I. Title of Regulation
Eligibility for Graduation
II. Objective of Regulation
To carry out the authority given to Brookdale Community College to award associate
degrees in Arts, Sciences, Applied Sciences, and Fine Arts and to award credit
certificates in the appropriate areas.
III. Authority
N.S.J. 18A. Chapter 3B, Higher Education Restructuring Act of 1994, Bylaws of the
Brookdale Board of Trustees
IV. Regulation Statement
A. Brookdale Community College is authorized by the Board of Trustees to award
associate degrees in Arts, Sciences, Applied Sciences and Fine Arts to students
who complete a prescribed program of at least 60 semester credit hours.
B. A candidate for a degree or certificate must attain a cumulative grade point
average of 2.0 or higher and satisfy all basic skills requirements as specified in
Brookdale Community College Regulation 5.0034R, Pre-registration
Testing/Basic Skills.
C. To be eligible for a degree or certificate, from Brookdale Community College, a
student is also expected to satisfy the following:
1. Candidates for graduation must meet all degree requirements and the
requirements of the Brookdale Community College Regulation 6.1502R,
Matriculation. Exceptions may apply to students in limited-enrollment
programs (such as Nursing, Automotive, Culinary, etc.) who are
waitlisted and not enrolled for a period of two years or less, and have
completed all general education and/or program prerequisites. Approval
from the appropriate Academic Division Dean is required.
2. For all degrees and certificates at least fifty percent of students’ credits
must be earned at Brookdale Community College. For all degree
programs a minimum of fifty percent of career studies credits required
for degree completion must be earned at Brookdale Community College.
3. The last fifteen credits earned toward a degree or certificate must be
earned at Brookdale. Students may appeal this requirement by
completing a contract in consultation with their Student Development
Specialist and the appropriate Academic Division Dean, within one year
last actively enrolled at Brookdale. The contract must stipulate the
courses to be taken, at which institution(s) they are to be taken, and in
what time period they shall be completed. The contract is signed by the
student and the Student Development Specialist, submitted to the
Academic Dean of the student’s program of study for approval, and then
forwarded to the Registrar. The contract is then filed in the Office of
Admissions, Records, and Registration. Upon completion of these final
credits, the student files a candidacy form for the Brookdale degree. The
student must follow the College Regulation 6.1003R, governing
“Transfer Credit” to complete the process.
4. The procedure for completing the candidacy for graduation application is
to be kept current and clearly communicated via the College catalog, the
website, and direct notification to students nearing program completion.
5. The candidate must fulfill all financial and other obligations to the
6. Requirements may be completed during any actively enrolled term.
Candidate must apply for graduation by that term’s deadline and a degree
or certificate will be conferred on the last day of the term.
7. Requests for exceptions to the requirements of the Regulation are made
in writing and sent to the Academic Division Dean for review and
decision. All approved exceptions are forwarded to the Registrar.
8. With the approval of the Executive Vice President for Educational
Services, joint degree programs may be exempt from some of the
provisions of this regulation.
9. The requirements for earning additional degrees from Brookdale
Community College are:
The completion of all requirements specific to the additional
degree, with a minimum of 15 additional credit hours beyond the
previous degree.
The Graduation application must specify that the student is
seeking a subsequent degree.
Additional certificates may be granted by meeting the
requirements for the additional certificates.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Executive Vice President for Educational Services
Approved: President
Revised : 12/8/75
Updated: 3/09
Revised: 5/09
Revised: September 2010