Hot Water Boiler
Emmet County
200 Division Street
Petoskey, MI 49770
RFP# EC-08-2021-05
Release Date: August 18, 2021
Emmet County Finance Department
Suite G74
200 Division Street
Petoskey, Michigan 49770
Emmet County is soliciting proposals from vendors of Aerco boilers to assist the County in replacement of a 20-
year old Aerco 2000 boiler at the Pellston Regional Airport.
The Airport has two Aerco boilers: an Aerco 2000 which currently needs to be replaced and an Aerco 1000
which was recently replaced in 2020. The new boiler will need to have Boiler Sequencing Technology which
connects the two boilers with lead-lag functionality and parallel operations.
RFP Released August 18, 2021
Deadline to Submit Written Questions August 27, 2021 @ 3:00 PM EST
Response to Questions September 3, 2021 @ 3:00 PM EST
Proposal Due Date and Public Bid Opening BOC Room September 10, 2021 @ 3:00 PM EST
Project Review and Award Date Pending BOC Approval September 23, 2021 (Tentative)
*BOC = Board of Commissioners
*Site visits available upon request contact Ryan Bachelor at 231-539-8441
The purpose of this request for proposal is to invite prospective vendors to submit a proposal to supply a new
Aerco Benchmark 2000 with Edge Controller boiler to Emmet County. The County is seeking to replace the
existing Aerco 2000 boiler.
The Vendor shall provide the following related to this particular RFP:
A. Removal and disposal of existing Aerco BTU boiler
B. Connect the new boiler to existing gas line and to existing chimney
C. Complete manufacturer start up as required
D. Ensure the two boilers communicate and have the ability to share the load
E. Complete the job in two (2) days
F. Ensure the boiler is operational within eight (8) hours of installation
See next page for specifications.
0.75-6 MMBTU Benchmark Standard Boiler Series with Edge [i] Control
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract apply to this Section, including General and
Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections
A. This Section includes packaged, factory-fabricated and assembled, gas-fired, fire-tube condensing
boilers, trim and accessories for generating hot water.
A. Product Data: Include performance data, operating characteristics, furnished specialties and
Prior to flue vent installation, engineered calculations and drawings must be submitted to Architect/Engineer
to thoroughly demonstrate that size and configuration conform to recommended size, length and
footprint for each submitted boiler.
B. Efficiency Curves: At a minimum, submit efficiency curves for 100%, 50% and 7% input firing rates at
incoming water temperatures ranging from 80°F to 160°.
C. Pressure Drop Curve. Submit pressure drop curve for the following flow ranges per designated
capacities below
1. 750-1000 MBH: 12-175 GPM
1500-2000 MBH: 25-350 GPM
2500-3000 MBH: 25-400 GPM
4000 5000N MBH: 35 - 500 GPM
5000-6000 MBH: 75-600 GPM
D. Shop Drawings: For boilers, boiler trim and accessories include:
1. Plans, elevations, sections, details and attachments to other work
2. Wiring Diagrams for power, signal and control wiring
E. Source Quality Control Test Reports: Reports shall be included in submittals.
F. Field Quality Control Test Reports: Reports shall be included in submittals.
G. Operation and Maintenance Data: Data to be included in boiler emergency, operation and
maintenance manuals.
H. Warranty: Standard warranty specified in this Section
I. Other Informational Submittals:
ASME Stamp Certification and Report: Submit "H" stamp certificate of authorization, as required by
authorities having jurisdiction, and document hydrostatic testing of piping external to boiler.
A. Manufacturer Qualifications: The manufacturer must have been regularly engaged in the manufacture
of condensing hydronic boilers for not less than thirty (30) years. The manufacturer must be
headquartered in North America and manufacture pressure vessels in an ASME-certified facility wholly
owned by the manufacturer. The specifying engineer, contractor and end customer must have the
option to visit the factory to witness test fire and other relevant procedures
B. Electrical Components, Devices and Accessories: Boilers must be listed and labeled as defined in
NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for
intended use.
C. AHRI Performance Compliance: Condensing boilers must be rated in accordance with applicable
federal testing methods and is capable of achieving the energy efficiency and performance ratings
within prescribed tolerances.
D. ASME Compliance: Condensing boilers must be constructed in accordance with ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, Section IV “Heating Boilers”.
E. ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 Compliance: Boilers shall have minimum efficiency according to "Gas and Oil Fired
Boilers - Minimum Efficiency Requirements."
F. DOE Compliance: Minimum efficiency shall comply with 10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appendix N, "Uniform
Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Furnaces and Boilers."
G. UL Compliance: Boilers must be tested for compliance with UL 795, "Commercial-Industrial Gas
Heating Equipment." Boilers shall be listed and labeled by a testing agency acceptable to authorities
having jurisdiction.
H. NOx Emission Standards: When installed and operated in accordance with manufacturer’s
instructions, the following condensing boiler models shall comply with the NOx emission standards
outlined in South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), Rule 1146.1; and the Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), Title 30, Chapter 117, and Rule 117.465 or the NOx
emissions referenced below:
BMK750-2000, BMK4000-6000: 9 ppm NOx corrected to 3% oxygen at all firing rates when
firing on natural gas
BMK2500-3000: factory fired at 13 ppm NOx corrected to 3% oxygen at all firing rates when
firing on natural gas
A. Coordinate size and location of concrete bases. Cast anchor-bolt inserts into bases. Concrete,
reinforcement and formwork requirements are specified in Division 03.
A. Standard Warranty: Boilers shall include manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees
to repair or replace components of boilers that fail in materials or workmanship within specified
warranty period.
1. Warranty Period for Fire-Tube Condensing Boilers
The pressure vessel/heat exchanger shall carry a 10-year from shipment, non-prorated, limited warranty
against any failure due to condensate corrosion, thermal stress, mechanical defects or
Manufacturer labeled control panels are conditionally warranted against failure for (2) two years from
All other components, with the exception of the igniter, flame detector and
sensor, are conditionally
guaranteed against any failure for (18) eighteen months from shipment.
A. This specification is based on the Benchmark Standard Series boilers as manufactured by AERCO
International Inc. Equivalent units and manufacturers must meet all performance criteria, and will be
considered upon prior approval.
B. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide AERCO International,
Benchmark or Benchmark Platinum Series Boiler Models:
1. BMK 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000, 5000N, 5000, and 6000 (750,000 to 6,000,000
BTU/hr input)
2. Approved Equals:
a. AERCO Benchmark Platinum boilers BMK
b. Viessmann Vitocrossal
c. Superior Boiler - Creek Series
d. Simons Boilers - FTC Titan
e. Request for substitutions will be considered in accordance with provisions of
Section 235216 - Condensing Boilers, in writing no less than 30 days prior to bid
A. Description: Boiler shall be either natural gas, propane or dual fuel (nat. gas/propane; BMK1500-6000
models only) fired, fully condensing, fire tube design. Power burner shall have full modulation,
discharge into a positive or negative pressure vent and the minimum firing rate shall not exceed the
following per model:
BMK750-1000: 50,000 BTU/hr input
BMK1500: 75,000 BTU/hr input
BMK2000: 100,000 BTU/hr input
BMK2500: 167,000 BTU/hr input
BMK3000: 200,000 BTU/hr input
BMK4000-5000N: 267,000 BTU/hr input
BMK5000-6000: 400,000 BTU/hr input
Boilers that have an input greater than what is specified above at minimum fire will not be considered.
Boiler efficiency shall increase with decreasing load (output), while maintaining setpoint. Boiler shall
be factory-fabricated, factory-assembled and factory-tested, fire-tube condensing boiler with heat
exchanger sealed pressure-tight, built on a steel base, including insulated jacket, flue-gas vent,
combustion-air intake connections, water supply, return and condensate drain connections, and
B. Heat Exchanger: The heat exchanger shall be constructed of 439 stainless steel fire tubes and
tubesheets, with a one-pass combustion gas flow design. The fire tubes shall be 1/2” or 5/8” OD, with
no less than 0.049” wall thickness. The upper and lower stainless steel tubesheet shall be no less than
0.25” thick. The pressure vessel/heat exchanger shall be welded construction. The heat exchanger
shall be ASME stamped for a working pressure not less than 150 psig. Access to the tubesheets and
heat exchanger shall be available by burner and exhaust manifold removal. Minimum access opening
shall be no less than 8-inch diameter.
C. Pressure Vessel: The pressure vessel shall have a maximum water volume per each model as listed
BMK750: 16.25 gallons (61.5 liters)
BMK1000: 14.25 gallons (54.9 liters)
BMK1500: 44 gallons (166.6 liters)
BMK2000: 40 gallons (151.4 liters)
BMK2500: 58 gallons (219.6 liters)
BMK3000: 55 gallons (208.2 liters)
BMK4000-5000N: 75 gallons (284.0 liters)
BMK5000/6000: 110 gallons (416.4 liters)
The boiler water pressure drop shall not exceed the following per model size:
BMK750-1000: 3 psig @ 100 gpm
BMK1500-2000: 3 psig @ 170 gpm
BMK2500: 3 psig @ 218 gpm
BMK3000: 3 psig @ 261 gpm
BMK4000-5000N: 5 psig @ 475 gpm
BMK5000/6000: 4 psig @ 500 gpm
The boiler water connections shall be flanged 150-pound, ANSI rated.
BMK750 and 1000: 3 inch flange
BMK1500 - 3000: 4 inch flange
BMK4000 and 6000: 6 inch flange
The pressure vessel shall be constructed of ASME SA53 carbon steel, with a 0.25-inch thick wall and
0.50-inch thick upper head. Inspection openings in the pressure vessel shall be in accordance with
ASME Section IV pressure vessel code. The boiler shall be designed so that the thermal efficiency
increases as the boiler firing rate decreases.
E. Modulating Air/Fuel Valve and Burner: The boiler burner shall be capable of the following firing
turndown ratios without loss of combustion efficiency or staging of gas valves. The turndown ratios
shall be as follows and are based on BTU size:
BMK750: 15:1
BMK1000: 20:1
BMK1500: 20:1
BMK2000: 20:1
BMK2500: 15:1
BMK3000: 15:1
BMK4000: 15:1
BMK5000N: 20:1
BMK5000: 12.5:1
BMK6000: 15:1
The burner shall not operate above 7.5% oxygen level or 55% excess air. The burner shall produce less
than 20 ppm of NOx, under standard calibration, corrected to 3% excess oxygen when firing on natural
gas. The burner shall be metal-fiber mesh covering a stainless steel body with spark or proven pilot
ignition and flame rectification. All burner material exposed to the combustion zone shall be of
stainless steel construction. There shall be no moving parts within the burner itself. A modulating
air/fuel valve shall meter the air and fuel input. The modulating motor must be linked to both the gas
valve body and air valve body with a single linkage. The linkage shall not require any field adjustment.
A variable speed cast aluminum pre-mix blower shall be used to ensure the optimum mixing of air and
fuel between the air/fuel valve and the burner.
F. Fuel: The boiler shall use one of the following gas train options:
Natural gas or propane: The unit gas train shall be specifically designed and calibrated for a single
predetermined fuel. The gas train shall be a ventless gas train.
Dual Fuel Capability. Dual fuel boiler (natural gas/propane) shall include a combustion system capable
of operating on both Natural Gas and Propane. The boiler efficiency and turndown shall remain
unchanged regardless of fuel source. The dual fuel system shall incorporate independent natural
gas and propane gas trains and a fuel selector switch. This switching mechanism shall be such
that it shall not be possible to flow both fuels simultaneously. The unit shall be calibrated to run
on both fuel sources at start-up. No additional re-calibration shall be required when switching
between fuel sources for a period of one year from the initial calibration
G. Minimum boiler efficiencies shall be as follows at a 20 degree delta-T:
EWT 100% Fire 50% Fire 7% Fire
160 °F
140 °F 87% 87.5% 87.5%
120 °F
100 °F
80 °F
H. Exhaust Manifold: The exhaust manifold shall be of corrosion resistant cast aluminum or 316 stainless
steel with the following diameter flue connections:
BMK750-1500: 6 inch
BMK2000-3000: 8 inch
BMK4000-5000: 12 inch
BMK6000: 12 inch (<20 ppm NOx) or 14 inch (<9 ppm NOx)
The exhaust manifold shall have a collecting reservoir and a gravity drain for the elimination of
I. Blower: The boiler shall include a variable-speed, DC centrifugal fan to operate during the burner firing
sequence and pre-purge the combustion chamber.
1. Motors: Blower motors shall comply with requirements specified in Division 23 Section
"Common Motor Requirements for HVAC Equipment."
a. Motor Sizes: Minimum size as indicated. If not indicated, large enough so driven load will
not require a motor to operate in the service factor range above 1.0.
J. Ignition: Ignition shall be via spark or proven pilot ignition with 100 percent main-valve shutoff and
electronic flame supervision.
K. Combustion Air: The boiler shall be designed such that the combustion air is drawn from the inside of
the boiler enclosure, decoupling it from the combustion air supply and preheating the air to increase
L. Combustion Air Filter: The boiler shall be equipped with an automotive high flow air filter to ensure
efficient combustion and unhindered burner components operation.
M. Enclosure: The plastic and sheet metal enclosure shall be fully removable, allowing for easy access
during servicing.
N. O
sensor located in the Combustion Chamber: The boiler shall be equipped with an Oxygen sensor.
The sensor shall be located in the boiler combustion chamber. Boilers without Oxygen sensor or
boilers with an Oxygen sensor in the exhaust shall not be acceptable due to measurement estimation
and performance accuracy.
Refer to Division 23, Section “Instrumentation and Control of HVAC.”
The boiler shall have an integrated boiler control that provides contact closure for its associated accessories
including but not limited to pump, valve and air inlet damper.
1. The control shall have a 5 inch color touch screen display as well as six function buttons that are
separate from the display. User shall have the ability to navigate the menus via touchscreen or
navigation buttons. Controls not equipped with navigation button options shall not be
2. The control shall be equipped with a multi-color linear LED light to indicate the level of firing
and/or air/fuel valve position.
3. The control shall display two temperatures using two dedicated three-digit seven-segment
4. The control shall offer an Enable/Disable toggle switch as well as two buttons for Testing and
Resetting the Low Water Cutoff.
The Manager designated boiler control shall be capable of the following functions without the need for
additional external controls:
1. Sequence up to 16 boilers,
2. Control boiler pumps and/or modulating motorized valves,
3. Building Automation: The control shall be able to communicate to Building Management
Systems using RS485 and communicate using Modbus RTU protocol.
The control system shall be segregated into three components: Edge [i] Control Panel, Power Panel and
Input/Output Connection Box. The entire system shall be Underwriters Laboratories recognized
The control panel shall consist of seven individual circuit boards using surface-mount technology in a single
enclosure. Each board shall be individually field replaceable. These circuit boards shall include:
1. A microcontroller board with integrated 5 inch touchscreen color display providing the user
2. A 7-segment display board. This board includes two 3-digit 7-segment displays. These displays
shall be used to view a variety of temperature sensor values and operating and startup function
3. An Interface board connects the microcontroller board to internal components using ribbon
4. An electric low-water cutoff board connects to the test and manual reset functions on the
microcontroller board.
5. A power supply board is designed to provide the different DC voltages to the rest of the boards.
It also acts as voltage regulator and reduce power noise.
6. An ignition and combustion board. This board controls the air/fuel valve and Safety Shutoff
Valve, flame status and ignition transformer
7. A connector board used to connect all external electrical connection.
Control settings transfer using USB: The control shall simplify and significantly lessen startup and boiler
setting time by being able to use a USB flash drive to copy settings from one boiler to another boiler.
Installers shall use successfully preconfigured boiler settings in their portfolio to newly installed
Combustion calibration: The control shall offer at least 5 calibration points. The use of less than 5 calibration
points is not permitted to improve overall system efficiency under all firing rates. Each combustion
calibration point shall operate with 5 to 7% O
levels to improve operating efficiency. Deviating away
from these values shall not be acceptable.
Unit and Plant Status: The control shall provide a quick view of the unit status and plant status.
The unit status screen shall provide temperature setpoint, all water inlet and outlet and supply air and
exhaust temperature sensors’ values. It shall also provide unit current and target firing rates.
Additional screens shall display unit run hours, cycle count and average cycles per hour.
The plant status screens shall provide plant temperature setpoint, plant water supply and return
temperatures, outdoor temperature. Additionally, a status screen shall show the boiler status
of each plant unit, plant firing rate.
Unit and Plant event history: The manager control shall display the last 500 historical events per plant
or 200 historical events for single unit installations.
Software update: The control shall be capable of field software updates without a need for hardware
component(s) replacement. This shall be performed either using software on a USB flash drive or via
Internet connection. The software update mechanism shall be performed by a trained technician. The
software update menus shall be secured using a password level. After the software update, the control
shall retain all of its prior field settings.
Copy settings from one boiler to the other: To significantly reduce installation time by reducing long repetitive
work, the control shall have the capability of saving its settings to a USB flash drive. In addition, the
control shall have the ability of copying new settings from a flash drive.
The controls shall annunciate boiler and sensor status and include extensive self-diagnostic capabilities.
The control panel shall incorporate three self-governing features designed to enhance operation in external
control modes. When operating by an external control signal, the control panel can work to eliminate
nuisance faults, such as over-temperature, resulting from improper external signal or loss of external
signal. These features include:
1. Setpoint High Limit: Setpoint high limit allows for a selectable maximum boiler outlet
temperature and acts as temperature limiting governor. Setpoint limit is based on a PID function
that automatically limits firing rate to maintain outlet temperature within a 0 to 10 degree
selectable band from the desired maximum boiler outlet temperature.
2. Setpoint Low Limit: Allow for a selectable minimum operating temperature.
3. Failsafe Mode: Failsafe mode allows the boiler to switch its mode to operate from an internal
setpoint if its external control signal is lost, rather than shut off. This is a selectable mode,
enabling the control can to shut off the unit upon loss of external signal, if so desired.
The boiler control system shall incorporate the following additional features for enhanced external system
1. System start temperature feature
2. Pump delay timer
3. Remote interlock circuit
4. Delayed interlock circuit
5. Delta-T Limiter
6. Freeze protection
7. Fault relay for remote fault alarm
8. Warm-weather shutdown
9. The control shall offer multi-level user security access using different passwords. For additional
security, the passwords shall expire if control display was not touched for an extended period
30 minutes.
Each boiler shall include an electric, single-seated combination safety shutoff valve/regulator with proof of
closure switch in its gas train. Each boiler shall incorporate dual over-temperature protection with
manual reset, in accordance with ASME Section IV and CSD-1.
Each boiler shall utilize a low cost reliable automotive O₂ sensor that measures and monitors the oxygen
content of the exhaust gases. The system shall adjust the blower speed to maintain optimal air-fuel
ratios in the event of air inlet temperature changes. The system shall have the following capabilities:
The system shall provide warnings or alerts in the following cases:
O₂ percentage out of range
When O₂ sensor has fallen out of calibration
Output of O2 information shall be displayed on the Edge [i] control panel.
The O₂ sensor shall be installed through the unit’s burner plate and measure the oxygen content
directly within the unit’s combustion chamber.
Boilers without an equivalent O₂ sensing system will be deemed unacceptable. Due to the moisture
content of flue gases from condensing boilers, placing the O₂ sensor in the exhaust manifold or stack
will be deemed unacceptable.
Each boiler shall be onAER ready with a standard Ethernet port and include a 5 year onAER subscription at
no additional charge. AERCO’s onAER service grants the user online access to real time operation and
status of their system plant from any computer, tablet or mobile device along with the following
Efficiency status and trends
O2 levels
Efficiency and performance optimization tips
Preventative Maintenance alerts and scheduling
Predictive Maintenance algorithms.
Warning and error messages
Weekly or monthly performance and status reports
Manage multiple boiler plants or buildings
Customizable dashboard
Add email contacts for alerts and reports, including local AERCO trained technicians
Manage and store startup, maintenance and service documentation
The boiler manufacturer shall be able to provide a network hub or a network switch to connect up 16
boilers to an online network.
Each boiler shall have integrated Boiler Sequencing Technology (BST), capable of multi-unit sequencing with
lead-lag functionality and parallel operation. The system will incorporate the following capabilities:
Efficiently sequence 2 to 16 units on the same system to meet load requirement.
Integrated control and wiring for seamless installation of optional isolation valve. When valves are
utilized, the system shall operate one motorized valve per unit as an element of load sequencing.
Valves shall close with decreased load as units turn off, with all opening under no-load
Automatically rotate lead/lag amongst the units on the chain and monitor run hours per unit and
balance load in an effort to equalize run hours among active units.
Option to manually designate lead and last boiler
Designated manager control, used to display and adjust key system parameters.
Automatic bump-less transfer of manager function to next unit on the chain in case of designated
manager unit failure; manager/client status should be shown on the individual unit displays.
G. For boiler plants greater than 16 units, the Boiler Manufacturer shall supply as part of the boiler
package a completely integrated AERCO Control System (ACS) to control all operation and energy input
of the multiple boiler heating plant. The ACS shall be comprised of a microprocessor based control
utilizing the MODBUS protocol to communicate with the Boilers via the RS-485 port. One ACS
controller shall have the ability to operate up to 32 AERCO boilers.
The controller shall have the ability to vary the firing rate and energy input of each individual boiler
throughout its full modulating range to maximize the condensing capability and thermal efficiency
output of the entire heating plant. The ACS shall control the boiler outlet header temperature within
+2ºF. The controller shall be a PID type controller and uses Ramp Up/Ramp Down control algorithm
for accurate temperature control with excellent variable load response. The ACS controller shall
provide contact closure for auxiliary equipment such as system pumps and combustion air inlet
dampers based upon outdoor air temperature.
The ACS shall have the following anti-cycling features:
Manual designation of lead boiler and last boiler.
Lead boiler rotation at user-specified time interval.
Delay the firing/shutting down of boilers when header temperature within a predefined
When set on Internal Setpoint Mode, temperature control setpoint on the ACS shall be fully field
adjustable from 50ºF to 190ºF in operation. When set on Indoor/Outdoor Reset Mode, the ACS will
operate on an adjustable inverse ratio in response to outdoor temperature to control the main header
temperature. Reset ratio shall be fully field adjustable from 0.3 to 3.0 in operation. When set on 4ma
to 20ma Temperature Control Mode, the ACS will operate the plant to vary header temperature
setpoint linearly as an externally applied 4-20 ma signal is supplied.
When set on MODBUS Temperature Control Mode, the ACS will operate the plant to vary header
temperature setpoint as an external communication utilizing the MODBUS protocol is supplied via the
RS-232 port. The ACS controller shall have a vacuum fluorescent display for monitoring of all sensors
and interlocks. Non-volatile memory backup of all control parameters shall be internally provided as
standard. The controller will automatically balance the sequence of operating time on each boiler by
a first-on first-off mode and provide for setback and remote alarm contacts. Connection between
central ACS system and individual boilers shall be twisted pair low voltage wiring, with the boilers
‘daisy-chained’ for ease of installation.
Controllers, Electrical Devices and Wiring: Electrical devices and connections are specified in Division 26
Single-Point Field Power Connection: Factory-installed and factory-wired switches, motor controllers,
transformers and other electrical devices shall provide a single-point field power connection to the
Electrical Characteristics:
BMK2500-3000 &
120 V
208 V
460 V
575 V
60 Hz
60 Hz
60 Hz
60 Hz
Full Load Current
13-16 Amps
10-30 Amps
5-12 Amps
8 Amps
The exhaust vent must be UL Listed for use with Category II, III and IV appliances and compatible with
operating temperatures up to 230°F, condensing flue gas service. UL-listed vents of Polypropylene and
Al 29-4C stainless steel must be used with boilers.
PVC/CPVC is approved for use with BMK750-1000 models
The minimum exhaust vent duct size for each boiler is six-inch (BMK750-1500), 8-inch (BMK2000-3000), 12
inch (BMK4000-5000N) diameter or 12-inch (BMK5000-6000) diameter.
Combustion-Air Intake: Boilers shall be capable of drawing combustion air from the outdoors via a metal or
PVC duct connected between the boiler and the outdoors.
The minimum ducted combustion air duct size for each boiler is six-inch (BMK750-1500), 8-inch (BMK2000-
3000), 10 inch (BMK4000-5000N) diameter or 12-inch (BMK5000-6000) diameter.
Common vent and common combustion air must be an available option for boiler installation. Consult
manufacturer for common vent and combustion air sizing.
Follow guidelines specified in manufacturer’s venting guide.
Burner and Hydrostatic Test: Factory adjust burner to eliminate excess oxygen, carbon dioxide, oxides of
nitrogen emissions and carbon monoxide in flue gas, and to achieve combustion efficiency. Perform
hydrostatic testing.
Test and inspect factory-assembled boilers, before shipping, according to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
If boilers are not factory assembled and fire-tested, the local vendor is responsible for all field assembly
and testing.
Allow Owner access to source quality-control testing of boilers. Notify Architect fourteen days in advance of
A. Before boiler installation examine roughing-in for concrete equipment bases, anchor-bolt sizes and
locations and piping and electrical connections to verify actual locations, sizes and other conditions
affecting boiler performance, maintenance and operations.
Final boiler locations indicated on Drawings are approximate. Determine exact locations before
roughing-in for piping and electrical connections.
Examine mechanical spaces for suitable conditions where boilers will be installed.
Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
Install boilers level on concrete bases. Concrete base is specified in Division 23 Section "Common Work
Results for HVAC," and concrete materials and installation requirements are specified in Division 03.
Install gas-fired boilers according to NFPA 54.
Assemble and install boiler trim.
Install electrical devices furnished with boiler but not specified to be factory mounted.
Install control wiring to field-mounted electrical devices.
Piping installation requirements are specified in other Division 23 sections. Drawings indicate general
arrangement of piping, fittings and specialties.
Install piping adjacent to boiler to permit service and maintenance.
Install piping from equipment drain connection to nearest floor drain. Piping shall be at least full size of
connection. Provide an isolation valve if required.
Connect gas piping to boiler gas-train inlet with unions. Piping shall be at least full size of gas train connection.
Provide a reducer if required.
Connect hot-water piping to supply and return boiler tappings with shutoff valve and union or flange at each
Install piping from safety relief valves to nearest floor drain.
Boiler Venting
1. Install flue venting kit and combustion-air intake.
Connect venting full size to boiler connections. [Comply with requirements in Division 23 Section
"Breechings, Chimneys and Stacks."]
Ground equipment according to Division 26 Section "Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems."
Connect wiring according to Division 26 Section "Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables."
A. Perform tests and inspections and prepare test reports.
Manufacturer's Field Service: Engage a factory-authorized service representative to inspect
components, assemblies and equipment installations, including connections, and to assist in
B. Tests and Inspections
1. Perform installation and startup checks according to manufacturer's written instructions.
2. Perform hydrostatic test. Repair leaks and retest until no leaks exist.
3. Start units to confirm proper motor rotation and unit operation. Adjust air-fuel ratio and
4. Test and adjust controls and safeties. Replace damaged and malfunctioning controls and
a. Check and adjust initial operating set points and high- and low-limit safety set points of
fuel supply, water level and water temperature.
b. Set field-adjustable switches and circuit-breaker trip ranges as indicated.
C. Remove and replace malfunctioning units and retest as specified above.
D. Occupancy Adjustments: When requested within 2 months of date of Substantial Completion, provide
on-site assistance adjusting system to suit actual occupied conditions. Provide up to two visits to
Project during other than normal occupancy hours for this purpose.
E. Performance Tests:
The boiler manufacturer is expected to provide partial load thermal efficiency curves. These thermal
efficiency curves must include at least three separate curves at various BTU input levels. If these curves
are not available, it is the responsibility of the boiler manufacturer to complete the following
performance tests:
1. Engage a factory-authorized service representative to inspect component assemblies and
equipment installations, including connections, and to conduct performance testing.
2. Boilers shall comply with performance requirements indicated, as determined by field
performance tests. Adjust, modify, or replace equipment to comply.
3. Perform field performance tests to determine capacity and efficiency of boilers.
a. Test for full capacity.
b. Test for boiler efficiency at [low fire, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 80, 60, 40 and 20] percent of full
capacity. Determine efficiency at each test point.
4. Repeat tests until results comply with requirements indicated.
5. Provide analysis equipment required to determine performance.
6. Provide temporary equipment and system modifications necessary to dissipate the heat
produced during tests if building systems are not adequate.
7. Notify Architect in advance of test dates.
8. Document test results in a report and submit to Architect.
Technical Data Sheet
Benchmark 750-6000 with Edge Controller
High Efficiency Boilers
The AERCO Benchmark
(BMK) Water Boiler is designed for condensing
application in any closed loop hydronic system. It delivers unmatched
burner modulation to match energy input directly to uctuating system.
No other product packs as much capacity into such a small footprint that
ts through a standard door and can be transported in a freight elevator.
Energy Efficient
o minimize emissions, the BMK Series is tted with a low NOx burner
whose emissions will meet the most stringent NOx and CO requirements.
The fully modulating burner also maintains AERCO standards for energy
efficiency, longevity, reliability and construction quality.
The BMK Series comes standard with AERCO’s TComp
temperature compensation (a standard combustion control feature
available with BMK boilers for 15+ years) provides precise combustion
and maintains O
levels throughout the year for best combustion
Application and Plant Design
The BMK boilers can be used as an individual unit or in modular
arrangements and offers selectable modes of operation. In addition to
controlling the boiler according to a constant set point, indoor/outdoor
reset schedule or 4-20mA signal, one or more units can be integrated via
Modbus communications protocol. For boiler plants ranging from 2-16
boilers, the AERCO Edge
built-in Boiler Sequencing Technology (BST)*
can be utilized. The Benchmark can be easily integrated with a
facility-wide Energy Management or Building Automation System.
Natural gas, propane, or dual fuel
20:1 turndown ratio (5%) depending on capacity
/air temperature compensation)
439 stainless steel fire tube heat exchanger
Capable of variable primary flow Installations
NOx emissions capable of 9PPM or less @ all firing rates
depending on capacity
Compact footprint, light weight, freight elevator friendly
Ducted combustion air capable
Easy open access for service
Acceptable vent materials AL29-4C,
Polypropylene, PVC, cPVC (model dependent)
Reliable quiet operation
Optional gas train with VPS (Value Proving
System) for BMK Platinum 4000/5000/6000
Edge [i]
Precise temperature control
On-board Boiler Sequencing Technology (BST)
Controls options: constant setpoint, indoor/
outdoor reset, remote setpoint, 4-20mA signal
or ModBus
*See BST System technical data sheet for
additional system details and capabilities
On On Off Off Off
1. Values are for natural gas FM compliant gas trains only. See Benchmark Gas Components & Supply Design Guide GF-2030 for propane,
DBB & dual fuel gas train minimum gas pressure requirements.
2. See Benchmark Electrical Power Guide GF-2060 for Service Disconnect Switch amperage requirements.
3. 9 PPM NOx emissions based on natural gas ring only. BMK5000/6000 operating at standard gas pressure (>14” W.C.) can achieve 9 ppm
NOx. 14” ø ue required.
4. BMK5000/6000 low gas pressure option is available as a different style number. It operates between 4” and 10” of gas pressure.
750 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000N 5000
Boiler Category ASME Sect.IV
Gas Connections (NPT) 1’’ 2’’ 3” 2 / 3’
Max. Gas Pressure 14’ 2psi/10”
Min. Gas Pressure
4’’ 14 / 4”
Max. Allowed
Working Pressure
160 PSIG
Electrical Req.
13 FLA 16 FLA N/A
Electrical Req.
N/A 10 FLA 23 FLA 19 FLA
Electrical Req.
N/A 5 FLA 12 FLA 9 FLA
Electrical Req.
Water Connect.
3’’ 4’’ 6” 6’’
Min. Water Flow (GPM) 12 25 35 75
Max. Water Flow (GPM) 175 250 350 500 600
Water Volume Gallons 16.25 14.25 44 40 58 55 75 110
Water Pressure Drop 3.0 PSIG @100 GPM 3.0 PSIG @170 GPM
3.0 PSIG
@218 GPM
3.0 PSIG
5.0 PSIG @475 GPM 4.0 PSIG @500 GPM
Turndown Ratio 15:1 (7%) 20:1 (5%) 20:1 (5%) 15:1 (7%) 15:1 (7%) 15:1 (7%) 20:1 (7%) 12:1 (8%) 15:1 (7%)
Vent/Air Intake
6 Inch 8 Inch
12 Inch Vent/10 Inch Air
14 Inch/12 Inch
Optional Flue Venting
Vent Materials
AL29-4C Polypro, CPVC,
AL29-4C Polypro
Type of Gas Natural Gas, Propane, Dual Fuel
NOx Emissions <9ppm
<13 ppm
Temp. Control Range 50ºF to 190ºF
Ambient Temp. Range
0ºF to 130ºF
Standard Listings &
Gas Train Operations FM Compliant or Factory Installed DBB (IRI)
FM Compliant or Factory
Installed DBB (IRI), VPS
(Value Proving System)
FM Compliant, VPS (Val-
ue Proving System)
Sound Rating dbA 65 65 70 70 72 72 75 79
Weight (dry) Ibs. 669 700 1406 1500 2,000 2,170 2200 3,000
Shipping Weight Ibs. 862 900 1606 1700 2,200 2,300 2350 3,800
Min Input
Max Input
Max Output
Efficiency Range
Thermal Efficiency
80º to 180ºF
750 50 750 653-720 87%-98% 95.6%
1000 50 1000 870-960 87%-98% 96.8%
1500 75 1500 1305-1440 87%-98% 94.6%
2000 100 2000 1740-1920 87%-98% 94.6%
2500 167 2500 2175-2400 87%-98% 93.5%
3000 200 3000 2610-2880 87%-98% 94.6%
4000 267 4000 3480-3840 87%-98% 94.1%
5000N 250 4990 4341-4790 87%-98% 93.8%
5000 400 5000 4350-4800 87%-98% 94.8%
6000 400 6000 5220-5760 87%-98% 94.5%
BMK Models (Width) A
(Height) C D E F G H I J K L
750 28’ 24.5’ 78’ 34’ 10.2’ 9.6’ 53’ 21’ 17.1’ 4.5’ 5.1’ 51.5’
1000 28’ 25’ 78’ 34’ 10.2’ 9.6’ 53’ 21’ 17.1’ 4.5’ 5.1’ 51.5’
1500 28’ 43.6’ 78’ 58.4’ 6.6’ 11.5’ 57.8’ 18’ 42’ 8.9’ 4.4’ 19.1’
2000 28’ 43.6’ 78’ 58.4’ 7’’ 11.5’ 57.8’ 18’ 42’ 8.9’ 4.4’ 19.1’
2500 28’ 56’ 78’ 68.4’ 5.6’ 11.5’ 57.8’ 18’ 42’ 6.4’ 4.4’ 27.1’
3000 28’ 56’ 78’ 68.4’ 5.6’ 11.5’ 57.8’ 18’ 42’ 6.4’ 4.4’ 27.1’
4000 34” 63.5” 78.2” 80.6” 6” 12.4” 56” 21.4” 44.4” 9” 5.5” 28.7”
5000N 34” 63.5” 78.2” 80.6” 6” 12.4” 56” 21.4” 44.4” 9” 5.5” 28.7”
Max output dependent upon application – see efciency curves
Dim: Inches
BMK4000-5000N = 14"
© 2021 AERCO
AERCO International, Inc. • 100 Oritani Drive • Blauvelt, NY 10913
USA: T: (845) 580-8000 • Toll Free: (800) 526-0288 •
Heating and Hot Water Solutions
Dim: Inches
BMK Models (Width) A (Depth) B (Height) C
5000 35’ 89.3’ 79.8’
6000 35’ 89.3’ 79.8’
The Vendor shall also provide the following as requested for all County RFPs:
A. If applicable, provide continual or annual costs such as warranties or service contracts.
B. Description of its invoicing process. Invoices should itemize line items by building location.
C. An opportunity for Emmet County to complete a final inspection before acceptance of the
work/product. The Vendor will arrange for the return of all damaged or miss-shipped items. There
will be no restocking fee for the return of items damaged or shipped by the vendor in error. All items
returned will be credited to invoice within fourteen (14) days of receipt.
D. Available financing options and terms.
E. If applicable, no less than three (3) days of training to ensure adequate education of all personnel at
the expense of the company providing the equipment to Emmet County.
In responding to this RFP, the vendor accepts full responsibility to understand the RFP in its entirety, and in
detail, including making any inquiries to Emmet County as necessary to gain such understanding. The County
reserves the right to disqualify any vendor who demonstrates less than such understanding. Further, Emmet
County reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, whether the vendor has demonstrated such
understanding. That right extends to cancellation of award, if award has been made. Such disqualification
and/or cancellation shall be at no fault, cost, or liability whatsoever to Emmet County.
All information provided by Emmet County in this RFP is offered in good faith. Individual items are subject to
change at any time. Emmet County makes no certification that any item is without error. Emmet County is not
responsible or liable for any use of the information or for any claims asserted there from.
The County intends to select a consultant in September 2021.
Submittals will be evaluated and ranked based on the following criteria:
A. Team Experience (they must be available and participating in the project). 30% of the evaluation;
B. Costs for the Hot Water Boiler. 30% of the evaluation;
C. Approach to project to accomplish the County’s goals. 25% of the evaluation;
D. Warranty, service contracts, industry standards and references and history of similar projects carried
out and completed on-time with no cost over runs or increases incurred. 15% of the evaluation.
Bidders are required to submit their statements in the format and order of the above listed evaluation criteria.
Please limit the size of submittals to no more than 20 pages or up to 10 double-sided sheets with text no
smaller than size 11 font on 8-½” x 11” paper. A cover letter may be included that does not count towards the
page limit. Resumes or bios of team members, if warranted, should be included within the number of pages
identified above.
Proposals will be reviewed by an internal committee where quotes will be evaluated and ranked. Proposing
bidders may be asked to participate in an interview to further discuss qualifications and to answer questions
from the committee. The contract will be awarded to the responsible, responsive firm whose proposal,
conforming to this solicitation, will be most advantageous to Emmet County, price and any other factors
Emmet County reserves the right in its sole discretion to accept or reject any or all proposals, in whole or in
part, without incurring any cost of liability whatsoever, and to waive informalities and minor irregularities in
bids received. The County shall retain the RFP, and all related terms and conditions, exhibits and other
attachments, in original form in any archival copy. Any modification of these, in the vendor’s submission, is
grounds for immediate disqualification.
Full name and address of the firm with a short description of the firm.
Include a description of the following:
A. Business organization
B. Year established
C. Federal ID number
D. Michigan tax ID number
E. The firm’s legal formation (e.g. corporation, sole proprietor, etc.)
F. State of incorporation, if applicable.
G. List the firm’s officers (up to three).
H. List the location and address of the firm’s office in Michigan that will provide the services requested.
I. Provide a list of firm’s primary services. Provide a list of similar projects completed by the firm.
RFP reviewers may solicit references from some or all client contacts provided with previous experience
examples above. Please include three (3) references.
Identify all costs including expenses to be charged for performing the Services necessary to accomplish the
objectives of the contract. The Respondent is to submit a fully detailed budget including staff costs and any
expenses necessary to accomplish the tasks and to produce the deliverables under the contract.
Costs for subcontractors are to be broken out separately.
Disclose any conflicts or perceived conflicts of interest.
Identify what procedures your firm utilizes to identify and resolve conflicts of interest.
A. Comprehensive General Liability and Property Damage coverage. (see below requirements)
B. Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions) coverage.
C. Worker’s Compensation coverage. (see below requirements)
D. Automobile Liability (see below requirements)
E. Any and all relevant license/registration numbers.
The successful firm/consultant must meet the following minimum insurance requirements and provide proof
of coverage on a Certificate of Liability Insurance form submitted with proposal:
A. If Quote is awarded, Certificate of insurance must name Emmet County as a certificate holder.
B. Certificate of insurance must name as an additional insured Emmet County, its agents, officers,
officials, employees are hereby named as additional insureds, as their interest may appear.
C. General Liability Coverage:
a. $500,000 Each Occurrence
b. $500,000 Property Damage
c. $5,000 Medical Expense
d. $500,000 Personal & Advertising Injury
e. $1,000,000 General Aggregate
f. $1,000,000 Products & Completed Operations
D. Automobile Liability
a. $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit; or
b. $1,000,000 Bodily Injury
c. $500,000 Property Damage
E. Workman’s Compensation insurance as required State statutory limits. If any proprietor,
partner, executive, officer, member, or employee is excluded from worker’s compensation or if the
Workers Compensation policy is for certificate purpose only, it must be stated on the certificate.
Please submit three (3) hard copies and one PDF electronic copy on a flash drive in your SEALED BID
no later than 3:00 pm on September 10, 2021 to:
ATTN: Priscilla Meyer, Civil Counsel Office
1. Response to this RFP MUST be clearly marked RFP# EC-08-2021-05Hot Water BoilerEMMET
2. Questions shall be submitted in writing to Ryan Bachelor at
no later than
3:00 pm on August 27, 2021.
3. This RFP, any addendums, and any potential questions and answers will be posted on the Emmet
County website at
4. The County reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject any and all proposals, or parts of any
proposal, for any reason whatsoever and waive technicalities.
5. The County will only accept proposals that are responsive to the RFP and are prepared and submitted
in compliance with the requirements set forth in this RFP.
6. Emmet County will not award any proposal to an individual or business having any outstanding
amounts due from a prior Contract or business relationship with the County or who owes any
amount(s) for delinquent Federal, State or Local taxes, fees and licenses.
No late submissions will be accepted.
The Respondent who is selected as Consultant shall certify to the County that neither it nor any of its
successors, parent companies, subsidiaries, or companies under common ownership or control of the
Consultant, are an “Iran Linked Business” engaged in investment activities of $20,000,000.00 or more with the
energy sector of Iran, within the meaning of Michigan Public Act 517 of 2012. It is expressly understood and
agreed that the Consultant shall not become an “Iran linked business” during the term of this Agreement.
I hereby state that I have read, understand, and become thoroughly familiar with and understand the terms
and scope of work contained in the RFP.
I hereby state that all of the information I have provided is true, accurate and complete. I hereby state that I
have authority to submit this RFP which will become the basis for a binding contract if accepted by the Emmet
I hereby state that this quote will remain valid for six (6) months from this certification date.
Signature: _____________________________________________________________________________
Print Name: ___________________________________________________________________________
Title: _______________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Company Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
Contact Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Office: ________________________________________ Cell: _____________________________