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California Enrollment Agreement and Catalog Addendum
Home Office and Online Administration
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Suite 400
Lisle, IL 60532
(630) 571-7700
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Location Attending:
Program of Enrollment:
Program of Study:
Below, these paragraphs contain the institution’s and student’s rights and duties.
The intent of this Agreement is to make clear the educational services to which you are entitled as a student of DeVry.
This Agreement also assures your eligibility to participate in the range of student benefits that are offered as part of
your degree or certificate program. Academic requirements and your financial obligations under this Agreement are
also covered in the following paragraphs.
Application Fee
An application fee of $30 is required.
Academic Catalog
The University’s academic catalog, effective ____________, is available at:
Within each session, matriculating students in all programs and undergraduate certificates are charged $514 per
credit hour. Tuition charges are calculated each session per credit hours enrolled. Tuition is billed according to
enrollment for the entire session. A
Students requiring repeat work will be charged additional tuition at the prevailing tuition rates. This may extend the
degree or certificate program by additional sessions or semesters. Schedule changes affected during the add/drop
period will result in a tuition adjustment according to the tuition policy.
DeVry reserves the right to change a student’s status as determined by the student’s cumulative enrollment in either
online or site-based courses. Tuition for all coursework is assessed according to the student’s primary program of
enrollment. Student’s first program of study is considered the primary program unless the student requests a program
Tuition Deposit for F-1 Applicants
A refundable tuition deposit equivalent to the cost of 12 credit hours charged at the current standard tuition rate is
required from initial F-1 applicants prior to entering their first semester with DeVry. The tuition deposit is due after
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applicant’s F-1 visa has been approved by the U.S. Consulate or Embassy abroad and prior to the applicant’s entry
into the United States. The tuition deposit will be applied to tuition charged for the student’s first semester. This tuition
deposit will be refunded if the applicant subsequently cancels enrollment.
California Refund Policy, Loan Considerations, and Financial Obligations
Students have the right to cancel their enrollment agreement or withdraw from courses. In the event a student wishes
to withdraw or cancel their enrollment agreement, DeVry University shall issue a pro rata refund that is no less than
the total amount owed by the student for the portion of the educational program subtracted from the amount paid by
the student, calculated as follows:
The amount owed equals the daily charge for the program multiplied by the number of days the student attended, or
was scheduled to attend, prior to withdrawal. Except for items contained in the enrollment agreement or catalogue
that are specified as non-refundable (not to be more than $250.00), all amounts paid by the student in excess of what
is owed as calculated shall be refunded.
Except in the case when an institution provides a 100% refund, any assessment paid pursuant to the state tuition
recovery fund is non-refundable.
DeVry University shall also provide a pro rata refund of nonfederal student financial aid program moneys paid for
institutional charges to students who have completed 60% (sixty percent) or less of the period of attendance.
If the student has received federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of monies not paid
from federal student financial aid program funds. Please note, if the student obtains a loan to pay for an educational
program, the student will have the responsibility to repay the full amount of the loan plus interest, less the amount of
any refund.
DeVry University participates in the Title IV Federal Student Aid program as well as financial aid programs in certain
states. For consumer information, please visit
Withdrawal Procedure
In the event that a student decides to withdraw from classes or cancel their enrollment agreement, notice should be
provided immediately in writing. This withdrawal may be effectuated by this written notice or by the student’s conduct
(including, but not limited to, a student’s lack of attendance). Additionally, to insure timely receipt of this notice,
students who wish to cancel are advised to call their student service advisor immediately upon submission of their
written notice.
For the purposes of determining a refund, a student shall be considered to have withdrawn from an educational
program when they withdraw or are deemed withdrawn in accordance with the withdrawal policy stated in the
academic catalog.
Students who are no longer enrolled, including withdrawn and graduated students, are responsible for all outstanding
financial obligations. At the time of the student is no longer enrolled, the student agrees to pay DeVry University any
outstanding balances less than $100.00 in full; or in four consecutive monthly installments if the balance is $100.00 or
more, including all finance charges at a 0% annual fixed interest rate, in substantially equal amounts sufficient to pay
the principal balance in full. DeVry will send a monthly notice of the amount due and remaining balance. DeVry will
provide students with a disclosure statement setting forth the material terms prior to a student’s first payment
becoming due. Failure to fulfill all financial obligations may result in a student’s account being reported to the credit
bureaus and denial of student’s subsequent registration.
Withdrawal Deadline
If a student chooses to cancel their enrollment agreement or withdraw from classes they may do so at any time.
However, after classes begin, students wanting to withdraw from a course must formally request a course withdrawa
in writing prior to Friday of week seven at 11:59pm MST.
Any questions a student may have regarding this catalog that have not been satisfactorily answered by the institution
may be directed to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education at:
Address: 1747 North Market Blvd., Suite 225
Sacramento, CA 95834
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California Enrollment Agreement and Catalog Addendum
Website Address:
Telephone: (888) 370-7589 fax: (916) 263-1897
A student or any member of the public may file a complaint about this institution with the Bureau for Private
Postsecondary Education by calling (888) 370-7589 or by completing a complaint form, which can be obtained on the
bureau's Internet Web site .
Student Tuition Recovery Fund
The State of California established the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) to relieve or mitigate economic loss
suffered by a student in an educational program at a qualifying institution, who is or was a California resident while
enrolled, or was enrolled in a residency program, if the student enrolled in the institution, prepaid tuition, and suffered
an economic loss. Unless relieved of the obligation to do so, you must pay the state-imposed assessment for the
STRF, or it must be paid on your behalf, if you are a student in an educational program, who is a California resident,
or are enrolled in a residency program, and prepay all or part of your tuition.
You are not eligible for protection from the STRF and you are not required to pay the STRF assessment, if you are
not a California resident, or are not enrolled in a residency program.
It is important that you keep copies of your enrollment agreement, financial aid documents, receipts, or any other
information that documents the amount paid to the school. Questions regarding the STRF may be directed to the
Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, 1747 North Market Blvd., Suite 225, Sacramento, CA 95834, (916) 574
8900 or (888) 370-7589.
To be eligible for STRF, you must be a California resident or are enrolled in a residency program, prepaid tuition, paid
or deemed to have paid the STRF assessment, and suffered an economic loss as a result of any of the following:
1. The institution, a location of the institution, or an educational program offered by the institution was closed or
scontinued, and you did not choose to participate in a teach-out plan approved by the Bureau or did not complete a
chosen teach-out plan approved by the Bureau.
2. You were enrolled at an institution or a location of the institution within the 120 day period before the closure of the
nstitution or location of the institution, or were enrolled in an educational program within the 120 day period before
the program was discontinued.
3. You were enrolled at an institution or a location of the institution more than 120 days before the closure of the
nstitution or location of the institution, in an educational program offered by the institution as to which the Bureau
determined there was a significant decline in the quality or value of the program more than 120 days before closure.
4. The institution has been ordered to pay a refund by the Bureau but has failed to do so.
5. The institution has failed to pay or reimburse loan proceeds under a federal student loan program as required by
aw, or has failed to pay or reimburse proceeds received by the institution in excess of tuition and other costs.
6. You have been awarded restitution, a refund, or other monetary award by an arbitrator or court, based on a
olation of this chapter by an institution or representative of an institution, but have been unable to collect the award
from the institution.
7. You sought legal counsel that resulted in the cancellation of one or more of your student loans and have an invoice
or services rendered and evidence of the cancellation of the student loan or loans.
To qualify for STRF reimbursement, the application must be received within four (4) years from the date of the action
or event that made the student eligible for recovery from STRF.
A student whose loan is revived by a loan holder or debt collector after a period of noncollection may, at any time, file
a written application for recovery from STRF for the debt that would have otherwise been eligible for recovery. If it has
been more than four (4) years since the action or event that made the student eligible, the student must have filed a
written application for recovery within the original four (4) year period, unless the period has been extended by
another act of law.
However, no claim can be paid to any student without a social security number or a taxpayer identification number.
General Information
Course sequences may vary and DeVry reserves the right to revise, add or delete courses, alter the total number of
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class hours, suspend, cancel or postpone a class for reasons including, but not limited to, the following: natural
occurrences or other circumstances beyond DeVry’s control, holidays, special institutional activity days, and
registration days. If it becomes necessary for any reason to interrupt its regular class schedules or starting dates,
DeVry may, upon reasonable advance notice, suspend or cancel instruction. DeVry will advise students as soon as
possible of dates for resumption of classes.
If the number of students enrolling in a starting class is deemed insufficient, DeVry reserves the right to cancel the
starting class (a class which begins the first term of an academic program). If this occurs, applicants will be given a
full refund, within thirty days, of the application fee and prepaid tuition. In the event that a continuing program or class
is cancelled, students will be offered the opportunity to transfer within the DeVry system with full credit for all course
work completed. Not all programs are offered at all locations and online. Some courses may not be offered every
session. Check with your administrator regarding course availability. All students enrolled in site-based programs will
be required to take some coursework online and, for some programs and locations, a substantial portion of the
program may be required to be completed online. Check with your student support advisor regarding course
availability and delivery format.
If the standard length of programs must be changed, then tuition for any additional coursework will be charged at the
prevailing tuition rate. DeVry is not obligated to provide coursework for students who fail, withdraw from a course, or
interrupt their studies. Although the programs are of varying lengths, the term of this Agreement is for one semester
only. If a student’s enrollment is ongoing after the first session with no interruptions, no new Agreement need be
signed, and the terms of this Agreement (except for tuition and refunds in the case of a tuition increase) are
reaffirmed and shall be applicable to the student and DeVry upon the student’s enrollment for each consecutive
subsequent session and during the term thereof. Students who transfer to another DeVry location or program must
sign the appropriate academic form prior to transferring. Students readmitted to the University after missing six or
more consecutive sessions of enrollment reenroll under prevailing tuition policies at the time they are readmitted and
will be asked to executive a new Agreement prior to resuming. A second application fee is not required of readmits.
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for graduation and total credit hours
required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour differences may benefit students with qualifying transfer credit.
Students should contact their student support advisor or academic advisor for more information.
Standard business methods are used in the collection of delinquent payments. Students are required to keep DeVry
informed of their current home and local address.
In order to remain enrolled, students must demonstrate satisfactory academic progress toward completing their
programs as outlined in the academic catalog. To graduate from any program, a student must maintain a cumulative
grade point average of not less than 2.0 and satisfactorily complete all required coursework specified by DeVry.
Additional conditions are detailed in the academic catalog. DeVry reserves the right to change the requirements for
graduation to keep pace with educational, scientific, technological or similar developments. Changes may be applied
to students already enrolled. For those cases, a student support advisor will specify an alternate plan of study which
must be completed in lieu of the original requirements.
Students seeking resumption of study after involuntary or voluntary withdrawal need to be aware that not all courses
are offered each term, and that curriculum changes may have occurred. A review with a student support advisor will
be made to determine if an alternate plan of study is needed to permit those students to complete the graduation
requirements. DeVry is not obligated to provide coursework for students who fail, withdraw from a course, or interrupt
their studies.
Except by attached printed addenda to this Agreement, if any, written by DeVry and acknowledged by applicant, this
Agreement is not subject to oral or written modifications from its printed form. This agreement supersedes any DeVry
enrollment agreement you may have previously signed.
The University provides support for the F-1 visas needed by foreign students by issuing the I-20 if requirements are
met and sponsoring the student as long as they are attending their specific academic program for the duration of their
F-1 visa. Students are responsible for their visa applications and all associated fees to be paid by the student directly
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California Enrollment Agreement and Catalog Addendum
to the Student Exchange and Visitor’s Program (SEVP).
Non-Discrimination Statement
DeVry University is committed to providing an academic and professional environment free of discrimination based on
race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, disability, military or
veteran status, religion, political affiliation, genetic information or any classification protected by law. Harassment that
is based on any of these characteristics is a form of discrimination. This policy on non-discrimination applies to
admission, enrollment, employment, access to, and participation in, all University programs and activities.
In addition, DeVry complies with federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination and harassment based on the above
characteristics and will not tolerate, condone or allow discrimination or harassment, whether engaged in by fellow
students, faculty members, or non-faculty colleagues. Individuals who wish to file a discrimination or harassment
complaint may contact the below individuals.
Sex and Gender-Based
Title IX Coordinator
ADA/504 Coordinator
All Other Classifications
Complaint Coordinator
Purchase of Texts, Lessons, and Supplies
Textbooks, Supplies and Specialized Equipment: Costs for textbooks and supplies vary by program. For full-time
students in the following programs, average estimated per-session costs for textbooks and supplies are:
Cloud Computing, Communications, Computer Information Systems, Cybersecurity and Networking
(associate), Engineering Technology (Associate), Engineering Technology (Bachelor’s), Health Information
Technology, Information Technology & Networking (Associate and Bachelor’s levels), Internet of Things,
Management, Network and Communication Management, Cybersecurity & Networking, Medical Billing and
Coding, and Medical Billing and Coding-Health Information Coding: $175
Accounting, Business (Associate level), Business Administration, Business Essentials, Data Mining &
Analytics, Engineering Technology (certificate), Healthcare Administration, Software Design & Solutions,
Technical Management, and Web and Mobile Application Development: $100
Website Design and Website Development: $70
Costs are subject to change based on publishers’ prices. Most courses require electronic versions of textbooks.
Students enrolled in these courses are charged $40 per course for electronic textbooks. Some courses utilize multiple
electronic textbooks, however only one $40 electronic textbook fee is charged.
Students have the ability to purchase their textbooks (hardcopy or electronic) from an outside source, but must
purchase those specified by DeVry. In courses that utilize electronic textbooks, students have the ability to request a
credit of $40 for the electronic textbook fee. Students must request this credit by the Sunday following the first day of
class, if a credit for the electronic textbook is not requested by this time the fee is non-refundable.
NOTE: Students who order a print-on-demand book, or otherwise print the electronic textbook are not eligible for the $40
electronic textbook credit.
f electronic versions of textbooks are included, hard-copy textbooks are not required for these courses but may be
purchased for an additional cost. Technology and software supplies must be those specified by DeVry.
Further information is available from DeVry’s student support advisors.
DeVry University receives commissions derived from the gross revenue collected by the bookstore operator for
nternet sales. These commissions are used for expenses associated with the selection and ordering of textbooks and
e-learning materials.
Other Costs
Effective for students starting enrollment November 2018 and after sessions, a non-refundable student services
charge of $40 per session is applied to all students. A $400 one time per enrollment Learning Management System
Access Fee is applied to all students. See the academic catalog for details.
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A non-refundable parking fee, not to exceed $60 per session, per vehicle, may be required of students who utilize
DeVry parking lots.
DeVry reserves the right to change fees at any time without notice. These charges are non-refundable.
Student Financial Aid
DeVry’s interest bearing installment loan program is available to students who need assistance to finance their DeVry
education. If eligible, students will be given documents outlining terms and conditions of the plan. Federally or state
funded financial aid programs may also be available to qualified students.
Students who finance their education through loans are responsible for repayment of the full loan amount plus
interest, less the amount of any refund. If a student defaults on a federal or state loan both of the following may occur:
1. The federal or state government or loan guarantee agency may take action against the student, including applying
any income tax refund to which the person is entitled to reduce the balance owed on the loan; and
2. The student may not be eligible for any other federal student financial aid at another institution or other government
financial assistance until the loan is repaid. Details on all financial aid programs are available at the school, and at
Undergraduate Degree Program and Undergraduate Cert ificate Programs Program availability varies by location
Accounting (Undergrad Certificate) two 16-week
semesters (32 weeks full-time)minimum 24 credit
Information Technology Essentials (Undergraduate
Certificate) three 16-week semesters (48 weeks full
time) minimum 23 credit hours
Accounting (Baccalaureate Degree) eight 16-week
semesters (128 weeks full-time) minimum 120 credit
Information Technology and Networking (Associate
Degree) four 16-week semesters (64 weeks full-time)
minimum 60 credit hours
Business (Associate Degree) four 16-week semesters
full-time (64 weeks full-time) minimum 61 credit hours
Information Technology and Networking
(Baccalaureate Degree) eight 16-week semesters (128
weeks full-time) minimum 120 credit hours
Business Administration (Baccalaureate Degree)
eight 16-week semesters (128 weeks full-time)
minimum 124 credit hours
Internet of Things (Undergraduate Certificate) four 16
week semesters (64 weeks full-time) minimum 40 credit
Business Essentials (Undergraduate Certificate) two
16 week semesters (32 weeks full time) Minimum 25
credit hours
Management (Baccalaureate Degree) eight 16-week
semesters (128 weeks full-time) minimum 122 credit
Cloud Computing (Undergraduate Certificate) four 16
week semesters (64 weeks full-time) minimum 40 credit
Medical Billing & Coding (Undergraduate Certificate)
three 16-week semesters (48 weeks full-time)
minimum 31 credit hours
Communications (Baccalaureate Degree) eight 16
week semesters (128 weeks full-time) minimum 122
credit hours
Medical Billing & Coding Health Information Coding
(Undergraduate Certificate) four 16-week semesters
(64 weeks full-time) minimum 40 credit hours
Computer Information Systems (Baccalaureate
Degree) eight 16-week semesters (128 weeks full-time)
minimum 124 credit hours
Network & Communications Management
(Baccalaureate Degree) eight 16-week semesters (128
weeks full-time) minimum 124 credit hours
Cyber Security (Undergraduate Certificate) four 16
week semesters (64 weeks full-time) minimum 40 credit
Networking Essentials (Undergraduate Certificate)
three 16-week semesters (48 weeks full time) minimum
of 23 credit hours
Cybersecurity and Networking (Associate Degree)
four 16-week semesters full-time (64 weeks full-time)
minimum 62 credit hours
Programming Essentials (Undergraduate Certificate)
two 16-week semesters (32 weeks full time) minimum
of 22 credit hours
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California Enrollment Agreement and Catalog Addendum
Cybersecurity & Networking (Baccalaureate Degree)
eight 16-week semesters (128 weeks full-time)
minimum 124 credit hours
Software Design & Solutions (Undergraduate
Certificate) four 16-week semesters (64 weeks full time)
minimum 42 credit hours
Data Mining & Analytics (Undergraduate Certificate)
four 16-week semesters (64 weeks full time) minimum
43 credit hours
Software Development (Baccalaureate Degree) eight
16-week semesters (128 weeks full-time) minimum 120
credit hours
Engineering Technology (Undergraduate Certificate)
three 16-week semesters (48 weeks full-time) minimum
39 credit hours
Technical Management (Baccalaureate Degree) eight
16-week semesters (128 weeks full-time) minimum
122 credit hours
Engineering Technology (Associate Degree) four 16
week semesters (64 weeks full-time) minimum 64
credit hours
Web and Mobile Application Development
(Undergraduate Certificate) four 16-week semesters
(64 weeks full-time) minimum 43 credit hours
Engineering Technology (Baccalaureate Degree) eight
16-week semesters (128 weeks full-time) minimum
126 credit hours
Website Design (Undergraduate Certificate) three 16
week semesters (48 weeks) 36 minimum credit hours
Health Information Technology (Associate Degree)
four 16-week semesters (64 weeks full-time) minimum
61 credit hours
Website Development (Undergraduate Certificate)
three 16-week semesters (48 weeks) 38 minimum
credit hours
Healthcare Administration (Baccalaureate Degree)
seven 16-week semesters (112 weeks full-time)
minimum 121 credit hours
General Admission Requirements
To be granted unconditional admission to DeVry, a prospective student must interview with a DeVry admissions
advisor/representative and complete an application. In addition, other general and specific requirements must be met
regarding age, prior education and evaluation of proficiency in the basic and prerequisite skills needed for college
level work. Once DeVry accepts the application, applicants are conditionally admitted pending satisfactory completion
of remaining admission conditions. Detailed information as well as additional requirements for selected programs,
formats and applicants is found in the academic catalog.
Applicants with prior post-secondary attendance must present transcripts indicating all previous work. Students
requesting transfer credit for prior post- secondary education must submit official transcripts before credit is awarded.
Each applicant must be at least 17 years old on the first day of classes. Documentation of age may be required.
Each applicant must have earned one of the following credentials from a DeVry-recognized organization: high school
diploma or equivalent, General Education Development (GED
) certificate, or a postsecondary degree. The diploma
or other acceptable documentation of the applicant's educational achievement must be provided for the student's file
by the end of registration unless DeVry grants an extension. An official transcript (or equivalent documentation) with
the grade point average (GPA) and graduation date must be submitted by the end of the second session of
enrollment. Students who do not meet this deadline are dropped from all courses in which they may be enrolled for
future sessions. Until official transcripts are received, such students may not enroll.
Prior educational performance is considered in conjunction with demonstrated proficiency in basic college level skills
to determine admissibility and appropriate course placement. DeVry grants unconditional admission to individuals
whose prior educational performance meets the criteria outlined in the academic catalog. Applicants whose prior
educational performance does not meet these criteria must complete basic skills evaluation and demonstrate specific
basic and prerequisite skills proficiency levels to be granted unconditional admission. All applicants may be required
to complete basic skills evaluation through standard means prior to starting classes, to determine their initial course
placement. Details regarding basic and prerequisite skills evaluation and results are outlined in the academic catalog.
See the academic catalog for additional admission requirements.
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Applications may be taken through the end of late registration only. DeVry reserves the right to deny admission to any
applicant and to change entrance requirements without prior notice. Electronics program applicants should note that
color is one method used for coding electronic components; consequently, colorblind individuals may have difficulty in
some courses.
Please note, Applicants to a New Jersey or New York Location must present proof of immunization against certain
diseases as required by state law. Applicants should contact an admissions representative for further information.
DeVry maintains morning, afternoon, and/or early evening sessions for onsite courses. Morning sessions typically
run from 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Afternoon sessions typically run from 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Evening sessions typically
run from 6:30 PM to 10:30 PM, or on weekends, if available. Specific times of attendance vary according to individual
student schedules. Students with standard schedules attend classes between 15 and 24 hours per week, depending
upon the semester. Part-time students' schedules will vary each semester between 3 and 11 hours per week,
depending upon courses chosen. DeVry reserves the right to assign class sessions and to reschedule class sessions,
if and when necessary. Students are expected to participate as required on a course-by-course basis and may be
dismissed for failure to do so. See the academic catalog for details.
Course Loads
Students in good standing may register for as many as 12 semester-credit hours per session and as many as 24
semester-credit hours per semester. Students may not register for more than the allowed semester-credit hours.
Students whose academic history indicates academic difficulties may be required to take a reduced academic load.
Attendance/Dismissal Policy
Those seeking services from DeVry, including students and applicants, who breach DeVry rules or normal standards
of good conduct (including those identified in the Code of Conduct) may be subject to sanctions, including dismissal
or ineligibility for enrollment or services. DeVry reserves the right to sanction those who do not comply with the Code
of Conduct. See the Student Handbook and campus community website for complete details about the Code of
Conduct. Students who fail to maintain satisfactory academic progress are subject to dismissal. See the academic
catalog and the student handbook for full details.
Specific Provisions for Distance Education
DeVry University registers students for online courses throughout the year. When a student is accepted and register
for a course, DeVry University grants access to this course shell for preview two weeks prior to the scheduled start
date of the course.
All course materials are available to students electronically via the online course shell at the beginning of a course,
whether or not the student has fully paid or has requested that all of the material be sent.
Throughout the duration of the course, students can reasonably expect a response to online submission of
assignments any time after the Tuesday evening following the weekly submission deadline of 11:59 PM MST
Saturday night. Other submissions (i.e. discussion board posts, etc.) completed through the course shell generally
provide an immediate digital response indicating only that the transmission was completed successfully.
Career Services
Graduates of DeVry programs are entitled to career services to help them seek employment in business or industry.
While employment cannot be guaranteed, career services staff will continue to work with students after graduation.
Graduates who intend to utilize DeVry’s career services must agree to DeVry’s requirements for an employment
search, including specific responsibilities allocated to the graduate. Agreement to utilize DeVry services
to support an employment search entitles DeVry to confirm the graduate’s hire date, job title, responsibilities and
salary with the employer to ensure accuracy of published statistics. Colleagues from DeVry University, it’s Keller
Graduate School of Management, or any DeVry Educational Development Corp. institution are not entitled to career
services and waive their rights to career search assistance. The level of career services offered to International
students/graduates will vary, and will depend on the employment opportunities permitted by NAFTA and/or their
individual student visas. See the academic catalog for more details.
Part-Time Employment
The DeVry University Career Services department will help assist students in their search for part-time employment
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while they are enrolled. Students are eligible for career services assistance beginning their first day of classes. Pleas
note, DeVry University does not provide job placement or job location services. Employment depends upon many
variables, including local business conditions, and part-time jobs cannot be guaranteed.
Transfer Credit
The transferability of credits you earn at DeVry University is at the complete discretion of an institution to which you
may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the degree or certificate you earn in
___________________________________________________________ is also at the complete discretion of the
institution to which you may seek to transfer. If the credits, degree or certificate that you earn at this institution are not
accepted at the institution to which you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of your
coursework at that institution. For this reason you should make certain that your attendance at this institution will meet
your educational goals. This may include contacting an institution to which you may seek to transfer after attending
DeVry University to determine if your credits, degree or certificate will transfer.
English Language Proficiency
All instruction and services are provided in English. Applicants must prove English proficiency by providing evidence
from prior education or testing in accordance with the criteria outlined in the academic catalog.
Student Acknowledgement
As a prospective student, you are encouraged to review the catalog prior to signing an enrollment agreement. You
are also encouraged to review the School Performance Fact Sheet, which must be provided to you prior to signing an
enrollment agreement.
Prior to signing the enrollment agreement, you must be given a catalog or brochure and a School Performance Fact
Sheet, which you are encouraged to review prior to signing this agreement. These documents contain important
policies and performance data for this institution. This institution is required to have you sign and date the information
included in the School Performance Fact Sheet relating to completion rates, placement rates, license examination
passage rates, salaries or wages, and the most recent three-year cohort default rate, if applicable, prior to signing this
Student’s Initials: __ Date: ___________F
I certify that I have received the catalog, School Performance Fact Sheet, and information regarding completion rates,
placement rates, license examination passage rates, salary or wage information, and the most recent three-year
cohort default rate, if applicable, included in the School Performance Fact Sheet, and have signed, initialed, and
dated the information provided in the School Performance Fact Sheet.
Student’s Initials: __ Date:
Any questions a student may have regarding this enrollment agreement that have not been satisfactorily answered by
the institution may be directed to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education at P.O. Box 980818, West
Sacramento, CA 95798-0818,, P: 888.370.7589 or 916.431.6959, F: 916.263.1897.
A student or any member of the public may file a complaint about this institution with the Bureau for Private
Postsecondary Education by calling (888)370-7589 or by completing a complaint form, which can be obtained on the
bureau's Internet Web site
Facilities and Equipment
Each campus located in the state of California is designed to meet the instructional needs of the programs of study
offered at that specific location.
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Long Beach Campus, Ontario Campus, San Diego Campus, San Jose Center, and the Sherman Oaks Campus;
These locations offer: spacious classrooms, a full-service virtual research library, a fully wired computer lab, and a
common area.
Folsom Campus: This campus offers spacious classrooms, a student resource center with online access, a commons
area, and a full-service virtual research library.
Newark Campus: This location offers spacious classrooms, a fully wired computer lab, and a commons area.
Twentynine Palms Military Base Extension: This location is located on the MCAGCC Military Base Education Center.
At this location, certain services and amenities may only be available for military personnel and their families.
DeVry University and its Keller Graduate School of Management does not have dormitory facilities under its control,
nor does it assist student with finding housing. The cost of housing differs considerably from campus to campus
throughout California due to the cost of real estate. These costs are approximate and vary depending on proximity to
campus and overall quality of the facilities. Also, housing pricing is subject to market fluctuation. This is for
informational purposes only.
Location Estimated Monthly Cost for a 2-Bedroom Apartment
Long Beach $1400 - $2100
Newark $1800 - $2800
Ontario $1000 - $1800
San Diego $1800 - $2700
San Jose $1000 - $1800
Encino $1900 - $2600
Veterans Information
Students enrolling in eligible programs who qualify for veterans educational benefits should submit the appropriate
application for benefits form, along with discharge papers, as far in advance of the scheduled class starting date as
possible. Details regarding specific program eligibility and requirements may be obtained from the veterans’ benefits
coordinator at DeVry. Refunds for Veterans and eligible persons enrolled in programs approved under Section 1775
of the G.I. Law are the same as indicated under Refund Policy.
As part of the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, section 3679 of title 38, effective August 1, 2019 any
DeVry University students using Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill®, Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment (VR&E) will not be penalized by holds, interest or late fees while payment for the students covered
balance is pending receipt by DeVry.
Additional Information
Please see the DeVry academic catalog for rules and procedures detailing the services outlined above.
Information Disclosure
DeVry publishes accurate information about its programs, policies, services and graduate outcomes. Complete,
accurate information is provided on our website, in our catalogs, and in advertisements and other materials published
by DeVry. You may have received information from other sources that was not sanctioned by DeVry. You should only
rely on written information provided by DeVry during the application and enrollment process to make an enrollment
decision. For comprehensive consumer information, please visit
Document Requests:
To obtain student records such as billing statements, diplomas, enrollment agreements, registration documents and
transcripts, please contact your student support advisor at 877.496.9050. You may also submit your request by one
of the following methods:
Fax: 630.689.4003 (Attn: Document Request)
Mail: DeVry University
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California Enrollment Agreement and Catalog Addendum
Attn: Document Reques
4225 Naperville Road
Suite 400
Lisle, IL 60532
Publicity Waiver and Release Disclosure
By signing this enrollment agreement, the student grants to DeVry University Inc., its parent, subsidiary and affiliated
companies, agents, licensees and designees (collectively, “DeVry”), including their successors and assigns, the
absolute, royalty-free, irrevocable, worldwide, right and permission, with respect to any testimonial (written or oral),
photographs, film, video or other images, or sound recordings taken by DeVry:
(a) To use, re-use, publish, re-publish, copy, modify, display and create derivative works in whole or in part,
individually or in conjunction with other photographs, images, recordings or testimonials in any medium (including
without limitation, in print and on the Internet) and for any purpose whatsoever, including, without limitation in
advertising, marketing, publications, electronic distribution, and the Internet and for any other commercial purpose;
(b) To use the student’s name in connection therewith if DeVry so chooses; and
(c) To copyright the same in the name of DeVry, or any other name that DeVry may choose.
The student understands that there will be no compensation for the permitted use of any testimonial (written or oral),
photographs, film, video or other images, or sound recordings taken by DeVry or of the student’s name. By signing,
the student releases and discharges DeVry, its successors, assigns and any designee (including any agency, client,
broadcaster, periodical or other publication) from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with
the use of such photographs, film, video or other images, sound recordings, or testimonial, including but not limited to
any claims for defamation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, emotional distress or any similar right. Furthermore,
the student represents and warrants that any testimonial given is original and does not infringe upon copyright or
proprietary rights of another person or entity.
By signing this agreement, the student waives any and all rights to such photographs, film, video or other images,
sound recordings, or testimonial and assigns all such rights to DeVry. If the student is under the age of 18, the
parent or legal guardian’s signature indicates that he/she and the student have read, understand, and agree
to be bound by the terms of this disclosure.
Telephone Number:
What is your gender?
Are you currently incarcerated?
Are you incarcerated in a Federal or State penal institution?
Are you incarcerated in a juvenile justice facility?
Period of Coverage
The term of this enrollment agreement is effective beginning on the date of signature until the student’s date of
graduation, which is anticipated to occur on______________________. In the case a student should leave DeVry
University prior to completing their program, through interruption by withdrawal or cancellation, the enrollment
agreement shall continue to remain effective until one year from the date of signature of this document. Students who
wish to re-enroll after that date will need to complete a new enrollment agreement. Please refer to the academic
catalog for resumption of study requirements.
Program Completion
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California Enrollment Agreement and Catalog Addendum
Session Start Date: ___
Undergraduate Tuition
Within each session, matriculating students in all programs are charged $514 per credit hour. Tuition charges are
calculated each session per credit hours enrolled. Tuition is billed according to enrollment for the entire session.
Additional fees apply and can be found in the academic catalog.
DeVry reserves the right to increase tuition rates at any time; any increase will be announced at least 30 days before
the beginning of the effective term.
Tuition (per session)
Tuition per credit hour : $514
Fees (all programs)
Application fee (one time) $30
Student Services charge (per session) $40
STRF (One-time, Non-Refundable, based on institutional charges for a program)
Undergraduate Certificate Level (ranges estimated by program level)
$32.50 - $62.50
Associate Degree (ranges estimated by program level)
$85 - $100
Bachelors Degree (ranges estimated by program level)
$167.50 - $180
Learning Management System Access Fee (One time per enrollment) $400
Estimated Textbook and Equipment Expenses
Costs for textbooks and supplies vary by program. For full-time students in the
following programs, average estimated per-session costs for textbooks and supplies
Cloud Computing, Communications, Computer Information Systems, Cyber Security,
Cybersecurity and Networking, Engineering Technology (Associate), Engineering
Technology (Bachelor’s), Health Information Technology, Information Technology
Essentials, Information Technology & Networking (Associate and Bachelor’s levels),
Internet of Things, Management, Network and Communication Management,
Networking Essentials, Programming Essentials, Software Development, Medical
Billing and Coding, and Medical Billing and Coding-Health Information Coding
Accounting, Business (Associate level), Business Administration, Business Essentials,
Data Mining & Analytics, Engineering Technology (Undergrad Certificate), Healthcare
Administration, Software Design & Solutions, Technical Management, and Web and
Mobile Application Development
Website Design and Website Development $70
You may cancel your initial enrollment agreement without penalty or obligation at any time prior to midnight of the
tenth business day following this transaction or through attendance at the first class meeting, whichever is later. If you
cancel within this period, any payments made and any negotiable instrument executed will be returned to you within
10 business days following DeVry's receipt of your cancellation notice. To cancel, send your request:
By mail to: DeVry By fax to: 630-574-1968
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California Enrollment Agreement and Catalog Addendum
4225 Naperville Road, Suite 400 By email to:
Lisle, IL 60532
Attn: Customer Service
Based on the date of signature above, your cancellation period expiration date is noted below.
Cancellation Period End: ____ ____prior to Midnight.
Student Initials: _______________________ Date: ________________________
APPLICANT (BUYER)I certify that all information provided by me in the Agreement is accurate and that I have
read all pages of this Agreement and will abide by its provisions. I have received, read, understood, and
retained a completely filled-in copy of this Agreement. I certify that I have received and reviewed the
academic catalog available at I understand that the catalog is
part of this Agreement.
NOTE: Provisions of any attached addenda acknowledged by applicant modify those of this Agreement. This
enrollment agreement and any addendum incorporated by reference herein supersede all prior or contemporaneous
representations, proposals, communications and negotiations, both oral and written, and constitute the entire
agreement between the parties with respect to education services. Any representations, warranties, or statements
made by an employee or agent of DeVry and not expressed in this Agreement are not binding on DeVry. This
Agreement may only be changed by written agreement signed by an authorized representative of the party against
whom enforcement is sought.
I understand that all students enrolled in site-based programs will be required to take some
coursework online and, for some programs and locations, a substantial portion of the program
may be required to be completed online.
Student’s initials
TOTAL CHARGES FOR THE CURRENT PERIOD OF ATTENDANCE: This chart outlines an estimated total cost for
an average student for a semester of attendance. TOTAL CHARGES A STUDENT IS OBLIGATED TO PAY UPON
the actual amount of total charges a student is obligated to pay upon enrollment may differ based on the number of
credit hours a student decides to take. This is provided for informational purposes only and is an estimate. Please
contact your student service advisor with any questions.
Full Time Undergrad 12 Credit
Part-Time Undergrad 6 Credit
Tuition $6,168 Tuition $3,084
ebooks $140 ebooks $80
Course Resource Fees $200 Course Resource Fees $120
Student Service Charges $80 Student Service Charges $80
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California Enrollment Agreement and Catalog Addendum
Learning Management System Fee $400 Learning Management System Fee $400
STRF (estimates provided above) $180 STRF (estimates provided above) $180
Total Estimate Charges for the Period:
$7,168 *
Total Estimate Charges for the Period:
$3,944 *
*Please note, the one-time $400 Learning Management System Fee may be applied to a student’s account during
their first session of attendance. The timing of the assessment of this fee depends on an individual student’s plan. All
students are financially advised prior to beginning courses with DeVry University and as noted, these estimates are
provided for informational purposes only until then.
For matriculating students at current tuition rate; total tuition cost is calculated at credit hours shown as outlined in the catalog; includes $30
application fee, student services charge, course resource fee, $400 one time per enrollment Learning Management System Access fee and
average estimated textbook and equipment expense. Total program charges does not include the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF).
financial obligation is determined during financial advising prior to the start of a course.
Your consent is required for DeVry to participate in electronic transactions for all financial information provided or
made available to student loan borrowers, and for all notices and authorizations to Federal Student Aid recipients
required under 34 CFR 668.165. This allows DeVry to communicate important financial aid information directly to
you electronically, which may include notices, disclosures, award letters, and directions to secure websites.
BY DEVRY. I understand that this is a legally binding contract. My signature below certifies that I have read,
understood, and agreed to my rights and responsibilities, and that the institution’s cancellation and refund
policies have been clearly explained to me.
I hereby authorize DeVry to release information regarding my enrollment, activities, honors, other achievements,
graduation and employment to newspapers and other departments within DeVry, and grant DeVry permission to use
this information in informational and promotional materials it publishes.
To international students: By completing and submitting this form you are consenting to have your data
transferred to appropriate and relevant third parties contracted by DeVry.
Applicant (Buyer) Signature
DeVry Advisor Signature
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California Enrollment Agreement and Catalog Addendum
If applicant has not reached the age of majority under state law in the state of buyer’s residence, the parent or lega
guardian must complete this section.
The undersigned hereby agrees to and accepts the terms and conditions of this Enrollment Agreement and hereby
acknowledges that he or she has received a completely filled-in and exact copy of all pages of this Agreement.
Name of Parent or Legal Guardian (First and Last Name) Telephone Number
Address City State Zip
Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian Date
In New York, DeVry University operates as DeVry College of New York.
©2024 DeVry Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.