Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Department of Rehabilitation Services
Physical Therapy
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Inpatient Physical Therapy Management of the Surgical and Non-Surgical Patient with Cardiac
Case Type / Diagnosis: This standard of care applies to patients with cardiac disease including,
but not limited to: coronary artery disease (CAD), myocardial infarction (MI), valvular disease,
cardiomyopathy (CMP), heart failure (HF), arrhythmias, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary
embolisms/deep vein thromboses, and congenital heart disease. It also applies to patients status
post (s/p) cardiac surgical and non-surgical procedures including, but not limited to: coronary
artery bypass graft (CABG), valve replacement or repair, percutaneous coronary intervention
(PCI), percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), aortic aneurysm repairs,
radiofrequency ablation (RFA), and transcatheter valve repairs. This standard of care does not
specifically address patients who are s/p mechanical circulatory support device (MCSD) or s/p
orthotopic cardiac transplant (OHT). For standards associated with Physical Therapy
management of these patient populations, please refer to the respective standards of care.
Cardiac Pathologies:
Coronary Artery Disease and Myocardial Infarction
Valvular Disease
o Cardiac Amyloidosis
Pulmonary Hypertension
Pericardial Effusion/Tamponade
Congenital Heart Defects
Aortic dissection
Cardiogenic Shock
Cardiac Tests & Procedures
Common Cardiac Diagnostic Tests
o Stress Test (MIBI)
o Cardiac MRI
o Cardiac PET Scan
o Cath/PCI
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Arrhythmia management
o Cardioversion
o Ablation
Cardiac Surgery
o Valve Repair/Replacement
o Aortic Arch Repair
o Maze
Cardiac Support Devices
Chest Tubes
o Semi-permanent pacemakers
o Temporary pacemakers
Pulmonary Artery Catheters
Cardiac Physical Exam
Physical Therapy Intervention
Appendix 1:
Appendix 2: Cardiac and Critical Care Medications
Appendix 3:Pulmonary Artery Catheter values
Cardiac Pathologies:
Coronary Artery Disease and Myocardial Infarction
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), also known as atherosclerotic heart disease, is a
progressive disease resulting in lipid deposits in coronary arteries resulting in coronary
artery stenosis and ischemia.
Acute Coronary Syndrome: an umbrella term used to describe events and symptoms
related to cardiac ischemia
o Angina: typically presenting as chest pain, pressure, or discomfort. It can also
present as jaw, back, neck, or left arm pain or stiffness. Can be mistaken for
indigestion. Defined as stable, unstable, or variant angina. Symptoms can be
masked by diabetes (silent MI) and can also present in atypical ways in women
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
A. Normal Sinus Rhythm
Stable angina (angina pectoris): presents during activity/exercise at
predictable heart rates and blood pressures (known as rate pressure
product) and is relieved by coronary vasodilators or rest. Typically
managed by medication that reduces the cardiac workload (i.e.
vasodilators), stress management, and activity pacing.
Unstable angina: can occur at rest, spontaneously, or with reduced
workloads, and may not be easily managed by rest or medication.
Typically indicates a blockage with intervention required, either
percutaneous or surgical
Variant angina (Prinzmetal’s Variant Angina): typically occurs in the
younger population due to coronary artery vasospasm and most often
occurs at rest or overnight.
o Myocardial infarction (MI): typically classified as ST segment elevation (STEMI)
or non-ST segment elevation (NSTEMI), determined by 12-lead ECG, related to
elevation of the ST segment above the isoelectric line
STEMI: An ST-elevation myocardial
infarction (STEMI) is a result of the
complete blockage of a coronary artery,
therefore typically has a higher risk of death
or disability due to increased myocardial
cell damage/death. Tissue damage tends to
extend through the full depth of the cardiac
wall local to the area of ischemia
NSTEMI: A non-ST elevation myocardial
infarction (NSTEMI) is defined as when a
partial blockage of a coronary artery,
though severity within this group can vary
pending the level of occlusion.
Chart Review:
Treatment: can include pharmacologic therapy, percutaneous intervention (i.e. stenting), or
coronary artery bypass grafting (see CABG below)
MI rule out (R/O): Patients admitted with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), chest pain
(angina), or suspected MI are not appropriate for PT until they have either been ruled out for
a MI event, or until they are medically/surgically managed. During a R/O for MI, three sets
(one every 8 hours) of cardiac enzymes (creatinine kinase [CK-MB isoform], troponin [Tn-
I]) are drawn and electrocardiograms (ECGs) are performed.
o Creatinine Kinase (CK-MB isoform): Creatinine phosphokinase is an enzyme
released after cell injury or death of cardiac muscle. CK-MB measurement can assist
in the diagnosis of an MI, estimate the size of infarction and evaluate the occurrence
of re-perfusion. An early peak and rapid clearance from the blood can indicate re-
perfusion. Values may also be elevated due to other reasons. Communication with
the medical team should occur when there is question of the appropriateness of PT.
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
o Brigham and Women’s Hospital has started using a troponin assay which is more
sensitive and specific for myocardial tissue necrosis. The numerical value associated
with myocardial necrosis has changed.
Rule-in: troponin ≥ 52 ng/L, OR Δ >5 ng/L
Rule-out: troponin <10 ng/L for women and <12 ng/L for men, AND Δ <3
If after q1h troponin neither rule-in or rule-out, obtain 3h troponin
o ECGs: Electrocardiography changes are almost always present in the event of an MI.
Early tracings typically show peaked or “hyperacute” T waves. As the MI progresses,
this is followed by ST-segment depression or elevation, Q-wave development and
lastly, T-wave inversions. Presentation can vary, with this progression occurring over
a few hours to several days, with Q-waves only developing in 30-50% of acute MIs.
It is important to note that ST-segment depression or elevation can also be
caused by coronary artery spasm, electrolyte abnormalities, left ventricular
hypertrophy, interventricular conduction delays (BBB), atrial fibrillation or
flutter, Digoxin and pacemakers.
PT Examination:
Determine medical stability:
o If the patient rules in for a MI, care must be taken to determine when a patient is
stable to participate in a PT examination or intervention. In general, it can be
expected that the patient may resume progressive monitored activity once cardiac
biomarkers have peaked and down trended for two sets and/or once the patient is
hemodynamically stable at rest.
o On occasion, once a patient has undergone intervention to treat the myocardial
ischemia (i.e.: heart catheterization with stenting), no further biomarkers will be
drawn, removing the ability to watch for down trending levels. In this event,
communication with the team is vital to determine whether it is medically appropriate
and safe to proceed with physical therapy evaluation and intervention.
o Of note, in some instances, cardiac enzymes may be elevated e.g., cardiac stress
related to volume overload (heart failure) or tachy-arrhythmias, or rise from
previously lower values e.g., after a cardiac catheterization, and may not indicate a
new MI event. Clarify appropriate activity orders with the responding clinician.
Assessment of endurance
o Following ACSM Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription
, it is appropriate
to evaluate a patient’s exercise tolerance soon after an MI occurs. Submaximal
exercise tests (such as a 6MWT, see Appendix 1) are recommended before hospital
discharge at 4-6 days after acute MI. Submaximal exercise testing can be used to
determine an appropriate exercise prescription and guide the medical team on the
effectiveness of their interventions, based on a patient’s hemodynamic response.
o See endurance/exercise testing.
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
PT Intervention: Exercise Testing and Prescription
Refer to PT Intervention/Aerobic Exercise Training for information regarding exercise
testing and prescription in the inpatient setting for a patient with cardiac dysfunction. A home
walking program should be established based on results of submax exercise test prior to
Post MI, a referral to a cardiac rehab program is highly recommended. Patients should be
educated on purpose of cardiac rehab, locations near their home (found on T-drive) and
provided with a referral prior to discharge.
Valvular Disease
Any of the four valves of the heart can become diseased or dysfunctional for various
reasons, but commonly seen reasons include congenital abnormalities, progressive
calcification/atherosclerotic changes, rheumatic heart disease, infective endocarditis,
connective tissue disorders, and changes associated with heart failure and ventricular
dilation. Valve disease is typically diagnosed via echocardiogram which shows alterations
in a person’s blood flow.
Common terms of dysfunction/disease of heart valves:
Insufficiency (or regurgitation): valves do not close properly, allowing blood to flow in
the reverse direction during ventricular systole or diastole. Consequences of insufficiency
include chamber hypertrophy and retrograde chamber dilation.
o Example: mitral insufficiency (mitral regurgitation): the mitral valve does not
close properly during systole, allowing leakage of blood backwards from the left
ventricle into the left atrium; it is the most common type of valvular heart disease.
Mitral Valve Prolapse: the cusps of the mitral valve become enlarged and
floppy, bulging backward into the left atrium
Stenosis: narrowing of the opening of the valve, often due to progressive calcification or
from rheumatic heart disease. This narrowing reduces forward blood flow, leading to
progressive dilation and hypertrophy of the chamber preceding the valve and potentially a
reduction in cardiac output
o Aortic valve stenosis is common and is classified in severity by a grading system
based on velocity of blood flow, pressure gradients from the left ventricle to the
aorta, and the aortic valve area. Cardiac output is preserved and the patient is
often asymptomatic until the stenosis is severe
Aortic Stenosis
Mean gradient
Jet velocity
<25 mmHg
<3.0 m/s
35-40 mmHg
3.0 4.0 m/s
>40 mmHg
>4.0 m/s
o Higher pressures on the left side of the heart lead to greater chance of valvular
dysfunction in the mitral and aortic valves, increasing the workload on the heart.
The heart can compensate for a time with chamber hypertrophy, dilation, and
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
systemic BP adjustments however ultimately symptoms of heart failure can
Chart Review:
Medical History:
o Etiology of valvular dysfunction
o Associated comorbidities
o History of management
Chart Review:
o Reason for admission: typically related to progression of symptoms of heart
failure, admitted for medical management. Can be admitted for elective cardiac
surgery (see below).
o Type of valve dysfunction and severity. See grading system above
o Recent imaging including echo or right heart catheterization to evaluate for
o Management plan, including changes in medication and/or progression to valve
repair or replacement.
Diuretics for volume management or other plans for pharmacologic
Valvuloplasty (for aortic stenosis) use of femorally inserted balloon
catheter to separate calcified leaflets or to stretch the annulus. This is a
palliative measure for patients not eligible for valve replacement
Cardiac surgery
Percutaneous valve replacement
Aortic valves can be replaced transfemorally, particularly in older,
frail patients, due to risks associated with cardiac surgery. See
TAVR below. On occasion, patients undergo mitral valve
replacements with a similar technique
PT Examination:
Prior level of function including most recent limitations. It is important, as with patients
with heart failure, to establish a baseline level of activity tolerance, both when a patient
has been feeling well and when they are feeling poorly, most likely due to symptoms
related to volume overload. See CHF section for further information
Lung and heart sounds, listening for murmurs, pulmonary congestion, both pre and post
activity to assess for response to exertion
Refer to endurance/exercise testing
PT Intervention:
Refer to PT Intervention/Aerobic Exercise Training for information regarding exercise
testing and prescription
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Heart Failure/Cardiomyopathy
The American Heart Association defines heart failure (HF) as a chronic, progressive
condition in which the heart muscle is unable to pump sufficient blood to meet the body's
metabolic demand. Heart failure is caused by conditions that damage or weaken the heart,
including coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, hypertension, valvular disease,
cardiomyopathy, congenital heart defects, heart arrhythmias, myocarditis or other chronic
conditions such as diabetes, HIV, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, or a buildup of iron
(hemochromatosis) or protein (amyloidosis).
There are four types of heart failure, categorized by either a structural perspective (Left-
sided vs. Right-sided) or functional perspective (Systolic and Diastolic):
o Left-sided heart failure is caused by failure of the left ventricle to adequately
pump blood to periphery, which can lead to a backup of fluid on the lungs and
shortness of breath. Left ventricular failure and the resultant pulmonary
congestion is referred to as Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
o Right-sided heart failure is caused by failure of right ventricle to pump
deoxygenated peripheral blood to the lungs, which can lead to back of fluid into
the abdomen, legs and veins. Right-sided heart failure can occur because of
progressive left-sided heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, valvular disease or
from pulmonary disease.
o Systolic heart failure is caused by impaired contractile function of the ventricle
resulting in reduced stroke volume, cardiac output and ejection fraction
o Diastolic heart failure is caused by impaired ventricular relaxation during
diastole leading to impaired filling and causes a reduced stroke volume and
cardiac output but the ejection fraction remains the same. Impaired ventricular
relaxation is often related to ventricular stiffness which is associated with older
age and amplified by HTN, diabetes mellitus and kidney disease.
When treating a patient with heart failure, it is important to understand the type and cause
of heart failure to best design your education and treatment plan.
Heart failure is typically classified based on the severity of the patient’s symptoms and
the effect the symptoms have on physical activity. The table below shows the most
commonly used classification system, the New York Heart Association Functional
This classification places patients in stages I-IV based on their physical
activity limitations.
Level of Clinical Impairment
No limitation of physical activity. Ordinary physical activity does not cause undue
breathlessness, fatigue or palpitations.
Slight limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest, but ordinary physical activity
results in undue breathlessness, fatigue or palpitations.
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Marked limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest, but less than ordinary activity
results in undue breathlessness, fatigue or palpitations.
Unable to carry on any physical activity without discomfort. Symptoms at rest can be
present. If any physical activity is undertaken, discomfort is increased.
Of note, Cardiac amyloidosis (CA) is a unique and rare form of heart failure that causes
thickening of the heart walls and leads, most commonly, to diastolic heart failure. Due to the way
amyloid affects the heart and other body systems, patients present differently than those with
more common forms of heart failure and therefore, our physical therapy approach should be
different. Patients with CA often have an impaired hemodynamic response to activity or
exercise, including exercise-induced syncope.
If you are treating a patient with this diagnosis, be
sure to consult a team lead or cardiopulmonary specialist when developing your plan of care. The
remainder of this section will focus on the more common presentation of heart failure.
Chart Review:
Medical History
o Cause of heart failure and categorization based structure or function (e.g. -
ischemic vs. non-ischemic, congenital, systolic vs. diastolic, preserved vs.
reduced ejection fraction)
o Onset and duration of HF symptoms and NYHA Stage
Hospital Course
o Reason for admission. Patients are often admitted due to symptoms related to
increased volume status, e.g. - progressive dyspnea on exertion, increased lower
extremity edema and decline in activity tolerance
o Take note of any relevant lab values, imaging or tests. Below are common
tests/measures done by the medical team in a patient with CHF:
Chest X-ray: Determines the level of pulmonary congestion, common
findings include interstitial edema, atelectasis and pleural effusions.
Lab Values: Many lab values and electrolytes are affected by fluid
retention that occurs secondary to the inadequate cardiac output in CHF.
Fluid overload can lead to impaired renal function, hepatic function and
altered electrolytes.
Below are common changes in lab values found in CHF:
o ↑ BNP, protein in urine (Albumin), BUN/Cr, PaCO2, liver
o ↓ PaCO2, SpO2, Sodium
o ↑/↓ Potassium- may be increased or decreased
Severe hypokalemia (< 2.5 mEq/L) or hyperkalemia
( >5 mEq/L) should be a precaution to PT
intervention due to the increased risk for cardiac
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
arrhythmias. Be sure to collaborate with medical
team prior to intervention.
o Troponin can be elevated with heart failure, often due to
increased demand on the heart rather than acute myocardial
infarction. Be sure to trend troponin and look at clinical
picture to determine appropriateness for PT intervention.
Patients with heart failure are at risk for gout due to the fluid
fluctuations, use of diuretics and potential for renal dysfunction.
Therefore, blood work may reveal hyperuricemia and the patient
may present with joint pain and inflammation.
Cardiac Catheterization: may be done to determine the cause of heart
failure and potential for intervention (e.g. - valve repair/replacement,
CABG). Additionally, cardiac catheterizations can provide the medical
team with accurate information regarding ejection fraction, cardiac output,
stroke volume and filling pressures to assist in prognosis and to optimize
medical management.
o The focus of drug therapy in heart failure is on optimizing preload, improving
cardiac pumping performance and reducing afterload. Below are common
medications seen in patients with heart failure:
Pre-load reducing agents: Diuretics
Cardiac Pumping Enhancement: Ionotropic Agents
Afterload Reducers: vasodilators (i.e. ACE inhibitors)
Beta-Blockers (BB): are first line treatment (along with ACE inhibitors)
for patients with systolic heart failure, even when asymptomatic.
Prescription of a BB improves symptoms, reduces hospitalization, and
enhances survival.
The 3 FDA-approved BB to treat HF include
Bisoprolol (Zebeta), Carvedilol (Coreg), Metoprolol (Toprol)
o The patient may also be on an anticoagulant if they have a comorbid arrhythmia,
such as Atrial Fibrillation. Common anticoagulants seen in heart failure include:
aspirin, warfarin, rivaroxaban (Xarelto)
o *See the Appendix 2 for relevant medications, side effects and physical therapy
considerations for the categories/medications above.
Determine Medical Stability - Some factors to consider related to heart failure include:
the patient’s level of dyspnea, resting vital signs, EKG pattern and any significant
changes in lab profile (CBC, electrolytes, kidney function)
o Patients admitted to the hospital are often in Acute (or Advanced)
Decompensated Heart Failure (ADHF), which is defined as “the sudden or
gradual onset of the signs or symptoms of heart failure requiring unplanned office
visits, emergency room visits, or hospitalization.”
Care must be taken as a
therapist when designing exercise programs, endurance programs and plan of care
for patients in ADHF. If patients are hospitalized with ADHF, they may be
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
undergoing medication changes or introduction of inotropes requiring close
monitoring. These patients may have a PA line, A-line, PICC and/or CVC.
o Much of the research is focused on those with stable heart failure, therefore, the
therapist must consider the cause of the heart failure, severity of HF symptoms
(e.g. dyspnea and fatigue) and hemodynamic response to exertion when designing
interventions and plan of care for a patient in potentially decompensated heart
failure. Any questions regarding the medical stability of your patient should be
addressed with the medical team, team lead and/or cardiopulmonary specialist.
PT Examination:
Determine prior level of function and impact of heart failure symptoms
o It is important to understand a patient’s lifestyle and past experiences with HF
management. Below are some good questions to ask a patient:
How far can you walk before you need to rest? What causes you to rest?
SOB? Muscle weakness?
Have you been to cardiac rehab?
Do you exercise regularly?
o Objective Measurements of Quality of Life - it may not be realistic to perform
entire outcome measure in this setting but using the questions on these measures
may help guide your treatment, plan of care and goals.
Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire - quantifies the degree of
physical limitations associated with heart failure
Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire - total 50 or greater
may indicate a greater potential for successful rehabilitation.
Vital Sign Assessment
o Be sure to monitor HR, SpO2, RR and BP at rest and with activity. Patients with
heart failure are at risk for oxygen desaturation and impaired hemodynamics due
to increased stresses on the heart, fluid overload and medication side effects.
o Be sure to check telemetry before, during (if possible) and after a physical therapy
session. Patients with heart failure are at increased risk for arrhythmias.
Additionally, patients are at risk for more life threatening ventricular arrhythmias
(such as VT and VFib). Be sure to know of baseline arrhythmias and any new
arrhythmias from this admission. Alert the medical team if an arrhythmia is noted
during physical therapy evaluation or treatment.
Cognition/Mental Status
o Advanced heart failure and ionotropic medical support may have a negative
impact on cognition, specifically memory, motor response time and speed of
In this case, you may want to consider the Mini Mental Status
Examination or consult Occupational Therapy
o Patients in ADHF often present with lower extremity edema, which can be
quantified using the Pitting Edema Scale (0 to 4+), documented in EPIC by
Standard of Care: Cardiac
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nursing or PT staff. It is important to consider how lower extremity edema is
affecting physical function and can be addressed by physical therapy intervention,
notably via imbalance, lower extremity fatigue, or gait deviations.
Strength and Endurance
o Use of MMT strength assessment to identify any obvious weakness. Many
patients with heart failure will present with > MMT strength, but will fatigue
quickly. Therefore, it is recommended to use an outcome measure to quantify
muscular endurance, such as: the 30 second sit to stand test or 5 Times Sit to
Stand test
o Quantify aerobic capacity and endurance. The results of a 6MWT can be used to
assist in determining discharge recommendations, exercise prescription and
prognosis. *See appendix 1 for patient instructions and appropriate performance
of this test.
o Be sure to quantify fatigue and dyspnea during functional mobility and
ambulation using the 0-10 RPE and DOE scales. These scales can help determine
a patient’s tolerance for activity and ADLs and can assist in discharge planning,
goal-setting and plan of care.
o Patients at significant risk for balance impairments are older adults with ADHF.
This is due to the higher incidence of frailty in this population, leading to severe
deficits in all domains of physical function: balance, mobility, strength and
o Use of standardized measures and gross observations of static and dynamic
balance to determine fall risk and balance impairments that can be addressed in
the therapist’s plan of care.
PT Intervention:
Endurance Training
o Refer to PT Intervention/Aerobic Exercise Training for information regarding
exercise testing and prescription
o It is recommended that patients with heart failure participate in a strengthening
program as an adjunct to aerobic exercise. Initial resistance training should begin
at a lower intensity, especially in the acute care setting, with close monitoring of
symptoms. Be sure to educate the patient on proper technique and breathing to
avoid valsalva. Below are the recommendations based on the updated literature:
Mode: dynamic exercises targeting major muscle groups
Be sure to include postural exercises to optimize positioning for
improved breathing and lower extremity muscle groups that
correlate to function
Frequency: 2-3x/week
Standard of Care: Cardiac
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Intensity/Repetitions/Sets: 1 set of 10-15 reps to volitional fatigue or rated
Initial resistance training should begin at a lower load and higher
repetitions. As tolerated the load can be increased with light
weights or resistance bands, which will decrease the number of
Pacing/Energy Conservation
o Pacing and energy conservation techniques should be taught to avoid max fatigue
or shortness of breath with activity and to maximize participation in desired
activities. An analysis of all activities an individual performs helps to develop an
inventory to set priorities and organize the individual’s day.
o Attention should be paid to activities that create fatigue or dyspnea.
Patient/Family Education
o Self-management techniques should be taught to manage the disease including:
Signs and symptoms of decompensation (excessive SOB, fatigue,
peripheral swelling, waking at night with dyspnea/cough)
Adherence to regular exercise program
Create a home exercise program based on level of function at
Include family member or caregiver on instruction of home
exercise plan to ensure compliance
Referral to Cardiac Rehab. Patients must demonstrate 6 weeks of stable management of
heart failure to be deemed appropriate for initiating care.
Definitions and PT considerations:
Cardiac arrhythmias represent an abnormal cardiac conduction that can potentially lead to
a decrease in cardiac output with activity, or at rest. Therapists should look at their
patient’s telemetry regularly as part of their pre-evaluation assessment and during
treatment to become familiar with patient responses. There are several factors that the
therapist should consider when deciding whether a patient with an arrhythmia is
appropriate for PT intervention, including:
o Acuity (how long this arrhythmia has been present)
o Symptoms
o Plans for management (what medications are being used, plans for electrolyte
replacements, cardioversion or ablation)
o Presence of a pacemaker or AICD.
o New or progressive arrhythmias during therapy should be noted and this
information relayed to the medical team.
The following are additional clinical considerations for some specific arrhythmias to aid
in deciding whether the patient is appropriate for physical therapy. The therapist should
be aware that this is a list of some common arrhythmias but is not exhaustive. The
therapist should discuss appropriateness of PT intervention with the medical team, team
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
lead and/or cardiopulmonary specialist in cases where the patient may be experiencing
any arrhythmia they are not familiar with.
o Atrial Fibrillation (AF): AF is a disorganized depolarization of the atria
resulting in an irregularly irregular heart rate and lack of effective atrial
Identify heart rate via telemetry or identify pulse rate by manual
inspection for one minute. Auscultation can also be used
Considerations for PT intervention should include:
Is the AF new?
How high is the HR elevated due to AF at rest? With activity?
Is the patient's BP affected by the arrhythmia?
Is the patient having any symptoms due to an altered HR/BP such
as lightheadedness, shortness of breath, fatigue, exercise
o Heart Block (HB): Watch for progression of heart block or alteration in rhythm
in response to activity.
First-degree heart block: Prolonged PR interval. Generally, there are no
precautions if the patient’s HR and BP are stable.
Second degree heart block
Type I (Mobitz I): PR interval increases until a ventricular
complex is dropped. This arrhythmia is frequently noticed with
increasing activity.
Type 2 (Mobitz II): Several atrial contractions are needed to
propagate a single ventricular contraction (i.e. 2:1). This
arrhythmia can follow a Mobitz I or be a progression in a person
with first degree HB.
Third degree (Complete heart block): There is a complete lack of
synchrony between atrial and ventricles observed on the EKG, resulting in
a greatly reduced ejection fraction and potential for hemodynamic
instability. PT is deferred until the patient has a PPM. If the patient
progresses to this rhythm during treatment they may become lightheaded
or syncopal, this is a medical emergency and the patient needs immediate
medical attention.
First and second degree heart blocks may be stable and asymptomatic,
pacing sometimes required. Monitor patient throughout session
o Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC): A PVC is a ventricular contraction
initiated by an abnormal focus within the ventricle rather than via the sinoatrial
node. PVCs are common, with a higher incidence observed in patients with
cardiac health conditions or after cardiac surgery.
PVCs can be palpated or
observed via ECG.
While generally benign, considerations should include:
Frequency at rest and with activity
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Hemodynamic response
Patient subjective response
In general, an increase in frequency of PVCs with activity or
exercise should be noted in your documentation and reported to the
medical team as they can indicate increasing irritability in the heart
in response to exertion
o Ventricular Tachycardia (VT): VT is defined as four or more consecutive
premature ventricular contractions. VT can be palpated or observed via ECG.
Patients may also report a fluttering sensation in their chest or complain of feeling
lightheaded or dizzy. Sustained VT is a very serious arrhythmia that can result in
greatly decreased cardiac output due to ventricular contraction without time for
adequate refilling. Runs of VT are frequently seen in patients with heart failure
and may be considered baseline for certain patients.
Consideration should include:
Acuity, frequency, and duration of the runs of VT during the
hospitalization, particularly in a patient admitted with recurrent VT
Patient symptomatology (i.e., lightheadedness/dizziness, syncope,
diminished exercise tolerance and/or confusion)
Triggers of VT if known electrolyte imbalance, exertion
Current or planned pharmacological interventions including
addition of IV antiarrhythmic, beta blockers, electrolyte repletion.
New onset of VT, long runs of VT and patient symptoms may indicate that
the patient may not be clinically appropriate for PT.
o Ventricular Fibrillation (VF): VF is defined as absence of organized ventricular
activity and presents as irregular undulations of varying contour and amplitude on
ECG. There is no cardiac output and the patient will usually die within 3-5
minutes if a more normal cardiac function is not restored.
Pulmonary Hypertension
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is defined as an increase in resting mean pulmonary artery
pressure (mPAP) of > 25mmHg, measured via right heart catheterization. Normal mPAP
can range between 14-20mmHg at rest.
Increased pressure in the pulmonary arteries can be due to changes in endothelial lining
of the vasculature, leading to arteries that become narrowed, blocked, or destroyed.
Increased pressure can also result from hypoxic vasoconstriction, occlusion of the
pulmonary vascular bed, or parenchymal disease with loss of vascular surface area.
Over time, increasing resistance in the pulmonary vasculature can lead to right heart
dysfunction and failure with its resultant clinical picture
Classification: Pulmonary hypertension is classified into 5 types, dependent upon the
underlying cause. They are grouped based on clinical presentation, pathological findings,
hemodynamics, and treatments strategies.
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Clinical Classification
Group 1: pulmonary arterial hypertension
Group 1
: pulmonary veno-occlusive and/or
pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis
Idiopathic (or primary)
Heritable (genetic mutation)
Drug or toxin induced
Associated with:
Connective tissue disease
Portal hypertension
Congenital heart disease
Group 2: pulmonary hypertension due to left heart
disease pulmonary vascular hypertension
Left ventricular systolic and/or diastolic dysfunction
Valvular disease
Congenital/acquired left heart inflow/outflow tract obstruction
and congenital cardiomyopathy
Congenital/acquired pulmonary vein stenosis
Group 3: pulmonary hypertension due to lung diseases
and/or hypoxia
Interstitial lung disease (ILD)
Other pulmonary diseases with mixed restrictive and obstruction
Sleep-disordered breathing
Alveolar hypoventilation disorders
Developmental lung diseases
Group 4: chronic thromboembolic pulmonary
hypertension (CTEPH) and other pulmonary artery
Angiosarcoma or other intravascular tumors
Congenital pulmonary artery stenosis
Group 5: Pulmonary hypertension with unclear and/or
multifactorial mechanisms
Hematologic disorders
Systemic disorders: sarcoidosis, neurofibromatosis
Metabolic disorders: thyroid disorders
Chronic renal failure (w/ and w/out dialysis)
Pulmonary hypertension associated with another pathology is more common than Group
1 or idiopathic PH
Symptoms are generally non-specific and related more to the underlying pathology or the
progression of right heart dysfunction and failure.
WHO Pulmonary Hypertension Classifications
Class I No limits
Diagnosed, but no symptoms
Class II slight/mild limits
No symptoms at rest, (+) shortness of breath,
fatigue, chest pain during physical activity
Class III noticeable/marked limits
Comfortable at rest, (+) symptoms during normal
Class IV severe limits
Symptomatic at rest
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Chart Review:
Medical History
o Etiology of PH and categorization based on above classifications
o Other potentially associated cardiopulmonary conditions
o Onset and duration of PH symptoms and symptom class, if noted
o Take note of any recent or frequent hospitalizations. Information gathered here
can include home medication management, use of home oxygen
Hospital Course
o Reason for admission. Patients are often admitted due to symptoms related to the
underlying pathology, i.e. increased volume status, or change in symptomatic
o Take note of any relevant lab values, imaging or tests. Below are common
tests/measures done by the medical team in a patient with PH:
Chest X-ray: Used to determine condition of the lungs in underlying
pathology, i.e. the level of pulmonary congestion. Depending on the cause
of PH, abnormalities on CXR may not correlate with the degree of PH.
Echocardiogram: Used to evaluate the effects of PH on the heart,
particularly the right sided anatomy, including chamber dilation, as well as
to estimate pulmonary artery pressure.
Right Heart Catheterization: allows for more direct visualization of the
functioning of the right heart and can also be used to assess congenital or
acquired intracardiac shunting
Pulmonary Function Tests: Used to identify the contribution of
underlying airway disease to a patient’s symptomatic presentation, and can
be useful in diagnosing new PH. Patients with Group 1 PAH can show
mild to moderate reduction in lung volumes and frequently show reduced
lung diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide, or DLCO, while patients
with PH secondary to COPD will show PFT changes consistent with that
pathology, namely airway obstruction and increased lung volumes. A
decreased DLCO can indicate an interstitial lung disease as an underlying
Lab Values: many lab values are assessed in patients with known or
suspected PH, depending on underlying etiology. During the work-up for
new or existing PH, arterial blood gases are often evaluated and can show
a variety of issues. Rates of O
diffusion vary depending on pathology,
therefore PaO
can be reduced or normal, while PaCO
can be normal,
reduced, or elevated. An understanding of a patient’s blood gas readings
can help determine likely functional status, need for supplemental O
, and
potential for CO
o Treatment of PH depends upon etiology and includes management of the
underlying condition in Groups 2-5, optimizing hemodynamics, lung function,
and volume status.
Standard of Care: Cardiac
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o Common medications used to treat PH*:
Pulmonary vasodilators: epoprostenol (Flolan, Veletri), Treprostinil
(Tyvaso, Remodulin)
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors: increases lung production of intrinsic
vasodilators. Examples include: sildenafil, tadalafil
High-dose calcium channel blockers: relax smooth muscle in vasculature.
Examples include: amlodipine, diltiazem
Anticoagulants, digoxin (rate control), beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, O2
therapy, and diuretics can also be employed
o *See the Appendix 2 for relevant medications, side effects and physical therapy
considerations for the medications above.
o Lung transplant is the only definitive cure for Group 1 PH (pulmonary arterial
hypertension), considered only after failure of medical management
Determine Medical Stability
o Patients admitted to the hospital are often in an exacerbation of their underlying
condition, including a heart failure or COPD exacerbation, and medical stability
and appropriateness for PT will depend upon the management of those conditions.
o Understanding the anticipated management plan can assist in determining
appropriateness for PT. For instance, patients who are going to be initiated on IV
pulmonary vasodilators may benefit from PT assessment following the start of
drug therapy.
o Additionally, patients with progressive disease in need of more advanced care can
rapidly move from the stepdown floors to the ICUs depending on stability, with a
progression of care that can include surgery (atrial septostomy, lung transplant) or
mechanical support (VV ECMO). Patients being worked up for lung transplant
may have PT consults placed for 6MWT. Discuss appropriateness of this with
your team lead or cardiopulmonary specialist
o Any questions regarding the medical stability of your patient should be addressed
with the medical team, team lead and/or cardiopulmonary specialist.
PT Examination:
Determine prior level of function and impact of PH symptoms
o It is important to understand a patient’s lifestyle and past experiences with
medical management. Questions can include:
How far can you walk before you need to rest? What causes you to rest?
SOB? Muscle weakness?
Do you exercise regularly?
Have you attended a formal rehab program, cardiac or pulmonary as
Vital Sign Assessment
o Be sure to monitor HR, SpO
, RR and BP at rest and with activity. Patients with
PH are at risk for oxygen desaturation and impaired hemodynamics due to
increased stresses on the heart, fluid overload and medication side effects.
Standard of Care: Cardiac
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Lung auscultation: assessing for pulmonary congestion both before and after treatment in
the case of left heart dysfunction.
Signs and symptoms of progressive right heart failure, particularly in later stages of PH:
jugular venous distension, peripheral edema, ascites, and systemic hypotension due to
impaired cardiac output (note hemodynamic response to exertion).
o Exercise tolerance can be limited in these patients, as with increasing workloads,
pulmonary pressures increase, further restricting cardiac output and limited
oxygen supply to skeletal muscles. Patients can be subject to lactic acidosis at
lower workloads
o The 6MWT can be used to quantify aerobic capacity and endurance. *See
appendix 1 for patient instructions and appropriate performance of this test.
PT Intervention:
Exercise intolerance in patients with PH is associated with reductions in maximal O
uptake and other factors similar to those with advanced heart failure. Increased resting
pressures in the pulmonary vasculature lead to more dramatic increases during activity
which can result in reduced pulmonary blood flow and subsequently reductions in cardiac
output, with output insufficient to meet increasing demands. Patients with PH have
additionally been found with skeletal muscle abnormalities with impaired oxygen
utilization, further exacerbating the intolerance.
Physical Activity recommendations:
o Evidence has demonstrated that exercise is safe for patients with PH however it is
suggested that patients should be encouraged to be active within symptom limits
and should avoid excessive physical activity that leads to a progression or
exacerbation of symptoms. Patients should be treated with the best standard of
pharmacological treatment and in stable clinical condition before starting a
supervised rehab program.
o Exercise training has been shown to improve 6MWT distances and quality of life,
as well as several physiologic measures of aerobic capacity and cardiopulmonary
Presumed negative effects of exercise on the right ventricle have been
demonstrated to be short-lived, with function normalizing within days.
training has been shown to be highly effective in patients with more severe
symptoms, with patients able to improve their WHO classification.
o Training protocols include progressive endurance training, either walking or
cycling, at low to moderate workloads, measured as % peak VO
or heart rate.
Successful programs have also included respiratory muscle training.
o In this setting, it is often more practical to prescribe exercise based on the RPE,
targeting workloads at less than 5/10 on the modified Borg scale, pending
appropriate hemodynamic response as determined on exercise testing including
the 6MWT.
Standard of Care: Cardiac
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Venous thrombi are intravascular deposits composed mainly of fibrin and red blood cells,
usually located in the deep veins. They can lead to complications, including deep vein
thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE). DVTs occur in regions of slow or
disturbed blood flow, often in the lower extremity. The majority are confined to the calf
and are asymptomatic, small and not associated with major complications. However,
venous thrombi in the proximal veins (popliteal, femoral, iliofemoral), may break off,
leading to a blockage in the pulmonary circulatory system, called a PE.
Chart Review:
DVT: The major signs and symptoms of LE DVT include pitting edema, pain,
tenderness, swelling, warmth, redness or discoloration (erythema), and prominent
superficial veins.
o Diagnosis: The Wells criteria for LE DVT are the most commonly used tool to
determine likelihood of DVT. The results of the Wells criteria should guide the
selection of medical testing, including the D-dimer test to measure the breakdown
or degradation of cross-linked fibrin (increases in the presence of a thrombosis)
and then a duplex ultrasound.
If the ultrasound confirms an LE DVT, medical treatment should be
initiated and mobilization is often postponed, however this should be
considered on a case by case basis, as the risks of immobility have been
shown often to outweigh the risks associated with mobilizing someone
with a DVT.
o Treatment: Anticoagulation therapy is effective in the prevention of extension,
embolization, and recurrence of DVT.
Options include subcutaneous low-molecular weight heparin (Lovenox,
Fragmin), monitored IV or subcutaneous unfractioned heparin (Heparin
Sodium), or fondaparinux (Arixtra)
Lab Values:
Heparin is measured by clotting times such as activated partial
thromboplastin time (APTT or PTT).
Warfarin (Coumadin) is measured using the International
Normalized Ratio for Prothrombin Time (PT INR)
o INR Reference Ranges
2.0-3.0 = desired range
2.5-3.5 = heart valve in place
>4.0 = risk of hemorrhage
o If the INR is between 4.0 and 5.0, resistive exercises should
be avoided, with participation in light exercise only due to
increased risk of bleeding. Ambulation should be restricted
if gait is unsteady to prevent falls.
Standard of Care: Cardiac
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Placing a filter in the inferior vena cava is a treatment that is used when a
patient has a PE or acute proximal DVT and anticoagulant therapy is not
indicated because of the risk of bleeding.
Pulmonary Embolism (PE): major signs and symptoms include tachycardia, sudden
change in breathing, chest pain, coughing
o Categories:
Massive: Acute PE that causes hemodynamic instability including SBP
<90 mmHg, pulselessness, bradycardia, tachycardia, tachypnea,
bradypnea, respiratory failure, right ventricle failure. Damaged lung tissue,
combined with less available area for pulmonary perfusion can cause high
pulmonary artery pressures, dramatically increasing right ventricular work
and leading to right-sided heart failure.
Submassive: Acute PE, patient remains hemodynamically stable without
systemic hypotension (systolic blood pressure >90 mm Hg) but with either
RV dysfunction or myocardial necrosis.
Nonmassive: no signs of clinical instability, hemodynamic compromise, or
right ventricular strain.
o Diagnosis: The most frequent diagnostic testing for PE is serial computed
tomography, followed by ventilation/perfusion scans, or pulmonary angiography
o Treatment: Heparin therapy is most commonly used to treat PE, however
massive and submassive PEs can also be treated with endovascular catheter
directed thrombolysis via an EKOS device. To maintain adequate tissue
oxygenation, mechanical ventilation with supplemental oxygen may be required.
In addition, if the patient is hypotensive or in shock, fluid therapy and
vasopressors may be needed.
Pulmonary embolectomy may be indicated in patients who have large
emboli and cannot receive heparin therapy or have overt right ventricular
heart failure leading to cardiac arrest.
PT Examination/Intervention:
As physical therapists in the acute care setting, we play a role in the prevention of DVTs
by educating patients on their risk, mobilizing and providing LE exercises
We can also be a first line for screening patients for DVTs. If your patient presents with
signs and symptoms of a DVT, be sure to communicate these with the medical team.
A patient with a known DVT who develops unexplained breathlessness, desaturation,
hemoptysis, pleuritic pain, arrhythmia, or fever should be suspected of having developed
a PE and the medical team should be notified.
Early ambulation and compression stockings are recommended for patients with acute
DVT once medical treatment has been initiated (anticoagulation or IVC filter) and may
provide even faster improvement with less pain, swelling, and minimize the extension of
a DVT.
In patients with diagnosed massive and submassive PEs, mobility is only indicated when
the patient is stabilized after all interventions other than anticoagulation therapy (ex:
Standard of Care: Cardiac
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thrombectomy or thrombolysis) have been performed, or when optimum symptom
management and right heart function have been achieved.
If out of bed activity orders are written for someone with a known DVT or PE who is not
being treated medically, be sure to clarify activity orders and document these in your note
Pericardial Effusion/Tamponade
A pericardial effusion refers to excess fluid that develops between the pericardium and
the heart itself. Injury to the pericardium can cause acute pericarditis (inflammation in the
pericardial sac surrounding the heart), which can lead to a pericardial effusion. Some
common causes of pericardial inflammation include: heart surgery, infection,
inflammatory disorders such as RA or Lupus, metastatic cancer and kidney failure with
excessive nitrogen levels.
o A rapid or significant accumulation of fluid can lead to cardiac tamponade, which
is a life-threatening condition characterized by elevated intracardiac pressures,
progressively limited ventricular diastolic filling, reduced stroke volume and
pulsus paradoxus.
Chart Review:
When reviewing a chart for a patient with a known pericardial effusion, it is important to
note the cause and current or planned treatment. How the effusion is managed can help
you determine the severity of the effusion and the patient’s expected hospital course. The
goal of medical treatment is to address the underlying cause of the effusion.
Some common treatments of pericardial effusion include:
o Initiation of NSAIDs, corticosteroids, colchicine (commonly used to treat gout),
diuretics or antibiotics
o If the effusion is related to cancer, radiation or chemotherapy may be used
o For larger pericardial effusions:
Pericardiocentesis: a needle and catheter is inserted into the pericardial
space to drain the effusion. The catheter and drain may remain in place
temporarily for ongoing drainage.
Some indications for removal of catheter by nursing include:
o Pericardial drainage less than 25-30 mL over 24 hours.
o Hemodynamic stability: SBP greater than 100 mmHg, no
pulsus paradoxus (< 10 mm Hg)
o Absence of pericardial effusion.
Pericardial Window: a surgical procedure for recurrent effusions,
involves removing a portion of the pericardium to allow the effusion to
drain continuously into the peritoneum or chest.
Check activity orders. Activity may be restricted while monitoring for tamponade.
o If a patient is without a procedure (e.g. with close monitoring, medications or
chemo/radiation), be sure that the effusion is stable and the patient has been
Standard of Care: Cardiac
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hemodynamically stable. Check in with nursing, in addition to the chart, to ensure
hemodynamic stability and updated activity orders.
o If a pericardial drain was placed, the patient is often on bedrest to allow for
frequent vital sign assessment by nursing.
Pt will be cleared for progression of
activity when deemed stable by medical team. Be sure to get updated activity
orders on a case-by-case basis depending on the duration of the drain.
o When a pericardial drain is removed, the patient should remain on bed rest for 1
hour and defer physical activity/therapy for 2 hours.
Be sure to seek updated
activity orders from medical team.
PT Examination:
Careful monitoring of vital signs and patient response to activity is essential to monitor
for progression to tamponade.
Be sure to look out for signs and symptoms of tamponade, including: jugular vein
distention, hypotension, tachycardia, fatigue/malaise, lightheadedness, rales at lung bases,
shortness of breath and tachypnea. Alert nursing immediately if cardiac tamponade is
PT Intervention:
Be sure to look at the whole clinical picture and the reason for pericardial effusion when
designing your intervention and plan of care.
For example, someone with recent heart surgery who developed a pericardial
effusion may have a different plan of care then someone who known metastatic
cancer who also developed a pericardial effusion
Patient’s should be educated on the signs and symptoms of Tamponade and on
appropriate activity progression in order to achieve their goals
Out of bed mobility and ambulation is not contraindicated in these patients and should be
encouraged, just be sure to clarify all activity orders based on their treatment and
hemodynamic stability as noted above
Congenital Heart Defects
Congenital heart defects include any structural abnormality of the heart, present at birth,
and typically forming early in gestational development. They can cause a variety of
signs and symptoms and are of varying severity and prevalence. They are typically
classified into acyanotic and cyanotic lesions. Management is dependent upon the
severity of the presentation.
Acyanotic lesions: this group of defects result in increased flow of blood through the
pulmonary vasculature through left to right shunting, with fully oxygenated blood
circling back to the lungs as well as into systemic circulation. Signs and symptoms can
include increased respiratory rate, low peripheral PO
, low stroke volume, and increased
work load on the heart leading to progressive heart failure.
Standard of Care: Cardiac
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o Septal defects: Includes both atrial and ventricular septal wall abnormalities that
allow mixing of blood between 2 chambers and decreasing the amount of fully
oxygenated blood that that leaves as cardiac output.
Atrial septal defects (ASD)/Ventricular septal defects (VSD): small ones
present at birth are generally asymptomatic and close with growth. Larger
defects allow for greater mixing of deoxygenated blood, and in adults,
increase the risk for stroke, heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, and
The most common atrial septal defect is a patent foramen ovale, often
going undiagnosed but placing a patient at increased risk for stroke,
requiring surgical closure.
In adults, small unrepaired defects or childhood repairs of larger ASDs
rarely cause problems. Previously undiagnosed defects can lead to
heart failure in adults and are often closed, even when asymptomatic.
Late or adult complications of childhood VSD closures are rare. Large
unrepaired defects can lead to pulmonary hypertension in adults, and
small defects left open are at increased risk for endocarditis.
o Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) is a common heart defect, due to failure of the
ductus arteriosus to close after birth, leading to mixing of oxygenated blood from the
aorta with deoxygenated blood in the pulmonary artery with subsequent increased
pressure and pulmonary hypertension. The defect can close without treatment, but is
often managed with medication or minimally invasive surgical or catheter assisted
Long term prognosis in childhood repairs is good, and cardiology follow
up is usually not needed.
o Coarctation of the Aorta is a narrowing of the aorta, creating a left ventricular
outflow obstruction and leading to progressive left ventricular hypertrophy.
Additionally, upper body hypertension can occur which can lead to progressive heart
failure. There are typically normal to low blood pressures in the supply distal to the
Surgery is required to correct the defect and is performed as soon as the
coarctation is diagnosed, which can happen in adulthood.
Patients with early repair will require long-term cardiology follow up for BP
management and monitoring due to the risk of recoarctation or aneurysm.
Cyanotic lesions: this classification of defects involves right to left shunting whereby most
of the blood bypasses the lungs and enters systemic circulation without being fully
oxygenated. Chronic hypoxemia leads the body to increase its red blood cell production,
leading to polycythemia and an increase in blood viscosity, increasing the risk for stroke.
o Tetralogy of Fallot: This complex CHD includes pulmonary valve stenosis, a large
ventricular septal defect, an overriding aorta (aorta leaves the heart between the right
and left ventricles, directly over the septal defect), and right ventricular hypertrophy
(due to the narrowing of the pulmonary valve). This defect requires early surgical
management to redirect blood flow and surgical techniques are continuously
Standard of Care: Cardiac
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Patients admitted at BWH as adults are often admitted to the heart failure
service for management of the long-term consequences of the
abnormal/repaired blood flow, including right sided heart failure, arrhythmia,
and repair of continued areas of stenosis.
o Hypoplastic left-heart syndrome: this syndrome includes an underdeveloped or
hypoplastic left ventricle, aortic and mitral valve stenosis or atresia, and coarctation
of the aorta. This syndrome is largely asymptomatic until the ductus arteriosus closes.
Medications can be used to keep the ductus arteriosus open and surgery or transplant
is required for survival.
Surgical correction includes staged procedures that allow
for the right ventricle to pump systemically and to redirect blood flow to the lungs.
o Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA): the key component of this defect is a
reversal of the positions of the pulmonary artery and the aorta, leading to separate
pulmonary and systemic circulatory systems with variable communication via PDA,
ASD, or VSD. Without communication to allow mixing of the blood inside the heart,
severe cyanosis occurs and the defect is incompatible with life. Prostaglandin E
be given to maintain a PDA however surgical treatment is required early.
Adults with a history of repaired TGA require lifelong cardiology follow up
due to risk of heart failure, tachy and bradyarrhythmias, endocarditis and for
blood pressure management. Surgical baffles can also become obstructed
requiring stenting or further surgery for management.
Chart Review:
Medical History:
o Review to gain an understanding of the patient’s CHD and surgical history or
management of the defect. This should include an understanding of the patient’s
current medication management such as beta blocker therapy, inotropic therapy,
diuretic use, anti-arrhythmics, etc
o Number of recent admissions and reason, as this can indicate a decline in cardiac
function and the potential for progression to advanced therapies
Hospital Course:
o Reason for admission, often a progression of symptoms associated with heart
failure (refer to CHF)
o Planned surgical procedures, if any.
o Changes to current medical management including pharmacologic and potential
for progression to advanced therapies such as mechanical circulatory support
and/or transplant
PT Examination: refer to heart failure
PT Intervention: refer to heart failure and PT Intervention/Exercise Training
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Aortic Dissection
Aortic dissections involve a tearing of the intimal lining of the aorta, allowing for blood
to enter the lining, leading to further separation of the walls of the vessel, which at high
pressures, can cause an aortic rupture.
Dissections are typically classified as:
o Type A: occurring in the ascending aorta, distal to the aortic valve, and along the
arch. Medical emergency that requires surgery, via sternotomy, to manage given
the acuity and risk for neurologic compromise
o Type B: occurring in the descending aorta past the bifurcation of the left
subclavian artery. Often medically managed, however may also require surgery
Chart Review:
Medical History:
o Presenting symptoms of an acute or chronic dissection can mimic those of an MI,
so be sure that medical work up is complete before seeing these patients.
Symptoms can include sudden chest or back pain, change in pulse, shortness of
breath, or syncope.
Hospital Course:
o Diagnostic work up to rule in dissection can include CT angiography, MRI and/or
transesophageal echo (TEE).
o If an MI is suspected, check lab values (see above)
o Plan for management:
Typically, patients with Type A dissection will be referred for urgent
surgical management to the cardiac surgery team. Please refer to cardiac
surgery below
Management of Type B dissections often involves aggressive
pharmacologic management for BP and HR control to prevent progression
of the tear. Type B dissections that have ruptured, are causing severe pain,
or have led to distal organ ischemia may also require surgical management
o Review of vitals to determine how well controlled the patient’s HR and BP have
been under current medical management
PT Examination:
It is extremely important to establish hemodynamic parameters for patients with
medically managed aortic dissections prior to initiating mobility
o Heart rate and BP parameters are often provided by the managing medical team;
however, those parameters may not take response to activity into consideration
o A conversation should be had with the responding clinician or other member of
the medical team to establish reasonable parameters for HR and BP in response to
functional mobility
Establish baseline and current level of functional mobility with frequent VS monitoring
throughout examination
Standard of Care: Cardiac
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PT Intervention:
Restore baseline level of mobility as appropriate given hemodynamic response to activity
Education, specifically around limitations and expectations for return to prior level of
o These patients are often counseled to minimize exertion and while basic
functional mobility is acceptable, a return to a high-level exercise program may
not be recommended
o Avoid valsalva
Cardiogenic Shock
Cardiogenic shock (CS) is a clinical condition of inadequate end organ perfusion due to
cardiac dysfunction.
It can present across a spectrum of severity from mild
hypoperfusion to profound shock,
with the reduction in tissue perfusion resulting in
decreased oxygen and nutrient delivery to the tissues and, if prolonged, leading to multi-
organ failure. Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is the most common cause of CS,
usually associated with severe ventricular dysfunction (anterior wall STEMI). There are
multiple other causes of CS as well.
Clinical criteria for diagnosing CS include:
o Persistent hypotension
Systolic blood pressure (SBP) <80-90 mmHg for 30 minutes OR mean
arterial pressure (MAP) <65 mmHg for 30 minutes OR vasopressor
required to achieve a SBP ≥90 mmHg OR MAP 30 mmHg or lower than
o Severe reduction of cardiac index
1.8 L/min/m
without support
2.0-2.2 L/min/m
with support
o Elevated filling pressures of left, right, or both ventricles
o Signs of impaired organ perfusion with at least one of the following criteria:
Altered mental status
Cold extremities
Increased serum-lactate
The diagnosis of CS is usually made with clinical signs and symptoms as well as help
from monitoring hemodynamics via pulmonary artery catheter (PAC), electrocardiogram
(ECG), chest x-ray, blood tests (ABG, electrolytes, CBC, and troponin), echocardiogram,
and cardiac catheterization.
Chart review:
It is important to note the cause, or suspected cause, as well as the current and/or planned
treatment. If an intervention such as PCI, CABG, valve surgery, VAD placement, or heart
Standard of Care: Cardiac
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transplant is planned, it should be noted. If the patient is pending an intervention check
the activity orders and speak with the responding clinician as deferring mobility until
after the intervention may or may not be indicated. Patients with CS are often critically ill
and in the ICU.
Trends and current vitals and lab values should also be noted to ensure a patient is
hemodynamically appropriate for mobility. There are often hemodynamic parameter
goals that are individualized to each patient given their clinical presentation.
Patients diagnosed with CS have increased likelihood of requiring mechanical ventilator
support as well as increased likelihood of worsening renal failure, which could require
renal replacement therapy.
While reviewing the chart, therapists should also take notice of:
o Lines, including central venous catheter, arterial line, and pulmonary artery
catheter. The therapist should note the location of the line as frequently lines are
placed via femoral access and may alter or impair a patient’s ability to participate
o Pharmacologic Support*
IV fluids
Vasoactive Medications including vasopressors and inotropes
*See the Appendix 2 for relevant side effects and physical therapy
considerations for the medications above.
o Mechanical ventilation level of support, recent changes to indicate improvement
or worsening of condition, and presence of sedating medications
o Renal replacement therapy, continuous versus intermittent
o Mechanical circulatory support devices (left ventricular, right ventricular, or
biventricular devices) including IABP, Impella, VA ECMO (see support devices
below for therapy considerations for each device). The ProtekDuo Tandem Heart
or CentriMag can also be used for temporary support as a bridge to recovery or
more durable support, see Mechanical Circulatory Support Devices Standard of
Care for further information.
PT Examination:
Once physical therapy is indicated it is essential to monitor the patient’s hemodynamic
response to exercise and mobility. ROM testing or mobility may be limited if the patient
has certain lines or mechanical circulatory support devices present. Beyond a traditional
examination a therapist should focus on:
o Cognition
Increased likelihood of altered mental status and decreased command
following (reference?)
o Skin integrity: note change in color and/or temperature, presence and severity of
o Peripheral pulses: likely to be irregular, rapid, and/or faint
o Jugular vein distension
Standard of Care: Cardiac
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o Pulmonary assessment including auscultation of lung sounds as able, assessing for
presence of inspiratory crackles indicating pulmonary edema, and ventilatory
pattern and effort
o Auscultation of the heart: distant or faint heart sounds, presence of S3 or S4 heart
PT Intervention
Treatment should be based on the patient’s impairments and hemodynamic response to
mobility with the goal of maximizing functional mobility, independence, and safety prior
to discharge. As a patient recovers, formal exercise testing and prescription may be
indicated, however functional mobility assessment can be used to provide guidance for an
exercise program. See PT Intervention/Exercise Training for further information.
Cardiac Tests and Procedures:
Common Cardiac Diagnostic Tests
An echocardiogram is one of the most common diagnostic tests to visualize the heart,
aorta, and other blood vessels. The device emits ultrasound waves to create a single or
two-dimensional image.
It allows for examination of the chambers of the heart, blood
flow, valve function, and volume status to provide information about heart function
including cardiac output, ejection fraction, and diastolic function or to diagnose
conditions such as a blood clot or mass in the heart, pericardial effusion, congenital heart
diseases, or active infections of the heart valves.
Types of Echocardiograms include:
o Transthoracic Echocardiogram (TTE)
-Transducer is placed on the chest and
ultrasound must travel through the chest wall and lungs to reach the heart. This is
the most common type of echocardiogram utilized and can be performed at
o Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE)
- under sedation, a transducer is passed
through the esophagus, which sits posterior to the heart. This allows for less
interference, superior image quality and visualization.
Stress Test -MIBI
A sestamibi or MIBI is a nuclear perfusion scan that looks at myocardial blood flow via
IV injection of technetium sestamibi, a pharmacological agent which contains a type of
radioactive isotope. Sestamibi distributes in the myocardium proportional to the
myocardial blood flow.
Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
imaging of the heart is completed by detecting the gamma rays emitted by the isotope as
it decays.
Two sets of images are taken:
o One set of images is taken when the patient is at rest.
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o The second set is taken once the patient’s heart is stressed. This is done by having
the patient exercise on a treadmill or pharmacologically (with use of a vasodilator
or dobutamine).
The images of the heart at rest and during peak stress are compared. From the comparison
one can distinguish ischemic versus infarcted areas of the myocardium with high
Cardiac MRI
A cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used to create a detailed image of the
heart’s structures including chambers, muscle, valves, as well as how blood is flowing
through the heart and vessels. It can help diagnose conditions including atherosclerosis,
cardiomyopathy, congenital heart disease, heart failure, aneurysm, heart valve disease,
cardiac tumor, or infiltrative disorders like cardiac sarcoid or cardiac amyloid.
Cardiac PET Scan
A cardiac positron emission tomography (PET) scan is a test where radioactive tracers
are injected intravenously into a patient and a gamma detector picks up images from the
tracer. A computer converts the signals into an image that shows the size, shape, position,
and some function of the heart.
A cardiac PET scan show if the heart is getting enough blood flow, if coronary artery
disease is present, and can identify areas of damage or ischemia.
Cardiac Catheterization
A catheter is inserted into the left or right side of the heart for diagnostic and interventional
purposes. It is important to determine whether only a cardiac catheterization was performed
or if additional procedures were performed as well e.g., percutaneous transluminal coronary
angioplasty (PTCA) or insertion of coronary artery stents, prior to PT examination or
intervention. Activity precautions are aimed at protection of the incision site and are as
o Left heart catheterization (LHC) is used to diagnose left ventricular, atrial,
pulmonary vein, and coronary artery impairments.
Due to the arterial incision site via the femoral artery, these patients are on
bed rest for 6-8 hours with involved LE straight. Patient may have a knee
immobilizer donned to minimize hip flexion. The patient is monitored for
groin hematomas, and pain.
Use of the radial artery is also common and the patient can ambulate with
assistance if vital signs are stable and there is no signs of bleeding or other
complications, or if not otherwise stated in the physician orders.
Complications associated with a left heart catheterization include groin
hematoma and retroperitoneal or intramuscular bleeding in the LE or
intramuscular bleeding in the forearm. Also, consider a patient’s response to
the general anesthesia while examining functional mobility.
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o Right heart catheterization (RHC) is used to diagnose right atrial, ventricular, and
pulmonary artery impairments including flow rates and pressures. The incision site is
generally via the external jugular vein and there are no activity restrictions. RHC can
also be used to estimate left heart pressures
Arrhythmia Management
Electrical Cardioversion [Direct-Current Cardioversion (DCCV)] or Pharmacological
o Medical interventions, either by cardiac electrical shock (DCCV) or with medication
(e.g. Ibutilide) are aimed at restoring normal sinus rhythm to optimize cardiac output.
o Due to potential return of arrhythmias, or patient fatigue associated with anesthesia
for DCCV, PT is generally held the day of cardioversion. Make sure to check for
changes to activity orders and monitor for resumption or progression of cardiac
Catheter ablation is a procedure that uses radiofrequency energy, laser light or extremely cold
temperatures (cryoablation) to destroy a small area of heart tissue that is causing arrhythmias
when medicines are not tolerated or effective.
o Venous access (either femoral, subclavian, or internal jugular) is achieved through
cardiac catheterization.
Most commonly used in treating supraventricular tachycardia, atrial flutter and atrial
If patient had femoral access, they are on bed rest with leg straight for 6-8 hours.
Cardiac Surgery and Sternal Precautions
Common Cardiac Surgeries requiring median sternotomy
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft: CABG is a surgical intervention used to treat a
completely occluded coronary artery that cannot be treated by, or has failed treatment
with a percutaneous intervention. It uses a vascular graft (typically the saphenous vein or
left internal mammary artery) to revascularize the myocardium. CABG can be performed
for one or more vessels as typically documented in a patient’s chart by CABG x4 or
Valve Repair/replacement: Valve repair or replacement surgery is a treatment for
valvular disease. Valves can be replaced by mechanical valves (bileaflet, tilting disc)
which are known for a longer life span and durability, but need lifelong anticoagulation,
or with biological valves (cadavers, porcine or bovine) which carry a benefit of not
needing life time anticoagulation therapy. Minimally invasive valve replacements via a
partial sternotomy (aortic and mitral valve), and mitral valve repair/replacement via a
thoracotomy approach can be utilized in appropriate patients
Aortic arch repair: An aortic arch repair can be done using synthetic material to replace
the diseased or damaged portions of the vessel. A minimally invasive approach would
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entail a metal wire mesh stent being inserted percutaneously via an artery. This minimally
invasive approach is typically seen in pts who would not tolerate an open surgical
approach, see TAVR below.
Maze: The Maze procedure is performed to treat atrial fibrillation. It is an open
procedure that entails the etching of lines by heat (radiofrequency energy), cold
(cryoablation) or a scalpel to the atria to create patterns of scar tissue (maze) to block the
abnormal electrical impulses associated with atrial fibrillation. This procedure is often
combined with other open-heart procedures and rarely performed on its own.
ASD/VSD: Atrial and ventricular septal defects are often repaired surgically. Small
defects are closed via internal sutures while larger defects may require patching that may
be created from the patient’s own tissue or use synthetic material. These repairs can be
performed on their own but are often performed in conjunction with other procedures
during the open sternotomy surgery.
Sternal Precautions
The exact origin of sternal precautions is not known and current literature does not
support all the imposed restrictions, many of which are anecdotal “or based on expert
opinion”. Multiple recommendations and protocols exist across institutions, with some
limited consensus.
Current recommendations for sternal precautions at Brigham and Women’s Hospital to
be followed for up to 12 weeks:
o No lifting more than 10 lbs
o Avoid excessive pushing/pulling (such as closing/opening heavy doors,
vacuuming, dog walking, shoveling snow, carrying groceries or laundry baskets)
o Avoid excessive twisting through your trunk, such as reaching behind you
o Avoid excessive coughing, laughing or sneezing; be sure to hug a pillow across
your chest when performing these activities.
o Avoid sit-ups. Log roll to get in and out of bed.
o Avoid driving or sitting in the front seat of a car with an airbag for 3-4 weeks
o Avoid excessive overhead or lateral arm movements, however patients are
encouraged to perform functional arm movements and active ROM exercises in a
pain free range
Consideration should be taken to identify those patients who have multiple risk factors
for sternal wound dehiscence and these patients should be encouraged to strictly adhere
to sternal precautions:
o Use of internal mammary artery (IMA) in the bypass graft
o Females with pendulous breasts
o Morbid obesity
o Barrel chest
o History of poorly controlled diabetes mellitus
o Osteoporosis
o Redo operation for bleeding or repeat cardiothoracic surgery
Signs of impaired sternal healing:
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o A crunch, pop or click in your sternum
o Bleeding that does not stop even with pressure applied
o Signs of infection, such as fever, redness or warm skin around the incision
The therapist should use sound clinical judgment to allow for safe progression of
mobility to optimize functional return, and individual patient limitations should be
considered and discussed with the medical team and the patient. At this time, patients s/p
full sternotomy without signs of sternal infection should follow sternal precautions for up
to 12 weeks, pending follow up with the surgeon and potentially earlier liberalization of
precautions. Patients with minimally invasive (partial) sternotomies should follow sternal
precautions until surgeon clearance.
Current literature has shown that restrictive sternal precautions may in fact worsen
functional limitations due to impairments in muscle performance, poor healing of
connective tissues across the sternal incision, and long-term impairments in pulmonary
function and thoracic cavity mobility.
Transfemoral/Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) is a less invasive method
for replacing the aortic valve in patients with aortic stenosis when compared to a standard
cardiac surgery for replacement of the valve. This method is currently approved for use in
patients with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis (AS) who are at intermediate to high
surgical risk or are otherwise inoperable.
Performed via femoral artery catheter access to deploy a mechanical valve across the pre-
existing diseased valve. Imaging is required to ensure the vascular pathway is clear
without stenosis, calcification, or tortuosity
A balloon is expanded to seat the valve in position before the catheter is withdrawn
PT implications:
o Monitor patients for post-op bleeding and/or tamponade
o This technique is performed without a sternotomy, therefore there are no sternal
precautions post-procedure. However, because the technique is performed via a
femoral approach, the patient should avoid any heavy lifting (>5-10lbs) for 1
week following the procedure.
o Activities promoting sudden or extreme hypertension should be avoided
o Lower incidence of arrhythmias as compared to open approach
o As this procedure is performed in a higher risk population, baseline frailty should
be noted and may significantly impact functional performance post procedure.
o Length of stay is typically very short following the procedure and patients may be
discharged the following day
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Cardiac Support Devices:
Chest Tubes
Chest tubes (CT) on the cardiac service are primarily placed post-operatively in the
pleural or mediastinal cavity to remove excess fluid or blood associated with surgery. The
chest tube unit provides negative pressure to assist with drainage.
Maintaining the integrity of this closed system by keeping the chest tube upright and the
water seal trap in place prevents fluid buildup and potential lung compression and
ensuing respiratory distress. Use of low wall suction may be employed to maintain a
closed system when there is a large air leak from the lung to the thoracic cavity. When
the air leak is small or when the necessity of continued chest tube use is being evaluated,
the CT may not require suction but remain on water seal or have temporary surgical
clamps in place on the tubing.
Prior to PT examination or treatment, clarify if the chest tube needs to remain to suction.
If continuous suction is necessary, either use a portable suction unit if walking in hall, or
extended tubing to allow increased patient activity in room.
Chest PT, shoulder ROM, and deep breathing exercises to patient tolerance are beneficial
in the management of ventilation and airway clearance.
Removal of a CT may result in the development of a pneumothorax or exacerbation of
the initial air leak related to lung tissue injury. A follow-up chest x-ray (CXR) is
performed and read by a physician assistant (PA) or physician (MD) to rule out a
pneumothorax following CT removal.
o If a PT works with a patient before the CXR has been read, activity orders should
be clarified with the PA. If the decision is made to treat the patient, monitor for
signs of acute pneumothorax (acute shortness of breath, new or increased palpable
crepitus felt anywhere in the thorax, precipitous drop in SPO2 from baseline or <
Permanent Pacemaker and/or Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator
The insertion of a permanent pacemaker (PPM) or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
(ICD) may occur to maintain appropriate cardiac conduction or prevent cardiac
A PPM or ICD has three main components: a pulse generator, leads, and electrodes.
Generators are usually described as being either single-chamber or
o Single-chamber systems have one lead, which is usually placed
in the right ventricle or right atrium.
o Dual-chamber systems have two leads, one of which is
implanted in the right atrium and the other in the right
The device is usually inserted under the skin in the left subclavian
pocket, with leads inserted into the right side of the heart via the left
subclavian vein to the superior vena cava. In instances where insertion
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via a left subclavian pocket is not possible or after an infection of a left pocket, the new
device may be inserted via the same routes on the right side.
Precautions in movement following placement are focused on incision healing and lead
fixation. Although current literature has not investigated the time frame for the leads to
firmly attach into the myocardium, current recommendations from physicians indicate
that 4-6 weeks allows incision healing and firm adhesion of pacemaker leads.
Current pacemaker precautions at BWH are:
o Keeping the involved UE in a standard sling for 24 hours
o No therapeutic exercise to involved shoulder for 4-6 weeks unless approved by
the Electrophysiology Service (EPS).
o Involved UE may be used functionally but limit shoulder flexion and abduction to
90 degrees for 4-6 weeks.
o Patient may use minimal weight bearing (10-15 lbs.) into UE while using an
ambulatory assistive device, however use of axillary crutches are not
recommended due to venous pressure in the axilla region and incisional stress. In
rare instances, use of axillary crutches to safely negotiate stairs may be indicated.
o No lifting greater than 5 lbs. with involved UE for 4-6 weeks.
Leadless pacemakers are small self-contained devices that are inserted
in the right ventricle of the heart. A leadless pacemaker does not require
leads or a generator, or the creation of a surgical pocket on the chest.
Currently, the device is available for patients who need single-chamber
pacing only. Because there are no wires or generator, there are no upper
body activity limitations after the implantation so typical pacemaker
precautions do not apply.
Semi-permanent pacemakers
o Generally used as a bridge therapy when a patient is not clinically able to tolerate
a permanent pacemaker placement (e.g. infection with positive blood cultures).
The device wires are placed transcutaneously with the pacemaker external and
secured with subcutaneous sutures and a dressing. Given the location and lack of
permanent fixation, mobility of the ipsilateral shoulder is generally
contraindicated. Seek clarification of activity orders out of bed with MD and
Temporary Cardiac Pacing
o Used to treat bradyarrhythmias and rarely a tachyarrhythmia, until it resolves or
until long-term therapy can be initiated.
o Two types are typically seen at BWH:
Transvenous pacing wires (typically used more emergently in the CCU):
Introduced through the internal jugular or subclavian veins, therefore no
ROM assessment or therapeutic exercise to the involved shoulder is
More comfortable and more durable in patients in whom the
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anticipated duration of temporary cardiac pacing may be several
days to weeks.
Most patients will be restricted to bed or chair and cannot
Epicardial pacing wires (typically seen post-cardiac surgery): often left in
place after cardiac surgery when the risk of cardiac arrhythmias is most
Patients may be dependent on this pacemaker for cardiac rhythm,
or the device may be in place to take over in the event of an
adverse cardiac rhythm (usually bradycardia) and just sensing
(a.k.a. “back-up mode”)
Leads may be attached to the atrium, ventricle, or both chambers,
with the wires tunneled and externalized.
No UE ROM restrictions as the wires are transthoracic.
Mobilization of a patient with temporary epicardial pacing wires is
considered appropriate, however caution should be taken to avoid
dislodging the wires. The therapist should be aware of the
patient’s underlying cardiac rhythm, and activity orders should be
clarified. Most importantly, orders should be clarified in patients
who have more serious arrhythmias (ex: heart blocks) who are
dependent on the pacing for adequate cardiac function.
When no longer needed, the epicardial pacing wires may also be
detached from the temporary pacing device, capped with insulating
wire caps, and taped to patient’s chest. When epicardial pacing
wires are removed, they are either cut at the skin level or pulled
through the skin. When removed through the skin, there is a risk
of bleeding where they were attached to the myocardium and
therefore these patients are monitored for signs of cardiac
tamponade (i.e., tachycardia, lightheadedness, dyspnea) and follow
this progression of activity to allow for monitoring:
o Patient may be out of bed with RN in room after 1 hour of
bed rest.
o Patient may participate with PT after 2 hours.
o Patient may initiate or resume stair training after 4 hours.
Pulmonary Artery catheter (or Swan-Ganz catheter)
Pulmonary artery catheters (PAC) are the most commonly used tool for in-depth
hemodynamic assessment. They allow for a rapid evaluation of the effectiveness of
interventions used to manipulate circulatory volume and pressure, including the
administration of fluids and diuretics as well as vasoactive and inotropic medications.
The catheter is flexible, balloon tipped, and is most commonly inserted in the jugular or
subclavian vein. It travels to the superior vena cava, right atrium, right ventricle, and
Standard of Care: Cardiac
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pulmonary artery. The catheter is connected to a transducer that measures many
hemodynamic parameters including:
o Direct measurement of pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge
pressure (during balloon inflation), central venous pressure, and mixed venous
oxygen saturation
o Estimates stroke volume, cardiac output, and cardiac index.
o See Appendix 3 for full description of PAC values and interpretation
Potential complications with PAC insertion are
o Ventricular arrhythmias, right bundle branch block, pneumothorax.
Potential complications with the ongoing use of PACs are
o Pulmonary artery infarction, pulmonary artery rupture, line infection, movement
within the pulmonary artery causing injury to the vessel or accidental
dislodgement into the right ventricle, or dysrhythmias.
Therapists treating patients with PACs should be aware of the normal waveforms for
atrial, pulmonary artery and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure measurement, although
artifact is commonly seen when mobilizing the patient due to changes in leveling of the
transducer. Physical therapy is contraindicated if the catheter is in the wedged position.
See Appendix 3 for a picture of various waveforms
The actual risk of potential PAC complications arising from positional changes is not
known, as there are limited reports directly measuring the effects of positional changes
and mobility however one 2015 study did demonstrate safe mobility, including
ambulation, without PAC complications.
At Brigham & Women’s Hospital, when the patient is medically appropriate for PT and
continues to have a PA line in place, activity orders are often for therapeutic exercise
and/or bed to chair transfers. However, patients at times are liberalized to ambulation.
The therapist should seek appropriate activity orders. To minimize movement in a locked
PA line, ipsilateral shoulder flexion and abduction is limited to 90 degrees.
Patients being admitted for management of acute decompensated heart failure or pending
orthotopic heart transplant often have PA lines placed long-term for tailored medical
therapy. In these instances, a standing exercise program and/or seated stationary biking
is often utilized for optimization of the patient’s aerobic capacity.
Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) are temporary devices used to support cardiac pump
function and improve blood flow to the myocardium. A flexible catheter with a balloon
mounted on its end is inserted, usually through the femoral artery, and passed into the
descending thoracic aorta. Rapid inflation and deflation of the balloon in synchrony with
cardiac contraction causes counterpulsation due to volume displacement and pressure
changes within the aorta.
Balloon deflation augments forward flow, balloon inflation
redirects flow into the coronary arteries.
Patients with IABPs are typically hemodynamically unstable and inappropriate for
therapeutic exercise and mobility programs. Protection of the catheter’s integrity is of
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utmost importance.
In specific cases, the therapist may receive a consult from the MD
for therapeutic exercise to uninvolved extremities. In these instances, movement and
activity should be limited to avoid disruption of the catheter, balloon rupture, or incision
site infection.
o Minimize extreme joint range of motion where the IABP is present.
o Avoid hip flexion greater than 70 degrees on the side where the catheter is
o Other institutions have demonstrated safe mobility with patients with femoral
IABP placements, however current practice at BWH is for these patients to
remain on bedrest. Use of this type of support is often transient, as either a bridge
to recovery or transition to a more durable level of support
The Impella devices are a continuous flow axial pumps contained within a pigtail catheter
that are designed to offload pressure from the ventricle by augmenting forward blood
flow and increasing cardiac output.
They are most commonly used as a left ventricular support device with the catheter
placed in a retrograde fashion, with the inlet pump sitting in the left ventricle and outlet
in the ascending aorta. This creates a continuous flow of blood from the left ventricle to
the proximal ascending aorta.
o The three most common versions available are the Impella 2.5, CP, and 5.0 which
have a maximum flow of 2.5 L/min, 3-4 L/min, and 5.0 L/min respectively.
The Impella 2.5 and CP devices can be deployed percutaneously via the
femoral artery and the 5.0 device requires a surgical cutdown but can be
placed either via the femoral or axillary artery.
o The external controller system allows for manual adjustments in rotational speed
to alter flow and cardiac output, and houses the infusate of heparin and dextrose,
designed to prevent clotting and contamination of the motor by blood.
This device is employed in situations of clinical deterioration or progressive cardiogenic
shock not otherwise managed pharmacologically. It has been documented for use in
patients with cardiogenic shock for a variety of reasons including acute and post MI,
ischemic cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, and acute cardiac transplant graft failure, used as
either a bridge to recovery or a transition to another more durable device. Impella can
also be employed as a transition from IABP or EMCO, in cases where longer recovery
time is needed. The device is approved for 6 hours of use, however has been used off-
label for days to weeks.
Mobilizing patients who require Impella support with an axillary cannulation has been
documented as safe and feasible with benefits to the patient.
However, it is
recommended that a patient with a femorally inserted Impella maintain bedrest.
At BWH, patients with femorally inserted devices are on bedrest; however, if the device
is thought to be needed long term, they have been converted, when able, to proximal
cannulation to allow for mobility.
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There are no standard mobility protocols or precautions for these devices however
typically ipsilateral shoulder movement is kept to a minimum, maintained below 90°.
Monitoring vital signs for response to exercise and device flow is important.
Working with the Impella specialists can help identify changes to device settings that
may be important during PT sessions in order to support adequate cardiac output with
potentially increased venous return due to exercise
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO): Utilized in cases of severe acute
respiratory failure or cardiac failure/cardiogenic shock, when other forms of life support
are insufficient for sustaining body functioning. ECMO can be placed either venoarterial
(VA) and venovenous (VV) for support. Both methods of cannulation provide respiratory
support (i.e. support for gas exchange), but only VA ECMO provides hemodynamic
support by supporting both the lungs and the heart.
This standard of care will focus on
VA ECMO cannulation for support of significant cardiac compromise.
Indications for VA ECMO include:
o Cardiac/circulatory failure and refractory cardiogenic shock
o Massive PE with cardiac compromise
o Cardiac arrest
o Failure to wean from cardiopulmonary bypass after surgery
o As a bridge to recovery, cardiac transplant, or placement of durable VAD
With VA ECMO support, venous blood will enter the external device to be oxygenated
and then recirculated back into the arterial circulation to supply all body tissues. As stated
above, this system augments the heart and lungs to provide respiratory and hemodynamic
support. In the oxygenator, hemoglobin is saturated with O
and CO
is removed.
Oxygenation of the blood is determined in part by the flow rate through the device. CO
elimination is determined by the sweep gas, typically 100% oxygen, and the sweep flow
VA ECMO cannulation:
o Venous cannula is placed in either the inferior vena cava or the right atrium,
preferably via the femoral vein.
o Arterial cannulation: The blood is returned to arterial circulation typically via the
right femoral artery to the left ventricle or aorta.
Although femoral access is preferable due to ease of insertion, the primary
complication associated with this is the risk for ipsilateral lower extremity
vascular compromise and ischemia. A reperfusion cannula can be used,
placed distally to the femoral artery cannula, redirecting part of the infused
blood directly back to the leg.
o Additional complications of VA ECMO, with the blood return to the aorta
potentially competing with native, antegrade circulation, are a separation of upper
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and lower body perfusion (watershed phenomenon), left ventricular distention,
and pulmonary edema.
VA ECMO cannulation can occur proximally as well, via the R common carotid or
subclavian arteries, allowing increased ease of mobility.
Literature supports mobilization on VA ECMO, including ambulation, even with femoral
however current practice at BWH is still largely on a case by case basis. It
has been demonstrated as feasible and safe in a small population of patients.
PT considerations for patients on ECMO:
o Please note, treating a patient on ECMO support is an advanced skill and requires
consultation by a team lead or clinical specialist. Please work in consultation with
respiratory therapy as well for documentation of sweep, SvO
, and flow rates
o Sweep: gas exchange measured in flow (L/min) and FiO2. The flow is indicative
of rate of gas exchange (removal of CO2) and the fraction of delivered O2 is
o SvO
: measure of mixed venous oxygen saturation, normal values are ~75%.
Drops in SvO
can be seen with activity and increasing exertion however care
should be taken to minimize the drop. Seek parameters with the ECMO team.
Often changes to the sweep can help maintain appropriate levels.
o Arterial BP: can be low and relatively static with minimal to no difference
between systolic and diastolic readings, depending upon the flow rate through the
ECMO circuit (i.e. how much is the device unloading the heart).
o Flow: monitoring flow rates through the circuit is important with all activity to
ensure adequate functioning of the device and perfusion of the body
o Range of motion for femoral cannulation: although no formal guidelines have yet
been developed, PT intervention has maintained a hip flexion angle of less than
90° due to risk of compressing the cannula and creating a permanent kink in the
o Collaborate with the ECMO specialists to make appropriate adjustments to
ECMO settings to support mobility and exercise. This can include increasing the
sweep for improved SvO
with activity
o Ensure safety and security of the ECMO cannulas to the patient with an
appropriate device (including but not limited to: Foley strap, drain secure,
headband, abdominal binder) prior to and during mobilization
Therapists should review and be familiar with a patient’s current medication list. The therapist
should especially be aware of any intravenous medications being used, and become familiar with
their actions and potential side effects. The administration of certain medications generally
indicates that the patient is hemodynamically unstable and/or has complex medical issues.
Discussion regarding the goals of PT intervention on a case-by-case basis should occur prior to
PT treatment session with staff mentor, clinical specialist, or PT supervisor and/or a member of
the physician team. Clarify with the MD an appropriate activity level for patients on vasoactive
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medications: vasodilator, inotropic/vasopressor, antiarrhythmic, and antianginal. Common
cardiac medications are listed in Appendix 2.
Cardiac Physical Exam
The outline below is designed to guide the therapist through relevant components of a physical
exam on a patient with cardiac dysfunction, or to assist with interpretation of a chart review.
Note that components may not apply to all patients.
General appearance
o Body type
o Posture- tripod, semi-fowler
o Skin tone
o Equipment, lines, and support devices
Assessment for distention of the right Internal Jugular vein (IJ)
is a difficult skill. Its importance lies in the fact that the IJ is in
straight-line communication with the right atrium. The IJ can
therefore function as a manometer, with distention indicating
elevation of Central Venous Pressure (CVP). This in turn is an
important marker of intravascular volume status and related
cardiac function.
Position: Sitting or recumbent in bed with HOB elevated
at least 45 degrees, head turned to left.
o Accessory muscle use, SCM hypertrophy
o AP diameter (i.e. barrel chest), scoliosis/kyphosis, pectus excavatum vs pectus
o Hands on lower lobes to assess excursion, respiratory rate, and breathing pattern
Common breathing patterns
Tachypnea: increased respiratory rate
Hyperpnea: normal rate but deeper, seen with emotional stress,
diabetic ketoacidosis
Fremitus: vibration that is produced by the voice or by presence of
secretions in airways and is transmitted to the chest wall and palpated by
o Cough (and how to document)
Types: productive, non-productive, dry, congested, moist, persistent,
strong, weak, spontaneous
Sputum: color, amount, smell
o Auscultation of lungs (using diaphragm of stethoscope)
For examples of general abnormal sounds:
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Listen for normal, abnormal or adventitious sounds
Diminished, caused by:
o Hyperinflation: COPD
o Hypoinflation: acute lung disease- atelectasis,
pneumothorax (PTX), pleural effusion
Absent: Pleural effusion, PTX, severe hyperinflation, obesity
o Bronchial: Consolidation, atelectasis with adjacent patent
o Crackles/Rales/Ronchi:
Secretions if biphasic
Deflation or edema if monophasic
o Wheezes
Diffuse airway obstruction if polyphonic
Localized stenosis if monophonic
Extrapulmonary adventitious sounds
Crunch: mediastinal emphysema
Pleural rub: pleural inflammation or reaction:
Pericardial rub: pericardial inflammation
o Auscultation of heart (bell of stethoscope)
Normal sounds: S1/S2 “lub-dub”
S1 is the sound which marks the approximate beginning of systole,
and is created by the closing of the tricuspid and mitral due to
increased intraventricular pressure during systole. The ventricles
continue to contract throughout systole, forcing blood through the
aortic and pulmonary, or semilunar valves. At the end of systole,
the ventricles begin to relax, the pressures within the heart become
less than that in the aorta and pulmonary artery, and a brief back
flow of blood causes the semilunar valves to snap shut, producing
Abnormal sounds: S3/S4
An S3 is most commonly associated with left ventricular failure
and is caused by blood from the left atrium rushing into an already
overfilled ventricle during early diastolic filling,
“S3, Slosh-ing-in”. The S4 is a sound created by
blood trying to enter a stiff, non-compliant left
ventricle during atrial contraction
(beginning of systole). It is most frequently
associated with left ventricular hypertrophy
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
that is the result of long standing hypertension, “S4 A-Stiff-Wall”.
Murmurs and mechanical valves
Extremities assess for:
o Digital clubbing
o Coloration
o Cyanosis Perioral, distal extremities
o PAD: Pale, loss of hair, shiny, diminished pulse, cold,
painful (claudication), ulceration (heel, malleoli, anterior
shin), numbness/tingling
o PVD: Brownish coloration, edema, ulceration (above medial malleolus, calf,
dorsum of foot), sometimes numbness/tingling
o Edema
1+ Mild pitting, barely perceptible impression when finger is pressed into
the skin
2+ Moderate pitting, slight indentation, skin rebounds <15 seconds
3+ Deep pitting, deeper indentation, skin rebounds 15-30 seconds
4+ Very deep pitting indentation, skin rebounds >30 seconds
o Pulses: Brachial, radial, PT, DP
Exercise/endurance testing:
Assess baseline level of function, both just prior to admission and when last feeling well,
as appropriate
o Take note of any recent or frequent hospitalizations. Be sure to check in “Chart
Review” in EPIC to see PT notes from previous admissions, if applicable, to help
guide understanding of functional status and assist in determining a change in
Use of standardized endurance testing is encouraged for all patients as clinically stable
and able.
o 6MWT: The 6MWT can be used to quantify aerobic capacity and endurance.
Results of the test can be compared to age-predicted norms using an equation
developed by Gibbons et al
for all patients 22-79. A spreadsheet for calculating
this information is located on the T drive. The spreadsheet additionally calculates
average gait speed and average METs.
Documentation should include: distance walked in feet and meters,
percent predicted, ability of the patient to complete the test, adverse
events, and vital signs per/during/post including rate of perceived exertion
Gait speed and METs can be used to help with the development of goals
and patient education regarding return to activity.
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
o For patients unable to tolerate or otherwise complete a 6MWT, the 2-minute walk
test is an option. See Appendix 1
Monitor patient for significant tachy- or bradycardia that is new or changed from baseline
as this may indicate an abnormal response to the activity being performed or identify a
person not ready to participate in activity with PT.
Use of HR for exercise prescription in patients with cardiac health conditions is not
always effective given the effects of cardiac medications, specifically Beta Blockers
, on
heart rate. Use of the RPE scale to monitor exertion levels is the best way to determine
safe exercise parameters in the acute care setting, since peak HR cannot always be
determined by a pharmacological or exercise stress test.
o In general, however, the ability for the heart rate to respond to changing activity is
considered a good prognostic factor after cardiac event, while a decrease in heart
rate (>5 beats/min) with increased activity or abnormal HR increase for the level
of work being done is considered a poor prognostic indicator.
PT Intervention/Aerobic Exercise Training:
Endurance Training:
Whenever exercise testing is utilized, it is important to monitor the patient closely for
symptoms of exercise intolerance and hemodynamic response. Data extracted from
exercise testing will then assist the therapist in providing the patient with an appropriate
and safe exercise prescription, likely in the form of a home exercise program.
Designed by choosing the mode, intensity, frequency and duration based on patient
presentation and previous tests and measures, such as the 6MWT or 2MWT. Be sure to
include a warm-up and cool-down. The recommendations below are based on the ACSM
recommendations for an inpatient exercise program for patients with cardiac
o Mode: Walking
You could consider a stationary bike or restorator depending on the
patient’s prior level of function or symptom burden
o Intensity/Duration: Determined by patient’s symptoms (DOE) and RPE during
exam or during a 6MWT in combination with HR response. It is recommended to
start an exercise program at a lower intensity (RPE </= 5/10).
Consider using interval training with multiple short bouts of exercise with
rest breaks in between to allow for longer duration of exercise without
excessive symptoms. If using interval training, the goal would be to
increase the time of the exercise bout and decrease the rest time. You
should attempt to achieve a 2:1 ratio of exercise/rest. A good starting point
would be 3-5 min of work, followed by 1-3 min of rest (slower walk or
complete stop, at the patient’s discretion).
If a patient can walk for 6 minutes with a low RPE, then intervals of time
greater than 6 minutes are indicated. If the patient is unable to complete
the 6-minute interval, intervals based on 6MWT results can be used to
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
achieve an aerobic training effect (may only be 1-2 or 5-6 intervals to
achieve this aerobic training effect). Rest intervals can also be determined
using the 6MWT and should be included in the exercise prescription.
o Frequency: 2-4x/day, 5-7x/week
o Progression: When continuous exercise duration reaches 10-15 min, increase
intensity as tolerated within the recommended RPE and HR limits.
Be sure to quantify fatigue and dyspnea during functional mobility and ambulation using
the 0-10 RPE and DOE scales. These scales can also help determine a patient’s tolerance
for activity and ADLs and can assist in discharge planning, goal-setting and plan of care.
Cardiac Rehab:
Cardiac rehab (CR) is a comprehensive outpatient program offered to patients with a
variety of diagnoses of cardiac dysfunction, designed to improve physical, psychological,
social and vocational functioning. The emphasis is on monitored exercise training,
however programs additionally offer education on smoking cessation, diet and nutrition,
weight loss, stress management, and management of diabetes, lipids, and hypertension.
CR programs have been shown to reduce all-cause mortality and cardiovascular
mortality, decrease symptoms, reduce recurrent MI, improve adherence with medication
management, increase exercise tolerance, mood and health-related quality of life, and to
reduce hospitalizations.
o CR programs additionally show great benefits on risk factor modification,
including lipid profile, obesity, and psychosocial stress.
Thirty-six sessions are covered, however MI risk reduction has been seen with fewer
sessions attended.
ACCF/AHA clinical guidelines:
o Class IA recommendation for management of stable ischemic heart disease
o Class IIA recommendation for chronic stable heart failure
Covered diagnoses:
o s/p PCI
o stable angina
o Heart valve repair/replacement
o Heart failure (EF < 35%),
o Heart or heart/lung transplant
Patients and their families should be educated on the purpose and benefits of cardiac
rehab and referred prior to discharge as appropriate.
A list of certified cardiac rehab centers in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine,
Connecticut and Rhode Island can be found on the T-drive and printed for patients to
reference based on where they live. Centers are certified by the American Association of
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR),
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Authors: Reviewers:
Michelle Tagerman, PT, GCS Elizabeth Powers, PT
Jessica Rydingsward, PT, CCS Jessica Rydingsward, PT, CCS
Jenna Stuebe, PT, CCS Jenna Stuebe, PT, CCS
Elizabeth Powers, PT
Laurel Mangelinkx, PT
Allison Trzaskos, PT
Alison Kras, PT
Appendix 1:
Six-Minute Walk Test
Purpose: The purpose of the 6MWT is to have patients perform a standardized test to assess
aerobic capacity and to assist in the prescription of an exercise program based on test results. The
results of the 6MWT have been shown to aide in the prognosis of medical conditions such as CHF
and COPD
The test consists of standardized instructions to the patient (available on the T drive), with
the patient allowed to self-pace the walk based on the instructions.
The therapist measures distance walked, vital signs pre/during/post walk, and the number of
rests required. For practical purposes, HR, SpO
, and RPE are collected during the walk at 2
minute intervals, with BP measurements taken prior to the test, just after the test, and after a
period of recovery if indicated. The test is performed without benefit of a warm-up.
Document distance ambulated by recording the number of completed laps on a pre-measured
hallway. Pace off the additional distances as needed (2ft floor and ceiling tiles in Shapiro)
Conditions for stopping the test include:
o Drop in SpO
< 80% or if other signs/symptoms of significant desaturation are
present (i.e. confusion, stupor)
o Lightheadedness
o Level III/IV angina
o Marked dyspnea or fatigue
o Severe musculoskeletal pain or vascular insufficiency such as LE claudication
o Greater than moderate discomfort from any cause
o Patients on telemetry who demonstrate:
Increasing multifocal premature ventricular contractions (PVCs), coupled
PVCs, or ventricular tachycardia (3 consecutive PVCs)
Rapid atrial dysrhythmias
Normative Values/Prognosis:
Patient’s with chronic heart failure walked an average distance of 310-427 meters
depending on the severity of the disease
Distance walked on the 6MWT has an inverse correlation with the NYHA functional
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Modified Borg Scale
Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE)
0 Nothing at all
0.5 Very, very slight
1 Very slight
2 Slight
3 Moderate
4 Somewhat hard
5 Hard
7 Very hard
10 Very, very hard, Maximal
A recent study by McCabe et al. found that 6MWD in patients with HF performed in the
inpatient setting prior to discharge can predict hospital readmission in 30 days. Patients
with a 30-day readmission walked less than 536ft. Subjects who walked >984ft had a
probability of readmission in 30 days < 13%. It has been suggested that persons who
ambulate less than 300 meters have significantly increased mortality and morbidity
regardless of sex.
Two Minute Walk Test
Purpose: The 2-minute walk test exists as an alternative to the 6MWT for patients who are
otherwise unable to complete the longer time/distance due to symptomatic presentation, level of
aerobic conditioning, or time constraints. Normative values have recently been established in a
small population and work is ongoing to build a robust comparative dataset.
Instructions for
performing the test are similar to the 6MWT, as are the values collected by the therapist and the
ability to utilize the results as an objective starting point for creating an exercise prescription.
Age matched norms for healthy, community dwelling adults age 18-85.
Women’s Distance (m)
Men’s Distance (m)
Modified Borg RPE
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
If a patient’s functional capacity is >/4 METs, here is an example of how to progress exercise in
setting of recent cardiac hospitalization or surgery:
Total exercise
time (min) at
Exercise bout
Rest bout
Number of
exercise/rest bouts
METs reference points:
o 1 MET: self-care, ADLs, household ambulation, walk 1-2 blocks on level ground,
stationary bike very low resistance
o 2-5: carrying up to 2-5 lbs, cleaning windows, raking leaves, golf, tennis, biking
up to 8 mph
o <4 METs: do light housework
o >/4 METs: climb a flight of stairs, walk uphill, walk at 4 mph, heavier
housework, moderate recreational activities
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Appendix 2:
Common Cardiac Medications
ACE Inhibitors
Decrease cardiac workload
Decrease peripheral vascular
Also prevent Na+ and water retention
Promote vasodilation
Skin rash
Dry Cough
Beta Blockers
*Indicates cardio-
Decrease cardiac workload
Decrease heart rate and contractility.
Some may also produce peripheral
IV (see IV
meds below)
inotropic effect
Decrease rate of discharge of SA
node. Inhibit conduction velocity
through AV node. Causes coronary
vasodilation by blocking Ca+ from
entering vascular smooth muscle,
which increases O2 supply
IV (see IV
meds below)
Dry mouth
Decrease cardiac workload.
Decrease volume of fluid that heart
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
must pump. Decreases fluid
IV (see IV
meds below)
(ie Nitroglycerin)
Decrease cardiac workload. Promote
dilation of peripheral vasculature
decreased cardiac preload and
Decreases peripheral and vascular
IV (see IV
meds below)
Nitro: 1-3
Fluid Retention
Angiotensin II
Block effects of angiotensin II on
vasculature, which causes blood
vessels to dilate
Cough (less
likely than with
use of ACE
Increase myocardial contractility. May
also help normalize autonomic effects
on the heart
IV (see IV
meds below)
Delay repolarization of cardiac cells
slows and stabilizes heart rate
IV (see IV
meds below)
3-7 hours
Increase in
Dilates pulmonary arteries
IV (see IV
meds below)
1-2 hours
Dry Mouth
Irregular HR
Increased LDL-receptor activity
Inhibits cholesterol Synthesis
1-2 hours
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Clopidogrel (Plavix)
-s/p MI
-s/p CVA
Decreased platelet aggregation and
inhibit thrombus formation
two hours
Increased risk
for bleeding
heart valve
Prolong time it takes for blood to clot
and inhibits blood clot formation.
For Coumadin:
monitor INR
Increased risk
for bleeding
For Heparin:
Monitor PTT
IV (see IV
meds below)
Common Cardiac/Critical Care IV Medications
Half Life
PT Implications
Low cardiac
Increases the strength and
force of the heartbeat,
causing more blood to
circulate through the body.
Does not cause
2 min
Trend BP
Can be administered on
step down floor
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Augment diuresis
vasoconstriction or
Low doses increase
myocardial contractility to
increase cardiac output.
High doses cause
vasoconstriction to
increase BP.
5 min
2 min
Trend BP
Can be administered on
step down floor
Decreased atrial
& ventricular
Increases the coronary
artery pressure thereby
promoting increased
coronary blood flow
Trend BP*
Decreased cardiac
coronary artery
Causes heart muscle
vasodilation and peripheral
muscle vasoconstriction
Trend BP*
Decreased cardiac
Exhibits rapid and
extended vasoconstrictor
1.5 hours
Trend BP*
Increases peripheral
vascular resistance to
increase arterial BP
Trend BP*
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Acute CHF
Inotropic vasodilator,
increases contractile force
in the heart muscles
2.4 hours
Trend BP
Acute CHF
induction (for
Hypotensive agent relaxes
smooth muscle of blood
vessels, dilate peripheral
arteries and veins;
promotes peripheral
pooling and decreases
venous return to reduce
preload (left ventricular
end-diastolic pressure and
pulmonary capillary wedge
pressure); decrease in
afterload (systemic
vascular resistance, systolic
and MAP)
2 min
Trend BP
Vasodilating agent that
relieves tension on vascular
smooth muscle and dilates
peripheral veins and
arteries; improves the
contractile state in smooth
muscle which results in
1-200 mcg/min
~ 3 minutes
Exercise tolerance may be
blunted; angina; HR, BP,
wedge pressure
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
(Similar meds:
lengthen the cardiac action
initial 300 mg
IV over 1 hour,
f/b 10-50 mg/hr
IV over 24
hours, then
switch to p.o.
For CV of Afib
or for vent
150 mg IV over
10 min, then 1
mg/min IV for 6
hours, then 0.5
mg/min IV for
18 hours or
switch to p.o
10-50 days
HR, SpO2
Heart Failure
Reduced sympathetic
8 to 12 mcg/kg
1.5-2 days
Renal function, electrolyte
-Acute MI
Beta Blocker; Block
sympathetic activity;
reduces rate and
~9 mins
arrhythmias (a/w
Depresses diastolic
depolarization and
automaticity in the
ventricles. Has little effect
on atrial tissue.
1-4 mg/min
~2 hours
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Sodium-channel blockade
0.25 mg/kg/min
6-8 hours
increases effective
refractory period and
reduces impulse
conduction velocity and
excitability in the atria,
His-Purkinje fibers and
ventricular muscle of the
20 to 50
-Stable angina
Channel Blocker;
most effective at SA & AV
nodes; reduce rate and
5-20 mg/hr
Stable angina,
Channel Blocker;
affects the contractile
functions of cardiac and
vascular smooth muscle
10 min
14.4 hours
Cardiac Arrest
Heart Block
Beta Agonist; lowers
peripheral vascular
resistance and diastolic
pressure; prevents
2-10 mcg/min
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Edema (CHF)
Potent loop diuretic,
inhibits reabsorption of
sodium and chloride,
enhances excretion of
potassium; increases serum
uric acid and reduces uric
acid excretion
1-1.5 hours
Ototoxicity may occur,
Check labs (electrolytes)
Lasix (Furosemide)
Edema (CHF,
renal failure)
Potent diuretic blocks the
absorption of sodium and
chloride; increases urine
10-20 mg/hr
5 min
~2 hours
Ototoxicity may occur,
Check labs (electrolytes)
Inhibits blood clotting
Weight or PTT
1.5 hours
Increased risk of bleeding;
check PTT
Can be used when
patients have HIT
Helps prevent the
formation of blood clots
0.75 mg/kg as
an IV bolus
dose, followed
immediately by
1.75 mg/kg/hr
25 minutes
Increased risk of bleeding
Pulmonary HTN
Dilates arteries and
decreases amount of blood
clotting platelets
1.25 ng/kg/min
4 hours
Pulmonary HTN
Synthetic prostaglandin
that dilates blood vessels
and decreases stickiness of
2 ng/kg/min
Chest pain
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Diprivan (Propofol)
requiring sedation
vented adults
Short acting. Decreases
level of consciousness
3-12 hr
Consider dose and ability
to follow commands/
participate in PT
requiring sedation
vented adults
Can provide semi-arousal
Provides sedation without
high risk of respiratory
1 min
~2 hours
Consider dose and ability
to follow commands/
participate in PT
Used to produce
Depresses the CNS. Used
commonly for procedures
that do not require general
anesthesia; causes
~3 hours
Consider dose and ability
to follow commands/
participate in PT
breathing, or
insertion of
breathing tube.
Skeletal muscle relaxant
that blocks the effects of
22 minutes
Hold PT, pt paralyzed and
unable to participate
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
Appendix 3
Normal Range
Clinical Significance
Pulmonary Artery
Pressure (PAP)
20-30 mmHg/0-6
Indicates state of resistance in pulmonary vasculature and
right ventricle function
↑: pulmonary artery hypertension, COPD or emphysema,
PE, pulmonary edema
Pulmonary Artery
Wedge Pressure
4-12 mmHg
Indicates left ventricle function
↑: LV failure with pulmonary congestion
↓: LV compliance (hypertrophy, infarction)
Central Venous
Pressure (CVP)
0-6 mmHg
Indicates volume status and right ventricle function
↑: overhydration, increased venous return, RV failure
↓: hypovolemia, decreased venous return
Stroke Volume (SV)
60-80 mL/beat
Amount of blood ejected during systole
↓: impaired cardiac contractility, valve dysfunction
Cardiac Output
(CO) = Stroke
Volume (SV) x Heart
Rate (HR)
4-8 L/min
Amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle in 1
↓: decreased volume, decreased strength of ventricular
Cardiac Index (CI)
2.5- 4 L/min
Relates cardiac output (CO) to body surface area (BSA);
↑: high-output failure due to fluid overload, renal disease,
septic shock
↓: CHF, hypovolemia, cardiogenic shock
Mixed Venous
Oxygen Saturation
Index of oxygenation status that measures that relationship
between O2 delivery and O2 demand; reflects
cardiovascular tissue perfusion
PAC wave forms
Standard of Care: Cardiac
Copyright © 2019 The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc., Department of Rehabilitation Services. All rights reserved
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Standard of Care: Cardiac
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