Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, vol. XXVII, (April 2016): pp. 70-84.
The Impact of Study Abroad Experiences on
Vocational Identity among College Students
Julia F. Kronholz, Debra S. Osborn
Florida State University
Deciding upon a career choice is a fundamental task of early adulthood (Super, 1981). For some
college students, this task may be uncomplicated and rather effortless, while other students may find
that deciding upon a career path is a more challenging experience. The National Center for
Education Statistics (2004) reported that 21.6% of U.S. undergraduate students are undecided about
their college major. This percentage of undecided students is the largest among students, surpassing
the percentage of students who have declared other academic majors (e.g. education, business).
Supporting this finding, Gordon (2007) found that 75% of college students change their
undergraduate major at least once, indicating that some college students experience difficulty
declaring an academic major. Academic indecision is an important consideration in higher education
because there are many negative outcomes of academic indecision. For example, Astin (1975) noted
that indecision about major and college retention rates are significantly correlated, with those
students who are more undecided dropping out of college at higher rates. More recently, Coll and
Stewart (2008) found that higher levels of academic or career decidedness are positively related to
retention for college students, while others (Lounsbury, Saudargas, & Gibson, 2004) found a
negative relationship between career decidedness and intention to withdraw from college in an
investigation involving 232 college freshmen.
Several studies (Borg, 1996; Brown et al., 2003; Reardon, Folsom, Lee, & Clark, 2011; Williams
& Winston, 1985) examined the variety of activities that increase career decision-making abilities
among college students. For example, job shadowing experiences (Borg, 1996), use of computer-
assisted career guidance systems (Brown et al., 2003), and enrollment in career courses (Reardon,
Folsom, Lee, & Clark, 2011) are experiences that increase career decision-making abilities in college
students. Study abroad is another factor that has shown some preliminary promise in the
development of career decision-making and vocational identity (Orahood, Kruze, & Pearson, 2004;
Norris & Gillespie, 2009). The study abroad experience has been shown to provide personal,
academic, and professional benefits for participants (Chapman, 2011; Dwyer, 2004; Dwyer & Peters,
2004; Gardner, Gross, & Steglitz, 2009; Gillespie & Slawson, 2002; Hadis, 2005; Niser, 2010;
Orahood, Kruze, & Pearson, 2004; Preston, 2012).
Study Abroad
According to the International Institute of Education (Chow, 2010), study abroad is defined as
“U.S. citizens and permanent residents who received academic credit at their U.S. home institution
for study in another country” (p.11). In a report from the Institute of International Education (IIE;
2011), of the 21 million students attending degree-granting institutions in 2010/2011, 273,996
students participated in a study abroad experience. Over a 20-year span, this indicates a 232% rise in
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study abroad participation. Furthermore, in a pilot survey of over 153 institutions of higher
education, Niser (2010) surmised that “the number of U.S. students participating in study abroad
programs is expected to continue to grow and it seems these programs will become part of
mainstream offerings in most institutions” (p. 48).
The majority of current research on the study abroad experience explores the impact of that
experience on the personal or psychosocial development of college students. Benefits of study
abroad have included increased self-confidence (Black & Duhon, 2006; Chapman, 2011; Dwyer &
Peters, 2004), independence (Black & Duhon, 2006), global competency (Dwyer & Chapman, 2004),
open-mindedness and independence (Hadis, 2005), as well as general personal development and
well-being (Kuh & Kauffmann, 1984). Study abroad is also associated with gains in intellectual
development, particularly among students with limited or no international experience prior to
studying abroad (McKeown, 2009). Many studies have also investigated the connection between
study abroad and career variables, such as the development of job skills, employment, and salary
(Preston, 2012), likelihood of international employment (Norris & Gillespie, 2009; Orahood, Kruze
& Pearson, 2004), and belief that study abroad will contribute to employment security upon
graduation (Jenkins & Skelly, 2004). The Institute for the International Educational of Students
(IES) reported that 84% of the 1,008 survey participants indicated that study abroad helped them
build job skills necessary to be successful in the workplace (Preston, 2012). Orahood, Woolf, and
Kruze (2008) found that the 417 survey respondents valued the skills that were developed as part of
a study abroad experience. These skills, such as communication, flexibility, & adaptability, were seen
as important components of work (Orahood, Woolf, & Kruze, 2008).
The development of professional skills is another empirically supported benefit of a study
abroad experience. For example, in Chapmans (2011) investigation of the psychosocial benefits of
study abroad, it was found that 90% of respondents reported feeling as though their study abroad
experience prepared them for the “real world. This preparation included the belief that study
abroad helped participants in the following ways: to gain interpersonal skills required for the
workforce, to further understand the global marketplace, to serve as a resume booster and increase a
student’s marketability, and to have real world experience that serve as performance examples during
job interviews (Chapman, 2011). Similarly, 83% of 3,400 respondents in Dwyer and Peter’s (2004)
study investigating the benefits of study abroad indicated that through an international experience,
participants acquired a skill set which influenced their career goals. Futhermore, McMillan and
Opem (2002) found that 70% of survey respondents who completed an internship abroad reported
that their study abroad experience ignited an interest in a career direction.
Overall, research suggests that the experience of study abroad, combined with academic major
and performance, is a desirable experience to recruiters, companies, and employing organizations
(Gardner, Gross, & Steglitz, 2009; Harder et al., 2015; Trooboff, Vande Berg, & Rayman, 2008).
Students also recognize the value of the study abroad experience. They are going abroad in record
numbers and expect that a study abroad experience will contribute to their success in employment
security upon graduation (Dwyer, 2004; Jenkins & Skelly, 2004).
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Cognitive Information Processing
Cognitive Information Processing (CIP; Sampson, Reardon, Peterson, & Lenz, 2004) is one of
the most researched and empirically supported vocational theories. The CIP bibliography
(Sampson, Peterson, Reardon, & Lenz, 2014) reveals over 250 pieces of literature written on the
theoretical function and application of this career theory. Because of the depth and breadth of
research on CIP to career development, in addition to its well-documented application to career
development, this theory is a solid theoretical foundation to apply to this investigation.
CIP aims to assist people in making a career choice while learning how to improve current and
future decision-making (Sampson et al., 2004). CIP includes the Pyramid of Information Processing
(self and occupational knowledge, decision-making, and executive processing) and the CASVE
Cycle, a five-stage methodological approach to decision-making. Each letter corresponds to a
particular phase: Communication, Analysis, Synthesis, Valuing, and Execution. CIP has been found
to be an effective theory to guide intervention approaches across various populations, including
veterans (Bullock, Braud, Andrews, & Phillips, 2009), young adolescents (Hirschi & Lage, 2008),
international populations (Thrift, Ulloa-Heath, Reardon, & Peterson, 2012) and middle school
students (Osborn & Reardon, 2006). Given its applicability to many populations, a goal of this
research was to examine the degree to which CIP might be applied to students who choose to study
abroad. For more information on CIP, the reader is referred to
Purpose of the Study
Literature suggests that institutions, students, and employing organizations may view study
abroad as one way to gain personal and professional skills necessary to be competitive in today’s
global marketplace (Gardner, Gross, & Steglitz, 2009; Harder et al., 2015). Therefore, the purpose of
this study is to explore the relationship between study abroad and career decision-making variables
guided by CIP theory. The research questions include:
1. To what extent do students attribute changes in different dimensions identified by CIP
theory to the study abroad experience?
2. What changes in self-reported vocational identity are attributed to the study abroad
3. What factors of Cognitive Information Processing theory are most predictive of career
decision-making following a study abroad experience?
Hypothesis: A study abroad experience will have a significant impact on students’ perception of
vocational identity. In addition, students will report a positive impact of career decision-making
abilities following a study abroad experience.
Participants in this study were students enrolled in a study abroad program affiliated with a
large, public research university in the Southeast United States. The email was disseminated to a total
of 289 students who studied abroad in Spring 2013 and Spring 2014. 122 students opened the link
of the electronic survey, yielding a 42% response rate. An a priori power analysis was conducted for
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the total R
value for a multiple regression analysis with eight predictor variables, power = .80, and
an alpha level = .05. G*Power 3.1 (Faul, Erdfelder, Buchner, & Lang, 2009) indicated a sample size
of 109 was necessary to produce a medium effect size (f
= .15; Cohen, 1988). Of the 122 students
who began the electronic survey, 106 complete surveys were obtained yielding a power level of .79.
The age range of participants was 18 to 22 with an average age of 19.9 years old. Participants in
this study were 74.6% female, 21.1% male, and 1 student identifying as transgender. 64.8% of the
participants identified themselves as white; 17.2% as Hispanic; 5.7% as black or African American;
4.1% as multiracial; 2.5% as Asian; and .8% identified as American Indian. 4.9% of participants
chose not to disclose their ethnicity. With the exception of an overrepresentation of females (74.5%
versus 55.1% in the total population) and underrepresentation of black/African American
participants (4.1% versus 8.6% in the total population), these demographic characteristics are
representative of the undergraduate population at the university where this study occurred.
Students studied abroad in six different locations: 37.7% were in Valencia, Spain; 34.4% in
London, England; 17.2% in Florence, Italy; 2.5% in Panama City, Panama; 1.5% in Tianjin, China;
5.9% of students studied in two different locations; and 1 student who studied in Kibbutz Tzuba,
Israel. The duration of the study abroad experience for participants in this study was 16 weeks, a
full semester.
University Study Abroad
The study abroad program at the university in which this investigation was conducted is a
robust program, offering over fifty programs in twenty countries across the globe. The program
boasts over fifty years of experience providing international education and is often regarded as an
exemplar in delivering study abroad experiences for students. Annually, over 1,600 undergraduate
and graduate students partake in a study abroad experience with this university’s international
programs office. Programs offered vary in length, from a one-week immersion over spring break, to
a full academic year spent abroad; the most popular programs being a four to six week experience
occurring during the summer semester.
Prior to departure, students are required to meet for an on-campus, program-specific
orientation that includes information regarding travel, safety, and logistical information. Upon arrival
to the host country, students also engage in a second orientation session, focused on the
introductions of host-country staff and other students, familiarizing students with important needs
(grocery, transportation, language, etc.), and study abroad policies. When students return to the U.S.,
the international programs office does not offer a formal de-briefing of the study abroad experience
for most programs. The only group of students who are required to participate in a home-based de-
briefing are the first year students who elected to spend their first collegiate year abroad. This
session is concentrated more on orienting the students to their home institution and connecting
students with campus resources as opposed to processing their year in another country.
Approval from the university’s Internal Review Board was granted for this investigation.
Participants in this investigation were study abroad participants in the Spring 2013 and 2014
semesters. The survey was distributed electronically at four occasions; in April 2013, May 2013, June
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2013, and finally, May 2014. Participants were informed that researchers were conducting a voluntary
survey regarding the effect study abroad experiences have on career decision making variables. To
ensure anonymity to the investigator, a staff member from the international programs office emailed
the link to participants using student contact information. Survey participants were informed that
their responses were anonymous.
The primary instrument used to gather data was an electronic survey consisting of ten
scaled questions and one open ended question (See Appendix A). The scaled questions were valued
at 1 - 4, representing an opinion of “Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly Agree,with all
questions requiring an answer to complete the survey. The open-ended question provided
participants a write-in option about their study abroad experience.
Vocational identity was measured with two survey items regarding the respondent’s reported
stability of their goals, interests, and talents before and after the study abroad experience. Survey
questions measuring career decision-making were gathered using the constructs of Cognitive
Information Processing theory (Sampson et. al, 2004). The authors of CIP theory were consulted in
the development of the survey questions using the Delphi Technique method, which is a systematic
structuring process in which experts answer questions in rounds (Bolger & Wright, 2011). In this
study, experts (i.e., the CIP authors) were given CIP-related statements and asked which best
represented each CIP constructs. The statements were reviewed in rounds until agreement was
reached for one statement to represent each CIP construct. This statement was then used to
construct the survey questions (See Appendix A).
Data Analysis
Because students in this study were a pre-existing group of study abroad participants, random
assignment to group was not possible. This study used a mixed-methods approach to obtain
quantitative data and qualitative information. By utilizing a mixed-methods approach, statistical
procedures suggest outcomes while qualitative feedback provides rich and personal insight regarding
the subjects’ experience (Gay, Mills, & Airasian, 2006).
For research question one, descriptive statistics determined the percentage of students who
reported changes in various components of CIP theory as a result of a study abroad experience. For
research question two, a paired samples t-test determined significant changes in self-reported
vocational identity following a study abroad experience. Finally, linear multiple regression was used
for the final research question to explore which specific components of CIP theory were most
predictive of career decision-making abilities following a study abroad experience.
Table 1 presents the survey item intercorrelations and standard deviations. All items were
significant, indicating that the survey items measured similar constructs, though low VIF (< 10)
coefficients indicated the intercorrelations were not so highly correlated as to suggest
multicollinearity. The Cronbach’s alpha for this survey was determined to be α = .86.
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Table 1. Survey Item Intercorrelations and Standard Deviations
(1) Self knowledge
(2) Options knowledge
(3) Communication
(4) Analysis
(5) Synthesis
(6) Valuing
(7) Execution
(8) Metacognitions
*p ≤ .05 **p ≤.01
Table 2 presents the percentages of endorsements for each dimension of CIP following a study
abroad experience. Responses have been aggregated to represent combined responses of strongly
agree and agree and combined responses of strongly disagree and disagree. Results indicate that over
half of the participants reported that the study abroad experience contributed to each CIP variable.
Table 2. Aggregate Percentages
Strongly disagree/disagree
Strongly agree/agree
Options knowledge
Study abroad seems to have had the most reported impact on the Self-Knowledge domain,
Analysis component of the CASVE cycle, and Metacognitions. Over 94% of students agreed that
following a study abroad experience they have a better knowledge of values, interests and skills.
86.8% of students reported a better understanding of how their interests, values and skills relate to
making a career choice. Finally, 88.7% of students agreed as a result of studying abroad, they are
thinking more positively about career opportunities. Students indicated that the options knowledge
domain and the synthesis component of the CASVE cycle were less impacted following a study
abroad experience, with 33% of students disagreeing with the statement “following a study abroad
experience, I know more about career options available to me” and following a study abroad
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experience, I am now able to narrow down many possible career options to a few that are best for
Research question 2: A paired-samples independent t-test was used to determine the perceived
difference between participants’ vocational identity before and after the study abroad experience.
Results (Table 3) indicate a significant positive change in college students’ reported vocational
identity after a study abroad experience, that is, students reported gains in vocational identity that
occurred as a result of the study abroad experience.
Table 3. Paired T-test Comparing Pre/Post Vocational Identity
Sig. (1-tailed)
Mean difference
< .001
Research question 3: The results of the regression (R
= .51, F(8, 97) = 12.769, p < .01) indicated
that the model explained 51% of the variance in career decision-making. The self-knowledge
domain of CIP theory (β = .269, p = .003), analysis stage of the CASVE cycle (β = .228, p = .024)
and the metacognitions domain of the CIP pyramid (β = .301, p = .041) were observed to be unique
significant predictors of career decision-making abilities after a study abroad experience. See Table 4
for complete results.
Table 4. Predictors of career decision-making
Career decision-making
β standardized coefficients
Options knowledge
Decision-making: Communication
Decision-making: Analysis
Decision-making: Synthesis
Decision-making: Valuing
Decision-making: Execution
*p ≤ .05 **p ≤ .01 ***p ≤ .001
Qualitative Responses
A total of 85 responses from the open-ended question indicated a range of opinions on the
study abroad experience. Findings were mixed, in that 21% of students (n = 18) responded that the
study abroad experience did not impact their vocational identity or career decision-making while
79% (n = 67) of participants reported a direct connection between study abroad, vocational identity,
and career decision-making abilities. The themes that emerged from qualitative responses were
relatively consistent with survey data. For example, open-ended feedback revealed that a study
abroad experience clarified college students’ values and interests, a central component in the self-
knowledge domain of CIP theory. Participants conveyed both broad and specific thoughts regarding
their burgeoning levels of self-knowledge, such as “I learned about myself and who I want to be as
a person and what I'm capable of doing” and “I learned I would like to do something working with
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people. An additional theme present was the exposure to other career options, with one
respondent noting “Study abroad broadened my career interests if anything it has made me less
aware of what I want to do, it has made me realize how many possibilities there are in the world and
that has given me so many more things to question as career paths.” Students’ responses indicate
that exposure to new cultures and industries broadened occupational options rather than clarified
Responses also indicated that students admitted growth in psychosocial areas such as self-
confidence, intrapersonal development, and independence, but denied that study abroad impacted
career goals in any way. For example, one student wrote, As a broad curriculum student, my time
abroad did not really center around a search for a career path, but rather on learning about my skills
and improving upon them in general. Two explanations are possible. First, the mission statement
of the international program office emphasizes opportunities for international learning and does not
explicitly focus on career decision-making or vocational identity development as a major component
of a study abroad experience. The emphasis of skill building as opposed to vocational identity
development may have influenced this student’s perception of the study abroad experience. In
addition, it is possible that these types of responses are indicative of students who have not yet had
the opportunity to critically reflect on their study abroad experience and relate their personal gains
towards gains in career decision-making and vocational identity. This is evidenced through a
response from another student, wherein it was relayed that, “Studying abroad gave me the
opportunity to grow as an individual. Because of this, it has helped me to be more confident in my
overall life decisions and thus helping with my career choices. This might provide explanation for
the lack of literature regarding the impact of study abroad on career decision-making and vocational
identity. Reliable data is difficult to obtain if at the time of investigation, students are not yet able to
analyze the connections between their study abroad experience and their vocational identity.
The purpose of this study was to determine preliminary findings regarding the effect of a
study abroad experience on vocational identity and career decision-making as defined by Cognitive
Information Processing (CIP) theory (Sampson et al., 2004). The results revealed that a study abroad
experience significantly impacts college students’ self-knowledge such as interests, values, and skills,
and the capacity to relate self-knowledge to career options. Findings also suggest that following a
study abroad experience, students possess a more positive outlook on their career options and
report having a clearer picture of career goals, interests, and talents, or vocational identity. These
results are consistent with previous findings, which indicate that study abroad shapes personal and
career development among college students (Chapman, 2011; Dwyer & Peters, 2004; Orahood,
Kruze & Pearson, 2004; Orahood, Woolf, & Kruze, 2008). Specifically, this investigation confirms
previous findings of the study abroad experience positively influencing the development of
decision-making factors that impact vocational identity.
This study also reveals that CIP theory (Sampson et al., 2004) is an appropriate and useful
theoretical framework to explore the relationship between study abroad and career decision-making.
CIP has been found an effective theoretical tool in exploring vocational factors for many diverse
populations (e.g., Bullock, Braud, Andrews, & Phillips, 2009; Hirschi & Lage, 2008; Thrift, Ulloa-
Heath, Reardon, & Peterson, 2012), and this study expands the populations with which CIP seems
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to be appropriate. Components of CIP theory explained over half of the variance in the study
abroad experience with respect to career decision-making. This implies that the study abroad
experience promotes gains in students’ self-knowledge, understanding their fit in the world of work,
and contributes to a developing a more positive outlook regarding career opportunities. These
decision-making factors are essential in the development of a strong, stable vocational identity.
While the options domain of CIP theory did not reveal significant changes, the qualitative
responses provided explanation for this finding. Themes in responses noted that the study abroad
experience opened up career possibilities as opposed to solidifying a career option. It appears as
though a study abroad experience helps to clarify self-knowledge while elaborating the level of
options-knowledge (Chapman, 2011; Hadis, 2005; McMillan & Opem, 2002). In this same vein, it is
plausible to relate this notion to explain why the synthesis and valuing stage of the CASVE cycle did
not reveal significant results. While students gain a better understanding of themselves, they are also
gaining expansive knowledge about how their interests, values, and skills fit in the global
marketplace. After exposure to new organizations, cultures, or industries, students may feel more
information is needed to declare the career options available. Furthermore, as 65% of the students
in this study were between the ages of 18 and 20, it is plausible that these students are not
developmentally ready to commit to a career choice as they may be continuing to explore career
options and build their identity.
Implications for Practitioners
These findings present interesting implications for career practitioners, international
advisors, and higher educational administrators. Career practitioners and international educators
should consider collaborating to help students critically engage in their study abroad experience in a
judicious manner. Pre-departure workshops that focus on the development of a career-related study
abroad plan might more actively involve students in their growth of self-knowledge or options-
knowledge. Such a plan could provide students with a greater level of personal responsibility and
awareness in their career development process.
Additionally, offering an opportunity for self-reflection once students return from abroad may
help facilitate a critical analysis of the study abroad experience. Institutions of higher education
might implement courses or capstone experiences that teach students how to translate their global
involvements to real-world applicability. Supporting Chapman’s (2011) recommendations on gaining
maximum returns from the study abroad experience, engaging in activities such as these may help
students to process their study abroad experience in a more critical manner. The goal is to provide
students the ability to synthesize international experiences more intentionally as it relates to
vocational identity.
A major finding from this study is the impact on metacognitions as a result of a study abroad
experience. Nearly 89% of respondents endorsed thinking more positively about their career options
after studying abroad. Because negative career thoughts are associated with a host of mental health
concerns (Walker & Peterson, 2012), the significance of the study abroad program mitigating
negative career thoughts is noteworthy. It appears as though receiving feedback from the world of
work and participating in vicarious learning does positively impact negative thinking and the ability
to think positively about career options.
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Limitations and Future Research
While components of this model were found to be significant, the finding of this study must be
interpreted with caution due to the presence of several limitations. The primary limitations are with
the sample. Participants were college students completing a study abroad experience at one
university in the Southeast United States. Certainly, expanding the sample population to other
universities may provide the opportunity to glean more information about the effect study abroad
experiences have on career decision making variables. Research on this topic may be developed in
regards to more specific populations, such as students from religiously affiliated institutions,
historically black colleges and universities, or universities from various geographic regions of the
United States. Additionally, as 74% of the participants were female, concerns exist about the
generalizability of the results to male students. It is also important to note that this was not a true
pre-post experiment, and as such, participants’ responses for this survey are reflective. Future studies
may reveal more salient data utilizing a pre-post design to measure vocational identity. Finally,
including duration of study as a factor might reveal interesting findings. It is plausible that length of
time abroad might impact the vocational identity or career decidedness of college students.
To further explore the effect of a study abroad experience on college students’ career decision-
making, researchers may be interested in (1) extending the research design as a pre/post quasi-
experimental investigation, (2) expanding the participants to students at other universities in order to
increase potential for generalizability, (3) incorporating other aspects of career development such as
participation in an international job shadow experiences or career development course taught as part
of the study abroad curriculum, or (4) integrating psychosocial aspects in an investigation, for
instance, the role of study abroad in the establishment of independence as it relates to vocational
identity. Further research on this topic might include investigating the five essential components of
career development and career intervention (Brown et al., 2003) experienced during a study abroad
experience. It is possible that integrating empirically supported intervention techniques (career
counseling, career courses, opportunity to gain occupational experience) might enhance the study
abroad experience and its impact on career decision-making and vocational identity. Finally, future
research might focus on the comparison of the study abroad experience of students engaged in an
internship experience while abroad to those who are not.
In future studies, it would be beneficial to use CIP theory to determine if students who are
further along in their studies (i.e., upperclassmen) find that a study abroad experience enhances the
Valuing stage of the CASVE cycle or offers the opportunity to execute a career decision. One
potential explanation for the lack of significant findings for the Valuing stage in this study might be
that because during survey administration, students may not have yet been able to analyze the
connections between their study abroad experience and their vocational identity. Further
exploration of this may be accomplished by comparing responses from undecided students studying
abroad and students engaged in a major-specific study abroad program, or through a longitudinal
research design.
Finally, while CIP appeared to be an appropriate theoretical fit for this study, considering these
research questions from another theoretical approach would likely provide additional insight into the
impact of a study abroad experience and would be a fruitful addition to the career development
literature. Bandura (1997) is one example of exploring this topic using another theoretical approach;
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postulating that vicarious learning promotes self-efficacy. It could be supposed that the study
abroad experience provides an occasion for vicarious learning, leading to higher levels of self-
efficacy, in turn positively impacting career decision-making.
This investigation aimed to provide preliminary evidence regarding the impact of a study
abroad experience on vocational identity and career decision-making among of group of
undergraduate college students following a study abroad experience. The objective of this
investigation was to enhance the small body of literature on the topic of study abroad and
vocational identity, and to specifically investigate the applicability of Cognitive Information
Processing theory (Sampson et al., 2004) in that area. Results indicate that, for this population, a
study abroad experience is associated with positive outcomes regarding college students’ vocational
identity and career decision-making. Despite the presence of several potential limitations, this study
has added to the knowledge base of the career development field. The findings provide useful
information for researchers, career practitioners, and higher education administrators in
understanding the impact of a study abroad experience on college students’ career decision-making
and vocational identity. By providing initial evidence of an experience that bolsters students’ career
decision-making variables, counselors and administrators can use this information to guide students
in enhancing their career decision-making processes and clarifying vocational identity.
The authors would like to extend gratitude to Meghan Greene Penland, International Programs
Office at Florida State University, in assistance with this study.
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Appendix: Questions and Constructs
Prior to my study abroad experience, I had a clear
and stable picture of my goals, interests, and
Vocational Identity
Because of my study abroad experience, I have a
better knowledge of my interests, values and my
Because of my study abroad experience, I know
more about the career options available to me.
Occupational knowledge
Because of my study abroad experience, I am more
aware of my need for a career plan.
Because of my study abroad experience, I better
understand how my interests, skills and values
relate to making a career choice.
Because of my study abroad experience, I am now
able to narrow down many possible career options
to a few that are best for me.
Because of my study abroad experience, I feel
more confident telling other important people in
my life about my career choice.
Because of my study abroad experience, I know
what I need to do to take action on my career plans.
Because of my study abroad experience, I am
thinking more positively about my career
Executive processing/Metacognitions
As a result of my study abroad experience, I have a
clearer and more stable picture of my goals,
interests, and talents.
Vocational Identity
Is there anything else you would like to share about
how your international experience has or has not
impacted your career choice?
Open ended response