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Revised 07/30/24
Table of Contents
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MISSION of the RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM .........................................................................5
Goals of the Radiologic Technology Program .......................................................................................................... 5
Specific Student Learning Goals and Outcomes ........................................................................................................ 5
I. PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT ............................................................................................................................ 6
II. ACADEMIC STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................... 7
A. Academic Standards for Program Admittance ......................................................................................................7
B. Program Standards ………................................................................................................................................... 7
C. Clinical Practicum…………………………............................................................................................................ 9
III. SELECTED UNIVERSITY-WIDE POLICIES ........................................................................................... 9
A. Obligations of faculty, students, and student preceptors to the Instructional Process at Wayne State .................. 9
B. Student Code of Conduct and Academic Misbehavior ........................................................................................ 11
C. Academic Accommodation .................................................................................................................................. 11
D. Smoke-Free Campus Policy ................................................................................................................................ 11
E. Sexual Harassment Statute .................................................................................................................................. 11
F. Drug and Alcohol-Free Environment .................................................................................................................. 12
IV. COLLEGE POLICIES .................................................................................................................................... 13
A. Final Course Grade Appeals ............................................................................................................................... 14
B. Dropping and Withdrawing from Classes ........................................................................................................... 14
C. Academic Dishonesty........................................................................................................................................... 14
D. Student Complaints ..............................................................................................................................................14
E. Student Convocations .......................................................................................................................................... 14
V. ADVISING BY FACULTY .............................................................................................................................. 15
VI. CLINICAL EDUCATION ..............................................................................................................................15
A. Student Supervision in Clinical Practicum Rotations ......................................................................................... 15
B. Clinical Attendance / Time off ..............................................................................................................................16
C. Clinical Objectives, Clinical Competency Requirements, and Assignments ....................................................... 18
D. Evaluation ........................................................................................................................................................... 21
E. Grading ................................................................................................................................................................ 21
F. Dress Code at Clinical Sites................................................................................................................................ 21
G. Incident Reporting ............................................................................................................................................... 22
H. Radiation Monitoring/Safety for Students .......................................................................................................... 22
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I. Contact with Communicable Diseases ................................................................................................................. 23
J. Vaccinations ......................................................................................................................................................... 23
K. Cell Phone Usage ................................................................................................................................................ 24
L. Personal Phone Calls .......................................................................................................................................... 24
M. Identification Badges ........................................................................................................................................... 24
VII. POLICIES APPLICABLE TO A PREGNANT STUDENT ...................................................................... 25
A. NCRP Regulations Pertaining to Clinical Practicum .......................................................................................... 25
IX. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................................................. 27
A. General ................................................................................................................................................................ 27
B. Student/Faculty Meetings .................................................................................................................................... 27
C. WSU E-mail ......................................................................................................................................................... 27
D. Program Schedules ............................................................................................................................................. 27
E. Class Attendance ................................................................................................................................................. 27
F. Classrooms .......................................................................................................................................................... 28
G. Cell phones ..........................................................................................................................................................28
H. Background Checks .............................................................................................................................................28
I. Professional Liability Insurance ...........................................................................................................................28
J. Health Insurance .................................................................................................................................................. 28
K. Reporting of Communicable Diseases................................................................................................................. 29
L. Potential Laboratory Risks .................................................................................................................................. 29
M. Emergency Medical Care Provisions ................................................................................................................. 29
N. Policy Regarding Student Employment at Radiology Facilities......................................................................... 30
X. DECISION REVIEW PROCESS/GRIEVANCE POLICY ......................................................................... 31
University Site .......................................................................................................................................................... 31
Clinical Site .............................................................................................................................................................. 31
XI. GENERAL POLICIES & INFORMATION ................................................................................................. 32
A. Release of Student Records/Information ............................................................................................................. 32
B. Class Schedule ..................................................................................................................................................... 32
C. Faculty Office Hours ........................................................................................................................................... 32
D. Exam Policies ...................................................................................................................................................... 32
E. Final Exam Week Activities ................................................................................................................................. 33
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F. Availability of Course Grades ............................................................................................................................. 33
G. Libraries and Learning Resource Center............................................................................................................ 33
H. Course Materials Fee .......................................................................................................................................... 33
I. Books ..................................................................................................................................................................... 34
J. Campus Safety ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
K. WSU Broadcast Messaging Service .................................................................................................................... 34
L. Photocopiers and Computers ............................................................................................................................... 35
M. Bad Weather Class Cancellation Procedure ...................................................................................................... 35
N. Bereavement Policy ..............................................................................................................................................35
O. Holidays and University Closure ........................................................................................................................ 36
P. Religious Holidays ............................................................................................................................................... 36
Q. JRCERT Contact Information/Policy ..................................................................................................................36
XII. STUDENT ORGANIZATION .......................................................................................................................38
XIII. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS .......................................................................................................38
A. Program Accreditation ........................................................................................................................................ 38
B. Professional Memberships................................................................................................................................... 38
IMPORTANT NAMES, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBERS.................................................................................. 39
STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING ............................................................................................................. 42
APPENDIX A: Professional Employment: Understanding of Responsibility ..................................................43
APPENDIX B: Declaration of Pregnancy............................................................................................................ 44
APPENDIX C: Background Screening Notice .....................................................................................................45
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The Wayne State University Radiologic Technology Program prepares students to perform competently and
independently while providing exceptional patient care to a diverse patient population.
We demonstrate our commitment to academic and clinical excellence at the baccalaureate level by providing an
educational environment that promotes student success.
Goal 1: Students will demonstrate clinical competence.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will provide quality patient care.
Students will recognize errors and appropriately define necessary corrections.
Goal 2: Students will demonstrate effective communication skills.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will demonstrate effective written communication skills.
Students will demonstrate effective oral communication skills.
Goal 3: Students will demonstrate problem-solving and critical thinking skills in the clinical arena.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will manipulate technical factors for non-routine exams.
Students will adapt positioning for trauma patients.
Goal 4: Students will exhibit professionalism.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will demonstrate ethical professional behavior and sound professional judgment.
Students will participate in professional activities which promote professional development and
lifelong learning.
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Welcome to the Wayne State University (WSU) Radiologic Technology Program. We hope you find
Radiologic Technology a rewarding and stimulating profession.
As a student, you will be assigned to the different areas in the radiology area. This will allow you to develop a
working knowledge of all aspects of radiology. The student preceptor technologists will be assisting you in
becoming familiar with the areas and informing you of the expectations of the areas. You will be responsible to
them, the supervisor of the area, and to the radiographer you may be assigned to work with. These
radiographers are responsible for producing quality radiographs and providing for our patients’ care, comfort,
and dignity. These radiographers can perform their duties accurately, effectively, and quickly. They also have
a responsibility to you, the student, to provide supervision over your clinical endeavors and to provide you with
the information necessary to aid you in developing your technical skills. The mastering of these skills is
required for program completion. The registered radiographer is an essential person in your technical training.
You will be working with actual patients, and your work must be precise. The radiographer will observe your
work to insure all is correct before any exposure is made.
To facilitate your learning, you will be frequently reminded of and evaluated on the kinds of behavior and
values that reflect professional conduct such as:
1. Concern for patients' welfare
2. Non-discriminatory delivery of patient care
3. Respect for patients' rights
4. Integrity
5. Responsibility
6. Initiative
7. Dependability and conscientiousness
8. Effective interpersonal communications
9. Self-confidence
10. Productive use of criticism
11. Adherence to policies and procedures (e.g. attendance)
12. Awareness of and adherence to quality assurance procedures
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A. Academic Standards for Program Admittance
1. Completion of all pre-professional courses by the end of the Winter semester before admission to the
professional program
2. Minimum 2.80 overall GPA as well as a minimum 2.7 in all science and non-science prerequisite
3. All grades in prerequisite requirements must be a minimum of "C" or better (2.0 on a 4.0 grade scale).
4. Due to the unique situation created by COVID-19, many institutions are allowing students to choose a
Pass/No Pass option in lieu of a letter grade in certain semesters. The program encourages applicants
to receive letter grades in their prerequisite courses. P/N will be accepted if the grading institution's
policy is a C or better to receive a Pass.
5. If the school accepts C- or below as a Pass, students will be required to submit a letter from the
instructor documenting what the grade earned would have been (in the case of WSU courses, since we
can view that grade in the system, such a letter will not be required). This policy applies to the following
semesters: Winter 2020, Spring/Summer 2020, Fall 2020, Winter 2021, and Spring/Summer 2021.
6. Minimum of 60 credit hours
7. Equivalent pre-professional coursework taken at an accredited college or university is acceptable.
B. Program Standards
1. Successful completion of all academic classes with an 80 percent (letter grade of C) or greater cumulative
final grade. Some courses may require separate components be successfully completed. If minimum Term
GPA is not met, the student will be placed on Program Probation.
2. A grade of C in a professional course (excluding University General Education Requirements) indicates
unsatisfactory performance and repetition of the course is required. Any exceptions to this requirement are
subject to approval by the Program Director. Review by the Academic Committee will occur. Additionally,
program probation will occur regardless of the term GPA achieved.
3. If a student receives a second C grade or one D or F grade in the professional curriculum (excluding
University General Education Requirements), dismissal from the professional program will result; further
academic review by the Program Director or the Academic Committee will not occur. Neither the Program
nor College are responsible for the possible loss of tuition, fees or book costs that may occur because of
program dismissal.
4. A passing grade is required in an elective course, or a University General Education Requirement taken in
the professional program. If a student receives an unacceptable grade, he/she will be required to repeat the
same course or take another elective course.
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5. Students must complete all courses in sequence. Only in the most extraordinary cases will a grade of I
(Incomplete) be given. Students may not progress in course work until any Incomplete is removed unless an
exception has been granted by the Program Director.
6. When a student determines that he/she will get a grade of "C-" or below in a course, the student shall exhaust
all available options to improve the grade according to the policies established by the course instructor prior
to the issuance of the final course grade. The student is urged to seek counsel from the course instructor and
Program Director respectively to determine all supportive resources available.
7. A grade appeal for a course assignment will only be considered if initiated within 10 calendar days following
the issuance of the grade. Final course grade appeals must conform to the requirements of the College Grade
Appeal Policy (Section IV. A.).
8. The grading scale for the Radiologic Technology Program is listed below. This grading scale has been in
effect since September 27, 2004.
94 - 100 = A
92 - 93 = A–
89 - 91 = B+
86 - 88 = B
84 - 85 = B-
81 - 83 = C+
80 = C
79 or below = Failure
A student who does not successfully complete a course will be issued a written warning slip and placed on
programmatic probation. Within one (1) week after completion of the course and prior to the official end of
the semester, a comprehensive examination over the entire course will be administered.
A score of 80 percent or higher must be obtained on this examination for the student to pass the course. The
student’s grade will then be elevated to a passing score of 80 percent, and the student will no longer be on
programmatic probation. If the student does not pass the comprehensive examination, the student will be
immediately terminated from the program. Should a student fail another class while on programmatic
probation, it will mean immediate dismissal from the program.
The Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Grade Appeal and Dismissal Policy is the
student’s avenue for grade appeal. Any student failing more than one (1) class will be terminated from the
program. All academic classes must be successfully completed prior to graduation.
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C. Clinical Practicum
1. To promote timely feedback on a student's clinical performance, in addition to the individual conferences that
occur each semester to discuss progress both clinically and academically, Clinical Grades will be available in a
reasonable time frame on the Trajecsys on-line database.
2. A grade of 1 5 (1=low performance, 5=high performance) will be given for the clinical performance in the
rotational area by one or more Student Preceptor Technologists. The student can review contents of the
evaluation once it is completed, and the student has completed the appropriate evaluation in reciprocation. This
grade can only be adjusted by the Clinical Coordinator/Student Program Admin with consideration to challenge
completion and/or Clinical Data Sheet completion if applicable. Such adjustments are rare; they occur only in
extreme circumstance.
3. Clinical grades of < 2.8 from more than one (1) rotation will result in immediate termination.
4. Rationale: The clinical grade calculation will consist of an average based on a culmination of separate grades
derived from psychomotor, affective behaviors and cognitive domains. Each will have independent
weighting properties to make the clinical grade more objective.
A. Obligations of Faculty, students, and student preceptors to the Instructional Process at Wayne State
Since education is a cooperative effort between faculty, student preceptors, and student, all parties must fulfill
obligations if the integrity and efficacy of the instructional process are to be preserved.
Responsibilities of Faculty Members
1. Contribute to and remain invested in the latest developments in their fields.
2. To pursue teaching excellence continually.
3. Treat all students with respect and fairness without regard to ancestry, race, religion, political belief,
country of origin, sex, sexual preference, age, marital status, or handicap,
4. Adhere regularly and punctually to scheduled class and final examination times and arrange for
notification of absence and coverage of classes.
5. Establish and maintain office hours.
6. Present clearly, the following course information.
a. Course objectives and general outline
b. Classroom procedures to be followed, expectations concerning class attendance, and proposed
dates of major evaluations.
c. Grading policies
d. Class related activities, including class meetings.
e. Course materials; textbooks, materials, etc.
f. Special Policies such as late enrollment
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Responsibilities of Students
1. Stay engaged and fulfill all requirements of the university and those of the college and department from
which expect to receive their degree.
2. Complete all assignments and requirements of the courses in the program.
3. Attend all classes and clinical sites regularly and punctually.
4. Maintain a respectable demeanor in class and on clinical sites.
5. Stay in touch with all faculty, clinical coordinator, student program admin and the program director on
any class related problems or clinical problems.
6. Adhere to dress code standards and general university standards.
Responsibilities of Student Preceptors Technologist
1. The student preceptor technologist is responsible for supervising the clinical education of the students in
the respective areas to include the following:
a. Explanation of equipment used.
b. Explanation of examinations performed.
c. Explanation of the responsibilities of the student.
d. Administration of the clinical competency examination.
e. Critique of the student’s images.
2. The clinical competency examination is kept in the student’s file with the evaluations from the
3. The student preceptor technologist is available for consultation with the student if necessary. Problems
encountered by the student in the clinical area should be discussed with the student preceptor
4. Qualifications for the student preceptor technologist are as follows:
a. ARRT registered.
b. Two (2) years of experience as a registered radiologic technologist.
c. Through clinical experience, the radiographer showed an interest in teaching.
All student preceptor technologists attend a Continuing Education Seminar focusing on Clinical
Assessment, Legal and Ethical Issues in Clinical Training, and Motivational Techniques. They also go
through a two-year apprenticeship period before they are officially named as student preceptor
B. Student Code of Conduct and Academic Misbehavior
High standards of student conduct play a major role in creating an environment of excellence and the Student
Code of Conduct is used to maintain these standards. The code: 1) establishes the expectations that students
are accountable for their behavior; 2) describes acceptable student conduct, both academic and non-
academic; 3) describes disciplinary policies and procedures; 4) specifies the rights of students and other
parties; and 5) specifies prohibited conduct and sanctions to be imposed if such conduct occurs. Examples of
prohibited conduct subject to the Student Code of Conduct include, but are not limited to, academic
misbehavior, knowingly furnishing false information to the University, disorderly behavior, theft, damage of
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property, illegal drugs, weapons on campus, physical assault, unauthorized entry, violation of criminal law,
Refer to complete document from the Wayne State University Dean of Students Office, 301 Student Center,
which can be found online at:
C. Academic Accommodation
Students with a documented disability that requires accommodations must register with the Student
Disability Services office (SDS) to coordinate academic accommodations. The Office is in the Adamancy
Undergraduate Library. The telephone number is: 313-577-1851 and the website is Once accommodations are in place, students may meet privately with the
Program Director or individual course instructor to discuss specific needs.
D. Smoke- Free Campus Policy
Effective August 19, 2015, smoking and the use of all tobacco products is prohibited in all Wayne State
University buildings, or structures owned, leased, rented, or operated by the University, housing facilities,
campus grounds and other public spaces and University-owned vehicles. For additional information, you
may obtain a copy of the Smoke-Free and Tobacco-Free Campus Policy from:
Additionally, all medical facilities have smoke-free policies, and many of them have implemented nicotine-
free environments, requiring students and potential employees to be tested for nicotine use.
E. Sexual Harassment Statute
1. Submission to such conduct or communication is made a term or condition either explicitly or implicitly to
obtain employment, public accommodations or public services, education, or housing.
2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct or communication by an individual is used as a factor in
decisions affecting such individual's employment, public accommodations or public services, education, or
3. Such conduct or communication has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's
employment, public accommodations or public services, education, or housing, or creating an intimidating,
hostile, or offensive employment, public accommodations, public services, educational, or housing
environment. MCLA 37.2103(h).
The Program adheres to the Wayne State University Sexual Harassment Statute. The complete document
may be downloaded at:
It is the policy of Wayne State University that no member of the University community may sexually harass
another. Any employee or student will be subject to disciplinary action for violation of this policy.
The law of the State of Michigan prohibits discrimination in employment and in education and provides that:
Discrimination because of sex includes sexual harassment which means unwelcome sexual advances,
requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature when:
In the area of speech, what the law and this policy prohibit is speech as action; that is, sexual communication,
which is either directly coercive as demanding favors, or indirectly coercive, as rising to the level of
offensiveness which interferes substantially with the victim's education or employment. The determination of
what level of offensiveness is coercive, and therefore unlawful and prohibited by this policy, will in some
cases be difficult.
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A significant element in the determination is provided by the fact that an unequal power relationship
underlies sexual harassment. The more unequal the relationship, the more the risk is of substantial
interference with the victim's education or employment.
In the area of physical contact, physical contact which is unwelcome is so gravely offensive that it always
has the effect of substantially interfering with the victim's employment or educational environment.
Employees and students should not take for granted that they are welcome to touch other employees or
students, since if their contact is in fact unwelcome, they will be in violation of the law and of this policy.
Deans, directors, and department heads are directed to take appropriate steps to disseminate this policy
statement and to inform students and employees of complaint procedures.
F. Drug and Alcohol-Free Environment
Wayne State University is committed to providing a drug-free environment for its faculty, staff, and students.
The unlawful possession, use, distribution, dispensation, sale or manufacture of drugs and alcohol is
prohibited on all University premises and work sites. Any student or employee who, while on university
premises or at any University activity, engages in the unlawful possession, sale, manufacture, distribution, or
use of drugs or alcohol shall be subject to appropriate sanctions, in accordance with established University
policies, the Student Code of Conduct, and collective bargaining agreements, and in conformity with local,
State, and federal law, up to and including expulsion or termination. A student or employee who is found to
have violated this policy may be required to participate in a drug or alcohol treatment program as a condition
of further employment or enrollment.
Additionally, students should be aware that many hospitals/medical centers require drug and nicotine testing
prior to allowing participation in clinical rotations at their locations.
Drug abuse can cause serious health problems to the user, as well as endanger the safety of others. Because
drug abuse can be treated, Wayne State University encourages employees and students with problems to seek
help. The complete University policy may be obtained at
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A. Final Course Grade Appeals
The following is the policy for Final Course Grade Appeals in the Eugene Applebaum College
of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. At the beginning of each term, the instructor is to inform students in
writing of the criteria used in arriving at grades for the class including the relative importance of
prepared papers, quizzes and examinations, class participation and attendance. Where student
performance in other practical and structured activities is relevant in evaluating professional
competency, criteria used in such evaluations should be stated. Written materials should be graded in a
timely manner and such materials, together with comments and an explanation of grading criteria, are to
be made available to students. Students should be encouraged to discuss any class related problems
with the instructor.
Instructors are expected to evaluate student work according to sound academic standards. Equal
expectations should be required of all students in a class (although more work is expected from
graduate students than from undergraduates) and grades should be assigned without departing from
announced procedures.
It is the instructor’s prerogative to assign grades in accordance with his or her academic and
professional judgment and the student assume the burden of proof in the appeals process.
Grounds for appeals are:
(a) The application of non-academic criteria in the grading process, as listed in the
university’s non-discrimination and affirmative action statute: race, color, sex
(including gender identity), national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, familial
status, marital status, height, weight, veteran status.
(b) Sexual Harassment
(c) Evaluation of student work by criteria not directly reflective of performance relative to
course requirements. Students cannot appeal the results of an objective written or
computerized examination, other than to have the score verified. Review and discussion
of individual examination questions will follow individual course policies.
Final grade appeals and dismissal appeals that fail to cite one or more of the above criteria will be
automatically rejected and will not be considered on the merits. Dismissal for failure to cite appeal criteria
does not extend the deadline for filing an amended appeal.
This final course grade change policy does not apply to allegations of academic misbehavior.
Academic misbehavior matters are addressed by Section 10.1 of the WSU Student Code of Conduct
Definition: Instructor - Instructor applies to full-time, fractional-time, part-time faculty as well as
Graduate Teaching Assistants, Adjuncts, and Academic Staff with teaching duties
Informal Final Course Grade Review
1. Prior to an appeal of a course final grade all issues must first be directed to the instructor of the
course for consideration of resolution.
2. The initial request of a grade review should be made directly to the instructor in an informal
discussion during office hours or by a requested scheduled appointment
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B. Dropping and Withdrawing from Classes
Before withdrawing from a class, beware of the consequences. Make sure you’ve spoken with your instructor
and advisor before making your decisions.
See for information about the withdrawal process.
C. Academic Dishonesty
In any instance of academic dishonesty, occurring in a course as defined in Section 3.0 of the University
Student Code of Conduct Statute, the provisions of 10.1(a) of the Statute will be implemented as follows:
The grade for the course will be reduced to a "D", or to an "F" if the grade status would otherwise have been
a "D". In addition, charges MAY be filed, as provided for in Section 10.1(b) of the Statute, which may lead
to further sanctions up to and including expulsion from the Program, School, or University
D. Student Complaints
If a student encounters a problem with the radiologic technology program or its staff or feels they have been
treated unfairly, the student should first try to resolve the issue informally with the faculty/staff member or
department directly involved. Many issues can be resolved by making an appointment with a faculty or staff
member and calmly and honestly communicating the concern(s). If the student feels the issue cannot be
resolved, he or she can make an official complaint with the college:
E. Student Convocations
Some classes elect to have convocation at the time their program is completed. Such events should be
planned in consultation with the faculty class advisor, your program director, or other designated persons.
Check the college calendar through the college information officer to ensure the date of your event is not in
conflict with other college events. Set the date for the event at least six months prior and make invitations to
faculty, the dean or others six months prior to insure they are available. Check with the Dean’s
administrative assistant regarding the Dean’s availability.
As part of the ceremony, certificates may be distributed, but CANNOT have wording that references the
Board of Governors, use the official watermark of the university or college, nor make reference to
completion of graduation requirements, graduation or any wording that implies completion of the program.
Official notification of such is allowed by law to come only from the Registrar’s Office of the University.
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General advising during the professional program is provided by the Faculty or Program Director depending on the
nature of the counseling. Students are urged to first discuss any specific course difficulties with the
INSTRUCTOR of the course. A student may be directed to seek additional assistance or counseling within the
University as indicated.
Appointments are recommended for all advising to ensure adequate time for discussion.
The Wayne State University Radiologic Technology Program is a four-year baccalaureate degree program designed
to prepare the student for a career in the field of Radiologic Technology. We are confident that when our Radiologic
Technology students graduate, the skills necessary for one to function as a registered radiographer have been
thoroughly presented.
The 24-month professional program at Wayne State University is a combination of academic classes and clinical
education. Performance objectives for the academic classes are an integral part of the didactic portion of the program
and are closely followed. The academic material is presented to the student by the Program Director and various
instructors from the Radiology Department.
On the other hand, development of the psychomotor skills necessary for one to perform competently in the field is
also a necessity for any student in a Radiologic Technology Program. A merger of the didactic and clinical portions
of the program results in a student receiving the benefits of a total education package. To assure a meaningful
clinical participation, the student should have first mastered certain cognitive competencies deemed necessary.
Without mastering these cognitive competencies first, the student finds it very difficult to participate on a
meaningful basis in the clinical environment. For our program, the introductory academic classes prepare the
student so a clear understanding of the clinical environment can be obtained.
A. Student Supervision in Clinical Practicum Rotations
The following information has been taken from the guidelines for the interpretation and implementation of
the essentials of an accredited educational program for the radiographer:
1. A student shall have adequate and proper supervision during all clinical assignments.
2. Students who have yet to demonstrate competency of any radiographic procedure in their clinical
education shall be under direct supervision. The following points constitute direct supervision:
a. A qualified registered radiographer reviews the request for the examination to:
1. Determine the capability of the student to perform the examination with reasonable
2. Determine if the condition of the patient contradicts performance of the examination by
the student.
b. The presence of the radiographer in the radiographic room is required.
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c. The qualified registered radiographer checks and approves of the radiographs prior to dismissal
of the patient.
d. Repeat radiographic examinations are performed while the registered radiographer is present and
with the student.
3. Students who have demonstrated competence through written passed competency of a radiographic
procedure during clinical education shall be under the indirect supervision of a registered radiographer
who is available for immediate assistance to the students. Repeat radiographic examinations are to be
performed while the registered radiographer is present and with the student. Students must be directly
supervised during surgical and all mobiles, including mobile fluoroscopy, procedures regardless of the
level of competency.
4. Supervising radiographers shall be registered by the ARRT in diagnostic Radiologic Technology.
Additional qualifications may be defined by the educational programs and/or affiliates.
5. The supervising radiographer shall be identified on all student’s clinical educational records.
6. A ratio of no less than one registered radiographer to one student is mandatory.
7. In the absence of the student preceptor technologist, the supervising radiographer shall maintain records
for evaluating a student’s performance.
8. Students will be supervised by registered radiologic technologists and shall not take the
responsibility or position of qualified staff.
9. Until competency is reached for a procedure, all student radiographers are to be scheduled in a
radiographic room with a registered radiographer and directly supervised. This means that students who
have not achieved competency must be placed with a technologist who has already passed the National
Registry. Students who have not established competency may not be scheduled with unregistered
technologists. Once a student achieves competency, he/she may be scheduled in a room alone
without immediate supervision; however, a registered radiographer must be available in the
immediate area for indirect supervision.
10. Students may not take the place of qualified staff in any capacity. We have a responsibility to guarantee
student proficiency. This means that students may not be assigned to take the place of any staff,
technical or non-technical. Students are not to be placed in positions due to inadequate staffing
from areas experiencing low volume to areas experiencing high volume rather than performing
examinations (e.g., receptionist or patient transport). Students should, however, be competent with
those tasks. Students may be requested to facilitate patient flow in the area were assigned on a temporary
and limited basis, providing they have achieved competency in that area.
B. Clinical Attendance
1. JRCERT 2021 Radiography Standards require that programs must assure that clinical involvement for
students is limited to not more than ten (10) hours per day.
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2. Students will be assigned to clinical affiliates by the Clinical Coordinator/ Student Program Admin. The
rotation schedule will attempt to reflect equitable experience for all students over the course of each term
and the duration of the professional program. Thus, it is unlikely that the rotation schedule will change
from the established schedule.
3. Area rotations are determined by the Clinical Coordinator/Student Program Admin, Program Director,
and Full Time Faculty to ensure that there is balance throughout the program.
4. All students will be required to rotate to clinics assigned by the Clinical Coordinator/Student Program
Admin. Students Do Not Determine Clinical Sites That They Rotate To. Some Sites may be an hour
or more drive from the school. Due to this, a working vehicle is mandatory.
5. Any change in the clinical attendance schedule for a student must be directly approved by the
appropriate Clinical Supervisor. The Clinical Coordinator/Student Program Admin is then to be advised
of the change.
6. The schedule for Clinical Practicum will follow the usual University academic calendar according to the
beginning and end days for classes during the fall and winter terms. The schedule for the spring/summer
term may vary slightly because of holidays and the examination period, however, students should expect
to participate in Clinical Practicum activities beginning the first week of spring/summer term until the
date classes end in the summer term. Clinical practicum hours during spring/summer term will be
equivalent to that of the fall and winter terms.
7. Personal Days
a. These must be arranged in advance with the Clinical Coordinator/Student Program Admin or
Program Director. All requests for personal time off must be submitted to the Program Director
on the appropriate form and are subject to approval. In the absence of the Program Director, time
off may be scheduled through the person(s) designated to act as Program Director unless other
instructions have been given.
8. Sick Days
a. Students who will not be in due to acute illness must notify the program director.
b. An unscheduled absence of three days or more will require a doctor’s permission slip before the
student can return to the program. The permission slip should contain:
i. Diagnosis
ii. Date of student Return
iii. Restrictions* if any. Student is unable to participate in clinical activities with restrictions.
9. Students returning from medical leave of absence must submit a doctor's permission slip Classes
and clinical rotations missed during the leave of absence will be rescheduled and must be completed
before the student can graduate.
10. Tardiness
a. Repeated tardiness post-scheduled starting time will be cause for a documented verbal warning.
Personal time will also be deducted. Continued tardiness after the verbal warning will be cause
for a written warning and continued steps in progressive discipline, up to and including
termination. Students who are going to be substantially late must notify the Program Director in
the morning. Substantial tardiness is time more than one-half hour (30 minutes).
11. Time off for Students
a. Each student is given five (5) personal days, totaling 40 hours, at the beginning of each year of
the professional program. Days unused from the first year will transfer to the second year and be
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added to the second-year allotment. Any time owed will be subtracted from the second-year
allotment as necessary.
b. All time off requests must be in increments of 1 hour (formerly 2 hours) unless otherwise
specified (such as during the last program semester). Students who leave an area without proper
authorizations, will be charged with an occurrence. A minimum of 4 hours will be deducted from
the students’ respective bank irrespective of actual time away. If the student is unaccounted for
more than 4 hours, a full day will be deducted from the bank.
12. Falsification, alteration, or misrepresentation of clinical attendance records constitutes Academic
C. Clinical Objectives, Clinical Competency Requirements, and Assignments
1. All objectives, requirements and assignments will be explained to the student at the beginning of each
term by the Clinical Coordinator, Student Program Admin or the Program Director. Further clarification
may be obtained from the student's Clinical Supervisor.
2. The student preceptor technologists from the various areas are responsible for administering the clinical
competency examinations.
3. As students in the clinical environment, your responsibilities are as follows:
a. Successful completion of all the categories of the clinical competency examinations for each of
the areas.
b. Successful completion of a category requires you to adequately perform the examinations in the
category under the supervision of the student preceptor technologist or designated personnel.
c. A category can only be challenged after the student has performed or observed a certain number
of examinations for each anatomic part within the category. Information regarding the number of
examinations needed appears below.
d. As students, you decide when to challenge the category, however, the student preceptor
technologist reserves the right to determine whether a given patient or situation is appropriate for
a challenge.
4. When the students challenge a category, they will be evaluated on the following:
a. Student-patient relationship
b. Positioning skills
c. Equipment manipulation
d. Proper Collimation
e. Proper Alignment
f. Technique Manipulation
g. Image identification
5. Clinical Competency Requirements:
a. ARRT Registry Requirements:
i. Students applying for ARRT certification and registration in Radiography are required
to meet the Professional Education Requirements specified in the ARRT Rules and
ii. Students must demonstrate competence in the clinical procedures identified by the
ARRT below.
1. Ten mandatory general patient care procedures.
2. 36 mandatory imaging procedures.
3. 15 elective imaging procedures selected from a list of 34 procedures.
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4. One of the 15 elective imaging procedures must be selected from the head
section; and
5. Two of the 15 elective imaging procedures must be selected from the fluoroscopy
studies section.
6. One patient may be used to document more than one competency. However, each
individual procedure may be used for only one competency (e.g., a portable
femur can only be used for a portable extremity or a femur but not both).
iii. More information may be found here: Radiography Clinical Competency Requirements
2022.pdf (
b. WSU Competency Requirements:
i. In alignment with the ARRT Competency Requirements WSU Radiologic Technology
Program requires students to obtain a minimum of 10 competencies each semester.
Rotations to which are observation only (MRI, CT, IR, Mammography) daily log sheets
should contain a minimum of 3 assisted exams documented in Trajecsys.
ii. Students who wish to perform more than 10 competencies per semester will receive 0.5
additional points toward their clinical education grade, not to exceed 2 additional
c. “Ready to Comp” Requirements:
i. Once a student has completed the required number of repetitions (see list below) for
each procedure AND the material has been covered in class and lab. The student must
inform their clinical preceptor of their intention to perform the procedure. The student
must independently perform the procedure with the student preceptor observing close
by. Once the procedure is complete the student must enter the information into
Trajecsys and assign the competency to the supervising clinical preceptor for approval.
ii. The following exams are considered “rare” and are eligible for competency without
repetitions with the approval of the clinical preceptor:
iii. The following exams require 1 repetition to be eligible for competency:
AC Joints
(Horizontal Beam)
Lateral Hip
(Horizontal Beam)
Lateral Spine
CT Abdomen
CT Head
CT Thorax
Facial Bones
Nasal Bones
Pediatric Patient
Pediatric Patient
Chest Routine
Pediatric Patient Mobile
Sacroiliac Joints
Sacrum and/or
Scoliosis Series
Temporomandibular Joints
Geriatric Patient Hip or
Geriatric Upper or
Lower Extremity
Pediatric Patient
Upper or Lower
Trauma Lower
Trauma: Shoulder or
Humerus (Scapular Y,
Transthoracic or Axial)
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iv. The following exams require 3 repetitions to be eligible for competency:
Abdomen Supine
Abdomen Upright
C-Arm Procedure
Manipulation to
Obtain More Than
One Projection)
Cervical Spine
Chest AP
or Stretcher)
Chest Lateral
Chest Routine
Single or
Cystography /
Esophagus (NOT
Dysfunction Study)
Mobile Studies
Mobile Studies Chest
Small Bowel Series
Surgical C-
Around a
Sterile Field)
Thoracic Spine
Thumb or Finger
Upper Airway (Soft-
Tissue Neck)
Upper GI Series,
Single or Double
Upper or Lower
d. Student Observation and Assisting:
i. Junior & Senior students should be observing and assisting despite their competency
level. Hands on clinical experience is important for patient care skills and builds
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D. Evaluation
1. At the completion of each rotation, the students are asked to complete evaluations and submit a written
rotational summary. Through these documents the students inform us as to the quality of the clinical
instruction they received and include any suggestions they feel would be beneficial. The evaluations are
submitted to a secure on-line site and kept for future use. Rotational summaries are submitted to the
Program Director and graded based on completeness, grammar, and timeliness. [This grade is recorded
and becomes a part of the clinical grade for the respective student in the semester in which it was
2. A grade of 1 5 (1=low performance, 5=high performance) will be given for the clinical performance in
the rotational area by one or more Student Preceptor Technologists. The student can review contents of
the evaluation once it is completed and the student has completed the appropriate evaluation in
reciprocation. This grade can only be adjusted by the Clinical Coordinator/Student Program Admin with
consideration to challenge completion and/or Clinical Data Sheet completion if applicable. Such
adjustments are rare; they occur only in extreme circumstance.
E. Grading
1. The Clinical Education Coordinator/Student Program Admin, with input from other appropriate
personnel, is responsible for ensuring student evaluations, skills, and masteries are submitted for the final
Clinical Practicum grade for the term. The grade will be based on the composite performance evaluation,
clinical assignment(s), clinical competency requirements and overall professional conduct as referred to
in Section I. Professional Conduct. All course requirements must be completed to be eligible for a
passing grade.
2. The individual performance evaluations will be used to determine the grade for each area rotation. If
more than one evaluation is obtained, an average grade will be determined for that area rotation.
3. The performance evaluation criteria vary according to the semester and area rotations for the student.
Refer to sample copies of the Performance Evaluation for the grading guidelines.
4. Failure to complete assigned clinical competencies will lead to a grade reduction.
5. Grade appeals will be handled according to the College Grade Appeals Policy.
F. Dress Code at Clinical Sites
1. The Wayne State University Radiologic Technology Program has a dress code that all students must
follow, which includes navy blue “scrub” uniform, pants and shirts, solid color only, no prints. Clothes
are to be neat, clean, and pressed. Shoes are to be neat and clean; no open-toed shoes are allowed. “Crocs
with holes” or similar footwear may not be worn. Students wearing “athletic” shoes should avoid styles
made entirely of mesh and are encouraged to wear shoe covers in procedural areas. Socks or nylons are
to be worn. Students must conform to the professional image/dress code policies of their assigned
clinical sites.
2. Radiologic Technology students in the operating room and interventional radiology MUST comply with
infectious control and your assigned clinical sites policies. You MUST follow the OR dress code.
3. In addition:
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a. Students must conform to the professional image/dress code policies of their assigned clinical
sites. Clothes are to be neat, clean, and pressed always.
b. Shoes are to be neat and clean; no open-toed shoes are allowed. Socks or nylons are to be worn.
“Crocs” or similar footwear may not be worn.
c. Hair must be clean, neatly groomed and worn in a professional hairstyle. Hair longer than
shoulder length must be fastened in some way so that it does not come in contact with patients or
d. Male students must be clean shaven; beards/mustaches must be neatly trimmed.
e. No Fragrances worn in clinic and Cosmetics should be subtle and conservative.
f. All jewelry must be conservative. Multiple rings and bracelets are not allowed. All jewelry must
be free of sharp surfaces which could scratch a patient.
g. Nails must be clean and neatly trimmed; no artificial surfaces are allowed.
4. Any student violating the dress code will be removed from clinic until corrections are made in his/her
appearance. Time lost from clinic for this purpose will be considered unexcused absence.
G. Incident Reporting
1. The student is required to report all unusual incidents for which he/she is partially or wholly responsible.
Such incidents include technical, personal or patient-related concerns. For example: injury, potential
injury, or serious conflict involving self and a patient or co-worker. The student shall promptly report the
incident to the attending or supervising therapist and to the Clinical Education Supervisor.
H. Radiation Monitoring and Safety for Students
1. It is the responsibility of the student to always wear their radiation monitoring device while in the clinical
setting. Failure to do so will result in being sent home on the second offense. Lost time will be subtracted
from the cumulative total of personal hours available to the individual student. Issued dosimeters are to
be returned to the appropriate monitor board at the end of each day and retrieved before any clinical
encounters on the next scheduled clinical day.
2. A Students should inform their Student Preceptor and Clinical Coordinator/ Student Program
Administrator that they do not have their assigned badge and a "temporary" one may be provided to
3. Students without a Radiation badge should avoid being in the procedure room, IR, OR, Fluoro, or
mobiles and should observe for the day to avoid exposure.
4. To assure that students employ proper radiation safety practices during imaging examinations that use
ionizing radiation, students must adhere to the following:
a. Students must not hold image receptors during any radiographic procedure.
b. Students should not hold patients during any radiographic procedure when an immobilization
method is the appropriate standard of care.
Consistent with State of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Radiation Safety
Section, Ionizing Radiation Rules Governing the Use of Radiation Machines: Rule R 333.5333 Conditions of
Page 23 of 45
operation. Rule 333. (3) Staff personnel routinely working with or around radiation sources shall not be
required by the registrant to hold film or restrain patients during radiography. If such procedure is permitted,
personnel exposure shall not exceed the limits in R 333.5057 to R 333.5059 or the procedure shall be
prohibited. Students are subject to the same conditions of operation.
I. Contact with Communicable Diseases
1. Students may encounter patients who have communicable diseases, including hepatitis, smallpox, TB,
and AIDS. Students should be aware that patients may harbor communicable diseases which are
undiagnosed and/or unsuspected. For the protection of patients, coworkers, and themselves, students will
follow Universal Precaution Procedures.
2. Universal Precaution Procedures involves a system of infection control measures, which requires
handling of all patients' moist body secretions as potentially infectious. All patient secretions will be
handled as potentially infectious regardless of a known or unknown medical diagnosis. The procedures
involve the following:
a. Hand Hygiene
b. Gloves are to be worn when the potential exists for contact with anybody secretions or
excretions, such as saliva, blood, urine, or feces.
c. Additional appropriate protective measures (gowns, eyewear, and masks) should be used if
secretions may splatter.
d. Solid materials require proper disposal.
e. Needles are not to be recapped.
3. Students are expected to always practice Universal Precaution Procedures, as well as any additional
infection control policies and procedures established at each clinical site. Questions regarding Universal
Precautions should be directed to the Clinical Education Supervisor. If a student suspects exposure to any
communicable disease, he/she must immediately notify the Clinical Education Supervisor to ensure that
appropriate medical attention is obtained.
4. Students are expected to participate in all treatment activities as assigned. Therefore, if a student declines
to engage in appropriate direct or indirect contact with a patient known to be infected with a
communicable disease, he/she will not be fulfilling all clinical requirements. However, exceptions may
apply to pregnant students. If a student has a concern regarding contact with such patients, he/she should
discuss the matter with the Clinical Education Supervisor at that clinical site.
J. Vaccinations
Each clinical site has yearly health requirements that must be complied with to continue such clinicals such
as flu shot, TB tests, and other various preventative health measures to ensure your safety and the safety of
those you care for. Should you refuse to follow the clinical requirements you will not be able to fulfill the
clinical requirements of the program.
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K. Cell Phone Usage
Cell phones may not be used at the clinical sites. Students may not bring cell phones into patient care areas.
The use of cell phones disrupts the learning process and interferes with patient care. The students’ priority
while in clinic must be the patients. Students may only use cell phones outside the department and then, only
in accordance with the policies of the clinical affiliate.
L. Personal Phone Calls
The student is expected to limit incoming and outgoing personal phone calls to an absolute minimum while
in the clinic. Such phone calls disrupt concentration on patient care and can have serious implications toward
patient safety. Department personnel are instructed to take a message for the student receiving an incoming
personal call.
M. Identification Badges
Identification badges may be provided for the student by the clinical sites to authorize your presence at the
respective clinical facility. Any unauthorized use of identification badges is strictly prohibited as defined by
the Clinical Supervisor.
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1. Both the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) and the International
Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) have recommended that during the entire pregnancy, the
maximum permissible dose equivalent to the unborn fetus from occupational radiation exposure to the
expectant mother should not exceed 0.5 rem (5 mSv) and should not exceed 0.05 rem (50 mrem or
0.5mSv) per month. (NRC) and the State of Michigan have established a limit of 0.5 rem (5 mSv) to the
embryo/fetus over the entire gestation of a declared pregnancy.
2. It is your responsibility to decide whether the risks to you or to a known potential unborn child are
3. A student has the option of notifying the Program Director of her actual or possible pregnancy; this
notification is not required. However, should the student elect to declare her pregnancy, it should be done
at the earliest time possible; and it must be in writing.
4. This notification may be rescinded in writing at any time. Should written notification of pregnancy be
made, the student may choose from the following options:
a. Continue current educational activities as planned.
b. Terminate from the educational program.
c. Continue with academic coursework only with the understanding that all clinical competencies
must be completed prior to issuing of a certificate.
d. Leave of absence.
5. Each case will be considered on an individual basis dependent on the clinical and didactic progression of
the student.
6. Any student who declares her pregnancy in writing will be issued a fetal radiation monitor through the
Radiation Safety Office. Should she so desire, the student may also meet with the radiation safety officer
to discuss and evaluate potential risk of program continuance.
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Radiologist - The radiologist is a physician who has specialized in diagnosing and treating injuries and diseases
using medical imaging. It is the radiologist who is ultimately responsible interpreting the images the radiologist
technologist takes.
Department Supervisor - A department supervisor is designated at each of the affiliated hospitals radiology
department. The supervisor is responsible for the orientation, area rotation scheduling, attendance, and the
performance evaluation process.
(Lead) Radiologic Technologist- The lead radiologic technologist has considerable experience and is responsible
for seeing that the procedures and activities in the department are accomplished efficiently and, in the patient’s, best
interest. All students must comply with department policies and directives and should strive to aid in the efficiency
of the department.
Clinical Coordinator/Student Program Admin - The Clinical Coordinator/Student Program Admin is responsible
for the overall coordination and quality of the clinical education process. The Supervisors work with the coordinator
to develop policies and make decisions regarding current matters of concern. In the absence of the coordinator, such
responsibilities are handled by the Program Director.
Student Preceptors- The students will be assigned to work with radiologic technologists who will be student
preceptors the department. They will act as clinical instructors in addition to their specific role in the department.
The student shall perform assigned tasks to the best of his/her ability according to the instructions received. These
instructors will evaluate the student on a regular basis. These instructors are the technologists who students will
complete competencies with.
Other Department Staff - Students will also be in contact with other professionals, administrators, and
clerical/auxiliary staff. All these persons are vital to the quality and efficiency of a department. Students shall always
cooperate with them on all matters.
Patients - The patients are the focus of all department and educational activities. They always deserve the highest
respect and consideration. The student shall maintain a warm, friendly approach toward patients. Address the patient
using his/her formal name unless the patient requests a more informal address. Strive to provide them with
personalized care.
When the student has sufficient knowledge of the procedure to be done, he/she may explain the procedure,
answering questions as appropriate.
Do not attempt to handle questions if you are unsure of the answer or if the question should appropriately be handled
by some other person. Politely refer them to the appropriate member of the staff.
Patients who are children, aged, unconscious, or mentally disabled will require special handling to provide for their
physical safety. Anticipate your needs in handling them and always secure enough personnel when attempting to
move them or initiating a procedure.
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A. General
The statement of "Students Rights and Responsibilities" may be found in the Wayne State University
Undergraduate Bulletin ( and at the Board of Governors website.
Also refer to "III.A. Obligations of Faculty and Students to the Instructional Process".
B. Student/Faculty Meetings
Student/faculty conferences are held at least once per semester for the purpose of reviewing clinical syllabi,
announcements, and general discussion of the overall student progress. This meeting is meant as a time for
free exchange of ideas and concerns. Attendance is mandatory. A student is relieved of clinical
responsibilities if the meeting must be scheduled during clinical time. Meeting time will be announced via
WSU email.
C. WSU E-mail
Wayne State provides a WSU e-mail address for all admitted students, faculty and staff.
Program faculty will frequently e-mail students (regarding course or scheduling changes, project reminders,
course grades, etc.) using only the WSU e-mail system. Students are expected to regularly check their WSU
e-mail. More information about WSU e-mail is available at:
D. Program Schedules
Students are to consult the University Academic Calendar, Program Calendars, and Program Director before
scheduling self-elected time-off for any reason. (Academic and registration calendar - Office of the Registrar
- Wayne State University)
Requests for time-off are to be emailed to the Program Director, Clinical Education Coordinator and
individual course instructors(s).
E. Class Attendance
A student is expected to attend all scheduled classes. No other family or friends are permitted to accompany
the student to classes or clinic.
If it is necessary to miss a class, it is the responsibility of the student to contact the instructor prior to class
and explain the reason for anticipated absence. If the instructor cannot be reached after reasonable attempts,
contact the Program to report your absence. Even with an excused absence, the student is responsible for the
content presented. If a quiz or exam is to be given on that day, the instructor will determine whether a make-
up exam will be allowed.
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The classes in some rooms are very tightly scheduled. This necessitates that classes start and end on time.
Please be courteous to your instructor and fellow classmates and be on time.
F. Classrooms
Eating is not allowed in class unless permission is obtained from the instructor. Classroom areas should be
left in order and ready for use by the next class. Courtesy and consideration for others is expected.
G. Cell Phones
Students are required to turn off cell phones while in class. The use of cell phones in class is disruptive to
classroom activities and is discourteous to the instructor and fellow classmates.
H. Background Checks
a. Criminal Background Checks may be required for clinical site placement and will be the
responsibility of the student in order to meet the clinical requirements of the program.
b. WSU policy can be found at Background screening policy - Eugene Applebaum College of
Pharmacy and Health Sciences - Wayne State University.
c. Students are responsible for any cost to which the clinical site does not cover.
d. Refer to appendix D for information and instructions.
I. Professional Liability Insurance
Each student is required to have professional liability insurance during the entire length of the professional
program. Neither the clinical affiliates, nor Wayne State University, assume liability for student actions
while participating in Clinical Practicum. For your information, this insurance policy provides coverage only
in your student capacity, and not for any possible employment status. Students will be informed of the
premium cost and due dates when the information is available.
J. Health Insurance
Students are expected to always have health care insurance while enrolled in the program. A health insurance
plan is available for international students through Wayne State University for a nominal premium.
Information may be obtained by phoning 313-577-0724.
Keep in mind that, at any given time, a person may have to deal with a medical problem or injury, resulting
in unanticipated and burdensome health care expenses. Additionally, though such instances are rare, a
student might incur an injury or illness arising out of participation in the program. Fees for health care
associated with a program-related injury or illness may be the responsibility of the student. Therefore, the
Program strongly recommends that all students have at least limited health insurance coverage through a
family or individual plan.
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K. Reporting Communicable Diseases
Upon diagnosis, students are required to report any communicable disease to his/her Clinical Education
Supervisor and the Program Director. If the infectious disease requires confinement at home, the affected
student may be allowed to make-up the clinical practicum hours; exams and assignment due dates will be
rescheduled as necessary. A physician's authorization to return to normal academic/clinical activities will be
L. Potential Laboratory Risks
To acquire certain skills, various laboratory tasks will need to be performed as a regular part of several
classes. Potential hazards, though minimal, do exist during the performance of these tasks. The student, in
consideration for participation in these required courses, assumes whatever element of risk that may be
A pregnant student is encouraged to declare her pregnancy and notify the course instructor and Clinical
Education Supervisor if she desires modification in coursework requirements. (Also refer to "VII. Policies
Applicable to a Declared Pregnant Student".)
M. Emergency Medical Care Provisions
In the event a student develops a serious medical condition or incurs an injury requiring emergency care
while participating in campus classes or clinical practicum, the student should seek medical care according to
the following guidelines:
The student should notify the instructor or CC when such circumstances occur to assist in determining the
appropriate response. If possible, a physician or nurse on site should assess the severity of the student's
injury/illness, provide temporary care if possible, and make a general recommendation as to the urgency of
care needed. Such an assessment should be considered a "courtesy" to the student and cannot be considered a
definitive medical evaluation.
The student's health insurance plan may restrict where emergent and non-emergent care can be given to be
covered under his/her policy. Therefore, it is the student who must choose the institution and/or
physician for provision of necessary care, if the student appears generally competent to make the decision
as deemed by the on-site physician, nurse or CC. The CC should encourage and uphold the student's right to
choose provided exercising such a right is not likely to endanger the student's health or safety because of
delayed medical care or other factors (e.g. permitting unsafe transport).
Facilities Available for Emergency Care
While at Clinical Site: Each hospital has the facilities to provide on-site emergency services.
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While on the WSU Campus: WSU Public Safety (577-2222) should be notified when a student requires
medical care. Depending upon the urgency of the problem, an officer may transport the student to Detroit
Receiving Hospital for emergency or clinic care, or EMS may be called for transport of the student to a
designated hospital.
Financial Responsibility
The student may be responsible for any charges for care provided at any of these institutions. Wayne State
University is not responsible for any charges incurred.
N. Policy Regarding Student Employment at Clinical Radiology Facilities
In accordance with the Essentials and Guidelines of an Accredited Educational Program for the
Radiographer, written by the Joint Review Committee on Education of Radiologic Technologists and
adopted by the American Medical Association, the American College of Radiology and the American
Society of Radiologic Technologists, the following policy has been formulated regarding students being
radiographically employed.
"Students may be radiographically employed outside regular educational hours provided the work does not
interfere with regular academic responsibilities. The work must be non-compensatory, paid, and subject to
employee regulations. Administrative responsibility for this practice shall be external to the program."
1. Students may be employed as radiographers once they have demonstrated clinical competency in routine
diagnostic examinations. Evaluation of the level of competency of an individual student will be made
with the use of the following criteria:
a. Review of the Clinical Rotation Evaluations required by the School of Radiologic Technology.
b. Successful Completion of Competency Evaluation of specific examinations as required by the
School of Radiologic Technology.
2. Students s employed must demonstrate responsibility to the program in Radiologic Technology. This will
be evaluated using the following criteria:
a. Attendance records of general program hours
b. Transcripts of achievement levels in didactic training
c. Clinical Rotation Evaluations
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If a student wishes to discuss a decision or action, other than a grade appeal, made by a faculty member of the
Radiologic Technology Program, he/she must do so according to the following procedures:
University Site
The student is to meet with the respective faculty member to discuss the matter of concern and seek a resolution.
Should the student wish to contest the decision at the faculty level, the student is to request, in writing and within (7)
seven calendar days of the faculty member's decision, a review of the contested decision by the Program Director.
The official Program Number 2636 should be listed along with the name of the program and the name of the
sponsoring institution clearly visible on the top of the complaint/form.
a) The complaint should clearly state which standard is believed to be in violation.
b) A description of the event(s) violating the standard should also be included.
c) The name of the student(s) should be typed or printed and signed.
Should the student find the response unacceptable, he/she has three (3) working days to resubmit the complaint with
additional documentation demonstrating the non-compliance. This will be forwarded to the remaining program
A meeting of an ad hoc resolution committee will be scheduled including the following members of the Advisory
Committee: Program Director, Clinical Coordinator/Student Program Admin, and may include faculty from other
healthcare programs within the college. The committee will convene and review the complaint. If no additional
investigation is necessary, a final resolution will be drafted and given to the student(s) and the committee members.
Should additional investigation be necessary, it shall be done within two (2) weeks of the meeting.
If the student is still not satisfied, the complaint may be sent to the Department Chair of Health Sciences and to the
Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, respectively.
within one (1) week of receiving the determination of the program. A final resolution will be written within (2)
weeks. A copy will also be forwarded to the JRCERT.
Clinical Site
If the student chooses to contest a decision of the Clinical Coordinator/Student Program Admin, the student is to
request review of this decision by the Clinical Coordinator/Student Program Admin. Should the student wish to
contest the decision at the Clinical Coordinator/Student Program Admin level, the student is to request review of the
coordinator’s decision by the Program Director. At each level of review, the student is to request such a review.
1. within (7) seven calendar days of the last decision, and
2. Through discussion with and written correspondence to the above-mentioned persons respectively.
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The Program Director may choose to involve a Program committee in an advisory capacity in the resolution of a
dispute involving either site. If the student wishes higher level reviews, he/she should direct such a request to the
Department Chair of Health Sciences, and to the Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, respectively.
A. Release of Student Records/Information
The University is required to comply with the standards of The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
of 1974 (FERPA), often called the Buckley Amendment. The essence of two major standards indicates:
1. Students, on reaching age 18 or attending an institution beyond the high school level
(referred to as eligible students), must be allowed to look at their own college records, but
their parents may not.
2. Colleges may not release information about students or let anyone else look at their records
unless the eligible student has given written consent.
Therefore, the Program will not disclose personally identifiable information from a student record, or
disclose the record itself, to anyone unless the eligible student has given written consent to the disclosure.
Disclosure forms are available to students and graduates upon request.
More information regarding FERPA can be found on the U.S. Department of Education’s website:
B. Class Schedule
Classes are usually held between the hours of 7:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, according to the
distributed scheduled for the respective term. Early evening classes are scheduled as needed. Additionally,
the schedule for specific class periods in a course may be altered to accommodate special
needs/circumstances. In such cases, students are given as much advance notice of the changes as possible.
Students can voluntarily participate in 'nontraditional' program hours aimed at developing their clinical
education experience. These hours include shifts commencing at 6am or 2pm, aligning with the
schedules of preceptors overseeing respective rotations. It is imperative that non-traditional hours
maintain a technologist-to-student ratio of 1:1. Additionally, students will not exceed a maximum
clinical attendance period of 10 hours. It is emphasized that the program will not expand cohort size
based on the implementation of nontraditional hours.
Program Orientation will be week 1 of junior year. Clinical Orientation will be determined by each site and
coordinated through Program Director and Clinical Site Coordinator or Student Program Admin.
C. Faculty Office Hours
Faculty are available to assist students during their office hours for a respective course or by appointment.
Office hours are designated on the course syllabus.
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D. Exam Policies
The instructor of each RTR course has the option to: (a) return a graded exam/quiz to the student, or (b)
retain the exam but allow the student an opportunity to review the graded exam/quiz. Past exams/quizzes
may be examined at any time during the semester if faculty or staff are present in the department. Exams
may not be duplicated by any means. Class assignments are typically returned to the student after grading.
E. Final Exam Week Activities
Any student desiring tutoring should make an advance appointment with the faculty member.
F. Availability of Course Grades
Final exam and/or course grades will be available (posted on Academica) as soon as possible after Final
Exam Week. (In most cases, the instructor will announce when grades will be available.) No final exam or
course grades will be issued to a student by phone unless there is prior arrangement with the faculty member.
Cooperation on this issue and "XII.E." above will help make this busy week as efficient as possible for all
G. Libraries and Learning Resource Center
To conduct extensive research or to consult primary sources students should access the University Libraries.
The Shiffman Medical Library (577-1088), in the Mazurek Medical Education Commons (320 E. Canfield)
is the major medical information resource in the metropolitan Detroit area. The Adamany Undergraduate
Library (577-5121), Purdy-Kresge Library (577-4043) and Detroit Public Library (833-1000), 5201
Woodward, also may be helpful. While the Science and Engineering Library on the WSU main campus is
permanently closed, the book collection can be accessed via the “Get It!” button in the University’s catalog
and electronic document delivery service.
The Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences has a Learning Resource Center (LRC)
located in the lower level across from the Commons area. The LRC consists of an open library area,
computer lab, and small study rooms. Study rooms may be booked with the LRC Coordinator.
Library books from all the University’s libraries can be delivered to the LRC upon request using the “Get It!’
H. Course Materials Fee
A course materials fee is assessed for registration in certain courses in which a relatively large portion of
instructional costs is due to the necessary use of consumable resources. Upon registration for such a course,
the course materials fee is automatically included in your tuition and fee balance due. The Schedule of
Classes for each term lists the courses with fees.
I. Books
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Students may find the names of the required textbooks on the Wayne State University official bookstore
website. Students may purchase their books from any resource they choose, making sure to obtain the edition
and packages required by the instructors.
J. Campus Safety
WSU recognizes that crime is an unfortunate reality in society. The University strives for a safe, healthy
environment for learning and social development on all areas of its campus. The Wayne State University
Police Department provides many security services to the University and its students and employees. More
information is available at the website:
However, security vigilance is everyone's responsibility. Student are discouraged from bringing large sums
of money or other valuables to campus. Billfolds, purses, and other valuables should not be left unattended
while in the buildings or readily visible from outside a vehicle. Students should take notice of and avoid
persons who do not appear to have legitimate business in the area. Suspicious persons or crimes should be
reported IMMEDIATELY to a nearby staff/faculty member or directly to the WSU Police Department
(WSUPD) (577-2222, 7-2222 - campus phone). The latter number is marked at all emergency phone
locations (designated by purple light). Placing an emergency call to “911” may result in a delay in
emergency response as Detroit Police Department, Detroit Fire Department and EMS responders are not
intimately familiar with the campus to the extent that WSUPD officers are.
Additionally, WSU Police Department recommends students and faculty pre-program the WSUPD
Emergency number into their cell phones and to always carry their cell phones on their person, as a cell
phone can be invaluable in quickly obtaining emergency services.
In the event of any security problems or accident ON OR NEAR campus, call the WSUPD Emergency
number immediately. The WSU Police Officers are fully trained and commissioned by the City of Detroit as
police officers. They record problems within WSU and report them to Detroit's 13th police precinct or other
security agencies as indicated. Their purpose is to serve our safety needs. Therefore, do not hesitate to call
them upon need or suspicion. Please also keep the Program informed of any actual or suspected incidents.
Public Safety also aids students and employees who have locked themselves out of their cars. You may call
the above number for assistance. Keep in mind that reports dealing with crimes and true emergencies are
given priority over "lock-out" problems.
K. WSU Broadcast Messaging Service
The Wayne State University Broadcast Messaging Service delivers emergency notifications and other
significant university messages to WSU students, faculty, and staff, via computer and cell phone. The WSU
Broadcast Messaging Service is maintained and supported by WSU’s division of Computing and Information
Technology. Emergency notifications are sent by the WSU Police Department. WSU does not charge a fee to
register a cell phone number or to send text messages, however, per-message fees from the student’s cellular
provider may apply.
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Students may learn more and sign up for this service by visiting the WSU Computing and Information
Technology department website:
L. Photocopiers and Computer
There are photocopying machines available for student use in the Learning Resource Center. Students must
use their One Card to make copies; the card can be obtained at the One Card/Parking Service Center in the
Welcome Center, 42 W. Warren Ave, Suite 237.
The Program photocopying machine is NOT available for student use. There is also a computer lab in
the Learning Resource Center. Students have access to computers and printers there, as well as in university
libraries on main campus.
M. Bad Weather Class Cancellation Procedure
Wayne State University closure information is communicated through the local media, the Wayne State
University website and can be obtained by calling the following number:
WSU's Newsline (recording) - (313) 577-5345
Additionally, students who have registered for the WSU Broadcast Messaging Service will receive
notification of university closure according to their set preferences.
If WSU is closed, students are not required to report to clinic. On the other hand, cancellation of clinic
attendance by an individual Clinical Education Supervisor does NOT indicate class closure. In the event of
WSU or clinic cancellation, full clinical attendance will be granted to the student for the period affected.
N. Bereavement Policy
1. A student will receive up to three (3) consecutive days off for the funeral of a close relative. Two (2)
additional days may be provided if the funeral site is equal to, or exceeds, 300 miles from the student’s
residence and the student attends the funeral. For the purpose of this policy, a close relative is defined as
Student's Spouse Student’s Legal Guardian
Student's Child Student’s Spouse’s Father
Student’s Father Student’s Spouse’s Mother
Student's Mother Student’s Spouse’s Brother
Student’s Brother Student's Spouse's Sister
Student's Sister Student's Spouse's
Student’s Parents Grandparents
Student’s Stepchild Student's Grandchild
Student’s Stepparent
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2. The student is required to promptly notify a program official of a need for time off so the appropriate
persons can be notified. Extension of specific assignment deadlines or a change of exam date will be
considered by the course instructor(s) when possible.
3. The program director may require proof of funeral attendance, relationship to the deceased person, and/or
the death of the close relative. Any missed clinical hours may be considered as unexcused until such
proof is provided.
4. A student may be granted additional time off for special circumstances. Contact a program official for
any special needs.
5. A student may be granted time off to attend the funeral of someone other than a close relative. Contact
the Program Director to make this request prior to the funeral.
6. A student who falsifies information in order to receive bereavement time will be subject to disciplinary
O. Holiday and University Closure
The following holidays are observed by Wayne State University for all faculty, staff, and students:
§ Independence Day
§ Christmas Day
§ Labor Day
§ New Year's Day
§ Thanksgiving Day & day before/after
§ Martin Luther King Day
§ Memorial Day
Additionally, the University is closed from December 25 through January 1; only very limited University
services are available during this period (e.g. Public Safety).
P. Religious Holidays
WSU wishes to respect the faith and religious obligations of all students. However, because of the
extraordinary variety of religious affiliations of the University student body and staff, the Academic
Calendar makes no provisions for religious holidays. It is University policy to respect the faith and religious
obligations of the individual. Students with classes or examinations that conflict with their religious
observances are expected to notify the Program Director and course instructors well in advance (at least one
week) so that mutually agreeable alternatives may be worked out. The student remains responsible for the
class or clinic content covered during the absence.
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Q. JRCERT Contact Information and Policy
The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) requires that the program
notify students of our policy for resolution of complaints regarding allegations of non-compliance with the
JRCERT Standards. The program maintains JRCERT accreditation by meeting established qualifications and
educational standards set forth in the Standards for an Accredited Educational Program in Radiologic
Technology. A copy of this document is available at the JRCERT website:
Any individual may contact the JRCERT regarding complaints of non-compliance with the Standards. The
JRCERT states it “cannot advocate on behalf of any one student. An investigation into allegations of non-
compliance addresses only the program’s compliance with accreditation standards and will not affect the
status of any individual student. The JRCERT takes seriously and follows up appropriately any allegation
that an accredited program is not maintaining compliance with its accreditation standards.”
The JRCERT does not divulge the identity of any complainant(s) unless required to do so through legal
The JRCERT requires an individual, before submitting allegations, to first attempt to resolve the complaint
directly with the program/institution officials by following the due process provided by the institution. If the
individual is unable to resolve the complaint with the institution, he/she may submit allegation of non-
compliance to the JRCERT:
Chief Executive Officer
Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology
20 N. Wacker Dr., Suite 2850
Chicago, IL 60606-3182
(312) 704-5300
Further information about reporting allegations may be found at:
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The Radiologic Technology Student Activities Organization is the official student organization within the
program. The purpose of this organization is to promote communication between the students and faculty,
foster a high professional attitude among the students, and serve as a vehicle for communication with other
disciplines in the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and the rest of the campus.
The senior Class President is responsible for completing the necessary forms each term to maintain
continuous recognition of the student organization within the University. Such status permits the students the
use of specific facilities of the College and the opportunity to apply for special funds to support student
A. Program Accreditation
The program in Radiologic Technology at Wayne State University is accredited by:
The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology
20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850
Chicago, Illinois 60606-3182
The program has met the requirements necessary to achieve the maximum of an eight-year accreditation
granted by the above organization.
B. Professional Memberships
Students are encouraged to acquire membership in the following organizations:
American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT)
The ASRT is our national organization whose main functions are to improve and advance the practice,
educational standards, and the professional status of all the disciplines of radiology. The student member
receives RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, the bi-monthly society journal, RADIATION THERAPIST, a
semi-annual publication specifically for therapists, and ASRT Scanner, a regularly published newsletter. The
student membership fee is $30.00 per year. More information is available on ASRT’s website:
Michigan Society of Radiologic Technologists (MSRT)
This organization serves the educational needs of persons in all the radiologic disciplines throughout the
state. The current student membership fee is $10.00 a year. Membership is strongly recommended for junior
students and required for senior students.
More information about MSRT is available on the website:
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Katie L. Woycehoski, MA., R.T.(R)(M) (CT)(BD)
Program Director
Laylia K. Ali, B.S., R.T.(R)(MR)
WSU Administrative Clinical Coordinator
Assistant Professor Clinical
Wayne State University
Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Radiology Technology
259 Mack Ave
Detroit, Michigan 48201
Phone: (313) 577-1716
Thomas Song, M.D.
Henry Ford Hospital
2799 West Grand Blvd.
Detroit, Michigan 48202
Kelsey Haas, R.T.(R)(M)
Henry Ford Hospital
Radiologic Technology Clinical Coordinator
Michigan Medicine
Radiologic Technology Student Program
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Trevor Chism
Shannon Dziuban
Center for Athletic Medicine-Radiology
Rachel Porte
Cottage Medical Center-Radiology
Denise Harkness
Amanda Allen
Jillian Barnes
Jammie Sunshine
Sandra Kidder
Emergency Room
Carolyn Attard
Erika Passement
Fairlane Medical Center- Radiology
Sherry Yeager
Lisa Puckett
Mercedes Carrington
Gastrointestinal Radiology
Lisa Puckett
Sherry Yeager
Mark Douglas
Mercedes Carrington
General Radiology
Jeff Maul
Lakeside Medical Center-Radiology
Deanna Guldi
Sandra Kidder
Kevin Roberts
Mercedes Carrington
Paul Snover
Sterling Heights Medical Center-Radiology
STUDENT PRECEPTOR TECHNOLOGISTS: Advanced Modalities-Henry Ford Hospital
Nesibe Nazarko
Lynn Tran
Michael Bosley
Stacey Woodward
Computed Tomography
Kory Johnston
Interventional Radiology (IR)
Simona Powers
Laylia Ali
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Amie Lackowski
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Marissa Fitzpatrick
Nuclear Medicine (NM)
Robert Rusnac
Radiation Oncology-Radiation Therapy (RT)
Kathy Fry-Jones
Courtney Neithamer
Ultrasound (US)
Kelly Hewitt
Crystal Hill
Kristen Skope
Brighton Center for Specialty Care
Megan Thornton
Canton Health Center
Marybeth Lehmann
Nathan Wade
Leigha Davis
Cancer Center, Cardiovascular Center,
& Taubman Center
Denis Bausick
Dominos Farms
Cindy Wolfe
East Ann Arbor
Melissa Keil
Livonia Health Center & Northville Health Center
Nicole Carpenter
Heather Kinsey
Donny Bates
Mott Children Hospital
Andrea Casey
South Main
Corrie Castro
Valerie Maraugha
Taylor Jagodzinski
Maegan Spina
Katie Nieport
Kristina Keener
Jenna Wenninger
University Hospital
Kelly Radojevic
West Ann Arbor
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I, the undersigned, have read or have had explained to me, all policies and procedures related to attendance,
vacation time, sick time, job performance ratings, and academic class grades. I do, hereby, understand the
consequences of violating any of these policies and procedures regarding disciplinary action up to and including
dismissal from the program.
Student Signature: ___________________________________________________
Printed Name (Student): _____________________________________________
Witness Signature: ___________________________________________________
Printed Name (Witness): _____________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________________________
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APPENDIX A: Professional Employment: Understanding of Responsibility
Wayne State University
I have met with the Director and or Clinical Coordinator/Student Program Admin and have been informed of
the implications, responsibilities, and liabilities of employment in a professional capacity before completion of
program requirements.
I understand that I must have private malpractice insurance to cover such employment or ascertain that the
employer assumes such liability.
Si g n at u r e
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APPENDIX B: Declaration of Pregnancy
I, ___________________________________________________________ do hereby make this voluntary
declaration of pregnancy. My estimated date of conception was _________________.
It has been explained to me that I am voluntarily making this declaration of pregnancy. I understand that this means
the licensee must take measures to ensure that the total dose to the embryo/fetus during the entire pregnancy from
occupational exposure does not exceed 0.5 rem (5mSv). If as of this date, the total does to the embryo/fetus is 0.45
rem (4.5 mSv) or greater, the total does to the embryo/fetus during the remainder of the pregnancy shall not exceed
0.05 rem (0.5 mSv).
It has been explained to me that these measures may include the reassignment of activities or duties to those that will
result in lower occupational exposure or the placement of certain restrictions on the duties I may perform.
It has also been explained to me that I may revoke the declaration of pregnancy at any time and that the revoking of
the declaration must be in writing.
_____________________________ _____________
Student Signature Date
_____________________________ _____________
Radiation Safety Officer Date
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APPENDIX C: Background Screening Notice
Wayne State University’s clinical partners require students entering facilities to participate in clinical experiences to
satisfy certain background screening standards.
To comply with these requirements, the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (EACPHS)
requires its students to undergo a Background Check before their first placement at a clinical site and annually
thereafter using one of its contracted vendors.
Please note the following:
The Background Check will include the following: o Social Security number verification.
Criminal background search to include current and previous states and/or counties of residence and
employment in the preceding 7 years.
Sexual Offender Registry (State and Federal)
Michigan Child Abuse & Neglect Registry
HHS/OIG/SAM Exclusion Databases
Any other screening specified by the clinical partner.
Students must sign a consent to allow the Background Check results to be sent to the relevant EACPHS department
and (where appropriate) the clinical partner.
Students that do not consent will be ineligible to participate in required clinical experiences, and therefore, will not
be able to progress in their program.
Certain Background Check results may disqualify the student from participating in clinical experiences (though
students will have an opportunity to present additional information on their own behalf). What results are
disqualifying will vary based on the policies of the relevant site.
The fee for each background screening is the responsibility of the student.
A comprehensive description of the EACPHS Background Screening Policy can be found at
Please contact program director for any additional information regarding these requirements.