Brown University
2022 - 2023
Housing Agreement
1. Agreement. Brown University (“Brown” or “the University”) agrees to provide
housing for the student in a residence hall based upon the terms and conditions of this
Housing Agreement (“Agreement”) and the University’s established assignment
criteria. The student indicates acceptance of the terms and conditions of this
Agreement and agreement to follow the Residential Life Policies and Rules via the
student’s electronic signature. If the student is under 18 years of age, the
student’s parent or legal guardian must also indicate acceptance of the
Agreement and Policies and Rules via the parent or legal guardian’s
electronic signature. Students who fail to sign this Agreement may not occupy a
residence hall room. This Agreement is not a lease.
2. On-Campus Housing Requirement. The University maintains a six-semester
On-Campus Housing Requirement for undergraduate students. Full details on this
policy may be found on the On-Campus Housing Requirement Policy page.
3. COVID-19 Health and Safety. All students living in a residence hall must read,
understand, and follow the guidance and requirements in the COVID-19 Campus Safety
Policy and on the Healthy Brown website. Failure to abide by these requirements is a
violation of the Code of Student Conduct and may result in discipline up to and
including removal from campus and academic suspension.
4. Dates of Occupancy. Students may occupy their rooms under the terms of this
Agreement as follows:
A. Incoming first-year and transfer students may occupy their rooms beginning at
8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 31, 2022.
B. Returning students may occupy their rooms beginning at 8:00 a.m. on Friday,
September 2, 2022.
C. Only students authorized in writing by the Office of Residential Life may occupy
their rooms before their approved move-in date. Students who arrive to campus to
move in earlier than the date established in this Agreement without prior
authorization accept their room condition as is and waive any expectation that the
room has been cleaned and inspected prior to occupancy.
D. Residence halls will be closed from 12:00pm on Thursday, December 22, 2022
through 8am on Saturday, January 21, 2023. During this winter break period, only
students authorized in writing by the Office of Residential Life may occupy their
E. All non-graduating students must vacate their room within 24 hours of their last
final examination but no later than 12:00pm on Saturday, May 20, 2022
(whichever is sooner), unless they are otherwise granted an extension in writing
beyond that original date by the Office of Residential Life.
F. Graduating seniors must vacate their room no later than 12:00pm on Monday, May
29, 2022 following Commencement, unless they are otherwise granted an
extension in writing beyond that original date by the Office of Residential Life.
G. Extensions to these dates of occupancy, including occupancy during the winter
break period, may result in additional daily charges being applied to the student’s
account in accordance with the Residential Life Policies and Rules.
H. Students who withdraw, take a leave of absence, are suspended, or expelled from
the University must vacate their rooms within 24 hours after such withdrawal,
leave, suspension, or expulsion takes effect.
I. Students who maintain their Fall 2022 room assignment into the Spring 2023
semester, and who keep their personal items in their room between semesters, but
do not return for the Spring 2023 semester will be charged the applicable room
charge for the Spring 2023 semester. Prorated room credits may be given based on
the student's Date of Withdrawal under the Spring 2023 schedule contained in this
5. Room Charges. The student agrees to pay the University room charges of $4,684
per semester which must be paid on or before August 1, 2022 for the Fall 2022
semester and January 1, 2023 for the Spring 2023 semester. Until all charges are
paid in full, no diploma, official transcript, letter of honorable dismissal, or
recommendation will be issued.
6. Room Credits.
A. Eligibility. Students for whom on-campus housing has been reserved under the
standard Dates of Occupancy are not entitled to prorated or altered room rates if
they arrive after a term of occupancy has begun--i.e., late arrival.
Students who
need to withdraw from a term of occupancy once it has begun may be eligible for
a partial room credit. Prorated room credits, when applicable, will be made on
the following schedule:
B. Schedule.
The term “vacate” in this Agreement means that the student has emptied the entire room, suite or
apartment (if applicable), corridor, and building of their person and items.
Students who change their residency status--e.g. cancel off-campus status and transfer into on-campus
housing--once a term has begun will receive a separate Housing Agreement with modified Dates of
Occupancy and applicable housing charges.
Fall 2022
Spring 2023
Date of Withdrawal
Date of
% Room
Prior to
Weeks 1 -2
9/7/2022 - 9/20/2022
1/25/2023 -
Week 3
9/21/22 - 9/27/2022
2/8/2023 -
Week 4
9/28/2022 -
2/15/2023 -
Week 5
10/5/2022 -
After Week 5
10/12/2022 -
3/1/2023 -
C. Date of Withdrawal. The date used to calculate the prorated room credit
(“Date of Withdrawal”) will be the date on which (i) the student has fully vacated
their room, including removal of their person and all of their personal items, and
(ii) all room keys are returned to the Office of Residential Life Key Office.
If the
student takes a leave of absence or withdraws from the University and has not
moved into their room, stored any personal items in their room, nor received
their key, the Date of Withdrawal will be calculated based on the effective date of
leave or University withdrawal as noted in Banner.
D. Suspension, Expulsion, and Misconduct. A student suspended or expelled
from the University or withdrawing while under investigation for academic or
disciplinary misconduct is not entitled to any credit of room charges for the
balance of the current semester.
The student must also vacate the entire room, suite or apartment (if applicable), corridor, and building
of their person and items.
7. Room Assignments
A. Assignment of Rooms. This Agreement applies to any room to which
the student is assigned as well as any room that the student occupies
during the academic year, including the winter break period and any
other extended housing periods. The University maintains responsibility
for the assignment of rooms, suites, and apartments within the residence
halls. Preference in residence hall and room assignments will be given to
current on-campus students.
B. Non-Discrimination. Brown University provides equal opportunity
and prohibits discrimination, harassment and retaliation based upon a
person’s race, color, religion, sex, age, national or ethnic origin,
disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender
expression, or any other characteristic protected under applicable law, in
the administration of its policies, programs, and activities.
C. Capacity Driven Spaces. To ensure all students who are interested in
or required to live on-campus, the University reserves the right to modify
the capacity of residential spaces.
D. Temporary Assignments. The University reserves the right to
temporarily reassign students to address facilities or health and safety
E. Guests. No person may reside in a room that has not signed this
Agreement other than an overnight guest who has been invited and will
be hosted by the room occupant. Students are responsible for the
behavior of their guests. Guests must comply with health and safety
requirements established in the COVID-19 Campus Safety Policy and on
the Healthy Brown website and must comply with current University
policy regarding face masks and coverings (see the University’s COVID-
19 Campus Activity Status page for the current policy for both vaccinated
and unvaccinated individuals).
F. Room Changes. When completing a room change, students are
required to vacate their original room, return their key, and complete the
room condition report within 72 hours. The University may move
students or change housing assignments prior to or during occupancy as
a result of COVID-19 isolation, quarantine, or de-densification
requirements, health and safety reasons, disciplinary action, facility
failure, or any other reason at any time at its sole discretion. If the
student makes an unauthorized room change, the student may be
required to move back to the assigned room and/or be charged $100.00.
8. Keys.
A. Issuance of Keys. Keys are issued by the University for each semester.
B. Key Pickup. Only the student to whom the key is being issued may pick up keys.
No other individual may pick up a key on another student’s behalf. Failure to pick
up room keys (without prior arrangements) by the end of the established move-in
period may result in the forfeiture of the student’s specific room assignment.
C. Key Return. Prorated room credits, if applicable, will not be issued until all
keys issued to the student by the Office of Residential Life, including but not
limited to room keys, suite keys, and sabbath keys, are returned to and have been
received by the Office of Residential Life. The only authorized key return
locations are the Residential Life Key Office (“Key Office”), located on the 3rd
floor of Graduate Center E (42 Charlesfield Street, Providence, RI 02906) and the
key drop box located outside the Key Office accessible via the Charlesfield Street
D. Loaning of Keys. When locked out, a student may be loaned a key by the Office
of Residential Life. Loaned keys must be returned one hour after the student
receives the loaned keys. If the loaned key(s) are not returned after one hour, a
lock change may be scheduled at the student’s expense. Lock change prices are
published on the Office of Residential Life website and the applicable amount will
be billed to the student’s account.
E. Lock Changes. There is a charge for failure to return keys by published
deadlines. Lock changes resulting from missing keys will be performed as soon as
possible after termination of occupancy. All keys must be returned immediately
upon termination of occupancy.
F. Duplication of Keys. Any duplication of keys is prohibited. Students who
illegally duplicate keys will be billed for a lock change and referred to the Office of
Student Conduct and Community Standards for disciplinary action.
G. Unauthorized Loaning of Keys. Students are responsible for all keys issued
to them by the Office of Residential Life and are strictly prohibited from loaning
their keys to other students for any purpose, including but not limited to
providing access to their room or any other secured area accessible by the loaned
key(s); and returning the loaned key(s) to the Office of Residential Life on behalf
of the student.
9. Vacancies.
A. Assignment of Vacancies. If a vacancy occurs in a multi-occupancy room,
suite, or apartment, the remaining occupant(s) have the following options: (i)
select qualified roommate(s) or suitemate(s) of the occupant’s choice to fill the
vacancy within three business days, or (ii) elect to remain in the occupant’s
present room and suite with the understanding that the University can assign
new roommate(s) or suitemate(s) at any time. The University reserves the right to
use any vacancy at any time at its sole discretion without notifying the remaining
B. Entering and Occupying Vacant Spaces. Students may not enter or place
their personal items in vacant rooms or vacant spaces within rooms to which they
are not assigned (“unauthorized spaces”).
This prohibition applies to vacant
rooms within a suite or apartment, as well as all other vacant rooms and room
spaces in on-campus residence halls. Students who violate this prohibition will be
required to immediately vacate and remove their personal items from the
unauthorized space, which may result in charges assessed to the student account.
The student is also responsible for any damages to the unauthorized space and
may be additionally charged for said damages according to the published damage
billing rates, including but not limited to Trash Removal and Furniture Moving /
Re-Assembling fees.
10. Damages. Each student is financially responsible for all damages or
defacement of the student’s room, suite or apartment (if applicable), corridor, and
building. All damages to rooms or the structures, appliances, fixtures, and
furniture provided will be assessed against all residents of that area if specific
responsibility is not ascertained. Students must complete a Room Condition
Report within 72 hours of occupancy. If a student fails to submit a Room
Condition Report, the student waives the right to appeal damage charges.
11. Right to Enter. The University reserves the right to enter rooms without the
consent of the occupant in order to provide for the general safety, well-being, and
protection of the University community, its members, and property. This
includes, but is not limited to, urgently needed repairs to the residence halls, as
well as Health & Safety Inspections. It is not required that the student be present
at the time of entry or for the student to be notified in advance. Additionally, an
inspection will be completed whenever a vacancy has occurred within a room or
suite/apartment to confirm the vacancy and condition of the room.
12. Termination by the University. The University reserves the right to
terminate this Agreement and take possession of the room at any time for
violation of this Agreement, violation of University policies which includes
without limitation the Code of Student Conduct, and/or for reasons of order,
health (including without limitation for reasons related to COVID-19 or any
other epidemic, pandemic, or endemic), safety, discipline, academic deficiency,
disciplinary suspension or expulsion, or when the resident exhibits disruptive
Vacant Spaces are defined as an open bedroom within a suite or apartment or an assignable bed space
within a multi-occupancy room.
behavior. Students whose Agreement is terminated by the University are
responsible for payment of all housing costs associated for the term in which a
violation occurred. The University may terminate this Agreement on an
interim basis, in which case the student shall be responsible for housing costs
during the interim termination period. Students whose Agreement is
terminated on a permanent or an interim basis must vacate the room and
surrender all keys within 24 hours of such termination unless otherwise noted
in writing by the Office of Residential Life.
13. Prohibited Items. The following items are strictly prohibited from the residence
halls: firearms of any type, ammunition, fireworks, explosives, vehicles, torchiere
halogen floor lamps, candles, open flames or any external heating elements, illegal
drugs, gas operated stoves, space heaters, and any appliance or instrument with an
open flame, exposed heating element or hot surface that poses a fire hazard. The full
list of Restricted Items is on the Residential Life website. The University will provide a
refrigerator and microwave in residence hall rooms.
Students will be responsible for
any damages to a University provided refrigerator and microwave. Additional
information on policies and rules can be found on the Residential Life website.
14. Pets and Animals. Pets are not allowed and are a violation of this Agreement,
with the exception of service animals or University approved emotional support
animals which are permitted in residential facilities in accordance with the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Fair Housing Act. Residents with emotional support
animals must first register and submit a request with Student Accessibility Services
(SAS) to receive written approval and permission for an emotional support animal.
Emotional support animals may not be brought to campus prior to approval.
Residents with registered service animals and emotional support animals are
responsible for complying with all associated policies, including but not limited to
paying for any damage to University property caused by the animal.
15. Personal Property & Insurance.
A. Personal Property Insurance. The University is not responsible for the
personal property and items of residents. This includes items in students'
rooms, in storage, in the laundry machines, being delivered on a student's
behalf, en route, or under any circumstances. It is each student's responsibility
to secure personal property at all times. The University strongly urges that all
Each non-suite/apartment room will have one refrigerator and microwave. Each suite which does not
contain a full-sized refrigerator as part of the standard furnishings of the unit will have one refrigerator
and microwave per suite. Suites and apartments which contain a full-sized refrigerator will not have any
additional university-provided refrigerators.
students have personal property insurance to protect from loss or damage due
to theft, fire, flood, vandalism, and any other hazards. For more information
please refer to the University Policy on Student Owned Property.
B. Protection of Items. The University urges students to lock doors and
windows of their room at all times. It is the student's responsibility to take
precautions to secure their personal property and items. The University strongly
urges all students to register their personal property with the Department of
Public Safety through the Operation Identification property registration
C. Unclaimed Items. The University reserves the right to remove
unidentified/unclaimed items from all areas in the residence halls. Unclaimed
items may be packed, stored, and/or shipped at the student’s expense if such
removal is deemed necessary by the University.
16. Fire and Life Safety. Tampering with, removing, destroying in any way, or
being in unauthorized possession of, fire extinguishers, fire alarms, smoke detectors,
exit signs, or any fire or life safety equipment as well as not complying with fire drill
procedures, is cause for disciplinary action and termination of this Agreement. Such
tampering, removal, destruction, unauthorized possession, and/or non-compliance
may result in additional charges to the student(s) or against all residents of that area
(room/suite/floor/building/complex) if specific responsibility is not ascertained.
Students whose Agreement is terminated by the University are responsible for
payment of all housing costs associated for the term in which a violation occurred.
Students whose Agreement is terminated must vacate the room and surrender all
keys within 24 hours of such termination unless otherwise noted in writing by the
Office of Residential Life.
17. Solicitation, Sale & Promotion Within Residence Halls. With the exception
of University student groups approved by the Office of Residential Life, solicitation,
sale, or promotion of any goods or services by any person is prohibited in the residence
halls. The premises are for residential purposes only and any other use constitutes a
breach of the Housing Agreement. For more information please refer to the University
Policy on Student-run Business or Student Enterprise and the University Non-
Solicitation Policy.
18. University Signage. Tampering with, removing, destroying in any way, or being
in unauthorized possession of University signage--including but not limited to
restroom signage, building labels, room labels, Facilities Management QR codes, and
bulletin boards-- is cause for disciplinary action and termination of this Agreement.
Such tampering, removal, unauthorized possession, and/or destruction may result in
additional charges to the responsible student(s) or against all residents of that area
(room/suite/floor/building/complex) if specific responsibility is not ascertained.
Students whose Agreement is terminated by the University are responsible for payment
of all housing costs associated for the term in which a violation occurred. Students
whose Agreement is terminated must vacate the room and surrender all keys within 24
hours of such termination unless otherwise noted in writing by the Office of Residential
19. Campus Construction Activity. University construction projects such as new
construction, renovation/renewal projects, or unforeseen repair may cause increased
noise in the community. Due to the scope of projects, some construction work may
begin during the academic year. Prior to and following a major construction project,
continual work may occur in and around residential areas. By agreeing to these terms
and conditions, and signing this Agreement, residents acknowledge that they have been
advised of the potential for construction projects and they accept their housing
assignment accordingly. The Office of Residential Life will make every reasonable
effort to inform the residents of any upcoming projects but cannot be responsible for
delays in construction or renovation/renewal projects.
University signage in this Agreement is defined as signage (including but not limited to flyers, door
hangers, signs affixed to walls, floors, doors, and ceilings, bulletin boards and bulletin board content)
which any University official posts and which provides information regarding access to University
information, services, and/or resources, provides for direction/orientation within a physical space, or
provides security information.