SCHOLASTIC™ Scholastic Inc.
1. Callie is passionate about set design and
researches old movies to inspire her and to learn.
What topics do you love learning about? How
can you learn more about those topics?
2. When Callie and her friends exit the costume
room wearing fun hats, Greg looks at them
strangely and quickly walks away. Liz reassures
Callie by saying, “We’re the cool ones. He’s the
dork.” What do you think Liz meant by that? Do
you agree?
3. Callie says that her new life began when she
joined the stage crew. What activities at school
or outside of school do you enjoy? Is there a
club, sport, or musical instrument that you would
like to try?
4. Callie “auditions” even though she knows her
singing voice isn’t very good. Why do you think
she does this? Which character do you relate to
more: Callie or Jesse?
5. Why do some of the kids dislike Bonnie? Discuss
some of the things she does and some of the
things she says that aren’t nice.
6. Callie gets angry because Jesse ditches her at the
dance, and Liz gets angry because Callie leaves
her at the dance. Do you think Callie and Liz
have a right to be mad? Why? How would you
7. Greg asks Callie to be his girlfriend, but she
doesn’t accept, even though she used to have a
big crush on him. Does this surprise you? Why do
you think she said no? Do you think she does the
right thing?
8. Jesse gives Callie mixed signals about his feelings
toward her. What signals make her think he likes
her as a girlfriend? What signals make her think
he only likes her as a friend?
9. Jesse is a great singer but is very shy about
performing in front of others. Do you have a
talent that you keep to yourself? Or do you know
someone who does? What can you or your friend
do to feel more comfortable about sharing your
talent with others?
10. Why do you think Callie is chosen to be the stage
manager for the next school year? Use examples
from the book to explain.
Discussion Questions
by Raina Telgemeier