19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023 Booklet Series
Candidate’s Roll Number
Question Booklet
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‹`mZ X| : AZwXoem| H$m {h›Xr Í$nm›Va Bg nwpÒVH$m Ho$ Ap›V_ n•> na N>nm h°ü&
Time Allowed : 2 Hours Maximum Marks : 150
Serial No.
A B C, ,
1. Which of the following
technologies will be enabled by
the 5G mobile communication
1. Internet of Things
2. Edge Computing
3. Network Slicing
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) Only 1 and 2
(B) Only 2 and 3
(C) Only 1 and 3
(D) 1, 2 and 3
2. Match List–I with List–II :
(Space Mission)
a. Cassini-
1. Jupiter
b. Juno 2. Saturn and its
c. Artemis 3. Venus
d. VERITAS 4. Human Space-
to Mars
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) a b c d
2 1 4 3
(B) a b c d
3 1 4 2
(C) a b c d
2 3 4 1
(D) a b c d
3 1 2 4
3. Match List–I with List–II :
a. Linen 1. Coconut plant
b. Coir 2. Flax plant
c. Mohair 3. Feathers of duck
and geese
d. Down 4. Angora goat
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) a b c d
1 3 2 4
(B) a b c d
4 3 1 2
(C) a b c d
2 1 4 3
(D) a b c d
4 1 3 2
4. Consider the following state-
ments :
1. Taeniasis is an intestinal
infection caused by three
species of tapeworm—
Taenia solium, Taenia
saginata and Taenia
2. When cysts develop in the
brain, the condition is
referred to as neuro-
cysticercosis (NCC).
Which of the above statements
is/are correct?
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both 1 and 2
(D) None of the above
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 2
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 3 [P.T.O.
1. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gr VH$ZrH|$
5G _mo~mBb gßMma ZoQ>dH©$ ¤mam gj_ H$s
1. BßQ>aZoQ> Am∞\$ qWΩg
2. EO H$Âfl`yqQ>J
3. ZoQ>dH©$ ÒbmBqgJ
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) Ho$db 1 Am°a 2
(B) Ho$db 2 Am°a 3
(C) Ho$db 1 Am°a 3
(D) 1, 2 Am°a 3
2. gyMr–I H$mo gyMr–II go gw_o{bV H$s{OE :
(AßV[aj {_eZ)
a. H°${gZr-¯yO|g 1. ~•hÒn{V
b. OyZmo 2. e{Z Am°a CgHo$ db`
c. AmQ>}{_g 3. ewH´$
d. do[aQ>mg 4. _mZd AßV[aj CãS>mZ
Mß–_m go _ßJb J´h VH$
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) a b c d
2 1 4 3
(B) a b c d
3 1 4 2
(C) a b c d
2 3 4 1
(D) a b c d
3 1 2 4
3. gyMr–I H$mo gyMr–II go gw_o{bV H$s{OE :
a. {bZoZ 1. Zm[a`b H$m nm°Ym
b. OQ>m (H$m∞`a) 2. gZ H$m nm°Ym
c. _mohm`a 3. ~ŒmI Am°a JrµO Ho$ nßI
d. S>mCZ 4. AßJmoam ~H$ar
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) a b c d
1 3 2 4
(B) a b c d
4 3 1 2
(C) a b c d
2 1 4 3
(D) a b c d
4 1 3 2
4. {ZÂZ{b{IV H$WZm| na {dMma H$s{OE :
1. Q>o{Z`m{gg EH$ Am±Vm| H$m gßH´$_U h°, Omo
Q>ond_© H$s VrZ ‡Om{V`m|
, Q>o{Z`m gJrZmQ>m Am°a Q>o{Z`m
ü Ho$ H$maU hmoVm h°ü&
2. O~ _pÒVÓH$ _| {gÒQ> {dH${gV hmo
OmVo h¢, Vmo Bg pÒW{V H$mo
›`yamo{gpÒQ>gH$m}{gg (EZ0 gr0 gr0)
H$hm OmVm h°ü&
Cn`©w∫$ _| go H$m°Z-gm/go H$WZ ghr h°/h¢?
(A) Ho$db 1
(B) Ho$db 2
(C) 1 Am°a 2 XmoZm|
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
5. Which of the following are
computer languages?
1. Cobra
2. Python
3. Squirrel
4. Java
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) Only 1 and 2
(B) Only 3 and 4
(C) Only 1, 2 and 3
(D) All of the above
6. What is the full form of GPT
in ChatGPT, recently seen in
the news?
(A) Glutamic Pyruvic Trans-
(B) GUID Partition Table
(C) Grooved Pegboard Test
(D) Generative Pre-Trained
Which of the following are not
the tastes of the tongue?
1. Sweet
2. Bitter
3. Salty
4. Spicy
5. Umami
6. Sour
7. Pungent
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) 2, 5 and 7
(B) 1, 3 and 4
(C) 4 and 7
(D) 3 and 6
8. Which of the following pairs are
correctly matched?
1. Anorexia : Sleep disorder
2. Insomnia : Eating
3. Dyspnoea : Shortness of
4. Anosmia : Partial or full
loss of smell
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) Only 1 and 2
(B) Only 2 and 3
(C) Only 3 and 4
(D) All of the above
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 4
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 5 [P.T.O.
5. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gr H$Âfl`yQ>a ^mfmE± h¢?
1. H$mo~am
2. nmBWZ
3. pÒπ$ab
4. Omdm
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) Ho$db 1 Am°a 2
(B) Ho$db 3 Am°a 4
(C) Ho$db 1, 2 Am°a 3
(D) Cn`©w∫$ g^r
6. hmb hr _| g_mMmam| _| XoIr JB©
M°Q>-Or0 nr0 Q>r0 _|, Or0 nr0 Q>r0 H$m nyU©
Í$n ä`m h°?
(A) ΩbyQ>m{_H$ nmBÈ{dH$ Q¥>mßgE{_ZoµO
(B) Or0 `y0 AmB0 S>r0 nm{Q>©eZ Q>o~b
(C) J´yÏS> noJ~moS>© Q>oÒQ>
(D) OoZao{Q>d ‡r-Q¥>oßS Q¥>mßg\$m∞_©a
7. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-go Or^ Ho$ ÒdmX
Zht h¢?
1. _rR>m
2. H$ãS>dm
3. Z_H$sZ
4. _gmboXma
5. C_m_r
6. I≈>m
7. VrIm
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) 2, 5 Am°a 7
(B) 1, 3 Am°a 4
(C) 4 Am°a 7
(D) 3 Am°a 6
8. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°°Z-go OmoãS>o ghr
gw_o{bV h°ß?
1. EZmoaopäg`m : ZtX gÂ~›Yr {dH$ma
2. BZgmopÂZ`m : ImZo H$m {dH$ma
3. {S>Òn{Z`m : gm±g H$s VH$br\$
4. EZmopÒ_`m : JßY H$s Amß{eH$ `m
nyU© hm{Z
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) Ho$db 1 Am°a 2
(B) Ho$db 2 Am°a 3
(C) Ho$db 3 Am°a 4
(D) Cn`©w∫$ g^r
9. In the universe, what are
(A) A group of stars
(B) Rotating neutron stars
(C) Explosion of a star
(D) Radio waves emitted by
a star
10. In the context of lab-grown
diamonds (LGDs), what is used
as a diamond seed?
(A) White sapphire
(B) Moissanite
(C) Graphite
(D) Cubic zirconia (CZ)
11. What is the ‘fibre’ used to make
bulletproof jackets?
(A) Nylon
(B) Terylene
(C) Tweed
(D) Kevlar
12. What is/are the full form(s)
of HMX?
1. High Melting Explosive
2. High-Density Monoatomic
3. Hedge Monetizing Xeno-
4. Her Majesty’s Explosive
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 2 and 3
(C) Only 1
(D) 1 and 4
13. What is the name of Tesla’s
humanoid robot launched in
October 2022?
(A) Sophia
(B) Atlas
(C) Pepper
(D) Optimus
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 6
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 7 [P.T.O.
9. ~´˜mßS> _|, nÎga ä`m h¢?
(A) Vmam| H$m EH$ g_yh
(B) Ky_Vo ›`yQ¥>m∞Z Vmao
(C) {H$gr Vmao H$m {dÒ\$moQ>
(D) {H$gr Vmao ¤mam CÀg{O©V ao{S>`mo VaßJ|
10. ‡`moJembm _| {dH${gV hrao (Eb0 Or0 S>r0)
Ho$ gßX^© _|, hrao Ho$ ~rO Ho$ Í$n _| {H$gH$m
Cn`moJ {H$`m OmVm h°?
(A) g\o$X Zrb_
(B) _moBgmZmBQ>
(C) J´oµ\$mBQ>
(D) ä`y{~H$ {µOaH$mo{Z`m (gr0 OoS>0)
11. ~wboQ>-‡y\$ O°Ho$Q> ~ZmZo Ho$ {bE Cn`moJ {H$`m
OmZo dmbm "\$mB~a' ä`m h°?
(A) Zm`bm∞Z
(B) Q>o[abrZ
(C) Qâ>rS>
(D) Ho$dba
12. EM0 E_0 Eäg0 H$m/Ho$ nyU© Í$n ä`m h°/h¢?
1. hmB© _opÎQ>®J Eägflbmo{gd
2. hmB©-S>|{gQ>r _moZmoEQ>m∞{_H$ µOoZm∞Z
3. hoO _moZoQ>mBqOJ µOoZmoH$a|gr
4. ha _°OÒQ>rg Eägflbmo{gd
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) 1 Am°a 2
(B) 2 Am°a 3
(C) Ho$db 1
(D) 1 Am°a 4
13. AäQy>~a 2022 _| bm∞›M {H$E JE Q>oÒbm Ho$
¯y_Zm∞BS> amo~moQ> H$m Zm_ ä`m h°?
(A) gmo{\$`m
(B) EQ>bg
(C) nona
(D) Am∞pflQ>_g
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 8
14. What is the ‘Manhattan Project’?
(A) A research and development
undertaking that produced
the first nuclear weapons
(B) One of the largest art
auctions of the world
(C) A real estate project in
New York City
(D) A famous theme park
15. The image formed by concave
mirror is real, inverted and of
the same size as that of the
object. The position of the object
should be
(A) at the focus
(B) at the centre of curvature
(C) between the focus and
centre of curvature
(D) beyond the centre of
16. A photoelectric cell is a device
(A) converts light energy into
electric energy
(B) converts electric energy into
light energy
(C) stores light energy
(D) None of the above
17. The amount of solute present
per unit volume or per unit
mass of the solution/solvent is
known as _____ in Chemistry.
(A) composition of solute
(B) concentration of solvent
(C) concentration of solute
(D) concentration of solution
18. How do COVID vaccines
stimulate an immune response?
(A) By introducing live
attenuated SARS-CoV-2
(B) By introducing a real
SARS-CoV-2 virus
(C) By introducing a harmless
piece of SARS-CoV-2 virus
(D) By introducing antibodies
against SARS-CoV-2 virus
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 9 [P.T.O.
14. "_°ZhQ≤>Q>Z n[a`moOZm' ä`m h°?
(A) EH$ AZwgßYmZ Am°a {dH$mg CnH´$_,
{OgZo nhbo na_mUw h{W`ma H$m CÀnmXZ
(B) Xw{Z`m H$s g~go ~ãS>r H$bm-Zrbm_r _|
go EH$
(C) ›`y`m∞H©$ {gQ>r _| EH$ [a`b EÒQ>oQ>
(D) EH$ ‡{g’ Wr_ nmH©$
15. AdVb Xn©U ¤mam ~Zm`m J`m ‡{V{~Â~
dmÒV{dH$, CÎQ>m Am°a dÒVw Ho$ AmH$ma Ho$
~am~a hmoVm h°ü& dÒVw H$s pÒW{V H°$gr hmoZr
(A) \$moH$g na
(B) dH´$Vm Ho$ Ho$›– na
(C) \$moH$g Am°a dH´$Vm Ho$›– Ho$ ~rM
(D) dH´$Vm Ho$›– go nao
16. \$moQ>moBbopäQ¥>H$ gob EH$ Eogm CnH$aU h°,
Omo {H$
(A) ‡H$me D$Om© H$mo {d⁄wV≤ D$Om© _|
(B) {d⁄wV≤ D$Om© H$mo ‡H$me D$Om© _|
(C) ‡H$me D$Om© H$m ^ßS>maU H$aVm
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
17. {db`Z/{dbm`H$ Ho$ ‡{V BH$mB© Am`VZ `m
‡{V BH$mB© –Ï`_mZ _| CnpÒWV {dbo` H$s
_mÃm H$mo agm`Z _| {H$g Í$n _| OmZm
OmVm h°?
(A) {dbo` H$m gßKQ>Z
(B) {dbm`H$ H$s gmß–Vm
(C) {dbo` H$s gmß–Vm
(D) {db`Z H$s gmß–Vm
18. H$mo{dS> Q>rH$mE±, ‡{Vajr ‡{V{H´$`m H$mo H°$go
CŒmo{OV H$aVo h¢?
(A) Or{dV jrU SARS-CoV-2 dm`ag
‡doe H$amHo$
(B) EH$ dmÒV{dH$ SARS-CoV-2
dm`ag ‡doe H$amHo$
(C) SARS-CoV-2 dm`ag H$m EH$
hm{Za{hV Qw>H$ãS>m ‡doe H$amHo$
(D) SARS-CoV-2 dm`ag Ho$ {Ibm\$
EßQ>r~m∞S>r ‡doe H$amHo$
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 10
19. Which of the following liquids is
a bad conductor of electricity?
(A) Salted water
(B) Orange juice
(C) Lemon juice
(D) None of the above
20. The DNA double helix structure
was discovered by
(A) James Watson and Francis
(B) Rosalind Franklin and
Maurice Wilkins
(C) Linus Pauling
(D) Gregor Mendel
21. Two objects of different masses
falling freely near the surface of
the Moon would
(A) have different accelerations
(B) undergo a change in their
(C) have same velocity at any
(D) experience forces of same
22. How do vector vaccines work to
provide immunity?
(A) By introducing a weakened
or inactivated virus into
the body
(B) By directly attacking and
destroying pathogens in
the body
(C) By placing the virus in a
modified version of a
different virus
(D) By entering directly into the
cells and enabling them to
create spike proteins
23. The process that continually
adds new crust is
(A) subduction
(B) earthquake
(C) seafloor spreading
(D) convection
24. The theory that states “pieces of
the Earth’s crust are in
constant, slow motion driven by
movement in the mantle” is
(A) the theory of continental
(B) the theory of Pangaea
(C) the theory of plate tectonics
(D) the theory of plate
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 11 [P.T.O.
19. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm Vab {~Obr H$m
Hw$MmbH$ h°?
(A) Z_H$sZ nmZr
(B) gßVao H$m ag
(C) Zt~y H$m ag
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
20. S>r0 EZ0 E0 S>~b ho{bäg gßaMZm H$s ImoO
{H$gHo$ ¤mam H$s JB© Wr?
(A) OoÂg dm∞Q>gZ Am°a \´$mß{gg {H´$H$
(B) amoµOqbS> \´¢$H${bZ Am°a _m°[ag {dpÎH®$g
(C) {bZg nm∞qbJ
(D) J´oJa _|S>b
21. AbJ-AbJ –Ï`_mZ H$s Xmo dÒVwE± Mß–_m
H$s gVh Ho$ nmg ÒdVßà Í$n go {JaZo go
ä`m hmoJm?
(A) AbJ-AbJ ÀdaU hmoJm
(B) CZHo$ OãS>Àd _| n[adV©Z hmoJm
(C) {H$gr ^r jU EH$ hr doJ hmoJm
(D) g_mZ n[a_mU Ho$ ~b H$m AZw^d hmoJm
22. doäQ>a Q>rHo$ ‡{VamoYH$ e{∫$ ‡XmZ H$aZo Ho$ {bE
H°$go H$m_ H$aVo h¢?
(A) {H$gr H$_Omoa `m {ZpÓH´$` dm`ag H$mo
eara _| ‡doe H$amH$a
(B) eara _| amoJOZH$m| na grYo h_bm H$a
Am°a C›h| ZÔ> H$a
(C) dm`ag H$mo {H$gr {^fi dm`ag Ho$
gßemo{YV gßÒH$aU _| aIH$a
(D) grYo H$mo{eH$mAm| _| ‡doe H$amH$a Am°a
C›h| ÒnmBH$ ‡moQ>rZ ~ZmZo _| gj_
23. bJmVma ZB© naV OmoãS>Zo dmbr ‡{H´$`m
{ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gr h°?
(A) {ZÂZÒIbZ (g~S>äeZ)
(B) ^yHß$n
(C) g_w–Vb H$m \°$bmd
(D) gßdhZ
24. ""^ynQ>b Ho$ Qw>H$ãS>o _|Q>b _| J{V ¤mam {ZaßVa,
Yr_r J{V go ‡dm{hV hmoVo h¢ü&'' Bg {g’mßV
H$mo ä`m H$hm OmVm h°?
(A) _hm¤rnr` ~hmd {g’mßV
(B) n¢{O`m {g’mßV
(C) flboQ> Q>oäQ>m∞{Zäg {g’mßV
(D) flboQ> gr_m {g’mßV
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 12
25. What is the expanded form of
the term ‘mRNA’ that has been
widely discussed since the
beginning of the pandemic?
(A) Messenger Ribonucleic Acid
(B) Mutant Ribonucleic Acid
(C) Modified Ribonucleic Acid
(D) Mnemonic Ribonucleic Acid
26. An AC current can be produced
(A) choke coil
(B) dynamo
(C) transformer
(D) None of the above
27. Current density is
(A) a scalar quantity
(B) a vector quantity
(C) dimensionless
(D) None of the above
28. What is the basis of most
useful classification of medica-
tions in medical chemistry?
(A) Pharmacological effect
(B) Molecular targets
(C) Chemical structure
(D) None of the above
29. Which of the following slows
down the reaction rate?
(A) Catalytic promoter
(B) Homogeneous catalyst
(C) Heterogeneous catalyst
(D) None of the above
30. Input and output nerves meet at
(A) liver
(B) central nervous system
(C) heart
(D) None of the above
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 13 [P.T.O.
25. "E_0 Ama0 EZ0 E0 (mRNA)' nX H$m
{dÒVm[aV Í$n ä`m h°, Omo _hm_mar H$s
ewÈAmV go hr Ï`mnH$ Í$n go MMm© _| ahm h°?
(A) _°g|Oa amB~mo›`ypäbH$ Eo{gS>
(B) Â`yQ>|Q> amB~mo›`ypäbH$ Eo{gS>
(C) _m∞{S>\$mBS> amB~mo›`ypäbH$ Eo{gS>
(D) Zo_mo{ZH$ amB~mo›`ypäbH$ Eo{gS>
26. AC H$ao›Q> H$mo H°$go CÀnfi H$aVo h¢?
(A) MmoH$ Hwß$S>br ¤mam
(B) S>m`Zm_mo ¤mam
(C) Q¥>mßg\$m∞_©a ¤mam
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
27. Ymam KZÀd hmoVm
(A) EH$ A{Xe am{e
(B) EH$ g{Xe am{e
(C) {d_m{dhrZ
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
28. _o{S>H$b Ho${_ÒQ¥>r _| XdmAm| H$m dJuH$aU {H$g
AmYma na g~go A{YH$ Cn`moJr h°?
(A) Am°fYr` ‡^md
(B) AmpdH$ b˙`
(C) amgm`{ZH$ gßaMZm
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
29. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm ‡{V{H´$`m H$s Xa
H$mo Yr_m H$aVm h°?
(A) CÀ‡oaH$ dY©H$
(B) g_mßJr CÀ‡oaH$
(C) {df_mßJr CÀ‡oaH$
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
30. AmJV VWm {ZJ©V Vß{ÃH$mE± {_bVr
(A) `H•$V _|
(B) Ho$›–r` Vß{ÃH$m Vßà _|
(C) ˆX` _|
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
31. In the context of ‘Shipwreck
Tourism’, shipwrecks in Indian
waters have been explored at
Sunchi Reef, Amee Shoals and
Grande Island. Where are these
(A) Off the coast of Goa
(B) Off the coast of
(C) Off the coast of Tamil Nadu
(D) Off the coast of Odisha
32. The G20 members represent
1. around 85% of the global
2. about 50% of the global
3. about two-thirds of the
world population
Which of the above statistics
is/are correct?
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 1 and 3
(C) 1, 2 and 3
(D) Only 1 and 2
33. Who is the Head of Russia’s
Wagner Mercenary Group?
(A) Sergei Shoigu
(B) Yevgeny Prigozhin
(C) Aleksandr Lukashenko
(D) Volodymyr Zelenskyy
34. The Global Gender Gap Report
is released by
(A) the World Bank
(B) the UN Women
(C) the World Economic Forum
(D) the UNDP
35. Which one of the following
statements regarding Queen
Elizabeth II of the United
Kingdom is correct?
(A) She reigned for 70 years
and died at the age of
96 years.
(B) She reigned for 68 years
and died at the age of
94 years.
(C) She reigned for 72 years
and died at the age of
92 years.
(D) She reigned for 66 years
and died at the age of
90 years.
36. What was the theme of DefExpo–
2022, held in Gujarat?
(A) India : The Emerging
Defence Manufacturing Hub
(B) Path to Pride
(C) Synergy for Defence
(D) Aatmanirbharta
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 14
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 15 [P.T.O.
31. "{efld´oH$ Qy[a¡_' Ho$ gßX^© _|, gwßMr ar\$, E_r
em∞b VWm J´mßS>o ¤rn na ^maVr` Ob _| OhmOm|
Ho$ _b~o H$m nVm bJm`m J`m h°ü& `o ÒWmZ
H$hm± h°ß?
(A) Jmoodm VQ> Ho$ ~mha
(B) bj¤rn VQ> Ho$ ~mha
(C) V{_bZmSw> VQ> Ho$ ~mha
(D) Amo{S>em VQ> Ho$ ~mha
32. G20 gXÒ` ‡{V{Z{YÀd H$aVo
1. d°pÌdH$ Or0 S>r0 nr0 H$m bJ^J
2. d°pÌdH$ Ï`mnma H$m bJ^J 50%
3. {dÌd H$s bJ^J Xmo-{VhmB© OZgߪ`m
Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$m°Z-gm/go Am±H$ãS>m/Am±H$ãS>o ghr
(A) Ho$db 1
(B) Ho$db 1 Am°a 3
(C) 1, 2 Am°a 3
(D) Ho$db 1 Am°a 2
33. Í$g Ho$ d°JZa ^mãSo Ho$ g°{ZH$ g_yh H$m _w{I`m
H$m°Z h°?
(A) gJ}B© emoBJw
(B) `odJoZr {‡Jmo{PZ
(C) Aboägmß– bwH$me|H$mo
(D) dbmo{S>{_a µOob|ÒH$s
34. Ωbmo~b O|S>a J°n [anmoQ>© {H$gHo$ ¤mam Omar H$s
OmVr h°?
(A) {dÌd ~¢H$
(B) gß`w∫$ amÔ¥> _{hbm
(C) {dÌd Am{W©H$ _ßM
(D) `y0 EZ0 S>r0 nr0
35. `yZmBQ>oS> qH$JS>_ H$s _hmamZr E{bOm~oW
{¤Vr` Ho$ gß~ßY _|, {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm
H$WZ ghr h°?
(A) C›hm|Zo 70 dfm]ß VH$ emgZ {H$`m Am°a
96 df© H$s Am`w _| CZH$s _•À`w hmo JB©ü&
(B) C›hm|Zo 68 dfm]ß VH$ emgZ {H$`m Am°a
94 df© H$s Am`w _| CZH$s _•À`w hmo JB©ü&
(C) C›hm|Zo 72 dfm]ß VH$ emgZ {H$`m Am°a
92 df© H$s Am`w _| CZH$s _•À`w hmo JB©ü&
(D) C›hm|Zo 66 dfm]ß VH$ emgZ {H$`m Am°a
90 df© H$s Am`w _| CZH$s _•À`w hmo JB©ü&
36. JwOamV _| Am`mo{OV DefExpo–2022 H$m
{df` ä`m Wm?
(A) ^maV : C^aVm h˛Am ajm {d{Z_m©U Ho$›–
(B) Jm°ad H$m _mJ©
(C) ajm Ho$ {bE Vmb_ob
(D) AmÀ_{Z^©aVm
37. The three-day celebration
of Thadingyut Festival is
celebrated in which country?
(A) Chile
(B) Nepal
(C) Germany
(D) Myanmar
38. Consider the following
statements regarding the
‘White House’ :
1. The address of the White
House is 1800 Pennsylvania
2. It is the official residence
and workplace of the
President of USA.
3. On November 1, 1800,
John Adams became the
first President to take
residence in the building.
4. It is a symbol of American
Which of the above statements
are correct?
(A) 1, 3 and 4
(B) Only 2 and 3
(C) Only 3 and 4
(D) 2, 3 and 4
39. ‘Net Metering’ is sometimes seen
in the news in the context of
(A) the installation of CNG kits
in motorcars
(B) the installation of water
meters in urban households
(C) a billing mechanism for
solar energy by consumers
for the electricity they add
to the grid
(D) the use of piped natural
gas in the kitchens of
40. Match List–I with List–II :
a. Magenta 1. Green and blue
b. Teal 2. Red and blue
c. Mauve 3. Blue, green and
d. Cyan 4. Blue, red and
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) a b c d
2 3 4 1
(B) a b c d
2 4 3 1
(C) a b c d
4 2 1 3
(D) a b c d
3 4 2 1
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 16
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 17 [P.T.O.
37. WmqS>Ω`wQ> _hmoÀgd H$m VrZ-{Xdgr` CÀgd
{H$g Xoe _| _Zm`m OmVm h°?
(A) {Mbr
(B) Zonmb
(C) O_©Zr
(D) Â`mß_ma
38. "àmBQ> hmCg' Ho$ gÂ~›Y _|, {ZÂZ{b{IV
H$WZm| na {dMma H$s{OE :
1. àmBQ> hmCg H$m nVm, 1800
n|{gÎdo{Z`m Eo{d›`y h°ü&
2. `h gß`w∫$ am¡` A_o[aH$m Ho$ amÔ¥>n{V H$m
Am{YH$m[aH$ {Zdmg Am°a H$m`©ÒWb h°ü&
3. 1 ZdÂ~a, 1800 H$mo Om∞Z ES>Âg Bg
B_maV _| {Zdmg H$aZo dmbo nhbo
amÔ¥>n{V ~Zoü&
4. `h A_o[aH$s bmoH$V›Ã H$m ‡VrH$ h°ü&
Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$m°Z-go H$WZ ghr h¢?
(A) 1, 3 Am°a 4
(B) Ho$db 2 Am°a 3
(C) Ho$db 3 Am°a 4
(D) 2, 3 Am°a 4
39. "ZoQ> _rQ>[a®J' H$mo H$^r-H$^r g_mMmam| _|
{H$gHo$ ‡Mma Ho$ gßX^© _| XoIm OmVm h°?
(A) _moQ>aH$mam| _| gr0 EZ0 Or0 {H$Q>
(B) ehar Kam| _| nmZr Ho$ _rQ>a H$s ÒWmnZm
(C) EH$ {~qbJ VßÃ, Omo gm°a D$Om© ‡Umbr
_m{bH$m| H$mo {J´S> _| OmoãS>r JB© {~Obr
H$m lo` XoVm
(D) Kam| H$s agmoB© _| nmBn ¤mam ‡mH•${VH$
J°g H$m Cn`moJ
40. gyMr–I H$mo gyMr–II go gw_o{bV H$s{OE :
a. _°O|Q>m 1. ham Am°a Zrbm
b. Q>rb 2. bmb Am°a Zrbm
c. _moµd 3. Zrbm, ham Am°a g\o$X
d. {g`mZ 4. Zrbm, bmb Am°a
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) a b c d
2 3 4 1
(B) a b c d
2 4 3 1
(C) a b c d
4 2 1 3
(D) a b c d
3 4 2 1
41. What is the name of the deep-
sea submersible that imploded
during an underwater voyage to
the Titanic wreckage?
(A) Alvin
(B) Falcon
(C) Trident
(D) Titan
42. Match List–I with List–II :
a. Beret 1. A type of men’s
b. Stilettos 2. A type of sun-
c. Aviators 3. A type of hat
A type of
A type of
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) a b c d e
3 2 1 4 5
(B) a b c d e
3 4 2 5 1
(C) a b c d e
5 3 2 4 1
(D) a b c d e
1 2 3 4 5
43. Where did the former President
of the USA give his interview
(A) Rome
(B) Sarajevo
(C) Athens
(D) Amsterdam
44. In the context of sports, which
of the following pairs are
correctly matched?
1. Flushing Meadows : French
2. Venus Rosewater Dish :
Wimbledon Trophy (Women)
3. Roland Garros : US Open
4. Australian Open (Women) :
Daphne Akhurst Memorial
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 2 and 3
(C) 3 and 4
(D) 2 and 4
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 18
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 19 [P.T.O.
41. Jhao g_w– _| Sy>~Zo dmbr Cg nZSw>„~r H$m Zm_
ä`m h°, Omo Q>mBQ>°{ZH$ OhmO Ho$ nmoVmdeof H$s
`mÃm Ho$ Xm°amZ \$Q> JB© Wr?
(A) EpÎdZ
(B) \$mÎH$Z
(C) Q¥>mBS>|Q>
(D) Q>mBQ>Z
42. gyMr–I H$mo gyMr–II go gw_o{bV H$s{OE :
a. ~oaoQ> 1. nwÈfm| Ho$ OyVo H$m EH$
b. pÒQ>boQ>moµO 2. EH$ ‡H$ma H$m Yyn
H$m MÌ_m
c. E{dEQ>g© 3. EH$ ‡H$ma H$s Q>monr
d. {MæmoZ 4. _{hbmAm| Ho$ OyVo H$m
EH$ ‡H$ma
e. ~´m∞J 5. EH$ ‡H$ma H$m Ho$e-
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) a b c d e
3 2 1 4 5
(B) a b c d e
3 4 2 5 1
(C) a b c d e
5 3 2 4 1
(D) a b c d e
1 2 3 4 5
43. gß`w∫$ am¡` A_o[aH$m Ho$ nyd© amÔ¥>n{V Zo hmb hr
_| AnZm gmjmÀH$ma H$hm± {X`m?
(A) amo_
(B) gmamOodmo
(C) EW|g
(D) EÂÒQ>S>©_
44. Iob Ho$ g›X^© _|, {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-go
OmoãS>o ghr gw_o{bV h°ß?
1. ‚bqeJ _rS>moO Ö \´|$M AmonZ
2. drZg amoµOdm∞Q>a {S>e Ö qd~bS>Z Q¥>m∞\$s
3. amob¢S> J°amog Ö `y0 Eg0 AmonZ
4. Am∞ÒQ¥>o{b`Z AmonZ (_{hbm) Ö S>m‚Zo
AIwÒQ>© _o_mo[a`b H$n
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) 1 Am°a 2
(B) 2 Am°a 3
(C) 3 Am°a 4
(D) 2 Am°a 4
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 20
45. The Ministry of Home Affairs has
completed the Mother Tongue
Survey of India (MTSI) in
November 2022 with field
videography of the country’s
how many languages?
(A) 40
(B) 233
(C) 576
(D) 984
46. Which State Government
launched the State-Level
Committee for Vulture
Conservation (SLCVC), proposed
by the national action for the
protection of vultures in India?
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Sikkim
(C) Assam
(D) Meghalaya
47. Ten captive-bred Asian Giant
Tortoises (Manouria emys), one
of the largest tortoise species
in mainland Asia, were recently
released into which National
Park of India?
(A) Ntangki National Park
(B) Periyar National Park
(C) Pench National Park
(D) Khangchendzonga National
48. Which country has recently
reaffirmed Arunachal Pradesh
as an integral part of India?
(B) Australia
(C) Germany
(D) Russia
49. India’s Rudrankksh Balasaheb
Patil won which medal in Men’s
10m Air Rifle at the ISSF World
Championship in Cairo?
(A) Gold
(B) Silver
(C) Bronze
(D) None of the above
50. The National Education Policy,
2020 emphasizes the integration
of vocational education into
mainstream education from
which grade onwards?
(A) Grade 6
(B) Grade 8
(C) Grade 10
(D) Grade 12
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 21 [P.T.O.
45. J•h _ßÃmb` Zo Zdß~a 2022 H$mo Xoe H$s
{H$VZr ^mfmAm| H$s \$sÎS> dr{S>`moJ´m\$s Ho$
gmW ^maVr` _mV•^mfm gd}jU (E_0 Q>r0
Eg0 AmB0) H$m`© H$mo nyam {H$`m h°?
(A) 40
(B) 233
(C) 576
(D) 984
46. {H$g am¡` gaH$ma Zo ^maV _| {J’m| Ho$
gßajU Ho$ {bE amÔ¥>r` H$ma©dmB© ¤mam ‡ÒVm{dV
{J’ gßajU Ho$ {bE am¡`-ÒVar` g{_{V
(Eg0 Eb0 gr0 dr0 gr0) H$m ew^maß^
(A) V{_bZmSw
(B) {g{∏$_
(C) Ag_
(D) _oKmb`
47. Xg H°$pflQ>d-ZÒb E{e`mB© {dembH$m` H$Nw>E
_Zm°[a`m E{_g), _wª` ^y{_ E{e`m _| g~go
~ãS>r H$Nw>Am ‡Om{V`m| _| go EH$, hmb hr _|
^maV Ho$ {H$g amÔ¥>r` C⁄mZ _| N>moãS>o JE Wo?
(A) ZVmßJH$s amÔ¥>r` C⁄mZ
(B) no[a`ma amÔ¥>r` C⁄mZ
(C) n|M amÔ¥>r` C⁄mZ
(D) Hß$MZOßJm amÔ¥>r` C⁄mZ
48. hmb hr _| {H$g Xoe Zo {\$a go AÈUmMb
‡Xoe H$mo ^maV H$m EH$ A{^fi AßJ Kmo{fV
{H$`m h°?
(A) `y0 Eg0 E0
(B) Am∞ÒQ¥>o{b`m
(C) O_©Zr
(D) Í$g
49. ^maV Ho$ È–mj ~mbmgmho~ nm{Q>b Zo H$m{ham _|
AmB0 Eg0 Eg0 E\$0 dÎS>© M°pÂn`Z{en _|
nwÈfm| H$s 10 _rQ>a E`a amB\$b _| H$m°Z-gm
nXH$ OrVm?
(A) ÒdU©
(B) Mm±Xr
(C) H$mßÒ`
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _oß go H$moB© Zht
50. amÔ¥>r` {ejm Zr{V, 2020 {H$g J´oS> go
Ï`mdgm{`H$ {ejm H$mo _wª`Ymam H$s {ejm _|
EH$sH•$V H$aZo na Omoa XoVr h°?
(A) J´oS> 6
(B) J´oS> 8
(C) J´oS> 10
(D) J´oS> 12
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 22
51. India signed the Economic
Cooperation and Trade Agree-
ment (ECTA) with which
(B) Australia
(D) UK
52. The Plain Language Act was
passed by which of the
following countries recently
which requires Government
officials to use simple and
easily understandable English
language in official documents
and websites?
(A) Australia
(B) Ireland
(C) New Zealand
(D) Germany
53. Tillyardembi Fossils of the
world’s first plant pollinators,
called Tillyardembiids, were
discovered recently in which
(A) Greece
(B) India
(C) Russia
(D) China
54. The ‘Lisbon Declaration’, which
made headlines, is associated
with the conservation of which
(A) Air
(B) Mountains
(C) Oceans
(D) Freshwater glaciers
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 23 [P.T.O.
51. ^maV Zo {H$g Xoe Ho$ gmW Am{W©H$ gh`moJ
Am°a Ï`mnma g_Pm°Vo (B©0 gr0 Q>r0 E0) na
hÒVmja {H$E?
(A) `y0 E0 B©0
(B) Am∞ÒQ¥>o{b`m
(C) `y0 Eg0 E0
(D) `y0 Ho$0
52. ghO ^mfm A{Y{Z`_ {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go {H$g
Xoe ¤mam hmb hr _| nm[aV {H$`m J`m Wm,
{Og_| gaH$mar A{YH$m[a`m| H$mo Am{YH$m[aH$
XÒVmdoOm| Am°a do~gmBQ>m| _| gab Am°a AmgmZr
go g_P _| AmZo dmbr AßJ´oOr ^mfm H$m
Cn`moJ H$aZo H$s AmdÌ`H$Vm hmoVr h°?
(A) Am∞ÒQ¥>o{b`m
(B) Am`ab¢S>
(C) ›`yOrb¢S>
(D) O_©Zr
53. Xw{Z`m Ho$ nhbo nmXn namJUH$m|, {O›h|
{Q>b`mS>}pÂ~S≤>g H$hm OmVm h°, Ho$ {Q>b`mS>}Â~r
OrdmÌ_ hmb hr _| {H$g Xoe _| nmE JE Wo?
(A) J´rg
(B) ^maV
(C) Í$g
(D) MrZ
54. gw{I©`m± ~Q>moaZo dmbr "{bÒ~Z KmofUm' {H$g
BH$mB© Ho$ gßajU go gÂ~p›YV h°?
(A) dm`w
(B) nd©V
(C) _hmgmJa
(D) _rR>o nmZr Ho$ Ωbo{e`a
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 24
55. Which of the following animals
was not known to the people of
the Indus Valley Civilization?
(A) Bull
(B) Horse
(C) Elephant
(D) None of the above
Which of the following is not
a UNESCO World Heritage Site?
(A) Qutb Minar
(B) Red Fort
(C) India Gate
(D) None of the above
57. The concept of the Directive
Principles of State Policy in
the Indian Constitution was
borrowed from the Constitution
(A) England
(B) Switzerland
(C) Ireland
(D) None of the above
58. Sikkim became a full-fledged
State of the Union of India in
(A) 1974
(B) 1975
(C) 1976
(D) None of the above
59. Which among the following
currencies is the costliest?
(A) Euro
(B) Pound Sterling
(C) US Dollar
(D) None of the above
60. Bihar Government has planned
to make Bihar State ‘pollution-
free’ by reducing carbon
emissions by which year?
(A) 2022
(B) 2024
(C) 2030
(D) 2047
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 25 [P.T.O.
55. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm OmZda qgYw KmQ>r
g‰`Vm Ho$ bmoJm| H$mo Zht nVm Wm?
(A) ~°b
(B) KmoãS>m
(C) hmWr
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
56. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm `yZoÒH$mo {dÌd
Yamoha ÒWb Zht h°?
(A) Hw$Vw~ _rZma
(B) bmb {H$bm
(C) Bß{S>`m JoQ>
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
57. ^maVr` gß{dYmZ _| am¡` Ho$ Zr{V-{ZXoeH$
{g’mßV H$s AdYmaUm {H$g Xoe Ho$ gß{dYmZ go
br JB© Wr?
(A) BßΩb¢S>
(B) pÒdQ≤>Oab¢S>
(C) Am`ab¢S>
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
58. {g{∏$_ ^maVr` gßK H$m nyU© am¡` ~Z J`m
(A) 1974 _oß
(B) 1975 _|
(C) 1976 _|
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
59. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gr _w–m g~go
_h±Jr h°?
(A) `yamo
(B) nmCßS> ÒQ>{b™J
(C) `y0 Eg0 S>m∞ba
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
60. {~hma gaH$ma Zo {H$g df© VH$ H$m~©Z CÀgO©Z
H$_ H$a {~hma am¡` H$mo "‡XyfU-_w∫$' ~ZmZo
H$s `moOZm ~ZmB© h°?
(A) 2022
(B) 2024
(C) 2030
(D) 2047
61. In Indian art, the construction
of ‘Stupa’, ‘Chaitya’ and ‘Vihara’
is related to which of the
(A) Ajivika sect
(B) Vaishnava sect
(C) Buddhism
(D) Shaiva sect
62. In the context of Indian
handicrafts, what is ‘Sujini’
in Bihar?
(A) A type of glassware
(B) A metal craft
(C) A type of embroidery
(D) A type of clay pottery
63. Consider the following
statements regarding the
Vikramshila University in
Bihar :
1. It was located in the
present-day Banka district
of Bihar.
2. It was established by King
Gopala I of the Pala
3. The ‘Vajrayana’ sect of
Buddhism flourished here.
4. Other subjects like
Astronomy, Logic, Law,
Grammar and Philosophy
were also taught here.
Which of the above statements
are incorrect ?
(A) 2 and 3
(B) 1 and 4
(C) 1 and 2
(D) None of the above
64. Consider the following
statements :
The arrival of Babur into India
led to the
1. introduction of gunpowder
in the subcontinent
2. introduction of arch and
dome in the region’s
3. establishment of Timurid
dynasty in the region
4. introduction of cannons in
Which of the above statements
are correct?
(A) Only 1 and 2
(B) 1, 2 and 3
(C) 3 and 4
(D) None of the above
65. Which among the following
ports was called Babul Makka
(Gate of Makka) during the
Mughal period?
(A) Calicut
(B) Surat
(C) Cambay
(D) Broach
66. ‘Ashta Pradhan’ was a Council
of Ministers
(A) in the Gupta administration
(B) in the Chola administration
(C) in the Maratha adminis-
(D) in the Vijayanagara admin-
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 26
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 27 [P.T.O.
61. ^maVr` H$bm _| "ÒVyn', "M°À`' Am°a "{dhma'
H$m {Z_m©U {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go {H$ggo gÂ~p›YV
(A) AmOr{dH$ g‡Xm`
(B) d°ÓUd g‡Xm`
(C) ~m°’ Y_©
(D) e°d g‡Xm`
62. ^maVr` hÒV{eÎn Ho$ g›X^© _|, {~hma _|
"gw{OZr' ä`m h°?
(A) EH$ ‡H$ma H$m H$m±M H$m ~V©Z
(B) EH$ YmVw {eÎn
(C) EH$ ‡H$ma H$s H$ãT>mB©
(D) EH$ ‡H$ma H$m {_≈>r H$m ~V©Z
63. {~hma _| {dH´$_{ebm {dÌd{d⁄mb` Ho$ gÂ~›Y
_|, {ZÂZ{b{IV H$WZm| na {dMma H$s{OE :
1. `h {~hma Ho$ dV©_mZ ~mßH$m {Obo _|
pÒWV Wmü&
2. BgH$s ÒWmnZm nmb dße Ho$ amOm Jmonmb
‡W_ Zo H$s Wrü&
3. ~m°’ Y_© H$m "dO´`mZ' g‡Xm` `hm±
4. `hm± IJmob-{dkmZ, VH©$emÛ, H$mZyZ,
Ï`mH$aU Am°a Xe©Z O°go A›` {df` ^r
nãT>mE OmVo Woü&
Cn`©w∫$ _| go H$m°Z-go H$WZ JbV h°ß?
(A) 2 Am°a 3
(B) 1 Am°a 4
(C) 1 Am°a 2
(D) Cn`©w∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
64. {ZÂZ{b{IV H$WZm| na {dMma H$s{OE :
^maV _| ~m~a Ho$ AmJ_Z Ho$ H$maU
1. Cn_hm¤rn _| ~mÍ$X H$m AmJ_Z h˛Am
2. joà H$s dmÒVwH$bm _| _oham~ Am°a Jwß~X
H$m n[aM` h˛Am
3. ‡Xoe _| V°_w[aS> amOdße H$s ÒWmnZm h˛B©
4. `w’ _| Vmonm| H$s ewÈAmV h˛B©
Cn`©w∫$ _| go H$m°Z-go H$WZ ghr hß°?
(A) Ho$db 1 Am°a 2
(B) 1, 2 Am°a 3
(C) 3 Am°a 4
(D) Cn`©w∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
65. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go {H$g ~ßXaJmh H$mo _wJb-
H$mb Ho$ Xm°amZ ~m~wb _∏$m (_∏$m H$m ¤ma)
H$hm OmVm Wm?
(A) H$mbrH$Q>
(B) gyaV
(C) H°$Â~o
(D) ~´moM
66. "AÔ>‡YmZ' _p›Ãn[afX≤ Wr
(A) Jw· ‡emgZ _|
(B) Mmob ‡emgZ _|
(C) _amR>m ‡emgZ _|
(D) {dO`ZJa ‡emgZ _|
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 28
67. The painting of ‘Bodhisattva
Padmapani’ is located at
(A) Bagh
(B) Ellora
(C) Ajanta
(D) Badami
68. Consider the following
statements :
1. Fa-Hien was a Chinese
pilgrim who visited India
during the reign of Harsha.
2. Hiuen Tsang was a Chinese
Buddhist monk who visited
India during the reign of
Which of the above statements
is/are correct?
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both 1 and 2
(D) None of the above
69. Match List–I with List–II :
List—I List—II
a. Charaka 1. Mathematics
b. Brahmagupta 2. Medicine
c. Varahamihira 3. Playwright
d. Vishakhadatta 4. Astrology
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) a b c d
2 1 4 3
(B) a b c d
1 2 3 4
(C) a b c d
3 2 4 1
(D) a b c d
1 4 3 2
70. Who among the following
introduced the Persian festival
Nowruz in India?
(A) Firuz Shah Tughlaq
(B) Alauddin Khilji
(C) Balban
(D) Iltutmish
71. Nathpanthis, Siddhas and Yogis
made devotional religion popular
(A) Northern India
(B) Southern India
(C) Eastern India
(D) Western India
72. Consider the following
statements regarding Wood’s
Dispatch of 1854 :
1. It recommended English as
the medium of instruction
for higher studies.
2. It laid stress on female
education and vocational
Which of the above statements
is/are correct?
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both 1 and 2
(D) Neither 1 nor 2
73. The Maithili language was
started to develop during the
reign of which of the following?
(A) Chero dynasty
(B) Oiniwar dynasty
(C) Karnat dynasty
(D) Pithipatis
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 29 [P.T.O.
67. "~mo{YgŒd nŸnm{U' H$s n|qQ>J pÒWV
(A) ~mJ _|
(B) Ebmoam _|
(C) AOßVm _|
(D) ~mXm_r _|
68. {ZÂZ{b{IV H$WZm| na {dMma H$s{OE :
1. µ\$m{h`mZ EH$ MrZr VrW©`mÃr Wm, Omo
hf© Ho$ emgZH$mb Ho$ Xm°amZ ^maV Am`m
2. àoZÀgmßJ EH$ MrZr ~m°’ {^jw Wo,
{O›hm|Zo Mß–Jw· {¤Vr` Ho$ emgZH$mb Ho$
Xm°amZ ^maV H$m Xm°am {H$`m Wmü&
Cn`©w∫$ _| go H$m°Z-gm/go H$WZ ghr h°/h¢?
(A) Ho$db 1
(B) Ho$db 2
(C) 1 Am°a 2 XmoZm|
(D) Cn`©w∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
69. gyMr–I H$mo gyMr–II go gw_o{bV H$s{OE :
gyMr–I gyMr–II
a. MaH$ 1. J{UV
b. ~´˜Jw· 2. {M{H$Àgm
c. damh{_{ha 3. ZmQ>H$H$ma
d. {demIXŒm 4. ¡`mo{Vf
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) a b c d
2 1 4 3
(B) a b c d
1 2 3 4
(C) a b c d
3 2 4 1
(D) a b c d
1 4 3 2
70. BZ_| go {H$gZo ^maV _| µ\$magr À`mohma Zm°amoµO
H$s ewÈAmV H$s?
(A) {µ\$amoO emh VwJbH$
(B) AbmC‘rZ {IbOr
(C) ~b~Z
(D) BÎVwV{_e
71. ZmWnß{W`m|, {g’m| Am°a `mo{J`m| Zo ^{∫$ Y_©
H$mo {H$g joà _| bmoH${‡` ~Zm`m?
(A) CŒma ^maV
(B) X{jU ^maV
(C) nyd© ^maV
(D) npÌM_ ^maV
72. dwS> Ho$ 1854 Ho$ ‡ofU Ho$ gß~ßY _|,
{ZÂZ{b{IV H$WZm| na {dMma H$s{OE :
1. BgZo CÉ A‹``Z Ho$ {bE {ejm Ho$
_m‹`_ Ho$ Í$n _| AßJ´oOr H$s {g\$m[ae
2. BgZo _{hbm {ejm Am°a Ï`mdgm{`H$
‡{ejU na Omoa {X`mü&
Cn`©w∫$ _| go H$m°Z-gm/go H$WZ ghr h°/h¢?
(A) Ho$db 1
(B) Ho$db 2
(C) 1 Am°a 2 XmoZm|
(D) Z Vmo 1 Am°a Z hr 2
73. _°{Wbr ^mfm H$m {dH$mg {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go
{H$gHo$ emgZH$mb Ho$ Xm°amZ ewÍ$ h˛Am?
(A) Moamo amOdße
(B) AmoB{Zdma amOdße
(C) H$Zm©Q> amOdße
(D) {n{Wn{V
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 30
74. Which city served as the capital
of the ancient kingdom of
Magadha during the early Vedic
(A) Rajagriha
(B) Campa
(C) Vaishali
(D) Pataliputra
75. Which of the following
statements about the
Vernacular Press Act is/are
1. It was enacted by Lord
2. It came to be known as a
‘Gagging Act’.
3. The Act was repealed by
Lord Ripon.
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) Only 1 and 2
(B) Only 2 and 3
(C) Only 1
(D) 1, 2 and 3
76. Which of the following state-
ments about Lord Mayo’s
Resolution of 1870 are correct?
1. It was the first step that
bifurcated Central and
Provincial finances.
2. Provincial Governments
were empowered to admin-
ister certain services.
3. It attempted to rectify
existing imparity.
4. It focussed on the actual
needs of the Provinces.
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) Only 1 and 2
(B) Only 1, 3 and 4
(C) Only 2, 3 and 4
(D) 1, 2, 3 and 4
77. Nitisara, an early book of
politics, was written by
(A) Kautilya
(B) Kamandaka
(C) Charaka
(D) None of them
78. Futuhat-i-Alamgiriwas written by
(A) Ishwardas Nagar
(B) Bhimsen
(C) Haridas
(D) None of them
79. According to Chinese source,
Meghavarman, the ruler of
Sri Lanka, sent a missionary to
which of the following Gupta
Kings for permission to build a
Buddhist temple at Gaya?
(A) Chandragupta I
(B) Samudragupta
(C) Chandragupta II
(D) None of them
80. When was Bihar first separated
from the Bengal Presidency
under the British-ruled India?
(A) 1912
(B) 1936
(C) 1947
(D) None of the above
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 31 [P.T.O.
74. ‡maß{^H$ d°{XH$ H$mb Ho$ Xm°amZ H$m°Z-gm eha
‡mMrZ _JY gm_´m¡` H$s amOYmZr Ho$ Í$n _|
H$m`© H$aVm Wm?
(A) amOJ•h
(B) MÂnm
(C) d°embr
(D) nmQ>{bnwÃ
75. dZm©ä`wba ‡og EoäQ> Ho$ ~mao _|, {ZÂZ{b{IV _|
go H$m°Z-gm/go H$WZ ghr h°/h¢?
1. Bgo bm∞S>© {bQ>Z ¤mam A{Y{Z`{_V {H$`m
J`m Wmü&
2. Bgo "J°qJJ A{Y{Z`_' Ho$ Í$n _| OmZm
OmZo bJmü&
3. Bg A{Y{Z`_ H$mo bm∞S>© [anZ Zo {ZaÒV
H$a {X`m Wmü&
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) Ho$db 1 Am°a 2
(B) Ho$db 2 Am°a 3
(C) Ho$db 1
(D) 1, 2 Am°a 3
76. bm∞S>© _o`mo Ho$ 1870 Ho$ gßH$În Ho$ ~mao _|,
{ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-go H$WZ ghr h°ß?
1. H|$–r` Am°a ‡mßVr` {dŒm H$mo {d^m{OV
H$aZo dmbm `h nhbm H$X_ Wmü&
2. ‡mßVr` gaH$mam| H$mo Hw$N> godmE± ‡em{gV
H$aZo H$m A{YH$ma {X`m J`mü&
3. BgZo _m°OyXm Ag_mZVm H$mo gwYmaZo H$m
‡`mg {H$`mü&
4. BgZo ‡mßVm| H$s dmÒV{dH$ AmdÌ`H$VmAm|
na ‹`mZ H|${–V {H$`mü&
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) Ho$db 1 Am°a 2
(B) Ho$db 1, 3 Am°a 4
(C) Ho$db 2, 3 Am°a 4
(D) 1, 2, 3 Am°a 4
77. amOZr{V H$s ‡maß{^H$ nwÒVH$,
Zr{Vgma, {H$gHo$
¤mam {bIr JB© Wr?
(A) H$m°{Q>Î`
(B) H$m_›XH$
(C) MaH$
(D) BZ_| go H$moB© Zht
µ\w$VwhmV-E-Amb_Jrar {H$gHo$ ¤mam {bIr
JB© Wr?
(A) B©ÌdaXmg ZmJa
(B) ^r_goZ
(C) h[aXmg
(D) BZ_| go H$moB© Zht
79. MrZr ÚmoV Ho$ AZwgma, lrbßH$m Ho$ emgH$
_oKd_©Z Zo J`m _| ~m°’ _ß{Xa ~ZmZo H$s
AZw_{V Ho$ {bE {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go {H$g Jw·
amOm Ho$ nmg EH$ {_eZar ^oOm Wm?
(A) Mß–Jw· ‡W_
(B) g_w–Jw·
(C) Mß–Jw· {¤Vr`
(D) BZ_| go H$moB© Zht
80. H$~ {~hma nhbr ~ma {~´{Q>e-em{gV ^maV Ho$
VhV ~ßJmb ‡ogrS>ßogr go AbJ h˛Am Wm?
(A) 1912
(B) 1936
(C) 1947
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
81. Consider the following
statements :
1. Lake Victoria is the third
largest freshwater lake in
the world by surface area.
2. It is one of the great lakes
of Africa.
3. It is bordered by
four countries—Tanzania,
Uganda, Rwanda and
4. The only outflow from Lake
Victoria is the Nile River,
which exits the lake near
Jinja, Uganda.
Which of the above statements
are incorrect ?
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 2 and 4
(C) 3 and 4
(D) 1 and 3
82. Consider the following state-
ments regarding ‘heat wave’ :
1. Heat wave is considered if
the maximum temperature
of a station reaches at least
30°C or more for plains.
2. Heat wave is considered if
the maximum temperature
of a station reaches at least
40°C or more for hilly
Which of the above statements
is/are correct?
(A) Both 1 and 2
(B) Only 1
(C) Only 2
(D) Neither 1 nor 2
83. Match List–I with List–II :
a. Christopher
1. Portugal
b. Jacques Cartier 2. United
c. Sir Francis Drake 3. Italy
d. Ferdinand Magellan 4. France
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) a b c d
3 4 2 1
(B) a b c d
1 2 4 3
(C) a b c d
3 4 1 2
(D) a b c d
1 4 2 3
84. The emirates of UAE are
(A) Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah,
Ajman, Umm Al-Quwain,
Fujairah, Ras Al-Khaimah
(B) Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman,
Jeddah, Kuwait, Bahrain,
Umm Al-Quwain
(C) Umm Al-Quwain, Fujairah,
Ras Al-Khaimah, Riyadh,
Dammam, Taif, Dubai
(D) Sharjah, Abu Dhabi,
Ajman, Fujairah, Dubai,
Bahrain, Kuwait
85. The river Subarnarekha
originates near which of the
following villages?
(A) Ormanjhi
(B) Mandar
(C) Hehal
(D) Nagri
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 32
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 33 [P.T.O.
81. {ZÂZ{b{IV H$WZm| na {dMma H$s{OE :
1. gVh joÃ\$b Ho$ {hgm~ go {däQ>mo[a`m
Prb Xw{Z`m H$s Vrgar g~go ~ãS>r _rR>o
nmZr H$s Prb h°ü&
2. `h A\´$sH$m H$s _hmZ Prbm| _| go
EH$ h°ü&
3. BgH$s gr_m Mma Xoem|ßVßOm{Z`m,
`wJmßS>m, admßS>m Am°a Ho$›`m go bJVr h°ü&
4. {däQ>mo[a`m Prb go {ZH$bZo dmbr
EH$_mà Ymam Zrb ZXr h°, Omo `wJmßS>m Ho$
qOOm Ho$ nmg$ Prb go ~mha {ZH$bVr
Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$m°Z-go H$WZ JbV hß°?
(A) 1 Am°a 2
(B) 2 Am°a 4
(C) 3 Am°a 4
(D) 1 Am°a 3
82. "hrQ> dod' Ho$ gÂ~›Y _|, {ZÂZ{b{IV H$WZm|
na {dMma H$s{OE :
1. `{X {H$gr _°XmZr BbmHo$ H$m A{YH$V_
Vmn_mZ H$_-go-H$_ 30°C `m Bggo
A{YH$ VH$ nh˛±M OmVm h°, Vmo Cgo hrQ>
dod _mZm OmVm h°ü&
2. `{X {H$gr nhmãS>r BbmHo$ H$m A{YH$V_
Vmn_mZ H$_-go-H$_ 40°C `m Bggo
A{YH$ VH$ nh˛±M OmVm h°, Vmo Cgo hrQ>
dod _mZm OmVm h°ü&
Cn`©w∫$ _| go H$m°°Z-gm/go H$WZ ghr h°/h¢?
(A) 1 Am°a 2 XmoZm|
(B) Ho$db 1
(C) Ho$db 2
(D) Z Vmo 1 Am°a Z hr 2
83. gyMr–I H$mo gyMr–II go gw_o{bV H$s{OE :
a. {H´$ÒQ>mo\$a H$mobß~g 1. nwV©Jmb
b. O°äg H$m{Q>©`a 2. `yZmBQ>oS> qH$JS>_
c. ga \´$mß{gg S¥>oH$ 3. BQ>br
d. \${S>©Z|S> _°JbZ 4. \´$mßg
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) a b c d
3 4 2 1
(B) a b c d
1 2 4 3
(C) a b c d
3 4 1 2
(D) a b c d
1 4 2 3
84. `y0 E0 B©0 Ho$ [a`mgVr am¡`
(A) A~y Ym~r, Xw~B©, emaOmh, AO_mZ,
CÂ_ Ab-π°$Z, µ\w$O°amh, amg Ab-
(B) Xw~B©, emaOmh, AO_mZ, Oo‘m, Hw$d°V,
~harZ, CÂ_ Ab-π°$Z
(C) CÂ_ Ab-π°$Z, µ\w$O°amh, amg Ab-
I°_mh, [a`mX, XÂ__, VmBµ\$, Xw~B©
(D) emaOmh, A~y Ym~r, AO_mZ, µ\w$O°amh,
Xw~B©, ~harZ, Hw$d°V
85. gwdU©aoIm ZXr {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go {H$g Jm±d Ho$
nmg go {ZH$bVr h°?
(A) Amoa_mßPr
(B) _ßXma
(C) hohb
(D) ZJar
86. Which of the following National
Parks/Wildlife Sanctuaries are
in Bihar?
1. Valmiki National Park
2. Dudhwa National Park
3. Gajner Wildlife Sanctuary
4. Bhimbandh Wildlife
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) 1 and 4
(B) 2 and 3
(C) 1 and 3
(D) 2 and 4
87. Consider the following
statements regarding the
‘Gangetic Dolphin’ :
1. The Gangetic River Dolphin
has been categorized as
‘endangered’ under the
IUCN’s Red List.
2. It does not have
a crystalline eye lens
rendering it effectively
3. Navigation and hunting
are carried out using
4. It has been recognized
as India’s National Aquatic
Which of the above statements
are correct?
(A) Only 1, 2 and 4
(B) Only 2, 3 and 4
(C) Only 1, 3 and 4
(D) All of the above
88. The other name of river Gandak
(A) Burhi Gandak
(B) Mahananda
(C) Narayani
(D) Punpun
89. Gold is found in which of the
following districts of Bihar?
(A) Munger
(B) Saran
(C) Siwan
(D) Jamui
90. The Triveni Canal has been
constructed on which of the
following rivers?
(A) Kosi
(B) Sone
(C) Gandak
(D) Mayurakshi
91. Assertion (A) :
Rich placer deposits of gold
are found on the Ghana coast
and gold-bearing veins are
found in Brazil.
Reason (R) :
At some points of time, these
continents were joined
together along the Atlantic
Select the correct answer.
(A) Both A and R are true and
R is the correct explanation
of A
(B) Both A and R are true
but R is not the correct
explanation of A
(C) A is false but R is true
(D) A is true but R is false
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 34
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 35 [P.T.O.
86. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-go amÔ¥>r` C⁄mZ/
d›`Ord A^`ma` {~hma _| h¢?
1. dmÎ_r{H$ amÔ¥>r` C⁄mZ
2. XwYdm amÔ¥>r` C⁄mZ
3. JOZoa d›`Ord A^`ma`
4. ^r_ ~mßY d›`Ord A^`ma`
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) 1 Am°a 4
(B) 2 Am°a 3
(C) 1 Am°a 3
(D) 2 Am°a 4
87. "J°|oJo{Q>H$ S>m∞pÎ\$Z' Ho$ gÂ~›Y _|, {ZÂZ{b{IV
H$WZm| na {dMma H$s{OE :
1. JßJm ZXr H$s S>m∞pÎ\$Z H$mo AmB0 `y0
gr0 EZ0 H$s aoS> {bÒQ> Ho$ VhV
"bw·‡m`' Ord Ho$ Í$n _| dJuH•$V {H$`m
J`m h°ü&
2. Bg_| H$moB© {H´$ÒQ>br` Zoà b|g Zht h°,
Omo Bgo ‡^mdr Í$n go AßYm ~Zm XoVr h°ü&
3. `h BH$mobmoHo$eZ H$m Cn`moJ H$a AmJo
~ãT>Vr Am°a {eH$ma H$aVr h°ü&
4. Bgo ^maV Ho$ amÔ¥>r` Obr` Ord Ho$ Í$n
_| _m›`Vm Xr JB© h°ü&
Cn`©w∫$ _| go H$m°Z-go H$WZ ghr hß°?
(A) Ho$db 1, 2 Am°a 4
(B) Ho$db 2, 3 Am°a 4
(C) Ho$db 1, 3 Am°a 4
(D) Cn`©w∫$ g^r
88. JßS>H$ ZXr H$m Xygam Zm_
(A) ~yãT>r JßS>H$
(B) _hmZ›Xm
(C) Zmam`Ur
(D) nwZnwZ
89. {~hma Ho$ {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go {H$g {Obo _| gmoZm
nm`m OmVm h°?
(A) _wßJoa
(B) gmaU
(C) {gdmZ
(D) O_wB©
90. {ÃdoUr Zha H$m {Z_m©U {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go {H$g
ZXr na {H$`m J`m h°?
(A) H$mogr
(B) gmoZ
(C) JßS>H$
(D) _`yamjr
91. A{^H$WZ (A) Ö
KmZm VQ> na gmoZo Ho$ g_•’ flboga O_md
nmE OmVo Am°a ~´mOrb _| gmoZo H$s {eamE±
nmB© OmVr h¢ü&
H$maU (R) Ö
{H$gr g_` `o _hm¤rn AQ>bmß{Q>H$ VQ> Ho$
gmW EH$gmW gß`w∫$ Woü&
ghr CŒma Mw{ZEü&
(A) A Am°a R XmoZm| ghr Am°a R, A H$s
ghr Ï`mª`m
(B) A Am°a R XmoZm| ghr na R, A H$s
ghr Ï`mª`m Zhrß
(C) A JbV na R ghr
(D) A ghr na R JbV
92. Bihar’s geographical structure
consists of rock systems. Match
the rock systems with their
descriptions :
a. Dharwar rock
1. Created by the
rapid deposi-
tion of alluvium
by Himalayan
and Peninsular
b. Vindhyan rock
2. Can be found
in the West
c. Quaternary
rock system
3. Part of the
oldest Archaean
rock system
d. Tertiary rock
4. Sandstone,
quartzite and
shale are the
main constitu-
ents of this rock
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) a b c d
3 4 1 2
(B) a b c d
1 3 2 4
(C) a b c d
2 3 4 1
(D) a b c d
4 2 3 1
93. Which one of the following is the
world’s richest region from a
marine biodiversity perspective,
comprising twenty-one islands
with estuaries, beaches, forests
of the nearshore environment,
sea grasses, coral reefs, salt
marshes and mangroves?
(A) Gulf of Mannar Biosphere
(B) Nanda Devi Biosphere
(C) Sunderbans Biosphere
(D) Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
94. What is the local time of
Thimphu (Bhutan) located at
90° East longitude when the
time at Greenwich (0°) is 12:00
(A) 6:00 p.m.
(B) 4:00 p.m.
(C) 7:00 p.m.
(D) 6:00 a.m.
95. Which of the following state-
ments is correct?
(A) Natural gas is found in
Dharwar rock formation.
(B) Mica is found in Kodarma.
(C) Cuddapah series is famous
for diamonds.
(D) Petroleum reserves are
found in Aravalli hills.
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 36
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 37 [P.T.O.
92. {~hma H$s ^m°Jmo{bH$ gßaMZm M≈>mZr ‡Um{b`m|
go ~Zr h°ü& M≈>mZr ‡Um{b`m| H$m CZHo$ {ddaU
go {_bmZ H$s{OE Ö
a. YmadmãS> M≈>mZ ‡Umbr 1. {h_mb`r Am°a
‡m`¤rnr` Z{X`m| ¤mam
{_≈>r Am{X Ho$ Vrd´
O_md go {Z{_©V
b. qd‹`Z M≈>mZ ‡Umbr 2. npÌM_r MßnmaU {Oboo
_| nmB© Om gH$Vr
c. π$mQ>aZar M≈>mZ ‡Umbr 3. g~go nwamZo Am{H©$`Z
am∞H$ {gÒQ>_ H$m {hÒgm
d. V•Vr`H$ M≈>mZ ‡Umbr 4. ~bwAm nÀWa, MyZm
nÀWa, S>moobmo_mBQ>,
π$mQ>©OmBQ> Am°a eob
Bg M≈>mZ ‡Umbr Ho$
_wª` KQ>H$
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) a b c d
3 4 1 2
(B) a b c d
1 3 2 4
(C) a b c d
2 3 4 1
(D) a b c d
4 2 3 1
93. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm g_w–r O°d
{d{dYVm Ho$ —{Ô>H$moU go Xw{Z`m H$m g~go
g_•’ joà h°, {Og_| ¡dmaZX_wI, g_w– VQ>,
{ZH$Q>-VQ>r` n`m©daU Ho$ OßJb, g_w–r Kmg,
‡dmb {^{Œm`m±, Z_H$ XbXb Am°a _¢J´mod Ho$
gmW B∏$sg ¤rn em{_b h¢?
(A) _fima H$s ImãS>r ~m`moÒ\$s`a [aOd©
(B) ZßXm Xodr ~m`moÒ\$s`a [aOd©
(C) gwßXa~Z ~m`moÒ\$s`a [aOd©
(D) Zrb{Jar ~m`moÒ\$s`a [aOd©
94. 90° nydu XoemßVa na pÒWV {WÂny (^yQ>mZ) H$m
ÒWmZr` g_` {ZYm©[aV H$s{OE, O~ J´rZ{dM
() _| Xmonha 12:00 ~Oo H$m g_` h°ü&
(A) 6:00 p.m.
(B) 4:00 p.m.
(C) 7:00 p.m.
(D) 6:00 a.m.
95. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm H$WZ ghr h°?
(A) YmadmãS> M≈>mZ gßaMZm _| ‡mH•${VH$ J°g
nmB© OmVr h°ü&
(B) A^´H$ H$moS>a_m _| nm`m OmVm h°ü&
(C) H$S>flnm ˚m•ßIbm hram| Ho$ {bE ‡{g’ h°ü&
(D) nooQ¥>mo{b`_ ^ßS>ma Aamdbr nhm{ãS>`m| _|
nmE OmVo h¢ü&
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 38
96. How many latitudes are there
on the globe drawn at 1 degree
(A) 180
(B) 178
(C) 179
(D) None of the above
97. The average height of the Kosi
plain from mean sea level is
(A) 300 m
(B) 150 m
(C) 30 m
(D) None of the above
98. On which plateau, the Tropic of
Cancer and the Indian Standard
Time Line intersect each other?
(A) Bundelkhand
(B) Baghelkhand
(C) Malwa
(D) None of the above
99. Which district of Uttarakhand
is not situated along the Tibbet
(A) Uttarkashi
(B) Chamoli
(C) Almora
(D) None of the above
100. Where does the El Niño current
(A) The Pacific Ocean
(B) The Indian Ocean
(C) The Bay of Bengal
(D) More than one of the above
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 39 [P.T.O.
96. Ωbmo~ na 1 {S>J´r Ho$ A›Vamb na ItMr JB©
Ajmße aoImE± {H$VZr hß°?
(A) 180
(B) 178
(C) 179
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
97. H$mogr _°XmZ H$s _m‹` g_w– Vb go Am°gV
(A) 300 _rQ>a
(B) 150 _rQ>a
(C) 30 _rQ>a
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
98. {H$g nR>ma na H$H©$-aoIm VWm ^maVr` _mZH$
g_` aoIm EH$-Xygao H$mo H$mQ>Vr h°ß?
(A) ~w›XobIS>
(B) ~KobIS>
(C) _mbdm
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
99. CŒmamIS> H$m H$m°Z-gm {Obm {V„~V gr_m go
Zht bJm h°?
(A) CŒmaH$mer
(B) M_mobr
(C) Ab_moãS>m
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
100. Eb ZrZmo Ymam H$hm± ‡dm{hV hmoVr h°?
(A) ‡em›V _hmgmJa
(B) {h›X _hmgmJa
(C) ~ßJmb H$s ImãS>r
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
101. Consider the following
statements about the collegium
system :
1. The Supreme Court
collegium is a five-member
body, which is headed by
the incumbent Chief Justice
of India (CJI) and comprises
four other seniormost
Judges of the Court at that
2. The Parliament by law
has evolved the collegium
3. The Judges of the Supreme
Court and High Courts are
appointed only through the
collegium system.
4. The collegium system was
introduced in the year 1993
by Justice P. N. Bhagwati
in the landmark First
Judges Case.
Which of the above statements
is/are correct?
(A) Only 1
(B) 1 and 2
(C) 3 and 4
(D) 1 and 3
102. Consider the following
statements regarding the 42nd
Amendment to the Constitution
of India :
1. It added three words
to the Preamble—‘Socialist’,
‘Secular’ and ‘Integrity’.
2. It added eight Fundamental
Duties to the Constitution.
3. It added new Directive
Principles, i.e., Article 39A,
Article 43A and Article 47.
4. It granted power to the
President, in consultation
with the Election Commis-
sion, to disqualify members
of the State Legislatures.
Which of the above statements
are incorrect ?
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 3 and 4
(C) 2 and 3
(D) 1 and 4
103. The specifications required for
a community to be declared as
a Scheduled Tribe are
1. indications of primitive traits
2. distinctive culture
3. shyness of contact with the
community at large
4. backwardness and geogra-
phical isolation
Which of the above are correct?
(A) Only 1 and 2
(B) Only 2, 3 and 4
(C) Only 1, 3 and 4
(D) All of the above
104. From which country, the Indian
Constitution has taken reference
for the idea of the Fundamental
(A) Ireland
(B) United States of America
(C) United Kingdom
(D) Canada
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 40
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 41 [P.T.O.
101. H$m∞bo{O`_ ‡Umbr Ho$ ~mao _|, {ZÂZ{b{IV
H$WZm| na {dMma H$s{OE :
1. gw‡r_ H$moQ>© H$m∞bo{O`_ EH$ nm±M-
gXÒ`r` {ZH$m` h°, {OgH$s A‹`jVm
^maV Ho$ _m°OyXm _wª` ›`m`mYre
(gr0 Oo0 AmB0) H$aVo Am°a Cg
g_` Bg_| `m`mb` _| H$m`©aV Mma
A›` d[a>V_ ›`m`mYre em{_b
hmoVo h¢ü&
2. gßgX Zo {d{Y ¤mam H$m∞bo{O`_ ‡Umbr
H$m AmaÂ^ {H$`m h°ü&
3. CÉV_ ›`m`mb` Am°a C¿M ›`m`mb`m|
Ho$ ›`m`mYrem| H$s {Z`w{∫$ H$m∞bo{O`_
‡Umbr Ho$ _m‹`_ go hr H$s OmVr h°ü&
4. H$m∞bo{O`_ ‡Umbr H$s ewÈAmV df©
1993 _| ›`m`mYre nr0 EZ0 ^JdVr
Ho$ Eo{Vhm{gH$ \$ÒQ>© OO _m_bo Ho$
Cnb˙` _| H$s JB© Wrü&
Cn`©w∫$ _| go H$m°Z-gm/go H$WZ ghr h°/h¢?
(A) Ho$db 1
(B) 1 Am°a 2
(C) 3 Am°a 4
(D) 1 Am°a 3
102. ^maVr` gß{dYmZ Ho$ 42doß gßemoYZ Ho$ gÂ~›Y
_|, {ZÂZ{b{IV H$WZm| na {dMma H$s{OE :
1. BgZo ‡ÒVmdZm _| VrZ e„X OmoãS>o
"g_mOdmX', "Y_©{Zanoj' Am°a
2. BgZo gß{dYmZ _| AmR> _m°{bH$ H$V©Ï`
3. BgZo ZE {ZXoeH$-{g’m›V OmoãS>o, `mZr,
AZw¿N>oX 39A, AZw¿N>oX 43A Am°a
AZw¿N>oX 47.
4. BgHo$ ¤mam amÔ¥>n{V H$mo MwZmd Am`moJ Ho$
nam_e© go am¡` {dYmZ-g^mAm|/
_S>bm| Ho$ gXÒ`m| H$mo A`moΩ` Kmo{fV
H$aZo H$m A{YH$ma ‡XmZ {H$`m J`mü&
Cn`©w∫$ _| go H$m°Z-go H$WZ JbV h¢?
(A) 1 Am°a 2
(B) 3 Am°a 4
(C) 2 Am°a 3
(D) 1 Am°a 4
103. {H$gr g_wXm` H$mo AZwgy{MV OZOm{V Ho$ Í$n
_| Kmo{fV H$aZo Ho$ {bE AmdÌ`H$ {d{eÔ>VmE± hß°
1. Am{X_ bjUm| Ho$ gßHo$V
2. {d{eÔ> gßÒH•${V
3. ~ãS>o n°_mZo na g_wXm` Ho$ gmW gÂnH©$
_| e_©
4. {nN>ãS>mnZ Edß ^m°Jmo{bH$ AbJmd
Cn`©w∫$ _| go H$m°Z-go ghr h¢?
(A) Ho$db 1 Am°a 2
(B) Ho$db 2, 3 Am°a 4
(C) Ho$db 1, 3 Am°a 4
(D) Cn`©w∫$ g^r
104. ^maVr` gß{dYmZ _| _m°{bH$ A{YH$mam| Ho$
{dMma H$m g›X^© {H$g Xoe go {b`m J`m h°?
(A) Am`ab¢S>
(B) gß`w∫$ am¡` A_o[aH$m
(C) `yZmBQ>oS> qH$JS>_
(D) H$ZmS>m
105. Untouchability is abolished
by which Article of the Indian
(A) Article 14
(B) Article 15
(C) Article 17
(D) Article 22
106. The authority to determine the
number of Judges in a High
Court rests with which of the
following entities?
(A) The President
(B) The Chief Minister of the
(C) The Prime Minister
(D) The Parliament
107. The Fifth Schedule deals with
the governance and protection of
the interests of which specific
group of people?
(A) Scheduled Castes
(B) Religious Minorities
(C) Scheduled Tribes
(D) Linguistic Minorities
108. In which case(s) did the
Supreme Court of India give
for the first time the doctrine
of ‘basic structure’ of the
(A) Golaknath vs. State of
(B) Kesavananda Bharati vs.
State of Kerala
(C) Minerva Mills vs. Union of
(D) Both (A) and (B)
109. Match the following political
parties listed in List–I with their
years of establishment in
List–II :
(Political Parties)
(Years of
a. Communist Party
of India (Marxist)
1. 1964
b. Communist Party
of India
2. 1998
c. Bahujan Samaj
3. 1925
d. All India Trinamool
Congress (AITC)
4. 1984
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) a b c d
1 3 4 2
(B) a b c d
2 1 4 3
(C) a b c d
2 1 3 4
(D) a b c d
3 4 1 2
110. Under which Article(s), the
Speaker can allow any member
of the House to speak in his/her
mother tongue?
(A) Article 110(1)
(B) Article 122(2)
(C) Article 120(1)
(D) Both (A) and (B)
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 42
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 43 [P.T.O.
105. ^maVr` gß{dYmZ Ho$ {H$g AZw¿N>oX ¤mam
AÒn•Ì`Vm H$mo g_m· {H$`m J`m h°?
(A) AZw¿N>oX 14
(B) AZw¿N>oX 15
(C) AZw¿N>oX 17
(D) AZw¿N>oX 22
106. ›`m`mb` _| ›`m`mYrem| H$s gߪ`m
{ZYm©[aV H$aZo H$m A{YH$ma {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go
{H$gHo$ nmg h°?
(A) amÔ¥>n{V
(B) am¡` Ho$ _wª`_ßÃr
(C) ‡YmZ_ßÃr
(D) gßgX
107. nm±Mdt AZwgyMr {H$g {d{eÔ> g_yh Ho$ bmoJm| Ho$
emgZ Am°a {hVm| H$s gwajm go gÂ~p›YV h°?
(A) AZwgy{MV Om{V
(B) Ym{_©H$ AÎngߪ`H$
(C) AZwgy{MV OZOm{V
(D) ^mfmB© AÎngߪ`H$
108. ^maVr` gdm}É ›`m`mb` Zo {H$g/{H$Z
_wH$X_o/_wH$X_moß _| gd©‡W_ gß{dYmZ Ho$
"_yb T>m±Mo' H$m {g’mßV {X`m?
JmobH$ZmW ~Zm_ nßOm~ am¡`
(B) Ho$edmZ›X ^maVr ~Zm_ Ho$ab am¡`
(C) {_Zdm© {_Îg ~Zm_ ^maVr` gßK
(D) (A) Am°a (B) XmoZm|
109. gyMr–I _| gyMr~’ amOZr{VH$ Xbm| H$mo
gyMr–II _| CZH$s ÒWmnZm Ho$ df© Ho$ gmW
gw_o{bV H$s{OE :
(amOZr{VH$ Xb)
(ÒWmnZm Ho$ df©)
a. ^maVr` H$Â`w{ZÒQ> nmQ>u
1. 1964
b. ^maVr` H$Â`w{ZÒQ> nmQ>u 2. 1998
c. ~h˛OZ g_mO nmQ>u 3. 1925
d. Am∞b Bp›S>`m V•U_yb H$m±J´og
(E0 AmB0 Q>r0 gr0)
4. 1984
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) a b c d
1 3 4 2
(B) a b c d
2 1 4 3
(C) a b c d
2 1 3 4
(D) a b c d
3 4 1 2
110. {H$g/{H$Z AZw¿N>oX/AZw¿N>oXm| Ho$ A›VJ©V
A‹`j gXZ Ho$ {H$gr gXÒ` H$mo CgH$s
_mV•^mfm _| ~mobZo H$s BOmOV Xo gH$Vm h°?
(A) AZw¿N>oX 110(1)
(B) AZw¿N>oX 122(2)
(C) AZw¿N>oX 120(1)
(D) (A) Am°a (B) XmoZm|
111. The Foreign Exchange Reserves
(FER) of RBI include which of
the following?
1. Foreign Currency Assets
2. Gold
3. Special Drawing Rights
4. Reserve Tranche Position
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) Only 1 and 2
(B) Only 2, 3 and 4
(C) Only 1, 2 and 3
(D) All of the above
112. Consider the following
statements about ‘Rules of
Origin’ :
1. Rules of Origin are the
criteria needed to determine
the national source of a
2. Rules of Origin help the
custom agencies to know
what regulations and fees
apply to a given product.
3. These are used for the
purpose of trade statistics.
4. Their importance is derived
from the fact that duties
and restrictions in several
cases depend upon the
sources of imports.
Which of the above statements
are correct?
(A) Only 1 and 2
(B) Only 3 and 4
(C) Only 1, 3 and 4
(D) All of the above
113. Consider the following
statements about infant
mortality rate :
1. It is the probability of dying
between birth and exactly
1 year of age, expressed per
10000 live births.
2. The infant mortality rate in
the year 1950 was 189·6.
3. In the year 2019, the infant
mortality rate was 30.
4. As per the Sample
Registration System (SRS)
Bulletin of Registrar
General of India (RGI), the
State with the highest
infant mortality rate in the
year 2019 was Uttar
Which of the above statements
are correct?
(A) 1, 2 and 3
(B) 2, 3 and 4
(C) Only 2 and 3
(D) 1 and 4
114. Human capital formation as
a concept is better explained
in terms of a process, which
1. individuals of a country to
accumulate more capital
2. increasing the knowledge
3. increasing the skill levels
4. increasing the knowledge,
skill levels and capacities of
the people of the country
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) Only 1
(B) 1 and 2
(C) 3 and 4
(D) Only 4
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 44
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 45 [P.T.O.
111. Ama0 ~r0 AmB0 Ho$ {dXoer _w–m ^ßS>ma
(E\$0 B©0 Ama0) _|, {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go
H$m°Z-go em{_b h¢?
1. {dXoer _w–m n[agÂn{Œm`m± (E\$0 gr0 E0)
2. gmoZm
3. {deof AmhaU A{YH$ma (Eg0 S>r0 Ama0)
4. Ama{jV {H$ÌV pÒW{V
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) Ho$db 1 Am°a 2
(B) Ho$db 2, 3 Am°a 4
(C) Ho$db 1, 2 Am°a 3
(D) Cn`©w∫$ g^r
112. "CÀn{Œm Ho$ {Z`_' Ho$ ~mao _|, {ZÂZ{b{IV
H$WZm| na {dMma H$s{OE :
1. CÀn{Œm Ho$ {Z`_ {H$gr CÀnmX Ho$ amÔ¥>r`
ÚmoV H$mo {ZYm©[aV H$aZo Ho$ {bE
AmdÌ`H$ _mZXS> h¢ü&
2. CÀn{Œm Ho$ {Z`_ H$ÒQ>_ EO|{g`m| H$mo `h
OmZZo _| _XX H$aVo {H$ {H$gr {XE JE
CÀnmX na H$m°Z-go {Z`_ Am°a H$m°Z-go
ewÎH$ bmJy hmoVo h¢ü&
3. BZH$m Cn`moJ Ï`mnma gmßpª`H$s Ho$
‡`moOZ Ho$ {bE {H$`m OmVm h°ü&
4. CZH$m _hŒd Bg Vœ` go ‡_m{UV hmoVm
{H$ H$B© _m_bm| _| H$a Am°a ‡{V~›Y
Am`mVm| Ho$ ÚmoVm| na {Z^©a H$aVo h¢ü&
Cn`©w∫$ _| go H$m°Z-go H$WZ ghr h¢?
(A) Ho$db 1 Am°a 2
(B) Ho$db 3 Am°a 4
(C) Ho$db 1, 3 Am°a 4
(D) Cn`©w∫$ g^r
113. {eew _•À`w Xa Ho$ ~mao _|, {ZÂZ{b{IV H$WZm|
na {dMma H$s{OE :
1. `h {eew Ho$ O›_ go boH$a R>rH$ 1 df©
H$s Am`w Ho$ ~rM _•À`w H$s gÂ^mdZm h°,
Omo ‡{V 10000 Or{dV O›_m| na
Ï`∫$ H$s OmVr h°ü&
2. df© 1950 _| {eew _•À`w Xa 189·6
3. df© 2019 _| {eew _•À`w Xa 30 Wrü&
4. a{OÒQ¥>ma OZab Am∞\$ Bp›S>`m
(Ama0 Or0 AmB0) Ho$ g¢nb a{OÒQ¥>oeZ
{gÒQ>_ (Eg0 Ama0 Eg0) Ho$ ~wbo{Q>Z
Ho$ AZwgma CŒma ‡Xoe, df© 2019 _|
g~go A{YH$ {eew _•À`w Xa dmbm
am¡` Wmü&
Cn`©w∫$ _| go H$m°Z-go H$WZ ghr h¢?
(A) 1, 2 Am°a 3
(B) 2, 3 Am°a 4
(C) Ho$db 2 Am°a 3
(D) 1 Am°a 4
114. EH$ AdYmaUm Ho$ Í$n _| _mZd ny±Or {Z_m©U
H$s ~ohVa Ï`mª`m EH$ ‡{H´$`m Ho$ g›X^© _| H$s
OmVr h°, Omo gj_ ~ZmVr
1. {H$gr Xoe Ho$ Ï`{∫$`m| ¤mam A{YH$ ny±Or
gßM` H$aZo H$mo
2. kmZ _| d•{’ H$aZo H$mo
3. H$m°eb ÒVam| _| d•{’ H$aZo H$mo
4. Xoe Ho$ bmoJm| Ho$ kmZ, H$m°eb ÒVam| Am°a
j_VmAm| _oß d•{’ H$aZo H$mo
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) Ho$db 1
(B) 1 Am°a 2
(C) 3 Am°a 4
(D) Ho$db 4
115. Consider the following state-
ments regarding insolvency and
bankruptcy :
1. Bankruptcy refers to a
financial state in which
an individual or entity is
unable to pay off their debts
as they become due.
2. Insolvency refers to a legal
process, where the assets of
the debtor are liquidated or
reorganized for the benefit
of creditors.
3. Bankruptcy is a state
whereas insolvency is the
4. The Insolvency and
Bankruptcy Board of India
(IBBI) is the regulatory body
responsible for overseeing
insolvency and bankruptcy
Which of the above statements
is/are correct?
(A) 1, 2 and 3
(B) 2, 3 and 4
(C) Only 4
(D) Only 1 and 2
116. In which year was the Industrial
Policy Resolution adopted?
(A) 1956
(B) 1954
(C) 1952
(D) 1950
117. Consider the following state-
ments about the Production-
Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme :
1. The scheme offers a
production-linked incentive
to boost domestic manufac-
turing and attract large
investments in mobile
phone manufacturing and
specified electronic
2. The scheme has two
categories of applicants,
namely, global companies
and domestic companies.
3. The scheme shall extend an
average incentive of around
8% on net incremental sales
(over base year) of goods
manufactured in India and
covered under the target
segment, to eligible
companies, for a period of
six years.
4. The target segment under
PLI shall include (i) laptops,
(ii) tablets, (iii) all-in-
one PCs, (iv) servers and
(v) Ultra-Small Form Factor
Which of the above statements
are incorrect ?
(A) 1 and 4
(B) 2 and 4
(C) 1 and 3
(D) 2 and 3
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 46
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 47 [P.T.O.
115. {Xdmbm Am°a emoYZ Aj_Vm Ho$ gÂ~›Y _|,
{ZÂZ{b{IV H$WZm| na {dMma H$s{OE :
1. emoYZ Aj_Vm go VmÀn`© Cg {dŒmr`
pÒW{V go h°, {Og_| H$moB© Ï`{∫$ `m
gßÒWm ~H$m`m hmoZo na AnZo G$Um| H$m
^wJVmZ H$aZo _| Ag_W© hmoVm h°ü&
2. {Xdmbm EH$ H$mZyZr ‡{H´$`m H$mo g›X{^©V
H$aVm h°, Ohm± XoZXma H$s gÂn{Œm
boZXmam| Ho$ bm^ Ho$ {bE g_m· `m
nwZJ©{R>V H$s OmVr h°ü&
3. emoYZ Aj_Vm EH$ AdÒWm h°, O~{H$
{Xdmbm {ZÓH$f© h°ü&
4. ^maVr` {Xdmbm Am°a emoYZ Aj_Vm
~moS>© (AmB0 ~r0 ~r0 AmB0) {Xdmbm
Am°a emoYZ Aj_Vm H$m`©dmhr H$s
XoIaoI Ho$ {bE {OÂ_oXma {Z`m_H$
{ZH$m` h°ü&
Cn`©w∫$ _| go H$m°Z-gm/go H$WZ ghr h°/h¢?
(A) 1, 2 Am°a 3
(B) 2, 3 Am°a 4
(C) Ho$db 4
(D) Ho$db 1 Am°a 2
116. Am°⁄mo{JH$ Zr{V gßH$În {H$g df© AnZm`m
(A) 1956
(B) 1954
(C) 1952
(D) 1950
117. CÀnmXZ-gÂ~’ ‡moÀgmhZ (nr0 Eb0 AmB0)
`moOZm Ho$ ~mao _|, {ZÂZ{b{IV H$WZm| na
{dMma H$s{OE :
1. `h `moOZm Kaoby {d{Z_m©U H$mo ~ãT>mdm
XoZo Am°a _mo~mBb \$moZ {d{Z_m©U VWm
{Z{X©Ô> BboäQ¥>m∞{ZH$ KQ>H$m| _| ~ãS>o {Zdoe
H$mo AmH${f©V H$aZo Ho$ {bE CÀnmXZ go
OwãS>o ‡moÀgmhZ H$s noeH$e H$aVr h°ü&
2. Bg `moOZm _| AmdoXH$m| H$s Xmo lo{U`m±
h¢, d°pÌdH$ H$Ân{Z`m± Am°a Kaoby
3. `h `moOZm nmà H$Ân{Z`m| H$mo N>Ö dfm]
H$s Ad{Y Ho$ {bE ^maV _| {Z{_©V Am°a
b˙` loUr _| em{_b dÒVwAm| H$s ew’
d•{’erb {~H´$s (AmYma df© na) na
bJ^J 8% H$m Am°gV ‡moÀgmhZ ‡XmZ
H$aVr h°ü&
4. nr0 Eb0 AmB0 Ho$ VhV b˙` loUr _|
(i) b°nQ>m∞n, (ii) Q>°~boQ>, (iii) Am∞b-
BZ-dZ nr0 gr0 (iv) gd©a Am°a
(v) AÎQ¥>m-Ò_m∞b \$m∞_© \°$äQ>a (`y0 Eg0
E\$0 E\$0) em{_b hm|Joü&
Cn`©w∫$ _| go H$m°Z-go H$WZ JbV h¢?
(A) 1 Am°a 4
(B) 2 Am°a 4
(C) 1 Am°a 3
(D) 2 Am°a 3
118. Consider the following statements
regarding the SVAMITVA scheme :
1. It is a Central Sector
Scheme under the Ministry
of Mines.
2. This scheme seeks to
create geopositioning infra-
structure like CORS
network to benchmark the
location and provides five
centimetre level accuracy.
3. CORS means Cross-Origin
Resource Sharing.
4. The scheme is a reformative
step towards establishment
of clear ownership of
property in rural inhabited
(Abadi) areas, by mapping
of land parcels using drone
Which of the above statements
are incorrect ?
(A) 2 and 4
(B) 1 and 3
(C) 2 and 3
(D) 1 and 4
119. Which of the following is/are
the consequence(s) of invoking
Article 360, declaration of a
financial emergency?
1. The President may order the
States to reduce the salaries
and allowances of all or any
class of employees serving
in connection with the State
2. Money Bills or other financial
bills passed by the State
Legislature are not required
to be reserved for the
consideration of the
3. The President can issue
directions for the reduction
of salaries and allowances of
all or any class of employees
serving in connection with
the affairs of the Union,
including the Judges of the
Supreme Court and the High
4. Money Bills or other financial
bills are to be reserved for
the consideration of the
President after they are
passed by the Legislature of
the State.
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) Only 1, 3 and 4
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 1 and 2
(D) All of the above
120. Which of the following factors
could potentially contribute to
stagflation in the Indian
1. High inflationary pressures
due to increased Govern-
ment spending
2. Decline in industrial
production and sluggish
economic growth
3. Decrease in aggregate
demand and consumer
4. Appreciation of the
domestic currency leading
to reduction of export
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) Only 1 and 2
(B) Only 2 and 3
(C) Only 1, 3 and 4
(D) 1, 2, 3 and 4
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 48
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 49 [P.T.O.
118. "Òdm{_Àd' `moOZm Ho$ gÂ~›Y _|, {ZÂZ{b{IV
H$WZm| na {dMma H$s{OE :
1. `h ImZ _›Ãmb` Ho$ Xm`ao _| H$m`©aV
EH$ Ho$›–r` joÃH$ `moOZm h°ü&
2. `h `moOZm gr0 Amo0 Ama0 Eg0
ZoQ>dH©$ H$s Vah {O`monmo{OeqZJ
Bß\´$mÒQ¥>äMa H$mo nm±M go›Q>r_rQ>a VH$ H$s
gQ>rH$Vm ‡XmZ H$aZo `moΩ` _mZH$ ~ZmZo
H$m ‡`mg H$a ahr h°ü&
3. gr0 Amo0 Ama0 Eg0 H$m _Vb~
H´$m∞g-Amo[a{OZ [agmog© eo`[a®J h°ü&
4. `h `moOZm S¥>moZ VH$ZrH$ H$m Cn`moJ H$a
^y{_ Ho$ N>moQ>o-N>moQ>o IS>m| H$m Zäem
V°`ma H$aHo$ J´m_rU ~pÒV`m| (Am~mXr)
Ho$ joÃm| _| gßn{Œm H$m ÒnÔ> Òdm{_Àd
ÒWm{nV H$aZo Ho$ {bE EH$ gwYmamÀ_H$
nhb ‡XmZ H$aVr h°ü&
Cn`©w∫$ _| go H$m°Z-go H$WZ JbV h¢?
(A) 2 Am°a 4
(B) 1 Am°a 3
(C) 2 Am°a 3
(D) 1 Am°a 4
119. {H$gr {dŒmr` AmnmVH$mb H$s pÒW{V _|
AZw¿N>oX 360 H$mo bmJy H$aZo H$m/Ho$ n[aUm_
{ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm/go h°/h¢?
1. amÔ¥>n{V am¡`m| H$mo am¡` _m_bm| Ho$
gÂ~›Y _| godmaV g^r `m {H$gr dJ© Ho$
H$_©Mm[a`m| Ho$ doVZ Am°a ^Œmo H$_ H$aZo
H$m AmXoe Xo gH$Vo h¢ü&
2. am¡` {dYmZ_ßS>b ¤mam nm[aV YZ
{dYo`H$ `m A›` {dŒmr` {dYo`H$ H$mo
amÔ¥>n{V Ho$ {dMmamW© Ama{jV aIZo H$s
AmdÌ`H$Vm Zht h°ü&
3. amÔ¥>n{V CÉV_ ›`m`mb` Am°a
›`m`mb`m| Ho$ OOm| Ho$ gmW gßK _m_bm|
Ho$ gÂ~›Y _| godmaV g^r `m {H$gr dJ©
Ho$ H$_©Mm[a`m| Ho$ doVZ Am°a ^Œmo H$_
H$aZo H$m AmXoe Xo gH$Vo h¢ü&
4. am¡` {dYmZ_ßS>b ¤mam nm[aV hmoZo Ho$
~mX YZ {dYo`H$ `m A›` {dŒmr`
{dYo`H$ amÔ¥>n{V Ho$ {dMmamW© Ama{jV
aIr OmEJrü&
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) Ho$db 1, 3 Am°a 4
(B) Ho$db 2
(C) Ho$db 1 Am°a 2
(D) Cn`w©∫$ g^r
120. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-go H$maH$ gß^m{dV Í$n
go ^maVr` AW©Ï`dÒWm _| _w–mÒ\$s{VO{ZV
_ßXr _| `moJXmZ H$a gH$Vo h¢?
1. gaH$mar IM© _| d•{’ Ho$ H$maU
_w–mÒ\$s{V X~md
2. Am°⁄mo{JH$ CÀnmXZ _| {JamdQ> Am°a
Am{W©H$ {dH$mg _| gwÒVr
3. Hw$b _m±J Am°a Cn^mo∫$m IM© _| H$_r
4. Kaoby _w–m H$s d•{’ Ho$ H$maU {Z`m©V
‡{VÒnYm©À_H$Vm _| H$_r
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) Ho$db 1 Am°a 2
(B) Ho$db 2 Am°a 3
(C) Ho$db 1, 3 Am°a 4
(D) 1, 2, 3 Am°a 4
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 50
121. As per the Economic Survey,
2023, which of the following
statements describe(s) the trend
of Foreign Direct Investment
in India?
1. It has decreased due to the
less participation of the
private sector.
2. It has increased compared
to the prepandemic levels.
3. It has increased rapidly
without decreasing in any
Financial Year after the
telecom sector was entirely
4. It has decreased due to
a weak global economic
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) Only 1 and 3
(B) 2 and 4
(C) 1, 2 and 3
(D) Only 4
122. What is the current population
of Gaya district of Bihar?
(A) 598000
(B) 320000
(C) 780000
(D) 234000
123. Which of the following
statements about non-plan
expenditures of the Central
Government is correct?
(A) The expenditure is on
interest payments.
(B) The expenditure is on
science and technology.
(C) The expenditure is on
(D) None of the above
Which of the following is not
true about globalization and its
impact on India?
(A) It has expanded trade in
goods and services.
(B) It has led to greater flow of
Foreign Direct Investment.
(C) Increase in exports is
greater than increase in
(D) None of the above
125. Consider the following
statements about the latest
developments in the Union
Government finances :
1. The fiscal deficit of the
Union Government had
reached 9·2 percent of GDP
during the pandemic FY21.
2. The fiscal deficit has
moderated to 7·7 percent of
GDP in FY22.
3. The revenue collection over
the last two years has gone
Which of the above statements
is/are correct?
(A) Only 1
(B) 1 and 2
(C) 2 and 3
(D) None of the above
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 51 [P.T.O.
121. Am{W©H$ gd}jU, 2023 Ho$ AZwgma,
{ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm/go H$WZ ^maV _|
‡À`j {dXoer {Zdoe H$s ‡d•{Œm H$m dU©Z
H$aVm/H$aVo h°/h¢?
1. {ZOr joà H$s H$_ ^mJrXmar Ho$ H$maU
Bg_| H$_r AmB© h°ü&
2. _hm_mar go nhbo Ho$ ÒVa H$s VwbZm _|
Bg_| d•{’ h˛B©ü&
3. Q>obrH$m∞_ goäQ>a _| nyar Vah go gwYma
hmoZo Ho$ ~mX {H$gr ^r {dŒmr` df© _|
{~Zm KQ>o Bg_| VoOr go ~ãT>moVar h˛B©ü&
4. H$_Omoa d°pÌdH$ Am{W©H$ pÒW{V Ho$
H$maU Bg_| H$_r AmB© h°ü&
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) Ho$db 1 Am°a 3
(B) 2 Am°a 4
(C) 1, 2 Am°a 3
(D) Ho$db 4
122. {~hma Ho$ J`m {Obm H$s dV©_mZ OZgߪ`m
{H$VZr h°?
(A) 598000
(B) 320000
(C) 780000
(D) 234000
123. Ho$›– gaH$ma Ho$ J°a-`moOZm Ï`` Ho$ ~mao _|,
{ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm H$WZ ghr h°?
(A) Ï``, „`mO ^wJVmZ na hmoVm h°ü&
(B) Ï``, {dkmZ Am°a ‡m°⁄mo{JH$s na hmoVm
(C) Ï``, H•${f na hmoVm h°ü&
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
124. d°úrH$aU Am°a ^maV na BgHo$ ‡^md Ho$ ~mao
_|, {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm gÀ` Zht h°?
(A) BgZo dÒVwAm| Am°a godmAm| _| Ï`mnma H$m
{dÒVma {H$`m h°ü&
(B) Bggo ‡À`j {dXoer {Zdoe H$m ‡dmh
~ãT>m h°ü&
(C) {Z`m©V _| d•{’, Am`mV _| d•{’ go
A{YH$ h°ü&
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
125. gßK gaH$ma Ho$ {dŒm _| ZdrZV_ {dH$mg Ho$ ~mao
_|, {ZÂZ{b{IV H$WZm| na {dMma H$s{OE :
1. _hm_mar {dŒmr` df© 21 Ho$ Xm°amZ gßK
gaH$ma H$m amOH$mofr` KmQ>m gH$b Kaoby
CÀnmX Ho$ 9·2 ‡{VeV VH$ nh˛±M J`m
2. {dŒmr` df© 22 _| amOH$mofr` KmQ>m H$_
hmoH$a gH$b Kaoby CÀnmX H$m 7·7
‡{VeV hmo J`m h°ü&
3. {nN>bo Xmo dfm] _| amOÒd gßJ´h H$_ hmo
J`m h°ü&
Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$m°Z-gm/go H$WZ ghr h°/h¢?
(A) Ho$db 1
(B) 1 Am°a 2
(C) 2 Am°a 3
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
126. Which of the following were the
reasons for the failure of the
Revolt of 1857?
1. The military superiority of
the British
2. The rebels did not have
a unified programme and
3. There was a lack of support
from all the sections of
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) Only 1 and 2
(B) Only 2 and 3
(C) All of the above
(D) None of the above
127. The cook from Bihar who
saved Mahatma Gandhi’s life
from a murder attempt by food
poisoning in 1917 was
(A) Muzaffar Ahmad
(B) Batak Mian
(C) Mir Bakawal
(D) None of them
128. The Bakasht Movement in
Bihar during 1937–1938 was
organized by whom?
(A) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
(B) Jayaprakash Narayan
(C) Swami Sahajanand
(D) Peer Ali Khan
129. Consider the following events
during India’s Freedom
Struggle :
1. Home Rule Movement
2. Surat Split
3. Kheda Satyagraha
4. Minto-Morley Reforms
Which of the following is the
correct chronological order of
the events given above?
(A) 1324
(B) 2413
(C) 1423
(D) 2314
Lord Lytton is not associated
with which of the following?
(A) The Strachey Commission
(B) The Arms Act
(C) The Vernacular Press Act
(D) The Ilbert Bill
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 52
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 53 [P.T.O.
126. 1857 Ho$ {d–moh H$s {d\$bVm Ho$ {ZÂZ{b{IV
_| go H$m°Z-go H$maU Wo?
1. AßJ´oOm| H$s g°›` lo>Vm
2. {d–mo{h`m| Ho$ nmg H$moB© EH$sH•$V H$m`©H´$_
Edß {dMmaYmam Zht Wr
3. g_mO Ho$ g^r dJm] go g_W©Z H$m
A^md Wm
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) Ho$db 1 Am°a 2
(B) Ho$db 2 Am°a 3
(C) Cn`©w∫$ g^r
(D) Cn`©w∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
127. {~hma H$m dh agmoB`m, {OgZo 1917 _|
_hmÀ_m Jm±Yr H$s hÀ`m Ho$ ‡`mg H$mo {d\$b
H$a CZHo$ ^moOZ _| {_bo Oha go CZH$s OmZ
~MmB© Wr, Wm
(A) _wO‚\$a Ah_X
(B) ~Q>H$ {_`m±
(C) _ra ~H$dmb
(D) BZ_| go H$moB© Zht
128. 1937–1938 Ho$ Xm°amZ, {~hma _| ~H$mÌV
Am›XmobZ {H$gHo$ ¤mam Am`mo{OV {H$`m
J`m Wm?
(A) Òdm_r X`mZ›X gaÒdVr
(B) O` ‡H$me Zmam`U
(C) Òdm_r ghOmZ›X gaÒdVr
(D) nra Abr ImZ
129. ^maV Ho$ ÒdV›ÃVm gßJ´m_ Ho$ Xm°amZ,
{ZÂZ{b{IV KQ>ZmAm| na {dMma H$s{OE :
1. hmo_ Í$b Am›XmobZ
2. gyaV {d^mOZ
3. IoãS>m gÀ`mJ´h
4. {_›Q>mo-_m∞b} gwYma
D$na Xr JB© KQ>ZmAm| H$m {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go
H$m°Z-gm ghr H$mbmZwH´${_H$ H´$_ h°?
(A) 1324
(B) 2413
(C) 1423
(D) 2314
130. bm∞S>© {bQ>Z {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go {H$ggo
gÂ~p›YV Zht h¢?
(A) ÒQ¥>°Mr H$_reZ
(B) A{Y{Z`_
(C) dZm©ä`wba ‡og EoäQ>
(D) BÎ~Q>© {~b
131. Which treaty was signed after
the Battle of Buxar?
(A) The Treaty of Allahabad
(B) The Treaty of Sugauli
(C) The Treaty of Bassein
(D) The Treaty of Salbai
132. The Dutch East India Company
established its factory at Patna
in which year?
(A) 1635
(B) 1632
(C) 1643
(D) 1648
133. In which of the following
movements did Mahatma
Gandhi make the first use of the
hunger strike as a weapon?
(A) Non-Cooperation Movement
(B) Bardoli Satyagraha
(C) Ahmedabad Strike
(D) Rowlatt Satyagraha
134. The Quit India Movement in
1942 witnessed significant
contributions from leaders of
Bihar. Which prominent Bihar
leader was known as the ‘Bihar
Kesari’ and actively participated
in the Quit India Movement?
(A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(B) Shri Krishna Singh
(C) Anugrah Narayan Sinha
(D) Ram Manohar Lohia
135. In response to the mass
agitation of the Champaran
Movement, the British
Government took which step to
address the issue?
(A) Appointed Mahatma Gandhi
as the Governor of
(B) Enforced strict curfew and
imposed Martial Law in the
(C) Instituted the Champaran
Agrarian Committee
(D) Declared Champaran as an
independent State
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 54
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 55 [P.T.O.
131. ~äga H$s bãS>mB© Ho$ ~mX {H$g gß{Y na
hÒVmja {H$E JE?
(A) Bbmhm~mX gß{Y
(B) gwJm°br gß{Y
(C) ~o{gZ gß{Y
(D) gmb~mB© gß{Y
132. S>M B©ÒQ> Bp›S>`m H$ÂnZr Zo {H$g df© nQ>Zm _|
AnZm H$maImZm ÒWm{nV {H$`m?
(A) 1635
(B) 1632
(C) 1643
(D) 1648
133. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go {H$g Am›XmobZ _| _hmÀ_m
Jm±Yr Zo ^yI hãS>Vmb H$mo h{W`ma Ho$ Í$n _|
gd©‡W_ ‡`moJ {H$`m Wm?
(A) Agh`moJ Am›XmobZ
(B) ~aXmobr gÀ`mJ´h
(C) Ah_Xm~mX hãS>Vmb
(D) am°bQ> gÀ`mJ´h
134. gZ≤ 1942 _| ^maV N>moãS>mo Am›XmobZ _| {~hma
Ho$ ZoVmAm| H$m _hŒdnyU© `moJXmZ ahm Wmü&
{~hma Ho$ H$m°Z-go ‡_wI ZoVm "{~hma Ho$gar' Ho$
Zm_ go OmZo OmVo Wo Am°a C›hm|Zo ^maV N>moãS>mo
Am›XmobZ _| g{H´$` Í$n go ^mJ {b`m Wm?
(A) S>m∞0 amOo›– ‡gmX
(B) lrH•$ÓU qgh
(C) AZwJ´h Zmam`U {g›hm
(D) am_ _Zmoha bmo{h`m
135. MÂnmaU Am›XmobZ Ho$ OZ Am›XmobZ H$s
‡{V{H´$`m _| {~´{Q>e gaH$ma Zo Bg _w‘o Ho$
g_mYmZ Ho$ {bE H$m°Z-gm H$X_ CR>m`m?
(A) _hmÀ_m Jm±Yr H$mo MÂnmaU H$m am¡`nmb
{Z`w∫$ {H$`m
(B) joà _| gªV H$‚`y© bmJy {H$`m Am°a
_me©b bm∞ bJm`m
(C) MÂnmaU H•${f g{_{V H$s ÒWmnZm H$s
(D) MÂnmaU H$mo EH$ ÒdVßà am¡` Kmo{fV
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 56
136. Match List–I with List–II :
List—I List—II
a. Servants of
India Society
1. Debendranath
b. Tattwabodhini
2. Gopal Krishna
c. Atmiya Sabha 3. Ram Mohan
4. Keshab
Chandra Sen
Select the correct answer using
the codes given below.
(A) a b c
2 1 3
(B) a b c
2 4 3
(C) a b c
1 2 3
(D) a b c
1 4 3
137. Ambabai, a woman freedom
fighter, belonged to which of the
following States of India?
(A) Kerala
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Karnataka
(D) Madhya Pradesh
138. Who among the following was
not the member of the Cabinet
(A) P. Lawrence
(B) A. V. Alexander
(C) J. Andrew
(D) None of them
139. “The Indian National Congress
was founded on the basis of
safety valve theory, to protect
the British Government from
threats.” Which leader said
(A) C. Rajagopalachari
(B) Lala Lajpat Rai
(C) Bipin Chandra Pal
(D) None of them
140. In which of the following Indian
National Congress Sessions,
the resolutions related to the
Fundamental Rights were
passed for the first time?
(A) Surat Session—1907
(B) Gaya Session—1922
(C) Karachi Session—1931
(D) None of the above
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 57 [P.T.O.
136. gyMr–I H$mo gyMr–II go gw_o{bV H$s{OE :
gyMrI gyMrII
a. ^maV godH$ g_mO 1. Xo~o›–ZmW Q>°Jmoa
b. VŒd~mo{YZr g^m 2. Jmonmb H•$ÓU JmoIbo
c. AmÀ_r` g^m 3. am_ _mohZ am∞`
4. Ho$e~ M›– goZ
ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) a b c
2 1 3
(B) a b c
2 4 3
(C) a b c
1 2 3
(D) a b c
1 4 3
137. Aß~m~mB©, EH$ ÒdV›ÃVm goZmZr, ^maV Ho$ {H$g
am¡` H$s Wt?
(A) Ho$ab
(B) AmßY´ ‡Xoe
(C) H$Zm©Q>H$
(D) _‹` ‡Xoe
138. BZ_| go H$m°Z H°${~ZoQ> {_eZ Ho$ gXÒ` Zht Wo?
(A) nr0 bm∞ao›g
(B) E0 dr0 AboäOo›S>a
(C) Oo0 E›S¥>Áy
(D) BZ_| go H$moB© Zht
139. ""gwajm dmÎd {g’m›V Ho$ AmYma na ^maVr`
amÔ¥>r` H$m±J´og H$s ÒWmnZm, {~´{Q>e gaH$ma H$mo
IVam| go ~MmZo Ho$ {bE Wrü&'' Cn`w©∫$ {dMma
{H$g ZoVm Ho$ Wo?
(A) gr0 amOJmonmbmMmar
(B) bmbm bmOnV am`
(C) {~{nZ M›– nmb
(D) BZ_| go H$moB© Zht
140. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go ^maVr` amÔ¥>r` H$m±J´og Ho$
{H$g A{YdoeZ _| nhbr ~ma _m°{bH$
A{YH$mam| go gÂ~p›YV ‡ÒVmd nm[aV {H$E
JE Wo?
(A) gyaV A{YdoeZ—1907
(B) J`m A{YdoeZ—1922
(C) H$amMr A{YdoeZ—1931
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
141. In a certain code language,
‘GAME’ is written as
$ %¸ *
and ‘BEAD’ is written as
# % ¸ ´
’. How will the word
‘MADE’ be written in that code
$ %¸ ´
* ¸ $%
* ¸ ´ %
# %¸ ´
travels towards East.
travels towards North.
travel in opposite directions.
travels towards right of
Which of the following is
definitely true?
travel in the
opposite directions
travels towards West
travels towards North
travel in the same
143. A man ‘Ramesh’, who owns
a plot of land of 100 square
yards, increases his plot of
land by acquiring 10% more
from his neighbour ‘Suresh’,
who also owns 100 square
yards land. After 2 years, he
sells back 10% of the total
plot to the neighbour. Which
of the following is correct?
(A) Ramesh’s land is more than
(B) Suresh’s land is more than
(C) Both are equal
(D) None of the above
144. Find the odd pair among the
following options.
(A) Millinery : Hats
(B) Brewery : Alcohol
(C) Stationery : Paper
(D) Snobbery : Shoes
145. What should come in place
of question mark (?) in the
following number series?
132 156 ? 210 240 272
(A) 196
(B) 182
(C) 199
(D) 204
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 58
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 59 [P.T.O.
141. EH$ {ZpÌMV Hy$Q> ^mfm _|, ‘GAME’ H$mo
$ %¸ *
{bIm OmVm h° Am°a ‘BEAD’
# % ¸ ´
{bIm OmVm h°ü& Cgr Hy$Q> ^mfm
_| ‘MADE’ e„X H$mo H°$go {bIm OmEJm?
$ %¸ ´
* ¸ $%
* ¸ ´ %
# %¸ ´
142. Q nyd© H$s Amoa `mÃm H$aVm h°ü& M CŒma H$s
Amoa `mÃm H$aVm h°ü& S Am°a T {dnarV
{XemAmoß _| `mÃm H$aVo h¢ü& T, Q Ho$ XmB™ Amoa
`mÃm H$aVm h°ü& {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm
{ZpÌMV Í$n go gÀ` h°?
(A) M Am°a S {dnarV {XemAm| _| `mÃm
(B) S npÌM_ H$s Amoa `mÃm H$aVm
(C) T CŒma H$s Amoa `mÃm H$aVm
(D) M Am°a S EH$ hr {Xem _| `mÃm
143. EH$ Ï`{∫$ "a_oe', {OgHo$ nmg 100 dJ© JO
^y{_ H$m EH$ flbm∞Q> h°, dh AnZo nãS>mogr
"gwaoe', {OgHo$ nmg ^r 100 dJ© JO
^y{_ h°, go 10% A{YH$ ‡m· H$aHo$ AnZr
^y{_ H$m flbm∞Q> ~ãT>mVm h°ü& 2 gmb ~mX dh
Hw$b flbm∞Q> H$m 10% nãS>mogr H$mo dmng ~oM
XoVm h°ü& {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm ghr h°?
(A) a_oe H$s ^y{_, gwaoe go A{YH$
(B) gwaoe H$s ^y{_, a_oe go A{YH$
(C) XmoZm| ~am~a
(D) Cn`©w∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
144. {ZÂZ{b{IV {dH$Înm| _| go ~oOmoãS> `wΩ_
(A) {_{bZar : Q>mo{n`m±
(B) ~´odar : eam~
(C) ÒQ>oeZar : H$mJO
(D) ÒZm∞~[a : OyVo
145. {ZÂZ{b{IV gߪ`m ˚m•ßIbm _|, ‡ÌZ-{Mï (?)
Ho$ ÒWmZ na ä`m AmZm Mm{hE?
132 156 ? 210 240 272
(A) 196
(B) 182
(C) 199
(D) 204
146. Select the missing number from
the given alternatives :
44 49 37
52 ? 41
58 35 53
(A) 56
(B) 77
(C) 66
(D) 63
147. Read the given statement and
conclusions carefully. Decide
which of the given conclusions
logically follow(s) from the
Statement :
In a one-day cricket match,
the total runs made by a team
were 200, of which 160 runs
were made by spinners.
Conclusions :
1. 80% of the team consisted
of spinners.
2. The opening batsmen were
Select the correct answer.
(A) Only 1 follows the
(B) Only 2 follows the
(C) Both 1 and 2 follow the
(D) Neither 1 nor 2 follows the
148. In a code language, if GREAT
is written as 718222620 and
MONK is written as 13121411,
then how will VIGOROUS be
written in the same language?
(A) 22187121812619
(B) 21177121811619
(C) 22187131813620
(D) 21187111711620
149. Find the odd one in the following
groups :
(A) Q,W,Z,B
(B) M,S,V,X
(C) W,C,G,J
(D) B,H,K,M
150. Four branches of a company are
located at
in the North of
at a distance
of 4 km;
is in the South of
at a distance of 2 km;
is in
the Southeast of
by 1 km.
What is the distance between
in km?
(A) 5·34
(B) 6·74
(C) 28·5
(D) None of the above
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 60
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 61 [P.T.O.
146. {XE JE {dH$Înmß| _| go bw· gߪ`m H$mo Mw{ZE Ö
44 49 37
52 ? 41
58 35 53
(A) 56
(B) 77
(C) 66
(D) 63
147. {XE JE H$WZ Am°a {ZÓH$f© H$mo ‹`mZnyd©H$
n{ãT>Eü& {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm/go {ZÓH$f©
Vm{H©$H$ Í$n go H$WZ Ho$ AZwgma /h¢, {dMma
H$WZ :
{H$gr EH${Xdgr` {H´$Ho$Q> _°M _| Q>r_ Zo
Hw$b 200 aZ ~ZmE, {OZ_| go 160 aZ
pÒnZam| ¤mam ~ZmE JEü&
{ZÓH$f© :
1. Q>r_ Ho$ 80% {IbmãS>r pÒnZa Woü&
2. AmonqZJ ~Ño~mO pÒnZa Woü&
ghr CŒma Mw{ZEü&
(A) Ho$db 1 H$WZ H$m AZwgaU H$aVm
(B) Ho$db 2 H$WZ H$m AZwgaU H$aVm
(C) 1 Am°a 2 XmoZm| H$WZ H$m AZwgaU
(D) Z Vmo 1 Am°a Z hr 2 H$WZ H$m
AZwgaU H$aVm
148. EH$ Hy$Q> ^mfm _|, `{X GREAT H$mo
718222620 Am°a MONK H$mo
13121411 {bIm OmVm h°, Vmo Cgr ^mfm
_| VIGOROUS H$mo H°$go {bIm OmEJm?
(A) 22187121812619
(B) 21177121811619
(C) 22187131813620
(D) 21187111711620
149. {ZÂZ{b{IV g_yhm| _| go ~oOmoãS> H$mo Imo{OE :
(A) Q,W,Z,B
(B) M,S,V,X
(C) W,C,G,J
(D) B,H,K,M
150. EH$ Hß$nZr H$s Mma emImE±
na pÒWV h¢ü&
Ho$ CŒma _|
4 {H$0 _r0 H$s Xyar na h°;
Ho$ X{jU
_| 2 {H$0 _r0 H$s Xyar na h°;
1 {H$0 _r0 X{jU-nyd© _| h°ü&
~rM H$s Xyar {H$0 _r0 _| ä`m h°?
(A) 5·34
(B) 6·74
(C) 28·5
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / aµ\$ H$m`© Ho$ {bE ÒWmZ
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 62
SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / aµ\$ H$m`© Ho$ {bE ÒWmZ
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023/201-A 63 [P.T.O.
19–C/FI/CC/PT–2023 nwpÒVH$m ˚m•ßIbm
CÂ_rXdma H$m AZwH´$_mßH$
gm_m›` A‹``Z
‡ÌZm| Ho$ CŒma XoZo go nhbo ZrMo {bIo AZwXoem| H$mo ‹`mZ go nãT> b|ü&
_hŒdnyU© AZwXoe
Bg ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m _| Hw$b 150 ‡ÌZ h¢ü&
2. g^r ‡ÌZm| Ho$ AßH$ g_mZ h¢ü&
3. narjm AmaÂ^ hmoVo hr Amn AnZr ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m H$s Om±M H$a XoI b| {H$ BgHo$ D$na Xm`t Amoa ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m H$s
˚m•ßIbm _w{–V h°ü& H•$n`m Om±M b| {H$ nwpÒVH$m _| aµ\$ H$m`© hoVw Xmo n•>m| (n•> gߪ`m 62 Am°a 63) g{hV nyao 64 _w{–V n•>
Am°a H$moB© ‡ÌZ `m n•> {~Zm N>nm h˛Am `m \$Q>m h˛Am `m Xmo~mam Am`m h˛Am Vmo Zht h°ü& nwpÒVH$m _| {H$gr ‡H$ma H$s
Ãw{Q> nmZo na VÀH$mb BgHo$ ~Xbo Bgr ˚m•ßIbm H$s Xygar ghr nwpÒVH$m bo b|ü&
4. `{X {H$gr ‡ÌZ _| {H$gr ‡H$ma H$s H$moB© _w–U `m Vœ`mÀ_H$ ‡H$ma H$s Ãw{Q> hmo, Vmo ‡ÌZm| Ho$ AßJ´oOr VWm {h›Xr Í$nm›Vam| _| go AßJ´oOr
Í$nm›Va H$mo _mZH$ _mZm Om`oJmü&
5. Bg n•> Ho$ D$na {ZYm©[aV ÒWmZ _| AnZm AZwH´$_mßH$ AdÌ` {bI|ü& ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m na Am°a Hw$N> Z {bI|ü&
6. ‡ÌZm| Ho$ CŒma XoZo Ho$ {bE AmnH$mo drjH$ ¤mam AbJ go CŒma nÃH$ {X`m Om`oJmü& AnZo CŒma nÃH$ Ho$ n•>-
2 na {ZYm©[aV ÒWmZ
_| AnZm Zm_, AZwH´$_mßH$, ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m ˚m•ßIbm VWm A›` {ddaU AdÌ` {bI| A›`Wm AmnH$m CŒma nÃH$ Om±Mm Zht
7. CŒma nÃH$ Ho$ n•>-
2 na {ZYm©[aV ÒWmZ _| AnZo AZwH´$_mßH$ VWm ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m H$s ˚m•ßIbm A, B, C `m D O°gm Bg
‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m Ho$ AmdaU n•> Ho$ D$na Xm`t Amoa Aß{H$V h°, go gÂ~p›YV H$mo>H$ H$mo H$mbr/Zrbr Ò`mhr Ho$ ~m∞b-nm∞B›Q> noZ
go AdÌ` Hy$Q>~’ H$a|ü& CŒma nÃH$ na ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m ˚m•ßIbm Aß{H$V Zht H$aZo AWdm JbV ˚m•ßIbm Aß{H$V H$aZo na CŒma
nÃH$ H$m ghr _yÎ`mßH$Z Zht hmoJmü&
8. Bg nwpÒVH$m _| g^r ‡ÌZ Am°a CZHo$ CŒma AßJ´oOr Edß {h›Xr _| _w{–V h¢ü& ‡À`oH$ ‡ÌZ Ho$ Mma CŒmaçç(A), (B), (C) Am°a (D)
H´$_ na {X`o J`o h¢ü& CZ_| go Amn g~go ghr Ho$db EH$ CŒma H$mo MwZ| Am°a AnZo CŒma nÃH$ na Aß{H$V H$a|ü& AmnH$m Hw$b ‡m·mßH$
AmnHo$ ¤mam CŒma nÃH$ _| Aß{H$V ghr CŒmam| na {Z^©a hmoJmü&
9. CŒma nÃH$ _| ‡À`oH$ ‡ÌZ gߪ`m Ho$ gm_Zo Mma d•Œm Bg ‡H$ma ~Zo h˛E h¢çç Am°a ü& ‡ÌZm| Ho$ CŒma XoZo Ho$ {bE
AmnH$mo AnZr ng›X Ho$ Ho$db EH$ d•Œm H$mo H$mbr/Zrbr Ò`mhr Ho$ ~m∞b-nm∞B›Q> noZ go {M{ïV H$aZm h°ü& ‡À`oH$ ‡ÌZ Ho$ {bE
Ho$db EH$ CŒma H$mo MwZ| Am°a Cgo AnZo CŒma nÃH$ _| {M{ïV H$a|ü& Amn CŒma nÃH$ _| `{X EH$ ‡ÌZ Ho$ {bE EH$ go A{YH$ d•Œm _|
{ZemZ bJmVo h¢, Vmo AmnH$m CŒma JbV _mZm Om`oJmü& CŒma nÃH$ _| CŒma H$mo {M{ïV H$aZo Ho$ {bE Ho$db H$mbr/Zrbr Ò`mhr
Ho$ ~m∞b-nm∞B›Q> noZ H$m hr ‡`moJ H$a|ü& {H$gr ^r ‡H$ma H$m H$mQ>-Hy$Q> AWdm n[adV©Z _m›` Zht h°ü&
10. CÂ_rXdma ¤mam ‡À`oH$ ‡ÌZ Ho$ {bE JbV CŒma/EH$ go A{YH$ CŒma XoZo Ho$ {bE ‡ÌZ hoVw {Z`V {H$E JE AßH$m| H$m EH$-{VhmB©
AßH$ XS> Ho$ Í$n _| H$mQ>m Om`oJmü&
11. ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m go H$moB© nfim \$mãS>Zm `m AbJ H$aZm _Zm h°ü& ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m Am°a CŒma nÃH$ H$mo narjm H$s Ad{Y _| narjm ^dZ go
~mha H$Xm{n Z bo Om`|ü& narjm Ho$ g_mnZ na CŒma nÃH$ drjH$ H$mo AdÌ` gm¢n X|ü& CgHo$ ~mX AmnH$mo AnZr ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m
AnZo gmW bo OmZo H$s AZw_{V h°ü&
12. D$na Ho$ AZwXoem| _| go {H$gr EH$ H$m ^r nmbZ Zht H$aZo na Amn na Am`moJ Ho$ {ddoH$mZwgma H$ma©dmB© H$s Om gH$Vr AWdm
AmnH$mo XS> {X`m Om gH$Vm h°ü&
13. A‰`Wu CŒma nÃH$ H$mo AnZr CnpÒW{V _| Self Adhesive LDPE Bag _| nyar Vah go n°H$/grb H$admZo Ho$ CnamßV hr
narjmH$j H$mo N>moãS>|ü&
Note : English version of the instructions is printed on the First Page of this Booklet.
64 DK23
g_` : KQ>o2
nyUm™H$ : 150
A B C, ,