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Tax Credit Transfer Bridge Loans: Structuring Issues and
byEli Katz and Kelly Cataldo, Latham & Watkins LLP, with Practical Law
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A Practice Note discussing tax credit transfer bridge loans, loan facilities entered into by project
owners to finance their projects and that are repaid with the proceeds of a tax credit sale. This Note
also discusses how these loans may be structured to reduce the risk of tax credit recapture and the
contractual and structural measures tax credit bridge lenders may implement to ensure the security
and repayment of these loans.
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) (Pub. L. 117-
169, 136 Stat. 1818 (2022)), a key piece of US industrial
and energy policy, is having a transformative effect on
clean energy project financing and development. The
IRA heralded new opportunities for project developers
to monetize tax credits and arrange project financing for
renewable energy and energy transition projects in the US.
Following the enactment of the IRA, project developers
now have the option to monetize these credits by selling
their tax credits to unrelated third parties in addition to
the well-established tax equity market.
Project finance markets are beginning to coalesce around
novel financing structures designed to make optimal use
of the IRA’s provisions. This Practice Note examines key
structural changes implemented under the IRA, with a
focus on how these changes are:
Shaping the way US renewable energy and energy
transition projects are capitalized.
Influencing project financing structures for clean energy
This Note also examines how project developers are
raising bridge financing before receipt of the purchase
price from a sale of qualifying tax credits.
Selling Tax Credits
Most US wind and solar projects qualify for either an
investment tax credit (ITC) under Section 48 (Section 48
ITC) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC or Code), which
is available when a project is completed, or a production
tax credit (PTC) under Section 45 of the Code (Section 45
PTC), which is generated over a ten-year period starting
when the project is placed in service.
The IRA introduced significant changes to the Code to
accelerate the energy transition. These changes include:
Extending existing tax credits through the next decade.
Creating new tax credit bonuses (also referred to as
adders) for projects in fossil fuel communities and those
that use certain domestic components.
Establishing new tax credits for emerging technologies,
such as stand-alone battery energy storage systems
and clean hydrogen projects.
(See Legal Updates, Inflation Reduction Act: Key Energy
Provisions and IRS Issues Proposed Rules Regarding
Clean Hydrogen Tax Credits and Practice Note, Battery
Energy Storage Financing Structures and Revenue
Strategies Post-Inflation Reduction Act.)
One of the most fundamental changes the IRA introduced
is the right of project owners to sell their tax credits for
cash to unrelated third parties in the open market. Before
the passage of the IRA, tax credits could not be bought
and sold. If a project developer did not have sufficient
tax liability to take advantage of tax credits, they could
monetize them only through complex and structured
transactions, including joint ventures known as tax equity
partnerships (see Practice Note, Sources of Available
Project Financing: Tax Equity).
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Tax Credit Transfer Bridge Loans: Structuring Issues and Considerations
Following the enactment of the IRA, most tax credits,
including the Section 45 PTC and Section 48 ITC, may be
sold in the market under Section 6418 of the Code. This
change, coupled with detailed Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) regulations, are transforming the US renewable
energy project finance market (26 C.F.R. §§1.6418-0 to
1.6418-5; and see Practice Notes, Transferability and
Direct Pay Provisions for Clean Energy Projects Under
the Inflation Reduction Act and Buying and Selling
Clean Energy Tax Credits: Key Issues and Risk Mitigation
Financing clean energy projects that sell tax credits to
unrelated third parties involves new considerations and
opportunities. These include how project owners can:
Obtain needed financing before the time when a tax
credit may be sold.
Protect against the risk of ITC recapture. The Section
48 ITC may be recaptured under several circumstances
including if the lender forecloses on the project and
the project changes ownership at any time during the
five-year period after a taxpayer has claimed the ITC
Payment Limitations
Under Section 6418 of the Code:
The payment for the tax credit must be made in cash and
within a window of time starting at the beginning of the
year in which the credit is generated and ending on the
date the tax return is filed for the credit. For example, if
a filing is made to extend the tax return filing deadline,
the buyer may pay from January of a given year up to
midsummer (or later) of the following year.
Buyers cannot prepay the tax credit purchase price. Tax
credit buyers cannot provide bridge capital to project
developers whose projects have not yet earned their tax
To address these limitations, project developers are
turning to banks and other capital sources in the form
of tax credit bridge loans to secure the funds needed
until they receive the purchase price under their tax
credit transfer agreements (see Practice Note, Tax Credit
Transfer Agreements: Common Negotiation Points).
Section 48 ITCs are granted in one installment once the
project is placed in service. The project developer can
therefore repay the tax credit bridge loan when the tax
credit buyer pays for the credit. This payment may be
made after substantial completion and term conversion
but not later than the tax credit filing date in the year
following the year in which the project is placed in
By contrast, Section 45 PTCs are generated annually as
the project produces power and sells it to unrelated third
parties. In bridge financings of Section 45 PTC transactions,
the tax credit bridge loan will likely be paid in installments
over a period that could be as long as ten years, as this is
the period over which Section 45 PTCs are generated.
Tax credit bridge loans are distinguishable from term
loans, which are typically sized on and repaid with cash
revenues generated by a project from the sale of energy.
Tax credit bridge loans are expected to be repaid from the
proceeds generated from the sale of tax credits.
ITC Recapture
The Section 48 ITC is claimed in full when a project is
completed but vests over a five-year period in equal 20%
installments. If the project loses its tax credit qualification
status at any point during this five-year period, the
unvested part of the credit is recaptured and must be
repaid to the IRS (IRC§50).
This rule applies to Section 48 ITCs claimed by project
owners (including a project developer and a tax equity
investor) and those purchased by tax credit buyers in the
open market. Recapture is most commonly caused by a
casualty event that destroys the project, a systemic design
failure that renders the project inoperable, or a sale of the
project assets or equity during the five-year recapture period.
Tax credit bridge loans are repayable with the proceeds
of the sale of the Section 48 ITC, including any payments
for any applicable bonus credits for which the project
may qualify. Because the bridge loans are not required
to be repaid before the project is placed in service and
ITCs vest over a five-year period after the project is placed
in service, it is possible for the ITC to be recaptured
before the bridge loans are repaid. However, the project
developers’ obligation to repay these loans is not affected
by a recapture of the ITC.
For more information on the recapture of Section 48 ITC,
see Practice Note, Buying and Selling Clean Energy Tax
Credits: Key Issues and Risk Mitigation Strategies.
Clean Energy Project Financing
Structures Before the IRA
Tax equity investors typically do not take construction
risk and fund their commitments only once the project
has achieved specified completion milestones. Project
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Tax Credit Transfer Bridge Loans: Structuring Issues and Considerations
developers can obtain loans from lenders against the
tax equity investors’ binding commitments to raise the
capital needed to construct renewable energy projects.
The structure of a typical tax equity bridge loan (TEBL)
facility is depicted in Image 1 below.
Image 1
Like a construction loan, the TEBL is drawn during
construction and used to pay project costs as incurred
(see Practice Note, Construction Financing: Overview).
The TEBL is secured by the assets of and the project
developers equity in the project company. The TEBL
is sized based on and is repaid with the proceeds of
the tax equity investors future funding commitment.
As a result, lenders focus on the credit quality of the
tax equity investor and any conditions to its funding
obligations that may hamper the project companys
ability to repay the TEBL.
A tax equity investor generally memorializes its
commitment in an equity capital contribution
agreement, which is signed concurrently with or shortly
after the closing of the bridge loan facilities. Once the
project is operational, the tax equity investor funds its
commitment and the project company repays the TEBL
with the proceeds. Any remaining construction loans are
then typically repaid with proceeds of a term loan (term
conversion). For more information on term conversions,
see Practice Note, Financial Covenants: Project Finance
Tax equity investors generally do not permit the tax equity
partnership to incur secured debt. They want to ensure
that there are no secured creditors that would have a right
of priority in payment over the tax equity investors who
anticipate receiving a return on its capital contributions
(see Practice Note, Sources of Available Project Financing:
Tax Equity).
All security interests granted by the project company to
secure the TEBL are therefore released at term conversion.
The term loan is secured by assets of and equity in the
term borrower (an entity owned by the project developer).
The term lenders are structurally subordinated to the
tax equity partnership. This structure, known as a back
leverage loan, and the associated collateral package are
depicted in Image 2 below.
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Tax Credit Transfer Bridge Loans: Structuring Issues and Considerations
Image 2
Tax Credit Bridge Loans and Other
Bridge financing structures for tax credit sales borrow
heavily from TEBL structures but with significant differences
and new considerations. Monetizing tax credits through
tax credit sales creates timing mismatches, as project
developers require significant capital for construction
before tax credit buyers are permitted to pay for the credits
(see Payment Limitations). Tax credit transfer bridge loan
(TCTBL) facilities, which are sized based on the projected
sale price of the tax credits, can be used to bridge this gap.
Tax Credit Transfer Bridge Loans Versus
Tax Equity Bridge Loans
TCTBL facilities for Section 48 ITC transactions are
structurally similar to TEBL facilities, with the loans
incurred during the construction period being repaid on a
lump-sum basis with the proceeds of the sale of the ITCs.
Tax credit sales are not tied to construction completion
milestones. As a result, the repayment of the TCTBL
(which depends on when the tax credit buyer agrees to
pay for the credits) may be misaligned with the term
conversion and the incurrence of long-term financing.
In contrast, repayments under TCTBLs for Section 45 PTCs
are likely to occur over a multi-year period as the PTCs
are generated and sold. These loans are sized against the
projected aggregate payments from the sale of credits
and are repaid on an amortization schedule sculpted to
match the PTC installment payments under the tax credit
transfer agreement. Similar to ITC sales, there may be a
mismatch between term conversion and repayment of the
TCTBL facility for PTCs.
Similar to tax equity bridge lenders’ diligence of tax equity
investors, TCTBL lenders must evaluate the creditworthiness
of the tax credit buyer given that they are bridging to its
commitment to buy the credits. The credit analysis for
Section 45 PTC sales is even more important given the long
tenor of the TCTBL facility. In addition to the collateral that
lenders require from the back-leverage borrower, lenders
may insist on protections from the buyer to ensure their
source of repayment will remain creditworthy over the tax
credit transfer agreement term. These protections may
include financial covenants (such as minimum liquidity or
ratings requirements) and credit support (such as parent
company guarantees or letters of credit).
Sizing of the TCTBL
While the mature TEBL market has settled around a 95%
to 98% advance rate against a tax equity commitment,
debt sizing in the nascent TCTBL market continues to
evolve. Debt sizing for Section 45 PTC sales is further
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Tax Credit Transfer Bridge Loans: Structuring Issues and Considerations
complicated by the longer-term repayment period and the
fact that PTCs, and therefore the corresponding payments
from a tax credit buyer, fluctuate based on a project’s
generation profile and possible curtailment.
Some near-term projects may not have arranged tax credit
sale agreements at financial close of the bridge loan, as
the demand for construction financing is outpacing the
ability of project developers to source tax credit buyers
on attractive terms. Some lenders are advancing TCTBL
commitments against the value of uncommitted credits
at advance rates that range from 50% to 75% of expected
credit value. Other lenders are requiring full or partial
developer credit support during the period before a tax
credit purchase commitment is executed, which credit
support is more likely to be available for established
project developers or those with strong balance sheets.
Providing sufficient credit support to back stop an
uncommitted bridge loan may be more challenging for
less well-capitalized developers.
Structuring Tax Credit Transfer
Bridge Loans
TCTBL structures use two variations on the conventional
TEBL project financing structure, with:
The first, depicted in Image 3 and similar to a
conventional tax equity partnership, designed to avoid
a recapture event if the lenders foreclose (see Managing
Section 48 ITC Recapture).
The second, depicted in Image 4, applicable to sales of
Section 45 PTCs where recapture is not an issue (see
Structuring Section 45 PTC Sale Bridge Loans).
Managing Section 48 ITC Recapture
The IRS may recapture the Section 48 ITC under certain
circumstances, including a change in the ownership of
the project. Lender foreclosure on the assets of or equity
in the project company during the five-year period after
a project is placed in service may trigger the recapture of
the unvested portion of the ITC (which may be as much as
100% if the change of control occurs in the first year after
the ITC is claimed).
A recapture event would cause a tax credit buyer to lose its
tax credit and would likely trigger an indemnity obligation
from the project owner who sold the credits (see Practice
Notes, Buying and Selling Clean Energy Tax Credits: Key
Issues and Risk Mitigation Strategies: Indemnification and
Tax Credit Transfer Agreements: Common Negotiation
Points: Seller Indemnification Obligations).
In a conventional tax equity partnership, after an ITC asset is
placed in service, the term lenders do not have liens on the tax
equity investor or on its interests in the tax equity partnership.
A foreclosure will be on the term borrower and its interests in
the partnership and does not result in a recapture of the tax
credit allocated to the tax equity investor (see Clean Energy
Project Financing Structures Before the IRA).
To achieve a similar result in a tax credit sale structure,
the project owner may choose to hold the project in a joint
venture between the term borrower and an affiliate and
to allocate the ITC to the affiliate. The affiliate’s equity
and assets are not part of the lenders’ collateral, thereby
avoiding recapture if the lenders foreclose on the term
borrower. Image 3 below outlines a deal structure that
avoids Section 48 ITC structure.
Image 3
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Tax Credit Transfer Bridge Loans: Structuring Issues and Considerations
This structure is easily adaptable for a tax equity
partnership or tax credit transfer transaction. It may
therefore be attractive to both project developers and
lenders, because it provides the flexibility to toggle
between a bridge loan repayment from a tax equity
investor or a tax credit buyer.
For transactions in which this flexibility is desired,
lenders and borrowers should determine the base case
assumption of the value of the credits for debt sizing
purposes and provide flexibility for prepayments and
incremental borrowings to toggle to the correct advance
rate once the final take-out structure is known.
Structuring Section 45 PTC Sale Bridge
In a Section 45 PTC sale transaction, in which tax credit
recapture is not a concern, the term lender may negotiate
to maintain asset-level collateral for the tenor of the loans.
One variation of this structure is depicted in Image 4 below.
Image 4
This structure is more favorable for lenders than the
conventional back leverage structure, as it permits the
lenders to maintain asset-level liens throughout the
term of the financing and to remain structurally senior
to obligations under the tax credit transfer agreement.
Lenders may also require a pledge of the tax credit
transfer agreement and associated deposit account (for
example, if they are bridging to payments under the
Intercreditor Terms
TCTBL lenders must conduct due diligence on the terms
in the tax credit sale agreement and evaluate the project
owner or sellers obligations under these agreements. The
terms reviewed include:
Remedies for underperformance for Section 45
PTC transfer agreements with minimum output
Liquidated damages payable by the seller for shortfalls
in delivering the amount of credits that were promised
to the tax credit buyer.
The scope of indemnities offered by sellers. This may
include coverage for recapture regarding a Section 48
ITC transfer agreement.
Back-leverage lenders will attempt to ensure they
are shielded from or have seniority over the sellers
obligations to a tax credit buyer. Back-leverage lenders
may require guarantees or other credit support in the
event the seller is subject to indemnity obligations under
the tax credit sale agreement. Interparty agreements
may provide certain terms that apply before foreclosure
(such as forbearance and cure rights) and specify the
TCTBL lenders’ rights to enforce the tax credit buyers
commitment to purchase tax credits if the applicable
conditions in the transfer agreement are satisfied.
Tax Credit Transfer Bridge Loans: Structuring Issues and Considerations
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Looking Forward
The IRA has heralded new opportunities to monetize tax
credits and arrange project financing for renewable energy
and energy transition projects in the US. The financing
landscape will remain dynamic as market players adapt
to new transaction structures that enable optimal use of
the new subsidy regimes and as developers and lenders
continue to find solutions to optimize the value of the new
subsidies in the IRA.
A version of this article first appeared in Project Finance
International on September 20, 2023.