African Journal of Marketing Management Vol. 3(1) pp. 1-5, January 2011
Available online
ISSN 2141-2421 ©2011 Academic Journals
Full Length Research Paper
An analysis on the customer loyalty in telecom sector:
Special reference to Bharath Sanchar Nigam limited,
Jessy John
Maharshi Arvind Institute of Science and Management, Jaipur, India. E-mail: jessyjohn0[email protected]m.
Accepted 14 December, 2010
The rationale of this paper is to explore the factors that influence customer loyalty of BSNL mobile
customers. The samples were collected from 100 consumers who have BSNL mobile services in Jaipur
city. BSNL being the pioneer in mobile sector still have a strong customer base, but over the past few
years a steady thinning is happening in the customer base. The paper investigates the reasons behind
the hard core customer loyalty even in an environment with high quality alternatives. The results
indicated that network quality, customer service along with value added services provided by BSNL
enhanced the loyalty of the customers. It is recommended that the BSNL mobile services enterprises
should work on its problems related to servers. This will further strengthen the customer satisfaction
and loyalty. The findings indicate that telecommunication service providers should look beyond price
wars to keep their customers satisfied and loyal. The paper is an attempt to analyze the variables that
influence the perception of the mobile phone users to remain loyal to their existing service providers
that is, why they are loyal to the company.
Key word: Customer loyalty.
The hasty growth and development in information
technology and mobile devices has made the Indian
mobile phone service markets more and more
competitive. In order to sustain its present growth rate in
the telecom sector, BSNL the pioneer public sector
mobile service provider in India, need to take drastic
steps not only to retain its customers but also to attract
new customers. It is assumed by all mobile service
providers that value added services increases the
customer loyalty. But does value added services fulfill all
the customer needs and is it the only factor that play a
significant role in maintaining and building up the loyalty
of the customers? On the other hand, according to Lee et
al. (2001) the mobile providers should build up customer
commitment by providing good quality service to their
Different researchers have different opinion about the
key factors that influence loyalty in telecom sector. The
main purpose of the study is to find out the factors that
influence customer loyalty of BSNL customers.
Indian mobile sector
The usage of mobile services in India has penetrated to
almost all economic and social sectors. Penetration rate
of mobile phones in India has reached a noteworthy level.
According to the Department of Telecommunications of
India, there were 346.9 million wireless telephones in
India as of December 2008
. With 35.53 million net
additions during the quarter, total wireless (GSM +
CDMA) subscriber base increased to 427.28 million at
the end of June 2009, and wireless Tele-density reached
. Figure 1
India's mobile subscriber base is expected to grow at a
compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.3% from
2007 to 2013
, reaching a penetration rate of 53.4% by
the end of 2013. With this growth rate it can be expected
that Indian mobile sector is going to reach its diffusion
point before long. Shockingly DoT's latest data shows
2 Afr. J. Mark. Manage.
Figure 1. Indian mobile market: Subscribers and growth rate (2003-2013)
Note: All figures are rounded; the base year is 2007. Mobile subscriber CAGR (2007-2013):
that, both BSNL and MTNL are losing market share to
private operators in the mobile telephony segment. BSNL
and MTNL together are down from a 17% market share
at the beginning of March 2008 to 13.6% in August 2009.
In contrast, the private sector's share jumped from 83%
to 86.4% during the same period. So the challenge for
the mobile service providers in India is to find out the
critical factors that influence the customer’s loyalty
The performance of the wireless service providers has
deteriorated in the quarter June 2009 as compared to the
previous quarter with respect of the following parameters:
a. Call set-up success rate (Within licensee’s own
b. Call drop rate
c. Response time to the customer for assistance
(i) Percentage of calls answered (voice to voice) within 60
(ii) Percentage of calls answered (voice to voice) within
90 s
d. Complaints per 100 bills issued
e. Percentage of complaints resolved within 4 weeks
On one hand, it can be seen that the mobile sector is
capturing the market like a wild fire at the same time, it
can also be seen that BSNL is loosing hold even on their
existing customers. This shows that there is a big gap in
the strategies used by the company for maintaining
existing customers. The strategies used for marketing
has to be shifted from winning new customers to retaining
existing customers. This view is supported by Reichheld,
1 ---April 6th,
2009 Mobile Phone Penetration in India
The Indian Telecom Services Performance Indicators April–June
2009October 2009 Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
Telecom growth lifts Indian market By Sol E. Solomon, ZDNet Asia
Friday, September 19, 2008 09:57 AM
(1996) and Kim et al. (2004) who affirmed that the best
core marketing strategy for the future is to retain the
existing customer base by preserving customer loyalty
and values.
Customer loyalty
Customer loyalty is the feelings or attitudes that incline a
customer either to return to a company, shop or outlet to
purchase there again, or else to re-purchase a particular
product, service or brand
. Customer loyalty is the totality
of feelings or attitudes that would incline a customer to
consider the repurchase of a particular product, service
or brand or re-visit a particular company or shop. It
affects the success and profitability of companies
Companies can achieve competitive advantage through
customer loyalty and it is the way to gain the best kind of
customers and thereby repeat customers
According to Reichheld (1996), Lee and Cunningham
(2001), perception of a customer affects his judgment
and it turns his loyalty towards the product or services.
Loyalty provides the foundation of a company's sustained
competitive edge. By developing and increasing loyalty,
companies can ensure its proper growth and economic
performance. So the marketing strategy of the companies
should be framed in such a way that they will be able to
try to retain the existing customers by increasing their
loyalty and value (Kim et al., 2004).
Factors affecting customer loyalty
Several studies have revealed that there exists a direct
connection between satisfaction and loyalty; satisfied
customers become loyal and dissatisfied customers
move to another vendor.
Morgan and Hunt (1994) hypothesize that trust is a major
factor that influence relationship commitment in
continuum brand trust leads to brand loyalty. According to
Chauduri and Holbrook (2001) brand trust is directly
related to both purchase and attitudinal loyalty. Trust
shown by the customers is an important factor that helps
the organization to sustain even during the time of
uncertainty (Moorman et al., 1992; Doney et al., 1997;
Dwyer et al., 1987).
Consciously or unconsciously customers use their
preferences to project their own self image. According to
the Belk’s theory of extended self, people define them-
selves by the possessions they have, manage or create
(Belk 1988). Consumers prefer brands with personality
traits that are congruent with the personality traits that
represent their self schemas (Aaker, 1999) brand loyalty
is also influenced by attractiveness of the brand
personality (Kim et al., 2001) and the extent to which it
enhances the self image (Tidwell and Horgan, 1993).
Oliver (1999) argues that for fully bonded loyalty the
consumable must be part of the consumer’s self-identity
and his or her social-identity.
According to Morgan and Hunt (1994) brand trust leads
to brand loyalty because trust creates exchange
relationships that are highly valued. Chauduri and
Holbrook (2001) found that brand trust is directly related
to both purchase and attitudinal loyalty.
Importance of relationship
Loyalty is a desire to retain a valuable or important
relationship. (Moorman et al., 1992), in this manner the
establishment of loyalty is predetermined by the
importance of relevant relationship. The significance of
customer loyalty is that it is closely interrelated to the
company's continued existence and future development
(Fornell, 1992). Customer loyalty is the key characteristic
that has to be developed if the companies want to mature
Affecting customer Loyalty: do different Factors have various
Influences in different Loyalty levels? Andres Kuusik, Tartu
University Press 2007,
business/New-Article/articleshow/5204759.cms on 16/11/2009.
The Indian Telecom Services Performance Indicators April–June
2009October 2009 Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
definition.htm#Ellen Goodwright
John 3
and to improve its profitability in a saturated environment.
Study design
The study conceptualizes to find out the factors that impinge on the
loyalty of customers. A Questionnaire was framed in the format of
Likert scale for data collection. The responses ranged between
highly agree to highly disagree. Universe of the study was 100
customers having BSNL mobile connection for the past 2 to 3
According to Anderson and Gerbing (1988), to satisfy a structure
equation modeling (SEM) analysis needs samples between 100
and 150. Therefore, the study meets this basic requirement.
The main questions answered through the study are:
1. Are the customers loyal to BSNL
2. What are the major factors that influence the loyalty of the BSNL
The data was analyzed using ‘t’ test and factor analysis.
One sample t test was conducted on the responses (with
test value ‘4’ assigned to the response ‘agree’) given by
customers. t value -1.522 which is not significant at 0.05
level shows that the mean (3.92) of the responses did not
differ significantly from the test value. High significance
value (typically above 0.05) indicates that there is no
significant difference between the test value and the
observed mean. From the result it can be inferred that
majority of the customers are highly loyal to their mobile
service provider (BSNL) (Tables 1 and 2).
The paper explores to find out the factors that force the
customers to remain loyal to the services. From Table 3,
it can be infer that value added services, low premature
termination of calls, quality of customer care and the
ability to make calls even in peak hours are the striking
features that has made a remarkable impact on the cus-
tomers positive mindset towards BSNL. Factor analysis
was carried out on various customer loyalty variables, to
find out the major factors that are influencing the loyalty
of BSNL customers. The initial Kaiser-Mayer-Olkin (KMO)
was 0.532 which indicate that the analysis is middling.
Bartlett's test is significant at 0.01 level (Chi-Square =
170.505, p<0.001) and therefore factor analysis is
appropriate. Five components were extracted by rotated
component analysis. Tables 4 and 5
In the case of BSNL, trustworthiness, relationship,
image, value added services and inconvenience in
switching phone number is the main factors that influence
the loyalty of the customers. From the factor analysis, it is
found that trustworthiness is the key factor that motivates
the customers to remain loyal to their service provider
(BSNL). The customers were contented with BSNL’s geo-
graphical coverage; they opinioned that peak hour calling
was highly effective and they face very low premature
4 Afr. J. Mark. Manage.
Table 1. One-sample statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
100 3.9200 0.52570 0.05257
Table 2. One-sample test
Test Value = 4
t df Sig. (2-tailed)
Mean difference
95% Confidence
interval of the difference
0.131 -0.08000
Table 3. Depicts the mean score for different customer loyalty
Mean score of customer loyalty variables
Variable Mean Std. dev.
Geographical coverage 3.96 .634
Calls in peak hours 4.1 .577
Better calling rate 3.6 .72
Inconvenience in switching phone no. 3.44 .81
VAS 4.54 .50
low premature termination 4.01 .594
Very convenient 3.24 .74
Personal preference 3.44 .671
Cost savings 3.08 .72
Low server problem 2.3 .731
Customer care 3.94 .736
Complaint resolution 3.58 .572
Table 4. KMO and Bartlett's test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling
Adequacy 0.532
Bartlett's test of sphericity
Approx. Chi-square
termination of calls. Customer’s loyalty in the case of
mobile phones is determined to an extent by its
geographical coverage and the ease with which calls can
be made in peak hours. BSNL customers found that their
service provider gives them reliable coverage and the
lines are less congested. So trustworthiness is a
component that BSNL need to highlight in their marketing
strategy. In order to improve the trustworthiness, they
need to work upon their marketing strategy to further
improve their network quality.
Another factor that was found to influence loyalty is the
relationship it has with the customer which is determined
by the promptness with which the complaints were
resolved the warmth shown by customer care department
and the convenience with which the bill can be paid.
Effective customer service is a component that can
magnetize the attention and loyalty of customers. Cus-
tomers of BSNL remained loyal because of their personal
preference and image about the company was influenced
by the affordable call rate. It is also interesting to note
John 5
Table 5. Rotated component for customer loyalty towards BSNL.
1 2 3 4 5
Geographical coverage 0.569
Calls in peak hours 0.649
Better calling rate 0.70
Inconvenience in switching phone no.
VAS 0.763
low premature termination 0.091
Very convenient 0.037
Personal preference 0.045
Cost savings 0.745
Low server problem 0.634
Customer care 0.781
Complaint resolution 0.791
Eigen values 2.199 1.47 1.44 1.35 1.16
% of variance 18.327 12.28 12.02 11.24 9.67
Cumulative % 18.33 30.61 42.63 53.86 63.54
Extraction method: Component 1- trustworthiness Component 2- relationship, Component 3-
image, Component 4- VAS, Component 5- Inconvenience in switching phone no.
to note that customers of BSNL continued to be loyal
irrespective of the certain flaws in its services just
because the number held by them was good and
because of the inconvenience involved in switching
The prime purpose of this paper was to investigate the
factors that influence customer loyalty of BSNL
customers. Trustworthiness, relationship, image, value
added services and inconvenience in switching phone no.
were found to the key factors that influenced the loyalty of
the BSNL customers. Even though the service provided
by BSNL is very cost effective it is still loosing its
customer base. BSNL must look away from the issue of
cost and must try to improve the network quality and the
quality of customer services as per the expectations of
the customers.
New technologies and features are being introduced in
mobile services like PDA, MP4, high mega pixel digital
camera and others. BSNL need to update itself with
respect to these technologies at the same time take the
initiative to market itself as youth friendly as youth are the
target universe of any mobile provider. At the same time
initiatives should be taken to improve the functional
service quality were attention should be given to improve
reliability, assurance, empathy and overall satisfaction of
the customers. The existing customers should be actually
made to feel that the ‘BSNL is best hai mere liyae’ which
means BSNL is the best for me.
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