BrainPOP - Periodic Table Name ___________________________
Watch the Periodic Table movie at to complete this worksheet.
1. The Periodic Table of Elements is a list of all the chemical elements that occur in the
_______________. It categorizes elements according to the properties of their __________,
which are the smallest unit of an element.
2. Atoms are made up of a _____________ composed of protons and neutrons and a
number of electrons orbiting in shells or _____________.
3. It is the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an element’s atoms that determines
its ______________. The configuration of the three particles is the only thing that makes
one element _______________ from another.
4. The modern table organizes elements so it is easier to see how elements are
_____________ to each other. The elements are listed by the _____________
___________, or the number of protons in the atom’s nuclei. The table also lists the
elements _____________, name, and ___________ _________.
5. Each shell can hold only a certain number of _____________. The number of electrons
in an atom’s outer shell plays an important role in that atom’s properties determining what
other kinds of atoms it can ___________ with. Atoms bond together in molecules by either
___________ ___ or ___________ electrons. ________________ describe the number of
electrons in the outer shell.
6. Because atoms with similar numbers of electrons in outer shells behave in similar ways, you can also read the
table in vertical rows called ____________. Elements in groups have similar _____________ properties.
7. The periodic table is also organized by _____________ into different categories. These categories are
organized by properties of the elements.
8. Some periodic tables may show elements all the way up to number _________, but any element over Uranium
number ______ is too unstable to occur in nature and must be made in a lab.
Try the quiz to help you answer these questions ...
What do you get when you chemically combine chlorine gas and sodium? A. Table salt B. Car wax C. A bad monster
Which of the following is a noble gas? A. Hydrogen B. Helium C. Carbon
How do you find the atomic number of an atom? A. # of Protons B. # of Neutrons C. # of Electrons
What are metallic elements generally known for? A. Liquid at room temp B. Conductivity C. Generosity
Where would you find the element copper? A. Steak knives B. Telephone wires C. Vacuum tubes
What is the smallest unit of a pure element? A. Atom B. Neutron C. Molecule
What do we call an atom in which the number of protons is not equal to the number of electrons? _____________
How is the Periodic Table organized? A. Rows and aisles B. Periods and groups C. Lines and boxes
When was the first modern Periodic Table developed? A. 1066 B. 1492 C. 1871
What is a molecule? A. Particles that are fragile B. Atoms that have bonded C. Synthetic car seat covers
Who is credited with coming up with the modern Periodic Table? A. Einstein B. Bohr C. Mendeleyev
How are elements listed in the Periodic Table? A. Year discovered B. Atomic Number C. Physical beauty
T. Trimpe 2004
Word List:
atomic mass
atomic number
giving up
Periodic Tables Online Name __________________________
Site: CHEMystery
Click the “Visit Site” link if needed and then find the Periodic Table of the Elements section (see the menu on
the left side of the page) to help you label this diagram.
Site: Chemical (Listed on the Periodic Table Sites page of the Kid Zone)
Use the menu on the left side of the page for links for the element groups to help you complete this section.
1. Where are metalloids found on the periodic table? _____________________________________________
2. Which elements are metalloids? List their symbols. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
3. What are two uses for metalloids? ________________________ ________________________
4. Where are noble gases found on the periodic table? ____________________________________________
5. Which elements are classified as noble gases? List their symbols. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
6. Which elements are classified as nonmetals? List their symbols. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
7. What does the term “halogen” mean? ___________________________
8. Which elements are classified as halogens? List their symbols. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
9. Where do you find the transition metals on the periodic table? ____________________________________
10. What is unique about the location of the valance electrons in the transition metals? ___________________
Done? Try the Element Games!
Go to the JLab Games & Puzzles site listed
on the Periodic Table Sites page of the Kid Zone.
T. Trimpe 2004