Folly Beach.
iii. Beach wear will not be worn beyond these points when returning to campus.
Departing Citadel Campus by Boat From the Boating Center:
i. Cadets may wear appropriate swimsuits.
ii. If a shirt or outer garment is desired, only Citadel PTs are authorized.
C. Civilian Attire Privileges
Wen approved by the RCO, the Civilian Attire Privilege is authorized in the following manner:
Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays all C4/5 cadets may depart for leave and return in
civilian attire but must present their Citadel-issued One Card at the front sally
port. (This also includes any 24-hour pass or special leave /orders that involve an
On Mondays and Wednesdays, C4/C5 will adhere to the blazer privilege. NO
CIVILIAN CLOTHES. This includes any special orders/leave that do not involve an
Cadets may not wear civilian attire at any formations, anywhere on campus besides
to and from their mode of transportation.
You may not mix and matchBlazer uniform items and approved civilian clothes.
Failure to adhere to any of the standards below will result in the privilege being
Males: Neutral- colored business casual pants (Black, Navy, Khaki, Grey,
Brown) with a collared shirt, belt, appropriate jackets, vests, or sweaters,
and appropriate closed-toe footwear (NO sandals/flip flops, open-toed
shoes, HeyDudes, Crocs, running shoes, shorts, jeans, tee shirts, or
sweatshirts, i.e. hoodies, are to be worn)
Females: Neutral-colored business casual pants or skirt (Black, Navy, Khaki,
Grey, Brown) with a professional/business casual shirt, appropriate jackets,
vests, sweaters, or a dress; minimum knee length for skirt or dress (no more
than 3 inches above the knee); appropriate footwear (no flip flops,
HeyDudes, Crocs, running shoes, shorts, jeans, tee shirts, or sweatshirts or
hoodies are to be worn.
D. Broke Uniform
i. While in the barracks, cadets who have received the privilege may remove parts of their
cadet uniform and move about freely, so long as they comply with normal expectations
of proper decorum. This is referred to as “broke uniform”. Wearing civilian attire of any
type, to include ball caps, pajama bottoms and tops is expressly prohibited. Cadets may
wear Citadel specific clothing items from the book store and cadet store while in broke
Chapter 7- Cadet Personnel and Administration
Section 5- Wear and Appearance of Cadet Uniforms and Insignia
E. Undergarments
F. Approved/Non-Approved Accessories
Book Bags/Back Packs
i. Book bags, backpacks, etc. will not be carried on the shoulder; they are to be carried in
the left hand. The only book bags authorized for cadet use include:
a. The standard-issue Cadet Store book bag.
b. Backpacks will be permitted to be carried (not worn) in the left hand in the PT
uniform, but must be Black, Gray, or Citadel Blue in color.
c. Backpacks will be permitted to be carried (not worn) by the handle in the Left
hand when in leave uniform.
ii. Cadets on approved medical orders from the Citadel Infirmary that prevent them from
carrying a book bag (crutches/knee carts) may wear a backpack.
iii. Athletes may wear Team issued backpacks only when moving to and from one Athletic
facility to another Athletic facility (ex., locker room to practice field).
i. Cadets are authorized to wear camel-back type water devices with the PT uniform or as
directed by the commander.
i. Sunglasses are authorized only with the blazer uniform unless specifically authorized in
a memorandum by the commandant for wear at a sporting event. At no time will they
be worn or visible when traveling to and from sporting events.
i. Optional for female cadets only when on leave or furlough.
ii. Must be black, military style with or without a shoulder strap. The purse must be no
larger than 8.5 X 11 inches.
Cell Phones
i. Cadets may wear one electronic device on the wearers left side in a case on the belt,
belt loops, or waste band of the uniform. Only one electronic device may be worn,
and the case must be black; no other colors will be authorized. Cell phones will not be
carried IN the waist band or tucked in the stash.
Religious Items/Chains and Jewelry
i. Wearing of a conservative wristwatch, a medical/allergy alert bracelet, and not more
than two rings is authorized. Class ring permitted in every uniform; included in the two
ring counts.
ii. Fad devices, earrings on males (to include plugs), vogue medallions, colored bracelets,
personal talismans, chains, seashell style beach necklaces or amulets are not
iii. Religious/medical tags may be worn if they are covered by the undershirt and are not
iv. The following guidance applies to the wearing of earrings for female cadets:
a. PT or athletic uniform - NO earrings permitted.
b. OCP uniform - gold, silver, or diamond studs permitted, NO pearls.
c. Duty or trash uniforms - gold, silver, or diamond studs permitted, NO pearls.
d. Dress or leave uniforms - gold, silver, diamond, or pearl studs permitted.
e. Earrings may be screw-on, clip-on, or post-type in gold, silver, or diamond.
i. Examples of gold, silver, diamond, and pearl studs:
Chapter 7- Cadet Personnel and Administration
Section 5- Wear and Appearance of Cadet Uniforms and Insignia
f. Hoop, two-sided, or drop earrings are not authorized.
g. Earrings are not authorized to be worn in the cartilage, industrial, traverse lobe,
tragus, or conch part of their ear.
h. Examples of earrings NOT allowed: Plugs are not permitted to be worn at any
i. Earrings will not exceed 6mm or ¼ -inch in diameter. They will only be plain and
spherical (circular) or square in shape.
j. When worn, the earrings will fit snugly against the ear.
k. Earrings may only be worn as a matched pair, with only one earring per
standard ear lobe.
l. Cadet recruits are not authorized to wear earrings during cadre period.
v. Other than authorized female earrings, cadets will not attach, affix, or display objects,
articles, jewelry or ornamentation to or through the skin/tongue while in uniform.
G. Seasonal Uniform Matrix
Seasonal Term
Leave Uniform
Dress Uniform
1 July Parents Weekend
Summer Leave
Dress Whites
Parents Weekend January Return
Dress Salt & Pepper
Dress Salt & Pepper
January Return- Corps Day Weekend
Dress Gray
Full Dress Gray
Corps Day Weekend July 1
Summer Leave
Dress Whites
Notes: Exceptions to dress uniform requires written request delineating rationale
H. Haircut/Grooming Guidance
General Guidance:
i. Cadets will ensure their hair is kept in a neat, clean manner. Extreme or fad style
haircuts or hair styles are not authorized. If dyes, tints, or bleaches are used, color used
must appear natural or similar to human hair and not present an extreme appearance.
Use of hair products that produce an oily or greasy appearance will not be used.
ii. No cadet is authorized to cut the hair of him/herself or another cadet. Possession of
barber equipment by cadets is prohibited. Lines or designs cut into the hair, scalp, or
eyebrows is unauthorized.
iii. The face will be clean-shaven. If appropriate medical authority prescribes beard growth,
the length required for medical treatment will also be specified. For example, “a neatly
trimmed beard is authorized. The length will not exceed ¼ inch.”
Fingernail Guidance:
i. Fingernails will be kept clean and neatly trimmed so as not to interfere with the
performance of duty, detract from the military image, or present a safety hazard.
ii. Male Standards:
a. Fingernails shall not extend past the fingertips for male cadets. Nail polish for
male cadets is not allowed.
iii. Female Standards:
a. Nail length will be no longer than 1/4 inch from the tip of the finger and shall be
kept clean.
Chapter 7- Cadet Personnel and Administration
Section 5- Wear and Appearance of Cadet Uniforms and Insignia
b. Colors that are authorized to wear include nude/natural shades of the nail bed
and light pink.
c. Nail shapes that are extreme and not authorized are almond, stiletto, and
coffin. Square and rounded nails are authorized.
d. Manicures that imitate the natural nail are authorized for wear with all uniforms
(i.e. French and American manicures) but must have the “natural nail”
appearance, including the clearly defined white/beige nail tip. Press-on and
acrylic nails are authorized for wear as long as they are maintained within the
length and style as per the regulations detailed above
Male Haircut Guidance:
i. Fourth Class Males: After the initial freshman haircut, Fourth Class cadets will adhere
to the upper class standard as described in paragraph (ii) below. Heads will not be
shaved bare of hair.
ii. Upper-class Males: The hair on top of the head will be neatly groomed. The length and
bulk of the hair will not exceed two inches, present a ragged, unkempt, or extreme
appearance. Hair will present a tapered appearance and when combed will not fall over
Chapter 7- Cadet Personnel and Administration
Section 5- Wear and Appearance of Cadet Uniforms and Insignia
the ears or eyebrows or touch the collar of the dress blouse. The hair at the back of the
head will be tapered and not blocked. In all cases the bulk or length of the hair will not
interfere with the proper wearing of headgear.
iii. Sideburns will be neatly trimmed. The base will not be flared and will be a clean-shaven
horizontal line. Sideburns will not extend below the middle of the ear canal.
iv. Hair will not bush out below the band of properly worn military headgear. Faddish
haircuts (such as Horseshoes” and “Teardrop”) are not authorized. Males are not
authorized to wear braids, cornrows, twists or dreadlocks.
v. Pictures:
Bulk of hair is over two inches,
Hair is not tapered on sides and back
Bulk of hair is ragged and unkempt,
sides are not tapered
Unauthorized male haircut
Chapter 7- Cadet Personnel and Administration
Section 5- Wear and Appearance of Cadet Uniforms and Insignia
Female Haircut Guidance:
i. All females will ensure that their hair is neatly groomed, that the length and bulk of the
hair are not excessive, and that the hair does not present a ragged, unkempt, or
extreme appearance.
ii. Trendy styles that result in shaved portions of the scalp (other than the neckline) or
designs cut into the hair are prohibited. Only straight parts are authorized.
iii. Females may wear braids, as long as the braided style is conservative, the braids lie
snugly on the head, and any hair holding devices comply with the standards in
paragraph xi below.
iv. Braids, cornrows, twists, and locks will be of uniform dimension and have a diameter no
greater than ½ inch. Each must be spaced the same.
v. Hair will not fall over the eyebrows or extend below the edge of the duty collar at any
time during normal activity or when standing in formation. Graduated haircuts will not
exceed 1” in difference between the front and back.
vi. Long hair that falls naturally below the bottom edge of the collar, to include braids, will
be neatly and inconspicuously fastened or pinned, so that no free hanging hair is visible
and not to exceed 2” in bulk and no more than 3” from the scalp. The hair at the top of
the head will also not exceed 2”height as measured from the scalp. This includes styles
worn with the physical fitness uniform.
vii. Buns will be firmly adhered (no loose strands), and can be a max of four inches in
diameter and a max of three inches away from the nape of the neck.
viii. Styles that are lopsided or distinctly unbalanced are prohibited.
ix. Ponytails, pigtails, or braids that are not secured to the head (allowing hair to hang
freely), widely spaced individual hanging locks, and other extreme styles that protrude
from the head are prohibited with the following exceptions:
a. Female cadets are authorized to wear their hair in a ponytail or single braid if:
i. Wearing the cadet physical fitness uniform.
ii. While wearing a distinctive Cadet Athlete or Club Squad athletic uniform
or when wearing the blazer uniform.
x. Extensions, weaves, wigs, and hairpieces are authorized; however, these additions must
have the same general appearance as the individual’s natural hair and comply with all
the grooming policies of these paragraphs.
Chapter 7- Cadet Personnel and Administration
Section 5- Wear and Appearance of Cadet Uniforms and Insignia
xi. Females will ensure that hairstyles do not interfere with proper wear of the military
headgear. When headgear is worn, the hair will not extend below the bottom edge of
the front of the headgear, nor will it extend below the bottom edge of the duty collar.
xii. Hair Holding Devices:
a. Hair-holding devices are authorized only for the purpose of securing the hair.
Cadets will not place hair-holding devices in the hair for decorative purposes.
b. All hair-holding devices must be plain and either clear or of a color as close to
the cadet’s hair as possible.
c. A maximum of four may be used.
d. Devices that are conspicuous, excessive, or decorative are prohibited. Some
examples of prohibited devices include, but are not limited to; large, lacy
scrunchies; beads, bows or claw clips; clips, pins, or barrettes with butterflies,
flowers, sparkles, gems, or scalloped edges; and bows made from hairpieces.
e. Cadets may not wear hairnets unless prescribed by the Citadel Surgeon.
xiii. Cosmetics:
a. Upper-class females are authorized to wear cosmetics applied conservatively
and in good taste. Lipstick, eye make-up and rouge may be worn with all
uniforms as long as the color is conservative and complements the uniform.
Exaggerated or faddish cosmetic styles are inappropriate with the uniform and
will not be worn. Extreme shades of color such as purple, gold, blue, and white
will not be worn.
b. Make up/eye liner will not extend past the eye to include feline and winged
c. Cadets are not permitted to wear false eye lashes.
xiv. Pictures:
Chapter 7- Cadet Personnel and Administration
Section 5- Wear and Appearance of Cadet Uniforms and Insignia
Chapter 7- Cadet Personnel and Administration
Section 5- Wear and Appearance of Cadet Uniforms and Insignia
1. Female Hair Standards in OCP Uniform:
i. In the OCP uniform, the hair may be worn in a single, tight braided pony tail and
centered in the back of the head, placement of braid will not be on the side or on top of
the head, and will not interfere with proper wear of the OCP cover.
ii. The braid must remain centered on the wearers back and may not fall below the
shoulder blades.
iii. Unbraided Ponytails will not be worn outside of ROTC commitments.
Chapter 7- Cadet Personnel and Administration
Section 5- Wear and Appearance of Cadet Uniforms and Insignia
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